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Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling 1983: Things Might Be Slightly Odd

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Good shows. You scared - at first I thought AJPW and NJPW was losing money. Why they don't gain pop in Japan I have no clue, I have been trying to fix It forever. CMLL should be cult by now. WWF is growing nicely I see and they have horrible roster in ny opinion. WWF did two things when they went they left the NWA in August of 83. They changed their product and went through youth movement. While going National that took guts by the end of 84 almost everybody who was late 30's early 40 was pushed down the card or gone. Minus Andre and Snuka. I thought it was funny I was watching video on YouTube of Snuka vs Morales and Gorilla tells people Snuka was a lot younger than Morales. In reality their only 6 months apart in age.
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CMLL has been even worse than WWF in putting on shows which is why they aren't Cult yet. They haven't even budged from 60 in West Mexico, their home base. I jumped the gun on AJPW as they ran their Champion Carnival event in Kinki to put them at Cult. Bruiser Brody won the title over Baba btw. WCCW finally gave their vacant NWA American Title to Scott Irwin, probably because Bruiser was in Japan, but he did defeat a Von Erich for the title.


WWF in my test game with CWA did infinitely better than this. They have 3 guys with 70 pop (Andre, Backlund, and Muraco) in New England and Tri-State which is better than anyone else in the US. They've just chosen to focus on none of them and go with Big John Studd. That said, they haven't added anyone of note the entire game even on PPA. I can see why Vince Jr decided to dump the territory system now though they always seemed to get everyone they wanted to come to NYC.


Since the rescheduling put In Your Town right after Elite, this was the very definition of a throw away show so there won't be a write-up. The 2 TV shows should be up tomorrow night. One note: Flair is on a 1 week Kayfabe vacation from Hogan's attack so he'll be back for next week's IYT.


I will ask one important question. I'm going to have to move my TV show (I figure I'm going to have to drop one as Cult's can only have one show unless that changed) to probably ESPN (tried expanding to TBS in Feb and they shot me down probably because the time slots clash with GCW). I need to know if I have to cancel a couple of shows so it will be a New Show because the network blocked me expanding to ESPN in Feb. That's the only way I can get to National, and that's how you had to do it in 2010.




The show netted me $683,936 and another .2 pop gain in the Mid-Atlantic. I'm now at 80.1 there. Since I am going to lose a ton of my money each month due to taxes (aka the game robbing me so I can't build a massive war chest), I may start running these shows in the Great Lakes (again, can't in the South East per NWA), or I might keep that show here and run the TV exclusively in the Great Lakes (39 Pop) or even Tri-State (30). Any thoughts?

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World Wide Wrestling Wed. Week 4 1983

Taped @ Brown County Veterans Arena, Green Bay, WI

Attendance 4,000 out of 5,000

Rating: 73/B- Improved in 2 regions. Going to have to re-think the Great Lakes thing if it's going to be this bad. Have to bump their pop there a lot first.

Profit: $75,466 approx. as I failed to save my in-game notes so I'm figuring using the previous post's numbers.


Jimmy Garvin kept the locker room loose with hilarious road stories.


Pre-show: Miss Elizabeth Hypes Her Clients (56/C-), Ricky Santana def Beefcake (38/D-), Monsters Inc Promo (65/C)


Piper's Pit starts with Roddy bringing out Bob Orton. “My best friend saved my bacon Sunday night. Oh, I won the match, but that jerk Hayes brought out his big oaf to beat the hell out of me in the cage. Guess he is sore loser. (Chuckles from both) Well look at this, here is Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb now. (Looks around) I don't have any towels for you to cry into, sorry.” “I'm not here to cry over anything. You cheated. Just admit it. I had you beat, and you had to hit me in the head with a chain. I'm calling on Mr. Smart to come out here and strip you of that title around your waist. You don't deserve it. As you for Cowpie, you want to be the chaps behind the skirt here that's going to be bad for your health. Here's an example.” The 4 then proceed to brawl all over the set as we go to commercial.

Rating: 73/B-


Arn Anderson & Jake Roberts vs Crusher & King Kong Bundy

Solid tag team action to kick off the wrestling portion of the show. The teams are pretty evenly matched as the faces use their tag team histories to keep the monsters off balance. Right when this tactic starts to fail, out from the back come the US Express who jump the monsters outside. Young demands they go to the back, but the faces have recovered. No one is too big for a Roberts DDT. Thankfully, Bundy can't get any uglier.

