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SWF: It's More than Just Supreme! (C-Verse 2014)

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I'm just like Vince, love big guys =D Especially 7'6'' 500 pound russian big men =D


Vince actually prefers ripped musclemen, regardless of their wrestling skill, or lack thereof. But yeah, he loves giants too, and you can be rest assured I won't be jobbing Khoklov out just yet, just like I did on my last SWF diary.


Meanwhile, we shall now be seeing the arrogant rookie Mike Wilmington finally have his day in court - Wrestler's Court. :D


"The Bookerman's Bitch"


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Milan Puskar Stadium, Morgantown, WV

11:30 p.m.


There was one little matter to take care of before we hit the bars and celebrated one of the highest-rated SWF pay-per-views of all time.




"With a unanimous vote, the jury finds the defendant, Michael B. Wilmington III, alias Mike Wilmington, Hollywood Bret Starr, and OSCAR MYERS, guilty of the following charges: usurping the roles of head bookers Peter Michaels, then Christian Faith. Acting like an all-out, self-entitled douchebag on account of being third-generation. Plotting tasteless ribs, including, but not limited to posting private photos of SWF Starlets Kristen Pearce, alias Louise Cannon, and Emma Chase, alias Emma Chase, on the SWF locker rooms.


SWF Wrestlers' Court sentences the defendant, Mr. Wilmington, to one month of wearing the hotdog suit in the locker room, even when not booked. Mr. Wilmington should also order a Coca-Cola each for yours truly, Judge Thomas Gilmore and jury members Jessica Gilmore and John MacLean, and one round of alcoholic beverages for Bailiffs Faith and Vengeance, and jury members Christopher Morrisette, John Bruce Smith, Rich Money Parsons, Stephen Freeman, Jack Giedroyc, and Nicholas Chavez and all of Mr. Chavez's associates who are present at this trial."




"OBJECTION, YOUR HONOR!!!", screamed "defense lawyer" Eric Eisen, sounding overly passionate for someone participating in kangaroo court.


"For the last time, Atty. Eisen, OVERRULED. As I was saying, the defendant, Mr. Wilmington, will also be required to perform 30 days of community service to Mr. Faith, to the point of asking 'how high' should he be asked to jump. In colloquial terms, Mr. Wilmington, you shall be the bookerman's bitch for the next one month."




"Court has been adjourned."


Monday, June 16, 2014

Chic n Bones Rhythm Cafe, Morgantown, WV

12:30 a.m.


SWF Wrestler's Court had actually been around for a while, but it was only now that it was making a return - as Tom Gilmore told me, they had to stop these kangaroo court sessions when Big Smack Scott, a fixture in these trials, would become too violent and take things way too seriously. But with the Smacker still suspended and Mike Wilmington the type who seemed to be all bark, no bite, the time was right for Wrestler's Court to make a comeback. And they gladly made me a part of the jury.


It was also nice to see the main event clique respected and liked the Solid Hands, and had no problem with me spending most of my time with midcarders. Meanwhile, the Klubb kept their distance from us, as they had for the past few weeks, and Wilmington was paying up dearly with a free round of drinks for everyone in the Solid Hands.


"I hope you're happy now, Nicky," grumbled Mike as he and a waiter handed us our beers. "All I did was try to make a difference in the locker room despite my youth, and this is what I get. Humiliation in front of the guys I looked up to as a kid."


"Relax, Mike," said Jamie "Mainstream" Hernandez, continually growing in confidence. "It's only a game of kangaroo court..."


"Only a game of kangaroo court? Is it 'only a game' when you have to treat all these people to beers when you shouldn't be?"


"Should have thought of that before you started bossing us around like you're the head booker himself," seconded Stevie, still in a celebratory mood following his engagement to Persephone.


"F--- you, Stevie." Having said that, Mike stormed back to the Klubb table, where he was hanging out with the usual guys - the Eisens, Joey Minnesota, Aaron Andrews, Remo. The new head writer, Stan Rogers. And Jay Chord too, who was serving as our double agent once again.




Emma was slowly gaining acceptance as "one of the boys" within the Solid Hands, and she had something to say about Mainstream and Stevie's earlier cracks.


"You probably shouldn't have said that."


"Why not, Emma?", asked Stevie. "Admit it - even when you were in the Klubb, you never liked that snot-nosed ass-kisser."


"Yes, but he's part of the Klubb. Christian may have the last say on storylines, but the Eisens and that dork Stan Rogers will always find a way to butter him up and make it appear that their vindictive, push-killing storylines make sense."


"I have Faith in Christian," said Des Davids. "Peter, tough as he is, may have been easy for the Klubb to manipulate. But Christian knows how full of shit his best friend Rick Eisen's kids are."


"Maybe he does, but they'll find a way."


It goes without saying that Mainstream and Stevie were quiet for the rest of the night, worried that their comments may have seriously gotten them on the Klubb's bad side.

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OOC - Fallout shows now up for prediction! Yes, I know Minnesota vs Eisen is an A-show type match on the B-show, but I wanted to make sure none of the wrestlers compete twice on the same day...



SWF Supreme TV

Philips Arena (Georgia, Southeast)

June 17, 2014 (Week 3)





The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)



The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors



Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith



????? vs Rich Money




SWF Uprising

Wilson Convention Center (Georgia, Southeast)

Thursday, June 19, 2014 (Week 3)




(High Stakes matches not included)


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]



Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]



Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]





Bonus Question
- Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Could go either way


Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

Comment: Never voting for Machine.


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)

Comment: Lol at DuBois.

The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors

Comment: Yep


Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith

Comment: Go Nicky!


????? vs Rich Money

Comment: maybe



SWF Uprising

Wilson Convention Center (Georgia, Southeast)

Thursday, June 19, 2014 (Week 3)



(High Stakes matches not included)


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: Yes


When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich

Comment: lol


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]

Comment: Heels win.


Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]

Comment: I don't think Joey will get the US Title.


Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]

Comment: Guess.



Bonus Question - Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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Supreme TV

The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Bumfholes could lose, but the champs need to stay strong, and I doubt that MC is using Farraday and Chord as a regular team.

Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

Comment: American Machine is the only guy practical to job on the roster.


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)

Comment: I have to think LW is close to time decline at this point, and NDW needs some fuel, plus Marc has a match later.


The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors

Comment: NDW goes 1-1 here: I don't see Andrews being over enough to wine about losing, and it's always best to bet against the new guys.


Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith

Comment: Faith doesn't strike me as a guy who'd push himself as booker.


????? vs Rich Money

Comment: Money doesn't lose to squiggles. The #1 contender is way too over.


SWF Uprising

Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: I'm not exactly sure what the difference is, but it should be fun.


When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich

Comment: Why is this even... okay, When Animals Attack, they eat hot doggin' sandwiches.


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]

Comment: Heel | Face, I do think the Partay Dudez take this one. They'll be on top eventually -- it's always fun to run a stable as tag champions.


Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]

Comment: Joey won't go over because a) he isn't that good and b) he's locker room cancer as it is, and likely won't deserve a push


Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]

Comment: I think that Dubois would advance the storyline(s) the most. Chord goes in pretty strong as a lot of MC guys are in this match, but that ending might be too straightforward



Bonus Question - Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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SWF Supreme TV


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: Tough call. Findlay shouldn't be beating the Bumfholes, but Jay shouldn't be losing to them. I'll play the Klubb card here.


Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

Comment: Out with the old, in with the new


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)

Comment: DuBois is going to bottom out, ditch Sexy, and then go on a run as a crazy loner


The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors

Comment: Could go either way but I'm thinking you want to establish the new team


Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith

Comment: This is a PPV-quality match and therefore hard to call, but I think Faith is on the upswing building up to a Valiant feud.


????? vs Rich Money

Comment: I'm guessing Drew Hawkins is the mystery man here



SWF Uprising


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: Face champs mean heel contenders


Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

Comment: Title change on the B-show? Sure, why not.


Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]

Comment: Chord, Davids, Lobby, and DuBois seem like the top candidates. We have a face champ so I go with the rising heel.



Bonus Question - Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)



The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors



Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith



????? vs Rich Money




SWF Uprising

Wilson Convention Center (Georgia, Southeast)

Thursday, June 19, 2014 (Week 3)




(High Stakes matches not included)


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]



Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]



Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]




Bonus Question - Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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SWF Supreme TV

Philips Arena (Georgia, Southeast)

June 17, 2014 (Week 3)


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)



The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors



Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith

Comment: Draw


????? vs Rich Money




SWF Uprising

Wilson Convention Center (Georgia, Southeast)

Thursday, June 19, 2014 (Week 3)



(High Stakes matches not included)


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]



Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]



Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]




Bonus Question - Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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Liking the direction Frehley is headed here. That beatdown on the Klubb was awesome.



SWF Supreme TV

Philips Arena (Georgia, Southeast)

June 17, 2014 (Week 3)



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

Comment: bye bye talentless guy. :p


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)



The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors



Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith



????? vs Rich Money




SWF Uprising

Wilson Convention Center (Georgia, Southeast)

Thursday, June 19, 2014 (Week 3)



(High Stakes matches not included)


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich

Comment: is this a 2-on-1 match? poor mike. hahaha.


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]



Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]



Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]

Comment: just picked a random heel here. would be great for Cage to reach a higher midcard status since he's well talented



Bonus Question - Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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OOC - Forgot to ask you guys to submit shoot interview questions for Christian Faith, since he was Psycho Sam's choice for interview subject. But we'll take care of that on the next prediction key, I promise.


Supreme TV may be up as early as tomorrow or as late as Monday - there's still some time to predict. First, here's a look at one of those locker room mainstays we haven't quite covered yet...and some NSFW Nicky and Emma... ;)





Tuesday, June 15, 2014

Philips Arena, Atlanta, Ga.

5:00 p.m.




"Attend or you're buried."


Those were the quick and succinct words Squeeky McClean had told me as I used the mobile version of Facebook and reluctantly agreed to confirm my attendance to Eric Eisen's birthday roast. The roast was to take place on Wednesday evening, right after Uprising taping, and from what I'd heard, this wasn't going to be a case of the celebrant turning in the figurative spit as friends and family threw jibes his way. Instead, it would be just that, followed by Eric doing the roasting and proceeding to make fun of those who didn't attend, and a select few among those who attended.


"Yeah, I know, Nicky. You don't like the guy and neither do I. But I had my reasons for not attending most of his roasts. Mainly, I'm straight-edge. Still, that wasn't good enough an excuse for Eric. Look what's happened to me now."


Despite the fact that Squeeky McClean was way above average as an entertainer, and arguably the best when it came to weasel-like characters and match psychology, my first impression of the guy was a bit of a curmudgeon. When a youngster, say, one of the Partay Dudez, would ask him how they did out there, he'd nod his head and go "Hm" if they did well. But if one of the rookies effed up, Squeeky would be on them without them having to ask. He took his role as elder statesman very seriously, and he was known to refuse to put anyone over unless he felt they'd paid their dues and were mature enough to warrant a better push.


Respectable as that was, Squeeky still came about as bitter. But who could blame him? He had awesome technical talent, and as I said, he was a good stick man, ring psychologist, and actor. He had all the tools to be a future champ back when the SWF signed him in 2000, back when he was still Vanilla Ice-wannabe Johnny Mack Squeaky. And now that he was pushing 40, he had seemed to have blown opportunity after opportunity after opportunity. And it was all because of the Klubb. But why?


"Why would Eric and Jerry bury you for being straight-edge?", I asked.


"I don't like going to those f---ing parties, period," said Squeeky, not really answering the question and not sounding like he was in the mood to. "I'm a husband and a father, and I have much better things to do than see my fellow SWF Superstars getting wasted as Eric and Jerry talk shit about 'em, supposedly in the name of good fun." Squeeky was slowly getting testier as he continued speaking. "Look, Nicky, I think we better drop the topic already. You never know when those bastards would be listening in."


"Fair enough."


The man respected the business so much he never did in-depth shoots, just like what Christian Faith was supposed to have with Pro Wrestling Hits, despite his employment in the SWF being secure. He never spoke bad about the company, or anyone in the company during the rare times he agreed to do quick radio spots. But why all the missed opportunities?




Suddenly, I felt female arms grabbing me from behind and pulling me to the Commissioner's office for the evening. Of course, I knew who it was, as it was only the two of us, Squeeky, and a few underneath guys who were this early tonight.


"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret," purred Emma, after we exchanged a passionate lip-lock. "Squeeky's resented Eric for years, and while he's tried to be discreet about it, Eric and Jerry have always known."


"But why?"


"You were talking to the man who was supposed to be World champ in 2009. Peter had it all planned...Squeeky launching an anti-rock, anti-youth culture campaign and targeting Jack. Jack winning his first title defense against Squeeky, Squeeky winning it the PPV after, then dropping the belt to someone like Christian or Steve half-a-year later. But you know how that turned out, right?" Emma gave me another kiss as she looked around to see if there were any more early birds in the locker room.


"Yeah. Man Under Pressure, right?"


"Yup. The old man hated Peter's idea to push Squeeky as World champ, because he felt it was Eric's time to shine when he got back from injury. Some World title reign that turned out to be...Son of the Boss, failing to draw a dime."


Now I knew.


And knowing is the Biblical term for what Emma and I proceeded to do while most everyone was still driving to the arena, or procrastinating at the hotel.

