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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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Friday Week 1 September 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: AL Mobile Civic Center Arena (South East)

Attendance: 10,112

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.02





[WWE Friday Night Smackdown begins with the return of Joey Styles to the announce booth as he welcomes everyone to Smackdown alongside his broadcast partner John Bradshaw Layfield. They talk about what a night we have tonight here tonight on Smackdown where we're going to see matches like Chris Jericho against AJ Styles. They are interrupted by the 'King of Kings' playing in the background and out comes the General Manager of Monday Night Raw: Triple H! The crowd boos The Game as he takes his place at the Raw podium. Triple H seems to be ignoring the boos as he waits in place at the podium. The music turns to 'Wreck' by Jim Johnston and the crowd goes wild for the arrival of Mick Foley, the Friday Night Smackdown General Manager. Foley gives a thumbs up to the crowd as he settles into his place at the Smackdown podium.]


[Mick Foley welcomes everyone to HIS Friday Night Smackdown show alongside his special guest Triple H. The crowd boos Triple H and a small '***hole' chant begins. Triple H says that he doesn't care what the fans think about him. He is the Authority and he does what is best for business. Mick Foley interrupts Triple H and says that what he thinks is best for business is to get to the actual drafting of WWE Superstars. So, since he is selecting first, he is going to make his choice. He says that he is going to choose one of the men in tonight's main event this evening. He says that he is going to select the first ever Undisputed WWE Champion Chris Jericho! A hype video begins to play, showing highlights of Chris Jericho, specifically from Smackdown. When the video ends, Triple H says that Jericho is a good choice but he has another man in mind. He says that this is a man that was recommended to him by a good friend: Ric Flair. He says that the man he is drafting first tonight is the new Nature Boy AJ Styles! A short hype video begins to play, showing Styles in the WWE. When we return to the podium, Mick Foley says that the draft is going to continue right here in Mobile, Alabama! His next selection is not going to be a popular one but this wrestler is a talented superstar here in the WWE. But you already know that. His next selection for Friday Night Smackdown is Alberto Del Rio. A hype video for ADR begins to play, showing highlights of the Mexican Aristocrat. JBL calls him Mexico's Greatest Export. When we return, Triple H smiles and says that he never wanted Del Rio on Raw to begin with. But there is a monster that he needs on Monday Night Raw. This monster is the 'Devil's Favorite Demon' Kane! A hype video begins, showing highlights of Kane and the destruction he has laid here in the WWE.]




[From the hype video, we move outside the Mobile Civic Center Arena where we see Kurt Angle trying to make his way inside the building. Barring his entrance stand several members of the security team with their arms crossed over their chests. Angle laughs for a moment, looking around and trying to find another way inside but the security team keeps in front of him.]


[Kurt Angle:] "I am an invited guest of Mick Foley, the Smackdown General Manager. Oh it's true, it's true. You better let me in or one of you needs to go and talk to your boss."


[stepping through the crowd of security members is none other than Stephanie McMahon. No wonder she wasn't at her husband's side at the podium. McMahon comes face-to-face with Kurt Angle and Angle just shakes his head.]


[Kurt Angle:] "You might be the Authority, Steph, but you're not the Authority on Smackdown. That belongs to Mick Foley. I heard that Rusev was looking for an opponent tonight on Smackdown and I intend to be that opponent."


[stephanie McMahon:] "Kurt, you are going to learn that you are wrong when it comes to me not having any authority. I am a McMahon. We always have authority when it comes to contracted WWE Superstars. But even more importantly you are a Raw contracted Superstar. That means that the things that you do reflect back on Monday Night Raw. So, therefore, I have barred you from entering the building tonight. If you step one foot inside this building tonight, you may just find yourself without a job. You may find yourself back in those bush leagues. So think about it."


[McMahon turns and makes her way through the security team again, disappearing back into the building. Angle looks at the security team for a moment and appears to be thinking about his options as we head back to the ring.]


Match #1


Sheamus vs. Dave Bautista


[The opening match here on Friday Night Smackdown features two double tough wrestlers in Sheamus and Dave Bautista. The Animal gets the advantage early on, drawing the fans into the contest. He catches Sheamus with a big boot and then a running powerslam that gets a two count. Bautista plays to the crowd for a moment before pulling Sheamus to his feet. Sheamus fires back with a few punches. The Corporate Celtic Warrior gets Bautista on the apron and sets him up for the Beats of the Bodhrán. The crowd seems ready to count along but Sheamus pushes Bautista to the ringside area instead, drawing boos from the crowd. One fan raises a sign that reads: 'White Celtic with Shades of Grey!' The match continues both outside and inside the ring with both men holding an advantage. Sheamus sets up Bautista for the Brogue Kick but Bautista moves out of the way! Bautista catches Sheamus with a spear and then stands up, giving a thumbs up and then a thumbs down! He pulls Sheamus in -- Bautista Bomb! Bautista holds Sheamus's shoulders down to the mat: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dave Bautista (Via Pinfall @ 8:43)

Match Rating: C-




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area. This backstage area shows a brawl already in progress between Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose! Rollins seems to have the advantage in the fight, ramming Ambrose into the wall and then dropping Ambrose with an enzuigiri kick. The crowd boos in the background as Rollins sets up two tables end to end. He pulls Ambrose on one and then climbs on the other. He looks at Ambrose as the Lunatic Fringe tries to pull himself up on the table. He runs the length of his table -- Curb Stomp through the table! Ambrose is down and seemingly out. This draws an 'Oh MY GAWD!' from Joey Styles!]


[seth Rollins:] "Dean, consider this your receipt for SummerSlam. Enjoy your time on Smackdown, while I'll be with the big boys in The Authority on Raw."


[Rollins smiles and walks off as Ambrose is left down amidst the rubble of the table. The crowd boos mostly but there is a small 'Seth Rollins' chant among the crowd.]




[back to the ringside area and the crowd members try their best to get on camera. The cheers from the fans turn to boos when 'Ревът на лъва (Roar of the Lion)' by CFO$ begins to play. Out from the back, lead by Lana, is the WWE United States Champion Rusev! The boos of the crowd change slightly as the crowd begins a 'USA, USA, USA' chant. Rusev covers his ears as he walks down the aisle. He steps inside the ring and stands alongside Lana. Lana has a microphone in her right hand.]


[Lana:] "SHUTUP! You stupid Americans need to SHUT UP and show some respect for the Russian Heavyweight Champion Rusev! Last Sunday night, at SummerSlam, the Bulgarian Brute destroyed one of your Italian Americans that dared to step into the ring with the Super Athlete. I am dedicating this victory at SummerSlam to the most powerful leader in the world: Vladimir Putin. Now, tonight, another of you silly Americans wants to step up and into the ring with this man? Who is it going to be? Will it be your Olympic Hero, Kurt Angle? No, that man is not man enough to step into the ring with Rusev. He cannot even get into the building. So who is it going to..."




['One of a Kind' by Breaking Point interrupts Lana and the crowd goes wild at seeing the veteran Rob Van Dam come out from the back. RVD does some shadow boxing at the top of the ramp, listening to the 'Rob Van Dam' chants fill the arena. He stands at the top and begins doing the double thumb point as the crowd chants along. Van Dam runs down and slides into the ring, getting face-to-face with Rusev. Lana exits the ring and it's time for our next match.]


Match #2



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Rob Van Dam


[As the bell sounds, Rob Van Dam does the double thumb point right in front of Rusev. Rusev shoves Van Dam and RVD goes for a kick but Rusev catches his leg -- Van Dam reverses into a mule kick that staggers Rusev. RVD brings Rusev down with a spinning heel kick and gets the crowd into the match. RVD pulls Rusev up and whips him into the turnbuckle. He does a rolling thunder up into the turnbuckle -- monkey flip! Van Dam is dominating in the early going of the match. Rusev quickly exits the ring to catch a breather with Lana -- Van Dam ascends the turnbuckle and catches Rusev outside the ring with a cross body! RVD gets to his feet and begins the double thumb point as the crowd chants along. RVD picks up Rusev and whips him into the barricade -- reversed! RVD hits the barricade hard and Rusev tosses him back in the ring. Rusev picks up Van Dam -- Samoan Drop! Lana looks pleased outside the ring as Rusev brings RVD down to the mat with a kick and within moments the Bulgarian Brute stomps RVD on the back before locking in the Accolade. RVD struggles, fighting in the hold, trying to reach the ropes. But even RVD has to tap out to this hold.]


Winner: Rusev (Via Submission @ 7:07)

Match Rating: D+








[Triple H and now Stephanie McMahon resume their places at the Raw podium. Mick Foley resumes his place at the Smackdown podium. Foley says that he hopes everyone is enjoying Smackdown so far. He says that he is going to prove that Smackdown is a superior brand to Monday Night Raw. He says that one way he will prove this is by drafting one of the premier young tag teams in the WWE. That tag team, with a pedigree, are Jimmy and Jey, The Usos! A hype video shows what The Usos have done this year. They have definitely had a banner year in how long they've held the WWE World Tag Team titles. When we come back from the video, Triple H is clapping. He says that was a good choice but he has a better choice. What tag team division would be complete without the best? So WWE Monday Night Raw has selected the team known by many as the World's Greatest Tag Team. Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, welcome to Raw! A hype video plays of the history of the World's Greatest Tag Team and even some history between Shelton Benjamin and Triple H.]


[When we come back from that hype video, Mick Foley says that Raw having the World's Greatest Tag Team gets him a little sad. He is a little down right now. But, don't worry, there's an inspirational wrestler that hasn't been drafted yet. This man will make him Bo-Lieve! Foley says that he is drafting the young wrestler Bo Dallas! Bo Dallas's history in the WWE is shown, including a victory over Wade Barrett. When the video is finished, Triple H laughs it off. He tells Mick Foley that he has selected a member of the JOB Squad. Triple H says that the man he is selecting is a bonafide movie star. He says that his next selection is a man who recently made his return to the WWE but is a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He says that his next selection is...The Miz! The hype video begins to play for The Miz.]




[After the hype video for The Miz, we are taken to the backstage area and an extreme close-up on the face of Paul Heyman. Some boos echo through the crowd, mixed in with a few cheers. Heyman has a wide smile on his face as very little can be seen around him. Instead, it's really just Paul Heyman that fills the screen at this point.]


[Paul Heyman:] "Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World, The Beast Incarnate BAHROCK LESNAR! Let's have a little conversation about the year that my beast has had, shall we? BAHROCK LESNAR stepped foot in a World Wrestling Entertainment ring when The Undertaker was looking for someone to wrestle. Just in case you have forgotten, my client is the one in twenty-one and one. He is the only man to ever defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania, ending the undefeated streak at twenty-one. Then, at SummerSlam, he stepped into the ring with another man who can be considered a legend here in the WWE. He stepped in the ring with John Cena. What happened at SummerSlam? Well, my client is now the reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World. So I'll let you figure that out for yourselves. No, wait, I want to say it. I LOVE SAYING THIS! BAHROCK LESNAR defeated John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. As a matter of fact, he beat John Cena so bad that Cena has not been able to show up for Monday Night Raw or for Friday Night Smackdown. They did not even allow him to be seen via satellite because, after all, this is a PG show and the beating that John Cena took could not be shown in a PG environment, only on the WWE Network for $9.99. But, then, we move to Monday night and the World title celebration that my client had. One would have to be certifiably insane to interrupt my client, wouldn't he? Speaking of insane, we move forward to Dean Ambrose, Mr. Money In The Bank. Dean, what do you have to say about this?"




[The camera pans back to show that we are in what appears to be a back room. The room is slightly dirty and there is a meat hook hanging from the ceiling. Dean Ambrose is tied to this meat hook by the feet and seems to be unconscious. Standing by Ambrose is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar! Lesnar looks at Ambrose and begins throwing punches to the chest, a.la Rocky hitting a side of meat. Heyman puts the microphone to Ambrose but there is no sound.]


[Paul Heyman:] "Oh, that's right, Dean, you're not able to speak right now. My client, however, has a message for you. Next time you interrupt him, you are going to get his full attention. Ask John Cena, you don't want Brock Lesnar's full attention."


