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Secrets of the Ring IV: The Final Sacrifice (TCW 2014)

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TCW descends upon Lexington, Kentucky this Tuesday night with the hottest show in the world of wrestling......UPRISING TV. And when we hit the airwaves, the fans are hoping to have some resolution after last week’s unsettling collection of infighting tag-teams, backstage shenanigans, and outright abuses of power by the promotion’s reigning faction SYNERGY. This week’s show features a tag title match, with the Old Wave getting the shot at Law & Thatcher they earned at EXCESSIVE FORCE. Can the veteran team make history and have one more run at the top? DOA will be in action as the wrestling world wonders what is happening among their ranks. Will Rocky Golden even accompany them to the ring or will he be semi-dressed backstage somewhere? And what will Wolf Hawkins’ response be to getting laid out unconscious last week trying to keep the keepers of justice from coming to blows? What is the status of number one contender Koshiro Ino after last week's main event? We will have an update. All of this and more….plus the debut of a new TCW superstar, Lassana Makutsi. Tune in to GNN at 8pm and then lose your remote for two hours. The best wrestling program on the planet needs your undivided attention.





Law & Thatcher vs Old Wave

-Tag Title Match-



Andrews vs. Dan Stone



DOA vs Cali Dragons



Enforcer Roberts vs. Lassana Makutsi








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Law & Thatcher vs Old Wave

-Tag Title Match-

I can't see either of these teams pulling a C and I can't see Robert Oxford winning here.


Andrews vs. Dan Stone

Andrews is more over in the US, he'll take this one.


DOA vs Cali Dragons

D.O.A. continue to build as a faction


Enforcer Roberts vs. Lassana Makutsi

No, Lassana will not go over here.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SuperOwens" data-cite="SuperOwens" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37467" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is Joey the Ivan Drago of this diary? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> While I never thought of it like that, it is an apt comparison. My goal in this story is to have one despicable, unlikable in every way, super heel and one dyed in the wool, riding off into the sunset, white hat good guy. I want everyone else on the roster to be a shade of gray. Not only does it give me flexibility with my storytelling, but it reflects real life a bit better than good guy/bad guy does.</p><p> </p><p> Joey is the worst. He's not quite at the level I had Greg Keith in SOTR 2 (where he was essentially a super evil Ric Flair) but I feel like I'm starting to creep up the sh*t-heel ladder with him a bit at a time.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SuperOwens" data-cite="SuperOwens" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37467" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think that he must be on some mad stuff, to turn his eyes yellow. I'm hoping for a Drago style face turn in Russia, picking up the freak by the collar and screaming "For meeeeeeeeeeeee!"</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Mad stuff? Surely you can't be suggesting that "The Prototype" is on the juice? His personal trainer guarantees that the stuff he's injecting into Joey is on the up and up. It might not be FDA approved yet, but it's on the fast track and the TCW Champion will be its first success story. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p><strong>Law & Thatcher </strong>vs Old Wave</p><p>

-Tag Title Match-</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Andrews </strong>vs. Dan Stone</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DOA </strong>vs Cali Dragons</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Enforcer Roberts</strong> vs. Lassana Makutsi</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SuperOwens" data-cite="SuperOwens" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37467" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, I'm sure it's just a vitamin shot...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd guess that depends on what your definition of "vitamins" is.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> BTW, the show is ready to roll. I'm starting a comprehensive predictions contest starting after the next PPV with a really cool, real-life prize. I tried something similar a few years ago with an old project and it worked out quite well.</p><p> </p><p> Now would be a good time to catch-up, jump onboard, or re-read the last few shows so you don't miss out.</p><p> </p><p> And for those of you who have offered predictions even without a real, tangible prize, know that I appreciate it very, very much. Ya'll keep me motivated to write this crazy story.</p><p> </p><p> -NN</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

Show #14






The show opens at the broadcast location where Mitch Naess, Sammy Bach, and Emily Queen sit with their headsets at the ready waiting for the cue to begin.



