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SWF: It's More than Just Supreme! (C-Verse 2014)

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Chesapeake Energy Arena (Oklahoma, Midwest)

Attendance - 17,397




YOUR Supreme TV Announcers:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia


- The Chesapeake Energy Arena is rockin' tonight, and that's because we are here right now in Oklahoma City for another explosive Supreme TV! Class is in session with the Dean, Peter Michaels, and his ace students of announcing, Jerry Eisen and Ana Garcia.


J. Eisen
- Thank you, Peter. It is a pleasure to be here tonight and bringing the SWF Galaxy all the action from the announce table, and tonight's Supreme TV promises to be a great one. In two and a half weeks from now, we shall be bringing you Master of Puppets, and that pay-per-view event shall include the first King of Supreme Final in five years! Back in 2009, that event was won by Frederique Garcia...


A. Garcia
- ...who is of no relation, as we all know...


J. Eisen
- ...and the man we are now told is going by the name of Freddy A. Flexx is one of eight individuals who will be joining us in the King of Supreme quarterfinals! But first, we've got two more matches in the group of 16 - Des Davids vs Kurt Laramee, and High Stakes rookie Skye Sunlight, who qualified by virtue of his being the best overall performer in the High Stakes Triathlon, up against Rogue.


A. Garcia
- We've also got an irate Lobster Warrior and Valiant, the latter of whom is fighting for the honor of ex-girlfriend Hannah, hoping to exact some revenge against Vengeance's reliable charges, The New Darkness Warriors.


J. Eisen
- And we've got my brother Eric, the United States title holder, facing North American Champion Captain Atomic in a Champion vs Champion non-title match! We shall also see which of these three teams - the 24/7 Partay Dudez, Sober Police, or Donnie J and Jimmy Prudence, The Fly Boys - will emerge as number one contender to The Amazing Bumfholes' tag belts!


- Quite an evening we'll be having tonight, but before we get to the matches, we've got new SWF Champion Jack Bruce in the ring, and it looks like he is finally being allowed a chance to celebrate his win at Times of Trouble!


(PROMO) Bruce Rants About Money and Frehley






Jack Bruce enters the ring with a beer in his hand, pops it open, and after starting out with his usual cry of "IT'S SHOWTIME!!!!!!", he chugs down the beer and sings a few bars from Rare Earth's 1970s hit "I Just Want to Celebrate." After a few jabs at Rich Money and the Money-Chase Organization, Bruce then addresses another important matter that's been bugging him as of late - Steve Frehley and his recent tentative behavior, which included a failed cash-in attempt on the last Supreme TV.


- Listen here, Steve. You're probably thinkin' about how we helped each other out in little ways since that night when I beat you at Supreme Challenge TRIPLE X TRIPLE I for the World Heavyweight Title. You definitely acknowledge the fact that we worked together against Christian Faith when that bitter old man started callin' us out for our edgy personalities. And that's preventin' you from cashin' in your contract. I understand, Steve. But it's okay, alright? I understand that you never had Rich Money in a compromising enough spot to cash in, and when Money, Rogue, and the Moneyman's new grunt Jay Chord beat down on me last week, you had a golden opportunity to cash in. No offense taken that you tried, and I'd even welcome it if you did. But I am tellin' you, Steve. Considerin' your frame of mind right now, and considerin' the fact that I, on top of being the reigning SWF Champion, have held the World title belt five times, you are gonna have to work extra-hard to get this title belt off of me. Even with a cash-in, even in a situation like the one I was in last week, I am gonna make it hard for you, Stevo, but you know what? It won't be anything personal. If I was Elvis and you were the Beatles tryin' to beat my record sales records, I wouldn't record bass-ackwards pablum and film schlocky B-movies...I'd KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES and out-yeah-yeah-yeah you faster than you can say Help! But the respect would still be there, you know?


(ANGLE) Frehley and Bruce Argue,Get Booked Against Money and Chord






Steve Frehley has apparently heard enough, and he heads out to the ring to confront Jack Bruce, demanding a mic and staring down at Bruce for a few seconds before he starts saying his piece.


- Everybody's tellin' me I ain't got it no more. No, no, no. This isn't like Christian Faith gettin' offended by the SWF Galaxy tellin' a 47-year-old man that he's still got it, so as to make him feel old and washed-up. Y'all know that's a BS way of thinkin', Jack. What really gets to me, Mr. Cream of the Crop, is a little somethin' you said earlier.


- Stevo! Fancy meetin' you here tonight, Mr. Frehley. Been two Supreme TVs, old buddy, two weeks you haven't been on the card. Look, man. It's been a week and a half since Christian Faith beat you at Times of Trouble. Move on already!


- Stop it right there, Jack, and LISTEN TO ME! You told me earlier that I'mma hafta work to cash in on you because of my frame of mind right now. What do you know about my frame of mind?
(pauses as he gets faintly booed by the audience)
I came here to say that I got my mojo workin' once again, and to keep me busy while bidin' my time to cash in on you, or whoever is SWF Champion at that time, I am issuing a challenge to the first man who doubted me since Times of Trouble. Eric Eisen. That's right, I'm challengin' Eric Eisen to a title match for the United States Championship at Master of Puppets.


- That's all swell, Stevo, I'm happy and all that you're quotin' Muddy Waters, with your mojo workin' and stuff, but are you really so desperate to be on the next pay-per-view spectacular that you're challengin' Eric Eisen, Mr. What Have You Done for the SWF Lately, to a United States Title match? C'mon, Steve! Who knows - I'm not sayin' it will happen, but it might - Rich Money and his goons will put me in another inopportune situation at Master of Puppets, and you'll have another chance for the cash-in. Takin' part in another match is gonna wear you out, man! Don't get me wrong, Stevo, I'm not dissin' the US Title, but...


- ...but you better stop tellin' me what to do with my Nothing to Lose contract and briefcase and WATCH YOUR BACK! Stop worryin' about what I might do and start worryin' about the Moneyman. You're right, Jack. That mofo was one difficult guy to cash in on, and that's because NONE OF US...and unfortunately, that included yours truly...had the balls to really take it to the streets with 'im! Y'know what I mean, Jack...we've had Angry Gilmore. Brandon James. Joey Minnesota. They gave Money a hard time, they came close, but didn't get no cigar. Now you've got the SWF TItle, but the MCO is still pushin' people around and gettin' away with murder. If you wanna keep your SWF Title at Master of Puppets, you better think of the Moneyman. The Scoundrel. That little piece o's--- from the competition Jay Chord. That hoe bag Emma Chase. And, at Master of Puppets, Marat Khoklov.


- I am well aware of what the MCO can do, Steve, and if you wanna know what I plan to do to those other guys, now that my rematch with Rich Money is confirmed, I am gonna TAKE 'EM ALL OUT...and you know how this goes, Stevo, and you know you wanna shout along with me...IN A NEW!!!! YORK!!!! MIN---




At that point, Rich Money's music - "Money" by Pink Floyd - plays in the background, but it's not the Moneyman who exits the locker room, but Jay Chord, who stands on the ramp alone, with no MCO members backing him up, as what would be expected.


- Why, hello, Jack! Hey there, Steve, how's it hangin'! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jay Chord, I'm new here, and I want to be your friend...NOT!
Before I left Hollyweird, Ricky Dale Johnson was like, "Jay, you like rock music, you're gonna get along well with Jack Bruce. He's as big a rock star as he is a star in the wrestling biz." Then you had my dad, who was goin', "Jay, son, Steve Frehley was the youngest SWF World Heavyweight champ in history. Wanna learn the ropes? Learn from Steve." But as you know by now, I learn everything I need to know from Rich Money. Which isn't much, really...he lets me do my thing while he does his...and that thing...is beatin' you, Jack, for the SWF Title at Master of Puppets. And you, Steve? What am I gonna learn from you anyways? How to cash in and cop out?


- You're makin' a big mistake tryin' to figure me out, Chord...


- I've got this, Steve, lemme handle the baby.


- Listen here, Jack, you do all the talkin' all the time, but you gotta let me stick it to this mofo and tell him to know his place in the SWF...


Before Bruce and Frehley's argument could further escalate,
Barry Bowen appears on the Supreme-Tron and decides he's had enough.
He says that since Bruce and Frehley have been such good friends since Supreme Challenge 33 and he'd want them to sort out their differences before the friendship breaks up, he's teaming them up for a Super Tag Match against Rich Money and Jay Chord.


- I guess we gotta work together then, huh, Jack?


- We sure do, Steve. We've teamed up before and won, I don't see why we can't take down Money and Chord the only way we know how to...IN A NEW!!! YORK!!!! MINUTE!!!!!


- That's YOUR way, Jack, and my way is to take it to the streets with those motherbleepin' MCO fools! You know what you are, Money and Chord...and you know what you ain't.
(pauses for the right effect)
Y'ALL AIN'T S---!!!!


The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and J-Sense) vs Sober Police

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a4d3953-457a-4c82-b93b-06acf007576f_zps59f84e7b.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/2e06d5e1-13c3-4eeb-9e7d-ac5f25b91a01_zps7c3974ce.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edaccf00-5c14-4076-8094-624ec264d806_zpsbb0186c8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12234547-15f6-429a-867b-44a90e53afd0_zps58bd71b2.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb32fc2b-f91b-4c6b-95c2-515c8422c9a1_zps1f9df88e.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/83ffccbb-c9be-475c-b70e-3d1c312d5624_zps10948e3b.jpg




  • All three teams have their respective motivations for being in this number one contender match - Jimmy Prudence of The Fly Boys wants to prove he can make a bigger impact in the tag division with longtime friend Donnie J. The Partay Dudez have long been passed over for tag title contendership despite their undefeated record. And Sober Police believe they would have beaten the Bumfholes for the belts had Jackson Marlowe's water not been switched with "Bumfhohol."
  • The 24/7 Partay Dudez seem to have a good thing going for them, with J-Sense and VJ Britney Hollywood interfering left and right, but The Fly Boys give them a good fight, showing off some high-risk double-team moves and nearly scoring a pin (Surf's Up from Prudence to Mainstream) at 3:20.
  • Marlowe and Squeeky McClean let their veteran guile shine through, as it's Squeeky's turn to get a near-pin when he deftly counters a Donnie J dropkick attempt and picks him up for an amateur-style suplex. No dice - Mainstream runs in quickly to break up the cover.
    Meet the Partay Dudez's new Svengali...


  • Prudence appears to have gotten the better of McClean, having taken care of him with a top-rope legdrop, as Donnie J brawled with Marlowe outside. But he finds himself distracted by the surprise appearance of Partay Dudez "producer" Freddy A. Flexx, thus allowing Stevie to go for a Platinum Hit Record and send the Partay Dudez to Master of Puppets.




- 24/7 Partay Dudez in 9:24. 24/7 Partay Dudez to face The Amazing Bumfholes for the SWF World Tag Team Titles at Master of Puppets.


- And they remain undefeated, with their debut in Supreme TV going quite well and the Dudez going on to face The Amazing Bumfholes at Master of Puppets for the tag titles.


J. Eisen
- The buck's gotta stop somewhere, Peter, and I believe it's gonna stop at Master of Puppets. They can invoke the Tuesday's Gone Rule all they want, and it won't matter if it's J-Sense and Mainstream, J-Sense and Stevie, or the Mainstream and Stevie duo we're most familiar with...


A. Garcia
- You forgot Calum with any one of those guys. Freddy's High Stakes rookie didn't do well in the first season, but rumor has it that he's gonna become the fourth Partay Dude...


J. Eisen
- It still wouldn't matter. The Bumfholes are five-time World Tag Team champs. The Partay Dudez? They've been undefeated in tag team competition but they haven't faced a team like the Bumfholes.


Skye Sunlight vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Round of 16 Qualifier]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a8530ef0-f432-40a6-9918-55ad4abf1cf2_zps46b28725.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/de243861-e621-464c-9d48-39b66871e642_zps209ae87e.jpg


  • Skye Sunlight's performance in the grueling High Stakes Triathlon earned him a "gig" in the King of Supreme tourney, and he's got quite a tough nut to crack in former North American Champion Rogue.
  • Rogue makes full use of his "support system" - this time it's Emma Chase and Jay Chord - but he gets a bit too careless, getting speared by Sunlight off a series of ducked clothesline attempts.
  • Sunlight's reckless abandon helps get him over with the fans, and he gets them really popped with a Skye Diver on Rogue at 4:40. However, he soon finds out why so many wrestlers have lost matches because of Emma Chase and her, um...Dollar Signs.
  • Sunlight is able to shake off temptation and regain focus just in time to still have some offense, but Rogue eventually wins this cleanly, hitting a Crashing On and yelling "WAIT TILL MY BROTHER GETS HERE!", in reference to storyline brother/High Stakes Season 2 rookie Adam "Giedroyc" Matravers before he spits on the Season 1 rookie.



- Rogue in 6:16. Rogue moves on to the King of Supreme Quarterfinals (Round of 8).


- So, do you see something that suggests Skye Sunlight could be the SWF's next breakout star?


J. Eisen
- Definitely I do, and I think he's got a fighting chance to get a title shot too if and when he becomes the first-ever SWF High Stakes champion.


A. Garcia
- Tough loss for Sunlight, but he did hold his own very well for a rookie. And speaking of High Stakes and the upcoming second season, you must know that Rogue will be mentoring his brother Adam...


- Adam Giedroyc had been quite the star in the U.K. wrestling scene. But whether he shall enjoy similar success in the U.S. will be on thing we'll find out over the next 12 weeks, as Rogue guides his younger brother and hopes Adam will be just as big a star as he has been in Supreme.


(ANGLE) Chase Psyches Up Chord




Chants of "HOE BAG!" and "DOLLAR SIGNS!" fill the arena as we see this brief segment featuring Emma Chase and Jay Chord. Chord says he's confident he and Rich Money can pull off the win in tonight's Super Tag match, as he wants to capitalize on the rather tenuous relationship between Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley as of late. Chase commends Chord on showing a winning attitude this early on in his SWF career, and for some extra inspiration, she unbuttons her blazer a second time this evening, giving the youngster a good view of those "dollar signs." Chord then exits Chase's "office" and compliments Rogue on doing well in his King of Supreme elimination match.


Des Davids vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry and Big Smack Scott)

[King of Supreme Round of 16 Qualifier]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/DesDavids_zps8fc253f3.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8fb9c774-b9c9-40e9-bb69-7405d689f758_zpsb7625215.jpg




  • Duane Fry is sitting in on commentary for this match, and he doesn't waste time in dissing Peter, Jerry, and Ana as Des Davids shows off just how amped he is ahead of the match, screaming and flexing and yelling "I'MMA BE KING, BABY!!! IT'S GOOD TO BE KING!!!"
  • Of course, Davids has never won King of Supreme, having joined the SWF sometime after the tourney was discontinued, but he seems to have a good chance of doing so, as he starts off strong against Kurt Laramee.
  • Fry's obnoxious heckling from the announce table prevents Davids from covering Laramee after a neckbreaker/splash combo, and that gives Laramee the advantage in the middle part of the match. A Switchblade Powerslam on Davids, however, is kicked out of at 5:10.
  • Davids is able to counter a DDT attempt from Laramee, and that helps him get back in control, as he recovers around the six-minute mark and clotheslines Big Smack Scott out of the ring as he tries to interfere! Laramee goes for a snap mare takedown, but Davids moves out of the way, glaring at Duane Fry all the while...
  • With the Smacker out and Fry trying for some last-second shenanigans, Davids goes for the QB Sack on Laramee and lands it. Ric Young counts one, two, three, and it's too little, too late, and too bad for Remo/Pain Alliance manager Duane Fry as Des Davids moves on to the next round of King of Supreme.



- Davids in 6:53. Des Davids moves on to the King of Supreme Quarterfinals (Round of 8).


- Can somebody PLEASE fine or reprimand, no, make that fine AND reprimand Ric Young for that miscarriage of justice?


J. Eisen
- It was a clean 1-2-3-count, Duane, so I think you'll have to work a bit harder if you want one of your guys to join Jumbo Shrimp, Akima Brave, Angry Gilmore, Squeeky McClean, and Freddy Garcia, er...Freddy A. Flexx among the many King of Supreme winners.


A. Garcia
- Right, Jerry. Remind me again that the man who once pretended to be my brother was the King of Fabulous, King Frederique the last time we had a King of Supreme tournament. As for this year's tourney, Des Davids has improved by leaps and bounds this year, and he's looking like someone to watch out for as he hopes to win himself the Kingship, not to mention get himself a title shot of his choice, as the first King of Supreme in five years.


(ANGLE) Gilmore and Hawkins Argue, Match Booked






The announcers take us to Melanie Florence backstage, as Supreme TV's new backstage interviewer seems a bit apprehensive about her interview with the mercurial Angry Gilmore. She confirms that Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov II is official for Master of Puppets, and most of her questions are about what Gilmore plans to do against Khoklov in their upcoming rematch...


- Somebody's gotta start somewhere...losin' to Marat Khoklov at Times of Trouble was a crushin' blow for yours truly. But at the end of the day...it was a success...a success when I took the seemingly unstoppable Marat Khoklov to OVER SIX MINUTES IN THE RING...I CAME SO CLOSE...AND YET SO FAR...AND I AM DETERMINED TO PUT THE FEAR OF GILMORE INTO THAT RUSSIAN SUPERBEAST AT MASTER OF PUPPETS!!!! That's gonna be a good night for me to get angry...


- Keeping it short and sweet, aren't you, Tom? Yes, Marat Khoklov is quite a force to be reckoned with, but if there's someone who can put a stop to him, it might as well be you.


- Thanks for the support, Melanie...


- Now I also understand you've been trying to send a message to Remo, a man whom you'll be facing for the World Heavyweight title at Supreme Challenge 34, assuming he still remains champion. And you've been receiving criticism from Drew Hawkins, who lost a chance at getting hired by the SWF when you ran in against Remo last week on Supreme TV. What are your thoughts on all this?


- Well, Melanie, I just did what I had to do. I just wanted to let Remo know that I'm not necessarily waitin' till Supreme Challenge 34 to see what he's got. And believe me...I am genuinely sorry that Drew Hawkins had to suffer as a consequence...but when I'm angry, you know there's no stoppin' me from doin' the things I set out to do. Rich Money knows it, his MCO knows it, and now REMO AND THAT BIG-MOUTH MINDER OF HIS DUANE FRY, AND THOSE TWO DOPEY MUSCLEHEADS IN THE PAIN ALLIANCE, THEY KNOW THAT AS WELL!




The interview is interrupted by Drew Hawkins, who's in his civvies and not looking pleased with how Gilmore cost him a chance to be employed by the SWF on the previous week's Supreme TV.


- Hey, buddy...what was that all about, huh?


- Look, Drew, I'm really sorry that...


- Sorry wouldn't cut it, Angry Man. Last week, Aaron, Kosh and I came to the Kemper Arena with the expectation that we were hired and that all we had to do was tell Rich Money and his cohorts where to stick it. But noooooo...we had to fight to be hired. Aaron got in, Koshiro got in. And no thanks to you, Tom, I'm not in. I'm still a free agent, and I don't like that fact one bit. But I came back here to let you know, Tom, that you need help. You need help controllin' your emotions. Because when you're livin' up to your nickname, bad things happen. And that includes costin' other people their livelihood...


- I already said my piece, Drew. I apologized. And if you've come here to tell me to watch my emotions and think of what havoc I can wreak when I'm mad, that's all appreciated. But the fact that you, a guy from the competition whom I met literally a minute ago, are tellin' me those things...MAKES ME MORE THAN A LITTLE ANGRY!!!! IT MAKES ME BOIL WITH RAGE THAT YOU, WHOM I BARELY KNOW, ARE THE ONE WHO HAS TO TELL ME TO CONTROL MY TEMPER!!!!


- See? There you go again, Tom. You're scarin' the poor lady over there. I wonder, quite honestly, how your wife...




Before Gilmore could attack Hawkins, who is about to ask Gilmore how Jessie could put up with him for all those years, the Commissioner, Barry Bowen, breaks things up and asks Hawkins why he's still in the SWF locker room and how he was able to get past security. Hawkins explains that Gilmore screwed him out of lasting 20 minutes against Remo as was stipulated, and Bowen, probably due to his long-running dislike of Gilmore, decides to settle the argument by setting up a match between both men. If Hawkins wins,
he doesn't just get hired by the SWF - he gets to face Remo for the World Heavyweight title at Master of Puppets.
if Gilmore wins, he gets an advance title shot against Remo, and would still get to wrestle last on Supreme Challenge 34 and "put the World title back in the forefront." He then takes Gilmore aside and tries psyching him up ahead of the match...


- The onus is on you, Tom. You, a solid hand who has more raw talent than probably anyone else here in the SWF. Last week, I had to deal with these three fellows who want to turn Supreme TV into a totally different kind of product. Do it for me, alright? I'm the Commissioner of the SWF and I'm not too comfortable with other people, you know, making Supreme TV into...that other program. I trust you, Tom. And I know you can put the fear of Gilmore into anyone in this company. Marat Khoklov. Remo. But first...that interloper Drew Hawkins.


- I'm gonna put the fear of Gilmore into Hawkins alright...
(pauses for several seconds)


(BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW) Florence Interviews The Klubb






Originally set up as an extended Eric Eisen promo, this angle features Melanie Florence interviewing Eisen backstage, with his crony P-Hunt providing support in the interview and Enforcer Allen standing stoically in the background, not saying a single word.


E. Eisen
- What do I think about Steve Frehley challengin' me for the US Title?
(holds up his belt)
Four words, Melanie baby! ERIC EISEN NEVER LOSES!!!!
(lets out a hyena laugh)
Jack Bruce said earlier that I haven't done anything for the SWF lately? Why, all he needs to do is look at his teammate tonight to see someone who hasn't done jack s--- for the SWF...EVER! Two World titles. Two Nothing to Lose contracts, one of them where he failed to make the cash-in successfully against me, one of them where he's too chicken to step up to the plate, just because old man Faith embarrassed him at Times of Trouble. Number of dimes drawn through those titles and those Nothing to Lose contracts? ZERO. Zilch. Nil. Nada. Bupkus. Yeah, I accept his challenge. And don't you dare think for a second that this title's leavin' my waist after Master of Puppets.


- A confident chap, I would say, a very confident chap, but one who hasn't done as much for his High Stakes rookie in eight weeks as Steve Frehley has done in the last three.


E. Eisen
- Look, Mel, let's not talk about that Mickey Mouse Uprising feature on Supreme TV, okay? The hell I care about Matthew Keith or any one of those other young punks on High Stakes.


- If you want somethin' for Eric and myself to talk about aside from the Dork Destroyer, Steve Frehley, how 'bout we talk about Comic Book Guy? Ah, the Comic Book Guy...just like the Simpsons character, but short-haired and muscular. 30 years old and ten years away from bein' the 40-year-old member of the V-Club.


- I'm sure you two mean Captain Atomic. Any specific plans for tonight's match against the Radioactive Wrecking Machine?


E. Eisen
- Of course we do! As for specific plans, I'm gonna do what I always do to people like Cap Atomic, people who find it necessary to cosplay their way to the children's hearts. And that's crush his dreams and those of his fans in the Baby Demographic.


- Lastly, do you have any particular thoughts about this unique Champion vs Champion match, where the North American title holder faces the US title holder?


E. Eisen
- My title's better, and you know why? It's simple. See, it's people like me that make the US belt, new as it is, more important than it should be. I'm edgy, I'm confident, and I make sure, night in and night out, that the SWF Galaxy gets Eric Eisen, and not some make-believe pretend character. And it's people like Atomic who make the North American belt, a title once held by great men such as Nemesis, Black Hat Bailey, and my former Enforcer, Phil Roberts, completely IRRELEVANT. Just like a kid's toy. But it's fitting, y'know? Kid-friendly wrestler wearin' a kid-friendly title that used to mean something in this business.


Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs The New Darkness Warriors


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  • As the match starts, Jerry Eisen announces that a Lobby/Valiant/Awesomeness vs Family of Darkness Cage Wars match has been confirmed for Master of Puppets, and that Vengeance will be naming the fourth member of his team later on tonight. Michaels says that might not be at all necessary, as The New Darkness Warriors are off to a surprisingly good start, with Robert Darkness chokeslamming Lobster Warrior Vengeance-style!
  • After Valiant tags in and promptly floors John Darkness with a front backbreaker, the Valiant/Lobby duo gains the upper hand, but loses it just as quickly following some illegal double-teams from the NDWs.
  • The match flows back and forth as both teams swap control of it, and we get to see a few false finishes before the six-minute mark, including a Lobster Trap on Robert D.
  • Vengeance's surprise appearance on the ramp throws Lobby off for a bit, and that makes him fair game for John Darkness, who blasts him with a surprise Crash Diet and nearly gets the pin.
  • In the end, Vengeance walks back to the locker room and Angel Fish's gung-ho cheers get Lobby back up to his feet. He reaches Valiant for the hot tag, and it's not long before he V-Splits Johnny D. and gives the Champions of Honor the win in this surprisingly tough match.



- Lobby and Valiant in 7:36


- Big win for Lobby and Valiant. Very big win for those two, though you have to wonder at this point whom Vengeance will be naming as the fourth man in his team at Master of Puppets.


J. Eisen
- Vengeance is a man who likes to pull off surprises. I think I have an idea who that fourth man is going to be, but knowing Vengeance, it also might be someone we don't quite know about.


A. Garcia
- Before John and Robert Darkness, there was Jay and Raul Darkness, and who knows - maybe one of those two veterans have made their triumphant return to the SWF?


- I personally do not think so. But Vengeance has promised to make that announcement tonight, so we shouldn't have to wait that much longer before he makes that big reveal.


Captain Atomic © vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Champion vs Champion Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ecd353fc-8ea6-4453-9e50-bbb6303da128_zpsbb6ec6f8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpg




  • As the match begins, we see inset clips of Des Davids offering his assistance to Captain Atomic; Atomic tells Davids in no uncertain terms (and at maximum volume) that he has this, and Davids agrees to sit back for the moment. Jerry Eisen says Atomic may be making a mistake heading out there without a cornerman.
  • In the early goings, it looks like Atomic's decision to go about this alone is justified, as he sends Paul Huntingdon, and even Enforcer Allen flying off the apron with powerful clotheslines. Inside the ring, he's controlling Eric Eisen, and he goes right away for a cover following a spinebuster. Eisen kicks out of it at two.
  • Once Huntingdon and Allen recover, they start sticking their nose in Atomic's business, and giving Shane Stones major problems. Surprisingly, Stones doesn't do anything as Eisen hits a facebuster on Atomic off a Huntingdon distraction.
  • Eisen is in control from the fifth minute to the 8:30 mark, and wisely decides to take the action outside, where Atomic is sneakily double- and triple-teamed by the Supreme Iconoclast's so-called "Klubb."
  • As such, Atomic barely makes it back into the ring as Stones counts to ten...
  • Atomic starts his comeback by dodging a Supremacy and landing the Mushroom Cloud on Eisen, and the fans are firmly behind him as he rallies from behind and turns into a no-selling machine! Eisen sells perfectly as he bounces onto the mat following a shoulderblock attempt.
  • While Atomic seems quite close to winning this match as we hit ten minutes, it's Eisen who emerges victorious, as Huntingdon distracts Stones and Allen runs in to hit the Primus Scream Therapy on the Radioactive Wrecking Machine. Eisen lazily goes for the pin, and wins this midcard champ vs midcard champ matchup.




- E. Eisen in 11:45.


J. Eisen
- What a dishonest, lying, conniving man. Yes, he is my own flesh and blood, but my brother Eric has done it again - he has relied on someone, and/or used blatantly illegal tactics to prove that he, as he says, never loses!


- Eric's alliance with Paul Huntingdon seems to be paying off big-time, and as we know, it was Huntingdon who took revenge for having been eliminated by Lobster Warrior at the Battle for Supremacy. And we did see Eric beat Lobby for the United States Title, with more than a little help from his new friend.


A. Garcia
- This isn't the Paul Huntingdon we once knew, the Paul Huntingdon who called most of the SWF Galaxy peasants. This is the new, improved P-Hunt, and there's something about your brother, Jerry, that seems to have lit a fire within him.


J. Eisen
- As I said last time, Eric can be very, very persuasive. It seems to have gotten him a new faction with P-Hunt and Enforcer Allen, and as Eric's brother, I say more power to him. But it's not like he's going to acknowledge that praise, though.


- He barely seems to acknowledge that you exist, Jerry.


J. Eisen
- Eric being Eric. He's always been a jealous, petty individual.


Angry Gilmore vs Drew Hawkins

[Number One Contender Match for World Heavyweight Title; If Hawkins wins, he gets hired by the SWF]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a13ca6d-2c15-4ee2-801e-6b1ef267a867_zpsbe14108c.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1ba78385-a123-444b-898b-ba43c87ccf54_zpsfbf4b673.jpg




  • The announcers start out with a few words on Thursday's High Stakes season finale, and that leads in to a discussion about how the stakes are even higher here - for Angry Gilmore, this could mean a chance to face Remo for the World title as early as June at Master of Puppets. For Drew Hawkins, it's an all-or-nothing deal - if he wins, he's hired by the SWF and faces Remo for the belt at MoP. If not, he goes "back to the unemployment line" with nothing.
  • While Gilmore is an established master of ring psychology, Hawkins shows an excellent grasp of storytelling for someone who's only 27. He comes about as a man who will do anything to get hired by the SWF, and looks especially punishing as he has a single-leg grapevine on Gilmore early on.
  • Aside from using submissions, Hawkins uses impact moves like a fisherman's suplex at 4:00 and high-flying moves such as a running plancha dive on a fallen Gilmore at 5:30. Hawkins really punishes Gilmore outside the ring, and both men nearly get counted out by Darren Smith in the process.
  • Gilmore, who has survived all that punishment from Hawkins, ducks away from a Full Moon Rising at 7:20, and that helps him engineer his big comeback, with the fans fully behind him.
  • With Gilmore recovering ahead of Hawkins, it's his turn to punish the man formerly known as Wolf starting at the eight-minute mark. We see a running bulldog, repeated turnbuckle smashes, and a face-first suplex all fail to put Hawkins away.
  • At 11:20, Gilmore goes for the Sky High Elbow on Hawkins, but "Mr. Full Moon Fever" rolls away, allowing him to come back for about a minute!
  • That's almost exactly how long Hawkins' run of offense takes, as Gilmore blasts him with the Anger Management and goes for the cover. However, he is forced to hold back when he hears Barry Bowen's music play in the background...
  • No thanks to that "unintentional" distraction, Hawkins kicks out, and Gilmore appears to be rattled as Bowen continues watching from ringside.
  • Try as Gilmore may to get his focus back, he finds himself looking worse for the Commish's presence, as Hawkins connects on the Full Moon Rising and gets the pin, the win, the World Heavyweight title shot, and an SWF job.



- Hawkins in 16:44. Drew Hawkins is hired by the SWF and will face Remo for the SWF World Heavyweight Title at Master of Puppets.


- The one time...the one time Barry Bowen wanted to see Angry Gilmore win a match...was the time that he didn't. I'm disappointed that Angry dropped the ball and lost his focus, but it's good to know that we've got one more more-than-solid hand in the SWF, joining his buddies Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino in the SWF.


J. Eisen
- You forgot Joey Minnesota. Those four men were among the competition's brightest lights. And now they're together in the same promotion, notwithstanding any differences they may have had over there! That was a great match, and I totally agree with you, Peter. It's a pity Angry Gilmore had to pay too much attention to the Commish and his much-unwelcome presence, but Drew Hawkins is definitely welcome in Supreme.


A. Garcia
- I've just gotten word from Melanie Florence in the locker room that Drew Hawkins is getting a warm welcome into the SWF...not just from his old pals from back west, but also from Joey Minnesota, who joined from the competition before Andrews, Ino, and Hawkins did!


(ANGLE) The Hollyweird Rejects Celebrate




Backstage, the Hollyweird Rejects are whooping it up, as Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino excitedly high-five their buddy Drew Hawkins as he is now officially part of the SWF roster of Superstars. The frenzied celebration continues when Joey Minnesota spots his fellow TCW refugees, and is seemingly welcomed for the first time as part of the alliance! Minnesota tries to put a good word in for the kayfabe-injured Brandon James, and Hawkins says that he's more than welcome to join the faction once he recovers from his injury.


Meanwhile, Angry Gilmore passes the four edgy babyfaces from the "competition" and can be seen shaking his head upon noticing Minnesota celebrating with his old friends. Gilmore simply says "it is what it is, I guess" as he dejectedly heads to the shower room.


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eb1724bd-26fe-4b4b-bf5b-0753ef4c47ed_zpsaa6c4ead.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c5509867-cc56-40cd-8ddc-7d499b0129f1_zps52ba1908.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6a98d800-6998-4b39-83c3-e328d3cefd2c_zps2aca6443.jpg




  • Peter Michaels talks about the "rarefied air" Jay Chord must be breathing, as he's the youngest, least experienced man among the four competitors in this match, the rest of whom have ten main event titles among them. Jerry Eisen sort-of puts over Chord, who's starting out against Jack Bruce, and calls him a "champion in waiting" who needs to get his head on straight if he wants to live up to his potential.
  • Rarefied as the air is in the ring, Chord finds himself struggling early on, as Bruce and Steve Frehley successfully isolate him in the early minutes, seemingly working quite well with each other.
  • Rich Money tags in at the third minute, and he changes the complexion of the match, working Bruce's back and notably countering his attempt at a vertical suplex.
  • Chord returns at the 4:50 mark, and he picks up the scraps, landing a backbreaker on the fallen Bruce. Frehley steps into the ring to stop a double-team attempt on Bruce, but Ric Young tells him to get back to the apron.
  • After two desperation clotheslines on both Money and Chord send them out of the ring, Bruce ignores Emma Chase's Dollar Sign Distractions (third for the evening!) and tags Frehley in, allowing the faces to regain control. Frehley heads out and brings legal man Money into the ring, and goes for a Launching Pad Suplex. Frehley covers Money, but Chase's attempt to step in draws a warning from Young, thus breaking the count.
  • As the match hits the ten-minute mark, Chord and Money have the edge in this see-saw match, and are again isolating Bruce and wisely trying to give him more (storyline) back problems. Money even gets to impress with a superplex on the Cream of the Crop followed by a Dollars from Heaven, but Frehley makes the save and gets an especially stern warning from Young.
  • At 13:20, Bruce musters his second wind and goes for the New York Minute on Rich Money off the counter, and soon both him and the Moneyman are down, going for the hot tag...
  • Frehley and Chord hit the ring off the hot tag, and it looks like Frehley has the advantage here, as he uses his size and strength to totally overwhelm the man they call Mr. Mad at My Dad! Meanwhile, Bruce brawls with Money outside of the ring to keep him at bay.
  • Frehley finishes Chord off with the Frehley's Comet and is ready to go for the pin, but Bruce, who is now fully recovered, asks to be tagged in for the finale. Frehley refuses and says they've got Chord and Money right where they want them, and Bruce relents after arguing a bit, but it's too late! Chord jumps Frehley with a surprise roll-up, and wins the match for the heels, much to the shock and anger of the Oklahoma City crowd!




- Chord and Money in 17:08


- Steve Frehley said he's got his mojo working again, but he had no business arguing with Jack Bruce and allowing himself to get rolled up by Jay Chord. He should have gone in for the kill and taught the arrogant youngster a lesson in humility, instead of questioning Bruce for wanting to tag in!


J. Eisen
- I dunno about you, Peter, but I think Bruce should have let Frehley play, so to say, and allowed the Dark Destroyer to make the pin. This is not the kind of loss he should be suffering ahead of a big match against my brother for the US Title, and even if Steve's silver briefcase makes him a potential SWF Champion in waiting, it would sure be nice if he also taught my brother some humility. I think Jack Bruce was in the wrong; he may be the most titled SWF Superstar in history, but I'm sure you can both agree that he craves the spotlight and the attention a bit too much for his own good.


A. Garcia
- Guess you can say Jack Bruce had a bad case of Lead Singer Disease at the wrong place and the wrong time! But yes, that doesn't take away the fact that he's one of the greatest SWF Superstars ever as he continues to defy Father Time.


- Now that you two put it that way, I guess you're ALSO right. The Bruce/Frehley partnership seems to be a tenuous one at this point, and they may need a bit of a bull session to allow 'em to regroup, figure out what went wrong, and know what to do and what not to do should they be asked to team up once again.


(MINOR ANGLE) #Edd Leaves Commissioner's Office






The door of the Commissioner's Office opens, and out steps #Edd and Lisa, as the announcers talk about the "#EddSa Revolution" for the first time in ages. #Edd, however, appears dejected as he and his storyline girlfriend continue to show dodgy chemistry as a manager-and-client duo.


- #Edd, I told you this was not a good idea...


- Lisa, do you believe in Edd-Fu like I do?


- Of course I do, #Edd, but do you realize whom you'll be facing next week?


- Edd-Fu...is more profound than you think. It is the inner jiu-jitsu boiling within each and every one of us in the SWF Galaxy. And it is only I who can harness Edd-Fu to its fullest...and it's goin' to help me SURVIVE next week's matchup...and keep on partyin' with you, with my mate from Down Under Swoop...and all the members of the SWF Galaxy who keep on tweetin' my name.


- You better be sure of that, #Edd...


(PROMO) Vengeance and Faith Form Alliance






Vengeance makes his usual dark and ominous entrance to close out tonight's Supreme TV, and he starts out by ranting in response to a recent Nicky Champion tweet from earlier in the evening, where the Hawkeye said he'd be glad to see his buddies (Valiant, Lobby, Awesomeness) take on The Family of Darkness four-on-three if Vengeance couldn't find himself a fourth man.


- Four-on-three. Again, trying to leverage your strength in numbers in a most dishonest way. Those sins shall not go unpunished, Champions of Honor, and if I may add, I have made sure that you will not get away with such dishonesty in the ring. The man I will be introducing is
the newest member of the Family. I do not like him, he does not like me. But when two men have one shared goal, sometimes it just makes perfect sense to embrace...the opportunity to team up. Without further ado...here is...the fourth man on my team in our Cage Wars Match at Master of Puppets. You may know him as the only person I thought as being worthy enough to hold the blue Nothing to Lose briefcase...




The fourth man is none other than Christian Faith, and he makes it clear from the get-go that his relationship with Vengeance is strictly business.


- This isn't what it looks like, SWF Galaxy. As he himself had said, Vengeance is neither my friend nor my ally. But if you come to think of it...Vengeance and myself do indeed have one thing in common, and that's the dislike of a young man who came to the SWF with such great hype earlier this year. A young man who was personally trained by an SWF Legend...a lump of excrement turned into a bar of gold. A certified CHAMPION for the competition...until he took his business here and showed us how big his head had gotten since then. Once, he was groomed as the perfect role model, a man whom young fans can look up to, a good and virtuous individual who gave to charity, taught children to stay away from drugs and violence. That was all before he came here, before his head grew as big as his body, before he swapped charity for movies and television commercials, before he started talking in the third person and acting like he's bigger than anyone else, including God.
Valiant, I could have accepted your offer last week, because for all your wrong choices in women and in friends, I know you as a good man by nature. But one of those friends of yours...was enough reason for me to tell you, and I am telling you again, that that person made your bed, and you have to lie in it.


Faith pauses for a few moments as he soaks in the boos and jeers of "FAITH NO MORE!" from the crowd.


- To all the truly Faithful out there, let it be known that I have Faith in Vengeance. I may not agree with his methods, and I will never be part of his Family of Darkness, but I respect his line of thinking. This is a world of sin we live in, and the pervasive influence of Nicky Champion has turned Valiant and Lobster Warrior into less than satisfactory role models for the youth of the SWF Galaxy.


- Since your breakup with Hannah, Valiant, I have seen you carousing with loose women after the shows. Lobster Warrior, your young fans probably do not know about a certain Christopher A. Morrisette getting pulled over for DUI in 2012...but they should, even if it happened way before you and Valiant crossed paths with Nicholas. And the language that emanates from your mouth when you get inebriated...is anything but "snappeh." And I don't even know where to begin with Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust, the two decadent youths who make up The Awesomeness. With Christian Faith in our corner and Nicky Champion not in yours, the day of reckoning will be at hand at Master of Puppets. The Champions of Honor are nothing but Champions of Sin, with or without their intrepid leader. And at Master of Puppets, all of you shall atone for those sins in the same way Nicholas did at Times of Trouble. Be afraid, Champions of Honor and Awesomeness. Be very, VERY afraid. Vengeance...WILL BE OURS!!!!!!!
And now, SWF Galaxy, it is now time for all of you here at the Chesapeake Energy Arena...to EMBRACE THE DARKNESS.


Vengeance raises his hands in the air, and after the requisite pyro, the entire arena is enveloped by darkness for a minute...



He's BACK!


When the lights go back on, we see Nicky Champion unloading on Vengeance and Christian Faith, as The Awesomeness works on The New Darkness Warriors! Valiant and Lobster Warrior are next to hit the ring, and they help Champion just before Vengeance could work on the Hawkeye's head. When the smoke has cleared on the brawl, we see The Champions of Honor and The Awesomeness, and hear Champion yelling out some Native American war chants and following it up with an "UGH! UGH! UGH!" Champion may still be concussed and still unsure of competing for the coming weeks, but he's back, and things are heating up even more in the buildup to the Valiant/Lobby/Awesomeness vs Family of Darkness/Faith Cage Wars at Master of Puppets.






SWF Supreme TV Overall Grade -

TCW Total Wrestling Overall Grade -

Increased Popularity in 8 Regions

SWF Supreme TV Rating - 16.45 (NEW RECORD)


Trending on Twitter - #NickyChampion #Vengeance #CageWars #MasterOfPuppets #SteveFrehley #JackBruce #JayChord #DrewHawkins #HollyweirdRejects #Edd
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"The Prodigal Smacker"


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Center Court Grille, Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, Okla.

12:00 a.m.


The Solid Hands were glad to see me again. Shooting was going well and so was my recovery from concussion, but upon doctor's orders, I decided to lie low on the alcohol and sip on an iced tea as Des Davids, Jimmy Prudence, Freddy Garcia, John and Robert Darkness, the Partay Dudez, and other "disgruntled midcarders" pounded back beers. Our discussion mainly revolved around how Jay Chord was the perfect double agent for us, due to his ostensible friendship with the Klubb, and how this new writer Stan Rogers was proving to be a thorn in Christian Faith's side.


Well, so was the Smacker. And what a way to reintroduce him to the backstage faction, as he stumbled in after what appeared to be a stern talking-to from the Supreme Legend.




"F--- CHRISTIAN FAITH! When you're Rick Eisen's best friend and a known supporter of the Peter Michaels re-gyme..."


"Maybe you mean 'regime'," said Freddy Garcia, who was coming off a successful repackaging as the more subtle Freddy A. Flexx, Svengali of the Partay Dudez.






Meanwhile, the rest of the Solid Hands looked at the Smacker with apprehension. "No way, Jimmy. We ain't opening our doors to this asshole. That guy was macking on Rachel, and he knows we're engaged!" Donnie J was referring to fiancee VJ Britney Hollywood (b. Rachel Grainger), and it was true - Big Smack Scott did try to flirt with the kayfabe MTVH1 video jock.




"We already told you, Scotty. You ain't welcome here." Des Davids meant business as he glared at the SWF's favorite heat magnet since 2007.


"Look, man, you gotta help me out here," pleaded Scott. "Klubb don't like me and I don't like them. Christian Faith is the lesser of three evils as head booker, and you know I don't dig evil."




"What exactly are you talking about, Scotty?", grumbled Robert Darkness, who was this close, not too long ago, to being the Smacker's second-best friend, with Kurt Laramee his BFF.


"Faith gave me the third degree after I dissed his rivals for the head bookership on Twitter. After I made those shoot comments, y'know? All I was sayin' was that he's a better choice than those Eisen brats, and definitely a better choice than Eric F---in' Tyler. And I know that none of you want a locker room headed by Eric Tyler, right?"


"What's the deal with him?", asked Mainstream.


"What's the deal with Eric Tyler? Why, he's only the biggest racist in the world of sports this side of Donald Sterling. Go ask Kurt - he quit DaVE because he couldn't stand the fact that f---in' Tyler wouldn't put the Unified belt on him after those five Brass Knuckles title reigns! Tyler wouldn't mind Eddie Peak. Chris Caulfield. Brandon F---in' James. But he certainly had a problem with a righteous brother like Kurt Laramee holdin' main event gold in DaVE, and that bastard made sure that Vibert kept Kurt in the midcard by spreadin' all sorts of lies about him."


Suddenly, a lot of us were reminded why the Smacker was a good guy to have around at times - he had shitloads of road stories, a lot of them exaggerated, but a lot of them having more than a grain of truth in them.


"But that's not all," Scott continued. "Tyler's a man who lives his gimmick, and you know that. If he was head booker, it'd be bye-bye storylines, bye-bye colorful gimmicks, bye-bye friends and family in the locker room, you name it."


Des, who wasn't moved by the Smacker's warnings about Eric Tyler's supposed racism, still wanted Scotty to go. "Leave, Scotty. Nicky's our leader now."


"I know," he countered. "But you gotta let me finish, okay? So I was tweetin' about how lucky we are to have Christian Faith as head booker, despite his taste for ass - Richard Eisen's and Peter Michaels' butts, that is. Christian didn't appreciate it, so he kept me in the locker room for a good 30 minutes and gave me this f---in' fatherly lecture as if he was my dad or somethin'. It's like that old Led Zeppelin song, y'know? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."




"Scott, it was the Who who sang 'Won't Get Fooled Again'," said the reinvented Mr. Flexx, correcting the Smacker a second time, then letting out a Roger Daltrey-esque scream, just like on the classic song.


"Same difference, Freddy," said a surprisingly calm Scott. "Anyway, my point is that I held out some hope - a glimmer of hope - that things would be different for us midcarders when Faith became head booker. But that obviously ain't happenin'. Now I'm seein' more of you midcard guys bonding together and rallyin' behind Nicky Champion, whom I have nothing but respect for right now."


Well, that's news. It had been weeks since I'd exchanged more than a nod with the Smacker. And he never texted me when I was still in the hospital - can't say I was surprised by that.


"If Christian Faith's gonna pay attention, if the Klubb is gonna make their nerdy little bitch of a head writer write good shit for us, then we've got to boost our ranks. And you've got to let me and Kurt back into the fold. Trust me on this. Havin' me on your side again will be the best decision you'll ever make as far as the Solid Hands or whatever you're called are concerned."


As I looked around me, I saw my fellow Solid Hands agreeing that it wouldn't hurt if we had the Smacker and Kurt back as members. Soon, it was only Des who was against it, but I held up my hand and told him that no, it wouldn't hurt indeed if the prodigal Smacker got another chance. Once again, he did have a good side to him. He just didn't get to show it very often.


"Fine, Nicky," said a rather resigned Des, gulping his beer down straight. "But don't say I didn't warn you if this guy makes us look bad. And if we ever get buried, though I don't think Christian's gonna stand for that, it's gonna be on you, Nicky."


I was 100 percent sober as I made the decision to let Scott rejoin us, though deep inside I was hoping against hope that he wouldn't f--- up.


"Got it, Des. Scotty f---s up, we get buried, it's on me."

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John Lance Arena (Kansas, Mid-South)

Thursday, May 29, 2014



Duane Fry, Marvin Earnest, and Samuel Curran (Melanie Florence, Earnest, and Curran for High Stakes matches)




- Well, thank God the abomination we call High Stakes is about to be over...because tonight is a very special night for the yokels of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Whoops! I meant Pittsburg, KANSAS, straight from the home state of Dorothy and Toto, and I sure don't mean the band! I'm Duane Fry, and I've got two representatives of the hick contingent with me tonight in Marvin Earnest and Sammy Curran.


