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SWF: It's More than Just Supreme! (C-Verse 2014)

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OOC - Just to let everyone know, I've simplified the format quite a bit here. That means shorter promos and match descriptions going forward, beginning with this show...and no more announcer banter at the start. (I mean, who listens to Cole, JBL, and Lawler when they kick off a Raw episode?)


Looks like the show is about 33 percent shorter than my average Supreme TV. Not bad, but might try to make the coming shows a bit shorter...







Tuesday, July 1, 2014

First Niagara Arena (New York, Tri-State)

Attendance - 17,902




YOUR Supreme TV Announcers:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia


(PROMO) Bruce and Frehley Argue






Jack Bruce is in the ring to start off tonight's Supreme TV, and in his introductory promo, he gives a shout-out to his fellow New Yorkers of the SWF Galaxy in the audience. He also apologizes about not being able to wrestle tonight, but as per doctor's orders, he's got to rest his back to assure that he can compete at Supreme Challenge 34. But for the most part, he addresses SWF Champion Steve Frehley's treachery, and how he and his new MCO buddies had set him up to be cashed in on.


- Well, isn't that unusual. I've heard fans cheer "YOU SOLD OUT" but never "HE SOLD OUT"! You got that right, Buffalo, Steve Frehley DID sell out, and he can justify his actions all he wants. But that can't change the fact that HE SOLD OUT. And why'd he sell out and team up with the Moneyman, Eazy-E, and the MCO? Because he's always been jealous of me. That's right, Steve...I saw the glint of jealousy in your eyes when Matt Keith and I were hittin' it off more than you were, despite the fact you were his High Stakes mentor. I'd heard you grumblin' when they'd let me take nights off for my injuries, or let me spend some time with my band - valid excuses both, mind you. But most of all, I know you've been jealous of my popularity in the ring, and outside the ring. Been jealous that the Mayor of Metal's Constituents have always outnumbered yer Frehleynatics. And yeah, I know you've been more than a bit jealous of my paycheck. Did I ask for all this? No. But do I deserve all of this? You bet your bottom dollar I do, and it's because I've busted my ass in this here ring, and on the stage with my band. You, Stevo, have been SPOILED by your meteoric rise to fame at a very young age, while I earned everythin' I got...the Constituents, the gold records, the fast cars, the Brucettes, you name it...with hard work. And your lack of work ethic...your jealousy...your sell-outery...will be your downfall at Supreme Challenge. Because bad back and all, MCO or no MCO in your corner, I am gonna take you out, Stevo...with...and in...A NEW!!!!! YORK!!!!! MINUTE!!!!!!




Right on cue, Steve Frehley charges the ring to attack Bruce and hopefully work his back, but before Frehley could hit the Comet on the Cream of the Crop, Drew Hawkins' music plays in the background, as he and Joey Minnesota run in to make the save. Barry Bowen then appears on the Supreme-Tron, as he angrily chides everyone in the ring and announces that Hawkins and Minnesota will have to join him and the MCO's Rich Money and Emma Chase for a little "trip to the principal's office." As punishment for their actions, Hawkins will be booked against Steve Frehley in a non-title match, while Minnesota will be "fed to the Alpha Dog," Remo, in action later on tonight.


(BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW) Florence Interviews The New Darkness Warriors






Melanie Florence is backstage interviewing John and Robert Darkness, The New Darkness Warriors, before their World Tag Team Title match against The Amazing Bumfholes. Johnny D. offers thanks to the "Father of Darkness" Vengeance for negotiating this title shot, while both he and Robert D. debunk rumors that Vengeance is planning to get rid of them should they continue failing to live up to his expectations. Once the interview is over, Florence points out how Robert D. ended the interview by telling John D. that they're going to "boogie on out of here"- could this be a sign Robbie Retro is trying to emerge through the dark persona forced upon him by Vengeance?


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The New Darkness Warriors

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]


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The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The New Darkness Warriors
in a tag team match in 10:46 when Randy Bumfhole defeated Robert Darkness by pinfall with a Bumfhole Buster.


- This was probably the best wrestling we'd seen from The New Darkness Warriors since they formed earlier this year. In terms of storytelling, John and Robert Darkness fought like men with their status as Vengeance's "family members" on the line, but were nonetheless polished off by the more aggressive Bumfholes, with Zimmy using storyline sister Haley as a decoy to throw Johnny D. off and set him up for the Bumfhole Buster.


J. Eisen
- It's the Summer of Bumf, and Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole want to celebrate it the right way. They are really looking great with Supreme Challenge 34 and a match against The Awesomeness coming up fast!


- Certainly agree with you there, Jerry. But you can't blame The New Darkness Warriors for this loss. They fought hard, and much as I don't care much for Vengeance and his Family, they did what they could considering all the rumors of the Father of Darkness turning his back on his "children."


(ANGLE) Vengeance Fires The New Darkness Warriors






The match is over, and Vengeance solemnly walks to the ring as pyro blasts in the background. Both John and Robert Darkness look morbidly afraid of Vengeance, and are both very apologetic as he looks down on them. Vengeance, however, is in no mood to listen to apologies, as he lands two Six Feet Under chokeslams - one to John, and one to Robert! At this point, the Family of Darkness is no more, as the Father of Darkness has cast his incompetent "sons" away, probably for good. He then asks for a mic, saying some foreboding words to Nicky Champion ahead of their Supreme Challenge 34 encounter...


- That, Nicholas, is what happens to individuals who have committed the sin of Sloth. To be fair, that was their only weakness as my New Darkness Warriors. You, however, are the epitome of sin, and your atonement at Supreme Challenge will be exponentially worse at my hands, and mine alone. SC34, Nicholas...
Vengeance...WILL BE MINE!!!!!


(ANGLE) The Champions of Honor Argue




All three Champions of Honor are backstage, watching the action from the monitors. Nicky Champion, who seems to be hitting it off with Hannah, is unfazed by Vengeance's latest words and actions as he and Valiant listen to Jessie's pep/strategy talk, while Lobby is pacing excitedly, back and forth, paying zero attention to Jessie. He then stops abruptly and raises his hand to speak.


- It's always been me and Valiant. Surf 'n' Turf. Underwater Seas and United States. Nicky needs the night off, since he just got back from injury, and he's gotta focus on SC34. Why team him up with Valiant?


- Nicky Champion appreciates your concern, Lobby, but Valiant and Nicky Champion, we got this.


Jessie then tells Lobby that as a married woman, she knows how hard it is to be working after a disagreement or a fight with your spouse, but Lobby shakes her off and begs Champion to reconsider and Valiant to be his partner against the Chord/Money duo. Valiant says that Jessie is right. It's Lobby, and not the healthy and happy-looking Nicky Champion, who deserves the night off, since his marriage with "Mrs. Lobby" is actually on the rocks - this isn't any petty quarrel like what Jessie and Angry Gilmore would sometimes have. However...




- Just because I'm a kid-friendly superhero doesn't mean you're gonna treat me like a kid. I'm the one who can make it SNAPPEH against those two, and if you don't need my services, you might as well tell me now and be over with it. Now if you excuse me, I'm going for a swim.


Lobby storms off in a huff, and Valiant ruefully reminds Champion that "going for a swim" is Lobby's euphemism for going on a bender.


The Klubb (w/Enforcer Allen) vs When Animals Attack


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The Klubb defeated When Animals Attack
in a tag team match in 7:39 when Eric Eisen defeated Fox Mask by pinfall with The Supremacy. During the match we also saw Enforcer Allen distract Masked Cougar.


- The interesting story of Eric Eisen's Klubb stable continues, as P-Hunt stood out in this match for his bawdy, "bro-esque" behavior as the "Bridgeport Bad-Ass." Otherwise, rather meh wrestling and a mostly Klubb-sided affair. When Animals Attack really need to do something about their ring music - "What Does the Fox Say" by Ylvis - as it's totally not going down well with the fans.


(PROMO) Eric Eisen Worked Shoots on Matt Keith






As When Animals Attack leave the ring, Eric Eisen demands a mic from the stage hand, and cuts a controversial worked-shoot promo on Matthew Keith...


E. Eisen
- ...See, Matthew, your dad had the genius idea of telling MY dad to pretend he was dyin'. Seven years ago...I can still remember it, Matt...Dad takin' me and Jerry aside and telling us he had cancer. And that the SWF Galaxy would decide who took over Supreme...would it be me, or would it be my brother Jerry? Well, as it all turned out, my dad was never sick. He was never dying. And when your dad's stupid ploy was revealed as a sham, we lost millions and millions of dollars' worth of revenue, and my relationship with Jerry was ruined. All because of one Sam Keith. But WE got the last laugh, as Dad's alive and kicking, and more successful than your washed-up old man would ever be, with his regional malarkey in Baltimore and DC.


With Paul Huntingdon and Enforcer Allen snickering as Eisen appears close to tears, the Supreme Iconoclast tells his fellow Klubb members to get serious as he tries getting Jerry's sympathy. However, Jerry isn't buying it, which makes Eric furious once again. After some childish insults at Jerry, Eric (falsely) brags to Keith that his World title run in 2009-10 "undid almost all of your father's sins," save for the fact that Matt's now in the SWF as a hot young prospect. Eisen ends his promo by saying he's going to keep his US Title at Supreme Challenge 34 "for Dad, for Jerry, whom I hope will one day forgive me, and for the SWF Galaxy..."


E. Eisen
- ...because unlike you, Matthew Keith, I don't settle for bein' less than half of his father's legacy, that legacy further tarnished by the Election debacle. I AM TWICE my father's legacy!!!! Yeah, I know, Dad founded the SWF as a fresh graduate from UConn, milk on his Burt Reynolds 'stache, but full of ambition and definitely not naive. While I, Eric Eisen, am a college dropout. A mid-level performer and a mid-level executive with middling talent and middling business acumen. But lemme tell you, SWF Galaxy, that I am a man after your own hearts. My last name may be Eisen, but I've realized that I'm an average guy like you all. I am a man who isn't afraid to be himself, warts and all. And I've SUCCEEDED as a former World Heavyweight and North American champ, and now YOUR US champ. Matthew Keith? He's a spoiled silver-spoon-in-mouth know-it-all who thinks he's hot s--- just because he can do a creditable, but not 100 percent accurate, version of his dad's Proton Lock.
I'm Eric Eisen. I am your United States Champion. And whether it's a moral victory, an in-ring victory, a victory in the boardroom or a conquest of some nubile young ring rat...I NEVER LOSE!!!!


Captain Atomic © vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova)

[Non-Title Match]


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Captain Atomic defeated Dmitri Anselianenko
in 9:27 when Atomic beat Anselianenko by pinfall with a Mushroom Cloud. During the match we also saw Kristina Angelova distract Captain Atomic.


- It's a miracle Cap Atomic was able to carry kayfabe turncoat Dmitri Anselianenko to a good match, as the former American Machine really mailed it in. The match mainly favored Atomic, who did, however, fall prey to manager Kristina Angelova's distractions, resulting in a near-pin off a Putin Press. In the end, Atomic took advantage of the disintegrating relationship between Russian sympathizer and storyline Russian to pick up the win.


- THERE! That'll show you, you turncoat! That'll teach you to trifle with the United States of America, Dean Ansell!


A. Garcia
- And look at him...Anselianenko and Kristina Angelova are fighting again! Maybe he's on his way to seeing the light?


J. Eisen
- I won't necessarily say so. As we know, Anselianenko...boy, that name's a mouthful...is jealous of the attention Angelova's new recruit Magnum Kobe is getting, and that's why the two are fighting so quickly after what seemed to be a whirlwind courtship.


(ANGLE) Atomic, DuBois, and Sexy Argue






As Dmitri Anselianenko and Kristina Angelova get into another argument, Captain Atomic is headed backstage, screaming and beating his chest, holding up his North American belt, and yelling that he's "RAAAAAAAADIO-AAAAAAAAAAACTIVE!!!!!!!!" He bumps fists with undercard guys Donnie J and Jimmy Prudence, gets the cold shoulder from a depressed Lobby when Atomic screams his name, butts heads with adrenaline junkie and occasional tag partner Des Davids before they both yell "YAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!" at the same time, but gets his buzz killed by the sudden appearance of Marc DuBois.


DuBois, who's still trying to kiss up to the Klubb, asks Atomic if he heard Eric Eisen's earlier promo. After Atomic replies that nobody "GIVES A FLYING NEUTRINO ABOUT WHAT EEEEEEEE-RICCCCC EEEEEEYEEEE-SENNNNN HAS TO SAY," DuBois defends the Klubb leader and launches another diatribe about why Captain Atomic and wrestlers like him are already passe.


- Of course you didn't, Adam! You didn't care about what Eric said, y'know, about him bein' an average guy havin' fun as his own edgy self, because you spend every minute in this locker room separated from reality. You, monsieur, are Silver Age. You're Adam West, Christopher Reeve, no...GEORGE Reeves, you're Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno and Nicholas Hammond. I, on the other hand, am Modern Age. I'm Christian Bale with the darkness of Heath Ledger's Joker. I'm Henry Cavill. I'm a more brooding Tony Stark than Robert D-...oh no, no, no, Adam, you just don't get it. You just don't get it! Eric, Paul, Allen, and myself, we're what's hip and happenin'. They're archetypal fraternity party animals in adulthood, I'm the dark and gritty hero the SWF needs. You, Adam, are stuck in the SWF's Dark Ages, a reminder of when Sam Strong used to tell kids to drink their prayers, say their vitamins, and eat their training...






At that moment, Joe Sexy appears on the scene as he hears his name dropped. He says his catchphrase "Things just got SEXY in here!" and tells DuBois that their problems as a tag team are over - he just dumped Louise Cannon, just as Marc requested. DuBois, however, isn't impressed, as he screams at Sexy to stay out of his business with Atomic and makes it clear that he is not interested in The Sex Maniacs tag team; he wants to win singles gold. As DuBois rants and Sexy remains oblivious to his complaints, Atomic walks away, leaving the dysfunctional tag team to continue their argument.


(ANGLE) The Hollyweird Rejects and Money-Chase Organization Booked in Match




Rich Money and Emma Chase, Chairman and CEO respectively of the MCO, are seen backstage exiting Commissioner Barry Bowen's office, as Hollyweird Rejects Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota go the other way. Both Money and Chase appear to be smiling as Melanie Florence catches up with them and asks them about their tete-a-tete with the Commish.




- ...Why, Melanie, we just made a match for Supreme Challenge. Surely you can't expect the rest of the MCO to sit around idly as the new Face of the SWF, Steve Frehley, faces the old, broken-down, washed-up rock star Jack Bruce for the SWF Title, while Jay Chord gets wasted on the pre-show against the hashtag guy?


- So what kind of match is it going to be, Rich? Emma?


- That's MISTER Money and MISS Chase to you, Florence. And the premise of the match is going to be simple. It's going to be a
four-on-four elimination tag match
, much like the ones on Let the Games Begin. And it's going to be our way of getting back at the so-called Hollyweird Rejects for rejecting our kind and generous offer to join the MCO.


- Andrews, Hawkins, and Ino think they can spurn the MCO for Joey Minnesota, whom I handily disposed of upon his debut? Well, they can all team up against the MCO's team, which includes Mr. Giedroyc, the King of Supreme. Findlay O'Farraday. Yours truly, Rich Money. And last, but not the least...


- ...Marat Khoklov.


Whoever loses the match at Supreme Challenge 34 will be forced to disband...until Let the Games Begin
, which is a good three months away from now. That means none of them would be able to team up with each other, may it be as a faction, as a tag team, or whatever.


- That's going to be especially tough for The East-West Connection, Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino.
(winks her eye)
L.A.'s finest and the pride of the Rising Sun are making lots of noise in the tag team division, as it seems, but they're going to have to wait their turn and go to the back of the line for three months, once SC34's over.


- But you aren't even sure if...


- How could we be
sure, Melanie? You've got the King of Supreme, and a newly-promoted MCO exec in Mr. Giedroyc. You've got my High Stakes rookie, a 300-pound force of destruction in Findlay O'Farraday. You've got Rich Money, a multi-titled multimillionaire, and THE most powerful man in Supreme. And you've got Marat Khoklov. The Superbeast, The Shining Star, 7'6", 450 pounds of pure, rippling muscle, just as Peter Michaels often says.
We always get what we want, Melanie. And what we want at SC34...is to show The Hollyweird Rejects who runs things in their new home.




Florence thanks the two MCO executives for their time, then catches up with Hawkins and Minnesota at the catering area. Having sat down earlier with the Commish, they know what's up, and they both like their chances at SC34.


- See, Mel, that's the difference between us Hollyweird Rejects and those MCO suits. They're a business. We? We've known each other personally and professionally back with the competition, and while we weren't friends all the time back there, we certainly were friends right before we left, and the very moment we came here.


- I know that crybaby Chord ain't in the match, but Drew, Aaron, and Kosh'll be glad to tell ya that
was the reason they came here, and not Jay.


- Damn right, Joey.
(exchanges first-bumps with Minnesota)
And lemme say this as well. MCO, once we beat you at Supreme Challenge 34, we won't just be disbanding you till Let the Games Begin. We don't care if you've got your pet giant Khoklov in your team of four, but we are gonna beat you so bad you're gonna have no choice but to disband.


- Oh, and that additional stipulation Bowen gave us? That we can't "run in" on behalf of anyone, may it be Bruce, Gilmore, or any of the other SWF Superstars we've befriended since joining Supreme, until SC34 is over? They're gonna fire us if we do that.


