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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards

Comments: I would have given it to Bo and Damien, but I can't go against Stevie.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian

Comments: This one should be fun, at least.


Comments On Previous Show: A little surprised about Vince's apparent agreement to be "only" a GM, I thought when he came out to start the show he was there to bust 3H and Stephanie down a few notches... but I suppose not. Otherwise, highly enjoyable show, can't wait to see the Kings against the Steiners!


In real life, the Bo/Damien Versus Dreamer/Richards match would definitely be a difficult one for me to call. But I do know where I am going with this so there is some definite knowledge in writing. Two show-offs going one on one when Dolph meets Frankie.


I do understand your thoughts on Mr. McMahon. There is definitely something more coming when it comes to Mr. McMahon. He is not going away either way. The Kings Of WrestleSwing facing off with the Steiners could be a match of the year candidate, right?


Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust

Comments: Now this is a match I'd love to see...!!! I think Cody's the bigger SSSsssssstaaaaaaaaar though :D


Imagine both of these teams in their primes fighting each other. That would make for an amazing contest that, like Steiners/KoW could be a tag team match of the year candidate.


Thank you to everyone who has predicted and commented so far! I always appreciate everything that comes through here.

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Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella



Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian



Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena









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Monday Week 3 August 2014

Location: PA Liacouras Center (Tri-State)

Attendance: 10,206

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 5.64





[WWE Monday Night Raw begins with the arrival of the WWE COO Triple H! The crowd boos as Hunter walks to the ring in a suit with the sledgehammer by his side. He steps inside and a 'Roman Reigns' chant begins inside Philadelphia here! Hunter begins the interview by letting everyone know that Roman Reigns will NOT be in the building tonight. As a matter of fact, if he is smart, he won't be in the building until after SummerSlam. He talks about how good it felt bringing his sledgehammer down on Roman Reigns again and again and again. It felt like old times. It almost felt like he was given an attitude to reign over the WWE again. So he definitely implores Roman Reigns not to show up at SummerSlam. Because if Roman Reigns returns to the WWE he says that he's not going to stop until he ends the young career of this tough WWE Superstar.]





[Triple H looks shocked and angered as The Rock comes out from the back and storms right down to the ring, sliding inside. He comes face-to-face with Triple H and then smiles and takes a step back. The Rock says that before he says anything else, he needs to say this: FINALLY The Rock has come BACK to Philadelphia! The City of Brotherly Love. The Rock says it's good to see Triple H again. The Rock says that it's great to see Triple H stepping back into the ring. But Triple H did something that The Rock does NOT enjoy. That is, Triple H went after a relative of The Rock. THAT is something that The Rock cannot sit back and let happen. The Rock says that when he steps inside the ring he doesn't need help from a sledgehammer. The Rock has the Rock Bottom. The Rock has the People's Elbow. That's all the Rock needs. And that's all The Rock will need next week when he steps into the ring with you, Triple H, and whips your candy ass. Triple H says that The Rock is nuts. A match with the COO of the WWE? A Hollywood star against a COO? How would that look? The Rock interrupts Triple H and tells him to be quiet and listen because the people of Philadelphia are chanting the Rock's name. A 'Rocky' chant breaks throughout the audience. Triple H says that's cute but he'll accept the challenge. Next week on Monday Night Raw: Triple H Versus The Rock. Hunter smiles and looks like he might attack The Rock but instead just exits the ring and walks toward the back. The Rock stands in the ring and tells Triple H that he is going to go down like Stephanie McMahon to all the boys in the back...if YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'!]





Match #1


Kendrick & London vs. Goldust and Stardust


[Our very first match of the evening is a pretty good match as we see Kendrick & London against the brother tag team of Goldust and Stardust. The contest is fairly open as all four men receive some momentum throughout the match. London & Kendrick almost score a victory following a double flapjack on Goldust. They also hit the Tower Of London for a two count before it's broken up by Stardust. Goldust manages to get the hot tag to Stardust and he comes in with punches to both London and Kendrick. Stardust hits London with a bulldog and then faces off with Brian Kendrick. He ducks a Kendrick kick attempt and then bounces off the ropes -- Beautiful Disaster Kick! Stardust makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: Goldust and Stardust (Via Pinfall @ 9:29)

Match Rating: C-




[A big victory for Goldust and Stardust. The brother tag team is shown walking up the ramp but they come face-to-face with all four members of The Wyatt Family! At first, Goldust and Stardust hold their own but the numbers game eventually catches up with them. Stardust is brought down with a big boot by Braun Stowman. Then the attention is turned to the fallen Goldust. Bray Wyatt pulls up Goldust and hits Sister Abigail on the ramp! The crowd boos as Goldust is laid down on the ramp and Wyatt motions to Luke Harper. Harper grabs Goldust and walks to the edge of the ramp. He picks up Goldust and leaps -- sit-out powerbomb through a table off the ramp to the floor! The crowd is absolutely stunned! Goldust is out! Luke Harper is hurt as well! The Wyatt Family help their own as EMTs come out to look at Goldust.]







[We are taken backstage where Goldust's stretcher is being taken to an ambulance. Stardust is none the worse for wear but he is back there with his brother, holding the hand of Goldust. As the stretcher is being loaded into the ambulance, The Rock appears on the scene. Stardust begins yelling at the Rock, asking where he was. He asks The Rock why he wasn't there to help his brother. The Rock says that The Rock wasn't there but not to worry there will be some vengeance tonight. The Rock tells Stardust to go and take care of his brother and that tonight The Great One will take care of The Wyatt Family. Stardust climbs into the ambulance and it drives off as The Rock turns to look toward the camera and raises the people's eyebrow before we head back to the ring.]


Match #2


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Prince Devitt vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


[Our next match features two International superstars in the Cruiserweight title tournament. A sign is shown early in the match: 'Devitt vs Liger?.....THE FIRST EVER SIX STAR MATCH IN WWE HISTORY!' This is a great back and forth match that sees times where it appears that both men are going to win the contest. Devitt scores a two count when he drops Liger with a Bloody Sunday but somehow Liger is able to kick out. The crowd gets behind the veteran Liger as he begins to make a comeback against the younger wrestler. Liger catches Devitt with a Liger Suplex and then he picks up Devitt one more time, dropping him with a Brainbuster. Liger makes a cover, gaining the three count and advancing to the semi finals!]


Winner: Jushin Thunder Liger (Via Pinfall @ 6:07)

Match Rating: C-




[From there, we move to a backstage area where Randy Orton and Kane are talking. They talk about how Triple H hasn't done anything to stop Sting from attacking again and again. Orton points out that Kane has also been attacked by Sting. So the two of them decide they are going to band together tonight to find Sting in the building and take him out. They talk about the fact that Sting is probably hiding in the rafters somewhere. So that has to be their first stop, right? Kane asks who hides in the rafters, though? After all, isn't the boiler room a better place to hide? Orton says that Sting was never the brightest Superstar in wrestling. They touch fists and then turn and walk away, looking for wherever Sting might be. Though he's not someone that is prone to hiding from a challenge. Tonight, though, The Viper might be fed a scorpion.]





Match #3


Handicap Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige and Brie Bella


[A 'YES' chant is echoed through the crowd as they saw that Daniel Bryan will be on Raw next week. Our lone Diva's match this evening sees a handicap style contest where AJ Lee takes on Paige and Brie Bella. AJ holds her own in the beginning of this match but where Paige and Brie can tag in and out, she doesn't have a partner. So AJ is worn down during this contest by both Paige and Brie Bella. AJ makes a few comebacks during the match and nearly draws a submission out of Brie Bella with her Black Widow finisher but Paige interrupts it and breaks the hold before Brie can tap out. Paige and Brie, however, are not exactly good partners as there are a lot of blind tags in this one. In the end, it is Paige hitting AJ with the RamPaige that enables her to score the victory.]


