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SWF: It's More than Just Supreme! (C-Verse 2014)

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Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]

Comment: Must happen plz


Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)

Comment: Screw Time Decline Sexy and Drugge DuBois


Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]

Comment: I've got Davids booked to win, so the heel wins here.


Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]

Comment: I'd say P-Hunt if this was a PPV but I have to say Atomic. (If P-Hunt wins by like DQ or countout i CRI)


????? vs Christian Faith



Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

[Five-on-Five Elimination Tag Match]

Comment: The Overness in Laramee and Chord can't be as high as the 5 babyface's yet, and ever for Laramee.



SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014 (Week 2)



(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)

Comment: Yep


Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: Yup


Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]

Comment: Yap


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]

Comment: Roger Cage must be pushed to the top so his mic skills become super godlike.


Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)

Comment: We'll see

The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Four-on-four Elimination Tag Match]

Comment: I assume their too over to lose, or atleast the bumfholes are.



Bonus Question #1 - Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen - guess

D) Louise Cannon


Bonus Question #2 - KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel -

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

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Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)



Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]



????? vs Christian Faith



Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

[Five-on-Five Elimination Tag Match]




SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014 (Week 2)




(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)



Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)



Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]



Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)



The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Four-on-four Elimination Tag Match]




Bonus Question #1 - Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen

D) Louise Cannon


Bonus Question #2 - KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

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SWF Supreme TV


Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

Comment: One of these men has long-term potential


Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)



Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

Comment: You've had your fun, new guys. Now put on yer jobbin' pants


Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

Comment: Title change on TV is a bold move, but the NA belt is pretty far down your pecking order these days, and I get the feeling you're not high on Atomic in this save


????? vs Christian Faith

Comment: Draw, pardner!


Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

Comment: The presence of Bruce and Laramee swung me against putting the draw here




SWF Uprising


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)

Comment: Time to start pissing off a new company


Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: Mi Corona!


Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

Comment: Toss up, but Cage needs some ring credibility and Skye comes in with a decent record already and can soak the loss


Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)



The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: Dudez haven't had enough build-up to be taking down the Bumfholes yet



Bonus Question #1 - Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen

D) Louise Cannon



Bonus Question #2 - KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

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Great show man! Really excited for the upcoming PPV. :D



SWF Supreme TV

Stan Sheriff Center (Hawaii)

June 10, 2014 (Week 2)



Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]

Comment: I think the semifinals has been far enough for someone as talentless as Ansell to reach


Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)

Comment: go go jobbin' now Sexy


Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]

Comment: Rogue for the King of Supreme!


Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]

Comment: far too early for P-Hunt to win the title I guess


????? vs Christian Faith

Comment: guess this will be the draw one


Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

[Five-on-Five Elimination Tag Match]

Comment: wonderin' how many seconds into the match till Laramee gets eliminated. :p



SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014 (Week 2)


(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)



Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)



Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]



Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)



The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Four-on-four Elimination Tag Match]




Bonus Question #1 - Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen

D) Louise Cannon


Bonus Question #2 - KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

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SWF Supreme TV

Stan Sheriff Center (Hawaii)

June 10, 2014 (Week 2)


Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)



Aaron Andrews (w/Koshiro Ino) vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]



Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]



????? vs Christian Faith



Gilmore/Hawkins/Bruce/Minnesota/Frehley vs E. Eisen/Chord/Laramee/Remo/Money

[Five-on-Five Elimination Tag Match]




SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014 (Week 2)



(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (HF Hawaiian and Jonnie Perez from CZCW, talent trade)



Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)



Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]



Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness)



The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Four-on-four Elimination Tag Match]




Bonus Question #1 - Who will win the "Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown" (bikini contest) on Supreme TV?


A) Haley Bumfhole

B) Kristina Angelova

C) Lisa Bowen

D) Louise Cannon


Bonus Question #2 - KC Glenn will be debuting in the SWF after all, but it's not sure if he'll be saved for High Stakes Season 3 or debuted the traditional way. What will be his gimmick?


A) Egomaniac (cross between Mr. Perfect/Chris Masters)

B) Old School Face/Heel

C) Hillbilly

D) Adult Film Star

E) Religious Zealot

F) Prima Donna

G) Something Else

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OOC - Still taking it slow and steady while my work situation remains a bit unstable. Will try to get Supreme TV up tonight, but I think we should get back to Nicky Champion's movie...and his relationship with Emma Chase.


Also, I must add that that is an actual Whisky A Go-Go set from June 7 of this year. And Emma's reaction to the two opening bands is based on an actual reviewer's feedback on the event.


"Jim Brandon to the Rescue (When SWF Superstars Get Plastered, Part III)"


Friday, June 7, 2014

A Holiday Inn in whatever city near L.A. we were shooting in

6:30 p.m.




"God, I hate these clothes," grumbled Emma Chase as we returned to our hotel room. "'60s fashion is bad enough, but having to dress like a conservative high school teacher? What a drag."


"You're telling me. Smithers told me to cut my hair because 1960s bullies tended to wear their hair short. The one time he does his research and I end up having to get a haircut."


"At least it's better than your USPW mullet," said Emma, her teacher's uniform now strewn across our bed and her arms grabbing me tightly. I hadn't even had time to change out of my own dumb jock getup as she wrestled me to bed. Sorry, kids. What happened after Emma did a number on my Reggie Mantle-meets-Moose getup is anything but family-friendly.




Whisky A Go-Go, Sunset Strip, Los Angeles, Calif.

9:30 p.m.



Okay, you kids done watching Frozen or something? Or are you guys at work done crunching wholesome numbers so the boss doesn't catch you reading my story? You can get back to my story now.


So we had just completed several more hours of tiring shooting for Under My Thumb, headed back to the hotel for a change of clothes and then some, then headed to the Whisky A Go-Go to catch Nashville Pussy and a few other bands. I wasn't too familiar with Nashville Pussy's music, being more partial to classic rock and '90s grunge, but Emma was more than happy to play some tracks from their 1998 debut album while we were driving to the venue. That Emma, she sure has some awesome taste in heavy music.


By 9:30, the two opening bands - Madamn Hollywood and Moxy and the Influence - were done performing, and Emma wasn't impressed.




"No wonder those losers can't get anyone to watch 'em. First, they stuff their set with covers. Second, they aren't very good covers. I mean, I think pay-to-play is a crock of shit, but if you're dumb enough to bite into that crap, you've gotta make sure you're doing it right and making...good business for the club." Emma winked her eye as she subtly dropped her onscreen catchphrase and signed an autograph for a bored-looking Angeleno teen who, just a few minutes ago, was wishing he and his friends were somewhere else.


Of course, I decided to sign my autograph too. Turns out the kid was a huge SWF fan. "Hope you make that Vengeance burn in hell at Master of Puppets!", said the kid as he happily exited the club, presumably to pass the joint with his friends.


Emma laughed a bit as she overheard the teen telling his friends that "Emma Chase was smokin'!" She then continued her little rant about how crappy the opening acts were, an assessment I wholeheartedly agree with. "Guess you can say those guys are the equivalent of Polar Bear and Pedobear versus When Animals Attack. Bathroom break bands."


"Hey, correct me if I'm wrong," I asked, switching the topic back to wrestling. "Didn't they just fire Bear Bekowski? Says on the SWF website he got canned."


"They sure did! Billy was complaining for the nth time about his push. Tried it with Christian and it didn't work. Tried it with Rick Eisen, and they got into a shouting match over the phone. On the last Uprising, Billy shoved the catering guy because they didn't have his brand of hot sauce. Man, Billy was like, 'MY CONTRACT SAYS I GET BLAIR'S DEATH SAUCE, NOT F---IN' WIMPY TABASCO!!!', screaming at the top of his lungs before he attacked the catering dude. Before you know it, Duane was on the phone to Rick, and boom, Billy was asked to leave."


That was interesting. Billy "Bear"/"El Oso Polar de Canadiense" Bekowski was known to be a prima donna, but I never realized he'd attack someone from catering just because of hot sauce! And whoever heard of preferred hot sauce brands on a wrestling contract or rider?


I was really enjoying myself that night, but having downed more beer than I should because of those crappy opening acts, I needed to excuse myself and head to the john.




9:45 p.m.




What greeted me when I returned to our table was exactly what Des had warned me about weeks ago.


"Hello, Nicky. So, how many matches has it been since signin' that ridonkulous contract?" Largely the type to keep to himself when hanging with the Klubb, Brandon James was now dropping backhanded compliments just like Eric and Jerry Eisen loved to do.


"Look, Brandon, I was concussed at Times of Trouble," I said, letting the alcohol get the better of me. "I'm still cutting promos against Vengeance, and that takes work."


"Relax, man! I'm not here to fight!", said Brandon, standing up as I noticed Emma looking very awkward and uncomfortable. "I'm just here to party with you two, y'know, rock on out at the Whisky, down me a few brewskis and bang my head to some Nashville Pussy. Betcha never heard of them before Emma told you about 'em, huh?"


"I did, but..."


"See, that's the cool thing about Emma," continued Brandon. He also sounded a bit tipsy at this point. "She's Emma Extreme. She's been attendin' rock shows since she was in her early teens, while you, on the other hand, probably were all about jock parties and shit, blastin' your favorite poser anthems while you bragged about each other's stats in the game."


"Jim," pleaded Emma, calling Brandon by his real name, "you're making a scene. You've probably been drinking since the afternoon."


Brandon was on a roll and not in any mood to stop. "Dude, I'm bettin' an entire month's paycheck that you and Emma won't make it past the summer. She doesn't really date squeaky-clean Southern jocks without a drop of ink on their bodies. Oh, wait. You have that rinky-dink tribal thingamabob on your forearm. But still, Nicky. I'm happy for you, but I'm warnin' you...this shit won't last past September."


Finally, it looked like Brandon was losing some steam. "I'm gonna leave you alone now, since but since I'm also shootin' here for The S.E.A.L., don't be a stranger. Peace out, Nickemma! Or is that Emnick? Shit, man, I think I need another beer."


Emma couldn't help but shake her head as her longtime platonic best friend slinked away to enjoy the rest of the night by himself. Or with whomever ring rat he had spotted in the smoking area. "I'm so sorry, Nicky," said Emma. "Jim, er...Brandon...he used to have a thing for me before I started dating Sammy Bach. And when I broke it off with Sammy, he was already married."


"And cheating?"


"And cheating," confirmed Emma. "That's one thing I never have done, even in my wilder, younger years - date married men. Brandon hasn't quite accepted that, and I sometimes feel sorry for him."


"Does he hate me?"


"With a passion. And I'm warning you, Nicky. You and the Klubb may not have fought that much in recent weeks. But when Brandon returns from his paid vacation, he and the Klubb are gonna do everything in their power to bury you."


I pulled out my cell phone for a few moments and wondered whether I should text Brandon or not. I had everyone's numbers, after all. The extra money was good, but then again, Brandon wasn't too different from other drunks I'd encountered in my wrestling career - Giant Redwood, Peter Valentine, and more recently Big Smack Scott and Jay Chord. He'd say things when drunk, then forget all about them the morning after.


Still, the prospect of winning 22 grand in a bet seemed exciting. With a tap on the Messages icon, I began composing a short, sweet message that told the Big Cat what I thought of his drunken bet.


"You're on, Brandon."

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Stan Sheriff Center (Hawaii)

Attendance - 9,994




YOUR Supreme TV Announcers:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia


- It's that time of the year again! Summertime in the SWF means Supreme TV in Hawaii, and we are here LIVE at the Stan Sheriff Center in Honolulu for the final Supreme TV before Master of Puppets! Aloha, SWF Galaxy! I'm Peter Michaels, here as usual with Jerry Eisen and the ever-lovely and talented Ana Garcia!


A. Garcia
(as the camera focuses on her native Hawaiian costume)
- And I'm sorry, boys, this is the only time i'll be wearing this outfit on Supreme TV. Fun fact - I was born here in Honolulu, and lived here the first four years of my life before the Garcia family moved to Canada. It's great to be back in my birthplace, and it's just fitting that tonight's Supreme TV should make for another good one!


J. Eisen
- If you've been following us on social media, you may have known last night that SWF Champion Jack Bruce was planning to hold his own personal luau in the ring tonight. Unfortunately for Bruce's Constituents, the Cream of the Crop and the Mayor of Metal will be up next and in the ring with Rich Money, as both men take part in a contract signing for their SWF Title match at Master of Puppets! Bruce will then leave after signing his John Hancock on the contract, and we'll have another contract signing after that, this time for the much-anticipated Angry Gilmore/Marat Khoklov rematch this Sunday! I wonder what stipulation Money has chosen...


- That Mr. Bowen sure is a party-pooper replacin' a fun little luau party like that, but the Bruce vs Money rematch should be another classic encounter between two of the biggest names in SWF history, and Money has to choose a stipulation for Khoklov vs Gilmore. It's important that things be put on paper ahead of Sunday's big fight. And speaking of party-poopers, it looks like Barry Bowen has taken some cues from Uprising GM Eric Tyler, as he has booked a Let the Games Begin-style ten-man elimination tag match featuring...


J. Eisen
- ...my devious little brother Eric, teaming up with Rich Money and Jay Chord of the MCO, and Remo and Kurt Laramee of Duane Fry's Guys! Oh, what a deplorable team.


A. Garcia
- Then again, you've got to love the other five-man unit Bowen has booked for tonight - it features SWF Champion Jack Bruce, Mr. Nothing to Lose Silver Steve Frehley, Battle for Supremacy 2014 winner Angry Gilmore, and two-fourths of the Hollyweird Rejects, Joey Minnesota and Drew Hawkins!


- Also tonight, we'll be having the two semifinal matches for the King of Supreme tournament, with the winners of those matches facing up at Master of Puppets - Des Davids will be facing the turncoat Dmitri Anselianenko, while Rogue will see if he can spit on the undefeated record of Hollyweird Reject Aaron Andrews! We also have a North American title match pitting Captain Atomic and Eric Eisen's so-called "Broseph," the Bridgeport Bad-Ass himself, P-Hunt.


J. Eisen
- We'd also want you in the SWF Galaxy to have your Android, iOS or Windows Phones ready and your SWF App pulled up, because tonight's poll will have you choose...whom High Stakes Season 1 champion Matthew Keith wil be facing in his singles debut on the main roster. Will it be the curmudgeonly Christian Faith? Or will Matt have to atone for his sins at the hands of Vengeance?


A. Garcia
- Sounds like choosing between a rock and a hard place to me, but Matt Keith is a rare talent, as he proved over the past three months as the first-ever High Stakes champ. He'll give his 100 percent in that match, and you should always be on guard for that Proton Lock of his, as taught to him by his father, S---


(interrupting, as Garcia nearly says the forbidden name "Sam Keith")
- A fine second-generation star, that Matthew, but before we get to see all those matches and more, let's take you now to ringside, for this historic double-contract signing.


(ANGLE) Bruce and Money Contract Signing






Barry Bowen starts things out, standing in the ring and laying out the contract on the table. He then announces the Master of Puppets card as it stands - Jay Chord vs Joey Minnesota, The Amazing Bumfholes defending against 24/7 Partay Dudez, Eric Eisen defending against Steve Frehley, the King of Supreme Final featuring the winner of Davids vs Anselianenko against the winner of Rogue vs Andrews, Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov, Remo defending against Drew Hawkins, Team CHA (Champions of Honor + Awesomeness) vs Team SinBusters (Family of Darkness + Faith + DuBois - name chosen by DuBois) and last, but not least, Jack Bruce defending against Rich Money.


This leads Bowen to the first of two contract signings for the evening, as he asks Jack Bruce and Rich Money (with Emma Chase) to go over the contract and sign it. After they put their names to paper, they are asked if they have any final words to say to each other, and warned not to let things get physical - Bowen tells both SWF Champion and challenger to "save it for Mountaineer Field," which is where Master of Puppets will be held on Sunday.




- I'm not worried, Jack. I may have my back against the wall, the pressure may be on me to win my SWF Title back and end my losing streak against you. But I'm not worried. MCO business is good, the stock market's been bullish for us, and it's only going to get better.


- Remember what Mr. Money once said about having all sorts of revenue streams flowing in? That's what we've done, and that's what the Money-Chase Organization will continue to do.




- So business is good, has never been better, and will only get better for you. Wow, Rich. You're taking the loss of your SWF Title and the fact that you've yet to beat me this year pretty well. But couldn't you just have said it in simple, everyday English? Not all of us are filthy-rich businessmen and wannabe despots like you, you know. So lemme just say this, as I understand I don't have my usual ten minutes ta' speak my mind. Rich Money, my only business in that ring come Sunday is to take you out...and keep my SWF Title...in a New. York. MINUTE. I rest my case.


(ANGLE) Gilmore vs Khoklov Contract Signing






Barry Bowen looks at Jack Bruce very sternly, and asks him to leave the ring. He then asks Money and Chase to stay, and introduces the next contract signing participant, a "solid performer for the past decade" and one of the best, if not the best technical wrestlers in the history of the business. As Angry Gilmore enters the ring to his opening theme, Bowen calls him "Battle for Supremacy 2014 winner," but makes no mention of the guaranteed main event title shot he shall be getting at Supreme Challenge 34.


As Gilmore settles down, Bowen asks Money to name his stipulation for the Gilmore vs Khoklov rematch, and reminds Gilmore that if he loses this match, he can no longer main event SC34, and he won't get that automatic World Heavyweight title shot against the winner of Remo vs Hawkins.




- The stipulation I've chosen for you, Tom, and our Russian Superbeast Marat? You are going to like this...but so is Marat, because he happens to be UNDEFEATED, that's right, UNDEFEATED, in the Russian pit fighting scene. You know how those old UFC events didn't have any rules? That's exactly what you can expect...in a NO HOLDS BARRED RUSSIAN PIT FIGHT.


- No rules, huh? Anything goes, huh, Moneyman? Perfect setting for your undefeated Russian pit fighting champion, who stands over a foot and a half taller, and weighs at least twice more than I do? I've said it before, Rich...your boy may be much bigger, but I'm quicker...I'm smarter...I have more natural ability than the Superbeast...and with that said, I offer no excuses for my loss at Times of Trouble. BUT THERE WILL BE NO EXCUSES COME SUNDAY...AND YOUR BIG, BAD BEAST WILL HAVE A BLEMISH ON HIS RECORD...BECAUSE AT MASTER OF PUPPETS AT MOUNTAINEER FIELD...I WILL PUT THE FEAR OF GILMORE INTO YOU AND THE ENTIRE MCO!!!!! And once I'm done with that...Duane Fry and HIS own beast had better be on notice...


- Are you done, Tom? We're talking two contract signings here. We've got matches to present and a King of Supreme final to decide.


Gilmore indignantly grabs the contract from Bowen and signs his name, and the moment Money's done affixing his signature, the Angry one jumps Money and takes him out with the Anger Management! Bowen is screaming "HEY!!!!" and threatening to punish Gilmore, but before Gilmore could pop the crowd even more with an Anger Management on the Commish, he's out of there, threatening Gilmore and yelling "YOU BETTER BEHAVE YOURSELF, TOM!!!! YOU'RE GONNA BE IN A WORLD OF TROUBLE IF YOU DON'T SETTLE DOWN!!!"


(BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW) Florence Interviews Anselianenko and Angelova






With the crowd heated up, we are taken to the locker room, where Melanie Florence is interviewing Dmitri Anselianenko and manager Kristina Angelova ahead of the turncoat's King of Supreme semifinal match against former tag teammate Des Davids. As Florence is British, Angelova a kayfabe Russian and new signing Magnum Kobe Japanese, Jerry Eisen describes the locker room scene as "a bizarro United Nations summit."


- Des Davids...used to be Dmitri comrade. We fight for honor of America and become tag champions for almost a year. But over time, Des turn All-Americans into Des Davids show. It was his crazy ass idea, as illiterate Americanskys say, to focus more on singles. I say fine, Des, do what you want, but when I fight in singles and get beaten down by ancestor of Eric Eisen Klubb...


- Ancestor of Eric Eisen...


That means "attention", Melanie, and as I was saying, Des leave me high and dry and show to the world that you cannot trust Americanskys! Tonight, Melanie, I will show the SWF Galaxy who the real star of All-Americans was, a man who has turn his back on American birthplace and heritage, and gone back to old country roots!


