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Secrets of the Ring IV: The Final Sacrifice (TCW 2014)

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Yes, no, and yes.


I've still got plenty of story left to tell, but I've gotten sidetracked with another save game and have been entertaining turning that into a diary. It's one of those "ideas burning a hole in my pocket" situations. And it's a Thunderverse game, which is a mod that has captured my inner mark like nothing since my first go-round with the C-Verse.


That said, should my new idea for a diary actually come to pass (and I haven't even begun writing yet, so it's still up in the air) once that one burned out, I would pick this up where I left off.


My current dilemma is whether to bring this one up past Summer Showdown '14 as a more natural point to take a hiatus from it than where it stands in between episodes of Uprising.




Well, I would be loathe to see this one stop but its hard to resist the lure of something new. The Tverse is very very engaging, and it feels like virgin territory compared to the Cverse. The Cverse has so much established canon from the hoards of awesome diary projects over the past decade. That's a good thing, but it can also feel restrictive. That leaves the ThunderVerse feeling very fresh and open by comparison. I've been spending a lot of time in the Tverse and have a genuine love for it, so would love to see your take on it.

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Just catching up on this after making a somewhat full time return to the boards.


Awesome work as usual No Neck. Only thing I gotta know though is where did you get that render of Queen Emily? That is one seriously hot pic!! Maybe even better than the Emma Chase one.

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Yes, no, and yes.


I've still got plenty of story left to tell, but I've gotten sidetracked with another save game and have been entertaining turning that into a diary. It's one of those "ideas burning a hole in my pocket" situations. And it's a Thunderverse game, which is a mod that has captured my inner mark like nothing since my first go-round with the C-Verse.


That said, should my new idea for a diary actually come to pass (and I haven't even begun writing yet, so it's still up in the air) once that one burned out, I would pick this up where I left off.


My current dilemma is whether to bring this one up past Summer Showdown '14 as a more natural point to take a hiatus from it than where it stands in between episodes of Uprising.




I want to see it continue, but your story won't be what it could (and should) be if it becomes work instead of fun.


If you decide that you cannot finish, it would be nice to get a rundown of what you were planning. I want to know what happens to Tommy.

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((OOC: I've decided to keep this diary going and to either keep my private T-Verse game private, or start it as a companion piece somewhere down the line. Too much story still to get to here with this one and I've already got some 500 pages of a word document dedicated to it, so no sense to not see it through, right? So without further ado....))



Show #15





Live on GNN Sports

From: Nashville, TN
















The press surrounds his motorcade; in a hailstorm of flashes, Koshiro Ino rolls up to the building in a limo with tinted windows. He pops his head out for a moment, as the driver slows and gets directions toward the back from a cop directing traffic, a young boy tucked in right behind him. His wife, holding a baby, squints at all of the bursts of light as Ino waves awkwardly and closes the door.



As the limo slowly makes its way through the throng of paparazzi, a second car pulls up behind it, this one holding CEO Jennifer Cornell, GNN network rep Danny Jillefski, and TCW World Heavyweight Champion “The Prototype” Joey Minnesota, who puts down his window just enough so that you can see his cold eyes. They get stuck in the same mess as Ino’s car when the press figures out who’s inside. And as they snap their pictures and film their footage, the fans held back by the barricades and local police, start chanting at Minnesota’s car.










Aaron Andrews vs. Enforcer Roberts

-National TV Title Tournament First Round-



MN: “Welcome everyone, to TCW UPRISING on GNN! We have a ridiculous show coming your way tonight, not limited to but including every single first round match up in the tournament to crown the first ever TCW TV Champion.”



EQ: “And, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that tonight’s the night that Joey Minnesota and Koshiro Ino will sign the contract that makes their match at Summer Showdown’14 official. That will be one for the ages, and you know something guys, those contract signings are filled with explosive elements; something could happen between Joey and Ino even before Summer Showdown.”



SB: “There’ll be time to talk about that stuff later, let’s head to the ring; our opening match would headline other shows.”