- Dude,
they've absolutely banned us from ringside
until Supreme Challenge 34 is over!


- It only proves that our good Commish doesn't just bathe in Money...he also hunts with the Alpha Dog.


Drew Hawkins vs Steve Frehley © (w/Rich Money and Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]


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Steve Frehley defeated Drew Hawkins
in 15:53 when Frehley beat Hawkins by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet. During the match we also saw Emma Chase distract Drew Hawkins.


- Steve Frehley as a heel can be very entertaining, as he repeatedly paused in this match to tell the booing crowd to "shut the hell up." During the match, we saw him show some hitherto-unseen psychology, working on Drew Hawkins' knees in hopes of rendering him incapable of a Full Moon Rising. He still did it anyway, knocking Frehley down and nearly getting the three-count at 12:30 before Rich Money stepped in to argue with referee Ric Young. The match ended with Frehley working off an Emma Chase distraction (Dollar Signs, natch) to land the Frehley's Comet on Hawkins.


- BAW GAWD, DREW! I told y'all not to look at the Dollar Signs!


J. Eisen
- Anyone will tell you, Peter, that it's hard to lay your eyes off a beautiful, smart, and powerful woman like Emma, even if she's made a career out of showing those Dollar Signs to the Chase Agency, and later on the MCO's foes.


- Makes me wonder if that's how she sealed the deal with Rich Money to form the MCO in the first place!


J. Eisen
(ignoring an awkward-looking Ana Garcia)
- She probably did more than just that, Pete, if you know what I mean!


The Valiant Champions (w/Jessie and Hannah) vs Jay Chord and Rich Money (w/Emma Chase and Mr. Giedroyc)


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Jay Chord and Rich Money defeated The Valiant Champions
in a tag team match in 16:33 when Rich Money defeated Nicky Champion by pinfall with a Bank Roll off a distraction from Vengeance.


- Odd this match featured a lot of Rich Money vs Nicky Champion sequences, as both men don't have good chemistry in the ring. Other than that, we can't complain much. Money was excellent selling those attacks from Champion and Valiant, while Valiant gave the audience a lot of hope with his babyface comeback at around 14 minutes. And Christian Faith was wonderful as guest commentator, talking about what could be a potential alliance with Valiant, though that's of course contingent on whether he turns or not.


Vengeance's distraction came in the form of a Supreme-Tron video, and it was a good decision to have Champion count the lights, as he shows a bit of vulnerability under pressure ahead of his Three Levels of Inferno match versus Vengeance at SC34...


- C'mon, Christian. Admit it. You and Vengeance have a thing goin' on, and you want Valiant to be a part of it.


A. Garcia
- Vengeance just fired his Darkness Warriors, so that frees him up to team up with you in whatever dastardly plan you have.


- Ana, if I were you, I'd be more worried about the cut of your dress and how a lot of hormonal teenage boys in the SWF Galaxy watch Supreme TV every Tuesday night. Valiant has refused me time and again, but we think alike. We have a similar set of beliefs. That's why I'm here, and if you ask me, Valiant made the wrong decision by tagging that decadent Nicky Champion in at the last minute.


J. Eisen
- This wouldn't have happened if your new buddy Vengeance didn't show up on the Supreme-Tron talking about atonement!


- He's a man without Faith, Jerry. And he's another reason why the SWF Galaxy needs the right kind of role models - people like myself.
(takes a long pause)
And people like Valiant.


Joey Minnesota vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[Non-Title Match]


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Remo defeated Joey Minnesota
in 18:02 when Remo beat Minnesota by count out. During the match we also saw Duane Fry attacking Joey Minnesota.


- Fantastic story-telling from two of the SWF's top talents under 35. Granted, Remo's still no master of psychology, but with Minnesota calling the shots, J-Minny sold Remo's attacks expertly, making the big man look like a real threat. However, the match was still very even from bell to bell, and Minnesota still looked strong, as he lost the match after Remo, with the referee's back turned, landed a Destroyer on Minnesota while both men were duking it out at ringside. This led to the count out win, as Minnesota didn't get any help from anyone, on account of The Hollyweird Rejects being banned from being ringside on anyone's behalf until SC34, lest they get fired.


- Good Gawd...isn't anyone gonna help Joey Minnesota? The man's still out cold at ringside!


A. Garcia
- As we now know, The Hollyweird Rejects are forbidden from interfering in any match, or even being at ringside until Supreme Challenge 34.


J. Eisen
- There's Jack Bruce...the corrupt Commissioner hasn't said anything about Jack Bruce helping a brother out.
(camera focuses on Bruce helping Minnesota up to his feet)


- Barry Bowen has definitely skewed things in his friends the MCO's favor, and you can even argue that he's workin' closely with that asshole Duane Fry as well!


A. Garcia
- That, dear SWF Galaxy, is not what justice and equality are about.


(PROMO) Gilmore and Fry Argue






Angry Gilmore has the final promo of the evening, and this one serves to continue the buildup for his World Heavyweight title match against defending champion Remo at Supreme Challenge 34. After starting out with his trademark "Tonight is a good night to be angry," he alternately speaks and screams about how SWF Commissioner Barry Bowen has always been out to get him, regardless of whether he's "beefin' with (his) benefactor Rich Money" or not. Gilmore says it's going to take more than banning the "Fear of Gilmore" (as his Gogoplata is now named), because at SC34, he'll be putting the Fear of Gilmore into Remo "one way AND another...and another...and another...AND ANOTHER!!!!" He also talks about how people like Bowen have doubted him for being too small, too slight, too hot-tempered, and even nitpicked at his straight-edge lifestyle and bald head, among other things, and how at Supreme Challenge 34, he's going to silence all the doubters and prove that "the little bald man who doesn't smoke, drink, or shoot up" can win a major title - the World Heavyweight title.


Gilmore is in the process of working the crowd and having them cheer "REMO SUCKS!" when Duane Fry, Remo and The Pain Alliance exit the locker room with microphones in hand.




- Real creative, Gilmore. That was real creative of you. Remo sucks, Remo sucks, Chicken Fry, Chicken Fry. All words, Tom, it's nothin' but hot and putrid air, the same kind of air you've been spewin' in the ten-plus years you've been with this company. The Duane Fry Guys? We deliver in ACTION, and that's all you'll ever need from a man like Remo. He doesn't talk much, but RRRRRRRRRRREMO RRRRRRRRICHARDSON is a man of action, and those actions will include DECIMATING you...RIPPING YOU TO SHREDS...and MAKING A TOTAL AND UTTER MOCKERY OUT OF SUPREME CHALLENGE'S MAIN EVENT BY DEFEATING YOU QUICKLY AND DECISIVELY!!!!!


- What Duane said!


- Hey, SHUT UP, Kurt!
(to Gilmore)
Right now I'm not in the mood for no catchphrases like the ones you spew out, Tom. You say it pumps the crowd, and hell, it just might, even if you know and I know SC34 will be held in Remo's HOMETOWN of Minneapolis. And as you found out last week, the Commish was in no mood for gimmicky, homoerotic, and downright dishonest moves like your so-called "Fear of Gilmore." I get it, Tom. You're a technical mat wizard, and that's why the Internet's loved you ever since Netscape's glory days. But those catchphrases, that MMA s--- of yours, that bald head, that straight-edge lifestyle of yours...they're all gimmicks, man! Remo doesn't do gimmicks...he does DESTRUCTION, he does DOMINATION, and he'll DO YOU IN and make you wish you quit while you were still ahead. You made a wrong decision choosin' to fight for the World title at SC34.


- THE ONLY WRONG DECISION I MADE IN RECENT YEARS, AND THE SWF GALAXY KNOWS THIS, IS JOININ' UP WITH RICH MONEY AND TRYIN' TO REFORM THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, BECAUSE I'VE DONE MORE BY MYSELF THAN ANY OTHER MAN IN THIS COMPANY, SAVE FOR MAYBE JACK MOTHERBLEEPIN' BRUCE!!!!! But he's got the Moneyman now, by way of that sellout Steve Frehley...and I've got my eyes on YOU, Remo, and YOU, Duane Fry, and I've got my eyes on that World Heavyweight title. Smallest World champion in SWF history defeatin' the strongest World champ. Sounds good, doesn't it?


Fry and Gilmore continue their back-and-forth promo for a minute and a half, and as Fry is ranting about Gilmore, he stops mid-rant, snaps his fingers, and his Guys - Remo and The Pain Alliance - charge the ring and beat down on Gilmore. Gilmore's closest allies, The Hollyweird Rejects, are forbidden from helping anyone until SC34, lest they get fired, but that's no problem for the Angry One. He clotheslines Kurt Laramee, lands an Anger Management on Big Smack Scott, and while Remo drops him with a shoulderblock, he nips up, hits a second Anger Management on Remo, and locks him up in the Fear of Gilmore! Fry looks on scared as Gilmore has Remo in submission, yelling "NOTHIN' YOU CAN DO ABOUT THIS, BOWEN!!! THIS AIN'T A MATCH, THERE AIN"T NOTHIN' YOU CAN DO!!!!" as the credits begin to roll.






Rating - 16.39/Increased Popularity in 19 Regions

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OOC - Playing the game irregularly since October meant I made a few careless mistakes, but the biggest was my failure to re-sign Lenny Brown, who was, at that time, stuck at RIPW. Which is why we've got this next backstage segment...


"The One that Got Away"


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pearl Street Grill and Brewery, Buffalo, N.Y.

11:30 p.m.



Just weeks ago, the Solid Hands were almost purely made up of veterans. With the exception of Mainstream and Stevie and myself, a former USPW veteran, this unofficial "union" included familiar names for Supreme TV viewers for the past few years. But in recent days, we'd been attracting more newbies to the mix. People like Spencer Spade and Adam Giedroyc.




Spencer had recently returned from a cup of coffee at RIPW. He'd been there just a couple of weeks before he was sent back up to the main roster - apparently, Phil Roberts felt he'd already learned enough and keeping him in developmental was unnecessary. We tended to agree - for a 23-year-old, he was really polished in the ring. And he was a real pro, not minding at all the fact that he was due for repackaging - maybe as Ser Spensyr Spaede of Wrestleos (no joke), but probably as Ser Jaime Spensyr, even if we already had several people named James - Brandon, Hernandez (Mainstream), Prudence.


Tonight, however, Spence wasn't feeling it. He'd just learned that his best friend, Lenny Brown, had walked away from RIPW without giving anyone any notice.


"He just left, man. His deal was supposed to be extended, but as far as I knew, he wasn't too keen on re-signing for another one of Eisen's Young Lion Specials." Spencer was referring to those ridiculously cheap multi-year deals that potentially allowed young signees to wrestle for a pittance for five to seven years, even if they'd already made it to the main event. "The guy really didn't say much, then one day, he'd up and left."


"Didn't even text you?", inquired Jimmy Prudence.


"Nah," replied Spencer. "Not for the next few days he didn't. Now I hear he's in Pittsburgh, tryin' out for Mitch and Alex."


"That's f--ked, mate," offered Adam Matravers, a.k.a. Adam Giedroyc. No, he was not in any way related to Jack. At first, Adam had seemed close to the Klubb, but now he was hanging with us and getting along well with everyone in the Solid Hands. Everyone but Big Smack Scott, who still distrusted Adam and Spencer.


Our conversation continued, and when Freddy Garcia suggested that the SWF could always re-sign Lenny after a few months, Spencer quickly corrected him, saying that there was a good chance he'd be defecting to the west.


"Dude, if Lenny makes it to the PSW roster, it won't be long before TCW snaps him up. Think about it. TCW is headquartered in L.A. Lenny's a SoCal native. Grandmaster Phunk, you know, Danny Bolte? Rumor has it TCW wants to sign him, so if Phunk and Lenny hit it off at PSW, you can tell what's gonna happen next."


Assessing the situation, I gave my own two cents on the matter. "Doesn't matter which major promotion he signs with - Lenny's gonna do jobs or get a shitty gimmick AND do jobs. But TCW, they'd sure love to rub it in our face that they got the one who got away."




"Psh. Babies!" It was Big Smack Scott, tactless as ever. "So we lost one jobber, and may lose him to Hollyweird. Big deal! It's not like we're losin' a Tom Gilmore or Jack Bruce, so enough with this emo bullshit!"


"HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND," said Spencer, not hiding the fact he was offended by Scott's bonehead comment. "I know he won't get much of a push yet, but anyone would be sad if their best friend jumped ship without them tellin'. How'd you feel if Kurt decided to leave Supreme without lettin' you know?"


That nearly sparked a fistfight between Spence and Scotty, but cooler heads intervened, and within a few minutes we were laughing and joking again...without Scott and Kurt, who'd stormed off, probably to look for some topless bars in the area.



Wednesday, July 2, 2014

3:00 a.m.


John Greed, no longer wearing the black robes as John Darkness, was the "unlucky" guy to draw designated driver, so it was him who would be driving the rental car back to the hotel.


"Everyone okay?", asked Johnny, seeing how Spencer and Adam seemed a bit wasted. "Now you know how the big boys drink," he added with a mischievous laugh.


"Yeah, we're fine," said an obviously tipsy Spencer. "That Scott Sinclair sure is an asshole, though."


"I concur," Adam deadpanned in his laid-back English accent. "Hey, isn't that Eric's rental car?"


I looked around the area and yes, it did look like Eric's car parked in front of the nearby bar. Sure enough, Eric stepped out of the bar with his brother Jerry and homies Mike, Remo, Stan, Joey, and Aaron. Seven men, one car? Oh, no. Two cars - looks like Remo had his own rental with him.




I didn't think it was a big deal, until Adam spoke.


"I hope they didn't see me," he said. "You probably know Eric's tryin' to buddy up with the rookies, right?"


"Well, he's pretty tight with Shit Sandwich," I replied. "You know, Mike Wilmington. The Hotdog Man."


Adam managed an intoxicated chuckle. "Guy's an arse. But yeah, Eric's been able to get close to that KP Avatar kid who may debut a couple of High Stakes seasons later. You had some heat with his brother, didn't 'ya?"


"It was an accident. And I did my part to defray the Avatars' expenses when Sam Strong wouldn't."


"I know, Nicky. And that's really cool of you. But anyway, here's the thing. There's somethin' 'bout the Klubb that rubs me the wrong way. That's why I decided to hang with you guys instead."


Having said that, the former John Darkness started the engine as we drove back to the hotel, excited about Supreme Challenge, and glad that Eric's attempts to manipulate newcomers weren't too successful so far.

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OOC - And Sammy Curran's transformation into this diary's answer to Jerry Lawler (only much younger) continues on this episode of Uprising. I'm considering giving him a slow heel turn, as Duane Fry's doing more managing than announcing, while Marvin Earnest and Swoop McCarthy (and Melanie Florence for High Stakes) are face commentators...


SWF Uprising

Broome County Memorial Arena (New York, Tri-State)

Thursday, July 3, 2014



Marvin Earnest, Samuel Curran, and Swoop McCarthy (Melanie Florence, Earnest, and Curran for High Stakes matches)




(VIDEO) Supreme Rewind - 7/1/2014 (86/B+)


The Supreme Rewind for this week features highlights from Angry Gilmore and Duane Fry's argument, as Fry pokes fun at Gilmore's tendency to drop catchphrases and Gilmore promises that he can "put the fear of Gilmore" into Remo in more ways than one and win his World Heavyweight Title at Supreme Challenge 34. We also see bits from Jack Bruce's introductory promo, Steve Frehley defeating Drew Hawkins in non-title action, and Joey Minnesota giving Remo a hard time, but losing in their main event match.


Andy Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Surfer Nando (w/Jimmy Prudence) (7/F)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9a56294a-c850-4a9a-ab5f-684e8b6a3236_zpsf3069126.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/230b1a39-a964-48fe-a5d6-ccd9fd52b2b8_zps6a730378.jpg


In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat,
Andy Erlandsson defeated Surfer Nando
in 3:55 by submission with a Gothenbearhug after Big Smack Scott attacked Surfer Nando with a chair. (The crowd was totally turned off by a jobber match, and was not thrilled to see Andy Erlandsson wrestle, though they nonetheless gave him some rather sarcastic support.)


- Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Andy Erlandsson may seem pleased that his mentor Big Smack Scott's suspension from the SWF is over, but here's the thing. Duane Fry, much as I dislike him, is a capable strategist. Big Smack Scott is unfit to be mentoring anyone on High Stakes!


- You said Fry is a capable strategist, but why didn't he use those skills to help Andy?
Though you're right - I don't see Big Smack Scott as being any more supportive of this young man.


(ANGLE) Big Smack Scott Rants About Thunder (66/C+)




Big Smack Scott, who helped his rookie Andy Erlandsson win by attacking Surfer Nando while Kurt Laramee distracted referee Ric Young, lands a big Ego Trip on Jimmy Prudence, and demands a mic from the stage hand...


Big Smack Scott


- Maybe you mean "hiatus," Scotty?


Big Smack Scott


(HIGH STAKES CHALLENGE) Capture the Flag Race (65/C)


The Capture the Flag Race features the seven surviving rookies racing to capture the flag (duh) hanging above the ring, but this season's contest has a twist - there are multiple flags, and whoever captures the most flags wins. The results:


1. Fro Sure - 3

2. Adam Giedroyc - 2

3. Surfer Nando - 2

4. Rudy Velasquez - 1

5. Carl Ashley - 0

6. Henry Hill - 0

7. Andy Erlandsson - 0


After the challenge, Carl Ashley complains about how he felt Fro Sure pushed him off, hence his inability to capture any flags, but Peter Michaels breaks them both up, and informs them that they'll be facing off anyway in the second of three rookie matches tonight - previous Mentor's Poll winner Henry Hill drew a bye, so he won't be in action.