- Interesting words there from Dmitri Anselianenko. Now you currently have a new friend from Japan, Magnum Kobe, who's a big star in the Japanese wrestling scene...I suppose he shares the same anti-American sentiments as you do?


- Now that's where the irony lies, Melanie. Magnum Kobe LOVES America and he will be first person to tell you that! But what Magnum Kobe doesn't love...is stupid Americanskys like Des Davids!


(trying to crack wise)
- Good luck, Kobe, on your return to the Lakers...I mean, your SWF debut on Uprising this Thursday.


Magnum Kobe is due to make his speaking debut soon, speaking similarly mangled English, but since Anselianenko is already doing so as his contract negotiations continue, Kobe simply glares angrily at Florence.


- Last question, Dmitri. Your manager Kristina seems to be an exception to the rule. She's your manager, but I've yet to hear her say much. Does she speak any English?


- She doesn't have to! Kristina, you tell SWF Galaxy what I do to Des Davids.


(in slightly American-accented Russian)
- My fiancee and client Dmitri Anselianenko will PULVERIZE puny Americansky Des Davids and make it to the King of Supreme final at Master of Puppets. He's had it with being marginalized and made to look weak, when in reality, it was the move formerly known as Old Glory that won more matches for The All-Americans! It's the Putin Press now, Des Davids, and that's going to be the move that will PULVERIZE you and help win it for Mother Russia!


Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/DesDavids_zps8fc253f3.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9833db41-485f-4c9e-82a3-775b93841460_zps02514bc3.jpg




  • Des Davids gets a huge "USA! USA!" cheer as he hits the ring and the announcers remind us of the King of Supreme prize - the winner gets a title shot of his choice, redeemable within a 12-month period like the Nothing to Lose contract, but with a few differences. The first is the title shot being of the winner's choice, the second is that the match should be scheduled properly as opposed to an impromptu "cash-in."
  • Dmitri Anselianenko gets some of his power moves in, showing more offense in this one match than he had in previous matches from earlier in the year, but fails to put Davids away at 3:50 with the renamed Old Glory, a.k.a. the Putin Press.
  • Davids also has his share of false finishes, and falls prey to a Magnum Kobe distraction, nearly getting pinned following a sidewalk slam/leg drop combo. However, he shakes off Kristina Angelova's screams of "PULVERIZE!!!" (the only English word she seems to mention as part of her character) and counters a Putin Press attempt, slipping out, going for the QB Sack, and moving on to the King of Supreme final.



- Davids in 6:47. Des Davids moves on to King of Supreme final at Master of Puppets versus winner of Andrews vs Rogue.


- Des Davids can say it again, and again, and again. It's high time for Prime Time!


J. Eisen
- Those "USA!" chants are deafening, and so are Davids' triumphant exultations! This man runs on pure adrenaline, and that makes him even more explosive than he already is.


A. Garcia
- We shall find out in a bit whom Des Davids will be facing at the King of Supreme final, as Aaron Andrews and Rogue lock up, but we've got something else after this commercial break. Jerry?


J. Eisen
- It's gonna be my brother Eric and his latest sexist Klubbnanigans - the Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown!


(ANGLE) Eric Eisen Hosts Bikini Contest






As promised, the commercial break is followed by the Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown, which is hosted by Eric Eisen, P-Hunt, and the taciturn Enforcer Allen, who just stands there in his tank top and board shorts, saying nothing as Eisen and P-Hunt spout sexist, risque drivel.


E. Eisen
- Well, will you look at the girls on those girls!
(lets out a hyena laugh)
This is the life, isn't it, Paulie?


- You bet it is, Eric.
(exchanges a bro-fist with Eisen)
We have got ourselves a real hooter-nanny tonight...a bonanza of bazooms...four of the hottest women in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, here tonight in Blue Hawaii...and when I say blue, I ain't talkin' about singin' the blues. Hey, Eric! What did they call those, um...movies that you used to sneak from your daddy's VHS collection back in the '80s?


E. Eisen
- Blue movies?


- I don't know why they call 'em that, but WHO CARES! Let us give it up for these four lovely ladies, struttin' the latest in SWF swimwear!




Eisen and P-Hunt then introduce the four competitors - the "White Russian we'd love a shot of", Kristina Angelova, "crazy in bed" Louise Cannon, "Sister Sexpot" Haley Bumfhole, and the girl "only idiots and Klubbers would dare date," the Commissioner's daughter Lisa Bowen. Eisen explains that the winner would be determined by which contestant gets the loudest cheers, and Kristina Angelova gets a hailstorm of boos from the crowd, her illegal antics from the Des vs Dmitri match still on their minds.


Haley Bumfhole is next to strut her stuff, and she gets a huge ovation, with several fans cheering "BUMFHOHOL!" in reference to her sly bit of babyface cheating in the Bumfholes vs Sober Police tag title match at Times of Trouble. She is followed by Louise Cannon, who gets jeers of "CRAZY CHICK!" from the audience. Finally, Lisa Bowen appears in her swimsuit, and her appearance has the crowd Stonerizing to client/storyline boyfriend #Edd's ring music, "Everybody Have Fun Tonight."


E. Eisen
- Okay! Alright! These four lovely women showed you what they've got, now it's OUR turn to decide who wins this year's Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown. Paulie?


- First of all, I'd like Kristina Angelova and Louise Cannon to get the hell off our stage. Sorry, ladies, I know you're a couple bangin' babes and all, but the SWF Galaxy just didn't dig you.


(speaking a complete English sentence for the first time)
The crowd no like sexist Americansky boors like Klubb!


- If only Marc and Joe were in charge of this contest...GET A LIFE, LOSERS!


E. Eisen
- And get professional help, Louise!
Well, it looks like we're down to two ladies...one of 'em the younger sister of five-time World Tag Team champs The Amazing Bumfholes...


(in his first speaking part)
- Looks more like The Amazon Bumfhole to me...


- Dammit, Allen, no wonder you're better seen than heard! Quit bein' such a hater, big guy!


Finally making their decision, Eisen and P-Hunt ask Bumfhole and Bowen to parade across stage once again, and the cheers seem to favor Bowen due to the audience's Stonerizing. However, Eisen says Haley Bumfhole wins this year's bikini contest, and will receive a "night of A-list partying at the Klubb's inner sanctum" as her prize.


(BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW) Florence Interviews The Amazing Bumfholes






Melanie Florence is conducting another backstage interview, this time talking to The Amazing Bumfholes and asking them about their tag title defense against 24/7 Partay Dudez, and their sister Haley's bikini contest win.


- So Haley, you just won the Eric Eisen Invitational Swimsuit Showdown, a contest I personally see as a load of bollocks, especially if you consider the grand prize. How do you feel about this?


H. Bumfhole
- My brothers ain't for partyin' with overgrown frat boys like the Klubb. So with that in mind, Eric and P-Hunt, I'm sorry, not sorry. I'd rather stay with my brothers and help 'em focus on Sunday's title match against the 24/7 Partay Dudez.


R. Bumfhole
- That's our girl!


- Randy, Zimmy, you've won the World Tag Team Titles five times already. But you're going to be facing an undefeated juggernaut, the 24/7 Partay Dudez, who've yet to lose in conventional tag team matches since debuting in the SWF this spring. What's your game plan, considering there's just two of you and there's now four of them, plus their new "producer" Freddy A. Flexx?


Z. Bumfhole
- The 24/7 Partay Dudez may have had a helluva spring. They've won each and every tag match they competed in, they've supposedly, and I repeat, SUPPOSEDLY, dominated the Billboard charts and won 'emselves several gold, platinum, whatever records, but all our Bumfhoholics gotta know that 2014 is gonna be the SUMMER OF BUMF!


R. Bumfhole
- You're gonna see The Amazing Bumfholes play harder than ever before...and work even harder. No one's won more tag titles than us 'cept The Blazing Flames, and just like Joey and Teddy did back in the day, we're gonna burn that boy band in whatever configuration they send out there. Mainstream and Stevie. Calum and J-Sense. Freddy and one of 'em. DOESN'T MATTER! They're a boy band that hasn't even been together for a year. We're BROTHERS, and we've been brothers for the past three decades.


Z. Bumfhole
- And that's one thing them Partay Dudez can never take away from us.


R. Bumfhole
- No, Zimmy! That's one of THREE things!
(points at his tag belt, then at Zimmy's)
Number two...and number three.




As the Bumfhole siblings begin to relax and get a bit goofy with Florence, the 24/7 Partay Dudez crash the interview with manager VJ Britney Hollywood and producer Freddy A. Flexx. Flexx says that the Dudez have a new single in the works, a song that's their own take on the Backstreet Boys' "As Long As You Love Me."


I don't care if you're champs,

If you're chumps,

Or if you're bros

As long as we beat you


After the Dudez sing the rather unimaginative chorus, the faction's American contingent Calum and J-Sense lays into the Bumfholes, and that leads to a big brawl where the Bumfs are joined by The Awesomeness. Once road agents settle things down and send the Dudez scurrying off, the Bumfholes seem a bit confused as to why The Awesomeness ran to their aid, and not The Fly Boys.




- Haley and Dawn are hittin' it off, man...so I dunno. The Fly Boys ain't here anyway, so we decided we'd lend a little hand and...


H. Bumfhole
- It's cool, Huey, no need to explain.


R. Bumfhole
- Yeah, guys...I mean, our sister and your manager are, like, BFF's, so it's all fine by us.


Z. Bumfhole
- We were just expectin' The Fly Boys...y'know, since it's gonna be Fly Boys and Bumfholes vs the Dudez on Uprising...


The two babyface tag teams awkwardly nod at each other as The Sex Maniacs' ring music plays, signaling the start of the next match...


Lobster Warrior and Valiant vs The Sex Maniacs (w/Louise Cannon)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/da1e1864-93bb-443b-9e0a-cdc075bd1d84_zps5db5db9d.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/98828076-610d-4563-b5f2-8c44d6625b8c_zps2a7778a7.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7a9f69fd-013c-48d9-92b4-f3d3599148ad_zps1362aa53.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a4b06292-5e7b-45da-8fb3-e7950749aae2_zps0feea3f0.png




  • The Sex Maniacs haven't had much luck in recent weeks, and this match serves as their big chance to redeem themselves, as well as hype for the Cage Wars match between Team CHA (Champion of Honor/Awesomeness) vs the ragtag Team SinBusters.
  • Marc DuBois, who named the SinBusters ("much to Vengeance and Christian Faith's chagrin," says Peter Michales), starts things off, but Joe Sexy wrestles most of the match, insisting to stay in the ring even as Lobster Warrior and Valiant isolate him.
  • Thanks to Louise Cannon, Valiant is thrown off his focus, which allows Sexy to go for a hip toss, then an elbow drop on the Honorable One. That briefly gives The Sex Maniacs the edge, but Valiant counters a One Night Stand with a V-Split, setting up the hot tags...
  • Lobby and DuBois receive the hot tags, and the action becomes fast and explosive, with Lobby knocking Sexy off the apron with a shoulderblock and ignoring Cannon's distractions. Cannon is exchanging insults with real-life sister Jessie in another attempt to distract the good guys, but Lobby hits DuBois with a Shell Fish Shock and goes for the Crustacean Clutch, forcing DuBois to tap out.



- Lobby and Valiant in 7:39


J. Eisen
- Remember, guys...Cage Wars matches are, in essence, submission matches - the match would only end when all ten men are inside the cage, and one of those men submits to an opponent.


- We don't really see Lobby finish too often with that Boston Crab variation, but we've seen that Crustacean Clutch before, and we know it can end matches as well as the Lobster Trap or Shell Fish Shock!


A. Garcia
- Marc DuBois may know a submission or two, but let's not count out Lobby. Sunday's Team CHA vs Team SinBusters Cage Wars should be a very even affair, but even with Lobby and DuBois serving as those team's submission experts, the main focus should remain the long-running tiff between Nicky Champion and V...


J. Eisen
- Look at The Sex Maniacs! They are STILL refusing to get along!


(ANGLE) The Sex Maniacs Argue




With the match over, Joe Sexy can be heard berating Marc DuBois, asking him "What's the matter? Can't get it up?" as he writhes in pain following the Crustacean Clutch. DuBois says that Sexy should have at least ran in to help, but Sexy sarcastically says he left DuBois in there because he wanted to see "just what kind of a submission expert" he is. The argument nearly turns physical as DuBois calls Sexy an "old fart" and someone who "talks a good game, but can't work one," but Cannon breaks things up and serves as an unlikely voice of reason as the argument continues en route to the locker room.


Aaron Andrews vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[King of Supreme Semifinal]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c73fffef-55b7-479c-a9cf-d40121b26a68_zps26d4bac7.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a8530ef0-f432-40a6-9918-55ad4abf1cf2_zps46b28725.jpg




  • Aaron Andrews enters this match with revenge on his mind - it was Rogue and Jay Chord who injured his friend and fellow Hollyweird Reject Koshiro Ino and took him out of the King of Supreme tournament. As for Rogue, Peter Michaels quotes a tweet of his hinting at "promotion" within the MCO ranks, and says that may be the main thing motivating him in tonight's second semifinal match.
  • Promotion or no promotion, Rogue doesn't seem to be showing much, and he falls victim to a Standing Hot Shot from Andrews at 2:30, giving the young Californian a good chance at a quick win...but no! Jay Chord runs in to break up the count, and gets rebuked by Ric Young.
  • Rogue's malaise continues into the fourth minute, and into the fifth, as Andrews goes for a superplex attempt. However, he loses his focus when Emma Chase starts unbuttoning her blazer and flashing him with the Dollar Signs! This allows Rogue to push Andrews off, and gives him his first advantage in the match.
  • A Crashing On at 7:30 is kicked out of, and as Rogue argues with Young over what he believes is a slow count, Andrews finds his second wind and tries surprising Rogue with a quick roll-up! That's kicked out of, and 30 seconds later, Andrews sets up his Flying Body Press finisher with a bulldog.
  • Unfortunately, new MCO member Findlay O'Farraday runs in, distracting Ric Young, and Chord blatantly shakes the ropes, sending Andrews crashing down on the mat. He puts Rogue's arm on Andrews' body, and Young returns to the match, counting one, two, three, and giving Rogue the win.



- Rogue in 9:13. Rogue to face Des Davids in King of Supreme final at Master of Puppets.


J. Eisen
- Master of Puppets, King of Supreme. Will it be former Notre Dame Fighting Irish and Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Des Davids, or will it be the Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Rogue?


- I hate to give someone like Rogue the designation of odds-on favorite, but that's just what he might be at Master of Puppets. That man has all the help he needs! He's got Emma Chase. Jay Chord. Findlay O'Farraday. Rich Money. And come Sunday, Marat Khoklov too!


A. Garcia
- We've seen Des Davids team up on occasion with Captain Atomic, and since the Captain isn't booked at Master of Puppets, we may see the reigning North American champ try to even things up on his friend's behalf.


- Countless individuals have tried, whether on their own or with the help of others, to put a stop to the MCO. Could the time be right for a superhero like Captain Atomic to step up?


J. Eisen
- I think it might, Peter, but first, he's got a North American title defense to think about tonight - that's Captain Atomic vs my brother's "Broseph" P-Hunt, up next, only on Supreme TV!


(ANGLE) The Hollyweird Rejects Save Andrews from 3-on-1




After the commercial break, the announcers take us to something that SWF App users would have seen during the break - Melanie Florence interviewing Aaron Andrews, and Andrews getting assaulted by the MCO! Rogue seems to be leading the attack, with Jay Chord and Findlay O'Farraday helping him out, but Joey Minnesota, Drew Hawkins, and a seemingly recovered Koshiro Ino run in to make the save! As the MCO runs off, Florence interviews Ino, who angrily demands a match with anyone from the MCO at Master of Puppets, with Andrews adding the following words - "what part of 'we're not interested in the MCO' do you not understand?"


Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

[sWF North American Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ecd353fc-8ea6-4453-9e50-bbb6303da128_zpsbb6ec6f8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6171f218-7ad9-4933-8850-ac1078a56e25_zps1530530d.jpg




  • Since joining The Klubb faction and abruptly dropping his snooty aristocrat gimmick, the former Paul Huntingdon has been revitalized as P-Hunt, and he seems just about ready to fight for some midcard glory, facing Captain Atomic for the North American title.
  • Much to the displeasure of big brother Jerry, Eric Eisen joins in on commentary, and hypes up this match, his US Title defense against Steve Frehley, and tonight's ten-man elimination tag match as P-Hunt wears Atomic down with a series of corner knees to the stomach.
  • After the bruising series of corner shots, Atomic emerges hardly affected, and lets out a loud "YAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" following a snap suplex on P-Hunt. He then exits the ring to call out the "CANCEROUS CRAPPADOCIOUS EXPIALIDOCIOUS KLUBB LEADER ERIC EISEN", but that gives P-Hunt a chance to recover.
  • As of the seventh minute, both men are looking very evenly matched, with Atomic showing off his "smashmouth" style of wrestling and P-Hunt matching those brawling attacks with what Eric Eisen calls "dirty boxing" moves. "During his hiatus, P-Hunt trained with the great Mike Watson!", boasts Eisen as P-Hunt drops Atomic with an MMA-style takedown.
  • At the tenth minute, Jerry and Eric Eisen are arguing about P-Hunt's purported MMA background, with Jerry doubting P-Hunt's new monikers "Bridgeport Bad Ass" and "Bridgeport Broseph" and Eric calling Jerry the "Schenectady Sherminator" and claiming their parents originally planned to name him "Melvin Mortimer Eisen," or "MME." As this argument transpires, Atomic counters a High Society attempt, allowing him to recover and make his big babyface comeback.
  • Atomic gets that comeback, and after clotheslining an interfering Enforcer Allen, he goes for the Mushroom Cloud and picks up the victory to retain the North American Title.



- Atomic in 11:55. Captain Atomic is STIlL the SWF North American Champion.


- Atomic and P-Hunt have good chemistry as opponents.


E. Eisen
- Yes, you heard it first, and you heard it from his more talented, more charismatic younger brother. Jerry isn't short for Gerald, Gerard, Jeremy, or, as the birth certificate says, Fitzgerald. If not for a last-minute change of heart from our parents, Jerry Eisen would've been named Melvin Mortimer Eisen!
(lets out a hyena laugh)
So Mel, how does it feel to be the other Eisen brother?


- Eric, if you only came here to be a troll and a bully, I'd best ask you to leave.


A. Garcia
- Aren't you the least bit concerned that your so-called "Broseph" failed to win the North American Title?


E. Eisen
- Me, concerned? Of course, I am! But this s--- ain't over. Shane Stones is a square, a nerd, a total spaz of a referee. His kids love Captain Atomic, so daddy just did 'em a favor. And Captain Atomic is precisely the kind of guy parents shove down their kids' throats. With his over-the-top screaming and one-dimensional brawling, there's no way Captain Atomic has as much dynamism or personality as any one member of The Klubb. Just watch and wait, guys. Those kids will grow up. Soon, Captain Atomic will become the epitome of uncool to those kids. They're gonna gravitate to the SWF's official Bad Boys Club...the Klubb. We get the women. We drive nice cars...Mustangs, Camaros, and in my case, a Maserati Quattroporte, while Captain Atomic calls his Prius the Atomobile. We aren't afraid to speak our minds and shove a big fat dirty finger up the ass of conformity. We are the Klubb...and just like me, WE NEVER LOSE!!!!


(ANGLE) Fry and Money Argue






Following the last match, Duane Fry is shown in the locker room, shaking his head and palming his face following Eric Eisen's latest stint at the announce table. "I can't believe Bowen is makin' us work with that blowhard!", mutters Fry to himself, before he confronts Rich Money and lays down his plan for tonight's ten-man Let the Games Begin-style elimination tag match.


- Alright, here's the plan. I plan to start with Kurt Laramee, because that dude is chompin' at the bit to establish himself beyond bein' Big Smack Scott's partner. Starting him out against whomever Bruce's team goes with gives us a huge advantage off the bat, and when he tags in Eric Eisen...