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SWF Supreme TV

Philips Arena (Georgia, Southeast)

June 17, 2014 (Week 3)






The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon and Joe Sexy)



The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors



Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith



????? vs Rich Money




SWF Uprising

Wilson Convention Center (Georgia, Southeast)

Thursday, June 19, 2014 (Week 3)




(High Stakes matches not included)


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]



Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]



Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]




Bonus Question - Which of the battle royal entrants on Uprising (see above) will finish with the most eliminations?


A) Dmitri Anselianenko

B) Enforcer Allen

C) Findlay O'Farrday

D) Koshiro Ino

E) Someone Else

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Philips Arena (Georgia, Southeast)

Attendance - 18,545




YOUR Supreme TV Announcers:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia


- What a night, what a pay-per-view that was. Despite Rich Money apparently having pulled out the stops, to the point of breachin' the contract that had already been signed and getting a special stipulation, Jack Bruce hung on and is STILL your SWF Champion.


J. Eisen
- And Remo, much to Duane Fry's delight, is still World Heayweight Champion, having won his match against Drew Hawkins, thanks to a surprise, and unorthodox distraction from the MCO! Man, that old recruitment video for the would-be Hollyweird Rejects was something we did not expect to see on the Supreme-Tron.


- Still, we can't deny that Sunday night was chock full of action and excitement at the Milan Puskar Stadium in Morgantown, West Virginia! I'm Peter Michaels, together with Jerry Eisen and Ana Garcia, and class is in session, SWF Galaxy, here at the Philips Arena in Atlanta!


A. Garcia
- Jerry was talking earlier about how MCO Chairman Rich Money and CEO Emma Chase had somehow thrown Drew Hawkins off by having their previous recruitment video play. Not surprisingly, Hawkins is furious about it, and he shall be getting a match against the Moneyman tonight!


J. Eisen
- Another man who's not happy about how things turned out on Sunday is Nicky Champion, as he faces the Supreme Legend, Iron Man, and Mr. Nothing to Lose Blue, Christian Faith, in singles competition. If you'll remember, it was Faith who kicked Marc DuBois out of the way, so it could be him winning it for Team SinBusters in the Cage Wars match.


- Valiant, as we hear, has been making some cryptic comments on Twitter, talkin' about how he lost to the better man, and how his "faith" was shattered by Sunday's Cage Wars loss. What could he be drivin' at?


A. Garcia
- We hope to find that out later. Anyway, I think we've got Jack Bruce making it to the ring right now...the music is blaring, the pyro is blasting, and we seem to be having a victory celebration for the reigning SWF Champion!


(PROMO) Bruce and Money Argue






Was that an impressive win, SWF Galaxy, or was that an impressive win? I'm sure you know the answer to that...I gave you two choices, and only one is correct...BOTH OF 'EM! But enough about the crazy-ass logic, alright? I came here to CELEBRATE with YOU, Constituents of Atlanta, Georgia...


Bruce stops to sing a few lines from "Georgia" by Ray Charles as if it was sung by Rob Halford of Judas Priest crossed with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith - loud, proud, and with an emphasis on high notes held for several seconds...


- You know I've got Georgia on my mind, and in case some of you weren't able to catch me on Sunday, I'll give you a brief recap of what happened. Money hypes our rematch with business jargon and stays low-key. Fine, it's his choice to talk in riddles and be quieter than he usually is, I'll give him that. Money and I sign a contract that says our rematch is gonna be a standard match. Real cut-and-dry - title cannot change by disqualification or count out, title can change by pinfall or submission, yada yada yada, been there, wrestled that. Then, at Master of Puppets itself, Money goes, "whoa, I've got some cash to burn, so why don't I pay Bowen off and have him change our match to No DQ, No Count Out?" So Bowen gives in to his favorite person's whims, I insist that that wasn't on the contract, Bowen goes
(in a dumb-sounding baritone)
"hey, I'm the Commissioner, man!", but I take it all like a man and say, hey, I gotta do what I gotta do! Aaaaaand the rest is history. Money sics goons on me, Hollyweird Rejects go help me out and even things out, thank you very much, Joey, Drew, Aaron, and Kosh. And I...remain the Cream of the Crop...the Mayor of Metal, POPULATION UMPTEEN MILLION, the reigning SWF Champion and the most decorated Superstar in SWF History, JACK MOTHERBLEEPIN' BRUCE!!!!!!!


Bruce then motions to a stage hand, who then brings him a cooler full of beer. He pops one open, chugs it down straight, then tosses beers to the fans in the audience, asking one little boy to "give the beer to daddy" when he ends up catching it. Bruce then offers his last beer to Peter Michaels and/or the rest of the announce team, but when Michaels declines, saying he and the team have to stay sober, he decides to open the beer, and chug down a second one. But not so fast, Jack...Rich Money's music plays in the background, and he exits the locker room accompanied by MCO CEO Emma Chase, and the organization's new Managing Supervisor, SWF King of Supreme Rogue, or "Mr. Giedroyc" as he's now billed.




- Jack, I hate to interrupt yet another one of your long, meandering victory celebrations, but I just came here to offer my congratulations, on behalf of the entire Money-Chase Organization.


- Your incredible resilience in the ring, coupled with your natural talent and the sheer explosiveness of your New York Minute, has forced the MCO's Chairman, Mr. Money, to wave the white flag.


- You didn't need to tell me all that, Richie Rich Money and Eazy-E! I mean, it's painfully obvious lookin' at the two of you that you are DEFEATED. You tried all you could. You tried siccin' the entire MCO save for the beaten Russian Goliath Khoklov on me. You violated the terms of our contract. But in the end, it was the Cream of the Crop, the Mayor of Metal, POPULATION UMPTEEN MILLION, the most decorated Superstar in the history of Supreme, who had his hand raised in victory, and thusly deserves to be the REAL Face of the SWF and holder of the SWF Title. I get it, guys. You lost, you sucked, and you don't want any more of that Jack Bruce business. Surely, though, there's another reason behind your comin' over?


(ANGLE) Bruce Booked Against Mr. Giedroyc




- Actually, there is, Jack. Mr. Money may have lost cleanly, and our alternative sources of revenue may not have yielded the desired results. But since the Money-Chase Organization's new Managing Supervisor, Mr. Giedroyc, won the King of Supreme Final last Sunday...


- Wait a minute, Eazy-E. Mr. Giedroyc? So Rogue's goin' by his real name again?


- Yes, he is, because let's face it - would you show respect to a Managing Supervisor who calls himself Mr. Rogue? Anyway, Jack, Mr. Giedroyc has decided to make use of his free title shot, and
challenge you to the SWF Title. TONIGHT.


- Seriously? Jack Freakin' Giedroyc is challengin' Jack Motherbleepin' Bruce for the SWF Title? Lemme tell the two of you somethin'. We two Jacks have had a number of encounters in the ring since that fateful day when Giedroyc sold out and became the Chase Agency's resident Dirty, Rotten Scoundrel. Check the statistics and you'll see that Giedroyc's never pinned me, Giedroyc hasn't even won by DQ or count out against me. I'm bad at Math, but as far as I know, the score since then has been Giedroyc ZERO, Bruce UMPTEEN MILLION. But whatever floats his boat, I guess! You better tell your Managing Supervisor that he's a sucker for punishment, as I'm gonna supervise that Giedroyc's ass and kick it from here to another dimension with...and in...a NEW!!!!! YORK!!!!! MINUTE!!!!!


- We're not through with you, Jack. The Money-Chase Organization, like its Chairman, Rich Money, ALWAYS gets what it wants.


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c40952b1-444d-4dab-a1ae-4fd2c4aaca55_zps75d2c861.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/5120ae97-e829-45ea-8406-bce3e98d7320_zpsb9708838.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1440ec4e-27af-4c12-9536-ede6f5ca9034_zps9b041649.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpg




  • The Amazing Bumfholes haven't been on Supreme TV on a regular basis, but Randy and Zimmy are now up against two MCO men, petulant second-gen star Jay Chord and High Stakes Season 1 rookie Findlay O'Farraday, both of whom play a key role on Supreme TV due to their MCO membership.
  • O'Farraday, who probably made the most interference attempts of any SWF Superstar on Master of Puppets, is dominating by himself, as he follows up a bodyslam on Zimmy with a leaping butt bomb, followed by a running elbow drop. Darren Smith starts counting, but Randy breaks up the cover.
  • Jay Chord comes close to winning with a Jay Chord DDT on Randy at 4:40, but we have Zimmy stepping in and breaking things up, and getting a very stern warning from Smith.
  • The Bumfholes have their moments in this match, but it's #Edd who ends up helping them, showing up at ringside to distract Chord, undoubtedly payback for Chord dating Lisa Bowen a week ago. This allows Randy to go for the Bumfhole Buster and pick up the win for the reigning tag champs.



- The Amazing Bumfholes in 7:28


J. Eisen
- For those who don't know, #Edd has been hot on Jay Chord's trail since last Thursday, when Lisa Bowen, the Commissioner's daughter, gave #Edd a call as he was doing his duties as Uprising GM Eric Tyler's personal assistant.


A. Garcia
- Personal slave is more like it!


J. Eisen
- You can say that again, Ana! Anyway, Lisa told #Edd that her father had forced her to date Jay Chord. Let's just say that Jay, who's browbeating Darren Smith as we speak, wasn't the perfect date for Lisa.


(as Chord lands a Jay Chord DDT on Darren Smith - his second in three days)
- GOOD GAWD!!!! Wasn't that one time at Master of Puppets enough, Jay? Your dad was a mean varmint back when he was wrestlin' in these parts, but he wasn't as disrespectful or as defiant as you are! Shame on you, Jay Chord.


(BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW) Florence Interviews VJ Britney






The first match is over, and #Edd is celebrating backstage, groovin' it up with Lisa Bowen and attempting to exchange hi-fives with the Amazing Bumfholes as he Stonerizes. The Bumfs, however, appear a bit more businesslike as usual as they reply with a curt "yeah, thanks" when #Edd brings up his distraction of Jay Chord.


Meanwhile, Melanie Florence is interviewing the 24/7 Partay Dudez's manager VJ Britney Hollywood backstage, and while the Dudez aren't with her, she's got "a lot of explaining to do", as Florence can't seem to get why the Partay Dudez want a number one contender match against The Awesomeness, rather than outright using their rematch clause against The Amazing Bumfholes.


VJ Britney
(speaking in a Valley Girl accent)
- WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! The 24/7 Partay Dudez are, like, sooooooo undefeated! And it is sooooooo nice to be here, Melanie, Uprising is soooooo Beavis and Butt-Head, Headbanger's Ball, while Supreme TV, is like MTV First!


- MTV, huh? I thought all they show these days are reality shows...


VJ Britney
- Reality? Well, let me tell you about the reality of the SWF's tag division, you untrendy goth loser! The Awesomeness say their goin' to win the number one contender match for the tag titles this Thursday, but they are soooooooo 1970s, 1980s, a pair of dad rockin' dorks whose music no longer matters. And their wrestlin' style? The only people who can dig their shock and awe are, like, people like my dad!


- Forget about the music for a moment and tell me about your Partay Dudez's plans to get that rematch against the Bumfholes. I mean, it was a bit of a surprise that you decided to face The Awesomeness in a contender match rather than use your rematch clause...


VJ Britney
- We'll use it at another time, Melanie, because on Thursday, we plan to show, like, the whole wide universe of the SWF Galaxy...that the Partay Dudez are totally gonna sing and dance over the Untrendiness, Jefferson Starsuck and Huey Lostmyballs. The Dudez are gonna keep that streak goin' on that crummy old Uprising show this Thursday, and if they lose somehow at Supreme Challenge...we are totally gonna use the rematch clause.


- Not exactly the brightest strategy, I would say, but then again, no one's mistaking VJ Britney Hollywood for a rocket scientist either.


VJ Britney
- Oh, you're just jealous because you're, like, totally unhip and unfashionable, while the Partay Dudez are, like, you know, the It Boys of the SWF, with me playin' their records as their It Girl and Freddy A. Flexx as their mentor and producer.


- I think she forgot two letters before "It Boys" and "It Girl," but anyway, that was the enlightening VJ Britney Hollywood. Back to you, Peter, Jerry, and Ana!


Matthew Keith vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb2aff3a-ffd7-4500-b053-dabb3daece16_zps62155ce9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9833db41-485f-4c9e-82a3-775b93841460_zps02514bc3.jpg





  • Rumor has it that Dmitri Anselianenko's SWF contract won't be renewed, but he doesn't seem to be trying any harder here - a loud "VNIMANIE!" from the Born-Again Russian following a clumsy backbreaker draws little heat, and few "USA! USA!" chants.
  • Dmitri tries hard, and Kristina Angelova has some nice distractions and an annoying ringside persona (with frequent shouts of "DMITRI PULVERIZE!!!"), but Matt Keith makes the big guy tap out quickly with a Proton Lock.


- M. Keith in 5:33


- Like father, like son. Brilliant finish from Matthew Keith, who has yet to confirm which title he'll be gunning for with the automatic title shot he won as High Stakes Season 1 champion.


