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[Thunderverse] Joseph Kyle's Road To Glory

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OOC: This is my first ever Thunderverse game, my first 'proper' RTG game (I normally go lite and play with the dirt sheet on, and my first game of TEW for about a year. What could possibly go wrong?


Also, I've deliberately NOT put a federation in the title here. While I'm starting off with my created fed Wrestling Unlimited!, I may try and bounce my way around, according to RTG rules, depending how things go.


Edit: I'm assuming everyone's aware of the Thunderverse even if they haven't played it, by the way. If you haven't tried it yet I would DEFINITELY recommend it - check it out at this thread. Huge thanks to all involved in the creation of this amazing mod.


It's half past five in the afternoon, and I'm getting excited about Travis Stine's upcoming main event against Luke Graves on The Fighting Zone. I don't even need to flash my backstage pass at the guys on the doors at the Meridian Sports Hall - they both work for The Club, and recognise me straight away.


"Alright, Joey Kyle?" The smaller one, a guy in his forties with a broad Liverpudlian accent, asks me. "How's it going?"


"Good, thanks. Is Cesar here yet?"


He nods at me. "He's in the office, yeah."


I tap on the door politely, and the Club's Executive Producer opens it nearly immediately.


"Hey, Mr Kaslow. How's it going?" I ask him.


"I'm good, kid. You?"


I open my mouth to answer him, but he shushes me straight away. "No time to hear your problems, kid. I need you to come up with something for Scotty Seal. My bosses at the network want him in the main event ASAP. I think someone's daughter has a crush on him. What have you got?"


"Ummm... Scott Seal? In the main event?" I run my hands through my hair.


"Was I stuttering, kid? Yeah, Scott Seal, main event push, make it snappy. I have a meeting to get to." He presses his lips together as he waits for my response.


I'm frantically thinking here. This could be my chance. Kaslow has been asking me for advice over the past few months, since he liked an idea I came up with. It still blows my mind slightly that at 18, I'm giving advice to the guy running the 5th biggest wrestling company in the USA, but he tells me he's just impressed he found a wrestling fan who could actually write. Sometimes, I get the feeling he doesn't like his job too much.


I start to walk backwards and forwards, which always helps me think. "Okay, let me see... Maybe tie it into the de Bruin storyline? How about Derian Alpha gets into something with Iago, Iago convinces Seal that Alpha's disrespected his Boston crab, and Seal keeps it locked on to injure Alpha? Take Alpha out for a few weeks... do the same thing again with someone else, maybe Xtian St Ours? Then once you're ready to pull the trigger, have Seal work out that de Bruin is manipulating him and challenge him to a match."


"Think it'll fly?"


"I think so." It's off the top of my head, but I'm getting more convinced that it's got potential.


"Okay, that's good. Write it down for me, kid. There's paper around somewhere. I gotta run, this meeting won't wait. Thanks."


Touching his arm, I stop him from leaving. "Mr Kaslow, is there any chance there's a space for me in the pre-show tonight?"


He sighs. "I've told you, kid. The TV executives don't want a guy built like you on screen. Our target demographics don't like looking at 350 pound men unless they're really muscled up."


"I wouldn't have to be on TV, Mr Kaslow! Even just five minutes in a dark match." Blinking, I try to fight the frustration. Why does it have to be like this every time?


"Sorry, kid. Gives the wrong impression to paying customers. Maybe lose some weight, then I'll ask again. Do me a favour and get those ideas down, I'll be back in a while." He reaches up, and squeezes my shoulder slightly on his way out.


I sigh, and pick up a pen. At least he hasn't ruled it out completely...


"You know, kid, I keep hearing you got a great mind for wrestling. Just as well, because you sure as sugar don't have a great body for it." The interruption to my thoughts comes from a dark haired man who gets out of a chair facing the doorway. I hadn't noticed him before. Has Cesar known he was there? Then I realise who he is.


"You're Robert Nadeau."


"Yup. And I'm here looking for you."


"You are?" My head jerks back.


