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WWF 1995: Fighting Back

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The Russo Report


Edition 1, Week 1, September 1995


Breaking News!



Wrestling mogul Vince McMahon (as seen above)

has passed away in a tragic accident. The coroner's report has it stated that a small bullet hole was found near Vince McMahon's suit within 1000 meters of the Turner Broadcasting Systems office of operations. No news on who the assailant is, but we here at Russo Report will keep you updated. The funeral is planned to be in 1 week at Vince's home in Greenwich, Connecticut. On the ownership of WWF regards, high executives in the company are expected to report who will take over the company soon.


Reader's Opinions



We here at The Russo Report asked OUR audience for who you think will take over WWF. We interviewed two lucky contest winners, and here's what they said:


Interview #1


Interviewer: So, Warhawk, who do YOU think will take over the WWF?


Warhawk: Well sir, I think the new owner will be none other than Mr. McMahon's son Shane!


Interviewer: And why do you think that Mr. Warhawk?


Warhawk: Well Mr., Shane is Vince's son after all. It is like the king is passing his duties to the next in line, who is Shane McMahon.


Interviewer: Thank you for your time sir.



Interview #2


Interviewer: What do you think of the coroner's comments about the bullet hole in Vince's chest Beejus?


Beejus: Well Mr. Fancy Man, I think he was MURDERED.


Interviewer: Yes Beejus, we can tell, but who do you think murdered him?


Beejus: Well I think that he was murdered by someone within, and his body was hidden near W-C-DUBYA headquarters as a cover-up. Mr, I think Good Ole' JR MURDERED VINCE!


Interviewer: Who do you think will take over WWF Beejus?


Beejus: I think it will be the boss' daughter, Stephanie McMahon!


Interviewer: Thank you for your time sir.



So that's it for now folks, make sure to let us know who YOU think will take over the WWF. We will see you all next time on The Russo Report!



Copyright 1995


OOC Note: This is my new project I have started, as I am not having fun with my ROH one anymore, and I need something to do while the draft is ongoing for WWE 14. So here it is, my take on WWF 1995! I would also like to thank Beejus for use of his template, and all of the users who have predicted on my ROH diary in the past! So, without further ado, let's get started!


Post Script: Yes, I actually asked Warhawk and Beejus these questions :D

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The Russo Report

Edition 2, Week 1, September 1995



Breaking News!




WWF Executives met today at WWF Headquarters in Connecticut today, deciding a new owner for the World Wrestling Federation. Numerous names popped up in the meeting, or as our reporters say. It was said to be a very private meeting, even though we here at The Russo Report knew the new owner all along. Numerous names popped up, such as Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Jim Ross, or Michael Hayes. None of these names were picked, as the new owner of the WWF is...


























Vince Russo is the NEW owner of the WWF? What could this mean for the future of the company?

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WWF Monday Night Raw Predictions, Week 1: September 1995




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega





"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????





#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow





Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels







1- Predictions will be run every month, with the winner having a choice from the following:


1- Create a PPV Title Match

2- Pick two workers that I will profile *Credit goes to NobbyMcDonald for this idea*

3- Have an interview on The Russo Report!

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega





"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. Vader





#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow




Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Comments: Draw

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega

Comments: When I think crappy '96 WWF, Savio Vega is the first thing that comes to mind.




"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????

Comments: Captain2 taught me to always back the mystery opponent. :p




#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Comments: I love me a triple threat match.




Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Comments: Those dastardly #HEELS.

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega

Comments: HHH crushed Savio




"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????





#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow





Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Comments: Dissension between HBK and Diesel

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega

Comments: Swerve! Savio is really Canadian!


"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????

Comments: Swerve! Razor faces one of his demons, to a draw!


#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Comments: Swerve! Bam Bam turns on DiBiase!


Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Comments: Swerve! Shawn turns on Diesel!

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega

Comments: I echo Beejus, because Savio singing the Canadian Anthem would be the best thing ever.


"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????

Comments: Razor faces Fake Razor! SWERVE!


#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Comments: The Iron Sheik comes out, screams fack in Sid's ear and Sid falls and tears his quad!


Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Comments: A DRAW OCCURS AND 10000000000000000000 REMATCHES AS WELL!

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Russo in charge of the WWF? Guess you could say it's a... swerve :^)



Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega





"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????

Comments: Razor vs. Russo, obviously




#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow





Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels


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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega





"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????

Comments: Always go for the ???




#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow





Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels


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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega





"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????





#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow





Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels


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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega





"Razor Ramon's Open Challenge"

Razor Ramon vs. ?????





#1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship

Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow




Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Diesel and Shawn Michaels


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September 1st, 1995

Held at: Hartford Civic Center (New England)

Commentary: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Attendance: 15,000 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: One hour and Four Minutes

Rating: 75- This show increased our popularity in 5 regions. This show lost us popularity in 11 regions.