J. Eisen
- From what I know, he'll be part of Thursday's 20-man number one contender battle royal, with the winner going on to face Captain Atomic for the North American Title at Supreme Challenge 34. I'd call Matt one of the favorites. Still, I consider Anselianenko a dark horse, as he's got the size and strength to succeed in such an environment.


A. Garcia
- Yes indeed, Jerry. Battle royals typically favor big guys like Dmitri Anselianenko, but we've seen smaller men such as Tom "Angry" Gilmore winning the Battle for Supremacy a few months back.


- Speaking of Gilmore, we'll have the man he'll be facing for the World title at SC34, Remo, and his manager Duane Fry, with a victory celebration of their own. That's coming in a few...


J. Eisen
- I don't think it's going to be as much a celebration as it is an open request from Duane Fry to the Commish! We'll find out just what kind of request this is, but first, do not change the station as we've got more Supreme TV for you after the break!


(ANGLE) Faith Considers Vengeance Alliance






We really don't see Vengeance freely walking around the locker room that much, but he's here, talking business with Christian Faith and offering a spot for the Supreme Legend on the Family of Darkness. Faith, however, seems to have some conditions before he could join such an established heel faction.


- I'll think about it. Again, your beliefs and my beliefs are like oil and water. And there are other matters to consider.


- Those matters will be resolved before Nicholas' final atonement.


- Speak to me straight, Vengeance, and answer me this. How do you plan to resolve those matters?


(still beating around the bush)
- By Embracing the Darkness and doing what is right.


- Keep talking that way, son, and you won't get anything from me.


(ANGLE) Valiant Rejects Faith Alliance






It does seem, however, that Christian Faith has plans of forging an alliance of his own, and it just might be with the man many have called "Christian Faith Jr.", the Honorable One, Valiant.


- Valiant, I think we could be on to something here. But let's get to brass tacks. You did the right thing by acknowledging me after Master of Puppets. And I always knew that you were a better man than that arrogant fool Champion or that immature Lobster Warrior. So answer me this, son...have you really lost faith in the state of this company, and in the people who populate this locker room?


- Christian, you were the better man last Sunday and I'm not ashamed to admit it. You've been in this company since I was in short pants, and I've looked up to you ever since.


(patting Valiant in the back)
- Thank you, Valiant. You don't realize how much this means to me...


- But that changed...when you started talking about what's right being right again. That changed when you assaulted the man you developed into a bona fide champion, Steve Frehley. That changed when you began to spew that close-minded rhetoric of yours and look down on people like Steve and Jack Bruce and MY FRIEND AND ALLY, NICKY CHAMPION. I thought I could rely on you to help us out against Vengeance, but whatever respect I still had for you went right out the window when you teamed up with him, and you know I'm never going to Embrace the Darkness like what you're trying to do.
You want someone to help you in your narrow-minded schemes? I'm sorry, Christian, but that is completely, absolutely, DISHONORABLE. And I want no part of it, seeing that YOU are the one I lost faith in.


(PROMO) Fry and Gilmore Argue






Up next, we have Duane Fry, with Remo right beside him as he heads to the ring, and Fry cuts to the chase immediately, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket and reading his "open letter" to Commissioner Barry Bowen.


- Dear Mr. Bowen. I, Duane M. Fry, come to you with one kind request, on behalf of my client Remo Richardson, also known as the Alpha Dog, also known as the most dominating superstar to ever enter a wrestling ring. At Master of Puppets, a certain Tom Gilmore, alias Angry, used the ultimate form of dishonest and potentially LETHAL skulduggery to defeat the Russian giant, Marat Khoklov. Mr. Gilmore used a move known in mixed martial arts circles as a Gogoplata, and I am now asking you, Mr. Bowen, to make the Gogoplata...into a No-no-plata. With his shin pressed against the neck of an opponent, Mr. Gilmore can potentially cause irrepairable damage to these individuals' careers, my client, Remo Richardson included. Considering Mr. Richardson is currently the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, and knowing that you wouldn't want to put the life and limb of your flagship champion in jeopardy, I ask of you, Mr. Bowen, to listen to reason and make Mr. Gilmore's Gogoplata...ILLEGAL. Respectfully yours, Duane Fry.


Fry pauses, takes a deep breath, and sucks in the boos of the audience, many of whom are loudly chanting "CHICKEN FRY!"


- SHUT UP!!!!! You Atlanta yokels have been pampered by the likes of Peter Michaels, people who will quickly tell you that everything's alright as long as the SWF has heroes like Angry Gilmore. As long as the SWF has HEROES...no matter how IDIOTIC they may be for having the audacity, the gall, the TEMERITY to challenge RRRRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRRRICHARDSON for the World title. But in case you don't know, SWF Goo-Goo Galaxy, it's been made official. You can now call your cable company, and those in the area can start buyin' tickets tomorrow. Supreme Challenge 34 will be held in the Humpdome...the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which you probably know as the hometown of my client, my best friend, and my ragin', blazin', nostrils flarin' WAR MACHINE and ALPHA DOG, RRRRRRRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRRRRICHARDSON.




- Don't get me wrong. Even if we went over to Toronto and had Supreme Challenge 34 up there, Remo would still be the better man. My client does not need a hometown advantage to DESTROY Angry Gilmore. But with the hometown advantage in his corner...he shall be the conquering hero. He shall be the man people come to see to wreak total havoc on Angry Gilmore. He shall have all the fans RALLYING AROUND HIM and wishing nothing but pure, unadulterated punishment on Angry Gilmore. But first, there is the matter of ensuring Gilmore doesn't resort to any kind of illegal MMA shenanigans...




Fry's piece is interrupted by the ring music of Angry Gilmore, who charges the ring and proceeds to rebut Fry's remarks...


- Last Sunday at Morgantown, I did it...I slayed, no, make that put the fear of Gilmore into a giant. Next month, at Supreme Challenge 34, I shall put the fear of Gilmore into a monster. And I don't care if I'm gonna do it in your home court, Remo, in MY home court, or in anybody else's home court. Because the SWF Galaxy knows...that THE ENTIRE SWF IS MY HOME COURT, AND THAT THEY'LL NEVER STAND FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOUR BEST FRIEND, MANAGER OR WHATEVER DUANE FRY AND EVERY GODDAMN THING THAT HE STANDS FOR!!!!! There's a huge difference, Remo, between hometown and home court. But now, let's talk about that Svengali of yours...that skinny-ass Svengali whose mouth has always been bigger than his brain. You may claim that he's turned you into a monster...no way, Remo...you've ALWAYS been a monster...Duane Fry, on the other hand, has always been a MANIPULATOR. He's always been ridin' your coattails and takin' responsibility for your accomplishments...


- YOU DON'T KNOW THE STORY, TOM...you don't know s--- about what Duane has done for me!


(pauses as the fans cheer Gilmore)
And these fans...the entire SWF Galaxy...they've seen my struggles...they've seen me overcome adversity...AND THEY KNOW I'M GONNA DO ALL THAT AGAIN NEXT MONTH IN MINNEAPOLIS!!!!


Gilmore edges towards Fry, and with Fry looking deathly afraid of Gilmore, the World Heavyweight challenger stares Remo down for close to 30 seconds before heading back to the locker room.


- Your hometown, but MY homecourt. Them's fightin' words from Angry Gilmore!


J. Eisen
- It's gonna be winner take all for Angry Gilmore at Supreme Challenge 34 - if he beats Remo, he doesn't just become first-time World Heavyweight Champion. He also becomes the first Triple Crown champ in SWF history, having previously won a tag title with Joe Sexy as one-half of Sexual Aggression, and reigned as a three-time North American champ as well.


A. Garcia
- But the question is, at this point, who can beat Remo? We can debate all day about whether Duane Fry is using him or not, but Duane Fry, whether we like it or not, has transformed Remo into someone who just might be the most dominant SWF Superstar in history!


(ANGLE) #Edd Beaten Down by Chord






#Edd and Lisa Bowen are backstage, as the "party couple" is hanging out with Melanie Florence and referees Darren Smith and Shane Stones. #Edd and Lisa are teaching the three how to Stonerize, and while Florence proves to be a natural, both Smith and Stones look hopelessly awkward, even as #Edd says they're doing a good job and yells "EDD-FU!!!!!" in their face to get them dancing.




Jay Chord, however, is in no mood to dance, as he charges at #Edd and beats him up for costing him the earlier tag match against The Amazing Bumfholes. Lisa Bowen runs off, probably to find her dad and get some order, but when they eventually get there, Barry Bowen responds by calling #Edd lazy and incompetent - "not the kind of man I want around my baby girl." Lisa tries to tell her dad that #Edd is young, hip, and a whole lot of fun to be around, unlike the men her father wants her to date. Bowen, of course, is unmoved, as he replies with a blase "but what about Jay Chord?", saying that he's also young, hip, and fun.


L. Bowen
- DAD! I already told you it was Jay who was beatin' down on my boyfriend!


B. Bowen
- You're just saying that because you want to defy me!
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. When are you going to stop acting like a teenager and start acting like the grown woman you are?


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Marc DuBois (w/Louise Cannon)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/da1e1864-93bb-443b-9e0a-cdc075bd1d84_zps5db5db9d.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a4b06292-5e7b-45da-8fb3-e7950749aae2_zps0feea3f0.png




  • This match serves as a fallout match for the two submission experts on Team CHA and Team SinBusters respectively - Lobster Warrior and Marc DuBois - though Christian Faith did rob DuBois of his moment of glory at Master of Puppets by kicking him as he had Huey Cannonball close to submitting to the
  • Sanitarium.
  • DuBois certainly seems more aggressive here, as he comes close a couple times to winning in the early goings, hitting a DDT on Lobby at 2:40 and locking him up in the Fruitcake for Everybody at 4:30. None of these attempts, however, are good enough to take Lobby out.
  • Lobby, too, has his moments and makes sure the match remains open between both sides - his Snappeh Suplex (snap suplex, natch) on DuBois at around six minutes into the match helps set up a Crustacean Clutch, though Louise Cannon distracts Lobby and forces him to let go of the hold.
  • Once again, the two real-life sisters Angel Fish and Louise Cannon (Jessie Pearce-Gilmore and Kristen Pearce) are arguing loudly at ringside as their clients continue their even matchup in the ring; Angel Fish ends up slapping Cannon, sending her retreating to her corner with her hands on her face.
  • Lobby seems to have the match at the tip of his fingers at close to 11 minutes, as he goes for a Shell Fish Shock off a countered Sanitarium attempt. It connects, and Ric Young is preparing to count as Lobby goes for the cover...but not so fast, says Joe Sexy!
  • The match ends with chaos, as Joe Sexy, who's sitting with Peter, Jerry, and Ana as guest commentator, stands up to flirt with Angel Fish, asking her if he can "swim in (her) ocean, baby." Lobby notices what's going on and prepares to exit the ring, with DuBois in hot pursuit; Sexy, instead of grabbing Lobby's ankle, trips DuBois instead, allowing Lobby to pick up the Maniac and finish him with the Lobster Trap.



- Lobby in 11:33


J. Eisen
- What's the matter with you, Joe?!?!? Don't you realize that you're doing your teammate more harm than good?


- Why the sudden change of heart, Jerry? Don't you remember when Marky and myself used to single you out...as The UnStable's "favorite" announcer?


J. Eisen
- Yeah, but what's right is right. I'm no fan of DuBois and you can call me one of the biggest Lobby fans out there, but you cost your teammate that match with your so-called good intentions.


(exiting the ring)
(again tries to rip out his hair, even if he's chosen not to grow it out anymore)
You're the reason the Sex Maniacs are a runnin' joke...a piece of
in the tag division!


- Don't look at me like that, Marky, unless you're plannin' to hop on the Sexy train. You wanna blame someone? Go blame this guy!
(points to Jerry Eisen)


J. Eisen
- Why me, Joe? All I was saying was...


- Oh, hi, Jerry...
(looks at Eisen with maniacal eyes)
Somebody hasn't learned from their experience with the late, lamented UnStable. YOU STAY OUTTA OUR BUSINESS, JERRY EISEN, OR IT'S GONNA BE WEDGIE TIME AT THE LOCKER ROOM, JUST LIKE IN THE GOOD OL' DAYS!!!!


The East-West Connection vs The New Darkness Warriors (w/Vengeance)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c73fffef-55b7-479c-a9cf-d40121b26a68_zps26d4bac7.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f295859f-b4c3-425d-8494-c5d8313000a7_zpsf9ec99bc.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d49e85c1-1675-4ff3-a52a-d2b498a1c12d_zps777a1d56.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6d0b4afa-ec05-4e80-a568-63ad1d3792d1_zpse6de8e89.jpg




  • John and Robert Darkness have had mixed success as Vengeance's acolytes, going over JTTS-type teams like When Animals Attack, but serving as fodder for "super tags" like the Lobby/Valiant duo. But with their playing a key role in the Cage Wars match at Master of Puppets, it looks like this could be an especially important match, as they're facing the promising East-West Connection of Koshiro Ino and Aaron Andrews.
  • Vengeance's presence looms ominously as he paces the ring, not offering any help as John and Robert freely double-team Andrews and Ino, gaining an early advantage.
  • The EWC gains some control at the four-minute mark, with Andrews blasting Robert Darkness with a Standing Hot Shot and Ino following up with a forearm from the top rope. Ino goes for the cover, but John Darkness runs in to break it up.
  • Thanks to those double-teams and isolations, the NDW's create a "babyface in distress" scenario as they work on Andrews from the sixth to eighth minute. Still, he keeps kicking out, and eventually he counters Robert D.'s End of Discussion with a diving clothesline, setting up the hot tag.
  • Koshiro Ino gets the hot tag, and after a series of stiff puro-style chops, he goes for an Ino-Plex on an interfering Robert Darkness, and finishes John Darkness off with his main finisher, the Kobra's Bite. Vengeance, meanwhile, surveys the carnage from ringside and his eyes betray some disappointment in his charges' performance, strong as it was.