MN: “Ino was attacked by SYNERGY last week; he’s not here tonight. The World Champion, Joey Minnesota, is off training with Kevin Stevens in Tokyo, Japan of all places….he’s not here tonight. But in a story that is just breaking as we speak…..NEXT WEEK….live on UPRISING TV, Joey Minnesota and Koshiro Ino will be here and will sit down and sign the contract for their encounter at Summer Showdown ’14.”



SB: “Will Ino even be healed and ready to go by Summer Showdown? That attack by SYNERGY last week was heinous….it could’ve cost him his career.”



EQ: “I’ve heard a lot of mixed reports about his physical condition. Law, Thatcher, and Roberts got him good. I’m looking forward to getting a firsthand look at him next week.”



MN: “But enough about that, let’s run our show open so we can get to the ring. Big-big show this week, y’all.”







Aaron Andrews vs. Dan Stone Jr.



EQ: “Aaron Andrews impressed a lot of people with his performance in the Golden Briefcase Match at Excessive Force, but the word backstage is that the network is indifferent toward him. They think he’s boring.”



SB: “Well, they’re wrong again. See, Andrews is so good that he doesn’t need a gimmick…and that’s all the idiots from GNN are looking at when they judge the wrestlers nowadays….how identifiable they are to the casual fans.”



For the second straight week, we open the show with a ridiculous wrestling match featuring a Stone brother. This week it’s Dan’s turn to shine and he puts on a clinic that the young Andrews is very willing to participate in. They bring the crowd up with some outstanding chain wrestling and then level them out again by going back to the mat until they hit fever pitch.



MN: “Tonight’s Kentucky crowd is really loving this! Listen to this place!”



SB: “And Phil Vibert is losing his mind at ringside; he’s yelling at Dan.”



Stone looks to be heading home, but stops to listen to Vibert and has a suplex attempt reversed into a sit-out face buster by Andrews that leaves him scrambling for the ropes as Double A tries to lock in the cattle mutilation. He gets away the first time, but Andrews pulls him back to the center of the ring and traps the Canadian veteran in the hold, squeezing for all he is worth. Dan fights, but suddenly his expression changes to shock. He stops struggling and taps out immediately. Andrews releases the hold and kneels beside Dan on the mat as Jeremy Stone slides into the ring.



MN: “I wonder what’s happening here?”



Jeremy and Aaron Andrews help Dan to his feet as he cradles his left arm, nodding knowingly to his brother before waving for the backstage doctors with his good arm. Andrews walks with them partway up the ramp, getting a handshake from Dan before passing them off to the docs. Phil Vibert trails the scene, talking to someone on his earpiece.



SB: “That was a nice show of class by Aaron Andrews there. Sometimes in high level athletics, there are injuries. It’s nothing personal, it just comes with the territory.”



MN: “But I wonder what happened to Dan Stone, you guys? From the look on his face, it wasn’t good. He knew something was wrong immediately. We’ll have more information on that as the night progresses, I’m sure.”



EQ: “Didn’t look like Vibert gave a squirt, did it?”



SB: “You know Phil. Business. Always business.”











Marc DuBois is quietly tying up a phone conversation with someone when Bryan and Larry Vessey suddenly appear and begin trying to jump DuBois again. But Mr. Golden Briefcase has said weapon in his hands and begins swinging it freely, just missing the sneering Bryan on two separate occasions. As he throws up his hands and begins to retreat, Larry makes one more grab at the briefcase and gets crowned with it, going down like a ton of bricks. Bryan reaches out and grabs Larry’s wrist and begins dragging him up the hallway, getting safely away from the now smiling Marc DuBois.



SB: “What a shot to the face he took; I wonder if Larry still has all of his teeth.”





DOA vs. Cali Dragons



MN: “Larry Vessey got what he deserved there, Sammy. DuBois saw them coming….and they paid for it.”



EQ: “At least the Vessey clan is TCW born and bred. DuBois is still suspect.”