- Excuse me, Duane?


- Look, Rich, Mr. Money, it's kinda like baseball here. Kurt's our leadoff hitter, our table-setter, while you and Remo are third and fourth, you know, the power hitters. I've got Eric Eisen at second, the guy who keeps our ball in play. And at fifth, I've got Jay Chord as the young contact hitter drivin' you two to home plate.


- Are you telling me, Rich Money, how to run MY team? See, that's why I didn't agree with Barry's plans. You've turned Remo into a monster, and made people care about The Pain Alliance. I get that. I don't know why the heck Eric Eisen is on our team, but he's the US champ, and that's got to count for something. But I'm Rich Money. I am the Chairman of the MCO. I always get what I want, and I'm the only one who can successfully ensure that I get whatever I want, and get it the right way. So if you'll just let me handle this, if you'll just let me do things the Money way, you can just sit back, relax, and watch your boy Remo destroy the competition. Just in case you forgot, Duane...it was us two who were the original Almighty Dollar.


- But was he a World champion under your watch? Did you ever win the tag titles? I don't think so! Do the math with me for a moment, okay? Number of titles held by Duane Fry's Guys? One, and it's the most important one in this business. Number of titles collectively held by the MCO? ZERO. Sure, you win a lot of matches, but much of it is on account of your CEO flashin' her boobies at those losers. The Duane Fry Guys win matches with astute battle strategy, not T&A.




Money and Fry continue arguing about who should call the shots in tonight's match, but Barry Bowen notices them and breaks up the fight...


- Now listen, guys. I booked this match because I want to guarantee one helluva Master of Puppets pay-per-view this Sunday. I did this so I can whet the appetite of the SWF Galaxy and give them ten of the brightest stars in the industry in a Let the Games Begin-style tag team elimination match. So the least I ask of you, Rich, Duane, is to agree to disagree. Compromise. Work together towards victory. And you know damn well that in the best interests of justice and equality, I want the same too from Jack Bruce's team of rebels.


- I'm doing the best that I could. Trying to make the most of a five-man lineup that includes a couple guys who aren't Money...


- You don't talk that way about the King of the Streets, and OUR leadoff man, whether you like it or not!


I said that's enough, you two! So what if Eric Eisen is an obnoxious punk and Kurt Laramee has yet to live up to his Bare Knuckles legend from the DaVE days. Your job isn't to like everyone whom you'll be working with. Your job, and that goes for the other team as well, is to WORK TOGETHER AND GIVE THE SWF GALAXY A MATCH THEY WILL NEVER FORGET! C'mon, guys.
(to Money)
Rich, this could mean the SWF garnishing your bank account for all those under-the-table transactions you've closed in the past.
(to Fry)
Duane, do you want to rejoin Earnest and Curran on the Uprising announce team?


Fry and Money go their separate ways without exchanging another word, leaving the fans wondering whether chemistry would continue being an issue once the main event match begins.


Matthew Keith vs Christian Faith


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb2aff3a-ffd7-4500-b053-dabb3daece16_zps62155ce9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c84ec339-fce9-4823-86a6-f54202f6103e_zpsb2dc981b.jpg




  • Ana Garcia, still decked out in her Hawaiian costume, steps into the ring and gets a big cheer as she announces the results of the SWF App poll - 59 percent want Christian Faith as Matthew Keith's opponent for tonight, while the remaining 41 percent voted for Vengeance. That said, Faith enters to a round of boos, and goes right out and attacks Keith before the bell.
  • There's a bit of a discussion about Christian Faith being Mr. Nothing to Lose Blue (World Heavyweight Title contract) and how he hasn't made much noise about holding the briefcase - guest commentator Nicky Champion speculates this may be because Faith fears Remo. Just as he says that, Faith lays Keith out with an implant DDT and screams "I HAVE FAITH!" at the announcers.
  • Faith truly seems to be dominating Keith in the early goings, powerbombing him on the floor as action spills outside of the ring at around 4:30. Michaels says that there's no way Keith would be able to kick out of that, but he does so after Faith brings him back into the ring.
  • With Keith having shown very little, he gets wrapped up in the Test of Faith, and Darren Smith comes close to stopping the match - but Keith holds his arm up just as it looks like he's passed out from the hold!
  • A Stalling Atomic Drop connects at 7:00 and Faith follows that up with the Leap of Faith. Could this be it? NO! Keith moves away and buys himself some precious time to recover.
  • Finally, we get to see Matthew Keith "doing it like daddy used to," as Peter Michaels says - Jerry Eisen, however, quickly diverts the attention away from Sam Keith and on to Matthew, as the first-ever High Stakes champion blasts Faith with a dropkick at around 9:00.
  • Keith makes several attempts to set up the Proton Lock but is thwarted at every attempt, and by the time we reach eleven minutes, Faith is back in control, "sending a message" to Nicky Champion by going on a wild Faith-Up and knocking Keith out silly with the Machine Gun Faith Hammers.
  • Another Stalling Atomic Drop/Leap of Faith combo follows, but Keith kicks out of that, confounding the Supreme Legend and getting the Hawkeye talking about Keith's promise as High Stakes champ.
  • Keith recovers at 13:30 as he counters a neckbreaker into one of his own, and after he softens Faith up a bit, he goes for the Proton Lock, finally succeeding! Faith is trying desperately to grab for the ropes and the announcers and Champion are cheering the youngster Keith on, but the lights go black and...




  • ...Vengeance announces his arrival with another in-the-darkness attack! Champion says he's hitting the ring for the save, assuring the announcers that "(he's) got this", and when the lights go back on, Keith and Faith are both down, with Faith glaring angrily at Vengeance and his New Darkness Warriors, not pleased with their interference! Nicky Champion is also down, and as Darren Smith notices the match has gone haywire, he calls for the bell and rules this one a no-contest.



- Nobody. Match declared a no-contest following Vengeance and Champion interference at 15:24.


- Say what you want about Christian Faith, and I've said it quite a few times before. The Supreme Legend doesn't like it when somebody "helps" him out like that.


A. Garcia
- And now Faith's walking out, leaving Nicky Champion in there with his tormentors for the past few months, the one, the original Family of Darkness.


J. Eisen
- The strange alliance between Faith and Vengeance may eventually do the SinBusters in at Master of Puppets, just like I think the friction between Rich Money and Duane Fry may doom their five-man group in tonight's main event.


- That's sure to be one humdinger to look forward to, but it looks like Vengeance has some choice words right now for the Hawkeye, Nicky Champion, and Team CHA!


(ANGLE) Hawkins and Minnesota Break Up Gilmore, Bruce, Frehley Argument






It's actually just one word from Vengeance - "repent" - as we move straight back to the locker room, where Eric Eisen (the hashtag #TooMuchEricEisen is now trending) is arguing vociferously with Steve Frehley.


E. Eisen
- Remember the Alamodome, Steve. Remember how you stepped up to the plate, briefcase in hand, and cashed it in...only to lose to me. There I was, served up on a silver platter, beaten silly by Rich Money, whom you were too afraid to cash in on earlier this year, and Jack Bruce. Remember that, Steve? Don't you remember how close you were to winnin' my World Heavyweight title?


- YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I DO! And I am tellin' you right now, you li'l SOB...that I'm over that loss to Faith. I'm over my failure to step up when I should have, and I've long since moved on from that. And on Sunday, I am gonna take it to the streets with you and...


Eisen and Frehley get into a shoving match of sorts, which is broken up by Jack Bruce, whose arrival sends the Supreme Iconoclast holding up his hands and backing off. Frehley, however, doesn't look happy that Bruce has interfered in his ongoing feud with Eisen.


- So you had to get yourself involved again, Jack. Surprise, surprise.


- I expected a little thanks, you know? You've got that punk Eisen tryin' to throw you off, trying to throw US off our guard before the big five-on-five...


- NOBODY THROWS THE DARK DESTROYER OFF, YOU GOT THAT?!?!? Didn't you see that I had Eisen where I wanted him?


- Well, you're gonna have to save it for the match! You don't want to bust out the epic solos during soundcheck, if you get my drift! Save it for the climax of the show...your biggest hit...the song that most of your fans know word-for-word...


- F--- YOUR ROCK 'N' ROLL ANALOGIES, JACK!!!! If I saved that for the match, then you wouldn't like that either because you know as well as the SWF Galaxy does that everything has to be about YOU.




Seeing Frehley and Bruce in the middle of a furious row, Angry Gilmore steps in to try and break the two of them up, but he soon finds himself mired in the argument, as Frehley doesn't appreciate Gilmore using his "fear of Gilmore" catchphrase to describe how they're going to beat the heel contingent tonight. Gilmore says it doesn't matter who uses what catchphrase, as long as everyone works together towards the common goal, but Frehley resents being told what to do and Bruce doesn't like how Gilmore is trying to act like the leader of the team when he's the only one of the five who hasn't won a major title in either SWF or TCW. The words "the competition", however, prompt Joey Minnesota and Drew Hawkins to speak up, as they've just noticed the ongoing three-man argument...


- So this is how it is in the SWF...five men, one goal, but every man for himself.


(quoting TCW lead announcer Jason Azaria's catchphrase)
- Here's a little fact you might not know. Back when we were fightin' for the competition, Joey and myself, we hardly ever agreed on anything. We faced each other in the ring so many times, fought for each other's World titles so many times, and yes, we did hate each other.


- But I always respected what Drew could do, and he's done the same for me. We always respected each other. And when time came for me to warn Drew about how even he was disposable in the eyes of Cornell, it took him a while to listen...but he did. Our friendship is based on mutual respect, and as I understand, Jack, Steve, that's been the way it was for you two.


- Yes, Joey, you're right. But even the closest friends get into disagreements, you know? I mean, look at Lennon and McCartney, especially in the last few years of the Beatles!


- Fair enough, Jack, but I think you and Steve should show the same respect for what Angry over here is tryin' to do for us. Yeah, we didn't get along famously at first, but it's all cool, and you wanna know why?
Because of MUTUAL RESPECT. No matter what that corrupt Commish says, Angry Gilmore is more than a solid hand. Sure, he may not have no major titles yet, but you know what they say, right? You can't keep a good man down, and you can't stop talent.


- We got this one, guys. Fry and Money can't stand each other, and NOBODY can stand Eric Eisen. So let's stop it with the fussin' and fightin' and focus on the winnin'.


Jack Bruce and Hollyweird All-Stars vs Rich Money and Duane Fry All-Stars

[5 vs 5 Let the Games Begin-Style Elimination Tag Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a13ca6d-2c15-4ee2-801e-6b1ef267a867_zpsbe14108c.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1ba78385-a123-444b-898b-ba43c87ccf54_zpsfbf4b673.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eb1724bd-26fe-4b4b-bf5b-0753ef4c47ed_zpsaa6c4ead.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8691d2e4-de1e-4afe-b804-fb231fdfe893_zps97800d36.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c5509867-cc56-40cd-8ddc-7d499b0129f1_zps52ba1908.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8fb9c774-b9c9-40e9-bb69-7405d689f758_zpsb7625215.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/af331342-c78d-4eb4-9410-bd8c1f985616_zps99613eeb.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6a98d800-6998-4b39-83c3-e328d3cefd2c_zps2aca6443.jpg




  • It's finally time for tonight's main event, and just as Duane Fry had planned, Kurt Laramee is his "leadoff man", with Angry Gilmore kicking things off for the babyface group. Michaels, talking baseball for a bit, says leadoff men should have speed, which is one thing Laramee doesn't. Laramee is helpless against Gilmore, and quickly tags Eric Eisen in, again staying within Fry's plans but irking Money, who wanted to be tagged in next.
  • The plan to make Eisen the second man for the heel team seems to be a blunder at first, as Steve Frehley, who's tagged in next, makes mincemeat of the Supreme Iconoclast. Frehley destroys Eisen with a Frehley's Comet at 3:10, and Money is still begging to be tagged into the match, and that draws Frehley to the heel corner, where he jaws off against the Moneyman and Jay Chord.
  • That proves to be a disastrous move, as Eisen seizes the opportunity and goes for a schoolboy roll-up on Frehley! Jack Bruce tries to prevent the cover, but it's too late, as Eisen scores a lucky pinfall on the Dark Destroyer ahead of their US Title match at Master of Puppets.


- Frehley in 3:34 by E. Eisen. Heels lead 5-4.




  • Angry at Bruce's late save, Frehley argues with the reigning SWF Champion, but Gilmore tells Bruce to focus, saying that "if Steve wants to be an idiot, let him be an idiot. We can still win this!"
  • Meanwhile, Eisen has tagged Money in, and he and Jack Bruce give the Stan Sheriff crowd an idea of what to expect in Sunday's big SWF Title match. And though he's cut down on the explosive moves as of late, Bruce lets a few loose, following up a vertical suplex on Money with a top-rope elbow drop and a moonsault.
  • For a few moments, Joey Minnesota tries getting some revenge on Rich Money, hitting a Minnesota Salute but failing to get the pin. An angry Duane Fry complains as Money tags Jay Chord in, and he's still complaining as Chord surprises Minnesota with a Jay Chord DDT, giving the heels a 5-3 lead by pinning New York's Finest!


- Minnesota in 7:10 by Chord. Heels lead 5-3.





  • At this point in the match, it's only Drew Hawkins and Remo who haven't seen action, and they do sure enough, with Hawkins' fast-paced style complementing Remo's high-powered attack. After Hawkins unsuccessfully tries to stun Remo a dropkick, Remo responds with a spinebuster, then tags Laramee in for the Switchblade Powerslam.
  • The Switchblade Powerslam attempt gets slipped out of, however, and before you know it, Hawkins blasts Laramee with the Full Moon Rising, giving the babyfaces their first elimination of the match!


- Laramee in 8:46 by Hawkins. Heels lead 4-3.




  • Remo and Money can't seem to agree on who will replace Laramee, and both Remo and Duane Fry look upset when Money takes initiative and enters the match. He goes for a German suplex on Hawkins, then the Dollars from Heaven, and that's the only time he tags Remo in for more.
  • Remo tries for a Lumbar Puncture on Hawkins, but Mr. Full Moon Fever slips behind and makes a quick tag to Angry Gilmore! Yes, it does look like a teaser of Supreme Challenge 34's main event (assuming Gilmore beats Marat Khoklov and Remo retains against Hawkins), but before Gilmore can do serious damage, in comes Eric Eisen, who gets lectured by Darren Smith for entering illegally.
  • That pisses off both Gilmore and Remo, and with Eisen having killed their momentum, they have no choice but to tag somebody in. Gilmore goes with Bruce, while Remo, definitely not wanting to tag Eisen in, tags Chord.
  • Chord starts out well against Bruce, clotheslining him and following with a running elbow drop, but Fry's overbearing, hands-on coaching eventually gets to him, and Bruce hits the New York Minute on the MCO's youngest member, getting the pin despite Rich Money's best efforts to break up the cover.


- Chord in 11:38 by Bruce. Both sides tied 3-all.




  • Money replaces Chord and Bruce remains in the ring, and while Money and Bruce have an even exchange for the first minute or so, Bruce is able to stun Money with a superkick to the head; this allows him to tag Gilmore in for the Anger Management, and pin Money, sort-of allowing him to get revenge for all the times he had lost to the MCO Chairman!


- Money in 13:22 by Gilmore. Faces lead 3-2.




  • Remo makes it clear as to who's boss, what with both MCO heels having been eliminated; he shoves Eisen aside, and enters the ring angrily, laying waste to Gilmore and preventing him from tagging Bruce or Hawkins in!
  • Hawkins finally tags in at 15:50, and immediately starts taking it to Remo, desperately trying to stun him and throw him off his balance. At 16:40, he goes for a tornado DDT on the Alpha Dog, dropping him and allowing him a cover attempt! Hawkins goes for the cover, but Remo kicks out at two. Eisen, who has barely wrestled tonight, tries to break it up, but Remo, who gets up quickly, tells him sternly to mind his own business. Referee Smith isn't pleased either, and warns the heels that the next time somebody tries to interfere, he's calling for a DQ.
  • At 18:00, Remo regains the upper hand by clotheslining Hawkins outside and smashing him against the steel steps. He then goes for a Destroyer on the announce table, but is caught red-handed before he can even complete the attempt, earning him a DQ from Smith! Fry is incredulous, and lets Smith have it; despite Fry's nasal complaints, he starts counting Hawkins out, as he's unable to make it back to the ring in time.


- Remo in 18:54 by DQ. Faces lead 3-1.

- Hawkins in 19:11 by count-out. Faces lead 2-1.




  • We're now down to three men, and it's only Eisen remaining for the bad guys; Gilmore and Bruce are still representing the face contingent. Bruce decides to work against Eisen, and Gilmore, whom he's had a bit of a thorny relationship with, cheers him on vigorously.
  • Though Eisen scores on a Silver Spoon Shock on Bruce at 21:20, he falls victim to his own overconfidence, unaware of Bruce tagging Gilmore in. Gilmore enters the match and goes for a snap suplex on Eisen, setting up the Sky High Elbow and giving the face team a 2-0 win over the bad guys!


- E. Eisen in 21:35 by Gilmore. Faces win 2-0.



- Bruce, Gilmore, Frehley, Hawkins and Minnesota in 21:35.


- The MCO and Duane Fry's Guys may be among the most powerful factions in the SWF today, but it was their inability to get along, and sheer overconfidence that doomed them.


A. Garcia
- Duane Fry was over-coaching Jay Chord. Rich Money tried to bite off more than he can chew when he knew Angry Gilmore and Jack Bruce were working solidly as a duo. And Remo? Fry's command was for Remo to destroy Drew Hawkins, and he was way too overzealous.


J. Eisen
- Let's not forget my brother Eric, who was the ultimate non-team player out there. And someone who was too cocky for his own good in the end.


- I dunno, Jerry, but I think your brother just might have an edge over Steve Frehley, whom he surprisingly eliminated early on in the match! He just might retain that US Title against the Dark Destroyer, because no matter how often Steve Frehley says he's over his loss to Christian Faith last month, Eric Eisen has done a number on his psyche.


J. Eisen
- Remember the Alamodome. Failed cash-in. Things Eric keeps telling Steve Frehley. Yes, Peter. I hate to admit it, but my brother looks like the favorite at Master of Puppets in the US Title match.


A. Garcia
- That match also saw Jay Chord pin Joey Minnesota, which may just give Chord the edge he needs over J-Minny in their match at Master of Puppets.


- But you still saw Angry Gilmore and Jack Bruce lookin' very strong in the end; that should bode well in Gilmore's Russian Pit Fight against Marat Khoklov, and Bruce's SWF Title defense against Rich Money.


J. Eisen
- Add to the Cage Wars match, Rogue vs Des Davids for King of Supreme, and the 24/7 Partay Dudez putting their undefeated run on the line against The Amazing Bumfholes in a tag title match. Master of Puppets is gonna be another certified pay-per-view spectacular, SWF Galaxy, and I hope you can join all of us on Sunday at Mountaineer Field in Morgantown, West Virginia, for Master of Puppets 2014.


- For Ana Garcia and Jerry Eisen, this has been the Dean, Peter Michaels. Aloha, SWF Galaxy, and see you at Morgantown for Master of Puppets!




SWF Supreme TV Overall Grade -

TCW Total Wrestling Overall Grade -

Increased Popularity in 3 Regions

SWF Supreme TV Rating - 16.32


Trending on Twitter - #AngryGilmore #JackBruce #MasterOfPuppets #CageWars #MatthewKeith #NickyChampion #Vengeance #SummerOfBumf #TooMuchEricEisen #SteveFrehley
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SWF Uprising

Maui War Memorial Gymnasium (Hawaii)

Thursday, June 12, 2014



Marvin Earnest, Samuel Curran, and Swoop McCarthy (Melanie Florence, Earnest, and Curran for High Stakes matches)




(VIDEO) Supreme Rewind - Bruce/Money, Gilmore/Khoklov Contract Signing, Vengeance Run-In, Ten-Man Tag (87/B+)


This week's Supreme Rewind contains several touchpoints from the go-home Supreme TV for Master of Puppets - the Jack Bruce/Rich Money contract signing, which doesn't seem to include any special stipulations, the Angry Gilmore/Marat Khoklov contract signing with Rich Money signing for Khoklov and stipulating a No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight, Eric Eisen's numerous appearances on the show, Matthew Keith's impressive showing against Christian Faith broken up by Vengeance, and the ten-man Let the Games Begin-Style Tag Team Elimination Match, where the babyface team led by Angry Gilmore and Jack Bruce rallied from two men down to defeat the heel team led by Rich Money and Remo (with Duane Fry).