- Thank you, Duane, thank you for that wonderful introduction. But if you'd only let me speak, I'd tell all of you fans watching at home that tonight is indeed a special evening. That's because the first season of High Stakes will be coming to an end, and we shall be finding out who shall be the winner of that guaranteed SWF contract and the title shot of his choice!


- Would it be athletic risk-taker and eccentric rocker Skye Sunlight? Will it be big, bad Findlay O'Farraday, who has wowed us all with his brute strength? Or will it be second-generation star Matthew Keith, who's lookin' every bit like the spittin' image of his dad, four-time SWF World champion Sam Keith.


- Who freakin' cares, Sammy? As far as I'm concerned, none of them had the potential my man Remo had when he was an 18-year-old SWF trainee.


- Yes, Duane. We know all that. And we know that Drew Hawkins is now officially part of the SWF family, and he just might give Remo a hard time at Master of Puppets.


- Enough of that BS, okay, Marv? Let's get to the matches for tonight's Crap Meets Crap craptacular - High Stakes and Uprising all in one show. Whoopee.


Ashton Barnaby vs Enforcer Allen (w/P-Hunt) (30/E+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/Others/6e9c200a-d364-4d24-b9d0-07f6acd03177_zps23b6833f.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/243543fb-990c-47bc-a8c2-7db75d85044d_zpsb55ab54f.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Enforcer Allen defeated Ashton Barnaby
in 2:06 by pinfall with a Primus Scream Therapy. (Barnaby was billed as being from Pittsburg, California, while this show is being held in Pittsburg, Kansas.)


- You get on the wrong plane and get crushed by The Klubb's Enforcer for your troubles. Sometimes you just can't win for losing.


- Aw, c'mon, Duane, give Ashton Barnaby a break! The kid wants to show his worth to the SWF Galaxy, and I think he was simply overmatched against Enforcer Allen out there. Methinks this won't be the last we'll be seeing of Ashton Barnaby.
(OOC - It actually might. Paradox and Paranoia are on a one-month PPA deal.)


Los Metalheads vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Justin Sensitive) (52/D+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/fca53991-bbb6-4270-b376-4c56494861ed_zps91a08620.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/373d1d77-033d-4667-9c7a-a16e6d849602_zpseea52445.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edaccf00-5c14-4076-8094-624ec264d806_zpsbb0186c8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12234547-15f6-429a-867b-44a90e53afd0_zps58bd71b2.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
24/7 Partay Dudez defeated Los Metalheads
in 6:21 when Stevie defeated Oro by pinfall with a Platinum Hit Record.


- Nine-and-O, Marv and Sammy. Nine-and-O. Do you realize what this could mean?


- It could mean the Partay Dudez, who seem to be serious on using the Tuesday's Gone Rule, where any two members of a single faction can represent the same tag team and defend the tag titles if applicable...


- Glad you finally looked that up, Marv!


- Oh, please, Duane.
As I was saying, the Partay Dudez could very well be on their way to a double-digit winning streak before they meet The Amazing Bumfholes at Master of Puppets!


- WRONG! It means this could be the team The PAAAAAAAIN ALLIAAAAAAANCE...


R. Bumfhole
(on guest commentary, interrupting Fry)
- No, YOU'RE wrong, Duane. It means that that winning streak, may it be nine wins or ninety, will be comin' to an end at Master of Puppets, and that The Amazing Bumfholes will be leavin' Master of Puppets as five-time tag champs. As for YOUR Pain Alliance, Duane? We've already won the belts from 'em once, and we don't see much point in havin' those jokers take us on in yet another rematch.


When Animals Attack vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon) (64/C)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ea6cf636-c20d-4c23-9d23-150552bafeae_zpsabfb218c.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/632a4484-6a5f-4ca4-a721-b8da0979ee12_zpse5af27e8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7a9f69fd-013c-48d9-92b4-f3d3599148ad_zps1362aa53.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a4b06292-5e7b-45da-8fb3-e7950749aae2_zps0feea3f0.png


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The Sex Maniacs defeated When Animals Attack
in 7:08 when Joe Sexy defeated Fox Mask by pinfall with an One Night Stand.


(PROMO) The Sex Maniacs Promo (68/C+)


After the match, Marc DuBois continues to assault the fallen Fox Mask, only pausing to land a Nutcracker Sweet on Masked Cougar. DuBois has Fox Mask in the Sanitarium ankle lock and refuses to let go, but Joe Sexy pulls him off, hands him a mic, and they proceed to cut a worked-shoot promo, where they complain about their diminishing push...


- The more things change, the more they stay the same. I suppose all you smart marks out in the audience know that Peter Michaels' reign of terror as the SWF bookerman has come to an end. So who else would step up to the plate and take over the book but Richard Eisen's bosom buddy Christian Faith?


- Christian Faith hates young people like my man Marky! He doesn't like female talent like our Louise Cannon! He doesn't like balls-to-the-wall, in-your-face actions like what I'm about to do right now.
(exits the ring and wiggles his hips in front of a female fan in the front row)
What's your name, little girl?


Female Fan
(played by Venus Angeletti)
- My name's Angel...and I think you're ALL WASHED UP, Joe Sexy!


- All washed up, eh? You think my fellow Sex Maniac Joe Sexy, the SWF's Ultimate Sex Machine, the man of every woman's dream, is ALL WASHED UP? Well, lady, YOU DON'T KNOW S---!!! Your boyfriend's probably one of those Internet nerds who's read the latest scoop on PWH. Y'know, about Marc DuBois spacin' out in sports bars and talkin' about aliens. About Joe Sexy's quote-unquote workrate being an embarrassment, and how jabronis like those dorks in animal masks we just beat for little consequence are the quote-unquote stars of the future.


(from announce table)
- What the hell are those two talking about and how can they be stopped?


(reentering ring)
- What do you want us to do, Christian Faith? Oh, I know you're not here because you're too big for a podunk little show like Uprising, but if you'd have the courtesy to tell us somehow, some time...


- You've got ONE CHANCE, Christian Faith! One chance to look beyond my rap sheet, look beyond the fact that my choice of topics at post-show booze-a-thons goes beyond wrestling and girls and what stuff Barry Bonds was jacked up on and where can we get it! One chance to realize that Joe Sexy, all due respect, is an old fogey like you are, but HAS STILL GOT IT! As for the rest of you losers in the SWF Galaxy...believe what you wanna believe...read whatever you wanna read...but don't say we didn't warn you...when THE SEX MANIACS GET THEIR PUSH BACK!


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) (60/C)

[Non-Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c40952b1-444d-4dab-a1ae-4fd2c4aaca55_zps75d2c861.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/5120ae97-e829-45ea-8406-bce3e98d7320_zpsb9708838.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7518bbb6-c18b-40e7-aa52-3856f0a30bc4_zpsf4c38da8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6bc1bb5a-6c3a-4fc7-858b-eb13394c90d3_zps045b3835.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The Awesomeness defeated The Amazing Bumfholes
in 6:04 when Jefferson Stardust defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall with a Shock And Awe off a distraction from Calum and Freddy A. Flexx. (This match came about as an open challenge from The Amazing Bumfholes, and despite the Bumfs losing off a Partay Dudez distraction, they were gracious in defeat, shaking hands with The Awesomeness as Haley Bumfhole and Dawn the Cheerleader appeared to be hitting it off at ringside.)


- Nice to see that mutual respect between The Amazing Bumfholes and The Awesomeness...


(to guest commentator Freddy A. Flexx)
- You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Freddy! If you're the Partay Dudez's producer, you should focus on making sure those ersatz Backstreet Boys actually sing on their records, and not meddling in the Bumfholes' business!


- I already told you several times, toots. I'm here to scout the Bumfholes, and if they were distracted by my powerful presence, then that's just too bad.


- But you sent your boy Calum, the second-to-last placer on High Stakes, and, I assume, the newest Partay Dude, to do your dirty work!


- The Partay Dudez are grown men who appeal to a female pre-teen audience...emphasis on grown men. As long as they're not taking videos of themselves smokin' the green stuff and posting the vids on Instagram or wherever, as long as they sing the songs the way I tell 'em too, they can do whatever they want.


- Duane Fry's off somewhere, probably because he thinks this stuff is all beneath him, so I might as well remind all of you watching tonight that this is the High Stakes Season 1 finale, here on Uprising, and that we've just gotten word...that Steve Frehley has been named Best Mentor for the first season! That means the Dark Destroyer will be back to mentor someone else for the second season of High Stakes, and we shall now be taking you backstage, as Melanie Florence interviews Frehley.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Frehley Hypes Fro Sure (74/B-)




Steve Frehley makes it a point to rant a bit about US Champion Eric Eisen in this quick interview, where he also thanks the SWF Galaxy for supporting him as he "undid all the wrongs" Eisen had done as Matthew Keith's original mentor. Melanie Florence then asks Frehley about his rookie for Season 2 of High Stakes, and that leads into a brief hype video featuring rap artist/former Grimm SoCal Wrestling standout Nate "Fro Sure" Lee.


Fro Sure
- My name is Nathaniel Lee, family still calls me Nate, but in the worlds of hip-hop 'n' wrestling, people call me by my stage name - Fro Sure. Yeah, I know. I've got one big-ass Afro.
(pauses as we see Fro Sure's childhood pictures, including one where he's in second grade and completely bald) I was, like, eight years old when I decided I was gonna grow out my Afro, but now that we've got that outta the way, let's talk rap 'n' wrestling. I like to see myself as a warrior...a street fightin' man...but my best strength is on the microphone. Guess it comes with the territory, as I've been cuttin' records for Brother Grimm since my late teens. But I'm not your typical gangsta rappin' homie who talks 'bout the streets, y'know, bangin' Hotel Omegas and cappin' the N-word. My game is love, and my vibe is peace. 'Cause that's what the world needs right now. As for High Stakes? I see myself as bein' Season 2 champion, no question 'bout that. With my skills as a brawler and my mastery of the mic, you can be sure with Fro Sure.


- Psh. Who does that guy think he is, a gangsta rappin' hippie?


- I've heard a lot of good things 'bout Fro Sure, and I'm glad he's got the first-ever Best Mentor awardee Steve Frehley in his corner for the second season of High Stakes!


- Don't go away, SWF Galaxy, because when we return, we'll be seeing the final match of High Stakes Season 1 - a three-way dance featuring the Final Three rookies in action - Skye Sunlight, Matt Keith, and Findlay O'Farraday!


Matthew Keith (w/Steve Frehley) vs Skye Sunlight (w/The Awesomeness) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Rich Money) (58/C+)

[Final Match for High Stakes Season 1]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb2aff3a-ffd7-4500-b053-dabb3daece16_zps62155ce9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/de243861-e621-464c-9d48-39b66871e642_zps209ae87e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1440ec4e-27af-4c12-9536-ede6f5ca9034_zps9b041649.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Skye Sunlight defeated Findlay O'Farraday and Matthew Keith
in 8:57 when Skye Sunlight defeated Findlay O'Farraday by pinfall with a Skye Diver.


- Look at Rich Money...look at that smug expression on his face. He seems confident Findlay O'Farraday will be one of the final two rookies for this season, even as it was Sunlight crashing down on Findlay O'Farraday for the win!


- You saw that deadly combination. O'Farraday thought he had Matthew Keith right where he wants him. But Skye Sunlight got him with the enzuigiri, speared him to the mat, and hit him with that Skye Diver for the win! Pretty impressive!


- Pretty MEH. But it's not like I give two craps about High Stakes. That may change, though, in the second season.
Big Smack Scott will be mentoring the so-called Super Swede, Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson
, and though I couldn't care less for the Swedish Stiff at this point in time, it will be interesting to see how my Smacker tries to make chicken salad out of chicken poop!


(HIGH STAKES ELIMINATION) O'Farraday Eliminated from High Stakes (75/B-)


After a commercial break, Peter Michaels and Melanie Florence are in the ring with the three surviving rookies, and announce that they've made their decision as to who will be eliminated from the competition, leaving two competitors. Michaels compliments Skye Sunlight on the amazing combination that helped him win the final Season 1 match, while Florence says she was most impressed with Matthew Keith's consistency and resilience over the past 12 weeks. Michaels closes out by saying Findlay O'Farraday's strength and "not-so-bad" wrestling skills will serve him well, being that he won an SWF contract by finishing with the most immunity points last week, but as far as a guaranteed contract AND title shot go, he won't get the latter prize just yet. That said,
Findlay O'Farraday is eliminated
, finishes third in Season 1 of High Stakes, and Peter Michaels and Melanie Florence rip the checks Rich Money bribed them off with, right in front of the Moneyman himself.


(ANGLE) Eliminated Rookies Pick High Stakes Winner (77/B-)




After O'Farraday is left with no choice but to join his eliminated brethren in the front rows of the John Lance Arena, Peter Michaels goes around and asks each of these eliminated rookies whom they pick as High Stakes Season 1 Champion - Skye Sunlight or Matthew Keith?


- Skye Sunlight. 'Coz, you know, Matthew Keith kinda looks drab! Skye's got the look of a future star.
(winks his eye)


- Who cares, man? I'm gonna kick their candy asses at any rate!


- My fellow next-gen star, Matthew Keith. You got this one, Matt!


- I dunno, man. Matt's one helluva guy, but I came up the ranks with Skye. I think Skye Sunlight's gonna win this.


Brown and Spade
(seemingly ignoring the question)
- Lenny Brown and Spencer Spade. Your NEXT SWF World Tag Team Champions.


(HIGH STAKES CHALLENGE) Matt Keith vs Sunlight Promo Showdown (58/C-)


This final challenge, as Melanie Florence explains, does not come with any immunity points. But if the final match is meant to give her, Peter Michaels, and the mentors an idea of who's got what it takes in the ring, this final promo challenge gives them one last look at Matt Keith and Skye Sunlight's mic skills. Both men have one minute to cut a promo on the other, and the timer starts...now.


M. Keith
- You know what, Skye Sunlight, the only reason you've gotten so far in this competition is because the host's got a thing for you. And what price are you gonna pay for your appetite for self-destruction? I'm Matthew Keith. I don't need to risk life and limb to make it big in this business. My dad taught me the ropes even before I was old enough to go to school. He taught me the Proton Lock. And it's that Proton Lock that's gonna be winning me titles, while you recuperate in the injury ward. And there won't be a damn thing Mel would be able to do about that. You don't need a girlfriend, Skye. You need a DOCTOR.


- Lemme tell you something, Matt. You're so hung up on playin' it safe, but do you really think the SWF Galaxy is gonna get behind those boring old holds of yours? Can you really use that Proton Lock against a big brute like Findlay and expect to win with it every time around? Nuh-uh. I'm gonna win this bad boy because I excite, and I know how to do it right. As for Melanie over here...I dig her vibe, but I gotta girlfriend back home in ATL who tends to my battle scars, digs my psychedelic rock 'n' roll music, and loves it when I take those risks in the ring. What about you, Matt?
(notices that his one minute is almost up, and that Florence seems disappointed that he's got a girlfriend)
Peace out.
(flashes a peace sign to Keith and Florence)


El Oso Polar de Canadiense vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb) (47/D)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster/bc3d4305-ec6a-4ab1-8862-8c170ad5baf1_zps77ed5243.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/576d8791-9876-4b69-9c43-58b9dbbc3599_zps1452dc8d.jpg


In an extremely short match,
P-Hunt defeated El Oso Polar de Canadiense
in 5:10 by pinfall with a High Society.


- Very different Paul Huntingdon we're seeing now, with the Blue Blood now in the corner of Eric Eisen. Who, by the way, will be defending his US Title in tonight's Uprising main event against Joey Minnesota!


- Are you the ghost of Helen Keller in drag, Marvin Earnest? Of course this is a very different P-HUNT! This is a man who doesn't flaunt his wealth or talk down on us peasants like some Connecticut snob! This is P-HUNT, the Bridgeport Bad-Ass!


- Well, sor-ry, Duane!


- Yes indeed. This isn't the Paul Huntingdon we knew from The Chase Agency, or as "Signeur" Marc DuBois' tag team partner back when DuBois didn't have all those loose screws in his head. He's in the second round of the King of Supreme tournament, and speaking of that, we've got the first two second-round matches coming up next - Jimmy Prudence vs "Born-Again Russian" Dmitri Anselianenko, and Prudence's old partner Freddy A. Flexx testing the mettle of Hollyweird Reject Aaron Andrews!


Jimmy Prudence (w/Donnie J) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova) (62/C)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/2e06d5e1-13c3-4eeb-9e7d-ac5f25b91a01_zps7c3974ce.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9833db41-485f-4c9e-82a3-775b93841460_zps02514bc3.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Dmitri Anselianenko defeated Jimmy Prudence
in 9:23 by pinfall with a Putin Press off a distraction from Kristina Angelova. During the match we also had Freddy A. Flexx run in and attack Prudence. (Dmitri Anselianenko moves on to the King of Supreme semifinal round.)


- USA, USA my behind!


- Shame on you, Duane! What kind of a patriot are you anyway?


- Hey, it worked for Dmitri Anselianenko! As Dean Ansell, the American Machine, he was overshadowed by Des Davids. He was the weak link, the scapegoat for every loss. Now that he's rediscovered his Russian roots, he has forced the SWF Galaxy to pay VNIMANIE! That's "pay attention", just in case you're too dense to get the context whenever Anselianenko shouts "VNIMANIE."


(TALK SHOW) Cage Interviews Minnesota, Chord Argues with Minnesota (72/B-)




Joey Minnesota is tonight's guest on Secrets of the Smooth, and Roger Cage wastes little time in belittling New York's Finest, saying that he's akin to a "one-minute wonder" in bed.


- If the SWF Galaxy was one hot woman, Joey, you would be totes screwed, no pun intended. You came in strong and hard, Joey Minnesota, challenging Rich Money for the SWF Title. But here you are now, all tired and flaccid, facing Eric Eisen for a title of much lesser consequence. How does it feel, Joey, to be the SWF's equivalent of a one-minute wonder in bed?


- Good question, Roger. But how 'bout if I ask you this? How does it feel to be the sound of one hand clappin'? Look at these bored fans out here in Pittsburg, Kansas. Look at 'em checkin' their cell phones, headin' to the bathroom to take a leak, or better yet, take a huge dump on this homeless man's answer to Jerry Springer. You threw a party, Roger, and invited everyone, but NOBODY CAME.


- Whoa there, J-Minny. This is not the kind of attitude I was expectin' outta you. I know you were a big star back west, but women do not like it when a big fish in a little pond like yourself gets his head all swollen! People are textin' their girlfriends and tellin 'em what they learned from Roger Cage. People are leaving their seats so they can try my tried-and-tested pickup lines on the girlies queuing up at the ladies' room. And you, my friend, are just jealous. Jealous because nobody sees you as a serious title contender no more...


- Look here, Rog. I'm willin' to bide my time and take things as they come. Yes, I was a big fish in a little pond. Yes, I tried a couple times to win the SWF Title, and I failed. But if you wanna know someone who's jealous, how 'bout takin' a look at your former guest Jay Chord? He left the competition in an underhanded way when he found out I was gettin' title shots right off the bat. He decided to work for Rich Money when he learned that my friends Drew, Aaron and Kosh were coming over to Supreme, and takin' it right to the MCO by turnin' down their offer. I may have failed in those SWF Title shots, but time is on my side. If I've gotta start with the US Title, then so be it. But if Jay Chord meddles in my business again, I will not hesitate...


At this point, Jay Chord exits the locker room and gets into an argument with Joey Minnesota, with Roger Cage taking Chord's side. Both TCW refugee stare each other down intensely, and the announcers speculate that the fans may be seeing Chord vs Minnesota at some point in the near future, possibly at Master of Puppets as a US Title Match should J-Minny beat Eric Eisen tonight, with Eisen vs Steve Frehley becoming a regular match.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Rogue Hypes Adam Giedroyc (72/B-)


Jay Chord returns to the locker room and confers a bit with fellow MCO member Rogue, and it looks like they're planning something for Joey Minnesota in tonight's Uprising main event. This is a segue for the second High Stakes hype video of the evening, featuring Rogue's kayfabe brother Adam Giedroyc (b. Adam Matravers). Rogue and Matravers have actually known each other since their teens, which is why this hype vignette does come with a photo of Rogue at 17 and Matravers at 14 at a local wrestling camp.




A. Giedroyc
- All my life, I've wanted to wrestle in America. Land of the free, home of the brave, and the birthplace of the SWF. My name is Adam Giedroyc, and if my name sounds familiar, that's because my brother Jack came to America, had some success under his real name, but sadly had to sell out to Emma Chase and become the Rogue we know and hate. To be honest, I've got mixed feelings about this. Jack and me'self, we used to be real tight...but now we're just like chalk 'n' cheese, as we Brits like to say. But that don't matter. I've got a job to do, and that's to win the second season of High Stakes...and show the SWF Galaxy why, with all respect to the Yanks, there ain't no better all-rounders than the British.


Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Freddy A. Flexx (60/C)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c73fffef-55b7-479c-a9cf-d40121b26a68_zps26d4bac7.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/78d0c6be-b37c-4aa6-965c-8af44f77f46d_zpse23f70a1.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy A. Flexx
in 7:45 by pinfall with a Flying Body Press. (Partay Dudez Calum and J-Sense tried to interfere, but were sent backstage by referee Darren Smith before they can do any damage. Aaron Andrews moves on to the King of Supreme semifinal round.)


- And Aaron Andrews remains undefeated in the SWF, as he becomes our second semifinalist in the King of Supreme tournament!


- Lots of great things have been said about this kid, but it would be interesting to see what would happen if he has to face his fellow Hollyweird Reject Koshiro Ino in the King of Supreme semis! I believe it's gonna be Ino vs Rogue on the next Supreme TV...


- Well, let them fight if that's the case! There isn't anything better than seeing two men from the same faction drive the unit to implosion. But you know that's not gonna happen with the Duane Fry Guys, right? I specifically had Kurt Laramee, and not Big Smack Scott enter the tourney...


- ...and Laramee lost! Not that it would've have made a difference if the Smacker was in there.


- And how would you know?


- I'm just, as you often claim to do, calling things as I see them! Now going back to Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino, I won't be surprised if Andrews has to face Ino in the semis, but I'm sure they'll still maintain the same level of respect they have for each other, regardless of who wins.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Captain Atomic Hypes Ashley (76/B-)




We've got another mentor/rookie combo confirmed for the second season of High Stakes, and it looks like it will be Captain Atomic mentoring Carl Ashley, a.k.a. Ashley John Charles "Ash" Campbell in real life. Ashley is the son of John "Nemesis" Campbell, and he does mention this fact in his hype vignette...


- So I was at the Camera Obscura concert the other night, and I was telling my friends Terrence and Emily about this new gig of mine on the second season of High Stakes. And they were like, "Carl! The SWF is sooooo played out!" Couldn't agree more. I'm Carl Ashley, and my dad is hardcore legend Nemesis. And yes, hardcore IS played out, if you ask me. People bustin' their asses, breakin' their bones and gettin' juice for the television screen. What's the payoff, man? Where is the ART in that? I mean, it used to be cool to see my dad serve as the antithesis to the mainstream mumbo-jumbo the big promotions used to serve us up with, but...EVERYBODY'S DOIN' IT NOW! And as I said, there's no payoff in gettin' too bruised and banged-up to chill at the coffee shop and dance like Iggy Pop when the show is over. I'm here to teach all you simple-minded conformists about the art in wrestling, and I feel that's gonna help me become High Stakes champion in this sweet, if played-out new gig of mine.


Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8691d2e4-de1e-4afe-b804-fb231fdfe893_zps97800d36.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd,
Joey Minnesota defeated Eric Eisen in 12:50 when Eric Eisen was disqualified
when P-Hunt ran in and attacked Joey Minnesota. Eric Eisen is STILL the SWF United States Champion. (The match, as expected, featured Jay Chord and Rogue running out to interfere, but Koshiro Ino and Aaron Andrews caught them before they could hit the ring and distract Minnesota, with all four men brawling back to the locker room as Shane Stones sent them backstage.)


