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Supreme Wrestling Federation: 79' and Onward!

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...SWF Presents...






The show opens with Richard Eisen backstage with a microphone, addressing the Fight for US tournament and the vacating of the United States Championship. He eventually gets to "Crippler" Ray Kingman's title shot this evening, and how after a long discussion with the former United States champion, they had decided that they were making this evening's match-up a No-DQ, No count-out match, meaning that the championship altercation would be a decisive one, to truly determine who is the better wrestler. Rip Chord was said to be very excited for their champion versus champion match, and is looking to make this match a barn-burner.








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Ray Williams vs Mark Krogan


Ray Williams proved in his SWF-debut that he was indeed the "real deal". However, in this match-up, he is facing off with one of the true pioneers of professional wrestling, and Mark Krogan has more tricks up his sleeve than perhaps any wrestler that is currently on the SWF roster. Nonetheless, Williams used his boxing experience to his advantage, placing fist after fist into Krogan's rather large head. Williams kept the veteran at bay, blasting him with more brutal strikes as he softened Krogan up for the finish. In a match that displayed very little wrestling from the boxing stand-out, Williams landed one final left hook that left Krogan on his back and laid out on the canvas, prone to the pin. The referee made the count and Williams was declared the winner.








Following the match, Ray Williams raises his hands for the fans and helps his opponent back to his feet, shaking his hand and sending him on his way. As Mark Krogan makes his way up the entrance ramp, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. come sprinting through the crowd, hopping the barricades and getting into the ring. A violent boot to Williams' back sends him face first into the turnbuckle, and Pangrazzio swarms him with strikes, folding him up and does not let up until the referee separates the two. Williams dusts himself off and swings back at his opponent, but misses and knocks the referee unconscious. Pangrazzio and Williams stare at each other, trying to understand what has just happened, but before we know it, they're back at it again. Williams lands one big crushing blow and sends Pangrazzio out of the ring, and the latter flees the scene, leaving the boxer by himself in the ring, much to the delight of the fans.








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Percy Devine vs Kenny Maynard

Fight for US Qualifier


The two young men get right to it with a potential shot at the United States Championship on the line. Maynard and Devine get off to a good, fast-paced start, but it's Maynard who gets the initial upper hand. Devine manages to fight his way back into it, and after some brutal boots to the gut and a few well placed chops, Maynard is on the back pedal. Unfortunately for Devine, brute force does not often measure up to a strong intellect. As Devine wildly swung, Maynard ducked under and allowed him to be hung up on the turnbuckles. Maynard pulls his legs out from under him and goes for the pin, getting the three count and the victory.








Post-match, Kenny Maynard grabs a microphone and introduces himself to the fans:


Kenny Maynard: What's up dudes! I almost forgot to introduce myself, woah!


A couple crowd members can be seen turning their heads towards the first man to qualify for the Fight for US Semi-Finals, as K-May has young guys up front's approval and the young ladies' attention.


Kenny Maynard: Bros, I'm Kenny Maynard; ladies, I'm Kenny Maaaaaaynard.


A wink leaves a few more ladies swooning over Maynard from the bleachers.


Kenny Maynard: You know it!


Maynard hops out of the ring and slaps hands with the members of the audience as the show fades to commercial.








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Teddy Flame vs Ares Aegalus

Fight for US Qualifier


This match has all of the key components to a fantastic passing the torch match: A young, talented competitor who has yet to touch singles gold; A wrestling icon, who is on his way out, dying to have one last shot at gold; and an incentive which few men could refuse.


Ares looked at Teddy Flame as if he were gazing into a mirror. Their same long billowy hair, their near identical intense facial expressions. Flame was the first to make a move, as Ares was still off into the depths of his own mind, and within seconds, it looked like the torch would inevitably be tossed to the Flame.


Teddy Flame put a lot of pressure on the veteran, using a variety of leg based attacks to immobilize the significantly larger Ares Aegalus. Aegalus managed to mount some offense that made things look a little bit more even but in the minutes that ensued, Flame took the reigns once more.


Teddy's fast paced aerial assault would lead to a visibly beaten (and most likely mentally beaten), nearly broken man falling to one knee, and then both. Flame launches himself off of the ring ropes and fires a Heat Seeking Dropkick that lands flush, leaving Aegalus sprawled out on the canvas. Flame rolls him over for the pin and cements his spot in the semi-finals.








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Rip Chord © vs "Crippler" Ray Kingman

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


This is possibly the most anticipated SWF match since Rip Chord faced Micky Starr at The Challenge last summer, and this is almost certainly the most anticipated match to ever be shown on Sunday Slamfest. Ray Kingman is most likely the most refined, technically proficient wrestler that Rip Chord has ever faced off with, and he looks like he's taking it to the champion to start off the match, nearly finishing him with his textbook Sleeper Hold within the first two minutes off the match.


Chord was obviously able to fight it off, and the match continued. Chord started getting the hang of Kingman's style of wrestling and started figuring out ways to counter it. Chord's more brawl-based attack featured some deadly clotheslines, some violent elbows, and some fast Irish whips to string it all together. Chord in in his zone at this point, and he can do no wrong. Every single risk he takes results in a reward, and it looks like we're on the way to another successful title defense.


Kingman starts to catch up to Chord's pace, and starts to takes risks of his own. A couple arm-drags later and Chord is rolling away, planning his escape from the ring. Kingman walks down his prey, really asserting himself as the alpha male. A suplex, and a pin attempt to follow is unsuccessful, and the two men get back to their feet, Kingman looking like he's on his way to his first SWF World Championship. Chord starts to get back into the match and gets some of his own offense off, some punches, some chops, some elbows, and Kingman is stumbling around the ring, praying that Rip Chord doesn't get a hold of him.


Chord finally gets a hold of Kingman, and tosses him around the ring with a massive German suplex. Kingman tries to hop on his back as Chord raises him to his feet, hoping to ensnare Rip Chord in the Sleeper Hold, but Chord shakes him off and positions him for a picture perfect Rip Chord DDT. Kingman's head is driven into the canvas so hard that he goes limp almost instantly. Chord rolls him over and pins him to defend his belt once again in another world class performance.








Rip Chord turns himself towards the backstage area as he wraps his championship belt around his waist. Chord extends his arms towards the entrance ramp, and yells for his rival: "Hagar!" he exclaims, as he motions for his opponent to bring it on. The fans boo the villain they've come to hate over the course of the near year he's held the championship, and he seems to enjoy that fact, as Chord lets out one final smirk as the cameras fade to black. What will happen on next week's Sunday Slamfest, the last one before SWF's Wrestling Classic?




Final Grade: B-

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How the mighty have fallen...


Ares Aegalus is a name that has run synonymous with professional wrestling and the Supreme Wrestling Federation for over twenty years. Although he never won an SWF World Championship, he is a man who will have a legacy in the world professional wrestling that men can only dream of.


