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WWA:UK Rules of the Ring




- Pins or submissions in WWA:UK can be interrupted by rope break. That is to say, if the defending wrestler touches a ring rope with any part of his body (or has a part of his body wholly underneath a rope, even if not physically touching it), a pinfall will cease to be counted, and a submission hold must be broken. An attacking wrestler may be able to break the defender's contact with the ropes whilst continuing to apply the hold; in these cases it is at the referee's discretion whether or not to enforce a break, but referees are encouraged to do so if the defender had a firm and definite hold on the ropes.


- An attacking wrestler is not allowed to touch the ropes while attempting a pinfall or a submission hold (incidental contact with the ropes by the attacker may be ignored at the referees discretion).


- Escaping to the outside of the ring is allowed in WWA:UK in order to recuperate, but a count of 10 will be administered by the referee during which the wrestler must re-enter the ring or be disqualified. See 'Countout' below.

-- Fighting outside of the ring is discouraged in WWA:UK unless otherwise stipulated, but legal if no other rules are being broken. See 'Discipline' below.

-- The referees count will start when a competitor leaves the ring, restart from zero if an opposing wrestler leaves the ring, and finish only when the all legal competitors have re-entered the ring and are on their feet (or as near to being on their feet as the referee deems acceptable).

-- Contact between a wrestler on his feet and a wrestler not on his feet will cause the downed wrestler to be 'counted in' as if he was standing, and break the referee's count.


- In a tag team match, a 'tag' is only valid if the wrestler on the apron has the white tag rope in his hand when making contact with his partner and both feet in contact with the canvas outside the ring ropes. At their discretion, referees may allow a tag to be made if it's obvious that the tag rope could be reached but isn't being held.

-- A 'tag' is only valid if a referee acknowledges it.

-- An illegal partner entering the ring has a referee's count of five to get out again before incurring a yellow card. See 'Discipline' below.

-- Repeated interference from an illegal partner may result in a yellow card regardless of the count of five, at the discretion of the referee. However the referee must have made it clear to the interfering wrestler that he will no longer tolerate further interference before issuing a card.


- In any situation necessitating a count by the referee, this is indicated by the raising of both arms and splaying and clenching of all fingers, or slapping the mat with his hand, whichever is most appropriate.

-- Verbal indication of a count is only required for the final three counts of a sequence, except in cases where the count is necessitated by a wrestler leaving the ring.


- Unless otherwise specified, matches can end in any of the following ways:

-- Pinfall (pinning the opponent's shoulders to the mat for a referee's count of three).

-- Submission (the opponent indicating to the referee that he concedes defeat, usually as a result of being unable to escape from a painful hold).

-- Countout (an opponent who remains grounded (any part of his body other than his feet touching the canvas) or is not entirely within the ropes of the wrestling ring for the referee's count of ten without his opponent being in contact with him, shall lose by countout. The act of an opponent contacting the grounded wrestler in an aggressive manner shall reset the count).

-- Stoppage (at the referee's discretion, the match may be stopped if a competitor signals he is unable to continue, or the referee has reason to believe he may be unable to do so - for example if he has been rendered unconscious. A stoppage counts as a victory for the opponent only if the referee deems his action resulted in the stoppage directly, otherwise it is considered a draw. An example of a stoppage resulting in a victory would be an opponent passing into unconsciousness without submitting while held in a legal submission hold. An example of a stoppage resulting in a draw would be an accidental impact that renders either or both opponents unconscious).

-- Disqualification (if a competitor receives two yellow or one red card during a match, he is deemed disqualified and his opponent is named the victor).

-- Time Limit (if the match has a time limit and it is reached before either competitor has been named the victor, the match is a draw, regardless of any advantage a competitor may have had at the time the limit was reached. Unless stipulated otherwise, all non-title matches in WWA:UK have a thirty minute time limit, and all title matches have a sixty minute limit).


