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SWF: It's More than Just Supreme! (C-Verse 2014)

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SWF Supreme TV

Arena-Auditorium (Wyoming, Northwest)

June 24, 2014 (Week 3)






The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Rematch]



Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

[Non-Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon and Marc DuBois)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)



Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/The Money-Chase Organization)



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance (w/The New Darkness Warriors)



Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]




SWF Uprising

Compton Arena (Oregon, Northwest)

Thursday, June 26, 2014 (Week 4)




(High Stakes matches not included)

The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks)



Pierre Roth (IPW's Pierrot on talent trade) vs Roger Cage



The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova)



When Animals Attack vs Sober Police



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)



?????, ????? and Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and ????? (w/Enforcer Allen)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]



Bonus Question - SELECT TWO - Which of these workers have recently tested positive for prohibited substances?


A) Andy Erlandsson (steroids)

B) Carl Ashley (soft drugs)

C) Marc DuBois (soft drugs)

D) Skye Sunlight (soft drugs)


TIEBREAKER - What numerical grade will the "Why, Steve Why" interview segment (Frehley Rants About Bruce) get? Closest score to the actual grade gets the point. 75


PLACE YOUR SHOOT INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR CHRISTIAN FAITH HERE (one per predictor) - Given your new status as Head Booker, what would you say differentiates you from Peter Michaels, especially since you book in a similar fashion to him.

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OOC - Nice to see you've all given Christian Faith some interesting questions! I probably like Psycho Sam's question the best, though - I'll leave it to Christian to answer that once I post the shoot interview, but as you'll see below, someone has some interesting views on why Faith and Peter Michaels have such similar styles of booking. ;)


Work's stabilizing and the bands probably won't be playing again till mid-October, but I'm still quite busy and Supreme TV/Faith interview/Uprising (in that order) might not be ready till early next week. In the meantime, predictions will still be accepted, and we've got more backstage goodness straight from Mr. Champion himself.


"He's Gonna Step On You Again"


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Arena-Auditorium, Laramie, Wyo.

6:30 p.m.




"You're a f---in' pussy, you know that?"


Technically, Big Smack Scott was not supposed to be back in action until next week, but he had nonetheless showed up for tonight's Supreme TV, doing so very early and acting quite professionally (well, mostly) as he cut a recorded promo for the next High Stakes episode. Many of us had missed the Smacker and his unintelligible jibber-jabber, but few of us missed having him around in the locker room, myself included. Hey, I knew he was trying to get his act together, but he wasn't doing a very good job at it, always backsliding at one point or another.


I tried to explain my decision and justify why I didn't attack Eric Eisen at his birthday roast. "Look, Scott, his dad was there. Would you have risked your push and your job just so you can give Eric Eisen a punch in the face for speaking out of line? I know Eric's never gonna learn when it comes to those things, but it simply wasn't the right time."


"It simply wasn't the right time," said Scott, parroting me in a whiney voice. "PUSSY! There's only one way f---ers like Eric Eisen learn, and it's when you people give him a taste of his own medicine and then some! You know what I did when I got back here and saw f---in' Mike Wilmington tryin' to chaperone me around the locker room and make sure I shot my promo correctly? I f---in' shoved that little hotdog suit-wearin' brat! And speakin' of Wilmington, you better tell Jamie and Stevie they're pussies too. Makes no f---in' sense that Bumfs and Awesomeness are havin' a babyface match at Supreme Challenge, while the Partay Dudez are gettin' f---ed over by Eisen and his buddies."


"Christian will figure it out. He'll see to it that the Eisens' boy Stan Rogers doesn't overstep his bounds as head writer, and ensure that the Dudez don't lose their push, even if the winning streak's over."


"Christian Faith," said Big Smack Scott, "is the second coming of Peter Michaels. And if you think that's a good thing, I oughta punch you in the face and reclaim leadership of the Solid Hands!"




"I'm right here, Scott," said Des Davids, my best buddy in the SWF and my number one supporter as Solid Hands leader. He was one guy who never liked Scott, and wasn't going to pretend anymore that he did.


"So f---in what!", replied the Smacker, continuing his rant. "Faith and Michaels are like pods in a peas, er..peas in a spud...AH, WHATEVER!!!! You understand what I mean, right? They're both cogs in the Eisen machine. Peter was always too afraid to call the Eisens out on their bullshit booking ideas, and while Faith may not be afraid to do that, especially with that spectacular nerd Stan Rogers lookin' wimpier than Napoleon Dynamite..."


"You mean bespectacled?", I asked.


"Yeah, whatever. All the same to me. Anyway, Faith's not afraid to tell the Eisens off. But he's still the old man's best friend. Faith calls Eric, Jerry, or Stan out on some shitty booking, he'll hear from Rick. And Rick'll be like, 'Christian, you're doin' it all wrong.' And Christian's gonna go back to his laptop, undo those f---in' edits he did on Stan's storylines, and do things as Rick told him to do. Nothing has changed from the Peter Michaels re-gym-may."




"Right." I was trying not to laugh as the obviously juiced-up Smacker continued to mangle the English language. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you, Nicky. As for your beef with Eric Eisen, I think you're a f---in' girly-man pussy, and just as the old song goes, he's gonna step on you again."


Wait a minute. The Smacker, whose musical tastes are mostly limited to '80s cock rock and '90s nu-metal, knows Happy Mondays?


Oh well. No time to ask. Big Smack Scott stalked off after giving me that earful, and while I didn't agree with his "violence solves everything" mentality, he did have a point. Once again, I was being too nice for my own good, and I needed to call the Eisens out should they pull something similar in the future.


No. I needed to call the Eisens out ASAP, meaning right after the show, but before we all headed off to the bars. This wasn't going to wait another day. I was going to speak to them nicely, but firmly, and tell Eric in particular that I didn't appreciate what he pulled during his birthday roast.

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SWF Supreme TV


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: Dudez are still in the Klubb's doghouse, yes?


Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee)

Comment: Should be a good match, but the outcome is not in doubt


Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon and Marc DuBois)

Comment: DuBois may have a future but Sexy is marking time


Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)

Comment: Thanks for playing Kurt. As a consolation prize, here's a copy of the home game of "I just got my ass kicked by an angry Canadian".


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

Comment: Someday, this matchup will be an obvious win for Findlay. But not today.


Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance (w/The New Darkness Warriors)

Comment: New phase of Honour vs Darkness feud: Heel gets first blood


Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/The Money-Chase Organization)

Comment: New champ gotta be strong out of the gate



SWF Uprising


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks)

Comment: I'll bet KC Glenn is really happy he turned down TCW now :p


Pierre Roth (IPW's Pierrot on talent trade) vs Roger Cage

Comment: Cage hasn't won in forever


The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova)



When Animals Attack vs Sober Police



Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Cheerleader) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)



?????, ????? and Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and ????? (w/Enforcer Allen)

Comment: ????? is clearly going to be the difference maker :p



Bonus Question - SELECT TWO - Which of these workers have recently tested positive for prohibited substances?


A) Andy Erlandsson (steroids)

B) Carl Ashley (soft drugs)

C) Marc DuBois (soft drugs)

D) Skye Sunlight (soft drugs)


TIEBREAKER - What numerical grade will the "Why, Steve Why" interview segment (Frehley Rants About Bruce) get? Closest score to the actual grade gets the point.





What qualities do you look for and value in younger, developing talent?

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OOC - Might be able to post Supreme TV and Uprising by Tuesday, so that's 24-48 hours for anyone who still wants to predict! And meanwhile, for this week's dose of SWF news behind the scenes...here's another PWH article!





SWF Scoop - UnAmerican Machine Re-Signs, Eric Eisen Shoots at Birthday Roast, RIPW Call-Up, Firing/Gimmick Rumors

Posted by BRIAN CANDIDO on JUNE 24, 2014


Once again, it's better late than never. Last week's SWF Scoop is a few days late, but never fear - that's given me enough time to get more hot behind-the-scenes rumors from the world's recognized leader in professional wrestling...or is that sports entertainment?





Rumors were swirling these past few weeks about
Dmitri Anselianenko
, the Born-Again Russian, being wished his future endeavors mere weeks after getting a heel turn and gimmick change. With the plan all along to have Krissy Angelle (a.k.a.
Kristina Angelova
as a kayfabe Russian) manage
Magnum Kobe
, it seemed that Anselianenko's turn and gimmick change were all for naught, but it now appears that the SWF wants to get a little bit more out of the man who calls his opponents, and SWF fans, "stupid Americanskys." Anselianenko was re-signed to a new contract Thursday, though this new deal is going to have him remain with the company for another month. We wager the SWF will keep Dmitri around to do jobs to up-and-comers like Matthew Keith (which he did on last week's Supreme TV), before getting written out in some sort of "Loser Leaves America" match against former tag team partner Des Davids, who's been spinning his wheels as of late.





Last Wednesday, June 18,
Eric Eisen
turned 36 years old, though you'll never guess it, judging by the way he continues to act backstage and off camera. The latest Eisenanigan, as we at Pro Wrestling Hits now call Double E's antics, came at his birthday roast at the Hummingbird sports bar in Macon, Georgia. After friends and family took the stage to roast Eisen, the birthday boy was called up on stage, where he took the opportunity to lash out against
Nicky Champion
and real-life girlfriend
Emma Chase


Witnesses claim that Eisen called out Champion for "stealing" Chase from the man she was once linked to, Eric's older brother
. Eisen also didn't seem too pleased with how Champion has performed in the ring, despite being one of the highest-paid wrestlers in the SWF, and also made references to how Champion disrupted locker room chemistry by fraternizing with midcarders and rallying them against his purported backstage faction, the "Klubb." (No relation to the onscreen Klubb, natch.)


A more detailed report of what transpired at the Hummingbird can be found





Now here's where posting articles late comes in handy. Though we all know Dmitri Anselianenko's walking on thin ice, he may not be the only veteran SWF midcarder whose job security is hanging by a thread. Speaking on condition of anonymity, one SWF Superstar told us yesterday about who may be the next in line...the unemployment line, that is.


"He's obviously too old to be relevant," said the SWF Superstar, regarding the first name. "Guy started out (relatively) late in life, and he's had the same gimmick for 90 percent of his SWF run. And we may as well face it - he's a good-looking guy and used to have the body to match, but he's let himself go as of late." Talking about the second midcarder who might want to ask Mr. Cornell or Mr. Strong if there are any openings, our source had this to say. "We thought he'd be revitalized by his gimmick change, but like [redacted], he'd been a one-trick pony for ages. And it's obvious he's the weak link of his (tag) team." A third name, someone who may now be superfluous in his role following the hiring of fellow road agents Craig Prince and Ed Monton, was also dropped by our source.


We'll leave it up to you to guess whose heads may soon be on the chopping block, but our lips, for the meantime, shall remain sealed.





Whispers from Providence suggest that Rodney
, tall and hulking RIPW prospect, is getting a bit restless stuck in developmental, while
Spencer Spade
Lenny Brown
, who didn't have anything planned for them following their also-ran finishes in the first season of High Stakes, have not been happy down in the SWF's farm (system) since getting called back down. So what's to do when you've got a 6'8"-330 behemoth and two promising kids who weren't that exciting as amped-up, cockier versions of their real-life selves? Simple - draw some inspiration from Game of Thrones.


That's right, it looks like Ekuma may be debuting sometime this summer as the SWF's answer to The Mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane, and arriving to the ring on horseback and wearing full armor as "Ser Randyll Equma." As for Spade and Brown, they'll be wearing armor as well, and getting their names slightly altered to make them sound more, er...GoT-friendly. But will it translate in wins for Spensyr Spaede and Lennard Browne, or "The Squires" as they shall simply be known as? Will this gimmick, which may be tested as early as the next RIPW event, go over well with the fans?



SWF, SWF Scoop, Dmitri Anselianenko, Kristina Angelova, Magnum Kobe, Eric Eisen, Emma Chase, Nicky Champion, Jerry Eisen, future endeavors, Ekuma, Spencer Spade, Lenny Brown, RIPW, new gimmicks





Farewell, Coyote Dynamite (1966-2014)

Bad Birthday Boy - Eric Eisen's Reprehensible Behavior at Birthday Roast

Dmitri Anselianenko's SWF Career in Peril as New Contract Doubtful

Best Friends Spade and Brown Back Down to RIPW

Watch - Nickemma Rocks the House with Joan Jett Cover at Eric Eisen's 36th

Much Ado About Nothing as Davids, Prudence Flounder After Tag Team Breakups

Former RIPW Star Avalanche Considering Return to Powerlifting






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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Arena-Auditorium (Wyoming, Northwest)

Attendance - 14,262




YOUR Supreme TV Announcers:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia


- Welcome to another episode of Supreme TV, and welcome to the Arena-Auditorium in Laramee, Wyoming! I'm Peter Michaels, and as your Dean of Sports Entertainment, class is now in session! Joining me as always are my two finest students, Jerry Eisen and Ana Garcia.


J. Eisen
- We are getting closer than ever to Supreme Challenge 34, and the road is sure to come with a few more twists than what we already know. What we do know is that World champ Remo will be facing Angry Gilmore for the SWF World Heavyweight title, but will the reprehensible Duane Fry's petition to the Commissioner's Office to ban the Gogoplata be successful?


A. Garcia
- I certainly hope not, because it just may have emerged as the deadliest weapon in Angry Gilmore's arsenal. No, not the Sky High Elbow, not the Anger Management, but, as I've heard, the Fear of Gilmore.


- He just might be puttin' that on, and puttin' that into The Pain Alliance's Kurt Laramee later on tonight! And no, I believe Kurt isn't from these parts, despite his name. We've also got Remo in singles action against Des Davids...Koshiro Ino versus Findlay O'Farraday...


J. Eisen
- And, in six-man tag team action, it's gonna be Ino's fellow Hollyweird Rejects Drew Hawkins, Aaron Andrews, and Joey Minnesota, versus MCO members Jay Chord, Rich Money, and...it still rankles me even to say his name in passing...new SWF Champion Steve Frehley. The Kid, the Chairman, and the Sellout, in other words.


- Of course, I will be interviewing Steve later and findin' out why he did what he did to Jack Bruce, whom, as we hear, will not be able to compete until Supreme Challenge due to the back injury that got re-aggravated when the MCO set Frehley up to cash in and STEAL the SWF Title from the Cream of the Crop.


A. Garcia
- Also on tap for today...we'll be having Valiant, who's been having issues with Christian Faith as of late, facing Vengeance in singles action. That too could be interesting, as Vengeance seems to be willing to talk things out with the Supreme Legend. Could we be seeing the Family of Darkness...gain itself a beacon of light?


- Christian Faith's bitter and narrow-minded message is anything but enlightening, if you ask me. And neither is anything this man says. We are LIVE tonight for Supreme TV, but before we get goin' with the matches, here's Vengeance, with what I presume is another rant against the resilient, explosive Hawkeye, Nicky Champion.


(PROMO) Vengeance and Champion Argue






Vengeance kicks off tonight's Supreme TV with a promo against Nicky Champion, but before he disses Champion, he talks about how it was good to win the Cage Wars match at Master of Puppets, and how he's going to prove later on tonight that seemingly honorable people like Valiant also have sins to atone for. He then goes on to say that he isn't completely happy the outcome of the Cage Wars match, being that he wasn't able to win it, and the team wasn't able to win it by making Nicky Champion submit.


- ...Still, I remain unsatisfied. After all, it wasn't me who was putting Valiant's faith to the test. It was that glory-hog Christian Faith, who was guilty of the sin of Pride, even if his heart was in the right place. Confess your sins and we can continue talking business.
At the end of the day, it was the least sinful individual in that five-man team, or so we thought, who had taken the loss. We won the battle, Nicholas, but the war isn't over. You have yet to answer for your countless trespasses and admit to your numerous wrongs. You still flaunt your fame and fortune and make other souls in the SWF Galaxy feel worse for whom they are. With Supreme Challenge beckoning...the grandest stage in all of Supreme...I'm sure you will want to flaunt it even more. But you haven't been dealt the ultimate form of punishment...no, Nicholas,
you haven't felt what it's like to go through the Three Levels of Inferno...




