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[1991] Operation World Championship Wrestling

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The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog

Comments: Taylor's first big outing as a Yorker should end with victory.


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)

Comments: The LX could have a future as not-jobbers, but that will not start here.


Larry Zbyszko vs. Keith Hart

Comments: Larry makes a good gatekeeper.


El Cubano vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments: The Son of the Dream saves us from Cuban immigrants.


NWA World Television Title Match

Z-Man defends vs. ???

Comments: Z-Man may as well keep hold of the belt for a little while. At least til your first big show.


Non-Title Match

Sid Vicious vs. Sting

Comments: Even non-title, Sting defeats the biggest Horse.


Bonus Point: Who Will Be The Top Contender To The NWA United States Heavyweight Title: Barry Windham


Bonus Point: Who Will Face Z-Man Tonight: Harley Race


Fun Fan Signs: The Son of the Son is a son of a gun!

(I don't know about you, but that sign just screams "WCW plant" to me)


Comments On Last Show: See above :)

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The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog



The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)



Larry Zbyszko vs. Keith Hart



El Cubano vs. Dustin Rhodes



NWA World Television Title Match

Z-Man defends vs. ???



Non-Title Match

Sid Vicious vs. Sting


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The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog



The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)



Larry Zbyszko vs. Keith Hart



El Cubano vs. Dustin Rhodes



NWA World Television Title Match

Z-Man defends vs. ???



Non-Title Match

Sid Vicious vs. Sting



Bonus Point: Who Will Be The Top Contender To The NWA United States Heavyweight Title: Barry Windham


Bonus Point: Who Will Face Z-Man Tonight: I honestly have no idea so I will copy CPB and say Michael Hayes :D

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The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog

Comments:Don't know how big of a push the York Foundation will be getting,but it seems as of now they are headed in the right direction


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)

Comments: AA and Barry doing what the Horsemen do best


Larry Zbyszko vs. Keith Hart

Comments:The Living Legend goes over here,maybe hurting Keith,to add fuel to his fued with Owen


El Cubano vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments:I see bigger things ahead for the Natrual (maybe like a fued with the York Foundation):)


NWA World Television Title Match

Z-Man defends vs. ???

Comments: Z Man keeps title here until at least the Clash or the next Ppv


Non-Title Match

Sid Vicious vs. Sting

Comments: Something tells me The Horsemen won't be to far away


Bonus Point: Who Will Be The Top Contender To The NWA United States Heavyweight Title: Gonna go out on a limb and say Big Van Vader


Bonus Point: Who Will Face Z-Man Tonight::confused: could be anyone

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The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog

Comments: York Foundation has a future, Big Josh is a terrible gimmick and JYD is old and washed up.


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)

Comments: LE is a fun tag team that can be used to great effectiveness, but the Horsemen don't lose to teams like this.


Larry Zbyszko vs. Keith Hart

Comments: LOL


El Cubano vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments: Dusty's baby boy stomps on Mr. Sierra.


NWA World Television Title Match

Z-Man defends vs. ???

Comments: Rick Rude debuts and wins the strap!


Non-Title Match

Sid Vicious vs. Sting

Comments: Even though it is non-title, Sting gets a victory. Maybe some sort of Horsemen dissent is brewed...


Bonus Point: Who Will Be The Top Contender To The NWA United States Heavyweight Title: Barry Windham


Bonus Point: Who Will Face Z-Man Tonight: Rick Rude


Fun Fan Signs: Dusty+Sapphire=Dustin

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Prediction Listing


The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor)



The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham)


Larry Zbyszko


Dustin Rhodes



NWA World Television Title

Rick Rude

Non-Title Match

. Sting



Bonus Point: Who Will Be The Top Contender To The NWA United States Heavyweight Title:

Barry Windham

Bonus Point: Who Will Face Z-Man Tonight:

Rick Rude

Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Saturday Week 2 January 1991 (Taped Thursday)

Location: Will Rogers Coliseum (Mid-South)

Attendance: 7,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating:




[Tonight on WCW Saturday Night we have a brand new announce team. This is the team of Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler! They welcome everyone to WCW Saturday Night and talk about what an amazing show that we have this evening, including a match featuring the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting! Lawler questions whether or not Sting is even going to make it to the Clash of the Champions after being placed in the ring with Sid Vicious tonight! He talks about what a killer Sid Vicious is in the ring and that he is going to finish what he started at Halloween Havoc. Jim Ross says that we have some other matches tonight as well, including the WCW World Television title being up for grabs as Z-Man faces a wrestler chosen by the WCW Championship Committee. Who could that wrestler be? We will have to wait until later on to find out. But here at the beginning of the show we are going to find out who will face Lex Luger at the Clash of the Champions for the United States title. The music for Lex Luger begins in the background as we turn focus to the ring.]




['The Total Package' Lex Luger walks out from the back high-fiving the fans along the front row. He climbs the stairs and enters the ring, flexing. He climbs the turnbuckles and flexes, drawing in cheers from the crowd. At the announce table, Jerry Lawler calls Lex Luger an overgrown monkey. Luger drops down and is given a microphone. He gets on the microphone and says that it feels great to be here in Fort Worth, Texas. He says that the WCW Championship Committee has decided on an opponent worthy enough for him to face at the Clash of the Champions. Well, he is going to stay right here in this ring until that challenger decides to show his face. Luger gets a steel chair and sits down right in the center of the ring, waiting to see who he will be facing at the Clash. He gets on the microphone and tells the person who he will be facing to come on out and show themselves. The man that comes from the back is definitely a surprise to Lex Luger.]




[The man that Lex Luger defeated for the United States title in 1987 has returned to WCW. 'The Russian Nightmare' Nikita Koloff walks out from the back with that Russian chain wrapped around his shoulders. The confident Koloff enters the ring even though Luger has the steel chair up in his hands. The two men come face to face and Koloff grabs the chair, yanking it away from Luger and tossing it to the side. Luger throws a punch and Koloff throws one! The crowd is definitely behind Luger, booing each punch that Koloff throws. Koloff blocks a Luger punch and takes him down with a Russian Sickle. Koloff lays in a few stomps to the chest of Luger. He mounts on top of the Total Package, throwing punches as Luger tries to cover himself up. Officials come running in from the back to break things up. We have our next U.S. title match at the Clash!]




[From there, we move to a pre-taped segment. This segment takes place inside of a very posh, expensive-looking mansion. Alexandra York is sitting in front of a laptop at a large wooden desk. Within a few moments, she shuts down the laptop and entering the room are Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor. She addresses them and says that tonight they are going to be stepping into the ring in tag team action against Big Josh and Junkyard Dog tonight. She says that she has been doing some research and that the computer likes the pairing of the two of them against Big Josh and Junkyard Dog. She says that the computer says that the two of them will defeat Josh and Dog in eleven minutes or less. She says that she thinks it will definitely be less. Wallstreet nods and agrees, shaking hands with Taylor, the man he faced at Starrcade one month ago.]


Match #1


The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog


[Alexandra York leads the York Foundation pairing down to the ring to take on Big Josh and Junkyard Dog. There is a definite difference between the two teams in that the York Foundation has a definite technical background while the team of Big Josh and JYD are more power and brawling based. Wallstreet and Taylor keep Josh and JYD on the mat but JYD gets on all fours at one point, driving headbutts to the side and ribs of Wallstreet. He manages to tag in Terrence Taylor and Taylor looks briefly to Alexandra York and she shouts her instructions. Taylor catches Big Josh in the ring with a neckbreaker. He picks up Josh and sends him to the ropes, bouncing off the opposite ropes -- Five Arm! The Flying Forearm Smash brings Big Josh to the mat. Taylor makes the cover and gets the pinfall victory in less than eleven minutes.]