Result: Arn & Jake def Crusher & KKB taintedly via Jake pinning Bundy after Interference from US Express

Rating: 57/C-


Sarge and Don decide to take their grievances to me directly as they enter my office. “No more of this 3-way dance and ladder garbage. We are owed a tag title rematch against Steamboat & Youngblood. The 4 of us in a ring where we beat them 1..2..3 or break enough body parts until they submit. So are you gonna give us that rematch, or are things going to get ugly?” “First, if you lay a hand on me, you can wrestle elsewhere. Don't threaten me again. Second, you had your chance in the ladder match and lost. I'll take it up with the NWA on whether or not you get a another rematch. If you haven't noticed we have a lot of exceptional tag teams here in MACW, and there are others in the NWA worthy of a title shot. Good day.”

Rating: 51/D+


Mark Youngblood & Brad Rheingans vs Demolition

Speaking of exceptional tag teams, here we get a match showcasing how good Demolition is. Crisp tags and plenty of tag team moves. Mark and Brad didn't really have a chance.

Result: Demolition def Mark & Brad cleanly via Ax pinning Mark

Rating: 56/C-


Stoney Burke vs Dory Funk Jr.

A very quick match reminding fans that the Funks were NWA World Champions as singles wrestlers. Stoney sold well as usual.

Result: Dory Funk def Burke cleanly via pinfall

Rating: 65/C


Back from commercial, Junkyard Dog is in the ring. “Valentine! I guess it is true. You are nothing but a sniveling little baby hiding behind your daddy. I had you right where I wanted you, and that United States title was mine. Then, your snake of a father had to pull you out of the way. If you were a man, you'd give me another shot at you without your father anywhere near the ring.” “My son is more of a man that you are, you rabid dog. As far as I'm concerned, you're not going to be facing my son for his title for a long time. Stop blaming me for your failure. In case you need more convincing...” Greg Valentine has snuck up behind JYD and strikes with some hammering shots leaving him face down in the center of the ring.

Rating: 76/B-


Mando Guerrero vs Terry Funk

A much more even contest between Terry and Mando than Dory's match was as Mando has over a decade of wrestling experience. Funk is bigger and tougher, and eventually, that tilts the contest in his favor. However, there was one last burst from Mando that staggered Funk. It put the match in enough doubt that Dory raced down to the ring and pops Guerrero right in the jaw. He staggers back into Funk who easily puts him away.

Result: Terry Funk def Mando Guerrero taintedly via pinfall with Interference from Dory

Rating: 67/C+


Before his match, Tully Blanchard w/Sunshine come out and hype up the main event. “Matt Borne, you are in for a world of hurt. Wahoo screwed me out of the Mid-Atlantic Title at Elite, and I've been looking for someone to hurt. You're up. If you're lucky, you might walk out of here. And Wahoo, we aren't done yet by a long shot.”

Rating: 72/B-


Matt Borne w/Elizabeth vs Tully Blanchard w/Sunshine

Borne showed he had no fear of facing Tully when he jumped him before the bell rung chasing Sunshine from the ring in the process. He had Blanchard reeling until he could finally get away and out of the ring. Rolling back in, he countered Borne's punch with one of his own, and started working on taking control of the match. Unfortunately for him, Matt manages to give as good as he gets and keeps kicking out of the few pin attempts Tully manages to get. It begins to wear on Tully as you can see him start to get more and more angry. Sunshine sees it coming and distracts Young as Tully hits a low-blow right into the worst finisher in wrestling history.

Result: Tully Blanchard def Borne taintedly via pinfall

Rating: 76/B-



Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

Rating: 66/C+ Improved in 2 Regions (MA & GL) & Lost pop in MA


Pre-Show: Garvin w/Sunshine Hypes Match vs Wahoo (57/C-), Hype Angle featuring (US Express, Kiss, Cooley, and Armstrong) (42/D), Hype Angle featuring (Volkoff, Chavo, Hart Foundation, and Duggan) (55/C-)


I'm standing in the ring to start the show. “Ladies and Gentlemen, after the heinous actions of Hulk Hogan at MACW Elite Sunday night, Ric Flair has sustained injuries that have kept him in the hospital all week. Doctors say he will make a full recovery, and you will see him again very soon.” Hollywood Heights kicks on over the PA system almost as loud as the boos that start right after Hogan comes out. “Oh boo all you want, you ignorant hillbillies. So Flair is going to come back? I'm sure he wants to try me again. So tell you boy that he best re-think that if he wants to walk again, brother. These 24 inch pythons might just wrap around his neck and rip it clean off.” “Let me tell you something Hulk Hogan. Flair will get a rematch with you when he is medically cleared, brother, and let me make this crystal clear to you, if you use a chair on anyone else like you did on Flair, you'll be stuck being the 8th most important character in movies. I'll make sure of that.”

Rating: 76/B-


Hector Guerrero vs Dick Slater

Unfortunately, the Guerrero squashfest keeps on rolling. This time it is Dick Slater in singles action. They will get a push eventually, I promise. Hector got in enough offense to showcase his talent, but Slater picks up the win.