- Other stipulations may be added at the discretion of the WWA:UK Matchmaking Committee or their representative, but must be agreed upon by all competitors and publicised beforehand.


Championship Contests


Championship contests follow the same rules as regular contests, with the following exceptions:


- Unless otherwise specified, matches contested for the WWA British Heavyweight or WWA:UK Tag Team Championship are best of three falls. A fall is considered to be a pinfall or submission. Any other decision ends the match instantly. This clause does not affect any other titles fought for on a WWA:UK show. WWA:UK titles contested on other shows will follow this rule unless expressly arranged beforehand.

-- A title belt cannot change hands as a result of a Time Limit, Stoppage or Countout decision (except in the case that a Stoppage is deemed a victory for the challenger by the referee, as described under Stoppage above).


- Any WWA champion appearing at a WWA:UK event has the right to refuse matches proposed by challengers (or to instead accept them as non-title matches), but holders of WWA:UK titles or the WWA British Heavyweight Championship must defend his/her title at least once in every three calendar month period.

-- The champion may not refuse a match against an officially nominated number one contender.

-- Any champion found to legitimately be unable to defend his belt due to injury or other genuine extenuating circumstance shall still be stripped, but given an automatic rematch against the new champion when he is again able to compete - effectively becoming the new number one contender (the existing number one contender, where one was named, will become number one contender once more after the disinherited champion has fought his rematch, whatever the result of said rematch).

-- In the case of one tag team champion being legitimately unable to defend the belts, a replacement may be named if he and his partner (and the replacement!) agree; however the wrestler forfeiting the belt in such a manner is unable to claim a rematch of any sort upon his return. A team who activates this clause may not activate it again during their reign; in other words, you cannot replace a replacement.




WWA:UK uses a variation of the card system used in association football and rugby union. Note that the rules regarding yellow cards are slightly different in singles matches than in tag team matches. The 'card' in question shall, for the sake of practicality, be a plastic stick with opposing red and yellow ends - the upward-pointing end indicates the colour of the disciplinary decision.


- A yellow card is issued for a minor infraction, a red card for a major infraction.

-- A red card always means an automatic disqualification and forfeiture of the match to your opponent.

-- A second yellow card issued to the same wrestler in the same singles match is considered equivalent to a red card. This is not always the case in tag team matches, see below.


- In tag team matches, yellow cards issued to individuals render them unable to participate in the match for a period of five minutes, as judged by the timekeeper (who will signal the end of the period with a single ring of the bell). Wrestlers so punished must remove themselves from the ringside area to the area near the timekeeper's table (it is acceptable, if offered, to spend this period at the announcers' table). This is known as the 'sin bin'.

-- The wrestler 'sin binned' cannot take any part in the match for the duration of his punishment. Any interference on his part will be instantly punishable with a further yellow card and therefore a disqualification for his team.

-- If wrestlers in a tag team match suffer multiple yellow cards in such a way that they are all in the 'sin bin' at the same time, the team is disqualified.

-- A wrestler is not disqualified in a tag team match for incurring two separate yellow cards (although being out of the match for a total of ten minutes is unlikely to be helpful for his team!). Two yellow cards only equate a disqualification in a tag team match if receiving the second yellow card while already in the sin bin.


- Exactly what constitutes a minor or major infraction is at the discretion of the WWA:UK referees and officials. However, as a guideline:

-- Minor infractions are generally minor rule breakages, such as refusing to let go of a hold when commanded by the referee, a deliberate close-fisted punch, deliberate use of an illegal chokehold which is released when instructed, a strike which deliberately lands between the thigh and waist, or unfairly using the ring environment to your advantage (such as using a ring post, ring steps or exposed turnbuckle ring to cause minor damage to an opponent). Most minor infractions are first warned against, and then penalised with a yellow card upon repeat offence.