SB: “I can’t believe you keep bringing that up. He’s one of us now.”



Mighty Mo starts the match and never makes a tag, making a point of it as he erases both of the confused and in-fighting Cali Dragons. Atlas just shrugs and shakes his head as Mo buries Mikey James with a spinning sidewalk slam and gets the three count at about the seven minute mark.



SB: “I’m surprised to see the Cali Dragons like this, Mitch. They’re…lost.”



MN: “The win notwithstanding …..things don’t look so great for DOA either. If looks could kill Mighty Mo would’ve just struck Atlas dead.”











With Mo and Atlas safely backstage, Wolf Hawkins music hits and he jogs out onto the ramp, letting his pyro pop off behind him before beginning.



WH: “I…ummmm……”








WH: “Just so everyone knows…. Rocky Golden, I have no beef with you about last week. That punch…..it was an accident. No question.”



The fans applaud his willingness to forgive.



WH: “But Rocky…you need to listen up. SYNERGY? Jennifer Cornell? She’s leading you down a dark path, my friend. Your boys in DOA want you to come home…..”



Wolf is cut off by Rocky Golden who walks out onto the stage behind him with Jennifer Cornell on his hip. Golden has a microphone of his own and is quite riled up when he begins.








Wolf has no answer and just shrugs. With Jennifer nodding at him and urging him on, Rocky Golden nearly comes out of his skin.






Jennifer claps as the fans response toward Golden begins turning.









A slick, quick, graphic based package rolls announcing that there will be a tournament beginning next week in order to crown the first TCW TV Champion. Opening round match-ups will be posted on TCW.com tonight, immediately following UPRISING. Also included will be a video package about how the TV Title was created by merging the inactive International Title and the retired Shooting Star Title, including the interesting facts about their new shared lineages.







Enforcer Roberts vs. Lassana Makutsi



EQ: “Here comes SYNERGY’s newest acquisition, Enforcer Roberts.”



SB: “There really is no loyalty in this business is there? I thought he’d die before he’d ever wrestle for TCW.”



MN: “And his opponent tonight, Lassana Makutsi is making his TCW debut.”



SB: “This guy reeks of blue chipper. He was a three-time wrestling and track All-American at the University of Southern California.”



MN: “He played football too, his senior year. Just because he could. You know…for the Trojans….in the PAC-12. He was a third team All-American at safety for the Cotton Bowl Champions last year.”



EQ: “Should we be talking about him or about that last package that we saw? A TV Title Tournament, brought to us by GNN?”



MN: “Or what about Golden? He’s losing his mind.”



Makutsi wrestles a tremendous match in his first outing, going to the mat with one of the best in the business and holding his own through a sequence of wristlocks, reverse chokeholds, and leg vines. But Roberts experience shows when he draws Makutsi onto the floor where he is clotheslined ‘behind the referee’s back’ by Rick Law.



SB: “None of these guys dare to even look now! SYNERGY can get away with highway robbery! They literally own the officials!”



Roberts gets him back in the ring and goes to work on him post-haste, dropping him on his head with a Regal-plex and then locking him in a dragon sleeper/camel clutch hybrid hold that immediately causes the youngster to tap.



MN: “This was not Enforcer Roberts’ first rodeo and he showed it here tonight, guys.”



SB: “And it was a heck of a showing by the baby bull Makutsi; that Roberts had to go to his boys at ringside to get the win says a lot.”









Enforcer Roberts celebrates his victory in a very modest, business-like manner, exchanging handshakes and nods of approval with SYNERGY-mates Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher. As it looks like Roberts is going to cut a quick promo--he motions for a mic but doesn’t get one....






....the snare drum report of the Old Wave’s music fills the arena and the two camo –decked veterans walk out onto the stage. The fans cheer them as they walk all the way out to the broadcast location and stand atop the flat black table, grabbing a mic and pointing into the ring.