Result: Slater def Hector cleanly via pinfall

Rating: 62/C


Buddy Rogers brings out his two big monsters, Jerry Blackwell and Tony Atlas. “These two gentlemen are two of the finest athletes in the world today. They haven't been able to show it very often because they keep getting cheated like they were at Elite by Garvin. These men are about to lose their temper, and you don't want to face them when they're angry. You really wouldn't like them when they're angry.”

Rating: 69/C+


Jimmy Valiant & Brad Armstrong vs Bobby Eaton & Buddy Landell

4 guys who haven't really tagged with each other before, but 3 of them are really, really good at tag team wrestling so this match had better action than you would have thought. The end came when Valiant managed to roll through a flying crossbody pin attempt by Bobby Eaton.

Result: Valiant & Brad def Bobby & Buddy cleanly via Valiant pinning Eaton

Rating: 53/C- Bobby & Buddy have lousy chemistry


The NWA Tag Team Champions, Steamboat & Youngblood, come out to the interview area. “Thank you to all the fans for supporting us. As you can see, we're still the champions. It was a great match against 2 other excellent tag teams, but only one of us is truly Elite. We're going to keep these titles for a very long time while taking on all comers.”

Rating: 64/C


Tony Atlas w/Buddy Rogers vs Joel Deaton

An unhappy Atlas is not something even a tough cowboy wants to see, but see it, Joel did. Insert picture of a squash here

Result: Atlas def Deaton cleanly via pinfall

Rating: 55/C-


Jerry Blackwell w/Buddy Rogers vs Hulk Hogan

To say this was a titanic contest is an understatement because The Assassin and I worried a little about the ring holding up watching from backstage. I'm fully confident that this will main event a PPV in a few years. Hogan plays the cheating heel well, and that was pretty much the story of the match. Blackwell would get him reeling with his power, and then Hogan would short-circuit it with either a cheap shot or a thumb to his eye which would just infuriate Jerry, Buddy, and the fans. Anger may lead to hate and hate to the dark side, but in wrestling, anger leads to attacks that are missed or countered by your opponent. Jerry seals his own fate when he tries for a huge splash in the corner that Hogan sees coming. One big boot off the rope and leg drop later, Hogan leaves the crowd angry by putting his feet up on the ropes just as an insult.

Result: Hogan def Blackwell taintedly via pinfall by putting his feet on the ropes for leverage

Rating: 77/B


Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match-Wahoo McDaniel vs Jimmy Garvin w/Sunshine

Another week, another epic title defense for Wahoo. This week he faces off against another Bloody Valentine member in Garvin. He can't forget about Sunshine outside either. It was pretty much the opposite of the Hogan/Blackwell match as Garvin, knowing he's not quite in Wahoo's league, came out like a ball of fire. This turned the match into a brawl as Wahoo started firing back with rights and lefts to try and even the match. Jimmy wisely sensed the tide turning and slid out of the ring as we go to commercial. Coming back, Garvin is back in the ring and in control of the match once again. Sunshine is outside preening to the fans and applauding which is fine when you're not in the wrestling match. Unfortunately, Garvin's ego got the better of him, and he started taking more and more taunt breaks. Finally, Wahoo had had enough and started unloading on him. He also grabbed Jimmy right when he tried to bail from the ring again right into a powerslam.

Result: Wahoo McDaniel def Jimmy Garvin cleanly via pinfall. Wahoo McDaniel makes his third Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title defense.

Rating: 60/C Horrible chemistry


Wahoo doesn't get much of a chance to celebrate as the Bloody Valentines come roaring out of the back and start beating him down as Johnny gives the orders. Tully picks up the title belt and pops Wahoo with it twice while Greg and Jimmy hold him. Then Johnny gets a few shots in as well. They all raise their arms as the show ends.

Rating: 65/C


Well, I have learned one thing. I'm not running in the Great Lakes again for a long time. Just don't have popular enough wrestlers there yet, and when I do, I put them in the semi-main instead of the main event.:mad: And to make matters worse, when we got back to the offices in Charlotte, I was handed a note by the doctor who does the drug testing. "He failed again." I called him into my office.


"I'm really tired of seeing you in here, Barry. This is your 3rd strike. Now, normally I only give 3 strikes to wrestlers here in MACW, but that wouldn't be fair to Bill (Eadie) who I made ditch his mask. It was his idea to join up with you, and you two can go far. So, I'm going to give you one last chance to get this *!#@ worked out, and I do mean last chance Barry."


"You're right, Mr. Smart. You have my word that I'll stay clean in the future."


"You better. I've only got a few readers, and one of them may leave if Demolition gets broken up." I muttered as he left.