[Lesnar has a cruel smile on his face as he throws in a few more punches to the ribs of Ambrose. Heyman calls off the beast and the two men walk away as the camera zooms in on Ambrose hanging there from the meat hook. Lesnar has definitely sent a message to Mr. Money In The Bank.]


Match #3


Diva's Title Shot On The Line

AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella


[This match with the Diva's title shot on the line had very little heat with the crowd as most seemed to use this match for a bathroom break/concession stand break. Those who didn't watch this match did miss a contest with some solid in-ring action. AJ shows that she has some wrestling skill in this match, bringing Nikki over with a flying headscissors takedown, scoring a two count. A 'CM Punk' chant breaks out through this match. Lee scores a two count following a tornado DDT. She goes for the Black Widow but Nikki fights out before the hold can be applied. Nikki catches AJ with a few leaping clotheslines. Nikki catches AJ with a snapmare and a rolling neck snap. Bella plays to the crowd and gets a couple of cheers here and there. The end of the match comes when Nikki and AJ hit a double clothesline. Both Diva's are slow to get to their feet and the referee checks on AJ. As the referee and AJ are distracted, Nikki rolls out of the ring and Brie rolls into the ring! Brie gets in the same position Nikki was in and AJ comes over. Brie rolls Nikki into a crucifix pin: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Nikki Bella (Via Pinfall @ 7:36)

Match Rating: D





[it's time for the WWE Draft to continue right here on Friday Night Smackdown! Mick Foley says that after watching that Diva's match, it's time for him to make a Diva's selection. He says that he spoke with the Diva that he selected on Monday Night Raw to make this choice. He says that he was surprised by her selection but he is going to make this choice. He welcomes Kharma to WWE Friday Night Smackdown! A hype video begins, showing Kharma during her brief times here in the WWE. She is now exclusively Smackdown! When we come back to the GM's, Triple H says that he has not yet decided on a Diva. But his wife has decided on another Superstar. Stephanie McMahon says that she made this decision based on what she has seen of this international superstar. She says that Monday Night Raw selects...Prince Devitt! A hype video is shown for the Prince here in the WWE. A definite coup for Monday Night Raw.]


[Mick Foley says that while they have been here on Smackdown, he has been getting a little bit hungry. This kind of thing can happen during a wrestling show, after all. But his hunger reminded him of someone who hasn't been around the main roster in awhile but is now making his return to WWE Friday Night Smackdown. Smackdown is going to be fed more as he is selecting Ryback! A long history of Ryback here in the WWE is shown. The crowd is split on him as he was a heel when he was last seen. But a 'Feed Me More' chant begins as we come back and focus on Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Triple H says that is a good choice and someone he had his eye on as well. But there's another guy that's more talented than Ryback but hasn't gotten his opportunity. Now, this pick will get his opportunity with Monday Night Raw. Triple H selects Curtis Axel! A history hype video is shown of Axel during his time here in the WWE.]




['Here to Show the World' by Downstait begins to play and the crowd goes wild for the arrival of the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler! This is a man who is already a contracted WWE Monday Night Raw wrestler. He steps inside the ring, climbing the turnbuckles and raising his fists to a lot of cheers from this crowd. He drops back down and raises a microphone to his lips.]


[Dolph Ziggler:] "Thank you, everyone, for that ovation. My name is Dolph Ziggler and I am the WWE Intercontinental Champion. What that means, though, is that this will be my last appearance on Friday Night Smackdown. I know, I know. But every single Monday night I will be seen showing off and doing what I do best. I will be wrestling against anyone and everyone who wants a shot at the Intercontinental title. I am not going to lose this belt to anyone. I am going to continue to prove myself each and every time I step foot inside the ring. So this is my goodbye to WWE Friday Night Smackdown. Thanks for..."


['Rebel Son' by CFO$ & Jim Johnston interrupts the words of Dolph Ziggler. The crowd boos as Bad News Barrett walks out from the back. He has a sneer on his face as he walks right down to the ring and steps inside, looking across toward Ziggler.]


[bad News Barrett:] "Dolph Ziggler, did you think that you were simply going to say goodbye to Friday Night Smackdown without someone interrupting you? Well, then, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. You are like the teams here in Alabama, you are a loser. You are, also, a thief. You have something that belongs to me. That something is the WWE Intercontinental title. You never beat me for that title. You took advantage of my injury and stole the title belt from me. But I have even more bad news. At the first Raw-only Supercard live on the WWE Network for only $9.99, you and I are going to go one-on-one for the WWE Intercontinental title. And I can tell you that it will be bad news for the Show-Off."


[The two men go face-to-face with both of them dropping their microphones. They each begin to throw punches back and forth with neither man wanting to back down from the other. The Bare Knuckle Brawler goes for the Wasteland on Ziggler but Ziggler escapes. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but Barrett fights away and quickly rolls out of the ring. The two men stare at each other as Ziggler celebrates inside the ring. Ziggler raises the WWE Intercontinental title belt as his music plays. What an announcement, though! Dolph Ziggler versus Bad News Barrett for the WWE Intercontinental title.]




[We are brought to a hype video featuring a new tag team that is coming to WWE Friday Night Smackdown. The sound of a film projector begins in the background of a darkened room. Shown on the projector screen are what appears to be old black and white footage of wrestlers. In reality, this is footage of The Vaudevillains from NXT. They are shown doing old-school wrestling moves that definitely look like they come out of the Carnival-era. By the end of the 'film,' an announcer tells everyone that The Vaudevillains are coming soon to WWE Friday Night Smackdown!]


Match #4


Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs. The Roughhouse Riders


[The Roughhouse Riders are making their WWE Friday Night Smackdown debut here tonight against the team of Paul London and Brian Kendrick. London and Kendrick are former WWE World Tag Team Champions, so they are definitely no slouch team. The match is more-so back and forth than some might think as London and Kendrick get in some solid high flying moves. They go for an early Tower Of London on Homicide but he manages to get free and makes the tag to Shawn Hernandez. Hernandez brings Kendrick down with a spinning powerbomb and then slides out to the ring apron. He waits for Kendrick to rise and then hits him with the slingshot shoulderblock! The crowd gives some definite cheers for The Roughhouse Riders. The match comes to a conclusion when Hernandez lifts Kendrick in the air and Homicide hits a Cutter as he comes back down. Homicide makes the cover: One, Two, Three! A big win for The Roughhouse Riders!]


Winners: The Roughhouse Riders (Via Pinfall @ 6:22)

Match Rating: C




[We move from the ring to another hype video. This one begins following a long black limousine as it drives down what appears to be an upscale street. The limousine comes to a stop and several leggy blonde women get out. They are followed by the return of Ted DiBiase, Jr.! DiBiase smiles and puts his arms around the ladies, walking with them into a jewelry store. The camera follows them inside and DiBiase tells the ladies to pick out whatever they want because he has the money to pay for the entire store if he wanted to. DiBiase looks into the camera and smiles]


[Ted DiBiase, Jr.] "The Million Dollar Man is back in the WWE. And stocks are soaring higher and higher."


[DiBiase laughs a pretentious style laugh and then goes back to his ladies. He takes out a credit card to make the payment as the camera fades to black.]





[Once again, the WWE Draft continues as we put a focus on Mick Foley, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. It is Mick Foley's selection and he says that there is a new wrestler here in the WWE that even makes him a little worried. He says that his next selection is the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels! A new addition to the Cruiserweight division, Daniels is shown wrestling, including his matches in the Cruiserweight tournament where he makes it to the finals, only to lose to Kofi Kingston. We come back to Triple H where the Game says that he is glad that Daniels is not on his show. But the next man that he is going to select is someone that doesn't need an introduction. He is a man that people call the Whole Dam Show. He is Rob Van Dam! Of course, Triple H does the thumb point when he says the name. A hype video begins to play of the history of RVD here in the WWE and in ECW. He is definitely a known commodity and someone who will make Monday Night Raw better.]


[From there, it is time for Mick Foley to make his ninth choice for Friday Night Smackdown. Foley says that Monday Night Raw got a young international wrestler but he is going for a veteran international wrestler. This is a man whose name is known both in the USA and Japan. Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown, Jushin Thunder Liger! The crowd cheers for Liger as a hype video shows his past and present here in the WWE and WCW and even a few Japan videos. He is definitely someone to build a Cruiserweight division around. We move to the ninth pick of WWE Monday Night Raw. This time, Stephanie McMahon announces that she will be making this pick. This one is going to be someone who she personally brought back to the WWE. She is a former WWE Women's Champion. She is the future WWE Diva's Champion. She is Victoria! The insane woman, Victoria, is hyped in a video showing her accomplishments from the WWE.]




[Following the Victoria hype video, we move backstage to the interview area. In this interview area, Jason Albert is standing by with the Mexican Aristocrat Alberto Del Rio! The crowd boos in the background at seeing ADR.]


[Jason Albert:] "Thank you, Joey Styles and JBL. I am here with Alberto Del Rio, a former WWE World Champion. Alberto, you have been drafted to compete right here on Friday Night Smackdown. Congratulations..."


[Alberto Del Rio:] "First of all, you just hold the microphone right there for Alberto Del Rio. Of course, I was selected in this draft and I was destined to go to Smackdown. I am El Patron, the leader, the boss of Friday Night Smackdown despite what Mick Foley might think about himself. But I did not come here to talk about Mick Foley. I came here to talk about that little perro, that cheap imitation Daniel Bryan. You see, awhile back, there was a time when I cared about what the fans think of me. It was a sorry time in my career but it is one that I learned from. During that time, I would have the crowd chanting 'Si, Si, Si' before I locked on the Cross Armbreaker and broke someone's arm. Now, Daniel Bryan has decided to steal that. Él es un ladrón. And destiny says that I take back what's mine. Maybe I start that tonight."


[Del Rio turns and walks off as Jason Albert shrugs and sends us back into the ring for our next contest.]


Match #5


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Daniel Bryan


[This is our semi main event of the evening and should be a great one as Chavo Guerrero Jr. takes on Daniel Bryan. As one would expect, this is a great one between the number one contender to the WWE Cruiserweight title and a former WWE World Champion. The 'YES' chants are in full effect during this match that sees Chavo get in more offense than some might think. Guerrero and Bryan exchange kicks early on during the contest that have the dueling 'Yes' and 'No' chants during the kicks. Bryan starts to take the advantage, bringing Guerrero down to his knees. He goes for a home run kick but Guerrero ducks and catches Bryan around the waist -- German Suplex with a bridge scores a two count on Bryan. Guerrero moves in quickly and begins the Three Amigos, bringing Daniel Bryan over with three straight vertical suplexes. Guerrero heads to the top turnbuckle but Bryan is up and catches Guerrero with an enzuigiri kick, bringing Guerrero down into the ring. Bryan catches Guerrero with a drop toehold into the turnbuckles and begins the 'YES' chants! A fan raises a sign reading: 'NOOOOOOOOOO CHAVO!' Daniel Bryan maintains the advantage from this point forward, continuing to stifle Guerrero at every turn. Eventually, he hits the diving headbutt and then locks in the YES! Lock! Within moments, Guerrero has no choice but to tap out.]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 6:28)

Match Rating: B




[Daniel Bryan picks up a very important victory here tonight on Smackdown. As Daniel Bryan celebrates this victory, Alberto Del Rio comes running down to the ring and blindsides Bryan! Del Rio catches Bryan with a quick double knee armbreaker! Bryan grabs his arm in pain and Del Rio hooks in the Cross Armbreaker! The crowd boos loudly and Joey Styles talks about the shoulder problems that Daniel Bryan has been suffering. The shoulder and neck issues that put him on the shelf. Del Rio refuses to release the hold, even as officials enter the ring. The officials try to do what they can to force the break but Del Rio shakes his head. Daniel Bryan cries out in pain! After Daniel Bryan has been in the hold for three minutes, Del Rio finally releases and exits the ring, calling out 'Si, Si, Si!' The officials are checking on Daniel Bryan. He looks like he is in a lot of pain and is unable to leave the ring under his own power. It takes the officials helping Daniel Bryan to the back.]