"Luke Graves said I'd find you here, at a guess."


Luke Graves was the guy who first introduced me to Cesar. I'd been waiting for hours for him to leave the building after his stunning debut when he walked out on the AWF and threw his TV title in the trash, just so I could tell him what an incredible moment it was. He'd proved surprisingly happy to talk for a while - I think he was so relieved to have left AWF that he'd have agreed to just about anything - and asked me how I'd capitalise on his heat. I came up with a few ideas, none of which led to anything, but next show, he got me a backstage pass and introduced me to a few of the guys, and that's how I ended up giving some thoughts on some of the people they didn't have any plans for.


Nadeau clears his throat, perhaps realising my attention has wandered.


"Heard what you were saying to Kaslow. Liked it. How much are you getting paid?"


"Getting paid?"


"Aww, son. Don't do this to me. They tell me you got a great mind, and then I find out you don't even know the first rule of Booking 101."


My mind races. "Isn't that to protect the top stars?"




"Is it to make sure you keep as many people as possible in good storylines?" I should know this...


"Nope. Christ, son, back in the day, didn't need to worry about any storylines, people just wanted to see actual athletic competition. Well, actual fake athletic competition, I guess, but you know what I'm saying."


"So what is it?"


"First rule of Booking 101 is the exact same as first rule of Wrestling 101. Don't do jack unless you're getting paid for it." He slams his fist down onto the table to emphasize his point.


"Well, I was hoping that if I gave him enough good ideas, he might let me get in the ring..." I start to explain.


"And how's that working for you, son? Trust me, if your mind IS as good as I'm getting told, you should be focusing on booking. And getting paid for it. So I got a proposition for you, Joey."


"You have?" My eyes widen.


"I want to give something back to the business. I'm opening up a new federation in Seattle. Wrestling Unlimited! Where young guys can learn the ropes. Technicians, high flyers, brawlers - as long as you don't just hit people over the head with a garbage can, you can compete there. Thing is, I can put a goddamn good match together, but I don't got the patience for this storyline stuff. I'm told you'd be good at that."


I definitely wasn't expecting that. "You want me to book for you?" I ask him, my jaw dropping.


"I can see what the TV guy means; you DO have hearing problems, don't you?" He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I want you to book for me."


"Gee, Mr Nadeau, I don't know. Planning storylines and stuff, that's always been a bit of fun to me. I want to make it as a wrestler."


He sighs. "Kid, you're not going to make it as a wrestler. Forgive me for being blunt, but you're out of shape, you can't put on a decent hold to save your life, and you look tired after ten minutes in the ring, according to anyone who ever saw you."


"I'm 18. I can improve. This is my dream, Mr Nadeau!"


"Well, when I was your age, I dreamed of being an astronaut. Didn't happen, but I ended up okay. Sometimes, son, you need to change your dreams." He turns away.


"So this new federation is for young guys to learn about the business and improve?"


Turning back to face me, he nods. "You could be part of building the next generation of superstars."


"But I want to be ONE of the next generation of superstars, Mr Nadeau."


"Fine. Have it your way. Come to book for me and I'll teach you to wrestle. I'm not saying I'll turn you into the next Drake Richards, but maybe in time, you could become passable."


"I could wrestle and book?" It's tempting to jump in the air with excitement, but I try to play it cool. "I mean, I guess that's one way to get into the main event."


"Main event? Son, you may be awfully confident, but you're no Bill Hickock. If you drive us out of business because no-one wants to see you stinking up the ring, you won't help anyone much, me or you."


I shrug. "So I guess that just gives you more incentive to train me quickly."


He snorts. "I think we got ourselves a born optimist here. Let's see if you're still seeming this full of yourself after a few weeks of me stretching you."


He smiles, though, as he holds out his hand. Laughing, I shake it firmly.


And so begins my time as a head booker.

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She's bold, she's brash, she's bright (well, her face paint is, at least.) Jezebelle is well-known for annoying people with her screechy voice but she has the potential to go far in the business. Will her quartet be the ones to push her to the next level?