I lost a whopping 0.3 points in the SE thanks to that bomb of a main event. Considering I only gain 0.2 when I run a good show, that hurts. We did gain 2.4 in Great Lakes to jump to 44.0 so that was good, and we gained 1.5 in the South East to 58.1. Really wish I could run in the South East as all my workers have about the same pop there in the Mid Atlantic, or at least in the 60's.

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Sigh, watch this space. The saved game has been sent to Adam. Somehow GCW is skipping their weekly show. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, but it is on the same night as their TV show which means it can't generate attendance for the TV show (the game always waits for the last show to run to generate attendance), and distressingly, it keeps doing it every single time I try to advance from Sat. to Sun, same location and everything. Evidently, this means the game is broken. Hopefully Adam can fix it.


I wonder if I could add a player and just book GCW myself. Keep an eye on that thread in the tech support forum Al as there may be a problem with the mod (how you missed it through your testing is beyond me) but all I changed is added my user character and deleting your angles and putting mine in though both were before I started the game.

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Okay, it is not nearly as dire as I thought. The problem is that some jerk has sucked up all the talent ;) (plus WCCW trying to do the same) so the other feds are having to pool workers more and more. Thanks to the AI not being smart enough to start signing their workers to written deals when they hit Cult, everyone that's not a jobber on their roster is working 2+ other places. That's a lot of shows during the week, and since they run their shows later than everyone except CWF, their roster is pooped come Sat.


Since they're broke, they have a bare-bones roster, and if someone can't go, the AI is shutting down that non-televised show. Hmmm...I wonder if I let that go to PPV if that would prevent them from skipping it? Ugh, just die already! I want Tito Santana dang it!

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Okay, it is not nearly as dire as I thought. The problem is that some jerk has sucked up all the talent ;) (plus WCCW trying to do the same) so the other feds are having to pool workers more and more. Thanks to the AI not being smart enough to start signing their workers to written deals when they hit Cult, everyone that's not a jobber on their roster is working 2+ other places. That's a lot of shows during the week, and since they run their shows later than everyone except CWF, their roster is pooped come Sat.


Since they're broke, they have a bare-bones roster, and if someone can't go, the AI is shutting down that non-televised show. Hmmm...I wonder if I let that go to PPV if that would prevent them from skipping it? Ugh, just die already! I want Tito Santana dang it!


Ok I figured it had something to do with the roster. When they get in black they will start signing people. So it's pretty much your fault for signing every one to written. Plus them damn boys in Texas.

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Heh, if they would ever get back to black. Hey, the narratives are able to be edited.:eek: Anyone object to me killing GCW off a year early?:D They wouldn't even let me buy them out when I put them $3 million in the hole (tried $5 million too), and I'm afraid this is going to be a recurring problem. I think we're approaching a month since they hit red so maybe that will kill them off?
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Heh, if they would ever get back to black. Hey, the narratives are able to be edited.:eek: Anyone object to me killing GCW off a year early?:D They wouldn't even let me buy them out when I put them $3 million in the hole (tried $5 million too), and I'm afraid this is going to be a recurring problem. I think we're approaching a month since they hit red so maybe that will kill them off?


I doubt it. If you kill them the narratives won't run.

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Grrr...my internet went out for the night right before I posted In Your Town thus why no show got posted. Living in the middle of nowhere does suck sometimes.




A couple of notes on the show. First off, holy crap on that tag semi-main event! I thought that was going to be mid-70's tops as Destruction Inc is mid-40's pop in MA, Arn is LMC which is where that note came from btw. Second, that 90 looks better when you realize that there is poor chemistry between them. How anyone can have poor chemistry with a wrestling machine like Dory is beyond me (though Arn is the other who doesn't. maybe he's a little too old school?). Armstrong has good chemistry with Volkoff too.


The show made $695,691 (since I haven't mentioned this, I just added transport to and from the venue to the backstage rules to go with the 3 above them (catering, masseuse, and chiropractor). Again, rather invest in the roster than blow it on taxes. I did gain 0.6 for the show so I'm at 80.4.


I'm trying to figure out how to use one of elite heel monsters of the era as he just got released by WWC. He's a freelancer, which the game seems to be incapable of handling at all as they keep not getting re-signed when their contracts come up, so it would be a limited run. My only issue is that the Freebirds aren't going to put out a bounty on Piper (Gordy does his own smashing, thank you), Hogan needing help with Flair makes no sense plus this guy is butt ugly so not a good fit there, the Bloody Valentines might put a bounty out on Wahoo, but why go outside of Monsters Inc? Need to ruminate some more. I doubt he's going anywhere thanks to the game (this happened in 2010 too fwiw), so I have time.