An instant classic. These two have reversals for days and counters for hours; this match is a throwback to days gone by. Andrews shines, Roberts gets his heat, Andrews builds up to a comeback, scoring with a flipping belly to belly suplex that brings Naess out of his seat.



MN: “This is why we are the fastest rising ratings juggernaut on television; it’s the in-ring action! Where else can you see a WRESTLING match like this? Name a place? Name one?”



Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher, looming at ringside, finally make SYNERGY’s presence felt, with Law getting the new referee’s attention while Thatcher grabs hold of Andrews from behind and Roberts puts the boots to him. But Enforcer has his snap-suplex attempt reversed into a sit-out face buster bomb by Andrews that leaves the veteran scrambling for the ropes. There is a bit more jockeying, a couple of reversals and struggles, but in the end Andrews is able to lock in the cattle mutilation in the middle of the ring. The young referee watches Roberts wave and tap for a few seconds, looking at both Law and Thatcher for a long time before calling for the bell and then falling to the canvas, cowering and covering up.



MN: “The poor kid; he had no choice. He had to end the match.”



EQ: “Tell that to Law and Thatcher! That’s not his call! They’ll decide if he did all he could! I think Roberts could’ve held on for a few more seconds, don’t you?”



MN:” I do not.”



SB: “But regardless… the decision means Aaron Andrews has advanced in the TV Title tournament. Things might finally be going his way. And you know what…the guy deserves it.”



EQ: “That stupid referee better be checking his locker for a pink slip before the night is over. I don’t think we’ll be seeing him in TCW again.”









The cable cam once again flies around the ringside area before coming in high and settling on the broadcast location where Mitch, Sammy, and Emily get set to begin selling Summer Showdown. But just as Mitch launches into it…..






MN: “….I’ll be goddamned. If this doesn’t go anywhere, I’m going to be putting in my papers….”



EQ: “And look Mitch, there’s no doubt this one left a mark on the ring like the last one! It’s a V!”



SB: “Are you stupid? Are the fans stupid? A V? Who else could it be?”



EQ: “I told you SYNERGY didn’t have anything to do with it, didn’t I? Say it! Say I was telling the truth!”






Summer Showdown ‘14

Promo Package: Nightlife


The UPRISING Girls are barley dressed in a Miami Beach nightclub. They dance and draw a crowd, as only they can, oozing sexiness while not-so-subtly promoting the UPRISING brand. One of the girls, the blonde, has her top torn off. She covers up with her arms just in time and the other girls laugh. They carry on as the Summer Showdown logo spins onto the screen.







MN: “Summer Showdown is always the biggest party of the summer, but our live event packages and the TCW resort getaway the night before, have sold out. Now the only way to be a part of Summer Showdown ’14 is by joining us on pay-per-view next Sunday night.”



SB: “Get a group of friends together and have a TCW Watch Party!”



EQ: “Just as long as your friends aren’t Jay Chord and Remmy Skye. Look at the wedge they’ve driven between Mikey James and Frankie Perez.”



SB: “There’s just something about Jay Chord. A certain charisma. And I think he’s starting to make too much sense to Mikey.”



MN: “Yeah a certain charisma like Jim Jones or Charles Manson….”



If it were up to pure skill, the rookie blue chipper Makutsi and the multi-time champion Stone would have sewn this one up in a just a few minutes flat. But tag experience counts for something and while Jay Chord and Remmy Skye aren’t a seasoned team, this isn’t their first time together like it is for Makutsi and Stone. Jay Chord turns a shortarm clothesline on a confused Makutsi into a DDT that ends the match while Jeremy Stone situates himself on the apron, not even noticing the cover until it is too late.



MN: “Not knowing where he was cost Makutsi there. But Jeremy Stone being out of position so badly hurt them too.”



SB: “Just out of curiosity, where was Phil Vibert during that? That might have helped Stone. And I’m pretty sure I saw him in the building this afternoon. Why wasn’t he out here with his client?”










