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Kicking the Hard Stuff: The Todd Cusson Story (CV97)

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Segment 1: Where it all began


Well, here I was again, sitting in a nightclub at a bar, itching for a kick. SWF had given up on me and rightly so. I was a mess, I had my own demons and for one, I was hooked on pretty much every hard drug you could think of. Soon enough my dealer came and handed me that powdery goodness. I passed over the cash. I backed up before I hit into someone.


"Oh Sh*t, sorry bro"


"No worries"


He.. wasn't a dick. That was rare. He had dropped his bottle of beer.


"I'll buy you another one if you want man"


"There's no need bro"


"I insist"


I felt bad after all. After that we talked for awhile and well, wouldn't you know it, he was in the wrestling business too. Preston Lockhart was his name, I had heard his story. He was in a terrible car accident and that was it his career was over. He then hit the drink but I also heard he was done with it, maybe he was back on it. It was weird, cause I don't recall him actually drinking any of it.


Another thing is after talking for about 45 mins, my brain was in crave mode. I had to get my hit and I was going to. I left Preston for the toilet, and there I did it... All of it, a bag that would usually last me two weeks and I just lost myself. I'm surprised I didn't OD again. I can vaguely remember stumbling back to Preston. The rest is all a blur, but I've been told what happened. I was f*cked up at this point, I didn't care what Preston said.


The next morning I woke up in my bed with no recollection of last night, the conversation with Preston or how I got home. Soon enough the phone rang.


"Ugh, hello"


"Todd, you still cool for our meeting today"


"Ah, what? Who the hell is this?"


"Preston Lockhart, we met last night"


"Oh, yeah, Preston"


Yep, I lied. I remembered f*ck all.


"So, yeah remember, Miami beach, you'll be there?"


"Yeah, yeah sure"


He hung up. I hopped in my car and headed to the beach. I was in no shape to drive but I was probably still up in the clouds, high as f*ck but sober enough to control my responses and so on.


When I arrived I didn't know who I was looking for but he found me. We exchanged pleasantries before the real meeting began.


"So, did you think about the product?"




"For our wrestling promotion, me being the owner, you the booker"


I had no recollection of agreeing to this. I am a drug addict, I couldn't be booker on a wrestling promotion.... but I was slightly intrigued, so I improvised.


"Let's make it edgy and exciting but also include some mainstream entertainment too. Also, having an alternative feel seems pretty hot right now. Like DaVE but with less mindless violence, we could call it Modern Edgy Entertainment"


Thanks you DaVE for being fresh in my mind otherwise, he would have gone elsewhere for a booker.


"I like it,Todd. Very impressive considering you were ****ed up last night"


Well, cover blown, guess I'm not going to be a booker.


"You what this means, Todd?"


"I can make a guess"


"Yeah, you need to get off them"


I guessed wrong.


"You said you had contacts last night, contact them, get me a roster, I want the show to be on at the end of the month, give me a call when you have a roster. We have 10k in the budget, its not much but it's a start. Talk soon, Todd"


Then he left. The news had struck me quite unusually, I was excited and worried at the same time. I was a booker. I had to go and get workers for us. I had the responsibility. This was my chance to get off the drugs and become mature and build this company to the top of the industry.I had to get rid of my habits and live up to The Hype that the wrestling industry had given me seems that it was my ring name. And that's where my story begins.


My name is Todd Cusson and this is my Story.

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Really feeling the pressure now. :p. I also like The Hypes story, 3rdStringPG. I feel like he's the drug-addled version of Spencer Spade. I really do want to go away from canon on this a little but still have an almost canon feel to the story line. KnowYourEnemy, yes this well definitely a small company and Will be for awhile. It'll be very close to my EPW diary, a very alternative feel. You can go check that out if you wish.


I want this to be more than just the shows, I want it to be a rollercoaster ride of emotion as The Hype battles his addiction while juggling that with booking a wrestling company.

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Segment 2: Putting the Pieces Together


It was weird, I had spent the whole of yesterday contemplating workers, yet wasn't craving something that I should be. I knew I couldn't get any because I had text my dealer in my disorderly state asking for more, only for him to say he can get it too me at the end of the month. I needed to hire some guys but seems I had no contacts, I blatantly lied to Preston. There was nobody who wanted to help me, except maybe one person.