Match #6


Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles


[it is main event time and not only is this match between a legend and an up-and-comer, this match is between Friday Night Smackdown and Monday Night Raw as these two men were drafted earlier tonight. In the opening few minutes of the contest, Styles avoids a tie-up with Jericho, giving a Ric Flair strut across the ring and releasing a 'Whooooo' before pointing to a sign in the crowd that reads: 'Wooooo2J!' The crowd is solidly in the corner of AJ Styles at the moment and the next few minutes go back and forth between the two wrestlers. Neither man holds a sustained advantage for very long until Styles does the Flair flip over the turnbuckle and runs across the apron. He gets caught on the top turnbuckle and Jericho takes control. Jericho catches Styles with a Double Underhook backbreaker and makes the cover, scoring a two count only. Ric Flair watches from ringside as Jericho continues the advantage. Jericho heads to the top turnbuckle and catches Styles with a missile dropkick and then a Lionsault that scores a two count. Styles has a couple of comeback attempts within the next few minutes but everything seems to be going the way of Chris Jericho. Jericho plays to a booing crowd and then yells at Ric Flair. Flair takes off his jacket like he's ready to fight Y2J! Jericho just laughs it off and turns back to Styles, catching a dropkick in the chest at around the thirteen minute mark!]


[styles gets control and has the crowd rallying on his side. He hits Jericho with a fireman's carry neckbreaker. He makes the cover, scoring a two count. Styles rises to his feet and waits for Jericho to do the same. He catches Jericho with a discus clothesline. Styles struts across the ring and then hits Jericho with a diving kneedrop. Styles releases a 'Whoooo' and then picks up Jericho -- Stylin' DDT! He makes another cover and gets another two count. Styles gets to his feet and goes for the Styles Clash but Jericho fights his way out, bringing Styles to the mat and going for the Walls Of Jericho! Styles fights out of the Walls attempt, sending Jericho to the mat. Styles picks up Jericho and sets him on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up and it looks like he's going for a Super Styles Clash! Ric Flair does a strut and then...goes down. Flair is grabbing his ankle. He is an older man, after all. Styles gets distracted with Flair going down and Jericho turns the Styles Clash attempt into a super sunset flip. He holds the tights: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Chris Jericho (Via Pinfall @ 17:12)

Match Rating: B





[it is time for the final draft picks of the evening. Just who will get drafted and who will go undrafted and have to find a place on a roster? Only one way to find out. Mick Foley thanks everyone for watching Friday Night Smackdown tonight and says that just like Chris Jericho beat AJ Styles, WWE Friday Night Smackdown is going to beat WWE Monday Night Raw each and every week. He says that his last pick is probably going to be a shock to most people. He says that he decided to go outside the roster to make this selection. He says that this man is someone who is a former two time tag team champion, Intercontinental champion and United States champion. He says that this man spits in the face of people who don't want to be cool. His final selection this evening is Carlito Colon! A hype video begins to play of Carlito and his antics here in the WWE. Other than his time inducting his father into the Hall of Fame, the last time he was seen on WWE programming was all the way back in 2010. Following the video, Triple H says that his final selection IS a man who is on the roster because that is what's best for business. He says that his selection is a former four time WWE Cruiserweight champion and two time tag team champion. He is also someone with a legacy in the business: Chavo Guerrero Jr. The hype video begins for Chavo Jr., also letting everyone know that he is the number one contender to the WWE Cruiserweight title!]






[As we seem to be nearing the end of the show, the fans in attendance here in Alabama get a little bit of a surprise as The Rock comes out from the back. The Rock shakes hands with some fans on his way down to the ring before stepping inside. A 'Rocky' chant gets louder and louder as he stands in the center of the ring, listening. In the background, a sign can be seen reading: 'My Christmas tree is better than yours!' JBL says that person must be a little calendar impaired.]


[The Rock:] "Did you really think for a moment that we could go through The Rock's show without an appearance by The Great One? This is The Rock's show, This is Smackdown! Without further ado, let The Rock end this night right here by saying this...FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK...TO MOBILE! It feels good to be here in Alabama. It feels great to be on The Rock's show, to be on Smackdown. But right now we need to talk about what happened last Sunday night at SummerSlam. At SummerSlam, The Rock was pinned in the middle of the ring by a man who looks like he would be better off standing on the street corner begging for change. Of course, it was The Rock's former friend that cost The Rock that match. Braun, you need to answer The Rock right here in the middle of the ring. The Rock is going to wait if it takes all night."


[The Rock paces around the ring as a 'Rocky' chant continues through the crowd. The lights dim in the arena. The Titantron shows Bray Wyatt standing in the foreground with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan in the background. Wyatt holds up a lantern and lights it, looking into the camera.]


[bray Wyatt:] "We're here."


[Wyatt blows out the lantern and all goes dark in the arena. 'Live In Fear' by Mark Crozer begins to play and the fireflies go up in the arena. All the cell phone lights giving the only light in the arena. The lights come up just enough to view Bray Wyatt walking out by himself toward the ring. Wyatt enters the ring and The Rock raises the People's Eyebrow. The lights come up to full, showing The Rock and Bray Wyatt in the ring together.]


[The Rock:] "Maybe you didn't hear The Rock. The Rock did not ask for your homeless *** to come out to The Rock's ring, the People's ring. The Rock asked for Braun Stowman. So get out of The Rock's ring."


[bray Wyatt:] "Rocky, Rocky, Rocky. You see, you don't get to make the decisions for Braun Stowman anymore. You don't get to control him. I control him now. He does what I say because I tell him to do these things. He believes in me. He knows that I will teach him the things that he needs to know. He knows that I will never abandon him like you did, Rocky. He knows that I will never abandon the WWE like you did. You see, Rocky, I am in control and I know what frightens you the most. It scares you that these people will start up the 'Die Rocky Die' chants again. I know that it scares you right down to your bones that these people, your people will turn on you. But I don't fear that, Rocky. I know that my people will not turn on me. I know that my Family will remain loyal. Can you say the same about your people, Rocky?"


[The Rock:] "First of all, Bray Wyatt, know your role and shut your mouth. These people, The Rock's people are all chanting The Rock's name. ['ROCKY! ROCKY!'] Do you really think that these people are going to abandon The Rock? No, no, no, no, no! So let The Rock tell you something, Bray Wyatt. The Rock has been thinking. Since you want to be in the ring with The Rock so badly, how about next week we accommodate that and you go one on one with The Great One? You and The Rock on the first edition of Smackdown that doesn't include Triple H and The Authority. You and the Brahma Bull taking those Brahma Bull horns, shining them up real nice...turning them sideways and sticking them straight up your candy ***!"


[bray Wyatt:] "Rocky, you want a match with the Eater of Worlds? Is that all you want? I'm not a hard man to find. I will be the man lining up the Seven Deadly Sins and bringing them down one by one. I am the new face of terror. I will beat you next week, Rocky. I will prove myself and end this chapter when I end your career."


[The Rock:] "The only thing that's going to end next week is your control over your bladder when I kick your monkey *** all over this ring. One way or another, next week, your candy*** is going to smell what the Rock is cooking!"


[The two men come face-to-face as WWE Friday Night Smackdown comes to a close. What a main event we have lined up for you next week on Smackdown! Make sure you tune in!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winners this show are Uncrewed, Rayelek, packerman120 and Nobby_McDonald as they got a score of 4/6 possible points! Congratulations to Uncrewed, Rayelek, packerman120 and Nobby_McDonald! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the show! I hope that everyone enjoyed it!


1. packerman120=8 Wins

2. Rayelek=7 Wins

3. Smasher1311=6 Wins

4. Beejus=5 Wins

5. The Lloyd=4 Wins

Uncrewed=4 Wins

7. jhd1=3 Wins

Kijar=3 Wins

9. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

12. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

Nobby_McDonald=1 Win

19. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Last week was the WWE Draft and this week begins a new era in Monday Night Raw. We have the same Authority figures in Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. However, we have only Raw contracted superstars showing up on Monday Night Raw, aside from certain champions.


-The Authority is making a promise that they will announce not only the name of the first Raw-only pay-per-view of 2014 but the main event as well. Will it be a WWE World title defense by Brock Lesnar? If so, who will challenge for the title on the very first Raw pay-per-view?


-Speaking of champions, we have the return of the former champion John Cena to Monday Night Raw. He took a brutal beating at SummerSlam by Brock Lesnar. What kind of shape will he be in on Monday Night Raw? Only one way to find out and that's to tune in to the show.


-Our main event is going to be a great one. It is a rematch from SummerSlam as the Legend Killer Randy Orton takes on the Icon Sting. Sting defeated Orton at SummerSlam following the Scorpion Death Drop. Can he defeat the Legend Killer again? Or will The Authority's Legend Killer carve up another legend?


-Plus men like Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston will be in the building. Rob Van Dam will also be making his return to Monday Night Raw! Make sure you tune in!


Prediction Listing


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria



Tyler Breeze vs. Amazing Red



Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Bad News Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler



Curtis Axel vs. Rob Van Dam



Randy Orton vs. Sting



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:


Well, in my opinion, she would be a great choice...but in another sense.


Probably not my first choice there. After all, look at her taste with John Cena. :rolleyes:

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria



Tyler Breeze vs. Amazing Red



Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Bad News Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler



Curtis Axel vs. Rob Van Dam



Randy Orton vs. Sting


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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria



Tyler Breeze vs. Amazing Red



Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Bad News Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler



Curtis Axel vs. Rob Van Dam



Randy Orton vs. Sting


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WWE NXT Wrestling comes to you live from the Deer Park Convention Center in Deer Park, New York for this edition of WWE NXT. The show begins inside the ring where the NXT Womens title is decided in a match between Charlotte and Divina Fly. The match is fast-paced and back and forth, showing the great action of WWE NXT. The WWE Womens Champion picks up the victory in this contest when she catches Fly with the Natural Selection and scores the pinfall victory.


Our second match comes straight away as Rob Terry teams with Scott Dawson to take on Enzo Amore and Jason Jordan. The fans are a little into this match, though, not a lot, to be honest. The action is hot and back and forth here. The fans are happy when Enzo Amore scores the victory over Scott Dawson. A big win for the new and possibly one-off team of Enzo Amore and Jason Jordan.


Then we move right into the main event contest where J Bronson steps into the ring with Joel Redman. The main event is one of the better contests of the night. The powerful J Bronson shows that power against the technician Joel Redman. The crowd is definitely behind Bronson in this match. The power of Bronson wins out over Joel Redman and Bronson scores a pinfall following a powerslam. The show ends with Bronson celebrating in the ring and a capacity crowd on his side.

WWE – J Bronson – Joel Redman


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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria

Comments: No need to take a good champ down.


Tyler Breeze vs. Amazing Red

Comments: Meh.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Bad News Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Chavo is less of a jobber than Kofi or Dolph, so he and BNB pick up the win.


Curtis Axel vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Could really put Axel back on the fast track.


Randy Orton vs. Sting

Comments: This will likely be a huge Authority beatdown, especially now that most of their rivals are on the other show.


Fun Fan Signs:

Who's afraid of Sting's black bat?


Comments On Previous Show: I was legitimately surprised to see Jericho go over AJ.

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria



Tyler Breeze vs. Amazing Red



Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Bad News Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler



Curtis Axel vs. Rob Van Dam



Randy Orton vs. Sting



Fun Fan Signs: STUNG BY VEMON!

Bicycles all need an Axel to stand on!

Eddie Guerrero would be proud!

Better than Batista!


Comments On Previous Show:


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Monday Week 2 September 2014

Location: MN Target Center (Mid West)

Attendance: 9,500

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 5.54




[The very first post-draft Monday Night Raw takes place inside the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw! Soon after, the boos come out as The Authority is introduced and 'King Of Kings' begins to play. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walk out and are all smiles as they head right to the ring. Hunter holds the ropes open for his wife and then steps in after her. They listen to the boos from this capacity crowd as they are given microphones.]


[Triple H:] "They like us, Steph! They really like us! So, right now, I would like to welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw. Not just Monday Night Raw but The Authority's Monday Night Raw. Hand-selected wrestlers by The Authority will put on the greatest show on earth tonight and in the future. We will prove that Monday Night Raw is the better show each and every week. We will begin that by announcing the brand new name for the next pay-per-view. Steph, would you like to do the honors?"