- The East-West Connection in 9:59


- If Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino keep this up, we just could be seeing these two Hollyweird Rejects contend for the tag team titles before the summer is over!


J. Eisen
- Of course, they'll have to wait their turn, as we'll be having two number one contender matches on Thursday's Uprising, including the 24/7 Partay Dudez facing The Awesomeness to see who goes on to challenge The Amazing Bumfholes for the World Tag Team Titles at SC34!


A. Garcia
- I've just gotten word from Melanie Florence backstage that Barry Bowen has added a stipulation to tonight's Rich Money vs Drew Hawkins match...


- Not another gad durn stipulation!


A. Garcia
- According to Melanie, Mr. Bowen is now making Hawkins vs Money a number one contender match for the SWF Title, which should be quite interesting if Drew Hawkins keeps the Moneyman's bad luck streak going...


- Yes indeed. We've seen SWF Champion Jack Bruce strike up a bit of a friendship with The Hollyweird Rejects, just like Angry Gilmore had in the past. If Hawkins wins tonight, we could be havin' another Supreme Respect moment at Supreme Challenge 34, regardless whether it's him or Jack Bruce who wins the SWF Title!


J. Eisen
- Before that, we'll be having another guaranteed thriller, featuring Supreme Legend Christian Faith and the Hawkeye, Nicky Champion...and this special message from North American champion Captain Atomic. Take it away, Wrecking Machine!


(PROMO) Captain Atomic Promo






Captain Atomic is backstage, but no one is interviewing him - he's just ranting, raving, and screaming in front of the camera, and hyping up the 20-man number one contender battle royal for the NA belt, to be held on the next Uprising!




Nicky Champion (w/Hannah) vs Christian Faith


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edf8e60f-8397-4920-9f7e-902508a25c1e_zps39cc1cec.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c84ec339-fce9-4823-86a6-f54202f6103e_zpsb2dc981b.jpg




  • Could we soon be seeing bitter veteran Christian Faith become the latest Family of Darkness member, despite not being a stable guy? Jerry Eisen says that 67 percent of respondents have said so in a recent SWF App poll, and as he says that, the fans shower Faith with rousing boos and jeers of "FAITH NO MORE!"
  • Meanwhile, this marks Hannah's first onscreen appearance in quite a while - she had recently taken time off to shoot scenes for SWF Studios film The S.E.A.L., where she plays the wife of Brandon James' character.
  • As is always the case in Christian Faith matches, the early minutes come with a lot of basic blows and rest holds, punctuated by a Christian Faith sidewalk slam at around 2:50. Champion, of course, kicks out.
  • Champion shows what he's got in the 3:30-5:30 marks, hitting a neckbreaker followed by a big leg drop, but a second leg drop attempt is rolled away from, as Faith recovers and goes on the offensive for the next couple minutes.
  • A Test of Faith on Champion fails to put the Hawkeye to sleep, and it's all thanks to Hannah's insistent pounding on the mat. Champion grabs the ropes, and it takes a couple warnings from Shane Stones for Faith to let go of the hold.
  • It's all Nicky Champion from the eighth to the twelfth minute, and after a couple false finishes, he thinks third time may be the charm as he goes for the Hawkeye Hammer at around 12:10. Champion yells "UGH! UGH! UGH!" and does a little Native American war dance, but ends up taking too much time, as Faith is miraculously back on his feet!
  • That means it's Faith-Up time, as the Supreme Legend goes on his now-quasi-babyface comeback, no-selling moves and flooring Champion with those Machine Gun Faith Hammers! "You gotta learn, son!", taunts Faith, following up with a mocking impression of Champion's "UGH! UGH! UGH!" grunts.
  • Faith goes for the Stalling Atomic Drop at 16:10, but Champion slips away from that, clocks Faith in the face, and uses every ounce of strength he has to go for a second Hawkeye Hammer on Faith! It's good, and Stones counts one, two, three, giving Champion the win over the venerable, yet bitter veteran.




- Champion in 16:49


- You've got to wonder whether we're gonna be goin' into overtime here. In as much of a humdinger that match was, we've got two more big ones for you tonight, and that's gonna be Drew Hawkins vs Rich Money in a number one contender match for the SWF Title, and Jack Bruce vs Mr. Giedroyc in an SWF Title match!


J. Eisen
- Mr. Giedroyc. King of Supreme, Managing Supervisor of the MCO. Record against Jack Bruce since 2010 - zero wins, God knows how many losses.


A. Garcia
- We are not discounting the fact that Mr. Giedroyc is a talented SWF Superstar who, with this match, could actually beat Angry Gilmore to the punch and become Mr. Triple Crown before he does...


J. Eisen
- Good catch, Ana!


A. Garcia
- But let's face it - the odds of him doing that are next to none. The way I see it, Mr. Giedroyc is gonna realize soon enough that he made the wrong decision by taking advantage of his royal privileges two days after becoming King of Supreme.



(ANGLE) Minnesota Booked Against Eric Eisen






Joey Minnesota is in the catering area, where he strikes up a pleasant conversation with Jack Bruce, congratulating him for the successful SWF Title defense. Drew Hawkins soon joins in, teasing Bruce that "we're finally gonna see", in reference to the "fantasy booking" potential of a Bruce vs Hawkins SWF Title match at Supreme Challenge 34. The conversation, however, is interrupted by Barry Bowen and Eric Tyler, who ask Joey Minnesota for a couple minutes of their time.




- Joey, can I talk to you for a second?


- Anything I can do you for, Your Majesty?


- Yes there is, and that's to wipe that silly little grin off your face and show me some respect!
(as Minnesota shows his rebellious side by sarcastically curtsying)
I don't care if you used to do that all the time to your old boss, but please, none of that here in the SWF, okay?
Listen, Joey. I know a man who debuted in the SWF with a PPV title shot deserves more, and maybe putting you up against Jay Chord at Master of Puppets was a mistake.


- How could it be? I made the little baby Chord cry!


- But it wasn't a title shot. Besides, I've been talking to Eric Tyler, y'know, the Uprising GM, and he's been needing something to give Uprising some additional cred.


- Hey, Joey! You better listen to your boss, you know...the Runaway Train, Bobby Rowan?


- ....
(cringing as Tyler spoonerizes his real name)


- What else can I add? I mean, you've already got two number one contender matches...


- But we're talking TITLE MATCH here, Joey. And, as a third reason why I'm doing this, Mr. Tyler and myself need to teach Eric Eisen a lesson. He's been keeping his US Title by going around the loopholes, you know, getting disqualified or counted out. Now I want you to face Eric for the US Title on Uprising, and take note, Joey, if Eric tries his usual shady tactics of getting DQ'd or counted out...the belt's gonna be on you.


- The US Title, huh?
(pauses for a moment)
You know, I never really liked Eric, and yes, I know he loves doin' those things. He did that a whole lotta times in 2010, y'know, back when he was World champ.
(pauses again)
I'll do it.


Minnesota walks away, looking happy even if this merely constitutes a chance to win a midcard title.


Drew Hawkins (w/The Hollyweird Rejects) vs Rich Money (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF Title]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1ba78385-a123-444b-898b-ba43c87ccf54_zpsfbf4b673.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6a98d800-6998-4b39-83c3-e328d3cefd2c_zps2aca6443.jpg




  • As the match begins, the announcers speculate about how calm Rich Money seems to be going about things, even with two straight losses to Jack Bruce in SWF Title matches. Again, the possibility of "additional streams of revenue" is brought up, though the announcers still can't figure out why exactly Money is so unperturbed.
  • That doesn't mean the Moneyman is sloughing off, as he floors Drew Hawkins with a Money Shaker, and repeatedly kicks him in the head while Emma Chase and the MCO watch coldly from outside.
  • A running bulldog from Money to Hawkins shows that he's still got the killer instinct to be a main event champ in the SWF. Money goes for an elbow drop, covers Hawkins, but Mr. Full Moon Fever kicks out!
  • Hawkins finally shows some substantial offense at around five minutes, as he counters a Bank Roll and goes for a reverse DDT neckbreaker, followed by a rolling senton. He goes for the cover, but Mr. Giedroyc is there to distract Hawkins and break things up.
  • At nine minutes, the action has spilled outside, and we briefly see both the Hollyweird Rejects and the MCO duking it out at ringside. Ric Young sees the chaos and tells everyone to get the hell out of there if they don't want to risk a disqualification.
  • Without the MCO, Money remains sharp, hitting a Money in the Bank after ducking the Full Moon Rising. Hawkins looks hurt, and is really selling this Money finisher, but he still kicks out!
  • Hawkins does get another chance at the Full Moon Rising and finally hits it on Money, but that still isn't enough to win it - we're now at 14 minutes and this match has really see-sawed seamlessly between both Hawkins and Money.
  • At 16:00, Money ducks a dropkick from Hawkins and clotheslines his foe outside of the ring, allowing him to slowly make his way out and suplex him on the cold, hard floor. It's a hammerlock powerbomb that ends up hurting both men, as it looks like Money might have strained something in the process!
  • Ric Young is now counting from one to ten, as Hawkins lies outside the ring, conked out by the earlier powerbomb, while Money is desperately trying to crawl back inside. However, Young makes it to ten, which means we're not having any winners in this match! It's a double count out, leaving Jack Bruce's opponent for the SWF Title at Supreme Challenge 34 up in the air...



- Nobody. Double count out at 16:46.


- I'm tellin' you, Jerry and Ana. Something didn't seem right at all. Money appeared to have tweaked something, and there you see him, limping back to the locker room...


J. Eisen
- I think he's legitimately injured, Peter...


- But he's the MONEYMAN, Jerry! As Jack Bruce said not too long ago, Rich Money is a snowman. He snows you in by pullin' the wool over your eyes, and God knows how many times he's done that to the SWF Superstars and the SWF Galaxy in general!


A. Garcia
- Perhaps Rich Money doesn't want to fight his own Managing Supervisor for the SWF Title, should Rogue indeed do the unthinkable and beat Jack Bruce tonight...


- Maybe that's the case, but maybe it isn't. We really can't say for sure...but we may learn more after the break, as we've got one more match for y'all tonight...Jack Bruce defending his SWF Title against Rogue, er...Mr. Giedroyc, the King of Supreme and Managing Supervisor of the Money-Chase Organization!


Jack Bruce © vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[sWF Title Match]

(OOC NOTE - This was booked as an angle, not an actual match.)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eb1724bd-26fe-4b4b-bf5b-0753ef4c47ed_zpsaa6c4ead.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a8530ef0-f432-40a6-9918-55ad4abf1cf2_zps46b28725.jpg




  • Looking confident and content, Jack Bruce hits the ring to "Young Lust" by Aerosmith and slaps hands and bumps fists with his Constituents from Atlanta, playing the air guitar and holding up his SWF Title as the fans yell "BRUCE CAN'T LOSE!"
  • Mr. Giedroyc is introduced next, to the strains of "Intolerance" by Tool, but instead of the MCO - and the SWF locker room's - Managing Supervisor alone, we see Mr. Giedroyc accompanied by Jay Chord and Findlay O'Farraday! All three men rush the ring and beat down on Bruce before the bell rings, and the referee eventually decides to can the match and call it a no-contest.



- Nobody. Match called off due to 3-on-1 beatdown.


- Look at the CARNAGE we are seein' here tonight! This is a doggone SETUP we're seein' from the MCO, and somethin' tells me that there's more to Mr. Giedroyc seemingly forfeiting his title shot...


J. Eisen
- I don't think Giedroyc, or should I say, MISTER Giedroyc, has forfeited anything, because the match didn't even begin!




A. Garcia
- Once is enough, Findlay...once is enough...but no!
(pauses as O'Farraday hits another Atomic Spinebuster)
There's another one, and Jack Bruce is writhing in pain!


- But you know what's really interesting here? Rich Money is in the ring right now, leading the attack, and he doesn't look the least bit injured! Somethin' is definitely up here...


Steve Frehley vs Jack Bruce ©

[Nothing to Lose Cash-In for the SWF Title/HEEL TURN]

(OOC Note - Also booked as an angle)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c5509867-cc56-40cd-8ddc-7d499b0129f1_zps52ba1908.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eb1724bd-26fe-4b4b-bf5b-0753ef4c47ed_zpsaa6c4ead.jpg




  • At this point, the 3-on-1 ambush does look like a setup, but for what? Are the MCO trying to put Jack Bruce on the shelf in hopes of him having to vacate the title due to injury? The motive isn't clear until the hitherto-unseen Steve Frehley emerges from the locker room with referee Ric Young, Nothing to Lose briefcase in hand. Frehley's cashing his SWF Title contract in, and he looks every bit as confident as he was prior to his loss to Christian Faith, as he hands the briefcase to Darren Smith!
  • Smith honors Frehley's cash-in and makes it a match, asking the MCO to exit the ring so the match could proceed. The bell rings, and one Frehley's Comet later, we've got the Dark Destroyer putting his foot on Bruce's chest and the Philips Arena crowd yelling "YOU SOLD OUT!" at the top of their lungs. Smith counts one, two, three, and Steve Frehley has just won the SWF Title by means of that devious cash-in!
  • Following the quick cash-in, Findlay O'Farraday, Jay Chord, and Mr. Giedroyc enter the ring, and are soon joined by Rich Money and Emma Chase. Yes, it looks like the Dark Destroyer has sold out to the MCO, and is its latest member and (currently) its sole title holder. That said, Steve Frehley's heel turn was a complete success.