"Hey, this is Mike Barstow, Cheatin' Mike Barstow, correct?"


"Todd, Todd Cusson? It couldn't be you?"


"It is Mike."


"Well, f*ck me, what has it been?"


"About a year Mike"


"I remember, you had such talent, Todd. And you threw it all away."


He wasn't wrong, Mike had trained me in SWF after all.


"So everybody keeps telling me"


"I hate to put a dampner on things but why are you calling?"


"Mike.... I need a favour"


"Wait, now Todd. I can't get you any of that stuff, plus it's.."


"No, Mike, no. I'm starting up a wrestling company with a friend, and I need some workers, is there anyone you can recommend?"


He thought for a minute, he seemed pleasantly surprised by this news, but cautious.


"You're not high right now, are you? This is legit"


"No. Completely legit."


"Hmm, well your best bet is to look on that internet for some guys, I'm sure you'll find talent there"


"Yeah, I know but anyone who, maybe the SWF are looking at and haven't pulled the plug?"


"There is one guy.. British. He is a long way away from stardom, but he has talent."


"So, whats his name?"


I looked everywhere for this guy. I had no contact info for him. Until I found a website called MOSC.co.uk. I went to the profiles and there he was. He wasn't over in England either, I could get him for real cheap. I had to ring up the MOSC owner to get his contact information. He was surprisingly helpful. I called the number.




"Hi, is this Jack Giedroyc?"


"Yeah, mate, who's this?"


"This is Todd Cusson, head booker of Modern Edgy Entertainment, I'm willing to offer you a job if you are interested?"


"oh, alright. Where is this company of yours?"




"Hmm, the US huh? What's the pay like?"


"How much do you want?"


"Well, I ain't all that over here or in the US for that matter"


"I know that, but I think you have talent"


Really just going on a friends advice.


"Alright... $220 PPA?"


Really that low. I was willing to go up to double that, even with my budget.


"Done, when can you get over here to sign the contract"


"Um, yeah, I'll hop on the next flight I can, I 'ave your number anyway"


"Yeah, let me know when you get here"


"Alright, talk later then"


One down like 10 or more to go. F*ck, I was so happy with that. Maybe my happiness was misplaced but f*ck it I made my first hire as a booker. I wanted to celebrate... Yano, celebrate... But hell, I didn't have anything to celebrate with. But I opened a new carton of milk... Hey, it's close enough.

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After a week and a half the roster was finally ready.


Main Event



Todd Cusson, 23, heel, Big League Star

Yeah, I'm in the ME I had to be, there's only a few as over as me with my budget. It's not how I planned but oh well, I'll run with it.



Chris Bruins (Nuzzle Bunny), 25, Face, Fan's Own.

Not quite sure what I have here, but he's known around the indy scene so he'll be in the ME. In terms of ability, from the tapes he seems a pretty average all round talent which is fine he's still young, but I will need to see improvement.



Man-Darin, 38, face, Fan Favorite.

This has to be the cheesiest gimmick I have ever come across.... but I'm not stupid, his tapes show he has very solid fundamentals and also solid in ring. This gives me a hand as I'm not the only guy who has decent abilities in terms of actual wrestling.



Christopher Hart, 22, heel, Bodyguard.

Yeah, not all that great in ring from what I've seen, but man that look. He looks like a bonafide star and rightly so. He's also a genuinely nice guy too which is always a good thing.


Upper Midcarder



J.J Coles, 20, face, Rebel.

A DaVE wrestler and from what I've seen he's nothing spectacular.... yet. He has natural talent though.



Nathan Black, 23, heel, Man on a Mission.

This boy has talent. He can perform in their to a very high level and is a solid technical wrestler. He does have an ego from what I hear but I can live with it.



Richard Blood, 22, face, Legitimate Athlete.

I really like the look of this guy. He definitely has some Star Quality, but I don't know if his wrestling ability is quite up to scratch yet. I'm sure he'll improve.



Skeeter (Colquhoun), 21, face, Dual-Sport Superstar

This is guy is fairly poor in ring but from the tapes he just oozes charisma. He has all the tools to improve in ring too so I expect a lot from the kid (says the booker whose only 2 years older)





Flex, 21, heel, Prima Donna

I'm not sure about this guy. He seems to have the tools but what can say he's average everywhere. He just doesn't jump out of the pack. He's a pretty nice guy though.