Winner(s): Paige and Brie Bella (Via Pinfall @ 6:05)

Match Rating: D




[With the match over, Stephanie McMahon comes out to the top of the ramp applauding Paige and Brie Bella. She says that was a good match but it could have been better. In fact, there is going to be a better match next week right here on Monday Night Raw. It is going to be a twist on an old favorite here in the WWE. Next week, Paige defends her WWE Diva's title against AJ Lee in an Evening Gown match! But Stephanie did say that there was going to be a twist on the match. The match does not end when someone is stripped of their evening gown. When that happens, it means that that person can be pinned or forced to submit. So both women could be stripped before the end of the match. Stephanie wishes them good luck and walks off as both Paige and AJ look upset at that announcement.]




[We move from the ring to the backstage area where The Other-Americans are shown sitting around in a locker room. They seem to be playing some roleplaying game with cards. They are playing The Mystic Warlords of Ka'a! Super Crazy plays the enchanted bunny and then yells something in Spanish that no one else in the room can seem to understand. Suddenly, the locker room door opens and in comes Triple H. Super Crazy sees Triple H, cringes and walks over to a locker, opening it and stepping inside before closing the locker door. Hunter smirks and says that it's good to see the Other-Americans. He says that he needs a warm-up match tonight so he has decided that one of this group will step into the ring with him next. Sami Zayn places down his cards and gets nose-to-nose with Triple H. Zayn says that he will step in the ring with The Game and when he wins it will be game over. Triple H laughs and tells him that he is making a big mistake but it's his mistake to make. He says he will see him in the ring. Triple H walks off and Sami Zayn looks pumped for this match.]


Match #4


Triple H vs. Sami Zayn


[These two men are completely and totally opposites when it comes to in the ring. Triple H has the experience edge but he definitely doesn't seem to be taking Zayn too seriously. He takes down Zayn with a running knee and then plays to a booing crowd. A fan raises a sign reading: 'Give me a chance in hell, Vince!' Hunter turns back to Zayn and catches a leg lariat by the Canadian-American! Zayn grabs Hunter with a wrist-lock and transitions it into a tornado DDT! Zayn makes a cover and gets a two count on Triple H! Zayn looks surprised at that, himself! Zayn gets the crowd pumped! He moves to the top turnbuckle and waits for Hunter to get to his feet -- Diving Crossbody! The momentum sends Zayn rolling off Triple H, though! Zayn gets back up and goes right back to Triple H. He sends Hunter into the corner and looks across. He charges -- big boot in the corner -- NO! Hunter moved and the boot catches the top turnbuckle! Triple H grabs Zayn and drops him with a spinning spinebuster! The crowd boos as Triple H stands tall over Zayn. He picks up Zayn and hooks him between his legs -- Pedigree! Zayn is out! Triple H makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Triple H (Via Pinfall @ 9:51)

Match Rating: C+




[We are taken from the ring to the rafters as Randy Orton and Kane are shown looking for Sting! They literally shove some fans out of the way so that they can find who they are looking for. They finally come across what appears to be Sting. Randy Orton goes to grab it but the jacket shrugs off and the head is actually a balloon with a Sting masked taped on it. The balloon bursts, sending black and white confetti all over Orton and Kane. Orton throws the jacket away, looking angry as he is covered in confetti and embarrassed by Sting, who doesn't appear to be in the building.]




[The attention turns back toward the ring where The Rock comes out to cheers from the crowd! The Rock walks down to the ring and steps inside, looking around for a moment and then talking about the fact that the millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans want to see him inside this very ring whipping some Wyatt Family ass. So if that Wyatt Family has any type of testicular fortitude they will walk that aisle and go one on one with The Great One! Along with a referee, Luke Harper comes down to the ring and it looks like we have another impromptu match here tonight!]


Match #5


Luke Harper vs. The Rock


[The match is definitely a brawl from the start as The Rock meets Luke Harper as soon as Harper enters the ring. The Rock begins throwing punches and then a spit punch brings Harper down to the mat. The crowd is absolutely into this match as The Rock continues to stay in control. Briefly, the momentum turns as Bray Wyatt distracts The Rock and Luke Harper takes advantage with a big clothesline to the back of the head. Harper picks up The Rock and drops him with a gutwrench powerbomb! Harper scores a two count before The Rock kicks out! The crowd is pumped with that kick out! Harper sends The Rock out of the ring and then goes for a suicide dive but The Rock avoids the dive and Harper crashes against the barricade. The action quickly returns to the ring and The Rock brings Harper down with a spinebuster. The Rock sets up Harper for the People's Elbow! The elbow pad goes flying and he bounces off one side. He bounces off another and right into a clothesline by Bray Wyatt! The referee immediately calls for the bell.]


Winner: The Rock (Via Disqualification @ 5:49)

Match Rating: B




[The rest of The Wyatt Family hit the ring and it's an all-out assault on The Rock! Boos fly in from the crowd as The Wyatts continue their assault on The Rock. Bray Wyatt picks up The Rock and looks down at him for a moment -- Sister Abigail! The Rock is laid out on the mat by The Wyatt Family once again! The Rock, in pain, looks up at his former best friend Braun Stowman. He is asking him for help but Stowman seems very stoic about the whole situation. Bray laughs and begins singing into a microphone 'He's got the whole world in his hands!' Bray Wyatt motions to his 'family' and the group of them begin leaving the ring. The Wyatt Family walk away, leaving The Rock crying out in pain in the ring.]




[We move from the ring to the locker room where Damien Sandow is shown, sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. Bo Dallas walks in and asks him what is wrong. Sandow says that this company has gotten into his head. He says that he hasn't won a match in so long that he might not know how to win. Dallas says that he knows how to win and he can teach Damien Sandow tonight. He says that all Damien Sandow has to do is BOLIEVE! Sandow looks skeptical at Bo Dallas's words. Bo Dallas has a big bright smile, though. He gives Sandow a pat on the back and helps him up. He says that tonight, Damien Sandow becomes a BOLIEVER!]


Match #6


Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow vs. Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards


[Our next match is a tag team contest that has 'ECW' chants filling up the Liacouras Center! The crowd here in Philadelpia are definitely behind the team of Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards and they give the fans a reason to be behind them early on. Tommy Dreamer catches Damien Sandow with a Dreamer Driver for a two count, frustrating Sandow inside the ring. The match moves outside the ring briefly where Tommy Dreamer gets crotched on the barricade! Back inside the ring, the hot tag is made to Stevie Richards and he comes running in with punches for both Sandow and Dallas. Richards catches Sandow with a Stevie-T but only gets a two count when Bo Dallas breaks up the pinfall. Dallas pulls Sandow out of the way of a Stevie-Kick and quickly tags himself in. Bo Dallas catches Stevie Richards with a snap double underhook DDT! He rolls up Richards and grabs the tights: One, Two, Three! Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow win! Are you a Boliever?]


Winners: Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow (Via Pinfall @ 8:40)

Match Rating: D+




[From the ring, we move backstage to where Renee Young is standing by with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena! Cena says that tonight the champ is here! Tonight, he talks about the fact that he is going to be facing the former Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins. While there is no doubt that he will not be defending his title tonight, that doesn't mean that he's not going to give it everything he has against Seth Rollins. He talks about the fact that Rollins has been a little thorn in his side and tonight is the night that the thorn gets plucked. Then we move to SummerSlam and Brock Lesnar. Cena talks about the fact that Brock Lesnar might be his toughest challenge ever as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. But when the smoke clears at SummerSlam and we return to Monday Night Raw, he says that he will still be able to say that the champ is here!]