- Eric Eisen is a very smart man, I'll give him that. Were you two living under a rock when Eisen was SWF World Heavyweight Champion?


- We weren't, and we know that Eisen used all sorts of shenanigans to keep the gold around his waist back then.


- They aren't shenanigans, you dillweed! These are the things that smart people put into play when they want to ensure that they hang on to their Precious. You know what I mean, right?
(speaks in a very bad Gollum voice)


- That was real mature, Duane, calling Marvin a dillweed. And that was the worst Gollum impersonation I have ever heard!
Yes, Eric Eisen is still US champ, and it looks like Steve Frehley will still be facing him for the title at Master of Puppets. We all know that those two shared mentorship of Matthew Keith in the first season of High Stakes...


- ...and we shall find out in a moment who shall be named inaugural High Stakes champion, and who will be getting that coveted guaranteed SWF contract AND guaranteed title shot!


(ANGLE) Matt Keith Wins High Stakes Championship (75/B-)


All eight rookies are in the ring, with their mentors looking on in their usual place in the stage, and Peter Michaels starts out by announcing that the top three High Stakes rookies for this season will all be receiving SWF contracts; the rest, including Calum, who has been teased repeatedly as the newest 24/7 Partay Dude, will have to wait for management's call. Without further ado, Michaels hands the mic over to Melanie Florence, as the High Stakes host announces that the first-ever High Stakes Champion is none other than...




...MATTHEW KEITH! Keith exchanges handshakes with his fellow babyface rookies, then hugs High Stakes runner-up Skye Sunlight, as The Awesomeness run into the ring and give Keith a victory ride! Steve Frehley is next to enter the ring, though he looks a bit stoic and not quite celebratory following his rookie's victory. With the credits about to roll, a faint smile can finally be seen on Frehley's face, as The Awesomeness and Sunlight put Keith down and Frehley raises Keith's hand in victory.








Keith 5-6 -

Sunlight 6-5 - ELIMINATED (WEEK 12)

O'Farraday 7-5 - ELIMINATED (WEEK 12)

Spade 3-8 - ELIMINATED (WEEK 11)

Wilmington 5-4 - ELIMINATED (WEEK 9)

Calum 1-6 - ELIMINATED (WEEK 7)

Perez 2-4 - ELIMINATED (WEEK 6)

Brown 1-5 - ELIMINATED (WEEK 6)




O'Farraday - 17

Keith - 16

Sunlight - 14

Spade - 6 (ELIMINATED)

Wilmington - 6 (ELIMINATED)

Calum - 2 (ELIMINATED)


SWF Uprising Final Grade -

SWF Uprising Rating - 1.00 (NEW RECORD)

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MONTHLY PRIZE - Pick the next shoot interview subject for Pro Wrestling Hits


Requirements - Predict at least 6 of 9 shows for the month of May to qualify


Psycho Sam, 47/59, 80% (+6/7, 4/8, +1)

kieranforthewin - 34/44, 77%

hydrogen001 - 43/59, 73% (+6/7, 5/7, +1)

White Dolphin - 42/59, 71% (+4/7, 5/7, +1)

KnowYourEnemy - 38/59, 64% (+5/7, 4/8)

Midnightnick - 36/59, 61% (+5/7, 4/8, +1)


Bigjondalegend - 16/21, 77%


It's been a long time coming since the last post-shows OOC, and I'd like to thank everyone who's commented since my return, and wished me well in my "comeback." But now, it's time to determine the winner for the May prediction game, and who do we have here?


Congratulations Psycho Sam for winning the May prediction game! :D I figure kieranforthewin might have passed on predicting as May Week 4 turned out to be rather low-scoring, but it looks like Psycho Sam has finally won a prediction game after being one of my longest-running predictors. You get your choice of shoot interview subject as a prize, and I hope to have that interview up before the (real-world) month is over.


Comment: Jimmy takes this one. I doubt we'll see the Red Machine on Supreme TV again.


Anselianenko's contract just came up, and though it's quite fun writing promos for him (as I'm essentially turning him into a male version of Lana), I'm not quite sure whether to re-sign him or not. If I do, I'll probably sign him for another month or two, but my midcard match grades will definitely be better for the Born Again Russian's departure.


Comment: I see Klubbnanigans (it's a word now. :p)


You got it! Klubbnanigans it is, with Eric "HBK Minus the Skillz" Eisen, "Ersatz Triple H, Also Minus the Skillz but Minus the Shovel" P-Hunt and Enforcer "Johnny Laurer" Allen now making up the onscreen Klubb stable.


Great show man! Lots of new faces in the SWF from the competition. Just wondered why you introduced them all as faces. Haha.


Good observation. Actually, I would have rather debuted Hawkins as a heel. But if the last diary saw my version of the nWo, the Hollyweird Rejects are my equivalent of the Radicalz, but without the swerve of the faction becoming heels on the same show.


I'd be really disappointed if Scotty doesn't mentor Thunder, the guy's got potential to be a member of the pain alliance. Haha.


Your wish is my command.


Glad that you're back man!


Thank you! Though I probably won't be so quick with the updates in my first few weeks back...


Christian Faith needs to call more people son and boy. He's a man's man and he should talk like it :D


I think I should start doing that more. Faith would occasionally refer to people as "son" in his heel promos, but I agree. He should use that word more often...saw Faith using it so often in other diaries so I decided to cut back on it in mine.


This diary is excellent. Just wanted to say it.



Also, this:






Thanks! :D Hope to get back into the loop on your diary. I've had precious little time to check out other diaries, but yours is one of the better C-Verse ones out there as of the moment.


Never did I think I'd see a Camera Obscura reference in a GDS piece of work. :D


Guess I was thinking along the lines of Camera Obscura vocalist Tracyanne Campbell sharing a surname with the C-Verse's Ash? ;) Still going with Carl Ashley as Ash Campbell's ring name, though. Kinda like Windham Rotunda becoming Husky Harris and Joe Hennig becoming Michael McGillicuddy on NXT.


Anyway, here's the usual dose of random observations on the past couple shows, but mainly Uprising...


Whoopsies. That's what you get when you've been out of the game for so long. I promised Ade Nelson jobbing to Enforcer Allen, but as it turns out, I gave whoever Paratrooper Ashton Barnaby is the chance to count lights for the Klubbforcer. But as Big Smack Scott often says, same difference.


Adam (Matravers) Giedroyc did cut a face promo in his High Stakes vignette, but I'm booking him as a heel. The story here, as a teaser of what to expect in the second season of High Stakes, is Rogue turning out to be a bad influence to his storyline brother.


Might be making more roster cuts in the coming days and weeks. Want spoilers? Let's just say I cannot bear with a certain big worker's attitude and I've lost all hope in a longtime RIPW hand whose skills are inversely proportional to his size.


EDIT - I should also thank Iceisle for the Freddy Garcia alt - I had him make Freddy look like LT Smash from The Simpsons, the guy who managed Bart's boy band. And EdJames created the Ash Campbell hipster alt for me, back when I was running the old diary and billing Ash as "Asher Ginsberg", kayfabe grand-nephew of beat poet Allen. Thanks as well, that happens to be one of my favorite custom alts I've used so far!

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OOC - This could be major - eventually I am planning to split Uprising into a separate brand. This may take place once I've completed four seasons of High Stakes, but when I do split the brands, I might open up the option to run this game as a two-player effort, with the other player taking control of Uprising.


Stay tuned for more details on this, but for the meantime, here are the cards for the first week of June - predictions are now open!



SWF Supreme TV

Freedom Hall (Kentucky, Great Lakes)

June 3, 2014 (Week 1)





Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Match]



#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)



Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

[Matthew Keith's SWF main roster debut]



The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)



Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance



Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]




SWF Uprising

Cowell Center (Ohio, Great Lakes)

Thursday, June 5, 2014 (Week 1)







Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)



Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer



Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez



Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)







Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs ?????



Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]



Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]



Bonus Question
- Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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Could've swore i predicted but i checked and apparently i didn't <.< i might've done it and not clicked reply and then thought i did it or something.


Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Too much overness difference, probably DQ.


#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: Too much overness difference, and Remo is Remo.


Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

[Matthew Keith's SWF main roster debut]

Comment: I still think Matt Keith will turn on Frehley as payback for beating his Father in his first ever match for swf.


The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: I dunno, pretty even.


Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: yup


Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance

Comment: Guess


Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]

Comment: Money cheats and chooses some kind of match like a cage.



SWF Uprising

Cowell Center (Ohio, Great Lakes)

Thursday, June 5, 2014 (Week 1)







Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)

Comment: big smack scott must win


Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer

Comment: i like this guy


Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez

Comment: mayb


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)

Comment: hm







Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage

Comment: cause cage needs to be number one cause he mic skills could get super ratings yay


The Fly Boys vs ?????

Comment: cause james prudence


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)

Comment: Partay Dudez are aweeeesome


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police

Comment: awesomeness are aweeesome, but sober police say no


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: i dont like ino, i like rogue. yay


Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: 2 Personal Favourites that I love and push in all my SWF Saves, I'll go for Davids to go with the Davids vs Machine semi.


Bonus Question - Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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SWF Supreme TV



Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)


#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: Good luck, Edd :p


Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

Comment: Hate to see Keith lose his debut, but Eisen and Hunt are in the middle of a push


The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)


Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)


Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance

Comment: Gotta pump up the new heel alliance


Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]

Comment: Heels always get to pick the stipulations




SWF Uprising



Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)

Comment: Only because you're obligated to try and push this thing


Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer


Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)

Comment: Rogue cheats to win, probably sparking an argument between the brothers


Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage


The Fly Boys vs ?????

Comment: Betting on ????? being a pair of jobbers


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police

Comment: Are the Awesomeness finally getting a push?


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: Heel wins to fight Andrews


Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: Face wins to fight Ansielenko, plus awesome "former partners" match



Bonus Question - Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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I...won? :eek:



SWF Supreme TV

Freedom Hall (Kentucky, Great Lakes)

June 3, 2014 (Week 1)






Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Match]



#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)



Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

[Matthew Keith's SWF main roster debut]



The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)



Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance



Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]




SWF Uprising

Cowell Center (Ohio, Great Lakes)

Thursday, June 5, 2014 (Week 1)








Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)



Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer



Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez



Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)








Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs ?????



Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]



Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]


Bonus Question - Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Not quite yet for Allen


#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: #Edd is the #Jobber

Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

[Matthew Keith's SWF main roster debut]

Comment: Keith gets the revenge on Eisen here.


The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: T-C-Dub needs to take a bit of a beating before they go over.

Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: Scott doesn't go over...


Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance

Comment: The two jaded stars get a small push here


Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]

Comment: It'll be by crook -- Gilmore is close to over enough to take down Khoklov -- he doesn't need this victory to do so.



Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)

Comment: "Thunder" gets an early win here.


Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer

Comment: Colossus is too over to lose yet.


Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez

Comment: Surfer Nando will win relatively few.


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)

Comment: Matravers debuts strong here...




Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs ?????

Comment: Fly Boys are down the card, ???? takes the dub.


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)

Comment: Bros over metals


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police

Comment: I think the Sober Police take this match, but the Awesomeness get the last word in.


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: Rogue gets victory for heel-face balance, leading to Davids over Rogue in the final.


Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: Face-Heel Divide -- so he can beat the mad russian in the finale.


Bonus Question - Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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SWF Supreme TV

Freedom Hall (Kentucky, Great Lakes)

June 3, 2014 (Week 1)


Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: I too think it will be via DQ, but even still.


#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: REMO SMASH!


Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

[Matthew Keith's SWF main roster debut]

Comment: With it being Keith's debut, I think he somehow flubs it.


The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: Rejects... All day.


Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: Boom


Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance

Comment: Can somebody say Power Trip!


Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]

Comment: Always fun when the heel chooses the stipulations.



SWF Uprising

Cowell Center (Ohio, Great Lakes)

Thursday, June 5, 2014 (Week 1)




Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)

Comment: Guess


Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer

Comment: The future of Supreme... On record, I said it.


Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez

Comment: Coin Toss


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)

Comment: Same, Coin Toss




Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage

Comment: Too Smooth


The Fly Boys vs ?????

Comment: ?'s can go either way, I say they lose this time round.


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)

Comment: No Comment Needed


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police

Comment: Le Future.


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: Ino City.


Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]

Comment: I like Des more.


Bonus Question - Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Match]



#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)



Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

[Matthew Keith's SWF main roster debut]



The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)



Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance



Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]




SWF Uprising

Cowell Center (Ohio, Great Lakes)

Thursday, June 5, 2014 (Week 1)








Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)



Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer



Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez



Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)








Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs ?????



Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]



Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]


Bonus Question - Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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Great show man! I just don't get why Steve Frehley would want to challenge Eric Eisen for the US Title. Is it part of the story of him losing confidence in himself that's why he's going for a secondary title and not the main event belt?



SWF Supreme TV

Freedom Hall (Kentucky, Great Lakes)

June 3, 2014 (Week 1)



Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

[Non-Title Match]



#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo (w/Duane Fry)



Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt

[Matthew Keith's SWF main roster debut]



The East-West Connection (Ino/Andrews) vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)



Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Angel Fish) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance



Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]

Comment: whoever chooses I just hope that it's not going to be a goddamn lumberjack match. -_-



SWF Uprising

Cowell Center (Ohio, Great Lakes)

Thursday, June 5, 2014 (Week 1)





Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)

Comment: BSS Jr. for the win!


Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer



Surfer Nando (Soda de la Uva Jr.) vs Rudy Velasquez



Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue)






Ade Nelson vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs ?????



Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (Calum and J-Sense w/VJ Britney Hollywood)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]



Des Davids vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]



Bonus Question - Which of these High Stakes Season 2 rookies will be mentored by Lobster Warrior?


A) Hell's Bouncer

B) Kasey Kristopher

C) Rudy Velasquez

D) Surfer Nando

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OOC - Another crossroads at work and I don't see myself being too busy tomorrow. So if all goes well, Supreme TV should be up in 24-48 hours. Psycho Sam, feel free to message me your choice for shoot interview subject as your prize for winning the May prediction game...


This "All in a Day's Work" segment, as a reminder, does not feature Nicky Champion as narrator - it is, however, a behind-the-scenes look at the business side of SWF, and what goes on outside of the locker room. Made some edits to the backstage segment that introduced the new head writer, so that should explain the twists I included in this new segment...



"All in a Day's Work - The Rodney Dangerfield of the SWF"


Monday, June 2, 2014

Tommy Cornell's office, Los Angeles, Calif.

9:30 a.m.




Mark Smith fiddled with his necktie as he nervously waited for his name to be called. It was Thursday morning when TCW fired its head writer, the legendary Sid Streets, after a poorly-received Total Wrestling show that graded a mere 71 on Pro Wrestling Hits and earned the ire of the IWC for the piss-poor wrestling and nonsensical angles. Streets had long been "slipping" in Tommy Cornell's eyes, but that show was the last straw. And Mark was here in hopes of saving Hollyweird from its rut...


...just like he saved the SWF from what people felt was a stale and tired product.


At 30 years old, turning 31 in August, Mark Smith was a man who seemed as ordinary as his name. But he was the sole survivor from the Great Writer's Purge of 2007, where head booker Sam Keith and all but one SWF writer got canned for the epic failure that was the Election. He stayed aboard for two reasons - one, he was, despite being the youngest writer by over a decade, the only one who had the guts to tell Sam that the Election storyline was the drizzling shits. Second, he was Peter Michaels' son-in-law, having married Peter's daughter Nicole in 2005, right after college graduation.


Over six years later, Mark was considered next in line to replace Peter as head writer. Yes, Michaels was seemingly doing it all in those days, officially serving as head booker, head writer, head announcer, head of talent relations - a "man with four cowboy hats," as Duane Fry once put it. But Mark was, at that time, doing most of the head writing chores, supervising younger guys like Tyler Austin and vets like Arthur Chambers; Peter was merely the figurehead head writer. And it was Mark who suggested during one fateful creative meeting in October 2013 that the SWF needed new blood - a New Talent Initiative. Eric and Jerry Eisen didn't want any of it, but their father Richard seemed to agree - hell, the SWF's pockets were, and remain as close as you can get to unlimited, so why not shake up the roster and leave TCW in the dust?


And it was a small wonder that Mark was, at that time, in his seventh year as an SWF writer. A few months ago, his wife Nicole, who was, for some time, a writer for Supreme, was "granted her release" from the SWF, as Richard Eisen didn't want to extend her maternity leave. Mark should have told the SWF to take his job and shove it, but he stayed on. Like his father-in-law, he was a company man with a seemingly high tolerance level for the Eisens' brand of cow manure.


Fast forward to April 2014 and Peter was out as head booker AND head writer, with one month to wrap up whatever he had to wrap up. All along, Mark thought he was going to get the nod as head writer, get that raise he deserved, and work alongside incoming head booker Christian Faith in maintaining the SWF's momentum. He was popular with the boys, and one of the few writers to regularly hang with them after shows, during those times he'd fly out with the active roster. As of the end of April 2014, he was the odds-on favorite to formally become head writer, and since he was often on good terms with "the old man" Richard Eisen, he'd often make subtle hints at raises and promotions.


Unfortunately, this was also the time that the old man's sons were taking credit for the New Talent Initiative. High Stakes? That was Mark's idea too, as part of his suggestion to launch a youth movement though the Initiative. As far as he knew, all that hard work and sacrifice was about to pay off, and Richard Eisen thought it would, as he sent young Mark a package he would never forget - a plaque of appreciation, a new phone (if you consider the iPhone 4s to be new) and a set of limited-edition Bic pens with an SWF theme.


No raise. No promotion. Just a figurative pat on the back, a useless old plaque, an outdated phone, and more pens for the pen holder. Needless to say, Mark tendered his resignation from the SWF, and when Richard interviewed his shortlist of head writer candidates, it was an easy choice when he went with Eric and Jerry's childhood pal Stan Rogers.



4:00 p.m.


And it was also an easy choice for Tommy Cornell, who gave Mark Smith the job offer that afternoon and made his biggest signing of the current year. The IWC may have scoffed at Cornell for signing potential jobbers Craig "Rajah" Green, Frankie Dee, Sayeed Ali, and Sgt. Bubba Lee ("Jobba Me" for the IWC) West, and for taking a flyer on an old, broken-down, troublemaking Acid. But signing the SWF's Rodney Dangerfield, a man whose ideas effectively prevented TCW from making 2014 "its year"? That was a major coup.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Freedom Hall (Kentucky, Great Lakes)

Attendance - 17,209




YOUR Supreme TV Announcers:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia


- Coming to you live from Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky, former home of the Louisville Cardinals, this is SWF Supreme TV! Class is in session, and by that I mean the right kind of summer classes! I'm Peter Michaels, and as always, I have with me Jerry Eisen and Ana Garcia.


J. Eisen
- Nobody expected this to be a special Supreme TV, but if you ask the Commissioner, Barry Bowen, it sure is! Bowen says tonight is Super Tag Tuesday, and a look at tonight's lineup shows that it is - we've got Eric Eisen and P-Hunt teaming up against High Stakes Season 1 champion Matthew Keith and his mentor, Mr. Nothing to Lose, Silver Edition, Steve Frehley.


A. Garcia
- Christian Faith and Vengeance will be the proverbial strange bedfellows, as these two veterans, whom the SWF Galaxy best knows as bitter rivals, will be teaming up against Lobster Warrior and Valiant.


- That should be interesting, given that Nicky Champion is heading to the ring right now - that's his music there - to make an important announcement!


J. Eisen
- Going back to the "Super Tags", we've got all four Hollyweird Rejects in action in two separate matches. The team of Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino - I think they call themselves the East-West Connection, will face Jay Chord and Rogue of the MCO, while Joey Minnesota and World Heavyweight number one contender Drew Hawkins will be in action against Duane Fry's enforcers, The Pain Alliance.


- Enough about Fry before you make me sick, Jerry! I'm sure you're lookin' forward to this as much as we are, as the Hawkeye is back for the first time since suffering a concussion at Times of Trouble. Welcome back, Nicky Champion!


(PROMO) Champion and Vengeance Argue






This marks Nicky Champion's first promo in more than a month, and the fans are cheering his name as he asks for a mic and prepares to make his big announcement...


- GOOD EVENING LOUISVILLE!!!!! Is everybody ready to go UGH! UGH! UGH! because the Hawkeye, Nicky Champion, is BACK and BETTER THAN EVER? Nah, maybe I better scrap the "better than ever" part. No, no, no, hold it right there, Nicky Champion is not yet better than ever. But he will be in a little less than two weeks from now. Because that is when the doctors said that Nicky Champion can wrestle again, and that is the time when
Nicky Champion will be returning to the ring at Master of Puppets
and puttin' an end to all the gobbledygook about atoning for sins and embracing the darkness that Vengeance keeps on blabbin' about! Do you want to see that, SWF Galaxy?
(pauses as the crowd yells their approval)
I thought so. You better believe it, Nicky Champion Guys and Girls. The Hawkeye, Nicky Champion, is
announcing his intent to make it a FIVE-ON-FIVE Cage Wars match at Master of Puppets
, and with Lobby and Valiant, the Champions of Honor, on my side, plus Jack Bruce's pet projects The Awesomeness, we have a recipe for CAGE WARS VICTORY!




Somewhat predictably, the lights go out as Champion hypes victory, and they go back on to reveal Vengeance standing in the ring, right in front of Nicky Champion, his two New Darkness Warriors John and Robert flanking him.


- A wise man once said, Nicholas, that one shouldn't count their chickens before they hatch.
(lets out a deep and sinister laugh)
So you see yourself as the X-factor that could give your Champions of Honor and those sinful new allies of yours, The Awesomeness, a victory over my Family of Darkness and Christian Faith. Very well, Nicholas. Make yourself the fifth man, I don't care. For I know that when it is all said and done, you will finally realize the error of your ways. You will finally realize that in all your borrowed years on earth, you have wasted your life by embracing SIN.


- Don't you get tired, Vengeance? I mean, look at you! I'm gone for half a month, and before that match of ours at Master of Puppets, you didn't hear much of a peep from Nicky Champion. And here you are, singin' the same old song, though you sure as heck don't look or sound like Levi Stubbs or anyone else in the Four Tops! Hope you got that reference, big guy...just lemme know if it's too old for you, okay?


- And here you are, as insolent as ever...


- That the best you can do, Mr. Avenging Angel? Geez, Vengeance! Looks like somebody needs to get himself some new lines!


(ANGLE) Faith Announces DuBois as Fifth Man






Without his ring music playing, Christian Faith emerges from the locker room with little fanfare, and goes right ahead and counters Nicky Champion's words, while reluctantly supporting Vengeance and his cause...


- That's where I wholeheartedly agree with Vengeance. You've lived a wayward life since you signed with the SWF, and I am telling you, son, that it's about time you paid for your mistakes. You had it so good when you were still under Sam Strong's employ. You had the respect of your young fans, and the respect of your parents. Now you're another reason why the so-called youth movement, New Talent Initiative, or whatever they call it will never work. You represent decadence and immorality with your self-centered spiels. And if you think you are what it takes to beat us, you're damn wrong about that, son.
I knew all along that you were fixing to return, that you were chomping at the bit to hit the ring and fight alongside your buddies. Fortunately for us, we've got some help of our own...


- Christian, you should let me handle this...


- Fat chance, Vengeance, you wanted my help, you got it. That means you're gonna have to consider what I feel is best for this team.


Vengeance and Faith's argument is broken up by the arrival of The Sex Maniacs, who add some levity by entering to Joe Sexy's ring music, Soul Asylum's version of the Marvin Gaye classic "Sexual Healing."




- Things just got SEXY in the Cage Wars!


- Hey, hey, hey, bookerman! I knew you were gonna listen to our pleas...


(ignoring DuBois' insider talk)
- I talked to Mr. Bowen about this, and Train said we can do it. You didn't have to throw a tantrum on Uprising, you know?


- What are you gonna do about it now, Nicky? Get some scrub and call him your SIXTH man?
(laughs out loud)
Little Big Joey, our seventh man down there, he's not gonna like that...