Jake Sloan, 34, face, Blue Collar

How much more talented can you get. Jake has solid fundamentals and that charisma and mic work. Wow, this guy is good. I can't find anything better for him than a simple generic babyface, come on brain, I need something. I used to be a lot sharper, stupid drugs.



Johnny Stones, 23, face, Rock Star

One of my three British workers. He seems pretty entertaining actually. Isn't quite there in terms of in ring abiilty but that'll come.



Union Jack (Jack Giedroyc), 20, heel, Evolution.

British worker number 2 and the one I'm most excited about. Mike gave me this recommendation. From tapes he's not fully developed yet but hell he is definitely on his way.


Lower Midcarder



Danny Patterson, 20, heel, Bodyguard

Dear f*ck, this man is big. No f*cking huge. He looks like a star but isn't all that fantastic in ring. I don't care though he is definitely an exciting prospect.


Other Roles



Preston Lockhart, 33, Road Agent



Clinton Edwards, 28, Referee



Rhys Woods, 29, Announcer


I'm pretty happy with this roster. I'll add more to it I'm sure... that's if we even earn money. F*ck, I never really thought about that in terms of earning money, sh*t. Well, I've cut all the corner you can really as a small moneyless promotion, that's if you would say moneyless, 10k is more than other companies have starting out, right? F*ck it I know this roster can earn money.... I think... All I need to do is to be sober for the next 2 weeks so I can think of ideas for our first show.... This may be harder than I thought.

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Segmant 3: Killing the "Pain"


Well, I was back to where I was only a month or so ago, but this time with pain killers. Yup, I faked serious muscle pain to get medication to fuel my habit. And of course with me being a professional wrestler the doctor fell for it. I single handedly made myself feel like sh*t.... again. I was at the bottom of the barrel. What's worse is that I genuinely thought there I was in pain but no, I wasn't. I guess addiction is a lot more powerful then I had thought. I'd take 2 tablets in the morning, 2 at midday and 2 before sleep. Course, that doesn't seem all that bad but seems that I didn't need them, yeah, it was f*cking bad. I was laying there in bed the night before the show, our first show and I couldn't sleep. And I should be dead because of it.


Of course, I thought I couldn't sleep because of the "pain" but no it wasn't I was shaking with nerves. And how would I, a drug addict, deal with this stress. Nope, not drink, not smoking, you guessed it. Overdosing on Pain killers. Well, technically speaking I didn't actually OD. I think I just passed out or maybe the drowsiness of the tablets made me go to sleep naturally but whatever it was when I woke I had no recollection of what I had done.


I woke the next morning at 7am. Yeah, early as f*ck for me, especially with what happened. I was in "pain" again, so I was gonna take my pain killers but for some unexplainable reason I said no. I guess I said to myself "Hey, its 7am, sleep for another while, if your still in pain when the alarm goes off, then take some". When the alarm did go off, I had no "pain", I felt good. I don't know why I made that call but it may have just saved my life.


After doing nothing for hours, I made my way down to the venue 5 hours early just as a gut feeling, to find the full roster already there. Apparently, I arranged this. I didn't remember when but I did. For some my gut was making all the right decisions.


It was time to get the creative juices flowing, and with my pain killers left at home, my brain was ready to book a wrestling event.

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MEE Gold Rush Predictions, winner gets to name next event.


Flex v Richard Blood


MEE Tag Team titles

J.J Coles & Johnny Stones v Christopher Hart & Danny Patterson


MEE US title

Union Jack v Jake Sloan


Man-Darin v Nathan Black


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Chris Bruins

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Flex v Richard Blood

I´m tempted to go with Flex simply because knowing who he is, while I know next to nothing about Richard. However, until I see some shows, I usually just pick the guys higher on ladders and according to roster review, that´s Richard in this case so I go with him.


MEE Tag Team titles

J.J Coles & Johnny Stones v Christopher Hart & Danny Patterson

Faces are likely bit better in-ring but I give this one to pair of bigger guys who could well fit into monster heel role.


MEE US title

Union Jack v Jake Sloan

Tempted to go with Jack here for the same reason I wanted to pick Flex in the opening match, but Sloan is more ready to title run at this point so I have him going over.


