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Supreme Wrestling Federation: 79' and Onward!

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<p>Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Rip Chord ©</strong> vs Chief Two Eagles</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Corporal Doom</strong> vs Johnny Boy Tucker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team KAOS </strong>vs The Perfect Storm</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerome Ramsey</strong> vs Archie Judge</p><p> </p><p>

Chuck vs <strong>Wild Man Sullivan</strong></p>

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...SWF Presents...






The show begins with Micky Starr standing in the ring, ready to address the crowd and his nemesis, Sam Strong


Micky Starr: I have very little to say tonight so I'm going to make this simple for everyone here.


I hate Sam Strong.


I can't stand that little coward. He ducks me and ducks me for months and months, and once I finally get him in the ring, he still refuses to give me my credit and admit defeat. Instead he decides to walk around here with his nose in the air like he's still the best wrestler to ever step foot in this ring.


Well let me tell you something Sam...


You're nothin' special.


Fact is, you've got something in common with just about every wrestler backstage.


I've pinned all of you.


And I've only lost to one man here, and I only share that honor with one man and that's the World Champion... so before you come down here and start runnin' your mouth, you can just save it, because there's nothing you can-


Micky is blasted from behind by Mighty Thor, who had been slowly making his way to the ring, unseen by the former World Heavyweight Champion. Thor lays him out with a humongous spear tackle and beats Starr further with more and more stomps. Starr's taunt was cut short by the Mighty Thor, who lets out a large howl before making his way back to the backstage area.








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Chuck vs Wild Man Sullivan


A very impressive performance from Wild Man Sullivan, who takes on the first opponent that may very well be just as crazy as himself. Chuck puts up a good fight but it just isn't enough to beat the former World Championship challenger. Chuck is beat at every turn, with Sullivan landing punches right before Chuck can connect with his own, and he is eventually put away by a massive boot to the head that leaves him vulnerable to the pin. Wild Man Sullivan picks up the victory and makes an even greater case for another shot at the World Championship.








Wild Man Sullivan begins to celebrate his victory but he locks eyes with a familiar face at the top of the entrance ramp. Sid Streets faces off with his rival from a distance, with a microphone in hand.


Sid Streets: Sulley, you're alright. But alright just isn't enough to beat The Sid Show. I'm just trying to give you a heads up here, quit while you're ahead. Too many people make the mistake of staying in this business longer than they should, and Sulley, lemme' tell you, you're doing the same thing if you mess with me.


I won't just end your career, Sulley, I'll make you wish you never had one.








Our favorite Irishman is back again, as Rory McCallum sits in the ring with his guest for the evening, the one and only Richard Eisen.


Rory McCallum: Good evening lads', I'm Rory McCallum, and tis' is Rory's Ring. Tonight, we have an exclusive appearance from the man himself, Richard Eisen. Great to see ya' brother.


Richard Eisen: I'm just excited to be in the ring with one of the most excited young men in the business, the pleasure is all mine Rory.


Rory McCallum: Oh Richard, ya' too kind. Let's get down ta' business shall we? Your fella, Vladimir Grinkov, is tearin' through tha' ranks lately. When do ya' think we'll get to see him fight for a belt.


Richard Eisen: Well Rory, I wish I could say it was up to me, but it really isn't. The fact is that Vladimir is going to have to earn that shot and although he's getting pretty close, he'll have to keep beating some of the top guys here to earn a shot at that big gold belt.


Rory McCallum: Tis' a shame he don't have a match tonight, Richard, woulda' loved to see the big man wrestle in person.


Richard Eisen: I'm sure you'll get plenty of chances in the near future Rory, in fact I'm certain.


Rory McCallum: Olrite', next, what is the situation between you and Tha' Masked Patriot? Tha' two of ya' seem to be at each other's throats lately.


Richard Eisen: There's no situation with me and The Masked Patriot. I can assure you of that. I'm the boss and he's the employee and that's all there is to it. Now, if there's any animosity between him and my client, Vladimir Grinkov, that's another story altogether. However, I can guarantee you that if The Masked Patriot decides that one day he will cease to respect me as his employer, then we will most definitely be having some problems.


Rory McCallum: And what a wonderful boss you are, sir! Captain USA has also joined forces with The Masked Patriot, could we perhaps see Mr. Eisen in the ring with Vladimir Grinkov in the near future?


Richard Eisen: *laughs* Rory, you couldn't pay me enough to get in this ring with some of these guys. But who knows, at the end of the day, things happen real fast around here.


Rory McCallum: Well make sure that if ya' do, that ya' save a spot for your pal Rory at ringside! That's all for tonight lads and ladies, see ya' next week!








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Jerome Ramsey vs Archie Judge


It's clear that Coach Dick's little pep talk last week was enough to spark some interest for Jerome Ramsey. Ramsey blasts through his opponent, Archie Judge, in mere minutes. Ramsey makes contact with huge rights and lefts and effortlessly throws Judge around the ring before pinning him with a big running backdrop. Ramsey wins in under five minutes and now the All-Star Team will be forced to take notice.