[We return to ringside and the crowd boos as the music for Brock Lesnar begins to play. Instead of Lesnar, however, we get Paul Heyman! A mixture of boos and cheers in Philadelphia for Heyman as he walks right to the ring and steps inside. He raises the microphone and says 'ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Paul Heyman and I am the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. I am also the one who put the city of Philadelphia on the map when I ran a little company here known by three letters.' The 'ECW' chant is LOUD here in Philly. Heyman talks about the fact that when he ran ECW he was behind the underdog. They were the little company that could. But at SummerSlam things are going to be different. At SummerSlam, he is going to be behind the favorite to win the WWE World Heavyweight title. That man is the Conquerer, The Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar! Of course, Brock Lesnar is not in the building tonight. He is training right now to become the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Heyman gets interrupted, though, surprisingly by....]




[Dean Ambrose! The crowd cheers for the Lunatic Fringe as he walks down toward the ring. He climbs the stairs and enters the ring to look across from Paul Heyman. Heyman looks confused and asks why Mr. Ambrose is in the ring right now. Ambrose says that, first of all, he's always wanted to be inside the ring with Paul Heyman inside Philadelphia. Now he's accomplished his dream. But he has another dream. At SummerSlam, he has a dream that he is going to defeat Seth Rollins and become the new Mr. Money In The Bank. When he does that, he's going to sit back and watch Brock Lesnar and John Cena fight for the WWE World Heavyweight title. When that match is over, maybe there's another dream he will accomplish when he cashes in that briefcase and defeats either John Cena or Brock Lesnar and walks away with the title. Heyman tells him that with all due respect Dean Ambrose is not in the league of Brock Lesnar. But he shouldn't feel too bad. Not many people are in the same league as the Conquerer. Not in the same league, huh? asks Dean Ambrose. Ambrose says that he can prove what league he is in if Lesnar has the guts. This Friday night, if Brock Lesnar shows up on Smackdown, he will grant Brock Lesnar a match with himself and he'll show what league he is in. Heyman laughs and says that usually Brock Lesnar would not soil himself by stepping in the ring with someone not on his level. No? asks Dean Ambrose. Well, what if he does this? Ambrose grabs Heyman and drops him with Dirty Deeds! Heyman is out! Dean Ambrose stands tall in the ring and tells Heyman that when he wakes up he can tell Lesnar that he'll be waiting for him on Smackdown.]




[From there, we move to the backstage area where we see Seth Rollins confronting Triple H. Rollins says that he has been trying to reach Triple H since Friday night but he hasn't been able to find him. Hunter says that he lives a busy life as the COO of the WWE. Rollins says that it must have been a joke when Mr. McMahon took away his Money In The Bank contract, right? He says that he can take a joke and everything. So he asks Triple H to return the briefcase and everything will be right with the world. Hunter says that he cannot do that. Mr. McMahon, as the Chairman of the Board, cannot be overridden. So until the match at SummerSlam there is no one with the Money In The Bank briefcase. Rollins talks about the fact that it is not fair! What if he has Cena in a perfect position to cash it in tonight? Hunter tells him to buck up and that life isn't fair all the time, even to a golden boy like Seth Rollins. Rollins lets loose a scream of frustration and walks out, stomping angrily.]


Match #7



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev Rules Match

Rusev defends vs. Sheamus


[Our next match is a big one as Rusev defends the United States/Russian title against Sheamus in a Rusev Rules match. Basically that means that there is a ten minute time limit in this contest. The first couple of minutes are back and forth as the two men begin by brawling. The USA chants are loud in the arena when Rusev takes control, striking Sheamus with a knee to the gut and then a snap DDT! Boos echo through the crowd and a sign goes up in the background: 'Rusev Rules is more like O'Doyle Rules!' Rusev takes down Sheamus with a jumping side kick and scores a two count. Lana tells Rusev to keep on Sheamus and Rusev lifts Sheamus up on his shoulders. Sheamus manages to wiggle free and then he shoves Rusev over the top rope and onto the apron! A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Rusev.....RUN!' Rusev takes the ten forearm smashes by Sheamus and Sheamus shoves him off the apron. Sheamus exits the ring to go after Rusev. The Super-Athlete grabs the U.S. title belt and turns, smashing Sheamus with the belt! The referee calls for the bell.]


Winner: Sheamus (Via Disqualification @ 6:30)

Match Rating: C




[Rusev picks up a loss here tonight but he still hasn't been pinned or forced to submit. Rusev picks up Sheamus and tosses him back in the ring. Lana directs Rusev as he places Sheamus in the Accolade! The crowd boos and the USA chants grow louder. Suddenly, 'Medal' begins to play and the crowd explodes in cheers! Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin come running toward the ring! They slide inside and meet Rusev head-on! Angle throws a few punches and then sends Rusev over the top rope with a clothesline! Rusev slaps the mat in frustration and Lana holds him back. Angle says that it feels great to be back on Monday Night Raw! He says that he's been watching Raw from afar and he's been hearing someone talk about America. Well, he's the guy that won an Olympic gold medal with a broken freaking neck! So he lays out the challenge to Rusev, any time he wants to step in the ring with a real American gold medalist, step up to Team Angle. Oh, it's true! It's damn true! The music for Team Angle begins to play and the USA chants are deafening here in Philadelphia!]


Match #8



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Frankie Kazarian


[Chris Jericho comes down to the ring to do commentary for this match as Dolph Ziggler defends the IC belt against Frankie Kazarian. The match begins with Ziggler in control, knocking Frankie Kazarian out of the ring during the early goings. Kazarian looks upset and goes to the woman in his corner, identified as Traci Brooks. Brooks holds the mirror up for Kazarian as he fixes his hair. Kazarian re-enters the ring and uses a thumb to the eye to gain the advantage on Ziggler. Jericho talks bad about Ziggler throughout the match and praises Kazarian as a great young superstar. Kazarian catches Ziggler with a slingshot DDT for a two count and then yells at a fan when they raise up a sign reading: 'FRANKIE DOODLE WENT TO TOWN, RIDING ON A PONY; BUT ZIGGLER KICKED HIS ASS AND HE WAS CALLED AN ABSOLUTE JABRONI!' Traci grabs the sign and throws it away to the floor. Inside the ring, the distraction allows Ziggler to make a comeback. The IC Champion catches Kazarian with a hangman's neckbreaker for a two count. He is quick to his feet and catches the challenger with a famouser! He yanks Kazarian up -- Zig Zag! Ziggler makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Pinfall @ 7:32)

Match Rating: C+




[Chris Jericho exits the announce booth and hits the ring. Dolph Ziggler gets to his feet and meets Jericho in the ring! The two men exchange punches in the middle of the ring. Jericho ducks a punch and drops Ziggler with a Codebreaker! The crowd boos as Jericho looks down at Ziggler. Jericho grabs the title belt and holds it up to boos from the crowd! Y2J drops the title on the mat before grabbing Ziggler -- Walls Of Jericho! More boos escape from the crowd as Jericho leans back on the Walls. Referees hit the ring to break this up but Jericho slugs one or two and they back off. Jericho finally exits the ring and heads toward the back with Dolph Ziggler laid out.]




[From there, we are shown the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena...walking in the backstage area! As the announcers let everyone know, we are about to hit the main event match between John Cena and Seth Rollins! As John Cena walks toward the entrance, that match is next!]