Kevin Stevens, clad in his red and white windsuit, dwarfs Danny Jillefski as he and the network rep walk down a backstage hallway toward the trainer’s room. As they exchange chit-chat, one of the trainers whips open the door to the training room and frantically looks up and down the hallway. When he sees Stevens and Jillefski, he runs up to them, trying to keep his voice low for discretion’s sake, but doing a terrible job of it.



Trainer: “He’s just gone! I went in to check on him after I gave him the dose that you had laid out to give him and he…..”



The trainer leans in.



Trainer: “….he just sort of snapped the restraints and took off.”



Jillefski shakes his head, but Stevens immediately looks panicked.



Stevens: “Today’s dose? Oh no.”



Stevens leans down and whispers something in Jillefski’s ear, something that changes his usually cool facial expression to one of fear. Just for a moment.



Jillefski: “Oh really? That IS a problem.”



Stevens quickly runs up the hallway barking out instructions to all of the staffers and having two uniformed police officers follow him. As they start relaying info into their lapel radios, Jillefski starts rubbing his hands together. Then, he smiles.



Jillefski: “Think of the RATINGS!”







Barrowman vs. Marc DuBois

-National TV Title Tournament First Round-



MN: “So, Joey’s on the loose? After a dose of his ‘meds’? Is that what I’m hearing?”



EQ: “I’m sure it’s not a big deal. They’ll probably find him in the fitness center on the top floor of the building here, cranking out a set…or something….”



This match has a bit of a mean streak, as both men favor a high impact style, but because of that, it is over in quite tidy fashion. Thom Barrowman surprisingly controls throughout, works his way through his always impressive and ever growing move-set, makes one mistake, and it leads to him eating a ”Hero’s Welcome” when he least expects it.



EQ: “Whoa! That came out of nowhere! The outsider is lucky, isn’t he?”



SB: “And the three count makes it official, Marc DuBois is moving on to the next round in the TV Title tournament….outsider or not!”



MN: “….and fans it’s time for the press conference and contract signing for the Summer Showdown ’14 Main Event. Let’s go backstage!”











The building’s grand ballroom is filled to the brim with media. Cameras fill the back row and microphones fill the table nearest to the podium. As things settle, Ino walks in and takes a seat on the specially constructed Summer Showdown ’14 hype set. Jennifer Cornell sits on the other side next to Danny Jillefski, who fidgets nervously, watching the door. Kevin Stevens waits just inside the door, shaking his head and shrugging at Jillefski while working two cell phones at the same time.



“Nothing yet.”



Jennifer goes up and welcomes the media members to the event and announces the specifics of what they came to see. But when she finishes that up, she shares a look with Jillefski before launching into a full-fledged infomercial about the pay-per-view. After a few minutes it becomes clear to even the dunces that she is stalling. However, the blandness is broken up when, from the back of the room, Kevin Stevens screams into his phone.






When he runs out the door, yelling into his phone, security follows him….followed by every single media member that had set up shop in the ballroom.







Troy Tornado vs. Brent Hill

-National TV Title Tournament First Round-



MN: “I wonder what that’s all about.”



EQ: “Doesn’t look good whatever it is.”



MN: “Well, while that sorts itself out, let’s get to the task at hand. It’s another first round match-up in our TV Title tournament.



SB: “And guys, I think Troy Tornado is the clear favorite. Brent Hill still does not have his head on straight, in my opinion. That whole masked man thing really messed up his game.”



EQ: “He tried for all he was worth to get that mask off of him at the pay-per-view. He needs to find closure with that one way or another so he can get on with wrestling.”



SB: “Big opportunity here.”



Hill is once again distracted and Tornado, seemingly rejuvenated, puts him through the paces, scoring with three or four armdrags in a row before bouncing to the ring apron and launching himself back in with a rolling shoulder senton. Hill has more interest in watching the ringside area than fending off Tornado, who makes him pay with a blistering back elbow before heading to the top turnbuckle. It seems to take days for him to come down - he gets so much air with his top rope legdrop. The impact is violent and the three count a foregone conclusion. And even as Tornado celebrates above him, Hill, on his back, points to a spot in the crowd and yells “It’s him! He’s here! The masked man!”