Man-Darin v Nathan Black

Even though Man-Darin has a stupid gimmick (for a main eventer), he´s more established at this point and if Black does have an ego like the roster review said, then I feel that it´s better not let him pick a win over veteran like Man-Darin, at least not in the first show.


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Chris Bruins

You (or Todd) didn´t seem to be particularly high on Bruins on roster review so I figure Todd will put the belt on himself here.

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Flex v Richard Blood


MEE Tag Team titles

J.J Coles & Johnny Stones v Christopher Hart & Danny Patterson


MEE US title

Union Jack v Jake Sloan


Man-Darin v Nathan Black


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Chris Bruins

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Flex v Richard Blood

Ricky Steamboat's non canon C-Verse counter part...he rules.


MEE Tag Team titles

J.J Coles & Johnny Stones v Christopher Hart & Danny Patterson

Heel team wins, setting up a chase.


MEE US title

Union Jack v Jake Sloan

I don't think you'll have three heel champions, but I can't pick against Jack.


Man-Darin v Nathan Black


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Chris Bruins

Heel wins by nefarious means, setting Bruins up for a chase.

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MEE Gold Rush




Woods: Hello wrestling fans, I'm Rhys Woods and I will be your announcer for tonight's cutting edge entertainment. We have a night of jam packed action with 3 titles on the line tonight. That is why Modern Edgy Entertainment's first ever event is Gold Rush. Tonight, we will crown our champions and their reigns will begin. So, let's go, let's get to the action.



Match 1: Flex v Richard Blood


• The match starts off with both men locking up.

• Blood pushes Flex back to the mat, Flex starts to complain to the ref, seeming more concerned with his looks.

• Blood then rushes over to Flex and Belly to Belly suplexes him across the ring.

• Blood continues the assault hitting a picture perfect dropkick.

• Flex gains a breather after he slips to the outside, he then goes over to an attractive women in the audience and begins to flex in front of her.

• Blood goes to the outside and flings Flex back into the ring.

• Blood clotheslines Flex and Flex drops to the mat, while Flex takes his time getting up, Blood climbs the ropes and waits for Flex to turn around before jumping off the ropes, connecting with a cross body. He then pins him, 1… 2… 3. Flex then throws a fit in the ring, slapping the mat, kicking the ring post, etc.


Winner: Richard Blood by pinfall in 9:38

Finishing Move: Cross body

Rating: 30/ E+

Notes: Richard Blood's Legitimate Athlete gimmick got a 92. Flex' Prima Donna gimmick got a 65.


Woods: Well, Richard Blood was certainly impressive in that match. Flex may have the physique but is clearly more concerned about just that, instead of the wrestling. Now for the first of our 3 title matches tonight.



MEE Tag Team titles

Match 2: J.J Coles & Johnny Stones v Danny Patterson & Christopher Hart.


• As the teams are walk down the ramp, Coles and Stones are introduced as The Rock Stars while Hart and Danny aren’t given a name.

• Hart and Coles start in the ring, Hart simply dominates Coles flinging him around the ring.

• Coles tags in Stones and he has a go, only to reach the same faith.

• Danny then comes into the ring and continues to just power through The Rock Stars.

• After both Hart and Danny take their turns dominating for several minutes, Danny executes a Chokeslam, and pins Stones, 1… 2…. 3.


Winner: Danny Patterson & Christopher Hart by pinfall in 9:31

Finishing Move: Chokeslam

Rating: 12/ F+

Notes: Christopher Hart's Bodyguard gimmick got a 66. Danny Patterson's Bodyguard gimmick got a 66. Johnny Stones' Rock Star gimmick got a 29. J.J Coles' Rebel gimmick got a 66.


Woods: Dominating performance by those monsters, Danny Patterson and Christopher Hart will have a big impact in MEE.




Match 3: Union Jack v Jake Sloan


• The match starts with a stare down. We can hear Jack shout “You ready old man, I am the future” before the men lock up.

• Jack does take control early on after a poke to the eye.

• Jack continues the assault, shouting abuse at Jake while he attacks him.

• Jack starts to disrespect Jake, such as slapping him in the head and face.

• Jake then gets a counter dragging Jack’s tights and Jack lands head first into the post, Jake goes for the cover, 1… Jack gets the shoulder up.