- ENOUGH! This is OVERKILL! You know that I have little tolerance for your perversion of morality, Sex Maniacs, so don't push it.
I don't know if Christian told you about it - this was his idea, after all. NOT MINE! But since I am still the Head of the Family and captain of the Cage Wars team, I hereby declare that I only have room for one person. And that is the young man whom I had previously worked with, yet eventually cast away from my flock for his mental instability.


- Nothing personal, Joe. And you know that I've had my differences with the two of you and have since moved on, being the consummate professional that I am. But since I don't care much for your sexual shenanigans, Joe, I agree with Vengeance in saying that Marc DuBois is our fifth man.


- Whoa there, Christian, you said that we can help...


- You can help us out, Joseph, by GETTING OUT BEFORE MY FAMILY MAKES YOU GET OUT!


(shaking his head as Joe Sexy slinks back to the locker room)
- Oh, boy. Guess that really happens when you're forced to make do with people you don't like, huh, Vengeance?


- Do not underestimate us, Nicholas. The Family may not like Christian and we may not like Marc, and as far as I know, the feeling is mutual. But we got one common target at Master of Puppets, one common man with a bulls-eye on his back, and that's YOU, Nicholas.


- I hate everybody in the goddamned locker room, Nicky, so I guess that aligns me with 'em, doesn't it? DOESN'T IT?!?!?!?
(glares at Faith and Vengeance, then at the camera)
Geez, Joe, I'm really sorry it didn't work out! Maybe you were too old and too washed-up after all, eh?


- Whatever you say, Meshuggenah Marky!
(to Vengeance)
Geez, Vengeance, you must really be desperate to even consider a crackpot like DuBois. Faith, I can understand, because he is the Supreme Legend, but Marc Freakin' DuBois? HA! As for you, Christian Faith? Nicky Champion has to say, on behalf of the SWF Galaxy and a good many people in the locker room, that Nicky Champion is very disappointed in you. Nicky Champion is disappointed that instead of embracing change and passing on your skill and knowledge, you choose to discredit people like myself, and choose to cast your lot with whackos like Vengeance and DuBois. But now I throw it back to all y'all, Team Dysfunction. You're the ones who made your bed and are gonna have to lie in it. Because come Master of Puppets, The Champions of Honor and The Awesomeness are gonna work as one cohesive unit in the Cage Wars Match. And we're gonna make you FEAR your own darkness whether you like it or not, because TEAM C.H.A....THE CHAMPIONS OF HONOR AND AWESOMENESS...ARE MORE!!! THAN JUST!!!! A TEAM!!!!!!!


Captain Atomic © vs Enforcer Allen (w/P-Hunt)

[Non-Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ecd353fc-8ea6-4453-9e50-bbb6303da128_zpsbb6ec6f8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/243543fb-990c-47bc-a8c2-7db75d85044d_zpsb55ab54f.jpg




  • This marks Enforcer Allen's singles debut on Supreme TV, and after two jobber squashes on Uprising, he looks deadly against North American champ Captain Atomic, needing no outside help from The Klubb as he starts off strong with a vicious sidewalk slam on Atomic.
  • After a brief burst of offense from Atomic, Allen continues dominating and no-selling, and even ignores Ric Young when the referee tells him to let go of a chokehold. Atomic, however, makes a big babyface comeback at 4:00, slipping out of a Running Powerslam attempt and side suplexing the larger Allen.
  • Eventually, Eisen and P-Hunt become more involved in the match, and end up getting too involved - P-Hunt blatantly steps into the ring to help Allen put Atomic away with the Primus Scream Therapy, and Young has enough, disqualifying Allen, much to Eisen and P-Hunt's chagrin.


- Atomic in 5:04 via DQ


J. Eisen
- P-Hunt could have turned his life around following his dismissal from the MCO. And this is what you do, little brother? You've already got a hatchet man in Allen. Do you really need two?


E. Eisen
(on guest commentary)
- You, Jerry, have always been jealous of me. P-Hunt DID turn his life around. He realized there's more to life than the polo club and mocking peasants. P-Hunt is the Bridgeport Bad-Ass, and he gravitated to me because I'm Eric Eisen. And that, jealous older brother, is more than enough.


- Well, I'll be...the US champ just busted out his old catchphrase!


E. Eisen
- Unlike you three, the Klubb knows how to evolve. The Klubb knows how to pull a surprise. You three don't. You like things safe and predictable. That's why you root for people like Steve Frehley, who's once a gangsta, always a gangsta, now the guy who can't cash in on his Nothing to Lose contract even if Jack Bruce was served up on a silver platter like he was two weeks ago. That's why you root for Captain Atomic, who's been rockin' the Jim Force impersonator shtick since God knows when.


#Edd (w/Lisa) vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c0867328-814c-47ad-bcd4-174c0baea76a_zps184b4183.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/af331342-c78d-4eb4-9410-bd8c1f985616_zps99613eeb.jpg




  • The fans at home see a brief glimpse of #Edd from last Supreme TV, where he had apparently asked Barry Bowen to do something about his booking. This appears to be that something - a match against World Heavyweight Champion Remo, another "hoss"-type wrestler with a huge physical advantage over #Edd.
  • #Edd hardly gets a say in this match, and it's over in two and a half minutes when Remo, with Duane Fry cheering him on from ringside, finishes the Human Trending Topic off with a Destroyer.



- Remo in 2:36


- So this is what Barry Bowen decided to do to #Edd, after he complained about the unfair disadvantage he's had in the SWF since debuting...


A. Garcia
- What a party-pooper!


J. Eisen
- We've seen #Edd annihilated by Findlay O'Farraday. Dmitri Anselianenko. Enforcer Allen. And while not a big guy, the similarly vicious Rogue. And now we've got Remo, who doesn't seem to be finished with poor #Edd over there!


- He's turning the Human Trending Topic into a Human Punching Bag! GOOD LAWD! And he's just blasted Darren Smith with a clothesline...somebody's got to do somethin' about that rabid Alpha Dog!


(ANGLE) Gilmore Saves #Edd from Remo






Just as the announcers have noted, Remo is angrily beating down on #Edd, and Duane Fry is egging him on, pushing him to do more damage on the 210-pound #Edd. The Pain Alliance then makes its way to the ring, as Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee make it a 3-on-1 attack. Before Fry's tag team can do any serious damage, Angry Gilmore charges to the ring, running at full speed and using that momentum to steamroll the Smacker and Laramee with a clothesline each! He then grabs Remo and sets him up for a German suplex, and is about to pick Remo up and go for the Anger Management, when Commissioner Barry Bowen appears on the Supreme-Tron, shaking his head and screaming out "HEY!!!!" as the Louisville fans jeer him by calling out his first name.


(ANGLE) Gilmore Booked Against Money






- HEY!!!!! Tom, I know you're going through a rough stretch. After all, you failed to defeat Marat Khoklov at Times of Trouble, and last week, you failed to prevent that Hollyweird Reject Drew Hawkins from gaining employment in the SWF, when you know full well he was the EPITOME of the COMPETITION's youth movement! That does not give you a right to interfere in that private matter...




- You know NOTHING, Tom Gilmore! You're not even sure you'll be facing Remo at Supreme Challenge, so I think it's pretty hasty of you to keep going at him well ahead of SC34!
If you want to beef against someone, beef against Marat Khoklov, and keep your head on straight, because if you win your match tonight...you get to pick the stipulation for that match at Master of Puppets. Your match, Tom, will be against someone who once thought so highly of you...probably the only person who believed...and probably still believes you can be an A+ SWF Superstar. That man...is none other than the man whom you couldn't beat for the SWF Title. That man...is RICH MONEY. And if Money wins tonight...he gets to pick the stipulation for Marat. You've been waiting a long time for this, Tom...


- If you think I'm gonna take it easy on Money just because he doesn't have SWF gold no more...


- No, you shouldn't, Tom! If I were you, I'd stick it to that Moneyman! I'd put the Fear of Gilmore into that referee-bribing, butt-kissing, money throw around-ing suit, because if Rich chooses your stipulation, chances are you're screwed against Khoklov. And you wouldn't want that to happen, Tom! Because if you lose to Marat Khoklov at Master of Puppets...YOU LOSE YOUR MAIN EVENT SPOT AT SUPREME CHALLENGE...AND YOU LOSE YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO FIGHT FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE.


(surprisingly calm)
- So what's it now, Bowen? What am I in for now?


- As I said, Tom, you interfered in a private matter between Remo and #Edd. You dogged it against Drew Hawkins and failed to prevent this continued invasion from the competition. Most of all, Tom...YOU LET THE SWF GALAXY DOWN. I'm beginning to think you aren't even solid these days, what with the way you've been underachieving...




Matthew Keith and Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt (w/Enforcer Allen)

[Matthew Keith's main roster debut]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb2aff3a-ffd7-4500-b053-dabb3daece16_zps62155ce9.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c5509867-cc56-40cd-8ddc-7d499b0129f1_zps52ba1908.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6171f218-7ad9-4933-8850-ac1078a56e25_zps1530530d.jpg




  • As the match begins, Jerry Eisen talks about P-Hunt's latest Instagram post - a photo of all three Klubb members at a strip club, with the hashtags #strippklubb and #sorrynotsorry. Peter Michaels says that the old Paul Huntingdon definitely wouldn't have been interested in such lowbrow entertainment.
  • Gone is the old Huntingdon and his flamboyant style as the Blue Blood - in its place is a more physical style that includes some MMA-influenced moves, such as a nasty-looking armbar on High Stakes champ Matthew Keith at 2:30.
  • Steve Frehley gains the advantage for the babyfaces at 3:30 or so, and is completely relentless as he unloads on Eric Eisen, then lands a dropkick on Enforcer Allen, preventing the big man from interfering.
  • At 6:00, Keith and Frehley still have the edge, and Keith nearly makes P-Hunt tap out of the Proton Lock. Not to worry, as the Supreme Iconoclast enters the ring illegally and draws Shane Stones' attention, allowing P-Hunt to grab the ropes and break the hold.
  • Eisen and P-Hunt had, for the most part, struggled in this match, but they win this one in the end. With Stones preventing Frehley from breaking up a sneaky double-team attempt, the two Klubb members combine, with Eisen landing a Supremacy on Keith and P-Hunt following up with repeated bronco busters. The two heels bro-fist each other, and legal man Eisen goes for the cover, getting the cheap win.



- E. Eisen and P-Hunt in 8:47



A. Garcia
- Certainly, this is not the way Matthew Keith would have wanted to debut on Supreme TV after winning the first season of High Stakes.


J. Eisen
- You don't say, Ana! You saw how P-Hunt again proved to be the game changer in this match. With Shane Stones asking Steve Frehley to go back to his corner, P-Hunt and my no-good brother continued their double-teaming on Matt, and...
(shakes his head as he pauses)
GOD! What's that thing P-Hunt did before making the pin?


- It's a series of bronco busters, and I probably don't want to know what P-Hunt calls 'em.


A. Garcia
- Neither do I, Peter. All I can say is that that was quite an unorthodox way for Eric Eisen and P-Hunt to pick up the win...


J. Eisen
- ...and quite dishonest!



(ANGLE) Bruce Psyches Up the Awesomeness






The Awesomeness and Dawn the Cheerleader are in the catering area, with Dawn spouting off Valley Girl-isms and Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust acting like the lovable, if a bit dimwitted wannabe rock stars they are. Huey and Jeff are debating on which was the ultimate rock club of the '80s hair metal scene - Whisky A Go-Go or Rainbow Bar and Grill - when the Champions of Honor greet them, and Lobster Warrior says that their team of five will "make it SNAPPEH" at Master of Puppets against The Family of Darkness, Christian Faith, and now Marc DuBois. The Awesomeness are then cornered by Jack Bruce, who congratulates them on their ongoing winning streak and their "sweet pay-per-view spot" at Master of Puppets...


- So...have you two been writin' any new songs since you got that winning streak going?


- As a matter of fact we have! Wanna hear how it goes?


- And a-one, and a -two, and a-one, two, three, four!


The Awesomeness then break into a quick song with predictably goofy lyrics, and Jack Bruce nods his head up and down, trying his best to appreciate his charges' latest attempt at songwriting.



Tag team titles, baby!

Tag team titles, baby!

Tag team titles, baby!

Tag team titles, YEAH!!!!



Said it four times straight, won four times straight,

We've got a show tonight, Christmas don't be late,

Santa, it's the summer, I know it's soon,

But thanks for ending our little swoon,

Now we're winnin', our presence is felt,

How about givin' us those tag team belts!


- Stop right there, boys...


- But Jack! We were about to sing the verse about Vengeance and Christian Faith and those New Darkness Warriors...


- We wrote it before DuBois joined their team, we can always add another verse or change a few lines, y'know...


- A Christmas song...in the summer! It's different, I'll give you boys that.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I am proud of you. Just like the old song goes, you got your troubles, I got mine...you know I've got my rematch against Rich Money at Master of Puppets, while you got your thing with Vengeance. Can I call you two Brian Wilson and Mike Love, because you get around? Nah, scratch that. Those two hate each other.


- That ain't gonna happen, Jack! And we got another song we'd like you to hear...a song about how the two of us and Dawn always stick together as a team...


- Look, Jeff...I really dig the stuff you two have written, so tell you what. How 'bout you gimme your songs. Gonna give the lyrics a look-see, dust 'em up a bit, spit-shine them, make sure they're rock radio-ready and stuff, and I'll give those lyrics back to you, you'll retain all credit, then you can make yourselves a demo.


- Far-out, man! See, that's what I like about you, Jack...as our original mentor...


- Speaking of that, I think you better check out our boy Skye Sunlight's songs as well! Dude's on the SWF roster too, after all...


(trying to remain polite, as he really has to go)
- Frak yeah, Awesomeness! Great job takin' Skye to second place on High Stakes. Look, I really have to go, but lemme just say it once again before I bounce. I am proud of you two.



(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) McClean Hypes Hell's Bouncer






- There's nothing more I'd like in this world to tell each and every one of you decadent sorts in the SWF Galaxy and in the SWF locker room that it's LAST CALL. Time to give up that booze and reach your full potential clean, sober, and straight-edge. But speaking of Last Call, I'm gonna be mentoring a young man who earned his stripes as a bouncer, and is ready to break out in the big leagues with his combination of size and strength. Best of all, he's sobering up too! Ladies and gentlemen, here he is...Hell's Bouncer.


- My name is Henry Hill, but back when I was in the minor leagues, I wrestled under the name Hell's Bouncer. Yeah, that's right. You may say I had a brief cup of coffee at DaVE and shouldn't be called a rookie no more, but DaVE? That's minor league, man. The SWF is the big leagues, and I am gonna hit a homer with my awesome size and ungodly strength. I stand nearly seven feet tall and weigh close to 400 pounds. Back when I was playing college ball, I finished my freshman year with more fouls than points. Then they kicked me off the team, took away my scholarship, and off I was, bouncing at bars and making sure that LAST CALL meant LAST CALL. Then I became a wrestler. See a common thread there? I'm a guy who likes, and has had a lotta success hurting people, and here in High Stakes, there's gonna be a whole lotta hurting for the seven other pipsqueaks, make that the seven LOSERS, in the second season cast.



The East-West Connection vs Jay Chord and Rogue (w/Emma Chase)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c73fffef-55b7-479c-a9cf-d40121b26a68_zps26d4bac7.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f295859f-b4c3-425d-8494-c5d8313000a7_zpsf9ec99bc.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a8530ef0-f432-40a6-9918-55ad4abf1cf2_zps46b28725.jpg




  • It's not sure yet whether Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino's partnership will be a regular one, but they seem to work together well as stiff brawlers with realistic, if extremely painful fighting styles. Andrews gets things started on the right foot with a running bulldog on Rogue.
  • The Rogue/Chord tandem gains control at 1:50, when Jay Chord enters the ring and counters an over-shoulder backbreaker drop and goes for an inverted atomic drop on Ino.
  • Rogue and Chord effectively and dishonestly double-team Ino, and then Andrews, and are quite effective in doing so up until the fourth minute. Chord goes for a slight variation on the Jay Chord DDT and drops Andrews, but the man known in TCW as the "Ace" kicks out at two.
  • Referee Darren Smith has his hands quite full dealing with the MCO boys, and Koshiro Ino actually tries to take advantage of this, Ino Plex-ing Chord as Smith lectures Rogue. The fans love this occasional bit of sneakiness from the babyfaces, and Ino heads back to his corner right in the nick of time.
  • Andrews and Chord go for the hot tag, and get it at around 6:20, with Ino and Rogue taking over. Ino seems to be getting the better of Rogue here, and after unleashing more stiff punches, elbows, and chops, he ignores an Emma Chase distraction (dollar signs, natch) and goes for the Kobra's Bite on the Dirty, Rotten Soundrel!
  • Jay Chord runs in to break up the cover, and at this point, the two MCO employees don't care anymore. Chase tells Chord and Rogue to "put 'em in the red", and they do just that, assaulting The East-West Connection and ignoring Smith as the referee calls for the bell and the disqualification.



- The East-West Connection in 9:10 via DQ



(ANGLE) The East-West Connection Beaten Down by Chord and Rogue




Emma Chase looks on silently, nodding her head with zero emotion in her eyes as Jay Chord and Rogue continue their post-match assault on Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino, The East-West Connection. Chord is especially vicious, yelling "AFTER ALL I'D DONE TO GET Y'ALL HERE!!!", among other things, at Andrews and Ino as he bashes away with a steel chair. Joey Minnesota and Drew Hawkins run in, hoping to stop the beatdown before it gets any worse, but Chase tells her two charges that they've "done enough", and they beat a hasty retreat through the crowd. Andrews is out, but appears to be okay, while Ino seems to be clutching his knee in what looks to be a kayfabe injury...



- This is a complete and utter outrage...YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF, JAY CHORD! This is, and was not a thing even your father would have done back when he was younger!


J. Eisen
- Jay Chord has been seething since Aaron Andrews, Koshiro Ino, and Drew Hawkins turned down that offer to join the Money-Chase Organization, and it looks like he may have taken out one, or maybe two remaining King of Supreme candidates!


A. Garcia
- Aaron Andrews appears to be alright...he's getting up, he's able to walk, but Koshiro Ino seems to be having a hard time getting on his feet!


- Those chair shots to Ino's knee may have done him in. He's scheduled to face Rogue on Thursday at Uprising, with both men fighting for a semifinal berth in the King of Supreme tournament...


J. Eisen
- Just as a reminder, Aaron Andrews is already on to the semifinal round. If Ino is out, that means it's going to be Andrews vs Rogue in the semis. If Ino AND Andrews are out, that means Rogue will be going straight to the King of Supreme final at Master of Puppets! Vintage scorched-earth tactics from the MCO, and it's sad to say, but it looks like they've just done some "good business" out there...by their definition of "good business", that is.


- Here's hopin' Aaron and Kosh are alright...we've already got Nicky Champion recovering from concussion and Brandon James out with a knee injury of his own until July or August. That was completely uncalled for from the team of Rogue and Jay Chord. Completely uncalled for.



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs The Pain Alliance (w/Duane Fry)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1ba78385-a123-444b-898b-ba43c87ccf54_zpsfbf4b673.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8691d2e4-de1e-4afe-b804-fb231fdfe893_zps97800d36.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9be3a366-200c-406b-af3c-7575600417ec_zpsb5df1859.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8fb9c774-b9c9-40e9-bb69-7405d689f758_zpsb7625215.jpg




  • Much to Peter Michaels' chagrin, Duane Fry joins the announce team for this match, and spends most of his time antagonizing Peter Michaels and/or hyping up his boys, The Pain Alliance, who have been on a poor run since losing the tag team titles...
  • As Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee corner Joey Minnesota, with Laramee kneeing Minnesota as Scott holds him down, Fry deflects Jerry Eisen's questions about The Pain Alliance's misfortunes, and further irritates the announcers by talking about how Remo will dominate WH challenger Drew Hawkins at Master of Puppets...
  • Hawkins stands out at the four-minute mark with a sit-out swinging neckbreaker on Big Smack Scott, and follows up with a second-rope legdrop. Mr. Full Moon Fever goes for the cover, but Laramee runs in to break things up, getting warned by Shane Stones as a result.
  • Big Smack Scott is back in at 5:30, as this match is surprisingly even so far. He's punishing Hawkins with some crude-looking bodyslams and extremely stiff kicks, and as some fans in the front rows yell "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!" at the Smacker, he screams at them to "SHADDAFAHKKAH!!!!" (shut the f--- up) - this outburst of profanity is somehow left uncensored on C.A.N.N.'s television broadcast.
  • Joey Minnesota goes for a Tiger Bomb at 7:20, landing it especially stiffly on Big Smack Scott (he and the Smacker supposedly have some legit heat backstage), and goes for the cover, only for Duane Fry to leave the announce table and call Stones' attention. With Stones distracted and Minnesota going for the Minnesota Salute, Laramee shakes the top rope, throwing J-Minny off and leaving both men going for a hot tag...
  • Big Smack Scott stops the hot tag and continues potatoing Minnesota, and the fans at home can see Duane Fry's face showing some conflicting emotions. He's supposed to be cheering on his charges in storyline, but he looks genuinely concerned with how the Smacker is taking things too far in the ring...
  • Stones, probably sensing the same thing that Fry does, takes the Smacker aside to lecture him about his blatant cheating (he was about to go for a rope choke), and that somehow allows Minnesota to crawl to his corner and tag Hawkins in! Scott tags Laramee in the nick of time, and it looks like Hawkins and Laramee will be closing this match out...
  • After Laramee's attempt at a Switchblade Powerslam is blocked, Hawkins runs the ropes and gains momentum for a Full Moon Rising on the King of the Streets, giving his team the win but not enough to placate Minnesota in real life, as he seems pissed off "for realz" at the Smacker's "potato harvest."



- Hawkins and Minnesota in 11:36



- This isn't workin'...


A. Garcia
- What's not working, Duane?


- NOTHING! You didn't hear anything, cheesecake! This is a personal matter that's between me and The Pain Alliance. But if you really want to know, I don't think I want them at ringside for Remo's title defense against Hawkins.


J. Eisen
- Even with all the help they've provided Remo since you started managing their careers? No, Duane, your Pain Alliance hasn't been in the tag team title hunt for a while, but...


- Jerry, you have two options. One, you can choose to keep your fool mouth shut like Peter does whenever I'm around. Two, you can save your vitriol for your brother and STOP OFFERING ME SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO MANAGE MY GUYS!


J. Eisen
- Those weren't suggestions, Duane! Those were OBSERVATIONS!


- Yeah? Well, they make me think you want to manage three of the most physically intimidating superstars in SWF history, just like I do! You can't, Jerry! Hell, you're the type who cries to your daddy whenever Marc DuBois gives you a wedgie! The Duane Fry Guys aren't gonna respect you in the same way that they respect their manager, mentor, friend, advocate, and battle strategist - ME. As for The Pain Alliance, I said it a hundred times and I'll say it again - focus on doin' your job right instead of worryin' about how I should motivate those two lugs in the ring.