Vengeance is eventually interrupted by Nicky Champion, who enters to a huge pop and meets the Father of Darkness face-to-face in the ring. At this point it's important to notice that Vengeance doesn't have his New Darkness Warriors bookending him, as they often do.


- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Does big, bad, ornery Vengeance want to turn this into a VIDEO GAME? Does it have a bonus round where you can power-up for as many coins as you can in ten seconds? Twenty seconds? Oh, man, Vengeance, what kinda video game is this? Gimme one minute to get all those shiny gold coins!
Nicky Champion's just foolin', Vengeance, and make no mistake, what you're askin' from me is mighty serious. So if you would allow Nicky Champion to get serious, Nicky Champion is gonna do that right now. First level - lumberjack match. Not just eight to ten lumberjacks, but THIRTY lumberjacks. Oooohhhh, good times! Second level - tables match. Nicky Champion's never worked with tables, but what about you, Vengeance? Scared that those tables are gonna break your precious little back? Third level - oh, this is gonna be easy. It's a Steel Cage Match, right? Just like your last Three Levels of Inferno match with your new best friend Christian Faith? Guess now's my big chance to get back at you for Times of Trouble!


- FOOL! The third level, if necessary, will be a reprise of our first encounter. If you remember, that was the match where I had handed you your first defeat in the SWF...and given you your first taste of what true atonement is all about. For a while I thought we had you. But there you were, surreptitiously going back to your old ways. But there shall be NONE OF THAT, Nicholas, because the Third Level of Inferno...will be a CASKET MATCH. Yes, Nicholas. I remain undefeated in casket matches, and its ability to chasten even the most hardened sinner is well-known in this business. And I will see to it that you will truly atone for those sins of yours, and that there will be no more attempts on your part to pull the wool over our eyes. The casket you will lie in at Supreme Challenge...will spell your figurative...AND literal doom, Nicholas.


- A casket, huh? Whoooooo, I'm scared! It's not like Nicky Champion hasn't laid down in one before, big guy! If you remember, that was how you beat me the first time at Awesome Impact. You thought you had me for a while, didn't 'ya? You thought that casket would put an end to all of Nicky Champion's commercial appearances, movie deals, ridonkulously large paychecks, yada yada yada, so on and so forth. You thought you had me, Vengeance...but you had NOTHING. But let's see, Vengeance. If you think things are gonna be different, and if you think you're gonna force me to ask forgiveness on bended knees, be my guest. Prove to me that things are gonna be different. Because Nicky Champion knows they will. At Supreme Challenge 34, Nicky Champion is finally gonna be able to defeat Vengeance one-on-one...and SEND HIM TO THE VERY INFERNO HE WANTS NICKY CHAMPION TO BURN IN...BECAUSE ONE OF THESE DAYS...NICKY CHAMPION!!!!! IS GONNA BE!!!! MORE!!!! THAN JUST!!!! A NAAAAAAAAAAME!!!!!


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Rematch]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c40952b1-444d-4dab-a1ae-4fd2c4aaca55_zps75d2c861.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/5120ae97-e829-45ea-8406-bce3e98d7320_zpsb9708838.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edaccf00-5c14-4076-8094-624ec264d806_zpsbb0186c8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12234547-15f6-429a-867b-44a90e53afd0_zps58bd71b2.jpg




  • The 24/7 Partay Dudez are making use of their rematch clause in this match, and although their winning streak has just been broken, the announcers put them over as a serious threat, with Jerry Eisen saying that the Dudez's saccharine pop pablum would make them perfect foil for the glam-rockin' number one contenders, The Awesomeness.
  • This is, as always, a fast-paced and open encounter between two of the SWF's most exciting tag teams, though the presence of managers VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx means a lot of cheating from the Dudez.
  • At around 6:20, J-Sense and Calum start putting the moves on Haley Bumfhole, distracting legal man Randy Bumfhole for a moment; The Awesomeness, however, arrive in the nick of time, scaring the two other Dudez away and distracting Mainstream in turn, allowing Randy to tag Zimmy in for the Bumfhole in One and the clean win.



- The Amazing Bumfholes in 7:02. The Amazing Bumfholes are STILL the SWF World Tag Team Champions.


J. Eisen
- Thank heavens for The Awesomeness, whose timely appearance prevented J-Sense and Calum from scoring on the Bumfholes' sister Haley, and ultimately threw Mainstream and Stevie off their guard!


A. Garcia
- These two teams, The Awesomeness and The Amazing Bumfholes, will be facing each other at Supreme Challenge 34 for the tag titles, and we've been seeing nothing but respect between both sides, even with the Awesomeness still goofy and the Bumfholes having amped up the intensity a bit.


- The Summer of Bumf, as they always say. It's been a good one for them so far, and if they keep those tag belts 'round their waist at SC34 in Minneapolis, it should only get better.


Des Davids vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/DesDavids_zps8fc253f3.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/af331342-c78d-4eb4-9410-bd8c1f985616_zps99613eeb.jpg




  • Despite being a heavy underdog, Des Davids seems undaunted as he hits the ring, looking like someone who's had "three cups of coffee and a Red Bull" (per Peter Michaels) before the match.
  • While Davids shows some offense and drops Remo with a QB Sack, the Alpha Dog ends up no-selling it, nipping up just as Davids is preparing to cover him, and surprising him with the Destroyer to win this easily.



- Remo in 4:26


- I like Des Davids and think he's got a lot of promise as a solo star in the SWF, but he was simply overmatched against Remo.


J. Eisen
- In fact, I can't think of anyone who can realistically defeat Remo and actually pin the Alpha Dog or make him submit! I'm definitely hoping Angry Gilmore succeeds where Drew Hawkins, Valiant, and Jack Bruce have failed.


(PROMO) Fry Hypes Remo vs Gilmore






As Des Davids dejectedly leaves the ring, Duane Fry demands a mic from the stage hand and begins yammering against Angry Gilmore, while simultaneously hyping how indestructible his client and best friend Remo is, and talking up his skills as the SWF's premiere "battle strategist" and "war general."


- If my client Remo saw it fit to perform MMA moves in the ring, to dominate foes with Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay thai, judo, or whatever those homoerotic purveyors of alpha male braggadocio do out there, he would do it and make total mincemeat out of you, Angry Gilmore. But RRRRRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRRRICHARDSON doesn't need any of that to beat you! He's beaten you each and every time you met in the ring, at least for the past few years he has, and the only time you beat him was by means of DISQUALIFICATION. Or count out. Or some random stroke of luck or a sudden case of referee blindness. Remo will stick to the plan at Supreme Challenge 34...and that plan, Mr. Gilmore, is for him to DOMINATE...to ANNIHILATE...TO DESTROY FROM BELL TO BELL, AND MAKE YOU YET ANOTHER ONE OF THE ALPHA DOG'S HUNTING TRRRRRRROPHIES!!!!! Now what about you, Gilmore? Do you have any plans at this point, any concrete strategy to defeat my client? Are you really serious on pullin' that MMA crap on Remo like you did on Khoklov?
Trust me on this, Tom, and trust me because I am the premiere battle strategist and quote-unquote War General in the SWF. You are really gonna need a Plan B come SC34.


Captain Atomic © vs Joe Sexy (w/Louise Cannon)

[Non-Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ecd353fc-8ea6-4453-9e50-bbb6303da128_zpsbb6ec6f8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c85435e5-7a22-4dac-ad75-4b3dc5026802_zpsc1f2e242.jpg




  • Joe Sexy has been on a losing streak as of late, and, as pointed out by the announcers, he doesn't seem fazed by Marc DuBois' open contempt for him and desire to strike out on his own. That said, he starts this match out strong, piledriving Captain Atomic in a move Jerry Eisen describes as "vintage Sexy."
  • Sexy continues strutting his "vintage" stuff, hitting a posing elbow drop on Atomic at 2:30 and getting a long, passionate kiss from crazed/oversexed valet Louise Cannon.
  • That kiss is what Captain Atomic needs to get back in the flow of things, as he creeps up on Sexy and floors him with a German suplex.
  • At 6:30, Sexy is briefly back in control and attempting the One Night Stand, but Atomic counters it, escapes, and hits the veteran lothario with a Mushroom Cloud. Shane Stones counts one, two...




  • ...Marc DuBois suddenly emerges from underneath the ring and attacks Captain Atomic, hitting him with the Nutcracker Sweet and locking him up in the Sanitarium, prompting Stones to call for the bell and award the match to the reigning North American champ!



- Captain Atomic in 6:47 via DQ.


- You have to wonder sometimes...does Marc DuBois want a go at Captain Atomic that bad, or is he tryin' to make Joe Sexy look bad?


A. Garcia
- I think it's a mix of both, because as we've seen, Marc DuBois has no intention of being on the same tag team as Joe Sexy, even if Sexy has repeatedly tried to make things work within The Sex Maniacs!


J. Eisen
- And Louise Cannon hasn't had any luck either in getting those two men to put aside their differences. Still, whether Joe Sexy likes it or not, his partner DuBois is putting his full focus on the North American title, and here he is right now, with the mic in his hands and some words...or a LOT of words...for the fallen Captain Atomic.


(PROMO) DuBois Rants About Captain Atomic






Marc DuBois, of course, refuses to listen to Joe Sexy and Louise Cannon as he continues punishing Cap Atomic with the Sanitarium ankle lock, and as they leave, continuing their makeout session and acting blase towards how DuBois cost Sexy the match, DuBois grabs a mic and cuts a promo against the wincing Captain Atomic...


- Back when I was growin' up...there was only one Superman in the movies, and it was Christopher Reeve. Batman was becomin' darker, but hell, everyone still remembered Adam West Batman. Superheroes were kid-friendly, campy sorts whom you outgrew by the time you hit junior high and realized the power of your hormones...and they weren't helpin' me forget the s--- I went through...parents fightin', kids pickin' on me for bein' different, teachers singlin' me out as the weird dyslexic kid with bad grades and long hair. So one day, and you better be listenin' to me right now, Cap Atomic, I decided I was goin' to be one. I was goin' to become Marc Superman. That's pronounced like Silverman, only with "Super" in place of "Silver", not "SUPERMAAAAAAAN!!!!!" like some whiny five-year-old kid would say it.


(from announce table)
- Great Caesar's Ghost, Marc DuBois is speakin' nonsense again!


J. Eisen
- Been there, heard that.


At this point, SWF medics are helping Captain Atomic out of the ring, though it looks like Atomic still wants to fight, faintly growling the words "I'M FINE!!!!!" as he's helped back to the locker room.


- Marc Superman didn't wear glasses and strip off his clothes to reveal he was wearin' undies over his tights whenever there'd be some damsel in distress or some caricature supervillain wreakin' havoc in the city. He didn't have a fancy-schmancy utility belt with all sorts of crazy contraptions. Marc Superman was a dark, gritty, ordinary average Jacques, whose super power was just that...bein' dark, gritty, and REALISTIC. His power was to brood...his power was to tell you things you NEEDED to hear, and not what you WANTED to hear. His power was to strike you down with his words...then finish you off with his wrestling moves. And today, Marc Superman remains as YOUR Anti-Atomic, SWF Galaxy. Your Anti-Lobby. Nobody's ever gonna make a cartoon outta me, and there won't be any need to DC-fy me and make me dark and gritty. BECAUSE I ALREADY AM!!!! AND LET ME TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY, CAPTAIN ATOMIC, TO TELL YOU SOMETHING YOU NEED TO HEAR!!!! YOU'RE OBSOLETE!!!! YOU ARE A RELIC OF WRESTLING ERAS PAST, WHERE EVERY SO-CALLED "GOOD GUY" WAS A CARTOON SUPERHERO!!!! THERE IS NO PLUTONIUM, NO URANIUM, NO ENERGON CUBES OR WHAT-HAVE-YOU TO FUEL YOUR RADIOACTIVITY!!!!! CHILDHOOD RUINED, PREPUBESCENT CONTINGENT OF THE SWF GALAXY!!!! There is only THIS virtual kryptonite in the form of Marc Superman DuBois, and he is gonna make you tap out of your delusions of superhero grandeur and put an end to your desecration of the North American Title at Supreme Challenge! DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN, EXPLOSIONS BY MICHAEL BAY, COMING SOON, LIVE AT MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA AND CABLE TV NETWORKS 'ROUND THE WORLD...MARC SUPERMAN DOOOOO-BWAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!


(ANGLE) Valiant and Lobby Argue






Meanwhile, Lobster Warrior and Valiant are watching things backstage from one of the monitors, and it would appear that Lobby is offended by DuBois' comments against "traditional" cartoony superheroes, to say little of his actions against Captain Atomic. Lobby says it should have been him fighting Atomic for the North American title, on account of DuBois using a Louise Cannon distraction to win the number one contender battle royal, but Valiant tells him to "let it pass" and "do the honorable thing." Lobby, however, continues simmering, telling Valiant that the next time DuBois tries to ruin the childhood of his Little Lobbies, he won't hesitate to get personal with him...and defeat him like he's done in their previous encounters, by making it "SNAPPEH."


Angry Gilmore vs Kurt Laramee (w/Duane Fry)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a13ca6d-2c15-4ee2-801e-6b1ef267a867_zpsbe14108c.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8fb9c774-b9c9-40e9-bb69-7405d689f758_zpsb7625215.jpg




  • The #RoadToSC34 (which Jerry Eisen encourages the SWF Galaxy to use as a hashtag) continues for Angry Gilmore, as he's up against the tough and ornery Kurt Laramee, a man who appears to be jobbing his way around with tag team partner Big Smack Scott still serving his suspension.
  • Gilmore instantly confounds Laramee with his speed advantage, though Laramee makes use of Duane Fry's presence, as Fry trips Gilmore while he's running the ropes; this allows Laramee to hit a big splash and go for a cover.
  • Gilmore kicks out of that, and continues to remain in it, frustrating Laramee as he kicks out of the Switchblade Powerslam at around 5:00. So far, it appears to be Gilmore saving the match with his psychology and flawless skills, as he and Laramee don't appear to have much chemistry.
  • In the end, Gilmore is able to counter a DDT attempt from Laramee, and as he gets back on the offensive, he goes for the Anger Management at 6:45.
  • It connects, but instead of going for the cover, Gilmore follows up with the Fear of Gilmore, that same Gogoplata he used to defeat Marat Khoklov at Master of Puppets! Laramee taps out almost instantly, and Gilmore is celebrating his win when someone exits the locker room to interrupt...



- Gilmore in 6:58


(ANGLE) Bowen Bans Gilmore Finisher






- HEY!!!!!! I said HEY!!!!!!! Put that man's hand down RIGHT NOW, Darren!


D. Smith
- You can't possibly mean this, Mr. Bowen. Gilmore won this fair and square!


(now addressing Gilmore)
- That's the good news, Tom. You won the match with your brilliant technical virtuosity, and I'm not gonna take that away from you. But that is going to be the LAST TIME I am going to see that infernal move of yours AGAIN! Call it whatever you want. Call it the Fear of Gilmore, call it the Gilmore Gogoplata, call it...oh I don't know...the Teletubby Twist or something that would make it sound less intimidating. But you can now call that move of yours BANNED.


- You're askin' for it, Bowen...JUST TRY AND BAN ME FROM USIN' THAT MOVE, BOWEN, and you are really gonna get it...


- I'm the Commissioner, man! And if you're thinking of wrapping me up in that hold of yours...of putting the fear of Gilmore into the Commissioner...


