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Kicking the Hard Stuff: The Todd Cusson Story (CV97)

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Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones


Flex v Jake Sloan



Union Jack v Skeeter


Christopher Hart v J.J Coles


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

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MEE High Tensions Predictions, winner gets (To be confirmed)


Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones


Flex v Jake Sloan



Union Jack v Skeeter


Christopher Hart v J.J Coles


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

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Danny Patterson vs Johnny Stones


Flex vs Jake Sloan



Union Jack vs Skeeter


Christopher Hart vs J.J Coles


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black vs Man-Darin vs Chris Bruins vs Richard Blood

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Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones

If the rock star gimmick had come off better I'd have given this one to Johnny on talent but it didn't so this goes to Danny as he's involved with the top guy


Flex v Jake Sloan

I know nothing about Jake, but Flex is quite low on the totem pole and it looks like Sloan is getting into something with Union Jack



Union Jack v Skeeter

He's more talented, has a storyline and a cooler name


Christopher Hart v J.J Coles

You need to build a group of faces rather than just one to face The Hype, and Coles is a good choice for one those roles


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

Man-Daring's the most talented, and whilst Bruins or Blood could conceivably go into a feud for the top belt for me Darin's the best choice at this stage

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Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones

I think that Patterson is higher on the ladders.


Flex v Jake Sloan

Sloan needs the win here if he wants to challenge Jack again.



Union Jack v Skeeter

He just got the belt and isn´t dropping it quite yet.


Christopher Hart v J.J Coles

I had Patterson win the other singles match between these two teams so I give this one to Coles.


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

He´s most established guy on your roster thanks to his experience and to me, that makes him good first challenger for Hype while you build another face or two up.

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Segment 5: Tensions are High


I had spent the last month trying to think of ideas for new exciting ways to broadcast my promotion. Almost to put us on the map. I had DaVE but I really didn't believe I had the money to go take top workers from them. I had made a loss after the last show after all. It was only $500 or so but still that was a big loss for a company like us. All these problems needed solutions and my adrenaline was pumping and I believed I could solve them. This was what kept me away from everything, drugs, alcohol. I was improving and hadn't abused in 3 weeks. I even threw my pain killers out. For the first time in my life I felt really good about myself, and nobody could knock me down, and I meant nobody.




"Todd, my man. Listen sorry to call you so late, but I have an abundance of that thing you like to buy of me."


"Sorry man, I'm off it. I don't need that stuff anymore."


"Todd, dude, I thought we were buddies can't you help me out."


"No can do."


"Aw, alright fine but you owe me"


"Fair enough. We'll hang out later."


"Alright see you"


Thing was we weren't going to hang out later. I had work to do and things to write. When suddenly a knock was on the door.




"Preston, what are you doing here?"


"We need something for our new show and I think I got it"


"Oh, ok. What is it?"


"An overhead wire match, winner gets a World title shot."


"Huh, that's really good. I like it."


"But what will we call it"


We both paused. Thought about names.


"Maybe, Wire Worry"


"I don't think so Preston, Tightrope Trouble"


"Hmmm, I got it Ultimate X, cause the wires make an X over the ring"


"Well, it isn't the worst name, but that sounds like we are going to have total non-stop action with cruiserweights in the ring, we don't have enough of those"


"Hmm, yeah you're right.


"How about High Tensions?"


"Wow, that's really catchy. Yeah, love it, lets go with that. This is why I made you booker"


We spent the rest of the night thinking of spots for the match, cause that's essentially what it was going to be, a high spot match. We had something new and fresh coming to town and MEE's future was looking up.


(I'm starting to write up the show now, but it won't be up until later, so get your predictions in.)

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Been watching since the beginning and dang it this just gets more and more interesting. I'm officially in now :)


Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones

He's part of the muscle in the new stable can't vote against him yet.


Flex v Jake Sloan



Union Jack v Skeeter

Huge fan of Jack and I'll pick him over anybody :D he's my one weakness...well him and Steve Flash, but that's another story.


Christopher Hart v J.J Coles

After last show I just can't see the team losing yet even on an individual basis.


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

Bruins needs this match if he's gonna get revenge from getting owned by the top stable(only stable) in the company.

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Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones


Flex v Jake Sloan



Union Jack v Skeeter


Christopher Hart v J.J Coles


High Tension Overhead Wires Match, #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight title.

Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

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MEE High Tensions




Woods: Hello everybody, I'm Rhys Woods. Welcome to High Tensions, the most exciting wrestling show on this month. We have the high tensions match later but there are so much more to look forward to you tonight.



Angle 1: Todd and Chris argue


*Chris Bruins comes down to the ring and gets a mic.*


Chris: I came out to the ring last week. I was excited, I was facing Todd Cusson, one of the most talented young wrestlers in the business. Yet, he found it suitable to hire both Danny Patterson and Christopher Hart to ruin a match that was pretty awesome. I...