- Fro Sure. Fro Sure gets two immunity points.


Fro Sure (w/Steve Frehley) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/d4ed2173-3166-4bfd-8719-b3a9724db698_zps890ad15e.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/35857b84-a0a3-49ec-8021-6d725775c670_zpsb550cb50.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Fro Sure defeated Carl Ashley
in 6:20 by pinfall with a Sure Thing. (Ashley and Fro Sure have great chemistry in the ring; Captain Atomic, enraged that Steve Frehley had repeatedly tried to distract his rookie, gets in the Dark Destroyer's face, and this may likely set up a midcard champ vs main event champ match at some point in the near future.)


- You have to wonder how seriously Steve Frehley is taking his job as Fro Sure's mentor. Ever since joining the MCO, Frehley and Fro Sure's relation has become more contentious...


- But for a guy who has to deal with his mentor being a complete and total sell-out who probably doesn't give two craps about whether he makes it far or not, Fro Sure is hangin' tough, and doin' well in the challenges, including the Capture the Flag Race!


(HIGH STAKES CHALLENGE) Mr. Muscle Challenge (69/C+)


The next challenge is the Mr. Muscle Challenge, which involves each of the rookies swinging a hammer on the Power of the Punch machine and trying to get as high a score as possible. Peter Michaels invites Melanie Florence to give the machine a test run, and she scores a respectable 398, despite not being a trained competitor in any way, shape, or form.


The results:


1. Andy Erlandsson - 926

2. Carl Ashley - 744

3. Adam Giedroyc - 675

4. Henry Hill - 660

5. Surfer Nando - 542

6. Fro Sure - 529

7. Rudy Velasquez - DQ (initially scored 346, but was disqualified after illegally taking a second shot at the machine and scoring 450, still low enough for last place)


Velasquez, enraged at repeatedly failing to get a decent score, curses out fellow heel Adam Giedroyc, who said that he "hits like a girl," and not surprisingly, that sets up this High Stakes episode's final rookie match of the evening.


- Andy Erlandsson. Erlandsson gets two immunity points.


(MINOR ANGLE) Hill Gets Ready (37/D-)


As he won the first High Stakes Mentor's Poll for Season 2, Henry Hill has drawn a bye for tonight, but he's not exactly relaxing himself and enjoying the evening. That's because Squeeky McClean is forcing him to perform a regimen of sit-ups and push-ups in an effort to instill discipline and keep the former bouncer away from the temptations of drink. (It should be noted that Scout and Guide, despite rumors of the SWF hiring them to work a heelish military gimmick, haven't received any solid offers, hence Sober Police getting a push as Uprising GM and ex-military man Eric Tyler's thugs.)


Adam Giedroyc (w/Mr. Giedroyc) vs Rudy Velasquez (w/Lobster Warrior) (32/E+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/86ca73e7-8e67-44c0-b184-ab6dce1c56da_zps912fada9.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12417361-2207-4309-b357-5aa6819ad8ad_zps78bf6b5e.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Rudy Velasquez defeated Adam Giedroyc
in 6:59 by pinfall with a Street Cutter. (Velasquez and Adam Giedroyc have great chemistry. Giedroyc's storyline older brother and mentor Jack "Mr." Giedroyc does all he could to cheat in this match, which displeases Velasquez's mentor Lobster Warrior, but the Puerto Rican still goes over the Brit. Celebrating his win, Velasquez spits at Giedroyc - his big bro's trademark as Rogue - and yells "Who hits like a girl now, cabron?" at his fallen opponent.)


(ANGLE) Lobby and Mr. Giedroyc Argue, Match Booked (66/C+)


An irate Lobby barks at Rudy Velasquez, asking him to stop gloating and wait as he talks to Mr. Giedroyc. The talk soon turns heated, as Lobby admonishes the elder Giedroyc about his dishonest actions, saying that a King of Supreme shouldn't carry himself in such a manner. Giedroyc shows no remorse for those actions, of course, and it isn't long before they agree to meet for a match to close out tonight's High Stakes portion of Uprising.


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Mr. Giedroyc (w/Adam Giedroyc) (62/C)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/da1e1864-93bb-443b-9e0a-cdc075bd1d84_zps5db5db9d.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eac60f15-34cd-4cda-ae99-640c76407cc7_zps933d746f.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd,
Mr. Giedroyc defeated Lobster Warrior
in 9:40 by pinfall with a Crashing On following botched interference by Jessie (as Angel Fish). (Not really botched interference, but more of Lobby and Angel Fish arguing about something as Giedroyc sneaked up for the Crashing On.)


- Rough patch for Lobby. Rough, rough patch for Lobby.


- I can feel his pain, Marv, but y'know I can feel somethin' too when I see Jessie dressed up in that tight blue Angel Fish costume of hers! YEEE-HAAAAHHH!!!!


- For God's sake, Sammy, is this the first time you've seen a woman in your life? Show some respect for Melanie over here! Besides, we were talking about Lobby, just in case you forgot. We were talking about how Lobby's marital problems seem to be throwing him off his game!


- No offense taken, Marvin, but it looks like somebody might need to have the fear of Gilmore put into him...


(ANGLE) Lobby and Angel Fish (Jessie) Argue (52/D+)


The match is over and Lobby is angry with Angel Fish, saying that she should have told the woman on the phone to call back in a few minutes, instead of telling her to "leave Lobby alone." Lobby says that the woman is his fitness trainer, but Angel Fish retorts by telling Lobby that he's "swimming with sharks," and that woman is "feasting on your marriage to Mrs. Lobby as you know it." Enraged, Lobby tells Angel Fish that she should stop acting as if she's his mother, and that she had better shape up or she'll have to find "another school of fish to swim with."




(ANGLE) Tyler Tries Intimidating Cage (41/D-)




Instead of the usual Secrets of the Smooth setup, Roger Cage says that this is a "special edition" of his show, as he will be holding a "live interview" with Uprising GM Eric Tyler, with the uptight Uprising boss supposedly sharing some "love tips for older men." Naturally, Tyler, who alternately refers to Cage as "Robert" and "Rodney," has no interest in answering such questions, and instead he tries to talk about his latest initiative as Uprising GM...


- You see, Roger, there really is something amiss when you've got performers who refuse to wrestle unless they're wearing a mask. It's as if they're hiding something...


- Sounds legit, Mr. T. I mean, the women find it really off-putting when men, y'know, try to be someone they're not. Just like this one customer of mine who used to tell the girls at school that he was this bad-ass guitar player like Hendrix or Slash or Van Halen...only for him to stink up the school talent show with his out-of-tune noodling...


(still not playing along)
- Fortunately, I've got two fine young men helping me out in this initiative - Jackson Marlowe and Squeeky McClean...


- Finally...Mr. Taylor got somebody's name right! I wouldn't exactly call Sober Police "young men," though...


(ignoring both #Edd and Cage)
- Their duty is to take those masks off of those who wear them...


- Likewise, my objective as a pickup artist and love doctor, is to help those posers and pretenders realize that they've got to be themselves at the core, while using my proven techniques to...


- The fact that Sober Police shuns all forms of intoxicants is also worth noting, as we all know that vices can oftentimes be a professional wrestler's downfall.


- Hmmmm, interesting. So you believe that clean livin' is gonna help men your age score with women half their age? Or close to their age? Or elderly cougars lookin' for a middle-aged man to bring home the bacon?


(now angry)
- Look here, Robert. I know you can't take hints, so I'm gonna tell it to you straight. Secrets of the Smooth is CANCELLED. Such tomfoolery has no place on MY Uprising. You were hired by the SWF as a WRESTLER and not as a pickup artist, so if you want to continue appearing on this program, you're gonna have to wrestle.


- Not tonight though, Rog. Mr. Tylenol here decided not to book you tonight, and since me and my Lisa are gonna prepare for the Jay Chord fight at the SC34 pre-show by hittin' the club with the boys, and since YOU'RE not invited, that's two parties you're missin' out on tonight, lover boy!


Cage stares blankly and walks away, seemingly wanting to attack #Edd, but deciding not to risk getting Mr. Tyler even angrier. Tyler, on the other hand, mutters the words "not if I can help it," suggesting that he'll be forcing his assistant #Edd to work overtime to keep him away from the party scene.


(ANGLE) Angelova Hypes Anselianenko (54/D+)


In storyline, it appears that Dmitri Anselianenko and Kristina Angelova are going through a rough patch, but that's the farthest thing from their minds, as they both rip apart the American audience and diss Skye Sunlight for being an example of why America is so messed up. Anselianenko calls Sunlight a "stupid Americansky who kills arts and culture with his inane rock music," and vows to "annihilate" him in their upcoming match.


Skye Sunlight (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Dmitri Anselianenko (w/Kristina Angelova and Magnum Kobe) (50/D)




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Skye Sunlight defeated Dmitri Anselianenko
in 5:58 by pinfall with a Skye Diver following botched interference by Magnum Kobe. (The match continues Anselianenko's de-pushing ahead of his expected release from the SWF, as we also see him arguing with both Angelova and Magnum Kobe, obviously frustrated with his recent losing streak.)


- YEEE-HAAAAHHH!!! That Russian girl Kristina Angelova is hot enough as she is when she calls us stoopid Americanskys, but she is flat-out SMOKIN' when she's mad at her man!


- She might not be Dmitri Anselianenko's man much longer, what with the way those two have been at each other like cats and dogs!


Los Metalheads vs Sober Police (49/D)




In an extremely short match,
Sober Police defeated Los Metalheads
in 3:46 when Squeeky McClean defeated Oro by pinfall with a Stain Removal.


- I feel for #Edd, y'know that? Not only does he have to deal with that humorless GM of ours, but he's now got the Sober Police workin' for Mr. Tyler too!


- Jackson Marlowe and Squeeky McClean are going for the masks...can they do it? Can those two alcohol-hating goons take the masks off of Los Metalheads?


(ANGLE) When Animals Attack Saves Los Metalheads from Unmasking (44/D)


When Animals Attack may not have had a meaningful start to their SWF careers, but Fox Mask and Masked Cougar seem to have a good storyline going for them, as they save Los Metalheads from an unmasking courtesy of Sober Police! Marlowe and McClean hightail it out of the ring as When Animals Attack helps their masked brethren up to their feet and all four masked men dance to the tune of WAA's theme "What Does the Fox Say."


(ANGLE) Dawn the Rocker, The Awesomeness and Amazing Bumfholes Skit (48/D)




In the locker room, we see Dawn the Rocker, now decked out in a black leather jacket, black tank top and black leather skirt, listening to music on her iPod. Huey Cannonball asks what she's listening to, and gives her a thumbs-up when she says she's listening to a Slade greatest hits compilation. As Huey enumerates some of Slade's biggest hits from the '70s, Randy, Zimmy, and Haley Bumfhole pass by, with Haley quite happy that Dawn is expanding her musical horizons and getting into the old-school glam rock The Awesomeness loves so much. Randy and Zimmy seem less interested in the music, and remind Huey about their upcoming World Tag Team title match at SC34; Zimmy adds that Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust "deserve better than slummin' it out here on Uprising," to which Cannonball humbly replies that "every rock star's gotta start at the smoky clubs, and not head straight to the big arenas."




R. Bumfhole
- Whatever you say, Huey, but if you ask me, man, you deserve more than this.


Z. Bumfhole
- We both know who's gonna win at Supreme Challenge, but you're too good to be wastin' your talents over here.


Having said that, the Bumfhole boys and Cannonball head to the catering area, where Stardust is getting ready for the upcoming match with a quick bite, while storyline best friends Dawn and Haley remain where they are.


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx) (46/D)




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
The Awesomeness defeated Partay Dudez USA
in 5:54 when Calum was disqualified when Freddy A. Flexx ran in and attacked Huey Cannonball. (The Partay Dudez's de-push, supposedly brought about by an off-screen incident with Mike Wilmington, continues here, as they hardly get any offense in against The Awesomeness.)


- I don't care if those Partay Dudez can't sing or dance very well.


- I'll have to admit they're good dancers, mate...


- But they're bad singers, we can all agree on that one. They can be bargain-basement Backstreet Boys for all we care, as long as they've got that vivacious VJ Britney Hollywood in their corner! YEEE-HAAAAHHH!!!!


- Oh, Sammy...


- Fortunately for Sammy, we'll have more Partay Dudez later on, when their A-team of Mainstream and Stevie go up against Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino, The East-West Connection...


- Plus tonight's main event - North American number one contender Marc DuBois, versus Prime Time himself, Des Davids!


(PROMO) Atomic Hypes Davids vs DuBois (67/C+)


Captain Atomic is backstage with Des Davids, as the two appear to be continuing their occasional partnership. Davids has a match tonight against Marc DuBois, and Atomic is trying to psyche "Prime Time" up for the match with his signature psychobabble, telling him that DuBois always loses matches when his mental instability gets the better of him. Atomic asks Davids if he's ready, and Davids replies that he was "born ready," capping it off with an adrenaline-fueled yell, several jumping jacks, and a friendly, yet firm head-butt to Captain Atomic as both men end the segment by yelling at the top of their lungs.


The East-West Connection vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney Hollywood and Freddy A. Flexx) (66/C+)




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The East-West Connection defeated 24/7 Partay Dudez
in 10:10 when Koshiro Ino defeated Stevie by pinfall with a Kobra's Bite. During the match we also had VJ Britney Hollywood distract Andrews. (Unlike Calum and J-Sense, Mainstream and Stevie, or the Partay Dudez's "Team A," get a lot of offensive moves in, but ultimately lose when Ino, working off the hot tag, ignores Britney Hollywood's shrill distractions and hits Stevie with the Kobra's Bite.)


- Another impressive win for The East-West Connection. Even with the Partay Dudez slumping...


- VJ Britney! VJ Britney! YEE-HAAAAHHH!!!!


- ...they still gave Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino some tough competition out there. Though we know now that if The Hollyweird Rejects lose their elimination tag match against the Money-Chase Organization at Supreme Challenge 34, that will force the losing team to disband until Let the Games Begin. And that includes The East-West Connection being forced to disband till then!


- With big Marat Khoklov on the MCO's side for that match, the Rejects will have their work cut out for 'em...there doesn't seem to be a man alive aside from Angry Gilmore who can take that big giant down!


Des Davids vs Marc DuBois (71/C+)




In a bout that featured great action and average heat,
Marc DuBois defeated Des Davids
in 10:54 by submission with a Fruitcake for Everybody. (This match was very even, and both Davids and DuBois showed great chemistry as opponents. But since Davids is still in that "spinning his wheels" stage, DuBois got the nod here, showing he can win matches without Joe Sexy or Louise Cannon, and making Davids pass out with his trademark sleeper variation, the Fruitcake for Everybody.)




Velasquez 5-0

Hill 4-0

Ashley 3-2

Erlandsson 2-3

Fro Sure 2-3

Giedroyc 2-3

Nando 1-4

Williams 0-4 (ELIMINATED)




Erlandsson - 4

Fro Sure - 4

Hill - 3


SWF Uprising Final Grade -

SWF Uprising Rating - 1.00

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OOC - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Though you're all free to predict on the upcoming shows, I've decided to only count prediction scores for pay-per-view events. Thought it'd be easier that way, and would make things more special. And with this diary running only through October 2014 in-game, that means the next prediction game will cover SC34, Welcome to the Jungle, Under Control, and Let the Games Begin.


And since we've got no prediction recap, we'll be going straight to the go-home cards later on today. First, a bit of backstage, since we still need to reveal who got involved in the most recent incident.


"Eric Eisen Heat"


Wednesday, July 3, 2014

Broome County Memorial Arena, Binghamton, NY

8:30 p.m.



None of us main eventers were booked that night. But nonetheless, all of us were at the Broome County Memorial Arena, having taken a bus from Buffalo to Binghamton on the morning after Supreme TV. And that's why we were having more Eisenanigans after Uprising taping.




"Matravers, tell me. What do you get from hanging out with those guys?"


Adam Matravers, Jack Giedroyc's onscreen brother, was being lectured by a guy about one decade younger than him - Mike Wilmington, a.k.a. Shit Sandwich, a.k.a. Oscar Meyers, a.k.a. Hotdog Man, a.k.a. Hall Monitor Bret Starr.




"Jesus, Mike, I'm 34 years old. You don't need to tell me what to do," said Adam, reminding Mike of that fact. "I'm a decade older than you and if I were to be honest, I shouldn't be called a rookie. It's just that I'm new to American fans, y'know that?"


"You know how those types is," said Remo, not caring that we were just meters away, in plain view, and able to hear their conversation. "Big Smack Scott. Kurt Laramee. And the 40 Thousand Dollar Man, y'know, the guy who's bangin' the MCO CEO."


I was tempted to go out there and show the Alpha Dog what I thought of him, but Des held me back, warning me to stay away from trouble and let Christian Faith handle things.


"You don't wanna do that, Nicky," said Des. "Christian and Rick Eisen are still best friends and he's a man of integrity. He's gonna tell 'im everythin' that goes down if there's backstage trouble, and while Christian probably won't punish you if you didn't start shit, you know damn well who will."




Before I could say a word, Eric and Jerry Eisen stepped in, with shit-eating grins on their faces.