Scout: “What you did to that kid? You’re going to have to do better that that to dispatch a couple of old dogs like us. Me and Bobby? We’ve seen it all. SYNERGY, you can have the referees in your pocket. You can even have the bell ringer and the ring announcer; we don’t care. We’re going to beat you, and we’re going to beat you clean, so when we take the tag-team titles, there’s no mistaking who the top team is in TCW.”







Law & Thatcher vs. Old Wave


-World Tag Team Title Match-



MN: “Big talk from Scout and Oxford; I hope they can back it up.”



SB: “This match was set-up by the Old Wave’s win in the tag team Double Jeopardy; what an opportunity for the vets.”



EQ: “This will be double jeopardy for them, Mitch. They can’t beat Law & Thatcher; how can you beat SYNERGY?”



The Old Wave both bring their “A” game and take the World Tag Team Champions to the brink. Scout’s edge is especially worth noting, as it seems like the big stage type of match drove him toward having one of his best outings of the year. His flipping sit down powerbomb counter of a backflip almost ends the match at the seven minute mark, had the lumbering Charlie Thatcher not lucked his way through the ropes in time to make the save.



SB: “Scout is on fire! The Old Wave only need one more move or one more lucky sequence to go their way and this one is over!”



Enforcer Roberts, still hanging around on the floor after his match, tries to get involved on SYNERGY’s behalf, but Oxford sees him coming and hits an astonishing running backflip from the apron that stops him flat and brings the audience to their feet.



MN: “Looks like old-man Oxford still has some gas in the tank!”



He’s about to…..LONG-ARM OF THE LAW!!!!



Scout turns around just in time to eat the massive bomb-shot of a lariat from Rick Law; it flips him over in the air and leaves him laying facedown and motionless. Law rolls him over and gets the three count before Oxford can pull himself together and make the save.



SB: “So SYNERGY just doing what SYNERGY does here. Nothing new to see, fans.”



EQ: “I disagree. Oxford could’ve made the save if he hadn’t decided to attack Enforcer Roberts thirty seconds or so beforehand. This loss…it’s on him.”










The cable cam flies around the ringside area again before settling on the broadcast location where Mitch, Sammy, and Emily get set to begin selling the main event and, most importantly, Summer Showdown. But just as Mitch launches into it…..







MN: “These damned lightning strikes get me every time. I need to take a second. Where’s my water?”



EQ: “And look Mitch, this one seems to have left a mark on the ring!”



MN: “It looks like a big V to me. Like someone branded the ring with a big V.”



SB: “Dear sweet jesus, if this nonsense doesn’t come to a head at the PPV, I’m going to just lose it. This is a wrestling company not a sports entertainment circus. ”



MN: “Let’s go to commercial, can we?”








Summer Showdown ‘14

Promo Package: Sauna


The UPRISING Girls are barley dressed in a Miami Beach sauna. And they all pull Summer Showdown towels off of themselves as they saunter into the steam, out of the camera’s view.







Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden



MN: “Fans….we are back now….after…..that…..whatever that was…..and we are going to run the last thirty minutes of the show without commercial interruption.”



SB: “And it’s a pretty good time to stay with the action, because we have a hell of a main event on tap.”



EQ: “Jennifer Cornell has got Rocky Golden cranked right up. For all the years and whispers about his untapped potential, maybe all it took was a good woman behind him to make Rocky Golden the bell-cow everyone always thought he could be.”



SB: “From what I hear, the kinky stuff is what has always done him in. Looks like the wrong head is doing his thinking again.”



Wolf offers his hand to Rocky before the bell, but it gets kicked away before Golden goes on what can only be described as a rampage, beating the absolute beejeezus out of Hawkins for the first twelve to fifteen minutes of the match.



MN: “This is unreal. Golden is tearing it up, but Wolf is nowhere to be found.”



It looks like the noodle legged Hawkins is going to make a stand just before the twenty minute mark, but Golden comes bouncing off of the ropes after ducking a superkick attempt and flattens Wolf with a bulldog before getting to his feet and strutting around.



