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Kicking the Hard Stuff: The Todd Cusson Story (CV97)

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Segment 28: Kicked the Hard Stuff


That night we celebrated. Our most successful show. Everyone was there to celebrate. Tom, Emma, Chris, Rich and even Preston had a couple of drinks.


It was a real fun night but I wasn't really one to celebrate with alcohol, I celebrated with other substances, but I was of them right.. Right. However, I did bring some, you know just in case. I wanted to celebrated the only I knew so I did and went to the bathroom.


I was just about to do it when..




"Todd, no stop!"


"Oh... so you caught me"


"Well yeah, I did. Now flush it."


"Come on Preston, I can't celebrate without this stuff"


"You know that's not true"


"I know, but I haven't had any in months Preston, I promise this is last time and if you catch me again, you can fire me."


"Ugh, fine. But I am going to watch you like a hawk, I'll get you home safe"




And I took it, that was it. I was ready to party. I had a great time, me and Preston were talking all night, it was great to just talk to him again. Just as buds.


After a while we were leaving looking for a taxi




"Hey Todd, Preston, wait, I can't find my jacket. Have any of you seen it?"


"Ah no. Todd?"


"Whu... I uh, no haven't seen it"


"Is he alright? He's been acting weird?"


"Ah, he's just drank a bit too much"


She smiled, think she was happy I was having a good time.


"So, where did you leave it?"


Preston and Emma talked about it while I stumbled around the path and walked onto the road. I turned to my right and saw too bright lights shining in my face, a horn went off and I vaguely remember a..


"Todd.... No!!!!!!!"




"And that is he last entry in Todd's diary. The last segment, was written by me, I wanted you all to know how Todd, ended up the way he did. I would like to thank you all for listening. To Todd"


Everyone shouted after me. It was a nice way to end the night, it was for him after all.




"That was really nice, Preston. Well done"


"Thanks, Tom, I really appreciate it."


"I suppose I am a little disappointed that I wasn't even mentioned in his diary"


"Come on, Tom. Don't put yourself down, Todd hadn't written in this in months, Tom. He rarely wrote anything good in here and you guys only became friends recently"


"I guess. Why did he keep that thing anyway?"


"I don't know, I guess it helped him vent his feeling about his habit and life in general"


"Guess it finally got him in the end"


It was nice send off, but Emma took it real hard, she pretty much just cried for the whole night I felt sorry for her.


The next day, I went to visit him in the hospital. Emma was there.




"Preston... How are you?"


"Okay, how are you holding up?


"Okay, I guess"


"He okay?"


"His eyes haven't open if that's what you mean?"


"I know I didn't mean that"


"I know."


"I'm sorry, Emma"


"What about you? He was your friend"


"It was my fault he got in the state he did, Emma."


"No, don't blame yourself, Todd had a habit and he couldn't handle it"


"Well, at least we know one thing?"




"If he ever wakes up from this coma... He'll have finally Kicked the Hard Stuff"

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And so comes the end to Todd Cussons journey in 1997. Before I continue I would like to say a few thank you.


1) Thanks for everybody who has read, predicted or commented on this diary. This isn't exactly a diary that challenges the better diaries on the board, but I have tried my hardest to come up with a good story for you guys to follow, and I appreciate anybody who has used up their free time to read, predict and comment on it.


2) Big thanks to Phantom Stranger, whose amazing Everybody Knows diary introduced me to the CV97 data and got me interested in making a diary with the data.


3) Thank you to MHero, djlightning, R0x4ry, Celt and Voeltzwagon for dealing with me and my crap on TEW Chat. They're all a great bunch of lads and helped me get back into TEW.


4) Thanks to Zergon for being such an inspiration for me, I will never reach the longevity of ESE, but will always keep trying to get as good as you are.


With the thank you's done I think I will give my own opinion on the diary. I thought the backstage segments were better then the shows most of the time, with the exception of MEE War of the Worlds, that's probably one of the best shows I have ever written (mainly because of the main event). I think Todd's character growth was pretty good and The Entourage/ Rebellion storyline worked well. Overall, I'm happy with the way this turned out.


Of course, when one door closes another one opens aka I will be starting a new diary very soon. I like to keep two diaries running at all times and with Kicking the Hard Stuff now finished, I can concentrate on my new diary and EPW. Some people on the chat know about it but I'll probably post the hype today.


I am always open to talking and chatting to anybody on the boards, whether you want to talk to me about this diary, future projects, your own projects, TEW in general or anything GDS related, you can come onto TEW chat and talk with me and loads of other GDS forum users. They're a great bunch of lads. Just use your GDS username as a nickname and come on, you could at least check it out.


Thanks for Reading,

DaveFan95 :)

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