Lobster Warrior and Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/da1e1864-93bb-443b-9e0a-cdc075bd1d84_zps5db5db9d.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/98828076-610d-4563-b5f2-8c44d6625b8c_zps2a7778a7.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c84ec339-fce9-4823-86a6-f54202f6103e_zpsb2dc981b.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c8d2ed5a-db2f-4362-a3fc-9c4fdf98ae7c_zps3b0d0bec.jpg




  • This match is described as Super Tag Tuesday's "most super of the Super Tags", and the announcers speculate if longtime rivals Christian Faith and Vengeance can work together and defeat Champions of Honor Lobster Warrior and Valiant, who are now being managed by Jessie "as herself."
  • There's not much action in the first few minutes, as both teams mostly exchange rest holds and simple maneuvers, but Lobster Warrior gets a good pop at 2:30 when he nearly drops Vengeance with a top-rope flying clothesline.
  • Lobby continues controlling the early goings, as he dodges a Faith Hammer from Christian Faith, catches the Supreme Legend with a spinebuster, then locks him up in a stretch muffler. Faith tries to grab the ropes, but Vengeance's illegal entry into the ring distracts Lobby, forcing him to let go of the hold and tag Valiant in. It looks like Faith doesn't appreciate Vengeance's attempts to cheat on his behalf...
  • Valiant continues the faces' isolation of Christian Faith, preventing him from making the tag and countering an abdominal stretch attempt en route to a front backbreaker. About a minute later, he drops a woozy Faith with a Patriot Missile and goes for a cover, but Vengeance once again breaks things up, much to Faith's displeasure...
  • At 7:00, Faith appears very frustrated with Vengeance's shenanigans, and decides that if Vengeance wants to interfere so much, he might as welll be the legal man. Faith hits a near low blow on Lobby and tags Vengeance in, which leads to several minutes of domination from the Father of Darkness...
  • It's all Vengeance and Faith from the 7:30 to 12:00 mark, as it's the bad guys' turn to isolate Lobby and prevent him from tagging. Still, the two appear to be forcing themselves to work with each other for the sake of their common goal, and are often at odds with each other...
  • At 11:50, Vengeance chokeslams Lobby to the mat with the Six Feet Under, and Faith is telling him to stop it with the premature celebrations - he should make the cover now! Vengeance takes too long, Lobby kicks out, and that sparks an argument between Vengeance and Faith...
  • The two "strange bedfellows" continue arguing to the point that Lobby is able to muster enough strength and go for the Shell Fish Shock on 325-pound Vengeance! He pulls it off, and that buys him the time he needs to make the tag to Valiant...
  • Valiant gets the hot tag, and so does Christian Faith, and while Valiant is able to land the V-Split on Faith at 14:20, Faith surprisingly kicks out of that, sits up, and launches into his now-unpopular Faith-Up! The quasi-babyface comeback from Faith includes the requisite Machine Gun Faith Hammers on Valiant, and they do end up stunning the Honorable One...
  • Despite Vengeance's objections, Faith remains in the ring until the end of the match, and establishes himself as the potential "X factor" in the Cage Wars match by using his patented Stalling Atomic Drop/Leap of Faith combo to finish off Valiant.


- Faith and Vengeance in 16:28


J. Eisen
- I never thought I'd say it, but I no longer enjoy classic Christian Faith moments like that!


- Nobody does, Jerry, and that's because Faith is a bitter old cur who'd stoop so low to teaming up with a vile hypocrite like Vengeance just so he can teach a lesson to the young...


A. Garcia
- ...or young-at-heart, in Jack Bruce's case...


- As I was saying, Faith's sleepin' with the enemy, so to say, just so he can teach a lesson to young, and/or edgy SWF Superstars, or anyone whom he feels isn't worthy of being called a role model!


A. Garcia
- It does seem like Christian Faith's addition to Vengeance's team may be the difference maker they need in the Cage Wars Match.


- Then again, you can't discount the unhinged Marc DuBois, who may be the submission expert Vengeance's team needs! For those who aren't familiar with how these brutal matches work, they start with two men, one from each team. One man joins the fray every two minutes, until all ten men are in the cage. Once everyone's in there, the only way for a team to win is if somebody submits...or taps out...to another.


A. Garcia
- This could be a good time for Lobster Warrior, who's a brilliant technical mind in the ring, to brush up on those submissions. And speaking of Lobby, here he is, introducing us to one of three foreign rookies who will be debuting on the second season of High Stakes, 11 p.m. local time, Thursday night, only on C.A.N.N.


- I hope Lobby realizes what he's in for...this Rudy Velasquez kid, as I've heard, doesn't take too well to authority...








- With Season 2 being my second chance to mentor someone on High Stakes, I have swam high and low, swam the rivers, the seas, and dived deep into the ocean in search for the hidden treasure. And my travels had taken me to Puerto Rico, where I found this fine young man whom I believe has a chance of making it to the SWF...and making it SNAPPEH for the little Lobbies...and the little Rudies. This is my rookie, Puerto Rico's own Rudy Velasquez.


The enjoyable pop-punk of Lobster Warrior's theme is replaced by the angry sound of
(from a Filipino band), as Lobby's rather unlikely High Stakes rookie Rudy Velasquez introduces himself...


- You lookin' at me, mang?
Mi nombre...es
Rodolfo Antonio Enrique Velasquez Tordesillas. Rudy Velasquez for short. I come from Puerto Rico, where I was THE OG for quite a while. Got thrown in jail several times since I was 15 years old, and even if my parents, the school,
la policia
, everybody, mang, tell me that I can turn my life around through wrestling, I prove to be a hard-headed boy. What can I do? I hate rules, mang. I hate authority. I hate havin' people tell me what to do and what not to do. To that, I have three short words...
hijo de puta.
That's what y'all are if you get in Rudy's face. I'm gonna go out there on High Stakes, be my own man, win the damn competition and do it at all costs.
Mi nombre es
Rudy Velasquez.
Yo soy el mejor.



Angry Gilmore vs Rich Money (w/the Money-Chase Organization)

[Winner gets to choose stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a13ca6d-2c15-4ee2-801e-6b1ef267a867_zpsbe14108c.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6a98d800-6998-4b39-83c3-e328d3cefd2c_zps2aca6443.jpg




  • This match was made earlier in the evening, following Angry Gilmore's attempt to save #Edd from a Remo beatdown, as he was "interfering in a personal matter" between both men. And for Gilmore, the onus is once again on him - if he loses tonight, Rich Money chooses a stipulation for his behemoth charge Marat Khoklov, and if Gilmore loses his rematch against Khoklov at Master of Puppets, he loses both his main event spot and his World Heavyweight title shot at Supreme Challenge 34.
  • Rich Money is the one man whom Gilmore hasn't been able to beat all year, and it looks like Gilmore has a solid chance (no pun intended) to win it. After the usual slow build, Gilmore explodes with an enzuigiri on Money at 3:20, and dropkicks both Jay Chord and Rogue off the apron. He then goes for a belly-to-belly suplex on Money, but the Moneyman kicks out of the cover attempt easily.
  • Gilmore continues controlling the match, and at 6:00, he sets up the Sky High Elbow with a snap suplex. He nips up, climbs to the top rope and maintains his balance despite Jay Chord's attempt to shake the ropes, goes for the Sky High Elbow, but Money rolls away!
  • Money takes over for the next couple of minutes, following up a slingshot suplex with a Northern Lights suplex, but Gilmore kicks out in the nick of time, and is able to get some "payback" against Money, rolling away from the Dollars from Heaven at 9:20 or so.
  • With both men still down heading into the tenth minute, Emma Chase climbs the apron to show off her assets, hoping to distract Angry GIlmore. No luck, though - Gilmore ignores the Dollar Signs and lets Chase know, in no uncertain terms, that she shouldn't waste her time showing off her goodies to a married man like him.
  • Chase turns her attention to referee Ric Young, which allows Jay Chord to enter the ring with a chair in hand, but Gilmore blocks the chair shot attempt and smashes the cocky young newcomer with it! He then swings and connects on Rogue, then slides the chair out right in time as Young's focus returns to the match.
  • By this time, Gilmore and Money are both up on their feet, and Gilmore has the upper hand, eventually clotheslining Money out of the ring. The match spills outside with Chord and Rogue still collecting their senses, as Gilmore DDT's Money outside the ring and whips him against the steel steps, getting a huge "HOLY S---!!!!" chant from the audience.
  • Gilmore reenters the ring, hoping to secure a count-out win against Money, but Chord and Rogue, now recovered, join Ms. Chase in rolling Money back into the ring, allowing him to beat the ten-count. At 13:50, Young has enough of the MCO's interference, and tells all three to beat it and head back to the locker room if they don't want their Chairman disqualified.
  • Gilmore continues controlling Money up until the final minutes of the match, but someone (Chase, Chord and/or Rogue?) somehow plays a hype video for Marat Khoklov on the Supreme-Tron. The strains of Rob Zombie's "Superbeast" play in the background, and the sight of Khoklov crushing foes in the Russian pit fighting scene distracts Gilmore more than any Dollar Signs can! Money takes advantage, sets Gilmore up for a Bank Roll, and picks up the win, thus allowing the Moneyman to choose the stipulation for Gilmore vs Khoklov II.



- Money in 17:35. Rich Money to choose stipulation for Marat Khoklov for his match against Angry Gilmore at Master of Puppets.



- He always gets what he wants.


J. Eisen
- And Angry Gilmore's losing streak continues! In all fairness, he's lost to some formidable opponents, such as Remo, Marat Khoklov, Drew Hawkins, and now Rich Money. But this is not the kind of boost Angry Gilmore needs ahead of Master of Puppets, where he'll be facing Marat Khoklov in a rematch...


A. Garcia
- ...with Rich Money choosing the stipulation!


- All the cards are stacked against Angry Gilmore now. He has to defeat Khoklov, who, as we know, is 7'6", 425 pounds of pure muscle. if he doesn't beat Khoklov, that means Gilmore will lose what he fought so hard for at The World is Watching - a chance to main event Supreme Challenge, and a chance to fight for the main event title of his choice!


A. Garcia
- Yes, the odds are against Gilmore, but don't count him out. Don't write him off. The man came so close to beating Khoklov at Times of Trouble, and had, in fact, lasted a comparative while against him. I think we're going to have a case of David beating Goliath at Master of Puppets.


(HIGH STAKES VIGNETTE) Big Smack Scott Hypes Erlandsson






Big Smack Scott
(thing or two)


It seems that Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson is playing a Funny Foreigner role, albeit this time as a babyface. He speaks in semi-kayfabe stilted English, and his hype vignette looks like it has the worst production values ever seen in a pre-debut vignette - all part of his comedic appeal.


- Hallo there! I'm Andy from Sweden, a.k.a. Andy Thunder, and I'm big fan of Sam Strong! Since I'm little boy, I strive to be as big and as powerful as Sam Strong himself, and to that end I spend time in gym and train hard to be best wrestler like Mr. Strong and High Stakes mentor Smack Scott. My favorite move is Strong Arm Tactic, but I also use Side Bear Hug to finish off bad guy!
(flexes his muscles)
I also like Smack Scott finisher Ego Trip. Good move, right? Anyway, I live by basic rule of Sam Strong, which is to work hard, pray to God, and eat my Vegeta Balls. And my dream is to win High Stakes and go on date with Sam Strong daughter Alicia! Va-va-voom and ooh-la-la!
(wolf whistles)
So let me tell you something, High Stakes rookies! Whatcha gonna do about it, when Thundermania goes Hog Wild on you!





(PROMO) Fry and Hawkins Argue






Tonight's Supreme TV ends with Duane Fry, who's in the ring with Remo, but no Pain Alliance flanking him as they often do...


- So the big bad Wolf finally has a job in the SWF. So Tommy Cornell's Man Friday is now workin' in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, playin' with the big boys, and doin' pretty well while at it. Last week, you took advantage of the fact that Angry Gilmore and Barry Bowen are like oil and water, and you got hired. Earlier tonight, you and New York's Finest Marblemouth Joey Minnesota UPSET my PAAAAAAAAIN AAAAAAALLIAAAAAANCE...and though I'd like to say you got lucky...you DID get lucky against The Pain Alliance. Very well, Drew Hawkins, I see you've got a good thing goin' in your new place of employment. But on June 15, you are gonna wish you toughed it out with Monty Python over in Hollyweird. You are gonna wish you took my advice while still early and told Cornell you'd be DELIGHTED to be on the same team as Danny Fonzarelli and Giant Tana, with veteran women's wrestler Corey, er...Corinne White as your manager. Because my client, my best friend, my protege, and the MOST DOMINANT, DOMINATING, AND TERRIFYING FORCE IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY, RRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRICHARDSON, IS GOIN' TO MAKE EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY HURT LIKE IT'S NEVER HURT BEFORE...HE IS GOIN' TO SHOW YOU EVERY BIT OF HIS CAREER-KILLING ABILITIES...and no, Drew, don't tell me that you're too young to be thinkin' of career-ending injuries! Look at Mark Prior! Brandon Roy! Sterling Sharpe! And look at Andrew Hawkins, his professional wrestling career OVER a few years before his 30th birthday. You know why that's gonna happen? If you guessed it's because Drew Hawkins doesn't have Tommy Boy in his corner no more, then you're partially right, but that's not the REAL answer. The real answer is because REMO RICHARDSON IS GOING TO KEEP HIS SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE AT MASTER OF PUPPETS...AND GIVE YOU THE ULTIMATE INITIATION INTO THE WORLD OF SUPREME!!!!!




Fry's promo is interrupted by Drew Hawkins, who appears on the Supreme-Tron, but is actually shown walking to the locker room and ranting at Fry with mic in hand...


- Awooooooooooo!!!! Did somebody just cry WOLF? Whoever did must have called the wrong number, because Wolf Hawkins is just another face in the alumni section of that company's website! I am my own man now...no need for no penny-pinchin' Brit to mold me into his image and likeness...and it was that chance to be myself, that chance to be with my fellow Hollyweird Rejects...that brought me to the SWF.
Y'know what, Fry, you talk a good game. You talk about how Remo is all that, and how he's gonna break my bones into little pieces, and how he's God's gift to professional wrestling. I get it, Duane. You don't need to give me a guided tour of Supreme, because I've done my research. But I was kinda wonderin'. You do all the talkin' for The Pain Alliance, and that's why I don't get to hear as much baby talk from the Smacker as I used to. But why do you do all the talkin' for Remo? Lemme make a guess...is it because your Alpha Dog Remo's got a speakin' voice like Gary Coleman, God rest his soul?
(does a mocking impersonation of Remo's voice)
WHATCHOO TALKIN' ABOUT, SMACKER?!!? I'm the big, bad Alpha Dog, but I can't speak to save my life, and don't wanna try, so Duane does all of that for me.


The crowd laughs at Hawkins' wisecrack, as Fry tries to hold Remo back and prevent him from attacking.


(pauses as the audience showers him with jeers of "GARY COLEMAN!", followed by five claps]


- Okay, big guy, I'm gonna get serious now. Tried to warm up to the SWF Galaxy by doin' an impression of you, but I guess that wasn't any good. Good thing a lot of the fans out here recognize the little '80s reference I just made, though. So where were we?
Ah, yes. Serious. You know what? We're very evenly matched. Remo, you're the World Heavyweight champ of this company, while I held the Big One back in Hollyweird. You got the size and your all-powerful Destroyer, I got the quickness and the Full Moon Rising. You got Duane Fry, I'm my own guy, though my fellow Rejects are always there when I need 'em. You're in your early 30s, I'm in my late 20s. You're an Alpha Dog, while I used to be a Wolf. You're...


- AH, SHUT UP ALREADY, WILL YOU?!?!? We all know you can talk, Drew. You're pretty good at it. But my best friend and client Remo's actions SCREAM MUCH LOUDER THAN YOUR WORDS EVER WILL!!!!!
(makes slit-throat gesture)
Early retirement beckons, Mr. Hawkins. And if you want to get a free taste of what the Alpha Dog, Remo Richardson is capable of, be my guest.


(ANGLE) Gilmore Saves Hawkins from 3-on-1




Hawkins and Remo stare each other down for several seconds, and just as Remo is about to set Hawkins up for the Destroyer, Angry Gilmore runs to the ring and delivers a dose of Anger Management to the reigning World champ! Duane Fry scampers out of the ring before Gilmore can get to him, and while The Pain Alliance run in to save their manager's behind, Hawkins and Gilmore hit their respective finishers on Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee. At this point, we also see Aaron Andrews and Joey Minnesota at ringside. With all three Duane Fry Guys down and Fry begging Andrews and Minnesota not to hurt him, Gilmore pauses for a few moments as he looks at three-fourths of the Hollyweird Rejects, a faction he sort of got off on the wrong foot with. After giving it some thought, Gilmore simply nods at the Rejects, showing that he's okay with them being around, then heads back to the locker room, slapping hands with the fans as the Rejects celebrate in the ring.


- For all that angst, for all that rage that boils within him, Tom "Angry" Gilmore is a class act.


J. Eisen
- Just to be clear, I don't think he likes the Hollyweird Rejects anymore than he did last week. But at least he's acknowledged that they're on the same side, as far as dealing with no-goodniks like the MCO and Duane Fry's Guys are concerned...


A. Garcia
- I agree with you there, Jerry. Brandon James was arguably Angry Gilmore's closest associate before the Big Cat found himself injured, and now Gilmore's back to being a lone wolf, for better or for worse. And as a lone wolf, he knows it's better to be on the side of people like the Hollyweird Rejects rather than be against them.


- They do, after all, have their own issues with the MCO and Duane Fry, with Drew Hawkins set to face Remo for the World Heavyweight Title at Master of Puppets.


J. Eisen
- That should be one interesting matchup, and if it comes down to Gilmore vs Hawkins at Supreme Challenge 34...I'm sure that's gonna be one match the SWF Galaxy will want to see. If you're talking about the best pound-for-pound talent, Gilmore's always had my nod, while Hawkins has always been up there with seniors like Tommy Cornell and Bryan Vessey.


- Yes indeed, Jerry. That's going to be one interesting matchup. But we're still traveling the road to Supreme Challenge, and we'll have to wait till Master of Puppets, and that Remo vs Hawkins match, to see whom Gilmore will be facin' at SC34.
I'm afraid that's all the time we have for tonight, so till next Tuesday, this has been the Dean, Peter Michaels. For Jerry Eisen and Ana Garcia, goodnight and drive safely, SWF Galaxy!


SWF Supreme TV Overall Grade -

TCW Total Wrestling Overall Grade -

Increased Popularity in 8 Regions

SWF Supreme TV Rating - 16.00


Trending on Twitter - #YouKnowNothingTomGilmore #BarryBowenGoT #AngryGilmore #Remo #DuaneFry #Vengeance #MarcDuBois #MasterOfPuppets #CageWars #Edd
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OOC - GAH! Dammit, MAW, y u play hardball? It would appear that MAW refuses to engage in any more talent trades for the next few months. That's put the kibosh on KC Glenn/Kasey Kristopher appearing on the second season of High Stakes - decided to play it honest for now and get him via talent trade (instead of tweaking the SWF's product or Glenn's personality stats), but that obviously didn't work out. Fortunately, I have a little backup plan of my own that I just might be using. ;)


That also means the Kasey Kristopher vs Hell's Bouncer match will now be a bonus on the prediction game. Once again, damn you, MAW! :mad:






Posted by JACK COLE on JUNE 4, 2014



The upcoming second season of High Stakes was thrown into a loop Tuesday evening, as Richard Eisen reportedly sequestered himself in his New York office after-hours, burning telephone wires and pleading, cajoling, and insisting to Sam Keith that Mid-Atlantic Wrestling loans
KC Glenn
(supposedly Kasey Kristopher on High Stakes) for a maximum of ten shows. And it all went to naught, as Glenn/Kristopher will remain in MAW for reasons that are becoming clearer as of this writing.


"On KC's end, the kid simply had reservations about the SWF's product. Too risque, too bawdy, too much content that goes against his strict Christian upbringing. But he seemed willing to give it a go," said a source close to the negotiations. "On MAW's end, the company simply refused to loan out anybody else to the SWF for the time being, as Supreme had made the likes of Robbie Wright, THE ARCHITECT, and even Sam Keith himself look like pathetic jobbers. Long story short - Sam felt Rick (Eisen) was using MAW for the SWF's own selfish purposes, and making MAW look bad as retribution for the Election debacle of 2007."


What does this mean for High Stakes, which premieres tomorrow, and is shooting later on this afternoon? According to our sources, there's a good chance only seven rookies will be competing in the second season, with Glenn/Kristopher's absence simply written off as a no-show until he is removed from High Stakes in storyline. However, one lower-card wrestler who declined to be identified told Pro Wrestling Hits that the SWF is thinking of flying in one RIPW worker who's currently at home in Detroit -
KP Avatar
. "KP's rawer than sushi," said this unnamed curtain-jerker, who also believes it may be a mistake bringing Avatar up so soon. "He's got great mic skills, but he's sort of like a poor man's Fro Sure. And we've already got Fro Sure for the second season." Another alternative for the SWF has been to tough it out and hope against hope MAW has a change of heart, or see if they can hire KC outright.


Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. A third group of insiders, this time close to Sam Keith and MAW, claims the Baltimore-based promotion is planning to sever its ties with SWF following last night's fiasco. Adding salt to the wounds, these sources claim that MAW's upper brass is aggressively pushing Glenn/Kristopher to join TCW the moment they extend him an offer. "TCW's recent wrestler hires, save for Sayeed Ali, have been largely uninspiring, with little to no upside" said one insider. "They could very well swoop down and steal KC, knowing that Eisen and Keith have mutual heat once again."


Could this be the reason why Steve Frehley and Matthew Keith, who were alleged to be going over Eric Eisen and P-Hunt on last night's Supreme TV, did the job instead? One can only hope young Matt and his twin brother Greg (currently working as the masked Oro) don't suffer the wrath of an Eisen scorned.


SWF, MAW, KC Glenn, KP Avatar, Sam Keith, promotion wars





SWF Scoop - Big Smack Scott Backstage Heat, More Heads Rumored for the Chopping Block

MAW Super-Prospect Still Reluctant to Join SWF

KP Avatar Puts Mike Wilmington Over in Radio Interview

Indie Vet Wiley Steinway Announces Retirement

Are The New Wave Headed to Supreme in August?

Meet New TCW Head Writer Mark Smith






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OOC - To those who were hoping to see KP Avatar appear on High Stakes sooner than expected, I regret to inform you that I decided to use my other working relation instead for his replacement. Got California Love Machine from CZCW via talent trade, though I haven't thought of a "real name" for him just yet. Also, the name of the arena in Youngstown is Covelli Centre, not Cowell Center. I think I need some new glasses... :o


Yes, it does look like I've indeed slowed down considerably since my return, but I guess this pace will have to do for the time being. In the meantime, here's more Smacker...because there's going to be less Smacker for the next in-game month or so... :p


"100 Percent, Son"


Wednesday, June 5, 2014

Covelli Centre, Youngstown, Oh.

6:30 p.m.


"Looks like @JohnGreedSWF thinks he cn bcome John Lust when that NDW's BS iz over. #JohnnysGotABrandNewSin #AngellesAndDevils"


Somehow, it looked like Big Smack Scott wanted to be a one-man version of TMZ that Wednesday evening as we prepared to shoot the High Stakes Season 2 premiere. Scotty had once been a bit tight with John Darkness - emphasis on a bit - and Johnny was one of the boys who seemed most receptive to Scotty when he was begging that he rejoin the Solid Hands. At that time, the Smacker was insisting to all of us that he had changed his ways. But here he was, back to being a heat magnet. Last night, he had nearly gotten into a fistfight with Joey Minnesota, as both men turned Minnesota/Hawkins vs Pain Alliance into a potato-fest. Now he was being angrily confronted by John Darkness, due to Scott tweeting about the fact that Johnny was trying to date Kristina Angelova/Krissy Angelle so soon after his divorce.




"'Sup with that, Scotty? Don't you have anything better to do than to post shit like that on Twitter?"


"It was a joke, okay? You better learn to f---in' lighten up and stop actin' like a little kid whose lunch money got stolen. And I wasn't bullyin' you or anything! All I said was..."


"All you said was that I'm dating Krissy while the ink on my divorce papers isn't dry yet. You know what's up with me and the ex-wife, right? You know that we aren't getting into anything serious yet, right? You know it doesn't look good for shit like that to leak out, right? Of course you do, but you don't give a crap because you're only lookin' out for one person - YOURSELF."


"F--- you, Johnny!"


With that, the Smacker and John Darkness were having it out in the locker room, as Des Davids, Robert Darkness, and myself tried to pull Johnny off. Kurt Laramee was watching the donnybrook go down, but decided to "let 'em play." And it wasn't long before Christian Faith got wind of what was happening - he wasn't contracted to appear on B-shows, but as head booker, he decided to travel with the rest of us to make sure High Stakes' chaotic Season 2 premiere got off properly. The SWF, after all, was dealing with MAW's refusal to allow Supreme to include KC Glenn as a Season 2 rookie, so we got this kid from CZCW, California Love Machine, to step in as a last-minute replacement.