This last week on Sunday Slamfest, we may have seen the true ceremonial passing of the torch. The older generation is getting ready to pack up and move on to bigger and better things. Ares Aegalus will no longer be able to perform like he could when he was twenty five years old. The fact of the matter is, Aegalus is 50 years old, and going on 51. His countless brawls with Micky Starr, George DeColt, Dale Christian... the list goes on and on. His retirement match with Antonio Moretti. We could sit here for hours on end discussing the success Ares has had in his career, but we'd be here all night.


The fact is, the man we known as Ares Aegalus will most certainly have a spot in any existing professional wrestling hall of fame. But he has seemingly passed on his blessings to the young Teddy Flame. It's rumored that Ares requested this spot in the Fight for US tournament bracket specifically to pass the torch on. Apparently, according to some backstage connections with the staff at the Supreme Wrestling Federation, Teddy & Ares had been getting along quite well for the past few months, really hitting it off after Teddy approached Ares about his hopes after his wrestling life was over.


Needless to say, fans will never forget Ares Aegalus. Fortunately for us, he's yet to reveal his formal intentions to retire, but rumor once again has it that he has been talking with Richard Eisen for the past few weeks, the latter begging him to remain with the company for just a little while longer.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: Corki & smwilliams




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #109


Main Event

Rip Chord & Deadly Gamble vs Hagar Erikson & The Lunatics


Sam Strong vs Bill Mitchell


Fight for US Qualifier

Burt Selleck vs Chuck


Fight for US Qualifier

Joey Flame vs Mayhem Midden

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...SWF Presents...






We hit the backstage area first to see The Blazing Flames mid-conversation. With Joey's match this evening weighing just as much on his shoulders as on Teddy's, the two brothers talk about the situation they could be put in at Wrestling Classic should Joey win this evening.


Joey Flame: I'm gonna' win tonight Teddy, I can just feel it. There's no way I lose. There's just no way dude!


Teddy Flame: Yeah, but, I won last week too dude, and that means if you win tonight, it could be you and me going at it on Thursday.


Joey Flame: Why do you gotta' look at it like that Teddy? This is an opportunity for both of us! Who cares if you win the belt? Who cares if I win? At the end of the day dude we're still family, and family supports family.


Teddy Flame: Joey, you're gonna' care if you lose just as much as I will. I'm just saying someone's gonna' be unhappy at the end of it.


Joey looks down at his feet and looks back up, visibly upset by his brother's comments. Teddy puts a hand on his shoulder.


Teddy Flame: But good luck with your match tonight bro. I just don't want you to get your hopes up.


Teddy walks off and leaves Joey much less excited about his match than he was earlier. How will this affect his performance? We'll have to wait and find out.








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Joey Flame vs Mayhem Midden

Fight for US Qualifier


Joey Flame was visibly hurt by his brother's comments before the commercial break, but he certainly didn't show it in his match with Mayhem Midden this evening. Midden has struggled to convert his title hopes into a reality, but with this Fight for US tournament giving new hope to previous contenders, it's possible we finally see Mayhem Midden win a United States championship in the SWF. In the end, Flame's innovative use of the ring ropes and turnbuckles was something that Midden was not prepared for, and Flame took advantage of this, hopping off of the ropes after an Irish Whip to land a massive drop kick. With Midden incapacitated, Flame goes for the pin and gets the three count.








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Burt Selleck vs Chuck

Fight for US Qualifier


In Chuck's SWF Debut, he faces off with Burt Selleck, a competitor who has often found himself under the radar because of an inability to turn his obvious talent into a victory. With Chuck (otherwise known to the independent scene as Charlie Homicide) being a relative unknown to the rest of the SWF roster, it's clear that he carries the element of surprise going into this match. Chuck's violent style leads to a drag-em' out brawl that follows the two men all around the ring and the area that surrounds it, with Chuck battering the man behind the mustache. It's clear that Chuck was not affected by the bright lights, as he put together a strategy that would lead him to the victory and a shot at the SWF United States championship.








Sid Streets stands in the backstage area with Buddy Hollar, although Hollar is clearly only there to provide his guest with a microphone. As Sid prepares to speak, Buddy grants him the floor, and Sid makes it quick for the fans in attendance, and the television audience alike.


Sid Streets: A while back I gave my father and brother an challenge. Clearly, neither was game enough to face me, so I went my own way to get what I wanted.


You see, through my family I have acquired certain... connections. Through those connections I developed relationships, and through those relationships, I learned how to negotiate, because everybody has a price.


For example, Papa Voodoo would make sure I never had to deal with anyone ever again... so long as I supply him with a couple dead rats or whatever he works with nowadays. Richard Eisen loves money, all you gotta' do is make it for him.


To, you know, make a long story short... Richard Eisen has allowed me to pick my own opponent for this week's Wrestling Classic.


So Rocky...


I hope you're feeling lucky.








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Sam Strong vs Bill Mitchell


Sam Strong's quest to avoid Micky Starr has led him to an encounter with The Wrecking Crew's Bill Mitchell this evening. Mitchell, one of the most recognized and respected workers in America, has competed with the best of the best, and Sam Strong looks to be taking him a little lightly. Strong's lack of respect for Mitchell's technical prowess resulted in Strong laying back to the canvas on multiple occasions, struggling to break free of a submission hold or to kick out of a pin attempt.


Strong managed to get some offense in and eventually the momentum was on his side. After weathering the early storm from the much more experienced (and possibly skilled) Bill Mitchell, Strong did what he did best, and kept the match off of the mat. Some stiff strikes, some violent throws and lightning quick Irish Whips saw Bill Mitchell gasping for air after being dumped on his back for probably the fifth time. Strong picked up the victory after a huge elbow drop from the top rope, adding another veteran to his ever growing list of victims.








After the match, Sam Strong requests a microphone and begins to address the crowd.


Sam Strong: I just want to make sure that Micky Starr knows that no matter how much you attack me as a wrestler or even as a person, you will never get what you want.


The only way to get what you want, is to get what I want. You know what you have to do Micky, and news flash brother, it's not flapping your gums in this here ring, about how much of a coward I am.


So, sorry brother, it just doesn't work like that in Sam Strong's neighborhood.








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Deadly Gamble & Rip Chord vs Hagar Erikson & The Lunatics


If last week's match between Kingman & Chord was the most anticipated television main event, than this week trumps it by far. Three champions, three worthy challengers, all in one ring. The fireworks are just about ready to get started as Rip Chord & Hagar Erikson start out in the ring. Chord decides he's not willing to face off at this particular moment, so he tags out to Ace McQueen who jumps in and the two men go at it. McQueen is much smaller than the gigantic Hagar Erikson, who tosses him around with ease. McQueen blasts him with a big boot to the gut and muscles him to his corner, tagging out to Black Jack, and the two men double team the much larger Hagar Erikson, blasting him with a few big chops and punches before Ace exists to the ring apron.