Match #9


Non-Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena


[it is main event time and what a contest we have between two top flight athletes! A sign is raised early in the contest: 'BRAPADOOO!' after the beginning of John Cena's entrance music. John Cena takes an early advantage over Seth Rollins, using several arm drags and an armbar to keep Rollins on the mat. Rollins pulls himself to his feet and uses the ropes to get a break on the armbar. He quickly locks Cena in a headlock but Cena whips him off to the ropes -- hip toss by Cena. Cena hits a dropkick on Rollins! Rollins backs into a corner and Cena follows him into that corner. Rollins catches Cena with a forearm shot to the head and then hits a spinning headlock slam for a two count. Rollins maintains the control over Cena, dropping him to the mat with an enzuigiri. Rollins bounces off the ropes and hits a running leg drop, scoring a two count. Rollins plays to a booing crowd before continuing his assault on Cena. Cena gains some quick momentum bursts during the next ten minutes but Rollins always seems to have an answer. Rollins catches Cena with a diving high knee for a two count. The crowd begins the 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants. Rollins sets up Cena for the Curb Stomp. He climbs the turnbuckles and leaps but Cena moves and Rollins ends up stomping the mat instead!]


[Cena leans into a clothesline on Rollins and both men are down on the mat. Rollins rolls on his side and then rolls out of the ring. Within moments, Cena follows him outside and Cena rams Rollins head-first into the ring apron! He pushes Rollins back in the ring and catches him with a running one-handed bulldog! The crowd is definitely mixed in this contest but cheers raise as Cena shows some skill in hitting Rollins with a hurricanrana! Cena begins lifting Rollins but Rollins catches Cena with a low blow! The referee didn't see it! Rollins catches Cena with a superkick and makes a cover: One, Two, Kickout! Rollins cannot believe it! He looks frustrated in not putting Cena away. Rollins whips Cena into the turnbuckle but Cena bounces out and takes down Rollins with a clothesline! The second (or third) wind has Cena dropping Rollins with a flying shoulderblock! A second one! He ducks a clothesline attempt and brings down Rollins with a release spin-out powerbomb! Cena stands over Rollins and gives the 'You Can't See Me' gesture -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena stands over Rollins, waiting for the golden boy of the Authority to get to his feet -- Attitude Adjustment! Instead of going for the pinfall, Cena grabs a leg -- STF! The hold is locked on tight in the center of the ring! Rollins struggles but eventually is forced to tap out!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Submission @ 17:10)

Match Rating: B


['The Time Is Now' begins to play as John Cena releases the hold! Seth Rollins rolls out of the ring as Cena is handed the WWE World Heavyweight title belt! Cena raises that belt up high as he stands in the center of the ring! Cena moves to one turnbuckle and climbs, posing for the crowd. The crowd on that side cheers and he moves to each corner, getting cheers from the crowd here in Philadelphia. John Cena stands in the center of the ring as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Will he do the same in two weeks following SummerSlam? Or will be in the reign of Brock Lesnar? Thank you to everyone for tuning in! We'll see you Friday night for Smackdown!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winners this Raw are Rayelek and jhd1 as they got a score of 6/7! Congratulations to Rayelek and jhd1! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=6 Wins

Rayelek=6 Wins

3. Smasher1311=5 Wins

Beejus=5 Wins

5. The Lloyd=4 Wins

6. jhd1=3 Wins

7. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

11. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

18. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins

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World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on theSyFy channel. What a show that we have planned for you this week as we continue along the road toward SummerSlam. The WWE Universe all around the world will be tuned in as the show will begin with one of the most famous wrestlers in the world right now: The Rock. What will he have to say after the assault by The Wyatt Family and his words with Triple H? Make sure you tune in and find out!


-Our main event is a huge match here on Smackdown. Brock Lesnar has accepted the challenge on Monday Night Raw from Dean Ambrose. They call Ambrose the Lunatic Fringe and he may very well be insane for both challenging Lesnar and for his assault on Paul Heyman. Lesnar is said to be in a very angry mood after that so Ambrose better be at the top of his game.


-Last week on Smackdown, The Kings Of WrestleSwing challenged The Steiner Brothers to a match this week. The Steiner Brothers have accepted this challenge and it should be an amazing match. Perhaps another possible five star match here in the WWE?


-Two second round matches in the Cruiserweight tournament will be held this week on Smackdown. In one of those matches, the fan favorite Rey Mysterio takes on the very odd Christopher Daniels. The last time Daniels wrestled, he magically created an injury in his opponent. Could he do the same to Rey Mysterio? The other match features the man who won the second chance battle royal Kofi Kingston as he takes on The Hurricane. Both men are fan favorites so it will be interesting to see where the fans will side during this matchup.


-Last week, The Miz and Dave Bautista got into an argument over who is the better Hollywood star. This week, those two men will do battle inside the squared circle to determine which will be the top wrestler on this show.


-Plus Triple H, The Usos, AJ Lee and more will be here for the Smackdown show!


Prediction Listing

Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane



The Miz vs. Dave Bautista



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio



Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs:


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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane



The Miz vs. Dave Bautista



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio



Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose


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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane



The Miz vs. Dave Bautista



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio



Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: DQ Finish

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane

Comments: He's awesome


The Miz vs. Dave Bautista

Comments: GOTG


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio

Comments: Rey could put over Daniels


Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose


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Prediction Listing

Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane

Comments: You're keen on pushing Kofi, and I have no problem with that.


The Miz vs. Dave Bautista

Comments: It's strange to see Batista in wrestling with his real name, but then, Miz has no chance here.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio

Comments: Should be a good match. A good rub for The Fallen Angel.


Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing

Comments: The Usos distract the champs here.


Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Bork Laser needs to continue his ride on this wave of momentum.





Comments On Previous Show: Out of the shovel coming for Zayn, it was a good show. Rock's pop did wonders for the rating on his match with Harper.

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane



The Miz vs. Dave Bautista



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio



Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Brock Lesnar vs. Brian Pillman 2.0



Fun Fan Signs: We Want Benoit! (Confiscation is a must for this one!)



Hi-Ho, Kofi the Frog here!




P.S: Angel.......Y U NO GIVE SAMI THE WIN?!

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane

Comments: Hurricane just feels like he doesn't belong for some reason.


The Miz vs. Dave Bautista

Comments: Cheap win to get a PPV rematch.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio

Comments: With Rey's knees, Daniels might actually cause an injury accidentally.


Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing

Comments: Should lead to a title match down the road then.


Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Dean is awesome, but nobody should go over Brock.


Fun Fan Signs:

The Miz is a metaphor! (extra points for those who get the joke... everyone should)

The Next Beast Thingcarnate


Comments On Previous Show: 3H vs Rock should be a really good Raw ME to lead into 3H vs Roman, as well as Rock vs Wyatts. A little surprised to see Cena go so cleanly over Rollins.

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The Miz vs. Dave Bautista

Comments: It's strange to see Batista in wrestling with his real name, but then, Miz has no chance here.


Comments On Previous Show: Out of the shovel coming for Zayn, it was a good show. Rock's pop did wonders for the rating on his match with Harper.


P.S: Angel.......Y U NO GIVE SAMI THE WIN?!


My roommate said the same thing about Bautista. lol. I think with him being an actor now that his real name might be used a little more.


The Rock's pop definitely did wonders for his match with Luke Harper. But it definitely makes me want to book the two of them again.


And I knew that there might be some feedback coming because of Sami Zayn losing. But I think that him even being in the ring with a legend like Triple H will definitely give him a rub regardless of whether he won or lost. He put up a good match. I am reminded of the match between Triple H and Shelton Benjamin on a Raw where Benjamin came so close to beating HHH. Even a loss like that can elevate a career.


Comments On Previous Show: 3H vs Rock should be a really good Raw ME to lead into 3H vs Roman, as well as Rock vs Wyatts. A little surprised to see Cena go so cleanly over Rollins.