Heavyweight Harris Carter, aged 21 and a 2 year pro, was a star all-rounder in school in Japan. His US serviceman father expected him to follow in his footsteps but after watching a classic Eli Morton vs Dagger Ito contest the athletic wrestler enrolled in a dojo the next day. Moving to the US to live for the first time in his life, he'll be hoping to make an impact.

Jay J Marshall, the Heavy Metal High Flier, leaps around a lot for a middleweight - possibly to cover some fairly subpar wrestling skills. He's built up a (very small) following on the indie scene teaming with Shannon Sorensen as The Hardcore High-Fliers but will be focusing on singles competition here.

SWA tag team Dreamscape are one of the top pairings outside of the big leagues. Sadly, they wanted more money than we could afford, but we did manage to grab a team inspired by them, Pieces of the Puzzle. Missing Piece and Puzzle, unlike the more complete and experienced team they idolise, have some impressive spots and little else. Their commitment to kayfabe, never being seen without their masks, is more impressive than their wrestling ability.



Melody Ziegler, younger sister of valet Chastity, wants to be a great wrestler in her own right rather than just a pretty face at ringside. However, with no women's division in the fed (yet, at least), she's decided to form her own stable for now.

Oliver Kent has made something of a name for himself as masked wrestler The Midnight Mystery. However he's ditching the mask for us as the superhero gimmick doesn't work so well with our product, and wrestling under his own name.

Slightly bigger than new stablemate Oliver Kent, TJ Sway is another WU! wrestler who likes throwing himself off things rather more than actually applying wrestling holds. Given his size, his moonsault and shooting star press look impressive.

Speaking about guys who throw themselves off things, we have another pair here (it's amazing that so many of the cheapest guys to hire just happen to be the ones without any real wrestling training. Aron and Dale Chains have a combined 15 World title runs and 12 Tag title runs, which seems impressive until you realise they were all in the CWF, or Chains Wrestling Federation. As the name suggests, they were the owners and head bookers of this backyard organisation, which featured whichever of their school friends they could drag in for a few matches.



Nancy Marston, like Oliver Kent, is better known under a gimmick name - vampire Anita Bite. Like Kent, though, she'll be performing for us as herself, The New Zealander is almost certainly our most talented person on the mic. She's also bound to get a lot of support from commentary, as her sister Chauna will be pairing with announcer Tony Moore to tell fans watching over the internet what's going on.

All the way from England, Clubber Moss is a tough brawler who never backs down from a fight. The biggest guy in the company apart from yours truly, his Liverpool Lariat has become a feared move on the independent scene in the UK.

A former student of the CMLL dojo in Mexico, Starblazer was struggling to find work and moved to the US to train in the Lab. His intergalactic character is a weird fit for a serious wrestling fed but he flatly refused to drop it, and as one of the better workers around who'll work for under $500 a show, we didn't push the issue.

With few established tag teams available for the money we're offering, we put one of our own together. Nancy's Boys sees Eric Morgan - wrestling under his own name although more famous as Mr Fitness, a comedy character - team with Kelly Prince. The Australian surfer is in great condition and is potentially one of our future stars. Okay, he can't really wrestle, but that could be said of most of the roster, and at least he won't collapse after 15 minutes in the ring.



Like Melody, Vallerie Gagne is more interested in wrestling than ringside work, but has agreed to come on board as a valet. The Frenchwoman is good to look at and great on the mic, a natural born heel.

We all know what our esteemed owner thinks of me, Joseph Kyle, but I'm determined to prove him wrong! Before I'm 35, I'll be main eventing for an international company.

22-year old brawler Lincoln Nash, star graduate of the Chaos Wrestling Academy, is arguably the company's top in-ring worker. He's also our second highest-paid guy, behind Starblazer.

Mexican tag team Los Phoenix are less flashy than you'd expect a duo of Latino luchadors to be, but are getting a buzz on the indie scene in their home country. Having an experienced pairing on board - they're only 21 and 20, but have been wrestling together regularly for four years - has to be a good thing.