I might have the 2 TV shows up tonight, or not, as my TV viewing schedule is packed.

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World Wide Wrestling Thurs. Week 2 April 1983

Taped @ Verizon Center, Washington, DC

Sell-Out 18,277 out of 18,277

Rating: 85/B+ Improved in 2 regions (GL & SE).

Profit: $241,906


Pre-show: Miss Elizabeth Hypes Her Clients (76/B-), Sarge & Don Hype Their Tag Match vs Mando & Hector Guerrero (83/B+) Sarge switched to Sadistic Corporal which is rated 83


I have a different interview with Flair than what happened Tuesday night though we hit a lot of the same themes.

“How soon do you expect the doctors will clear you to wrestle?”

“Well, I still have a few more tests I have to pass. Hopefully, it will be next week, or the week after that. I'm definitely shooting for no later than that (hey we have our big show then! Coincidence?).”

“Do you want to immediately jump back into battle against Hulk Hogan?”

“I'm going to get him, and Wooo! I am going to make him pay! So yes, I want him in a match, and I want him where I can hurt him like he hurt me.” (Little bit of a grimace crosses Flair's face as his animated state seems to have aggravated his injury)

“Are you okay Ric? (gets a nod) Have you figured out why Hogan hates you so much? It seems like more than a regular attack. You don't even have the NWA World Title anymore.”

“Thanks for reminding me of that, Mr. Smart. I don't need that title to put a target on my back which Hogan has made crystal clear. I'm still the best wrestler in the world, Wooo!, and like the old gunslingers in the Wild West knew, that brings people out of the woodwork to try and best you. I have to give it to Hogan though. He's done something very few people have. He's hurt me. Pretty good first shot, Hulk, but you didn't finish me off. I'm going to pay you back. Very soon.”

“Strong words from Ric Flair. Now let's start the show!”

Rating: 92/A


Bad Company vs Bobby Eaton & Ricky Santana

Solid tag team action to kick off the wrestling portion of the show. There's not a lot of mystery in who is going to win this bout as Eaton and Santana haven't been winning much. They do get in some good offense on Magnum and Orton, but these two have such great chemistry as a team that they wear Eaton down. Unfortunately, the Freebirds come rushing out of the back, and start beating the holy hell out of Bad Company causing Tommy to call for the bell

Result: Bad Company def Eaton & Santana cheaply via DQ after Interference from The Freebirds

Rating: 79/B


The Freebirds continue beating down Magnum and Orton with Gordy focusing his size on the Cowboy outside the ring. This leaves him facing away from the entrance though which lets Piper's charge from the back. Even with the electric crowd pop, Bam Bam took a chair shot right to the back and a nice uppercut from the Cowboy. Piper then went after Hayes, who by now had seen him coming. This meant he went through the ring ducking a couple of wild swings and escaped to the back. Piper goes back outside the ring and locks a very staggered Gordy into his sleeper hold while yelling at the camera, “Night night Freebirds!”.

Rating: 90/A


Stoney Burke vs Demolition Smash

Another week, another Stoney Burke getting squashed match. This week, I try to get Smash out of the lower midcard.

Result: Smash def Burke cleanly via pinfall

Rating: 40/D-


Chavo Guerrero vs Joel Deaton

Really going with that old-school TV feel here this week. We follow one squash with another one. The Guerreros are good teachers, but they need to pick up some wins sometime.

Result: Chavo Guerrero def Deaton cleanly via submission

Rating: 66/C+


Back from commercial, Hulk Hogan is in the ring. “So Ric Flair is still home licking his wounds. You keep calling yourself the best wrestler in the world. I've been all over the world, and you aren't. I've beaten people in Japan much better than you. But keep thinking you are, Flair if that helps you sleep at night. I AM wrestling today. I'm on magazine covers. Hollywood producers call me every day of the week going “Hey Hulk. I've got this great movie idea that you'd be perfect for.” See, I'm something you'll never be, Flair. I'm famous, and after putting you down, I'm going to lead this pitiful promotion to #1. Whatchya gonna do when these pythons squeeze the life out of you, Flair!”

Rating: 85/B


The Kiss vs Michael Hayes

Woohoo! Another squash match! The Kiss did get in a little bit of offense, but this was more of showcasing Hayes as a total badass. A cowardly badass who runs away from Piper and cheats a lot, so a perfect heel who is worthy of carrying the NWA World Title.

Result: Hayes def Kiss cleanly via pinfall

Rating: 72/B-


Mando & Hector Guerrero vs Sarge & Don Kernodle

This was the consummate tag team match. The faces trying to keep control of the match, and the heels cheating every time they felt like they were losing control. A couple of great tag team combo moves finally got the crowd on their feet, but Hector could only get a 2 count on Don. A blind tag into Sarge turned the final tide of the match though as he beat Hector down. Even the hot tag to Mando doesn't end the onslaught as Don comes back in to finish it off.

