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WWF: Power Trip

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Held: Tuesday, Week 2, May 2001

CA Staples Center (South West)

Attendance: 20,193


A video hypes that The Undertaker became a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion a couple of days ago! Booker T lost his title trying to become the new #1 contender on Austin's WWF Title! Both Steve Austin and Taker shared a heavy staredown, tasting a big match coming soon.



Our first match of the night puts some light on the WWF Light heavyweight champion Jerry Lynn, and the youngest from the Dudleyz - Spike! Non-title bout starts with some brawling from Dudley, it's clear that he wants to let some anger go away in this one. Jerry dodges a dropkick, and tries a jacknife pin till one count! Jerry quickly answers with a leg drop, taking his own near fall! Spike regains his stamina and shocks Jerry with a cutter! He goes for a diving clothesline, but Lynn gives him a jumping forearm smash! Superplex attempt blocked, Tornado DDT to the champion!! He kicks out... and quickly turns his position into a cross armbreaker! Spike is lucky enough to touch the rope with his foot. Inverted DDT to Spike, Jerry goes on the turnbackle, gets blocked... Sunset Flip Powerbomb! Jerry quickly locks Spike in the Double Boston Crab! Spike struggles, but uses his height for his advantage, and pins Jerry with a sudden School Boy, which almost gets our champion! Dropkick to a blown up Spike and a violent TKO get the job done!




Jerry Lynn defeated Spike Dudley in 6:45 after a TKO.


Spike clearly won't brag about this one...




A storyline recap, involving Benoit, Jericho, Angle, Guerrero, Foley and Regal rolls in. Two matches announced: Jericho vs. Guerrero on SmackDown and Benoit vs. Regal on Raw!



Man Beast has the same mood Spike had, but he's an absolute favorite in this fight! Rhyno shoulder thursts Al in the corner, throwing some poweful shots to opponent's head! Belly to Belly Suplex, Snow wants to run away... but he's flattered with a Power Slam that gets the mats shaking. Al gets up and goes down again, now from a beastly Spinebuster! Al holds his back and squeels in pain... GORE turns Snow inside out!!!




Rhyno defeats Al Snow in 5:13 after Gore.


After the match lights go out... and we hear a SICK chairshot, probably to the head. When the lighting is back, Rhyno lays on the mats, with Raven helping him to get up...




Our last match is all set and ready, let's finish our HEAT with a triangle tag team match! A.P.A. join the commentary, with Bradshaw shuffling the deck of cards and Faarooq throwing two beers to Jim Ross and Paul Heyman.



Crash and Malenko kick off, with a mat styler completely dominating the contest with takedowns and grapples. Crash tags in his cousin Hardcore, and Saturn asks for a tag. A lot of heated confrontation between these two teams, partly because Terri and Molly Holly don't like each other. Holly lariats and body slams Saturn, then goes after Venis and Goodfather with an Avalanche to the corner! Both censor guys enter the ring and throw Holly out... Crash jumps on the crowd with a frog splash, taking out everybody. Bradshaw gets a hat from JR's head, looking pretty good... then gets a hat from Heyman and wears it too. Hardcore rolls back in the ring, a huge massacre breaks out... a young referee has no idea how to stop this, so he orders to ring the bell.




Hollys, Right to Censor and Radicalz ended the match in no contest.


Faarooq goes with "DAMN", drops his cards and gets in the ring too.

"Wait for me!" - Bradshaw yells, and joins the brawl. All four teams beat the living hell out of each other, with a fresh A.P.A. eventually coming out on top. We close this edition of HEAT with another Beer Bash!



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Prediction Game Rankings:

Uncrewed - 11 (Looks like a winner to me! People's match waits for you at the Judgement Day PPV)

solidliquid777 - 4 (This dynasty needs you!)

Midnightnick - 2 (Hi!:))



WWF Raw is War Preview:

  • The Undertaker won the WCW World Heavyweight title on SmackDown, and it looks like Booker T will get his rematch on Raw!
  • A.P.A. and Right to Censor is a natural conflict - everything Bradshaw and Faarooq like Venis and Goodfather dislike and vice versa. Censors were upset with Acolytes behaviours resently, as they promoted drinking, gambling, bullying and over the top violence on HEAT. Censors attend RAW to talk about this on Prime Time TV!
  • Rhyno wants his revenge on Edge and Christian, Raven will be watching this for sure, as he behaved strangely last Sunday.
  • Spike fell flat in his match against Jerry Lynn, failing to impress his brothers. Little man wants to proove he's a real deal... but how?
  • Matt Hardy defends his European title against Albert, looking to end a grudge with the X-Factor. On the other hand, his brother Jeff only begins his harcdore title reign. Jeff feels pretty good with a 24/7 rule, as he's a complete antipod of his "highlight reel" brother.
  • Linda McMahon takes buisness in her hands, by appointing Mick Foley as a RAW GM!
  • We don't know if it's a "one night only" appearance or a permanent role, but "The Hardcore Legend" impresses us with a Regal vs. Benoit booking! William won't be happy about iy, but he still has a SmackDown coverage to take some shots back.
  • Kane continues to withstand Triple H's mind games. What cards "The Game" has in his pocket this week?


Prediction List:


1. Booker T vs. The Undertaker (WCW World Heavyweight title match)

2. Matt Hardy vs. Albert (WWF European title match)

3. Jeff Hardy vs. Al Snow (WWF Hardcore title match)

4. Chris Benoit vs. William Regal

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Held: Monday, Week 3, May 2001

Location: OK Rose Garden Arena (Mid South)

Attendance: 20,500


Jim Ross and Paul Heyman welcome you to the last RAW IS WAR show before our May PPV - The Judgement Day! Our main event for tonight is a WCW World Heavyweight Title rematch between The Undertaker and Booker T, a bout booked by our GM of the night - Mick Foley!




"The Hardcore Legend" comes out to the ring and gets some cheap pop by empathizing with Portland natives. Mick says he has a lot of ideas for this Raw, and starts to list them...


"First of all, main event rematch between Booker T and The Undertaker is logical, ex-WCW champion gets his chance for retribution. Secondly, Dudleyz and Edge with Christian need to finish their buisness quick, because we have a KOTR tournament in June, and I'm planning on using those dudes there. Rhyno gets an opportunity to beat the hell out of E&C tonight, in a 3 on 3 tag match later on. Next, we have a family conflict between Jeff and Matt Hardys, who are both champions. I decided to pull them apart, because it can get ugly really fast. Matt meets Albert, Jeff fights with Al Snow...




Right to Censor's theme plays from the speakers! Val Venis, Ivory and The Goodfather slowly come out, just to torture audience's ears. Val grabs the mic from Foley and waits for the crowd to get quiet.


"Mick Foley, you forgot about us. You forgot about censors, and you forgot about the problems we want this people to think about! Your attitude, as well as their's is unacceptable! You encourage violence, while kids are watching this on TV! You are an extremely bad example for our growing generation, and I just can't stand it!"


The Goodfather takes the mic from Val, he adresses our TV viewers...

"Boys and girls who watch this programm right now on TV, while parents are out doing disgraceful things, I order you to turn off your TV's, brush your teeth and go to bed! It's only Tuesday, you just can not miss school because we have Undertaker's, Kane's, Benoit's, Dudleyz and Hardyz here tonight..."


A.P.A. music hits the PA System, crowd cheers for Faarooq and Bradshaw as they interrupt the annoying parents! Bradshaw says:

"You two shitbags need to calm down, everyone who watches this show on TV has a right to do that. We live in the greatest country of them all - 'Merica! And what kind of americans are we, if some motherf***ers can tell us what to do!?". Crowd chants "USA!" and "A.P.A!" Faarooq asks for a mic...




"You accused "The Hardcore Legend" for his bad memory. Shit, if I took all those chairs to the head and falls from cages, I would forget about some things too. You have to respect our GM, and we will teach you a lesson!"


Bradshaw takes out The Goodfather with a Clothesline from Hell! Ivory puts the tail between her legs and runs away, Venis gets a sweaty sock in his mouse from Foley and a Dominator from Faarooq!


Foley takes the microphone in his hand, saying: "Almost forgot, for my dear friend William Regal I have a "Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit in a singles match! That's it, people, have a nice day!"...


After we're back from commercial, Regal stands in the ring already. Benoit comes out, and our first match starts!



Chris Benoit vs. William Regal


Benoit starts off agressively as always. Some knife-edge chops and a headbutt to the back of Regal's head set up a German Hat-Trick, but Regal blocks it with his leg and deliveres a sick Half Nelson Suplex. Boots to Benoit's body followed by some rest holds and submissions on the right arm of Chris reagin a possesion in this bout for our co-GM. Regal tenaciously bends and slams, kicks and stretches "Crippler's" arm, to avoid the Crossface later on. Benoit comes back with a Forearm Smash that sends Regal out of the ring! SUICIDE DIVE connects! Benoit picks Regal to throw him back in the squared circle, but William reverses it with an Irish Whip to a steel steps. Benoit crashes with his bad arm, and slowly gets back. Some Knee Lifts, European Uppercuts and a flawless Dragon Suplex almost get the job done. A Regal Stretch to Benoit, Сhris holds on! While Benoit is stretched, Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring from the locker room! Kurt looks on Benoit and smiles, recomending him to tap out! Benoit rolls over and sets a Crippler Crossface on Regal!!! William quickly escapes the hold, also applying a Chikenwing on our canadian wrestler! Benoit reverses it in his finishing maneuver yet again, but Regal escapes even faster! Regal looks for a Knee Trembler...but Benoit reverses it again! Regal tries to get away, but Benoit's ruthless grasp doesn't let hm to do it. A modified Crossface would get a submission victory for Chris, but Angle smacks him with a steel chair to the back, ending this match via DQ.




Chris Benoit defeated William Regal in 11:59 after Angle attacked him.


After the match Angle continues to beat the crap out of our winner, until Y2J makes the save! He helps Benoit to get up and shares a heavy staredown with Regal.


Austin and HHH discuss something backstage, but we can't hear the conversation. Austin finds a steel chair, Triple H has a sledgehammer in his hand. What the hell is going on there?



Jeff is absent, X-Factor has a numbers advantage. Albert outpowers Matt, dominating the bout for almost 5 minutes. Military Press, Delayed Double Underhook Suplex, Gutwrench Backbreaker and a Running Splash almost made Albert a new champion! Lita understands that Matt needs some help, but Credible and X-Pac surround her to prevent something unexpectable. Albert goes for the Baldo Bomb, but Matt delivers a mid-air Twist of Fate! Ref falls on the mats to count, but Albert kicked out already! Matt now has zero chances to defend his title! Avalanche to the corner, Albert goes on the third turnbackle... Jeff Hardy runs in from the crowd, dropkicking Albert on Credible and X-Pac! Referee orders to ring the bell.




Albert defeated Matt Hardy in 8:25 via DQ after Jeff Hardy attacked him.