Winners: The York Foundation (Via Pinfall @ 10:47)

Match Rating: C-




[We now head to the Danger Zone with Paul E. Dangerously! Dangerously introduces his guest at this time, which is Big Van Vader! Vader comes out from the back wearing the mastodon helmet and moving to the Danger Zone area. He pauses a few feet before Dangerously and removes the helmet, setting it on the ground. He makes a hand motion and the steam rises from the helmet. He walks around and moves to Dangerously, who talks about how impressive this man is. Dangerously says that this man has won titles all around the world and has now come to WCW to do the same. He gives the microphone to Vader, who growls out asking 'Who's the man?' He says that he is the most dominant wrestler in the world. He says that Sting is just a small, little man compared to Big Van Vader. Soon he will have the WCW World Heavyweight title around his waist. He hands the microphone back to Dangerously and he announces that Big Van Vader is the first wrestler within his very own Danger Zone. Soon, there will be more and they will be taking over WCW.]


Match #2


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)


[Our second match of the night features two members of the Four Horsemen as they take on the fast-paced team of Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner in the Lightning Express. The Lightning Express show some good tag team moves as Brad Armstrong goes for a sunset flip on Windham. Windham tries to hold on but he is downed with a dropkick by Tim Horner and Armstrong scores a two count on Windham. Armstrong goes for the diving cross body on Windham but Windham ducks and Armstrong hits the mat. Windham tags out to Anderson and Anderson picks up Armstrong, locking in an Abdominal Stretch. Armstrong is stretched but doesn't submit. Eventually Anderson releases and brings Armstrong down with a swinging neckbreaker. He calls for the finish, sending Armstrong to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Anderson floats over and hooks the leg, scoring the clean pinfall win for the Horsemen.]


Winners: The Horsemen (Via Pinfall @ 9:54)

Match Rating: C




[From the ring, we move to a pre-taped interview with The Renegade Warriors standing in front of a generic background. Mark and Chris Youngblood discuss their upcoming contest with Doom for the NWA World Tag Team Championships. They talk about the death five years ago of their brother Jay and how he is a former NWA World Tag Team Champion. They say that holding these belts is in their blood. They say that Doom is a tough tag team. They have to be tough to hold on to the belts. However, the power of the Renegade Warriors, the power of the Youngblood family is enough to defeat any team in the NWA, any team in WCW. Chris ends the promo by saying that they are ready to face Doom at the Clash of the Champions. They let out a few Native American war cries and we fade away.]




[Where we go to is the ringside area where 'Badstreet USA' brings out Diamond Dallas Page and The Fabulous Freebirds. The three members of the Diamond Exchange are booed as they enter the ring and Diamond Dallas Page talks about their words last week when they said they would be announcing the newest member of the Diamond Exchange. He yells at the crowd to shut up when they continue to boo him and the Freebirds. Jimmy Garvin tries covering the ears of Diamond Dallas Page. A small 'Von Erichs' chant breaks out through a portion of the crowd. Page shakes his head and says that's enough. He says that the newest member of the Diamond Exchange said that he would not come to a piece of garbage town like Fort Worth, Texas. So they are going to have to wait until next week to find out who the newest member of the Diamond Exchange is. DDP orders the Freebirds out of the ring and the three men head to the back, not giving us the knowledge of who is the newest member of the Diamond Exchange.]


Match #3


Larry Zbyszko vs. Keith Hart


[Our third match of the night features one of the Hart brothers looking to get revenge on Larry Zbyszko for Zbyszko attacking Owen Hart last week. The match is rather short, lasting just over six minutes. Zbyszko starts things off with a slap to the face of Keith Hart and then a knee to the gut. The entire match has Zbyszko in control over with Keith Hart with very limited bursts of offense from the Hart brother. Around the four minute mark, Zbyszko catches Hart with a spike brainbuster and nearly scores the three count but lifts Hart up before the last count can be made, wanting to do extra damage to him. Zbyszko rolls Hart out of the ring and rams him into the ring post and then chokes him on the guardrail before bringing the action back inside the ring. Within moments, Zbyszko locks in the Larryland Dreamer, bringing Hart down to the mat slowly. The referee raises the arm of Hart once, twice and then a third time before calling for the bell.]


Winner: Larry Zbyszko (Via Submission @ 6:05)

Match Rating: C-




[The action turns down to Gordon Solie, who welcomes Larry Zbyszko down to the interview area. Solie says that it was a very impressive and destructive victory for Larry Zbyszko but the question remains as to what Zbyszko has against the Hart Family. Zbyszko says that these Harts have been given everything, everything that the true Living Legend deserves. Owen Hart comes out from the back, checking on his brother and then approaching Larry Zbyszko at the interview area. Zbyszko tells the snot-nosed brat to get to the back. Hart responds by slugging Zbyszko! Zbyszko throws a punch back to Hart! The two men stand toe-to-toe in the interview area with neither man backing down. Before either can gain an advantage, Gordon Solie calls in Doug Dillinger and the fun police to break the fight up. But Solie announces that these two men will be battling at the Clash of the Champions!]




[From there we move to a video hyping the return of one of the top tag teams in the history of the NWA. This team began together in 1987 and are former NWA United States Tag Team Champions. The Midnight Express are shown defeating teams like The Rock 'N' Roll Express, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard and even the Road Warriors! But next week we will see the return of Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane as The Midnight Express! This leads to a few questions, including the question of whether or not the manager of the Midnights Jim Cornette will be joining them. We will have to wait until next week to find out. But, what an announcement here on WCW Saturday Night!]


Match #4


El Cubano vs. Dustin Rhodes


[Our fourth match of the evening features the second match here on WCW Saturday Night of Dustin Rhodes. He takes on another veteran in the ring in El Cubano. El Cubano starts things strong, shoving Rhodes into a corner and throwing punches to the young Rhodes wrestler. Rhodes reverses the situation and fires a few punches back to Cubano. Rhodes whips Cubano across the ring and follows in with a corner clothesline. He catches Cubano with an inverted atomic drop and then a sidewalk slam. A sign goes up in the crowd that reads: 'Dusty+Sapphire=Dustin!' Rhodes plays to the crowd for a moment and then picks up Cubano. He sends Cubano to the corner and then climbs up, throwing punches as the crowd counts along to ten. Rhodes drops down and signals for the finish! He strikes Cubano with a Bionic Elbow and then a Running Bulldog. Rhodes makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dustin Rhodes (Via Pinfall @ 6:23)

Match Rating: D-




[From there, we move down to the interview area where Gordon Solie welcomes Dustin Rhodes down for a special interview. Dustin Rhodes poses in front of a sign reading: 'The Son of the Son is a son of a gun!' before he makes it down beside Gordon Solie. Rhodes says that he is glad to be here in WCW in front of the greatest fans in the world. He says that, as a Texas native, he is proud to compete in front of other native Texans. As the interview continues, Alexandra York comes down and interrupts with her laptop. She says that she has been doing some research on Dustin Rhodes and she offers him a spot in the York Foundation. She says that she along with her computer programs can lead him to the WCW World Heavyweight title. Dustin Rhodes looks at her for a moment and he thanks her for the opportunity but says he will have to think about that. He says he will give her an answer next week. She says that the computer told her that he would say that and she agrees to let him have one week. But she says that the computer says that if he isn't with them then he is against them. So there is definitely a veiled threat there. But she does point out a sign in the crowd that reads: 'I love you Alexandra!' just to point out that the fans are on her side.]




[Another pre-taped interview is shown. This one has the four members of the Four Horsemen standing in front of a generic WCW background. Ric Flair says that tonight there's going to be a party in Fort Worth, Texas. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham already took care of business. Now, tonight, the biggest member of the Horsemen has the opportunity to dominate the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Sid Vicious interjects, saying that the champion is a coward for not putting his belt on the line tonight. He knows that he cannot beat Sid Vicious again. He knows that he is facing his master and the ruler of the world. Flair says that Sid Vicious is going to nearly beat Sting to death tonight. But he's got to leave just a little of Sting so that he can walk that aisle at the Clash of the Champions and defend that belt against the best in the world, The Nature Boy Ric Flair. Whoooooo! Arn Anderson and Barry Windham end the interview by briefly talking about their upcoming United States tag team title match against The Steiner Brothers. Anderson says that at the Clash it's gonna be the Horsemen for the gold.]


