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Please don't hurt me, Part Duex

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Once again I may be putting topics where they don't go. I will go ahead and say I'm both very sorry and very dumb.


Now that's out of the way, I have a few comments then questions.


First off, bravo to all the Dynasty writers. Regardless of any negative feedback you guys/gals do this for free and really kind of 'put it out there' as far as what you think is good.


It takes big heart to do it and I applaud all of you.


Almost all of these reads are great, so many ideas and creativity. Always a good time.


Now that all the butt kissing is out of they way, time for my self serving purpose.


How the hell, do you guys make these thing look so good? I would love to give it a shot one day, but looking at the options in the 'message:' box I'm not sure how you guys add pictures and all the other stuff.


Is there a step by step tutorial some where that uses small words for old fools like me?


Any quick help would be great.


Again sorry for poor topic placement...please don't hurt me.


Thank you for reading.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="shawnbill5000" data-cite="shawnbill5000" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>what is the program I keep hearing about? Fiction Plus?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's for people like me who are not very artistic when it comes to laying out shows .. Take a look at it here <a href="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/" rel="external nofollow">http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/</a></p><p> It is pretty easy to use. All thanks go to crayon who very kindly put it together.</p><p> </p><p> It can make your shows look like <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1929603&postcount=280" rel="external nofollow">this .. </a></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="shawnbill5000" data-cite="shawnbill5000" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Once again I may be putting topics where they don't go. I will go ahead and say I'm both very sorry and very dumb. <p> </p><p> Now that's out of the way, I have a few comments then questions.</p><p> </p><p> First off, bravo to all the Dynasty writers. Regardless of any negative feedback you guys/gals do this for free and really kind of 'put it out there' as far as what you think is good.</p><p> </p><p> It takes big heart to do it and I applaud all of you.</p><p> </p><p> Almost all of these reads are great, so many ideas and creativity. Always a good time.</p><p> </p><p> Now that all the butt kissing is out of they way, time for my self serving purpose. </p><p> </p><p> How the hell, do you guys make these thing look so good? I would love to give it a shot one day, but looking at the options in the 'message:' box I'm not sure how you guys add pictures and all the other stuff.</p><p> </p><p> Is there a step by step tutorial some where that uses small words for old fools like me? </p><p> </p><p> Any quick help would be great.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Some people use elaborate graphical layouts that they've created themselves because they're far too good at graphic design. ¬_¬ Personally, I just use a rather simple picture system.</p><p> </p><p> To insert a picture into a post, just go to the Image button (which looks like a picture of a mountain with a yellow sky) and copy and paste the image's URL into the box that appears. Alternatively, just copy and paste the URL when you're typing your post and add [ img] and [/ img] (without spaces) around it. You can use the 'usual' tags to make the text how you want it ( for bold, [center ] [/ center] for centered text, etc).</p><p> </p><p> I usually just do a simple:</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/DarkPatriot.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/EricTyler_alt.jpg</span><p> <span style="font-size:12px"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">Dark Patriot vs. Eric Tyler</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> (Just two random pictures I had on my photobucket account with CVerse backgrounds <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png">)</p><p> </p><p> The code to do that is pretty simple:</p><p> (Edit: Huh. Um, the Code tag appears to be severely broken. ¬_¬ If you want to see the code, quote this post and it'll show up in your reply for you to have a look at. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"> )</p><p> </p><p> Putting each segment of the show in a quote box is also quite popular, and some people add various different backgrounds to their worker pictures, and often you'll see the 'vs' done in a graphic, like so:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/TheClub/Iago.jpg</span><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/TheClub/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/TheClub/Dragon-1.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px">Iago de Brún vs. Dragon of Death</span></strong></p><p> <em><span style="text-decoration:underline">Inferno Match for The Club Championship</span></em></p><p> </p><p> Rararar matchmatchmatch.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner:</strong> Iago de Brún</p><p> <strong>Rating:</strong> A*, obviously.</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> But that involves editing pictures in a program such as GIMP (which is free) or Photoshop (which is very not free). There are several tutorials on how to do that sort of stuff, some of which I believe are on the forum here somewhere. Check out the Mods section of the forum.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Again sorry for poor topic placement...please don't hurt me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=522294" rel="external nofollow">The Diary Preview and Questions Thread</a> is probably the best place for this type of post, but I shall forgo the instruments of torture on this occasion. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> Hope I helped, at least a little. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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<p>So, I'm using fictionplus for my diary (first time doing fictionplus) and the VS for matches shows up over people's faces (examples can be seen here <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=525613" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=525613</a>)</p><p> </p><p>

How do I fix that?</p>

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