[stephanie McMahon:] "Absolutely, Hunter. Thank you. The new name for the next pay-per-view event, the Raw-only pay-per-view event will be WWE Monday Night Raw Presents Revolution! Because that is what we are going to give the WWE Universe. It's going to be a Revolution right here in the WWE. Now, Hunter, shall we go ahead and name the main event of Revolution?"


[Triple H:] "I would be glad to, Steph. The main event of Revolution will be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar defending the title he just won at SummerSlam against the former champion John Cena! It makes sense, right? Considering John Cena has invoked his rematch clause? Speaking of John, he will be here tonight to address the injuries that he has taken from Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. So please be ready to watch a great show tonight."




[The crowd cheers as the exit of The Authority is stopped by 'Medal' by Jim Johnston. Walking out from the back is the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle. Triple H smirks at Angle and stands in front of his wife as Angle walks right down to the ring and steps inside. Angle is given a microphone and shakes his head.]


[Kurt Angle:] "Don't worry, Stephanie. I won't lay a hand on you no matter how much you deserve it. Instead, I want you to be around as I step in and tear down everything that The Authority has built. Your entire world is about to collapse at your feet. It's true. It's true!"


[stephanie smiles that McMahon smile as she steps around her husband and comes nose-to-nose with Kurt Angle.]


[Kurt Angle:] "If you're going to stand this close to me, can I recommend a tic-tac?"


[stephanie McMahon:] "So cute, Kurt. Actually, I am glad you're out here. It saves me having to find you to let you know that you are going to have a match tonight. This will be a match that you'll be lucky to survive. Tonight you are going to be in a handicap match with the WWE World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers. Can the Olympic Gold Medalist beat two men at once?"


[Kurt Angle:] "Stephanie, I won an Olympic Gold Medal with a broken freaking neck. Tonight I am not backing down against the Steiner Brothers. I will still be standing at the end of the match. Oh, it's true. It's true."


[Angle just smiles and looks between the two before turning and exiting the ring. Kurt Angle versus The Steiner Brothers tonight on Monday Night Raw!]





Match #1



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria


[Our opening contest here on Monday Night Raw is a WWE Diva's title defense by Paige against Victoria. Both of these members of the Diva's division go at it tooth and nail in this contest that is longer than one might have thought. There are several near falls throughout the contest. The match definitely has plenty of action as the two Diva's go back and forth in a very open contest. Outside the ring, Victoria slams Paige face-first into the ring post. She returns the action inside the ring and catches Paige with a slingshot somersault leg drop. Victoria makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Paige is still in this one! Victoria gets to her feet and pulls up Paige. She signals for it and goes for the Widow's Peak. But Paige reverses into a backslide, scoring a two count. Both Diva's get to their feet and Victoria brings Paige down with a stiff clothesline. Victoria moves in front of Paige -- Standing Moonsault connects! Victoria makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Victoria continues her advantage until she lifts Paige into a firewoman's carry position. Paige struggles in the hold and manages to get to her feet behind Victoria. She brings Victoria down with a hair-pull. Paige screams loudly, getting fired up. She pulls Victoria to her feet and nails her with several short-arm clotheslines in a row. She yanks her up one more time -- RamPaige! Paige nails Victoria with the RamPaige! Paige makes the cover: One, Two, Three! A successful title defense!]


Winner: Paige (Via Pinfall @ 17:13)

Match Rating: D





[Paige has made a successful WWE Diva's title defense. Instead of her music playing, though, it is interrupted by 'Let's Light It Up' by Jim Johnston. The crowd boos as AJ Lee skips her way down to the ring with a coy smile on her lips. She enters the ring and Paige goes right after her but Paige is no match for AJ after having wrestled Victoria for over seventeen minutes. AJ catches Paige with a Tornado DDT, bringing her down hard to the mat. AJ skips around the ring for a moment and then grabs the WWE Diva's title. She raises it up to boos from the crowd. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about the fact that AJ lost a Diva's title shot on Smackdown but maybe she is making her own case for a WWE Diva's title shot. AJ drops the belt and looks down at Paige. She seems to be thinking for a moment and then she pulls the unconscious Paige up slightly and begins to strip her! AJ manages to get Paige down to her bra and panties before security runs in the ring to stop her. AJ smiles and walks off, carrying Paige's top and bottom with her.]




[We move to a video featuring scenes from WWE NXT. These scenes depict one of the most dominant tag teams in NXT history. That is the tag team of The Ascension. The high quality video shows The Ascension dominating tag teams in NXT, including the tag team of Adrian Neville and Corey Graves, Too Cool and the team of El Local and Kalisto. The Fall Of Man is shown from various angles. This tag team is coming soon to Monday Night Raw!]




[From the video, we move to the backstage area where Jason Albert welcomes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler has the strap around his waist and an arrogant smile as he stands beside the former Lord Tensai.]


[Jason Albert:] "Dolph, thank you for taking the time to speak with me this evening. I think everyone saw what happened on Smackdown this past week when you went face-to-face with the former Intercontinental champion Bad News Barrett. We also know that at Revolution you are going to be facing him for the belt that he never lost. Your thoughts on that this evening?"


[Dolph Ziggler:] "Jason, I am not focused on Revolution. It's several weeks away. Instead, I am focused on tonight. I am teaming with a friend in Kofi Kingston against Bad News Barrett and Chavo Guerrero Jr. Tonight we are going to steal the show on the very first Monday Night Raw post-draft. Barrett, Chavo, I've got some bad news for you tonight. You are going to come face-to-face with the Showoff. I am going to show off this title belt and prove that I am that good!"


[Ziggler walks off and Jason Albert shrugs, sending us back to the ring for more action here on Monday Night Raw.]


Match #2


Tyler Breeze vs. Amazing Red


[Wow. What a horrible match that did not have the crowd involved at all. The match between these two young future superstars definitely did not impress the fans in attendance here in Minnesota. This was despite the fact that Amazing Red kept the match fast-paced against Breeze. Though the match was definitely dominated in the majority by the former NXT Superstar. Amazing Red tries to come off the top turnbuckle but he is caught with a Beauty Shot Spinning Wheel Kick by Breeze. Breeze gets to his feet and plays to a slightly booing crowd. Prince Pretty picks up Red and strikes him with an Enzuigiri Kick. Breeze pulls Red to his feet and drops him with the Implant DDT. Breeze moves to his corner and grabs his cell phone. He takes a selfie as he makes the cover, scoring the three count.]


Winner: Tyler Breeze (Via Pinfall @ 6:10)

Match Rating: E+





[Amazing Red is left laying on the mat by Tyler Breeze, who exits the ring. 'Veil Of Fire' by Jim Johnston begins to play and the crowd boos as Kane walks out from the back. Kane steps toward the ring as Amazing Red begins using the ropes to pull himself up. Kane steps in over the top rope and Red looks scared as Kane steps into the ring with him. Red starts to take off in the opposite direction but he is grabbed from behind by Kane. The Devil's Favorite Demon turns Red around and grabs him by the throat -- Chokeslam! The crowd boos as Kane looks down at the much smaller Red. Kane yanks Red to his feet and lifts him up, turning him over -- Tombstone Piledriver! Red is planted into the mat and Kane stands up, looking down at the fallen Red. He raises his arms and drops them as fire explodes from all four turnbuckles and his music begins to play again. Kane has made a definite impact on Red tonight.]




['Lovefurypassionenergy (remix)' by Boy Hits Car begins the next hype video that shows the former four time WWE Women's Champion Lita. Highlights of her WWE Hall of Fame induction right before WrestleMania XXX are shown. Then she is shown inside the ring with a focus on her retirement match against Mickie James at Survivor Series 2006. Some of her other matches are shown, including her Women's title victories against Stephanie McMahon, Trish Stratus and two Women's title victories against Mickie James. Other classic moments are shown, including her time with Edge and Kane. A voice-over announcer says that she retired in 2006, however, next week, Lita returns to the WWE. She is now a Diva Hall of Famer but soon she will be a Diva wrestler once again as she returns to the World Wrestling Entertainment.]




[From the hype video for Lita, we move to the backstage area where we follow Kurt Angle walking down and looking like he's ready to head toward the ring. Instead, he is stopped by the arrival of Sting and Roman Reigns. Reigns stands slightly behind Sting as he approaches and hugs Angle.]


[sting:] "It's good to see you here, Kurt. Sorry about your match tonight. But this big man and I will be there to watch your back. Let me introduce Roman Reigns."


[Angle and Reigns shake hands.]


[Roman Reigns:] "It's nice to meet you, Kurt. Tonight, Sting and I will be in your corner. The Authority will not get one up on you. Believe that."


[Angle nods and looks even more focused as he turns and heads along toward a corridor. He's heading to the ring! His match is next!]


Match #3


Handicap Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. Kurt Angle


[The opening few minutes of this match were spent with Kurt Angle doing his best to score a quick pinfall or submission victory on both members of The Steiner Brothers. The handicap nature of this match sets in after the first few minutes when Rick Steiner strikes Kurt Angle from behind with a Steiner-Line. The Steiner Brothers take turns attacking Angle, double-teaming him at every turn. Scott catches Kurt around the waist and brings him over with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. He scores a two count on Angle as Angle refuses to give up this contest. Scott gets back up and tags in his brother. Rick moves behind Angle and wraps him around the waist -- Steiner-Line/German Suplex combination! Angle gets a shoulder up at two. The referee steps in to get Scott Steiner out of the ring but Scott sets the referee aside and he teams with Rick Steiner, putting the boots to Kurt Angle. They throw a few double axehandles in for good measure. With this double team, it brings out Sting and Roman Reigns! They hit the ring and the referee calls for the bell.]


Winner(s): The Steiner Brothers (Via Disqualification @ 6:09)

Match Rating: C





[The Steiner Brothers pick up the victory over Kurt Angle and they take off as Sting and Roman Reigns have hit the ring. Rick and Scott Steiner look up in the ring toward the three superstars inside. Reigns helps Angle to his feet and the three men face off with the WWE World Tag Team Champions. 'King Of Kings' begins to play and out from the back comes none other than Triple H. Hunter shakes his head and says that he may not be Teddy Long but it is time that he turned this into a tag team match if you all want to wrestle. He tells Sting that since he has a match tonight he needs to go to the back. Tonight it is going to be The Steiner Brothers versus Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns. And that match begins right now!]


Match #4


Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers vs. Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns


[With this tag team match in full effect, Roman Reigns gets the start against Scott Steiner. These are two very powerful men but Reigns is definitely the one with more energy right now since he has not just been in a match. Reigns catches Scott with some forearm smashes in a neutral corner and then Irish whips him across the ring. Reigns run in with a corner clothesline and then roars, setting up for a Superman Punch early in the match. Instead, Scott takes a breather outside the ring. When Scott returns into the ring, the match becomes a see-saw battle between the two teams. The Steiner Brothers score several near falls on Roman Reigns. Reigns does manage to bring Kurt Angle in, who brings down both The Steiner Brothers with clotheslines. He brings down the straps and catches Rick Steiner with the rolling German Suplexes. Angle tags in Reigns and then begins the rolling German Suplexes on Scott Steiner. Reigns catches Rick with the Superman Punch and then waits in a corner for the Dog-Faced Gremlin to get up -- SPEAR! Reigns nearly tears Rick in half with the Spear! Reigns makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns (Via Pinfall @ 11:14)

Match Rating: B-




[From the victory by Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns, we move to the backstage interview area with Jason Albert and his guests at this time, The World's Greatest Tag Team. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin stand on either side of Jason Albert and they both seem to be pretty happy with what happened just a few moments earlier.]


[Jason Albert:] "Thank you, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. I am here with the top contenders to the WWE World Tag Team Titles, the self-proclaimed World's Greatest Tag Team. Gentlemen, you have just seen that your opponents at Revolution lost to your friend Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns. Are you ready to have that momentum heading into Revolution?"


[Charlie Haas:] "We are only thirteen days away from Revolution, Jason. They cannot afford to have losses like this. However, a loss to Kurt Angle is something that can happen to anyone. Kurt is a great wrestler. But in thirteen days they are going to take another loss. A loss to the World's Greatest Tag Team. Right, Shelton?"