Match #5



NWA World Television Title Match

Z-Man defends vs. Tully Blanchard


[The NWA World Television title is on the line as Z-Man steps into the ring with the NWA Championship Committee's choice of Tully Blanchard. Jerry Lawler, on commentary, says that the NWA Championship Committee screwed Z-Man putting him in the ring with a challenger like Tully Blanchard. Z-Man picks up the pace when he is in control of the match. Z-Man scores a near fall when he strikes Blanchard with a missle dropkick. Blanchard comes back, though. He catches Z-Man with a delayed knee drop inside the ring, scoring a two count. The action moves outside the ring and the two men exchange punches. Blanchard gets control and he picks up Z-Man, lifting him in a slingshot suplex outside the ring! Z-Man crashes hard upon the mats outside the ring and Blanchard slides into the ring to beat the referee's count. The referee reaches a ten count and calls for the bell. Tully Blanchard picks up the victory but he does not pick up the title!]


Winner: Tully Blanchard (Via Countout @ 10:11)

Match Rating: C-





Match #6


Non-Title Match

Sid Vicious vs. Sting


[The main event this evening features the NWA World Heavyweight Champion as Sting steps into the ring to face the Psycho of the Four Horsemen Sid Vicious. But Sting has never been one to back down from tough competition. In fact, he gets right up in the chest of Sid Vicious, pointing a finger at him and against his chest. Vicious shoves Sting backward, sending him toppling into a corner. Sting pops right back up and slaps Vicious! He slaps him three more times, shoving Sid Vicious back into a corner. He walks into a sharp forearm smash by the larger Vicious. Vicious brings Sting down with a boot to the head. He plays to a booing crowd and picks up Sting. He sends Sting to the ropes and ducks his head -- Sting leaps over with a sunset flip, getting a two count! Both men scramble to their feet and Sid Vicious brings Sting down with a clothesline. The next several minutes are spent with Sid Vicious in control over Sting. The action spills outside the ring seven minutes into the contest. Vicious slams Sting head-first into the steel steps and Sting staggers off a few feet. Vicious grabs Sting and slams him back-first into the apron. The action returns in the ring and Vicious locks Sting in a bear hug. The crowd gets solidly behind Sting as he struggles in the bear hug. Claps and the stomps of feet fill the arena. A 'Sting' chant joins the chorus and Sting begins to come to life with his second wind. He begins clapping the ears of Sid Vicious to break the hold. A third clap breaks the hold and a double clothesline brings both men to the mat.]




[With both men on the mat, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Barry Windham begin making their way down to the ringside area. Both Sting and Sid Vicious are slow to make their way to their feet. They meet in the center of the ring and Sting throws a punch! He ducks a Sid Vicious punch! Then he throws another punch! A duck and a punch! A duck and a punch! Sting knocks Vicious back into a corner and climbs up, beginning to throw punches as the crowd counts along. He drops down and whips Vicious across the ring. Sting charges in and hits a Stinger Splash! Vicious is rocked in the corner! Sting backs up and hits a second Stinger Splash! Vicious staggers around and Sting brings him down with a one handed bulldog! Sting grabs the legs of Vicious -- Scorpion Deathlock! Sting locks in the Deathlock but before Vicious can submit or break the hold, the Horsemen hit the ring and attack Sting. The bell sounds as the referee calls for the DQ.]


Winner: Sting (Via Disqualification @ 17:09)

Match Rating: C+




[The Four Horsemen go right after Sting in the ring. But The Steiner Brothers and Flyin' Brian are going to even the odds! It's a pier six brawl inside the ring as the Four Horsemen and the Dudes With Attitudes go at it inside the ring! The battle spills both in and out of the ring with all eight men going strong. The Horsemen start to get control inside the ring and Ric Flair holds Sting's arms back behind him. Sid Vicious sees this and moves in, going for a big boot but Sting ducks! Ric Flair tastes the big boot from Sid Vicious! Flair staggers a moment and then drops flat on his face. Sting clotheslines Sid Vicious over the top rope to the floor. Flair rolls out of the ring as Arn Anderson and Barry Windham knock Sid Vicious to the ground outside the ring. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Barry Windham walk away as The Dudes With Attitudes stand tall inside the ring. Sid Vicious stands between the two groups as the show comes to an end. We'll see you Sunday night for WCW Main Event!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


1. Ayden=2 Wins

2. Beejus=1 Win

horseman4lyfe=1 Win

Smasher1311=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win


Zergon=1 Win

alvarasus=1 Win

justtxyank=1 Win

10. JShmoopy=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins


I've gotten away from predicting but that doesn't mean I've stopped reading. Great first show!


Always great to see you here, Emark! Glad you enjoyed the first show of hopefully many more to come!


Very Good show Angel, I enjoyed Alexandra York's work especially. Great Gimmick.


The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog

Comments: Im a fan of the York Foundation!!!


The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog

Comments: Based on the first show, York Foundation seems to be doing more at the moment.


The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog

Comments:Don't know how big of a push the York Foundation will be getting,but it seems as of now they are headed in the right direction


The York Foundation (Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor) vs. Big Josh and Junkyard Dog

Comments: York Foundation has a future, Big Josh is a terrible gimmick and JYD is old and washed up.


The York Foundation definitely seems to have a solid following here specifically in this diary. They are a lot of fun to write for, especially back in this 1991 time period. The Computerized Men of the '90's will definitely be receiving a push. Thank you to all of you for your predictions and comments!


El Cubano vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments: No idea who Cubano is but my guess is that he´s just jobber (pretty safe bet after just seeing him losing to Ranger Ross in B-show) :p


Bonus Point: Who Will Face Z-Man Tonight: Tully Blanchard

I´m not really familiar on wrestling scene at this time but I´m pretty sure Tully was free agent at this point and would certainly be interesting signing thanks to his shared past with Anderson and other Horsemen.


El Cubano was also known as Fidel Sierra. He was a bit of a jobber during these days. Though he was a gimmicked jobber, something that, in my opinion, WCW did pretty well back in the day.


Tully was a free agent before I snapped him up. He definitely has a lot of history with a lot of the guys in this company. Hope his return was a bit of a surprise for everyone, though. Thank you for your comments and predictions!


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)

Comments: The LX could have a future as not-jobbers, but that will not start here.


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Barry Windham) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner)

Comments: LE is a fun tag team that can be used to great effectiveness, but the Horsemen don't lose to teams like this.


The Lightning Express are definitely a tag team that can have a future in WCW. Who knows? Maybe they can be a group to challenge Doom in the future for the WCW World Tag Team Titles. Thank you for your comments and your predictions!

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Sunday Week 2 January 1991 (Taped Friday)

Location: Bronco Bowl (Mid-South)

Attendance: 1,500

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .07


The announcers, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes, put over the fact that we'll be seeing Nikita Koloff making his return to a WCW ring tonight as he takes on Ranger Ross. Can the American hero defeat the returning Russian?


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Owen Hart defeated George South in 5:49 by submission with a Dungeon Lock...D


In a backstage interview, Larry Zbyszko hypes his feud with Owen Hart. He says that the young pup is going to learn the feeling of being a whipped dog when Zbyszko is finished with him.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Michael Wallstreet defeated Steve Armstrong in 6:46 by pinfall with a Samoan Drop...D+


Another backstage interview has Tommy Rich talking about his upcoming match at the Clash of the Champions with Harley Race. Rich talks about his history with Race, including defeating Race for the NWA World Heavyweight title. Rich says that they come full circle at the Clash and it's a night for the Wildfire.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Lightning Express defeated The Royal Family in 9:25 when Brad Armstrong defeated Rip Morgan by pinfall with a Side Russian Legsweep...D


A video plays showing Teddy Long hyping the NWA World Tag Team titles defense of his team Doom against The Renegade Warriors. He says that those two Native American jokers are about to meet their doom when they face off with Ron Simmons and Butch Reed.