Gilmore charges at Bowen, hoping to set him up for an Anger Management and finish him with the Gogoplata, but Smith holds him back and tells him to think about what's going to happen to him if he assaults the Commissioner. Bowen, meanwhile, is daring Gilmore to attack, pointing at him and yelling off-mic that he's the Commissioner, but Gilmore decides ultimately not to harm the man in charge, knowing that he may once again find his main event spot at Supreme Challenge in jeopardy.


(IN-RING INTERVIEW) Why, Steve, Why? Michaels Interviews Frehley






Peter Michaels is in the ring after the commercial break, and while the SWF doesn't do too many in-ring interviews these days, this one happens to be quite a special one, as it shall be the chance for new SWF Champion Steve Frehley to explain his recent actions, particularly his decision to join The Money-Chase Organization. Michaels tries to get the interview going, but Frehley says he won't start unless the crowd pipes down with its jeers of "YOU SOLD OUT!"


Incidentally, Frehley is accompanied for this interview by the MCO's "Board of Directors" - Chairman Rich Money, CEO Emma Chase, and Managing Supervisor Mr. Giedroyc.


- First of all, Pete Mike, I ain't gonna answer no questions until these ignorant fools in the audience SHUT THE HELL UP. Solid Frehleynatics...Frehley's Comets...damn so-called Steve Frehley supporters think they know who I am but they got it all wrong.


- I think YOU'RE the one who's got it all wrong, joinin' Rich Money and the MCO in such an underhanded fashion.


- Mr. Michaels, the SWF pays you to interview its Superstars, not to editorialize on live television. If you don't have any serious questions to ask the latest member of our prestigious organization, then I suggest you mosey on out of the ring and declare this interview over.


- Very well, Ms. Chase.
(clears his throat)
Well, I guess there's only one thing to ask you right now, Steve, if I can still call you that. Why, Steve, why?


- Why, Steve, why. Why what? I don't like it when people beat 'round the bush, so you gotta be specific.
(in a very dark, intimidating tone)


- Why did you join the Money-Chase Organization and forsake all your loyal Frehleynatics who stood by you against Christian Faith, and cheered you on as you once took it to the streets with the then-Chase Agency?


- What I had with Faith and what I used to have with my new boss, Ms. Chase and what used to be her underperforming Agency is ancient history. You wanna know why I, as these morons say, sold out? Here's why.
When I had that match against Faith at Times of Trouble, I was thinkin' all along that Jack Bruce, the man whom I thought I respected, would bail me out and stop thinkin' of his stupid rock 'n' roll career...you know, be a man and keep his promise. He wasn't.


- Are you sayin' that you were expecting to get help from Jack Bruce to defeat Christian Faith?


- Stop twistin' my words around, Pete Mike, and LET ME FINISH. Truth be told, I didn't need any help, but it's the principle, man! Jack Bruce said he was gonna help me but he wasn't there. Worst of all, he never visited me at the hospital, where I had to stay for observation after that match with Faith. Not a "get well soon" or "sorry I didn't make it" text either, not a phone call, I didn't get jack s--- from Jack Bruce. Oh, he did text me alright, invitin' me to come watch his stupid band play once they'd swing by California. You knew, Jack. You knew I was in the hospital, and you only arrived at the arena a minute too late, so you knew I was hurt.


- So this all boils down to an attempt to spite Jack Bruce?


- We'll get to that later, Pete Mike. But as I was sayin' before you rudely cut me off, I lost my confidence for a while. My mojo, so to say. It was gone. But you know who visited me at the hospital, you know who told me that everythin' was gonna be alright? No, it wasn't Jack Bruce or that Supreme Prude Christian Faith, who's too damn chicken to cash in HIS Nothing to Lose briefcase because he's scared shitless of Remo. You know who it was? Simple. It was Mr. Rich Money and Ms. Emma Chase, Chairman and CEO respectively of the MCO. Of course, I told 'em to get the hell out the moment they visited me.


- But what made you say "yes" in the end? Did you leverage the MCO's offer to regain your confidence?


- I wouldn't call it "leveraging" as much as it was helpin' me get my confidence back after that aborted cash-in attempt and Eric Eisen's ridicule of me for what happened four years ago.
Mr. Money took me aside after that Eisen brat dissed me for havin' lost my mojo...


(butting in)
- I most certainly did, Peter. And that's where you're wrong. Because we are the cool, calculating, and aggressive businesspeople we are, we were the ones who did the leveraging, using the power of Money and Steve's hatred of Jack Bruce to entice him into becoming part of our ranks.


- So you're admitting, Mr. Money, that Steve Frehley sold out to your MCO?




- Alright then, Steve. I ask, you speak.


- Mr. Money and Ms. Chase don't go throwin' around cash to any Joe Sixpack under the sun. They make sure someone is Money before they offer 'em money, and that's what they did to me. They helped me realize that I wasn't gettin' anywhere slappin' hands and kissin' babies and tryin' to be Mr. Popular, y'know, bein' an African-American equivalent to Jack F---in' Bruce. They told me where I failed against Eric Eisen four years ago, and told me to challenge the f---er for his title. Win the match, lose the match, not gonna matter, as long as Eisen's worse for it...you've got the briefcase, Steve, and you're gonna use it when the time is right. And we're gonna make damn sure nobody ever remembers the Alamodome in 2010. That's what they told me. And cash in is what I did last week. I mean, did you see Jack Bruce last Tuesday? F---in' self-proclaimed rock god didn't even put up a fight!


- That's because your new boss and his VILE organization set him up! Now you're the SWF Champion followin' that tainted cash-in. Now Mr. Giedroyc's still got his guaranteed title shot because his match with Jack never happened. You, Steve, didn't work for that SWF Title of yours...you STOLE it from Jack Bruce! I hope you can sleep at night knowin' that you did all that and helped put Jack on the shelf for the next few weeks.


Michaels pauses as the crowd lets out a loud jeer of "YOU SOLD OUT!" to Frehley.


- The fans are damn right to yell that at you, Steve. You sold out.


- How the hell could you call me a motherf---in' sell-out when all I did was realize that I AM Money and only deserve to be part of an organization where everybody is Money? For most of my years in this company, it was all about bein' all smiles and s--- during press conferences. Signin' autographs. Bein' Mr. F---in' Congeniality at the expense of MY CAREER...MY CAREER!!!! All those years of doin' the so-called right thing and gettin' less than what I deserve. Well, THAT ALL ENDED LAST TUESDAY. Steve Frehley no longer cares about these simpleton Frehleynatics of the SWF Galaxy, he no longer cares about how a self-centered rock star feels about what he perceives as a betrayal, he no longer cares about doin' what's right in your black-and-white rulebooks of morality, as long as what he's doin' is Money. All of you...each and every one of you insignificant dots in the SWF Galaxy...all of y'all stupid-ass announcers, ESPECIALLY YOU, Pete Mike...and most of all, Jack Bruce, who finally got what's comin' to him...Y'ALL AIN'T S---!!!!!!


(removing his cowboy hat in anger)
- Stephen J. Frehley...you are DISGUSTING!


Following that comment, Frehley tries to grab Michaels and attack him, but Mr. Giedroyc and Rich Money pull him away, with Mr. Giedroyc telling him Michaels is "not worth it." Money tells Frehley that he should save his rage for later on tonight, when the two of them and Jay Chord face The Hollyweird Rejects (except Koshiro Ino) in a six-man tag team match.


Koshiro Ino (w/Aaron Andrews) vs Findlay O'Farraday (w/Emma Chase)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f295859f-b4c3-425d-8494-c5d8313000a7_zpsf9ec99bc.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1440ec4e-27af-4c12-9536-ede6f5ca9034_zps9b041649.jpg




  • This match mainly came about due to Findlay O'Farraday and Koshiro Ino eliminating each other at the number one contender battle royal for the North American title on the last Uprising, and Peter Michaels hypes this match up as a "battle of hosses" - the muscular, hard-hitting puroresu expert Ino versus the tough Georgia brawler O'Farraday.
  • Try as Ino may to get an early advantage, O'Farraday neutralizes Ino with his hard slaps and clotheslines, and tries slowing him down with a plethora of rest holds.
  • Ino gets going at the 2:20 mark, dodging an O'Farraday clothesline and using his strength to hit a Samoan Drop on the big rookie.
  • While Ino seems to be close to winning, following an Ino-Plex on O'Farraday at 3:50, he gets thrown off by Emma Chase and her Dollar Sign Distractions - yes, she's still opening that blazer of hers to distract opponents, and it seems to work, as it helps O'Farraday get back on the offensive.
  • O'Farraday goes for the Atomic Spinebuster at 5:20, taking advantage of his momentum, but surprisingly, Ino kicks out of the brutal move! Aaron Andrews is at ringside, vigorously cheering his tag teammate on, and willing Ino as he tries to get his strength back...
  • Once again, O'Farraday tries to take Ino out, going for a powerbomb at 6:30, but Ino surprisingly slips out of the move, and uses his waning reserves of strength to hit the Kobra's Bite! Ric Young counts one, two, three, and it's over - a tough win for Koshiro Ino, with Findlay O'Farraday still looking good as he controlled most of the match.



- Ino in 6:51


- WHAT A FINISH BY KOSHIRO INO!!!!! That man is AMAZING! Snatchin' victory from the jaws of defeat with that REMARKABLE Kobra's Bite on big, bad Findlay O'Farraday!


A. Garcia
- O'Farraday came to the SWF with huge promise as the third-placer on the first season of High Stakes, and he's still got lots of time to live up to it. But he has obviously underestimated Koshiro Ino, who remains undefeated in singles action here in Supreme!


J. Eisen
- I see great things for the Kobra, Koshiro Ino, may it be in singles action, or with Aaron Andrews as the East-West Connection. As for Findlay? The MCO's Big Insurance should definitely not be taken lightly, even with that loss.


(ANGLE) Mr. Giedroyc Psyches Up Chord and Frehley






It goes without saying that Jack "Mr." Giedroyc is a different kind of King of Supreme. Instead of walking around in a king's robe and ordering people around, he does all this wearing a three-piece suit and, in this case, acting as the MCO's Managing Supervisor by giving words of encouragement to SWF Champion Steve Frehley and "Mad at My Dad" Jay Chord.


Mr. Giedroyc
- That was a brilliant interview you had back there, Steve. But the time to talk is over. It's time to show those Hollyweird Rejects who's Money here in the SWF.


- You don't need ta' worry 'bout a thing, Mr. Giedroyc. We got this.


- I was wrong about you, Steve. All of us were.
(puts his arm around Frehley and breaks out into laughter)
With your Frehley's Comet, our Chairman's arsenal of Money moves, and my status as THE most talented wrestler in the Chord family, there's no way those Rejects can get past us.


Mr. Giedroyc
- That's tellin' 'em, Jay! Just take it easy on the ref this time around, okay?
(winks his eye)


- I can't promise, Mr. Giedroyc, but you know I'll try.


(ANGLE) DuBois Attempts to Join the Klubb






On a much less serious note, The Klubb is backstage, with all three members munching on pizza, drinking beers, and watching what appears to be some adult entertainment. P-Hunt can be heard dropping Sasha Grey's name, while Eric Eisen is bragging that "John Holmes has nothin' on our Klubbwursts" - nothing subtle about that one.


Unfortunately for the laddish men of the Klubb, their little "puppy show" has been interrupted by the Maniac, Marc DuBois. Or, as he now calls himself, Marc Superman DuBois.




E. Eisen
- Whaddaya want, DuBois?


- Can't you see we're busy watchin' this fine, fine entertainment here?


- Fraternity boys...oh, I know your type. You're the very reason I decided not to go to college! But if you'd only hear me out, dear members of Alpha Beta Krappa, Marc Superman DuBois has an offer to make...


E. Eisen
- Whatever it is, Marky, we're not interested.


- You do not talk to the Klubb at this time of the evening. Because that's when the Klubb starts livin' it. No match tonight? No problem. That only means it's time for us to retreat to the Klubbhouse...eat some pizza...drink some beers...and watch ourselves a puppy show or two. Man, this is sooooo much better than Westminster, isn't that right, Double E?


E. Eisen
- Damn right it is, Paulie!
(to Enforcer Allen)
Hey Allen! Toss me another beer, will 'ya? The final four puppies...are gettin' ready for their big showdown in front of the judges.
(winks his eye)




E. Eisen
(ignoring DuBois)
- Allen! There seems to be somethin' wrong with the Blu-ray player. It's kinda making a lot of noise...and smellin' like your average University of Colorado student's dorm room.


(in a very rare speaking role, as he moves towards the Blu-ray player)
- Got it, Double E.


- You people are really makin' me CRAZY!!!!!! Now I don't care if you're gonna keep ignorin' me or not, but if you overgrown frat boys need a certified superhero, y'know, the type that's dark and gritty and s---, someone more realistic than Captain Atomic and Lobster Warrior, perhaps you may wanna consider lettin' me into your Klubb. I mean, you hate Atomic. Eric, you hate Lobby in particular because he forced your old Enforcer into retirement.


E. Eisen
- Yeah? But I got someone bigger, stronger, younger, and BETTER. Isn't that right, Allen?


- Eric! Why are you talkin' to the cray-cray dude? Aren't we supposed to be, like, ignoring him?


- Well, you're NOT! You're listenin' to what this ostensibly deranged individual is sayin'! And he is tellin' you...DEMANDING you...to give him a chance to join the Klubb! I've had it with Joe Sexy and his ineptitude...how he's only good for givin' our Louise the time of her life, but totally useless in the ring. I've had it with bein' used by people like Joe's fellow old fart Christian Faith. The Klubb? Eric, I know you're no spring chicken, but you sure act like a kid.


- The nerve of you, DuBois, to talk to the Son of the Boss like that!


- But you get my drift, right? You're young enough, you're promising, and you hate the cartoon elements of this business JUST AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!! And if you need somebody else to act wild and crazy, just as long as he's bein' his dark and gritty self? YOU GOT YOUR MAN RIGHT HERE!!!!! SO PICK ME...PICK ME TO JOIN YOUR KLUBB...and I promise you, you won't ever regret it...


- Cool story, Marky...but I'm sorry. The Klubb is INVITE-ONLY. So run along now, go lose some more tag team matches with the Sexyman, and PLEASE...let us finish watchin' the puppy show.


Enraged by the Klubb's dismissive treatment, DuBois removes the Blu-ray disc from the player and flings it to the wall like a Frisbee. Enforcer Allen edges towards DuBois, as if he's planning to beat the crap out of him, but Eric Eisen holds up his hands and tells his bodyguard to back off.


E. Eisen
- Geez, Marc, you didn't have to do all that, y'know? You wanna join our Klubb, you gotta go through a bit of hazing. You did compare us to a fraternity, after all. And you gotta prove to us that all that bitchin' and whinin' of yours about Joe Sexy is more than just sour graping over your complete failure in the tag division.


- But...invite-only!


E. Eisen
(as DuBois walks away with the broken pieces of the "puppy show" disc)
- Let's see, Paulie. He's got a similar mindset, we'll give him that...even if he is, as he refuses to admit, nuttier than a fruitcake...


Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Vengeance


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/98828076-610d-4563-b5f2-8c44d6625b8c_zps2a7778a7.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c8d2ed5a-db2f-4362-a3fc-9c4fdf98ae7c_zps3b0d0bec.jpg




  • Due to his reduced schedule, Vengeance is usually trotted out once or twice a month on Supreme TV, with JTTS guys his usual opponents. This time, though, is different, as the Honorable One, Valiant, tries to erase the stigma of being the man to submit to Christian Faith's Test of Faith at Master of Puppets.
  • Vengeance gets the early advantage, standing out with a flying lariat (the Reaper Leaper) on Valiant at 1:50, and a seldom-seen second-rope leg drop.
  • After Vengeance misses on a second Reaper Leaper attempt, Valiant uses that as his cue to make his first comeback, hitting a running bulldog on the Father of Sin at 3:30.
  • The match pushes forward with more twists and turns and a lot of open wrestling, though there is a noticeable lack of selling as the match hits its midway mark.
  • Valiant gets the crowd popped with a Patriot Missile on Vengeance at 7:20, and while he's quick to go for the cover, referee Shane Stones stops counting at two due to the sudden appearance of The New Darkness Warriors.
  • Vengeance sits up immediately and tells the NDW's to hit the showers, as their presence isn't needed for this match. He then regains control, picking up Valiant and dropping him with a fallaway slam.
  • Valiant makes his second big comeback at the 10-minute mark, countering a Six Feet Under attempt and landing a big boot on Vengeance. This sets up a simple, yet effective flurry of punches and elbows, and a hard short-arm clothesline that just might lead to the V-Split...
  • There's no V-Split for Valiant, though, as Christian Faith arrives to distract the Honorable One. Faith, whom Stones somehow doesn't notice, is criticizing Jessie for her rather cleavage-revealing outfit, and that's enough to throw Valiant off and allow Vengeance to go for a Skull Krusher, pulling off the win in the end.