"What's the meaning of this?", asked Adam.


"Uh...what do you mean?" Eric and Jerry pretended not to know what Adam was talking about.


"You f---ers made me look bad on social media. Callin' me an English scab who hangs out with divisive forces in the locker room. How many Englishmen are there in the SWF?"


"Just two," said Eric, still trying to sound as innocent as possible. "You and Jack G. We were referrin' to the real Giedroyc, you know."


"Kayfabe, man," offered Jerry. "Or would you prefer to be called 'mate'? Y'know, like G'day, mate? No, that's Swoopy-Doop. You know Black #Edd, don't 'ya? Big Aussie guy on Uprising commentary?"


"Onscreen Klubb is due for a face turn," continued Eric. "We called Giedroyc a scab, and the divisive forces are the MCO."


At this point, Adam was far from amused.


"SHUT UP!", yelled Adam. "You must think I'm some yokel who's just stepped off the bus to New York. Well, I'm not. I wasn't born yesterday. I've been in this business for over 15 years and I've dealt with locker room cancers such as you two. If you don't like the fact I've chosen not to hang with you guys, well and good, but you don't need ta' bitch about it on social media!"


Big Smack Scott, never one to be tactful, was starting some hockey claps and cheers in the background. You know how those go - "LET'S GO ADAM!", followed by five claps. That, however, brought Christian Faith up to diffuse things between Adam and the Klubb.




"You never learn, son. You never learn. And that goes for the two of you, Eric and Jerry."


"Hey, Christian, what's the big deal!", countered Eric. "You want us to kayfabe on Facebook and Twitter, and that's just what we did! We were teasin' a face turn for the Klubb!"


"There is no face turn for the Klubb. Well, there may have been, but you're not over enough, Eric. I'm just telling you the brutal and honest truth, son. The IWC have a term, you know that? 'Eric Eisen Heat.' It means fans hate you not because you're a heel, but because you're Eric Eisen, Son of the Boss and locker room nuisance."


"F--- the IWC! I mean, c'mon, Christian. Peter had it written. Jay Chord, that pathetic drunk, he leaked it out when he was, like, in his first or second week with the company. I've been beggin' for this face turn for YEARS already!"


"Behave yourself backstage and stop picking on the new guys. Then maybe I'll give it some thought."


As Christian left to give match instructions to the rest of the boys, Eric had one word to say to the Supreme Booker.



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OOC - These are the go-home shows for Supreme Challenge 34, and everyone's free to predict. Had a change of heart - take the non-PPV predictions seriously, as I might give bonus points for those who ace certain Supreme TV/Uprising predictions. :)


Yes, there's only one singles match on Supreme TV, and it's a rather strange title match. Just a reminder, Lobby is acting strange and occasionally belligerent due to his (storyline) marital problems...



SWF Supreme TV

The Cattle Market (Puerto Rico)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 (Week 2)





American Atomic (Atomic/Davids) vs The Klubb (Eisen/P-Hunt) (w/Enforcer Allen)



The East-West Connection vs The Sex Maniacs



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Findlay O'Farraday and Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs The Pain Alliance

[Handicap Match]



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish?) vs Steve Frehley ©

[sWF Title Match]



The Valiant Champions (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance




SWF Uprising

Gangelhoff Center (Minnesota, Midwest)

Thursday, July 10, 2014 (Week 2)




(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs ?????



Jimmy Prudence vs ?????



Bonus Question
- Which High Stakes rookie will win the "Is Your Mentor Your Bro?" challenge? (Similar to How Well Do You Know Your Pro on early NXT)


A) Andy Erlandsson (Anders Thunder)

B) Fro Sure

C) Henry Hill (Hell's Bouncer)

D) Adam Giedroyc (Matravers)

E) Someone else

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American Atomic (Atomic/Davids) vs The Klubb (Eisen/P-Hunt) (w/Enforcer Allen)



The East-West Connection vs The Sex Maniacs



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Findlay O'Farraday and Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs The Pain Alliance

[Handicap Match]



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish?) vs Steve Frehley ©

[sWF Title Match]


The Valiant Champions (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance




SWF Uprising

Gangelhoff Center (Minnesota, Midwest)

Thursday, July 10, 2014 (Week 2)




(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs ?????



Jimmy Prudence vs ?????


Bonus Question - Which High Stakes rookie will win the "Is Your Mentor Your Bro?" challenge? (Similar to How Well Do You Know Your Pro on early NXT)


A) Andy Erlandsson (Anders Thunder)

B) Fro Sure

C) Henry Hill (Hell's Bouncer)

D) Adam Giedroyc (Matravers)

E) Someone else

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American Atomic (Atomic/Davids) vs The Klubb (Eisen/P-Hunt) (w/Enforcer Allen)

Comment: Yeah... no, for American Atomic -- Klubb get the dub


The East-West Connection vs The Sex Maniacs

Comment: E-W Connection takes it, Sexy and DuBois lose this particular match, and possibly break up or something.


Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Findlay O'Farraday and Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]

Comment: Mr. Giedroyc is pretty over, and the Rejects ha dues.. due?


Angry Gilmore vs The Pain Alliance

[Handicap Match]

Comment: The Smacker gets pinned here


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish?) vs Steve Frehley ©

[sWF Title Match]

Comment: Bigger question is what happens to Lobbie during/after this match.


The Valiant Champions (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance

Comment: Valiant Champions take the dub here -- Faith is the booker/user character (?), so he should count the lights.


When Animals Attack vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: When Animals Attack... you get the drill. It'll be a cold day in hades when Masked Cougar gets the pin..


Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)

Comment: The original Prime Time deserves the dub here...


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)

Comment: As much as I like a Partay Dudez title reign, no way no how.


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs ?????

Comment: Awesomeness are getting a title shot, should stay strong.


Jimmy Prudence vs ?????

Comment: ????? cannot lose two straight, defies logic processor


Bonus Question - Which High Stakes rookie will win the "Is Your Mentor Your Bro?" challenge? (Similar to How Well Do You Know Your Pro on early NXT)


A) Andy Erlandsson (Anders Thunder)

B) Fro Sure

C) Henry Hill (Hell's Bouncer)

D) Adam Giedroyc (Matravers)

E) Someone else

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OOC - This has nothing to do with the backstage or in-ring stories, but I was just feeling creative and wanting to add some backstory to some of SWF's veterans. Since it's already written, I'm hoping to post Supreme TV sometime this weekend! :D




Lists and Stuff - Your Favorite SWF Superstars Before They Were Up in the Card

Posted by BRIAN CANDIDO on JULY 7, 2014


Right now, you see
Roger Cage
working as a crappy talk show host/pick-up artist.
, and
"sing" for boy band 24/7 Partay Dudez. Before he was unceremoniously fired by the SWF,
Billy Bekowski
worked as a literal polar bear (El Oso Polar de Canadiense) as punishment for his poor attitude. All these men (save for head case Bekowski) possess immense potential and upside, but for now, they're working the most gimmicky of gimmicks. However, that's how a lot of more familiar names in Supreme started out. Want some examples? We've got six for you, and this list will not include
, as he's only recently dropped his English blue-blood gimmick for the more realistic "Bridgeport Bad-Ass," or Eric Eisen's designated "Broseph" in the Klubb.




Prior to his SWF debut in 1996, vignettes aired on Supreme TV for an extremely rough hockey player named
Phil "The Enforcer" Roberts
. In those vignettes, Roberts would bark and growl at the camera, insulting popular hockey players of the time (including Wayne Gretzky himself) and threatening to send them to the hospital while he makes every minute spent in the penalty box worth it. As Roberts had actually played hockey during his high school days in Minnesota, the gimmick was believable on his end. Unfortunately, fans weren't having any of it, as Roberts got little heel heat when he'd land his tornado DDT variation - the unimaginatively-named Power Play - on random jobbers. His promos were also a hot mess - marble-mouthed screaming not unlike Big Smack Scott's, but far less interesting and spontaneous.


While Roberts was a talented junior hockey player, he was, more importantly, a collegiate wrestling standout and Olympic team candidate. That's what the SWF wisely decided to focus on when he was taken off camera for a month after a handful of uninspiring squash wins as a wannabe NHL goon. After that one month, he was brought back simply as "Enforcer Roberts," Richard Eisen's "silent muscle," and one of the most technically-sound wrestlers to ever compete in Supreme.





Kurt Laramee
wasn't always the aforementioned Big Smack Scott's loyal sidekick and yes-man. When he debuted in after a distinguished run at DaVE, Laramee was introduced in early 2006 as "Ripperton," Rich Money's limousine driver. (Ripperton was a rib on Rip Chord and his real-life middle name.) Ripperton was a subservient lackey who hardly ever spoke and was mostly featured in tag team matches with Money. But with watchdog groups complaining about the stereotypical role of a black man as the rich white man's servant, the Ripperton gimmick lasted just a few months - by mid-2006, he was wrestling more frequently and getting more mic time. It was probably that mic time, and his decent brawling skills, that convinced the SWF to team him up with Big Smack Scott, another 2006 rookie with a similar wrestling style.





Wonder how
Christian Faith
rose from generic jobber to Supreme Legend? Prior to his big push, Faith did jobs for the SWF from 1986 to 1989 under a variety of names - Chris Charisma, Christian Charisma, Chris Krzyzewski, and his birth name, Christian Hurley. But with Sam Strong impressed with the young Faith's ability to take good bumps and hang with the big boys, creative gave the erstwhile ham-and-egger the chance of a lifetime - a chance to upset Strong and deal him one of the very few losses he took in the '80s. In doing so, however, Faith was given a gimmick - that of a military corporal who felt he "had Faith" to defeat the seemingly indestructible Mr. Strong. The "Cpl. Christian Faith" gimmick was quietly dropped, as Faith made a rapid rise up the cards, en route to his first SWF World Heavyweight title in 1993.





Squeeky McClean
is an example of a guy who can't catch a big break on Supreme - he's always either on the cusp of the main event, or buried in the midcard as a jobber to the stars, despite his obvious in-ring and mic skills. He also had the bad luck of debuting twice under the same crappy gimmick - Vanilla Ice/Kris Kross mash-up Johnny Mack Squeaky. He used this gimmick while under loan from CGC in 1997 (a stint that included a run as North American title contender), then in 2000 when he was hired full-time by the SWF. After a couple gimmick changes, including a run as plain old John MacLean, Squeeky turned his straight-edge lifestyle into a self-righteous gimmick in 2005, and the rest is history.


Wait a minute, maybe it isn't, if you consider he and Jackson Marlowe (a.k.a. Sober Police) are now working as Uprising GM Eric Tyler's teetotaling thugs.





Nicky Champion
did not sprout full-grown from Sam Strong's forehead. Greek mythology jokes aside, Champion made his debut in USPW working as "Tom E. Hawk." As Tom E. Hawk, Champion spoke in stereotypical "Injun" English, and after a period of time doing Native American war dances prior to getting squashed by the likes of Giant Redwood and Peter Valentine, Tom E. Hawk got a bit of a makeover. Yes, he was still speaking stilted English, but for a while, he billed himself as skateboard legend Tony Hawk's Native American cousin, while skating poorly to the ring and accidentally wiping out on numerous house shows. At that time, he was tag teaming with Patrick Cool, a.k.a. USPW's "most jobbingest jobber" during his stint with the company.


Strong's arrival in USPW in 2006 saved Hawk from a lifetime as a comedy babyface, and after a bit of personal training, he was reinvented as Nicky Champion, USPW's most popular good guy of all time and one of the top names in SWF now that he's working for Supreme.





We're ending this list with another tie to Rich Money, and another tie to the straight-edge lifestyle.
Angry Gilmore
debuted in the SWF in 2002 as "Tom Money," kayfabe brother to Joe Sexy's "Joe Money" character, a rich Beverly Hills snob. The Money Brothers were a decent lower-card tag team well before they became Sexual Aggression, but when Gilmore's Canadian accent made it hard for people to believe he was a lifelong Beverly Hills resident, the tag team was disbanded, with Joe Money allowing things to get Sexy and Tom Money languishing as enhancement talent under his real name.


In 2004, Gilmore, then wearing shoulder-length hair, appeared in a few vignettes as part of Jack Bruce's "New Painful Procedure" ahead of Bruce's SWF debut, but the angle was quietly nipped at the bud, as Bruce eventually arrived in the SWF without a "backup band." A few months later, he shaved his head and was repackaged as himself (with the "Angry" nickname), first as a generic angry heel, but slowly integrating elements of his real-life straight-edge lifestyle.





Eric Eisen
- Goody-goody college boy babyface. (Not included as not gimmicky enough, but still quite far from his present gimmick.)


Dawn the Cheerleader/Rocker
- Dawn of the Jungle, Jackson Marlowe/Jungle Lord's first manager. (Not included as she worked the gimmick for just two months to help get the then-Jungle Lord over.)


Marc DuBois
- "Signeur" Marc DuBois, rich snob. (Not included as too similar to former Royal Pains tag partner P-Hunt/Paul Huntingdon's old gimmick.)



SWF, SWF lists, Lists and Stuff, Enforcer Roberts, Kurt Laramee, Christian Faith, Squeeky McClean, Nicky Champion, Angry Gilmore, Eric Eisen, Dawn the Rocker, Marc DuBois, P-Hunt, bad gimmicks





Lenny Brown Spotted Trying Out for PSW

New SWF Future Endeavors - Lenny Brown, Eric "Masked Patriot/Enrique Lopez/Vankoovah Grizzlay" Lee

Roberts Ramps Up, Hints at "International Flavor" for New RIPW Recruits

Scoping Supreme Challenge 34 - Our Predictions

Eric Eisen Heat - Why The Supreme Iconoclast Won't Be a Good Babyface

Update on Wrestleos Stable - Greed is Snow, Spade is Jaime, Ekuma is...Hodor?

Rumor - SWF Superstar Spotted Spaced Out at House Show

Faith Lauded for Sticking to Michaels' Booking Principles






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American Atomic (Atomic/Davids) vs The Klubb (Eisen/P-Hunt) (w/Enforcer Allen)



The East-West Connection vs The Sex Maniacs



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Findlay O'Farraday and Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs The Pain Alliance

[Handicap Match]



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish?) vs Steve Frehley ©

[sWF Title Match]



The Valiant Champions (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance




SWF Uprising

Gangelhoff Center (Minnesota, Midwest)

Thursday, July 10, 2014 (Week 2)





(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs ?????



Jimmy Prudence vs ?????





Bonus Question - Which High Stakes rookie will win the "Is Your Mentor Your Bro?" challenge? (Similar to How Well Do You Know Your Pro on early NXT)


A) Andy Erlandsson (Anders Thunder)

B) Fro Sure

C) Henry Hill (Hell's Bouncer)

D) Adam Giedroyc (Matravers)

E) Someone else

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It's nice to see this diary back 3rdString!


SWF Supreme TV

The Cattle Market (Puerto Rico)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 (Week 2)



American Atomic (Atomic/Davids) vs The Klubb (Eisen/P-Hunt) (w/Enforcer Allen)



The East-West Connection vs The Sex Maniacs



Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Findlay O'Farraday and Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)

[Non-Title Match]



Angry Gilmore vs The Pain Alliance

[Handicap Match]



Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish?) vs Steve Frehley ©

[sWF Title Match]



The Valiant Champions (w/Hannah and Jessie) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance




SWF Uprising

Gangelhoff Center (Minnesota, Midwest)

Thursday, July 10, 2014 (Week 2)



(High Stakes matches not included)


When Animals Attack vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



Donnie J vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb)



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs Partay Dudez USA (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx)



The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker) vs ?????



Jimmy Prudence vs ?????


Bonus Question - Which High Stakes rookie will win the "Is Your Mentor Your Bro?" challenge? (Similar to How Well Do You Know Your Pro on early NXT)


A) Andy Erlandsson (Anders Thunder)

B) Fro Sure

C) Henry Hill (Hell's Bouncer)

D) Adam Giedroyc (Matravers)

E) Someone else

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Cattle Market (Puerto Rico)

Attendance - 13,692




YOUR Supreme TV Announcers:

Peter "The Dean" Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia


(PROMO) The Valiant Champions Rant About Faith and Vengeance






The tension within The Champions of Honor is evident as Nicky Champion and Valiant make their way to the ring with respective managers Hannah and Jessie, but no Lobster Warrior - Jerry Eisen hypothesizes that Lobby may be trying to focus on his surprise SWF Title match against reigning champ Steve Frehley. Still, that doesn't faze Champion and Valiant, who get the crowd energized, with Champion telling the San Juan crowd that "no bull, The Cattle Market rocks!"


- Come hell or high water, all hands on deck or man overboard, rain or shine, winter, spring, summer, or fall...the show must go on for The Champions of Honor, and let Nicky Champion tell you this, SWF Galaxy. Valiant and Lobby were supposed to help me get back into shape for SC34, but even with Lobby's waters gone choppy, the Honorable One has been trainin' Nicky Champion so hard, Nicky Champion deserves an '80s-style Training Montage on that Supreme-Tron. But since Nicky Champion's lost the mullet, I guess no amount of Stan Bush and Jimi Jamison is gonna make up for the loss of that hockey hair. But lemme get to the point, okay? It ain't no joke for anyone, even Nicky Champion, to go through the Three Levels of Inferno, and I can guaran-damn-tee you all that Valiant has made damn sure that Nicky Champion will be stickin' it to Vengeance and sendin' him RIGHT WHERE HE BELONGS, which is DOWN THERE WITH ALL THOSE SINNERS! UGH! UGH! UGH!