Black Jack unfortunately can't keep the momentum going, as Hagar gets his wits about him and blasts him with a massive clothesline. Black Jack almost flips over Erikson's arm before he comes down and flops onto the canvas. Erikson lands a few nice stomps before he tags out to Saionji Omura, who comes in guns blazing. Omura does not let up, feeding Black Jack boots to the gut over, and over, and over again. Black Jack struggles back to his feet, and tries to make the leap to his corner, but Omura pulls him back in to shark infested waters, tagging out to Angus McCloud to continue the beatdown. The two men take turns stomping on their opponent before Omura exists to the apron.


McCloud tries to keep up the pace, but out of nowhere, Shawn Spades emerges from the backstage area, making eye contact with one of his rivals. McCloud takes a step back, and that's just enough to let Black Jack tag out to Rip Chord, who hops in and blasts Angus McCloud with a huge running knee lift, following it up with a nice European uppercut. Chord continues to fire at his opponent, smirking at Hagar Erikson the entire time. Hagar desperately reaches for the tag but it's to no avail, as McCloud just can't reach him.


Chord makes a crucial mistake when he lets McCloud's leg slip in dragging him to his corner, as McCloud hops to the other side of the ring and desperately makes the tag to Hagar Erikson. Before Chord gets a chance to react, Erikson has mauled him so hard they both go over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Angus McCloud and Saionji Omura hop over the ropes themselves and blast Deadly Gamble, and Shawn Spades decides to jump into the fray as well, and with seven men beating on each other, the referee has no choice but to call for the bell and call the match a draw.








The seven men continue to brawl in the area surrounding the ring, The Lunatics brawling with Deadly Gamble & Shawn Spades; Hagar Erikson & Rip Chord doing the same. Chord makes a run for it and heads to the announcers desk, clutching his World Championship and plowing his way through the crowd. Shawn Spades takes out-muscles the Lunatics and allows his associates to follow Chord, grabbing their belts and making their escape. Shawn Spades gets away through the backstage area as the Lunatics & Hagar Erikson hug it out for the crowd and raise their hands in the air. What will happen at Wrestling Classic? Buy your tickets because we will see you on Thursday!




Final Grade: B

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And it's going to be big...


Usually before an SWF event we review a major story that happened in the days leading up to the event or even an article about an SWF wrestler. This week will be a little different, because it's the Wrestling Classic tonight, and we're going to go over the announced card because it is not a television event.


Rip Chord vs Hagar Erikson for the World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord is a machine; there's no doubt about it. The man has held the belt for almost a year now and has almost never shown a sign of weakness, and on the off-chance he ever did, he somehow came back even stronger. Every... single... time. Hagar Erikson is the first person in awhile to actually bring the fight to the champion and has proven himself to be a worthy opponent. After their first singles encounter at King of the Squared Circle, it's very possible Hagar Erikson has improved since their last one on one affair, and that could lead to a title change in this special two-out-of-three falls match!


Sid Streets vs Rocky Streets

This might be the most intriguing match up of the night, as we'll either see the passing of the torch, or the old fox will pull out a new trick. There's no denying Rocky Streets' skills, and his experience has paid dividends over the years. He's a crafty veteran and should not be overlooked in this match. The variables are also not in Sid's favor, as his brother Dusty could be out for revenge for the countless insults and assaults courtesy of Sid the Kid. Will Wrestling Classic be the Sid Show, or will this week's episode be postponed? We'll have to wait and see...


The Fight for US Tournament Semis / Finals

Joey Flame, Teddy Flame, Kenny Maynard, & Chuck. Three well known competitors and a newcomer who has made a name for himself on the independent circuit. Maynard is undeniably a huge threat to the championship, and although the Flames are high level competitors and huge threats themselves, the simmering tension we saw between the two men could result in neither man winning the title they both feel they deserve. Chuck should not be counted out either, as his violent assault on Burt Selleck on this week's Sunday Slamfest made sure everyone took notice of him, if they already hadn't. With each man out to win, it's anybody's game.


Deadly Gamble vs The Lunatics for the Tag Team Championships

The night's opening match-up will be a tag team collision, as the Lunatics & Deadly Gamble finally meet in a tag team match-up. The key variable in this match is whether or not Shawn Spades decides to show his face. If he doesn't appear at ringside and distract the Lunatics, it's very possible they come out victorious. But hey, things never work out that way in the world of professional wrestling, so if they're smart, the Lunatics are preparing for the inevitable, and hopefully they're ready for what Deadly Gamble is bringing.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: Midnightnick & smwilliams




SWF Wrestling Classic


Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © vs Hagar Erikson


Sid Streets vs Rocky Streets


Fight for US Final for the SWF United States Championship

??? vs ???


Fight for US Semi-Final

Teddy Flame vs Chuck


Fight for US Semi-Final

Joey Flame vs Kenny Maynard


SWF Tag Team Championships

Deadly Gamble © vs The Lunatics

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Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © vs Hagar Erikson


Sid Streets vs Rocky Streets


Fight for US Final for the SWF United States Championship

Joey Flame vs Chuck


Fight for US Semi-Final

Teddy Flame vs Chuck


Fight for US Semi-Final

Joey Flame vs Kenny Maynard


SWF Tag Team Championships

Deadly Gamble © vs The Lunatics

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Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © vs Hagar Erikson


Sid Streets vs Rocky Streets


Fight for US Final for the SWF United States Championship

??? vs ???


Fight for US Semi-Final

Teddy Flame vs Chuck


Fight for US Semi-Final

Joey Flame vs Kenny Maynard


SWF Tag Team Championships

Deadly Gamble © vs The Lunatics

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Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © vs Hagar Erikson


Sid Streets vs Rocky Streets


Fight for US Final for the SWF United States Championship

??? vs ???

Teddy Flame vs Joey Flame


Fight for US Semi-Final

Teddy Flame vs Chuck


Fight for US Semi-Final

Joey Flame vs Kenny Maynard


SWF Tag Team Championships

Deadly Gamble © vs The Lunatics

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...SWF Presents...






We're shown a video package of last year's Wrestling Classic event. It's almost a completely different scenario this time last year, as we see footage of Corporal Doom defending his United States Championship against Angus McCloud, who's set himself up for another title shot at this year's event. Streets of Rage were still going strong as Tag Team Champions, defeating Team Doom, cementing themselves as the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in SWF history. This year, Sid is facing off with his father, and Dusty is looking forward to his inevitable title shot at The Challenge. Finally, who could forget Micky Starr and his last appearance as World Heavyweight Champion at an SWF event. His defense against Rip Chord would not be the last time the two men faced off, but it would be the last time the former came out victorious. Chord is now set to face off with Hagar Erikson, who challenged for the tag belts last year.