*Todd Cusson walks out with an expensive suit, sun-glasses and his title over shoulder.*


Todd: Yano, Chris, I don't have to explain anything to you. I am the MEE World Heavyweight champion and I..


Chris: You have to explain everything, I was just about to beat you when you cheated to win, these fans know it. If you can beat me one on one, these fans will truly believe you deserve that belt.


Todd: Well, Chris, you have 3 men to get past first in your match later, if you win, you'll get your title shot.


Rating: 23/ E-


Woods: Chris Bruins looks ready for tonight's match, while Todd has no match tonight he will be keeping a close eye on tonight's main event.



Match 1: Danny Patterson v Johnny Stones


• The match starts with Johnny trying to chop Danny down to size.

• However, Danny is taking none of it, and he grabs Johnny by the head and flings him across the ring.

• Johnny tries to mount some offense but doesn’t get anywhere.

• Danny then catches Johnny by the throat, he then hits a Chokeslam and pins him, 1… 2….. 3.


Winner: Danny Patterson by Pinfall in 4:40

Finishing Move: Chokeslam

Rating: 19/ E-


Woods: Danny Patterson dominated Johnny Stones tonight.



Angle 2: Union Jack and Jake Sloan argue


*Union Jack walks to the ring.*


Jack: How does it feel Yanks, that I Union Jack, a Brit through and through, is the future of wrestling in this country. You stand out there looking for your favourite wrestlers to do well but lets be honest mates, I am the greatest wrestler in this company. Not only that, I will prove that this is the evolution of Britain becoming the dominant power in the world once again.

*Jake Sloan's music hits as he walks down to the ring*


Jake: Did you not hear me last week? You haven't proved anything. You are not the future of anything yet, Jack.


Jack: Oh please. Who even asked you old man,go back to the retirement home where you belong.


Jake: I am a veteran of this business and the only thing you have proven is that you can get sneaky victories.


Jack: Jake, I am the MEE US champion, and although I am absolutely disgraced to be representing a bunch of Yanks, I earned this title against you. You couldn't beat me, so why should I have to prove anything more to you. Right now you should be worried about your Canadian buddy, Flex. Let's see if you can get past 'im.


Rating: 32/ E+



Match 2: Jake Sloan v Flex


• The match starts with both men exchanging strikes.

• Jake takes the advantage and German suplexes Flex across the ring, Flex then rolls out of the ring.

• Flex regains his breath on the outside before posing in front of an attractive female, Jake goes to the outside and throws him into the steel steps.

• Both men go back into the ring again, Jake looks like he’s about to take control when Flex suddenly is able to get a pin with a small package, 1… 2… Jake gets out of it.

• Both men hop to their feet again when Flex throws a right hand but misses, Jake sets up the Full Nel-Sloan Suplex (Full Nelson Suplex) and it connects, he then pins him, 1….. 2….. 3.


Winner: Jake Sloan by pinfall in 10:05

Finishing Move: Full Nel-Sloan Suplex (Full Nelson Suplex)

Rating: 28/ E


Woods: Well, that proves Jake Sloan is ready for Union Jack, but can Jack get past Skeeter tonight?



MEE US Title

Match 3: Union Jack v Skeeter


• Skeeter starts the match strong using his amazing athleticism dominate the early goings.

• Eventually, Union Jack is able to get back into the match with a belly to belly suplex.

• Both men are on the mat and are slow to get up when Jack hits a great drop kick.

• Skeeter then is grounded by Jack, making sure he can’t use his athleticism.

• Jack then viciously kicks Skeeter right in the back before measuring him up for the Revolution in Evolution (Cutter) and it connects, Jack then goes for a pin, 1…. 2…. 3.


Winner: Union Jack by pinfall in 9:37

Finishing Move: Revolution in Evolution (Cutter)

Rating: 16/ F+

Notes: Skeeter's Dual-Sportstar gimmick got a 66.


Woods: Well, there it is. Union Jack does get the win tonight.



Match 4: J.J Coles v Christopher Hart


• J.J starts the match very well. He strikes Hart with leg kick which drops him to one knee, J.J then hits a shining wizard.

• Hart is actually off his feet and lying on the ground trying to shake the cobwebs.

• J.J continues to try and assault Hart but doesn’t seem to be doing much damage.

• Hart continues to be hit by J.J, but Hart rises back to his feet and hits J.J with a clothesline which turns J.J inside out.

• Hart waits for J.J to return to his feet, Hart then hits a big boot and pins J.J, 1… 2… 3.


Winner: Christopher Hart by pinfall in 9:30

Finishing Move: Big Boot.

Rating: 10/ F



Angle 3: Hart destroys J.J


After a hard fought match, Hart leaves the ring, but turns around and goes back into the ring and destroys J.J.