-- Major infractions are generally dangerous or completely unfair actions which cannot, in the referee's eyes, be deemed accidental. These include usage of weapons (unless stipulated) or the environment outside of the ring area (such as the timekeeper's bell or exposed areas of the floor near the entrance stage) or performing an act seen to be deliberately and flagrantly illegal.

-- Due to the popular nature of the modern style, referees are now unlikely to view aerial moves involving climbing of the turnbuckles or using ropes for gaining height (springboarding, etc) as an infraction, though they are equally unlikely to be sympathetic to competitors when such moves go badly. Using the ropes to directly harm a wrestler (such as choking them with it or using them to impede a wrestler's movement) is still considered illegal however.


- Aggression towards a referee is handled at the discretion of said referee. The WWA:UK Matchmaking Committee fully supports use of both red and yellow cards as a response to any and all aggression directed at a WWA:UK official.

-- In the fortunately rare cases where a referee is incapable of punishing a wrestler for aggression directed towards him (such as when the aggression was severe and the referee is no longer lucid), it falls to the deputy official at the timekeeper's table to assume officiating of the match and act accordingly. The Committee recommends an immediate red card in such cases, and can foresee very few circumstances where a deputy official will be called upon to do more in a match than disqualify the wrestler who caused him to have to step in.

-- The deputy official has no authority over a match while the match referee is in charge, regardless of whether or not a punishable offence has been committed without the referee's knowledge. The deputy official's sole responsibility is as a reserve official.


- Non-competitors (such as managers, valets, seconds or regular tag team partners of competitors in singles matches) wishing to be present at ringside are allowed, as long as they do not interfere with the match in progress. A non-competitor may recieve a red card for any intereference - physical or otherwise - a referee deems to be too much, and must then leave the arena.

-- A red card for a non-competitor does not (generally) necessitate the disqualification of the wrestler he or she is supporting, only the complete removal of the offending non-competitor from ringside. The disadvantaged wrestler should be consulted before disqualifying his opponent in this manner, as many will wish to continue the match regardless rather than accept a forfeit. However, a disqualification should be awarded in cases where the victim is so badly injured he is unable to be consulted, or in cases where the manner of interference would be illegal even if it was inflicted by a competitor (use of weapons, for instance).

-- Unprovoked aggression from a competitor against a non-competitor is punishable at the referee's discretion. WWA:UK officials are advised to ignore minor aggression in cases where the competitor was clearly provoked.

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TV: None yet. WWA:UK run a bi-weekly live event known as Steel Showdown.



WWA British Heavyweight: Vacant (TBD at WWA: Global Warning)

WWA British Tag Team: Vacant

WWA Man of Steel: Vacant


Next Event:

Friday, Week 2, January

WWAUK: Steel Showdown #1

Card Subject To Change


http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/MichaelGregory.jpghttp://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/VicWalker.jpg vs. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/RiddickJordan.jpghttp://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/AltonVicious.jpg

The All-Night Alliance vs. The Northern Lights


http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/LouiePeyton.jpg vs. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/IanVincible.jpg

Louie 'Predator' Peyton vs. Ian Vincible


http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/BrilliantWhite.jpg vs. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/GlenWard.jpg

'The Androgynous Enigma' Brilliant White vs. Glen 'Psycho' Ward


http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/KeithAdams.jpg vs. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/JonniLowlife.jpg

Keith Adams vs. Jonni Lowlife


Also Scheduled To Appear:

'Solid Gold' Luke Travis

Wade Orson






All Night Alliance vs. Northern Lights

Louie Peyton vs. Ian Vincible

Brilliant White vs. Glen Ward

Keith Adams vs. Jonni Lowlife

Main Event: ?? vs. ??