Matt looks awful, Albert train wrecked him... Lita checks on her boyfriend, while Jeff leaves. Al Snow stops Jeff with a Head Shot, we have another title defense tonight!



Al is on fire, he clearly hates Jeff after he won the title last week! Aslo Snow wants to proove that he's better than Jeff, after Rhyno gored him on Heat! Al takes an empty beer bottle from someone and smashes it across champs face! Snow gets the belt and whips Jeff with it hard... He looks for some weapons under the ring skirt, Jeff comes back with a splash from the guardrail! He puts Snow on the steel steps and finsihes this brawl with a Swanton Bomb to the outside!




Jeff Hardy defeated Al Snow in 6:13 after a Swanton Bomb to the outside.


Kane fights Austin and Triple H backsatge! Power Trip completely destroy "The Big Red Machine"... HHH handcuffs his victim and both IC and WWF champions put the limp body in Austin's truck! Foley tries to stop Austin and Triple H, but they ignore him and fade away leaving just tyre marks on the parking lot.


Adverts hype WWF's Judgement Day PPV this Sunday! 80 thousand tickets sold already!!!


After we're back, Dudleyz make their entrance with Rhyno. Trio looks menacing to say the least. Edge and Christian enter the match second, and their mystery partner is... Spike Dudley!



A quick back and forth match, with both sides getting the same amount of offense. Dudleyz wanted to make a rissole from Spike, but fought Edge and Christian instead. Double Flapjack, Double Shoulder Block and synchrone Lariats to Edge and Christian stated that Bubba and D-Von can ignore a bastard named Spike... But he can't, as he enters the ring illegaly to Low Blow D-Von while Edge and Christian hit a double DDT on Bubba on the concrete floor! Ref missed this moment, but sent Spike back to his corner. Instead he jumped on Rhyno from the top rope and attacked him in the eyes! A little bit of bragging and showing off, and Rhyno GORES Spike out of his boots!




E&C brawled with Dudleyz to the back, ending the match with a double count out finish!




Dudleyz, Rhyno, Edge, Christian and Spike ended the match in 8:37 after both sides were counted out.


After the match Stevie Richards jumps on Rhyno from behind... Lights go out, and Raven is in the ring already! Raven Effect to both Richards and Rhyno!!! Raven hits his pose, marking his superiority.


Backstage Matt and Jeff argue, Lita tries to intervent, but brothers ignore her. Matt is unhappy that Jeff appeared in his match, Jeff is livid. Younger Hardy gets in his brother's face and tells Matt that he is the european champion just because Jeff wanted so. Matt doesn't like it, and he accuses Jeff for stealing a hardcore title from Rhyno! Also he adds that 24/7 rule will end Jeff's championship status really soon.




Jeff: "How about we meet at the Judgement Day in a singles competition, partner?"

Matt: "I'm glad your sorry a** wants to fight. Ok, let's do it!"

Jeff: "Loser vacates the title, say goodbye to your shiny little belt!"

Matt: "IF you can make it till Sunday, of course. I have 150 hours left on my timer... also you have one hour to hide or whatever."


Diamond Dallas Page makes his way to the ring. Crowd supports the "People's Champion" really loud.




"You know, last Thursday at SmackDown I faced one of the biggest superstars in the world of professional wrestling. Now if you asked anybody just two years ago if DDP could ever meet with The Rock face to face, they'd say you were nuts. But you know what, I'm an anomaly. What is an anomaly? Something that wasn't supposed to happen. But I did happen and I happened to you, Rocky!"


Rock comes out, accomponied by quiet boos from some brave fans. He poses on the turnbackle, and reaction gets louder. Another corner - more boos. Again - people chant "Rocky Sucks!". The "Great One" raises his eyebrow at them, goes for the 4th turnbackle but gets a DIAMOND CUTTER instead!!!


Main event is next! Backastge interview with non-other than Mean Gene! Booker T, the WCW US title holder, tells us that he was WCW champion for how many times? Crowd responses, and Booker says: "Exactly! And I'm up to make dat number even bigger, tonight! I respect The Undertaker, but even that won't stop me from winning my gold back!"




The Undertaker stands with Kevin Kelly, ready to say something important. Kevin looks like he dumped in his pants, so Taker just grabs a mic from his sweaty hands and whispers: "Booker, I'm gonna take my best shots to put you away. You're a tough man, but I'm so much tougher... Austin, that concerns you too... You want to play mind games with me taking Kane to your ranch? You made a big mistake, Stone Cold.". Taker slowly heads towards the ring...



The match started outside the ring with punches and kicks, as the two icons went at it. Taker went to work on Booker’s left arm, and soon went old-school on Booker. Booker soon regained the advantage, as the fight spilled to the outside. Booker tried to hit Taker with the ring bell, but referee Tim White stopped him from doing so, and Taker regained the advantage as the fight spilled into the crowd. Booker battled back, as the fight went back into the ring. Booker went up top and nailed Taker with a beautiful Missile Dropkick. Soon after, he hit Taker with a big kick to the face, and a Sidewalk Slam. Booker T then telegraphed a knee to the face, and was about to go for the Spinaroonie, until Taker got back to his feet. Taker rallied back with a big boot, but challenger reversed it into a powerslam and scored a near fall. A spinning heel kick by Booker was good for two, but Taker hit a DDT soon after. The fight continued, and Taker measured Booker for an avalanche. But Booker caught him, dropped him on the turnbuckle, and hit a kick, knocking Taker to the outside. Booker then hit the spineroonie! As Taker went to get back in the ring, Booker hit him with a scissors kick, but Taker got his foot on the bottom rope. Moments later, Taker went for a devastating Chokeslam, but Booker powered out of it with a low blow, undetected by the ref. Booker punched Taker on the turnbuckles, but Taker nailed Booker with the Last Ride and pinned him to win the match!




The Undertaker defeated Booker T in 14:35 after a Last Ride.


American Badass did what he promised - he defeated Booker T, and retained his title! After the match Taker helped Booker to get up and gave him a handshake. Taker rolled away on his bike, while Booker recieved a warm reaction from our fans.


Spinaroonie closes this edition of RAW IS WAR, don't miss SmackDown, it's next!



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Prediction Game Rankings:

Uncrewed - 13

solidliquid777 - 4

Midnightnick - 3



WWF SmackDown! Preview:

  • Last Monday on RAW IS WAR, Power Trip brutally attacked and abducted Kane. Triple H plays mind games with "The Big Red Machine", while Austin tries to get under Taker's skin! William Regal books a handicap match on SmackDown, that's our main event!
  • Chris Jericho meets Eddie Guerrero in a singles match this Friday too. Y2J and "Latino Heat" don't like each other, but both men focused on their prime rivalries. Eddie has Angle and Regal in his corner, while Jericho won't get any help from Benoit, who was brutally laid down past Monday.
  • Dudleyz and E&C finished their last match in a no contest, and it feels like the end of those open fights. Mick Foley announced a hardcore tag team match at the judgement Day PPV to decide who will be the number one contenders on Power Trip's tag team straps.
  • Jeff and Matt Hardy's bumped foreheads for how many years now? Brother vs. brother is all about a competetive nature on Judgement Day, but until then, dirty tricks are "on".
  • Chyna and Trish are scheduled to have a title match this Sunday, but now we have a three on three tag team bout. Chyna recruited Molly Holly and Jacqueline, while Trish picked up Terri and Ivory for her side. A massive differentiation on SmackDown!
  • K-Kwik and Steve Blackman align to take on the X-Factor! X-Pac and Justin Credible thought they were untouchable, but "The Lethal Weapon" prooved them wrong. K-Kwik wants some damage back after Albert run him through last Friday.
  • Big Show will be on SmackDown too, and it looks like he wants some easy fight or a night off. Regal can make it happen, but is Big Show as strong as we think he is?


Prediction List:

  1. Chyna, Jacqueline and Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus, Terri and Ivory
  2. K-Kwik and Blackman vs. The X-Factor
  3. Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero
  4. Power Trip vs. Kane


After this show I will contact the winner to decide what the stipulation of "The People's Match" between DDP and The Rock will be. Uncrewed, I'm counting on you, buddy!

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Held: Tuesday, Week 3, May 2001

Location: CO Pepsi Center (Mid West)

Attendance: 18,007




Steve Austin is already in the ring, as we start our TV broadcast!


Stone Cold squeezes a mic in his hand, and says: "This is a damn good outlook to spuke a bullshit of my brain! I see a lot of bullshit sitting in this arena right now, so let's get started!!" Crowd booes Austin as loud as possible for Colorado, someone starts a "Taker" chant.


"That dumb son of a bitch ain't gonna come down that ramp! No no no, he's smart enough to realise, as much as we've been kickin' his ass, he ain't comin' down that ramp! Every single day I walk through an airport, someone says: "Hey, Stone Cold, I guess you're worried about the Undertaker. He's gonna beat you for the World Wrestling Federation title."


"He's gonna— let me go ahead and bottom line it - the Undertaker ain't got a chance in hell against Stone Cold Steve Austin, because... because he ain't got the guts, because he ain't got the talent, and the bottom line is, my name is Stone Cold Steve Austin! I am the World Wrestling Federation champ and I can't be stopped, and I deserve to be treated a lot better than that!"


"I'll knock the hell out of him. At Judgement Day that piece of trash will regret he's not a deadman anymore! And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!"





We kick this SD off with a 6 women tag match. Chyna insists on starting a bout, but since Trish backs off, Ivory steps in. A little staredown between the past Wrestlemania opponents, and Terri attacks Women's Champion from behind! Weak stomps and a lot of noises, tag to Trish! Can't say she provides something different, but she clearly enjoys her time in the ring. Molly and Jacqueline appeal to the ref to stop it, but all is good in his opinion. Chyna finally gets back, and sends Trish to the ground with a poweful Lariat! Jacqueline asks for a tag, but Chyna drops to her knees and beats the living hell out of a "Canadian Bombshell"! Ref puts Chyna away, Jacqueline tags herself in, much to Chyna's confusion! Jac stabs Trish with a Leg Drop, and goes for a top rope, but Ivory grabs her leg! Terri pushes her to the outside, Molly runs in to help and wipes Terri away with a Cross Body! Now the number one contender is face to face with the champion... Stratus backs off and uses the referee as a human shield. Chyna grabs the ref and throws him out of the ring - on all four divas that brawled there.




Trish Stratus, Terri and Ivory defeated Chyna, Molly Holly and Jacqueline in 6:35 after Chyna was DQed assaulting a referee.


After the match Jacqueline and Molly try to talk to Chyna, but only recieve a cold shoulder...



K-Kwik and Steve Blackman are backstage, discussing how they both want a piece of X-Factor. They agree that they will team up to destroy them.