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The Wrestling Unlimited! league will run from February 2014 until July 2014. Every week, there will be six matches, 4 singles bouts and 2 tag contests, which will see each manager's quartet face off against each other team. Points will be awarded as follows.


Win - 5 points.

Draw - 2 points.

Loss via DQ - LOSE 1 point.


At the August event, the two recognised singles wrestlers in the team leading the standings will collide for the Big Gold Belt, our main singles championship, while the recognised tag team in the quartet will be allowed to pick any pair of wrestlers to fight against them for the Medium Silver Belts, our tag titles. However whichever manager's team are bottom of the standings will lose their manager's license and will be replaced - with the newcomer under no obligation to take on any of their wrestlers! Remember, competitors in Wrestling Unlimited! can ONLY compete if they are part of a recognised stable led by a licensed manager.

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WU! Youth Gone Wild February 2014


In our first ever main event, Jay J Marshall, the Heavy Metal High Flier, will go against the weird and wonderful Starblazer!


In the semi-main, we'll see two young, but still fairly experienced, tag teams collide as Vallerie Gagne's Los Phoenix pair off against Jezebelle's Pieces of the Puzzle.


Lincoln Nash is said to be one of WU!'s brightest stars - but can he start off with a victory over Oliver Kent, who's ditched the mask of The Midnight Mystery to wrestle full-time under his own name?


Eric Morgan, like Kent, has dropped a gimmick name. The former Mr Fitness claims to be all business now. But will that help him against the biggest man in WU!, rookie Joseph Kyle?


WU's other biggest guy is the import from Liverpool, Clubber Moss. His newly-formed tag team, Nancy's Boys, where he'll wrestle alongside surfer Kelly Prince, will take on perhaps the company's most experienced team, brothers The Chain Gang.


And we'll kick things off with a bang as Harris Carter, new to the country from Japan where he's succeeded at everything he's ever tried, takes on the reckless rookie they call TJ Sway!



Predictions Key


Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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Loving all the predictions and great to see some of the Thunderverse team following this one! Show should be up later today, but to keep you going, here's our YouTube show. (Nadeau wasn't keen on spending much time promo-ing when they could be wrestling, so this is Kyle's attempt at a compromise.)


WU! Youth Will Have Its Say!


[WU! colour commentator and hostess Chauna sits in front of a WU! logo.]


Chauna: Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages, I want to welcome you to WU! Youth Will Have Its Say! This is your chance to hear from some of the most exciting superstars in wrestling today. And, of course, the four managers who will control their destinies. Remember, the ONLY WAY to be accepted into WU! is to be chosen as a member of one of our four-man teams - so the four lovely ladies in charge can make or break your career here. Speaking of those lovely ladies, let's hear from Team Jezebelle!


[Cut to a garage somewhere. Jay J Marshall, the Heavy Metal High Flier, is coming to the end of a blistering guitar solo as manager Jezebelle throws herself at his feet, before getting up and smiling at the camera.]


Jezebelle: I! AM! EXCITE! Are you excite, WU! fans? You should be! Because in a few days time, you get to see me, Jezebelle, this gorgeous man here, and three other fantastic wrestlers, as we start our climb to the top!


[Marshall throws down the guitar, which looks fairly battered already.]


JJM: I'm taking on some guy who claims he's travelled across galaxies to be here? Some people would say that makes him a weirdo... a freak... an idiot, even. Me? I say THAT'S METAL. Good luck in the main event, Starblazer. It's gonna be one hell of a show!


[Location switches, and we see Harris Carter standing in front of a WU! logo.]


HC: Born in America, made in Japan...


[A pause, as he looks like he's trying to remember a line.


HC: When it comes to wrestling, HC is your man.


[He shrugs.]


HC: My manager tells me that wrestling isn't enough. I need to put myself out there, connect with the crowd. Truth is, I never learnt about that in the dojo. What I did learn was how to make a man cry out in pain, and how to take their legs away from them, or render an arm useless. So with all due respect to Jezebelle, this may be the last time you hear from me. I'm going to let my wrestling do the talking.


