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My Old Mods

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As WMMA players have probably noticed, my involvement on the board is pretty much non-existent these days, although I still regularly play both WMMA and TEW and look forward to future sequels. Although this does mean I often log in to several messages regarding my old mods - either asking if I have them or if someone can re-release them. Usually these messages are months old and I don't like the idea of frustrating people.


So basically I just wanted to let anyone interested know that I have no problems with anyone re-uploading, updating my stuff or basing new mods off my old data. It's something I don't have the time to be involved in anymore so it would be nice if it can do some good still. I personally don't have easy access to my mods anymore either, so if anyone wants a copy, hopefully someone on the board can provide.


Thanks for playing them.

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