Result: Sarge & Don def Mando & Hector Guerrero cleanly via pinfall when Don pins Mando

Rating: 78/B


Jay Youngblood vs Demolition Ax

Two exceptional tag team wrestlers get a chance to showcase their talents in singles competition in our main event, and showcase them they did in an exciting, technical match. These two men went at each other with reckless abandon. Jay with the clear speed advantage while Ax has the size advantage. Who can use their skill set better than the other? Early on, Jay is hopping over and dancing away from Ax, but that gets ended with a cross-body that doesn't take the bigger Ax off his feet. He starts working on keeping Jay grounded with some painful looking ground holds. The fans roar trying to aid Youngblood back into the match. A nifty drop toe hold as Ax comes off the ropes does the trick, and now it is time for Jay to show how good of a technician he is as Ax starts screaming in pain. He doesn't seem like he's going to get back in control of the match, or at least Smash doesn't think so as he comes down to the ring. When distraction doesn't stop Jay's attack, he hops up on the ring apron and pops Youngblood right in the jaw and in full view of Tommy Young who calls for the bell.

Result: Jay Youngblood def Demolition Ax cheaply via DQ after Interference from Demolition Smash

Rating: 87/B+ Weaver's CC got dinged


Demolition doesn't look like they are going to stop beating up Jay, and soon, Ricky Steamboat comes out of the back. The two teams start brawling with each other, but soon, they are joined by Sarge & Don who obviously target the tag team champs. And they brought some handcuffs with them! Jay is cuffed to the ropes while Demolition work over Steamboat. Once Sarge & Don leave, they then get to work over Jay as the show goes off the air.

Rating: 87/B+ Whew! Didn't think it could score quite that high.



Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

Rating: 84/B+ Improved in SE Region


Pre-Show: Hype Angle featuring (Johnny Valentine, Hart Foundation, Dr. Death, and Duggan) (100/A*!!!), Buddy Landell def Beefcake (54/C-), Miss Elizabeth shoots T-Shirts (66/C+), Barry Windham def Mark Fleming (75/B-), Jimmy Valiant Hypes His Match Against Greg Valentine (77/B)


Tully Blanchard and Jimmy Garvin along with Sunshine are in the ring to open the show. “Wahoo looks to have found a dog to keep him company. Let me tell you something Wahoo. I'm taking that Mid-Atlantic title from you, and Jimmy here is going to put that dog down. We are Bloody Valentines, the elite group in professional wrestling, and you dare to get in our way.” Speaking of getting in their way, Wahoo and JYD have rushed into the ring. A good beatdown just kicks off a show right. They do focus a little bit more on Garvin than Tully. Wahoo holds up the title belt as we go to commercial.

Rating: 83/B+


TV Title Match: Mike Rotundo w/Rogers vs King Kong Bundy w/Humperdink

I've kind of dropped the ball on the Monsters Inc vs US Express storyline so this is to thrust it back into the limelight. This is a good match to do it as they got to let loose. The end of the match came when Humperdink swung his cane at Rotundo, but he wasn't there. What was there was Bundy's tree-trunk of an arm. Honestly, the shock did more than the actual swing. A quick chop block by Rotundo followed by a quick cover gets him the victory.

Result: Mike Rotundo def KKB taintedly via Oliver Humperdink's Botched Interference

Rating: 66/C+


Buddy Rogers brings out Tony Atlas. “Terry Gordy, you seem to think that you're the biggest and baddest man here in MACW. Well, the man standing beside me is a much bigger and badder man than you, and tonight, you are going to get an upclose look at Tony Atlas when he's beating the tar out of you. And Hayes, if you think you're going to interfere, Blackwell will be ringside to make sure you don't, but please try.”

Rating: 80/B


Jerry Blackwell w/Buddy Rogers vs Mark Fleming

Just to show Michael Hayes exactly why he shouldn't get involved, he threw Fleming around the ring like a rag doll. He finally put Mark out of his misery with a dropkick.

Result: Blackwell def Fleming cleanly via pinfall

Rating: 61/C


Jimmy Garvin, who looks a little worse for wear, with Sunshine in tow come out to the interview area with Dick Slater. Slater does most of the talking. “So you want to attack people in the ring now Wahoo with your rabid dog! Why don't you try that on me? Come on out. (waits for a minute) Oh, so you're scared of me, huh? Well why don't we face each other Tuesday night with Jimmy here healed up from your unprovoked beating earlier? Then, you'll be the ones getting the beating.”