We hear Champion continue to diss Vengeance and his hypocritical ramblings and refer to any group he leads as a "cult," before he turns the mic over to Valiant for a few words against Christian Faith.


- Look, Christian, I know you're disappointed in me. When I joined the SWF, we both had the same mindset - conservative, old-fashioned in a rockin' sort of way, hardworking, yet compassionate. You taught me a lot of what I know today, and for that I'm very thankful. But if you expect me to help you in your cause, to help you spread ill will across the SWF locker room, you can count me out, because Valiant will never subject himself to anything as DISHONORABLE as that.


(PROMO) Faith and Vengeance Form Alliance






After Valiant rants about Christian Faith, the Supreme Legend arrives from the locker room, justifying the reasons why Valiant would make such a good ally. He tries turning Valiant against Champion, calling them "oil and water," and saying that Valiant has largely been spared by Vengeance for a reason - he's just as he says he is, and he's an honorable man. Valiant tries to reply, but Champion tells the Honorable One that he's "got this," and asks Faith straight-up if he's in cahoots with Vengeance. Faith pauses for a few seconds and admits that yes, he is working with Vengeance and he does have a "new-found respect" for the man, despite his unorthodox ways of "saving America and the SWF from the sins of the modern world." With that, Vengeance makes his entrance as usual, replete with darkness and fireworks as always.


After a brief back-and-forth between the heels and the faces, and Vengeance's announcement that he and Faith plan to form the "mightiest, most virtuous faction in the history of this business," Faith lays down the stipulation he wants for their match at Supreme Challenge 34...


- Then again, Valiant, you are like almost every man your age. You claim you are still politically and morally conservative, yet here you are, friends with your harlot of an ex-girlfriend Hannah, and managed by a woman who used to, and still, on occasion, parades around in the shortest of skirts. You are friends with Nicky Champion, whose "swag" polluted the SWF locker room the moment he signed his contract. But I still see some potential,son. That's why if I beat you at Supreme Challenge, you shall have no choice but to help us in achieving our dreams. What's right WILL be right again, and I have Faith. Faith in Valiant seeing the light and staying true to his upbringing.


- So you want me to join your intolerant little faction and help you spread your heavy-handed message to the SWF Galaxy? Why, I don't think that's very honorable, Christian...


- That's because you have been CORRUPTED by sinful individuals like those two wenches. The movie star. The commercial shill. That prideful, avaricious friend of yours named Nicholas. And the Lobster Man, whose marriage is crumbling because he has chosen to violate the sixth commandment.


- Whoa there, buddy, I didn't know that Vengeance reads The National Enquirer, because that is nothin' but an unsubstantiated rumor...


- ENOUGH OF THAT, Nicholas, and know that the time of your ultimate atonement is nigh. Lumberjacks. Tables. And last, but not the least, the Casket. By the time you're back in that casket, you will wish you had never crossed me, and wish you never had refused to Embrace the Darkness.


- You've seen what Vengeance can do to those who offend him. Let that be a warning, Valiant. His ways are different from mine, but either way, I shall make sure at Supreme Challenge that you shall have no choice but to join us...and help make the SWF a better place.


- Just to remind everyone watching at home, the Three Levels of Inferno match will be no joke. First match will be a Lumberjack Match, featuring 30 SWF Superstars at ringside to make sure Nicky Champion and Vengeance keep the fight in the ring.


J. Eisen
- ...or at times, take the fight OUTSIDE the ring.


- That's right, Jerry. Gotta be on the lookout for that. Anyway, the second level will be a Tables match, where the goal is to send your opponent through a table to win. And, if a third fall is needed, that's where the third level comes in - a Casket Match!


A. Garcia
- If I were Nicky Champion, I'd focus on winning the first two matches decisively, because Vengeance, as we know, is still undefeated in Casket Matches!


- That's where he's got the biggest psychological edge over anyone. He knows how it's like to Embrace the Darkness, while his opponents, for the most part, do not. They FEAR that casket and dread the atonement Vengeance promises is in store for them. But Nicky Champion, I can tell, is over that fear. He's already been placed inside that casket. And he'd like nothing more but to put Vengeance away after all those months of physical and mental torture - may it be in two falls or three, just as long as he emerges victorious at Supreme Challenge 34.


American Atomic II vs The Klubb (w/Enforcer Allen)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ecd353fc-8ea6-4453-9e50-bbb6303da128_zpsbb6ec6f8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/DesDavids_zps8fc253f3.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/e960009d-2ea4-449e-bf2d-7ec813e0bd25_zpsc515a7ae.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6171f218-7ad9-4933-8850-ac1078a56e25_zps1530530d.jpg




- In a bout that featured great action and average heat,
American Atomic II defeated Eric Eisen and P-Hunt
in 7:40 when P-Hunt was disqualified when Enforcer Allen ran in and attacked Captain Atomic.


- Des Davids and Captain Atomic work well as a team, and they sure make a lot of noise, literally. But the kids love them for it, and with the Klubb amping up their degenerate behavior, it was an open battle of kid-friendly screamers and the more "adult" Klubb. Captain Atomic was setting P-Hunt up for the Mushroom Cloud when Enforcer Allen leapt into the ring and landed a Running Powerslam on him, forcing the DQ.


- Baw Gawd, Jerry and Ana, look at the strength of that young man!


(as guest commentator)
- Hey, Allen! Why don't you save some for the Maniac? It's feedin' time, and I want myself uranium-flavored pizza...
(joins The Klubb in their beatdown of American Atomic II)


(ANGLE) Matt Keith Saves American Atomic II from Beatdown






At this point, we can see that The Klubb doesn't really care who wins or loses here - they seem to be doing well with Marc DuBois as their fourth man-in-training, as the Maniac joins Eisen, P-Hunt, and Allen in beating down on American Atomic II. But their joy is short-lived, as Eisen's opponent for the US Title, Matthew Keith, runs in and evens things up! Keith back body-drops both P-Hunt and Eisen, and steamrolls DuBois with a clothesline, and just as Allen appears ready to crush the young second-generation star, Atomic and Davids team up for a double-powerbomb on the big man! The babyfaces stand tall in the ring as the announcers call for a commercial break.


The East-West Connection vs The Sex Maniacs


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- In a bout that featured great action and average heat,
The Sex Maniacs defeated The East-West Connection
in 7:35 when Marc DuBois defeated Aaron Andrews by submission with a Sanitarium Lock.


- Bit of a surprise win here for the struggling Sex Maniacs, who fought their first match without manager Louise Cannon. (rumored to be repackaged as "Kristynne," a character based on Game of Thrones mainstay Ygritte.) Aaron Andrews and Koshiro Ino controlled most of the match, but DuBois, who's being built up ahead of his North American title match against Captain Atomic, finished off Andrews with his Sanitarium ankle lock.


J. Eisen
- Look at that crazy, crazy man. Marc DuBois is being warned by Darren Smith...even warned by Joe Sexy...he's not letting that ankle lock go!


- Koshiro Ino is in the ring...now looking fine after Joe Sexy had earlier leveled him with that diving clothesline. Now THAT'S gonna force DuBois to let Aaron Andrews go!
(camera focuses on The Sex Maniacs hightailing it backstage as Ino threatens to attack them)


A. Garcia
- Impressive win for The Sex Maniacs, and a good way for DuBois to head to Supreme Challenge 34, but they're still disjointed. I won't be surprised if these two call it quits as a tag team, what with DuBois effectively the Klubb's "frat pledge" and not wanting anything more to do with Joe Sexy.


(ANGLE) The (Former) New Darkness Warriors and Cannon Meet at Mental Facility






With John and Robert Darkness no longer part of Vengeance's anti-sin "cult" The Family of Darkness, the SWF has, in storyline, sent them to a mental facility for de-programming. At the facility, John and Robert, identified in this angle by their real names John Reed and Robert Martinez, talk about how hard it is to move on after Vengeance had controlled their lives so meticulously in the past few months.




While there, Reed and Martinez are surprised to see Louise Cannon (who tells them to call her "Kristen") also in the facility; she explains to them that she's here for some counseling for an implied sex addiction and impulsive behavior, after both Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy dumped her as manager and partner. Reed, who was once more animated during John Greed's babyface run, replies with a dimissive "no s---, Sherlock," and is laughing it up with Martinez as they are both asked to proceed to the office of a Dr. Carroll.


Drew Hawkins and Joey Minnesota vs Findlay O'Farraday and Mr. Giedroyc (w/Emma Chase)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1ba78385-a123-444b-898b-ba43c87ccf54_zpsfbf4b673.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8691d2e4-de1e-4afe-b804-fb231fdfe893_zps97800d36.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/1440ec4e-27af-4c12-9536-ede6f5ca9034_zps9b041649.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/eac60f15-34cd-4cda-ae99-640c76407cc7_zps933d746f.jpg




- In a bout that featured great action and average heat,
Joey Minnesota and Drew Hawkins defeated Findlay O'Farraday and Mr. Giedroyc
in 12:29 when Drew Hawkins defeated Findlay O'Farraday by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising.


- Solid action, but you don't expect solid from guys like Hawkins, Minnesota, and O'Farraday, and you don't expect Minnesota refusing to sell for O'Farraday...then again, you might. "Big Fin" is being built up as a monster, and with that in mind, it was O'Farraday's bruising attacks that carried the heels, as opposed to Mr. Giedroyc's veteran guile or Emma Chase's infamous "Dollar Signs."


- Great show of force there from Joey Minnesota and Drew Hawkins. Minnesota's Empire Spiral wasn't good enough to dispose of O'Farraday, but that Full Moon Rising sure did the trick!


(as guest commentator)
- The referee was snoozing. Did you see how many times those two punks got away with murder?


J. Eisen
- I dunno, Mr. Money. Everything seemed alright from my end. And I believe Hawkins and Minnesota were both on top of their game tonight.


- Well, it wasn't fine from my end.
How many times do I have to tell you two - Rich Money always gets what he wants. The Rejects may have won this round thanks to those referee assists, but that's not going to happen at SC34. Because if me, Findlay, or our Managing Supervisor Mr. Giedroyc aren't able to get them...somebody else will.


- And we know damn well who that somebody is. Seven feet six inches tall. 450 pounds of excellently-proportioned muscle from Moscow, Russia.


Angry Gilmore vs The Pain Alliance

[Handicap Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a13ca6d-2c15-4ee2-801e-6b1ef267a867_zpsbe14108c.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9be3a366-200c-406b-af3c-7575600417ec_zpsb5df1859.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/8fb9c774-b9c9-40e9-bb69-7405d689f758_zpsb7625215.jpg




- In an extremely short match,
Angry Gilmore defeated The Pain Alliance
in a Handicap match in 4:42 when Angry Gilmore defeated Kurt Laramee by pinfall with a Sky High Elbow.


- This match was one of the matches announced at the start of Supreme TV, and it appears to have been requested by Commissioner Barry Bowen himself. Without using his MMA moves, Gilmore handily ran rings around The Pain Alliance (who are minus Duane Fry tonight), and preceded his Sky High Elbow on Laramee with an Anger Management on Big Smack Scott.


(ANGLE) Gilmore Introduces Buddy Garner






After handily disposing of both Pain Alliance members, Gilmore asks for a mic from the stage hand, and explains to the audience in his all-too-familiar soft-loud-soft style of promo-ing that Commissioner Barry Bowen refused his request to have everyone banned from ringside. Gilmore says that he's cool with that, and that he's just shown the SWF Galaxy what he can do to the "low men on the Duane Fry's Guys totem pole."


Gilmore then explains that being in Puerto Rico allows him to spend a lot of time training and hanging out with some legends of the MMA world, including Billy Russell and the man he introduces next,
Buddy Garner
, who spends summers in Puerto Rico to "relax, catch rays, and spread the gospel of mixed martial arts to stand-up people like all of you here in the Cattle Market." Garner enters the ring to a huge ovation from the San Juan crowd, and as his promo skills are sadly quite lacking, he looks a bit nervous as he introduces himself. He and talks about how Gilmore has been one of his "star students" since they first met last year and how he's currently in the "best shape of his life" ahead of Supreme Challenge 34.


(ANGLE) Gilmore Rants About Remo




After Gilmore says that Garner is the reason there's nothing Barry Bowen can do to thwart his plans of winning the World title at SC34, he then vents out on Remo and Duane Fry, both of whom were given the night off.


- So Duane Fry and Remo are on a little romantic getaway in Minneapolis...enjoyin' their bromance, if you can even call it a bromance, trainin' in the gym, goin' out to dinner, probably watchin' a movie, I don't know, I don't care, and I don't give a flyin' eff about what those two are up to. BUT IT'S WEAK!!!! AND YOU ALL KNOW THE REASON WHY REMO'S BEEN CHAMP FOR TOO LONG...FOR FIVE MONTHS TOO LONG?!?!? Because unlike other healthy, fightin' champions, Fry has pampered his boy Remo with the lightest possible schedule...every week of Supreme TV is like a walk in the park to him, while I bust my ass week after week after week AFTER WEEK AFTER WEEK TO GET MYSELF TO WHERE I AM TODAY!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! ALL OF YOU IN THE SWF GALAXY KNOW IT'S NOT F---IN' FAIR, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!? It's all fine by me. Because all that hard labor you've put me through, BARRY BOWEN, is gonna pay off. You've tried to tire me out, but it's only made me hungrier...tougher...more tenacious in and out of the ring...and come Sunday, it will be my pleasure to win the SWF World Heavyweight Title from that soft, pampered, little baby Remo Richardson...AND SORRY IF I'M GONNA SAY IT AGAIN, DUANE, BECAUSE I KNOW HOW MUCH YOU LOOOOOOVE THOSE CATCHPHRASES...BUT I AM GONNA PUT THE FEAR OF GILMORE INTO REMO RICHARDSON IN HIS HOMETOWN, AND SHOW THE SWF GALAXY WHAT A REAL FIGHTIN' CHAMPION LOOKS LIKE!!!!!


J. Eisen
- So that's why the Fear of Gilmore looks so familiar! The gogoplata was one of Buddy Garner's trademarks during his days as an active MMA fighter, and he'd scored many a knockout with that devastating move.


- Angry Gilmore has become even angrier...and that usually makes him more focused. This is no exception, and now that we know who's been trainin' him, I can say it even more confidently than ever. Remo and Duane Fry better make the most of their rest day, and train hard - we might have a new SWF World Heavyweight Champion once SC34 is over and done with!


Lobster Warrior (w/Angel Fish) vs Steve Frehley © (w/Emma Chase)

[sWF Title Match]


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/da1e1864-93bb-443b-9e0a-cdc075bd1d84_zps5db5db9d.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c5509867-cc56-40cd-8ddc-7d499b0129f1_zps52ba1908.jpg




- In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd,
Steve Frehley defeated Lobster Warrior
in 16:43 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet. Steve Frehley makes defense number 1 of his SWF Title title. (OOC - Accidentally made Frehley vs Hawkins last Supreme TV into a title match, so "defense number 2" was tweaked!)


- Though Lobby showed his age at many a point in this match, he was great as usual when it came to selling, while Frehley appeared vulnerable at many points. Angel Fish showed some quirkiness when she stepped in front of Emma Chase as she tried to flash Lobby with the Dollar Signs, but in the end, Frehley countered a Lobster Trap attempt and turned it into a Frehley's Comet, ending the match and setting him up for his SWF Title match against Jack Bruce at Supreme Challenge 34.


- He was so close, guys! So close! Lobster Warrior came so close so many times, but in the end, he hadn't an answer for the Dark Destroyer and the nefarious sell-out, SWF Champion Steve Frehley.


A. Garcia
- There we see a very disconsolate Lobster Warrior, being helped up to his feet by Jessie, er...Angel Fish...


J. Eisen
- She has been very concerned about his well-being these past few weeks he's been having troubles with his Mrs. Lobby...


(ANGLE) Lobby Fires Angel Fish/Jessie




Back at the locker room, Angel Fish is trying to console Lobby after his loss, telling him that he gave Steve Frehley one of his toughest fights all year. Lobby seems to be taking things well, until Angel Fish remarks that he showed some "vintage, veteran Lobby moves" in the ring and proved her wrong by making the Frehley match an even encounter, which sets him off. Lobby says he resents being patronized by "a fading Angel Fish who's no spring chicken herself," and when Angel Fish suggests Lobby may want to take it easy and focus on his family first instead of overcompensating...


- You're fired, Jessie.


Angel Fish
- After one year, Lobby, after one year as a team. After the times I, in human form, had you and Mrs. Lobby over for dinner with me and my husband. All I was doing was trying to help you, and my intention earlier was to compliment you, because you showed a whole lot of heart out there against the sellout...


- Well, you aren't bein' of any help, and your compliments are backhanded. You wanna help The Champions of Honor? Go help Valiant, he's gonna need it against that dastardly do-badder Christian Faith. I, on the other hand, am goin' for a swim, a really LONG swim, and you might not see me for a while.


Angel Fish
(removing her mask)
- You need time to think things over, sort things out, figure out what went wrong and what you can do to make it right...


- Maybe I do, Jessie. But when I do swim back to the SWF, I'm gonna make it SNAPPEH and I'm gonna do battle against those dastardly do-badders by MYSELF. Ohhhhh no. I'm not leavin' The Champions of Honor, but your services, Mrs. Gilmore, are no longer needed by this Defender of the Deep.
(in an unnaturally perky tone)
I wish you the best...in your future fin-deavors.