Boy, how things change with time...








A short hype video is shown, highlighting the feud between The Lunatics & Deadly Gamble. The Lunatics meteoric rise to the top of the tag team division, proving they are a force to be reckoned with, and beating the best the SWF has to offer en route to a title shot with the reigning champions. Deadly Gamble's side of things highlights their new acquaintance, Shawn Spades. Spades has been the variable that no one has figured out how to factor out of the equation, and Deadly Gamble have used this to their advantage every chance they've gotten. Will he play a part in this evening's tag team tilt? We'll have to wait and see.


The Lunatics & Deadly Gamble (although without Shawn Spades) have made their ways to the ring, and it's time for this match to start!








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Deadly Gamble © vs The Lunatics

SWF Tag Team Championships


Angus McCloud & Black Jack start off the opening match for the crowd. Black Jack blasts McCloud with a big European uppercut, completely ditching the feeling out process and looking to turn this match into a messy one. McCloud does his best to suppress the urge to brawl, but in the end he decides to throw caution to the wind and blasts the reigning champion with a massive boot to the gut that leaves him folded over. Black Jack straightens himself out and shakes the pain out as the two men lock on to each other's shoulders. Black Jack is tossed across the ring into his corner, and McCloud is gaining some serious amounts of confidence. Black Jack sees this and tags out to his partner, looking to regain some energy and to see if McQueen saw a weakness that he himself had overlooked.


Ace McQueen locks up with Angus McCloud, and although McQueen puts up a bigger fight, McCloud is still doing some serious damage. McCloud tosses him to the same corner he previously tossed his partner, and tags out to his own to give himself a break. Saionji Omura hops into the ring like a bat out of hell and swings with reckless abandon, destroying everything in sight. It's clear that the Lunatics are in full control of this match, and although McQueen manages to get some offense off, it does not look good for Deadly Gamble. The champions are evidently struggling, and with the outcome looking grim, Shawn Spades is called into action. Spades hits the ring at a high speed and although McCloud rushes around the side to try and stop him, he's too late. Spades has made it into the ring and jumps Saionji Omura, forcing the referee to call for the bell and declaring the match a disqualification. Although the Lunatics are officially the winners, a disqualification is not grounds for a title change and Deadly Gamble remain the SWF Tag Team Champions.








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Kenny Maynard vs Joey Flame

Fight for US Semi-Final


Joey Flame has been showing his more confident side as of late, and it showed in his performance on this past week's Sunday Slamfest. However, with no details about the tension between him and his brother, it's difficult to know where his head is at. To add to the pot currently being stirred, Kenny Maynard is an incredibly difficult task for someone level headed, so how will someone who is just a little "off" do in this situation?


Flame shows no fear in throwing himself at his opponent. His utter lack of care for his own body and his own safety is a concern for a minor part of the audience, but for the majority of the audience it's the most entertaining performance they've seen from the man they're used to watching in the tag division. The "fiery" young man ducks under a clothesline and lands a huge kick that floors Kenny Maynard.


The first Semi-Final encounter goes on for a little longer until the true key to victory emerges from the backstage area. Teddy Flame comes rushing down the entrance ramp in what would seem to be a show of support for his brother. Instead, it's a nightmare for the man who looked to be on the winning side of this encounter, as Teddy distracts his brother long enough for Kenny Maynard to roll him up for the quick victory. Joey Flame is out of the tournament and Kenny Maynard is on to the finals. Joey looks up in disbelief, only to meet his brother's gaze; his devilish gaze. This was what he'd wanted. Teddy backs his way up the entrance ramp, not letting his brother's eyes out of his sight. With Teddy's match up next, it won't be a surprise if there's an interference courtesy of the brother he's just screwed.








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Chuck vs Teddy Flame

Fight for US Semi-Final


After the betrayal we've just witnessed, it's obvious that Teddy Flame is on his own in this match up, and it's obvious he knew that when he first stepped foot out of the backstage area this evening. Be that as it may, it's Flame vs Chuck for a shot at the United States Championship, and if Flame shows the same fire his brother did prior to his interference, it's very likely we'll be seeing Kenny Maynard with seconds on his plate tonight.


Although Flame did not show the same reckless abandon that his brother did earlier, he still showed the same kind of talent. Chuck was unable to show the same kind of aggression he showed in his debut with the company, and that was clearly a good thing for Teddy Flame. Teddy blasts Chuck with more and more kicks, leaving the big man desperate for a leg to stand on. He eventually finds refuge in the corner, using the ropes to hold himself up, but a flying knee followed by a running bulldog from the corner leaves the big man on his stomach, reeling from the beatdown he'd just received. Teddy goes for the pin and gets it, finishing this match quick enough to avoid retaliation from his brother, but being that he still has another match tonight, it's possible that neither Flame comes out totally victorious by the end of the night.








Backstage we see Rick Rumble talking with Buddy Hollar. The two men go on about Rick's lack of a match this evening, and eventually get to his prediction about the final of the Fight for US tournament. Rumble says that although he's not proud of Teddy Flame's actions, it's very possible he'll be the champion in the end of it all. It's at that moment that the lights flicker, and we return with Buddy Hollar no longer in the picture, but replaced by Papa Voodoo! Voodoo unleashes a beating on a still shocked Rick Rumble, dragging him to the ground and firing punch after punch until security pulls him away. Voodoo waits for the lights to flicker once more and he disappears, leaving security to tend to Rick Rumble while they wait for medical to arrive on the scene.








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Rico Santino vs Ray Williams


It's not any surprise to the fans in attendance that Ray Williams absolutely plowed through the completely unknown Rico Santino. Referred to as a "local competitor" by Bob Johnson prior to the start of the match, Williams blasts the young man with a massive hook that signals the beginning of the end. Williams throws the young man around the ring a few times before putting him away with the massive left hook we've come to expect from him.








Ray Williams stands in the ring celebrating as Coach Dick Pangrazzio storms his way down the entrance ramp. In arriving to the ring, he demands a microphone and begins to verbally assault the boxer.


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: Ray Williams you make me sick. Stepping into our ring, in our company, and worst of all, in MY presence... you just make me sick.


You have the family jewels to call yourself a superstar? A dual-sport superstar? Lemme' give you a little lesson here kiddo, you're not a dual-sport superstar. My son, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. is a dual-sport superstar. You're nothing but a washed up boxer who couldn't make it in that ring anymore, and thought you'd come over here and make some big bucks.


You're nothin' bub, and Richie's gonna show you that on Sun...


Before Pangrazzio has a chance to finish his sentence, Williams has laid him out with another big left hook, much to the delight of the fans. Williams raises his hands in celebration for the fans once more before heading to the backstage area.