Rating: 80/B


Brad Armstrong & Rheingans vs Volkoff & Crusher w/Humperdink

Two members of Monsters Inc face off against 2 good in-ring competitors, albeit in the Cruiserweight level so they were giving up a ton of weight in the match-up. As much as the fans wanted the faces to win, they just couldn't overcome that massive disparity. Oliver didn't even have to use that cane, which side that benefited is debateable.

Result: Crusher & Volkoff def Brad Squared cleanly via pinfall when Volkoff pinned Armstrong

Rating: 64/C


Terry and Dory Funk come out and hype themselves in the interview area. Usual stuff about how great they are and how they'll have gold around their waists again soon.

Rating: 82/B


Tony Atlas w/Buddy Rogers vs Terry Gordy

Two very large men collide in the ring in this contest. The fans were on their feet for the entire contest as this was clearly not a wrestling match, but a pier-6 brawl. Neither titan could get the other down on the mat for the first 10 minutes of the match when Atlas finally was able to bodyslam Gordy to a roaring crowd. Terry didn't stay down long though, and they were quickly back to trading blows. Both of them went down when they did a double clothesline. The impact of them hitting the ring lifted Randy Anderson off his feet which gave Gordy an opening. As Rogers was focused on the ref and getting Atlas back up, Gordy reached into his tights and pulled out that chain. Right as Atlas got up, Gordy popped him right in the head with his big right hand, and Tony was left counting stars.

Result: Terry Gordy def Tony Atlas taintedly via pinfall by using a chain

Rating: 84/B+


NWA United States Title Match-Jimmy Valiant vs Greg Valentine w/Johnny Valentine

This is actually a rematch from early January. It was a good match then, and Greg has only gotten better in the 3 months since. That did make things a little harder to convince the fans that Valiant could win this time around, but he did everything the Boogy Woogy Man can do to get the victory. It just wasn't enough in the end. Greg countered everything Valiant tried to pull off the miracle win. He finally ended it with a figure 4 leglock.

Result: Greg Valentine def Jimmy Valiant cleanly via submission. Greg Valentine makes his ninth NWA US Title defense.

Rating: 88/B+ Valentine's gimmick is stale, lack of selling, and 2 consecutive matches that got dinged for Weaver's CC


We may have reached the ceiling on Weaver's ability to be on commentary here in MACW. I now have to figure out whether switching to me on CC with no experience bonus is better than having the experience bonus and that ding on my big matches.


Also, War seems to be catching on as CWF declared war on WWA, AWA, and SWCW while WWC also declared war on AWA. Thankfully, AWA is still a long ways away from hitting Cult as they're getting tiny monthly jumps in pop across the US. Their biggest problem is that their #2&3 areas are in 2 of the least important regions, Great Lakes and South West which makes it harder to reach 47 pop there. I could run into problems if the AWA starts signing some of those guys away from CWF though. I may have to break the working agreement with them to keep a lot of my wrestlers from going to the AWA.


Thankfully, no one flunked a drug test this time.

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Here's Tuesday Nights In Your Town show.




So many screw-ups with this show. First, Magnum was horrible on Piper's Pit without a script (almost every angle I do is not scripted as I've found the penalties for failing better than having someone scripted) and probably scared a little with two great mic workers like Piper and Orton. Following that group hype angle headed by Dory was also dumb. Second, I should have expected that kind of match from Terry and Brad and placed it better, especially since that was an overness-only tag angle following it. That Hogan getting a taste of his own medicine angle shows how far he has to go yet to match Flair's pop. He's getting there. Mic gods in this game soar in 13. Actually disappointed a little in the main event as JYD is taking too long to skyrocket. He may end up being stuck at upper mid forever. With how I book, that really isn't a great place to be (Main eventers carry everything, midcarders get pushed, and the rest are just there to lose most of the time). See that semi-main for a good example of that.


The only good thing was the sell-out.

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World Wide Wrestling Thurs. Week 3 April 1983

Taped @ RBC Center, Raleigh, NC

Sell-Out 18,183 out of 18,680

Rating: 91/A Improved in all 3 regions

Profit: $242,543


Pre-Show: Miss Elizabeth's crew hype themselves (72/B-), Cooley def Burke (50/D+), Rogers Hypes Blackwell & Atlas (75/B-), Garvin and Slater w/Sunshine Hype Tag Title Match vs Steamboat & Youngblood (81/B)


Piper's Pit Features Piper w/Steamboat & Youngblood Taunting Slater & Garvin about how exceptional a tag team they are which is why they have these belts and two posers like them aren't going to get it. Ricky and Jay agree with Piper and add that the rest of the Bloody Valentines better stay out of the match.