- Vengeance in 12:58


- No, I do not think that's how Vengeance wanted to win it. I understand he may want to form some sort of alliance with his onetime bitter rival Christian Faith, now that Faith's a Bitter Veteran and a Pernicious Prude, but Vengeance has always taken pride in doin' things and dominating matches by himself!


A. Garcia
- Is that why he hasn't had much use for The New Darkness Warriors since Master of Puppets?


- I think there's more to it than that. If you remember, Faith was asking Vengeance about certain things that had to be done in order for him to accept his offer...and I think Faith doesn't see any use for The New Darkness Warriors.


J. Eisen
- Agree with you there, Peter. The NDW's have slowly jelled as a team since Vengeance recruited them as his acolytes, but these are comparatively young men. Christian Faith HATES anything remotely related to the youth of the SWF Galaxy, and that includes guys like John and Robert Darkness.


A. Garcia
- Then again, you also heard Vengeance tell Faith to repent for his sins so they can continue talking business. Still, I see that Vengeance has more to gain with Christian Faith on his side, NDW's or no NDW's. Can't go wrong with all those years of experience, and all those titles and victories among those two.


Aaron Andrews, Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Jay Chord, Rich Money and Steve Frehley (w/Emma Chase and Mr. Giedroyc)

[six-Man Tag Team Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c73fffef-55b7-479c-a9cf-d40121b26a68_zps26d4bac7.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1ba78385-a123-444b-898b-ba43c87ccf54_zpsfbf4b673.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8691d2e4-de1e-4afe-b804-fb231fdfe893_zps97800d36.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6a98d800-6998-4b39-83c3-e328d3cefd2c_zps2aca6443.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c5509867-cc56-40cd-8ddc-7d499b0129f1_zps52ba1908.jpg




  • It does appear that The Hollyweird Rejects and The Money-Chase Organization are headed for some sort of collision, possibly some special match at Supreme Challenge 34, though that isn't clear yet as Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord start out, reprising their TCW International feud in their new place of employment.
  • While Chord and Andrews get some modest applause for their skillful and open display, it's Steve Frehley's entry at 1:20 that's really got the crowd booing. Frehley tells the crowd to shut up as they barrage him with shouts of "YOU SOLD OUT!", but that works against him as Joey Minnesota sneaks up for a belly-to-back suplex.
  • Frehley gets out of his bind thanks to Rich Money's illegal interference, and while Money is quickly asked to go back to his corner, that's enough for Frehley to take advantage of Minnesota's wooziness and spear him to the mat.
  • At the four-minute mark, Rich Money and Drew Hawkins are representing the MCO and the Rejects respectively, though Hawkins seems to be a bit too excited to end things early, hitting Money with the Full Moon Rising and going for the cover. Money, of course, kicks out easily.
  • The match is still open at the seventh minute, as Chord and Frehley have Andrews isolated in the corner, with the Dark Destroyer blasting the Ace's midsection with repeated kicks. Minnesota tries stepping in to even things up, but Ric Young asks him to go back to the babyface corner.
  • At the tenth minute, Andrews counters a Jay Chord DDT and attacks Mr. Mad at My Dad with a sleeper hold neckbreaker, helping set up what could be a hot tag situation.
  • Hawkins and Money get the hot tags, and once again we see both main eventers whaling away on each other. Following a snap backbreaker on Money, Hawkins climbs the top rope for what could be a cross-body press, but Mr. Giedroyc shakes the ropes, dropping Hawkins and giving control back to the MCO.
  • Though the MCO tries their best to isolate Hawkins, he somehow is able to tag Joey Minnesota in for a second hot tag in this match, and he's able to get his finisher in at the 16:30 mark, blasting Frehley with the Empire Spiral. Minnesota tries to follow up with the Minnesota Salute, but alas, all three MCO members are in the ring, with Ms. Chase flashing Ric Young with the Dollar Signs.
  • Young is oblivious to the carnage, trying to look away from Chase, but we're seeing the MCO men beat down on J-Minny, and Aaron Andrews and Drew Hawkins running in to make it all six men plus Mr. Giedroyc in the ring and a possible schmozz finish. By this point, Frehley has recovered and is leading the MCO in assaulting The Hollyweird Rejects, but...




  • It's Jack Bruce to the rescue, hitting the ring just as Young realizes the match is out of control and calls for a double DQ! Bruce relentlessly hammers away on Frehley, and alternates blows at Money, Chord, and Mr. Giedroyc as Young haplessly tries to get both sides to break things up.
  • Soon, we've got Koshiro Ino and Findlay O'Farraday in there, and more referees and road agents AND Mr. Bowen himself also arrive, making this probably the most chaotic show-ending schmozz we've seen in a while.



- Nobody. Double disqualification at 17:59.




A. Garcia
- And will you look at all that chaos in the ring! Even Mr. Bowen himself has made his presence felt here, as both the Hollyweird Rejects and the MCO brawl away.


J. Eisen
- Defying doctors' orders, going above and beyond the call of duty, that's the Jack Bruce we know and love! And we hope to see him back to 100 percent when he faces Steve Frehley for the SWF Title at Supreme Challenge 34!


A. Garcia
- I'm not sure about that, Jerry - after all, no match has been confirmed yet, and who knows if the new, and not-improved Steve Frehley will have reservations about fighting Jack Bruce?


- Being Money also means being a man of excuses, and I won't be surprised if Rich Money's questionable moral standards and cowardice in the guise of business jargon will soon be rubbin' off on Steve Frehley.


J. Eisen
- Got that right, Peter! And I also must add that there is no love lost between The Hollyweird Rejects and the organization that once tried to hire them for their own evil purposes, the MCO.


- Yes indeed, Jerry, but we'll just have to wait till the next Supreme TV before we find out what's next between those two factions. For Jerry Eisen and Ana Garcia, this has been the Dean, Peter Michaels. Class is dismissed, so drive safely if you're out here in Laramie, and wherever you are, hope y'all have yourselves a good one!



SWF Supreme TV Overall Grade -

TCW Total Wrestling Overall Grade -

Increased Popularity in 3 Regions

SWF Supreme TV Rating - 16.04


Trending on Twitter - #JackBruce #SteveFrehley #WhySteveWhy #AngryGilmore #Remo #BarryBowen #MarcDuBois #ThreeLevelsOfInferno #ChampionVsVengeance #SummerOfBumf
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"Do the Right Thing, Son"


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Arena-Auditorium, Laramee, Wyo.

11:10 p.m.




"Uh...okay." Eric Eisen didn't sound the least bit remorseful as I finally decided to confront him on his shoot comments at the birthday roast.


"I hope you heard me the first time, Eric, because I'm not f---ing around. The shit you pulled at your birthday party wasn't cool at all."




"And if you try that stuff again, there's gonna be trouble."




Aaron Andrews, new as he was in the SWF, was looking at me as if he was one of bully Eugene Hellstrom's associates in SWF Studios' Under My Thumb, and I was Jay Chord's character Brian Cardinal.


"Are you, like...practicing your promos?", sneered Aaron, exchanging high-fives with his fellow Hollyweird Reject Joey Minnesota. Joey was friends with the Eisens since childhood, Aaron was one of Joey's best friends in TCW, so it was no surprise he was part of the Klubb. And he was really pissing me off now.


"I'm not talking to you, Aaron. I'm talking to Eric."


"I know."


With that wisecrack, Eric Eisen stepped forward and tried to make peace...sort of. "Look, Nicky, what I said at my birthday...I was just messin' with you and Emma. And if you think I meant it, dude, you had better get your head checked. This is professional wrestling, not kindergarten class. Wrestlers bust wrestlers' balls, you know, pull ribs, but it's nothing we really mean at the end of the day."


"You know what happened to Emma? She cried, man. She didn't appreciate your slut-shaming tactics, Eric, and you know it."


That was Jerry Eisen's cue to step in and show his schadenfreude, months after Emma put him in the friendzone for the last time.




"Nicky, when are you gonna wake the f--- up. That woman has sampled every cock there is to sample. Her kid is 18 years old, man. EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD, and how old are you? 29? 30? You think that Jack Chase is goin' to respect a potential stepfather who's just little more than a decade older than he is? Hope you don't take it the wrong way, Nicky. I'm just looking out for you. And Eric? Just as he said, he was just bustin' your balls."


"Well, it sure didn't seem that way."


"I know what you're thinking, Nicky," Eric continued. "I know you wanna kick my ass and beat the hell outta me right here in this very locker room. But where's it gonna get you? What are the smarks gonna say? They're gonna be like, 'Oh, Nicky Champion's in trouble again. And he isn't justifyin' his paycheck.' Besides, I don't wanna fight you. Trust me on this, bud. I don't mean you any harm."


It wasn't an apology and it sure as hell wasn't sincere. As soon as Eric said those words, I gave him a hard push, which the guy naturally oversold as he dropped to the ground and tried lunging at me the moment he got up. The Klubb was trying to hold him back, and I was sure that they, despite their reputation, were going to convince him not to fight back just yet, but for now, I was happy. I was finally letting Eric and Jerry know that I meant business. And just to be sure they weren't planning anything crazy, I made sure to give Christian Faith the heads-up before we headed off to the bars.


"Hey, Christian. Eric was giving me lip again when I confronted him about the birthday roast incident. If you catch his boy Stan trying to make me look bad in my promos and my matches, you know, trying to bury me, you know what to do."




Christian Faith, a man whose mere presence commanded the utmost of respect, smiled faintly and gave me a firm pat on the back.


"You did the right thing, son."

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OOC - Messed things up a bit with the Week 4 June agenda - realized shoot interviews are usually published on PWH on Sundays, so you'll be seeing Uprising first, then the Faith interview.


Meanwhile, let's get behind the scenes once again, as we find out who's gotten busted for prohibited substances! :D


"All in a Day's Work - The High Stakes Sophomore Jinx"


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Compton Arena, Medford, Ore.

5:30 p.m.




"God, Duane, what is it with those LOSERS you recruited for this season?" Richard Eisen was on the phone, calling Duane Fry just before Uprising taping began. It was 5:30 p.m., thirty minutes after the usual quitting time, but that was still way too early for Rick Eisen to call it a day. And since Uprising/High Stakes shooting usually kicked off at 6, he took this opportunity to ring Duane Fry and remind him about his failures as head researcher.


"I dunno, Rick," replied Duane. "It's gonna be hard to top the first season. That season had Matt Keith, Findlay O'Farraday, the cream of the crop of the indies."


"But you've got Hell's Bouncer this season. Why is Henry wrestling so tentatively? He's a f---in' veteran, Duane! Maybe it's something Christian isn't quite doing in the locker room as head booker?"


"You'll have to understand, Rick, Peter's absolutely given up as our talent relations man. He was demoralized when you decided to can him from ALL his positions except lead announcer."


"Well, this is a tough business. Tell me something, though. Why does Anders Thunder keep on losing?"


"Because HE'S NOT READY." Duane was in no mood to be anyone's yes man, and with that in mind, he was really taking it to the big boss.


"F--- that. It always looks bad when an Adonis like Andy 'Thunder' Erlandsson loses to jabronis like Nemesis' brat. And tell me this, too. Where were you, and where was Christian when Ash was getting baked on Colorado's finest? And are you really sure Andy was positive for PEDs?"


"Rick, it's not my job to babysit. We're dealing with adults here. All of us are adults, and if they f--- up, they've gotta take accountability. Furthermore, Rick, you knew Andy had a thing for getting 'roided up, didn't you?"


Rick Eisen knew what Duane Fry was telling him was true, so he changed course on the SWF's premiere non-wrestling heel and decided to cut to the chase and blame him for High Stakes' seeming sophomore jinx. "You know what your problem is, Duane? You f---ed up with your choices for the second season of High Stakes. You got a pothead in Nemesis' punk kid. You've got an unpredictable thug in that Velasquez guy. Fro Sure's a rapper, not a wrestler. Kelly is not an adequate replacement for KC Glenn. And who knows if Grape Soda Guy speaks English or not?"


"He does, Rick. Just watch Uprising tomorrow and you'll see him promo in English. Besides, didn't you already speak to him when he signed with the SWF?"


Rick sighed and lit up a cigarette in his office, making it somewhere between his 30th to 40th stick of the day. "Guess we've got to make do with what we have and hope for the best in the third season. Who have you got in your radar?"


Duane paused for a moment and brought up some names he had suggested before, only to get shut down by the boss. "Well, there's Kirk Jameson from FCW. You've hated my idea to turn Tennessee William from NYCW into an emo crybaby, but I'm stickin' with it. EMOrej, or Jerome in reverse, would be a perfect mopey heel. Of course, we'll have KC ready for the third season. Got some feelers from Canada about some guy named Aidan Parrant or something. Pretty obscure guy, but my sources say he's a puro guy. And there's THE ARCHITECT."




"THE ARCHITECT! You may remember him as one of the Wright Brotherz who jobbed several Uprisings ago, but I want him signed to a written deal, if it's alright with you. That guy is a total character, Rick. He's got shitloads of tattoos and plays this off-the-wall egomaniac who loves speaking in the third person."


"Like Nicky Champion?"


"Yes, but BETTER! Nicky speaks in the third person because, you know, that's his way of showin' swagger. THE ARCHITECT speaks in the third person, thinks he's a main event player even if he's booked as a lowly jobber, loves inserting his ring name into things, you know, like Archgelina instead of Brangelina, Architect Bowl XLVII featuring the Baltimore Architects and the Denver Architects with their star quarterback Architect Manning..."


"Okay! I get it, Duane!", said an unimpressed-sounding Rick Eisen. "The guy thinks highly of himself and loves putting himself in the center of everything. Can he wrestle?"


"Absolutely. His finishing move, The BLUEPRINT, may not be the Proton Lock, but he can realistically make bigger men tap out of it."


"How old?"


"21 or 22."


"Height? Weight?"


"Small guy, 'bout six feet flat and 210 pounds."


"Meh. Forget it, Duane, this is almost as bad as that nonsense about turnin' Tennessee William into some emotional rocker kid. Or turning Nemesis' stoner son into a hippie." Of course, Rick meant to say "hipster."


"You don't know the rest of the story, Rick!"


Rick sat in his office, lit up another cig with the old one, and pressed Duane for a reply. "What is this 'rest of the story', pray tell?"


"He's from MAW."


Richard Eisen let out a gruff smoker's cough as he hyuk-hyuk-hyuked on the phone, undoubtedly glad that he was getting another chance to rub salt in Sam Keith's wounds.


"F--- yeah, Duane. Now you're talking."