Chris Benoit comes out to join the announcers for commentary, but doesn’t really say anything to them. Both men lockup to start and Jericho grabs a waistlock, Eddie switches it, with Jericho switching it back again. Eddie elbows Jericho away, then comes off the ropes. Jericho leapfrogs over him and hits an arm drag. Jericho goes into an armbar, Eddie flips out of it, but Jericho clotheslines him. Jericho hits a headlock takeover and Eddie counters with the headscissors with Jericho flipping over into a pin. Eddie bridges up out of the pin, then goes into a backslide for a two count and Jericho chops him in a corner. Jericho kicks Eddie down... Referee forces a break allowing Eddie to dropkick Jericho in the knee. Eddie puts Jericho in a Gory Special, but Jericho flips out of it and puts Eddie in his own Gory Special!! Eddie is able to free himself, but Y2J still drives Guerrero's head in the mats! Jericho comes off the ropes with a forearm, then whips Eddie into a hip toss and follows up with a one arm bulldog. Jericho goes for the Lionsault and misses! Eddie rolls him up for a two count and chops him in a corner to equal momentums. Eddie goes for a whip, Jericho reverses him into the opposite corner and charges at him, recieving an elbow to the face in the end. Eddie comes out of the corner and Jericho tosses him onto the turnbuckles, taking out the referee as well. Jericho sets Eddie on the top rope then goes up looking for a superplex! Eddie fights him off to the mat... Frog Splash!! Missed it! Y2J quickly bounses off the ropes to end the match with a Lionsault!




Chris Jericho defeated Eddie Guerrero in 10:44 after a Lionsault.


After the match Eddie yells that benoit distracted him! However Chris was very cool, not even blinking without a reason. William Regal and Kurt Angle come out to taunt Jericho and Benoit for a bit and announce that they enter the prestigious KOTR tournament next week!




Angle claims that he will defend his "King of the Ring" title and win the WWF gold at Summerslam. It's true! It's damn true!!!



K-Kwik jumps in the ring, Credible takes on him first. Lock up, K-Kwik is quick instead, as he tries to roll Justin up for 3 or 4 times in a row! A sudden dropkick, and another near fall! X-pac gets in the ring and hits K-Kwik with a Spinning Wheel Kick, while Albert distracts the referee. X-Pac claps his hands to get an illusion of the tag, and starts to feed K-Kwik his boots. Broncobuster attempt, K-Kwik ducks and leapfrogs to tag in "The Leathal Weapon" Steve Blackman! Steve cleans the house after recieveing a hot tag, spamming both Credible and X-Pac with kicks and chops! Steve Bicycle kicks Albert, who stood on the apron, and gets a loud response from the crowd! All 3 members of The X-Factor are outside the squared circle, so K-Kwik plays a human bowling, getting a strike after a Sommersault Plancha! K-Kwik throws X-Pac back in the ring, and Blackman gets the job done after a spine crushing Fisherman Suplex!




K-Kwik and Steve Blackman defeated X-Factor in 8:11 after a Fisherman Suplex.


After the match Blackman and K-Kwik quickly leave... X-Pac gets a mic and orders Albert to start "Plan B"! Albert carries someone to the ring... wait a minute, it's Jeff!




"Yo Matt. We know you have a little conflict with your brotha, so we can settle it once for all... in change X-Factor demands a WWF European titleshot for Albert next Monday. That's good?"


Matt slowly gets in the ring, no rush. Hardy looks at his brother, who is totally helpless... Older brother NODS! Albert Baldo Bombs Jeff, breaking him in half! This big man has his title shot, but guess what? X-Pac covers Jeff and wins the WWF Hardcore belt!


Big Show warms up, checks the match card and smiles... his match is up next!



Billy gets ahead start, but his offense makes no effect on "The Giant". Couple of unsuccesfull shoulder blocks and clotheslines, and Big Show headbutts Billy right across his scull! That's a concussion, isn't it? Big Show lifts Gunn for a Gorilla Press Slam, adding a masive leg drop next! Cover, one... two... Big Show picks his opponent to break the fall! He wants to play more, of course! Big Show chokes the life out of Gunn and plants him in the canvas with a brutal Chokeslam!




Big Show defeated Billy Gunn in 4:01 after a Chokeslam.



A pre-taped video of Edge and Christian hyping their upcoming match at Judgement Day! They discuss the rules of the match, how it affects their careers, share some thoughts on the future and present... Bubba Ray and D-Von storm in the conferense room, both want an inetrview like that. Canadians don't like it. Journalist asks Dudleyz a question, but Christian smacks D-Von with a steel chair to the back! Edge tries to Spear Bubba through the set, but misses the target and knocks himself off. Christian begs for mercy, but Dudleyz punish him with a 3D on the floor! Bubba and D-Von have a message for The Power Trip: after Judgement Day they will do whatever is needed to win their tag belts back!




WWE.COM held a poll for the "People's Match" between The Rock and Diamond Dallas Page! They want to see a Rock Bottom or a Diamond Cutter through a table! We will get some more information on Heat!



A handicap match is double trouble for Kane, and Power Trip understands that. Austin will try to get under Taker's skin with this fight, while Triple H will be looking for a record breaking damage record! "The King of Kings" starts the match looking right into Kane's eyes... "The Game" may be scared, or even hypnotized, but Austin gets the tag. Steve doesn't bother to have a staredown with a "Monster" and gives him a defeaning slap! Kane continues to look at Austin, but recieves a middle finger right in front of his mask! Throat Thrust to the WWF Champion!! Steve lands near his corner, but quickly returns with a stiff clothesline across Kane's chest. Kane stands still, feeling nothing but an interest towards his opponent. Triple H grabs Kane's hair from behind and slams him on the mat! Austin mudhole stomps Kane till ref asks to leave the minority side. Austin continues to floor Kane with elbow and knee drops. Tag to Triple H, running knee smash and a head lock performed as the first commercial rolls in. After a brief break HHH works on Kane's leg kicking and stretching it fiercly. Indian Death Lock, HHH slaps kane across his mask to boost an insult scale! Kane reaches Triple H's temple with a mounted punch, freeing himself. Kane gets up and low dropkikcs Triple H in the face! Austin feels nervous, Kane wipes him off with a huge lariat! Big boot and a Sidewalk Slam to "The Game', goes top rope, connects with another clothesline! Kane adjusts his glove, calling for a Chokeslam! HHH mentions it and leaves the ring, while Austin puts kane to the ground with his signature Lou Thesz Press! Kane gets up with Austin on his body, turns him upside down!!! Triple H attack's Kane's knee from behind to stop the Tombstone Piledriver! Undertaker rolls in on his bike!! Austin gets his attention on "The Deadman", Kane catches Trips in a Chokeslam! Austin brawls with Taker outside, Triple H kicks the "Big Red" knee and nails Kane with a Pedigree!!!




Power Trip defeated Kane in 13:43 after a Pedigree.


We close this edition of SmackDown with a huge fight between this mega teams! Just like 3 weeks ago, we have Brothers of Destruction against the Power Trip! Massive brawl is a general repetition of the Judgement Day PPV! Stay tuned...



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Prediction Game Rankings:

Uncrewed - 15

Midnightnick - 5

solidliquid777 - 4


WWF Heat Preview:

This week's edition is a special one, it's kind of a pre-show of our main wrestling action - The Judgment Day 2001! I will preview the main card of our biggest may event and post the prediction choises. For now you have four matches, a warm-up...


  • Jerry Lynn teams up with Crash Holly to fight against the Radicalz. Crash wished to help only when he found out that his titleshot would have to wait if Radicalz get the "W".
  • Raven meets Hardcore Holly, nothing to say about this bout. Raven has a war against Rhyno and Steven Richards, but he dominates it just fine. Maybe that's because his IQ is bigger than Rhyno's and Richards's combined?
  • A.P.A. embarassed RTC on Raw this past Monday, so censors look for revenge. Test and Billy gunn join this contest, having a chance to meet each other yet again.
  • X-Pac is a new Hardcore Champion, who will be the guy to take a step forward to meet the leader of the X-Factor?


  1. Crash Holly and Jerry Lynn vs. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn
  2. Raven vs. Hardcore Holly
  3. A.P.A. and Billy Gunn vs. Right to Censor and Test
  4. X-Pac vs. ??? (Hardcore Championship)
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Held: Tuesday, Week 3, May 2001

Aired: Sunday, Week 3, may 2001

CO Pepsi Center (Mid West)

Attendance: 18,007




Power Trip and B.O.D. feud recapped first. Triple H and Steve Austin disbanded Kane and The Undertaker in a tag team steel cage match the night after Backlash, retaining the tag straps too. Power Trip defended titles again versus A.P.A, and after they did so, Vince said they don't need to defend neither Intercontinental nor WWF championships at the Judgement Day. Taker came out and Tombstoned Vince (he was absent since then). Undertaker put an open challenge to anyone who thinks he's a more deserving number one contender on Austin's gold.


Of all people, Booker T came out, and we had a legendary match for the World Heavyweight title as a stipulation for Booker. Taker won, and grabbed the title, defending it in a rematch on Raw. Power Trip let Taker do his own thing, focusing their attention on Kane. He had a tough booking against Big Show, was attacked three times and got himself in a handicap match for not quitting. Taker came back where he came from - a two on two brawl against evil alongside his brother. Kane meets HHH in a Falls Count Anywhere match, while "Stone Cold" and "The Deadman" face off in a regular one-on-one bout.


First pre-PPV match is ready to go, let's get to it!



Fists are flyin', with both men trying to end things fast! Alabama Slam connects, Holly tries to pin Raven, but he kicks out. Triangle Lariat and a Drop Toe Hold on the exposed turnbackle makes Hardcore groggy. Raven Effect, and it's all over!




Raven defeated Hardcore Holly in 6:12 after a Raven Effect.


Raven picks another victory, but wait! Rhyno and Steven Richards surround the ring! They attack Raven! Steven and Rhyno are fed up with Raven's mind games, so they align to demolish their common target. Laid out Raven smiles...




Next recap involves Angle, Regal, Foley, Benoit, Jericho and Guerrero. We remember that Regal tapped from the Crossface and the Liontamer, became SD's senior official and aligned sides with Angle and Guerrero. This guys did some dirty work for him, meeting canadains in all combinations possible. Later, Foley became Raw's GM yet again, with Linda McMahon appointing him on that role. All we have now is a King of The Ring tournament which will take place the following month. Regal and his guys have intentions of winning it and challengeing The Power Trip and Vince McMahon himself at Summerslam. Benoit and Jericho look like they won't mind a WWF tag team tileshots, also entering the KOTR to reach the final stages.



Crash is not a freind for Jerry, and everyone can see that just fine. Radicalz, on the other hand, are united as never before. Eddie helps Regal and Angle, so they need to be strong as a duo. Terri and Molly Holly exchange some insults, as always. A couple of suplexes form Saturn, and a couple of holds by Malenko. Jerry almost blacks out after a Saturn Cutter! Crash jumps in, but ref orders him to come back in his corner. Jerry catches a light heavyweight title with his own face and collapses. Malenko ficsates the Cloverleaf, and ref yells to ring the bell, thinking Jerry fell asleep after Dean stretched him.




Radicalz defeated Jerry Lynn and Crash Holly in 8:45 after the Cloverleaf.