[back to Chauna.]


Chauna: Well, Harris doesn't seem to keen on following his manager's instructions. Let's hope his wrestling impresses her. Remember, for the six months of the WU! League, the roster is locked - after that, trades can take place at any point for the rest of the year, or a manager can simply drop wrestlers and bring in outside stars if she chooses to do so! Up next, Team Vallerie!


[Another WU! backdrop, but this time there's an entire team in front of it. Frenchwoman Vallerie Gagne, man mountain Joseph Kyle (that's me!), tag team Los Phoenix, and middleweight Lincoln Nash.]




[Vallerie nods approvingly, but puts her fingers on her lips as Lincoln starts to speak,]


Vallerie: As you can hear, Joseph Kyle is a man of few words. These other three? They are men of no words. I will say what is necessary. And all that you need to know is, in seven months time, Team Vallerie will be walking out of Youth Gone Wild with the WU! belt and the tag titles. Because the most important person in WU!? C'est moi.


[back to Chauna.]


Chauna: Vallerie Gagne hugely confident there, by the sounds of things. Just a reminder, it's the August edition of Youth Gone Wild where we will crown our champions. Up until that point, we'll have a four team league. At that event, the winning team in the league will be guaranteed one belt, as the two singles wrestlers will collide for the WU! title. In addition, the tag team will take on a pairing of their choosing in the first ever WU tag title match. Next up, Team Nancy.


[No banner this time. Just big Englishman Clubber Moss, outside in a park. The footage is jerky, as if someone's filming on a handheld camera, and isn't too steady on their feet.]


CM: WU! here I come, la! I'm getting on that plane in just a couple of hours. Nancy, love, thanks for the chance. I don't even know yer yet, but that don't matter. All yer gorra do, is stand dere and watch me give de rounds to this pair. Because like me mam always said, no one 'as a barney like a Scouse la does!


[Cut back to a puzzled looking Chauna.]


Chauna: Ummm... he sounds confident. I think? Also on Team Nancy, but not taking the opportunity to talk to us today, Kelly Prince and Eric Morgan. Some people would say Nancy is taking a big risk by pairing two guys who've never even met when everyone else has brought in an established tag team. Will it pay off? Remember, the manager whose team are bottom of the standings after six cards LOSES her managerial license! Let's hear from her.


[Another WU! logo, which Nancy stands in front of.]


Nancy: People say they don't understand my choices of wrestler. Why I brought in someone from England with all the talent available in the USA. Why I paired up two guys who've never met, Kelly Prince and Clubber Moss, when there are so many experienced teams I could have had.


[she smiles.]


Nancy: I wanted a challenge. And I wanted people who were hungry. Believe me, I've done my research here. Dozens, maybe hundreds, of hours scouting the many applications I received. I picked the people who don't just want to win, they need to win. Including this man here.


[The camera pans right to reveal the mysterious Starblazer.]


Starblazer: Light years have I travelled through galaxies unnumbered, I have fought things you would not believe. By the power of Starblazer, I will triumph!


[back to the studio.]


Chauna: Okay, did I say Clubber Moss was hard to understand? I don't know where - or when - this guy is from, but the WU! suits obviously are impressed, because he's in our first ever main event. Finally, let's here from Team Melody!


[Cut to a skate park, where the Chain Gang stand on top of the half pipe. They smile at each other, then backflip off, landing on their feet.]


DC: Fifteen time champions The Chain Gang are in WU! It's time for us to dominate another federation just as we did the CWF!




[Another WU! logo, with Oliver Kent the man in front of it.]


OK: I have put aside childish things. The mask of the Midnight Mystery is officially retired. It's time to focus on being the best wrestler I can be. With the help of Melody, I'm ready to take the WU! title.


[One last logo. Melody.]