A man is shown draped in an American flag. An announcer uses a voiceover to talk about this man being a true American hero. He is announced as a man who could be considered the black Superman. He is returning to WCW. The man turns to show his face, revealing that he is Mr. USA Tony Atlas! And he is returning soon to WCW!


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Nikita Koloff defeated Ranger Ross in 11:14 by pinfall with a Russian Sickle...C


Following the match, Nikita Koloff continues to assault Ranger Ross. Koloff wraps the Russian chain around his fist and begins punching the skull of Ranger Ross until he breaks Ross open! Koloff has to be pulled back by the fun police as Ranger Ross lies in a pool of his own blood.


The show ends with the announcers hyping this week's edition of WCW Saturday Night. The announced main event is a huge contest as 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair takes on 'Flyin'' Brian Pillman! With Pillman having defeated Harley Race last week, can he defeat another legend on WCW Saturday Night?

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


World Championship Wrestling

-This week we are coming to you taped for WCW Saturday Night! The continuing saga between the Four Horsemen and the Dudes With Attitudes continues in the main event tonight. We will be seeing the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair facing off with a young and hungry competitor in Flyin' Brian Pillman. Can Pillman's high flying moves keep the veteran down? Can he score another big victory as he did over Harley Race on WCW Main Event this year? Tune in and find out!


-We will also be seeing the NWA United States Title on the line as The Total Package Lex Luger defends against the former NWA United States Champion Stan Hansen. This is Hansen's invoked rematch clause. Can he defeat Luger for the belt or will the Total Package gain some momentum heading toward the Clash of the Champions? What role will number one contender Nikita Koloff play in this match?


-Another match in the series between the Four Horsemen and The Dudes With Attitudes takes place as Scott Steiner goes into singles action against Barry Windham. These two men will face each other in tag team action at the Clash. Which team will gain momentum?


-We will see an interview with the return of The Midnight Express. The questions all week have been whether or not Jim Cornette will be in the corner of the Midnights. We have not yet heard either way whether he will be there.


-Will Dustin Rhodes join the York Foundation? He told Alexandra York that she would receive her answer this week on WCW Saturday Night. Chances are that Rhodes' father will also be in the building. What advice might Dusty have for his son in this situation?


-We will definitely be seeing the debut of the mystery member of the Diamond Exchange this evening. We will be seeing the Diamond Exchange in six man tag team action as they take on The Lightning Express and Keith Hart. Who will be the newest member of the Diamond Exchange? Make sure you tune in and find out!


-Plus, the Four Horsemen have promised a major announcement to kick things off. After Sid Vicious accidentally kicked Ric Flair in the head last week, what reaction will The Nature Boy have to this accidental hit? What reaction will Sid Vicious have to getting knocked down by Arn Anderson and Barry Windham after that?


-Plus Harley Race takes on Junkyard Dog, Big Van Vader against Steve Armstrong, El Cubano steps into the ring with Owen Hart, we will be hearing from NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting, an interview with one of the newest WCW Signees Bob Backlund, a hype video for Tony Atlas and more. Make sure you tune in to WCW Saturday Night!


Prediction Listing


El Cubano vs. Owen Hart



Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong



The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart



Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog



Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen



Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman



Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange:


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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El Cubano vs. Owen Hart



Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong

Comments:Poor Steve Armstrong,it will be like a fly attacking godzilla


The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart

Comments:Since there will be a new member of the diamond exchange, can't bet against them


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: Both have seen their hay day,but I am going with the former Nwa Worlds champ


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: A young steiner gets the win


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen

Comments: Luger wins,but I see a sneek attack by the Russian Nightmare


Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: The Natcha Boy gots this one


Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange:The Diamond Studd Scott Hall

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El Cubano vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Owen gets the win as he´s the one getting a push.


Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong

Comments: If Vader wants to get anywhere near WCW World Heavyweight title, then he surely has to win here.


The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart

Comments: Debut win for the new guy.


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: Race had a feud going with Tommy Rich and thus is higher priority than Junkyard Dog who´s likely here to put others over anyway.


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: This is one of those could go either way matches but since I expect that Arn and Rick will clash next month and traditionally these matches go 1-1 so I have Scott winning here as I see him and Arn being the stronger members from their teams.


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen

Comments: With Koloff established as new challenger in last show, I don´t see much point for Lex to drop the belt here.


Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Flair is getting the win here as Sting got his last week but it likely won´t be a clean win.


Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: No idea so I just skip this one. :o

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El Cubano vs. Owen Hart



Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong



The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart



Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog



Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen



Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman


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El Cubano vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Owen picks up a win to lead off against Larry.


Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong

Comments: Ouch.


The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart

Comments: Can't bet against Mr. Squiggles.


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: This is an interesting match, two guys who were way past their primes going one-on-one. I go with Race just because he has a minor feud going on.


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: Steiner was a god in these days.


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen

Comments: Lex already dropped the belt to Hansen once, he won't do it again.


Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Should be a great match, but Flair isn't losing it.


Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: Vinnie Vegas


Fun Fan Signs:

Time to put this Dog down!


Comments On Last Show: Excited to see Nikita around, even if the Cold War is over he is still a big, bad heel threat. His match with Luger may be "bowling shoe ugly" as JR would say, but it could be a brawl for the ages. The Horsemen and Sting have only just begun, even as their feud has gone on for years; can't wait to see what you do with it. Also, Tully's big return has me really curious as to what his role might be, if he is in the Horsemen again or if he's going to just do his own thing. So many questions, and so few answers!

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El Cubano vs. Owen Hart



Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong



The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart



Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog



Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen



Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman



Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: Im gonna copy someone else and say Scott Hall because i don't know many others

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Prediction Listing


El Cubano vs. Owen Hart

Comments: This is what Sierra exists on this earth for: putting over people you want to put over.


Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong

Comments: I'm a big fan of the Armstrong family, but Vader is going to crush the kid.

The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart

Comments: Scott Hall debuts here and Keith Hart takes the fall.


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: JYD is the the more valuable WRESTLER of the two at this point.


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: Now this is a TOUGH call. Barry Windham is good enough to be a main eventer and I'm not sold on Steiner at this point being one, but WCW did move the Steiners into the main event against the Horsemen.


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen

Comments: I prefer Hansen by far, but Luger probably going to get the win.

Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Pillman on the rise, should be booked to look strong, but not quite ready to get a win.


Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: Scott Hall


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong

Comments:Poor Steve Armstrong,it will be like a fly attacking godzilla


Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong

Comments: If Vader wants to get anywhere near WCW World Heavyweight title, then he surely has to win here.


I wonder how everyone feels about the pairing of Vader and Paul E. Dangerously that began in the Danger Zone? At this point in time, Vader is definitely a monster and reminds me of Brock Lesnar in a way.


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: Both have seen their hay day,but I am going with the former Nwa Worlds champ


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: Race had a feud going with Tommy Rich and thus is higher priority than Junkyard Dog who´s likely here to put others over anyway.


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: This is an interesting match, two guys who were way past their primes going one-on-one. I go with Race just because he has a minor feud going on.


As a little update on this match, both Harley Race and Junkyard Dog are in terminal decline, meaning retirement could come at any time now. But I can agree that both of these wrestlers are past their prime.


The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart

Comments: Debut win for the new guy.


Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: No idea so I just skip this one. :o


Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: Im gonna copy someone else and say Scott Hall because i don't know many others


Some definite interesting picks for the mystery man. Of course, I'm not saying whether they are right or wrong but he is Mr. Squiggles!