After the match Crash accuses Radicalz, but gets a Total Elimination instead! Malenko poses with the title... maybe Eddie's departure is for the good of this two?




Nex on the line of our video promos are Edge and Christian, they had a lot of heat between themselves and Dudleyz. Christian and Edge helped Triple H in his matches, and filled the role of a sidekicks for the Power Trip. The score is 1-1, and at Judgement Day we have a tornado type match! If Dudleyz win that, they'll probably go after Austin and Triple H, or their tag titles at least. Edge and Christian won't mind to get a singles rub in KOTR, so they have a plan B if they lose.


X-Factor stands in the ring, with X-Pac throwing an open challenge to anyone who wants a hardcore title. The most bizzare WWF individual responds, it can't be good...



Justin Credible and Albert stomp Snow to death, he can't get himself up for even a second. X-Pac just chills on the turnbackle... Credible gives Snow a Piledriver, Albert splashes on the challenger and X-Pac makes a Moonsault from the 3rd rope to make his first title defense.




X-Pac defeated Al Snow in 6:03 after a Moonsault.


If things go on like this, X-Pac would be the longest reigning hardcore champion in the history of the WWF!




Speaking of Hardcore Champions, Jeff Hardy meets his brother Matt in a family match at the PPV too. A lot of pride and jealousy broke out between this two for a couple of last weeks. Matt enjoyed a life of the champion, he had some major matches and a focus on him. Jeff, on the other hand, was left behind. Hardy Jr. helped his older brother at first, but then quit doing that and fell in a depression. Joke or not, he stumbled on knocked out Rhyno, and became a hardcore champion just like that. Matt taunted him about it, Jeff didn't like it, and words came out later without any filters. Now we have a match where Matt's championship status is in danger... rightfully so, after he payed the X-Factor with a titleshot to catch and smash Jeff before a PPV match. Lita can't decide which side is right, so she can be a major threat for both competitors.



Test and Billy Gunn kick off our main event. Test shoulder blocks Billy and looks for a leg drop, but misses and crashes on the mats, with Gunn making a tag! Faarooq works on Test's body for a minute or two, but fails to connect with a Dominator. Tag made, Val Venis gives Faarooq some stiff chops and a Spinning Spinebuster for the count of two. Tag to The Goodfather, he slows the tempo slapping some chin locks and isolating Faarooq from his corner... Test comes in, deliveres a Pumphandle Slam and tags Val for a Money Shot! Faarooq rolls out of the way, tags Bradshaw! Big boots and clotheslines to the opposite side, Fallaway Slam to Venis! DDT to Test, calls for a Clothesline from Hell, but Goodfather dodges it! Full Nelson Slam to Bradshaw, Venis goes for another Money Shot and connects! Cover... One, two, Billy saves his side! Big Boots from Goodfather and Test, he won't wake up for a day or two! Bruised Faarooq is in 3 on 1 situation! He tries to withstand the trio's attacks, but Goodfather plants him with a Death Valley Drop! Test goes on top and pins Faarooq after an Elbow Drop!




Test and Right to Censor defeated A.P.A. and Billy Gunn in 10:25 after an Elbow Drop.


Censors and Test pose to mark their huge success! It looks like they can have a bright future together...




And the last storyline recap is about the People's Confrontation. Shane McMahon brought The Rock right from The Hollywood filming set in his own faction, and promised him some creative control. Rock smashed Big Show in his return match and asked for a match with DDP. Shane worked hard and got another "People's Champion" in the WWF. Fans expected a match full of mutual respct, but as soon as DDP landed in WWF, Rock started to act like a douche. People chose DDP as their "champion", and "The Great One" Rock Bottomed him without any remorse. DDP then responded with his own finishing maneuver - The Diamond Cutter, and said that this match will be a People's one. WWF universe decided to square Rocky and Page in a tables match, and that's it. A dream match takes place at the Judgement Day, day that decides who is the "real deal" and who is just an "assclown"...


Predcitions List:

  1. Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy (if Matt loses, he vacates his title)
  2. Chyna vs. Trish Startus (WWF Women's Championship)
  3. Kane vs. Triple H (Falls Count Anywhere Match)
  4. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz (Tornado Tag Match)
  5. The Rock vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Tables Match)
  6. Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker
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Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy (if Matt loses, he vacates his title)

Chyna vs. Trish Stratus (WWF Women's Championship)

Kane vs. Triple H (Falls Count Anywhere Match)

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz (Tornado Tag Match)

The Rock vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Tables Match)

Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker

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<p><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0917/b4/132d27151175ce6e1167d78f921913b4.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Held</strong>: <em>Sunday, Week 3, 2001</em></p><p> <strong>Location</strong>: <em>MI Ford Field (Great Lakes)</em></p><p> <strong>Attendance</strong>: <em>80,103</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38311" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/e5/8099945f611c2a1277bc48437c303be5.jpg</span></a><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/8c/85174e980a2066fb7f3b250562ec3c8c.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/98/63858a81364cf72f52abeaaee337c798.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i67.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/78/7eb2db6332d942f7f660ca6e7693a778.jpg</span></a><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i65.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/65/0a876f2ab47b6d8944919b717d476565.jpg</span></a><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Arial Black"><strong><span style="font-size:14px">The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian </span></strong></span></p><p> <span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">Tornado Tag Team Match</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> What a way to kick off our biggest May show! Four men trade punches, Dudleyz are better in that aspect. Edge and Christian are quicker, so they duck and dodge some of the offense and fight back with dropkicks. Who is tougher overall?</p><p> </p><p> Double suicide dive from Edge and Christian! They bump D-Von and Bubba, get in the ring and hit a "5 Second Pose"! Double shoulder block on Christian, he's out of the ring again, not by his own choice. Edge defends himself with his firm clotheslines and flapjacks! </p><p> </p><p> Bubba kills Edge's momentum with a Back Body Drop! It's "WAZZUP" time! D-Von goes on top of the turnbackle, but Christian holds him there for a while. Edge hits a mule kick on Bubba, and a superplex on the stunned D-Von! Christian takes D-Von's place on the turnbackle and connects with a Frog Splash for the two count! </p><p> </p><p> Bubba Ray broke the pin, now he's manhandling Edge. A couple of jabs, followed by a Body Slam. Christian from behind, reverse DDT! D-Von with a Bulldog on Christian, Diving Headbutt on Edge! Everyone is on the ground. Crowd is hot for those four, as they chant "this is wrestling"!</p><p> </p><p> Edge and Christian hit a double DDT on Bubba, D-Von is in 2 on 1 situation! Gutbuster and a leg drop from blondies, Christian picks up D-Von and irish whips him in the Spear! Christian raises arms like the winners do after the match, and Bubba gives him a Bubba Bomb from behind! D-Von kicks out from the pin, now Edge is in trouble. Atomic elbow, reverse atomic drop and delayed reverse DDT from Dudleyz almost made them victorious. “Extremists” repeat the “WAZZUP!???” spot to delight the crowd. </p><p> </p><p> - <em>D-VON!!!</em></p><p> - <em>WHAT??</em></p><p> - <em>GET THE TABLES!!!!</em></p><p> </p><p> As D-Von hops the ropes, Christian throws a steel chair in his head! Bubba cuts Edge off with a Bubba Cutter, and switches on Christian again… he dodges Bubba’s attacks and sends him on the ground with a beautiful dropkick! Edge brings two chairs, it must be the end of the match! NO!!!</p><p> </p><p> D-Von double clotheslines Edge and Christian, saving his brother! Bubba grabs a chair and smashes it across Christian’s head! D-Von has a table now, Edge is in trouble…</p><p> </p><p> 3D!!! Through a wooden table! Cover, one… two… Christian knocks the ref out with a ladder he found under the ring!!! It’s amazing!!! He swings it right and left, knocking everyone down! Christian picks up D-Von and Killswitches him on the chair! He climbs the ladder and jumps toward D-Von… </p><p> </p><p> BUBBA CUTTER!!! It’s over… ref slowly crawls, and hits the mat three times. </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i68.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/b0/0caa3985549a1f6c4c5d29e7b50be7b0.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dudley Boyz </strong>defeated <strong>Edge</strong> and <strong>Christian</strong> in 14:17 after a Bubba Cutter.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jeff cuts a backstage promo on Matt.</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0917/a1/386b80be96672011f3a8c8f3efc71ba1.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> "I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I finally can show the people how weak you are without me. Matt, I'm not only the younger brother of the WWF European champion, I'm the next King of the Ring winner! I'm the next WWF champion!</p><p> </p><p> Kiss yor damn title for the last time, because you won't have a chance to do that again... even if you win tonight, your face will be a mess, and Lita couldn't find anything that looks like a mouth there. I'm gonna put my body on the line just to damage yours, and I would do that night after night to make that happen daily..."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38311" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0917/1c/0647148c07eff16ce2d38e070a65401c.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0917/bf/c7c6e4e59699907ec22f39fb8340d4bf.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0917/8e/1156e89e91b4f7940a1c26f877b8c68e.jpg</span></a><p> <span style="font-family:Arial Black"><strong><span style="font-size:14px">Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Matt jumps on Jeff before the match, throwing him into barricades and slamming him on the concrete floor. Older brother uses his elbows in a nasty fashion, busting Jeff open when the match didn't even happen yet. By the way, Lita is not here. Matt continues to beat the hell out of Jeff, grabs a chair and smacks him in his skull!</p><p> </p><p> Jeff is done, or at least he looks like he's done. Matt throws him in the ring, waits until he stands up for referee to start the bout and delivers a Twist of Fate! </p><p> </p><p> Cover. One... Two... Jeff kicks out!!!</p><p> </p><p> Matt picks Jeff up and gives him another Twist of Fate!! He's done...</p><p> </p><p> One... two... JEFF KICKS OUT IN 2 and A HALF!!!</p><p> </p><p> Matt is red as a tomato, he completely forgets about the rules, grabs a chair, and smacks Jeff with it! Ref DQs Matt Hardy!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i65.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/8d/b7f83e5933a0e9941eb7843ab6a1a18d.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jeff Hardy</strong> defeats <strong>Matt Hardy</strong> in 8:45 after Matt was DQed for using a chair.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Matt is outraged, he leaves the ring and yells to throw him his belt. But he lost it... Ref says he lost the match, so now the title is vacated. Matt can not believe in that, he wants his belt back! A couple of officials appear to take Matt backstage. As elders grab Matt, Jeff waves to his brother and smiles, ignoring the pain.</p><p> </p><p> Next in line is a grudge match between Kane and Triple H. Falls Count Anywhere match is freindly to run ins and cheap shots, so...</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38311" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/c2/a944c85a3d5c49d2b1a8c95f3aa5b1c2.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/0d/6a90963816337bae8f8a2fbf9519630d.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i65.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0921/06/13110320cc3ac7ead3cd988285634206.jpg</span></a><p> <span style="font-family:Arial Black"><strong><span style="font-size:14px">Kane vs. Triple H</span></strong></span></p><p> <span style="font-size:12px"><span style="font-family:Verdana">Falls Count Anywhere Match</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Triple H is a favourite here. Kane struugled past 3 weeks without a break, so "The King of Kings" has better physical conditions. You can argue that weakend Kane is still tougher than HHH, but "Cerebral Assasin" also took care of "The Big Red Monster's" mind and soul, so he also has a psychological advantage. As Kane enters the ring first, Triple H takes a microphone and taunts Kane a little bit more, to make him furious. Kane leaves the ring, and as soon as he lands his first punch on Triple H, ref orders to ring the bell!</p><p> </p><p> Kane's knee is bad, and Triple H knows that better than anyone else. He toe kicks Kane on the ramp and smashes him with a running knee to the face to send seven foot monster rolling! A pair of stomps and kicks, and Triple H sends Kane in a steel steps, then picks him up again and throws him in the barricade. Kids that were there recolied, and HHH made fun of them. </p><p> </p><p> Triple H grabs Kane in a reverse atompic drop position and lands his knee on the steps. Kane screams in pain, his knee cap must be broken... anyway, Triple H continues to work on that leg. Slams it on the apron, stretches it in the ring a little bit and finishes his sequence by applying a Figure 4 Leg Lock around the steel post! Kane is tortured, this match is not for thin-skinned!</p><p> </p><p> Triple H taunts Kane again and walks away slowly, just to piss him off again. Kane crawls, and Triple H repeats his trick. Kane stands up on one leg, and Triple H sends him back on the ground. Cocky heel turns his back, and starts to taunt the crowd. Kane quickly grabs Triple H from behind and delivers him a long-awaited Sidewalk Slam! Quick cover, Tripe H kicks out before the ref falls on the ground to start counting.</p><p> </p><p> He rolls out of the ring and picks up a steel chair! Kane is sentensed now! HHH makes a huge swing, but misses and catches the ricochet from the ropes in his nose! Stunned Triple H recieves a Big Boot from Kane, a weak one, but still effective. Kane picks up a chair and destroys it with one shot above Triple H's back!!! OH MY GOD!</p><p> </p><p> Triple H can't move after that steel chair left a mark on his back. It must have damaged some nerve, or something like that. Triple H asks for mercy, but Kane shuts him up with a massive leg drop! Kane used the wrong knee, that's his own mistake. However he's still first on feet! Kane fixes his glow, drags his hair back with it and picks Triple H up with a Chokeslam! Kane chokes Triple H out, continues to do that until he approaches the spanish announce table. CHOKESLAM!</p><p> </p><p> Table breaks, Kane picks up on of the monitors and smashes it across Triple H's forehead. That will make him bleed... yeah, "The Game" leaves some blood drops on the mats. Kane irish whips him into the crowd, happy days are back again! Kids laugh from Triple H, a revenge laughter, I think.</p><p> </p><p> Kane brawls with Triple H through the people, they end up in a boiler room! Kane throws Trips in a huge hot pipe, and smacks him with another one across his back! Mick Foley looks at two guys trading punches and pops the crowd with his signature one-liner.</p><p> </p><p> Two corridors smashed, competitors break out on the parking lot. A lot of cars there, but Kane sends Triple H right into the prdouction truck. Hello, kevin Dunn! Another whip reversed into a signature Spinbuster on the hood of some limo! Trips finds a jack-screw and kicks Kane's knee once again. Triple H with a Pedigree! Monster is trapped, trucks surround him, so he has no space to run away...as Steve Austin shows up on his own wehicle, signals, puts far lights on and menacingly burns his tyres across the asphalte!</p><p> </p><p> Undertaker shows up on his bike, and Austin tries to run him down... Austin and Taker disappear, Kane catches Triple H into a Tombstone Pildedriver, and plants him with it right on the parking place for the handicapped people! Cover, 1-2-3!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i68.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/b0/0caa3985549a1f6c4c5d29e7b50be7b0.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kane</strong> defeated <strong>Triple H</strong> in 18:35 after a Tombstone Piledriver.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> We had a break after that match, so our guests could relax for a little and get something to eat. Mick Foley came out to talk with some guys who were still in their seats. They wanted more wrestling, and our "Commisioner" asked what kind of match they wanted to see. People responded with "Y2J", "Benoit", "Eddie" and "Kurt". Regal came out and taunted the crowd, stating that those four aren't booked for tonight's PPV...</p><p> </p><p> Benoit and Jericho came out, crowd loves them. Chrises join Foley's side and accuse Regal for beign such a selfish asshole. Benoit said that they can easily defeat any tag team that Regal would throw at them, and Regal smiles. </p><p> </p><p> "I wouldn't be so confident if I were you, sunshine. You'll get what you wish for... a match... with a time limit... right now. And if you two shmucks lose... KOTR will be canadian-free." </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38311" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/35/20ca551c14c2a975e747d99c188c5335.jpg</span></a><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/ad/2fdb7bad5c50c8f0d661da67e525cbad.png</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/f6/42203fc12920f72288072b9c99d218f6.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/f5/42da747a07ec33246c8e2bef1be1bcf5.jpg</span></a><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/6a/0229759168d7e2e86fa4b0e48361436a.jpg</span></a><p> <span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial Black"><strong>Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs. Albert and Justin Credible</strong></span></span> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">10 minute time limit match</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Jericho and Credible start off, with Chris quickly chopping Justin into the corner. Triangle Dropkick from Y2J and a Forearm Smash from the "Rabid Wolverine"! Quick tag, Benoit almost gets it after a pendulum backbreaker! Poor Justin... He crawls in his corner, but Benoit locks him in STF! Albert saves his partner, breaking the hold. X-Pac joins the commentary, rubs his hardcore belt and threatens Matt Hardy for screwing his guy out of his rightful title match.</p><p> </p><p> Back in the ring, Benoit continues to inflict pain on Credible's back. Tag to Y2J, low dropkick right in the kisser! Jericho looks for the Lionsault, but Albert big boots Chris in the back to save his guy yet again...</p><p> </p><p> Al Snow attacks X-Pac from behind, trying to steal his belt with a cheap shot!!! Albert mentions it and leaves his corner, brawls with Al Snow through the crowd. Credible finally made it to his corner, but nobody was there. Tag to Benoit - Three Rolling Germans. Jericho in with a Lionsault... tags "Crippler" back, as he ends this Justin Credible beat down with a Diving Headbutt!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i67.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/f1/82f384e6742f28ea71054352270432f1.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Chris Jericho</strong> and <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> defeated <strong>The X-Factor</strong> in 8:47 after the Diving Headbutt. </p></div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> Trish gives a backstage interview to a horny and sweaty Kevin Kelly, promising to win the WWF Women's title and to become the best champion ever. Kelly doesn't know what else to ask, he's extremely nervous. Then Trish says that she invited her girls to witnees the title change. She looks back, and we see Torrie Wilson and Stacy Kiebler, sexy as always. Kevin Kelly's little freind welcomes girls in the WWF. Trio laughs, and goes to the ring. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38311" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0919/d3/3b0b0835bbd85e28fae8731bdbc00cd3.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0919/d9/14a547fe58e98210d03afaf859b418d9.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i67.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0919/f9/ea2e9815ff235d30a442fa6c2b89fff9.jpg</span></a><p> <strong><span style="font-family:Arial Black"><span style="font-size:14px">Trish Startus vs. Chyna</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i67.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0919/27/c2d60ffe3b69c2980496c05a8be1e127.jpg</span></a></p><p> <span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">Match for the Women's Championship</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Stacy and Torrie sit down nearby Paul Heyman and Jim Ross. Paulie smugs and starts a conversation with ex-WCW girls. Jim Ross, however, calls the match in all seriousness, hyping up Chyna and her title reign.</p><p> </p><p> Lock up, Chyna pushes Trish away easily. Another one, Chyna irish whips Trish in the corner. Startus asks for one more chance and smacks Chyna's leg with a low kick. Another one, challenger keeps the distance with the champion. Chyna tries to grab Stratus, but she slips out and tries a roll up!</p><p> </p><p> ...Until two! She almost got her! Chyna quickly gets up and Trish gets out of the ring to save herself. Torrie and Stacy cheer for Trish, Chyna finally catches her and smacks her head across the announce table 5 times! Irish whips her in the steel steps, and gets a warning from the referee. We all know that a hot head is bad when you try to retain your title...</p><p> </p><p> Chyna covers Trish, she kicks out in two. Body slam from the champion, Chyna hits her pose! Trish rolls her up again! One, two, kick out! It almost happen again! Jawbreaker from Trish, stunned Chyna gets a headscissors takedown! Trish makes a front flip leg drop, and scores another pinfall!</p><p> </p><p> Chyna had enough, rage mode activated! Ribbreaker into Fallaway Slam, ribbreaker into another overhead slam... Ribbreaker into a Gorilla Press Position! Trish with a Victory Roll!!! One, two... WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!!!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/26/4198cd4eea744b632f9642d31a6e5026.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Trish Stratus</strong> defeated <strong>Chyna</strong> in 9:29 after a Victory Roll.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ref handles Trish her newly won title! Torrie and Stacy leave the announce table to congratulate Trish with a huge milestone in her career. Chyna is confused to say the least. What an upset!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/0f/0106fdfb5a0e1ffc9f6355566a2ea90f.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> Rocky walks backstage, Kevin Kelly wants to asks some stupid questions, but Rock kicks him in the balls. "The Great One" is not in the mood right now... On the other hand, DDP smiles at Mean Gene and praises all those people who watch this PPV at home and at the arena. DDP says that he wrestles not for money, but for people's mood and smiles on their faces... BANG!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38311" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/b2/da2fe2920ef29dd720342ce125c960b2.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/42/7d0aeff9d18cea5945b745e993067442.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i65.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/29/7f647d4e49925495950dd1934000aa29.png</span></a><p> <span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial Black"><strong>The Rock vs. Diamond Dallas Page</strong></span></span></p><p> <span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">Tables Match </span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> People support DDP as they never did. It's his WWF debut, and what a match this is. How many WWF stars fought their debut match with tables surrounding the ring? I doubt there were many. DDP high fives and interacts with his fans, but The Rock cuts the cuddle with a punch that sends DDP clap hands groggy. </p><p> </p><p> Rocky punches DDP on the ramp, irish whips him in the titantron, smacks his head in the announce table, and finally lays him with a DDT on the floor! "The People's Champion" is so much younger than his opponent! It is understandable to witness a beating like this one. Rocky throws DDP in the ring, tears the turnbackle pad and sends DDP head first into the exposed steel ! Looks like DDP is already busted open! Rock mocks the fans and adds some boots to DDP's body. Irish whip, and a huge spinebuster! Rocky throws his elbow pad in the crowd, but gets it back immediately! People chant "DDP".</p><p> </p><p> The Rock stops half way... he grabs a mic and starts a tirade about his Hollywood movies, his huge samoan family... Rocky stops. </p><p> </p><p> "Oh my god, The Rock almost forgot that my dear cousin Leati celebrates his 16th birthday soon! Anyone can help me and reccomend something to give that teen as a gift?". Rock asks some lady in the first row, but shuts her up before she answers. </p><p> </p><p> "It doesn't matter what your reccomendations are, The Rock doesn't need any advises from a fat cat lady who has a 20 year old kid who is still a virgin. Leati will get a Poontang Pie on his 16 th birthday, and without a shade of a doubt, he will enjoy it!"</p><p> </p><p> Rocky rolls back in the ring, and gets himself into a DIAMOND CUTTER!!! CROWD POPS! No covers in this type of match, DDP needs a table in his ring to make that finisher work! He gets a big one and tosses it in the ring! Clothesline from The Rock! Our Hollywood star continues to dominate the match, until DDP counters Rock's Samoan Drop into another Diamond Cutter!!!</p><p> </p><p> Still no victory, DDP sets up the table, and brings The Rock on the third turnbackle! It's time for the Diamond Cutter #3!!!</p><p> </p><p> THE ROCK BOTTOM IN MID-AIR!!! TABLE IS BROKEN, ROCK IS VICTORIOUS!!!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i67.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/de/fd70825545b533cb8e68a827e286bdde.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Rock </strong>defeated <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> in 16:38 after the Rock Bottom from the top turnbackle on the table. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After that reversal Rocky places DDP's limp body in the middle of the ring and gives him a heart-breaking People's Elbow! Enough already, he's 45 year old!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/82/fc6e7f34ffea7c62699acfd0b8dbd282.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> Steve Austin versus The Undertaker, WWF World Title match is next! Kane and Triple H won't be there, so we will have a fairly fair fight between those enormous icons! Austin and Taker are extremely focused, and it's time for our main event! Biggest fight of this month starts now!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38311" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i63.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/e7/ba8fcd65a77ac3a18325c3f8fc1d89e7.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i68.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/8f/d4ebc2ce8fb6bf02421552fec41f768f.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/9b/baa94582563c1e0d9dcbf405f066389b.jpg</span></a><p> <span style="font-family:Arial Black"><span style="font-size:14px"><strong>The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i66.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/72/c4cfccff81122e52c140ef3b617f4972.jpg</span></a></p><p> <span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">WWF Championship Match</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Right before those two make their entrances, "No Chance in Hell" rocks the PA system! Vince McMahon is back, and he heads down to the commentary table. Heyman and Ross welcome the WWF chairman back, as he wears the garniture with a big smirk on the face.</p><p> </p><p> Rollin' Taker and Glass Shaterin' Austin made their entracnes, warming up the crowd so much, it could explode in any given second. Agressive lock up, Taker wins it, but Steve kicks him in the gut and adds some slaps to the face. Huge boxing uppercut from Taker, but Austn answers with a european uppercut! Those two exchange blows until the ref gives a warning. Seems like both use closed fists to inflict more damage, but the match status is so high that ref hesitates to end it with a DQ!</p><p> </p><p> Now Taker and Austin use their knees and elbows, legs and foreheads! Now that's a brawl! Austin runs the rope and breaks Taker's jaw with a lariat, another running attack by the WWF champion is interrupted by challenger's big boot! Both men roll out of the ring fighting...</p><p> </p><p> Austin catapults Undertaker in the barricade, Taker answers with a whip in the steel ring post. Taker takes few steps back, charges speed but misses a lariat, crushing his own arm across the steel post! Austin kicks Taker in his knee and stomps biker's arm till it turns blue. Picks it up and puts it in the gap between steps and another post... and breaks Taker's arm, stomping the steps! We won't see Chokeslam tonight...</p><p> </p><p> Austin throws Taker back in the ring, huge knee stomp on the apron, Taker falls down on the concrete floor. Poined elbow drop, and another boxing match outside the squared circle. Russian leg sweep in the barricade from Austin, Taker lands back first and concedes a ton of mudhole stomps from his rival. Stone Cold gets back in the ring and orders ref to start counting...</p><p> </p><p> Taker gets in the ring until ref yells "five", but gets back on the floor after a huge knee tembler from Austin. Another count starts, Taker is dizzy... he gets back before "nine", LOU THESZ PRESS! Austin busts Taker open with his shots, what a fight! Side head lock attached on the "Phenom". Even if Taker won't tap, it would effect him...</p><p> </p><p> Austin releases Taker's head from his arm grip. Taker is out? Can't be! One, two... Taker's shoulder made a reflex, saving him! That's experience, damn it! Austin locks Taker in the Million Dollar Dream submission hold! Oh, he is a ringmaster, no doubt about it! Taker drifts between sleep and wake, he's napping, if you let me put it that way... but reflexes, darn them, they save Taker yet another time. Undertaker's elbow frees it's master from the submission hold! Taker locks his own submssion - standing dragon sleeper, also known as <em>Takin' Care of Buisness</em>! Taker chokes Austin out, then lands on his broken-in-past neck with a leg drop and tries to cover him... one, two...</p><p> </p><p> Austin has a reflex of his own! A middle finger right in the Taker's face! Oh my, that made him red! Undertaker garbs Austin's hand and goes Old School! Austin drags Taker back... STUNNER! MID-AIR STUNNER!!! </p><p> </p><p> The impact of Austin's finisher was so powerful, that Taker fell of the ring, landing right on his nape! Ref starts to count... it's eight already, he won't get back! Taker jumps on his feet, but collapses as the last given second expires... Austin retains the title.</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i68.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/32/2c3014dfa10c58343a20ece0fb60d032.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steve Austin</strong> defeated <strong>The Undertaker</strong> in 25:49 after a count out. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Steve Austin celebrates alone, McMahon is happpy, and we fade away as Taker realises he blacked out in the main event of the PPV. Steve Austin is truely "Stone Cold"!</p><p> ______</p><p> <a href="http://fastpic.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i64.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0922/35/7083d05275eb3f93e57669612db82a35.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> PPV Buyrate: 6.17</p><p> </p><p> So guys, was this show bad, or it was good? I want to know your thoughts about it! Thanks for reading this anyway, post-PPV update coming in a few days!</p>
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Franchise Players:

1. The Rock (2 Wins, 0 Losses)

2. Steve Austin (4 Wins, 0 Losses)

3. The Undertaker (2 Wins, 2 Losses)

4. Kurt Angle (2 Wins, 1 Loss)

5. Kane (2 Wins, 2 Losses)




WWF World Heavyweight - Steve Austin (1 defence)

WCW World Heavyweight - The Undertaker (1 defence)

WWF Intercontinental - Triple H (0 defences)

WWF World Tag Team - Two Man Power Trip (2 defences)

WWF European - Vacated

WWF Women's - Trish Stratus (0 defences)

WWF Hardcore - X-Pac (1 defence)

WWF Light Heavyweight - Jerry Lynn (1 defence)


Top Ten Matches

  1. Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker (Judgement Day 2001) A
  2. Power Trip vs. A.P.A. (Raw is War, Week 2) B+
  3. Power Trip vs. Brothers of Destruction (Raw is War, Week 1) B+
  4. The Undertaker vs. Booker T (Raw is War, Week 3) B+
  5. Booker T vs. The Undertaker (SmackDown, Week 2) B
  6. Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian (Judgement Day 2001) B
  7. The Rock vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Judgement Day 2001) B
  8. Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho (SmackDown, Week 2) B
  9. The Rock vs. Big Show (SmackDown, Week 1) B
  10. Chris Benoit vs. William Regal (Raw is War, Week 3) B




Cash Performance: 11,500,318

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Prediction Game Rankings:

Uncrewed - 21

Midnightnick - 11

solidliquid777 - 4





  • WWF goes to Canada this week! Raw takes place in Quebec, SmackDown - in Ontario!
  • Edge and Christian booked in a match against Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. Explosive match guaranteed! All four men enter the KOTR next week.
  • Triple H lost to Kane in a non-title falls count anywhere match past Sunday. Now "The Big Red Moster" can get a title shot, but would he ask for it? Mick Foley doesn't like the Power Trip, so we can expect some favours for "Devil's Favorite Demon"!
  • Speaking of title shots, Matt Hardy promised to give X-Factor's enforcer Albert a rematch for the belt, but failed to reatin it. X-Pac said that they won't forget that, so we can expect some violence between ex-european champion and present's hardcore champion stable.
  • It looks like Test finally found himself. Val Venis and Goodfather tagged with him, and actually destroyed A.P.A! It's hard to tell who needs who right now, but it's obvious all three want to get more victories.
  • A lot of guys enter this year's King of the Ring tournament. Qualifying matches will be held, Mick Foley wants to give everyone a chance! Regal, on the other hand, will take part in it. With Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero on his side he can reach the final stages.
  • Steve Austin defended his gold, so now he can reqest a title match for WCW World Heavyweight championship! Taker wants a rematch, no doubt about it, so he won't mind to use a strap he disrespects to get his hands on "The Rattlesnake" one more time!
  • Jeff Hardy promised to win the King of the Ring title and become the WWF Champion this Summer. Ambitions are high, no doubt about it. Jeff has unfinished buisness with Al Snow, so they will handle it one on one.
  • Dudley Boyz are the number one contenders on Power Trip's tag titles, as they smashed Edge and Christian in a tornado tag match at Judgment Day. With both Triple H and Steve Austin busy in single matches, Dudleyz have only one goal - stop The Power Trip as a unit! Warm-up match against the X-Factor is on.
  • Trish Stratus became the new Women's champion last Sunday. Chyna has a lot of conflicts backstage, turning whole locker room against herself. "Ninth Wonder of the World" demands a rematch the night after she lost the title. Is Chyna confident, or just hot-headed?

Match Card:

  1. Dudley Boyz vs. X-Factor
  2. Jeff Hardy vs. Al Snow
  3. Chyna vs. Trish Stratus (WWF Women's Championship match)
  4. Edge and Christian vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho
  5. Kane vs. Steve Austin
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Held: Monday, Week 4, 2001

Location: Molson Stadium (Quebec)

Attendance: 25,013


Kurt Angle comes out to greet Canada for beign able to meet the American Hero and The Olympic Gold Medalist in their dirty lands! Crowd booes Kurt, and he adds that canadian politeness is a myth! Kurt also adds that he's The King of the Ring, and it's true, it's damn true!


Edge and Christian appear on the ramp with Kurt's KOTR trophy. Kurt starts a tirade that Edge and Christian are the only two canadians he respects, as they are the only team from Canada that is able to win some gold.




"Let's see, what canadians love to do, except for ass-licking and maple leafs..." Kurt thinks for a while, Christian whispers something in his ear. "Oh right, hockey! I can't wait for 2002 Winter Olympics, people. Where my country whips your country's ass!" Edge and Christian laugh, they both pretend to hate that game with skates and sticks... "You're right Kurt, our hockey team sucks!"


Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit interrupt Team ECK! Benoit is in the Edmonton Oilers jersey, while Jericho is in the Winnipeg Jets t-shirt. Jericho has a mic in his hand...




"Would you please, shut the hell up!"