Melody: I was hoping to bring you an interview with the man who's going to kick off Youth Gone Wild, TJ Sway, but after a slight accident in training, he's in hospital. That doesn't mean he's going to be at anything less than 100% to face Harris Carter. It's just a precaution. Come Sunday night, Team Melody will make their mark on WU!


[back to Chauna for the final time.]


Chauna: See you soon for Youth Gone Wild!, everyone! A reminder of our line-up for the first ever show.



Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)

Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)

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WU! Youth Gone Wild - Sunday Week 4, February 2014


Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs TJ Sway (Team Melody)


We tell this pair to go out and give it all they've got as they're kicking off the birth of a new federation here. If this is all they've got, then I really hope we can afford better wrestlers soon. Dull bout which sees Sway take control early on, wiping Harris out with a plancha just a minute or so into the match after backdropping him to the outside, but Harris is able to fight back, taking Sway's right leg out and eventually picking up the win with his Orange Crush Bomb.


Harris Carter defeated TJ Sway in 6:43 by pinfall with an Orange Crush Bomb. E



Nancy's Boys (Team Nancy) vs The Chain Gang (Team Melody)


I'm going to be generous and suggest that this quartet have slightly more of an excuse for a lousy contest as one pair only met yesterday. That said, '15-time CWF champions' The Chain Gang don't look like they're anything special when it comes to communication. They get the victory, though, with an impressive double superplex on Prince followed by Aron's Aron Bomb slingshot senton bomb finisher.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, The Chain Gang defeated Nancy's Boys in 7:52 when Aron Chains defeated Kelly Prince by pinfall with an Aron Bomb. E



Eric Morgan (Team Nancy) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)


Okay, maybe I was being harsh on the earlier guys, because this was pretty dreadful. Eric is a natural opponent for me in many ways, but despite him bumping really well, we never get this going. I'm off form and the crowd seem worryingly bored considering how short the match is. He quits when I lock on my Kyle Krush bear hug.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Joseph Kyle defeated Eric Morgan in 4:03 by submission with a Kyle Krush. E-


Post match, I stand around and look menacing as Vallerie tells the fans that the league is just a formality and I'll have the belt in six months time. D-



Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie) vs Oliver Kent (Team Melody)


This is the best match so far, without ever looking all THAT good. Nash displays impressive power and takes control early on. Kent manages a brief comeback when he backdrops Nash to counter a powerbomb attempt, but in the end, it's my stablemate who proves triumphant with a Gangsta Chaos inverted piledriver.


In an extremely poor match, Lincoln Nash defeated Oliver Kent in 10:02 by pinfall with a Gangsta Chaos. E+



Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)


Just about edging out the previous contest as match of the night so far, we get some good double teams and nice high spots from this quartet, particularly simultaneous planchas by Puzzle on Gold Phoenix and Blue Phoenix on Missing Piece. Despite a few near falls towards the end, this one runs out of time and is ruled a draw, giving both pairs 2 points. Missing Piece and manager Jezebelle seem to work well together, luckily, although Piece is off his game, blowing a couple of spots.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Los Phoenix drew with Pieces Of The Puzzle in 15:00 when the time limit expired. E+



Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)


And THERE'S your match of the night! Fun nine minute sprint sees Starblazer bring the power - throwing Jay, who's only a few pounds lighter than him, around with impressive ease - but Marshall bring the speed, and after a hurricanrana leaves the Galactic One reeling, the Heavy Metal High Flier leaps from the top with a Gunmetal Splash to get the win.


In an extremely poor match, Jay J Marshall defeated Starblazer in 8:45 by pinfall with a Gunmetal Splash. D-



League standings


Team Jezebelle 12

Team Vallerie 12

Team Melody 5

Team Nancy 0



Prediction standings


jhd1 3/6

MJ Stark 3/6

Michigan Hero 2/6

Know Your Enemy 2/6

Midnightnick 2/6

TheEnforcer 2/6



The fact that no-one broke 50% makes me worry about my booking, especially with some of the Thunderverse team predicting. Oops. Thanks for following, all - will get the next show line-up done later today or tomorrow.