- Frehley in 0:41. Steve Frehley has cashed in his Nothing to Lose Contract for the SWF Title and is the NEW SWF Champion.



SWF Supreme TV Overall Grade -

TCW Total Wrestling Overall Grade -

Increased Popularity in 8 Regions

SWF Supreme TV Rating - 16.15


Trending on Twitter - #WhySteveWhy #SteveFrehley #JackBruce #MCO #RichMoney #SteveSoldOut #MrGiedroyc #DrewHawkins #AngryGilmore #Remo #SC34 #SupremeChallenge
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OOC - Thanks for the feedback, KnowYourEnemy and hydrogen001! :D Will provide more detailed replies in the post-show OOC, but we'll also be having both a backstage segment (Eric Eisen's birthday roast) AND a news article (positive drug tests, 40-something indie wrestler dies) before and/or after that one.




SWF Uprising

Wilson Convention Center (Georgia, Southeast)

Thursday, June 19, 2014



Marvin Earnest, Samuel Curran, and Swoop McCarthy (Melanie Florence, Earnest, and Curran for High Stakes matches)




(VIDEO) Why, Steve, Why (88/B+)


The Steve Frehley SWF Title cash-in from Tuesday's Supreme TV has spawned the popularity of the #WhySteveWhy hashtag, which announcer Marvin Earnest calls "the most trending SWF hashtag of all time," having been used more than any other in SWF history. We see how Frehley won the silver briefcase at Nothing to Lose, and how Jack Bruce arrived too late to help him at Times of Trouble, where he lost a brutal match against former mentor and friend Christian Faith. We also see how Frehley's mood vacillated from timid and lacking in confidence to confident, yet belligerent, and how he failed to cash in on Bruce in the Times of Trouble fallout Supreme TV, despite coming close to doing so. The video wraps up with Bruce's SWF Title match against Mr. Giedroyc turning out to be a setup for Frehley's cash-in...and confirmation as the latest Money-Chase Organization member. It's also teased that a special "Why, Steve, Why" interview segment will follow on next Tuesday's Supreme TV.


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Andy Erlandsson (w/Kurt Laramee) (29/E)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d4ed2173-3166-4bfd-8719-b3a9724db698_zps890ad15e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9a56294a-c850-4a9a-ab5f-684e8b6a3236_zpsf3069126.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Fro Sure defeated Andy Erlandsson
in 2:27 by pinfall with a Sure Thing following a distraction from Emma Chase. (Emma Chase was with Fro Sure mentor Steve Frehley, and helped set up the win by distracting Erlandsson with the Dollar Signs.)


- What a load of bollocks. Andy Erlandsson had Fro Sure right where he wanted him - in the Gothenbearhug. But he ended up letting Fro go when blinded by those twin flashing lights in the shape of...dollar signs! Ms. Chase has no business here on High Stakes.


- Yes indeed, Melanie. But with Steve Frehley having joined the MCO, it looks like she's decided to grace High Stakes with her presence...and probably provide some much-needed help as well to another High Stakes mentor, Mr. Giedroyc, and his rookie and younger brother Adam.


(ANGLE) Frehley Beats Down on Erlandsson (42/D)


Fro Sure, who's still a face, tries reasoning with his mentor Steve Frehley, saying that all that help wasn't necessary, but Frehley instead gets in his face, calling Fro Sure "weak" for having to rely on Emma Chase's distraction to win, and showing him what he should be doing to his fellow rookies. By that, Frehley means delivering two Frehley's Comets to a hapless Andy Erlandsson, as Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee look on with apathy.


(HYPE VIDEO) Prudence and Surfer Nando Bonding (62/C)


In this short clip, we see how Jimmy Prudence and his rookie Surfer Nando have been bonding, and it looks like the two spent a lot of time on the beaches of Hawaii the week before, surfing, checking out the girls, and, in Surfer Nando's case, drinking lots and lots of grape soda. In one scene, Prudence and his fellow surfers are cheering Nando on as he chugs a grape soda; he then spits it out, creating a fountain, and yells "GRAPE SODAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" while flashing the hang-ten gesture.


Surfer Nando (w/Jimmy Prudence) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic) (28/E)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/230b1a39-a964-48fe-a5d6-ccd9fd52b2b8_zps6a730378.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/35857b84-a0a3-49ec-8021-6d725775c670_zpsb550cb50.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Carl Ashley defeated Surfer Nando
in 5:48 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. (Ashley and Nando didn't seem to click in this match, and the announcers seemed quite disappointed with both men's lack of chemistry.)


(trying to hide his disappointment)
- Quite an interesting match we just saw from Carl Ashley and Surfer Nando. Two of the highest-flying rookies we have this season, and that was nothing short of exciting.


- I'd also say they're two of the stranger personalities we have onboard this season, with Ashley flaunting his bohemian lifestyle and Nando having an apparent love for grape soda.


- GRAPE SODAAAAAAAHHHHHH is more like it! Did you see how passionate he was in that video with Jimmy Prudence?


(HIGH STAKES CHALLENGE) Keg Carrying Challenge (72/B-, 68/C+)


Peter Michaels makes his first appearance as High Stakes "talent coordinator" and "challenge facilitator", and explains the rules of the Keg Carrying Challenge. This challenge will again be kicking things off for this season's challenges, and it will be worth two immunity points. Each rookie has to carry a 150-pound keg from the designated start/finish line, around the ring, and back to the start/finish line at the fastest possible time; due to the keg's weight, Michaels says that the "big hosses" may have an edge, but natural speed and quickness could also play a part in a competitor's success. He also warns the rookies that dropping the keg means instant disqualification.


Squeeky McClean pipes up and says that the challenge will be won by the biggest - "and most sober" - of the eight rookies, Henry Hill, while Captain Atomic disputes this, saying that the "LIMBERING LIGHT-FOOTED HEAVENLY HIPSTER" Carl Ashley should be considered the favorite. Michaels tells both mentors to pipe down as the challenge begins...with Atomic's rookie Ashley, who accentuates his hipster character by slacking off as he carries the 150-pound keg for what seems to be forever...


In the end, it's Big Smack Scott's rookie Andy Erlandsson who wins it, breaking Findlay O'Farraday's Season 1 record by 0.3 seconds. As Scott remains suspended in real- and reel life, Erlandsson yells "THIS FOR SMACK SCOTT!!!" as he is announced the winner. Substitute mentors Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee, however, couldn't care less.


The results:


1. Erlandsson - 12.1

2. Fro Sure - 12.9

3. Giedroyc - 13.2

4. Nando - 13.5

5. Velasquez - 13.6

6. Williams - 14.6

7. Ashley - 29.8

8. Hill - DQ (dropped keg)



- Andy Erlandsson. (Erlandsson gets two immunity points.)


- Um...I hope Andy gets the memo, but I don't think Big Smack Scott will take any liking to mentoring Mr. Erlandsson once his suspension is over.


- But what's there not to like about the guy? He's totally ripped, he owned the keg challenge just a few minutes ago, and that Gothenbearhug of his is effective in an old-school kind of way...


- I don't think the question is whether the Smacker likes Andy or not. It should be this - does the Smacker like mentoring High Stakes rookies or not? I don't think so.


(HYPE VIDEO) McClean and Hill Bonding (65/C)


This second "mentor/rookie bonding" spotlight takes place over the span of one night, and a full-day detox session with the Sober Police. Henry Hill, the wrestler formerly called Hell's Bouncer, is touring Squeeky McClean around the Macon area, so as to show his mentor about the life he once lived as a club bouncer. He asks McClean for permission to buy a beer, to which McClean replies that it's alright - he's an adult and Squeeky is not his mother or girlfriend, Henry can do what he wants.


The morning after, Hill is awakened by Squeeky, who, together with Jackson Marlowe, berates him for his "weakness of spirit" and "disturbing lack of purity." He is asked to do push-ups and squats, eat healthy foods, and sit through videos describing the evils of alcohol, all part of an intensive "detox session" courtesy of the Sober Police.


Adam Giedroyc (w/Mr. Giedroyc and Emma Chase) vs Henry Hill (w/Squeeky McClean) (33/E+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/86ca73e7-8e67-44c0-b184-ab6dce1c56da_zps912fada9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/765be4bb-5914-45f8-914d-ae1d9568f07a_zpsaa5c9628.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Henry Hill defeated Adam Giedroyc
in 7:29 by pinfall with a Damnation Drop. (Ms. Chase was at ringside to help yet another MCO member, but was escorted out of the building by security, due to her illegal involvement in High Stakes. She looks on coldly as the guards take her away, which could mean some sort of MCO action to follow on the fourth week of the second season.)


- A very unhappy Mr. Giedroyc, spitting on his brother and calling him...what's that again, Mel?


- A worthless piece of shite. The former Rogue and his brother Adam have had a bit of a love-hate relationship for a while, and it would appear that this is one of the times Mr. Giedroyc can't stand having little brother around - when he's losing his matches.


(ANGLE) Velasquez and Lobby Argue (44/D)


Back in the locker room, Mr. Giedroyc is browbeating storyline brother Adam, telling him to get his act together and "start actin' like you're Money." He then takes Adam aside for a more private conversation, and it looks like Steve Frehley is also involved here.


Meanwhile, Lobster and Rudy Velasquez are having a heated argument about how to go about Velasquez's upcoming match against Kelly Williams. Velasquez's use of adult language goes uncensored on most Uprising telecasts, but he gets censored in Spanish-speaking versions, as well as the Philippines' telecast on ABS-GMA Channel 27, as "puta" is a fairly common cuss word in there.


- You don't tell me what to do in the match,
. You may say you come from the water, but I come from the streets, mang. I know how to fight. You,
? You only good for one thing, and that's makin' those brats of the SWF Galaxy happy.


- They're not brats, Rudy, they're little Lobbies. And as my rookie, I expect you to show the same SNAPPEH fervor in the ring...


(wagging his finger)
. The hell I care about your Lobby brats, Lobster Mang. Rudy Velasquez only cares about what Rudy Velasquez does in the ring. Your advice, Lobster Mang? In one ear, and out the other,


Kelly Williams (w/Des Davids) vs Rudy Velasquez (w/Lobster Warrior) (32/E+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ac7d4418-8cb8-41e3-999c-168bb38f2557_zps0033a0e9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12417361-2207-4309-b357-5aa6819ad8ad_zps78bf6b5e.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Rudy Velasquez defeated Kelly Williams
in 7:26 by pinfall with a Street Cutter.


- With that win, the belligerent Rudy Velasquez improves to 3-0, and joins Carl Ashley and Henry Hill as being undefeated so far this season!


- Win-loss records do mean a lot, but so does attitude, and I think Rudy Velasquez will need to show at least a modicum of respect to his mentor Lobster Warrior if he wants to be assured of a high spot on next week's Mentor's Poll.


- That's going to be the first Mentor's Poll for this season, and we could have an elimination as early as next week. That's where the votes of the mentors and the SWF Galaxy will come into play, and we shall also find out next week which rookies will make the Bottom Three and have their heads potentially on the chopping block.


- Don't go away, because when we come back, we'll be having High Stakes Season 1 winner Matthew Keith returning to the show that helped make him a breakout star! We hear he's got an important announcement to make, so do stay tuned for that.


(ANGLE) Matt Keith Challenges Eric Eisen for US Title (58/C-)




Matthew Keith enters the ring to the tune of his chosen ring music, "Ride of Your Life" by Neurotica, and he gets a nice pop from the Macon, Georgia crowd. Keith talks about how thankful he is for the SWF Galaxy's support, and how he thanks his father Sam Keith (simply as "my dad" due to the ban on mentioning Sam Keith by name) for teaching him everything he knows, both in life and in the ring. After letting loose some choice words against his former mentor Steve Frehley, including an implication that he sold out, Keith uses that to segue into the main purpose for this promo...


M. Keith
- If it's any consolation to me, Steve was quite a helpful mentor to me when he took over from the man I am challenging right now for his United States Title - Eric Eisen. That's right, Eric. You were the only person who doubted me ever since I first set foot into the big leagues. From day one, Eric, you condescended, you berated, you treated me like a piece of crap because you've always been jealous...that there's someone out there who's got the potential to match his dad's accomplishments. At Supreme Challenge 34, I'm gonna show you who's always been jealous and petty. You want to be me, Eric Eisen, but you can't, because you're too damn lazy, too wrapped up in the fact that you're an Eisen to work hard in this business. And the less said about the way you hang on to that US Title of yours, the better.