[shelton Benjamin:] "That's right, Charlie. Not even The Authority can keep us from winning the WWE World Tag Team titles. The Steiner Brothers are a veteran tag team but so are we. We are the World's Greatest Tag Team. There is a reason for that and there ain't no stopping us now!"


[Jason Albert thanks them for coming and sends us off to a video featuring one of the newest stables in WWE.]




[The video shows two veterans of the ring, including Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards. Dreamer and Richards sit down and talk about their history in that promotion in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They bring up the fact that they were rarely on the same side back in that company. As a matter of fact, Richards made Dreamer's life a living hell, back then. But, Dreamer says that he gave Richards back everything that Richards threw at him. And the two of them talk about a mutual respect that grew between them. They talk about bringing to the next generation of wrestler what has grown between them. They talk about the fact that they can show, as veterans of sports entertainment, just what this company is all about. They say that they are not the only ones who agree with this. Then Tommy Dreamer introduces the newest member of the WWE roster.]




[This man, Masato Tanaka, steps between Dreamer and Richards. He releases a roar and then grabs a chair, bringing the chair up against his head over and over again without fail. He tosses the chair down and Dreamer pats Tanaka on the back. Richards announces that this new group will be called The Extreme. He says that they are ready to bring Extreme into the PG Era. Welcome to the Extreme Era.]


Match #5


Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Bad News Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler


[A decent tag team match that on one side has the WWE Cruiserweight Champion and the WWE Intercontinental Champion. On the other side, we have the top contenders for both of those title belts. In a contest like this, you have it all, including the high flying moves of Chavo and Kofi, the power of Bad News Barrett and the all-around wrestling skill of Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler plays the face-in-peril during this match as Chavo and Barrett make quick tags in and out. Guerrero manages to get Ziggler with the Three Amigos, three rolling vertical suplexes. A sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'Eddie Guerrero would be proud!' Guerrero tags himself out to Bad News Barrett and Barrett maintains control over Ziggler. Barrett drops Ziggler with the Winds Of Change, scoring a two count. Barrett argues briefly with the official before lifting Ziggler for the Wasteland -- reversed into a DDT by Ziggler! The crowd goes wild! Ziggler crawls over and tags in Kofi Kingston! Barrett tags in Chavo Guerrero Jr. Kingston comes in and brings down Guerrero with a leaping clothesline! He ducks a clothesline attempt by Bad News Barrett. Huge dropkick by Kingston! In comes Dolph Ziggler and we have all four men brawling inside the ring. Guerrero manages to slide outside the ring and he grabs the Cruiserweight title belt from the table. Kingston leaps over the top rope with a cross body -- belt shot by Chavo Guerrero Jr.! The referee immediately calls for the bell.]


Winners: Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler (Via Disqualification @ 9:59)

Match Rating: C+





[The bell has sounded outside the ring, giving the victory to Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler. Outside the ring, Chavo Guerrero Jr. has struck Kingston with a belt shot of Kingston's WWE Cruiserweight title belt. Inside the ring, Ziggler sets up Bad News Barrett for the Zig Zag but Barrett pushes Ziggler off. Guerrero grabs Ziggler by the legs from outside the ring, tripping Ziggler to the mat. Guerrero pulls, crotching Ziggler on the ring post. Guerrero turns and begins putting the boots to Kofi Kingston outside the ring. He picks up Kingston and runs him right into the ring post and then tosses Kingston back in the ring. He follows him inside as Barrett catches Ziggler with the Bull Hammer. Guerrero heads to the top turnbuckle -- Frog Splash on Kingston! Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Bad News Barrett stand tall inside the ring.]




[A video begins to play showing the arrival of two of the newest editions to WWE Monday Night Raw. Some action is shown from dark matches that have occurred recently, starring the WWE debut of The Motor City Machine Guns. Interspersed with the action are shots of the city of Detroit, showing the run-down city and some of the worst places within the city itself. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin show some definite double-team moves and then they are focused in on saying that they are bringing tag team wrestling action back to the top of the card where it belongs. Shelley and Sabin say that, really, there are no other tag teams that are worthy of competing with them in the ring. But they are arriving to World Wrestling Entertainment and they will be shooting down the competition as the Motor City Machine Guns.]




[As we come back to the ringside area, the fans get on their feet as 'The Time Is Now' begins to play and a chant of 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' begins. The fans look to the top of the ramp and out from the back comes John Cena! Cena gives a salute and then makes his way down to the ring, still looking a little worse for wear after SummerSlam. He slides inside the ring and stands at the center, taking in the dueling chants with a smile on his lips.]


[John Cena:] "Man, it feels great to be back here on Monday Night Raw! I wasn't here last week so I didn't get to see Triple H make his decision to draft me. But that's not what this moment is about. This moment out here is to talk about SummerSlam and the fact that I feel so much lighter out here because I do not have what should be around my waist: the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I don't have any excuses, though. I stepped into the ring with Brock Lesnar and he pinned me one, two, three. I know that everyone is waiting to see me take the next step. What is the next step for John Cena?"




[The crowd boos loudly as Paul Heyman steps from the back, interrupting John Cena by his mere presence. Cena almost laughs inside the ring as the manager of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion walks all the way down and steps inside the ring. He looks Cena up and down and then clears his throat.]


[Paul Heyman:] "Ladies and gentlemen and John Cena, my name is Paul Heyman. I am the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the world: BAHROCK LESNAR!"


[John Cena:] "I think everyone knows who you are, Paul. Now, let me guess, you're out here to remind me of what happened at SummerSlam where your client BAHROCK LESNAR pinned me and took my title. Is that it, Paul Heyman?"


[Paul Heyman:] "John, John, John. Do you really think that I am out here to remind you of something that you already know? You already know that my client is now the reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World. You also already know that I am the one behind the one in twenty one and one. What I want to tell you is that when you step in the ring with my client at WWE Revolution, there will be no revolution. There will only be destruction when the beast incarnate makes sure that John Cena is a footnote in professional wrestling history."


[John Cena:] "A footnote? A fifteen time champion is a footnote? You better check your facts there, Mr. Heyman. My name is John Cena and whether these people chant my name or chant that Cena sucks they always chant something each and every time I come out to the ring. That means something because the WWE Universe are the ones that make the decisions here. Not you. Not BAHROCK LESNAR. Not even The Authority. But since you are out here and your client is not, I think I might send a message through you."


[Cena leans down and grabs Paul Heyman. Heyman screams out in fear as Cena lifts him in position for an Attitude Adjustment!]




[Triple H:] "John! JOHN! Put him down RIGHT NOW!"


[Triple H steps out from the back and stands at the top of the ramp. Cena looks toward Triple H, holding Paul Heyman on his shoulders. He seems ready to give the Attitude Adjustment to Paul Heyman and the crowd is right behind him.]


[Triple H:] "John, if you do not release Paul right now and let him walk away, you will be stripped of your number one contendership. You will lose your title shot at Revolution and you may be suspended. Now, let Mr. Heyman walk away from the ring unharmed."


[After a few moments, Heyman is released onto his feet. Heyman looks around and then exits the ring, walking toward the back. Heyman shakes hands with Triple H, thanking him before disappearing to the back.]


[Triple H:] "Since I'm out here, John, I thought that I would let you know that next week you are going to be in a match in this very ring. Stephanie and I have discussed who your opponent should be. That opponent will be a newcomer here to the WWE. It will be John Cena versus Prince Devitt!"


[John Cena:] "Prince Devitt, huh? Hunter, I will tell you this, next week, I will begin my road to Revolution and becoming a sixteen time World Heavyweight Champion. I will defeat your new boy, Prince Devitt. Then, I am going to walk into Revolution in thirteen days and I am going to kick Brock Lesnar's @$$."


[Cena's music begins to play and he exits the ring, high-fiving the fans. Cena has a match next week and at Revolution all set up. What a way to bring him back to the WWE.]




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where Jason Albert is once again standing by. This time his special guest is none other than the Legend Killer, The Viper Randy Orton. Orton is bouncing on his toes as he stands there.]


[Jason Albert:] "Randy Orton, tonight, you are getting your rematch and a chance at redemption as you take on one of the legends in our business in Sting. Sting, of course, is making his Monday Night Raw debut. What are your thoughts as we are so close to this match?"


[Randy Orton:] "I am thinking about how many times I am going to hit Sting with the RKO tonight, Jason. I am thinking about crushing Sting's face in with my boot and my punt kick. I am thinking about scoring some revenge from SummerSlam where he hit me with a Scorpion Death Drop. Tonight, Sting, you will never see your ending coming. But the ending will be there. Tonight, you are going to see why they call me the Apex Predator. Tonight, Sting, you are going to find out why they call me the Legend Killer. Tonight, I end the legend, the myth, the hall of fame career of the man called Sting."


[Orton turns and walks off as we head back to the ring for our next contest.]


Match #6


Curtis Axel vs. Rob Van Dam


[Our semi main event features two wrestlers making their return to Monday Night Raw in Curtis Axel and Rob Van Dam. Both of these men are looking to make an impact here on the first Monday Night Raw of the post-draft era. The fans here in Minnesota are treated to a fairly good match between these two men that goes back and forth. Axel takes control during the match, bringing Van Dam down and hitting him with the snap mare and then the rolling neck snap just like his father before him. A sign is raised in the crowd reading: 'Better than Batista!' Axel sets up Van Dam for the Perfect-Plex but Van Dam blocks it and reverses into a vertical suplex of his own. Van Dam rises to his feet and looks down at Axel. He looks around and then bounces off the ropes -- Rolling Thunder! Van Dam gets to his feet and climbs up the turnbuckles -- split-legged moonsault -- NO! Axel got the knees up, hitting Van Dam in the ribs. Axel rolls Van Dam over, making the cover: One, Two, Kickout! A sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'Bicycles all need an Axel to stand on!' Axel catches Van Dam with a running kneelift and he says it's over. Axel goes for the Axehole but Van Dam fights his way out! Van Dam strikes Axel with a multitude of kicks. Axel catches one but Van Dam turns it into a mule kick. Standing moonsault by Van Dam! RVD gets to his feet and leaps to the top turnbuckle -- Five Star Frog Splash! Van Dam makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Rob Van Dam (Via Pinfall @ 10:37)

Match Rating: C




[As we prepare for the main event, we move to the backstage locker room area where we find Ric Flair standing by with his client AJ Styles. Both are wearing expensive, matching suits.]


[Ric Flair:] "Are we on? Good. AJ, in front of the world, the WWE Universe as my witness, I wanted to come on here and apologize for what happened last week on Smackdown where I cost you the match against Chris Jericho. That was my fault and I am sorry."


[AJ Styles:] "It's alright, Ric. It was not my first loss. But I have learned from it. I will continue to move forward and become worthy of the Nature Boy name."


[Ric Flair:] "You have already been worthy of the name, AJ. That's why I chose you. Now, I have to let you know that I believe I have taught you everything that I can teach you. You are going to have to forge a road ahead on your own. I have made the decision and I am making the announcement that I am leaving the professional wrestling business. I'm done, kid. The Nature Boy is riding off into the sunset."




[boos voiceover from the crowd as Seth Rollins walks into the picture. Rollins has a smirk on his lips and a little arrogant laughter that escapes]


[seth Rollins:] "The Nature Boy is riding off into the sunset. How many times have we heard that before? It's become almost a cliché for you, hasn't it, Ric? Everyone here knows that you can't leave this business. You're not exactly the best wrestler in the history of the WWE anyway. As a matter of fact, you're not even the best wrestler in this room. I have already surpassed you as a so-called legend. I was Mr. Money In The Bank. I am the present and the future of this business."


[instead of Ric Flair stepping up to Seth Rollins, AJ Styles moves into Rollins' face.]


[AJ Styles:] "You want to put your money where your mouth is, Rollins? Next week, you and me inside this ring. I can tell you that my shoes are worth more than your house. And when you walk that aisle against the Nature Boy, you're going to bleed. Whoooooo!"