• Jake measures Jack looking for the Full Nel-Sloan Suplex (Full Nelson Suplex) but Jack counters with a back head butt.

• Jack then tries to hit a Revolution in Evolution (Cutter) but Jake pushes Jack off the ropes, Jake tries a clothesline but misses, Jake turns around and is hit by a Revolution in Evolution (Cutter), Jack goes for the pin, 1… 2… 3.


Winner: Union Jack by pinfall in 10:18.

Finishing Move: Revolution in Evolution (Cutter)

Rating: 15/ F+

Notes: Union Jack's Evolution gimmick got a 55. Jake Sloan's Blue Collar gimmick got an 84.



Angle 1: Jake Sloan's challenges Union Jack.


Jake: Hold on one second, Jack. You think you can get a fluke victory over me and that proves you're the future of wrestling, because no. you are nothing yet Jack and won't be until you prove it to me.


Rating: 34/ E+


Woods: And there we go. Jack gets the win, but he hasn't impressed Jake quite yet.



Match 4: Man-Darin v Nathan Black


• Both men stand in the ring, when suddenly, Man-Darin begins to dance, Nathan stares completely confused as Man-Darin dances all around the ring.

• Eventually, Nathan gets sick of it and clotheslines Man-Darin to the mat.

• Nathan keeps Man-Darin grounded for quite some time with his technical skills stopping Man-Darin’s high flying attack.

• Man-Darin escapes though and hits a huge inziguri.

• Both men are slow to their feet until Nathan misses a right hand, with Man-Darin returns with a head kick. He goes for the pin, 1… 2…. Nathan Black gets his shoulder up.

• Man-Darin then tries to hit a Clementine Crush (Styles Clash), but Nathan counters going through Man-Darin’s legs and applies the Black Dog Down (Boston Crab), after several minutes of applying the hold, Man-Darin taps.


Winner: Nathan Black by submission in 15:11.

Finishing Move: Black Dog Down (Boston Crab)

Rating: 18/ E-

Notes: Man-Darin's Fan Favorite gimmick got a 65. Nathan Black's Man on a Mission gimmick got an 84.


Woods: What a win for Nathan Black. Man-Darin may be slightly eccentric but still he has been in this business for a long time. Now here it is, the MEE World Heavyweight title match.



MEE World Heavyweight title

Match 5: Chris Bruins v Todd Cusson


• Both men stand in the ring waiting for the bell to ring.

• Chris starts the match really well, hitting Todd with big kicks to the leg.

• Chris then flies off the ropes only to be greeted with a thunderous clothesline.

• Todd gets Chris back to his feet and hits a sweet backbreaker.

• Todd wraps on a head lock, Chris does escape hitting Todd with elbows followed by a flying forearm.

• Chris performs a springboard into an inverted DDT. He then goes for a pin, 1… 2… Todd’s shoulder flies off the mat.

• Chris picks up Todd only to receive vicious punches to the body as Todd is on his knees.

• Todd is slow to get to his feet, he tries to a hit Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom), but Chris gets out of his and hits a Bunny Hop (Pele Kick) but Todd grabs the ref and he takes the brunt of the blow.




• Both men are grounded as Danny Patterson and Christopher Hart make their way to the ring.

• Chris gets to his feet first only to be hit with a wicked big boot from Hart.

• Hart then picks up Chris and pushes him to Danny, Danny then chokeslams him.

• The two men revive Todd, he pats both men on the back, before hitting Chris with a Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom), he then pins him as Hart gets the ref to count the pin, 1…….. 2………… 3.


Winner: Todd Cusson by pinfall in 15:29.

Finishing Move: Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom)

Rating: 18/ E-

Notes: Todd Cusson's Big League Star gimmick got a 92. Chris Bruins' Fan's Own gimmick got an 66.



Angle 2: A Stable Emerges


Todd: As many of you people know, as stupid as you are, Big Stars need big bodyguards. And so I got Danny and Christopher to be apart of my cause. I would like to introduce you to The Entourage.


Rating: 42/ D


Woods: The hierarchy has been established, thank you everybody for tuning into tonight's show. Safe home and good night.


Show Rating: 18/ E- (Please Note, I had a problem with some product definition so please ignore how low the rating's are, they should be higher next time around.)