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quickpix:</span></p><p>

All Night Alliance vs. <strong>Northern Lights</strong></p><p>

<strong>Louie Peyton</strong> vs. Ian Vincible</p><p>

<strong>Brilliant White</strong> vs. Glen Ward</p><p>

Keith Adams vs.<strong> Jonni Lowlife</strong></p><p>

Main Event: <strong>?? vs. ??</strong></p><p>

<em>Which squiggle is best...</em> <em>I Call Draw!</em></p>

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<p><strong>All Night Alliance</strong> vs. Northern Lights</p><p>

<em>The night last longer than the lights.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Louie Peyton</strong> vs. Ian Vincible</p><p>

<em>Ian is quite beatable according to rumors.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Brilliant White vs. <strong>Glen Ward</strong></p><p>

<em>Judo doesn't care about the sex of the opponent!!!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Keith Adams</strong> vs. Jonni Lowlife</p><p>

<em>When does a cop lose to a lowlife?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: <strong>??</strong> vs. ??</p><p>

I just have a feeling about this guy...</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...




WWA Steel Showdown #1

from the Hall Green Cricket Club, Birmingham, England

Friday, Week 2, January 2013 - Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out)



DVD Commentary by Manny Morhan, Melanie Florence and special guest PA Excellence








As the lights go up on the first ever WWA:UK show, streamed live on WWA.com, Wade Orson's theme hits the PA and gets the sold-out 2,000-strong crowd buzzing. Orson makes his way to the ring, and raises a hand to calm the fans.


: “Welcome to the new old school!”


This gets a nice cheer from the majority of the crowd.


: “I know a lot of you will have seen our press conference, and will know why I'm here and why I left Jeff Nova's company to come to the Midlands. We're here to bring back the values that they've forgotten down south. The values that the legendary figures of British wrestling of old tried to instil in us, that the likes of Uppercut Bailey and The Steamroller tried to uphold. The tradition, grit and honour of Lancastrian wrestling. But in Britain we've never been blind to progress, and we're also bringing you the best new styles from around the world! And I've come here to compete, to wrestle, and to learn. One day, the next generation will talk of legends, and it'll be my name they repeat with respect and admir-”


The rest of his sentence is drowned out by the strains of Hatebreed's I Will Be Heard, as the artist formerly known as Luke Cool strolled out to the ring with a microphone of his own, wearing a new sparkly-gold ring jacket and black and gold tights and boots.


: “This is all very sweet, Wade, but you might've misread the name of the company. It says WORLD Wrestling Alliance, not WADE Wrestling Alliance. You're not the only one in the company, nor are you the only one taking advantage of being liberated from the pomp and ceremony down in London. Luke Cool? Really? Luke Cool was a construct made to sell t-shirts. It didn't work, incidentally. I came here to be who I really am. Luke Travis, the Solid Gold Superstar. But make no mistake, the real me is no more pleasant than the pantomime character you know and hate. If you want to go back to America to fight for the WWA British Heavyweight title at the end of the month in this big Pay Per View shindig, you're going to have to go through me. Despite what the boss might think, I'm the real golden boy. Not you.”


Orson smiled, and raised his microphone back to his lips.


: “If you want to fight me, go for it. I'm up for that...”


The crowd cheered the prospect of the company's two headline acts facing off on the first ever show, but of course that wasn't about to happen.


: “Unfortunately, you may not get that honour. See, you're not the only one whose ear's been bent by the Matchmaking Committee. I have here the brackets for the official WWA British Heavyweight Championship Tournament. Alas, it seems we've missed each other.”


The fans booed at the revelation that they won't have their big match tonight after all. Orson was keen to fight anyone at all.


: “Let's hear it then. Who've I got tonight?”


: “Tonight? Nobody. See, tonight sees the first two matches of the tournament. In two weeks' time, we'll all be back here again and have the other two. The WWA will hold it's first pay per view event, Global Warning just a mere two days after that... the winners of the four matches will take part in a special four-way dance to crown the inaugural WWA British Heavyweight Champion. That'll be me, of course. The Matchmaking Committee have already announced one match; Jonni Lowlife taking on Keith Adams later tonight is part of the tournament. After that, the so-called Terror of the Highlands, Don Henderson, wrestles myself in the main event. Because naturally, the Solid Gold Superstar will be part of the first ever WWA:UK main event...”