Sorry if I had to digress there - Cali Love Machine was fresh from a five-hour flight from California to Ohio, and he was barely attentive as new road agent Craig Prince briefed him and Henry Hill/Hell's Bouncer about their match. As for Christian, he saw what was going on and realized that enough was enough - he wasn't going to stand up for any more Smacker Shenanigans.


"Johnny started it!", whined the Smacker, just like the little kid he was comparing Johnny to.


"Damn right," offered Kurt. "Johnny couldn't take a simple Twitter joke, and doesn't wanna take accountability for the fact that he's mackin' on Krissy on the sly. You tell him, Christian!"


"Shut up, Laramee!", yelled John Darkness, not doing himself any favors. Meanwhile, the Smacker was putting on the charm, trying to look as blameless as possible as Christian assessed the situation. "Look, Christian, if it's a fine, you can tell me now. How many percent is it? Five? Ten? I can only do up to fifteen."




"100 percent, son," said the Supreme Legend.


"Very funny, Christian, you know there ain't no way you can fine me a hundred percent of my monthly pay..."


"It's not a fine, Scott. It's a SUSPENSION. I'm also putting a one-month moratorium on future Twitter posts from your SWF account. Post something on Twitter during that one month, son, and you'll be out for longer."




"You can't post on Twitter as long as you're suspended from the SWF. One month, Scott. I want you to pack your bags after the show and think about what you've done these past few days. That thing with Joey Minnesota, and now your Twitter rants about Johnny and what he does outside of the ring, something that shouldn't be your business at all. I'm really disappointed in you, son. I hate to have to do this to you, but the backstage heat on you, Scott, it's way too much for me to just sit there and do nothing about it."


"What about High Stakes?", asked Scott, who stood to miss out four weeks of the second season - he was set to mentor Andy Erlandsson, a.k.a. Anders Thunder/Anderz Thunderz in what many were expecting to be a very entertaining partnership.


Christian thought about it for a few moments. "Kurt and Duane will be mentoring Andy for the June shows. I guess you can cut some offscreen promos, or probably a video promo, but as far as live shows and tapings go, you're suspended."


With more than half of the locker room watching Christian give the Smacker a dose of his "tough love", Big Smack Scott kicked a chair, pounded his fist on the wall, and yelled out something about being suspended in his home state. Yes, despite his Bronx billing, the Smacker is actually an Ohio native. And it sucks for anyone to get disciplinary action in one's home state. But for the Smacker, it was a long time coming.

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SWF Uprising

Covelli Centre (Ohio, Great Lakes)

Thursday, June 5, 2014



Marvin Earnest, Samuel Curran, and Swoop McCarthy (Melanie Florence, Earnest, and Curran for High Stakes matches)




(VIDEO) Supreme Rewind - Champion Enters Cage Wars, Money Defeats Gilmore to Choose Khoklov Stip (81/B)


After last week's Uprising passed on the Supreme Rewind due to its being the High Stakes first season finale, this weekly feature is back, aking a look at the main touchpoints of the last Supreme TV. Nicky Champion is shown joining his Champions of Honor stable and The Awesomeness, making it a five-on-five Cage Wars match at Master of Puppets; for the other side, Marc DuBois is chosen by Vengeance and Christian Faith, while Joe Sexy is left out of the mix. Later on that evening, Matthew Keith loses his SWF main roster debut (Keith/Frehley vs Eric Eisen/P-Hunt), thanks to some "Klubbnanigans." Finally, we see Rich Money flashing a wicked smile as he uses some MCO distractions to defeat Angry Gilmore, and earn the right to choose the stipulation for the Gilmore vs Khoklov rematch at Master of Puppets.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Atomic Hypes Ashley (75/B-)


The show is opened up by Melanie Florence, Marvin Earnest, and Sammy Curran, who immediately inform the viewers at home that prospective High Stakes rookie Kasey Kristopher "refused to be released by his former employer", while Big Smack Scott was "suspended by the SWF for unsportsmanlike conduct." After hyping up tonight's High Stakes feature, we move on to the first rookie hype video - last week, we got a teaser of Carl Ashley (a.k.a. Ash Campbell) hyping himself up, now we have mentor Captain Atomic delivering a short introduction for his rookie...at least by his standards.




- So I was at the Camera Obscura concert the other night, and I was telling my friends Terrence and Emily about this new gig of mine on the second season of High Stakes. And they were like, "Carl! The SWF is sooooo played out!" Couldn't agree more. I'm Carl Ashley, and my dad is hardcore legend Nemesis. And yes, hardcore IS played out, if you ask me. People bustin' their asses, breakin' their bones and gettin' juice for the television screen. What's the payoff, man? Where is the ART in that? I mean, it used to be cool to see my dad serve as the antithesis to the mainstream mumbo-jumbo the big promotions used to serve us up with, but...EVERYBODY'S DOIN' IT NOW! And as I said, there's no payoff in gettin' too bruised and banged-up to chill at the coffee shop and dance like Iggy Pop when the show is over. I'm here to teach all you simple-minded conformists about the art in wrestling, and I feel that's gonna help me become High Stakes champion in this sweet, if played-out new gig of mine.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Big Smack Scott Hypes Erlandsson (67/C+)


Likewise, this is the second time the fans get to see the Andy Erlandsson hype vignette, as it had debuted on Tuesday's Supreme TV. At this point, the announcers explain that Kurt Laramee and Duane Fry will be Erlandsson's substitute mentors while Big Smack Scott serves his suspension.


Big Smack Scott
(thing or two)


It seems that Andy "Thunder" Erlandsson is playing a Funny Foreigner role, albeit this time as a babyface. He speaks in semi-kayfabe stilted English, and his hype vignette looks like it has the worst production values ever seen in a pre-debut vignette - all part of his comedic appeal.


- Hallo there! I'm Andy from Sweden, a.k.a. Andy Thunder, and I'm big fan of Sam Strong! Since I'm little boy, I strive to be as big and as powerful as Sam Strong himself, and to that end I spend time in gym and train hard to be best wrestler like Mr. Strong and High Stakes mentor Smack Scott. My favorite move is Strong Arm Tactic, but I also use Side Bear Hug to finish off bad guy!
(flexes his muscles)
I also like Smack Scott finisher Ego Trip. Good move, right? Anyway, I live by basic rule of Sam Strong, which is to work hard, pray to God, and eat my Vegeta Balls. And my dream is to win High Stakes and go on date with Sam Strong daughter Alicia! Va-va-voom and ooh-la-la!
(wolf whistles)
So let me tell you something, High Stakes rookies! Whatcha gonna do about it, when Thundermania goes Hog Wild on you!


Andy Erlandsson (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic) (27/E)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9a56294a-c850-4a9a-ab5f-684e8b6a3236_zpsf3069126.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/35857b84-a0a3-49ec-8021-6d725775c670_zpsb550cb50.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Carl Ashley defeated Andy Erlandsson
in 5:11 when Andy Erlandsson was disqualified when Kurt Laramee ran in and attacked Carl Ashley. (The fans were quite vocal in their contempt for Erlandsson and his lack of wrestling skills, though the "Super Swede" did get to show a lot of offense against the promising Ashley.)


- What the hell was Kurt Laramee thinking when he did that?


- Andy Erlandsson was in control most of the way. He had nearly made Carl Ashley submit to the Gothenbearhug, and had also nailed him with a Swede Arm Tactic!


- Swede Arm Tactic? Gothenbearhug?


- Just like Sam Strong's finisher, only with a Swedish touch. At least that's how Andy describes it. And I think a Gothenbearhug...is a bearhug with a Swedish twist to it.


- Interesting chap, that Andy Erlandsson...


(PROMO) Fry Rants About Erlandsson (45/D)


After the match, Duane Fry hits the ring with Kurt Laramee, as the ultra-annoying (yet effective) heel manager tears down Big Smack Scott's rookie protege, while making it seem like such an approach would work in molding Andy Erlandsson into a breakout star.


- You Youngstown hicks think that Andy Erlandsson is the next Sam Strong? You think Big Smack Scott's rookie is anywhere close to the most charismatic man ever to step into a wrestling ring, never mind the fact that he's got less moves, punches, chops, and elbows included, than he's got fingers in both hands? Yes? Did I hear "Yes"? Well then. You must be the stupidest brain-dead yokels I have ever seen in my time as an SWF announcer-turned manager, mentor, and BATTLE STRATEGIST for my Duane Fry Guys. Andy Erlandsson is a young man who learned English by listenin' to his parents' Abba records. He learned wrestling by watching Sam Strong matches - and you know how few moves that guy has - and tryin' to incorporate the lyrics of "Dancing Queen" into a mumbly, grumbly spiel. He is a young man with no hope, no chance in heaven or hell, of winnin' the second season of High Stakes, and as his substitute mentors, we've seen to it that his High Stakes journey...will be fraught with danger. If he wants to succeed, he'll have to overcome obstacle after obstacle after obstacle, and Kurt and I are here to help Scott in creating those obstacles! It is our God-given mission to make Andy Erlandsson look bad at every turn...and if he overcomes those obstacles we put in his way, that's the only time we can be convinced that Andy Erlandsson from Gothenburg...is really the next Sam Strong.


- What Duane said!


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) McClean Hypes Hill (70/C+)


As eleventh-hour addition Kelly Williams (California Love Machine in CZCW) doesn't have his hype vignette up yet, the announcers go straight to our third "replay" vignette - Squeeky McClean hyping Henry Hill, a.k.a. DaVE and FCW's Hell's Bouncer.


- There's nothing more I'd like in this world to tell each and every one of you decadent sorts in the SWF Galaxy and in the SWF locker room that it's LAST CALL. Time to give up that booze and reach your full potential clean, sober, and straight-edge. But speaking of Last Call, I'm gonna be mentoring a young man who earned his stripes as a bouncer, and is ready to break out in the big leagues with his combination of size and strength. Best of all, he's sobering up too! Ladies and gentlemen, here he is...Hell's Bouncer.


- My name is Henry Hill, but back when I was in the minor leagues, I wrestled under the name Hell's Bouncer. Yeah, that's right. You may say I had a brief cup of coffee at DaVE and shouldn't be called a rookie no more, but DaVE? That's minor league, man. The SWF is the big leagues, and I am gonna hit a homer with my awesome size and ungodly strength. I stand nearly seven feet tall and weigh close to 400 pounds. Back when I was playing college ball, I finished my freshman year with more fouls than points. Then they kicked me off the team, took away my scholarship, and off I was, bouncing at bars and making sure that LAST CALL meant LAST CALL. Then I became a wrestler. See a common thread there? I'm a guy who likes, and has had a lotta success hurting people, and here in High Stakes, there's gonna be a whole lotta hurting for the seven other pipsqueaks, make that the seven LOSERS, in the second season cast.


Kelly Williams (w/Des Davids) vs Henry Hill (w/Squeeky McClean) (36/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ac7d4418-8cb8-41e3-999c-168bb38f2557_zps0033a0e9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/765be4bb-5914-45f8-914d-ae1d9568f07a_zpsaa5c9628.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Henry Hill defeated Kelly Williams
in 5:02 by pinfall with a Damnation Drop. (Hill and McClean don't seem to get along well as a team, which is probably due to McClean's penchant for histrionics and Hill's stoic, businesslike approach. Hill also proves to be extremely tentative and still needing some help with "working the SWF way.")


(in an unscripted moment)
- Well, that was...interesting.


- I've seen Hell's Bouncer, I mean, Henry Hill do better, and if he continues to act complacently, he probably won't be as lucky, guy's size notwithstanding.


- As for Kelly Williams, the California-born rookie also appears tentative, though we could chalk that up to his surprise addition to the High Stakes Season 2 lineup following those, uh...difficulties with Kasey Kristopher.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIDEO) Prudence Hypes Nando (61/C)


We see a glimpse of Jimmy Prudence exchanging surfer gestures with Surfer Nando as they head to the ring, and that segues into this next hype video, with the newly-turned Prudence hyping up the purple-masked Nando, a.k.a. Soda de la Uva Jr. in Mexico.


- It is my pleasure to be managing a young man from Mexico who reminds me a lot of myself back when I was his age. Not only does he love to surf...he also loves to fly off the top rope. And you know what he loves to do after the show? He loves to drink. Now allow me to let my rookie Surfer Nando tell you what he loves to drink...and how he plans to win the second season.


This vignette does not include too many spoken parts from Surfer Nando - he has a good grasp of English, but this will only be revealed later on in High Stakes, as the promo challenges begin. Instead, we see Surfer Nando in action in EMLL, a few glimpses of him riding the waves (or pretending to), and more scenes from his Mexican luchador days. The vignette closes with Nando opening a can of Welch's, downing his drink, and spewing out the contents, creating a fountain of sorts with the purple liquid...




(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Lobby Hypes Velasquez (75/B-)


- With Season 2 being my second chance to mentor someone on High Stakes, I have swam high and low, swam the rivers, the seas, and dived deep into the ocean in search for the hidden treasure. And my travels had taken me to Puerto Rico, where I found this fine young man whom I believe has a chance of making it to the SWF...and making it SNAPPEH for the little Lobbies...and the little Rudies. This is my rookie, Puerto Rico's own Rudy Velasquez.


- You lookin' at me, mang?
Mi nombre...es
Rodolfo Antonio Enrique Velasquez Tordesillas. Rudy Velasquez for short. I come from Puerto Rico, where I was THE OG for quite a while. Got thrown in jail several times since I was 15 years old, and even if my parents, the school,
la policia
, everybody, mang, tell me that I can turn my life around through wrestling, I prove to be a hard-headed boy. What can I do? I hate rules, mang. I hate authority. I hate havin' people tell me what to do and what not to do. To that, I have three short words...
hijo de puta.
That's what y'all are if you get in Rudy's face. I'm gonna go out there on High Stakes, be my own man, win the damn competition and do it at all costs.
Mi nombre es
Rudy Velasquez.
Yo soy el mejor.


Surfer Nando (w/Jimmy Prudence) vs Rudy Velasquez (w/Lobster Warrior) (30/E+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/230b1a39-a964-48fe-a5d6-ccd9fd52b2b8_zps6a730378.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12417361-2207-4309-b357-5aa6819ad8ad_zps78bf6b5e.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Rudy Velasquez defeated Surfer Nando
in 4:48 by pinfall with a Street Cutter. (Lobster Warrior attempts to congratulate Velasquez after the win, but Velasquez breaks away, angrily telling Lobby "DON'T TOUCH ME, MANG!")


- Can you spell "poor winner"? I sure can, and it's R-U-D-Y V-E-L-A-S-Q-U-E-Zed.


- Rudy V. is one angry young man, and unlike Frankie Perez from the first season, this kid's gonna be a handful for Lobby.


- Lobby's always been one of the more positive and upbeat SWF Superstars out there, a real trooper who showed a lot of grace following his US Title loss against Eric Eisen not too long ago. The way I see it, though, Lobby's positivity is gonna be put to the test with Rudy Velasquez still every bit the street thug he used to be in Puerto Rico.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Frehley Hypes Fro Sure (73/B-)



- Before I became the Dark Destroyer, before I became the SWF's first-ever African-American World champion, I was a dead-end kid forced to survive in the tough streets of Compton. My High Stakes rookie for the second season is a product of the streets like I was, and just like me, he's taken the right steps to get outta the streets and make somebody outta himself. Here he is, SWF Galaxy, my Season 2 rookie, Fro Sure.


Fro Sure
- My name is Nathaniel Lee, family still calls me Nate, but in the worlds of hip-hop 'n' wrestling, people call me by my stage name - Fro Sure. Yeah, I know. I've got one big-ass Afro.
(pauses as we see Fro Sure's childhood pictures, including one where he's in second grade and completely bald) I was, like, eight years old when I decided I was gonna grow out my Afro, but now that we've got that outta the way, let's talk rap 'n' wrestling. I like to see myself as a warrior...a street fightin' man...but my best strength is on the microphone. Guess it comes with the territory, as I've been cuttin' records for Brother Grimm since my late teens. But I'm not your typical gangsta rappin' homie who talks 'bout the streets, y'know, bangin' Hotel Omegas and cappin' the N-word. My game is love, and my vibe is peace. 'Cause that's what the world needs right now. As for High Stakes? I see myself as bein' Season 2 champion, no question 'bout that. With my skills as a brawler and my mastery of the mic, you can be sure with Fro Sure.


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Rogue Hypes Adam Giedroyc (75/B-)


- Little did I think that I'd hafta deal with my lousy younger brother again, and that that little rotter would make his way to America in hopes of winnin' an SWF contract. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, and blood will always be thicker than water. Enough with the cliches already. Here's your next High Stakes champion and your next MCO cadet, hopefully followin' in the footsteps of Findlay O'Farraday...my brother, Adam Giedroyc.


A. Giedroyc
- All my life, I've wanted to wrestle in America. Land of the free, home of the brave, and the birthplace of the SWF. My name is Adam Giedroyc, and if my name sounds familiar, that's because my brother Jack came to America, had some success under his real name, but sadly had to sell out to Emma Chase and become the Rogue we know and hate. To be honest, I've got mixed feelings about this. Jack and me'self, we used to be real tight...but now we're just like chalk 'n' cheese, as we Brits like to say. But that don't matter. I've got a job to do, and that's to win the second season of High Stakes...and show the SWF Galaxy why, with all respect to the Yanks, there ain't no better all-rounders than the British.


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue) (36/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d4ed2173-3166-4bfd-8719-b3a9724db698_zps890ad15e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/86ca73e7-8e67-44c0-b184-ab6dce1c56da_zps912fada9.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Adam Giedroyc defeated Fro Sure
in 7:07 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault after a distraction from Rogue. (Adam Giedroyc and Rogue, as we all know, are not related, but they show great chemistry, making their kayfabe brother act very believable. Rogue helps Adam get the win by spitting on Fro Sure, throwing him off and allowing Adam to set up the Mile High Moonsault with a DDT.)


- Adam Giedroyc calls himself an all-rounder, and that match sure showed us his versatility. He also happens to be the aerial voyager his brother Rogue isn't, so who knows - they just might make a good tag team someday, with their skills complementing each other.


- I wouldn't count on that, Mel. Rogue is the Dirty Rotten Scoundrel, while Adam Giedroyc seems far more pleasant and, might I add, maybe a bit naive. But with that in mind, I'm definitely hoping that Adam doesn't pick up his brother's bad habits throughout the course of their mentor/rookie relationship.


(ANGLE) Frehley and Fro Sure Argue (59/C-)


With Fro Sure having lost due to that distraction, Steve Frehley enters the ring and protests the win, telling Darren Smith quite emphatically that Rogue had interfered. Smith says he didn't see anything, and that prompts Frehley to push him angrily as he and Fro Sure head back to the locker room. It would appear that Frehley is upset that Fro Sure lost his focus, while Fro Sure is apologetic, telling his mentor that it wouldn't happen again. "MAKE SURE IT F---IN' DOESN'T!", Frehley yells, as both men enter the locker room and tonight's High Stakes feature draws to a close.






- You can bring out the champagne and call for a celebration, because...


- ...ding-dong, the little bitch's Uprising announcing career is dead?


- A bit on the crude side, but you're damn right about that, Swoop! I'm Marvin Earnest, joined as usual by Sammy Curran, and if you're wondering where Duane Fry is...


- ...he's quit Uprising in disgust and decided to focus on his management career! To that, I say goodbye and good riddance, Duane Fry! We've got a new third man at the announce table, and while he's recovering from injuries suffered...where?


- Doctors actually call it Nintendinitis, but you both know that I'm partial to the PS4. Got the old gamer's injury, and for some reason, Uprising GM Eric Tyler wants me on the announce team! For those who don't know, I'm Swoop McCarthy, and it's a pleasure to be calling Uprising with these fine men, Marv and Sammy!


- This week's been a mighty eventful one here in the SWF, and suffice to say, a lot of those events haven't been pleasant. Last Tuesday, we saw Koshiro Ino get the living heck beaten outta him by Jay Chord and Rogue of the MCO. As a result, Ino will be missing two to three weeks with a knee injury, which means Rogue is on to the King of Supreme semifinals by default!


- Aaron Andrews was lucky he's still in condition to fight, because we shall be seeing him tonight against Jay Chord, as he hopes to exact retribution for his friend Koshiro Ino's unexpected injury! That should help him tune up as well ahead of his semifinal match against Rogue on next Tuesday's Supreme TV.


- We've also found out that Big Smack Scott has been suspended by SWF management for "unsportsmanlike conduct" during the Pain Alliance vs Joey Minnesota and Drew Hawkins tag match on the last Supreme TV. That's why you saw Kurt Laramee and Duane Fry earlier subbing for the Smacker as poor Andy Erlandsson's High Stakes mentors!


- Tryin' to throw big Andy under the bus, as you Yanks would say...


- Got that right, Swoop!


- We'll also be havin' Roger Cage's Secrets of the Smooth, and as I understand, the guy's got some musical guests for us tonight! That's the good news. The bad news? It's the 24/7 Partay Dudez.


- The SWF's favorite Autotune endorsers are booked to face The Amazing Bumfholes for the World Tag Team Titles at Master of Puppets, and yes, it looks like they're training for that match by releasing a new single.


- I hope y'all got your earplugs ready for that one. But first, let's kick off tonight's Uprising proper with two promising Californians - Cody DeBottom and the host of Secrets of the Smooth, Roger Cage.


Cody DeBottom vs Roger Cage (37/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/Others/8293cf2b-d04f-480b-afe1-628e2c45d6a6_zps8f38ab13.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/52500455-709e-4167-93bb-808c76a8f31a_zps2876a50a.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Roger Cage defeated Cody DeBottom
in 1:42 by pinfall with a PUA Plunge. (Ongoing issues with MAW have again prevented Ade Nelson from doing the job tonight, which has forced SWF to go again with Cody DeBottom as an alternate.)


Vankoovah Grizzlay vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase) (40/D-)

[O'Farraday's main roster debut]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/90d32d46-ec6b-4813-957f-c2fbb3b819a2_zpsac77ead4.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1440ec4e-27af-4c12-9536-ede6f5ca9034_zps9b041649.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Findlay O'Farraday defeated Vankoovah Grizzlay
in 1:40 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster. (Emma Chase and Findlay O'Farraday proved to be a good pairing, showing good chemistry as a manager/client duo.)


- Well, there's your proof that Findlay O'Farraday, who's debuting tonight as a member of the Money-Chase Organization, is strong enough to wrestle a bear.


(on guest commentary)
- Samuel, that was unfunny on so many levels. There is nothing amusing about how Findlay O'Farraday wrestles, and if he continues crushing foes on Uprising like he's done tonight, it won't be long before you'll be seeing him do good business on Supreme TV.


The Fly Boys vs The New Darkness Warriors (56/C-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a4d3953-457a-4c82-b93b-06acf007576f_zps59f84e7b.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/2e06d5e1-13c3-4eeb-9e7d-ac5f25b91a01_zps7c3974ce.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d49e85c1-1675-4ff3-a52a-d2b498a1c12d_zps777a1d56.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6d0b4afa-ec05-4e80-a568-63ad1d3792d1_zpse6de8e89.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The New Darkness Warriors defeated The Fly Boys
in 6:22 when John Darkness defeated Donnie J by pinfall with a Crash Diet. (Marc DuBois joins Marv, Sammy, and Swoop as guest commentator, as he's supposed to be "scouting (his Cage Wars) teammates" instead of scouting the opponents.)


- No Vengeance, no problem. The New Darkness Warriors were as economical and effective as ever, annihilating the newly-formed Fly Boys and continuing to make us wonder whether Jimmy Prudence is really better for leaving The Platinum Blondes or not.


(as guest commentator)
- Of course he's better for it, Marv! The lack of imagination behind making two red-blooded males pretend to be swishy is appalling. But hey, I'd prefer something appalling like that to listenin' to the three of you exchange useless banter with all the effort of a man cookin' a hard-boiled egg in the microwave!