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SWF Uprising

Compton Center (Oregon, Northwest)

Thursday, June 26, 2014



Marvin Earnest, Samuel Curran, and Swoop McCarthy (Melanie Florence, Earnest, and Curran for High Stakes matches)




(VIDEO) Supreme Rewind - Frehley Sold Out, Massive Show-Ending Schmozz, Etc. (87/B+)


The final Supreme Rewind of June focuses on one man, SWF Champion Steve Frehley, and the dastardly steps he took as he became the new "face of the SWF" and the newest member of The Money-Chase Organization. We see clips of his interview with Peter Michaels and how he justified his decision to join the MCO by citing his rage against Jack Bruce for not helping him at Times of Trouble against Christian Faith, and his realization that he is indeed "Money." Also included here are scenes from the show-ending pull-apart brawl between the MCO and The Hollyweird Rejects, Angry Gilmore banned from using the Fear of Gilmore (Gogoplata), Duane Fry warning Gilmore that he should have a "Plan B" against World champ Remo, and Vengeance and Nicky Champion agreeing to a Three Levels of Inferno match at Supreme Challenge 34.


(ANGLE) Hill Wins Mentor's Poll (17/E-)


The results of High Stakes Season 2's first Mentor's Poll for the season are in, and Peter Michaels is in the ring to announce them:


1. Henry Hill

2. Carl Ashley

3. Rudy Velasquez

4. Adam Giedroyc

5. Surfer Nando

6. Fro Sure

7. Kelly Williams

8. Andy Erlandsson


With the results announced, Michaels says that the bottom three for tonight (Fro Sure, Williams, Erlandsson) will meet their fates later on in the evening, with one or two of them facing possible elimination, based on mentor's votes and SWF App votes alike. Michaels then asks the mentors to give a few quick comments on how their charges have done so far, and they are as follows:


- That's real good, Henry. Stay away from the bars and be accountable should you give in to temptation.




- Stay Snappeh, Rudy!


Mr. Giedroyc
- Nowhere to go but up, dear brother. Hope that little organizational tour with the CEO was of help.


- Hang ten, Surfer Nando, and hold your head high. You've proven that it's more than just the W-L record, dude.


- You're lucky, Uncle Tom, that they didn't rank you at the bottom, for y'all ain't s---.





- Henry Hill. Hill gets three immunity points.


(ANGLE) Fry and Big Smack Scott Rant About Erlandsson (76/B-)




Instead of giving a one- or two-liner with comments about the man he's substitute-mentoring, Duane Fry instead redirects Andy Erlandsson to a video package recorded by Big Smack Scott, whose real- and reel-life suspension is due to expire next week.


Big Smack Scott


- Duane, I think we've heard enough from the Smacker...
(as Michaels speaks, Scott continues his unintelligible, mush-mouthed rant)


- Stop ruinin' the moment, Peter, and let my client, and Andy Erlandsson's real mentor finish speakin'!


Big Smack Scott
(out alive)


Andy Erlandsson (w/Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Mr. Giedroyc and Emma Chase) (9/F)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9a56294a-c850-4a9a-ab5f-684e8b6a3236_zpsf3069126.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/86ca73e7-8e67-44c0-b184-ab6dce1c56da_zps912fada9.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Adam Giedroyc defeated Andy Erlandsson
in 2:51 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault after a distraction from Emma Chase.


- You can't be serious about this, Melanie. You mean to tell me you and Peter allowed Emma Chase to act as a second mentor to both Adam Giedroyc and Fro Sure?


- It was either that or they'd withdraw their rookies from the competition.


- Not that I'm complainin' personally, because those Dollar Signs do distract a man like me, but I think you should have stood your ground against the MCO!


- We tried to, but since Adam Giedroyc and Fro Sure are both upstanding citi...


- What do you mean upstanding? Adam Giedroyc and his brother, MCO Managing Supervisor Mr. Giedroyc are adding insult to injury and beating down on Andy Erlandsson! And neither Duane Fry nor Kurt Laramee is helping!


(ANGLE) Adam and Mr. Giedroyc Beat Down on Erlandsson, Fro Sure Save Erlandsson (73/B-)


It is what it is, as the two Giedroyc brothers, including Adam, who hadn't shown much heelish tendencies prior to tonight, assault Andy Erlandsson as Duane Fry and Kurt Laramee look on with vapid expressions on their faces. Mr. Giedroyc is all set to come Crashing On the Swedish Strongman when Fro Sure runs in, hoping to clean house on the Giedroycs! This prompts Erlandsson to try launching a "babyface comeback", and as Fro Sure lands a Sure Thing on Adam, Erlandsson grabs Mr. Giedroyc and squeezes him with the Gothenbearhug. As Erlandsson is becoming a High Stakes cult favorite, the fans reward him with hockey cheers of "ANDERS THUNDER! (CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP)."


Surfer Nando (w/Jimmy Prudence) vs Kelly Williams (w/Des Davids)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/230b1a39-a964-48fe-a5d6-ccd9fd52b2b8_zps6a730378.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ac7d4418-8cb8-41e3-999c-168bb38f2557_zps0033a0e9.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Surfer Nando defeated Kelly Williams
in 4:42 by pinfall with a Grape Press. (Following his victory, Nando poses on each of the four turnbuckles, with Jimmy Prudence cheering him on as he yells his catchphrase "GRAPE SODAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!")


- The losing streak has been broken for Surfer Nando, who hadn't had much luck in previous weeks despite wowing us with his skills as a luchador.


- Later on tonight we shall see if he can also wow us with his promo skills, but answer me this, Mel...as far as you know, does Nando speak any English other than the words "grape soda"?


- We'll find out later, though we do have a Spanish translator on hand, should one be necessary...


Henry Hill (w/Squeeky McClean) vs Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley and Emma Chase) (41/D)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d4ed2173-3166-4bfd-8719-b3a9724db698_zps890ad15e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/765be4bb-5914-45f8-914d-ae1d9568f07a_zpsaa5c9628.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Henry Hill defeated Fro Sure
in 6:26 by pinfall with a Damnation Drop following interference from Squeeky McClean.


- Damn, that Henry Hill is a MONSTER out there! Emma Chase already gave him THE Dollar Sign Distraction, but he shook it off just like that! Must be a testament to the rigid discipline implemented by his mentor, Squeeky McClean.


- Though Squeeky being Squeeky, he did play a large part in his client's victory, tripping Fro Sure and helping set him up for the Damnation Drop, as Henry Hill calls it.


- And as it all happened, we saw Steve Frehley show that he does care for his rookie, as he sent the Squeekster running back to the locker room with his tail between his legs! But then again, it's hard to say he's motivated by something other than the money he earns as an MCO member. Once again, I repeat that very same question the SWF Galaxy's been asking since last week's Supreme TV - Why, Steve, Why.


(HIGH STAKES CHALLENGE) Promo Challenge (42/D, 33/E+)


Though this season's High Stakes rookies don't have the luster of their first-season predecessors, Peter Michaels puts over the belief that this season's cast has better mic men. He then explains the mechanics of this challenge, which are pretty cut-and-dry - each rookie will cut a promo for one minute each, about any random topic under the sun. Michaels also says that the promos should be in English, but if they aren't fluent enough, a Spanish translator is available to relay their message accordingly.


Each of the mentors (except the rookie's own mentor) would then grade the rookies on a scale of 0 to 10. Winner of the challenge gets two immunity points, and as an aside, the rookie with the most immunity points by the eleventh week of competition gets a guaranteed SWF contract, regardless if he's second season champion or not.


The results of the challenge, with an accompanying description of the promos:


1. Fro Sure (66/70) - Fro Sure earns Steve Frehley and Emma Chase's ire by talking about integrity, and while he doesn't drop Frehley's name in the promo, it's clear that he's the one being referred to, as someone who compromised his values, all for the almighty dollar, and also because he was upset at someone he shouldn't been relying on for help anyway.


2. Surfer Nando (61/70) - After surprising everyone by saying he doesn't need a Spanish translator, Surfer Nando says, in fluent English, that his topic is entertainment. He hypes himself up as somebody whom "kids of all ages" can relate to, and a flashy performer who knows how to make his athletic moves tell a story, then closes the promo by inviting the SWF Galaxy to "have a grape soda on me," because he's here to stay on High Stakes.


3. Kelly Williams (53/70) - CZCW's California Love Machine is also quite a good mic man, and he chooses identity as his topic. He uses his one minute to say that he would like to be known going forward as "Kelly Love", because he's "a guy named Kelly who loves them foxy ladies" and likes to kick it up another notch in the ring like his "mentor and idol, Des Davids."


4. Carl Ashley (51/70) - Ashley's topic is trends, and how people tend to "use, overuse, and abuse" them to the point that they get "played out." In specific, he talks about indie rock, zombies, and Dr. Who, and how those "trendy normies took away our lo-fi indie music, our undead beings, and our Who." He also tries to start on superheroes, but he's informed that his minute is up and he's only limited to one topic.


5. Adam Giedroyc (49/70) - In line with the confirmation that he's a heel like his brother, Adam Giedroyc talks about rap music (Fro Sure's genre) and how retarded it is, with people who "can't sing for shite, so they just talk, man, they just talk." Fro Sure has to be restrained from attacking Giedroyc as he cuts his promo.


6. Andy Erlandsson (47/70) - Erlandsson is the only entrant who talks about a specific person, and his topic is Big Smack Scott. In a surprisingly good promo, he says that "Smack Scott disappoint me, all along I thought he's like Sam Strong," but that he's determined to make Scott proud of him when he returns to action next week.


7. Henry Hill (33/70) - Hill talks about discipline, and how it's important to anyone who wants to win High Stakes, but he speaks with a bad lisp and a general lack of emotion, with little eye contact with the crowd.


8. Rudy Velasquez (X/70) - Velasquez doesn't get a grade because he cut his promo (about "chicas," or women) entirely in Spanish, despite obviously being fluent in English. He reacts with an ornery "
I don't need no
!" directed at Peter Michaels.



- Fro Sure. Fro Sure gets two immunity points.


Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic) vs Rudy Velasquez (w/Lobster Warrior) (34/E+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/35857b84-a0a3-49ec-8021-6d725775c670_zpsb550cb50.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12417361-2207-4309-b357-5aa6819ad8ad_zps78bf6b5e.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Rudy Velasquez defeated Carl Ashley
in 7:27 by pinfall with a Street Cutter. (Velasquez sets his finisher up with a big boot to the groin area and Lobby, who is busy taking a phone call from someone, doesn't do a thing to stop his rookie, though it also helps that referee Darren Smith's back is turned.)


- I would assume that that isn't a call from, or to Mother. Lobster Warrior is STILL on his mobile, and he appears to be screaming at the person on the other end of the line!


- Lobby completely overlooked the fact that Rudy Velasquez cheated to win, and you know nobody from the Champions of Honor would stand for that! Still, I wonder whom he was arguing with to make him ignore what was going on in that match.


- Meanwhile, Captain Atomic seems livid, and there he is, chasing after Lobby and tryin' to get some answers out of him! From what I understand, those two are gonna be teaming with High Stakes Season 1 champ Matthew Keith later on tonight in a six-man tag against Klubb men Eric Eisen and P-Hunt and Marc DuBois...


- This might not bode well for those guys' chances later on tonight...Lobby, Keith, and Atomic, that is.


(ANGLE) Lobby and Atomic Argue (69/C+


Indeed, tonight's Uprising will be headlined by a special six-man tag that may serve as part of Marc DuBois' Klubb initiation, and it looks like Captain Atomic and Lobby, who are teaming up with Matt Keith, have some beef with each other!




- Look, Cap, I'm sorry...it's just that...Mrs. Lobby wasn't bein' very SNAPPEH with me earlier.




- Yes, Cap, that was my wife on the phone, but trust me. I'll deal with Rudy myself. Tonight, we've gotta focus on DROWNING The Klubb and makin' them go Glubb, so let's move on, alright? Let's get along swimmingly and forget about it...




(raising his voice)
- Oh, so you're tryin' to swim away because you tagged, oh, I dunno, once or twice with your fellow raving lunatic? C'mon, Cap! I did represent Hero Squad several times back when the former Jungle Lord was hurt! Don't you remember?
(pauses for a few seconds)
I'm sorry, Cap. It's just that...I'm under a lot of stress right now. Waters are choppy between me and the Missus...


With a loud "YAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!", Captain Atomic walks away, leaving Lobby by himself, brooding over what now appears to have been a fight with his wife.


(HIGH STAKES ELIMINATION) Williams Eliminated from High Stakes (70/C+)


Peter Michaels asks Andy Erlandson, Kelly Love (formerly Williams) and Fro Sure to enter the ring, as he prepares to announce the results of the mentor's votes, as well as the SWF Galaxy's votes via the App. He first calls on Fro Sure, whom he says is doing a creditable job of hanging tough despite his mentor Steve Frehley's change in demeanor. He praises Fro Sure for his promo skills, and says that he'll just need to work on maintaining his focus in the ring going forward. That said, Michaels says the mentors and the fans (93 percent Yes) have voted to keep Fro Sure around.


With Fro Sure safe, Michaels then turns to Love, whom he considers tentative in the ring, and definitely not as amped as the man whom he calls his "idol," Des Davids. He adds that while Love has some definite mic skills, he doesn't seem confident enough in the ring, and that all his bravado as of late may merely be a front. With a fan vote of 44 percent Yes and a negative mentor vote,
Kelly Love (ne. Williams, a.k.a. California Love Machine) is the first man eliminated from the second season of High Stakes.
Michaels, however, can't quite move on yet to Andy Erlandsson, as Love appears to be sobbing hysterically and screaming "I THOUGHT I CAN DO THIS, MAN! I AM SO SORRY, DES, SO SORRY!" and making a total scene.


After Davids escorts his hysterical rookie back to the locker room, Erlandsson's fate is decided, and Michaels says that he's "quite a specimen", and somebody to look out for in physical challenges, but someone who's as raw as sushi in every other aspect of the sport. Sandwiching the bad in between the good, Michaels adds that the Swedish Strongman does have strong fighting spirit going for him. Only two out of seven mentors voted to keep Erlandsson around, but the fan vote is overwhelming - 96 percent Yes - and the man they sometimes call "Anders Thunder" will be returning to High Stakes next week.




- Poor Kelly Williams, er...Kelly Love. You can clearly see the kid was trying, but that 0-4 record, a perceived lack of confidence, and a lack of fan and mentor support had doomed him. But with High Stakes done for the evening, we're now on to the Uprising proper here in the Compton Center in Medford, Oregon! I'm Marvin Earnest, still joined by Sammy Curran, plus our resident video game geek, Mr. Swoop McCarthy!


- Or Snape McCartney as Uprising GM Eric Tyler keeps callin' me. G'eve, SWF Galaxy, and welcome to the Uprising Proper! We've got some great matches in store for you tonight, including a six-man tag match pitting US champ Eric Eisen, P-Hunt, and Marc DuBois against North American champ Captain Atomic, High Stakes Season 1 champ and number one US Title contender Matthew Keith, and veteran comic book hero Lobster Warrior!


- We've also got Matt Keith as Roger Cage's guest in tonight's Secrets of the Smooth, plus Skye Sunlight in action against Mr. Giedroyc, The Fly Boys versus Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe, and a whole lot more!


- And this next match is sure makin' me want to make a run for the concession stand.


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Hotdog Sandwich (w/The Condiment Chicks) (44/D)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7518bbb6-c18b-40e7-aa52-3856f0a30bc4_zpsf4c38da8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6bc1bb5a-6c3a-4fc7-858b-eb13394c90d3_zps045b3835.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f87c51a8-409a-4c32-a674-9be89b8b682f_zps70d02563.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7c8b6683-bfad-4352-a5f3-cb9add8c5bf6_zps412eb924.jpg


In an extremely short match,
The Awesomeness defeated Hotdog Sandwich
in 3:48 when Jefferson Stardust defeated D. John Mustard by pinfall with a Shock And Awe. (Hotdog Sandwich gets a jobber entrance with no music, but D. John Mustard, Oscar Myers, and Condiment Chicks Mae O'Naess and Kate Supp do a conga line dance before the match, simultaneously singing "Hotdog Hotdog Hotdog!" The fans also see Dawn the Cheerleader with purple-tinged hair and a leather jacket, as she is now being repackaged as "Dawn the Rocker" to better go with her clients' gimmicks.)