Backstage, Coach Dick Pangrazzio watches Jerome Ramsey's match closely, analyzing his movements and is delighted to see his potential client's performance.


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: If this kid keeps doing what he's doing, there's no way Ray Williams or Powerhouse Patterson or any of those idiots could hold a torch to him. I can see it now, King of the Squared Circle, Jerome Ramsey. World Heavyweight Champion, Jerome Ramsey. Hall of Famer, Jerome Ramsey. The possibilities are endless with this kid. Hell, he might even be better than Richie... I gotta' get a contract written up real quick. I gotta' pounce on this while I have the chance.








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The Perfect Storm vs Team KAOS


The Perfect Storm put on an impressive performance in their last appearance and are doing the same this evening. The veteran duo of Private Punishment & General Kaos put on a good show for the fans as they brutally assaulted the twin brothers from the start of the match until it's eventual end. Unfortunately, it would not end in their favor, as Seth & Stuart Storm showed the kind of resilience you would see in a championship match. They fought through the toughest match of their young careers and were declared victorious after putting away Private Punishment with a beautiful Moonsault off of the top turnbuckle. Seth Storm scores the pin and The Perfect Storm begin to make a name for themselves in the Supreme Wrestling Federation.








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Johnny Boy Tucker vs Corporal Doom


In another (albeit anticipated) impressive performance from Corporal Doom, he meets Johnny Boy Tucker, a tough son-of-a-gun from Texas who is looking to pick up an important victory this week. The last time we saw Johnny Boy Tucker in an important match was when he teamed up with The Hit Squad to defeat The All-Star Team on an episode of Sunday Slamfest. The two go back and forth with punches and chops until Corporal Doom gets the initial advantage. Doom whips his opponent into the corner and blasts him with a boot to the jaw. Tucker hops back to his feet relatively quickly but it's still not quick enough to get away from his opponent. Doom grabs him from behind and violently throws him across the ring with a big suplex. The two continue to scramble on the mat but Doom retains control. Tucker is simply out of his league on this one and it is evident as Doom drags him around the ring as he pleases. Doom rolls his opponent over and goes for the pin, and although Tucker kicks out, he leaves himself open to a massive knee to the head that leaves him unconscious. Doom pins his opponent, successfully this time, and is declared the winner.








Following the match, Corporal Doom picks up a microphone and once again calls out his rival, George DeColt.


Corporal Doom: I said it last week and dammit' I'll say it again this week. George DeColt, you stand no chance against me in this ring and I will prove that to you. Get out here, front and center if you wanna' show me otherwise. You don't stand a chance, maggot!








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Rip Chord © vs Chief Two Eagles

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


A very impressive performance from both Rip Chord & Chief Two Eagles this evening, and although this match is far from eclipsing their previous matches in terms of their performances, it still shows that whenever these two face off, the crowd needs to be prepared for fireworks. Chord lands a couple nasty shots but Eagles responds with a few of his own, and the two trade with each other, going back and forth for nearly twenty-five minutes until a victor is declared. Rip Chord lands a big right hand that sends Eagles into the ropes and on the rebound, Eagles misses a clothesline leaving him susceptible to a hard kick to the gut. With his head in the prime position, Rip Chord lays him into the canvas with a hard Rip Chord DDT, cementing the victory and defending his World Championship once more.








Rip Chord calls for a microphone post match and immediately begins to go off on his rival, Dusty Streets


Rip Chord: I have some things to get off my chest this evening, but this belt that's dangling over my shoulder is not one of them. This thing is staying with me forever, there's nobody taking this belt from me. You hear me!? Nobody!


Not no Dusty Streets, not no Sid Streets, not no Micky Starr, not no Sam Strong. Not nobody!


Rip Chord is the greatest wrestler on the face of the earth and I will not let go of this championship belt until every single person alive admits it!


So if you want some, take a number. And when you decide it's your turn to come get some, you better be ready to head right back where you came from; empty handed.




Final Grade: B

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It seems as if the wrestling scene in the United Kingdom is about to get a little bit more exciting, as the popular McPeterson Family will be opening up a new promotion. The National Wrestling Federation plans to offer traditional wrestling with a modern twist. While the promotion is owned by the entire McPeterson Family, Harry is expected to act as the official owner, while Hamish will handle the booking side of things.


While this promotion will remain far from being a threat on a global scale, possibly forever, it will certainly inject some life into the United Kingdom scene, which promises to be great for the growth of the sport as a whole. With more wrestlers getting their share of screen time and getting to show off their skills, it's very possible that a select few from the British wrestling scene will be making their ways over to the United States, much like Lord William Lancaster, Othello Dawson, Angus McCloud & Maxwell Aland.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) are: smwilliams & Midnightnick. Congratulations!




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #128


Marcus McKing vs Dusty Streets


Mighty Thor vs Jack Rossi


Corporal Doom vs Joey Flame


Dirk Bonell vs Jerome Ramsey


Wild Man Sullivan vs Cheatin' Mike Barstow

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