SB: “He’s changed, look at him. Look at him; he’s different.”



Golden peers out into the crowd as Wolf rolls around on the mat. Suddenly he locks eyes with a beautiful brunette who immediately pulls her shirt down off of her shoulder, seductively. Golden licks his lips and leaves Hawkins to step halfway through the ropes toward the brunette before Jennifer Cornell yells at him to get back to work.



MN: “What was that?”



Golden keeps one eye on the girl and goes back to Wolf, whipping him into the ropes and burying him with a shoulderblock before dropping a huge second rope kneedrop and pulling the limp form of Hawkins onto his shoulders. There is only a momentary pause before Golden crushes Wolf with the torture rack bomb and gets the three count.



EQ: “Wow. Statement win right there.”



SB: “And Wolf has not been right since Total Mayhem, let’s call it like it is. Since the Tommy Cornell Incident.”



MN: “I hope he can get his head straight before he takes too many beatings like the one he took tonight. That was brutal.”



Before we head backstage for the final segment of the show, Jennifer Cornell is shown leaning out into the crowd, giving her and Rocky’s hotel room key to the brunette that caught Golden’s eye during the match.










Mighty Mo storms toward the ring, getting word that Rocky Golden is in the house. He is furious and almost makes it to the curtain when Atlas catches up to him.



A: “What are you doing, Mo?”



He puts his arm out, blocking his way.



MM: “What do you think I’m doing? I’m going to kick his ass. For leaving us high and dry for a romp or two with some skanks….and for letting his demons get the best of him again. He should have learned. He should know better.”



Atlas takes it in, but keeps his hand across Mo’s chest, holding him back.



A: “I hear you brother, but I think we should let him work it out in his own time. The rats…the skirts…Jenny Cornell? They’re in his mind….deep. You remember how he was, right? How crazy it got for him? That’s on him though. That’s outside of the ring stuff. That ain’t on us.”



Mo shakes his head, snorts, and shoves Atlas away, going back the other way, back up the tunnel, leaving Golden be.



MM: “You’re getting soft….”



Atlas just stands there. Alone.



MM: “….brother.”








© 2014

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Show Open (B+)






Marc DuBois Turns Back Vessey’s Attack (B+)






Rocky Interrupts Wolf; Goes Crazy alongside Jennifer Cornell (A)



TV Title Tournament Announced (C+)






Scout Puts Match Over (B-)






Another Lightning Strike (B+)



Summer Showdown ’14 Package (B)






DOA’s Foundation Cracking (B)






Show Grade: B


Show TV Rating: 6.19 (+0.08)


SWF Show Grade: B-


SWF TV Rating: 7.22 (-0.00)












“Really booked that one upside down, didn’t I? I’ve got to remember that, no matter how much I’m in the process of training them to be exactly what I want them to be.....our fans are still TCW fans.”



“That match with Andrews and Stone, the Roberts/Makutsi one, too; they prove it....TCW fans eat up workrate wrestling and will until the end of time. There’s always going to be room to tell the stories. But butter needs bread, am I right?"



"And I'm also learning a lot about where our fans view our tag teams, in terms of the card hierarchy. In the coming months , the tag division will be seeing a bit of a shakeup , I think as I get around to settling up some of the stories that we currently have going on."



"And, in case you haven't been paying attention...I have...our TV numbers are right with the SWF's on Tuesday nights. I think that the bump we get following Summer Showdown is going to be what throws us over the top. And it would be perfectly timed, too, because the stuff I've got lined up for the fall is the best yet. SWF starts their "Path to the Challenge" a couple of months before the event, we are kicking off our "Decent Into Mayhem" before the kids are even back in school for the year."