- What did they call that last move that Huey Cannonball kicked out of, then countered?


- I would think that they call it a Mustardplex. And Oscar Myers, I assume, probably set it up with a Hotdog Hammer. Still, they couldn't quite outfox The Awesomeness, who sure are lookin' good ahead of their tag team title match against the reigning champs, The Amazing Bumfholes, at SC34!


- Goofy costumes notwithstanding, Hotdog Sandwich does look quite promising, though I don't think Mr. Tyler is a big fan of those guys.


(ANGLE) When Animals Attack Clean House on Sober Police (44/D)


At Mr. Tyler's office, the Uprising GM is looking upset over the match he just saw on the monitor, as he knows The Awesomeness, despite the bonnets they wear during Uprising matches, are still longhairs, while masked wrestlers like Hotdog Sandwich only make his show look like a circus. Making their presence felt as Mr. Tyler's enforcers, the Sober Police also appear in this angle.


- What's next, huh? Burger and Fries? Spaghetti and Meatballs? Kofta and Falafel? Why don't they take off their masks and fight like the men they are behind 'em?


(still working as Tyler's personal assistant)
- Mr. Tyler, it's because they're ENTERTAINING. Just like me.


- I beg to disagree, brudda. You're forgetting that wrestling is, at the end of the day, an athletic endeavor.


(trying to spite Marlowe)
- EDD-FU!!!!!!!
(does the Stonerizing dance)
There's no music because the General Manager hates it, but that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun at work, right, Sober Cops?
(yells at Squeeky McClean's face)


- #Edd, if you would please stop making an ass out of yourself and focus on your work! This is the Uprising GM's office, not a disco dance club where you rant and rave to the sounds of Dead Rat
or Skeezix
and boogie to that BDSM


(trying his best not to laugh)
- Mr. Tyler, you don't want me to tell you what BDSM stands for, but I think you meant EDM.


(still dancing)
- You'll have to pardon the boss, Squeek, because as far as I know, Mr. Tyler hasn't cared much for popular music since 1945!


- You know what, brudda, you are seriously starting to piss me off...


With that, Sober Police starts attacking #Edd, though it's not long before When Animals Attack enters the GM's office and cleans house on the Sober Cops! #Edd, who's dressed in street clothes, slithers away from the fight and Stonerizes, as When Animals Attack do the same and bust a move in the serious and antiquated Tyler's office...


- YOU WANT A MATCH, YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME! And yes, I have got to ban those cockamamie masks one of these days. When Animals Attack, you and the Sober Police might as well settle your differences in the ring. And #Edd?


- .....
(looks at Tyler sheepishly)


- I'm fining you this week's wages for starting this ruckus.


Pierre Roth vs Roger Cage (39/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/Others/fa4aca6a-c81b-4361-9b9e-78f4a3653938_zpsf0d2669e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/52500455-709e-4167-93bb-808c76a8f31a_zps2876a50a.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Roger Cage defeated Pierre Roth
in 2:23 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. ("Local jobber" Pierre Roth is IPW's Pierrot on loan, wrestling unmasked in this squash match.)


(TALK SHOW) Secrets of the Smooth - Cage Interviews Matt Keith (61/C)




Roger Cage introduces Matthew Keith by saying that the old adage "like father, like son" doesn't always have to apply. In Cage's case, his father was a "total spazz" in high school and college who married the school nerd (his mom, apparently), while young Roger grew up to become a professional pickup artist who's gotten "thousands of losers laid" with his foolproof techniques. As for Matthew Keith, Cage says that his father was a certified SWF legend and a four-time World champion, while Matt has just won a "mediocre talent search" in High Stakes and has the crudest Proton Lock he's seen "since the man he'll be facing for the US Title was but a babe in the SWF woods." (Eric Eisen, for some time during his undercard years, used the Proton Lock as a finisher as a tribute to Sam Keith.) That all said, he brings the younger Keith out to a huge ovation from the Medford crowd.


- Matthew, I suppose you know that girls admire a man who has self-confidence. But some men simply have too much of it, and you know, that can be a bit of a turn-off. What makes YOU so overconfident, Matt? Is it the fact that your dad used to be the best technical wrestler in Supreme AND a four-time World Heavyweight champ? Is it because you finished first on the first season of High Stakes, hence makin' yourself a giant among midgets? Talk to me, Matt. I wanna teach the SWF Galaxy a little lesson here...


M. Keith
- Look, Roger. I never told anybody that I was better than my dad. I may have finished first on High Stakes, but dammit, the competition was tough...


- In other words, you're tellin' the SWF Galaxy that Matthew Keith sucks and doesn't have a chance against Eric Eisen, whom, might I add, learned a good ten years ago that he'll never be taken seriously if he keeps usin' the Proton Lock as a finisher?


M. Keith
- No, I'm telling the SWF Galaxy, and was supposed to tell 'em before you cut me off, that Roger Cage SUCKS! I know somebody said it before, but your show has always been a cue for fans to go take a leak or go grab some snacks. Your show was so poorly-received they had to take it off Supreme TV. And your advice? Bad enough to turn a 40-year-old virgin into an 80-year-old virgin if he keeps using it till then.


- Man, those are some fightin' words! You do realize that you're talkin' to a relationship expert, right? And what's your advice anyway to these fans?


M. Keith
- Be confident, but not overconfident. Always listen to your parents, but be yourself at the end of the day. And, as far as rich, yet immature BULLIES like my former mentor Eric Eisen is concerned, my advice to them is this. Keep your feet on the ground, get off your high horses, and act your damn age. Now Roger, I don't know if your pickup artist business has made you money...I'm guessing that it hasn't...but that goes for you too.


Cage, offended by Keith's comments, tries to lunge at him in the middle of his show, but Keith counters the move and goes for the Proton Lock, forcing Cage to beg for mercy, tap out, and hastily announce that he's signing off of his talk show for tonight.


The Fly Boys vs Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe (w/Kristina Angelova) (47/D+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a4d3953-457a-4c82-b93b-06acf007576f_zps59f84e7b.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/2e06d5e1-13c3-4eeb-9e7d-ac5f25b91a01_zps7c3974ce.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9833db41-485f-4c9e-82a3-775b93841460_zps02514bc3.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f21617a5-882d-46d4-9ced-9c29948f0199_zps134ad13a.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The Fly Boys defeated Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe
in 6:20 when Donnie J defeated Dmitri Anselianenko by pinfall with a Death On Venice Beach. (With Anselianenko likely to be gone from Supreme after SC34, it looks like he's being eased out of the picture; Anselianenko was arguing with kayfabe fiancee Kristina Angelova when Jimmy Prudence sneaked up with an enzuigiri, allowing Donnie J to hit his finisher and pick up the win for the Fly Boys.)


- I am really likin' these Fly Boys and their California surf-and-skate image. Must also add that it's nice they're finally showin' what they've got as one of the SWF's newer tag teams!


- Jimmy Prudence, of course, used to be a tag team champ, back when he called himself Jamie Lee and tagged with Freddy A. Flexx, but I think these Fly Boys may actually turn out to be better.


(ANGLE) Anselianenko and Angelova Argue (50/D+)


The argument continues as the defeated anti-American duo of Dmitri Anselianenko and Magnum Kobe heads to the locker room, and it certainly gets interesting as Melanie Florence tries to get a few words with them, but to no avail.


- You sleep with Kobe, didn't you, woman?


- That is an out-and-out lie, Dmitri, my darling! You know I never do that to big, strong man who show Russian dominance over inferior Americansky...


- LIAR! You never trust me 100 percent because I'm born Americansky, and you never accept that from day one!


That's the last few words of English we hear for the next minute, as Angelova goes on a mile-a-minute rant in guttural Russian...


(to Melanie Florence, who is still standing by in hopes of an interview)
- What Kristina say, Melanie, is that Dmitri is failure. Not only in ring...but also in bedroom.


- You understood them, perchance? I didn't know the great Magnum Kobe, a.k.a. the Jack Bruce of Japan, was that multilingual...


- Kobe no need to understand what they say. Kobe KNOWS.
(winks his eye)


When Animals Attack vs Sober Police (60/C-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ea6cf636-c20d-4c23-9d23-150552bafeae_zpsabfb218c.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/632a4484-6a5f-4ca4-a721-b8da0979ee12_zpse5af27e8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb32fc2b-f91b-4c6b-95c2-515c8422c9a1_zps1f9df88e.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/83ffccbb-c9be-475c-b70e-3d1c312d5624_zps10948e3b.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Sober Police defeated When Animals Attack
in 7:24 when Squeeky McClean defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall with a Stain Removal after a distraction from Eric Tyler. (Tyler had shown up towards the end of the match, and it did sound like he was shouting "GO FOR THE MASKS!" at his enforcers, the Sober Police, which led to Masked Cougar getting distracted and Squeeky McClean going for his finisher.)


- What the hell was Eric Tyler doing out there? I know he's our boss and all, but that was uncalled for. Totally uncalled for.


- I think he was tryin' to ask Sober Police to unmask When Animals Attack...


- What a killjoy. Yes, I know he gave me this sweet gig as announcer, but Eric Tyler is obviously out of touch with the SWF Galaxy. The fans love masked men like When Animals Attack, so why not give 'em what they want and leave the masked men alone?


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase) (64/C)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/de243861-e621-464c-9d48-39b66871e642_zps209ae87e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eac60f15-34cd-4cda-ae99-640c76407cc7_zps933d746f.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Mr. Giedroyc defeated Skye Sunlight
in 7:26 by pinfall with a Crashing On after a distraction from Emma Chase. (This marked the third Dollar Sign Distraction of the evening, which Sammy Curran believes may be a record.)


- DOLLAR SIGNS! Hot damn, Marv, Swoop, Ms. Chase has yet to button her blazer!


- Now, now, Sammy, get a hold of yourself, I know we may have seen a record here, but Emma Chase, whether you like it or not, is CEO of the MCO. She flashes the Dollar Signs in the name of "good business," which means making sure her clients win.


- I know, Marv, but I must also say that Dawn the Rocker's makeover is also workin' for me! Man, I love Uprising...


(changing the topic, as it looks like Sammy Curran is being reinvented as the SWF's sexually-charged announcer)
- And so does the SWF Galaxy! But don't go away, everyone, we've got one more match in store for you...a six-man tag match featuring two superheroes and one High Stakes champion versus two Klubbers and one young man who's totally cracked a fruity.


Captain Atomic, Lobster Warrior and Matthew Keith (w/Angel Fish) vs Eric Eisen, P-Hunt and Marc DuBois (w/Enforcer Allen) (69/C+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ecd353fc-8ea6-4453-9e50-bbb6303da128_zpsbb6ec6f8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/da1e1864-93bb-443b-9e0a-cdc075bd1d84_zps5db5db9d.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/cb2aff3a-ffd7-4500-b053-dabb3daece16_zps62155ce9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6171f218-7ad9-4933-8850-ac1078a56e25_zps1530530d.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/a4b06292-5e7b-45da-8fb3-e7950749aae2_zps0feea3f0.png



In a bout that featured great action and average heat,
Eric Eisen, Paul Huntingdon and Marc DuBois defeated Captain Atomic, Lobster Warrior and Matthew Keith
in 12:23 when Marc DuBois defeated Lobster Warrior by submission with a Sanitarium. (Lobster Warrior looked flustered for the entire match, and didn't put up much of a fight as Marc DuBois made him tap out of his new finisher, the Sanitarium ankle lock.)


- Something is obviously eating away at Lobster Warrior, and I refuse to believe that was the real Lobby we saw out there tonight.


- He's upset that DuBois cost him a chance to fight for the North American Title at Supreme Challenge, and now it looks like he's goin' through some "choppy waters" at home!


- I certainly hope Lobby can get his focus back, because we've seen him do much better than that.


- Meanwhile, it looks like Marc DuBois is really sending a message to Captain Atomic ahead of their North American title match at SC34, and it isn't a pleasant one at all! Yes, we're farther down the Road to Supreme Challenge after another evening of explosive Uprising action, and we hope you'd all join us again next week! For Sammy Curran and Swoop McCarthy, this has been Marvin Earnest. See you around next Thursday, late night on C.A.N.N., for the next Uprising!




Hill 4-0

Velasquez 4-0

Ashley 3-1

Giedroyc 2-2

Erlandsson 1-3

Fro Sure 1-3

Nando 1-3

Williams 0-4 (ELIMINATED)




Hill - 3

Fro Sure - 2

Erlandsson - 2


SWF Uprising Final Grade -

SWF Uprising Rating - 1.00

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MONTHLY PRIZE - Choose a worker (midcard or lower) to fire. Must be someone who's part of the original SWF or RIPW lineup, not someone hired within the year.


Requirements - Predict at least 6 of 9 shows for the month of June to qualify


kieranforthewin - 49.5/62, 80% (+6/7, 6/6 +0.5)

Croquemitaine - 49/62, 79% (+6/7, 6/6)

Psycho Sam - 49/62, 79% (+5/7, 6/6, +1)

hydrogen001 - 48.5/62, 78% (+6/7, 6/6, +0.5)

KnowYourEnemy - 46.5/62, 75% (+5/7, 6/6, +0.5)

Midnightnick - 43.5/62, 70% (+5/7, 6/6, +0.5)

Qfresh - 30/49, 61%


Just as I expected, this was one of the closest finishes ever in 3rdStringPG diary prediction game history. Save for the show-ending schmozz on Supreme TV, everything was pretty straightforward with no surprises, and it all came down to the bonus questions as kieranforthewin edged Croquemitaine (0/2 on the drug offenders) and Psycho Sam (flubbed on Ino vs Findlay, but got both drug offenders right) to win the June prediction game! That sure was a close one, and you can now feel free to message me your choice of SWF Future Endeavor, with the firing to take place in or around the same time as Supreme Challenge 34.


I guess I should also add that your choice of worker to fire must not be an Eisen (we need those guys to stir up shit in the locker room!), and must not be UnAmerican Machine Dmitri Anselianenko, as I've already established that his contract extension will only last a month, making him good as gone by July 2014 in-game.


Comment: Vengeance is far more over...


Actually not that much more over. Vengeance has been stuck at 85 since the start of the game, while Valiant's overness actually went down a bit, from 79-80 to 77-78 due to his team losing the Cage Wars match.


Comment: For Face/Heel balance as Awesomeness are #1 Contenders... should be a fun reign with freebird rules ever'ywhere.


Not while the Dudez are in the doghouse, unfortunately. But since I enjoy writing for the Partay Dudez and giving Mainstream and Stevie great pushes for rookies, they won't be in the doghouse forever. Also, over in the C-Verse, I prefer to call those rules "Tuesday's Gone Rules" - simply swapping one Lynyrd Skynyrd ten-minute epic ballad with another. ;)


Comment: CVFP_BlackMale_001.jpg in the Default C_Verse Database is tailor-made for "unmasked" Pierrot. His partner has a corresponding picture.


Thanks for that one! :D


Comment: I think its kinda anti-climactic to have The Awesomeness end the Partay Duds winning streak, but then again I hate them so I think its ok.


Well, yes...but the main Dudez are in the doghouse, as mentioned above, and since Bumfholes vs Awesomeness would likely be the Supreme Challenge curtain-jerker, having a babyface match for the tag titles and a presumably mediocre grade shouldn't be much of an issue.


Comment: Thanks for playing Kurt. As a consolation prize, here's a copy of the home game of "I just got my ass kicked by an angry Canadian".


This cracked me up. :D


That is probably the most awesome-est entrance ever. :D


As it turns out, Ekuma wasn't the first RIPW big guy to complain - it was Ranger! Guy seems to have more potential, though his overness is nearly non-existent. Still, I'm expecting Ekuma to start bitching real soon, so do watch out for that - one of the big guys as The Mountain, the other big guy as a Hodor-type character (for non-Game of Thrones fans, the only word he knows how to say is his name), and Spencer Spade and Lenny Brown as generic squire-types.