Micky Starr is shown backstage, talking to Bob Johnson, as Buddy Hollar is still recovering from his "forced removal" earlier.


Micky Starr: This is the second event this year that I go without competition. All because of that little punk, Sam Strong.


Last year, I wrestled at every single Supreme Wrestling Federation event that there was. I had everything.


I was a World Champion... I was the idol of everyone in the front row all the way to the back. I could do no wrong...


This year has been different... to say the least.


Do you know how many men have ever refused a match with the one and only Micky Starr?




Do you know how many men refused a match with Micky Starr when he had the belt?




Seems now that I don't have a belt around my waist, my name doesn't carry as much weight as it once did.


Well that's about to change.


Sam... I can't get you a belt. I'm too far behind in line for that. But I can give you the next best thing.


You beat me at The Challenge...


I'll quit.








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Teddy Flame vs Kenny Maynard

SWF United States Championship


This is it; this is what we've been waiting for. Two weeks ago we found out that the reigning champion would no longer be defending the United States championship, and at that point, eight men set out on a mission to win the belt and place their names in the record books. Kenny Maynard owes his spot in the finals, arguably, to Teddy Flame. But that's not going to stop him from going for the gold.


Teddy Flame does not show the same calm behavior he showed in his first match this evening, instead, he shows the same devilish grin he showed when he betrayed his brother. Maynard just can't connect; whether it's with a clothesline, a chop, or a boot to the gut. Teddy is just too quick. Flame manages to avoid every single offensive attempt from Kenny Maynard, and returns the favor with some brutal strikes that leave Maynard on the back pedal.


Flame lands a few more solid strikes before the "actual" wrestling takes place. Flame flips him over with a big arm-drag that sends Maynard into the corner, he follows it up with the same knee-bulldog maneuver he landed in his match with Chuck, but is unable to score the pin off of it. Maynard reverses an Irish Whip and sends Flame into the ropes instead, but he hops off and misses a cross-body. Maynard blasts him with a few stomps but Flame catches his leg and trips him up. Flame tries to roll him over for a Boston Crab, but is unable to finish the match with it and Maynard gets back to his feet. Joey Flame comes running from the backstage area with vengeance in mind, and he doesn't stop on the outside of the ring, hopping right in and jumping into the fray. Teddy manages to duck under a big clothesline and flings Kenny Maynard into his brother, putting the two men out of commission. Teddy shoves Joey out of the ring, leaving him down and out on the floor below, and pins his opponent. Flame gets the three count and slides off quickly, grabbing the United States Championship and fleeing up the entrance ramp.


It wasn't pretty, but we have a new United States Champion.








We're shown a video package of the rivalry between Sid Streets & Rocky Streets. From the countless attacks and brawls instigated by Sid the Kid, to the stress that was placed on the shoulders of the former head booker of the SWF. Finally, the climax of it all, the involvement of one Richard Eisen in allowing Sid Streets to pick his own opponent, which was evidently, Rocky Streets; his own father.








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Sid Streets vs Rocky Streets


This is going to be one for the ages. The first ever father-son match in SWF history. Rocky Streets does everything he can before the bell rings to beg his son to reconsider. The arena is quiet enough to hear some of the dialogue:


Rocky Streets: Sid... I'm begging you. You don't have to do this.


Sid's ice cold glare is all that Rocky receives, and with one last attempt, Rocky lays on his back and screams at the top of his lungs.




Sid moves in as if he's going to pin his father, but with a look of confusion on his face. Why is his father just letting him get away with what he's been doing? Sid stares his father in the face as he lays on the canvas, waiting for the inevitable. Sid looks around a little bit and continues forward, as if he's actually just going to pin his father without actually earning it.


It wasn't going to go down like that.


Sid starts letting loose with stomps and kicks that force Rocky to roll himself towards the corner. Although he was probably aiming for underneath the bottom rope, Sid redirected him and did not allow him to get off that easy. Sid continues to beat on his already downed father, trying to completely batter him to the point that he may need to be carried out of the arena on a stretcher. Sid hoists himself to this feet and hits his father with the Street Crossing, a brutal cutter that leaves his father motionless on the ground. The referee has tried to step in between the two men on multiple occasions, but is forced out of the way by Sid the Kid every time. Sid toys with the idea of continuing the assault, but in the end decides to throw his father in a Camel Clutch, wanting to watch Rocky tap out in front of everyone. Sid screams for it; he begs for it. "Tap Rocky" is all the crowd can hear as Rocky stares them in the face. A tear or two leave the eyes of the broken man, although whether it's physical or emotional pain, we can't tell.


Rocky taps, and Sid celebrates; and all the while, Dusty remains nowhere to be seen.








It's almost time for the main event, a video package of Rip Chord & Hagar Erikson is shown to the crowd in attendance. Their last encounter at King of the Squared Circle, and every single encounter following that, all the way up until this week's Sunday Slamfest, ending with Rip Chord fleeing throug the crowd, belt in hand. Will tonight be a repeat of Sunday Slamfest? Let's find out.








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Rip Chord © vs Hagar Erikson

2/3 Falls for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


The main event; after Sunday Slamfest, perhaps this match deserves even more hype than it already has. Rip Chord and Hagar Erikson stare each other down as Chord hands his title belt to the time keeper and removes his leather jacket. Hagar doesn't take his eyes off of the champion, even when the belt is removed. The two men stare each other down and the bell is rung, signalling the beginning of what could possibly be Hagar Erikson's last run at the World Championship.


Rip Chord starts off the match strong, as expected. Erikson can't get the rhythm right until about two minutes into the match, and after that it's like a role reversal. Chord can no longer get any offense off and is forced into the corner for the majority of the match. Hagar pegs him with a few big over hand hammer fists, a few big chops and a couple well placed knees to the gut. Chord is visibly in pain and is already having trouble walking by the time the match is ten minutes in.


Hagar continues to batter the World Champion and leaves him looking more and more ragged every time he manages to muscle his way back to his feet. Hagar lands a massive suplex that leaves the champion on his back, gasping for air. This is a situation we've rarely seen Rip Chord in, and honestly, it doesn't look like he's going to be getting out of it any time soon. Hagar hits him with a surprise Viking Hammer after Chord's attempt at an Irish Whip is reversed, and Erikson scores the first pin of the match.


First Fall - Hagar Erikson


It looks like Chord's drive is back after suffering the first fall to Hagar Erikson. He looks like he's got a little bit more fire in him now that his back is against the wall, again, a position he's rarely in. Chord lands a left, a right, another left, now Hagar's in the corner. A big European uppercut connects and Chord mounts Hagar in the corner, the crowd counting the punches regardless of their hatred for Rip Chord. He hits ten and gets off, smirking at the crowd in attendance. Hagar comes out of the corner like a raging bull and Chord ducks under a clothesline, leaving Hagar Erikson hung up on the ropes. Chord hits a fast roll-up and Hagar is caught by surprise, and is unable to kick out of the pin.