: “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Who've I got in a fortnight then?"


: “Obviously you'll need the time to prepare, unlike a true champion such as myself who's ready to go at a moment's notice. On the next show we'll see somewhat of an international invasion as the man I'm contractually obliged to introduce as “Austrian star” Herschel 'The Hammer' Haas – no, me neither -” he shrugged, “takes on the second generation American wrestler Greg Gauge. And in the next main event, we'll see how good you really are, Wade. You've got the Irish Stretching Machine himself, Merle O'Curle. A man who already has a victory in the WWA, over in Canada a few days ago.”


Smiling, Orson nods at Travis.


: “So I finally get to face Merle, huh? Fair enough... see you in America.”


He drops the microphone and waves goodbye, leaving Travis to stew in the ring. The Golden Boy just smirks.


: "Yeah. If you make it past O'Curle, I'll see you in America. Two days later. Have a nice flight." He waves, mockingly.



- - -




: "Luke Travis has a good point actually... if Merle was victorious next week, the main event at Global Warning would be his fourth match this month, while it'd be only the second for the other competitors! And with just two days rest, and one of those spent travelling...!"


: "Luke's a smart boy, what can I say?"


- - -







The first match of the new company's history turned out to be a bit of a damp squib, as the hard-hitting strong-style inspired Northern Lights duo took on the slimy self-proclaimed ladies men of the All-Night Alliance; all-rounder Vic Walker and his big burly wingman Michael Gregory. The match was just getting going, at around the 5th minute with nobody looking particularly dominant, when two facepainted men in fur boots and loincloths came stumbling from the ring, obviously drunk.


One of the invaders grabbed Vic Walker off the apron and sent him crashing jaw-first into the ring apron, before beating him down and rolling into the ring. Meanwhile, Gregory had rushed to help his partner out but been met by the other invader with a lariat. Jordan and Vicious soon scarpered as the men turned their attentions towards them, and the referee was left with no choice but to throw the match out entirely.


: No-Contest after 5:43 due to indiscriminate outside interference.



- - -







After destroying the match, and Vic Walker's hairdo, the marauding facepainted duo cleared their limp bodies from the ring. After much posturing and posing, they notice referee Humphrey Woolsey still standing. After a brief pause, the duo start making their way towards him and Woolsey retreats, slips and crawls into a corner.





Luckily for him, a young blonde girl came running down to the ring, dressed in a similar fur outfit to the two invaders. Without a microphone she wasn't very audible, but was profusely apologetic to the referee, and admonished the burly brawlers, sending them backstage with a gesture and a few harsh words. Baffled, the commentators tried to sweep the incident under the carpet and move on.



- - -




: "Well, we know who wears the trousers in that relationship!"


: "That still doesn't explain why they ruined our very first match in the first place! Or who they were! Or anything, really!"


: "I'm sure the Committee will look into it over the coming week, but for now we have another former 21CW competitor who has come to test himself in the WWA. 'The Predator' Louie Peyton used to be part of the Assassin's Guild, but now he's striking out on his own, and tonight he's striking at Ian Vincible in particular."


: "Ian is a tenacious competitor who is known for his never-say-die attitude, but can the little guy possibly compete with with The Predator?"


- - -







This was nothing more than a gutsy squash. Peyton planted the floppy-haired babyface with several high impact moves, including a huge spinebuster and a sit-out powerbomb that got very close to a 3 count, but Vincible kept kicking out. The plucky underdog didn't get much offence in, but he proved hard to beat until, crouched in a corner, Peyton waited until Vincible stood up and turned around to look for him. At which point he came out of the corner like a train and smashed his shoulder into Vincible's abdomen, sending him spinning in the air and crashing to the mat. Peyton pinned his broken opponent with one foot.