[styles and Rollins looks like they might come to blows. However, before that can happen, we cut away to the ring for our main event. But next week we will see AJ Styles versus Seth Rollins!]


Match #7


Randy Orton vs. Sting


[it is main event time and what a contest we have for you this evening as Randy Orton steps into the ring against Sting. This is Sting's first contest on Monday Night Raw! The Legend Killer backs The Legend into a corner and begins throwing forearm shots to Sting's head and chest area. Sting suddenly reverses it in the corner and begins throwing punches! The crowd cheers as Sting backs up and waits for the staggering Orton to get close. Sting raises Orton up high and brings him over with a military press slam! Sting beats his chest and releases a howl as Orton slides out of the ring to catch a breather. Sting is smart enough to stay inside the ring and wait for Orton to re-join him inside the ring. Orton paces in front of a sign reading: 'Who's afraid of Sting's black bat?' Orton looks up in the ring for a moment and then waves toward the back.]




[Here comes The Authority. It's Triple H, Sheamus and Seth Rollins walking down to ringside and standing in the corner of the Legend Killer. Orton slides in the ring and uses the distraction of The Authority to gain the advantage, striking Sting from behind as Sting jaws with Triple H. Orton takes control for the next several minutes, keeping Sting down on the mat with various moves and holds, even a few restholds thrown in. Orton chokes Sting on the bottom rope and then distracts the official as Triple H throws a punch to Sting! The crowd boos that move loudly. Orton yanks up Sting and gives him a series of short-arm clotheslines. He pushes Sting against the ropes -- scoop powerslam! Orton sits up on his knees and then pulls Sting over to the ropes. He hangs Sting on the middle rope -- Rope-Hung DDT! Orton makes the cover:]














[The crowd goes wild as Sting kicks out following the rope-hung DDT! Orton slams his fists on the mat in frustration! Orton lifts Sting -- inverted headlock back breaker. Orton gets to his feet and poses before dropping down to the mat and beginning to slam his fists on the mat. He rises to his feet, set up for the RKO. Sting staggers to his feet -- RK -- NO! Sting blocks the RKO attempt! The crowd begins a 'Sting' chant and cheer as Sting turns the tables on Randy Orton, getting that strong second wind. Sting strikes Orton with a couple of knife-edge chops, knocking him back in a corner -- one-handed bulldog! Sting gets to his feet and beats his chest! He pulls Orton up and whips Orton into a corner -- Stinger Splash! The referee got squashed in the corner! Referee Dan Engler was in the corner and got squashed by Randy Orton and then by Sting. Sting sets up Orton for the Scorpion Death Drop but The Authority hits the ring. Sting begins throwing punches at anyone who moves! He's fighting The Authority back! Sting brings down Sheamus with a clothesline. He turns around -- RKO! Randy Orton strikes with the RKO on Sting! Orton motions around to the other members of The Authority, telling them to lift Sting again -- RKO number two! The Authority leave the ring as Triple H waves to the back. Scott Armstrong comes jogging out to the ring as Orton makes the cover, hooking the leg:]














Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 20:21)

Match Rating: B





[As the bell sounds, a fan raises a sign reading: 'STUNG BY VEMON!' Randy Orton picks up the win here over Sting. Orton rises to his feet and motions to The Authority to go to the back. He says he wants to do this on his own. He looks down at the Legend that he just pinned this evening. Orton backs up into a corner and stomps his foot a couple of times. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler go crazy on commentary as it looks like Randy Orton is preparing to punt Sting in the head! Sting gets up on all fours slowly and Orton charges -- Roman Reigns suddenly appears at ringside! He grabs Sting from outside the ring and yanks Sting from the ring before Orton can score with his punt! Reigns has a large piece of rope attached to one wrist. Apparently, he was tied up backstage and that is why he has only come out now. Orton climbs to the second turnbuckle and poses as the show comes to a close. Next week, AJ Styles versus Seth Rollins! Tonight is Randy Orton's night.]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winners this show are Kijar and Uncrewed as they got a score of 4/5 possible points! Congratulations to Kijar and Uncrewed! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the show! I hope that everyone enjoyed it!


1. packerman120=8 Wins

2. Rayelek=7 Wins

3. Smasher1311=6 Wins

4. Beejus=5 Wins

Uncrewed=5 Wins

6. The Lloyd=4 Wins

Kijar=4 Wins

8. jhd1=3 Wins

9. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

12. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

Nobby_McDonald=1 Win

19. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins


Curtis Axel vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Could really put Axel back on the fast track.


Comments On Previous Show: I was legitimately surprised to see Jericho go over AJ.


I figure that these two statements definitely go together. Two younger wrestlers going up against two veterans. The two veterans won this time but I truly believe that both AJ Styles and Curtis Axel are the future here. Along with some other wrestlers, of course. But I can say that both Axel and Styles have bright futures here.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on the SyFy channel. We will be seeing the very first WWE Friday Night Smackdown since the conclusion of the WWE Draft. We have a brand new Smackdown General Manager in Mick Foley. What could the insane GM have to say tonight? What will happen when we hail from the Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana?


-We already know what the main event will be. The Rock says that Smackdown is The Rock's show. However, he will be stepping in the ring in one on one competition against the leader of the Wyatt Family, Bray Wyatt! Wyatt has kept control over Braun Stowman, The Rock's former friend. Will this be the night that The Rock breaks that control. Or could this be another night that sets up the future for Bray Wyatt, the man who pinned The Rock at SummerSlam.


-Speaking of The Wyatt Family, the other three members of The Wyatt Family will be in action. In tag team action, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan will take on Goldust and Stardust, known as The Dust Brothers. In singles competition, Braun Stowman will take on Xavier Woods. It will be interesting to see if The Wyatt Family can get some momentum heading into the main event.


-Chris Jericho has announced the return of The Highlight Reel for this edition of WWE Friday Night Smackdown. His special guest is none other than Daniel Bryan! Last week, Alberto Del Rio attacked Daniel Bryan and locked him in the Cross Arm Breaker. Will Daniel Bryan be in any type of shape to be in the ring? Chris Jericho has promised to ask the tough questions.


-Last week, Dean Ambrose took one hell of a beating when he was curb stomped by Seth Rollins and then tied to a meat hook by Brock Lesnar. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion will not be in the building this week when Dean Ambrose takes on Lance Storm. Doctors are working to clear Dean Ambrose this week for action. But who knows if the doctors will clear Ambrose before his match. We could very well see a forfeit tonight in our opening contest.


-Plus Carlito Colón, WWE Smackdown GM Mick Foley, Rusev, Sami Zayn and more will be here for the Smackdown show!


Prediction Listing

Lance Storm vs. Dean Ambrose



Braun Stowman vs. Xavier Woods



Tamina vs. Natalya



Fandango vs. Carlito Colón



The Wyatt Family vs. The Dust Brothers



Bray Wyatt vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Lance Storm vs. Dean Ambrose



Braun Stowman vs. Xavier Woods



Tamina vs. Natalya



Fandango vs. Carlito Colón



The Wyatt Family vs. The Dust Brothers



Bray Wyatt vs. The Rock


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Lance Storm vs. Dean Ambrose



Braun Stowman vs. Xavier Woods



Tamina vs. Natalya



Fandango vs. Carlito Colón



The Wyatt Family vs. The Dust Brothers



Bray Wyatt vs. The Rock


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Lance Storm vs. Dean Ambrose



Braun Stowman vs. Xavier Woods



Tamina vs. Natalya



Fandango vs. Carlito Colón



The Wyatt Family vs. The Dust Brothers



Bray Wyatt vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Quick Results:

Matt Jackson and Mojo Rawley (Mach 2) defeated Travis Tyler and Chris Masters...E+

Jessicka Havok defeated Holly Blossom...E

ANGLE: Skit involving The Undertaker and Layla...B-

Camacho and Ultimo Dragon (The Lost Souls) defeated Pain Game (Adam Rose and The Great Sasuke) for the NXT - CA Tag Team titles...D-

Rosa Mendes defeated Summer Rae to retain the NXT - CA Female title...E-

Tommaso Ciampa defeated Colin Cassady for the NXT - CA National title...E

Arik Cannon and Cody Deaner (Wild and Wicked) defeated Diego and Wes Brisco...D

R-Truth and Rey Mysterio defeated Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel...C+

WWE – R-Truth – Rey Mysterio


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Friday Week 2 September 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: LA Lakefront Arena (South East)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 3.71




[The Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana is the site for this very first post-draft edition of WWE Friday Night Smackdown! Joey Styles and JBL welcome everyone to what they consider the best show in the WWE Universe. They hype the main event this evening between The Rock and Bray Wyatt. Speaking of the main event, the crowd here in New Orleans get on their feet as 'Electrifying' begins to play and out from the back comes the People's Champion The Rock! The Rock pauses at the top of the ramp, raising the People's eyebrow before walking right down to the ring. He steps inside and looks around as a 'Rocky' chant can be heard loud and clear. He raises the microphone to his lips.]


[The Rock:] "This is a big night for the WWE Universe, a big night for the Rock's show Smackdown, a big night for the Rock. Why? Because The Rock gets to say that FINALLY The Rock has come back...to New Orleans! Now, the WWE Universe, the millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans, Smackdown's fans are less than two hours away from seeing a piece of trailer park trash go one on one with The Great One. That means you can keep your trailer park buddies in the backstage area. You can keep your sheep masks in the back. If you don't, then The Rock will just have to take that mask and shine it up real nice. That's right. Keep shining it. Then The Rock will take that mask, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy @$$!"


[The crowd cheers loudly for The Rock but then boo as Bray Wyatt appears on the video screen. He has that usual dark background, holding up a lantern as the only source of light for the video.]


[bray Wyatt:] "How colorful, Rocky. How colorful."


[The Rock:] "Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. Did you just have the nerve to interrupt The Great One by showing up on a video screen? Did you just interrupt The Rock without even introducing yourself first? Tell The Rock your name..."


[bray Wyatt:] "..."


[The Rock:] "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!" ... "Tonight, in this very ring, on The Rock's show Smackdown, Bray Wyatt goes one on one with The Great One. Bray Wyatt steps inside the ring with the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, you're a loser and trailer park trash which means that tonight The Rock's gonna whip your candy @$$."


[bray Wyatt:] "Rocky, Rocky, Rocky. Do I need to remind you of what happened at SummerSlam? On a night when you had people to watch your back, I pinned you. The Great One lost his luster. But tonight who will you have to watch your back? Who will be there after my Wyatt Family destroy Goldust and Stardust? These people? My Fireflies? Tonight marks the beginning of your journey alone with me and my family. Tonight you will become the victim of your own nightmare. Tonight you will know suffering, Rocky. Run."


[Wyatt blows out the lantern and the video turns off, leaving The Rock standing in the ring. The Rock looks around, pacing the ring for a moment before raising the microphone back up.]


[The Rock:] "The Rock runs from no one. Tonight, The Brahma Bull shows you, Bray Wyatt, why The Rock is the most electrifying man in ALLLLL of entertainment! If you smelllllll...what The Rock...is cooking!"


[The Rock's music hits and the crowd goes wild for The Rock as he exits the ring and high fives some fans on his way toward the back.]




[A video begins to play recapping some of the incidents from last week's show. The focus is specifically on what happened to Dean Ambrose. Ambrose took a Curb Stomp through a table by Seth Rollins, who is now a member of WWE Monday Night Raw. Then, later on that evening, Mr. Money In The Bank was absolutely assaulted by Brock Lesnar. Ambrose was tied to a meat hook, hung upside down and beaten unconscious by the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He took some definite hard blows, suffering some injuries. The injuries included a concussion.]