Crowd cheers for Y2J and Benoit, those two are real canadians! By the way, they're heading to the ring. Regal booked them in a tag match, so we can get it right now. Jericho, however, feels talky...


"Angle, you stupid assclown, get the hell out of this ring, you don't belong here!". People support Jericho with cheering, Benoit volunteers to supervise Kurt back to the locker room! Angle is livid, he escapes the ring with his trophy, to the accompaniment of a negative reaction. Right before Jericho was up to call E&C juniors, a huge brawl broke out! Benoit saved the day for Y2J, and all four guys shared a heavy satredown soon after. That's gonna be explosive! Edge and Christian join Kurt on the ramp, those three will look out for each other the following weeks!



Dudleyz are looking to get the "w" in this one, as they throwed Power Trip a challenge for the tag titles at the nearest PPV. Justin Credible and D-Von start the match, with heels using some underhanded tactics to gain control. Neckbreaker from Credible, a couple of Back Spinning Wheel kicks from X-Pac and a sucker punch from Albert finalized in a near fall. Tag to Bubba, he clears the house with lariats and elbow smashes. One-on-one against Credible, Bubba Cutter! X-Pac with a missile dropkick on Bubba, D-Von saves his brother from another mother! Double suplex on X-Pac... and a double military press slam on Justin and Albert! X-Pac is all alone now, Dudleyz crush his balls with a top-rope "Wazzuup??"! Credible breaks the cover with an elbow drop! Russian leg sweep in the corner to D-Von, X-Pac hits a Broncobuster! Bubba Bomb to X-Pac, those two are in trouble! Bubba picks the hardcore champion up, and D-von sends him on the ground with a Dudleyville Device!!! Matt Hardy comes out on the ramp, starts to call Albert names! X-Factor's enforcer leaves the ringside! Crowd chants "3D", and brothers perform it on Credible to pick up a confident victory!




Dudley Boyz defeated X-Factor in 9:37 after the 3D.


Rhyno and Stevie Richards talk backstage, trying to find some common ground. The only thing Stevie and Rhyno have in common is a hatred to Raven. Stevie says that Raven's IQ is 143... somebody dropped that this number is bigger than theirs summed, but it can not be true! Stevie says that he did an IQ test on the internet, and his result was pretty high - 86! Rhyno wants to find out his own IQ, and both men leave, searching for a computer...



Al throws his head in Jeff, jumps on him and smashes hardy with it yet again. Ref could just DQ Snow, but he just confiscated a moniqen head and gave Al Snow a warning. Snow continueds to kick jeff, now with his own head... Jeff rolls Al Snow, but unsuccessful! Lariat attempt from Al, reversed into a spinning neckbreaker. Jeff with a double leg drop on Snow's croth and a low dropkick after that fro a quick cover. Picks Al again and sends him on the ground with a sitout inverted suplex slam for another near fall. Al rolls ou of the ring, but Jeff follows him with a crazy Plancha to the outside! Gets himself on the security wall, and after levaing his footsteps on it, splashes on Al yet again. Jeff throws his victim back in the ring, and goes for the Swanton Bomb, misses! Snow-Plex to Hardy, Al goes on the top turnbackle... misses a Snowsault! Jeff picks him up, TWIST OF FATE! This maneuver got Jeff a decisive victory!




Jeff Hardy defeated Al Snow in 7:17 after the Twist of Fate.


After the match Jeff talks about his brother Matt, until Mick Foley comes out and cuts him off. Commisioner informs Jeff that his 1/8 final KOTR match will be against his older brother!


"Have a nice day!"




Next up is a title rematch. Trish looks even better with a title!



Chyna jumps on Trish and punches her until ref warns the challenger! Beautiful Trish defends herself, hiding between the ropes... Chyna with a shoulder block, that was brutal! Trish bounced of the ropes and crushed on the concrete floor after that move! Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson appealed to the ref to calm down psychotic Chyna! But however she grabs Torrie by her hair and throws bleach blonde in the ring! Slams her head across the mats, totally knocking her out. Ref is concerned about his well-beign, as he ignores dirty tricks from "the Ninth Wonder of the World"! Trish is back in the ring, roll up... Chyna kicks out in two and a half! Stacy plays with her puppies to distarct the ref... Chyna falls down cold after Trish smashes her title across Chyna's face! Quick cover... Chyna kicks out again! Women's division come out on the ramp and surround the ring. Molly Holly, Jacqueline, Ivory, Terri get in the squared circle and start beating on both Trish and Chyna. Ref stops the match...




Trish Startus and Chyna drew, after ref double DQed both sides.


Both champion and the challenger lay down on the mats. Four interfered women stare each other, and a huge cat fight breaks out. Chyna was screwed out of her title rematch, and now somebody from that locker room will be the next contender!


Triple H and The Undertaker are absent tonight, both men need some rest after their grueling matches last night. The Rock no showed because he is hangover after his cousin's birthday. DDP does some yoga to recover from a Rock Bottom on the table... a lot of our top dogs are out. Shall they attend SmackDown?



Jericho milks the crowd for a bit with gestures and "cmon baybas!". Christian grabs him tightly, but Y2J escapes the hold and sends his opponent on the ground with a backdrop suplex! Quick tag to Edge, some short arm lariats and a back spinning wheel kick to nowhere... Jericho wants a tag, but Christian jumps on him and smashes his head in the mats powerfully! Double irish whip and a series of dropkicks by ex- tag team champions. Cover, Jericho kicks out in 2. Gutbuster-legrop-cover combination, but they get the same. Benoit is a little bit nervous about his partner. Edge'O'matic and an elbow drop, another tag and a frog splash on the "Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla"! Benoit leaves his corner to save his partner, but ref blocks him. Low Blow and a Edgecution on Y2J, that can be it!.. But no, Chris kicks out in the last moment! Edge sets him in the Electric Chair position, with Christian performing a gorgeous Crossbody from the top rope! Jericho places his leg under the ropes to save himself... Benoit can't find a place for himself! Edge and Christian taunt the "Rabid Wolverine" with a 5 Second Pose! Oh, that was very dangerous! Jericho gets up and knocks Christian out with an enzughiri kick to the side of the head! SPEAR! Edge reacted quickly, he's the legal man! Cover, Benoit leaps from the turnbackle on Edge, saving his partner! Christian is on the apron, Jericho with a Triangle Dropkick! Benoit irish whips Edge in the ropes and adds a brutal forearm smash quickly after! Gets on the top turnbackle and connects with a Diving Headbutt! Christian grabs a chair, and smacks Jericho with it! Ref orders to ring the bell.




Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho defeated Edge and Christian in 14:25 after ref DQed Christian.


Stone Cold is backstage with Kevin Kelly. Austin looks at his belt the whole time Kevin asks him scripted questions. Then he cuts off Kelly, ignoring his job duties, and remembers the Judgment Day 2001.




"Undertaker, I whooped your ass at Judgment Day like never before. Nobody ever thought that "American Badass" can lose like that, blacking out and collapsing after the match. Don't think this is over, Deadman, I'm the rightful number one contender on your own gold, a big gold belt you won this month from Booker T. I'm gonna repeat the "stone cold" beating I inflicted on you past Sunday, and be sure as hell, that the second match would be even worse for you. And that's the bottomline, because Stone Cold said so!"


Austin makes his entrance, but Kane is nowhere to be seen. After minute or so, Kane was found backstage on the ground. It looks like Triple h or someone else attacked Kane from behind, when he was up to join Austin in the ring!


Steve Austin pushes ref in the corner,he wants the match to start right now! Earl Hebner has no choise but to signalise to the timekeeper that the match sterted! Austin tells Hebner to start counting till ten, FAST! Earl starts the count, reaches "5", then slows down... Austin gives him a slap in the face, to hurry up the senior official, but he falls on the grond unconscious! A lot ot swearing from "The Rattlesnake", he is not so "Stone Cold" right now... New ref jumps in the ring, and helps Earl to get up. He gets a Stunner for it!! 2 more referees, 2 more Stunners! The last one is a bit smarter than the others, as he starts counting Kane out, quickly enough...


Kane makes his way to the ring!!! Gets in the ring, when the ref supposed to yell "10"! He screwed himself up! STUNNER! We ran out of the referees, as Austin's finisher connected with a striped man, not Kane. Austin rolls out of the ring and gives Kane two middle fingers, saying "Goodbye!"...


Kane picks up the refs one by one, sending them down to the ground with five Chokeslams! After the job is done, all 4 turnbackle posts explode. Kane looks in Austin's direction, as we fade away... Austin robbed canadians!





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Prediction Game Rankings:

Uncrewed - 24

Midnightnick - 13

solidliquid777 - 4




WWF SmackDown! Preview:


- WWF European title is vacated, so SmackDown's senior official William Regal will solve that problem easily... In a 10 men Battle Royal, where one half of the european title match will be decided! There are some rumours that Shane McMahon would be involved somehow, but we don't know how exactly...


- Matt Hardy meets Albert in a 2nd qualifying match, victorious side will meet Battle Royal's winner at KOTR PPV for the vacated title!


- With Albert busy in a singles match with Matt Hardy, X-Pac finds himself "uncovered" and vulnerable. His hardcore title can change hands, so we can expect some backstage traps for the leader of the X-Factor! Sure, X-Pac has Justin Credible by his side, but is it enough with Rhyno and Stevie Richards lurking around the backstage area?


- Kurt Angle throws an open challenge to anyone who thinks he's good enough to mess with the "Olympic Gold Medalist". Benoit and Jericho would skip that, as they have a rematch with Edge and Christian in the main event!


- "The Great One" gave his word that he will appear on SmackDown tapings! What kind of action can we expect from The Rock? A match, an interview, a celebration angle with his cousin? Tune in to find out!


- The Undertaker shares his thoughts on Judgment's Day PPV finale with Jim Ross. "American Badass" doesn't like a lot of talking, he prefers to punch people in the face instead... Physicality? Provocations? What's next, Taker?


Match Card:

  1. Kurt Angle vs. ???
  2. X-Pac vs. ???
  3. Matt Hardy vs. Albert
  4. Battle Royal (Big Show, Billy Gunn, Bradshaw, Faarooq, Crash Holly, Hardcore Holly, Spike Dudley, K-Kwik, Steve Blackman, Test)
  5. Edge and Christian vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho
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Held: Tuesday, Week 4, May 2001

Aired: Thursday, Week 4, May 2001

Location: Air Canada Center (Ontario)

Attendance: 19,800




Kurt Angle comes out, booed more than in Quebec! Kurt poses as much as he can, playing up the hostile crowd. Finally, a microphone gets in his hand, and our "Olympic Gold Medalist" says this:


"Last Monday I was interrupted by two shmucks you like, people, but tonight is different. Nobody will interrupt the "Olympic Gold Medalist", and he will end his speech when he wishes to end it. First of all, I'm the King of the Ring... It's true, it's damn true! Secondly, Canada doesn't like me because I'm just that good. You people are jealous USA has a role model like me, and your village-type bunch of families don't! It's true, damn true! And to prove this statement, I throw an open challenge to anybody who thinks I'm wrong! Believe me, Olympic Slam and Ankle Lock will get the job done, I just need a boy to take the beating in the middle of this ring!"