Second Fall - Rip Chord


With the match even once more, it's this last fall that will determine who goes home with the strap at the end of the night. Chord lands a huge boot to the gut, but Hagar doesn't stop moving once he's folded over, instead using the change in level to hoist Chord in the air and drop him with a huge gut buster. Chord, now winded, tries to get back to his feet but is met by a huge punt to the stomach that forces him to roll out of the ring to safety. Hagar tries to follow him out of the ring but Chord gets back in, bouncing off the ropes and sliding underneath the bottom rope with a two foot slide that catches Hagar Erikson right on the chin, sending him flying into the steel barricades.


Rip Chord is feeling the pressure now, and he's looking a lot more anxious with every move. Knowing each move could lead to his downfall, he's being a lot more careful. Chord lands a big right, then Hagar lands a big right. The two men trade slaps, chops, punches; essentially everything but their kitchen sinks. Chord is the first to slip up, getting caught with a massive right hands that leaves him staggered. Hagar goes in for the kill, and Chord ducks under his clothesline to connect with a big kick to the gut.




Chord rolls his opponent over, and with both men completely drained, Chord picks up the victory and defends his championship once again. The crowd, completely gutted that Hagar Erikson came so close, but was unable to convert his efforts into the proverbial touchdown, are left with a celebratory (although much less energetic than usual) Rip Chord, hoisting his belt in the air.


Final Fall - Rip Chord








Following the match, Rip Chord is still celebrating for the fans, and although they hate it, few are leaving their seats because they're still hoping Chord will get his just desserts.


Man, were they ever right to stay.


Within minutes of Chord's victory, Dusty Streets is flying down the entrance ramp in street clothes, ready to jump the unsuspecting World Champion. Dusty blasts Chord with a huge clothesline and mounts him, pounding on him with vicious punches until the referee pulls him off. Dusty complies, and backs into the corner, with both Chord & his opponent, Hagar Erikson, unconscious, he celebrates for the fans who now have a new man to cheer for.


This, is the true start to Dusty Streets road to The Challenge.




Final Grade: B

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And Dusty Streets has his hands on the wheel...


Last night we witnessed history. Hagar Erikson is the first man to get a pin in not one, but two championship matches, yet still walk away without the strap. With that being Hagar's last title shot against Rip Chord, it's possible we see him feuding with Marcus McKing, but it's also possible we see the big man retire in the coming months. With Ares Aegalus also toying with the idea of retirement, could we see another major retirement match? But we also saw not one, not two, but three developments in the ongoing saga of the Streets Family. Some highs and some lows. Rocky Streets trying to be the bigger man and a father to his son may have been the most emotional moment of the night, if not the year so far, in which Sid Streets played a huge part. It seems the feud has evolved to a Sid vs Rocky feud, with Dusty playing a side part as he'll be gearing up for his World Title feud with Rip Chord.


That's not to say Dusty and Sid will not be feuding, as the SWF will continue to touch on the strained (if not now broken) relationships between all the members of the Streets Family, not just Sid & Rocky's. But where will Rip Chord fit in to all of this? And with another family feud hitting its boiling point, will one take a backseat to the other? These are all questions that need to be answered, hopefully sooner than later (and hopefully before The Challenge).


Ladies and gentlemen, make sure you're all nice and strapped in, because the road starts here.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Wrestling Classic is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: smwilliams




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #110


Main Event

Sam Strong vs Jack Rossi


Dusty Streets vs Corporal Doom


Cheatin' Mike Barstow vs Rick Rumble


The Lunatics vs The Demons of Rage

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Great show!


Interested to see how you incorporate Dusty vs Sid into Dusty vs Rip.


And it looks like another brother vs brother feud is on the horizon given what happened between the Flames.


Thanks! :)


This is the most interesting game I've gotten to work with so far. It's a roster full of characters that haven't necessarily been touched on in the past and it's nice to get a fresh start in a company that's been touched on so much.


That being said it'll be interesting to manage the two different family feuds because I definitely don't want to re-tell the same story with the Flames that I did with the Streets. They don't have the variable of a father being involved in the story but if the time was right and the right character became available, I definitely wouldn't say no to bringing another guy into the story.

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...SWF Presents...






We're shown highlights of this week's Wrestling Classic event, and the fans that were not able to attend are given a taste of what they missed out on. Being that The Lunatics have the first match this evening, a lot of the highlights revolved around them, showing the fans the true impact of Shawn Spades' interference. Will he and Deadly Gamble play a part in tonight's match? Or will the Lunatics prove that they are indeed still a major threat to the Tag Team Championships?








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The Lunatics vs The Demons of Rage


The Demons of Rage have found themselves on another episode of Sunday Slamfest and are faced with a tall task; two tall tasks to be exact, as the Lunatics are on the rebound from a disqualification victory that left them without the Tag Team Championships they had come for. The question that everyone is asking is indeed related to whether the Lunatics will continue to fall down the ladder or come back even stronger and even more motivated. For the majority of the match it seems like the latter, as Angus McCloud and Saionji Omura show a fiery side that we'd yet to see as they completely dismantled the significantly younger Demons of Rage. Angus McCloud scores the pin and the two men celebrate for the fans.








Backstage, Joey & Teddy Flame run into each other. With Teddy clutching his new United States Championship, his brother is even more upset. Teddy, having betrayed his brother at Wrestling Classic, gives his brother a smug look and continues to flaunt his new belt. Joey doesn't even think about taking a swing, as he's still Teddy's brother, but Teddy continues to poke fun at his brother's misfortune; a misfortune he himself caused. The little argument between the two (an argument that wasn't really even an argument) ends with Teddy walking off, but with little mentioned about what the future holds for the two brothers.








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Cheatin' Mike Barstow vs Rick Rumble


Cheatin' Mike Barstow does his best to create some offense, but Rick Rumble's experience advantage plays a huge part in the outcome of this match. Rumble completely blasts through the young man from the south and throws him around the ring until he is ready to finish it off. Barstow pokes him in the eyes; truly living up to his name, but Rumble battles through the pain and pins his opponent.








Rick Rumble is left in the ring with a microphone, surrounded by the cheers of the fans in attendance.


Rick Rumble: Papa Voodoo has caused me a lot of problems since he's showed up here in the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


I've been jumped, I've been beat up, hell I've probably even been poisoned or possessed!


I've been tricked, I've been screwed, and I've been left on the outside.


But I have refused to let someone walk into my house and throw me out.


I know exactly what happened to me at Wrestling Classic.


Make no mistake about it...


I've already gotten enough of mine. Voodoo, it's time you get yours.