(HIGH STAKES HYPE VIGNETTE) Davids Hypes Williams (72/B-)


Des Davids may have not had his hype video for replacement rookie Kelly Williams ready in time for the first High Stakes episode of Season Two, but he has it ready now, and it's as loud as you can get from the man they call "Prime Time."


- CAN YOU FEEL IT, HIGH STAAAAAAAKES!!!!! I am feelin' so pumped up...so stoked...so energized at the fact that I've got a brand new rookie who's got the energy...the adrenaline...the high-flyin' excitement straight outta California...and the TALENT TO RISE ABOVE THE REST OF 'EM ROOKIES AND SHINE UNDER THE TUTELAGE OF PRIME TIME!!!!! SWF Galaxy, it's high time...for Prime Time, Des Davids, to introduce you all to my rookie, Kelly Williams.


- Man, I was not expecting this at all, but here I am, SWF Galaxy! I'm Kelly Williams, from Ukiah, California, and I see myself as the best cruiserweight prospect of the second season of High Stakes. Before the SWF, I'd spent my time in the California indies, honing my craft, flying higher and higher with every show I competed in. But I hope to be more than that, you know? And that's why I'm glad I've got one of the most explosive talents in the SWF mentoring me, "Prime Time" Des Davids. Des really comes at'cha with those moves of his...the QB Sack...the Touch Down...those powerful suplexes and tackles, that's something I wanna learn. And once I've learned that, I think my chances of winning Season 2, despite being a last-minute replacement, are pretty darn good.


Kelly Williams (w/Des Davids) vs Andy Erlandsson (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee) (10/F)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ac7d4418-8cb8-41e3-999c-168bb38f2557_zps0033a0e9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9a56294a-c850-4a9a-ab5f-684e8b6a3236_zpsf3069126.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Andy Erlandsson defeated Kelly Williams
in 4:24 by submission with a Gothenbearhug. (Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee tried repeatedly to interfere, but were sent backstage by referee Shane Stones. And again, Andy Erlandsson's piss-poor technique earned him the ire of the fans.)


- Do you really think Duane Fry and The Pain Alliance are setting Andy Erlandsson up to fail?


- Most certainly, Sammy, it doesn't seem to matter who's mentoring him in High Stakes. As long as Andy's got a Duane Fry Guy or two in his corner, they're sure to sabotage him somehow.


(ANGLE) Erlandsson Saves Williams from Laramee (23/E-)


With the match over, Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee arrive back from the locker room, and Fry yells to Erlandsson at the top of his lungs, asking the rookie to "FINISH HIM!!!!!!!!" When Erlandsson says that that's something "Smack Scott [sic] wouldn't want (him) to do", Laramee leaps into the ring and beats down on Kelly Williams. The big, naive Erlandsson pulls Laramee off, knocking him back with so much force that he nearly gets thrown over the top rope. This prompts Fry to call Erlandsson an "idiot", and Erlandsson to reply that "Smack Scott teach me to be next Sam Strong, not do bad things to fellow rookie!"


Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Rogue) (36/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/35857b84-a0a3-49ec-8021-6d725775c670_zpsb550cb50.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/86ca73e7-8e67-44c0-b184-ab6dce1c56da_zps912fada9.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Carl Ashley defeated Adam Giedroyc
in 5:25 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. During the match we also had Rogue run in and attack Ashley.


- Nice try, Rogue, but you're not going to do your brother any favors with antics like that. Adam's not like you!


- I dunno, Mel, but I think Adam Giedroyc and his big brother Rogue seem to be bonding quite well.


- Yesterday, Adam had tweeted about joining Rogue and the rest of the male members of the MCO at a gentleman's club here in Maui. He seemed to be enjoying himself!


- At least he isn't spitting on fallen opponents like big brother does so often...yet. As for Carl Ashley, I think the great Nemesis' son is doing a pretty good job carving a niche for himself as a different kind of competitor, so he may be someone to watch this second season.


(ANGLE) Captain Atomic and Ashley Argue (53/C-)


Back in the locker room, Captain Atomic loudly compliments Carl Ashley on his earlier win, saying that he proved that the "AMAZINGLY ATOMIC APPLE CAN FALL FAR FROM THE TALLEST TREE AND STILL SCINTILLATINGLY SUCCEED AS A SUPREMELY SUPREME SUPERSTAR!!!!!!" Ashley, however, seems non-plussed at the fact that his mentor is still milking the Jim Force impersonations just as he has for the past several years.


- Dude, I don't mean to show any disrespect, but...Jim Force is like, so 1999. Totally played out! I mean, you can always draw from a more obscure influence, but even the whole superhero shtick has been done before. Like...in the WrestleBot 9000 days.




- Yeah...that WrestleBot.
(changes topic)
So, Cap...how'd you like my match? Did you like it when I added a little artistic touch to my dad's oh-so-ubiquitous hardcore style?




- That's precisely the point, Cap! By not being hardcore...I am actually being, and feeling hardcore! Geez, Cap, you have a lot to learn about being an artistic in-ring competitor. Such a normie.


(stops screaming when he realizes Ashley has walked away)


Surfer Nando (w/Jimmy Prudence) vs Henry Hill (w/Squeeky McClean) (37/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/230b1a39-a964-48fe-a5d6-ccd9fd52b2b8_zps6a730378.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/765be4bb-5914-45f8-914d-ae1d9568f07a_zpsaa5c9628.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Henry Hill defeated Surfer Nando
in 4:03 by pinfall with a Damnation Drop.


- The outcome of that match was never in doubt. Henry Hill, formerly Hell's Bouncer in DaVE, has come through with his second win, and...


- I'm sorry to interrupt, Marv, but I don't think Henry Hill has any business in High Stakes. The man is no longer a rookie. He competed in a major organization. And even if you say he only stayed there for a bit...


- I myself was wondering the same thing! But for better or for worse, Henry Hill is part of High Stakes' second season, and he has continued to show why he is one of this season's favorites with that convincing win over the masked Mexican, Surfer Nando, who's dropped to 0-2.


(ANGLE) Frehley Psyches Up Fro Sure (49/D+)


Steve Frehley, despite being Mr. Nothing to Lose Silver, has had mixed success since winning that contract for an SWF Title match, and it's told on his demeanor. But he's trying his best to put that behind him, as he psyches Fro Sure up for tonight's fourth and final High Stakes match. Frehley tells Fro Sure that his opponent, Rudy Velasquez, is a "bad mofo, but street smart," and that he'll have to show off those brawling skills to the fullest in order to hang with Velasquez from bell to bell. Fro Sure assures Frehley that he's got Velasquez's number, and the two bump fists as they head to the ring for the next match.


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Rudy Velasquez (w/Lobster Warrior) (38/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d4ed2173-3166-4bfd-8719-b3a9724db698_zps890ad15e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12417361-2207-4309-b357-5aa6819ad8ad_zps78bf6b5e.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Rudy Velasquez defeated Fro Sure
in 8:16 by pinfall with a Street Cutter. (Velasquez, much to the displeasure of Lobster Warrior, used a hidden set of brass knucks to soften Fro Sure up for the Street Cutter.)


- And there's another rookie improving to two wins and no losses. But Shane Stones should have seen that...Rudy Velasquez had clearly exited the ring to get those brass knucks!


- That was a very painful oversight from Stones, and a very tough loss for Fro Sure, who drops to 0-2, but if it's any consolation for Fro, he's got next week to look forward to.


- That's gonna be Tag Team Week here on High Stakes, as he'll be teaming up with mentor Steve Frehley - that alone should give him an edge against whomever he'll be up against.


(ANGLE) Frehley and Fro Sure Beat Down on Velasquez (38/D-)


Furious at the underhanded way Rudy Velasquez won the match, Steve Frehley angrily confronts the Puerto Rican rookie after the match. Velasquez, despite evidently leaving the ring to put on the brass knucks, denies any wrongdoing, and pleads for mercy as Frehley continues screaming at him and dropping his ever-famous "Y'ALL AIN'T S---!!!!" catchphrase. Unmoved by Velasquez's denial, Frehley lays a beating on Rudy and invites Fro Sure to do the same. Fro joins in, but is stopped when Lobster Warrior enters the ring to save his rookie. Frehley backs off, but has some choice words for the child-friendly Lobby...


- Lobby, you and I ain't got no beef, but if that kid keeps gettin' away with murder in the ring, that s---'s gonna be on you. Teach that Velasquez punk a lesson if you don't want myself and others teachin' it for him. YOU GOT THAT?!?!?




- The bad news? I haven't been reinstated by Mr. Tyler. The good news? Swoop McCarthy is back with Marvin Earnest and Sammy Curran to call the Uprising proper here at the Maui War Memorial Gymnasium in Maui Wowie, Hawaii, and I think I am beginnin' to enjoy this job!


- Yes indeed, Swoop! Uprising GM Eric Tyler has been a major pain to deal with for a lot of SWF Superstars. He's shifted you to the announce table because you like video games. What's wrong with that? As for your buddy #Edd, the Human Trending Topic is now Mr. Tyler's personal assistant.


- In other words, Tyler's b----.


- Language, Swoop! That's the second time in two weeks you've said that to start off the Uprising proper, but, what the heck. It's a b---- to be one of the SWF's top New Talent Initiative signings of the year, only to end up as someone's gofer.


- Mild language aside, we've got one exciting Uprising tonight, and that's because of the eight-man Let the Games Begin-style elimination tag match that inspired Barry Bowen to do the same on Tuesday's Supreme TV! It's gonna be the reigning World Tag Team champs The Amazing Bumfholes teaming with Donnie J and Jimmy Prudence, The Fly Boys, against all four members of the 24/7 Partay Dudez!


- Of course, two of the four Dudez will represent the team in the World Tag Team title match at Master of Puppets against the Bumfholes...


- ...who've been causin' a social media sensation with their Summer of Bumf campaign! We've also got Huey Cannonball versus John Darkness in singles action, while we shall be seein' the main roster debut of a talented, colorful man who finished second in the first season of High Stakes - Skye Sunlight!


- We've also got Japanese sensation Magnum Kobe making his SWF debut, with the lovely, yet nefarious Kristina Angelova in his corner.


- She's definitely steaming over her main client Dmitri Anselianenko's loss in the King of Supreme semis on Supreme TV, but Magnum Kobe was a huge star in Japan, both as a wrestler and as a rapper. From what I've heard, he calls himself the Japanese Jack Bruce!


- Huge stretch, if you ask me - they've got different styles, both in the ring and when playing music onstage. Anyway, let's get tonight's Uprising proper started, as When Animals Attack takes on two local boys from Maui, Johnny Pierce and James Adams!


When Animals Attack vs James Adams and Johnny Pierce (41/D)


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In an extremely short match,
When Animals Attack defeated James Adams and Johnny Pierce
in 4:34 when Masked Cougar defeated Johnny Pierce by pinfall with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. (In real life, Johnny Pierce is California-born Jonnie Perez, brother to Frankie "Plata" Perez and on loan from CZCW like his partner and native Hawaiian, James "High Flyin' Hawaiian" Adams. The fans seemed to notice that Pierce/Perez was playing a kayfabe Hawaiian, and turned on him immediately - this may also have been due to his unrefined skills.)


(TALK SHOW) Cage Interviews Dawn the Cheerleader (47/D)




For tonight's Secrets of the Smooth, Roger Cage announces he will put his pickup lines to the test and present a "live trial", for he shall be interviewing one of the SWF's "most eligible bachelorettes of all time." By this he is referring to Dawn the Cheerleader, and as he presents her to the audience, he says he shall show the "losers...in love of the SWF Galaxy" how easy it is for anyone, no matter how ugly, fat or awkward they may be, to win the heart of a "foxy lady" like Dawn.


- So tell me, Dawn...are you your tag team clients?


- I know where this is heading, Roger, but...no?
(lets out a high-pitched giggle)


- Oooohhh, I like the sound of that laugh. Pay attention, people, this is important. You hear the pitch of her voice going higher than usual, and you see her moving her hair. But this...is gonna seal the deal.
See, Dawn, here's the reason why I think you are your tag team clients. Because your face, your body, and that cheerleader outfit you're wearin'...is nothin' but The Awesomeness.


- Too easy, Roger! I've had guys tell me that before, and I'm gonna have to say they didn't get anywhere.


- Okay, so maybe I tried somethin' too predictable. But if you were paying attention to my body language, you would've learned somethin' useful. Now let's try this, Dawn. Are you the opposite of Skye Sunlight?


- This better be good...but no, I am not the opposite of Skye Sunlight. In fact, I've heard his band play, and they're pretty good...


- Whoa, whoa, whoa, that'll be enough! You, Dawn, ARE the opposite of Skye Sunlight...because with every word you speak...every giggle that emanates from your cherry-red lips...every woo-hoo you let out when you're whoopin' it up for your karaoke glam rock clients...you interest me. You fascinate me. You make me pay attention to you...




Cage's pickup line tutorial is interrupted by the arrival of Skye Sunlight, who also makes it known that he's Dawn's latest client...


- Nice try, Romeo, but I don't think you wanna teach the SWF Galaxy how to use 'em pickup lines.


- Look here, Skye, I know you're new to the main roster, so allow me to explain. This is Secrets of the Smooth. This is my talk show. This is where I impart knowledge upon these LOSERS...in love and help them get the girl.


- Really? Well, how come I haven't heard of no success stories? How come I've seen unsatisfied customers come and go, but haven't seen any happy couples on your posters and commercials, tellin' the world about how your Quack Doctor Love advice has worked for 'em?


- You have some nerve talkin' to me like that, Mr. Black Hole of Charisma...


- That's my latest client, Roger, though I think you already know that. And I think you are aware that you've got a match TONIGHT?


- I might as well admit that I do know all that. And I know that the fat and ugly and dorky guys of the SWF Galaxy won't get any girls by wearin' purple and green hair. Or by speakin' with all the enthusiasm of a Calculus professor on weed. Or gettin' inked by a guy who does prison tattoos. Or by playin' daddy rock with a bunch of layabouts.


- It's good that you're bein' honest now that I'm here, Roger, because while I'm all for peace and love and good vibrations, I'm all for ventin' out in the ring when cats like you go crampin' my style. Hope you play as good a game as you talk it.




As Dawn starts with her cheerleader routine, Skye Sunlight's ring music plays in the background, infuriating Cage and forcing him to end his talk show prematurely.


Oro (w/Plata) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase) (41/D)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/fca53991-bbb6-4270-b376-4c56494861ed_zps91a08620.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1440ec4e-27af-4c12-9536-ede6f5ca9034_zps9b041649.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Findlay O'Farraday defeated Oro
in 2:51 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster.


- Another decisive win for the third-place rookie on the recently concluded first season of High Stakes!


- That's one tough bloke I wouldn't want to face in the ring...


(on guest commentary)
- You're actually a very lucky man, Swoop. The next time your indefinite suspension brings you down, you might as well think of the punishment Findlay O'Farraday can deliver, even against a large individual like yourself.


- That doesn't mean I won't back down if given the chance, you know? Besides, I already did say I'm enjoyin' my run as Duane Fry's long-overdue replacement!


- Sorry to break up your little discussion, Ms. Chase and Mr. McCarthy, but we've just gotten word that The East-West Connection...


- In other words, those ingrates Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino...


- ...have been booked for the Master of Puppets pre-show!


- Against whom? Everyone in the MCO has a match on Sunday...except Findlay.


- Don't ask me why, but they'll be up against Sober Police, Squeeky McClean and Jackson Marlowe. Methinks Eric Tyler played a role in getting them on the pre-show, with the Uprising GM being a known fan of those two party-poopers...


(ANGLE) #Edd Gofers for Tyler (50/D+)




One week after Uprising GM Eric Tyler suspended him for supposedly substandard performances, #Edd is now working as Tyler's personal assistant, his long-ish hair and goatee replaced by a conservative crew cut and clean-shaven chin. In this angle, we see #Edd fetching Tyler his black coffee, then wiping his desk and answering the phone with a straight-sounding "Eric Tyler's office, can you hold?" #Edd then resumes cleaning the GM's desk and erasing his whiteboard filled with rulebreakers' names, then runs to the phone and takes the call. Fortunately, it's his girlfriend Lisa Bowen, asking #Edd how he's doing in his new role.


- It's, uh...great. They made me cut my hair and shave off my goatee, and...I'm transitioning quite well in my new role. Love it here. Absolutely love it.
(to Tyler)
Mr. Tyler, it's that interior decorator you were talking to last week. Says she's outside and wants to clear a few things before she redoes your office.


Tyler buys into #Edd's ruse and leaves the office, warning him not to misbehave while he's out.


(now coming clean to his girlfriend)
- There, I think he's gone now. YOU'VE GOT TO HELP ME, BABY! I don't look like a party animal, I'm asked to stay here till two hours after Uprising goes off the air, I don't get overtime pay, and when my shift's over, I have to be up by 6 in the morning to do more stuff for Tyler! Maybe he was right...maybe the party's over.


L. Bowen
- It's not much better on Supreme TV, baby. Daddy got mad about my joinin' Eric Eisen's bikini contest, and I almost wish he grounded me.


- What did that dinosaur make you do?


L. Bowen
- He forced me to go on a date with Jay Chord. JAY CHORD. The guy can't hold his alcohol, his breath smells like an ashtray, and he ditched me to join the rest of his MCO buddies at the sleazy strip club they were at!


- Now that...is not the way to party on down. Tell you what, Lisa. Next Tuesday, there's gonna be a huge party on Supreme TV. Your dad Brontosaurus Bowen hasn't banned me on his show, and judging by how the SWF Galaxy cheered for you in Eisen's contest, they sure LOVE to Stonerize. It's about time I trended again, baby. With me, my EDD-FU and you, there's no way the MCO would be able to stop our little party.


L. Bowen
- I'll be looking forward to that, baby.


(ANGLE) Angelova Hypes Kobe vs Plata (36/D-)


Tyler returns to his office and needless to say, he is furious at #Edd for tricking him into thinking the interior decorator was already there. For that, he punishes #Edd by extending his shift by another hour, and by having him do thirty push-ups on the knuckles.


As #Edd goes through his humiliating punishment, the Uprising GM's office door flies open, and Kristina Angelova (whom Tyler refers to as "Christina Aguilera") angrily demands better competition for her new client Magnum Kobe. In heavily-accented English, Angelova says that it is an insult for Kobe to face someone who has yet to pick up a win in his SWF career, and someone who fancies himself a luchador but "can't do a top-rope plancha to save his life." Tyler says that he never quite understood why Japanese and Mexican wrestlers "are seemingly addicted to the top rope", and he simply decided to make the best matchup possible with the talent he has on Uprising. For his troubles, he gets called a "stoopid Americansky", and Angelova promises Kobe will show Tyler that Japanese wrestling offers far more than the high-flying junior style "The Traditionalist" seems to hate so much.


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Roger Cage (37/D-)

[skye Sunlight's main roster debut]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/de243861-e621-464c-9d48-39b66871e642_zps209ae87e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/52500455-709e-4167-93bb-808c76a8f31a_zps2876a50a.jpg


In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat,
Skye Sunlight defeated Roger Cage
in 7:30 by pinfall with a Skye Diver. (Cage and Sunlight don't seem to click at all, which puts the kibosh on the possibility of an extended midcard feud between both men.)


- If I were Roger Cage, I'd give up the talk show circuit immediately and focus on my wrestling!


- Nailed it right on the wall, Marv! Cage obviously isn't much of a pickup artist. He's not much of a talk show host, but he's good enough a wrestler to have upset Captain Atomic not too long ago. But now he's gotten shown up by Skye Sunlight on the latter's main roster debut!