Rating: 31/ E+


Woods: Wow, Christopher Hart is going to far here, why is he beating up J.J?



High Tensions Fatal Four Way, No#1 Contender for the MEE World Heavyweight title

Match 5: Nathan Black v Man-Darin v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood


• The match starts with all four men in their designated corners, the ring is surrounded with tables. The bell rings and Chris looks to climb up the corner but Nathan stops him.

• Man-Darin and Blood battle in the ring and Blood seems to be taking control

• Nathan takes Chris outside the ring and suplexes him through a table.

• Blood is with Man-Darin in the ring and the two are exchanging strikes.

• Nathan then joins the two men in the ring, Blood then turns his attention to Nathan. Nathan takes control and whips him into the ropes but Blood stops himself, Nathan then runs at Blood looking for a clothesline, but Blood back body drops him. Nathan lands on the apron and blocks a punch from Blood, however, Man-Darin hits a springboard dropkick on Nathan and he falls onto a table on the outside.

• Blood and Man-Darin start exchanging moves again, Chris then comes back into the ring.

• Chris and Blood double team on Man-Darin before they turn on each other and start attacking each other.

• Nathan then climbs the corner and jumps onto the wires above, Chris hits a Bunny Hop (Pele Kick) on Blood, Chris then goes out the apron and springboards towards Nathan, he catches him and power bombs him to the mat.

• All of the wrestlers spend numerous minutes trying to recover.

• Man-Darin is first up and sets up a table in a corner, Nathan charges towards him but dodges him, Nathan stops just before the table he turns around to be greeted by a t-bone suplex by Man-Darin.

• Chris climbs the ropes and is just about to jump onto the ropes when Man-Darin jumps up to him and sets up a superplex, however, Blood then sets up a German Suplex on Man-Darin, Nathan then sets up a power bomb on Man-Darin and the whole tower of wrestler executes the moves they set up and Chris slams through the table that was set up in the opposite corner.

• All of the wrestlers take their time getting up again, Nathan then climbs up the ropes and jumps onto the overhead wires, he slowly makes his way towards the contract in the centre, Chris then climbs up the ropes and meets Nathan in the middle, both men kick each other, until Chris kicks Nathan in his lower torso, Nathan falls from the wires and lands on Blood and Man-Darin below him with a splash, Chris then grabs the contract.



Winner: Chris Bruins by Contract retrieval in 15:28

Finishing Move: Contract Retrieval

Rating: 30/ E+



Angle 4: Chris Bruins promo about Todd Cusson


Chris: Todd I got past your little test.. Next month, you'll have to face me one on one, lets see if you can beat me this time without your kronies.


Rating: 23/ E-


Woods: Well, on that bombshell, that's the end of MEE High Tensions. We hope to see you next month. I am Rhys Woods and good night, folks.


Show Rating: 24/ E-

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MEE High Tensions Prediction contest


DevinTEW13 5/5

Uncrewed 4/5

Jaysin 4/5

Jaded 3/5

Zergon 3/5

3rdStringPG 3/5

Kitarzu 3/5

1PWfan 3/5

Midnightnick 1/5


I will PM DevinTEW13 to give him the details of his prize.


Overall Standings

Jaysin 9/10

Zergon 6/10

Uncrewed 6/10

Jaded 5/10

Midnightnick 5/10

DevinTEW13 5/5

Kitarzu 4/10

3rdStringPG 3/5

1PWfan 3/5

KnowYourEnemy 3/5


The winner of the overall standings at the end of the year will also receive a prize but it will be a bigger prize then any of the other prizes.


I hope the matches were easy to read again, I also hope Jaysin is happy with his idea, of course his match was the High Tensions match and of course the name of the event was his idea too. It took me some time to write and come up with all the spots and stuff. hope you enjoyed the guys and the predictions for the next show will be up ASAP.


Thanks for Reading,

DaVEFan95 :)

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I knew I should have picked Hart to win, but I figured the more talented worker would win for some strange reason :p


I had to think about it if I'm honest but I thought a contested Hart victory would continue to build the stable seems that Todd Cusson wasn't wrestling tonight.

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Your booking of Hart and Coles totally makes sense and I loved the execution of High Tensions match.


Yeah, I think Coles Will get his time to shine but the stable needed to be built before i concentrated on other workers. Sorry, but Im not quite sure what you mean by the execution of the match, can you give me more detail about what you mean? Haha sorry. :p.

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Segment 6: On the Chase of Illness


Another successful show but there was a little bit of a difference this time around. We made a profit, $700 of a profit. Wow, I didn't know I could be such a business man. It was amazing to me that we made money. Our sponsorship was keeping us going of course. And the fact that we gained almost $2000 in donations from our fans because of the revolutionary High Tensions match. We needed to celebrate. And we did. The whole locker room went out to the club, we were all drinking beer having a good time. No drugs or anything, it was a really nice night, even with some of the guys drinking a bit too much.