Rip Chord is backstage with Buddy Hollar discussing the events at this past week's Wrestling Classic. From his victory over Hagar Erikson to being on the wrong side of a beat down courtesy of Dusty Streets. When questioned about the incident in question, Rip Chord had more than a little to say:


Rip Chord: On Thursday night I pulled off one of the most important wins of my career. I defended my World Championship and I made it one step closer to besting Micky Starr's historic run with the championship.


But in doing so I've apparently met my new challenge. And Dusty might be my new challenge, but I can guarantee you he's not my match.


Rip Chord decides when Rip Chord loses.


Rip Chord decides when the belt has had enough of Rip Chord.


And Rip Chord, dishes out the beatings, not the other way around.


You're about to learn, Dusty.








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Dusty Streets vs Corporal Doom


This marks Dusty Streets' first official match on the road to The Challenge, and his hopes of facing Rip Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship will indeed be realized if he continues on the path he's on. Corporal Doom is a dangerous opponent for any man that steps foot in the SWF ring, a fact proven by his very lengthy run with the SWF United States Championship. With Sid probably locked into a feud of his own with his father, it's possible Dusty has a relatively clear road ahead of him. Corporal Doom throws everything he possibly can at Streets to make his night a bad one. Unfortunately, it would not work out that way, as Dusty Streets would perform on a level that resembled a younger version of his own father. Streets picks up the win and continues to boost his confidence en route to his impending title shot at The Challenge.








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Sam Strong vs Jack Rossi


Jack Rossi has been a strong competitor in his time with the SWF, a fact that was clearly recognized by Richard Eisen as he just recently re-signed the young man to a new year long contract. Regardless of the man upstairs' faith in Rossi, Sam Strong has been on a hot streak, perhaps the reasoning being his reluctance to wrestle against Micky Starr. Sam Strong blasts Rossi with some hard shots but Rossi is no slouch in the ring, making it easy for him to turn around and dish some right back. Strong clearly didn't like that, dragging his opponent to the mat and applying a strong arm lock that left Rossi to scramble. All the while, Strong insults his opponent as he continues to wrench the arm-lock, up until Rossi manages to escape and get back to his feet.


Rossi manages to pull ahead in terms of momentum, tossing Strong around the ring at will, and drops him with a big suplex. Strong struggles to get back to his feet immediately, so he opts to roll out of the ring and regain some energy. Rossi follows him outside but Strong whips him into the ring post. Rossi drops to a knee and strong blasts him with a running knee to the face that leaves him down and out. The referee continues to count and Strong takes note, hopping right back into the ring and hoping for the best. Rossi manages to get himself back into the ring but he leaves himself very vulnerable. Strong flattens him with a massive Strong Arm Lariat and goes in for the pin, getting the three count and winning the match. Strong yells a few more insults at his opponent before celebrating in the ring. He shouts a few more things to anger the fans even more, finally finishing his impromptu rant with the words "Where's Micky Starr Brother!?" The show closes and we will see you next week at SWF Sunday Slamfest.




Final Grade: B-

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Does Eisen have a new favorite?


Dirk Bonell is hardly a household name at this point in his career. In fact, the young man has only worked a handful of matches on live television and has never actually been on an SWF event card despite being with the promotion since 1978. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that Richard Eisen has found his new golden boy.


Bonell's star quality is what initially got him noticed by the Supreme Wrestling Federation in 78', but it's his work ethic that has kept him on the roster, albeit he's floated between Rocky Mountain Wrestling and the land of Eisens. The young man has kept himself active in the development promotion, winning matches and working on his skills. It's rumored that the young man will spend at least another three months in development before he will be launched into a storyline that will hopefully end with him winning his first SWF championship.


The SWF is very high on Dirk Bonell, and provided he is accepted by the fans, it's possible Bonell will begin engraving his name in wrestling history much sooner than we all expected.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: CPBHBK & smwilliams




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #111


Main Event

Sid Streets vs Crippler Ray Kingman


SWF United States Championship

Teddy Flame © vs Wild Man Sullivan


Ray Williams vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr.


Wade Morris vs Marcus McKing

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...SWF Presents...






We're shown highlights of Sid Streets beating down his already broken father Rocky Streets at Wrestling Classic two weeks ago. The announcers bring up the fact that we will indeed be seeing Sid this evening as he'll be in the main event against Crippler Ray Kingman, and hopefully we'll get a chance to hear his side of things.







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Marcus McKing vs Wade Morris


Marcus McKing and Wade Morris have something in common with each other. Both men have been missing in action on Sunday Slamfest for quite some time, although Morris has been off the radar for much longer than his opponent. Morris is still a very talented competitor, but he is way out of his league against Marcus McKing this evening. McKing looks to make another push into title contention and he certainly makes a strong case as he makes short work of Wade Morris, pinning him in just under eight minutes.








Papa Voodoo is shown in a pre-filmed segment. He stands in front of a black backdrop and the lighting is just bright enough that we can only see a faint outline of his face paint.


Papa Voodoo: Rick Rumble...


You have entered a realm many men are unable to escape...


I am the shadow that lurks behind you everywhere you go...


You will feel the darkness wrap you up... Rick Rumble...


You have tried to change your fate and in turn you have tested something far greater than you will ever know...


You have one final chance to escape with your mind, body and spirit intact...


Fear me... Rick Rumble...








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Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Ray Williams


Arguably the most anticipated match of the night because of the tension between Williams and the entire All-Star Team, these two men are finally going to be in a ring together in an official match. The two men get into it from the start, with Williams doing his best to hit his big left hook, and Pangrazzio doing his best to avoid it. As Pangrazzio circles around the ring looking to stay away from Williams' hands, he does the opposite, getting boxed into a corner and allows Williams to do what he does best; keep him there. Williams pegs Pangrazzio with a good ten or so punches before the referee pulls him away and allows RPJ out of the corner. Williams moves in for the kill but Pangrazzio ducks low and sweeps his legs out, leaving Williams on his back and prone to some brutal stomps and kicks. Pangrazzio lets out some of his frustrations and does his best to keep Williams on his back, using elbow drops, boots to the gut and some brutal stomps, but Williams eventually powers his way back to his feet. Williams looks for the left hand again but out of nowhere appears Frank Rock, sprinting out of the backstage area and assaulting the boxer, dragging him to the mat and beating him senseless. Pangrazzio looks just as shocked as Ray Williams, and as the referee calls for the disqualification, Pangrazzio has no choice but to join in on the beatdown and give Williams a few extra battle scars. Williams gets the official victory, but the crowd seems to know who the real winner in this encounter is.








Joey Flame and Buddy Hollar are joined by the United States Champion, Teddy Flame, backstage, with Hollar standing between the two brothers.


Buddy Hollar: Teddy, first and foremost, congratulations on your new United States Championship. Joey, how do you feel about your brother's victory?


Joey Flame: Honestly I'm real frustrated and angry, Buddy, and I think everyone knows why.