- Not takin' anything away from Sunlight, though. He's got an unconventional look, he's got an unconventional delivery when speakin', and his in-ring style is similarly off the wall and totally out there. But the man's got some talent, and I wouldn't consider this win to be an upset.


- Neither would I, but Cage seriously needs to reevaluate his priorities if he wants to live up to his potential as a WRESTLER. Not as a talk show host.


Plata (w/Oro) vs Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova and Dmitri Anselianenko) (50/D+)

[Magnum Kobe's SWF debut]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/373d1d77-033d-4667-9c7a-a16e6d849602_zpseea52445.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f21617a5-882d-46d4-9ced-9c29948f0199_zps134ad13a.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Magnum Kobe defeated Plata
in 6:10 by pinfall with The Glorious Red after a distraction from Kristina Angelova. (Magnum Kobe and Plata have good chemistry in the ring.)


- He may have focused on the bruising side of Japanese wrestling in that debut match against Plata, but this is a young man with some sick athleticism...and dexterity!


- He's somersaulting, cartwheeling across the ring, probably trying to send a message to the fans! Something like, "I can do this and you can't, because I think America sucks!"


- Not really, Marv. On the last Supreme TV, Dmitri Anselianenko said that Magnum Kobe actually LOVES America. It's the people whom I think he hates.


- Hard to get a read on Kobe as we've yet to hear him speak, whether in English or in his native Japanese. But as you saw right there, his actions speak a lot louder than his words have so far.


- Really impressive young talent, though it's unfortunate that he's in the same league as the traitor Dmitri and his fiancee Kristina.


(PROMO) The New Darkness Warriors Rant About The Awesomeness (60/C)


It's been a while since the last New Darkness Warriors promo, but John and Robert Darkness are now in the ring, and they've got something to say about The Awesomeness. Speaking first, John Darkness talks about the "godless nature of the Sunset Strip metal scene" The Awesomeness would have wanted to be a part of had it still been the '80s. Robert Darkness continues by enumerating several generations of music and pop culture that were chock full of sin and decadence.


R. Darkness
- The hippie movement of the '60s. The disco era, and ESPECIALLY the disco era of the '70s, with the cocaine, the lustful swingers, and your Studio 54's and such. The hair metal era of the '80s - that's right, Awesomeness, YOUR dream era.


J. Darkness
- The late '90s too, Robert. They were rife with bands, and teenagers who identified with those bands, violating the fourth commandment of the Decalogue. HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER.


R. Darkness
- Every era, every decade, had some sort of evil disguised in bright and happy colors.


J. Darkness
- We're here to block out all those deceptive colors and replace it with the darkness we embrace...all in the name of eradicating sin from the hearts of SWF Superstars and their fans.


R. Darkness
- Tonight will merely be a taster. On Sunday, Awesomeness, you and the Champions of Honor will repent...and atone for your myriad sins.


Huey Cannonball (w/Dawn the Cheerleader and Jefferson Stardust) vs John Darkness (w/Robert Darkness) (59/C-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7518bbb6-c18b-40e7-aa52-3856f0a30bc4_zpsf4c38da8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d49e85c1-1675-4ff3-a52a-d2b498a1c12d_zps777a1d56.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
John Darkness defeated Huey Cannonball
in 11:39 by pinfall with a Crash Diet after a distraction from Robert Darkness. During the match we also had Jefferson Stardust distract John Darkness. (This was one of the longest matches we've seen from either man, and it was quite an even matchup between the two, rife with interference from both sides. But with The New Darkness Warriors far more comfortable with illegal tactics, despite their anti-sin bent, it was John Darkness who emerged victorious, using Robert D.'s distraction to set up the Crash Diet on Cannonball.)


The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole) and The Fly Boys vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx) (59/C-)

[4 vs 4 Let the Games Begin-Style Elimination Tag Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c40952b1-444d-4dab-a1ae-4fd2c4aaca55_zps75d2c861.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/5120ae97-e829-45ea-8406-bce3e98d7320_zpsb9708838.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a4d3953-457a-4c82-b93b-06acf007576f_zps59f84e7b.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/2e06d5e1-13c3-4eeb-9e7d-ac5f25b91a01_zps7c3974ce.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edaccf00-5c14-4076-8094-624ec264d806_zpsbb0186c8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/acfaa240-ad74-46a7-a4be-fca6d9417eca_zpsf552e039.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12234547-15f6-429a-867b-44a90e53afd0_zps58bd71b2.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/931ba5b1-e085-4d3e-a41f-eacc43aa6a7b_zps640b97e6.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The Fly Boys and The Amazing Bumfholes defeated 24/7 Partay Dudez (Calum, J-Sense, Mainstream and Stevie)
in an Elimination match in 17:43; J-Sense was eliminated first, then Mainstream, then Calum, then Donnie J, and finally Stevie. (Mainstream was eliminated via DQ, and the match ended with Jimmy Prudence, Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole as the sole survivors; both Bumfholes combined for a Bumfhole Buster/Bumfhole in One combo to pick up the win and eliminate Stevie. Also of note was Freddy A. Flexx jumping in following J-Sense's elimination; though illegally in the match, Darren Smith considered Flexx part of the Partay Dudez as Prudence eliminated him with a flash roll-up, mere seconds after the illegal entry.)


- So I guess that ends it for the Partay Dudez's streak - we just saw Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole combine to pin Stevie!


- I'm afraid it doesn't, Swoop. They only count conventional tag matches, unfortunately, when it comes to that streak.


- But that match, if anything else, proves that The Amazing Bumfholes COULD break that streak at Master of Puppets, and end the Dudez's pretensions of becoming tag team champions!


- I can definitely agree with that, Sammy. But we shall find out for sure whether that streak will continue, or whether the Bumfholes shall end it, at Master of Puppets, this Sunday, June 15, at Mountaineer Field. Morgantown, West Virginia. For Swoop McCarthy and Sammy Curran, this is Marvin Earnest.


- And we'll be presenting the Master of Puppets pre-show with Jerry Eisen - that's The East-West Connection, Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino, versus the Sober Police!





Ashley 2-0

Hill 2-0

Velasquez 2-0

Erlandsson 1-1

Giedroyc 1-1

Fro Sure 0-2

Nando 0-2

Williams 0-2


SWF Uprising Final Grade -

SWF Uprising Rating - 0.96

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MONTHLY PRIZE - Choose a worker (midcard or lower) to fire. Must be someone who's part of the original SWF or RIPW lineup, not someone hired within the year.


Requirements - Predict at least 6 of 9 shows for the month of June to qualify


kieranforthewin - 24/29, 83% (+6/6, 5/6)

Croquemitaine - 23/29, 79% (+5/6, 5/6)

Psycho Sam - 23/29, 79% (+5/6, 6/6, +1)

KnowYourEnemy - 22/29, 76% (+4/6, 5/6)

hydrogen001 - 21/29, 72% (+6/6, 3/6)

Qfresh - 19/29, 66% (+3/6, 3/6)

Midnightnick - 18/29, 62% (+2/6, 4/6, +1)


Got an interesting battle for the lead now - previous winner kieranforthewin is now ahead and gunning for a second prediction contest win for the year, while the comebacking Croquemitaine and last month's winner Psycho Sam are tied for second! Still could go to anybody at this point.


Dunno if it's just me, but we've got problems with Photobucket. Was supposed to do roster maintenance after weeks of procrastinating, but I guess I'll have to wait a bit before I'm able to do that...


Haven't thought of a good news article or backstage segment to put him in, but to answer the bonus question, KC Glenn will be booked as an Egomaniac, and will be debuting on the third season of High Stakes. Since I don't think he'd want to spend time in RIPW, even if it's to improve his mic skills, he just might do some jobs as Plata, a role previously played by Matthew Keith and currently played by Frankie Perez.


Comment: Sex Maniacs have been reduced to Comedy Jobbers -- maybe deserved role for Marc's backstage problems and aging Joe Sexy


Comment: Screw Time Decline Sexy and Drugge DuBois


Believe it or not, I'm still high (no pun intended) on Marc DuBois. Joe Sexy? I dunno. He's not yet in time decline, but he's already 42 and has zero upside at this point in his career. Since I've disbanded so many tag teams, I'm not sure if I want to keep The Sex Maniacs around for long, but if I do, they'd probably be like Slater Gator - win some, lose most, argue a lot but not to the point of disbanding on the spot.


Captain Atomic © vs P-Hunt (w/The Klubb)

Comment: Title change on TV is a bold move, but the NA belt is pretty far down your pecking order these days, and I get the feeling you're not high on Atomic in this save


Actually, I am. Much higher on him than I was on the last dynasty, where Hero Squad eventually became the decidedly unwholesome and "porntastic" Eros Squad. Atomic's popularity is now in the early 70s, and I'm looking for someone whom he can feud with on a longer-term basis. Not P-Hunt, unfortunately - would have loved to, but that match of theirs was their third in six months. Anyway, Captain Atomic's young, he's got good (if not great) stats, and he's got star quality - what's not to like?


Oh, right. He tends to complain a lot about jobbing once his popularity reaches a certain level.


Comment: Time to start pissing off a new company


Hmmmm, let's see. I'll probably break ties with CZCW should I want to sign Mikey James or Marc Speed. But I won't declare war like I did with MAW.


Great show man! Really excited for the upcoming PPV. :D


Thanks! And...


Comment: I think the semifinals has been far enough for someone as talentless as Ansell to reach


And I think I might have no choice but to let his contract expire. The novelty of a huge 300-pound man growling "VNIMANIE!" has worn off, especially since I've given Krissy Angelle more speaking parts (and a Lana-esque character, albeit more comedic), and since she's managing Magnum Kobe, who should mangle his English in a similar way. One "Evil Foreigner" is enough!


Hmmm...what random comments do I have for this month's go-home shows?


Christian Faith vs Matthew Keith got better grades in most of my test runs, but none above the B- mark. The C+ was a bit of a disappointment for me, but Keith's psychology is already at 90 - that's better than almost everyone else in the roster, and he's only 25!


Watched the "hipster" episode on the Simpsons again, just a few days before posting the shows. If bits of Carl Ashley/Ash Campbell's dialogue seem familiar, you have Homer's hipster neighbors Terrence, Emily, and T-Rex (played by Fred Armisen, Carrie Brownstein, and Patton Oswalt respectively) to thank.


The Master of Puppets pre-show was supposed to feature Aaron Andrews or Koshiro Ino taking on Findlay O'Farraday or Jimmy Prudence vs Freddy A. Flexx, but both options ended up dropping my opening segment grade and "chilling" the crowd. That's why you've got the seemingly random matchup of The East-West Connection vs Sober Police...

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OOC - Damn, I should have just listed the Gilmore vs Khoklov match as a "Russian Pit Fight" - adding "match" to the end is just too repetitive.


Oh well. Get those predictions in, because after MoP, the trip down the Road to Supreme Challenge 34 will begin in earnest! :D




The Master of Puppets, King of Supreme once held an esteemed status in the walls of the SWF locker room. The good Kings ruled the locker room with fairness and justice, never asking too much and always keeping the SWF Galaxy's best interests in mind. The bad Kings, on the other hand, freely abused their power, on some occasions even wearing a king's robe and crown and wielding a scepter, so as to drive the point home - "I'm the King of Supreme, and all of you are at my beck and call!"


On Sunday, we shall find out whether the first King of Supreme since 2009 will be the upwardly-mobile, yet sinister "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel"
, or the high-energy, always-pumped-up
. Only one man could win the Kingship and, with that honor, get the title shot of his choice valid for the remainder of his rule. Who will it be? Call your local cable provider for more details on this year's sixth pay-per-view Supreme Spectacular, and the last before Supreme Challenge 34,


MASTER OF PUPPETS will also feature seven more intriguing matchups, kicking off with a match between
. Both men came from the competition back west and joined the SWF earlier this year, and for J-Minny, who became one of the few SWF Superstars to wrestle his first match on a pay-per-view event and not on free television, this match is personal. It was Chord, after all, who passed his "tryout" with The Money-Chase Organization by costing Minnesota his rematch against then-champion Rich Money for the SWF Title. And though they haven't had much to say to each other since then, the tension is certainly there...


seemed to have "lost his mojo" following his loss against Christian Faith at Times of Trouble, but he claims he's gotten it back, and to prove that, Mr. Nothing to Lose Silver will be challenging
for the United States Title. Though two-time World champion Frehley may look like the favorite, to say little of the fact he still has an SWF Title match contract valid till early February 2015, he's had his problems as of late, including increasing tensions with Jack Bruce, and the fact that Eisen, a former World title holder himself, keeps reminding Frehley about his failed cash-in at Awesome Impact 2010.


Over in the tag team division,
have been on an amazing run since becoming the most decorated team in modern SWF history by winning their fifth titles against The Pain Alliance. However, they'll be facing the
, a four-man boy band faction who has the luxury of choosing any two members to represent them in tag team competition - the old "Tuesday's Gone Rule" coming into play. Can the Dudez, who remain undefeated in conventional tag team competition, keep that streak going and win their first World Tag Team Titles? Or would the Bumfs prove that 2014 is the "Summer of Bumf", break the Dudez's streak, and keep the gold around their party-loving waists?


At Times of Trouble,
the fight of his life, but in the end, it was the perfectly-proportioned Goliath from Russia who reigned supreme over the hot-tempered David. For their MASTER OF PUPPETS rematch, MCO Chairman Rich Money has chosen a No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight as the stipulation - Khoklov has never lost this type of match, and he continues to fight in such contests in his homeland of Russia. But Gilmore believes he's quicker and smarter than the 7'6", 450-pound Khoklov, and is also confident the lack of rules will allow him to do what he wants in hopes of "putting the fear of Gilmore" into the Russian Superbeast. The stakes are high here, however, as a loss from Gilmore would take away the right to main event Supreme Challenge 34 that he had won at the Battle for Supremacy, and his chosen World Heavyweight title shot at SC34!


The long-running
feud isn't quite over yet for either man. Out of action for a month due to a concussion suffered during his cage match with Vengeance at Times of Trouble, Champion is hell-bent to win one over the Father of Darkness, even if it means winning in a team effort against Vengeance's now-motley crew of "SinBusters." Champion's Team CHA (Champions of Honor/Awesomeness) seems to be getting along well - it's Champion,
, and Awesomeness members
. Vengeance can trust in his
, but relations with bitter veteran
and loose cannon
have been dicey at best.


As Cage Wars matches can only be won when all competitors are in the steel cage and when someone makes somebody from the other team submit, a lot of focus will be on Team CHA and Team SinBusters' submission specialists - Lobby and DuBois respectively. But the main focus of this match will still be Champion and Vengeance, with the former hoping to become "more than just a name" as the SWF's biggest free agent signing ever, and the latter hoping to force Champion into "atoning for his sins" in the most brutal way possible.


Right after Times of Trouble,
led a bumper crop of "Hollyweird Rejects" joining the SWF, spurning an offer to join Rich Money's MCO and establishing their intent to join former colleague Joey Minnesota in their own informal faction. While fellow Rejects Minnesota, Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino have mainly feuded with the MCO's rank-and-file, Hawkins has been thrust into a big opportunity he had never expected to receive - a chance to face the Alpha Dog,
, for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. This is a man who has been unstoppable since gaining Duane Fry as his manager, best friend, and "battle strategist", leaving a path of destruction in his wake. Could Hawkins, who recently showed Remo the versatility and athleticism that made him a big star for the competition, make good in his first-ever try at big-time SWF gold? Or would Hawkins end up becoming another "hunting trophy" for the Alpha Dog?


For a man who lost his SWF Title in a hard-fought match at Times of Trouble,
seems to be taking things quite well. He has focused on building up his ranks as MCO Chairman, and constantly talked about having all sorts of backup plans and "alternate sources of revenue." Could he be hiding something up his sleeve as he hopes to regain the SWF Title in a rematch against current title holder
? Would this something be a new MCO member, or maybe the implementation of his usual underhanded, under-the-table tactics to, as he always says, "get what he wants"? Or will the Cream of the Crop prove he belongs on top as the most decorated SWF Superstar in company history?


SWF Master of Puppets

Milan Puskar Stadium (West Virginia, Mid-Atlantic)

June 15, 2014 (Week 2)




The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]



Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[standard Match?]



The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight]



Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]



Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

[Cage Wars Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]



Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

[sWF Title Match]





Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent?


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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SWF Master of Puppets

Milan Puskar Stadium Match (West Virginia, Mid-Atlantic)

June 15, 2014 (Week 2)




The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]



Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[standard Match?]



The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight Match]



Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]

Comment: Inteference by Adam Giedroyc maybe match?


Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

[Cage Wars Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]



Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

[sWF Title Match Match]





Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent?


-Alex Braun


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]

Comment: mayb


Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[standard Match?]

Comment: Gogo Joey


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]

Comment: Bumfholes too good


Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]

Comment: Frehley won't win this. Unless its countout or DQ.


Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight]

Comment: Gilmore goes full angry over powered and destroys all.


Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]

Comment: Because its Des Davids


Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

[Cage Wars Match]

Comment: Valiant is there.


Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]

Comment: Kurt Laramee superpush starts by attacking Drew. I'm calling it.


Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

[sWF Title Match]

Comment: Also calling this, unless Angry turns heel I'm unsure about a Face vs Face ME at SC34. So I'm going for Money.




Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent? Crippler Ray Kingman


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]

Comment: Toss up, but the Sober Police are fun to have on TV, so I think they take this match.


Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[standard Match?]

Comment: The way hollyweird rejects are being booked you have to think that Chord goes over -- true, he's also a TCW import, but he's one associated with a uniquely SWF Stable.


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]

Comment: This is a toss up -- but the Bumfholes are recent champions, and the Partay Dudez aren't ready to break the streak -- yet. I'll admit I'm sticking to my guns here, and hoping I'm wrong, as I like the Dudez and think the Bumfholes are too good to be stalled as tag team champions.


Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]

Comment: The Klubb defends here in a horrid match. Horrid match.


Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight]

Comment: In light of other stips --- yes, Gilmore takes this. Not entirely sure on this one, could go either way.


Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]

Comment: Money Chase is a primary stable -- they need an accolade, and I believe that Rogue will hold up the belt -- he plays the cowardly hero well and will hold down the win here.


Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

[Cage Wars Match]

Comment: The right side isn't over enough to beat the left -- and the Dorkness warriors continue to stay losing and stalling out momentum here with Faith and Vengeance close to or on time decline.


Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]

Comment: Hollyweird is here to make SWF look good, and Drew Hawkins will do just that -- I have to say I'm surprised to see him in a title match this soon, but guy is massively skilled and over so he'd be a good choice non-kayfabe.


Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

[sWF Title Match]

Comment: It's just too early -- and Remo pretty much has to retain on this PPV, so I'm guessing there is a gold rush or similar match on down the line in the Bruce-Remo feud with at least two titles on the line -- not sure how a full gold rush would work (Remo/Bruce/Zimmy? and|or Randy?/Atomic/Eisen?) in TEW 2014 but its an angle I enjoy.


Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent? Ed Monton


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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OOC - Whoops! Made some edits to Supreme TV and the Master of Puppets teaser. Again, this is the drawback of taking longer than usual to complete shows. Forgot that Barry Bowen had warned Angry Gilmore that if he loses his rematch against Khoklov, he loses his right to main event Supreme Challenge 34, and loses his World Heavyweight title shot; that was one salient point from the previous Supreme TV I had forgotten all about.
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The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]



Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[standard Match?]



The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight]



Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]



Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

[Cage Wars Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]



Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

[sWF Title Match]





Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent? Dread


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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SWF Master of Puppets


The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

Comment: Sober Police seem to be stuck in a Gatekeeper role


Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

Comment: This one could go either way. I think Joey is probably more over, but Jay seems like a better long-term prospect for Supreme. Joey being in the Klubb swings my vote.


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: I don't believe the Dudez have been built up enough to be taking out the Bumfholes


Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

Comment: By DQ so the belt doesn't change hands, or else Eisen wins through major shenanigans


Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

Comment: Michaels lost his job for trying to over-push Khoklov


Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

Comment: I want to say Davids but "King of ..." is such a heel thing to win and brag about for a year


Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

Comment: Very tough one to call, but I think the blowoff face victory will come later when Champion and Valiant beat Vengeance and Faith in separate singles matches


Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: TCW guy wins Supreme's top title? Beating the monster who's run rough-shod over the entire SWF roster? No. Not in a million years, no.


Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

Comment: Need a big face win somewhere on the card and Money can soak the loss




Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent?

Ed Monton?


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]



Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[standard Match?]



The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight]



Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]



Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

[Cage Wars Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]



Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

[sWF Title Match]





Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent? I too will say Ed Monton.


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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Great show man! Master of Puppets is one jam-packed show!



SWF Master of Puppets

Milan Puskar Stadium (West Virginia, Mid-Atlantic)

June 15, 2014 (Week 2)



The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]



Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[standard Match?]

Comment: coz Joey's in da klubb


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]

Comment: I think it's too early for the partay duds to win the title plus I absolutely f*cking hate them cause they're annoying


Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]

Comment: Frehley just ain't confident enough to even win a midcard title


Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight]

Comment: Gilmore's gonna make Khoklov his b*tch


Des Davids vs Rogue (w/Emma Chase and Jay Chord)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]

Comment: hopefully gonna be a start of Rogue breaking away from the MCO and thrusted into the main event


Team CHA (Champion/Lobby/Valiant/Cannonball/Stardust) vs Team SinBusters (Vengeance/Faith/DuBois/J. Darkness/R. Darkness)

[Cage Wars Match]

Comment: really a toss up here but I'm interested with this alliance between Vengeance and Faith


Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]

Comment: Remo vs. Gilmore for SC!!


Jack Bruce © vs Rich Money

[sWF Title Match]

Comment: changing main event title holders quickly would devalue the title a lot




Bonus Question #1 - Which North American veteran (aside from Craig Prince, who is already with SWF) has just been hired as a road agent? Ed Monton


Bonus Question #2 - And which TCW or USPW valet has been added to the roster as the latest SWF Starlet?


A) Elizabeth Cartier

B) Laura Huggins

C) Persephone

D) Seduction

E) Vita

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OOC - Creative has nothing for Mike Wilmington yet, and Mike/Hollywood Bret doesn't want to go to Rhode Island? I've got the perfect solution to that - more masked jobbers! You can also check out the roster pages - I haven't completed the maintenance, but all the roster collages for the wrestlers have been completed.


Also, Master of Puppets' first part may be up tomorrow! Eleventh-hour predictions are still welcome. :D



"A Shit Sandwich"


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Milan Puskar Stadium, Morganton, WV

6:00 p.m.


The fallout of the SWF/MAW war and the KC Glenn negotiations was brutal for everyone involved except the Keith twins. Inasmuch as he wanted to job Matt out, Richard Eisen couldn't - Christian Faith liked Matt and Greg, and, just like Primus "Enforcer" Allen, he considered Sam's kids his proteges and personal projects. And you know how it is with Christian and Rick - Christian always saw Rick as a father figure and a best friend, despite their differences in personality, temperament, and beliefs, and the friendship was mutual. The announcers were asked not to mention Sam Keith's name on television, and when it came to Matt, he was to be referred to as a second-generation star, and nothing more. The SWF/MAW war made it two Sams whom Rick wasn't digging, but the biggest punishment was reserved for the man who made the temporary SWF/MAW working relationship possible, thanks to his connections.


Meanwhile, I was gearing up for my first in-ring action in close to a month. My concussion, fortunately, was a minor one, and I made it a point to ask Team SinBusters to take it easy on the head. Especially Marc DuBois - the guy was still getting baked habitually, and it wasn't uncommon for him to get too overzealous when high.


Speaking of Marc, he still wasn't in as of 6 p.m. Call time was an hour ago, and he was the only one we were waiting for.




"Don't ask us, man," giggled Skye Sunlight and Carl Ashley, the latter of whom was actually Ashley "Ash" Campbell, son of the legendary Nemesis. Yes, that's right - Nemesis, who was quite a prodigious pothead himself back in the day, was probably so stoned he gave his son a girl's name...for the most part. My guess is that Skye and Carl, or Rich/Remmy and Ash to friends and family, were smoking up with Marky ahead of call time. And Marky had a bit too much of the "good stuff" for his own good.




6:30 p.m.


Dinner with my girlfriend and best friend - perfect way to start what was expected to be a great pre-Supreme Challenge PPV. Emma excused herself to hang out with the girls, while Des and myself decided to look for the rest of the Solid Hands.




And that's when we finally saw DuBois, getting chewed out by our "favorite" SWF rookie. You know who he is - the guy who feels like he's a locker room leader and all, but in reality has his face up the Klubb and Richard Eisen's collective derrieres. He's the guy who received the brunt of Rick's "punishment", though this time around, he wasn't wearing the god-awful costume he had worn during yesterday's house show.




(From the previous night's house show)


"Why should I listen to a hotdog like you?", deadpanned Marc as he tried to rub it into Mike Wilmington. Yes, that was Rick Eisen's punishment, and it was to have the High Stakes Season 1 fourth-placer wrestle as a jobber named Oscar Myers. No, not Oscar Mayer, Oscar MYERS. Complete with hotdog sandwich suit and all.


"Let's not go there, alright?", said the Hotdog Man, trying to reason out as calmly as possible. "I'm just trying to look out for you. I mean, you're hella talented, Marc, I watched you when you were kinda new in the SWF and working that Canadian aristocrat gimmick of yours. What happened to you?"


"What happened is none of your business, OSCAR, so if you'll just excuse me. I gotta discuss my spots with Nicky."


"Discuss 'em with Sean, Chris, and Mr. Faith. Nicky's a rookie like myself so I don't think he should be calling matches." Mr. Faith? Boy, this dude sure knew how to keep that nose nice and brown. And..."Nicky's a rookie"? Maybe you're forgetting, buddy, I'd been on USPW's payroll for a decade before joining Supreme! That did it for me, as I decided to get involved in things.


"Let 'em be, Nicky," said Des. "Eric and Jerry haven't given us trouble for a while. Let's not give 'em good reason to, especially since Eric's birthday is approaching."


"I got this, Des," I replied, walking to the scene of the DuBois/Hotdog argument and hoping to prevent things from getting ugly.




"Mike, I hate to interrupt your little conversation, but I heard you calling me a rookie."


"That you are. Relax! Drew's a rookie, Joey's a rookie, Jay's a rookie..."


"Would you call an NFL player a rookie if he played for one team in 2013 but got traded elsewhere for the 2014 season?"


"That's pro football. This is the SWF. Previously, you were working the USPW way. Now you're learning to work the SWF way, and if I were you, I'd talk to Mr. Faith or Sean or Lobby so I can be sure I'm not rusty or anything after that concussion."


"I may be young, but I've been in this industry for over a decade, working for major promotions," I replied, quite confidently. "Now you, Mike, have only been wrestling in a major promotion for three months. Three months! And now you're acting as if you're our hall monitor?"


"I'm only trying to help..."


"Well, you're not. Let Christian deal with Marc's tardiness. I'm sure he already knows."


With that said, Mike the Hotdog Man walked away, probably not the least bit humbled, but leaving us with a new nickname for him during those post-show drinking sessions - "Shit Sandwich."

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Good to see Nicky putting the punk in his place. He was putting up with way too much guff earlier in the diary. It made sense for KP to accept it since he was an actual rookie (and kind of a passive submissive personality too), but Nicky's a ten-year vet, a main eventer, and was signed to a big contract. He doesn't have to take shit from suck-ups.


In fact, you'd think the SWF vets would have stepped in by now. Do any of Faith, Gilmore, or Bruce have the "Locker Room Leader" trait? Friend of Eisen or not, Wilmington should be facing some kind of Kangaroo Court for trying to order other workers around.

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(ANNOUNCERS - Marvin Earnest, Sammy Curran, and Jerry Eisen)


The East-West Connection d. Sober Police in 12:56 with a Kobra's Bite from Koshiro Ino to Squeeky McClean.
(There was some interference here from Jay Chord and Rogue from the MCO, but the match was most notable for Uprising GM Eric Tyler being in Sober Police's corner. This may not be the prelude of an EW Connection/Sober Police feud, but we may be seeing Sober Police play a larger role on Uprising as Tyler's no-fun-allowed enforcers.)


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Milan Puskar Stadium (West Virginia, Mid-Atlantic)

Attendance - 45,528



YOUR announcers for this PPV:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Duane "Mr. Barnstormer" Fry, and Ana Garcia


- We are coming to you live from the home of the West Virginia Mountaineers, the Milan Puskar Stadium in Morgantown! I'm Duane Fry, with Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia, and tonight's event, Master of Puppets, is going to be chock-full of BARNSTORMERS!


A. Garcia
- Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise...vintage Duane Fry, just as we remember him before he took over as Remo's manager!


- Vintage Duane Fry MY ASS! Sorry to burst your bubble, cheesecake, and sorry to get your hopes up, you fat, cliched Texan, but I was just messin' with you two. Of course, this is the new, improved Battle Strategist Duane Fry, and the only match that matters to me is RRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRICHARDSON's complete and utter DOMINATION and DESTRUCTION of Drew Hawkins.


- I knew it, Duane.
(takes a deep breath)
Anyway, there's more than just the possibility of a very even and interesting battle between Remo and Drew Hawkins...


- Of course there is! Because there is NONE! No possibility of...


- If you would just let me finish, young man, tonight's pay-per-view spectacular isn't just about Remo and Hawkins. We've also got Drew Hawkins' fellow Hollyweird Reject Joey Minnesota kickin' things off against Jay Chord...


A. Garcia
- No love lost between those two...


- We've got Eric Eisen defending his United States title against Steve Frehley, The Amazing Bumfholes putting their tag belts on the line versus 24/7 Partay Dudez...


- Ooooohhhh, that should be nice! I'd say they go with the Mainstream/Stevie combo.


- Angry Gilmore and Marat Khoklov will be at the WVU Coliseum in what should be one of the most unique matches in SWF history - the No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight. Rich Money, Chairman of the MCO, supposedly paid to reserve the WVU Coliseum to ensure the closest possible replication to a genuine Russian Pit Fight, and we shall be bringing you a live telecast of that match later on tonight, for everyone at home and here in the much larger Milan Puskar Stadium to enjoy!


A. Garcia
- The ramifications of that match are very important for Angry Gilmore. If he wins, he can still fight for the World Heavyweight Championship at Supreme Challenge 34. If he loses, someone else will have to take his place in that match and main event SC34.


- Then we have the World Heavyweight Title Match...


- NOT YET, DUANE! Before that, we'll be having the King of Supreme Final between Rogue and Des Davids, then we'll see if Drew Hawkins can become one of the few men to win World titles at both the SWF and at its largest competitor.


- No, he can't!


A. Garcia
- Alright then, Duane, go count those chickens before they hatch, we've got a couple more matches to preview. We shall also see another unique kind of match - the Cage Wars Match, which actually takes place before YOUR World title match! Cage Wars will see two five-man teams face off against each other - that's Nicky Champion's Team CHA, and Vengeance's Team SinBusters. Two men will start things out, followed by another man entering the cage every two minutes. Once everyone's in there, the person who makes his opponent submits first wins the match for his team.


- Finally, it will be Jack Bruce, the SWF Champion, in a rematch for the SWF Title against the man he soundly defeated last month at Times of Trouble, Rich Money. Money's been making a lot of noise about alternate sources of revenue, multiple backup plans, and the like. It almost seems like he's unconcerned about the result of this match!


- That's not Money, Pete, and you know that Rich Money always gets what he wants. I think Money is going to give it everything he's got, and I think he's going to bring that SWF Title back where it belongs, and that's around his waist.


- Does this endorsement of Money mean you've sorted out your differences following the previous Supreme TV's miscommunication galore?


- How dare you suggest that, Peter. I don't like Money any more than I did last Tuesday, and I'm just callin' things as I see them, with no bias nor personal preferences informing my words.


- Whatever, Duane. Speaking of Bruce and Money, let's start things out with this video package, and recap of the strange, yet interesting nature of The Cream of the Crop versus the Moneyman.


(HYPE VIDEO) Bruce vs Money - SWF Title Rematch




Like last time, we get words from the competitors interspersed with scenes from the previous weeks' matches and feuds involving both Jack Bruce and his challenger, former SWF champ Rich Money...




- You've got me surprised, Rich. Ever since I won the SWF Title from you at Times of Trouble, you've changed from arrogant...to nonchalant. All I get from you is business jargon. Streams of revenue. Plan A to Plan Z. Boiling the ocean and finding yourself in a Goldilocks situation. Is there any chance that I can get you to speak some goddamned English, huh, Moneyman? Because even if I know you're acting like someone who doesn't care for the SWF Title you became the first-ever winner of, I know this could be part of your plan. I know you, Rich. You're not just a Moneyman...you're also a SNOWMAN in the summer heat.




- One has got to think outside of the box in order to succeed. And while my words and my recent strategy may betray a lack of focus for what's important, that's where you're wrong. I have never been lacking in focus in the four weeks leading up to Master of Puppets. Yes, I may have wheeled and dealed myself, and focused on developing greater synergy within the MCO. But I would be a fool...I would be someone less than Money...to keep my eyes off the ball and miss out on what I feel is my biggest chance yet...to regain the SWF Title.


- Elvis Presley's manager, Col. Tom Parker...he was the original Snowman. By zigging when people thought he was zagging, and vice versa...by talkin' about red when he really meant blue, and vice versa...by pullin' the wool over the eyes of the people he dealt with...he was effectively snowin' them in. But you probably know what a snowman is, right, Rich? Come Sunday at Master of Puppets, I am gonna MELT you, the ultimate Snowman of the SWF, with all the heat of my rock 'n' roll spirit...


- You're the one who needs to speak in plain, everyday English, Jack, because I couldn't care less for your rock 'n' roll spirit, to say little of the Constituents who blindly follow you despite the FACT that your music...and your wrestling...has been stagnant for at least five years and counting. Yes, I am an astute businessman who knows all the tips and the tricks. But whatever I do to further the MCO's business will be icing on the cake, once I'm done outsmarting you in that ring on Sunday.


- You better start acting concerned, Rich. All that pretendin' to act like you don't care might come back to bite you, because regardless of your Plan A, B, C, or Z, regardless of where you get your dirty money, I am gonna rock you silly and own you in that ring on Sunday, at Morgantown. And I'm gonna do all that with...and in...a New York Minute.


- I always get what I want, Jack. Hope you consider that before you accuse me of losing my focus. The face of the SWF is, was, and always should be mine - the face of MONEY.


Joey Minnesota (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Jay Chord (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Lumberjack Match]


LUMBERJACKS - Aaron Andrews, Koshiro Ino, Drew Hawkins, Findlay O'Farraday, Rich Money, Rogue


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8691d2e4-de1e-4afe-b804-fb231fdfe893_zps97800d36.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpg




  • Before the match can begin, Commissioner Barry Bowen exits the locker room and takes stock of what he sees - Joey Minnesota with The Hollyweird Rejects, Jay Chord with the MCO (sans Marat Khoklov and Emma Chase, who are at the WVU Coliseum). He then announces that their standard singles match will now become a modified Lumberjack Match, with the three Rejects covering the left side and the three MCO thugs taking the right.
  • With the new rules now in play, Chord focuses on trying to take Minnesota out of the ring on the right side, setting him up for a three-on-one MCO beatdown. Minnesota, however, is quick enough to avoid that, and he gets an early advantage, slipping out of a DDT and setting up a face crusher with kick to Chord's gut.
  • Chord does get a bit of an advantage at the third minute, choking Minnesota against the ropes after whipping him against them. He ends up gloating too much, and Minnesota is back in the game, succeeding in clotheslining Chord out of the ring, on the left side.
  • Aaron Andrews tries to give chase, but Chord runs to his corner, and is assisted back in the ring by Findlay O'Farraday and Rogue.
  • With Chord back in the ring, he controls things until the sixth minute, and instead of covering Minnesota after the Jay Chord DDT, he rolls him out of the ring, onto the waiting hands of the MCO!
  • The MCO gives Minnesota a thorough beatdown, but back off when The Hollyweird Rejects move their way, with Andrews and Koshiro Ino jawing off against Rogue, O'Farraday, and Rich Money and Drew Hawkins rolling J-Minny back inside.
  • After Minnesota kicks out, he counters a Cradle Piledriver attempt and slips out, using his last reserves to hit the Empire Spiral on Chord! Both men slowly try to recover, and it's Minnesota who gets back up on his feet first.
  • Still hurting from the earlier beatdown, Minnesota hits a Tiger Bomb on Chord at 9:30, then goes for the Minnesota Salute, his feet leaving the top rope a split-second before O'Farraday can shake on it. He goes for the cover and gets the win against the second-generation star, dealing Chord his first loss in singles action.



- Minnesota in 9:33


- SERVES YOU RIGHT, JAY CHORD! Serves you right for acting like you're the greatest thing to hit the SWF since sliced bread!


- Peter, my friend, I find it insulting that you'd refer to Chord the same way I refer to my client and best friend Remo.


- Nobody asked for your opinion, Duane. And...
(pauses as he sees Chord berating the referee)
GOOD GAWD! Jay Chord is losin' it in the ring, hurling insults at referee Darren Smith!


A. Garcia
- What a disgraceful young man that Jay Chord is.


(ANGLE) Chord Beats Up Referee




Jay Chord, upset over what he feels was a slow count, continues laying into Darren Smith, and he's now emphasizing one thing above everything else as he continues his rant...


- Do you know who I am, huh, Darren? I'M JAY FREAKIN' CHORD! I'M THE SON OF HALL OF IMMORTALS MEMBER RIP CHORD!!!! And I'm better than Rip was when he was my age! So you better gimme some RESPECT, zebra man!


D. Smith
- Hit the showers, Jay! You might wanna try harder next time...


Chord responds by landing the Jay Chord DDT on Smith, adding to the veteran official's long resume of referee bumps from irate heels...


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood, Freddy A. Flexx and Partay Dudez USA)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c40952b1-444d-4dab-a1ae-4fd2c4aaca55_zps75d2c861.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/5120ae97-e829-45ea-8406-bce3e98d7320_zpsb9708838.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edaccf00-5c14-4076-8094-624ec264d806_zpsbb0186c8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12234547-15f6-429a-867b-44a90e53afd0_zps58bd71b2.jpg




  • It would appear that the 24/7 Partay Dudez are going with the original two Canadians tonight - Mainstream and Stevie - though technically, Partay Dudez USA would constitute as the same team with the Tuesday's Gone Rule in play.
  • The early goings of the match favor the Bumfholes, who confound the Dudez with their catlike quickness and seamless teamwork. A tag moonsault bomb at 3:30 gets the crowd going, and for a moment, it looks like the Dudez's streak is close to ending. Freddy A. Flexx, however, makes the save and breaks up the cover.
  • With the Bumfholes losing a bit of momentum, the Partay Dudez swoop in, with Mainstream hitting the Fever Beat on Zimmy (Leaping Single Arm DDT) to set up the Apparition #14. He teases the move but ends up tagging Stevie for a top-rope legdrop, but Zimmy rolls away.
  • At 6:10, Zimmy hits Randy for the hot tag, and while Randy's red-hot for a few seconds, it's not long before Mainstream short-arms him out of the ring, and on to Calum and J-Sense! VJ Britney Hollywood is distracting Shane Stones, and while that's going on, Calum stretches Randy with the Honey Trap, then whips him against the steel steps, punctuating that move with a Michael Jackson-esque yell.
  • Haley Bumfhole attends to her seemingly injured brother as Zimmy dukes it out with the two American Partay Dudez; Mainstream, meanwhile, is standing in the ring and Stones counting Zimmy out and preventing Mainstream from doing further damage.
  • In the end, Stones has no choice but to count Randy out and award the match to the 24/7 Partay Dudez, but the titles remain on the Bumfholes' waist following their count out loss.



- 24/7 Partay Dudez by count out in 6:54. The Amazing Bumfholes are STILL the SWF World Tag Team Champions.


- Somebody give Randy Bumfhole an Oscar for that performance! It's his malingering that had cost the 24/7 Partay Dudez a chance to win the World Tag Team Titles!