Match #1


Lance Storm vs. Dean Ambrose


[Our opening contest here features The Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose taking on the veteran Lance Storm. Joey Styles talks about the injuries that Ambrose suffered last week and lets the audience watching at home know that he was barely cleared to wrestle this week. He had to sign a waiver, waiving responsibility from the WWE and Friday Night Smackdown. Ambrose shows some definite aggression in this match as he takes the fight right to Lance Storm. But there are also times where Ambrose seems dizzy and disoriented. These moments give Storm an advantage and the veteran gets a two count with a Superkick. Ambrose manages to fight back with a pendulum lariat on Storm. He moves in quickly and hits Dirty Deeds! Ambrose falls on top of Storm: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dean Ambrose (Via Pinfall @ 8:14)

Match Rating: C-




[The bell sounds and Dean Ambrose gets his arm raised in victory. He pulls himself up using the ropes, staggering around the ring for a moment and then dropping to a knee. He shakes his head as if trying to clear the cobwebs. He tries to rise back up to his feet again and then just drops in the middle of the ring. Ambrose is down and isn't moving. EMTs and referees come running into the ring to check on Dean Ambrose. They seem to be very careful with him as they slowly turn him onto his back. His eyes are absolutely glazed over as he lies on there on the mat. The EMTs bring out a stretcher and Dean Ambrose has to be stretchered out of the building. The crowd here in New Orleans is in shock as The Lunatic Fringe has to be taken out of this building on a stretcher on the first post-draft Smackdown in 2014.]






[From there, we move to the backstage area where The Usos are shown signing some autographs for some lucky kids who managed to get backstage. The signing is interrupted by the presence of Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow. Dallas tells the kids that The Usos are not role models for them. After all, they lost their WWE World Tag Team titles. So who would want to look up to a pair of losers? No one should, of course. Sandow says that if those kids really want someone to look up to, all they have to do is BO-LIEVE! And when they do that then they can become a winner just like him. The Usos take exception to the comments and it looks like we might have a fight on our hands but that is stopped by Smackdown General Manager Mick Foley! Foley says they can prove who the winners and losers are next week when these two teams meet inside the ring! And that's an order! Foley bangs a toy gavel that squeaks on the shoulder of Bo Dallas before giving a thumbs up.]


Match #2


Braun Stowman vs. Xavier Woods


[Our second match of the night, well, is a match that almost no one seems to care about. The six foot eight, 385 pound Stowman dominates against the high flier in Xavier Woods. Woods tries almost everything to slow down the power of Stowman but a big clothesline from Stowman brings Woods right down to the mat. For those of you who actually watched the match, Stowman brings Woods over in a fallaway slam and then locks Woods in a Full Nelson. As Bray Wyatt watches from ringside, the Full Nelson forces a submission from Woods and, finally, an ending to this poor showing from both men.]


Winner: Braun Stowman (Via Submission @ 6:23)

Match Rating: E





[From the ring, we move to the backstage area, following the WWE Smackdown GM Mick Foley as he walks down a hallway. He says that he's proud to have this Smackdown right here in New Orleans, Louisiana! Then he knocks on a door and enters the locker room of The Other-Americans! Foley shakes hands with each of them and speaks briefly in Spanish with Super Crazy. He says that he wants to encourage every member of the Smackdown roster to show them exactly what they have and why they were selected to be part of the greatest show in the WWE. Therefore, he has decided that one of them should have a match next week. He turns to Sami Zayn and tells Zayn that he will have a match next week against newcomer Frankie Kazarian! He wishes Zayn luck and tells them all to have a nice day! With that, we cut back to the ring.]


Match #3


Tamina vs. Natalya


[Our third match is a Diva's encounter as two second generation wrestlers go one on one. There is no doubt that this contest is power versus power as neither Diva wants to back down from the other. Tamina scores a two count following a jumping Headbutt and then she heads to the top turnbuckle. But Natalya meets her up there and catches her with a Superplex! Natalya is first to her feet and scores a two count following a powerslam. She gets the crowd into the action, hitting Tamina with a discus clothesline. Natalya maintains control for the next few minutes, getting the crowd to clap along with her. Natalya lifts Tamina with a belly-to-back suplex and then grabs the legs -- Sharpshooter! Tamina struggles in the hold but eventually is forced to tap out.]


Winner: Natalya (Via Submission @ 6:12)

Match Rating: D





[Natalya picks up a big victory here on WWE Smackdown but her celebration is short-lived as a video begins on the Titan-Tron. The sound of glass shattering in the background can be heard and then a doll is thrown at the camera. The doll lands on the ground and the camera zooms in on it. The doll looks like a carbon copy of Natalya. The camera raises back up to show a smiling Kharma standing over the doll. She picks up the doll and rips off the head, arms and legs. She throws the pieces of the doll away and then runs her thumb across her throat, releasing an evil laughter. Darkness slowly fills the screen and back inside the ring Natalya is looking concerned as she watches the screen. Natalya shakes her head and exits the ring, walking to the back.]




[From there, we move to another video. This one begins with the sound of a film projector and is in black and white. Projected on the screen are seemingly some matches from back in the 1950's. The changes made to those matches are the heads of The Vaudevillains superimposed on the screen. After a few minutes, actual matches of the Vaudevillains are shown. They are shown hitting the rolling fireman's carry slam followed by That's A Wrap. A voice-over announcer lets everyone know that the Vaudevillains are coming soon to WWE Friday Night Smackdown. The black and white video ends with The Vaudevillains celebrating a victory.]





['Chachalala' by Jim Johnston brings some of the fans to their feet as they sing along to the music for Fandango. He comes out alone shaking his hips and dancing to the music as he comes out to the ring. He steps inside the ring and pyro explodes in the background as he dances around inside the ring. Then his music is interrupted by 'Cool' by Jim Johnston and the WWE Smackdown return of Carlito Colón. The crowd cheers the return of Colón as he enters the ring with apple in hand. He takes a microphone and says that he is very happy to be back in the WWE and especially to be back on Smackdown. Though he says he's not sure about these new guys here. Maybe he has to remind them that he spits in the face of people who don't want to be cool. He spits the apple in the face of Fandango, throwing punches and a clothesline to send Fandango over the top rope to the floor. What a way to start the match!]


Match #4


Fandango vs. Carlito Colón


[Our fourth match of the evening is a relatively short one. The return of Carlito to the WWE is a popular one among the fans as they are excited to see him wrestling again here on Smackdown. Carlito catches Fandango with a snap swinging neckbreaker and then he spits another piece of apple in the face of the dancer. Carlito gets the crowd pumped as he lifts Fandango and brings him down with a sit-down spinebuster for a two count. Fandango comes back with a very brief burst of momentum that is halted quickly when Carlito ducks an enzuigiri attempt. Carlito moves into position and brings Fandango down with a Backstabber! Carlito makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Carlito Colón (Via Pinfall @ 5:55)

Match Rating: D+





[From the ring, we move to the backstage interview area where Renee Young is standing by with Frankie Kazarian and Traci Brooks. Brooks is holding up a hand-held mirror so that Kazarian can admire himself. Young asks him about his match next week against Sami Zayn. Traci Brooks interrupts, accusing Renee Young of staring at her husband for too long. She dismisses Renee Young and says that next week Kazarian will continue to show that he is the most impressive wrestler on the Smackdown roster. She says that Kazarian is the wrestler of the present and the future. She says that he is going to prove that he should have been the number one draft pick. Kazarian doesn't say anything during the interview. Instead, the interview ends with him kissing and making out with Traci Brooks.]





[inside the ring, the ring is set up for The Highlight Reel. The Jeritron 5,000 is lowered as 'Break the Walls Down' by Adam Morenoff begins to play. The crowd boos as Chris Jericho walks out from the back and enters the ring. Jericho listens to the boos for a moment and there is a small 'Y2J' chant ringing through the crowd.]


[Chris Jericho:] "I would like to welcome everyone here to Friday Night Jericho! My name is 'Y2J' Chris Jericho and this is the most-important talk show in all of television: The Highlight Reel. This is the talk show that every single person in the world wants to be on and it will only be right here on Friday Night Jericho. My guest tonight only recently made his return to the WWE but for some reason he was the very first draft pick of Friday Night Jericho made by that idiot GM Mick Foley. Please give some scattered applause for Daniel Bryan!"


['Flight of the Valkyries' by Jim Johnston begins to play and out from the back comes Daniel Bryan. A 'YES!' chant breaks out in the crowd as Daniel Bryan walks right down to the ring. He steps inside and comes face-to-face with Chris Jericho.]


[Chris Jericho:] "Don't get too close to me, jerky. At least not without a breath mint. Now, Daniel Bryan, you were the first ever selection for Friday Night Jericho but last week on this very show you were left laying in the ring by Alberto Del Rio. The first question I have to ask is...how is your arm?"


[Daniel Bryan:] "That's a good question, Chris. Alberto had me in that cross arm breaker for a long time. I admit that I was sore when I came home last week. However, this week, I can safely say that my arm is right back where it should be! I am back to one hundred percent and ready to fight Alberto Del Rio any time he wants a fight."


[Chris Jericho:] "Is that so, Mr. #1 draft pick? You think you're ready for a fight? How about we find out how true that is? Alberto?"




['Realeza' by Mariachi Real de Mexico begins to play and out from the back comes a smiling Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio begins raising his arms and chanting 'Si! Si! Si!' The crowd responds with a 'NO! NO! NO!' Del Rio climbs up on the apron, getting the attention of Daniel Bryan. Chris Jericho strikes Daniel Bryan from behind with the microphone, drawing some feedback and some boos from the crowd. Del Rio enters the ring and it's a double team by Jericho and Del Rio on Daniel Bryan! A 'Daniel Bryan' chant breaks out through the crowd but he is unable to fight through the double-team of two veterans. Jericho catches him with a Codebreaker and then a Lionsault. Del Rio looks to put the Cross Arm Breaker back on Daniel Bryan but officials and road agents come out to break things up. Could this be an alliance between Chris Jericho and Alberto Del Rio? Or was this a one time thing?]


Match #5


The Wyatt Family vs. The Dust Brothers


[Our semi main event is a tag team contest featuring The Wyatt Family and The Dust Brothers. As one would expect, this is a contest with many near-falls and momentum switches as both teams look to further their reasons why they should be receiving tag team titles shots. Not to mention, the feud between The Wyatt Family, The Dust Brothers and The Rock. Unsurprisingly, Bray Wyatt and Braun Stowman interfere quite liberally in this contest, using times where the referee has his back turned to unleash clotheslines, kicks to the ribs and stomps on Goldust and Stardust, turning this match into more like a four-on-two handicap match. Luke Harper scores a near-fall on Stardust following a big boot. Stardust manages to bring in his brother and the match devolves into a pier four brawl with all four men in the ring. The referee tries to restore some order and, thus, is distracted when Braun Stowman comes in and lifts Goldust -- Fallaway Slam! Stowman exits the ring and Erick Rowan catches Goldust with a Chokeslam! Rowan makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Wyatt Family (Via Pinfall @ 9:29)

Match Rating: C




[A video begins to play showing a man lying on a weight bench pumping iron again and again. His heavy breathing can be heard in the background with each rep. The camera slowly begins to zoom in on this man, revealing this man to be none other than Mark Henry! A voiceover of The World's Strongest Man has him talking about his return to the WWE. He says that he's been asked many times when he will be coming back to the WWE. He can only say that it's been far too long since there's been a new inductee into the Hall of Pain. He says that very soon the Hall of Pain will be open for business. He says that the World's Strongest Man is back in the WWE and he's exclusively right here on Smackdown. Mark Henry sits up on the weight bench and throws a punch at the camera that fades the camera to black.]




[back around the ringside area, 'Ревът на лъва (Roar of the Lion)' by CFO$ begins to play and the boos that echo through the crowd are louder and louder. The WWE United States/Russian Champion and undefeated Rusev comes out with Lana standing by his side. The two step into the ring and Rusev raises the title belt as pyros explode all around him. A loud 'USA' chant echoes through the audience.]


[Lana:] "Silly Americans. You can chant all you want but it's not going to change the fact that the Bulgarian Brute, The Super-Athlete is the WWE Russian Champion and the pride of Mother Russia here in the World Wrestling Entertainment. Just like Rob Van Dam last week and just like Kurt Angle every week, you Americans are pathetic and weak. Each and every week an American steps up against my Rusev and each and every week he puts them down like rabid dog. Are there any Americans left who can challenge the might of my..."


['I am a Real American...

Fight for the rights of every man

I am a Real American

Fight for what's right, fight for your life!']