Buddy Hollar: So I'm assuming there's still a lot of tension between the two of you.


Teddy Flame: There's no tension, because that would mean both of us are frustrated with each other. Make no mistake about it, Buddy, I'm as happy as I can be right now, and until this belt isn't on my shoulder or around my waist, I see no reason for me not to be.


Joey Flame: How can you even look at yourself. We used to fight together, we used to chase the same belts together. We were gonna' be the best duo this company has ever seen. And you throw it all away because you're selfish Teddy, you're selfish.


Buddy Hollar: Do you think there's any way you two will be able to put this behind you in the future?


Joey Flame: I haven't even gotten an "I'm Sorry" from my own brother. So no, even if he loses that stupid belt, and comes crawling back to me looking for help to get those Tag Team belts again, it's over. That time has come and gone I guess, and from here on out, until I say so, Joey's gonna' roll by himself.








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Teddy Flame © vs Wild Man Sullivan

SWF United States Championship


Teddy Flame, barring the heated argument backstage we've just witnessed, looks sharper than ever in this match. Wild Man Sullivan tries to throw him off with his brawl-heavy style, trying to drag the match out and keep it grounded to stop Teddy from using his high-flying tactics that we've come to know him for. Although Flame gets bruised up a little bit, he still manages to use the ring to his advantage, flying around at a high pace that leaves Sullivan looking completely lost. Flame lands a big dropkick that sends Sullivan into the ropes, getting himself hung up in the process. Flame fires a big jumping clothesline his way which sends them both tumbling to the floor below. Flame is first to get back to his feet, dragging his opponent back into the ring for the pin, but instead elects to hop up to the top turnbuckle and drop a huge leg drop that further incapacitates Wild Man Sullivan. Flame gets the pin and makes the first official defense of his United States Championship.








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Sid Streets vs "Crippler" Ray Kingman


Sid Streets and Ray Kingman are two of the most technically proficient wrestlers in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The two young grapplers bring it from the get-go, as Sid blasts Kingman with a big combination of right hands and chops, until Kingman ducks underneath one of them and goes for a quick roll up. Streets rolls through it and gets to his feet, avoiding the pin and blasts Kingman with a big boot to the head as he tries to get back to his feet. Streets hoists him up and gets reversed, falling victim to a lightning quick arm-drag from Ray Kingman, who locks him up in a hammer-lock submission and keeps him there for a moment, looking to catch his breath.


Kingman finally lets Streets back to his feet, and the two men lock up with each other once again. Streets hoists Kingman into the air and drops him with a big sidewalk slam that leaves both men on the ground. Streets goes for the pin and he almost gets it, Kingman kicking out just before the three count is complete. Kingman tries to drag the match back to the mat so he can work one of his deadly submission holds, but Streets gives him nothing to work with, forcing the match to stay on the feet and allowing him to connect with a few more deadly strikes, finishing it up with a nasty superkick that floors Kingman. Streets covers him and gets the pin, and so ends another episode of the "Sid Show".








Sid Streets stands in the ring on the top turnbuckles, celebrating for the fans. All of a sudden, Dusty Streets emerges from the backstage area and attacks his younger brother, or tries to until from out of the crowd emerges Rip Chord, to save the youngest of the Streets family. Dusty is outnumbered and quickly realizes he is no longer safe, makes an attempt to do as much damage to his younger brother before he is inevitably beaten down. Dusty lands a few nasty shots to Sid's nose before Chord pulls him off and blasts him with a few shots of his own. Sid clears the blood off of his face and checks himself out before joining in on the beatdown. Dusty is getting completely destroyed, and with no sign of Rocky Streets anywhere, it looks like it's the officials that are going to have to intervene. What will come of this? Tune in next week to Sunday Slamfest.




Final Grade: B-

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But who is the best of the bunch?


A few weeks back we published an article about George DeColt heading down to SWF's development promotion, Rocky Mountain Wrestling, to train some of the younger workers. As many of the wrestlers are making their ways up to the main roster (Names like Sam Keith, The Demons of Rage, Rick Horn to name a few) the next step is to bring in more talent to replace those that have made the jump. Although some of the last batch of talent are still in training at RMW, the new talent is sure to liven the place up a little bit more and continue to garner the small promotion some much needed exposure. Here's a breakdown of the new batch of talent, as well as a short review of the talent that is still there.


The Talent


Beast Takuma: The extremely menacing import is one to watch for the future, but his weaknesses are very noticeable. Very green in the ring, the young man from Japan will need to boost his in-ring abilities and basics before we can ever consider him to be ready for the main roster. Either way, Eisen loves his monsters, so there will always be a place for him in the promotion.


The Storms: Stuart & Seth Storm from Canada are the next two on the list, the young tag team has graduated from Canada's Finest Wrestling Academy, and are still rising through the PWI Power 500 every year, jumping from #486 & #487 to #237 & #239 respectively. Although the two brothers went their separate ways as of late, they've been brought back together at Rocky Mountain Wrestling. Stuart and Seth have excellent performance skills but their entertainment skills & their actual wrestling aren't great, but they will most likely get the Flames' treatment and be a solid fixture in the tag team division.


Mick Carver: The one time UCW Tag Team Champion is the first on the list to have held a title in his career. The Canadian wrestler made his name on the Canadian Independent Circuit Wrestling stage before making the jump to Ultimate Combat Wrestling. Although a decent entertainer and a decent performer, his actual wrestling skills are quite weak. A possible United States Champion in the making, he is one of the new batch that will be well received by the SWF fans because of his solid entertainment abilities.


Rory McCallum: The weakest in ring performer with possibly the weakest actual wrestling abilities is somehow the top pick from Pro Wrestling Illustrated to be a future main eventer for the SWF. Why? Because he knows how to keep a crowd in the palm of his hand, at all times. Rory has the charisma and the microphone skills to get the fans behind him or against him, and he can keep them there. The SWF values two things, big monsters and entertainers. Rory is a relatively big man who has the entertainment skills to make him a believable champion and that's why he's our number one pick out of the new batch.


Archie Judge, Don Juan Martinez, Jerome Ramsey, Jose Machado, Karl Westergren & Paolo Salvatore: These young men are still in the system either because they are not ready to be brought onto the main roster or they are just still too green. Paolo Salvatore & Karl Westergren have actually gotten worse in some areas of development and are not making the progress DeColt and the SWF want to see in them, so it's very possible we lose them in the coming months. On the other hand, Archie Judge & Jose Machado have made huge improvements and will most likely be the next to be brought on to the main roster.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: smwilliams




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #112


Main Event

Micky Starr vs Ken Wakata


Hagar Erikson vs Papa Voodoo


Johnny Boy Tucker vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr.


Shawn Spades vs Joey Flame


Dusty Streets vs The Night Rider

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