- Give us all a break, Duane. You saw Calum interfering while the official's back was turned. You saw that Honey Trap and how he and J-Sense sent Randy Bumfhole knee-first into the steel steps. The 24/7 Partay Dudez are NOT a wholesome boy band, and I say somebody's got to put an end to that streak of theirs!


A. Garcia
- Hopefully the Bumfholes, who are still World Tag Team champs, can take advantage of that rematch clause and beat the Dudez fair and square. But first, we've got to be sure Randy's fine, because it looked like he did take quite a nasty hit earlier in that match...


Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c5509867-cc56-40cd-8ddc-7d499b0129f1_zps52ba1908.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpg




  • The past few weeks have seen Eric Eisen antagonize Steve Frehley and call him out on his previous lack of confidence and how he failed to cash in against him way back in 2010, during Eisen's lone SWF World Heavyweight title reign. With that in mind, Mr. Nothing to Lose Silver Steve Frehley has his pride on the line, even with his "mojo" supposedly back.
  • The match is quite even between both men, though some parts are decidedly unpleasant to watch. Eisen, for some reason, no-sells a Frehley bodyslam at 2:40, and that doesn't appear to be part of what was discussed.
  • Strange no-sell or not, Eisen leverages control at 3:40, with Enforcer Allen illegally double-teaming Frehley as P-Hunt argues with Ric Young. Eisen whips Frehley against Allen, who follows up with a nasty belly-to-belly suplex.
  • Frehley kicks out of that, and swings control of the match back to his side when he ducks a Supremacy and instead goes for the Dark Destroyer Spear. Eisen is down, but he's not out as he kicks out at two.
  • More false finishes follow at the eight-minute mark, as Eisen, currently in control, hits a Silver Spoon Shock on Frehley, only for the Dark Destroyer to kick out just in the nick of time.
  • With the match now past ten minutes, Frehley now appears to be dominating, and he's peppering Eisen with punches and elbows. It seems to be Allen's turn to leap on the apron and distract Young, and as he does that, P-Hunt goes to Frehley's corner and grabs his Nothing to Lose briefcase, quickly tossing it to Eisen. Eisen prepares to swing at Frehley, but just as he ducks away from it, Young catches Eisen with the briefcase in hand and disqualifies him! Frehley picks up the win, but doesn't look happy as Eisen realizes he lost the match by DQ, but nonetheless keeps the US Title.



- Frehley in 11:38 via DQ. Eric Eisen is STILL the SWF United States Champion.


- Damn that sneaky bastard Eric Eisen! Damn him! I've got a feeling the Klubb didn't care if they got caught or not, just as long as they made sure Eric would be leavin' Morgantown with the US Title still in his possession.


A. Garcia
- The Klubb are an irreverent pack of wolves who rally around their immature leader Eric Eisen, and I don't know if any of you noticed, but Eric has yet to defend his US Title by actually pinning someone!


- DQ against Joey Minnesota. DQ against Steve Frehley. Something's got to be done about Eric Eisen and his underhanded tactics...this is not the champion the United States deserves.


- But will you take a look at Steve Frehley! Look at him! He's like a man possessed out there! Look at him wail away on the Supreme Iconoclast. Now there's a Steve Frehley I could get behind...


(ANGLE) Frehley Beats Down on Eric Eisen




No one seems more upset over the devious way in which Eric Eisen kept his US Title than Steve Frehley, and the Dark Destroyer is now bashing Eisen and his fellow Klubb members with the Nothing to Lose briefcase! He uses it to knock out P-Hunt, and as Enforcer Allen tries using his size and muscle to help, he too gets brained by the briefcase, leaving Eric Eisen at the Dark Destroyer's mercy. And mercy is one thing Frehley doesn't seem to have at the moment, as he continues attacking Eisen with the briefcase, working different parts of the body until he angrily kicks Eisen and yells his trademark "Y'ALL AIN'T S---!!!!" at him.


Frehley, despite being a babyface, gets some scattered boos among the loud cheers as he walks to the locker room raising the briefcase and pumping his fists.


(MINOR ANGLE) Jerry Eisen Explains Russian Pit Fight Rules (64/C)


The announce team then turns things over to Jerry Eisen at the West Virginia University Coliseum, which Rich Money has reserved for the Russian Pit Fight featuring Angry Gilmore and Marat Khoklov. Eisen explains the rules to the SWF Galaxy, and they seem very similar to early UFC - a person can win by knockout, submission, or referee stoppage, or if their corner throws in the towel. All types of holds or strikes are permitted, at any part of the body, but no weapons are allowed. As for the "pit", it resembles the type you'd see in a martial arts B-movie, though there don't seem to be any fans in the WVU Coliseum right now. No matter - everyone at the much larger Milan Puskar Stadium would be able to watch the match as it streams on the Supreme-Tron.


Angry Gilmore vs Marat Khoklov (w/Emma Chase)

[No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a13ca6d-2c15-4ee2-801e-6b1ef267a867_zpsbe14108c.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c23dcd45-d0d8-4ef7-81c8-4ada2f04a3da_zps19fc8d29.jpg




  • The importance of this match (Angry Gilmore must win to keep his right to main event SC34) is stressed as the introductions are made - at this point, we now see several fans, all of them ringers paid to give the match the feel of a typical illegal pit fight.
  • Shane Stones is refereeing this match, and he looks a bit confused as Gilmore and Khoklov circle the pit, with Gilmore using his speed to duck Khoklov's powerful punches and lariat attempts.
  • Khoklov does connect at around 1:30, hitting Gilmore with a hard jab to the face, and while that stuns Gilmore, he moves to a crouching position, in hopes of going for an MMA-style takedown.
  • That doesn't work, as Khoklov angrily picks Gilmore up and goes for the first real wrestling move at around 2:20 - a Russian Legend Powerbomb! Stones checks to see if Gilmore is okay, and he gives the ref the thumbs-up, slowly getting back to his feet.
  • After using the first three and a half minutes to wear Khoklov out, Gilmore flashes some offense, hitting some punches and kicks (which are promptly no-sold), but connecting on an "inner leg kick" at 4:00 that has the big Russian looking hurt!
  • That allows Gilmore to finally go for a takedown, and we then see about three minutes or so of Gilmore trying to make Khoklov submit, while softening him up with elbows to the head, even as Khoklov reverses things so Gilmore's shoulders are on the mat.
  • At 7:10, Gilmore, who's still on the mat, goes for a gogoplata on Khoklov, and as the fans at the Milan Puskar Stadium watch with bated breath, it looks like Khoklov has actually passed out from the move! Stones ignores Emma Chase's distraction attempts, and rules that Gilmore has won by knockout against the much larger Marat Khoklov! The crowd goes wild upon this announcement, and a huge "ANGRY GILMORE!" cheer can be heard back at the Master of Puppets proper.



- Gilmore in 7:54




A. Garcia
- I am speechless, Peter. Nobody thought it would be possible to knock that Russian Superbeast out, or make him pass out, but Angry Gilmore just showed us that he really is one of the best technical wrestlers in the history of Supreme.


- That was an OUTRAGE! A TRAVESTY! Angry Gilmore should be BANNED from using that move!


- Maybe you're forgetting, Duane, but that was a No Holds Barred Russian Pit Fight. No holds barred means all holds are allowed.


- What do you think of me, Peter? You think I'm one of those dum-dum fourth-graders you used to teach in the '80s? Of course I know that was a No Holds Barred match, but I'm talking about conventional SWF matches here! I believe that was a gogoplata that Gilmore used to somehow make Khoklov pass out, and while such stuff may fly in MMA, it definitely has no place in Supreme.


- What's the matter, Duane? Scared that Angry Gilmore might use it on Remo should he still be World champ at SC34?


- I'm actually glad you asked!


A. Garcia
- Here we go again...Duane's probably gonna justify why Remo is impervious to that debilitating hold we saw earlier from Angry Gilmore...


- Marat Khoklov fell prey to Gilmore because he's slow. And a little weak up there. And one-dimensional, only relyin' on his brute strength and size. You shall see no such thing happen to Remo, should he remain champ at SC34...or should I say, at SC34, period, because he is so goin' to annihilate Drew Hawkins. Remo's not just an athletic freak...he's also extremely alert and street-smart and ring-smart alike. And if you're thinkin' that I'm scared of what that Gogo-whatever move can do to Remo...


(interrupting Fry's extended spiel)
- Don't go away, SWF Galaxy, we shall be givin' you the King of Supreme Final, right after this video package for the Remo vs Drew Hawkins World Heavyweight title fight.


(HYPE VIDEO) Hawkins vs Remo - World Heavyweight Title Match




Like the first hype video, this one also involves individual pre-recorded promos of each competitor (and Duane Fry), with highlights from the ongoing feud mingling in with the promos.




- You're gonna wish you stayed behind with the Brit. You're gonna wish you paid the price for your truculence and ungratefulness, and buddied up with the likes of Tana and Benson and Fonzie. You have entered the lair of the Alpha Dog, and for the past four months, the Alpha Dog...RRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRRICHARDSON...has gone huntin', addin' trophy after trophy on his wall. Jack Bruce. Christian Faith. Valiant. Each and every one of those pretenders to the throne have gotten their figurative heads on the trophy wall, and yours, Drew Hawkins, is gonna be next.




- I know your Alpha Dog ain't indestructible, Duane, and I think I proved that a bit in Bowen's little elimination tag match. And gimme a break...it's not like I haven't taken out big men back when I was with the competition! Ricky Dale Johnson - wily vet, lifer over at the competition, nearly 300 pounds of muscle and a lot of in-ring smarts. Rocky Golden - HUGE guy, 'bout 6'8", 330 pounds, one tough customer and a legion of fans that put me on the road each time I fought in his "home court," which was pretty much everywhere. Guess what, Fry - I beat both those men on a regular basis, and I beat Golden to win the World title over there.




- Seriously, man? That's your resume? Those are the dudes you took to school back west? They may have been bigger and stronger than you, Drew, but that was the competition. This is the SWF. And just like Duane said, this is the Alpha Dog, Remo's SWF. You just found yourself up against the most unstoppable force in the history of this sport.


- All good things hafta come to an end, and that goes for title reigns too. You may be a so-called unstoppable force...you may be a big, bad Alpha Dog, but back in Hollyweird, they used to call me Wolf. And that's because I was, and still am wild, untamed, and unpredictable. You're just a lapdog...an Alpha Lapdog who'd jump off a cliff if Duane Fry told you it'd be the best way for you to keep your title. I may have a lot of friends here in my new home, but at the end of the day, I answer to no one.


- Without me, Remo would still be the most dominant SWF Superstar...no, make that the most dominant professional wrestler EVER. With me, Remo is a man among boys, a god among men. I'm the war general, and Remo is a Sherman Tank with the speed of a Formula One race car and the quickness of a cat. You may be fast, you may be quick, you may be versatile, and dammit, your Full Moon Rising may stun much larger men, but you aren't RRRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRRRICHARDSON. Therefore, Drew Hawkins, you will LOSE on Sunday night at Master of Puppets.


- I am in awe, Remo, Duane Fry's right when he says you're an athletic freak with superior size and strength. But you aren't unstoppable. You won't be the first big man I'll be beatin' for a World title, and once I'm through with you, I'm sure to have somethin' left over for Duane Fry and the rest of his guys.


Des Davids vs Rogue (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[sWF King of Supreme Final]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/DesDavids_zps8fc253f3.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a8530ef0-f432-40a6-9918-55ad4abf1cf2_zps46b28725.jpg




  • As Des Davids and Rogue prepare to lock up for the King of Supreme Final, Peter Michaels tells the fans at home that whoever wins this match gets the title shot of his choice, redeemable for the duration of his Kingship, but one that has to be arranged in advance, and not impromptu like a Nothing to Lose cash-in.
  • Like most of the matches so far, this one is a see-saw battle, and for the first three minutes, neither Davids nor Rogue seems to have a clear-cut advantage over the other.
  • That changes briefly when Davids counters Rogue's pancake attempt and goes for a German suplex pin at around 4:10. Rogue, however, kicks out and indignantly nips up to his feet.
  • It's still Davids in control at 5:30, but as he tries running the ropes for an elbow attempt, he is tripped from outside by Findlay O'Farraday! This allows Rogue a chance to recover and gain an advantage.
  • At 7:00, Rogue goes for his Crashing On finisher, and looks to have Davids put away, but Prime Time kicks out at the last split-second, and tries psyching himself up for a heroic babyface comeback.
  • Davids eventually finds that second wind and gets to drop Rogue with a Quarterback Sack at 9:30, but Emma Chase, now in the Milan Puskar Stadium following Marat Khoklov's loss, climbs the apron to flash Ric Young with those Dollar Signs.
  • That allows O'Farraday to run in with a chair, but Davids dodges that and tries to set Rogue up for the Touch Down. However, the ensuing chaos allows Rogue to slip out of the move, and come Crashing On out of nowhere for the pin, the win, and the Kingship.



- Rogue in 10:26. Rogue is the SWF's Master of Puppets, King of Supreme.


A. Garcia
- Well, there you have it. Looks like the first King of Supreme since Freddy "No Relation" Garcia won't be ruling his kingdom with benevolence in mind.


- And it looks like Rogue just might be getting that "promotion" he keeps talkin' about on social media. What could he possibly mean by that?


A. Garcia
- We may have to wait till the next Supreme TV to find out, but what we know now is that Rogue used the confusion following Emma Chase's Dollar Sign Distraction to pick up the win. I don't expect much good to come out of his reign...and there he goes, spitting on the fallen Des Davids! What a sore winner.


- And what an interesting reign we could be having. All hail King Rogue, King Jack, King Giedroyc, or whatever you want to be called within the ranks of the MCO!


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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Milan Puskar Stadium (West Virginia, Mid-Atlantic)

Attendance - 45,528



YOUR announcers for this PPV:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Duane "Mr. Barnstormer" Fry, and Ana Garcia


(BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW) Florence Interviews Team CHA






As Rogue celebrates, wearing the crown provided but somehow refusing to put on the robe, we are taken backstage, where Melanie Florence is interviewing Team CHA and asking each of them what's motivating them ahead of the Cage Wars match against Team SinBusters.


- You better believe it, Melanie, it is good for Nicky Champion to be back in the ring, and back with another chance to put an end to the heresy. Nicky Champion is back to put an end to the self-righteousness. Nicky Champion is back to lead Team CHA - that's Champions of Honor and Awesomeness - to victory against the five-man hodgepoge that is Team SinBusters. And when all has been said and done, it will be time for Nicky Champion to focus on other things...and by other things, I mean BECOMING!!!!! MORE!!!!! THAN JUST!!!!! A NAME!!!!!!


- I'm not just winning this for the benefit of my friends Nicky Champion and Lobster Warrior, and the up-and-coming Awesomeness. I'm winning this for honor, and WITH honor, and we're winning this Cage Wars match because I've got a little score to settle with Christian Faith. See something wrong in the world? Don't put yourself on a high horse and make things right by spouting your negativity. And don't discount people like myself, who grew up watching you and following your example, only to see you turn around and literally make a deal with the devil like you did with Vengeance.


- All the little Lobbies out there cried their hearts out when I lost my Underwater Seas title to Eric Eisen. But that happened for a reason, and that reason is for me to join my earthbound friends Nicky and Valiant and help drown the Family of Darkness once and for all! I think all of us have heard enough of their hypocrisy and heresy. Tonight, Team CHA is gonna make it SNAPPEH as we bring those dastardly do-badding SinBusters to justice!


- And what about you, Awesomeness? Anything that's motivating you tonight aside from you-know-what, you-can't-do-that, and rock 'n' roll?


- And a-one, and a-two, and a-one, two, three, four.


The Awesomeness


You can't stop rock, you can't stop roll,

Embracin' the Darkness won't save our souls,

We're stickin' it to Johnny, we're stickin' it to Robbie,

We're stickin' it to Marky, Christian Faith and Vengeance Daddy,

We're gonna Shock and Awe you, we're the team called C-H-A

Bustin' the SinBusters, we're gonna get that win todaaaay-ay-aaaayyyyy!!!!



Team CHA vs Team SinBusters

[Cage Wars Match]






  • Before the match begins, team captains Nicky Champion and Vengeance take part in a coin flip, with Champion calling heads and Vengeance calling tails. Heads wins it, which means Team CHA will have a one-man advantage (2-1, 3-2, 4-3, 5-4) until all ten men have entered. That said, the bell rings and the two team captains build things up slowly, exchanging blows but nothing too significant just yet.




  • At the two-minute mark, Huey Cannonball makes it two-on-one for Team CHA, and Champion hits a gutwrench suplex on Vengeance, setting him up for a top-rope plancha from Cannonball. Vengeance appears stunned, but help is on the way as the fourth minute approaches...




  • ...Christian Faith is up next, and with both him and Vengeance combining to weigh over 600 pounds (with both men's combined age a year short of 90), that gives Team SinBusters the advantage at this juncture. Cannonball goes out like a light with a Faith Hammer from the Supreme Legend, and with Vengeance choking Champion in the corner, Faith goes for a Gorilla Press on Cannonball, dropping him to the ground a few seconds before...




  • ...Jefferson Stardust runs in for the save! Team CHA now has the strength in numbers, but Vengeance and Faith are still heavier than anyone from the opposing team. Stardust tries to revive Cannonball, who's still reeling from the earlier Gorilla Press, and they eventually go for the Shock and Awe on Faith, as Vengeance and Champion continue focusing on each other. We're now almost at eight minutes, and the next entrant is...




  • ...Robert Darkness, making it three SinBusters who weigh at least 275-280 pounds. Robert D. helps Vengeance against Champion, and soon we see Champion at the two Family of Darkness members' mercy, with both working his head, until Huey and Jeff stop working on Faith and focus instead on Robert Darkness. The two are still working very well together, and keeping Team CHA alive when the buzzer sounds and welcomes Team CHA's fourth man...




  • ...Valiant, who brings his spirited attack in and drops Vengeance to the ground with a Patriot Missile! He's on fire as he works on Vengeance while Champion tries to recover in the corner. Meanwhile, Robert Darkness ducks away from a Jeff Stardust moonsault, while Christian Faith is also recovering. Robert D. appears to be on a roll as he hits the End of Discussion discus clothesline on Huey Cannonball, but Champion retaliates with a back body drop on the former Robbie Retro. The clock starts ticking and the buzzer sounds, and with sixteen minutes in, our next man is...




  • ...John Darkness, who even things up. Nothing much happens here, save for Faith getting powerbombed by Champion and Vengeance saving his unlikely ally with a Skull Crusher on the Hawkeye. Eighteen minutes approaching. Who's next?




  • ...It's Lobster Warrior, who gets a huge pop as he bursts into the cage and surprises Vengeance with a Russian legsweep! The Awesomeness resume their work on Vengeance while Valiant is trading punches with Johnny D., and Faith, once again, seems to be conserving his energy as he's badly beaten. Lobby decides he's not having any of that, and he tries to wrap Faith up in the Crustacean Clutch. Faith seems to be in pain, but the twentieth minute is drawing nearer and the final man is about to enter. Of course, it's...




  • ...Marc DuBois, as Team SinBusters' submission specialist is, naturally, last to enter the cage. He saves Faith from the Crustacean Clutch, angrily clotheslining Lobby and following up with a DDT. DuBois then looks on maniacally and looks for the most beaten-up Team CHA member. Seeing that both New Darkness Warriors have been running roughshod over Huey Cannonball (Jeff Stardust too, but not as much), he offers to submit one of them in the Fruitcake for Everybody. Robert D. tells DuBois to "take your pick."
  • Meanwhile, Valiant appears to have gotten the better of Vengeance, taking him out with an impressive V-Split, and he's desperately trying to revive Lobby, telling him that both Vengeance and Faith are down. Not quite! Christian Faith launches into a Faith-Up, and the crowd boos him lustily as he hits a Stalling Atomic Drop on BOTH Valiant and Lobby plus alternating Faith Hammers on both men, and prevents Nicky Champion from helping by hitting a piledriver on the Hawkeye!
  • DuBois seems to be having some success with the Sanitarium - Welcome Home ankle lock, as Huey Cannonball is seemingly crying in pain, but Jefferson Stardust dropkicks both New Darkness Warriors and is going for the save and targeting DuBois. Could he do it?
  • He can't, but it's because Faith kicks DuBois in the face, and decides he's going to have this moment for himself by putting Valiant in the Test of Faith! Vengeance has recovered, and he's beginning to clean house, starting with Stardust, but before he can stop Champion from interfering, referee Darren Smith notices Valiant has failed to respond, his arm falling limp a third time as the Supreme Legend/Iron Man wins it for Team SinBusters with a Test of Faith.