: Louie Peyton wins by pinfall in 9:44



- - -







After the match, Cannonball Logan rushed to ringside to check on his partner. Peyton made to chase Logan out of the ring, but was only feigning. He grinned a malicious smile at Logan's flinching reaction, but turned away and carried on up the ramp.



- - -




: "Was there really any need for that kind of brutality? The guy was obviously beaten!"


: "He's out there to cause a stir and get himself noticed. He certainly did that tonight!"


: "You've got to admire a proper good spear, haven't you? None of this technical submission-wrestling we see so much of, just a good old-fashioned “run at the guy and smack into him” wrestling move from a good old-fashioned “smack him in the face” wrestler! What's not to like!?"


: "Whatever the case, up next folks is the inimitable Brilliant White against the extremely angry man, Glen Ward."


: "He's got every right to be angry! He's got to wrestle this weirdo!"


- - -







The fan-favourite, White, removed his trademark mask to reveal white-and-gold facepaint beneath, and hung the mask on the outside of the turnbuckle as he climbed it to salute the crowd. Ward, meanwhile, was all-business, and quickly went to work with strikes and Judo-inspired joint locks mainly working over the legs, to slow down his quicker opponent. White had a hard time countering many of them, but was able to avoid the majority of Ward's offence with his superior speed. Eventually White slipped up when a flying forearm was countered into a side headlock takedown by Ward as the Judo specialist transferred his weight to White's back and applied his trademark Judo Choke Hold. White struggled to his feet however, and managed to pull himself to the corner and run up the turnbuckle pad, flipping over Ward's head. Ward refused to release the hold though, and was able to hit a facecrusher, but White staggered into the corner behind him instead of falling to the mat.


Ward, enraged by White's refusal to give up and lose the match, charged the corner. White leapfrogged his charging opponent, sending him crashing into the turnbuckle and staggering backwards onto the mat, while the Androgynous One ran to the opposite corner and leaped from it with a White Out (reverse shooting star press), connecting for the three count.


: Brilliant White wins by pinfall in 11:04.



- - -







Rachael Dearheart comes to the ring next, to no music. She climbs into the ring and takes a microphone from the ring announcer.


: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, my boyfriend and your new favourite wrestler... Jonni Lowlife!"


The fans boo mildly, but little do they know what's to come, as Britney Spears' Criminal hits the PA system, and is sung terribly by Dearheart herself. By the time Lowlife gets to the ring – lapping up every word of the song as if they were written about him – the fans are booing much louder. Partly because they dislike Lowlife, but mostly because the segment is terrible.



- - -





‘Rock Solid’ Keith Adams vs. Jonni Lowlife

WWA British Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final




This was a good, solid semi-main event between the ever-dependable but part-time policeman and the uncouth youngster. Adams showed flashes of why he could’ve been a big star were it not for his reluctance to give up the day job, completely out-wrestling the flashy Lowlife on the mat. He almost had the match won with a leglock/hammerlock combination, but Dearheart managed to pull Lowlife’s free arm onto the bottom rope, earning her WWAUK’s first yellow card in the process. That’ll be a trivia question in years to come no doubt.


Adams didn’t get it all his own way though, and proved as slippery and slimy in the ring as he is in character, often managing to use his speed and smaller size to escape holds, and attack Adams from the air. Keith never truly looked like losing however, and wrapped things up just before the 20 minute mark with an Arrested Development (Straightjacket Camel Clutch with a knee in the opponent’s back).


: Keith Adams wins by pinfall in 18:34







: "No! No! Damnit!"


: "Nice and impartial there, P.A. Keith Adams is going to America!"


: "Why the big deal about that, anyway? Surely the finals should be here in Britain?"


: "They will be, live on global Pay Per View! What does PA stand for anyway?"


: "Right now? Pissed Auf!"


: "Well while you calm down, let’s hand over to Mel in the ring to announce tonight’s main event!"