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: This is one of those could go either way matches but since I expect that Arn and Rick will clash next month and traditionally these matches go 1-1 so I have Scott winning here as I see him and Arn being the stronger members from their teams.


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: Now this is a TOUGH call. Barry Windham is good enough to be a main eventer and I'm not sold on Steiner at this point being one, but WCW did move the Steiners into the main event against the Horsemen.


I can definitely say that the following week, there will be a match between Arn Anderson and Rick Steiner. If this affects your decision, you can, of course, make changes.


Comments On Last Show: Excited to see Nikita around, even if the Cold War is over he is still a big, bad heel threat. His match with Luger may be "bowling shoe ugly" as JR would say, but it could be a brawl for the ages. The Horsemen and Sting have only just begun, even as their feud has gone on for years; can't wait to see what you do with it. Also, Tully's big return has me really curious as to what his role might be, if he is in the Horsemen again or if he's going to just do his own thing. So many questions, and so few answers!


Glad to see the excitement at the return of Nikita Koloff. In real life, he returned the next month during WrestleWar, striking Sting with the chain when Sting pushed Lex Luger out of the way. Will Tully Blanchard join with the Horsemen? There will be a major Horsemen announcement at the beginning of this WCW Saturday Night show. What will that be? Make sure you tune in and find out.

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Prediction Listing


El Cubano vs. Owen Hart

Comments: A nice win for Owen.


Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong

Comments: Squash, Squesh, Squish, Squosh, Squush.


The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart

Comments: No chance.


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Comments: From an age and importance standpoint, JYD stands out as the best of the two.


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: I echo yank here. Pretty tough one to call.


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen

Comments: He'll keep the title for a bit, I think.


Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: I'm tempted to pick The Pill, but I guess that you won't pull the trigger on the upset.


Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: The Big Bad Meng, Scott Hall.


I won't put in any fan signs this time, because you might be finishing the show and I don't want to give you more work, lol. :p

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Prediction Listing


El Cubano vs. Owen Hart



Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong



The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart



Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog



Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen



Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman



Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange: My gut says Terry Gordy, but I'm going to say Scott Hall.

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El Cubano vs. Owen Hart



Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong



The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and ???) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart

Comments: Bad Street USA


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog



Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen


Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman



Extra Point - Who Will Be The Newest Member Of The Diamond Exchange:

Terry Gordy

Fun Fan Signs: Badstreet USA


Comments On Last Show:

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Saturday Week 3 January 1991 (Taped Thursday)

Location: Taylor Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 5,793

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: .83




[WCW Saturday Night begins this week from the Taylor Arena in Rochester, Minnesota. Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler welcome everyone to the show as the sounds of the IV Horsemen music plays in the background. All four members of the Horsemen, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Sid Vicious, are coming down to the ring with serious looks on their faces. They step into the ring and Ric Flair says that he heard there was a party going on in Rochester, Minnesota tonight. Whooooo! But then he says that any party going on here in Minnesota is not worth going to. He, then, turns the microphone over to the Enforcer of the IV Horsemen, Arn Anderson, to make the announcement. Anderson steps forward and then turns on Sid Vicious. He says that recently one member of the Four Horsemen has not been pulling his weight. He says that this member made a huge mistake last week when he hit the number one member of the Four Horsemen. Anderson looks Sid Vicious right in the eyes and says 'You're out, big man.' He tells Sid Vicious that he is no longer a Horseman. Vicious looks to be getting angry and Arn Anderson tells him that there's two ways this can go. Sid Vicious can turn and walk away or he can make the mistake of trying three other men and he can get carried out of this arena. Sid seems to be thinking about that for a moment and then he finally turns, stepping over the top rope and exiting toward the back. Anderson says that now that they have gotten rid of the dead weight, there's only three men left in the ring. So that means that there needs to be a fourth man because there are always four men. Flair is given the microphone back and Flair says that most people probably think this will be Tully Blanchard. However, Blanchard wants to do his own thing here in WCW and Flair says that he will respect that. But Tully Blanchard has Horsemen backup if he ever needs it. Now, Flair says, it's time to introduce the new fourth Horsemen. The music begins playing as Flair says this man is someone he knows very well and that it's someone he knows will watch his back.]




[The newest member of the Four Horsemen is none other than Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine! A second-generation wrestler, Valentine walks down to the ring and shakes hands with each of the Horsemen before raising four fingers high in the air. Valentine is given the microphone and says that it is an honor to be part of the most elite group of professional wrestlers in the business. Valentine says that he will be watching the backs of each of these men, including tonight as Ric Flair destroys Brian Pillman and Barry Windham beats down Scott Steiner. Flair says that NOW there will be a party here in Minnesota because the Four Horsemen are riding again. Whoooooo! Brian Pillman, tonight when you walk that aisle, you are going to know what the saying means to be the man, you have to beat the man! Whooooo!]





Match #1


El Cubano vs. Owen Hart


[Our opening contest is one that doesn't get a lot of heat from the crowd but definitely has some solid in-ring action. The masked El Cubano gets in a few shots here and there but mostly the match is a showcase for the skills of Owen Hart. Hart scores a near-fall with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex. He quickly pops up and sends Cubano into the corner. Cubano comes stumbling out and Owen Hart sends him up and over with a back body drop. Hart plays to the crowd, getting them on his side as he heads to the top turnbuckle. Cubano slowly rises to his feet. He stumbles about a moment before turning to look at Owen Hart -- Missile Dropkick! Cubano hits the mat hard and Hart makes a signal for his finisher. He grabs the legs of Cubano -- Dungeon Lock! The Dungeon Lock is applied and it's all over but the crying as Cubano submits almost instantly, giving Owen Hart another submission victory!]


Winner: Owen Hart (Via Submission @ 6:14)

Match Rating: D+




[From a victory by a Canadian, we move to a video espousing a true American hero. This man is shown lifting weights again and again. The video flips to him inside the ring bringing someone down with a clothesline and then a shoulderblock. A voice-over announcer says that this man has been declared Mr. USA and the Black Superman. This man is a great representation of what the United States is built for. He is finally shown running down a street, ala Rocky, with a crowd gathering around him. He also has a large USA flag over his shoulders. He begins climbing a set of stairs and then leaps around at the top, drawing more cheers from the crowd. Mr. USA Tony Atlas...coming soon to World Championship Wrestling!]




[We move from the hype video to the interview area where Missy Hyatt is standing by. She hypes tonight's show, including a couple of matches between the Four Horsemen and The Dudes With Attitudes and the reveal of the newest member of the Diamond Exchange. She is joined at the interview area by Larry Zbyszko. He tells her that she should be thankful to be joined by a Living Legend. He also says that he doesn't care about what questions she might have. He says that he is here tonight to let the world know that he is so much better than any wrestler Owen Hart has faced in his time here in WCW. He says that Hart has never faced a Living Legend. At Clash of the Champions, Larry Zbyszko says he is going to knock out a Hart with the LarryLand Dreamer and prove that he is better and deserves a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight title. Zbyszko ends the interview by saying that he is going to send the entire NWA on a trip to Larry Land!]




[We move back to the ringside area and the music for the monster known as Big Van Vader begins to play. The crowd rises up in boos as Paul E. Dangerously walks out and tells the ladies and gentlemen in the audience that his name is Paul E. Dangerously and he is the manager for the most dangerous wrestler in the entire world today. He says that this is a man who was very nearly banned in Japan for destroying each and every one of their wrestlers. He says that this man is going to be bigger than each and every wrestler in America. As Dangerously speaks, Big Van Vader walks out and pauses on the ramp. He sets the mastodon helmet onto the ground and does a ceremony behind it. Steam rises from the mask and Dangerously looks very happy as he moves into the corner of Vader. Vader continues to the ring, stepping inside and looking across at Steve Armstrong, his opponent tonight.]