The Valiant Champions (w/Hannah) vs Christian Faith and Vengeance


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edf8e60f-8397-4920-9f7e-902508a25c1e_zps39cc1cec.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/98828076-610d-4563-b5f2-8c44d6625b8c_zps2a7778a7.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c84ec339-fce9-4823-86a6-f54202f6103e_zpsb2dc981b.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c8d2ed5a-db2f-4362-a3fc-9c4fdf98ae7c_zps3b0d0bec.jpg




- In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd,
The Valiant Champions drew with Christian Faith and Vengeance
in 16:38 following a double disqualification.


- Interesting "super tag" match that went evenly for the most part and came with the requisite quasi-babyface comeback from Faith and another actual babyface comeback from Valiant. Instead of letting The Valiant Champions walk away with the DQ win after Vengeance began illegally double-teaming Valiant with Faith, Lobster Warrior turned it into a draw, running in at 16:30 and giving Shane Stones no choice but to disqualify both sides and leave them at a stalemate ahead of Champion vs Vengeance at Supreme Challenge 34.


As Vengeance and Faith leave the ring, with the former promising atonement for Champion and Faith yelling "WHAT'S RIGHT WILL BE RIGHT AGAIN!," Valiant and Champion can be seen scolding Lobby for being too overzealous. At this point, Lobby tells the two to leave him alone - he'll be snappeh, he knows he's snappeh, and will always be snappeh.


(MINOR ANGLE) Frehley Gets Ready (79/B-)


Backstage, Rich Money and Emma Chase are briefing Steve Frehley for his big debate against Jack Bruce, and Frehley doesn't appear willing to take part in such a hokey event - he just wants to make up for his loss to Bruce at Supreme Challenge 33 (for the World title) and fight, fight, fight. Money, however, tells Frehley that in order to be truly "Money" as the Face of the SWF, he should also be able to talk a good game, and not just play a good game. Frehley, who's still agitated, replies that he'd rather be helping out in the elimination tag match against The Hollyweird Rejects, but...


- Marat's got it, Steve. You're the SWF Champion, and you don't want to put yourself at risk right before your title match against the rock star. One Marat Khoklov, as you probably know, is greater than four Hollyweird Rejects.


- So stop complaining. You know what to do if things get rough.
(winks his eye)


(ANGLE) Bruce vs Frehley Debate






The final angle of the evening is the Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley debate, a twist of sorts on the usual pre-PPV contract signing events we get on go-home Supreme TVs. Bruce is by his lonesome due to the stipulation that The Hollyweird Rejects are all banned from the ring unless they have a match, and banned from being at ringside for anyone's matches (till after SC34), while Money has his Money-Chase Organization (sans Marat Khoklov) backing him up, but Jerry Eisen is in the ring, serving as the mediator and trying to ensure that the debate doesn't degenerate into chaos. As this is an Oxford-Style debate, as Eisen explains, three judges are present for this angle - SWF Legends Delbert "Chief" Two Eagles and Don "Dread" Redding, and the Dean of SWF Announcers, Peter Michaels.


Eisen kicks off the debate by asking Frehley how he felt when he lost the World Heavyweight title to Jack Bruce at Supreme Challenge 33. According to Frehley, that moment represented "one of the darkest, angriest days of my life," and he had flown home to California after SC33, and spent the next five days in his room, only coming out to eat and lament having "dropped the ball" against the "lesser man." Bruce rebuts by saying that Frehley isn't Money, but rather a sour-graping sellout who's only saying that because he's upset Bruce wasn't there to "save (his) ass" in the Christian Faith match at Times of Trouble. He then talks about how they became fast friends after SC33, helping each other out numerous times with no sign of discontent from Frehley's end. Bruce wins this round unanimously.


For the next part, Jerry Eisen asks Bruce to state his case and defend, once again, the fact that he's a busy man who juggles successful careers as a rock musician and as a professional athlete. Bruce says that there was no way he could have made it to the Lakeland Arena on time to "take Christian Faith out in a New York Minute," and he again asserts that he had some promotional commitments as leader of his eponymous band. Frehley's rebuttal is vicious - he accuses Bruce of making things up and claims he was simply hung over at that time. He calls Bruce a "selfish-ass cracker," which earns a rebuke from Eisen, and says that "gettin' plastered and gettin' some of that VD while at it" was always more important to Bruce than being there for his friends. Dread votes for Frehley and Michaels for Bruce, and Two Eagles, who has the swing vote, says "sorry, Jack, but Chief was never a fan of rock 'n' roll" and gives his vote to Frehley.


The last, and deciding round has Eisen asking Frehley once again about why he believes joining the MCO was a good decision. Frehley says that the MCO is, for him, his true family right now. He says he feels appreciated as part of the organization, and that as the face of the SWF and current SWF Champion, he's going to show everyone what a true SWF title holder should be - vicious, unforgiving, and part of a system that truly works. Realizing he's gone off-tangent, Frehley seems to have lost interest in continuing the debate...


- As a matter of fact, Jerry, I think I've had enough of this s---...


That said, Frehley hits a Dark Destroyer Spear on Bruce, and the MCO immediately gangs up on the Cream of the Crop. At first, the MCO seems to have the upper hand, with Jay Chord and Mr. Giedroyc teaming up to work Bruce's back. Frehley, meanwhile, focuses his energy on the proverbial cooler heads, dropping Chief Two Eagles with a powerbomb and landing a Launching Pad Suplex on new road agent Ed Monton! That's all The Hollyweird Rejects can take, as they burst out of the locker room, en masse, not concerned that violating the terms of their stipulation could get them fired from the SWF! With the Rejects taking care of most of the MCO, Bruce homes in on Frehley, and takes him out in, and with the New York Minute! The babyfaces help the fallen road agents up to their feet, and it's the good guys standing tall,and having momentum on their side as we draw closer to Supreme Challenge 34...


A. Garcia
- The Rejects simply had to do it. They know they could be fired, and that this could cost them their match at Supreme Challenge 34, but they couldn't, and wouldn't let the MCO end Jack Bruce's career!


J. Eisen
- We certainly hope Barry Bowen would keep his oft-repeated "justice and equality" in mind, and realize that the Hollyweird Rejects simply were preventing the MCO from going ape-you-know-what on Jack Bruce's back!


A. Garcia
- Knowing the Commish, I doubt he'd feel much sympathy for a guy like Bruce whom he's always disliked.


J. Eisen
- Never say never, Ana - as far as we know, Rejects vs MCO is still on for Supreme Challenge 34, and that's sure to be a fantastic match, with the loser having to disband till Let the Games Begin. And we've also got Frehley-Bruce for SWF gold, Gilmore-Remo for the World title, and a whole lot more on Sunday, at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That's Supreme Challenge 34!


A. Garcia
- We'll be seeing you at the Hump on Sunday, so on behalf of the Dean, Peter Michaels, this has been Ana Garcia...


J. Eisen
- ...and Jerry Eisen.


A. Garcia
- Drive home safely, SWF Galaxy, and don't forget to call your cable provider while still early...SC34 is just four days away, and you wouldn't want to miss it.






Rating - 16.39/Increased Popularity in 3 Regions

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OOC - Yes, I know I was supposed to post Uprising yesterday, but I'd unfortunately come down with a mild case of the flu just hours after I posted Supreme TV. I'm feeling better now, and Uprising should be up by tomorrow.


Before that, let's meet someone who might not be going anywhere in High Stakes...at least for now. ;)


"Untouchable Andy"


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gangelhoff Center, St. Paul, Minn.

3:30 p.m.


Weird itinerary. That's all I could say about what Supreme was making us do. The Thursday prior, we'd all flown to Puerto Rico for some hot fun in the summertime. We all had a chance to swim and/or surf, and as far as Emma and myself were concerned, we were doing things Alicia and myself never ever dreamed of doing, even when Alicia had one margarita too many. Of course, we were there to work, and on Tuesday we returned to the Cattle Market for a wild go-home show that featured me, Valiant, Christian, and Vengeance in the main event. And now we were over at Minnesota, in the Twin Cities, with just three days to go before Supreme Challenge 34.




"Who'da thunk it, Nick. I've got a big match at SC34, while you've got old man Vengeance." Aaron Andrews passed me by as I headed to the catering area, making snide comments about one of the locker room's most respected vets. Aaron was a major wise-ass and while he wasn't a big shot in the Klubb just yet, he wasn't making too many new friends backstage.




"When are you and Emma going to continue shooting that movie?" VJ Britney, the kayfabe video jock, was going to California after Supreme Challenge with her fiancee Donnie J. Ostensibly, Donnie wanted to catch some waves near his hometown, but the real purpose of the trip was to make arrangements for their upcoming wedding.


"I dunno, maybe next week?", I replied. "Our director has a major case of scatterbrains."


"So I've heard. Hope to see the cast of Under My Thumb 'round town, I guess!"




"Hallo, USPW. You got good power moves in Sam Strong promotion, wonder if you could help me coz that Smack Scott guy knows shit."


Now that...was unexpected. Anders Thunder, a.k.a. Andy Erlandsson, didn't just call me USPW. He also dissed Big Smack Scott, who was his kayfabe mentor on High Stakes, and not his real-life mentor! If you wanted to talk about his real-life mentors, those would be people like Enforcer Roberts (mat skills), Dread (brawling skills), Greg Black (high-flying/all-around skills), and Karen Killer (entertainment skills) over at Rhode Island. I honestly wondered if Andy was that big a mark, or whether he was just plain dumb.


And I also wondered why he called me USPW. I was soon to find out.




"There's the latest Friend of the Klubb," said Ash Campbell/Carl Ashley, who saw what went on as he was returning from the men's room and going back to the catering area. "No surprise, though. Rick Eisen's crazy about the guy, and his sons are hittin' it off with him as well."


"Hey, at least they got one of the Season 2 rookies after they added Wilmington in Season 1," observed Adam Giedroyc/Matravers.


"I don't get it," I said honestly. "Andy's the least polished among you guys. Not only does he have a limited number of moves, he also botches basic moves. The guy's dangerous!"


"I know, right?", said Ash, greedily finishing off his clubhouse sandwich - the guy loved his food. "I shudder whenever one of the agents tells me Andy's my opponent for the night. But the Eisens love him."


"They see him as the next Sam Strong," Adam added.


"No, Nicky," said Ash, butting in. "They see him as the next Nicky Champion minus the insubordination. They're gonna make sure he stays around for as long as possible..."


"Even with Hell's Bouncer and all his experience? Even with Fro Sure a big hit with the audience? Even with you two and Rudy showing some impressive moves in the ring?"


"Yup," nodded Ash. "That's right, Nicky, Anders Thunder is Untouchable Andy. Even with the steroids offense, even with his total lack of skill and grace in the ring, you know the Eisens are gonna give him every chance to succeed. You know one reason why my dad quit SWF?"


"What is it?"


"Before Rick decided on Black Hat Bailey, my dad was supposed to drop the North American strap to Adonis. Remember that guy?"


"Muscular Puerto Rican," answered Adam. "Built like a Greek god, but wrestling's all Greek to him."


Yup, that was the guy. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised then. But why people like Adonis, Steel, and Andy Erlandsson..."


"...and not people like yourself? Why do those stiffs get all the chances in the world, while you get a good push but live under a microscope?" Ash Campbell let out a stoner's chuckle. "'Coz you're too good, man. Richard Eisen likes his wrestling simple. Basic enough for a seven-year-old kid to understand. Don't let anyone else know that I told 'ya, but if you want to resonate with the old man, if you want to be More than Just a Name and win a main event strap, you're gonna need to pick three to five Moves of Doom from your arsenal. No more than that. Dad didn't believe in formulaic shit like that, which is why the old man canned my old man. Well, sorta."


I paused for a moment after hearing what Ash had to say to me.


"Dude, I'm not tellin' you to do just that, but as someone who grew up with the business, as someone whose dad was f---ed over by the old man, I know what Eisen wants. And he wants people like Untouchable Andy."


Adam once again repeated his quip from earlier. "Built like a Greek god, wrestling's all Greek to him."


"Three moves of doom," continued Ash. "Clothesline, splash, Gothenbearhug after picking up fallen opponent."


With all that said from a young man who knew what he was talking about, it was probably worth considering. Maybe worth trying out once or twice. But not turning into the Nicky Champion formula.

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OOC - Not on extended break again, but since I like to stay transparent with my readers about what's up with me, I will be frank - been thrown off as of late by relationship issues. And a busy work schedule. But I will be posting the go-home Uprising this week, and hopefully will be able to post Supreme Challenge 34 by the end of the month.
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OOC - More than one week to post an Uprising, but better late than never! :D


SWF Uprising

Gangelhoff Center (Minnesota, Midwest)

Thursday, July 10, 2014



Marvin Earnest, Samuel Curran, and Swoop McCarthy (Melanie Florence, Earnest, and Curran for High Stakes matches)




(VIDEO) Supreme Rewind - 7/8/2014 (86/B+)


This week's Supreme Rewind is actually a teaser for Supreme Challenge 34, and a chronicle of the road Angry Gilmore has taken to get to the main event and the World title match against Remo, starting with the Battle for Supremacy at The World is Watching. There are also some brief teases for Nicky Champion vs Vengeance and Steve Frehley vs Jack Bruce, and mention of the undercard matches scheduled for Sunday evening.


(MENTOR'S POLL) Fro Sure Wins Week 6 Mentor's Poll (87/B+)


For tonight, Rich Money is guest-hosting High Stakes, and naturally, he starts out by dissing each and every one of the rookies, saying that none of them are up to the level of High Stakes first season second runner-up Findlay O'Farraday, not even Adam Giedroyc and Fro Sure. With little enthusiasm, he calls each rookie out by their ranking for the week - Fro Sure, Henry Hill, Rudy Velasquez, Andy Erlandsson, Carl Ashley, Surfer Nando, and Adam Giedroyc. Fro Sure, when asked, tells Money that he's glad he's been rising up the rankings despite the alternating apathy and scorn shown him by Steve Frehley. Giedroyc, on the other hand, accuses the other mentors of being too blind to see what he can bring to the table, and asks Money if he can work some of his "magic" to "right the bloody injustice" the mentors did to rank him last. Money says that Adam hasn't proven anything yet, and with that, he'll have to work himself out of this hole on his own.


- Fro Sure, three immunity points, draws a bye for tonight.


Surfer Nando (w/Jimmy Prudence) vs Adam Giedroyc (w/Mr. Giedroyc) (12/F)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/230b1a39-a964-48fe-a5d6-ccd9fd52b2b8_zps6a730378.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/86ca73e7-8e67-44c0-b184-ab6dce1c56da_zps912fada9.jpg


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat,
Adam Giedroyc defeated Surfer Nando
in 3:40 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault. (The fans were all over this match, as Surfer Nando botched his high-flying entrance, while Adam Giedroyc ended up over-selling a superkick. Chemistry wasn't outright bad, but these two weren't bringing it.)


- You know the difference between Adam Giedroyc and his brother, our Managing Supervisor?


- If you could tell us, Mr. Money, 'cause we're dying to know!


- It's simple! Adam needs a stupid, pointless competition like High Stakes to make his name in the Business. Findlay O'Farraday didn't, and that's why he's the cream of Season 1. Mr. Giedroyc doesn't, and I wonder why he bothers wasting time with his less-talented younger brother. Adam Giedroyc is not Money. End of story.


(HIGH STAKES CHALLENGE) Is Your Mentor Your Bro? Challenge (92/A)


The first of the evening's challenges is the Is Your Mentor Your Bro challenge, and Rich Money explains that this is a test of how well the rookies know their mentors, and vice versa. The rookies will be asked a series of questions, while the mentors will write their own answers to the questions - whoever gets the most matching answers wins three immunity points for the challenge, and cannot be eliminated this week.


It takes five questions for the challenge to be completed, but
Andy Erlandsson surprises everyone by going 4/5 and winning
, only missing the first question! (That was "What was your mentor's first impression of you?" - Erlandsson answered "Swede Smack Scott," while Big Smack Scott wrote "Sweedish Meat Ball" [sic] on his whiteboard.) Fro Sure looks quite upset that Steve Frehley was trying to sabotage the challenge for him, while both Rudy Velasquez and Lobster Warrior went about the challenge with apathy.


- Andy Erlandsson, three immunity points


Andy Erlandsson (w/Big Smack Scott) vs Carl Ashley (w/Captain Atomic) (26/E)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9a56294a-c850-4a9a-ab5f-684e8b6a3236_zpsf3069126.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/35857b84-a0a3-49ec-8021-6d725775c670_zpsb550cb50.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Carl Ashley defeated Andy Erlandsson
in 3:34 by disqualification when Big Smack Scott ran in and attacked Carl Ashley. (Ashley didn't get much offense in this match, while Erlandsson was noticeably working stiff in several points. Big Smack Scott kept yelling for Erlandsson to put Ashley away immediately, and cost his rookie the win by jumping in and kicking the fallen hipster in the ribs.)


- Seen anybody you like yet, Mr. Money?


- Are you kidding me, Earnest? Let me just say this. Big Smack Scott is stupid. Yes, it crossed my mind - do we give him and his idiot sidekick Kurt Laramee...


(acknowledging Laramee's original SWF gimmick)
- You mean your idiot former chauffeur?


- Yes. Precisely. Pain Alliance are idiots, they are not Money, and Big Smack Scott didn't have to jump in there. Not that Andy Erlandsson is any great shakes - he's rippling with muscle, but he is definitely not Money. Carl Ashley? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Dad wasn't Money, and neither is the son.