- Marc, pardon me if I ask, but you joined us to scout your teammates. Shouldn't you be scouting The Awesomeness, as they'll be up in a bit against Sober Police?


(glares angrily at Curran)
I've always been someone who does things a bit differently, and the world has reacted to that by callin' me someone who's off his rocker. But could a crazy person lead his five-man team to Cage Wars victory?


- Pardon me if I change the topic, mate, but how's everythin' with you and Joe Sexy?


- That, my friend, would be NONE OF YOUR FREAKIN' BUSINESS!
(bangs his head on the announce table and flings his headset to the ground)
Excuse me for a moment. My Spidey sense is tingling, and it says Louise is havin' a few problems gettin' the Sexyman to perform!


(as DuBois leaves)
- Well, there you have it. More random craziness from the Maniac, Marc DuBois.


(ANGLE) Tyler Tries Intimidating #Edd (50/D+)


After last week proved to be a Tyler-less Uprising, General Manager Eric Tyler is back, and it looks like he's slapped indefinite wrestling bans on both #Edd and Swoop McCarthy. As established earlier, Swoop's video game addiction has led to a case of "Nintendinitis", and Tyler isn't allowing him to wrestle. As for #Edd, Tyler says the Human Trending Topic's lackluster performances haven't quite justified the hype he received ahead of his SWF debut.


(This angle is also notable as it finally reveals Lisa as being Barry Bowen's daughter.)


- Look at James Chord. Andrew Aaron. Wolf Dawkins. Joey Minnesota. They're the Hollyweird Rejects, and they're kicking butt on Supreme TV. You've done nothing but play video games with Swoop, try too hard with those high-risk maneuvers of yours, wear your hair at unacceptable lengths, and waste your God-given potential by partying all night long. You, #Edd, haven't lived up to your reputation, either on Supreme TV or Uprising.


L. Bowen
- That's because my you and my dad have been feedin' him to the big dogs! Don't you think that's a little unfair?


- Correction, baby. It's VERY unfair. Especially when your dad forced me to face Remo a couple days ago.


- It isn't unfair, #Edd, and you wanna know why? You're George DeColt, I mean Dan Stone's youngest son! Your huge potential makes it but fair that Barry and myself book you against larger, stronger opponents, because you have the potential to outfox those hosses. You have the potential to use your classical wrestling ability to outwit those big bullies. And after watching that pitiful outing of yours against Reno, I have no choice but to give up on you.


L. Bowen
- You can't take away my boyfriend's livelihood like that, Mr. Tyler!


- Oh, boo-hoo, Lita, why don't you complain to your dad, the Commissioner. Though you're gonna wish you studied harder and didn't flunk out of college and didn't date slackers like #Edd, because if I was your daddy, you wouldn't even have a right to complain about those things!


L. Bowen
- The name's LISA, and I'm sure my daddy will listen. He may have Rich Money's ear, but at the end of the day, I'm still his little girl, and...


- You better hope that works out, because as far as my Uprising is concerned...
your long-haired, lazy, slacker boyfriend #Edd...will be working as my personal assistant. Party's over, kid!


Tyler says Lisa's free to go, and after she reluctantly exits the office, the Uprising GM asks #Edd to fetch him a coffee, and "make sure it's black."


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood, Mainstream, and Stevie) (38/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/fca53991-bbb6-4270-b376-4c56494861ed_zps91a08620.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/373d1d77-033d-4667-9c7a-a16e6d849602_zpseea52445.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/acfaa240-ad74-46a7-a4be-fca6d9417eca_zpsf552e039.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/931ba5b1-e085-4d3e-a41f-eacc43aa6a7b_zps640b97e6.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Partay Dudez USA defeated Los Metalheads
in 4:06 when Calum defeated Plata by submission with a Honey Trap.


- And bubblegum pop trumps heavy metal once again...WOO-HOOOOEY!!!!!


- Freddy, I don't think Los Metalheads are
kind of metalheads. They go by that name because one of them wears gold, and that's Oro, while Plata wears silver.


- I've got a more pressing question, though. Freddy, I'm not sayin' that Calum doesn't have skills. He's a talented technician in the ring, but there's definitely something amiss when High Stakes Season 1's seventh-placer gets hired before guys like Frankie Perez, Mike Wilmington, Spencer...


- I can be very, VERY persuasive.
(winks his eyes flirtatiously)
Now if you excuse me, boys, I've got to hustle the Dudez' American contingent back to the locker room so we can practice some harmonies before tonight's big performance. You are SO gonna love it, dahlings! I produced the new song myself, and it's bound to be another surefire number one hit on the Billboard charts and a certified million-seller.


(ANGLE) Flexx and Prudence Brawl, Match Booked (58/C-)


Before Freddy A. Flexx can head back from the announce table to the locker room, he finds himself jumped from out of nowhere by Jimmy Prudence, who is seething over having been eliminated from the King of Supreme tournament due to Flexx's interference! Calum and J-Sense then join in the attack, but the Fly Boys are saved by the sudden arrival of The Amazing Bumfholes, running in for the save. All six men brawl it out for about a minute or so, but are interrupted by GM Eric Tyler, who
announces the coming week's main event on Uprising - the entire 24/7 Partay Dudez stable, with Freddy as cornerman, in a four-on-four elimination tag match against The Amazing Bumfholes and The Fly Boys!


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Sober Police (62/C)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7518bbb6-c18b-40e7-aa52-3856f0a30bc4_zpsf4c38da8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6bc1bb5a-6c3a-4fc7-858b-eb13394c90d3_zps045b3835.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb32fc2b-f91b-4c6b-95c2-515c8422c9a1_zps1f9df88e.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/83ffccbb-c9be-475c-b70e-3d1c312d5624_zps10948e3b.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The Awesomeness defeated Sober Police
in 7:22 when Huey Cannonball defeated Squeeky McClean by pinfall with a Shock And Awe. (The Awesomeness wrestle this match wearing beanies, so as to conceal their long hair and not earn the ire of longhair-hating Eric Tyler.)


Aaron Andrews vs Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase and Rogue) (69/C+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c73fffef-55b7-479c-a9cf-d40121b26a68_zps26d4bac7.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and average heat,
Aaron Andrews drew with Jay Chord in 9:47 following a double count out.
During the match we also saw Rogue run in and attack Andrews, and Joey Minnesota also attack Chord. (Andrews was drawn outside the ring by Rogue as Shane Stones was distracted by Emma Chase's Dollar Signs; with Chord providing backup, Rogue would come Crashing On Andrews, but Joey Minnesota would retaliate by going for an Empire Spiral on Chord and a Tiger Bomb on Rogue. Both Andrews and Chord lay outside the ring and got counted out by Stones, despite Minnesota's attempts to revive Andrews.)


(TALK SHOW) Secrets of the Smooth - 24/7 Partay Dudez Musical Number (50/D+)




Roger Cage kicks off tonight's episode of his Secrets of the Smooth talk show by telling the audience that he's got four guests who know how to get the women interested, and how to sustain that interest - ostensibly wholesome, yet sexually enticing bubblegum pop music. First, though, he introduces 24/7 Partay Dudez producer Freddy A. Flexx (whose pink shirt is now open to the navel, with a pendant now around his neck) and manager VJ Britney Hollywood, and the two do the honors by calling the Partay Dudez out, MTV-style.


With the now four-man Partay Dudez on the Secrets of the Smooth set, they kick into their new song "Fever Beat", which starts off with Mainstream singing the words "Fever Beat" in falsetto and Stevie screaming those same words
a la
Serj Tankian of System of a Down. The rest of the song contains some clearly anti-Amazing Bumfholes lyrics, and as the Dudez continue performing, the camera shifts over to the locker room, where Dawn the Cheerleader and Haley Bumfhole are giggling over the lyrics. The Bumfholes are less amused, and Randy appears to be in a foul mood for a moment, but Zimmy convinces him to save his anger for Master of Puppets.




The song draws to a close, and Cage can't understand why the SWF Galaxy is reacting to "Fever Beat" with feverish boos.


- Or maybe you're just jealous? Come on now, losers...in love! A lot of your favorite rock and rap stars don't even look good. Their lyrics are too crass for most girls to appreciate, to say little of the parents who want those rock and rap records banned for their content! The 24/7 Partay Dudez are four non-threatening boys who a) know how to sing, b) know how dance, c) know how to wrestle, and d) know how to get the girl. Take my advice - you might wanna trade that guitar for a purple-and-pink jacket and pants set like what the Partay Dudez are wearing. Drop those drumsticks for dance moves, and try bustin' rhymes about unconditional love and sugarcoated sexual tension, instead of rhymes about hatin' them playas. But while you're workin' on that, you may wanna pick up a copy of the 24/7 Partay Dudez's new single "Fever Beat."


- It's gonna be out in stores on Sunday, June 15, on the same day when we dance a different kinda Fever Beat on those Amazingly Uncool Bumfholes, and have those tag titles pose next to our ever-growing number of platinum records...


- Thank you for having us tonight, Roger...and thank YOU, SWF Galaxy, for makin' us THE BIGGEST POP CULTURE SENSATIONS OUT OF CANADA...


- ...and now the U.S...




Des Davids (w/Captain Atomic) vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb) (66/C+)

[King of Supreme Quarterfinal]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/DesDavids_zps8fc253f3.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6171f218-7ad9-4933-8850-ac1078a56e25_zps1530530d.jpg


In a match that had some good action and average heat,
Des Davids defeated P-Hunt
in 10:59 when P-Hunt was disqualified when Enforcer Allen ran in and attacked Des Davids. During the match we also saw Captain Atomic distract Huntingdon, and Eric Eisen also attack Davids. (Des Davids moves on to the King of Supreme semifinal against Dmitri Anselianenko.)


(ANGLE) Davids Beaten Down by Anselianenko and Kobe (48/D+)


Earlier, we saw Captain Atomic get banished to the locker room for being too careless as he sought to prevent the Klubb from interfering. That said, Davids is by himself in the ring as he celebrates his entry into the King of Supreme semis by screaming and yelling "IT'S HIGH TIME FOR PRIME TIME!!!", much to the pleasure of the crowd...


Unfortunately, the celebration is short-lived, as he is jumped by Dmitri Anselianenko! He's ran in without his manager Kristina Angelova, but the kayfabe Russian valet is there soon enough, with a new face accompanying her -
Japanese WLW star Magnum Kobe!
Anselianenko and Kobe attack Davids and leave him lying in the ring, and while the Born-Again Russian attracts major heat and loud "USA! USA!" chants by draping Davids' body with the Russian flag, Kobe somersaults across the ring, dropping down on the mat, then nipping up as he strikes a karate pose. As it appears, we've got a new anti-American tag team making its presence felt, as tonight's Uprising draws to a close...








Ashley 1-0

Giedroyc 1-0

Hill 1-0

Velasquez 1-0

Erlandsson 0-1

Fro Sure 0-1

Nando 0-1

Williams 0-1


SWF Uprising Final Grade -

SWF Uprising Rating - 0.95

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MONTHLY PRIZE - Choose a worker (midcard or lower) to fire. Must be someone who's part of the original SWF or RIPW lineup, not someone hired within the year.


Requirements - Predict at least 6 of 9 shows for the month of June to qualify


Croquemitaine - 13/17, 77% (+6/7, 7/10)

kieranforthewin - 13/17, 77% (+7/7, 6/10)

KnowYourEnemy - 13/17, 77% (+5/7, 8/10)

Qfresh - 13/17, 77% (+7/7, 6/7)

hydrogen001 - 12/17, 71% (+5/7, 7/10)

Midnightnick - 12/17, 71% (+5/7, 6/10, +1)

Psycho Sam - 11/17, 65% (+5/7, 6/10)




Yes, I've decided to add a little twist to the prediction game prize - I often ask winners to pick me someone I can hire. This time, I'm asking the opposite, and whoever gets fired (must be pure midcard or lower) will be wished the best in his future endeavors right after Supreme Challenge.


Aside from the High Stakes bonus, there are two other bonus picks in this week's card - as mentioned earlier, one of them is Hell's Bouncer vs Kasey Kristopher, due to MAW suddenly complaining about all those trades. The second is Koshiro Ino vs Rogue, as that didn't take place due to Ino's kayfabe injury.


Great to see two newcomers in this prediction game, including one returnee from the old KP diaries! :D


Comment: I still think Matt Keith will turn on Frehley as payback for beating his Father in his first ever match for swf.


Interesting theory! But I plan to keep Matt as a babyface for the immediate time being. Typically, my tendency is to book the Keith/Gauge twins as heels, but not this time around...



Comment: Only because you're obligated to try and push this thing


Great to see you back! :D If I'm not mistaken, you made a comment about "King Smack Scott" last month. Not sure if I replied to that, but yeah - King Smack Scott would have been cool, but the plan was to have him add some spice to High Stakes Season 2 as one of the mentors. I can guarantee he'll keep doing that, even in his absence due to suspension. :p


Going back to the Smacker's rookie, I tried to give him the win vs Carl Ashley/Ash Campbell. I really did. I used Protect and Keep Strong with Ashley. But due to the huge disparity in overness, Nemesis' kid simply refused to do the job.


Those hoping for an Andy Erlandsson win can rest easy a bit - he's not the only one joining High Stakes with zero overness in America. Surfer Nando/Soda de la Uva Jr. is the other.


Great show man! I just don't get why Steve Frehley would want to challenge Eric Eisen for the US Title. Is it part of the story of him losing confidence in himself that's why he's going for a secondary title and not the main event belt?


Yes, I know it kinda sounds weird for Frehley to go for the US Title, and yes, you can say it's part of the storyline with him losing - and slowly regaining - his confidence after the PPV loss to Faith. Don't want to give away anything major in the storyline, but expect to see things clear up after Master of Puppets.




I really want Thunder to win just to see how hilariously awful your matches will grade. :p


Horribly. :p That match graded a 27, but the worst should be yet to come - once again, both Anders and Soda started High Stakes with zero overness in the U.S.


Did Finley get plastic surgery? :p


It's interesting to see how well the Swede goes. I'm actually looking forward to Adam Giedroyc, and pulling for him to win. :D


Nope, that's the same render I've been using for Findlay O'Farraday since I hired him. As for Adam Giedroyc/Matravers, we shall see. He is on the old side for a rookie at 34, but he's got a good reputation in the UK, and I must admit I'm looking forward to writing the rest of his kayfabe brother storyline with Rogue.


And now, for some random comments...


Once again, I had to draw into my love of basketball for California Love Machine's "real name" - Kelly Williams is the name of a Filipino-American player in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). We shall see if he makes a good stand-in for KC Glenn, whom I have just hired (after declaring war with MAW) and signed to a major contract. The next backstage segment shall focus on how that saga played out in the days following High Stakes' second season premiere on Uprising.


As mentioned before, Hell's Bouncer's "real name" Henry Hill is a nod to Goodfellas. And since the mobsters on that movie keep talking about people "bustin'/breakin' their balls", I'm tempted to use "Ballbreaker" by AC/DC as Hill/HB's ring music.


Still on the topic of High Stakes - God, those match grades are horrible. Guess it's mainly because many of these second season rookies aren't as over as the first season class, but I expected (slightly) better.


That's the problem with taking a long hiatus - you kinda forget little details on earlier shows and backstage segments. I think I originally wrote Remo as having a deep speaking voice, but on the last Supreme TV, he's written as someone not unlike Mike Tyson or Brock Lesnar, someone whose speaking voice belies his burly physique. Oh well...looks like I may do a couple edits on that earlier backstage segment.

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"All in a Day's Work - MAW is WAR"


Friday, June 6, 2014

Phone call between Sam Keith in Baltimore, Md. and Richard Eisen in New York, NY

10:00 a.m.




"You're making a very big mistake, Rick." Sam Keith answered the phone that morning, informed by his secretary that it was his son, Greg, calling to wish his dad well. But it wasn't Greg on the line, but someone else. Someone much older and more powerful in the wrestling business - Richard Eisen.


"We already had a verbal commitment from KC," snarled Richard Eisen from New York. The veins in Eisen's forehead were close to popping, and he was trying to conduct things as professionally as he could, though anyone who knew how Tricky Rick is when he's mad knew that wouldn't last long.


"Verbal commitments don't mean shit," replied Keith. "My boys were this close to signing with TCW and you stole them from Cornell. You may say you enticed them with a higher pay and a longer contract, but let's face it - you effectively KIDNAPPED my sons. Greg's wrestling underneath a gold mask and gold suit and you're booking him as an incompetent luchador. Matt's a baby-kissing babyface when you know damn well his forte is as a heel."


"THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOUR GODDAMN SONS!!!!" Richard was really mad now. "This is about Kevin Christopher Glenn, and how you refuse to loan him out to us, let alone allow him to make his own decision and sign a contract with us. I don't need this hardball bullshit. I already made nice with you by allowing you to appear on Old School Supreme TV..."


"...where you made me look like a buffoon..."


"Stop complaining, Keith, you got a fifteen-minute match with Frehley, Bruce, and Faith. Three of the biggest names in the SWF. We did you a favor. Now we're asking one from you. And that's to let KC Glenn sign a contract with Supreme."


"He doesn't want to."


"Who are you to say that? Are you his f---in' agent?"


"No, I am his friend and father figure, not just his boss. KC's dad died when he was little, his mom never remarried, and he gave up a baseball scholarship at Ole Miss so he could train with Joey Effin' Minnesota and become a pro wrestler. That got him to MAW, and now that you and Cornell are showing some interest, I asked KC where he wants to go. It doesn't take a genius to know that KC Glenn, a committed Christian who hardly drinks, doesn't smoke, and doesn't swear, wants to sign where the risque isn't. He wants to sign where there's a premium on actual wrestling, and not your hackneyed sports entertainment. He wants to go to Hollyweird."


Richard Eisen was never one to show sympathy for a young kid's backstory. "Cool story, Sam. But let me go back to where I was earlier. KC gave us a verbal commitment."


"And let ME go back myself. Verbal commitments do not mean shit in the world of sports, or in your case, sports entertainment! Stop being so goddamn difficult, Rick, and leave us the hell alone. You made me look like a chump on Old School Supreme TV, and the boys you borrowed from us were nothing but hopeless jabronis torn down by Duane Fry at the announce table."


"You embarrassed us on television, Sam. We promised KC Glenn, or should I say Kasey Kristopher, in the commercials. Instead, we give 'em some colorless loser from California, and High Stakes' Season 2 premiere ends up going down like a fart in church!" Richard took a deep breath as he tried not to think about the horrible match grades the four High Stakes Season 2 matches had received. "It's not rocket science, Sam. You gotta stop playing hardball. And I want you to stop preventing KC Glenn from making the fortune in this business he so rightfully deserves!"


"I'm not, Rick. That's why I'm convincing him to get in touch with TCW. The kid's ready for the big leagues. But he's not ready to go to YOUR big league."


"So you admit you are talking KC Glenn into reneging on his verbal commitment just so he could sign with a company that's lost a lot of talent and is probably going belly-up in a year or two? Just because it doesn't mess with his Christian upbringing?"


"If you put it that way, YES! I'm protecting KC from you, your product, and that punk-ass Joey Minnesota. That guy may have trained KC and he may be one helluva talent, but he's one helluva jackass and you have to be as blind as Ray Charles not to see that. Then again, you probably do, but don't give a hoot, because Joey's friends with your sons in that Klubb of theirs."


"Really? You wanna do things that way? Well, I'll have to see you in court if that's the case. I can job your sons and have my writers book them into oblivion. I can make your life a living hell, Sam Keith, and I can make sure that there will be hell to pay for MAW. You've made your choice, Sam, and if you want to keep playing hardball with me, I guess I can't stop you."


Sam knew it could possibly come to this. He had to swallow his pride with that weird Old School Supreme TV appearance of his, where he had effectively turned heel, then turned babyface all in the course of one evening. He had to deal with the fact that his son Greg made his money counting lights, and would probably do so for a while. But Matt was another story. Matthew Keith was the first-ever High Stakes champion, and he had a guaranteed title shot as a prize for winning the first season - good push for a young kid. Yes, it was true. Sam distrusted Rick Eisen, and Sam cared about KC Glenn so much that he didn't want him to sign with Supreme. Then there was the matter of Joey Minnesota, now a full-fledged member of Eric Eisen's offscreen Klubb and, Klubb or no Klubb, not the kind of person you want an impressionable young country boy to be hanging with.


But he couldn't afford to be sued, what with MAW's finances not being as healthy as they used to be. And Sam wasn't going to let Matt suffer for his perceived "sin" of not letting KC Glenn work where he wanted to work. Hence, it was time to swallow that pride again.


"Fine, Rick. Do what you want, I won't stand in KC's way anymore. Just don't go jobbing Matt out if KC chooses to sign with Hollyweird - that's not gonna be on me anymore. You wouldn't wanna do that, Rick. And one more thing...if you want a war with MAW...you got it. F--- you, Richard Eisen."


"F--- you too, Sam Keith."

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OOC - Time for the go-home shows! We'll be going home with one elimination tag match per show, with Supreme TV's elimination tag match pitting five top faces versus five top heels, regardless of stable affiliation. We've also got a title match on Supreme TV, as I won't be featuring the North American title on Master of Puppets. MAJOR CLUE FOR PREDICTORS - Supreme TV will feature one draw, and only one draw.


I also hope to do maintenance on the roster pages and make some updates before the week is over.


Predictions are now open! :)


SWF Supreme TV

Stan Sheriff Center (Hawaii)

June 10, 2014 (Week 2)





Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)



Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]



????? vs Christian Faith



Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

[Five-on-Five Elimination Tag Match]




SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014 (Week 2)




(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)



Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)



Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]



Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)



The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Four-on-four Elimination Tag Match]





Bonus Question #1
- Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen

D) Louise Cannon


Bonus Question #2
- KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

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Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]

Comment: American Machine loses the grudge match, as he's not talented enough to compete for an SWF Title

Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)

Comment: Sex Maniacs have been reduced to Comedy Jobbers -- maybe deserved role for Marc's backstage problems and aging Joe Sexy


Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]

Comment: Rogue takes this for heel/face balance and to keep Hollywood at bay.


Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]

Comment: SWERVE! This will be the SURPRISE draw, as P-Hunt needs momentum for the Klubb should look serious, and Mr. Atomic isn't over enough to complain.. yet. It'll be Double-DQ and "Eisen & Company" will get some post-match heat.


????? vs Christian Faith

Comment: FAITH is way, way too high up the pecking order to lose to cap'n squiggles

Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

[Five-on-Five Elimination Tag Match]

Comment: Bruce has creative control, one side has Chord and Laramee -- Left is too over... This looks like the obvious draw, but two quick reasons it won't work: First, the left side has five guys who should auto-push as main event, the right has three midcarders and two heels. Second, Bruce has creative control, and doesn't want to lose to anyone in Supreme land, possibly requiring protection to take a loss here.



SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014 (Week 2)


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)

Comment:No way Johnny Perez goes over anyone anytime.


Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: A squash here, a very dominate squash.


Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]

Comment: Kobe is an excellent talent and Plata will make him look good.

Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]

Comment: Could go either way -- but with the above match, I think the debuting stars are getting the rub.



Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)

Comment: Cannonballs are getting a push... The Darkness warriors have stagnated, though it is entirely possible this is by nefarious means.

The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Four-on-four Elimination Tag Match]

Comment: I have to think the Bumfholes are more over... as much as it pains me to say it, they'll retain at the PPV as well.



Bonus Question #1 - Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen

D) Louise Cannon


Bonus Question #2 - KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

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Odd. Must have been my phone playing tricks on me. :confused: I swear it was originally Aaron Andrews. >.<


SWF Supreme TV

Stan Sheriff Center (Hawaii)

June 10, 2014 (Week 2)






Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)



Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]



????? vs Christian Faith



Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

[Five-on-Five Elimination Tag Match]




SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014 (Week 2)




(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)



Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)



Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]



Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)



The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Four-on-four Elimination Tag Match]




Bonus Question #1 - Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen

D) Louise Cannon

It's kinda a draw. :p


Bonus Question #2 - KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

Calling it, he's Jesus. >_>

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