I am glad to hear that my use of Triple H versus The Rock did get some good reviews. As I was writing that Monday Night Raw, I was watching the real Monday Night Raw and got the big shocker. (no-spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen the last Raw). As far as Cena going over Rollins cleanly, I definitely wanted Cena to get a good, clean win to give people hope that he just might be good enough to defend the WWE World Heavyweight title against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane



The Miz vs. Dave Bautista



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio



Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane



The Miz vs. Dave Bautista



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio



Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing



Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose


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TNA Impact Wrestling is taped tonight inside the Jose "Buga" Abreu Coliseum in Isabela Puerto Rico. The taping begins with an unusual tag team match as the team of Jessie and Marshall Von Erich take on Marshall's brother Ross Von Erich and Sanada. Marshall and Jessie show a definite willingness to cheat in this match and that's how it ends with Marshall covering his brother and using the ropes for leverage to score a victory for his team. Then we move right into a Knockouts tag team match as the new team of Brittany and Taryn Terrell, now known as Double Top, take on The Beautiful People. This is a fairly decent contest. It sees Taryn score the clean pinfall on Velvet Sky following a jumping cutter. From there, we move to a backstage segment featuring Magnus and M.V.P. Magnus says he wants a World title shot against Bobby Lashley. M.V.P. says that if Magnus wins his match tonight against Austin Aries that he just might get that title shot.


We move back to the ring where M.V.P. stands in the corner of Kenny King as King defends the X-Division title against one half of the TNA World Tag Team champions Davey Richards. This is a solid back and forth contest that sees Richards get some near falls. But it is interference by M.V.P. that sets Richards up for the Royal Flush by Kenny King and King is successful in his defense. Another backstage argument is shown between Bully Ray and Willow as their feud continues. The argument comes to blows and Willow strikes Bully with his umbrella before the fun police break things up. Our semi main event features Austin Aries taking on Magnus. This battle shows off the skill of both men in this ring. Magnus begins getting frustrated at not being able to put Aries away. The match starts getting violent late in the contest and because both men ignore the referee's warnings, he has no choice but to call for the bell and the double disqualification!


Then we have our main event as James Storm steps into the ring with the unpredictable Willow. This is a very good match that has the fans on the edge of their seats. Willow pulls out all the stops during this match, including an insane Swanton Bomb onto Storm while Storm is laid across the barricade. The action moves back inside the ring and Willow avoids a Last Call Superkick, making Storm kick the turnbuckle instead. Willow strikes Storm with a Twist Of Fate and then a Swanton Bomb to secure the pinfall victory. Willow celebrates to end the show as Bully Ray steps out from the back and applauds that victory by Willow.

TNA – Impact – Willow – James Storm


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WWE NXT Wrestling comes to you live from the Deer Park Convention Center in Deer Park, New York. The show begins with two Divas in the backstage area as Eva Marie and Alicia Fox argue over who is better looking. Fox finally loses it and attacks Eva Marie, bringing her down with a Watch Yo' Face! Fox laughs at the fallen Eva Marie as we head to the ring. A Diva's match begins the in-ring portion of things as the newcomer Christina Von Eerie takes on Naomi. Naomi is definitely a veteran in the ring here as she shows off her talent against the unorthodox Von Eerie. Naomi manages to lock Von Eerie in the Slaymission after hitting the Rear View. Von Eerie has to tap out.


We head to the backstage area where Commissioner Dusty Rhodes is standing by with Barbie Blank. The two of them have a conversation about the Diva's division here in NXT. Rhodes asks Blank who she thinks will become the next NXT Divas Champion. She leans in and whispers in his ear and he says he thinks that is an interesting idea. We move back to the ring where we see Shannon Moore hit the ring to take on Enzo Amore. Another very good match here for NXT. A great training match against a veteran for Amore. Moore scores the victory following the corkscrew senton he calls the Halo.


The main event is without a doubt the best match of the night. This match features the NXT World Tag Team Champions The Ascension facing off with the team of NXT World Champion Adrian Neville and the return of Joel Redman to NXT! The team known as British Ambition gets things started early and often against The Ascension. It's almost like they haven't lost a step. The action is open and back and forth between the two teams. A low blow by Joel Redman turns things in the favor of British Ambition but he only gets a two count on Rick Viktor. The Ascension make a hot tag and a comeback. They hit the returning superstar with the Fall Of Man and score the pinfall victory, spoiling the return of Joel Redman.

WWE – NXT – The Ascension


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Friday Week 3 August 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: AZ Wells Fargo Arena (South West)

Attendance: 10,754

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 3.15




[The crowd here at the Wells Fargo Arena go absolutely insane as the show kicks off with The People's Champion The Rock! The Rock walks right down to the ring and steps inside with a microphone in hand. He says that he has a lot of things to talk about tonight but before he gets to that he must say this: FINALLY The Rock has come back to Tempe Arizona! Finally, The Rock has come back to The Rock's show Smackdown. After all, this show was created by The Rock for the people. This is Smackdown! This is The Rock's show! In just a few days, The Rock is going to walk down that aisle, step inside this ring and lay the smack down on Triple H's candy ass! It's the rematch that the people have been waiting for. After all, it was on the very first edition of Smackdown that Triple H defeated The Rock after some interference by his best friend Shawn Michaels. But The Rock wonders if the people have to wait until Monday night. Maybe Triple H has the, what's it called again, testicular fortitude to take on The Rock tonight right here on Smackdown?]





[The crowd raises in boos as Triple H walks out from the back. He stops at the top of the ramp, staring toward the ring. He asks the fans here in Arizona if that is what they'd like to see. Would they like to see Triple H and The Rock right here on Smackdown? Well, in the words of his opponent, it doesn't matter what you think. Why? Because Triple H says he does what is best for business. And what is best for business is facing The Rock this Monday night on Monday Night Raw. The Rock interrupts Triple H and tells him to get quiet for a moment because the millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans are chanting his name. The 'Rocky' chant is loud here in Arizona as the two wrestlers continue to look at each other. Triple H tells everyone to shut up because he is the one who is in control. The Rock tells Triple H to slow your roll because no one is in control of the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, the best in the present, future and past and this Monday night The Rock is going to whoop that Triple H ass. Triple H reminds The Rock that this will happen Monday night. But tonight The Rock doesn't have a match so he can exit Triple H's ring and exit the building. Triple H calls on security to come down to the ring to escort The Rock out. As soon as the security hits the ring, The Rock begins throwing punches. Eventually, the numbers game even defeats The Rock as he gets handcuffed and escorted past a smiling Triple H, who tells him that he'll see him Monday.]





Match #1


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Kofi Kingston vs. The Hurricane


[Our opening contest is one that the fans are very much split on as two fan favorites go one on one in the second round of the Cruiserweight title tournament. A handshake kicks off the match and the match itself is high flying as both men take a lot of risks to try to advance in the tournament. The Hurricane scores a near fall following a Hurri-Kick. Kingston rolls out of the ring and The Hurricane goes after him with a somersault plancha but Kingston moves and The Hurricane splats outside the ring. The match moves back inside the ring and Kingston catches The Hurricane with a tornado DDT. He gives a few theatrics and lands the Boom Drop for a two count. Following the two count, a sign is shown in the background: 'Hi-Ho, Kofi the Frog here!' Kingston gets to his feet and waits for The Hurricane to rise -- Trouble In Paradise! Kingston makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Kofi Kingston advances!]


Winner: Kofi Kingston (Via Pinfall @ 5:56)

Match Rating: C-




[We move from the ring to the backstage area where Triple H is shown standing by with AJ Lee. The crazy AJ asks Triple H if what his wife said last week was a joke. It had to be a joke, right? An evening gown match? Now? She says that she is a wrestler not some little Diva that needs to show skin in order to be remembered. She says that she is better than that. Triple H responds that so many people have been wanting him to override his wife, his father-in-law. He says he's not going to do that. So this Monday night, AJ Lee will face Paige in an Evening Gown match. He says that if she attempts not to participate then she can join her husband on the unemployment line. But since AJ is a wrestler as she stated earlier then she should have a wrestling match tonight on Smackdown. So later on tonight AJ Lee will take on Natalya. He tells her that she should go and get ready. AJ releases a frustrated scream, pulling at her hair and stomping off. Triple H just laughs and mutters 'crazy woman' underneath his breath.]


