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Repeated Attacks


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I'm sure this has come up before, but I can't find the thread. This is a slight twist on the idea though ...


Doing the same move over and over again should be harder to do (IMO), but I'd also like to see this applied using 'wrestling logic' so that it would make sense to do so sometimes.


The idea would be that the move gets harder to do, but does more damage, and maybe even has some kind of secondary effect if it lands a certain number of times. Basic summary points:


- Some or even many moves may be exempt, a simple punch might not warrant any penalties or bonuses at all

- Moves such as chest chops would increase in damage a small amount, become harder to do, and perhaps have an increase stun effect on the third or forth chop

- Moves such as leg kicks might significantly damage the opponent's legs for a temporary amount of time, perhaps a one to four turns. The legs would 'heal' after this time

- High risk moves might also be significantly more damaging if completely twice in a row to simulate that moment when a wrestler performs severe over kill without pinning ... for example, double tomb stones before pinning would give a huge 'to pin' bonus


Would perhaps be nice to see American finishing move combos introduced also. Perhaps allow a player to choose between 2 and 5 moves for each wrestler that if completed one after the other have some kind of unique impacting attribute.


Thanks for reading :)

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