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Pro game vs College game

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<p>They both are incredibly fun games but if i had to choose 1 now that i have both i would go with the NBA game. Being able to choose any year to start your league was a HUGE selling point for me. </p><p> </p><p>

Going back to the Bill Russell, Wilt the Stilt, Michael Jordan days is awesome. Seeing what would have happened if Jordan went to any other team then the Bulls is amazing!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Again it's really what you prefer and personally you can't go wrong with either game.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Vatechfan24" data-cite="Vatechfan24" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36869" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>They both are incredibly fun games but if i had to choose 1 now that i have both i would go with the NBA game. Being able to choose any year to start your league was a HUGE selling point for me. <p> </p><p> Going back to the Bill Russell, Wilt the Stilt, Michael Jordan days is awesome. Seeing what would have happened if Jordan went to any other team then the Bulls is amazing!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Again it's really what you prefer and personally you can't go wrong with either game.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Good call! That would be a lot of fun.</p>
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I recommend that you buy the NBA game first. Historical play is quite fun. I was running a Cavaliers franchise dynasty on our desktop computer before it died, mainly because I wanted the guide the career of guard Austin Carr, one of our early stars whose playing days were cut short by injuries.


On our laptop I'm playing a current NBA game, of course as the Cavaliers. There is nothing like taking over your favorite team and running it the way you think it should be run. One of the first things I did was trade for guard Delonte West, who, except for his unfortunate personal problems, would have fit in well with the run-and-run style of team Byron Scott was trying to build here. Then I signed Samuel Dalembert as a free agent, because the Cavs really needed a dominant big man. And now, we are on our way!


I think you will also want to buy FBCB eventually. Recruiting is not overly tedious, and developing those recruits is a lot of fun. I even enjoy watching the tournament bracket draw!


FBPB and FBCB both have exactly the sort of detail I love in sports management sims. There is not a lot of superfluous "stuff" that takes you away from actually managing your team. And there is a great deal of statistical depth. I'm a very big basketball fan, but there are stats I've never even heard of! So you can analyze and analyze to your heart's content, if you so desire.

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I recommend that you buy the NBA game first. Historical play is quite fun. I was running a Cavaliers franchise dynasty on our desktop computer before it died, mainly because I wanted the guide the career of guard Austin Carr, one of our early stars whose playing days were cut short by injuries.


On our laptop I'm playing a current NBA game, of course as the Cavaliers. There is nothing like taking over your favorite team and running it the way you think it should be run. One of the first things I did was trade for guard Delonte West, who, except for his unfortunate personal problems, would have fit in well with the run-and-run style of team Byron Scott was trying to build here. Then I signed Samuel Dalembert as a free agent, because the Cavs really needed a dominant big man. And now, we are on our way!


I think you will also want to buy FBCB eventually. Recruiting is not overly tedious, and developing those recruits is a lot of fun. I even enjoy watching the tournament bracket draw!


FBPB and FBCB both have exactly the sort of detail I love in sports management sims. There is not a lot of superfluous "stuff" that takes you away from actually managing your team. And there is a great deal of statistical depth. I'm a very big basketball fan, but there are stats I've never even heard of! So you can analyze and analyze to your heart's content, if you so desire.


Yeah, you're right I will get both eventually! Sounds like the NBA game is the way to go at first. Thanks :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Antonin" data-cite="Antonin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36869" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I recommend that you buy the NBA game first. Historical play is quite fun. I was running a Cavaliers franchise dynasty on our desktop computer before it died, mainly because I wanted the guide the career of guard Austin Carr, one of our early stars whose playing days were cut short by injuries. <p> </p><p> On our laptop I'm playing a current NBA game, of course as the Cavaliers. There is nothing like taking over your favorite team and running it the way you think it should be run. One of the first things I did was trade for guard Delonte West, who, except for his unfortunate personal problems, would have fit in well with the run-and-run style of team Byron Scott was trying to build here. Then I signed Samuel Dalembert as a free agent, because the Cavs really needed a dominant big man. And now, we are on our way!</p><p> </p><p> I think you will also want to buy FBCB eventually. Recruiting is not overly tedious, and developing those recruits is a lot of fun. I even enjoy watching the tournament bracket draw!</p><p> </p><p> FBPB and FBCB both have exactly the sort of detail I love in sports management sims. There is not a lot of superfluous "stuff" that takes you away from actually managing your team. And there is a great deal of statistical depth. I'm a very big basketball fan, but there are stats I've never even heard of! So you can analyze and analyze to your heart's content, if you so desire.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well put!</p>
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  • 5 weeks later...

<p>I also prefer the college game in real life.</p><p> </p><p>

I like FB College Basketball better because of the recruiting aspect.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Personally I like college basketball more but it's the older one so maybe the pro game is better?"</em> </p><p> </p><p>

There really isn't much of a difference in game play between the two. Besides the rules differences of course, they are pretty much the same game. The college game is the older game, yes, but is also the more "finished" product at this point.</p><p> </p><p>

I'd say if you're more of a college basketball fan in real, then go with the college game.</p><p> </p><p>

Personally I don't have any use for current real life pro basketball at all. I bought the pro game to support the development of the product. I do play it. I started a season in 1980, back when I did watch pro ball. I like it, it's a good game of course. But I still prefer the college game, again simply because of the recruiting aspect. That's the most fun part of the game for me. Researching players and trying to steal a top recruit from the big schools, while you're at some low level school.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

I purchased both and have no regrets. I have simulated over 100 years of players, and it's been an absolute treat to see the evolution of players from college to Pro.

Importing college drafts into pro is extremely easy, as it's in the league setup and it's easily directed. During league setup, you can can adjust ability level, so you can keep a bit of random flow for who is coming in, as sometimes the national player of the year or a highly touted blue chip ends up flaking out in the NBA. Or you can make it so it's as high value college player who is a high level draftee will equal to a NBA star.

I've liked this series for a very long time (Fast Break Basketball 2001 lasted forever) and the college game only enhanced the experience.

These modern versions are worth the money.

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