"Hey, Chris, what do you think of her?"


"She's real nice, Jack I would give her ...."




"Hey lads, that's Emma Chase. Don't disrespect her."




"What, no way Todd?"


"It is, Chris. She's very talented."


"Yeah, course Todd... She's.... talented."


I left the bar and walked up to her, she was surrounded by other women.


"Um, hi, Emma Chase, correct?"


"Ah... Yeah."


She seemed nervous. I realised this was because Jack Giedroyc and Chris Bruins were undressing her with their eyes behind me, this was going so well.


"I don't know if you know me but..."


"Wait a second... Aren't you Todd Cusson?"


"Uh, ah, yes. How.. How do you know me?"


"Oh, Phil mentioned you. You seemed to fit his description of you"


Wow, Phil really had me scouted didn't he?


"Is this about work?"


"Ah, well, I was hoping..."


"Is it about work or not?"


She was tough guess you would have to be in the DaVE locker room.


"Yes, it is."


"Ok girls, I need to talk to Todd for just a moment can you leave us?"


The girls scattered as if they were vultures and I was a lion about to steal their prey... It was the first metaphor I thought of alright, my creative brain isn't always working.


"So, Todd, what are you thinking of using me for?"


"Well, I..."


I told her my plans, she seemed impressed.


"What do you think?"


"Hmm, sounds very interesting. I'll get back to you."


"Ok, I look forward to hearing from you"


My night was made, Emma Chase was thinking of coming to my small company. I was delighted. I turned around to see Jack turn his attention to a different lady. Chris gave me a quick goodbye before rushing out the door to get to his taxi. I was also going to leave but I needed to pee so I went into the bathroom and saw Preston leaning over the sink.




"Hey Preston, how are you...."


Before I finished my sentence, Preston was projectile vomiting into the sink. He then seemed to just pass out, smacked his face off the sink and fell onto the floor, blood seeping from his nose, vomit slowly spilling out of his mouth. His eyes rolled to the back of his head.


"Hello, 911, I have an emergency!"


I waited in the waiting room as they pumped his stomach. I was pretty worried. We had grown pretty close since MEE had been opened. My night went from being very good to an absolute sh*tstorm.


"Hello, are you with Preston Lockhart?"


"Yes, I'm Todd Cusson, I'm a good friend of his"


"Well, Todd you may have just saved his life"


My face dropped, even more then it had been already. This is not what I expected for to happen. I'm not quite sure what was happening. Had Preston hit the drink again, did he just have an off night? I had so many questions, and nobody to answer them.

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Segment 7: Back to the Powder?


"Is he alright?"


"He's fine, we've stabilized him but if he didn't get treatment as quick as he did, we believe he'd have passed"


The news rocked me. I had saved Preston from certain death.


"Do you know much about Mr. Lockhart?"


"Well, I know enough, but I've only known him for a few months."


"Alright, well tell me this, does Mr. Lockhart have a drinking problem?"


"Well, he did before but I know he hasn't abused in over 3 years"


"Alright, and does he suffer from insomnia or any brain disorders?"


"No, neither of them"


"Ok, well, we found a low levels of alcohol and very high levels of Zolpidem in his blood stream when he arrived to the hospital. So, you're sure that he wasn't taking any medication?


"100% sure"


"Well, then we believe that Preston may have had a drink of his spiked with Zolpidem."




"Yes, Zolpidem is commonly used as a date-rape drug, mixed with alcohol, it can be lethal."


"Thanks, doctor. Can I see him now?"


The doctor nodded and I went in and saw him lying lifeless on the bed. After a few weeks of recovery he was fine once again. There was an inquiry made by the police, they suspected that the culprits put the drug in the wrong drink. Preston rested in my house for a few days. He then left, 5 days before our next show. I had no preperation done and I was stressed to the bone, tapping pencils off tables, biting my fingernails. I was giving in again.




"Hey, I need some of your stuff now"


"Of course, Todd. No problem be out in 15"


I was weak, stress was getting to to me, I got the bag and looked at it. Stress relief was in the palm of my hand but if I took it, what would it cost me?

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This is such a fun ride even when shows aren't going on. Keep up the good work brotha.


Thank you. I appreciate you and everybody else who is following and enjoying the diary. Essentially, that what I am aiming to do. I have my EPW diary which is just shows (which I have taken a brief break from to get this up and running) so I wanted to have a diary where I could write about the diary but that wasn't writing shows because shows are long to write. Also, I was planning on putting up another entry and follow up to the last post tonight, put predictions up tomorrow and put the show up Wednesday but I'm a bit undecided if I should have 2 post in the one day or if I should hold the "suspense" for longer. I'll put the next entry up tonight if you think I should which frankly works best for me.

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