- Team SinBusters in 25:15 - Christian Faith made Valiant submit to the Test of Faith.


- After bitter veteran and sanctimonious prick, you can now add "glory hog" to the list of unflattering adjectives to describe Christian Faith.


A. Garcia
- Now I am obviously not Marc DuBois' biggest fan. But DuBois had a chance to win it for Team SinBusters - he somehow named the team, and as their submission specialist, he had come in last with hopes of making the big difference. Still, Christian Faith couldn't stand seeing DuBois get the spotlight, so he had to make himself the center of attention by going for that Test of Faith on Valiant.


- Look at the logic behind it, and stop lettin' your emotions speak for you! Think about it. Marc DuBois is a screw-up. He's a waste of potential and a certified basket case who should be in the looney bin, and not on the SWF roster. Christian Faith is THE Supreme Legend, a four-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion and, even if he doesn't always carry the briefcase around because he's afraid of a repeat annihilation at the hands of Remo, he is Mr. Nothing to Lose Blue. He's the man who should be winnin' it for his team, if not Vengeance himself.


(ANGLE) DuBois Rants About Faith






After the commercial break, we see Christian Faith heading to the parking lot and heading to his vehicle, a Ford F-350 heavy-duty truck. He calmly turns the key and drives off, done for the day, with nary a "good job" or "congratulations" for his fellow SinBusters. Faith has done what he has to do, and unfortunately for Marc DuBois, that meant preventing him from locking in the winning submission.


DuBois is upset about this, and he's apparently followed Faith to the parking lot, only to see him driving off into the night and leaving the building...






Joe Sexy, DuBois' increasingly contentious tag teammate, notices the Maniac screaming at the top of his lungs and calling Faith's name even if he's long since driven off, and tries to console him...


- Things just got SEXY in the Milan Puskar Stadium parking lot!


(angrily shaking Sexy)
- YOUR TIMING COULDN'T BE ANY WORSE, JOSEPH!!!!! I had Cannonball in the Sanitarium...I saw his long, flowing blonde locks poking at his teary eyes and heard him cryin' for Mama Cannonball back in Medicine Hat...his hand was almost on the mat...but NOOOOOOOO!!!! CHRISTIAN FAITH KICKED ME IN THE FACE AND SHATTERED MY DREAMS WITH THAT ONE KICK, AND THAT ONE TEST OF FAITH ON VALIANT!!!!


- Look, man, your SinBusters won the match. You did great out there. And besides...we still got Louise...and we still got The Sex Maniacs.
(loosens one button on his shirt with each tag team name he mentions)
Platinum Blondes. All-Americans. Hero Squad. Tag teams...no more. Who knows, maybe The Pain Alliance too...our former UnStablemates...
(swivels his hips seductively as a female fan passes by)
...we're just like the Elton John song, Marky Marc...we're still standing...and seein' that lady pass by, you definitely know what's standin' down there. Count your sexy blessings, Marky Marc...we are still a team.




Drew Hawkins vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1ba78385-a123-444b-898b-ba43c87ccf54_zpsfbf4b673.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/af331342-c78d-4eb4-9410-bd8c1f985616_zps99613eeb.jpg




  • As expected, Remo gets the early advantage, using his brute strength to manhandle Hawkins and wasting little time as he drops a full nelson bomb on Mr. Full Moon Fever.
  • Remo continues dominating for the next few minutes, as Duane Fry barks orders from his megaphone and Kurt Laramee stands on guard to help interfere if needed. At 5:00, Remo goes for a cover after a DDT on Hawkins, but Drew kicks out and tries to start engineering a comeback.
  • He gets that chance by countering an elbow drop into a legsweep kick, and while that counter doesn't faze Remo much, it helps Hawkins finally get on the offensive. A few rest holds later, he applies a single leg Boston Crab on Remo, hoping to use his technical knowhow to his advantage.
  • It works for a while, but a Duane Fry distraction helps Remo get back in control, and we get another big cover attempt at 8:20 following a Press Powerslam. Once again, Hawkins kicks out.
  • Remo goes for a Samoan drop at 9:30, but Hawkins counters this by sliding behind the Alpha Dog and going for a rolling wheel kick. Remo is stunned, but it takes much more than that to get the better of him...
  • After trying to soften Remo up a bit - and even threatening Fry and Laramee at ringside, Hawkins goes for the Full Moon Rising on the Alpha Dog, lets out a howl, and goes for the cover. Ric Young is about to count to three, but Duane Fry enters the ring to argue with him, breaking things up and ultimately allowing Remo to recover.
  • The 15-minute mark of the match has Hawkins and Remo battling it out at ringside, with Young counting to ten. With Young's back turned, Laramee interferes with a kick to Hawkins' gut, and Remo angrily whips the ex-TCW World champ against the barricade, which gets the fans chanting "HOLY S---!!!!" as he gets back into the ring.
  • Hawkins barely makes it back before the ten-count, and for the next few minutes, tries desperately to recover, counter, and take the fight back to Remo. The Alpha Dog goes for the Destroyer, but the fans breath a sigh of relief as that move is countered, with Remo whipped against the corner and hit with a corner spear! Hawkins is still dazed, but he's finding that second wind and still very much in this fight...
  • Duane Fry appears upset at Remo for allowing the move to be countered, and asks Kurt Laramee to run in while he distracts the referee. Laramee does as told, but gets shoulderblocked off the apron by Hawkins, who runs back and forth and bounces off the ropes and pops the crowd with his babyface comeback!
  • Fry remains mad - he's yelling at Laramee, telling him that he was "TOO EFFIN' SLOW", while barking encouragement at Remo. Hawkins is really taking it to Remo as we close in on 23 minutes, and a falling face plant on the Alpha Dog pops the crowd again as the SWF Galaxy tells the two men what they think of their better-than-expected fight - "THIS IS AWESOME!", followed by five claps.
  • Hawkins is running the ropes again and he lets out another howl before hitting an elbow drop, but he's stopped from going for the cover or acting any further when the Supreme-Tron suddenly lights up with a video playing - "Paid for by the Money-Chase Organization."




Remember us, Drew? And our, er...recruiting pitch?


  • The video happens to be a recruitment video Rich Money and Emma Chase made for Hawkins, Aaron Andrews, and Koshiro Ino, and after Money starts out by saying that "it takes a lot to be Money, but you three have what it takes," we cut to Emma Chase sitting in front of her desk, wearing a gaping-wide blazer with nothing under, and a very short skirt. Peter Michaels speculates that the MCO wants to remind Hawkins that they still have beef with him for spurning their offer, and as he says that, Hawkins forces himself not to look at the video and continues working on Remo.
  • For a bit, Hawkins looks tentative, but he seems to be getting back into the groove when Fry tells Remo that "NOW!!!! NOW'S THE TIME!!!!!!" With that, Remo stops Hawkins before he can go for the Full Moon Rising, hits the Destroyer, and puts on the lateral press. ONE...TWO...THREE!!!! Remo is still World Heavyweight champ, though he and Duane Fry have the MCO's unexpected interference-by-video to partly thank...


- Remo in 24:39. Remo is STILL the SWF World Heavyweight Champion.


- Drew Hawkins was so close...SO CLOSE!!!! He almost had Remo where he wanted him, but if it wasn't for that MCO video...Rich Money and Emma Chase sending Hawkins a message...


(butting in as he briefly picks up his headset)
- IT WAS NEVER CLOSE, PETER!!!! What you saw was Remo playin' possum and savin' his best for absolutely last. Drew Hawkins never had a chance to win this, and that MCO video you saw, unexpected as it was, was less an assist than you make it out to be.


A. Garcia
- Maybe you want to take this chance to confirm your allegiance with the MCO?


- OUR TEAM LOST THE TAG MATCH ON THE LAST SUPREME TV...and you wanna know why? It's because Money and Chord and that Eisen punk...the non-Duane Fry Guys on that team...didn't listen to their war general, their battle strategist. Why should I team up with the MCO when the Duane Fry Guys are fine as they are? Excuse me.
(puts down his headset and poses with Remo, as the Alpha Dog growls loudly at the announcers)


A. Garcia
- Anything is possible in the SWF...


- I dunno, Ana. I think this is still a case of Hawkins bein' sent a message. But we can both agree that Rich Money's main priority at the moment, or so he claims, is Jack Bruce, and winnin' the SWF Title back from him.


A. Garcia
- That match is up next, so don't change that channel, SWF Galaxy...we shall be back with the final match on Master of Puppets...SWF Champion Jack Bruce versus Rich Money, live on pay-per-view!


Jack Bruce © (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[sWF Title Match - No Disqualification, No Count Out


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eb1724bd-26fe-4b4b-bf5b-0753ef4c47ed_zpsaa6c4ead.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6a98d800-6998-4b39-83c3-e328d3cefd2c_zps2aca6443.jpg




  • Earlier tonight, Barry Bowen appeared to announce that Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord would be made into a modified Lumberjack Match. That was understandable, as both Minnesota and Chord had entourages with them. But this time, Bowen's second appearance has him making the SWF Title match a no-disqualification, no-count out match, something that obviously favors Money, as he has the entire MCO save Marat Khoklov behind him, while Jack Bruce doesn't have any cornermen. Bruce is beside himself, insisting that "that wasn't in the contract," but Bowen replies with his usual "I'm the Commissioner, man!" and returns to his office without offering any valid explanation.
  • Peter Michaels is still complaining about Money and his latest surprise shenanigans (a "breach of contract") as the former SWF champ gets the upper hand early on, hitting a backbreaker hold on Bruce after a couple minutes of basic offense from both men.
  • Elbow drop, leg drop, big splash - it's the Welcome to NYC combo, and Money gets it from Bruce at the 4:50 mark, resulting in a pin attempt. No dice, though, as Money kicks out and quickly returns to the offensive in this see-saw match.
  • Bruce is able to counter a Bank Roll attempt and stun Money a bit with the Jack Bruce Flurry, but we see the MCO leverage the surprise stipulation, as Findlay O'Farraday hits the ring and throws Bruce outside the ring, flinging him like a rag doll.
  • At 7:50, Money and Bruce are brawling outside the ring, and Bruce has held up very well so far...until he gets triple-teamed by O'Farraday, Jay Chord, and Rogue, whom Emma Chase is now calling "Mr. Giedroyc" for some reason.
  • Bruce is rolled back into the ring eventually, and Money goes for the Dollars from Heaven, landing on the Cream of the Crop and looking confident of his chances of regaining the SWF Title. ONE...TWO...KICKOUT!
  • At 12:00, Bruce is still struggling, and we are now seeing Money bashing Bruce's back with a chair, working the kayfabe-injured back and doing it with much gusto. But help is on the way, in the form of Joey Minnesota, who helps his fellow New Yorker out by German Suplexing Money!
  • As both Bruce and Money recover, Minnesota makes his way back to the locker room, but is met by Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino; the three agree to stand watch at ringside and help "the original Hollyweird Reject" by keeping the MCO at bay.
  • Bruce is first to recover, as he slowly works his way back to a frenzy, and eventually hits the Long Island Trio - three vertical suplexes on Rich Money at the 17:30 mark! Once again, Findlay O'Farraday tries to break up the cover, but is stopped in his tracks by the East-West Connection.
  • Another Bruce cover attempt, this time following a stump piledriver on Money, is kicked out of, and at this point, we now are seeing the MCO thugs and the Hollyweird Rejects brawling outside the ring! Peter Michaels describes the match as a "cluster-you-know-what", and says things would have been a lot better had Money not used his influence on Barry Bowen to add the no-DQ, no-count out stipulation. Still, the fans seem to be enjoying it, and the match has seen a lot of good psychology and storytelling from both men.
  • Again, it's O'Farraday making an impact for his bosses Money and Ms. Chase, as he somehow escapes unscathed, and delivers an Atomic Spinebuster to Bruce at 22:20. Money crawls towards Bruce and goes for the cover, but it's a weak one, and Bruce kicks out again!
  • Now at 25 minutes, this match has been so good that Duane Fry is grudgingly calling it a "barnstormer," and Money appears very close to eking out the hard-fought victory as he softens up Bruce's back with a chair and sets him up for a Money in the Bank. The move is countered, and before you know it, a sit-out face-first suplex drops the Moneyman as Bruce's energy slowly, but surely returns!
  • Bruce, despite looking very drained and worse for this match, is putting up a very brave front, and Minnesota, Andrews, Ino, and now Drew Hawkins have their guard up, hoping to prevent more MCO interference. Money appears to be going for a suplex attempt, but Bruce attacks first, and it hits! It's the New York Minute, and at this point, eyes are on both the action in the ring and the potential interference from outside.
  • Darren Smith counts....ONE...TWO...there's Rogue and Jay Chord, going for the save, but the East-West Connection stop them...THREE!!!!! Jack Bruce retains the SWF Title, and despite Rich Money's best efforts to play his cards close to his chest and pull off a surprise at Master of Puppets, the Cream of the Crop is still SWF champ!


- Bruce in 28:19. Jack Bruce is STILL the SWF Champion.


(ANGLE) Bruce Celebrates




Looking battered and beaten, Bruce still finds it in him to pose on all four turnbuckles, holding up his SWF Title belt and basking in the cheers of "BRUCE CAN'T LOSE!" He is joined by his new allies, The Hollyweird Rejects, and we even get Angry Gilmore hitting the ring to shake Bruce's hand, and The Awesomeness, despite the earlier loss in the Cage Wars match, celebrating with their original mentor. Things were probably said best by the Dean of SWF Announcers, though, as the announce team reflects on the night that was...


- It could have been better than it already was...we already know how talented Jack Bruce and Rich Money are, but you know Rich Money. He always gets what he wants, or at least tries to always get what he wants, and it's clear that it was Rich Money's money talkin' when Barry Bowen turned around and made it a no-DQ, no-count out match.


A. Garcia
- A clear breach of contract, just as you said, Peter. But Jack Bruce bucked the odds, got more than a little help from his new friends, as it was all legal, and the Cream of the Crop is still on top as SWF Champion. Well played, Jack.


- Then again, you may want to ban everyone from ringside and UNIFY the two major titles, because Jack Bruce defendin' against Rich Money is not the marquee matchup that Jack Bruce vs Remo is. Once we're through with that Angry Gilmore nonsense at SC34, I will show you two, and I will show the SWF Galaxy why the first major title...is always the best. Just as long as that title is also held by the best, and the one and only Alpha Dog of wrestling, RRRRRREMO...


- Ah, shaddup, Duane.


A. Garcia
- You really know how to kill a magic moment like what we're having right now.


- But it's not like Duane could, because this show of supreme respect that we're seein'...is proof that Jack Bruce truly deserves to be the most decorated SWF Superstar in the history of this company.
For Duane Fry and Ana Garcia, this has been the Dean, Peter Michaels. See you all on Supreme TV this Tuesday, June 17...goodnight, everyone!


SWF Master of Puppets Final Grade -

Increased Popularity in 24 Regions

PPV Buyrate - 4.68


Trending on Twitter - #MasterOfPuppets #JackBruce #RichMoney #SC34 #GilmoreGogoplata #FearOfGilmore #CageWars #HollyweirdRejects #RemoVsHawkins #EmmaChaseNBR #ChristianFaith #MarcDuBois
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MONTHLY PRIZE - Choose a worker (midcard or lower) to fire. Must be someone who's part of the original SWF or RIPW lineup, not someone hired within the year.


Requirements - Predict at least 6 of 9 shows for the month of June to qualify


Croquemitaine - 32/38, 84% (+8/9, +1)

hydrogen001 - 30/38, 78% (+7/9, +2)

Psycho Sam - 29/38, 76% (+6/9)

kieranforthewin - 28/38, 74% (+3/9, +1)

KnowYourEnemy - 28/38, 74% (+4/9, +2)

Midnightnick - 27/38, 71% (+9/9)

Qfresh - 25/38, 66% (+5/9, +1)


This week yielded rather mixed results, but with an 8/9 score plus one bonus, Croquemitaine is now in the lead! Good job as well, Midnightnick, you got all nine match predictions correct. Dread, however, is in RIPW as a trainer, and has been for the past several in-game months. And Persephone, while now engaged to Steven Parker/Stevie, is still under contract with USPW.


Looks like a lot of you guessed correctly - Ed Monton is the SWF's newest road agent. With him and Craig Prince now on board, I think I have the luxury to drop Marcus McKing, or a buffer in case Chief Two Eagles up and retires. And Vita will be joining the SWF from TCW - haven't thought of a role for her yet, but I've still got time - she's still got three weeks remaining on her TCW contract.


The East-West Connection vs Sober Police

[PRE-SHOW, Standard Tag Team Match]

Comment: Toss up, but the Sober Police are fun to have on TV, so I think they take this match.


Indeed they are. As I said in the brief pre-show comments, they'll eventually be serving as Eric Tyler's enforcers, the Sober Police being the no-fun, no-booze men in suits that they are. Gatekeepers maybe, due to their age, but entertaining ones nonetheless.


The Klubb defends here in a horrid match. Horrid match.


Not as horrid as I expected, though! A high-to-mid B- for Frehley vs Eisen (which I suppose happened a lot in real life - KISS reference there!) is considered an accomplishment for me.


It's just too early -- and Remo pretty much has to retain on this PPV, so I'm guessing there is a gold rush or similar match on down the line in the Bruce-Remo feud with at least two titles on the line -- not sure how a full gold rush would work (Remo/Bruce/Zimmy? and|or Randy?/Atomic/Eisen?) in TEW 2014 but its an angle I enjoy.


We shall see. ;)


Comment: This one could go either way. I think Joey is probably more over, but Jay seems like a better long-term prospect for Supreme. Joey being in the Klubb swings my vote.


So is Jay...or so the Eisen boys think. He's the Solid Hands midcard faction's "double agent." Then again, J-Minny gets most of the love from the Klubb anyway, as I've written him as a real-life childhood friend of the Eisens.


I don't believe the Dudez have been built up enough to be taking out the Bumfholes


Even with the winning streak? Gotta agree in a way, since it's hard to build up a winning streak when the Dudez have almost exclusively been on Uprising, due to their lack of overness.


Comment: I think it's too early for the partay duds to win the title plus I absolutely f*cking hate them cause they're annoying


Which sums up this lifelong rocker's opinion of every boy band from New Kids on the Block to One Direction. :p


Good to see Nicky putting the punk in his place. He was putting up with way too much guff earlier in the diary. It made sense for KP to accept it since he was an actual rookie (and kind of a passive submissive personality too), but Nicky's a ten-year vet, a main eventer, and was signed to a big contract. He doesn't have to take shit from suck-ups.


In fact, you'd think the SWF vets would have stepped in by now. Do any of Faith, Gilmore, or Bruce have the "Locker Room Leader" trait? Friend of Eisen or not, Wilmington should be facing some kind of Kangaroo Court for trying to order other workers around.


You had actually given me an idea. Yes, I think it's about time Mike Wilmington had his day in Wrestler's Court. With Vengeance and Christian Faith as bailiffs and Angry Gilmore presiding as judge.


Wonder if Triple H did get "punished" in Wrestler's Court back when he was an up-and-coming Kliq member...


Can you resign Khoklov to a more than an only PPV contract? Would be cool with him vs Jack Bruce :D:D


Yup, but you'll have to wait till the last month of his existing contract before you do so.


Did two Khoklov vs Bruce matches in my old diary and they didn't grade out too well. The first Khoklov vs Gilmore match got a 76, but since I kept Khoklov strong this time, that's why I had to settle for a 66 - nonetheless, that Angry Gilmore can make anybody look good in the ring. :D

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