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Wrestling Spirit Editor

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Hello all


I am not an expert with the editors that this game uses, but I was curious. Considering that in the game you have an option to have an MMA background, would it be possible with the editor to setup an MMA universe? Playing the demo makes me really want an WMMA version of this game=) The second best thing would be to take this game and somehow turn it into an WMMA version. The only thing I think that would be a major issue would be the way the matches run and what not so it would not exactly be like MMA but at least the move sets would be close. Meh, just thinking out loud, but Adam, you really need an WMMA version of this, just saying=) Thank you.

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I guess it's possible. You could give everyone the Can Never Go Up Top attribute to eliminate people climbing the turnbuckles. Use TIER-1's company settings and raise Danger Energy to 90% (so that you can hit finishers much sooner). Also turn off Gimmick Matches.


You'd have to overhaul the moves so that only MMA-appropriate moves were available and lots of moves were High or Finisher level (which would be ok because of the Danger energy level being high) and almost everything had a decent Chance of Win.


You'd still have a few problems though; Irish/Corner Whips, Rope Breaks, Pinfalls (although a Pinfall could simulate a KO I guess), being able to leave th ring (though if you gave everyone the Fish Out Of Water attribute the AI would be much less likely to I think)...

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