Match #2


The Miz vs. Dave Bautista


[This contest tonight was made last week when the two 'movie stars' met in the backstage area. The two men meet face-to-face in the ring and The Miz asks for a test of strength. Bautista just laughs and obliges The Miz with one hand. The Miz goes for a quick kick but Bautista catches the leg. Bautista trips The Miz to the mat and drops a quick elbow, getting a one count. Bautista pulls The Miz up and raises him up on his shoulder. He begins running forward but The Miz drops off the behind Bautista and shoves him chest-first into the turnbuckle. The Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Bautista elbows his way out. The Miz ducks a punch and whips Bautista into a corner. The Miz charges -- Awesome Clothesline! The Miz sits on that middle rope, drawing boos from the crowd. A sign in the background says that: 'The Miz is a metaphor!' The Miz catches Bautista with a Reality Check and scores a two count. He argues briefly with the referee and then goes back on the attack. Around seven minutes in, a double clothesline sends both men to the mat. They both slowly work their way up to avoid the ten count. Bautista throws hard, heavy hitting punches to the face of The Miz. He sends The Miz to the ropes -- big boot! Bautista gives a thumbs to the middle and then a thumbs down! He picks up The Miz -- Spinebuster! Bautista makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dave Bautista (Via Pinfall @ 7:54)

Match Rating: C




[The show moves backstage once again. This time, we come to a locker room area where Stephanie McMahon is shown being approached by the Ravishing Russian Lana! Lana offers a handshake to Stephanie but Stephanie refuses the handshake, asking Lana what she wants. Lana talks about the fact that the two of them are both businesswomen in a career that is dominated by men. Lana says that she respects Stephanie McMahon for the things that she has done in this business. She says that she even looks up to Stephanie McMahon. McMahon replies that is nice but tells her to get down to what she wants to say. Lana looks around for a moment and asks McMahon if she can speak to her in private. She says she has a business proposition for Stephanie that she believes will be best for business for both the two of them and for her client Rusev. Stephanie looks toward the camera and then shoves the cameraman out of the room, closing the door. Just what does Lana have to say to Stephanie McMahon?]




[in another area backstage, we see Triple H standing by with The Viper Randy Orton. Hunter thanks Randy for joining him here and says that he knows that Randy Orton is getting mind games played with him by Sting. But he says that he knows that Randy Orton will kill another legend at SummerSlam when he beats Sting in Sting's first WWE match. But there is something else that is important. That is that Seth Rollins needs to defeat Dean Ambrose at SummerSlam and keep the Money In The Bank contract in the hands of The Authority. He says that Ambrose has a match tonight with Brock Lesnar. This Monday night, Hunter says that he needs Randy Orton to pick the bones of Dean Ambrose and take him out before SummerSlam. He says that he is putting Orton in a match with Dean Ambrose Monday night and to just get it done. Orton says that he does have his own match to worry about at SummerSlam. But he says that he will destroy Ambrose Monday night for The Authority. Triple H smiles and thanks Orton, patting him on the back.]


Match #3


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio


[Our third match this evening is a second round battle in the Cruiserweight title tournament. Before the match begins, the Fallen Angel does a ceremony and then points to the right knee and then points toward Rey Mysterio. Mysterio watches on and begins rubbing that knee for a moment before the two men meet inside the ring as the bell sounds. As one would expect between these two men, this is a high flying matchup where the winner will face Jushin Thunder Liger in the semifinals next week on Smackdown. Both men take to the air during this contest, including a moment where Daniels goes for a cross body off the top turnbuckle but Mysterio catches him with a dropkick instead! Daniels catches Mysterio with a Death Valley Driver and scores a two count. Mysterio battles his way back into the match and catches Daniels with a dropkick to the back, sending Daniels laying over the second rope. Mysterio bounces off the ropes -- 619! Mysterio lands on the apron and looks down at his knee. He seems to be in pain with that right knee suddenly. Mysterio is slow to climb the turnbuckles here and when he reaches the top his knee buckles and he falls to the mat. He grabs that knee, twisting in pain on the mat. Daniels pulls himself up and sees Mysterio on the mat. Daniels quickly ascends the turnbuckles -- Best Moonsault Ever! Daniels makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Christopher Daniels has beaten the veteran and advances in the tournament!]


Winner: Christopher Daniels (Via Pinfall @ 10:09)

Match Rating: C+




[The interview area is filled up at this point as we see Paul Heyman standing side-by-side with Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is bouncing on his toes back and forth, throwing some shadow punches. Heyman tells the ladies and gentlemen that his name is Paul Heyman and he is the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. He says that this man standing beside him needs no introduction because he is the Conquerer. He is the once and future World Heavyweight Champion. But tonight is not about the World title. He says that tonight is not even about wins and losses. He says that tonight is about extracting revenge on a man who was foolish enough to put his hands on the advocate for Brock Lesnar. Tonight, the Conquerer is going to step into this ring with the man they call the Lunatic Fringe and he is going to destroy him in ways that no one has even thought of yet. He tells John Cena to watch this match very closely because this is exactly what is going to happen to him at SummerSlam in a little over a week. Tonight, Dean Ambrose becomes just a blip on the road that is paved by the Conquerer Brock Lesnar. As the interview comes to a close, a sign is briefly shown on the ground, obviously having been confiscated by the security and just left on the floor backstage: 'We Want Benoit!']




[We move to the backstage area where we see The Other-Americans sitting in their locker room. Santino Marella and Kozlov are playing cards at a table while Super Crazy is watching 'The Big Bang Theory' on a television set in Spanish! Sami Zayn is shown pacing around the locker room and talking about how close he was to defeating Triple H this past Monday night on Raw. Speaking of the WWE COO, Triple H opens the locker room door and steps inside, drawing attention from all of the Other-Americans. Super Crazy hides behind the television set as Triple H walks directly to Sami Zayn. Zayn comes nose-to-nose with Triple H and Hunter smiles, telling Zayn that he did good last Monday. He tells Zayn that he is definitely a future superstar and a future World Champion. Hunter offers a handshake and Zayn looks a little worried about taking a handshake from Triple H. Slowly, Zayn extends his hand and slips it into the firm grip of Triple H. Hunter yanks Zayn in face-to-face and tells Zayn that he is the future but right now he is not in the league of The Game. No one here or anywhere is in that league. Triple H releases the handshake and turns, walking off, telling 'hola' to Super Crazy as he disappears out of the locker room with Sami Zayn staring a hole into the door where Triple H left.]