Match #2


Big Van Vader vs. Steve Armstrong


[Once the bell sounds for the match, Steve Armstrong runs right at Vader. He throws punches and even a dropkick but it doesn't even move the big man! Armstrong quickly ascends the turnbuckles and leaps but Vader catches him in a cross body attempt. Vader turns him over and body slams him hard into the mat. Vader picks up Armstrong and throws him into a corner. Vader charges in with an avalanche splash and then throws forearm shots to the head of Armstrong. Armstrong simply tries to cover up but he is being smashed by Vader. Vader pulls Armstrong out of the corner by an arm -- Short-Arm Clothesline! Vader raises the 'V' sign, asking the crowd 'Who's the man?' Vader drags Armstrong over to the corner and climbs up on the second turnbuckle -- Vader Bomb! The splash has Vader making a cover: One, Two, Vader pulls Armstrong up, stopping the three count. He looks to Dangerously for advice and then yanks Armstrong between his legs. He raises him high in the air -- Release Power Bomb! Armstrong is NOT moving! The referee checks with Armstrong and then calls for the bell. He's stopping this one!]


Winner: Big Van Vader (Via Referee Stoppage @ 5:32)

Match Rating: D+




[From there, we move to what can only be a security camera backstage. This camera shows son Dustin Rhodes talking to his father Dusty Rhodes about possibly joining the York Foundation. Dustin says that this might just be the wave of the future. After all, she has made ample predictions for her wrestlers and it seems like she is never wrong about how long they have. Dusty says that he's been around women in this industry for a long time. He says that he's seen the good and he's been double-crossed by the bad. He says that his son really needs to think about this very hard. Dustin says that he will and shakes hands with and hugs his father. Dusty says that no matter what he will always be there for his son. He tells his son that he loves him before the end of the segment.]




[back at the ringside area, Diamond Dallas Page introduces the newest member of the Diamond Exchange. This newest member is none other than 'Ravishing' Rick Rude! Rude comes out to a mixed reaction from his hometown crowd. He steps in the ring with his Rude robe on and is given the microphone by DDP. He tells them to cut his music. He looks around with disdain at the crowd here in Minnesota. He says that what he'd like to have right now is for all you fat, out-of-shape Minnesota sweat-hogs to keep the noise down while he takes his robe off and shows the women what a real man is supposed to look like. Hit his music! The music plays and he removes his robe slowly, placing his hands behind his head and swiveling his hips. He draws more boos from the crowd as he takes back the microphone and says that this is what all the men want to be and what all the women want to be with.]


Match #3


The Diamond Exchange (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and Rick Rude) vs. The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner) and Keith Hart


[six man tag team action is next here on WCW Saturday Night as we see the return of Rick Rude to the NWA and his debut as a member of the Diamond Exchange. The team of the Lightning Express and Keith Hart don't get in too much momentum during this match as it is mostly dominated by the Diamond Exchange. Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin show some tag team fluency as they catch Tim Horner with a double flapjack and score a two count. A fan raises a sign reading: 'Badstreet USA!' The match continues with some pier six brawling that ends up with Rick Rude and Keith Hart as the two legal men in the ring. Rude flies off the second turnbuckle with a pointed elbow drop on Hart. He stands over top of him and swivels his hips to boos from the crowd. He picks up Hart -- Rude Awakening! The neckbreaker sends Hart back to the mat and Rude makes a nonchalant cover: One, Two, Three.]


Winners: The Diamond Exchange (Via Pinfall @ 6:20)

Match Rating: C-




[From there, we move down to the interview area where Alexandra York is standing. She calls out Dustin Rhodes to find out whether he is willing to join the York Foundation. Rhodes comes down to the interview area and shakes hands with Alexandra York. He says that he has given a lot of thought to joining the York Foundation. He says that he is flattered that she has asked about him joining but he is going to have to decline joining the York Foundation. He says he wants to move forward on his own and he doesn't like the evil nature that the York Foundation has been doing. York looks shocked and angered. She slaps Rhodes and then goes to slap him again but he catches her wrist. He gives her a cold stare but then he goes down as he is attacked from behind by Terrence Taylor! Taylor takes out the knee of Rhodes with a clip and then stomps on the fallen Rhodes. He is given a microphone by York and smashes it against the skull of Dustin Rhodes! Taylor hands the microphone back to York and she says that this is what happens when people cross the York Foundation. The two of them walk away as Rhodes tries to recover.]


Match #4


Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog


[Our fourth match of the evening features two veterans of professional wrestling who met in another promotion's WrestleMania III. This match itself was an absolute slugfest. At one point, JYD lifts Race out of a Piledriver attempt, bringing Race to the mat. JYD has the crowd solidly behind him as he sends Race into a corner. JYD climbs up and begins leveling Race with punches as the crowd counts along. JYD finishes it with a head butt before he drops down. He brings Race to the mat with a body slam and then drops on all fours, giving several headbutts to Race all along the mat. JYD calls for his finisher and pulls Race up onto his shoulder, moving into a corner. He begins into the Thump motion but Race slides down behind JYD, shoving him chest-first into a corner. Race brings JYD down with a belly-to-back suplex and then heads to the top turnbuckle. A sign goes up in the background: 'Time to put this Dog down!' Race leaps -- Diving Headbutt! He makes a cover but only scores a two count. Race looks a little frustrated so he gets up and sets up JYD -- Piledriver! Race's Piledriver can even hurt the tough head of the Junkyard Dog. Race makes a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Harley Race (Via Pinfall @ 5:35)

Match Rating: D+




[Harley Race picks up the victory here tonight against Junkyard Dog. But Race is not finished here tonight. As soon as he gets up, he begins stomping on JYD as the Dog is on the mat. Race picks JYD up and brings him over with a belly-to-belly suplex! He looks to the ropes and then steps out on the apron, climbing the turnbuckle slowly. From the back to the ring runs 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich! Rich slides in the ring just as Race makes it to the top turnbuckle. Rich goes over and brings Race to the mat with a body slam off the top! Rich catches Race with a quick fist drop and Race is quick to roll out of the ring. Rich stands in defense of his friend the Junkyard Dog as Harley Race stands up at ringside. The two men engage in a staredown as Race backs his way up the ramp and disappears to the back.]




[From there, we move to the interview area where Jerry Lawler introduces the return of The Midnight Express to WCW Saturday Night. Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane come down and are quick to reintroduce their manager Jim Cornette! The crowd has a slight mixed reaction to the return of the Midnight Express. They shake hands with Jerry Lawler and say that it's good to be back here where the big boys play. Jim Cornette says that he has been taking care of his momma and now she is doing much better and he is going to be putting all of his resources into bringing the best tag team in the NWA back to the top where they belong. He says that this tag team is better than the Steiner Brothers, better than Doom, better than The Renegade Warriors. He says that beginning tonight the Midnight Express is going to ride them hard and put them away wet.]




[The interview is interrupted by the shocking return of the Midnight Express's biggest rivals. Those rivals are The Rock 'N' Roll Express! Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson walk to the interview area and come face-to-face with The Midnight Express. Jim Cornette asks what these men are doing here interrupting their time. Robert Gibson says that they have interrupted this time because they have an announcement to make of their own. The Rock 'N' Roll Express have also returned to WCW. They are going to come back and make the lives of the Midnight Express a living hell just like old times. Ricky Morton throws the first punch to Bobby Eaton! Stan Lane and Robert Gibson begin exchanging punches! Cornette yells to his team to get them! He begins swinging the tennis racket! The two Express teams continue the brawl toward the guardrail as the fun police spill out from the back. Security works on getting the two teams separated but it looks like this rivalry is going to continue.]