Welcome everybody to Monday Night RAW! The intro and pyro go off, as Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon welcome the soldout crowd. They recap the last few shows, showing video clips of the feuds between Bret Hart and Jerry Lawler, and video packages of Diesel and Shawn Michaels. They are interrupted unfortunately by the fans favorite superstar's theme song.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XMPnoEcq_T8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





It's The King of Harts! Everybodies favorite superstar heads to the ring, grabbing a mic near ringside as he heads into the ring and poses for the crowd.


Bret: Now, now everybody calm down. I am here to address one man, and one man only. That man is Jerry Lawler. They call him the king, but I call him b------t.


The crowd loves this mark, screaming BRET! BRET! BRET! BRET!


Bret: Now now guys, I know you all love me, but I still have a thing or too to say to Jerry BS Lawler. I can guarantee that Lawler and his little dentist Issac Yankatooth will be eliminated one by one from the Hart's hit list. After all, I am the hitman, and Lawler and Issac are going to be taken out!


The crowd cheers as the show cuts to commercial break.


Grade: 84



Match #1




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Savio Vega


This was a match between a bad French guy and an abysmal "Canadian" in Savio Vega. Helmsley mainly dominated Vega for most of the match, until Vega reversed a Pedigree into a Superkick. Vega then looked very concerned about Helmsley:


Savio: Eh, Hunter you alright man? So sorry man, didn't mean to hurt you man, so so sorry. Wanna go to Tim Horton's later, they have a donut speci..


Helmsley hits Vega with a lowblow! Helmsley hooks the legs and gets the cheap win over the "Canadian" Savio Vega.


Winner: Hunter Hearst Helmsley (via Pinfall at 7:19)

Grade: 59

Note: Vega's gimmick switch to Awkward Canadian was mildly successful.




After the ring has been cleared, Razor Ramon heads to the ring, mic in hand. He spits out his toothpick to a lucky fan in the crowd, who promptly has to be given to medical attention, as it lands in her eye. Totally wasn't the plan there.


Razor: Man, I've been off my game lately. I've gone from feuding with Shawn Michaels to nothin! What have I come to? All I am is a has-been in a now world. I don't know what to do man!


Razor pulls out another toothpick, but promptly swallows it. That's gotta hurt.


Razor: See, I'm falling apart here! Swallowing s--t, falling off stuff, who knows, maybe I'm gonna kick the bucket like good old Vinny Mac, bless his cold soul. I need to prove myself right. I hereby challenge anyone to fight me to see if there is any good left in old Razor Ramon. He is immediately answered by the following:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/aJy_2cMl5iU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


He will be fighting "The Bizarre One" Goldust, next on Monday Night RAW!


Grade: 75




Match #2



Razor Ramon vs. Goldust


This match was a interesting match, maybe you could call it "bizarre". Both competitors appeared to try and take the offense, but Goldust was too interested in Razor's attire, and Razor was missing punches and moves, making himself look like an idiot. However, Razor manages to actually hit a Razor's Edge, but Goldust kicks out. Goldust takes a character change, turning into a wild dog, barking at Razor. The end comes as Goldust bites Razor's nose which makes Razor start complaining allowing Goldust to hook a leg for the 3 count.


Winner: Goldust (via Pinfall at 10:29)

Grade: 67


Match #3



#1 Contender to the Intercontinental Championship

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Sycho Sid w/"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase


This match couldn't have been anything but a brawl. Fortunately, it was a good one. The two went all around ringside suplexing and powerslams and every brutal move you could think of onto the one inch thick padding over the hard concrete floor. However, road agents come out and throw the two back into the ring. As Bam Bam tries to hit a Bam Bam Sault, Sid jumps out of the ring and grabs a bag of money from DiBiase. He brings the money into the ring and offers it to Bigelow. Bigelow seems to accept but it is actually counterfeit money! The money explodes into ink, Bigelow is blinded! Sid goes for the cover, 1-2-3! Another win due to the dirty tactics of The Million Dollar Man. Sid is the NEW #1 Contender!


Winner: Sycho Sid (via Pinfall at 11:46)

Grade: 74


Match #4



The Most Overdone Match in Sports Entertainment

Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Shawn Michaels and Diesel


This was the first edition of the hereby dubbed "The Most Overdone Match in Sports Entertainment" was a pretty good match. The beginning saw Yokozuna fighting the world champ Diesel. Diesel looks for a Gutwrench Powerbomb, but no, Yoko irish whips Diesel and squashes him! Yoko goes for the pin, 1-2- NO! Diesel kicks out. HBK distracts Yoko by playing the electric guitar he found at ringside, long enough for Diesel to hit a Jackknife and tag out to Michaels. Michaels and Diesel tag in and out wearing Yoko out until Yoko ducks a Sweet Chin Music and slams HBK long enough for Owen to tag in. Owen has the advantage, typical comeback style. Clothesline. Left punch. Right kick. Goes for the pin, but no HBK kicks out at 1. Owen looks to knock HBK over but HBK hits a spinning hurricanrana instead, tagging out to Diesel. However, the match is interrupted by one of the most hated men of the WWF.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LjlVqUpOdAM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Mabel and Mo hit the ring, Mabel hits Diesel with a chair and Mo hits Owen causing the referee to have to stop the match! It's all out chaos as Mabel and Mo stand tall over the four men in the ring.