MN: “Huge victory for Troy Tornado.”



SB: “First that mysterious briefcase and that weird phone call and now this? It’s been a big couple of weeks for that guy right there.”



EQ: “I didn’t see the masked man, did you?”










Atlas hurries toward the back of the parking garage that’s attached to the arena, not quite running but moving too fast to be considered walking. In the shadows ahead, the large cutout of Might Mo, darkened by the cast of the security light on the wall behind him.



A: “Mo? You wanted to see me? What’s the plan, dude?”



When Mo steps out of the pall, his face is serious and his eyes are trained on a spot behind Atlas.



A: “Mo? What’s going on? Where’s Rocky?”





In a flash, two men jump out of the darkness behind Atlas and start beating him down. There is no chance for the big man as he is immediately sucked under by the surprise double team attack. Mighty Mo joins in and they really lay the boots to him. Once Atlas has stopped moving, they roll him over into a pile of garbage bags near a dumpster and loudly mock him as they deposit him with the trash. Mo puts his arms up, in a celebratory manner, his bellow echoing around the garage level.






They all walk off together, laughing and telling each other the story of what just happened, leaving Atlas bloodied and motionless, amidst the rats.







Cameras catch up to a shirtless Joey Minnesota as he storms out a door and into the parking garage. It is not apparent that he is carrying a crowbar until the last second where he winds up and smashes out one of the limo’s taillights. Ino’s family, inside the limo, jumps, startled by the noise. They quickly lock the doors from the inside and get back from the windows. Minnesota begins screaming.



Not words. Sounds. Animalistic…primal. A security guard runs up on him but Joey hacks in his direction a few times with the crowbar until the rent-a-cop falls on his duff and runs away.



During that commotion, the limo driver beats feet, sprinting down the ramp and leaving the family in the back like sitting ducks. More security comes, but Joey slashes at them with the long yellow crowbar and keeps them from getting close to either he or the limo.








Wolf Hawkins vs. Bryan Vessey

-National TV Title Tournament First Round-



MN: “I know this is professional wrestling, and things can get very personal from time to time, but what is happening outside right now is beyond anything…..it’s just reprehensible. I don’t have the words to express how much I am embarrassed for the entire TCW right now….”



EQ: “Yeah, that crossed a line. That’s someone’s family back there. Someone needs to check in on Ino, to make sure he’s okay.”



SB: “And what happened before that, with DOA….I’m shocked.”



After about ten seconds of exasperated silence from the announce team, the match begins. Wolf Hawkins, only a week removed from a horrific beating at the hands of Rocky Golden, is clearly not one hundred percent from the start, going out of his way protect his right side, which is covered in tape and wrapped in compression bandage. Vessey is a surgeon and is all over his injury from the jump. And even though Wolf adjusts his stance to avoid Vessey’s kicks, eventually the veteran grappler is able to get Hawkins down on the mat and go to work on his ribcage, really stretching him out. The announce team is very reserved throughout, still digesting what is happening in the parking garage while Wolf fights the good fight. He eventually rallies, but can’t even load up his superkick because of the injury. Instead he gets run into the turnbuckles and hung up and over them, Vessey clasping him in a ridiculous upside down STF across the top of the buckles until the ref counts five and breaks it up. By then, Wolf is breathless and in a heap. Vessey drags him to the center of the ring and locks in his STF again. This time, with no referee’s count to save him, Wolf struggles until he passes out.



MN: “He could’ve just tapped out; that’s a hell of a competitor right there in Wolf Hawkins.”



EQ: “Are you kidding? He could’ve gotten hurt even worse than he obviously was. What a DUMMY!”



SB: “I’m ashamed to admit it, but I agree with Emily. As a competitor, that was a….well, it wasn’t the most logical thing to do.”



EQ: “It’s okay to say it! He’s a DUMMY!”