Match #5


Barry Windham vs. Scott Steiner


[Our fifth match of the night features two very hard-hitting wrestlers as Barry Windham of the Four Horsemen takes on Scott Steiner of the Dudes With Attitudes. These two men will fight in tag team action at the Clash of the Champions. Both of these two men are fighting in the hopes that they gain momentum toward the Clash. Both of these two men score near-falls during the match. Windham looks like he might put the match away with a Clawhold but Steiner is somehow able to reach the ropes. Windham puts Steiner up on the turnbuckle and is setting him up for a Superplex. He gets him set up but the crowd gets Steiner recovering! Steiner blocks the Superplex attempt, shoving Windham off the turnbuckles to the mat below. Steiner drops down and whips Windham to the ropes -- tilt-a-whirl slam! Steiner gets back up, getting the crowd excited. He picks up Windham -- Steiner Screwdriver! He rolls over and makes a cover as Arn Anderson comes running toward the ring: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Scott Steiner (Via Pinfall @ 9:56)

Match Rating: B-




[Scott Steiner picks up a clean win over Barry Windham in this matchup! Arn Anderson hits the ring and Scott ducks a clothesline attempt! He brings Anderson down with a Steinerline as Rick Steiner enters the ring. Rick grabs Windham and whips him into a corner. Rick catches Windham with a Steinerline and on the other side Scott whips Arn Anderson to the ropes -- Frankensteiner! The Steiner Brothers are in full control here as the two members of the Four Horsemen roll out of the ring. They are given their United States Tag Team title belts and raise them up to cheers from the crowd. Anderson and Windham stare up toward the ring from the ringside area while the Steiners are raising their belts. The two Horsemen back up the ramp and continue to stare down their Clash of the Champions opponents.]




[From the ring, we move, once again, to the interview area. This interview area features two legends of professional wrestling. Gordon Solie begins the interview with Bob Backlund, welcoming him to World Championship Wrestling. Backlund says that he is very happy to be here where the big boys play. He says that he has spent a lot of his career in areas that did not appreciate traditional wrestling values. He says that while he might have been champion in that other wrestling league, it has become less about professional wrestling and more about stupid gimmicks. He says that gimmicks are not what he is all about. He is about professional wrestling, which is what WCW and the NWA represent. He says that he is going to step inside those ropes here in WCW and show everyone that he is the best wrestler in the world in front of the best fans in the world.]




[The interview is interrupted by the presence of Alexandra York and Michael Wallstreet as they walk down to the interview area. Backlund asks them what they are doing here. Wallstreet introduces himself as the Computerized Wrestler of the '90's. He says that with this computer, he is going to become the best wrestler and the best champion that WCW has ever seen. He says that it is a waste of time spending time interviewing an old fossil from a time that is already passed. Backlund says he would disagree with that statement and that Wallstreet would do better learning from him than anything that he can learn from that computer. Alexandra York takes offense to that, saying she is bringing him right to the top with her computer. She says that she can prove it. She makes a challenge on behalf of Michael Wallstreet against Bob Backlund. Backlund agrees and names the date: Clash of the Champions. The challenge is agreed upon and no physical violence is made at this point as Backlund walks away to train and get ready for this match.]




[The crowd gives a few cheers as the music for The Renegade Warriors begins to play. Jim Ross, at the announce table, says that this was not scheduled but Chris and Mark Youngblood have come down to the ring and gotten microphones. Chris Youngblood says that everyone around here has been talking about deserving title shots. They talk about getting title matches and titles in the future. Well, Chris says, they deserve their title match. He says that they have earned this title match and at the Clash of the Champions they will become the next WCW World Tag Team Champions and the next Native American team on top. Mark Youngblood says that they are two Native Americans on the war path and this path brings them straight to Doom, straight to the NWA World Tag Team titles. He says that if Doom was right here, right now they would prove it.]




[The Renegade Warriors get the opportunity to live up to their word as Theodore R. Long brings Doom out from the back. Long says that he's heard some tall tales in his day but this tale takes the cake. He wonders if The Renegade Warriors have looked at these two men who are standing by his side. 'The All-American' Ron Simmons is a former football All-American and an amazing athlete. 'Hacksaw' Butch Reed will cut his way through you like a saw. The three of them reach ringside and Doom slides inside the ring, coming face-to-face with The Renegade Warriors. A brawl begins between the two teams as neither side wants to back down. They move into separate corners and Doom gains some control. They whip The Renegade Warriors across toward each other but The Renegade Warriors just spin around each other and take down Doom with clotheslines! The fun police come out, led by Doug Dillinger. They are quick to break up these two sides but there won't be any breaking it up at the Clash of the Champions.]





Match #6



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Stan Hansen


[This is our semi main event and a great one as the NWA United States title is on the line between the champion 'The Total Package' Lex Luger and the former champion Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen. This is a match where both wrestlers seem willing to throw caution to the wind, trying to secure a victory and the title. Luger starts with the offensive, using the armbar to keep Hansen grounded on the mat. Hansen fights his way back to his feet and brings down Luger with a few closed fist punches that have the referee warning the Lariat. Hansen tosses Luger outside the ring and joins him at ringside. He begins choking Luger on the guardrail and yelling to the fans in the front row, who respond with boos. Hansen brings the action back inside the ring and sets up Luger in the Brazos Valley Backbreaker, also known as a Boston Crab. Luger refuses to give up, though. He shows amazing resilience and power as he works his way to the ropes, using them to effectively break the hold. Hansen yells at the official and then pulls Luger up. He sends Luger to the ropes -- Luger ducks a clothesline attempt and strikes Hansen with a flying forearm! The crowd gets behind the Total Package as he gets his second wind. Luger catches Hansen with an inverted atomic drop! He strikes Hansen with a knee lift and then whips Hansen to the ropes -- Powerslam! He begins making the signal for the Rack! The crowd cheers loudly! Luger picks up Hansen and lifts him up -- Human Torture Rack! Luger stretches Hansen on the Human Torture Rack! Hansen struggles and then has no choice but to submit!]


Winner: Lex Luger (Via Submission @ 8:04)

Match Rating: C




[Lex Luger picks up the victory and the defense of his NWA United States title! He drops Stan Hansen and gets his arm raised by the referee. He is handed the title belt and raises it up, drawing cheers from the crowd. As Luger has his back turned to the ramp, Nikita Koloff comes running from the back. He strikes Luger with a double sledge to the back and then chokes Luger on the second rope. Koloff pulls off his Russian chain and begins choking Luger with the chain! He picks up The Total Package and tosses him over the top rope, hanging Luger with the chain! Jim Ross is going crazy on commentary! Luger struggles with the chain around his neck, turning blue. After a brief period of time, Koloff releases, sending Luger to the ringside area, trying to catch his breath. Koloff slides out of the ring, pulling Luger up -- Russian Sickle! Luger is laid out at ringside.]




[As the EMTs check on Lex Luger at ringside, Jim Ross is shown at the interview area. Ross calls out the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting! Sting comes out, getting loud cheers from the crowd. Sting and Jim Ross shake hands and Jim Ross asks Sting about his upcoming match with Ric Flair at the Clash of the Champions. Sting says that there's only one thing for sure when he faces Ric Flair at the Clash and that is that the match is going to be an instant classic. He talks about their history, including the recent history with Ric Flair masquerading as the Black Scorpion. He says that no matter if he has to fight off Ric Flair or the Four Horsemen or anyone he is going to have the backing of all his little Stingers in the audience. With that type of backing, how can he lose? He says that he will definitely be watching Ric Flair's match with Brian Pillman tonight and see if there's anything he can learn from this contest that he might have missed.]