Winner: Draw (via Double Stoppage at 12:01)

Grade: 74




What will happen with King Mabel and Diesel, Lawler and Hart, and Sid and Michaels. Find out next time on Monday Night RAW!



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The Russo Report


Edition 3, Week 2, September 1995


Welcome to the Week 1 recap edition of The Russo Report! Now, on to our weekly news!




WWF Contract News


News has it from our owner Vince Russo that the following WWF Contracts have been extended: Doink The Clown, Jeff Hardy, and Man Mountain Rock. It has also been reported that WWF has signed top unemployed stars, although there is no word who was signed.


WWF Bidding War!


Inside sources have noted that WWF and WCW have entered an intense bidding war for top worker The Ultimate Warrior. Latest bids have been up to 60,000 a month with signing bonuses up to 70,000 dollars!


WCW Results


Meanwhile in the other company, the old WWF guys Macho Jobber and Huckamania defeated a big guy and some astronomy f---er, and some crazy guy beat an interesting mexican guy who is a criminal.


A Special Interview with Smash!


Interviewer: Who do you think Diesel will face for the title at IYH 3?


Smash: The GREATEST WRESTLER OF ALL-TIME, of course! That would be no one other than BARRY HOROWITZ!


Interviewer: Second question: Who do you think is going to be the next top star of the WWF?


Smash: There is no question that the fans are loving Mabel. He is going to produce ***** matches every week and become the next Bret Hart. I'll go with him.


Interviewer: Third question: Who is the most royal person/group: Jerry Lawler or King Mabel and Sir Mo?


Smash: Jerry Lawler, because after all, he carries the entire company on his back!


Interviewer: Final question: Do you have any crazy predictions for the future of the WWF?


Smash: Yes. The Ultimate Warrior is going to debut as a maniac who runs for cookies, Diesel & Shawn vs. Owen & Yoko will Main Event everything, Mabel will become World Champ in no time, Barry Horowitz will win at WrestleMania, and Sid is going to hug Diesel, and both are going to tear their quads!


Interviewer: Thank you for your time.



That's all for this edition of the Russo Report, check back next week for a new edition! We'll see you all next time!



I did an interview with Smash because we are good friends and he asked me so I said yeah what the hell. From now on however, an interview will be a prize of predictions OR winning a DOTM award! More details to come in the future.

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Week 2, September 1995 RAW Predictions:


"Always remember, to expect the bizarre."




The following four matches are qualifiers for a European title match:



The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke





Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown





Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund





Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly





The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna





Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett





Diesel vs. King Mabel



*card is subject to change :D

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The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke

Comments: This is a match? Brawler wins for once.




Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown

Comments: #WhoIsJeanPierreLafitte




Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: 15 minute Crossface Chickenwing please. :D




Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly





The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Comments: Hartzuna get their momentum back here.




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comments: Jarrett is IC champion, so naturally, he loses here.




Diesel vs. King Mabel

Comments: I don't see both the IC and WWF Champion losing in one show. Besides... King Mabel? Worst KOTR winner ever.

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The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke

Comments: This is a match? Brawler wins for once.




Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown

Comments: #WhoIsJeanPierreLafitte




Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: 15 minute Crossface Chickenwing please. :D




Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly





The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Comments: Hartzuna get their momentum back here.




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comments: Jarrett is IC champion, so naturally, he loses here.




Diesel vs. King Mabel

Comments: I don't see both the IC and WWF Champion losing in one show. Besides... King Mabel? Worst KOTR winner ever.


HINT HINT: HBK was the IC Champion at that time :D

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The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke





Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown





Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund





Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly





The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna





Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett





Diesel vs. King Mabel


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The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke

Comments: THE BEAST



Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown

Comments: Doink's past his prime at this point




Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Savio is still the ultimate jobber




Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly

Comments: Agreeing with Moot :D MOM all the way!




The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Comments: Not a chance




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comments: Bigelow deserves a nice push




Diesel vs. King Mabel

Comments: Mabel: One Man Wrecking Crew

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The following four matches are qualifiers for a European title match:


The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke





Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown





Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund





Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly





The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna





Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett





Diesel vs. King Mabel


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