© 2014

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(Calgary, AL)- As first reported by their family’s official website, HouseofStone.com, Canadian wrestling legend Dan Stone jr. suffered a separated shoulder and partial labrum tear in his match against Aaron Andrews this past Tuesday on TCW Uprising TV. He is expected to have surgery to repair the tear as soon as tomorrow and will miss an undetermined amount of time. Notoriously private, the Stone family’s longtime publicist requested that Dan jr. be allowed the space to heal properly and that any further updates will be released via TCW in conjunction with the family’s website.



When reached for comment, Phil Vibert, the manager of the Calgary Bulldogs, deferred to the Stone family’s publicist on all matters concerning Dan and that he and Jeremy Stone, Dan’s brother and longtime tag-team partner, are currently weighing all of their options before moving forward. The backstage rumor mill paints Jeremy as very upset about his brother’s injury and ultra-concerned about where it leaves him, as The Bulldogs were set to be pushed heavily at the top of the tag ranks.





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(Calgary, AL)- As first reported by their family’s official website, HouseofStone.com, Canadian wrestling legend Dan Stone jr. suffered a separated shoulder and partial labrum tear in his match against Aaron Andrews this past Tuesday on TCW Uprising TV. He is expected to have surgery to repair the tear as soon as tomorrow and will miss an undetermined amount of time.





It doesn't surprise me -- Dan Jr.'s default contract is PPV-only at 42/43, and his profile states he's trying to extend his career. Again, the in-game decline may not reflect his status, but I'm guessing his injury-proneness is in the code somewhere.

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It doesn't surprise me -- Dan Jr.'s default contract is PPV-only at 42/43, and his profile states he's trying to extend his career. Again, the in-game decline may not reflect his status, but I'm guessing his injury-proneness is in the code somewhere.


That's the truth. Time isn't exactly on Mitch's side when it comes to the shelf lives of both Calgary Bulldogs, even though they have made mad gains in the overness department in America. It's too bad. Their value to TCW, just based on their skill levels, is higher than it is to either of the two other "star-quality" favoring outfits in the country. I think their contracts expire in just about a year; we'll see where we are at, health wise, when that rolls around.


The thing that strikes me as funnier though, I'm going to answer through a segment with Mitch. Basically how a lot of effort to keep the division from growing stale was made and now one major injury has left me scrapping plans and really scratching my head.


The game is funny like that sometimes, isn't it?


I'm hopeful that the storyline it has spawned instead is even better than what I had planned before.



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With only two weeks to go before Summer Showdown ’14, this week’s UPRISING TV puts us on the fast track toward New York City with a show that will feature two huge events. First off will be the opening round of the tournament to crown the first ever TCW TV Champion. The quality of in-ring action should be off the charts with eight of the top workrate wrestlers in the company, including Bryan Vessey, Marc DuBois, and Wolf Hawkins vying for the chance to advance. Then, in a huge table setter for Summer Showdown, World Champion Joey Minnesota returns to face off against number one contender Koshiro Ino, albeit from opposing sides of a board room table. With GNN Representative Danny Jillefski and TCW CEO Jennifer Cornell presiding, the stipulation for their SS '14 main event match, Minnesota/Ino II, will be announced and the contract signed live on broadcast television.



All of this….plus DOA will be in the house….what about all of the lightning strikes?.....there’ll be an update on Dan Stone…everything you need to get ready for Summer Showdown ’14….and it’s LIVE on GNN!!!




Stipulation Announcement/Contract Signing




- TV Title Tournament First Round-

















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  • 4 weeks later...
Haven't really been able to post much lately, is this still alive?


Yes, no, and yes.


I've still got plenty of story left to tell, but I've gotten sidetracked with another save game and have been entertaining turning that into a diary. It's one of those "ideas burning a hole in my pocket" situations. And it's a Thunderverse game, which is a mod that has captured my inner mark like nothing since my first go-round with the C-Verse.


That said, should my new idea for a diary actually come to pass (and I haven't even begun writing yet, so it's still up in the air) once that one burned out, I would pick this up where I left off.


My current dilemma is whether to bring this one up past Summer Showdown '14 as a more natural point to take a hiatus from it than where it stands in between episodes of Uprising.



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