MN: “……”



MN: “……and I’m now receiving word that the….the situation outside….still has not resolved itself and that we are heading out there, live, until we go off the air.”












We go back to the scene outside. There are multiple dents in the limo’s hood and its body and both of the side mirrors are gone, cast aside in pieces on the pavement nearby. There are tons of security and police now surrounding the scene mixed in with the entire hoard of media, plus almost every member of the locker room and backstage staff. Joey-twitch-alternates between blinking his eyes hard and raving, swinging the crowbar menacingly in all directions. No one can get quite close enough to take him on.







From the furthest point in the back of the mass of people, Koshiro Ino, wild eyed like never before, pushes his way through. Joey doesn’t hear him at first, but when he does, he jumps up onto the hood, rears back and smashes the windshield.






Ino shoves people out of the way as Joey leaps from the hood onto the roof, leaning down to look through the moonroof at the family cowering inside before he steps over it, squaring up to bring the crowbar down on the glass above them.






Ino runs up the hood, never breaks stride, and tackles Joey Minnesota off of the roof of the car onto the blacktop just as he is about to bring the crowbar down onto the moonroof. They roll around and exchange a few punches but Joey, now without the crowbar, is quickly surrounded by police and hauled off of Ino. Kicking and screaming.



Fire and rescue people begin going about freeing Ino’s family from the battered limo as Ino paces just outside of it. We finally cut away for the show’s conclusion as the limo’s door is pried open and Ino’s family floods out and envelops him in an embrace.











© 2014

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Just catching up on this after making a somewhat full time return to the boards.


Awesome work as usual No Neck. Only thing I gotta know though is where did you get that render of Queen Emily? That is one seriously hot pic!! Maybe even better than the Emma Chase one.



Sorry about the double post. I should've answered this along with posting the last show, but I wasn't home and needed to check something. D-Mack, the picture is listed in my downloads folder as "BaddCutt" with a number next to it. I obviously found it somewhere on this site, probably within the last few years. But other than that, I have no idea where it came from. You are more than welcome to it, should you need it for Queen Emily or anyone else that it fits as an alt.



Great to have you reading and back on the boards.




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Ino and Family Arrive (B+)






Lightning Strikes…Again (B)



Summer Showdown ’14 Promo Video (C+)






Joey Segment One: Joey’s Missing (B+)






Contract Signing Goes Bad (B)






Atlas Demolished/Left in the Trash by Might Mo and his new DOA (B-)



Joey Segment Two: Crowbar (B+)






Final Joey Segment: Ino Makes the Save (A+)






Show Grade: A


Show TV Rating: 6.16 (-0.03)


SWF Show Grade: B-


SWF TV Rating: 7.12 (-0.20)












“It was a great night for TCW.”



“I went big with the Minnesota attack angle. I wanted there to be something more personal between the two men as they head into the second fencepost match of their feud. Having the World Title at stake is one thing, but having that extra layer of hatred really brings the story together and gives the fans another reason to cheer Ino, other than the fact that he’s a man-wrecker. If he’s going to be World Champion with us at some point in the future, having another dimension to his character, that of a destructive prize fighter at work and a family man at home, can only help me tell his stories later on down the road.”



“Plus, I’m really having a lot of fun watching the “Crazy Joey” stuff play out. I’ve been building to it for a while, with little hints here and there, so to finally get to see it realized is great. And the gimmick change, or should I say, transition, got over with the fans even more than I expected it to. We gave Joey the ball and he’s running with it. Couldn’t be happier.”



“And before anyone tells you different, that break-up was the best thing that could’ve happened to DOA. The way their stories were running across each other, not to mention the contract issues that cropped up; I had pretty much booked myself into a corner with an act that I really liked at one point. But being willing to kill my darlings, so to speak, gave me away out and a creative boost. I have a new story now that writes itself, I have two new characters to introduce and flesh out, and I finally have a way to get another storyline kicked into high gear, now that one of its occupants is freed from this one.”



“Wow, it was a really great night for TCW.”







© 2014

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