Yes, I know there's a chance I'll be facing Joey Minnesota at SC34, assuming he kicks your ass and wins your belt tonight. Either way, that's gonna be one helluva match, as I put the SWF Galaxy on notice at Minneapolis, July 13, 2014...and let 'em know...that Matthew Keith has arrived.





- We are supposed to be joined by Swoop McCarthy, but as I understand, he's in Uprising GM Eric Tyler's office...for what reason I do not know.


- We should find that out in a bit, but first, welcome back to Uprising! I'm Sammy Curran, and that's Marvin Earnest, and we're coming to you from the Wilson Convention Center in Macon, Georgia! Earlier we saw some great action from the eight rookies in the second season of High Stakes, and this Uprising proper should be jam-packed with more excitement, with two number one contender matches, and one title match!


- That's right, Sammy! Matthew Keith had earlier expressed his intentions to fight for the US Title at Supreme Challenge 34, and he shall be facing the winner of tonight's match between reigning champ Eric Eisen and Hollyweird Rejects mainstay Joey Minnesota. And since we've seen Eisen resort to cheap tactics to keep his title in recent defenses, he has been put in his place by both Mr. Tyler and SWF Commissioner Barry Bowen!


- If Eric Eisen loses by disqualification or count out, he loses the title. Looks like somebody has to get serious if he wants to keep that title!


- We've also got a 20-man battle royal to determine who faces Captain Atomic at SC34 for the North American Title, The Awesomeness versus the undefeated 24/7 Partay Dudez to see who'll challenge The Amazing Bumfholes for the tag titles, also at SC34, and, in relation to the battle royal, a Secrets of the Smooth Supreme Summit, featuring Roger Cage and several men favored to win that battle royal!


- Before all that, let's go to our Supreme Rewind, as we look back on everything major that happened on the last Supreme TV...


- ...save for SWF Champion Steve Frehley's dastardly cash-in on Jack Bruce, which we covered at the start of the show on a separate video.


(VIDEO) Supreme Rewind - Fry Pushes to Ban the Gogoplata, Faith vs Valiant Argument (80/B)


Earlier, we saw an in-depth look at how Steve Frehley eventually cashed in his SWF Title contract and joined the MCO, but this video is the actual Supreme Rewind, which focuses on the other important events from the last Supreme TV. This video includes clips from Nicky Champion vs Christian Faith and Drew Hawkins vs Rich Money, the supposed number one contender match for the SWF Title that was all part of the MCO's plans to gain the SWF Title through Frehley. Also included is the argument between Christian Faith and Valiant, where the Honorable One tells the Supreme Legend that he's the one he's lost faith in, and that he's not interested in forming any alliance with his one-time hero. Still, the most important part of this Supreme Rewind is Duane Fry's promo, where he asks Barry Bowen to ban the gogoplata Angry Gilmore used to defeat Marat Khoklov in Master of Puppets, and Gilmore's rebuttal, where he says that Minneapolis may be World champion Remo's hometown, but not his home court.


(ANGLE) Swoop Entered in Battle Royal, #Edd Left Out (33/E+)


Why isn't Swoop McCarthy with Marv and Sammy at the announce table? Simple - he's at Uprising GM Eric Tyler's office, asking to replace Matthew Keith in the number one contender battle royal...


- I swear on my video game collection, Mr. Tyler, I'm no longer hooked. I've learned a lot at the announce table, and I'm rarin' to fight again. You definitely won't regret it.


- Well, Snape, the Uprising locker room has been better indeed for your move to the announce table. I haven't had any reports of video gaming in my locker room, and you're doing a bang-up job for a rookie announcer. You want to join the number one contender battle royal, Snape McCartney? Consider yourself in.


- What about me, Mr. Taylor?


- It's TYLER, and for the last time, #Edd, you're stuck here as my personal assistant for as long as you keep slacking off and showing up for Supreme TV to see the Commissioner's daughter and be a bad influence to her. You better be thankful Supreme TV is out of my jurisdiction.


Los Metalheads vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/fca53991-bbb6-4270-b376-4c56494861ed_zps91a08620.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/373d1d77-033d-4667-9c7a-a16e6d849602_zpseea52445.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/acfaa240-ad74-46a7-a4be-fca6d9417eca_zpsf552e039.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/931ba5b1-e085-4d3e-a41f-eacc43aa6a7b_zps640b97e6.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Partay Dudez USA defeated Los Metalheads
in 3:56 when Calum defeated Oro by submission with a Honey Trap.


- 12-and-0, baby, 12-and-0! Woo-hoo-hoo-hooooooo!!!!!


- Hold it right there, Freddy, or is that Mr. Flexx? This is only the second time we've seen Calum and J-Sense team up as the Partay Dudez's American contingent, Partay Dudez USA. How does that make 'em 12-and-0?


- Have you left your brain down under, darling? Tuesday's Gone rules, if y'know what I mean. Mainstream and Stevie are 10-0 as a team. Calum and J-Sense are 2-0. That's twelve wins, Swoop-a-doop, and tonight, we're goin' for lucky thirteen against those unhip rockers from The Awesomeness.


- I wouldn't count all those chickens before they hatch, Freddy. The Awesomeness may have been part of the losing Cage Wars team at Master of Puppets, but they've been very sharp in tag team competition, and it would be no surprise at all if thirteen turns out to be n unlucky number for your Dudez.


When Animals Attack vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/Mae O'Naess and Kate Supp) (43/D)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ea6cf636-c20d-4c23-9d23-150552bafeae_zpsabfb218c.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/632a4484-6a5f-4ca4-a721-b8da0979ee12_zpse5af27e8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f87c51a8-409a-4c32-a674-9be89b8b682f_zps70d02563.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7c8b6683-bfad-4352-a5f3-cb9add8c5bf6_zps412eb924.jpg


In an extremely short match,
When Animals Attack defeated Hotdog Sandwich
in 3:37 when Masked Cougar defeated D. John Mustard by pinfall with a Cougar Pounce. (Mae O'Naess is Haley Bumfhole/Buck in an all-white bodysuit and white mask, while Kate Supp is Louise Cannon/Kristen Pearce in a similar all-red masked get-up. D. John Mustard and Oscar Myers are KC Glenn and Mike Wilmington/Bret Starr respectively.)


- Boy, that Hotdog Sandwich team is sure makin' me hungry...though those two mystery ladies they're with...Mae O'Naess and Kate Supp, as I understand they're called...they're sure makin' me somethin' else that I just can't say on air!


- We know, Sammy, but the SWF Galaxy probably wouldn't want to know. Just when you thought you saw everything there is to see on Uprising, this strange new team called Hotdog Sandwich has proven that Uprising is THE SWF television program where ANYTHING can happen, and ANYONE can debut, even two men and two women who fancy themselves components of your average...hotdog sandwich.


- I suppose you mean that in a good way?


- Absolutely! Heck, you're talking to Marvelous Marv here, not Duane the Downer!


(TALK SHOW) Secrets of the Smooth Supreme Summit (66/C+)


Roger Cage kicks off tonight's Secrets of the Smooth by calling this a "very special episode" of his program and saying that he's not talking about the typical Very Special Episode from '80s television, where serious topics like drugs, divorce, and bullying get discussed on family sitcoms. He says tonight's episode is special because of the Supreme Summit, which features North American champ Captain Atomic and several top contenders in tonight's number one contender battle royal for the NA title.


- Meet our first speaker at the Supreme Summit here on Secrets of the Smooth, the North American champion himself, Captain Atomic. Pros - he-man, macho man physique. Cons - addicted to the Power of Gray Skull.




- As for his potential challengers, we have first, the imposing strongman from Cobb County, Georgia, Findlay O'Farraday. Pros - chicks dig a man who can take out ten 98-pound weaklings with a single clothesline. Cons - probably not the guy you want deliverin' a pickup line.


- Why worry about them pickup lines when I can worry 'bout kickin' yer ass?


(looking apprehensive)
- Also from the MCO, we've got "Mad at My Dad" Jay Chord. Pros - good-lookin' kid, great bloodlines. Cons - beats up referees.


(butting in)
- It was with good reason, Mr. Cage...


(moving on to the next guest)
- Marc DuBois from The Sex Maniacs! Pros - speaks fluent French, and you know how romantic a language that can be. Cons -
(makes the crazy sign)


- Hey, at least you got me here, con man...at least you recognize me as one of the favorites..because I, Marc DuBois...AM THE ARCHITECT OF THE SEX MANIACS!!!!!!


- Whatever, Marc.
Now we have Skye Sunlight, the hometown hero who actually went to school 'round these parts. Pros - hometown favorite. Cons -
(makes yawning gesture)


- Man, it felt groovy to kick your ass last week on Uprising...


- Hmmm...who else we got here? Oh, you. Des Davids. Pros - former college and pro football player. Cons - too much caffeine in his system.






- Easy now, you two! Keep it down, man! I'm not deaf, and I don't need you two makin' me deaf with all that screamin'! Anyway, let's start out with our first question...


Cage's questions, unfortunately, have no significance whatsoever in terms of the North American title hunt, as he mostly grills the battle royal competitors and Captain Atomic about sex appeal, mingling with females, and other irrelevant topics, while simultaneously trying to get Ms. Chase to open her blazer and show him the Dollar Signs. Not getting any satisfaction from his half-baked idea to conduct a "summit," Cage decides to cut to the chase (no pun intended, as Emma Chase is one of the guests) and hype himself up as THE favorite in tonight's battle royal.


- None of you people, and that means you too, Captain Atomic, whom I beat once before, get it. The sole purpose of the Secrets of the Smooth Supreme Summit is for me, Roger Cage, to show you how ill-equipped you are, not only when it comes to gettin' the girl, but also when it comes to takin' the first step on the Road to Supreme Challenge! I've already shown you several times that I am as good in the ring as I am with helpin' these losers...in love succeed with the opposite sex. And since none of you are as smooth or as suave as I am, I might as well crown myself number one contender for the North American...


Cage is threatened by Captain Atomic, then by Des Davids, while Emma Chase nods her head and gets Jay Chord and Findlay O'Farraday closing in on Cage. This prompts Cage to hastily wrap up tonight's episode, and make a hasty retreat and avoid a major beatdown from faces and fellow heels alike.


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx) (53/C-)

[Number One Contender Match for SWF World Tag Team Titles]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7518bbb6-c18b-40e7-aa52-3856f0a30bc4_zpsf4c38da8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6bc1bb5a-6c3a-4fc7-858b-eb13394c90d3_zps045b3835.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edaccf00-5c14-4076-8094-624ec264d806_zpsbb0186c8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12234547-15f6-429a-867b-44a90e53afd0_zps58bd71b2.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The Awesomeness defeated 24/7 Partay Dudez
in 7:24 when Jefferson Stardust defeated Mainstream by pinfall with a Stage Dive. During the match we also saw Dawn The Cheerleader distract Stevie, and VJ Britney Hollywood also distract Cannonball. (Much to the shame of the Partay Dudez, ring announcer Bobby Justin loudly announces that the Dudez's undefeated streak has ended, following tonight's loss.)


(screaming at the top of his lungs like known pro wrestling detractor Joe Rogan)
- IT'S ALL OVER!!!! IT'S ALL OVER!!!! The 24/7 Partay Dudez's streak has been broken!!!! IT'S ALL OVER!!!!!


- And The Awesomeness are goin' to Supreme Challenge 34, their first-ever Supreme Challenge appearance as they take on the five-time World Tag Team Champions The Amazing Bumfholes!


- I'll have to say that match had blown me away with all the high-flying from everyone out there except Stevie. And Stevie was no slouch either, showing off some fantastic technical wizardry out there!


- I still think the highlight was when Jefferson Stardust went for the Stage Dive and flattened Mainstream just like that! So much for thirteen bein' your lucky number, Freddy A. Flexx!


(BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW) Florence Interviews The Amazing Bumfholes (59/C-)


The Amazing Bumfholes and Haley Bumfhole seem genuinely happy that The Awesomeness have won tonight's number one contender match, but no one seems happier than Haley, who hugs BFF Dawn the Cheerleader and says in a girly-sounding Southern drawl that the tag title match at Supreme Challenge 34 should make for one great Supreme Respect moment - SWF parlance for a babyface match with strong mutual respect from both sides once the match is over.


Interviewed by Melanie Florence, Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole put The Awesomeness over as good friends and great competitors, but say that they can beat Huey and Jeff in just about anything they do - wrestling, partying, even music if one would give them a couple of guitars to play. Florence, who's growing into her role as a wisecracking babyface announcer/interviewer, asks the Bumfs for a sample, but Randy says that they've got more important things to do than play a few tunes - they'd rather prepare for what should be one of the toughest matches of their career, and ensure that the "Summer of Bumf" sees them hanging on to their titles. And once that's all taken care of, the SWF locker room will be "party time central," whether Barry Bowen and Eric Tyler like it or not.


Joey Minnesota vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb) (73/B-)

[sWF United States Title Match - If Eisen loses by DQ or count out, he loses his title]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8691d2e4-de1e-4afe-b804-fb231fdfe893_zps97800d36.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd,
Eric Eisen defeated Joey Minnesota
in 13:25 by pinfall with The Supremacy after a distraction from P-Hunt. During the match we also had Matthew Keith distract Eric Eisen. Eric Eisen makes defense number 1 of his SWF United States title. (The match was quite even between both sides, as both earlier Minnesota vs Eisen encounters were. Eisen would end up with his hand raised in victory, relying on more "Klubbnanigans", in this case a P-Hunt distraction, to keep his title.)