Match #7


Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman


[What a main event contest this is as the number one contender Ric Flair takes on the high flying wrestler Brian Pillman. These two men were definitely able to tell a great story inside the ring, showing Pillman has the wherewithal to compete with one of the top wrestlers in the business. Within the first few minutes, Pillman catches Flair with a Tornado DDT and gets a two count. Pillman catches Flair with a spinning wheel kick and then heads to the top turnbuckle. Pillman looks down at Flair as Flair works his way back up to his feet. Pillman leaps but Flair moves out of the way. Pillman lands on his feet but his right leg suddenly buckled out from under him and he fell to the mat, grabbing the knee. Flair moves in quickly and grabs that knee, yanking hard on it. Flair gives a stomp to the back of Pillman's knee and begins the process of working over that knee. During the next few minutes, Flair keeps his focus on the knee. He includes things like the shinbreaker and ramming Pillman's knee against the ring post. Flair lays Pillman in the middle of the ring and bounces off the ropes -- knee drop! Flair does a strut around the ring, releasing a 'Whoooooo' that is echoed by some of the fans in attendance. But most of the fans are definitely behind Brian Pillman. Flair says that it's time to go to school. He grabs the leg of Pillman and begins moving in for the Figure 4 -- Pillman turns it into an inside cradle: One, Two, Kickout!]


[Ric Flair was nearly pinned by Pillman but somehow Flair kicked out. Both men work their way to their feet with Pillman leaning against the ropes. They begin exchanging chops with one another. Somehow Pillman gains the advantage and sends Flair back into a corner. Pillman limps over and then whips Flair across the ring -- Flair flips up and over the turnbuckle, landing on the apron. Flair runs across and climbs the turnbuckle where he is caught by Pillman! Pillman body slams Flair off the turnbuckle but grabs his knee again. The pain is obvious, written on the face of Flyin' Brian. Pillman goes out onto the apron, waiting for Flair to get to his feet. Pillman goes to springboard on the top rope but his knee gives out and he falls right to the mat. Flair looks down at Pillman briefly and then moves him to the center of the ring. Flair hooks the leg -- Figure 4 Leglock! Flair has the Figure 4 on Brian Pillman! Pillman struggles in the hold, shaking his head when the referee asks him if he wants to give up. Flair leans back and uses the ropes for leverage! The referee is looking down at Pillman and doesn't see Flair using the ropes! The Figure 4 Leglock is held for nearly two minutes before it seems like Pillman has passed out! The referee drops down and makes the count as Pillman's shoulders are on the mat: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Pinfall @ 17:02)

Match Rating: B+


[Ric Flair has definitely just gained some momentum moving toward the Clash of the Champions! The referee steps in and begins counting as Flair refuses to release the hold. Flair finally breaks the hold before the five count and pulls himself to his feet. He gets his arm raised by the referee as EMTs come down to check on the condition of Brian Pillman. Flair begins strutting around the ring, posing to some boos from the crowd. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler let everyone know that the action tonight is finished! We'll see you tomorrow for WCW Main Event! Flair has his arm raised one more time as the show goes off the air. We'll see you tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


Congratulations to horseman4lyfe, Zergon and Beejus for their win this card!


1. Ayden=2 Wins

Beejus=2 Wins

horseman4lyfe=2 Wins

Zergon=2 Wins

5. Smasher1311=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win


alvarasus=1 Win

justtxyank=1 Win

10. JShmoopy=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins

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Sunday Week 3 January 1991 (Taped Friday)

Location: Bruce Hall (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 1,083

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .07


The announcers, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes, put over the fact that we'll be seeing The Living Legend Larry Zbyszko take on the unorthodox lumberjack Big Josh. Which veteran wrestler will leave the Main Event with the victory?


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Michael Wallstreet defeated Ranger Ross in 5:48 by pinfall with a Wall Street Crash...D


In a backstage interview, Nikita Koloff hypes his feud with Lex Luger. He mentions that Luger was the last man to beat him for the United States title before he left. He says he will be returning the favor, giving Lex Luger his own Russian Nightmare with Sickles all around.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Z-Man defeated The Minotaur in 6:25 by pinfall with a Flying Crossbody. Z-Man makes defence number 4 of his NWA World Television title...D-


Another backstage interview has Paul E. Dangerously hyping his client: Big Van Vader. Dangerously talks about the fact that Vader destroyed Steve Armstrong on WCW Saturday Night so badly that he could not continue in the match. Dangerously claims there is no one in WCW strong enough to defeat Vader and within this year, Dangerously promises that Vader will be the NWA World Heavyweight Champion.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Bob Backlund defeated El Cubano in 10:22 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing...C


A video plays hyping the return to WCW of an American hero, this is a man who is former Mr. USA. This man, Tony Atlas, is shown working out and then with an American flag draped over his muscular body. A USA chant fills the background as he releases a roar. Tony Atlas...Coming soon to World Championship Wrestling!


An interview is next featuring two men from the state of Michigan: Rick and Scott The Steiner Brothers. They hype their U.S. tag title defense against the Horsemen at the Clash of the Champions. They talk about the fact that they know the Horsemen very well. But Rick says that every dog has his day and this time the dog's bite is worse than his bark. Rick barks at the camera and we fade to the ring.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Larry Zbyszko defeated Big Josh in 11:29 by submission with a LarryLand Dreamer...B-


The show ends with a recap video from the latest WCW Saturday Night. The focus of this video is on the amazing match between Ric Flair and Brian Pillman. Highlights of that match are shown, including Ric Flair locking Pillman in the Figure 4 Leglock and gaining the pinfall victory. But Pillman went toe-to-toe with Ric Flair and may have gained some locker room respect because of that.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


World Championship Wrestling

-This week we are coming to you taped for WCW Saturday Night! This is the go-home show for the Clash of the Champions! The continuing saga between the Four Horsemen and the Dudes With Attitudes continues in two separate matches tonight! First, we will see Rick Steiner, who is one-half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions, take on Arn Anderson. Last week, the partners of these two men left and it was Scott Steiner that walked away with a victory. Can Rick Steiner make it a clean sweep for the Steiner Brothers or will Arn Anderson even the score moving toward the Clash? Then, in our main event, we will see six man tag team war as the Four Horsemen team of Ric Flair, new member Greg Valentine and Barry Windham take on Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman. Which side will gain momentum heading toward the Clash of the Champions? Make sure that you tune in at 6:05 EST to find out!


-But those are not the only matches listed for WCW Saturday Night tonight. We will also see the NWA World Television title defended as The Z-Man steps into the ring with Terrence Taylor. Of course, there will be the 15 minute time limit champions advantage. But Taylor has the advantage of the computer in his corner as well as Alexandra York. Will we see a new champion crowned right before the Clash?


-We will also see the show open up with the very first edition of the Kings Court here on WCW Saturday Night. Jerry Lawler's special guests will include two men who will do battle at the Clash: Larry Zbyszko and Owen Hart. This is definitely an explosive element having both of these men on the show. What will happen on the King's Court? Only one way to find out and that is to tune in!


-Plus The Rock 'N' Roll Express, who made their return last week, step into the ring with The Royal Family, Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog face Harley Race and Stan Hansen in tag action, another Tony Atlas video, The Midnight Express and more. Make sure you tune in to WCW Saturday Night!


Prediction Listing


Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog



The State Patrol vs. The Renegade Warriors



Big Van Vader vs. Big Josh



The Royal Family vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Arn Anderson vs. Rick Steiner



NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor



Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine vs. Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog

Comments:I think Race & Hansen have more going for them


The State Patrol vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments: The State Patrol were the 90's version of the Mulkey brothers


Big Van Vader vs. Big Josh

Comments: Vader is gonna be the big tree that crushes the lumberjack


The Royal Family vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments:Ricky & Robert get the win here


Arn Anderson vs. Rick Steiner

Comments:Always been a AA fan


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor

Comments: Big fan of the York Foundation. (Taylor doesn't get the title yet) I see this going to the 15 min. time limit,therefore maybe setting another title match at the clash


Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine vs. Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman

Comments: The good guys pick up the win going into the clash


Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:very good show. Suprised me with Rick Rude being the newest edition of the Diamond Exchange. Thought for sure it was gonna be Scott Hall

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