Match #4


Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Kings Of WrestleSwing


[Our next contest is a tag team match set up last week by the challenge of The Kings Of WrestleSwing as they take on the WWE World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers. What we see here is a very hard-hitting contest between two teams that want to one-up each other in this match. Within a few minutes, The Steiners have the early advantage, catching both members of the Kings Of WrestleSwing with Steinerlines. Rick barks, running around the ring before dropping on all fours while Scott stands over him, flexing his muscles in a vintage pose. During the pose, a sign is shown in the background: 'Steiner-Finder!' The hard-hitting action returns to the ring as the match is pretty open, seeing both sides get their advantage. Cesaro strikes Rick Steiner with a European Uppercut and then grabs him by the legs. He's going for the Cesaro Swing. Just as he is getting started, Scott Steiner enters the ring and clotheslines Cesaro down to the mat. Scott drags his brother to his corner and tags himself in as Cesaro tags in Ohno. Toward the end of the match, a pier four brawl breaks out between all four men. The referee gets caught in the middle, trying to force Cesaro back into his corner. With the referee's back turned, Scott Steiner strikes Ohno with a chair! The crowd boos as Rick comes in and lifts Ohno onto his shoulders. Scott heads to the top turnbuckle -- Steiner DDT! Scott makes the cover, hooking the tights: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 9:58)

Match Rating: C+




[A cheap victory for The Steiner Brothers tonight but it is a victory nonetheless. Cesaro comes back in to check on Kassius Ohno but Rick Steiner takes him down with a Steinerline! The crowd boos as Rick heads to the top turnbuckle and Scott lifts Cesaro on his shoulders! Here come The Usos! Jimmy and Jey Uso hit the ring and Rick Steiner, instead, leaps on both of the Usos bringing them both down! Scott drops Cesaro in an electric chair drop and then The Steiner Brothers assault The Usos together. Scott Steiner exits the ring and reaches underneath -- it's table time! Scott sends a table inside the ring and Rick sets it up as Scott enters the ring. Scott smashes Jimmy Uso into a corner and then places him on the table. Rick places Jey Uso on the same table and Scott heads to the top turnbuckle -- big splash through the table on both Usos! The crowd boos as The Steiner Brothers stand tall right here on Smackdown and The Usos were put through a table!]




[From the ring, we move to the interview area where Renee Young is standing by with Chris Jericho. Jericho welcomes everyone to Smackdown is Jericho! He tells all the Jerichoholics in the crowd to all hail the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-A! Renee Young asks Jericho about his Finisher's Only Intercontinental Title match against Dolph Ziggler at SummerSlam. Jericho says that she should really be talking to Dolph Ziggler because it is only a short time left that Ziggler will be the Intercontinental Champion. As a matter of fact, Jericho has decided to bring back one of the most popular shows in the history of the WWE: The Highlight Reel. He says it will be back this Monday night with special guest: Dolph Ziggler! Jericho says that this will be a very special Highlight Reel because it will be Ziggler's last before he loses the Intercontinental title to the man who is truly the best in the world. Ziggler might have defeated Chris Jericho once but it will never EEEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRR happen...again!]




[We move back to the ringside area where 'Voices' by Rev Theory brings out Randy Orton. Michael Cole and JBL seem surprised at Randy Orton coming out here as this was not planned. Orton steps inside the ring and says that this business is in his blood. He talks about the fact that he is not a first generation wrestler. He is not a second generation wrestler. He is, in fact, a third generation wrestler! However, he says that he is a better wrestler than his father or his grandfather ever were. He is the best wrestler in this business. He is a diamond surrounded by lumps of coal in this industry. One of those lumps has been making his life a living hell here lately. That man is someone that some people call an Icon. Some people call him the Franchise of a dead promotion. That is the man called Sting. Orton asks the crowd here in Arizona why they have to wait until SummerSlam to have a match. Orton reminds everyone about his having a disability called IED, intermittent explosive disorder. He says that he is going to let that go, let that feeling come over him when he faces Sting. He calls Sting out to the ring to face him like a man but that is not whose music is playing.]




[it's Mick Foley! The crowd here in Arizona begins a 'Foley' chant in the background as Mick Foley walks right down to the ring and steps inside. Orton warns Foley that he is not in control right now. Orton tells Foley to walk and tread lightly. Foley says that, yeah, he made a career out of walking lightly. Foley says that he has come out here, right in Tempe Arizona, because he is someone who has stepped into the ring with both Randy Orton and Sting. He knows how difficult it can be to defeat either man. He says that he has come out here to give a warning to Randy Orton. He says that when he faced Sting that the Icon was a flat-top wearing, bright color face-painted happy-go-lucky wrestler. But now? Now Sting is even more crazy. He's walking in rafters and using baseball bats. Foley says that he is not so sure that Randy Orton can beat Sting at SummerSlam or any other time. He warns Orton not to take Sting lightly. Orton says that at SummerSlam Mick Foley and everyone else will find out what Orton means when he was the Legend Killer. Maybe Foley will find that out tonight. Foley says that he is a retired man. He tells Orton that he should not touch an old, retired veteran. Orton responds by kicking Foley below the belt and then laying him out with a RKO! Orton poses over the body of Foley before exiting the ring. As Orton is walking up the ramp, Foley grunts in pain but lets Orton know that he is going to be the special guest referee for his match with Dean Ambrose on Monday Night Raw. Have a nice day!]





Match #5


AJ Lee vs. Natalya


[Our Diva's match tonight is a pretty good one as AJ Lee goes one on one with Natalya. The Diva's contest is a wrestling match between these two ring 'mistresses.' Though the match has nearly non-existent heat from this crowd. It seems like most are using this moment to go to the concession stands and the bathroom. AJ shows some intensity throughout the match as she uses moves like a hurricanrana and a spin kick to keep Natalya down. But Natalya fights back throughout the contest. Natalya catches AJ Lee with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker that scores her a two count. She goes for the Sharpshooter but AJ pokes her in the eye to break that up. Natalya staggers blindly around the ring and then walks into a superkick from AJ. AJ catches Natalya with the Shining Wizard and then lifts her up -- Black Widow! The Black Widow is locked in and within moments Natalya has no choice but to tap out as AJ gains momentum toward Monday Night Raw.]


Winner: AJ Lee (Via Submission @ 6:02)

Match Rating: D




[From the ring and AJ Lee, we move to a pre-recorded video with Kurt Angle standing before a red, white and blue background. Angle says that it is great to return here to the WWE. Angle talks about the fact that he has done so many things in his career. He is a former WWE World Champion. He won an Olympic gold medal with a broken freaking neck! However, he has never been around someone so brazen with their hatred of this country as he is when he is around Rusev and Lana. Oh, it's true. It's true. So what he would like to do is make a challenge to face Rusev this Monday night on Monday Night Raw. If Rusev wants to prove himself against a real American then what about facing an American Olympic Gold Medalist? Angle says that if Rusev accepts the challenge then he is one Angle Lock away from Russia becoming the number two country once again. Oh, it's true. It's true!]




[From there, we move to another backstage area. This time we are in the office of Triple H and we see him standing by with Stardust. Hunter asks Stardust about his brother and his recovery after the attack on Monday night. Stardust says that his brother is recovering. That his return is written in the stars to be at SummerSlam. Hunter says that is too bad because a tag team match has been scheduled for this Monday night as Stardust and Goldust take on Luke Harper and Erick Rowans of the Wyatt Family. If Goldust cannot compete, then that will make it a handicap match. Oh and if The Rock even comes down to the ring during that match? Then he will get fired personally by the Game. Stardust does not look happy about that but says that the Cosmos will be his protector and no one will forget the name of Stardust. Stardust blows the star glitter on Triple H and hisses before walking away.]






Match #6


Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose


[it is main event time and what an explosive main event we have this evening as the number one contender Brock Lesnar steps inside the ring with The Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose. During Brock Lesnar's entrance, a sign is shown in the front row: 'HERE...COMES...THE...TITTY MASTER?' These two men come inside the ring and come face-to-face together. Lesnar smiles and Ambrose shoves him backward. Lesnar takes only a step backward with the shove. Lesnar moves back in and shoves Ambrose. Ambrose bounces off the middle rope and comes back with punches to Lesnar! Ambrose leaps into the arms of Lesnar, throwing more punches to the head and then biting the nose of Lesnar! Lesnar releases Ambrose and The Lunatic Fringe clotheslines Lesnar, sending him over the top rope to the floor! Ambrose gets the crowd pumped and then he bounces off the ropes -- suicide dive through the ropes to Lesnar on the floor! How shocking is this start by Ambrose? As they are outside the ring, a sign is shown in the background: 'Brocka-Wocka-Wocka!' Ambrose slams Lesnar's head on the barricade and then rolls him back in the ring. Ambrose climbs on the apron and then climbs the turnbuckles. Ambrose measures Lesnar and leaps but Lesnar catches him around the waist, ramming Ambrose against the turnbuckles to boos from the crowd. The boos grow louder as someone else comes down to ringside.]