(HIGH STAKES CHALLENGE) Pinata Challenge (90/A)


Tonight's second challenge is the Pinata challenge, and the mechanics involve having each of the rookies take a turn at smashing a pinata while blindfolded, and grabbing as much play money as possible in one minute, with only their mentors' instruction to rely on. Removing one's blindfold means instant disqualification. Guest host Rich Money explains that while winning this challenge won't make them as rich as he is,
the winner of the challenge will have a sure shot at avoiding elimination tonight
, and will get the real-money equivalent of the play money he is able to gather through the challenge as a prize.


The results:


1. Surfer Nando - $4,600

2. Carl Ashley - $4,200

3. Rudy Velasquez - $3,300

4. Fro Sure - $1,700 (was only able to hit the pinata at 0:50)

5. Andy Erlandsson - $1,600

6. Adam Giedroyc - DISQUALIFIED (removed blindfold with Darren Smith's back turned and Rich Money distracting him, but got caught while putting it back on)


- Surfer Nando, three immunity points and $4,600


- I do the kid a favor and that's how he repays me. I'm calling it - Adam Giedroyc is never going to become part of the Money-Chase Organization.


- But what if his brother insists that he joins? Sure, Adam and Mr. Giedroyc haven't always gotten along well, but they seem to be working well as a team...


- If you would only take your mind - and your dagger-like eyes - away from the women, you'd understand. Brothers can work well as a team. But unless they both can work well with Money, there's no synergy. There's no dynamic. Mr. Giedroyc remains our Managing Supervisor. Little brother Adam? He should go back to England and work as a fish-and-chips cook or drive a left-hand drive cab or something.


Henry Hill (w/Squeeky McClean) vs Rudy Velasquez (w/Lobster Warrior) (34/E+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/765be4bb-5914-45f8-914d-ae1d9568f07a_zpsaa5c9628.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12417361-2207-4309-b357-5aa6819ad8ad_zps78bf6b5e.jpg


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat,
Rudy Velasquez defeated Henry Hill
in 8:26 by pinfall with a Street Cutter. (Solid but unspectacular match, but both men need more charisma. With this win, Rudy Velasquez remains the only undefeated rookie in Season 2 of High Stakes.)


- Rudy Velasquez? No respect for authority.
am authority. Henry Hill? Have you heard the rumors about him being a recovering alcoholic?


- TL;DR - Rich Money doesn't like any of the High Stakes rookies.


- What about Fro Sure, who's got the night off as this week's Mentor's Poll winner?


- He's a dabbler. A dilettante. He's not sure if he wants to focus on a career in hip-hop or a career in wrestling, and he can't do either of those things well. I think of him as a homeless man's Jack Bruce who's into hip-hop, not rock - same difference. Both forms of music are anything but Money. Worse, he doesn't listen to the Face of the SWF, the most rightful heir to the SWF Title I held, the man who is going to end Jack Bruce's career at Supreme Challenge 34, Steve Frehley.


(ANGLE) Money and the Giedroycs Argue (76/B-)


Peter Michaels is getting ready to announce this week's elimination(s), and while on the way to the ring, he pats Fro Sure on the back, telling him that he's got a good future. But meanwhile, the main action backstage is an argument between Adam and Mr. Giedroyc and the latter's boss, Rich Money. Mr. Giedroyc tells Money that he's got to do something and "use (his) influence." Money says Adam "isn't worth the money, and isn't Money," and that once again, he's on his own as far as the MCO is concerned...


Mr. Giedroyc
(as Money walks away)
- You're the boss...


A. Giedroyc
- You can't be serious about this, Jack. You mean ta' tell me you're lettin' your boss throw me under the bus?


Mr. Giedroyc
- First of all, Adam, I tried. Second of all, Mr. Money is right - it's not his call. Third, he's right again - you're not Money. And fourth...


A. Giedroyc
- What is it, Jack?


Mr. Giedroyc
- It's MISTER Giedroyc. That's right, little brother, you've got to show me, the King of Supreme and Managing Supervisor of the MCO, a little respect.


(ANGLE) Mr. Giedroyc is Eliminated from High Stakes (62/C)


With Surfer Nando immune for tonight's High Stakes elimination, it'll be down to the fans and mentors to decide whether Carl Ashley and/or Adam Giedroyc will be going home as Season 2's sixth-placer. Adam sees the desperation of the situation and tries again to convince mentor/older brother Mr. Giedroyc and MCO Chairman Rich Money to "bloody do something" so that he doesn't have to get sent home early. Mr. Giedroyc says that Adam would have won the Pinata Challenge had he not been "so slow and schewpid," which sparks a huge argument between the storyline brothers.


As this is one of the early eliminations in High Stakes, fan votes and mentor votes have equal weight here. Peter Michaels (High Stakes talent coordinator) takes over from Rich Money at this point, and tells Carl Ashley that he's lucky - the fans don't like him, with 47 percent voting "Yes" through the SWF App. He also got a very slim vote of confidence from the eight mentors, as five out of eight voted that he stays. However, he won't be going home just yet, as
Michaels informs Adam Giedroyc that he's aware of Mr. Giedroyc and Rich Money's shenanigans in the Pinata Challenge.
As such, Giedroyc is automatically eliminated from High Stakes Season 2 for gross acts of dishonesty.


- If it's any consolation, Adam, only 36 percent of the fans gave you a "Yes" vote. You would've needed a unanimous of approval from the mentors, and judging by your actions tonight, I doubt that would've happened.


Giedroyc protests his elimination from High Stakes, but to no avail. He also complains loudly to Money and Mr. Giedroyc, who ignore Adam as they both head back to the locker room, not caring about what happened.




When Animals Attack vs 24/7 Partay Dudez (w/VJ Britney and Freddy A. Flexx) (48/D+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/ea6cf636-c20d-4c23-9d23-150552bafeae_zpsabfb218c.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/632a4484-6a5f-4ca4-a721-b8da0979ee12_zpse5af27e8.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/edaccf00-5c14-4076-8094-624ec264d806_zpsbb0186c8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/12234547-15f6-429a-867b-44a90e53afd0_zps58bd71b2.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, 24/7 Partay Dudez defeated When Animals Attack in 6:49 when Mainstream defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall with an Apparition #14 off a distraction from Squeeky McClean. During the match we also had VJ Britney distract Fox Mask. (The "remove the masks" storyline continues here, as Sober Police, on Uprising GM Eric Tyler's behest, distracted Masked Cougar as he prepared to go for the Cougar Pounce.)


(as guest commentator)
- What does the Fox say? It's easy, darling. The Fox says "I'm a one-hit wonder!"


- Freddy, mate, you've got to be thrilled to see the 24/7 Partay Dudez winnin' again. Think they can pull off another winning streak?


- Not every hit's gonna go all the way to number one, but Mainstream, Stevie, Calum, and J-Sense have more talent in the ring, on the dancefloor, and in the recording studio than all other SWF tag teams put together.


- I dunno about you guys, but the only thing I like about the Partay Dudez is their video jock Britney. YEEE-HAAAAAHHHH!!!! Gotta love those Beagles!


- Oh, spare me, Sammy. Britney wouldn't date a slobbering dog like yourself if you were the last man on earth, sweetheart.


(ANGLE) Sober Police Rants About When Animals Attack (47/D+)


As Fox Mask and Masked Cougar lay in the ring, Sober Police members Jackson Marlowe and Squeeky McClean enter and cut a promo on the two masked men, and even the Partay Dudez, who had just broken a short losing streak. They make it clear that they're working for Uprising GM Eric Tyler now, and that they have "little patience" for goofy mask-wearing characters like When Animals Attack, "closet weed-smoking, booze-drinking bad boys" like the Partay Dudez, and "incompetent office boys," whom they don't mention, but is a clear reference to #Edd. Marlowe vows to get his hands on When Animals Attack's masks someday, while McClean acts as Tyler's emissary, announcing that since WAA loves their high-flying moves so much,
all top-rope moves will be banned from Uprising effective immediately.


Donnie J (w/Jimmy Prudence) vs Enforcer Allen (w/The Klubb) (40/D-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/3a4d3953-457a-4c82-b93b-06acf007576f_zps59f84e7b.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/243543fb-990c-47bc-a8c2-7db75d85044d_zpsb55ab54f.jpg


In an extremely short match,
Enforcer Allen defeated Donnie J
in 4:18 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. (Donnie J was shown as someone struggling with Eric Tyler's new no-top-rope-moves rule, as he didn't get to unleash much offense on the burly Klubb enforcer.)


E. Eisen
(as guest commentator)
- That, guys, is a preview of what I will do to Matthew Keith at Supreme Challenge 34. Eric Eisen never loses, and the same applies to his Klubb.


- You mean you're gonna sic Allen, all 315 pounds of him, on Matthew Keith, who weighs about 90 pounds less, in order for you to keep your United States Title?


E. Eisen
- Look here, poindexters. That's right, all three of you. The video game addict, the guy whose name must have inspired a million ass-kickings back in school, and the president of the Fap Club. Listen to me. We at the Klubb, we stick together like brothers do and should. But you will find out at SC34 that I can send Matt Keith cryin' back to his daddy by MYSELF. Eric Eisen never loses. Never forget that.


(ANGLE) The Amazing Bumfholes and The Awesomeness Argue (56/C-)


It's another Bumfholes/Awesomeness min-argument on Uprising, as it looks like the Bumfs are getting sick of being featured mainly on the B-show when they are, in fact, five-time World Tag Team champions and among the most popular wrestlers among female fans.


R. Bumfhole
- Summer of Bumf, man! SUMMER OF BUMF!


Z. Bumfhole
- You know we're too good for this s---, Rand-meister...


R. Bumfhole
- This is worse than the bush leagues, Zimster! We've got dancing hotdogs, dancing wild animals, dancing boy bands, dancing #Edd...


Z. Bumfhole
- Man, you make it sound like dancing is a bad thing, huh?


R. Bumfhole
- Not at all, Zim, but you know what I'm talkin' about, right? This ain't our deal, and you know it...


Z. Bumfhole
- And neither is it yours, Awesomeness...
Man, I can't believe Bowen thinks so lowly of us tag guys...


- Uh...I dunno, Zimmy, but we're kinda happy here, y'know?


- The crowds are, like, more intimate...kinda like the club scene...


R. Bumfhole
- Aw, c'mon, guys! You know we're thrilled to have you as our opponents at SC34, and now that we're celebratin' the Summer of Bumf, we think it's just right that tag teams...y'know, tag teams like us...appear on the main show more often.


Z. Bumfhole
- Bowen thinks we're too small, too fun-lovin', too goofy...but we...are five-time champions. Nobody's won so many titles since the Flames. And you guys? You're, like...on a serious roll right now! You broke the Partay Dudez's winnin' streak, fer cryin' out loud!


- Look, Bumfs, I really appreciate the love you're showin' for us...even if we've never seen you in our gigs...


- ...but we just wanna keep it chill. Y'know, be thankful we're on television, and focus on the fact that we're gonna kick your butts at SC34.


R. Bumfhole
- Fine, be that way. Go rot here in Uprising while we hang on to those belts at Supreme Challenge. I guarantee you, Awesomeness, that's gonna get us a regular GIG, as you like to call it, on Supreme TV. But if you'd hear us out one last time before we face off...you're slummin' it out here on Uprising.


Z. Bumfhole
- May the best men win...


The Amazing Bumfholes (w/Haley Bumfhole and Dawn the Rocker) vs Partay Dudez USA (53/D+)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/c40952b1-444d-4dab-a1ae-4fd2c4aaca55_zps75d2c861.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/5120ae97-e829-45ea-8406-bce3e98d7320_zpsb9708838.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/acfaa240-ad74-46a7-a4be-fca6d9417eca_zpsf552e039.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/931ba5b1-e085-4d3e-a41f-eacc43aa6a7b_zps640b97e6.jpg


In an extremely short match,
The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Partay Dudez USA
in 4:35 when Randy Bumfhole defeated J-Sense by pinfall with a Bumfhole Buster. (Interesting, if quick battle between two men who aren't shy about calling Uprising a B-show, and the Partay Dudez's B-team. "BFF's" Haley Bumfhole and Dawn the Rocker co-manage the Bumfholes tonight, and J-Sense found himself vulnerable to the Bumfhole Buster after spending too much time unsuccessfully flirting with Haley and Dawn.)


- Beagle overload...BEAGLE OVERLOAD, MARV!!! SWOOP!!! Dawn the Rocker and Haley Bumfhole together at ringside, but probably for the second-to-last time until Supreme Challenge 34, when they'll be managing their respective teams. BEAGLE OVERLOAD!!!! GOTTA LOVE THOSE REGAL BEAGLES!


(palming his face)
- Eric Eisen was right about you, Sammy. You really must be president of THAT club.


- What can I do, man! There are just so many beautiful women in the SWF...


- ...just as there are so many talented tag teams, including the Bumfholes and The Awesomeness. They've been the two hottest teams in Supreme for months now, and it'll all come down to SC34, where the Bumfholes hope to retain their tag belts and cement their claim as one of the SWF's greatest tag teams of all time.


- Thank you, Swoop. Thank you for appeasing the censors with that brilliant segue. You DO have a future behind the announce table!


- Maybe I do, mate, but there's nothin' I'd like more than for Mr. Tyler to allow me to wrestle again.


(ANGLE) Chord Flaunts His Adultery (54/C-)


Backstage, Jay Chord is putting the moves on Lisa Bowen, and unlike previous weeks, it looks like Lisa is now far more receptive of Chord. The cocky second-generation star tells Lisa that he "doesn't dance like a dork," but moshes like a real man. He asks her if she likes Avenged Sevenfold, and when Lisa says she does, Chord tells her that he bets #Edd hasn't even heard of those guys. As Chord then asks Lisa if she's into rap as well, #Edd steps into the picture and notices the two seemingly hitting it off...


- Eric Tyler lets me off early and this is what I see...


- Look, man, we've only got a few more days until Supreme Challenge...I was just askin' your girl if she likes rap!


With a loud scream and a yell of "EDD-FU!!!!", the Human Trending Topic launches into Mr. Mad at My Dad, and the two second-generation guys have to be broken up by Uprising GM Eric Tyler. Exercising his authority as an SWF executive (his words), Tyler says that he's adding a stipulation to their pre-show match at SC34 -
whoever wins gets to date Lisa Bowen for a month.


- But she's my girlfriend!


(letting out a rare laugh)
- Boy, she sure hasn't been acting like it lately.


The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker and Haley Bumfhole) vs International Incident (w/Kristina Angelova) (56/C-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/7518bbb6-c18b-40e7-aa52-3856f0a30bc4_zpsf4c38da8.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/6bc1bb5a-6c3a-4fc7-858b-eb13394c90d3_zps045b3835.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/9833db41-485f-4c9e-82a3-775b93841460_zps02514bc3.jpghttp://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/f21617a5-882d-46d4-9ced-9c29948f0199_zps134ad13a.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
The Awesomeness defeated International Incident
in 8:07 when Huey Cannonball defeated Dmitri Anselianenko by pinfall with a Cannonball Run. (The Anselianenko/Kobe tag team finally has a name, but it might not be long before it gets dissolved, as kayfabe couple Anselianenko and Kristina Angelova continue to have their differences, while the "Born-Again Russian"'s real-life exit from the SWF draws closer.)


- You've got to pay VNIMANIE to The Awesomeness. Those guys are really, really awesome in the ring and I personally feel they may be capable of upsetting the Bumfholes at Supreme Challenge.


- Aren't you going to say anything about the three lovely ladies at ringside, namely Dawn, Haley Bumfhole, and Kristina Angelova?


- I would, but you know me, Marv. When I get started on the Beagles, I just can't stop! YEE-HAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!


- Me and my big mouth.


Jimmy Prudence vs Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase) (72/B-)


http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/2e06d5e1-13c3-4eeb-9e7d-ac5f25b91a01_zps7c3974ce.jpg vs http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/3rdStringPG/SWF%202014/SWF%20Roster%20Small/95622952-2af9-47a5-a422-00d09bdd7132_zpseb2e4291.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat,
Jay Chord defeated Jimmy Prudence
in 10:31 by disqualification when #Edd attacked Jay Chord. (Very good match from talented JTTS Prudence and up-and-coming Chord, and while this match ostensibly doesn't have any storyline relevance, we saw Lisa Bowen at ringside, seemingly torn on whether to help Chord or to distract him. In the end, it was #Edd interference that forced Ric Young to call for a DQ; #Edd would also apologize to Jimmy Prudence for costing him the match, with Prudence saying weakly "you did what you had to do.")


- The stakes have become higher for those two men, with Eric Tyler announcing that the winner of their pre-show match gets to date the lovely Lisa Bowen for a month.


- Lisa Bowen is a young lady with a lot on her mind right now. #Edd's banishment as Mr. Tyler's assistant may have snuffed out the spark he and Lisa used to have, and here comes Jay Chord, swooping in like a self-entitled second-generation star like himself would.


- And yes, we shall be callin' that match - Jay Chord vs #Edd - on the Supreme Challenge 34 Kickoff, with Jerry Eisen. Would've preferred Mel Florence, but...


- But nothing, Sammy. You've reached your quota for girl-crazy exhortations and then some.


- Aw, Marv...