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Good show. Well, awful show obviously, but very well presented. :D


One question though. With your fed built around four managers, why so little angle time in your product?


Glad you liked it!


The angle ratio is at 90% as in 2010 using angles in much more performance orientated feds tended to be a bad idea. When I realised that letting my current roster spend more time in the ring was an even worse idea, Kyle suggested to Nadeau that we changed it, and got told "We ain't no POW here, son! This is all about the wrestling."


Despite this, more angles will creep in a few months down the line...

(Mild spoiler: we are somehow still here a few months down the line. I know that seems improbable, looking at those grades, but I guess Mr Nadeau is a patient man.)

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I'd say the fact no one got a perfect card is a good sign, especially for a first show. No one really knows the direction of the dynasty until the first show is posted anyways. :)


I agree with Michigan. You've also got a few people around the same pop level so it's not even like we could use that as a guide! :D


Good start though :)

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I agree with Michigan. You've also got a few people around the same pop level so it's not even like we could use that as a guide! :D


Good start though :)


I think they're all around the same pop level - friends and families only. Anyone at a slightly higher grade probably has lots of cousins, or was in a fraternity...


Glad you liked it. I AM starting to think my "hire nice, cheap guys" could have been improved on by looking at wrestling talent at some point before putting them in the ring, but you live and learn.

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WU! Youth Gone Wild March 2014


We have a tag match in the main event, as the experienced pairing of Pieces of the Puzzle go up against TJ Sway and Oliver Kent, teaming for the first time. PotP took Los Phoenix to a time-limit draw last month, while Sway and Kent were both beaten.


The Chain Gang, 15 time champions in their own backyard fed and successful last time out against Nancy’s Boys, go against Lincoln Nash and Eric Morgan in solo competition. Aron’s opponent Nash beat Oliver Kent in one of the best matches last time around, while Dale will face Morgan, who was an easy victim for Joseph Kyle.


Los Phoenix go against Nancy’s Boys. Australian Kelly Prince and Scouser Clubber Moss only met the day before our last card and their lack of experience showed as The Chain Gang were too good for them, while the established team looked good in their time-limit draw.


The Heavy Metal High Flier Jay J Marshall, winner of our first ever main event, takes on big rookie Joseph Kyle, winner of our quickest match. Both these guys represent teams on 12 points so far, jointly leading the standings.


And in our opener, Harris Carter will be kicking things off again. Last time around he beat TJ Sway, this time he’ll take on the weird and wonderful Starblazer. Harris is ‘born in America, made in Japan’, while the Galactic One has travelled light years to get here. Whose journey will be rewarded with 5 points?


Predictions Key


Oliver Kent and TJ Sway (Team Melody) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Aron Chains (Team Melody) vs Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie)

Dale Chains (Team Melody) vs Eric Morgan (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Nancy’s Boys (Team Nancy)

Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

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Oliver Kent and TJ Sway (Team Melody) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Aron Chains (Team Melody) vs Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie)

Dale Chains (Team Melody) vs Eric Morgan (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Nancy’s Boys (Team Nancy)

Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

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Oliver Kent and TJ Sway (Team Melody) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Aron Chains (Team Melody) vs Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie)

Dale Chains (Team Melody) vs Eric Morgan (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Nancy’s Boys (Team Nancy)

Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)


I can't bring myself to pick for any of The Chain Gang, they're just so terrible! :p

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Oliver Kent and TJ Sway (Team Melody) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Aron Chains (Team Melody) vs Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie)

Dale Chains (Team Melody) vs Eric Morgan (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Nancy’s Boys (Team Nancy)

Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

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WU! Youth Will Have Its Say! March 2014


[WU! colour commentator and hostess Chauna sits in front of a WU! logo.]


Chauna: Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages, I want to welcome you once again to WU! Youth Will Have Its Say! Have you all recovered from Youth Gone Wild? Wasn't it an amazing show? One lady who definitely thought it was is Jezebelle, whose main man Jay J Marshall won the main event! Let's hear from them now.