[That someone else is Seth Rollins. Rollins joins Paul Heyman at ringside as Brock Lesnar is in control inside the ring. In the next few minutes, Lesnar scores several near falls as he assaults Dean Ambrose. Lesnar slips in behind Ambrose with a rear waistlock -- German Suplex, no bridge, all impact! Ambrose is down inside the ring but Lesnar can only score a two count. Lesnar tosses Ambrose outside the ring and he has the attention of referee Mike Chioda as Seth Rollins assaults Dean Ambrose outside the ring. Rollins mounts Ambrose, throwing punches while the referee is distracted. Rollins moves before the referee turns around and the referee begins the count. He is unable to reach the ten count, though, as Ambrose somehow makes it back inside the ring. Lesnar looks almost happy that Ambrose made it back inside the ring as he seems to want to punish him. Lesnar grabs Ambrose and strikes him with several knee lifts to the midsection. He pushes Ambrose into a corner and strikes him with shoulder blocks to the midsection. Lesnar draws boos from the crowd. They try to get behind the Lunatic Fringe with an 'Ambrose' chant. Lesnar ignores the chants and around nine minutes into the contest he locks Ambrose in a bear hug. The crowd boos as Paul Heyman seems to think the match is over with this maneuver. Lesnar squeezes the hold, squeezing the life out of the Lunatic Fringe. Ambrose seems to be losing consciousness. The referee steps in and begins raising Ambrose's arm. It drops once. It drops twice. It drops -- NO! Ambrose's arm stays up! He begins boxing the ears of Brock Lesnar as Lesnar seems to be squeezing harder in the bear hug. Ambrose bites Lesnar for the second time! The pain makes Lesnar release Ambrose -- a pendulum lariat brings both men to the mat.]


[The referee begins the ten count on both men as they are both slow to begin pulling themselves up to their feet. Both men look worn out at this point. While the ten count goes on, a couple of signs are shown in the background, including: 'EAT, SLEEP, MASTER TITTIES, REPEAT!' and 'The Next Beast Thingcarnate!' They both slowly reach their feet and Ambrose ducks a clothesline attempt by Lesnar. Ambrose grabs Lesnar -- Tornado DDT! Ambrose might have a chance for victory! He makes the cover but there's no referee! Paul Heyman has the referee! Seth Rollins slides into the ring with a steel chair. Dean Ambrose stands up and turns -- chair shot by Rollins! Ambrose staggers and then falls straight down to the mat. Rollins exits the ring as Lesnar crawls over and puts an arm over Ambrose: One, Two, Shoulder Up! The crowd here in Arizona explodes as Ambrose got that shoulder up! How did Ambrose kick out after a chair shot by Rollins? Both men slowly get up and Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds but Lesnar pushes him off. Lesnar catches Ambrose with a kick to the midsection and pulls him in -- Power Bomb! Lesnar holds on and pulls Ambrose up again -- Power Bomb! Lesnar still holds on and raises him up a third time -- Power Bomb! Three straight power bombs has Ambrose down and seemingly out on the mat. Lesnar doesn't go for the cover, though. Instead, he pulls Ambrose up on his shoulders -- F5! Lesnar makes the cover in the center of the ring: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Brock Lesnar (Via Pinfall @ 13:04)

Match Rating: C+




[Brock Lesnar picks up the victory tonight over Dean Ambrose! Seth Rollins slides into the ring and goes right after Ambrose. Rollins catches Ambrose with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Ambrose cannot even stand on his own right now as he slumps down in the turnbuckle. Rollins mocks Ambrose, hitting him with a Bronco Buster in the corner. Brock Lesnar gets to his feet and he wants more of Dean Ambrose. Lesnar shoves Rollins out of the way and grabs Ambrose, whipping him across to the other side. Ambrose crashes into the turnbuckle and staggers out, dropping to his knees. The crowd cheers as 'My Time Is Now' begins to play and out comes the WWE World Champion John Cena! Cena charges the ring with a chair! He swings at Rollins, who ducks and escapes the ring. Cena turns his attention back to Lesnar and swings the chair. Lesnar ducks out of the way and the chair gets wrapped around the head of Dean Ambrose! Cena's eyes paint the picture, showing that he did not mean to hit Ambrose with the chair. Lesnar grabs Cena and lifts him on his shoulders but Cena squirms off the shoulders and lands behind Lesnar. Cena tosses Lesnar out of the ring quickly and stands tall in the ring. The show ends with a staredown between John Cena and Brock Lesnar as Cena is inside the ring and Lesnar is outside the ring, being held back by Paul Heyman. We'll see you Monday night!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this Smackdown is packerman120 as he got a score of 5/5! Congratulations to packerman120! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=7 Wins

2. Rayelek=6 Wins

3. Smasher1311=5 Wins

Beejus=5 Wins

5. The Lloyd=4 Wins

6. jhd1=3 Wins

7. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

11. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

18. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-It's time for the go-home show of WWE Monday Night Raw! We are on the road to SummerSlam, a big pay-per-view event in only six days.


-The main event for this week is about as huge as you can get. We are going to see WWE COO Triple H step into the ring against The People's Champion The Rock! Both of these two men have come face-to-face last week on Raw and then on Smackdown. They were the main event for the first ever episode of Smackdown, now they are the main event here on Monday Night Raw.


-We will also see a match set up by Triple H last Friday night as The Viper Randy Orton goes one on one with the Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose. This match will have a special guest referee in none other than WWE Hardcore Legend Mick Foley! How will Foley affect the outcome of the match? You will need to tune in to find out.


-The WWE Diva's title will be defended in a match that has not been seen for many years here in the WWE: an Evening Gown match! Both the WWE Diva's Champion Paige and AJ Lee will begin the match wearing an evening gown. Pinfalls and submissions can only be counted on the wrestler who has lost her evening gown. There is sure to be a lot of skin in this one!


-The final second round match of the Cruiserweight title tournament will occur as Chavo Guerrero Jr. takes on KENTA. The winner of this match will face Kofi Kingston this Friday night on Smackdown in the semifinals.


-Plus Dolph Ziggler has accepted Chris Jericho's invitation to join him on the Highlight Reel, Sting will be in the building, Daniel Bryan makes his WWE return from an injury and more! Which superstars will move along the road toward SummerSlam successfully?


Prediction Listing


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. KENTA



WWE Diva's Title Match

Evening Gown Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Tamina vs. Natalya



Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family vs. Stardust



Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose



Triple H vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. KENTA



WWE Diva's Title Match

Evening Gown Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Tamina vs. Natalya



Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family vs. Stardust



Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose



Triple H vs. The Rock


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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. KENTA



WWE Diva's Title Match

Evening Gown Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Tamina vs. Natalya



Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family vs. Stardust



Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose



Triple H vs. The Rock


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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. KENTA



WWE Diva's Title Match

Evening Gown Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee

Comments: AJ Lee without an evening gown is best for business :D


Tamina vs. Natalya



Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family vs. Stardust



Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose


Triple H vs. The Rock

Comments: DRAW

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. KENTA



WWE Diva's Title Match

Evening Gown Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee



Tamina vs. Natalya



Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family vs. Stardust



Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose



Triple H vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs: Now THERE'S a Paige-Turner!






Be Quiet Wyatt!


Blandy Boreton needs to go to NXT!


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