- If he doesn't keep his title by getting disqualified or counted out, he keeps it with Klubbnanigans. Certainly the US Title deserves much better than an immature, dishonorable sort like Eric Eisen, but I've got a feeling he just might be meeting his match against Matthew Keith at Supreme Challenge 34.


- Not that Joey Minnesota isn't any good an opponent, but we have to remember Matt Keith has GREAT bloodlines, his dad being a four-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion, and is lookin' every bit like a chip off the old block.


- And it's also gonna be a battle between former mentor and former High Stakes rookie, with no love lost between both sides. Eric Eisen never believed in Matt, while Matt thinks it's all because Double E is jealous of what he can do in the ring as a second-generation SWF Superstar with one helluva finishin' move.


- It's gonna be the Proton Lock versus the Supremacy at SC34, but as far as this Uprising goes, we've got one more match before we call it a night...


- Wish me luck, mates, because my in-ring comeback, if you can call it that, is up next!


Aaron Andrews vs Des Davids vs Dmitri Anselianenko vs Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen vs Findlay O'Farraday vs Freddy A. Flexx vs Jackson Marlowe vs Jay Chord vs Jimmy Prudence vs Joe Sexy vs Koshiro Ino vs Kurt Laramee vs Lobster Warrior vs Marc DuBois vs P-Hunt vs Roger Cage vs Skye Sunlight vs Squeeky McClean vs Swoop McCarthy (69/C+)

[20-Man Number One Contender Battle Royal for SWF North American Championship]


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Marc DuBois won a battle royal
in 11:42. The other members of the 'final four' were Lobster Warrior, Koshiro Ino and Findlay O'Farraday, with Lobster Warrior being the final elimination. Findlay O'Farraday got the most eliminations over the course of the match. During the match we also had #Edd distract Chord. (Roger Cage was the first elimination, with everyone involved in the Secrets of the Smooth Supreme Summit teaming up to eliminate him. O'Farraday had a total of five solo eliminations, taking out Aaron Andrews, Kurt Laramee, Jimmy Prudence, Squeeky McClean, and Koshiro Ino, though Ino and O'Farraday essentially eliminated each other when O'Farraday tried to shoulderblock Ino over the top rope, but ended up going over himself.)




Ashley 3-0

Hill 3-0

Velasquez 3-0

Erlandsson 1-2

Fro Sure 1-2

Giedroyc 1-2

Nando 0-3

Williams 0-3




Erlandsson - 2


SWF Uprising Final Grade -

SWF Uprising Rating - 0.99

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OOC - Decided to do the next backstage segment in two parts, first being an "All in a Day's Work" episode from an unnamed narrator's fly-in-the-wall POV, second being a typical backstage segment from Nicky's POV. That said, who's ready for the Eric Eisen birthday roast? :D



"All in a Day's Work - It's Eric's Party, And They'll Cry if They Want To"



Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Hummingbird, Macon, Ga.

10:00 p.m.


You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll probably end up fighting someone before the night is over. It was Eric Eisen's 36th birthday, and the entire SWF roster, save for a few exceptions (Squeeky McClean, most notably) was at the Hummingbird at Macon, Georgia, all present for Double E's annual birthday roast.




As was the custom at these roasts, Eric would have his SWF colleagues sing a song or two on the karaoke machine, or, in this case, be backed up by Skye Sunlight's homeboys from Macon and Atlanta, the Atlanta Wrestling Section. Emma Chase and Nicky Champion weren't bad - the real-life "power couple" took the stage, with Emma saying "this song is dedicated to Sammy..." and Nicky continuing with "...and Alicia too," referring to exes Sammy Bach and Alicia Strong respectively. The two dueted on a hard-rocking version of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts' "I Hate Myself for Loving You" that had the entire SWF roster clapping their hands and stomping their feet.




John and Robert Darkness were next, but this time they weren't The New Darkness Warriors - they were modern-day, burlier versions of the Blues Brothers as they performed their own take on the Isley Brothers' "Shout" and got a lot of their fellow midcarders up on stage for the "a little bit softer/a little bit louder" part onwards. This was all spontaneous entertainment from men and women who weren't trained singers or musicians - they were just having fun on a Wednesday night, celebrating the birthday of a man you either loved, or hated with a passion, that SOB (Son of the Boss or Son of a Bitch) Eric Eisen.




The third and final pre-roast performance was a more poignant one, and it featured Jack Bruce and Christian Faith, feuding just a few months back onscreen, but now paying tribute to man they had worked with during the early parts of their careers - the late Don "Coyote Dynamite" Richards. Coyote had passed on a couple days prior, not long after he announced his retirement, and while the official cause was a heart attack, many believe it was brought on by years of being one of the hardest-living journeymen in professional wrestling. Paying tribute to their fellow veteran, Bruce and Faith had tears in their eyes as they yelled "THIS ONE'S FOR YOU, DONNIE!" after their rendition of Billy Joel's "Only the Good Die Young."




"It's MY party, Jerry," groused Eric to his older brother, unmoved by Christian and Jack's impromptu performance.


"And they'll cry if they want to," replied Jerry, referencing the Leslie Gore song from the early '60s. "Roast is formally beginning in a few minutes, so cut the boys some slack."


"F--- that. Next year, Jerry, when I turn 37, we gotta do away with the musical numbers. Karaoke after the roast, fine, but no more no-name jabroni bands like...like these Atlanta boys."


"They're Skye Sunlight's buddies, so it's all cool."


"It's NOT cool, Jerry. This is supposed to be a happy event, not a sad-sack weeper where we sing to the death of somebody's pet dog."


"Coyote Dynamite was NOT somebody's pet dog! The man was a f---in' legend!"


"In his own mind."


"Suit yourself, Eric," said Jerry, walking away in a huff. Though Jerry Eisen was equally disliked in the locker room, the Klubb co-leader was, in this case and in others, the marginally more compassionate and mature one. And God knows there were thousands of times in the Eisen brothers' 30-some years on Earth that Jerry felt like he was babysitting and coddling his immature little brother Eric, and doing so one time too many. Shared hi-jinks and locker room politicking he can handle, but disrespecting a recently-deceased indie veteran (and occasional SWF/TCW jobber) just because Jack and Christian's genuine show of emotion was ruining the festive mood? That wasn't cool at all.

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"Whose Roast is it Anyway?"


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Hummingbird, Macon, Ga.

10:30 p.m.


Believe it or not, I was having a good time at the birthday roast. About an hour earlier, Emma and myself had jammed with Skye Sunlight and his bandmates the Atlanta Wrestling Section, and we had fun belting out Joan Jett's late '80s classic "I Hate Myself for Loving You," even if I could barely remember the lyrics. The New Darkness Warriors were a load of fun, dressed up like the Blues Brothers and singing the Isley Brothers' "Shout", with most of the Solid Hands jumping on stage to sing and dance along towards the end. But the most memorable moment came from Jack Bruce and Christian Faith - yes, Christian was quite a good singer - as they dedicated "Only the Good Die Young" to the late Coyote Dynamite.


But that good time was soon to end, as the roast proper began. Man, Brandon James was a bring-down, having flown in from California where he was shooting The S.E.A.L. to bore us to death with Klubb stories.




"Did I already tell you about the time Eric, Jerry, and I all had the clap at the same time? And I mean THE SAME TIME? Was back in 2007, man, I was fresh out of DaVE and we all decided to go 'f--- kayfabe' and hang out together. Back then, Jerry was a heel, Eric was a face, and I...was still bein' introduced with vignettes. Now I'd just joined the SWF, but Eric and Jerry were stand-up guys, man, they were the first people who made an effort to be friends with me. But I'd also just gotten married then, so I wasn't too, you know, too keen on joinin' 'em at the club and meetin' some ring rats. Still, they convinced me..."


"...I dunno, man! We musta all done it with the same rat, on the same night, because a day or two later, we were all screamin' at the top of our lungs when we'd be peein'. That's a strange way to haze a rookie, Eric, but you sure made me a brother for life. I love you, Eric, in the most manly way possible. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOU MOTHERF---ER!!!!"




"I thought I'd go out there in my hotdog suit, but to hell with it, man. You wouldn't take it seriously when I say Eric Eisen snores like a bulldozer and farts like a hundred-decibel trumpet with the smell of rotten eggs. It's the honest-to-God truth, and you wanna know why? I've been rooming with him on-and-off since they put me on High Stakes!"




"You think I sound like Gary Coleman, huh, Eric? Well, get this, man! I dunno how much late '80s, early '90s TV you remember, because whenever I watch reruns of Saved by the Bell, I think of that high, nasally voice of yours whenever Screech Powers shows up onscreen. 36 years old and still soundin' like Screech f---in' Powers. No wonder you're still single...though I don't hear you nor your brother nor your father...hi, Rick!...complainin'! Happy birthday, Screech, I mean Double E! See you on your next porno or your next washed-up celebrity reality show!"




"My son Eric? He could have been an honor student...if the only subjects in school were Phys Ed and Hooky! Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! Sometimes I wish I could ground you for the rest of your adult life for the times I had to show up for PTA meetings, and talks with your teachers, only for those marks to ask me one thing - 'Mr. Eisen, not that I'm not concerned about Eric's behavior/grades/both of the above, but...is it...you know, fake? You know what I mean, right? The wrestling?' Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!"




"Eric, bro, I'm sorry if we had a few heated words earlier, but I've never been prouder to have you as my little brother. Now, if I may admit something, having gotten that out of the way...my brother Eric DID get grounded for a month back when he was, like, 12 or 13. And you wanna know why? Silly little Eric taped over Dad's VHS copy of The Devil and Miss Jones with two back-to-back episodes of Denver, The Last Dinosaur! I mean, I'd understand it if it was a Transformers episode or somethin', but DENVER?"



Thursday, June 19, 2014

12:30 a.m.


By the time the roasts were over, I was intoxicated and sleepy. The referees and the rest of the Supreme Smokers (save the Eisens, who blatantly smoked inside the bar) had exited the Hummingbird to take some much-needed drags on those cigs, and the only thing I wanted to do was retire to my hotel room, spend some quality time with Emma, and fly the hell out of Macon so the two of us and Jay could continue shooting our shitty '60s period piece in California. But we had to stay a little longer, so that Eric could finally take the stage and do the roasting himself.


As expected, Eric dished out against all the Klubbers who had roasted him earlier, and they took it with gentle good humor. But he was clearly saving the best for last, and preparing to take things out on the individuals who weren't asked to go on stage and share Eric's dirty little secrets or tease him about stuff that happened oh so many years ago.




"...So I do snore quite loudly. Look who's talkin', Mike, you're no silent sleeper either. So my farts stink...whose doesn't? And yes, I admit to being an indifferent student and someone who was just as interested in dinosaurs as he was interested in his dad's adult film and magazine collection. Yeah, my voice is naturally high, and I do like gettin' people in trouble, all in the name of good fun.


But have I ever stole your girlfriends? Have I, Eric Eisen, son of the SWF's Chairman and Owner, demanded an exorbitant salary, even when I was World Heavyweight champ? Did I skip out on your birthday parties out of spite, just because I was bitter that Peter decided someone else would make a better challenger for a title? Hell no! That's the thing, boys and girls - I'm just misunderstood. I'm not the bad guy in here, and I hope someday it won't be just my brother, my dad, and my buddies Jimmy Brandon, J-Minny, Aaron, head writer Stan, Remo and Mike who see past my oftentimes abrasive exterior. And speaking of my brother...yeah, I admit it, I can be unfeeling too. This beer's for you, Coyote Dynamite!


But if you go back to my main point...I don't steal other people's girlfriends. I don't ask to be paid more than I'm worth. And when I started out in the SWF, it was from the bottom - no instant God-push because I'm an Eisen. People like that...you know, people who swoop down on other people's girls, free-spirited sluts who made a career outta two-timin', people who start out with ridiculously high paychecks and ridiculously undeserved pushes, people who fraternize with union-types who want to undermine the camaraderie we have in the locker room, and even end up leading said union...they will never have my respect. With that, I'd like to thank you for showing up for my birthday roast. The night is young, and even at 36 years of age...so am I. How 'bout we turn up the music and PARTY?!?!?!?"


The sounds of LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem" played over the bar's PA, as I contemplated my next course of action. I was very tempted to let my anger get the better of me and punch that Eric Eisen out, but his dad was there. The Klubb was there. This wasn't a good time for me to risk my push, and maybe my SWF career.


But the war was definitely on. Again.

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That Eric Eisen, what a guy! I can't wait to see how Nicky responds to Eric's rant.


I haven't been able to comment here much lately. It's tougher for me to get around to reading the longer write-ups before a new one is up, but I have been going through it, skimming here and there at times. I do enjoy your backstage segments a lot. I completely read through all of those. It really adds a nice flavor to the in-ring action.

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MONTHLY PRIZE - Choose a worker (midcard or lower) to fire. Must be someone who's part of the original SWF or RIPW lineup, not someone hired within the year.