[We're in Jay's garage again, although this time he's not playing guitar - rather, he's pushed up against the wall with his manager's tongue halfway down his throat. There's a polite cough from our cameraman to get their attention. Jezebelle breaks the kiss and turns around.]

Jezebelle: I! AM! EXCITE! This man here, The Heavy Metal High Flier, showed why Team Jezebelle are going to win the WU! League! Oh, and his kissing is even better than his wrestling? Is that TMI? Sorry, but I am SO EXCITE!


JJM: Getting a reward for that like winning? THAT'S METAL! Sorry, though, Harris. Great to see you putting the points on the board, but The Heavy Metal High Flier doesn't like to share. Good luck against Starblazer, though. He may be strange, but he's no pushover. As for Joseph Kyle? The man looks like a mountain - but seems to me, he moves like one too. Squashing Eric Morgan like a bug might be a good way to make a first impression, but beating Jay J Marshall is a whole lot more difficult.


[Cut to the WU! backdrop, Harris Carter standing in front.]


HC: No, I haven't heard much from Jezebelle, and that's just fine. I'm happy she picked me for her team, but I've never had a manager before; I don't need to get too involved now. I hope her and Jay are having fun together; I'm concentrating on my wrestling. Now, if you'll excuse me...


[back to Chauna.]


Chauna: We tried talking to Pieces of the Puzzle, but Jezebelle was a bit too busy to put us in touch, and no-one else actually knows who they are... let's go to Team Vallerie!


[The quintet are in front of a WU! backdrop.]




Vallerie: Just as we saw last time out, when you smashed through Eric Morgan like a freight train. Jay J Marshall, I hope you have health insurance. We are on top of the standings for a reason, and we intend to stay there. Nancy's Boys, Aron Chains - you may as well not turn up. Because the winner of this contest? C'est moi.


[As Lincoln Nash starts to speak, Nancy makes a gesture to the cameraman, and we cut back to the studio.]


Chauna: Is it just me, or are certain managers overly focused on one person on their team? I think Team Melody are maybe getting along better - check out this footage they sent us!


[We're at a theme park, and we see jerky footage of Melody, The Chain Gang, Oliver Kent and TJ Sway stumbling off a rollercoaster, then looking at the camera and laughing.]


AC: What a rush! Come on, you have to say you enjoyed that, guys!


TJS: Oh yeah! That was nearly as much fun as it's going to be teaming with Ollie here to take on Pieces of the Puzzle in the main event next week!


OK: I gotta admit, I thought I was getting too old for this kind of thing, but I'm glad I came. See, I look at some of these other teams, and all I see is a collection of thrown together individuals. What we have here? We have guys who are getting to know each other. We'll fight for each other, just like I once fought for justice!




[Melody smiles and applauds.]


[Cut to another WU! backdrop, where we see Nancy pacing.]


Nancy: You won't be hearing from any of the wrestlers in Team Nancy this week. After our performance last time around, extra training is very much necessary. Los Phoenix, Aron Chains, Harris Carter. This time, we're going to be more prepared. You've been given notice.


[back to Chauna for the final time.]


Chauna: See you soon for Youth Gone Wild!, everyone! A reminder of our line-up for the second ever show.


Predictions Key


Oliver Kent and TJ Sway (Team Melody) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Aron Chains (Team Melody) vs Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie)

Dale Chains (Team Melody) vs Eric Morgan (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Nancy’s Boys (Team Nancy)

Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

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Oliver Kent and TJ Sway (Team Melody) vs Pieces of the Puzzle (Team Jezebelle)

Aron Chains (Team Melody) vs Lincoln Nash (Team Vallerie)

Dale Chains (Team Melody) vs Eric Morgan (Team Nancy)

Los Phoenix (Team Vallerie) vs Nancy’s Boys (Team Nancy)

Jay J Marshall (Team Jezebelle) vs Joseph Kyle (Team Vallerie)

Harris Carter (Team Jezebelle) vs Starblazer (Team Nancy)

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