I read #SummerofBumf as #Summerofunf


....The horrible images that entered my brain. I am off to go bleach it now.


Took me a while to get this, but this also had me LOL'ing. :D



- The Christian Faith shoot is taking longer than expected to write, but it shall be posted soon, but most likely after I post the first July 2014 card for prediction. Do not worry, for your questions are much appreciated and they shall be answered by the Supreme Legend/Iron Man to the best of his ability!

- Yes, you saw that right - Sammy Curran is officially this diary's answer to Jerry Lawler, even if he's young enough to be his son. Jerry likes 'em puppies, Sammy likes 'em Dollar Signs, and they're both from Tennessee.

- Was shocked by Valiant and Lobby's angle getting a mediocre grade, given that they're quite over and well above-average in Entertainment. But yes, a lot of workers' gimmicks have gone stale in-game, so I should slowly change those stale gimmicks to something similar.

- It's obvious I am serious with Marc DuBois as a second-chance project, and he seems to be responding well - his backstage attitude has long stabilized, and he hasn't been busted for ganja since March.

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OOC - The Road to Supreme Challenge continues, and we've got a new prediction game for the month of July! Time to get those picks in, and for those waiting for the Christian Faith shoot, it may be up by the weekend.


SWF Supreme TV

First Niagara Arena (New York, Tri State)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 (Week 1)





The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The New Darkness Warriors

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match?]



When Animals Attack vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt (w/Enforcer Allen)



Captain Atomic © vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[Non-Title Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Steve Frehley © (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match?]



Nicky Champion and Valiant (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/Emma Chase)



Joey Minnesota vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]




SWF Uprising

Asbury Park Convention Hall (New Jersey, Tri-State)

Thursday, July 3, 2014 (Week 1)




(High Stakes matches not included)


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Los Metalheads vs Sober Police (w/Uprising GM Eric Tyler)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



Matthew Keith vs Roger Cage



The East-West Connection vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



Des Davids vs Marc DuBois (w/?????)




Bonus Question
- Which Klubber will feature in the next backstage disciplinary incident?


A) Aaron Andrews

B) Eric Eisen

C) Jerry Eisen

D) Joey Minnesota

E) Mike Wilmington

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The New Darkness Warriors

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match?]

Comment: Yes


When Animals Attack vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt (w/Enforcer Allen)

Comment: yes


Captain Atomic © vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: bye machine


Drew Hawkins vs Steve Frehley © (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match?]

Comment: tough


Nicky Champion and Valiant (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: Tough


Joey Minnesota vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Still tough



SWF Uprising

Asbury Park Convention Hall (New Jersey, Tri-State)

Thursday, July 3, 2014 (Week 1)



(High Stakes matches not included)


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

Comment: Surprise roll-up


Los Metalheads vs Sober Police (w/Uprising GM Eric Tyler)

Comment: hm


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: maybe


Matthew Keith vs Roger Cage

Comment: yes


The East-West Connection vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: yes


Des Davids vs Marc DuBois (w/?????)

Comment: i like davids


Bonus Question - Which Klubber will feature in the next backstage disciplinary incident?


A) Aaron Andrews

B) Eric Eisen

C) Jerry Eisen

D) Joey Minnesota either him or wilmington maybe

E) Mike Wilmington

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The New Darkness Warriors

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match?]

Comment: One of these "Title Match?" stips has got to kick in somewhere.. and I've been waiting for Darkness Bumfhole, gives whole new meaning to stickin' it where the sun don't shine.


When Animals Attack vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt (w/Enforcer Allen)

Comment: When Animals Attack on the Main Show... They Get Beaten Back


Captain Atomic © vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Kobe? I'd consider it. Dmitri? No. But I'll take this as a sign that Dmearican Mackin is going to be a bit protected until he gets a shot a Davids.


Drew Hawkins vs Steve Frehley © (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match?]

Comment: It's... too early shoot wise for Hawkins to win this one... but in-game TEW Mechanics? Hawkins would make a better champion. Could see this being the big surprise.


Nicky Champion and Valiant (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/Emma Chase)

Comment: Chord/Money have been booked too strong to lose here... the MCO looks to be back on track


Joey Minnesota vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Remo, in what should be a great match





Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

Comment: Dmitri is in a feud and Sunlight has lost to people far less over... warm-up match for Davids-Machine


Los Metalheads vs Sober Police (w/Uprising GM Eric Tyler)

Comment: Or, it could happen on Uprising with the help of GM Eric Tyler the week before the supreme challenge, as the Sober Police are getting that slow burn...


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: Looking more and more like Awesomeness are next champs.. could we see a title change on the Supreme Challenge pre-show?


Matthew Keith vs Roger Cage

Comment: Keith's mention in the PWH article gives him the dub


The East-West Connection vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: And the party dudes de-push continues...


Des Davids vs Marc DuBois (w/?????)

Comment: Toss up here -- but I'll give it to the frenchcanadiman due to the squiggles.


Bonus Question - Which Klubber will feature in the next backstage disciplinary incident?


A) Aaron Andrews

B) Eric Eisen

C) Jerry Eisen

D) Joey Minnesota

E) Mike Wilmington

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The New Darkness Warriors

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match?]



When Animals Attack vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt (w/Enforcer Allen)



Captain Atomic © vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[Non-Title Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Steve Frehley © (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match?]



Nicky Champion and Valiant (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/Emma Chase)



Joey Minnesota vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]




SWF Uprising

Asbury Park Convention Hall (New Jersey, Tri-State)

Thursday, July 3, 2014 (Week 1)




(High Stakes matches not included)


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Los Metalheads vs Sober Police (w/Uprising GM Eric Tyler)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



Matthew Keith vs Roger Cage



The East-West Connection vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



Des Davids vs Marc DuBois (w/?????)



Bonus Question - Which Klubber will feature in the next backstage disciplinary incident?


A) Aaron Andrews Awful anti-angel attacks. :p

B) Eric Eisen

C) Jerry Eisen

D) Joey Minnesota

E) Mike Wilmington

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The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The New Darkness Warriors

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match?]



When Animals Attack vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt (w/Enforcer Allen)



Captain Atomic © vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[Non-Title Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Steve Frehley © (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match?]



Nicky Champion and Valiant (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/Emma Chase)



Joey Minnesota vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]




SWF Uprising

Asbury Park Convention Hall (New Jersey, Tri-State)

Thursday, July 3, 2014 (Week 1)




(High Stakes matches not included)


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Los Metalheads vs Sober Police (w/Uprising GM Eric Tyler)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



Matthew Keith vs Roger Cage



The East-West Connection vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)


Des Davids vs Marc DuBois (w/?????)



Bonus Question - Which Klubber will feature in the next backstage disciplinary incident?


A) Aaron Andrews

B) Eric Eisen

C) Jerry Eisen

D) Joey Minnesota

E) Mike Wilmington

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STRAIGHT SHOOTERS #161: SWF Head Booker Christian Faith Shares His Insights

Posted by DENNIS KLETSKY on JUNE 29, 2014



Christian Faith is one of those guys who are described by their colleagues as "Santa Claus"-type characters - if you don't like him, there must be something wrong with you. But behind the down-home friendliness and the fact that Faith now lives up to his ring name, the Supreme Legend and Iron Man of the SWF is a man who's harbored some deep regrets, which he freely shared with us in this exclusive shoot interview. And while he's come about at times as someone who may be too protective of what goes down in the locker room and outside the ring - and he still is, having stated that he'd rather not be asked about his real-life friendship with SWF Owner and Chairman Richard Eisen - he did dish a bit of dirt of his own, considering how controversial his ascent to SWF Head Booker had been.


What follows is the transcript of the Straight Shooters interview I did with Christian Faith. And just in case you're wondering - he does say "son" quite a lot in real life.




Pro Wrestling Hits
- Thanks for agreeing to speak with us, Christian, and welcome to Straight Shooters.


Christian Faith
- A real pleasure, son, and I'm excited to answer whatever questions you and the fans have on tab for me.


- We always get the ball rolling by asking our interview subjects about their background, you know, about how they got started and how they got where they are today. Christian, I know you've had a long and illustrious career dating back more than 25 years, so if you'd rather give us the TL;DR version, it's cool with us.


- Too long, didn't read, huh? Cliff Notes version? Well, let's see. Two things saved me from the hardscrabble life - wrestling and God. Wrestling first, of course. I'd grown up in an abusive household, you know, a stepfather who liked nothing more than to beat the crap out of me when I'd get into trouble, which used to be quite often. That's why I decided to attend wrestling school instead of college.


- Who trained you? I already know the answer, but for the benefit of those reading this interview at home...


- Bubbles the Clown. The guy's known for blood, gore and violence as part of his "evil clown" gimmick, but he was one of the best mentors of his time. So yeah, I started wrestling for the SWF in 1985. 29 years ago. Was only nineteen years old then, just one year removed from high school...


- And it was Richard Eisen himself who discovered you?


- Yeah. He'd seen me doing indie shows in my home state of North Carolina, and something about me impressed him. I dunno what it was...maybe my oh-so-'80s mullet/mustache combo...but I'm almost sure it was the fact I was quite ripped at 260-something pounds as early as then. You know Rick's favorite kind of wrestler.
Soon I was doing jobs on the old SWF Uprising, back when it was the flagship show. You've probably seen a lot of those matches on YouTube - Christian Charisma vs Dread. Christian Charisma vs Honest or Cheatin' Mike Barstow, depending on whether he'd be face or heel. Christian Charisma vs old mentor Bubbles the Clown. You get the idea.


- How'd you get your first push in the SWF? I promise, Christian, we're gonna get to the
questions after this one. We just want to talk the younger readers through your earliest years in Supreme...


- Naw, not a problem, Dennis. Anyway, I think it was 1989 when Rick finally started pushing me. Sam Strong was at the peak of his Super Strongamania push. And the plan was for me, a seemingly lowly jobber who'd be in and out of Uprising but never winning, to come out of nowhere, challenge Strong to a match because he kept on winning, and upset him. So Rick decided to take me off-air for several months, have me get a crewcut before returning, and have me return as this seemingly random young soldier, Cpl. Christian Faith, who'd get hired by the SWF AFTER upsetting Sam Strong in a non-title match. And the rest, I'd say, is history. Oh, maybe not. I might as well add that Rick wanted me to win the (World Heavyweight) title sometime in 1990, but Sam wouldn't drop the belt to "some kid with milk on his lips, brrrrother."


- And that makes you the nth Straight Shooters guest to bust out a Sam Strong impersonation.


- If you're wondering about the hair, son, I grew it back and grew it out in '95 to match my anti-authority gimmick.


- I think I remember that, even if I was still a kid back then, but anyway, let's get cracking now that we're done with the backgrounder. Christian, as Head Booker of the SWF, how have the first few weeks been so far?


- Less stressful than what Peter (Michaels) had been going through. My responsibilities are "just" supervising the creative process, finalizing the finishes, and making sure the boys behave, and get rewarded or punished accordingly. Peter did all that, served as lead announcer, and was also head writer to boot.


- Many assumed you'd switch over to a more conservative, wrestling-oriented style of booking when you took over. Did you really have that in mind?


- I've been a Born-Again Christian for the past 14 years, and I'll be honest when I say some of the SWF's more "Swagger" (risque) oriented storylines did not, and will not appeal to me. But dammit, son, this is a Sports Entertainment company you're talking about. You gotta roll with the punches and give the SWF Galaxy what they want, which is something that's at least moderately edgy. And wrestling-oriented? They may have gotten me mixed up with the other head booker candidate
(Eric Tyler)
. I love me some killer promos and interesting storylines, so there's no way I'll shake up the existing formula, which is roughly 60 to 70 percent wrestling, 30 to 40 percent angles.


- And have you had to deal with some disciplinary issues as of late? I know Peter Michaels did have his share of head cases, and had often felt like a babysitter taking care of a bunch of overgrown kids.


- Oh, there have been some. Nothing that had warranted as much as a fine, but I did give fatherly talks to a couple guys who were stirring some crap outside the ring.


- What about Big Smack Scott, though? I completely forgot that you were the one who suspended him for a month due to his incorrigible nature.


- Right!
Forgot about him too, Dennis. Yeah, I suspended him because he was alienating people in the locker room, even those like John Greed, er...Darkness who considered him to be a friend. You just don't do that while I'm in charge, son. I may be a mellow, laid-back guy, but one thing I can't stand in locker rooms is divisive personalities. And factions too. Factions are for on-air storylines, not behind-the-scenes politics.


- So does that mean you are strictly opposed to something like Eric Eisen's supposed Klubb backstage faction?


- Damn opposed. I mean, I can't really comment on whether Eric does have such a faction, but if factions do become a problem in the locker room, you can expect me to do anything in my power to disband them. With apologies to Sam Strong for using his favorite word, we're all brothers in the locker room, and although you may not like one another at times, you've gotta respect one another.


- We've also got some fan questions here, Christian, and I've chosen five at random, starting with this one from Filipino SWF fan Thirdy. Thirdy wants to know if you've got any plans to continue your raids of TCW and USPW.


- That's gonna be up to Rick and (head researcher/uber-heel manager and announcer) Duane Fry to take care of. Used to be Peter handling that as head booker, but he's pretty much hands-off when it comes to hiring these days.


- Our second fan question comes from a Facebook user named Zack De la Rocha. What...the Rage (Against the Machine) guy? Nope, I presume it's a pseudonym. Mr. Faith, do you have an "entourage" as head booker equivalent to Eric Eisen's Klubb?


- I have my booking team, but I wouldn't exactly call 'em an entourage. I still work closely with writers like Ty (Austin) and Art (Chambers), and you've also got people like Tom (Gilmore), Barry (Bowen), Phil (Enforcer Roberts) emailing me his ideas from Rhode Island, and even the Eisens chiming in their ideas. But we run in different crowds, you know?


- I'd say that's very nice to hear. Next up, we've got Hydrogen001, Twitter user from the Philippines. What is the biggest regret you've ever had during your stay in the SWF?


- Biggest regret? I've had a lot of 'em, son, but probably the biggest one has something to do with my family. Didn't spend as much time with 'em as I wanted to. My oldest child, Maria, hasn't been making the best of decisions with men. Gonna be a grandfather soon, and she's gonna be a single mom.


- How old is she?


- Twenty-three. She's had her share of problems with substance abuse, though she's cleaned herself up as of late. And there's Matthias, who's eighteen and, you know, taking summer classes so he can get his continuation school diploma. Continuation school. You probably know my son Eli from the Hero Squad angle we had in late 2013, early 2014. He's ten years old, and at least things seem more promising for him.
(pauses wistfully)
Then again, that's what I also said about Maria and Matty back when they were Eli's age. Matty in particular worries me.


- Care to share why? If it's too personal, we can always pass on that question.


- I'll say this much - he studied in three high schools and he plays in a black metal band. I mean, I may be Born-Again and all, but I still like my secular rock music. But the music Matty plays is outright blasphemous. He also had a bit of a bad rap on the football team.
The boy made (Florida State star quarterback) Jameis Winston look like a choirboy. I was one real hell-raiser back when I was Matty's age, but he's topped me. Totally topped me.
(sighs again)
Next question please?


- This one comes from Australia, and it's from a man who calls himself Psycho Sam. Christian, given your new status as Head Booker, what would you say differentiates you from Peter Michaels, especially since you book in a similar fashion to him.


(laughing, his mood lightening up again)
- Damn, son, you sure got me stumped with that one. First of all, I'm gonna be honest here, Dennis. If it ain't broken, why fix it? Peter was doing a great job as head booker and head writer - when he quit
(winks his eye)
, he had some great storylines going for him, so I've been telling the writers to write things how Peter would've written 'em.


- I hear the new head writer, Stan Rogers, is actually a childhood friend of Eric and Jerry Eisen...