Requirements - Predict at least 6 of 9 shows for the month of June to qualify


Croquemitaine - 37/49, 76% (+3/6, 2/5)

kieranforthewin - 37/49, 76% (+5/6, 3/5 +1)

Psycho Sam - 37/49, 76% (+3/6, 4/5, +1)

hydrogen001 - 36/49, 73% (+3/6, 3/5)

KnowYourEnemy - 35/49, 71% (+3/6, 4/5)

Midnightnick - 32/49, 65% (+2/6, 3/5)

Qfresh - 30/49, 61% (+2/6, 3/5)


And we've got a three-way tie for the lead, with hydrogen001 behind by one point and KnowYourEnemy behind by two! Looks like I'm going to have to include a tiebreaker question on the next prediction key, because we have got ourselves quite a fight with one more week remaining in June!


Comment: I'm not exactly sure what the difference is, but it should be fun.


Partay Dudez USA are the stable's two American members, Calum and J-Sense, hence the name. 24/7 Partay Dudez, as a team, are the two original (Canadian) members Mainstream and Stevie. I plan to have them wrestle in different configurations going forward, but if that's the case, they'll be billed as "Mainstream and Calum" or "Stevie and J-Sense" instead of under an actual team name.


As a teaser of what's to come, the Partay Dudez will be adding a FIFTH member to the fold in a series of "Anybody can Be a Partay Dude!" segments on Uprising. ;)


Comment: Heel | Face, I do think the Partay Dudez take this one. They'll be on top eventually -- it's always fun to run a stable as tag champions.


Yes, but Mainstream and Stevie answered back at Mike Wilmington - it's "punishment" from the Klubb. Having a babyface match is always a gamble, especially with two midcard tag teams, but since the tag title match at SC34 should be a curtain-jerker, it shouldn't affect match grades too much.


Comment: Tough call. Findlay shouldn't be beating the Bumfholes, but Jay shouldn't be losing to them. I'll play the Klubb card here.


Yup, normally shouldn't be making Jay Chord do the job, especially since his attitude has improved from "very negative" to merely "negative." But it's part of his feud with #Edd, where #Edd is indefinitely banned from competing on Uprising for being too much of a goofball and underachiever, and his storyline girlfriend Lisa Bowen is being forced to date Jay.


Comment: DuBois is going to bottom out, ditch Sexy, and then go on a run as a crazy loner


Not just yet. Still planning to keep them around as a Slater Gator-type team. They can't seem to get along with each other, but keep competing, and don't appear interested in disbanding despite the obvious conflict.


Comment: bye bye talentless guy. :p


I honestly didn't realize his contract would be up for renewal in May, which means I could have turned him heel earlier. As a result, I'm re-signing him for another month, after which it's bye-bye American Machine, see you on USPW as a big, mediocre patriot or the third member of The Cold Warriors as Dmitri. :p


And that should set the stage for Magnum Kobe/Kristina Angelova turning into a hypothetical what-if situation - what if Lana managed Kenzo Suzuki?


Comment: is this a 2-on-1 match? poor mike. hahaha.


Nope, not a handicap. Hotdog Sandwich is the tag team of D. John Mustard (KC Glenn/Kasey Kristopher) and Oscar Myers (Mike Wilmington), with Haley Bumfhole and Louise Cannon moonlighting as their masked managers, Mae O'Naess and Kate Supp. (Yeah, I just realized mayo on a hotdog sandwich is largely a Pinoy thing, but I couldn't resist the word play.)


I really should watch more Curry Man segments for inspiration, even if the "D. John Mustard" role is a transitional one for Glenn/Kristopher ahead of his Season 3 debut on High Stakes...


This has to be my favorite episode of Supreme TV -- the angle-matches were brilliant, and it's good to see more draws on the TV show. The booking is top-notch, some of the best I've seen in my short time playing TEW.


Thanks once again, but when you say more draws, would you mean schmozz finishes or more people watching Supreme TV? Really glad you liked the last Supreme TV. :D


OH YEAH!! Been waiting for that cash-in for a long time! But what happens now to the other briefcase? I haven't read anyone currently holding it.


Christian Faith still has the blue briefcase for the World title. He's not the type to flaunt it (but neither was Frehley when Rich Money was still SWF Champion), and I'm thinking of making it an eleventh-hour cash-in for Faith, probably if or when we've got a face as World Heavyweight champ.


That Eric Eisen, what a guy! I can't wait to see how Nicky responds to Eric's rant.


I haven't been able to comment here much lately. It's tougher for me to get around to reading the longer write-ups before a new one is up, but I have been going through it, skimming here and there at times. I do enjoy your backstage segments a lot. I completely read through all of those. It really adds a nice flavor to the in-ring action.


Thanks! And glad to see you're still sticking around. Have been trying to shorten the show write-ups a bit, and I might actually do that if work continues being a bitch.


Well, Nicky decided not to get physical and whale on Eisen at his birthday roast, but he's definitely angry. Still trying to figure that out - one reason I didn't have Nicky attacking Eric at the party was because we've had a bit too many SWF Superstars (Brandon James, Jay Chord, the Smacker) making a scene while under the influence of booze.


Should I go ahead and start on logos and belts for World Champion Wrestling? The ARCHITECT thinks THE ARCHITECT could lead the CHASE CORPORATION to victory over CHAMPION Nicky.


Probably not, but you and Pteroid are seriously tempting me to hire THE ARCHITECT for the next season of ARCHITECT STAKES, er...High Stakes. ;)


And speaking of High Stakes, that's my segue for this week's random comments...


Man, those High Stakes grades for the second season are poisonous! I think I hired the wrong substitute from CZCW when the KC Glenn negotiations first broke down due to MAW not wanting to loan out any more talents. Apart from a lack of overall skill, Kelly Williams/Cali Love Machine has CREATIVE CONTROL. Ugh.


Just realized this week's Supreme TV didn't have a single heel going over - five babyfaces won, while the Money vs Hawkins match was a draw. Guess that was eventually balanced out by Steve Frehley's cash-in, which I'm happy to have pulled off successfully.


With Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley for the SWF Title now the most logical feud for Supreme Challenge 34, I am now seriously worried how that match is going to grade out. Bruce, while still massively popular, is in time decline, while Frehley's psychology is meh and his selling worse than meh. Thinking of making that match third-to-last, with the Nicky Champion vs Vengeance blow-off as the semi-main, and Gilmore vs Remo closing things out.

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OOC - The Road to Supreme Challenge 34 continues, and we've got Week 4 June's cards up for prediction! :D And one question each for Christian Faith, for his long-awaited shoot interview with Pro Wrestling Hits...



SWF Supreme TV

Arena-Auditorium (Wyoming, Northwest)

June 24, 2014 (Week 3)





The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Rematch]



Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

[Non-Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon and Marc DuBois)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/The Money-Chase Organization)



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance (w/The New Darkness Warriors)



Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]




SWF Uprising

Compton Arena (Oregon, Northwest)

Thursday, June 26, 2014 (Week 4)




(High Stakes matches not included)


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks)



Pierre Roth (IPW's Pierrot on talent trade) vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova)



When Animals Attack vs Sober Police



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)



?????, ????? and Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and ????? (w/Enforcer Allen)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]




Bonus Question
- SELECT TWO - Which of these workers have recently tested positive for prohibited substances?


A) Andy Erlandsson (steroids)

B) Carl Ashley (soft drugs)

C) Marc DuBois (soft drugs)

D) Skye Sunlight (soft drugs)


- What numerical grade will the "Why, Steve Why" interview segment (Frehley Rants About Bruce) get? Closest score to the actual grade gets the point.



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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Rematch]

Comment: I think


Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Davids will win this match in a year or two after his push because he's awesome. Machine interference here maybe?


Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon and Marc DuBois)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: I rate Atomic more and hes younger.


Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: Yea


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

Comment: Overness will play a factor here, DQ/Countout maybe.


Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance (w/The New Darkness Warriors)

Comment: I REALLLYYY want Valiant to win this, but I think he'll beat Vengeance on a PPV or something.


Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]

Comment: Frehley going strong



SWF Uprising

Compton Arena (Oregon, Northwest)

Thursday, June 26, 2014 (Week 4)



(High Stakes matches not included)


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks)

Comment: Yea


Pierre Roth (IPW's Pierrot on talent trade) vs Roger Cage

Comment: Yea


The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova)

Comment: I don't like Machine xD I like Magnus Kobe though.


When Animals Attack vs Sober Police

Comment: Overness.


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: Yea


?????, ????? and Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and ????? (w/Enforcer Allen)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]

Comment: VERY TOUGH but I have to choose the Klubb and also Eisen has overness.


Bonus Question - SELECT TWO - Which of these workers have recently tested positive for prohibited substances?


A) Andy Erlandsson (steroids)

B) Carl Ashley (soft drugs) Marc would be too easy I think

C) Marc DuBois (soft drugs)

D) Skye Sunlight (soft drugs)


TIEBREAKER - What numerical grade will the "Why, Steve Why" interview segment (Frehley Rants About Bruce) get? Closest score to the actual grade gets the point. 84

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Rematch]

Comment: For Face/Heel balance as Awesomeness are #1 Contenders... should be a fun reign with freebird rules ever'ywhere.


Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Should be entertaining....


Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon and Marc DuBois)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Maybe DuBois stands a chance here... but Sexy? Nope.


Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: No, Laramee, no....


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

Comment: Findlay isn't over enough despite getting the most eliminations last week.


Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance (w/The New Darkness Warriors)

Comment: Vengeance is far more over...


Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]

Comment: MCO will take this convincingly after both the authors' notes and the three hollyweird rejects make it a dead giveaway.



SWF Uprising

Compton Arena (Oregon, Northwest)

Thursday, June 26, 2014 (Week 4)



(High Stakes matches not included)


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks)

Comment: Awesomeness take the victory over the jobsausers.


Pierre Roth (IPW's Pierrot on talent trade) vs Roger Cage

Comment: CVFP_BlackMale_001.jpg in the Default C_Verse Database is tailor-made for "unmasked" Pierrot. His partner has a corresponding picture.


The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova)

Comment: Dmitri can take a fall, and The Fly Boys seem somewhat legit, so they'll take the dub here.


When Animals Attack vs Sober Police

Comment: And now, the animals return to being glorified jobbers.


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: The Mr. Giedroyc push continues...


?????, ????? and Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and ????? (w/Enforcer Allen)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]

Comment: Enforcer Allen makes the difference, and too many question marks for Keith to be taken seriously.


Bonus Question - SELECT TWO - Which of these workers have recently tested positive for prohibited substances?


A) Andy Erlandsson (steroids)

B) Carl Ashley (soft drugs)

C) Marc DuBois (soft drugs)

D) Skye Sunlight (soft drugs)


TIEBREAKER - What numerical grade will the "Why, Steve Why" interview segment (Frehley Rants About Bruce) get? Closest score to the actual grade gets the point. 78


PLACE YOUR SHOOT INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR CHRISTIAN FAITH HERE (one per predictor) - Mr. Faith, do you have an "entourage" as head booker equivalent to Eric Eisen's Klubb?

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Rematch]



Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

[Non-Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon and Marc DuBois)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/The Money-Chase Organization)



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance (w/The New Darkness Warriors)



Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]




SWF Uprising

Compton Arena (Oregon, Northwest)

Thursday, June 26, 2014 (Week 4)




(High Stakes matches not included)

The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks)



Pierre Roth (IPW's Pierrot on talent trade) vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova)



When Animals Attack vs Sober Police



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)



?????, ????? and Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and ????? (w/Enforcer Allen)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]



Bonus Question - SELECT TWO - Which of these workers have recently tested positive for prohibited substances?


A) Andy Erlandsson (steroids)

B) Carl Ashley (soft drugs)

C) Marc DuBois (soft drugs)

D) Skye Sunlight (soft drugs)


TIEBREAKER - What numerical grade will the "Why, Steve Why" interview segment (Frehley Rants About Bruce) get? Closest score to the actual grade gets the point. 89

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SWF Supreme TV

Arena-Auditorium (Wyoming, Northwest)

June 24, 2014 (Week 3)



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Rematch]

Comment: I think its kinda anti-climactic to have The Awesomeness end the Partay Duds winning streak, but then again I hate them so I think its ok.


Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

[Non-Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon and Marc DuBois)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/The Money-Chase Organization)



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance (w/The New Darkness Warriors)



Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]




SWF Uprising

Compton Arena (Oregon, Northwest)

Thursday, June 26, 2014 (Week 4)



(High Stakes matches not included)


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks)



Pierre Roth (IPW's Pierrot on talent trade) vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova)



When Animals Attack vs Sober Police



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)



?????, ????? and Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and ????? (w/Enforcer Allen)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]

Comment: since this is uprising, I wouldn't count too much on Keith's teammates


Bonus Question - SELECT TWO - Which of these workers have recently tested positive for prohibited substances?


A) Andy Erlandsson (steroids)

B) Carl Ashley (soft drugs)

C) Marc DuBois (soft drugs)

D) Skye Sunlight (soft drugs)


I would have picked all of them had you not told us to pick only two. Haha.


TIEBREAKER - What numerical grade will the "Why, Steve Why" interview segment (Frehley Rants About Bruce) get? Closest score to the actual grade gets the point. 82


PLACE YOUR SHOOT INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR CHRISTIAN FAITH HERE (one per predictor) - What is the biggest regret you've ever had during your stay in the SWF?

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