- - -







: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the first ever WWA: UK event! Hope to see you all back here in a fortnight for the next episode! But first things first, it's time for the main event of the evening! This match will be contested to the first fall, and is the second match of the WWA British Heavyweight Championship Tournament!"


Alestorm's Death Throes of the Terrorsquid hits the PA.


: "Making his way to the ring, standing six foot three and weighing in at 238lbs, from Inverness, Scotland: 'The Terror of the Highlands' Don Henderson!"


Henderson played to the fans a bit, before crouching in a corner, eyes fixed on the entrance ramp as Pendulum's Self vs. Self blasted around the arena, to a chorus of boos.


: "And his opponent, standing six feet tall and weighing in at 230lbs, from Chelmsford, Essex: 'Solid Gold' Luke Travis!"


'Solid Gold', with his golden ring jacket and golden hair and beard, certainly lived up to his name. The arrogant all-rounder ignored Henderson completely as he entered the ring, and instead pandered to the fans as the lighting returned to normal.



- - -





'The Terror of the Highlands' Don Henderson vs. 'Solid Gold' Luke Travis

WWA British Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final




Travis was determined to show his new, 'real' skillset, full of counter-wrestling and high-impact strikes. In truth he had an answer for most of the things Henderson threw at him in the early goings, but soon Henderson's technical expertise became too much and Travis was overwhelmed by takedowns and a series of painful submission holds. Henderson couldn't keep Travis away from the ropes long enough to get a submission though.


Eventually, bored of being out-wrestled by the Scot, Travis resorted to some of the dirty tactics he'd been known for in 21CW. An eye-poke to break a hammerlock, before hitting a suplex and a flurry of stomps to keep Henderson on the floor. That was the pattern for several minutes; Henderson gaining the upper hand with wrestling holds, Travis using underhanded tactics to get out of them and bringing less 'pure' offence back at him.


The match ended after a memorable low blow, which PA Excellence described as “a perfectly legal Greco-Roman kick to the testicular region”, gave Travis the opportunity to lock in a move he calls the Travisty (Low-Ki's Dragon Clutch).


: Luke Travis wins via submission in 21:34


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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline">WWA:UK Steel Showdown #1 Ratings</span></p><p> Courtesy of Eddie Murrow at TEW.com</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36856" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Orson/Travis Argument - 56<p> All Night Alliance/Northern Lights washout - 26</p><p> All Night Alliance/Northern Lights/Invading Wrestlers Beatdown - 10</p><p> Louie Peyton d. Ian Vincible - 23</p><p> Brilliant White d. Glen Ward - 20</p><p> Rachael Dearheart Sings Jonni Lowlife's Entrance - 24</p><p> Keith Adams d. Jonni Lowlife - 45</p><p> Melanie Florence introduces Main Event - 47</p><p> Luke Travis d. Don Henderson - 55 - MOTN</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Overall</strong>: 50. A decent enough show, about what we'd expect from them.</p><p> </p><p> <em>MVP of the Show:</em> Luke Travis</p><p> <em>Muppet of the Show:</em> The idiots in face paint, just for turning up. Although it has to be said the dark match they were in was better than almost everything on the actual show.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Announced for Steel Showdown #2</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36856" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/LouiePeyton.jpg</span>vs. <span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/CannonballLogan.jpg</span><p> <strong>Louie 'The Predator' Peyton vs. Rob 'Cannonball' Logan</strong></p><p> Fresh from destroying his tag team partner at Steel Showdown #1, Peyton will be back next time to finish the job. Or will he?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/JonniLowlife.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/BrilliantWhite.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Jonni Lowlife vs. Brilliant White</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Coming from a victory over Glen Ward at SS#1, The Androgynous Enigma steps into the ring with the disgusting Jonni Lowlife at SS#2. Can Your New Favourite Wrestler put the disappointment of losing to Keith Adams behind him, and get his WWA career jumpstarted?</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/JonMichaelSharp.jpg</span><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/MartinHeath.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/JacquesDuPont.jpg</span><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/PierreDuPont.jpg</span><p> <strong>Sharp & Heath vs. Le Fabulous DuPont Brothers</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> With the previous attempt at a tag team match ending in disaster, everyone involved has been instructed to stay away from the city of Wolverhampton, the venue for Steel Showdown #2, for the next event and let two of our other tag teams try to complete a full match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/HerschelHaas.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/GregGauge.jpg</span><p> <strong>Herschel 'Das Hammer' Haas vs. 'Internationally Acclaimed' Greg Gauge</strong></p><p> <em>WWA British Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a match between two competitors that our British audience are probably not going to like either of very much, can Greg win a ticket home to compete in the finals on home soil, or will it be the Austrian powerhouse on a relentless march to the championship?</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/WadeOrson.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/HeavyMetalJesus/WWAUK/MerleOCurle.jpg</span><p> <strong>Wade Orson vs. 'The Irish Stretching Machine' Merle O'Curle</strong></p><p> <em>WWA British Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> And finally, in our much-anticipated main event, can Merle keep the momentum going from his Canadian debut win over WWA: Australia's Molokai Milk, or will the English fan favourite make good on his promise to meet Luke Travis in the final?</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline">QuickPix:</span></p><p> Louie Peyton vs. Rob Logan</p><p> Jonni Lowlife vs. Brilliant White</p><p> Sharp&Heath vs. Le Fabulous DuPont Brothers</p><p> Herschel Haas vs. Greg Gauge</p><p> Wade Orson vs. Merle O'Curle</p>
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<p><strong>Louie Peyton</strong> vs. Rob Logan</p><p>