- Anyway, this has been Marvin Earnest, for Sammy Curran and Swoop McCarthy, and this has been Uprising. We'll be seeing you at the Metrodome in Minneapolis this Sunday for Supreme Challenge 34 and Sammy and myself will be calling the Kickoff Show, so call your cable provider if you haven't done so yet!




Velasquez 6-0

Hill 4-1

Ashley 4-2

Fro Sure 2-3

Erlandsson 2-4

Nando 1-5

Giedroyc 3-3 (ELIMINATED)

Williams 0-4 (ELIMINATED)




Erlandsson - 7

Fro Sure - 7

Hill - 3

Nando - 3


SWF Uprising Final Grade -

SWF Uprising Rating - 1.00

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OOC - Prediction key for SC34 is coming right after this post! :D Been a long time coming, but I hope it's going to be all worth the wait.



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OOC - Like Curtis Axel, it has arrived. Want something better than the 2015 Royal Rumble? Here's one of them...and I am already being too modest! ;)


Seriously, this will be the first official card for this diary's final prediction game, so make those picks count! :D Will announce the prize after Supreme Challenge, and I'll try to make it different from my previous ones.


ERRATUM - Marc DuBois did win a singles title after all - Shooting Star. Forgot all about that when making the "magazine pages" for the SC34 preview! Yes, I'm aware I used the old, long-haired DuBois render instead of the bald one I'm using right now - got a bit lazy to upload on Ribbet at that time. :o


BACKSTAGE POSTSCRIPT - For a moment I thought this was going to be like E-V's SWF diary, where someone in the SWF dies while on the active roster. With that said, it looks like my adding the 25-man battle royal as an extra pre-show match saved Donnie J's life. :D One of my saved games had him dying a Kenny death after SC34, and I was supposed to write it as him drowning while surfing in California. That's why Britney Hollywood made a surprise appearance in the last backstage segment - that was supposed to frame Donnie J's passing. But since he's still alive, it looks like the SWF still has no shortage of skilled Jobbers to the Stars.



SWF Supreme Challenge 34

The Metrodome (Minneapolis, Midwest

Sunday, July 13, 2014 (Week 2)




25-Man Battle Royal (Big Smack Scott, Calum, Des Davids, Dmitri Anselianenko, D. John Mustard, Donnie J, Fox Mask, Freddy A. Flexx, Jackson Marlowe, Jimmy Prudence, Joe Sexy, J-Sense, Kurt Laramee, Lobster Warrior, Magnum Kobe, Mainstream, Masked Cougar, Oro, Oscar Meyers, Plata, P-Hunt, Primus "Enforcer" Allen, Skye Sunlight, Squeeky McClean, Stevie)

[sC34 Kickoff Show]



#Edd (w/Lisa Bowen?) vs Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[sC34 Kickoff Show, winner gets to date Lisa Bowen for one month]



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Christian Faith

[if Valiant loses, he joins Faith/Vengeance stable]



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Marc DuBois

[sWF North American Title Match]



The Hollyweird Rejects (Andrews/Hawkins/Minnesota/Ino) vs The Money-Chase Organization (O'Farraday/Khoklov/Giedroyc/Money)

[4-vs-4 Elimination Tag Team Match, loser disbands till Let the Games Begin]



Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley (w/Emma Chase)

[sWF Title Match]



Nicky Champion (w/Hannah) vs Vengeance (w/Christian Faith?)

[Three Levels of Inferno - Lumberjack, Tables, Casket]



Angry Gilmore vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]





Bonus Question #1 - Who will be the first elimination in the pre-show battle royal?


A) One of Los Metalheads

B) One of Hotdog Sandwich

C) One of the Partay Dudez

D) Someone else


Bonus Question #2 - Which of these midcarders will cut a quick promo in between big matches at SC34?


A) Des Davids

B) Eric Eisen

C) Lobster Warrior

D) Marc DuBois

E) Matthew Keith

F) Someone else

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25-Man Battle Royal (Big Smack Scott, Calum, Des Davids, Dmitri Anselianenko, D. John Mustard, Donnie J, Fox Mask, Freddy A. Flexx, Jackson Marlowe, Jimmy Prudence, Joe Sexy, J-Sense, Kurt Laramee, Lobster Warrior, Magnum Kobe, Mainstream, Masked Cougar, Oro, Oscar Meyers, Plata, P-Hunt, Primus "Enforcer" Allen, Skye Sunlight, Squeeky McClean, Stevie)

[sC34 Kickoff Show]



#Edd (w/Lisa Bowen?) vs Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[sC34 Kickoff Show, winner gets to date Lisa Bowen for one month]



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Christian Faith

[if Valiant loses, he joins Faith/Vengeance stable]



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Marc DuBois

[sWF North American Title Match]



The Hollyweird Rejects (Andrews/Hawkins/Minnesota/Ino) vs The Money-Chase Organization (O'Farraday/Khoklov/Giedroyc/Money)

[4-vs-4 Elimination Tag Team Match, loser disbands till Let the Games Begin]



Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley (w/Emma Chase)

[sWF Title Match]



Nicky Champion (w/Hannah) vs Vengeance (w/Christian Faith?)

[Three Levels of Inferno - Lumberjack, Tables, Casket]



Angry Gilmore vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]





Bonus Question #1 - Who will be the first elimination in the pre-show battle royal?


A) One of Los Metalheads

B) One of Hotdog Sandwich

C) One of the Partay Dudez

D) Someone else


Bonus Question #2 - Which of these midcarders will cut a quick promo in between big matches at SC34?


A) Des Davids

B) Eric Eisen

C) Lobster Warrior

D) Marc DuBois

E) Matthew Keith

F) Someone else

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25-Man Battle Royal (Big Smack Scott, Calum, Des Davids, Dmitri Anselianenko, D. John Mustard, Donnie J, Fox Mask, Freddy A. Flexx, Jackson Marlowe, Jimmy Prudence, Joe Sexy, J-Sense, Kurt Laramee, Lobster Warrior, Magnum Kobe, Mainstream, Masked Cougar, Oro, Oscar Meyers, Plata, P-Hunt, Primus "Enforcer" Allen, Skye Sunlight, Squeeky McClean, Stevie)

[sC34 Kickoff Show]



#Edd (w/Lisa Bowen?) vs Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[sC34 Kickoff Show, winner gets to date Lisa Bowen for one month]



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Christian Faith

[if Valiant loses, he joins Faith/Vengeance stable]



The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Marc DuBois

[sWF North American Title Match]



The Hollyweird Rejects (Andrews/Hawkins/Minnesota/Ino) vs The Money-Chase Organization (O'Farraday/Khoklov/Giedroyc/Money)

[4-vs-4 Elimination Tag Team Match, loser disbands till Let the Games Begin]



Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley (w/Emma Chase)

[sWF Title Match]



Nicky Champion (w/Hannah) vs Vengeance (w/Christian Faith?)

[Three Levels of Inferno - Lumberjack, Tables, Casket]



Angry Gilmore vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]





Bonus Question #1 - Who will be the first elimination in the pre-show battle royal?


A) One of Los Metalheads

B) One of Hotdog Sandwich

C) One of the Partay Dudez

D) Someone else


Bonus Question #2 - Which of these midcarders will cut a quick promo in between big matches at SC34?


A) Des Davids

B) Eric Eisen

C) Lobster Warrior

D) Marc DuBois

E) Matthew Keith

F) Someone else

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25-Man Battle Royal (Big Smack Scott, Calum, Des Davids, Dmitri Anselianenko, D. John Mustard, Donnie J, Fox Mask, Freddy A. Flexx, Jackson Marlowe, Jimmy Prudence, Joe Sexy, J-Sense, Kurt Laramee, Lobster Warrior, Magnum Kobe, Mainstream, Masked Cougar, Oro, Oscar Meyers, Plata, P-Hunt, Primus "Enforcer" Allen, Skye Sunlight, Squeeky McClean, Stevie)

[sC34 Kickoff Show]

Comment: I like Davids


#Edd (w/Lisa Bowen?) vs Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[sC34 Kickoff Show, winner gets to date Lisa Bowen for one month]

Comment: Because #Edd


Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Christian Faith

[if Valiant loses, he joins Faith/Vengeance stable]

Comment: Can't see Valiant as a heel


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]

Comment: Bumfholes march on


Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]

Comment: Klubb help out


Captain Atomic © vs Marc DuBois

[sWF North American Title Match]

Comment: Can't see Marc getting a belt.


The Hollyweird Rejects (Andrews/Hawkins/Minnesota/Ino) vs The Money-Chase Organization (O'Farraday/Khoklov/Giedroyc/Money)

[4-vs-4 Elimination Tag Team Match, loser disbands till Let the Games Begin]

Comment: I feel like Money needs a stable in SWF(I always give him one in my games) and how are Hollyweird going to eliminate Marat xD


Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley (w/Emma Chase)

[sWF Title Match]

Comment: Tough one!


Nicky Champion (w/Hannah) vs Vengeance (w/Christian Faith?)

[Three Levels of Inferno - Lumberjack, Tables, Casket]

Comment: Nicky wins the Lumberjack, loses tables, wins casket.


Angry Gilmore vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]

Comment: Gilmore's big moment.




Bonus Question #1 - Who will be the first elimination in the pre-show battle royal?


A) One of Los Metalheads

B) One of Hotdog Sandwich

C) One of the Partay Dudez

D) Someone else


Bonus Question #2 - Which of these midcarders will cut a quick promo in between big matches at SC34?


A) Des Davids

B) Eric Eisen

C) Lobster Warrior

D) Marc DuBois

E) Matthew Keith

F) Someone else

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OOC - If all goes well, the first part of SC34 will be up on Sunday, so there's still time to predict. Now let's find out what's happening backstage, and see how Anders Thunder is faring as the latest member or pseudo-member of the Klubb...


BTW, damn these brain farts, making Anders Thunder speak like The Iron Sheik, adding "the" before a person's name... :p


"The Talentless Mr. Erlandsson and 'The' Emma Chase"


Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Metrodome, Minneapolis, Minn.

6:30 p.m.




"Tonight is the night when we make Supreme Challenge 34 as special as a multiple-of-five Supreme Challenge. 25 was a masterpiece, 30 gave us Jack Bruce defeating my son Eric in a five-star classic, and 34 is gonna give us TOM F---IN' GILMORE AND REMO F---IN' RICHARDSON FIGHTING IT OUT LIKE THEY WERE TONY MORETTI AND ARES AEGALAEUS IN THE HALCYON DAYS OF SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT!!! With better skills and wicked athleticism, of course, but you get the idea, boys and girls! Tonight is OUR NIGHT, OUR TIME TO SHINE, WE ARE GONNA MAKE SUPREME CHALLENGE 34 THE MOST SUPREME OF THE SUPREME CHALLENGES EVER!!! We've got celebrities here tonight...those two FHM models who'll be walking my son Eric to the ring in his match against Matthew. We've got KP Avatar and the Psychedelic Garage Jobbers playing some hard-hittin' rock 'n' roll during the intermission. NBA players, mixed martial artists, actors, actresses, THEY'RE ALL HERE TONIGHT. SO DON'T LET THEM DOWN, MOTHERF---ERS!!! SHOW ME WHY I'M PAYIN' YOU ALL THIS MONEY AND GIVE ME A PERFECT 100 SUPREME CHALLENGE 34!!!"


You can say what you want about Rick Eisen, but the man knew how to motivate. He had us all fired up for Supreme Challenge 34, and as we went our separate ways, we did what we'd usually do before a show - meet with road agents, discuss finishes, practice our promos. Though none of them were booked, the High Stakes rookies were all here, lucky to be part of the SWF's biggest event of the year. Yup, all of 'em. Nate, a.k.a. Fro Sure. Rudy. Fernando, a.k.a. Surfer Nando. Ash, a.k.a. Carl Ashley. Henry. Even the recently-eliminated Adam and Kelly.


Unfortunately, the Swedish Meatball was here too. And he was up to some shenanigans with my girlfriend.




"So, Emma, was Mr. Chase a thief?"


"Get lost, Andy."


"Because the Mr. Chase, he stole the stars from sky and put them in your eyes. Hi. I'm Anders Thunder Erlandsson."


"Doesn't everybody know that?"


"See, I'm new here, and..."


"And you're supposed to be practicing your lines with Scott. Didn't you know you two make a lovely couple?"


That was all I could take and I couldn't take no more.




"Oh, hi, Andy."


"USPW!!!! Dude, the Emma Chase is really pretty, hope you don't mind it that I speak to the Emma and tell her how lovely she is?"


I think I had a good mind to tell "the" Andy Erlandsson that he was trying to goose a woman who was in a committed relationship. With me. Having heard enough of the talentless muscleman's crap, I looked him in the eye and told him, in no uncertain terms, to back off.


"Listen, pal, I don't know who put you up to this or if you've simply got a weird appetite for Hawkeye Hammer, but let me make myself perfectly clear. Emma is MY girlfriend. Even your new friends the Eisens know that, and they know better than to mess around. Looking for someone for tonight, Andy? You've got your right hand, go use it. But the next time I catch you fooling around with Emma, you've got me and my friends to deal with."


"Geez, sorry," said an apologetic-looking Andy. "You're so sensitive, USPW! So territorial like caveman!"


"Then call me Captain Caveman," I retorted. "We'll see next year who's out of work and who's still, and I repeat STILL got a main event push."


Andy Erlandsson, a.k.a. Anders Thunder/Untouchable Andy/Swedish Meatball, skulked away, and I hoped it was with his tail between his legs. Though I doubted it, to be honest - the guy was making nice with the Klubb, and was getting a lot of attention despite the fact he couldn't wrestle for shit.


But I had more important matters to attend to. Matters such as trying to reach out to KP Avatar, who was here to play the intermission number with his band. Matters such as finding Sean and discussing our Three Levels of Inferno match. Matters such as Emma giving me a cliched, yet tongue-in-cheek "My hero" and following up with a torrid kiss that earned the applause of my locker room buddies - the Solid Hands.

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Andy isn't a bad dude just a little dumb but smart enough to know BSS is full of bull. Nicky could have been a little more authoritative than confrontational especially since you have Andy asking Nicky for some help in his training before.


Come to think of it, you do have a point. Was thinking back to how Bret Hart supposedly confronted a very young Shane McMahon when he was putting the moves on his now ex-wife. Then again, I've written Nicky to be a bit more flawed than KP. Generally good guy, but no Gary/Marty Stu, I.e. idealized male character.


There's gonna be more to this after SC34. ;)

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Come to think of it, you do have a point. Was thinking back to how Bret Hart supposedly confronted a very young Shane McMahon when he was putting the moves on his now ex-wife. Then again, I've written Nicky to be a bit more flawed than KP. Generally good guy, but no Gary/Marty Stu, I.e. idealized male character.


There's gonna be more to this after SC34. ;)


Nicky having been in a locker with Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood isn't going to be Mr. Nice Guy. I'm just withholding my opinion on Andy until we see more of him unlike Eisen who's just a douche all the way.

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SWF Supreme Challenge 34

The Metrodome (Minneapolis, Midwest

Sunday, July 13, 2014 (Week 2)



25-Man Battle Royal (Big Smack Scott, Calum, Des Davids, Dmitri Anselianenko, D. John Mustard, Donnie J, Fox Mask, Freddy A. Flexx, Jackson Marlowe, Jimmy Prudence, Joe Sexy, J-Sense, Kurt Laramee, Lobster Warrior, Magnum Kobe, Mainstream, Masked Cougar, Oro, Oscar Meyers, Plata, P-Hunt, Primus "Enforcer" Allen, Skye Sunlight, Squeeky McClean, Stevie)

[sC34 Kickoff Show]



#Edd (w/Lisa Bowen?) vs Jay Chord (w/Emma Chase)

[sC34 Kickoff Show, winner gets to date Lisa Bowen for one month]



Valiant (w/Jessie) vs Christian Faith

[if Valiant loses, he joins Faith/Vengeance stable]

Comment: Christian Faith winning is the more interesting route here


The Amazing Bumfholes © (w/Haley Bumfhole) vs The Awesomeness (w/Dawn the Rocker)

[sWF World Tag Team Title Match]



Matthew Keith vs Eric Eisen © (w/The Klubb)

[sWF United States Title Match]



Captain Atomic © vs Marc DuBois

[sWF North American Title Match]



The Hollyweird Rejects (Andrews/Hawkins/Minnesota/Ino) vs The Money-Chase Organization (O'Farraday/Khoklov/Giedroyc/Money)

[4-vs-4 Elimination Tag Team Match, loser disbands till Let the Games Begin]



Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley (w/Emma Chase)

[sWF Title Match]



Nicky Champion (w/Hannah) vs Vengeance (w/Christian Faith?)

[Three Levels of Inferno - Lumberjack, Tables, Casket]



Angry Gilmore vs Remo © (w/Duane Fry)

[sWF World Heavyweight Title Match]




Bonus Question #1 - Who will be the first elimination in the pre-show battle royal?


A) One of Los Metalheads

B) One of Hotdog Sandwich

C) One of the Partay Dudez

D) Someone else


Bonus Question #2 - Which of these midcarders will cut a quick promo in between big matches at SC34?


A) Des Davids

B) Eric Eisen

C) Lobster Warrior

D) Marc DuBois

E) Matthew Keith

F) Someone else

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  • 2 weeks later...
OOC - Just to let everyone know, the diary hasn't died or gone dormant - Supreme Challenge 34 should be up by this weekend! That means you can still predict, and with that said, my apologies if things have slowed again. Work, band, and dating have pushed TEW to the background, though it won't be much longer before SC34 is posted. :D
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