[An 'OH MY GOD!' escapes the mouth of Joey Styles as out from the back comes A true real American. Out from the back comes Hulk Hogan! The crowd goes absolutely wild! Hulk Hogan marches right down to the ring and steps inside through the ropes. Rusev doesn't leave the ring but he does stand back in a corner as Hogan rips apart his t-shirt, leaving the remnants on the ground. Hogan has a microphone as he looks across toward Rusev.]


[Hulk Hogan:] "Let me tell YOU something, brother! The two of you have been running your mouths again and again talking bad about this country. Well, we have an old saying here, dudes. That is that if you don't like America, then don't let Old Glory hit you in the butt on the way out of this country."


[Lana:] "And who is going to force him out of this country, Hulk Hogan? You? You are a decrepit old man. Rusev could crush you in an instant with his bare hands."


[Hulk Hogan:] "Yeah, I'll admit it, I'm a little bit older, Lana. I get that. I'm also retired from in-ring competition. So I won't be the one stepping inside the ring with Rusev. However, next week, I've spoken with Mick Foley and there's going to be a big surprise for you, Rusev. So you're going to have to ask yourself, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulkamania, the United States and this big surprise runs wild over you?!?!"


[Lana:] "I already know the answer, Hulk Hogan. Rusev, crush him."


[Rusev goes right after Hogan, taking him down to the mat with a clothesline. Rusev stomps on the back of Hogan as a loud 'Hogan' chant fills the arena. Rusev locks on The Accolade and eventually Hogan seems to pass out! Rusev releases at Lana's insistence and stands up. He raises his title belt as his music plays and boos continue to echo through the crowd.]




[We move to a video that begins inside a long stretch limousine. Inside the limousine are Ted DiBiase Jr. and a few more of those leggy blondes, redheads and brunettes. They seem to be drinking and having a good time. The limousine pulls to a stop and DiBiase gets out, walking into what appears to be a convenience store. Inside the store, DiBiase picks out a pack of gum and then moves to the front of the line, looking to make his purchase. For the fifty cent pack of gum, DiBiase gives a one hundred dollar bill. He makes the poor clerk nearly empty out the register to give change for the bill, insulting him the entire time about not being fast enough for the Million Dollar Man. DiBiase takes the change and the gum and looks in the camera as he walks by, reminding everyone that everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man. DiBiase exits the building as we fade to the ring for our main event contest!]


Match #6


Bray Wyatt vs. The Rock


[it is main event time and what a main event we have on the first post-draft episode of WWE Smackdown as the man who main-evented the first ever Smackdown The Rock takes on a man who many consider to be the future of World Wrestling Entertainment in Bray Wyatt. Though what an odd future it will be with Bray Wyatt at the helm. In the early-goings, it appears that Wyatt is going to honor The Rock's request to leave the other remaining members of the Wyatt Family in the back. The match goes back and forth within the opening few minutes as they exchange punches back and forth with neither man wanting to back down from the other. The Rock finally blocks a punch and throws several rights and then a spit punch that brings Wyatt to the mat. The Rock catches Wyatt with several clotheslines in a row and then Wyatt ducks a clothesline and kicks The Rock in the gut. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail but The Rock slips out! The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom but Wyatt elbows his way out! Wyatt rams The Rock head-first into the turnbuckle and then tosses him out through the ropes. Wyatt smiles and waves to the back. He looks toward the camera and says 'We're here!']




[Erick Rowan, Luke Harper and Braun Stowman walk out from the back and walk down toward the ringside area where The Rock is pulling himself up. They all surround The Rock without touching him. They just stare eerily at The Rock as he climbs back into the ring. Wyatt goes right after The Rock and strikes him with several knees to the gut and side. Wyatt continues with control over The Rock, utilizing his men at ringside during times when he can distract the referee. As they are distracted, The Rock is being blindsided by Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. Braun Stowman is simply staring on at The Rock as though he is stuck in that position. Back inside the ring and around the ten minute mark, Bray Wyatt ties up The Rock in the tree of woe. Wyatt goes to the opposite turnbuckle and bends over, spider-walking along the mat toward The Rock. Wyatt catches The Rock with a couple of headbutts and then raises back up. Wyatt pulls The Rock from the Tree Of Woe and goes for a short-arm clothesline -- blocked by The Rock -- Rock Bottom! The Rock catches Bray Wyatt with The Rock Bottom! But he is much too tired to make a cover, leaving both men laying on the mat. The referee begins a ten count. Around seven, The Rock manages to crawl over and make a cover on Bray Wyatt:]














[somehow, The Eater Of Worlds kicked out of a Rock Bottom! JBL points out that if The Rock had been able to cover him right away we might have had a victor. Both men are slow to get to their feet as this has been an intense and grueling contest for both of them. They both reach their feet and Bray Wyatt charges at The Rock -- snap overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Wyatt got thrown across the ring by The People's Champion! The Rock moves back to Wyatt and pulls him up -- snap DDT! The Rock kips up! The crowd explodes as The Great One is on his feet! The Rock pulls Bray Wyatt to his feet -- Standing Spinebuster! The Rock stands over top of Wyatt and begins pulling off his elbow pad. He tosses it in the crowd, calling for The People's Elbow! The Rock bounces off the ropes once, twice, a little theatrics, The People's Elbow connects! He makes a cover: One, Two, Broken Up With A Chairshot By Braun Stowman!]


Winner: The Rock (Via Disqualification @ 17:32)

Match Rating: B





[The Rock is going to win the match by disqualification but he has to deal with the entire Wyatt Family now! Boos echo through the audience as the three members of The Wyatt Family that were not in the match begin putting the boots to The Rock. Erick Rowan pulls The Rock to his feet and Luke Harper puts him down with a running clothesline that even impresses JBL on commentary! Bray Wyatt slowly gets to his feet and he pulls up The Rock, kissing his forehead -- Sister Abigail! Wyatt laughs as The Rock is down and out in the ring. He makes a motion to his group before he exits the ring. The other members of The Wyatt Family follow suit, dragging The Rock to the edge of the apron. Luke Harper, Erick Rowan and Braun Stowman all lift The Rock on their shoulders and begin carrying him almost symbolically toward the back. They all disappear to the backstage area as Bray Wyatt pauses at the top of the ramp. The camera picks up his evil laughter and smile as the show comes to a close.]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winners this show are Uncrewed, Kijar and packerman120 as they got a perfect score of 6/6 possible points! Congratulations to Uncrewed, Kijar and packerman120! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the show! I hope that everyone enjoyed it!


1. packerman120=9 Wins

2. Rayelek=7 Wins

3. Smasher1311=6 Wins

Uncrewed=6 Wins

5. Beejus=5 Wins

Kijar=5 Wins

7. The Lloyd=4 Wins

8. jhd1=3 Wins

9. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

12. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

Nobby_McDonald=1 Win

19. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins


I really wonder now what would happen in a segment with Undertaker and Layla..


Maybe they're passing messages from and to Michelle McCool? LOL.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-We are six days away from the very first Raw-Exclusive Supercard of the year: Revolution! This is the very last Monday Night Raw before the show and it is definitely a stacked card, with all of your favorite Raw Superstars!


-With the announcement that Ric Flair is leaving the business, The Authority has announced that this show will be Ric Flair Appreciation Night! During the night, there will be videos recapping one of the greatest careers in the history of professional wrestling. We are sure to hear from The Nature Boy as well as this show celebrates the former sixteen time World Champion!


-The main event of the evening will feature an elimination six man tag as we move toward Revolution. On one side, we have The Authority members Sheamus, Randy Orton and Kane. On the other side, we have Sting, Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns. Only one team can survive. Who will be the survivors?


-Last week, Seth Rollins showed some disrespect to the man we are honoring tonight. This caused Ric Flair's protégé AJ Styles to step up to his defense. Tonight, we are going to see the Authority's future of the WWE Seth Rollins go one on one with 'The Nature Boy' AJ Styles. Can Styles get the win on Ric Flair Appreciation Night? Or will Seth Rollins ruin the celebration?


-Both the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar and his challenger at Revolution, John Cena, will be in singles action tonight ahead of their match in six days. Brock Lesnar will step in the ring against his opponent from the 2002 King of the Ring in Rob Van Dam. Of course, this will be a non title match. John Cena will be facing off with 33 year old Prince Devitt. He may be a newcomer to the WWE but Prince Devitt has an international reputation and will not be an easy victory for John Cena.


-Triple H has announced that we will be seeing a Diva's title match at WWE Revolution. This match will feature Paige defending the Diva's title against AJ Lee. Tonight, on Monday Night Raw, these two Diva's will face off in tag team action. Their partners will be their own choices. Who will they select? Make sure to tune in and find out.


-Plus men like Dolph Ziggler, Amazing Red and Kofi Kingston will be in the building. Make sure you tune in!


Prediction Listing


Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles



Non Title Match

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Dolph Ziggler



Non Title Match

Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam



AJ Lee and ??? vs. Paige and ???



Curtis Axel vs. Jason Jordan



Prince Devitt vs. John Cena



Elimination Match: The Authority (Sheamus, Randy Orton and Kane) vs. Sting, Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns



-Extra Point: Who Will Be The Survivor(s):

-Extra Point: Who Will Be AJ Lee's Partner:

-Extra Point: Who Will Be Paige's Partner:


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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In what has become a yearly theme with World Wrestling Entertainment, the WWE has announced several releases from their Smackdown, Raw, NXT and NXT-CA rosters. All of these wrestlers were given the future endeavors writing on the WWE.com website. Perhaps some of the more shocking releases were former World Tag Team and United States Champions R-Truth, Xavier Woods, who just recently appeared on Smackdown, International legend Jushin Thunder Liger and Darren Young. Here is a full list of releases that have been confirmed by the WWE. All of these wrestlers were either on Raw, Smackdown, NXT or NXT-CA:


CJ Parker

Corey Graves

Darren Young

David Otunga

Jushin Thunder Liger

Matt Bentley

The Great Khali

The Hurricane

Titus O'Neil

Tye Dillinger

Willie Mack

Xavier Woods

Alex Riley

Eva Marie


Troy McClain

Cody Deaner

El Torito



Rumor has it that there could possibly be more releases within the coming weeks. We will keep you up-to-date as soon as we hear things. Of course this also usually coincides with wrestlers being called up from the NXT or NXT-CA rosters. So we could be seeing wrestlers on Raw or Smackdown from the developmental territories as early as this Monday Night on Raw.

WWE – R-Truth – Jushin Liger


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Prediction Listing


Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles

Comments: Just a preference really.


Non Title Match

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: He's here to show the world quite literally.


Non Title Match

Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: As Mrs. Kerboble would say: Hah!


AJ Lee and ??? vs. Paige and ???



Curtis Axel vs. Jason Jordan



Prince Devitt vs. John Cena



Elimination Match: The Authority (Sheamus, Randy Orton and Kane) vs. Sting, Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns

Comments: DRAW


-Extra Point: Who Will Be The Survivor(s): Sting, Randy Orton

-Extra Point: Who Will Be AJ Lee's Partner: Maryse

-Extra Point: Who Will Be Paige's Partner: Kharma


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles

Comments: Seth cheats his way to victory.


Non Title Match

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Dolph Ziggler



Non Title Match

Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam



AJ Lee and ??? vs. Paige and ???

Comments: A big return win for who I think is the partner.


Curtis Axel vs. Jason Jordan



Prince Devitt vs. John Cena

Comments: Devitt is a big deal, but JOHN CENA RISES AGAINST CARNAGE


Elimination Match: The Authority (Sheamus, Randy Orton and Kane) vs. Sting, Kurt Angle and Roman Reigns

Comments: Kane is on the other team, which means they lose.


-Extra Point: Who Will Be The Survivor(s): Roman

-Extra Point: Who Will Be AJ Lee's Partner: Lita

-Extra Point: Who Will Be Paige's Partner: Nikki Bella


Fun Fan Signs:

Girls, stop fighting and kiss it out!


Comments On Previous Show:

The return of Kharma should be fun, and I'm a little surprised to see Rock pick up the win over Bray, albeit a DQ victory. Also really enjoyed Bryan and Jericho's segment. A little bit surprised at some of your releases, but not really as most of them had been used as either jobbers or not much at all.

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