Jonni Lowlife vs. <strong>Brilliant White</strong></p><p><strong>

Sharp&Heath</strong> vs. Le Fabulous DuPont Brothers</p><p>

Herschel Haas vs. <strong>Greg Gauge</strong></p><p><strong>

Wade Orson</strong> vs. Merle O'Curle</p>

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<p><strong>Louie Peyton</strong> vs. Rob Logan</p><p>

Jonni Lowlife vs. <strong>Brilliant White</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sharp&Heath</strong> vs. Le Fabulous DuPont Brothers</p><p>

Herschel Haas vs. <strong>Greg Gauge</strong></p><p>

<strong>Wade Orson</strong> vs. Merle O'Curle</p>

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<p>Always good to see Britain represented!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Louie Peyton</strong> vs. Rob Logan</p><p>

<em>Haven't heard of Logan</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jonni Lowlife vs. <strong>Brilliant White</strong></p><p>

<em>White stands out more</em></p><p> </p><p>

Sharp&Heath vs. <strong>Le Fabulous DuPont Brothers</strong></p><p>

<em>Don't really rate Sharp & Heath</em></p><p> </p><p>

Herschel Haas vs. <strong>Greg Gauge</strong></p><p>

<em>By far the best talent in the company</em></p><p> </p><p>

Wade Orson vs. <strong>Merle O'Curle</strong></p><p>

<em>Hmmm...your booking makes me think Orson, but my head insists I pick O'Curle</em></p>

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Rob Logan is Cannonball Logan, Ian Vincible's tag partner in the Youth Bandits. Although they're not youth now so not called that any more, but I haven't decided what to call them yet. Currently they're under the spoof name Middle Aged Bandits, but hopefully I can do better than that. ¬_¬
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36856" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Rob Logan is Cannonball Logan, Ian Vincible's tag partner in the Youth Bandits. Although they're not youth now so not called that any more, but I haven't decided what to call them yet. Currently they're under the spoof name Middle Aged Bandits, but hopefully I can do better than that. ¬_¬</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like Middle Aged Bandits, could give them a finisher called Middle Aged Spread. I reckon it would be like a Demolition Decapitation but to the stomach, not the head.</p>
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