It's Booker T! A fromer WCW World Heavyweight champion and a current United States one! It's his second open challenge in WWF, it could be a massive upset! Booker T takes the mic from stunned Kurt and greets Canada with "lifting the roof" gesture! Booker says that he is glad to be here and he will try his best to "beat da hell" out of Angle! Kurt attacks him cowardly, and referee decides to start the match!



Angle stomps Booker for a pretty long time, than picks him up like a bag of potatoes and slams him hard, demonstrating his superior amateur wrestling skills afterwards! Booker escapes the hold once or twice, but Kurt feels so much better on the ground. Mat style battle, Booker almost lost the match after Kurt rolled him up! A test of strenght, Booker is better at this one, but "The American Hero" fights back with a middle kicka dn a belly-to-belly suplex! Chickenwing applied, Booker gets back on his feet after a Spinaroonie feint! Crowd loved that for sure, but Angle quickly planted Booker with a bridging german suplex for the two count.


Kurt pulls tights off his shoulders, setting up the Ankle Lock! Booker quickly grabs the rope, but Angle pulls him back in the middle of the ring! Booker T escapes the submission hold, quickly transitionig it in his own finisher - Scissors Kick! Cover, Kurt kicks out in two and a half! US champion goes on top, Harlem Hangover time? YES!!!


Angle saves himself in the latest second, skipping that move! ANKLE LOCK!!! Booker's high risk maneuver got him in the worst position possible! Kurt tortures his opponent for two minutes or so, finally deciding to apply leg scissors to end the bout! Booker screams like a newborn child, but...


...a stranger in the hood jumps in the ring and breaks the hold with a low dropkick to Angle's face! Another DQ ends the match in our Canada tour.




Kurt Angle defeated Booker T in 12:42 after he was attacked by...


Lance Storm! Lance tossed Angle out of the ring and only then revealed himself! Booker T was surprised that Lance saved his leg, but right after Storm took the hood off, a single leg Boston Crab debuted in the WWF! Storm made WCW United States champion tap out! Lance picks up the title and poses with it, recieving a good recation from his homeland neighbours!



Deja vu for Booker?


Next match of the night is a singles competition between Matt Hardy and Albert!



Matt Hardy looks behind, he clearly waits for Jeff to attack him sometime. That gives an edge to Albert, as he tosses Matt around. Avalanche in the corner, suplex slam and a splash give Albert the near fall. Albert grabs Hardy's hair and whips him out of the ring. Matt regains his breath, and at that exact moment Jeff slowly comes out from the shadow. Matt yells on his younger brother, but gets a smile in return... and a clothesline to the back from Albert, of course! He picks Matt up and sends him in the steel steps. Albert orders Jeff to stay away, but he ignores him too. Suicide Dive from Matt Hardy, Albert kncoked out! Jeff slowly approaches the ring, Matt mentions it and invites him in the ring. Albert is back on his feet, Baldo Bomb! One, two... kick out! Jeff's smile disappeared, as Matt gave both him and Albert a middle finger greeting! Albert with a Bicycle Kick!!! Cover, one-two-three...




Albert defeated Matt Hardy in 6;38 after a Bicycle Kick.


Al Snow attacks X-Pac backstage! He throws something at the hardcore champion from the cathering table, and jumps on him from it afterwards! Al goes to a soda machine, and it looks like he wants to drop it on X-Pac! Superkick out of nowhere, it's Justin Credible. He saved his fellow from a brutal beating right now... X-Factor leaves the area, but Rhyno and Stevie Richards bump into them instead! Stevie asks X-Pac for some help in their IQ test problem, and as all four men solve the problem, we get back in the ring!


Battle Royal



Big Show vs. Billy Gunn vs. Bradshaw vs. Faarooq vs. Crash Holly vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Spike Dudley vs. K-Kwik vs. Steve Blackman vs. Test


The last entrant is Big Show. He's thankful to Regal for this booking for sure. Match is ready to go, but Shane McMahon interrupts the match and garbs a mic.


"Big Show, you really think that's a fair match? With all due respect to Spike, he won't be able to throw you out of that ring... So If Regal can make matches, why can't I? I have a lot of talent behind my back, so why this Battle Royal must be involved only by 10 men? Why not 20?"


...Oh my, it's WCW!!! Kanyon, Buff Bagwell, KroniK, Natural Born Thrillers, Hugh Morrus, Mike Awesome, Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak! Those giants make their way to the ring, Big Show is not the absolute favourite now!


"Every time somebody hits the floor, one of my boys will subsitute him! How about that?"


Big Show grabs Spike and throws him out in the crowd! The Giant asks for more, WWF veterans back him up. Shane picks Mike Awesome! Awesome gets in the ring, and everybody gives him an ECW-style beating! However, Mike throws Crash out of the ring, before Hardcore Holly eliminates him in return!


Stasiak is next! Shawn fights, struggles and gets his face busted open! Bradshaw and Faarooq try to eliminate Stasiak, but second geneartaion superstar pulls A.P.A. on the floor with himself! That was unexpected.


KroniK walks in, starts to brawl with Steve Blackman and Billy Gunn, but fail to impress Shane with a lot of eliminations and leave the ring with a total number of 3 victims - Hardcore Holly, Billy Gunn and Steve Blackman. Hugh Morrus and Natural Born Thrillers step into the squared circle, all 3 men go after The Big Show! 7 foot giant throws KO punches into WCW tag team champions faces, and gets thrown out by Test! WCW roster helps to get Big Show on the floor, and now all of them fight Paul Wight! It looks like a mammoth hunt, but the Battle Royal continues!


K-Kwik finds himself in 2 on 1 situaion, as Test and Hugh Morrus approach him in the corner. Double missile dropkick from young lion, he won't give up that fast! K-Kwik gives Hugh a huge dropkick, which sends him in the ropes, and almost out of the ring! Test with a sidewalk slam on K-Kwik! Morrus gets back on his feet and starts to put them on the body of the rookie...


Heels pick up the underdog, and he lands on his arms! Nobody is able to drop him on his body, so he's not eliminated! Morrus goes after him, and gets a superkick from the steel steps! Test with a huge lariat, misses... K-Kwik with a scissors takedown...


Test is eliminated! K-Kwik did the unthinkable, for that he gets a PPV title match!




K-Kwik won the Battle Royal


K-Kwik is shocked, he is the winner! Crowd cheers for a young lad, but Test gets back in the ring - with a chair... luck ends here, as Test smashes it across the back of a victor. That will leave a mark!




After we're back from the ad break, Jim Ross informs us that Undertaker had an accident on his way to the show, and that puts their talk show off the SmackDown set. WWF wishes Taker well, and Michael Cole promises to get the news as fast as possible...




The Rock meets Shane backstage, they have a great deal to discuss. Shane asks Rocky to delay the conversation, but "The Great One" says that The Rock won't leave Shane O'Mac until he gets what he wants.


- And what's that?

- Not "what"...

- ???

- "Who"...

- Another crazy ass dream match, are you serious?

- How dare you to talk like that with the "Great One", jabroni? You promised The Rock 3 opponent's of my own choise, remember?


Shane cools down and nods.


- The Rock wants "The Nature Boy"!


McMahon Jr. turns red, now he looks like his father...


- When?

- King of the Ring PPV, main event!

- But the tournament final is scheduled for main event!

- The Rock doesn't care... do it, jabroni.




By that words we return to the ringside, where our grand fight will be held!



Benoit and Jericho tagged for a little bit, so their tag experience is pretty low, if we compare them to Edge and Christian. Those two held WWF tag titles longer than Y2J and "The Rabid Wolverine" shared one corner! Nevertheless, good canadians look for revenge, and are determined to take a victory before King of the Ring tournament starts!


Christian and Benoit kick off our main event! Quick lock up, head lock into an irish whip, Benoit shoulder blocks Christian and foream smashes Edge! Some stiff chops to Christian and a tag to Y2J! Jericho hits the ropes, dodges a middle kick and delivers a beautiful hurricanrana! Cover, Christian kicks out at 1 and tags Edge in! He clubs Y2J a couple of times, whips him in the opposite corner, where Benoit slaps Jericho, tagging himself in! Quick clothesline to Y2J and another forearm smash later, from the wolverine!


Benoit chops Edge, getting loud sounds out of his chest! Crowd cheers for Chris, as he gets ten quick chops, Kobashi style! Jericho tgas himself in and competes with his partner in a "loudest chop of the night" tournament! Eventually, Edge tags Christian in, and he gets his chops from benoit and Jericho at one moment. Double clothesline and a delayed double team suplex put Christian out! These two start to find some chemistry together!


Back in the ring, Christian starts getting some momentum after Edge eye raked Jericho during the commercial break. Knee lift from Christian to Benoit, a quick armbar after that and a low dropkick to end the sequence. Tag to Edge, quick lariats and a head lock takedown, heels slow the tempo of the match down. Edge holds Benoit there for a couple of seconds, before bumping on the ground after a big belly to back suplex! Benoit picks Edge up - pendulum backbreaker! Cross armbreaker applied, Chris moves Edge's body while holding him in the submission, tags Jericho, and he leaps of the top rope with a poetic elbow drop! Pin attempt, Christian breaks it! Benoit punishes him with a release german suplex, Jericho tries to put Edge away with the Walls of Jericho, but leaves him to Benoit and triangle dropkicks Christian on the apron!


Benoit goes for the Crippler Crossface on Edge! Victim of the "Crippler" escapes the hold and turns the flow of the fight with a tremendous dropkick! Now Edge goes for a submission, Edgecator applied! Benoit screams in agony, and Jericho saves him with one arm bulldog move! Christian back in the ring, cross body on Y2J... for a two count! Reverse DDT and a leg drop on Benoit, Christian almost gets the victory after a frog splash! Jericho with a missile dropkick which sends the ref on the mats too!


William Regal jogs to the ring in a refree outfit, ready for a screwjob! Jericho puts him on the concrete with a baseball slide! GM and "The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rollah" brawl to the back, and now Mick Foley sprints down to the ring to hit the rings three times with Mr. Socko! Sharpshooter on Edge, that's gotta be it!


Christian back in the ring with a steel chairshot to the nape of Mick Foley! It sends him cold on the mats, we have no officials left... except for Vince McMahon himself! Third man will do the thing, no doubt about it!


Christian with a Killswitch on Benoit, Edge locks an Edgecator, and Vinnie Mac orders to ring the bell! McMahon screwed Chris Benoit!!!




Edge and Christian defeated Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho in 18:36 after the Edgecator.


After the match Vince raises arms of both Edge and Christian, they screwed Benoit and Jericho! "The Rabid Wolverine" couldn't do anything about it... Plastic trash flies all over the arena, and on that image we end this edition of SmackDown!



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