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Segment 4: Feeling the Vibe-rt


Once the event was over I rushed backstage, I wasn't feeling good, I was dizzy my stomach was turning I knew what was coming. I rushed to the toilet and vomited into the toilet for a solid 5 minutes. I'm not quite sure why I did vomit to be honest, maybe it was all the pain killers I had the night before, maybe I was just ill or maybe it was them clam cakes from that 7/11 I had gotten before the show. However, that was it, I was feeling pretty bad again as I stumbled back into the dressing room and sat down.


My phone suddenly began to ring, I let it ring out because I knew who it was. It was my dealer, it was the end of the month after all, and we all know about what he had told me earlier on in the month. I sat back in the seat holding my torso.


"You ok, Todd?"


I looked up to see J.J Coles.




"Were you injured by Chris?"


"No, no. Think those clam cakes I had earlier were a bit funky"


"Haha. That's not good. But um, hey, I wanted to talk to you about something"


Well, I had a feeling what was coming. He had lost tonight, so here was the first complaint I was going to get.


"Good job tonight."


"Look, J.J, I... Wait, what now?"


"Tonight's booking. It was really good. Especially for a first time"


This was some compliment. He had worked with Phil Vibert and Nemesis, he would know good booking even though he was young.


"Thanks, J.J. That means a lot."


"Yeah, you reminded me of someone, not to his caliber, not yet anyway, but you'll get there and hey you might from that person in the next few minutes."


"Um, what do you mean?"


"Just keep your phone close at hand."


What did he mean? I had no idea at the time, what was this? I didn't even know. However, my phone did ring soon after he left. It wasn't my dealer, who could it be?


"Uh, hello?"


"Is this Todd Cusson, head booker of MEE?"


"Um, yeah, speaking"


His voice was familiar but where had I heard it before.




"This is Phil Vibert, owner of DaVE"


I froze. Why was Phil Vibert calling me? And how did he know I had created a company.


"Um, Todd... Hello?"


"Yeah, sorry, Phil. It's such an honour to get a call from you. What can I do for you?"


"Well, Todd, J.J said that he was quite impressed with your ideas as a booker so it got me thinking, why not work together"


"You... You want to work with me?"


"Yeah, DaVE would like to have a working agreement with MEE"


"So, what would this mean if I were to accept?"


"Well, we could share workers without either company being allowed to offer an exclusive contract to them, also we can use talent trades."


"Hmm, alright. Deal"


"Excellent. I'll be in touch. Also don't hesitate to call me if you want to use some DaVE talent on your next show. Goodbye, Todd."


A working agreement with DaVE, really? After one show? I didn't know what to think or to do. My phone rang again, this time it was my dealer.




"Todd, bro, I've been calling you all day. I have the stuff bro.


"No, man I don't want it. I got bigger things going on"


I then hung up. I didn't need drugs. I needed a clear creative mind. If i could do this after one night, imagine what I could do in a year or two. I was on a high and I didn't need any substances to do it. I had a new drug, and it was called booking MEE.

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Cool first show; I really like your match write-up style! Interesting storylines to kick off with as well. Will definitely be keeping up with this one.


Always nice to see more people on board, so welcome. To be honest I feel like this is slightly below my average show in terms of writing which isn't surprising seems it's the first show but I expect the writing to go up a bit. Like the angles were short but as the storylines expand more and become more explained in why these are happening. Like I feel my EPW diary has some really good writing, and I'm hoping that this one will evolve into that. But its nice to see you on board.

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Well, one show own and I had a lot of predictions which is always a good thing. Jaysin wins this contest so he gets to chose the shows next name and gimmick.


Jaysin 5/5

Midnightnick 4/5

KnowYourEnemy 3/5

Zergon 3/5

Jaded 2/5

Uncrewed 2/5

Kitarzu 1/5


I hope you enjoyed the show but as I said before I expect the writing to pick up after a few shows. I hope the match write ups aren't too strenuous, but there's the winner and rating etc at the end of every segment so that's also another way to find the results. The next shows predictions will be up once Jaysin gives me the shows name.

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MEE High Tensions Predictions, winner gets (To be confirmed)


Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones


Flex v Jake Sloan



Union Jack v Skeeter


Christopher Hart v J.J Coles


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

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