- So he is. But he still answers to me as head booker. I don't do as much writing as Peter, but if I see something I don't like in what Stan and the others submits to me, I let 'em know why it won't work, and I take it out. I force him to write something new, or I make the changes myself.


- Since you're obviously of a similar mindset, Christian, is there anything in specific that makes you different from Peter?


- Well, I'd probably say I'm more laid-back and soft-spoken than he is, but I can deal out heavier punishments if needed, regardless of who they are. Peter's a great guy, don't get me wrong, but there were people whom he'd sorta be afraid to punish. Not that he played favorites with anyone, but you get the idea, right, Dennis?


- Finally, we've got a question from Croquemitaine, from Canada. Christian, what qualities do you look for and value in younger, developing talent?


- Being the big brawler that I am, I tend to appreciate big guys with loads of potential. Enforcer Allen, for one, has really impressed me, though he's now being mentored by Sean (Martyn, a.k.a. Vengeance). Of course, you've also got to work hard and love the business, and regardless of how big or small you are, or whether you're a technician, brawler, all-rounder or whatnot, that's gonna be more important than anything else when looking at the big picture.


- Any non-brawlers you find promising? Or are there any big guys you'd like to work with as your personal project?


- There's more than a few of 'em, Dennis.
You know that I use the Test of Faith as an alternate finisher, so there's a part of me that still wishes I was better as a technician. I'd probably single out Sam Keith's kids...


- Pity about Greg and Matt. Matt's getting a nice midcard push and is facing Eric Eisen for the US Title at Supreme Challenge 34, but you know the deal with them. Can't mention their dad's name on TV because of Richard Eisen's beef with Sam...


- I mean, what's the point? Sam Keith's a part of SWF history, whether you like it or not, whether you love him or hate him. He's still the best damned technician this business has ever seen. A stubborn man with a lot of pride, but at least it doesn't make him an unpleasant character. But you also asked me if I'd like to mentor a large wrestler, right?


- Right.


- I'm interested in the (Game of Thrones-inspired) Mountain and Hodor gimmicks supposedly planned for Ekuma and Ranger respectively. They're due for a call-up by the late summer, and it will be a pleasure for me to ensure they're up to speed before they make their on-screen debuts.


- Looks like that's all the time we have for this shoot interview. Thanks a lot, Christian, for allowing us to interview you. We still have Faith...in good booking!


- Thank you as well. Loved doing this interview.



Straight Shooters, SWF, Christian Faith





Straight Shooters #160 - THE ARCHITECT

Straight Shooters #159 - Gil Thomas

Straight Shooters #158 - Jake Haines (The Big Easy)

Straight Shooters #157 - Vita

Straight Shooters #156 - Bear Bekowski (El Oso Polar de Canadiense)

Straight Shooters #155 - Teddy Flame

Straight Shooters #154 - Cheatin' Mike Barstow


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OOC - It's a weekend, and the writing game is strong today. :D I know it's now comparatively early to post the next backstage segment, but in the aftermath of the Faith shoot and his comments about how Richard Eisen was being petty about his issues with Sam Keith, it's time to go backstage once again and keep up...with the Eisens. (Not Kard-Eisens, because fortunately, I am not in the mood for horrible puns today. And the Eisens, for all their douchebaggery, are much smarter than Kim and kompany. ;) )


"We Have Faith, er...Beef"


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

First Niagara Arena, Buffalo, NY

6:40 p.m.




"What the hell is this, Stan?"


"It's tonight's script."


"I already told you by email last Friday that your little worked shoot crossed the line. So why do I see pointed references to the Election?"


"Well, Christian, Eric, Jerry and I were talking before I sent you the first draft, and the boys have this neat idea where they'll be calling Matt out for his dad nearly putting the SWF out of business because of the Election storyline in 2007. The stuff's gold, Christian, and with all due respect, you'd be a fool not to see it."


"I'd be a fool to include such bullshit storylines on OUR Supreme TV!", yelled Christian. The man rarely cussed now that he was Born-Again, and he rarely ever raised his voice, whether on-screen or off-screen, but he was livid.


And so were the Eisens, as he and Jerry decided to confront Christian and stand up for their boyhood chum.




"You know what, Christian, I'm surprised my dad didn't fire you after that hatchet job you pulled with that dork Kletsky," spat Eric. "We have a reason to be mad at Sam Keith, and that's because Dad gave him an inch, only for him to demand a mile. Which was, as you know, keepin' KC Glenn from signing with the SWF when he obviously found our offer better."


I was observing the whole conversation go down as Des Davids, Tom Gilmore and myself exited the catering area, coffee cups in hand. The argument was getting quite heated, and it did appear that Christian Faith had some major heat with the Klubb following his shoot interview with Pro Wrestling Hits. And it looked like he was getting more heat, as he absolutely refused to include Eric Eisen's worked shoot against Matthew Keith as part of tonight's Supreme TV.


"What do you think, Tom?", I asked. "I personally think it did have some potential. Too pointed, but since we're a couple hours away from going live, there's still some time to make some changes."


"Agree with you there, Nicky," said Tom. We seldom hung out, due to Tom largely eschewing the bar scene as a straight-edger. He had a great creative mind and was an important part of the booking team, and we both had to grudgingly agree that Eric's idea had some promise. But Christian was not a fan of worked shoots. And he didn't want to rub any more salt in Sam Keith's wounds.


Meanwhile, the battle kept raging between Christian and the Eisens.


"Don't tell me I don't know, son," said Christian to Eric and Jerry. "You make KC look like the poor innocent victim of Rick's real-life feud with Sam, but you've been giving him hell with that hazing bullshit of yours." There. Two profanities from the Supreme Legend in less than five minutes.


"It's rookie hazing, Christian," said Stan Rogers the head writer, butting in. "Ain't nothin' I didn't go through when I joined Tau Alpha Epsilon with Eric when we were college freshmen."


"Just another excuse to bully rookies! I don't dig that shit. And God forgive me for my language, but I have had it with your f---ing attempts to undermine me! And that goes for you two Eisen boys and your ol' friend from Syracuse, Stanny boy over there. I'm the head booker, so you ought to give me at least an iota of respect."


Christian was really cussing up a storm now. As far as I knew, he had talked to Richard, and the boss had listened. Sure, he was hurt by Christian's shoot, but he listened. His two sons were another story - they seemed to be making a career out of flexing their muscle over others just because their dad paid everyone's salaries. And sure enough, Greg and Matt had noticed the commotion and neither Keith/Gauge twin was happy with how Eric was insisting that he has his way.


That called for some affirmative action. Once upon a time, Peter asked me if I could be a second set of eyes and ears for him. Since getting relieved of all his duties save being lead announcer, he'd been a shell of his old self in the locker room. He was wallowing in apathy, apathy that was brought about by his disappointment in losing his additional jobs so unceremoniously. I wanted Peter to believe that change can happen, even with someone else calling the shots as head booker. So I decided to step up, with Tom and Des backing me up.




"Guys, I think we better come up with some kinda compromise here," I said. "I know I'm not part of the creative team, but as an outsider, I personally like Eric's bringing up of the old Election storyline in his current storyline with Matt. But the thing is, he's made it so breaking-the-fourth-wall and stuff. Yeah, most people know this is all a work, but too much shoot content is never good."


"So how do you plan to resolve this, USPW?", sneered Eric, not the least bit grateful that I begrudgingly put over his idea...a bit.


"Have Eric criticize Matt for his dad nearly killing SWF. Make it appear like Sam told Rick that he has to do this-or-that to drive a wedge between Eric and Jerry. But let's not insert anything about the fans hating the Election storyline, or the Election not drawing a dime. We need a little subtlety here. I should know, because my old boss, you know, the other Sam, was often guilty of being lacking in subtlety."


Everyone was silent for a few seconds, before Christian spoke up.


"Tom, what do you think? You're in creative, and I've always believed in your ideas."




"Nicky's got a point," answered Tom. "And Eric, Jerry," he continued, turning to the Eisen boys. "You're lucky it was Christian whom PWH interviewed. It could have been a whole lot worse. I'm just sayin', boys."


With Tom having said that, Eric and Jerry stormed off in a huff, while their boy Stan just stood there, looking at us sheepishly for a few seconds before joining his longtime friends, presumably to help them continue their plans for all-out Klubb dominance.

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SWF Supreme TV

First Niagara Arena (New York, Tri State)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 (Week 1)



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The New Darkness Warriors

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match?]



When Animals Attack vs Eric Eisen and P-Hunt (w/Enforcer Allen)



Captain Atomic © vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)

[Non-Title Match]



Drew Hawkins vs Steve Frehley © (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match?]



Nicky Champion and Valiant (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/Emma Chase)



Joey Minnesota vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]




SWF Uprising

Asbury Park Convention Hall (New Jersey, Tri-State)

Thursday, July 3, 2014 (Week 1)



(High Stakes matches not included)


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe)



Los Metalheads vs Sober Police (w/Uprising GM Eric Tyler)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)



Matthew Keith vs Roger Cage



The East-West Connection vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: and the jobbing continues.. :p


Des Davids vs Marc DuBois (w/?????)

Comment: I'm really taking a liking to Marc Dubois, he's like the Dean Ambrose of this diary. :D


Bonus Question - Which Klubber will feature in the next backstage disciplinary incident?


A) Aaron Andrews

B) Eric Eisen

C) Jerry Eisen

D) Joey Minnesota

E) Mike Wilmington

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OOC - Something happened on the way to Supreme Challenge 34, and it's called Google Panda 4.1 - and unlike El Oso Polar de Canadiense, this bear ain't no comedy heel. It's a nasty little search engine algorithm update that's made it harder for certain websites to get hits and earn via AdSense. Business has been a bit of a crapshoot since then, and I've spent most of my time trying to figure out how to make the client's site continuously and consistently earn money.


That said, I just wanted to let everyone know that this diary isn't dead yet. Its fate beyond Supreme Challenge remains unknown, but if ever I do shut things down after SC34, there will be a second part coming, possibly set in 2015. As for the next show, I'll try to post it this week, but if not, let's see if I can get the shows up by early next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Hello, everyone. First off, I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is that I don't plan to shut this diary down just yet, not when I'm so close to Supreme Challenge, not when I've got some long-term plans. The bad news? Well, let's put it this way. Due to my busy schedule I hadn't touched TEW in a while, and I found myself not as invested in the storylines I had written or planned as I should have been. Part of it, I'd say, may be due to the current state of my love-dislike relationship with pro wrestling; WWE storylines have either been meh or questionable as of late, IMHO, and that's kinda sapped my interest in sports entertainment...for now. As such, I don't want to churn out anything that's half-baked or rushed. And yeah, I've kinda gotten burned out on SWF, so there's that as well. But no, I don't plan to absolutely shut this diary down yet - I may be resting from SWF till early 2015, and that's when you may see us get back on track with Nicky Champion's story.


However, there is a chance I may be launching a side project diary to get my mind off of SWF, and you'll be getting more Nicky Champion over there, should I decide to launch it. And you'll be getting more Big Smack Scott. But it's not going to be an SWF diary, I can assure you of that. And there's going to be more dark comedy, Mainstream and Stevie squiring for T-Rex in that GoT-style gimmick I had planned, and a whole lot of Wrestlecrap and headaches for good ol' Sam Strong, no thanks to the Smacker's "sabotage" of what USPW - there, I've said it - is supposed to stand for. ;)


With all that said, thank you for reading, predicting, and commenting, and I hope to see you again soon on this diary. :D

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Hello, everyone. First off, I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is that I don't plan to shut this diary down just yet, not when I'm so close to Supreme Challenge, not when I've got some long-term plans. The bad news? Well, let's put it this way. Due to my busy schedule I hadn't touched TEW in a while, and I found myself not as invested in the storylines I had written or planned as I should have been. Part of it, I'd say, may be due to the current state of my love-dislike relationship with pro wrestling; WWE storylines have either been meh or questionable as of late, IMHO, and that's kinda sapped my interest in sports entertainment...for now. As such, I don't want to churn out anything that's half-baked or rushed. And yeah, I've kinda gotten burned out on SWF, so there's that as well. But no, I don't plan to absolutely shut this diary down yet - I may be resting from SWF till early 2015, and that's when you may see us get back on track with Nicky Champion's story.


However, there is a chance I may be launching a side project diary to get my mind off of SWF, and you'll be getting more Nicky Champion over there, should I decide to launch it. And you'll be getting more Big Smack Scott. But it's not going to be an SWF diary, I can assure you of that. And there's going to be more dark comedy, Mainstream and Stevie squiring for T-Rex in that GoT-style gimmick I had planned, and a whole lot of Wrestlecrap and headaches for good ol' Sam Strong, no thanks to the Smacker's "sabotage" of what USPW - there, I've said it - is supposed to stand for. ;)


With all that said, thank you for reading, predicting, and commenting, and I hope to see you again soon on this diary. :D



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Hello, everyone. First off, I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is that I don't plan to shut this diary down just yet, not when I'm so close to Supreme Challenge, not when I've got some long-term plans. The bad news? Well, let's put it this way. Due to my busy schedule I hadn't touched TEW in a while, and I found myself not as invested in the storylines I had written or planned as I should have been. Part of it, I'd say, may be due to the current state of my love-dislike relationship with pro wrestling; WWE storylines have either been meh or questionable as of late, IMHO, and that's kinda sapped my interest in sports entertainment...for now. As such, I don't want to churn out anything that's half-baked or rushed. And yeah, I've kinda gotten burned out on SWF, so there's that as well. But no, I don't plan to absolutely shut this diary down yet - I may be resting from SWF till early 2015, and that's when you may see us get back on track with Nicky Champion's story.


However, there is a chance I may be launching a side project diary to get my mind off of SWF, and you'll be getting more Nicky Champion over there, should I decide to launch it. And you'll be getting more Big Smack Scott. But it's not going to be an SWF diary, I can assure you of that. And there's going to be more dark comedy, Mainstream and Stevie squiring for T-Rex in that GoT-style gimmick I had planned, and a whole lot of Wrestlecrap and headaches for good ol' Sam Strong, no thanks to the Smacker's "sabotage" of what USPW - there, I've said it - is supposed to stand for. ;)


With all that said, thank you for reading, predicting, and commenting, and I hope to see you again soon on this diary. :D


This is going to be great.

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  • 2 weeks later...



And I just realized I was inactive from the GDS forums for about two weeks. I needed that. And I needed to get myself watching a mix of old and new WWE to regain my passion - heck, I personally believe WWE's doing good right now, guest hosts (GRUMPY CAT?!?!?) notwithstanding.


As of now, this diary is in the inactive list, and it might not be another month, at least, before it becomes active again. But what I'm going to do is to play out July to October (i.e. the rest of Nicky's current arc), write shows up until then, and hopefully have everything complete before Christmas. The write-ups may be considerably shorter, and that may also be what I need - writing all those in-depth shows (and getting big-time writer's fatigue, as I write for a living) did kinda contribute to my extended hiatus.


The ideas I once had in mind for the rest of the arc are slowly coming back, and slowly becoming interesting to me once again. So if I may quote Gen. Douglas MacArthur once again...I shall return. :D As for the USPW side project I had in mind? Who knows? Don't want to jinx it, but work's become a bit less stressful these days...

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  • 1 month later...



Yes, you may have heard about my plans to go full-on GRRM-style with my new project. And I may have told some of you in private about what would have been my plans. That's still in the cards, but probably not while I'm still 18 x 2 years young - in other words, that may be something for the next TEW iteration, whenever Adam plans to release it.


As it turned out, the more I tried to write that story, the more I missed the adventures of Nicky Champion, and the more I regretted the possibility of pulling the plug on Nicky's story just like that. So with all that having been said, I officially declare this diary BACK IN BUSINESS for the new year! :D


Next Supreme TV should be up tonight, with a little luck. (Tried writing several months of shows, but only ended up with a few for July. :p )

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