Rating: 81/B


Jake Roberts w/Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky Santana

A nice midcard opener. Ricky keeps showing his talent, but it keeps not being enough. He eats a DDT for his trouble. Jake def Santana via pinfall

Rating: 63/C poor chemistry


Hector Guerrero vs Joel Deaton

Hey, a Guerrero winning a match! Hector takes Joel to school showcasing his (and by extension his family's wrestling prowess). Hector def Deaton via pinfall

Rating: 54/C-


JYD is getting to be interviewed by me when Tony Atlas crashes the interview area telling him that Wahoo is getting attacked! All 3 of us rush to the backstage area only to catch Greg Valentine and Tully Blanchard leaving while Wahoo is down on the floor writhing in pain. JYD yells at them that only cowards attack 2-on-1.

Rating: 84/B+


Jerry Blackwell w/Buddy Rogers vs Buddy Landell

Landell tries everything he can muster to get the big guy to the ground. He manages to get Blackwell reeling a few times, but Jerry is just too much bigger. No dropkick tonight, just a ring-shaking powerslam. Blackwell def Landell via pinfall

Rating: 64/C I need to remember Jerry can't go all out


Bad Company w/Miss Elizabeth vs The Freebirds

Our semi-main event was set from what happened at In Your Town Tuesday night, which the announcers hype at the start of the match. 3 of the top under-25 year old wrestlers were here along with the Cowboy. That was the story of the match. Orton had control of the match when he was in, but when he tagged out to Magnum T.A., the tag team experience of The Freebirds was too much for the youngster giving control over to them. Then, Magnum would pull off an incredible move to tag Orton back in, rinse and repeat. The Freebirds finally get fed up with this, and Gordy goes to his tights for that chain. Piper comes flying out of the back, slides into the ring, and pops Bam Bam in full view of Randy Anderson who calls for the bell. Piper yells at him pointing to the chain that came free, but Hayes had already picked it up. The Freebirds def Bad Company via DQ from Piper's Interference

Rating: 81/B Sigh another negative CC note for Weaver


Piper is passed a mic. He says that if they want to use a chain that the NWA World Title match will be a (Russian) Chain Match! Orton adds that he and Magnum are going to be in Roddy's corner to prevent the cheaters from pulling anything since they clearly can't beat anyone cleanly. This incensed The Freebirds who immediately come charging back into the ring with chairs chasing the 3 faces out as the announcers discuss irony.

Rating: 96/A* And I guess Magnum is going to have to be scripted :(


As they come back from commercial, the announcers hype up the NWA Tag Team Title match between Steamboat & Youngblood and Garvin & Slater (mainly to keep the preceding angle from killing the main event).

Rating: 62/C Caudle has switched to Broadcast Journalist w/94 rating & Landrum's gimmick is stale.


NWA World Tag Team Title Match Steamboat & Youngblood and Garvin & Slater w/Sunshine

Piper was right when he said that Ricky & Jay are an exceptional tag team, but he kind of undersold just how good Garvin & Slater are as both have extensive tag team backgrounds. So, there were no weak links to exploit in this match, just great wrestling. The story of this match was that no one came to help the heels, and the camera spots why as JYD, Atlas, and Blackwell were standing at the entrance from the back. Sunshine keeps trying to distract the faces, but they're not falling for it. Eventually, the heels wear down from the high impact offense of the champs. Steamboat & Youngblood def Garvin & Slater via pinfall when Ricky pins Dick. They make their 7th defense of the NWA World Tag Team Titles.

Rating: 97/A* Sigh, I guess I'm going to have to come to the desk for great matches.


Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

Rating: 83/B+ Improved in SE Region


Pre-Show: Demolition Hype (84/B+), Hype Angle (Valiant, Mando, Duggan, & Hart Foundation) (76/B-), Armstrong def Fleming (41/D) bad chemistry, Rogers Hypes US Express (76/B-), Savage def The Kiss (63/C), Monsters Inc Promo (79/B)


Ric Flair is in the ring to start the show. He says he's back and better than ever, and he wants Hogan right now! I get to play party pooper on that idea. I tell him that he's going to get a good test tonight in the main event, but it will be against Sgt. Slaughter. Once he's shown he's healthy, he can get Hogan.

Rating: 90/A


Brad Rheingans vs Don Kernodle

Speaking of Sarge, his tag teammate opens the show by facing the always feisty Brad R. It's a fun little match with Brad trying to make it a wrestling match while Don wanted a fight. The fight wins out as Don finally sends Brad to la la land with his right hand. Kernodle def Brad R. via pinfall

Rating: 70/C+


Sarge comes out and taunts Flair saying that after his boot camp Flair won't have to worry about wrestling ever again. I'm gonna break you, maggot!

Rating: 82/B


Brutus Beefcake vs Dory Funk Jr.

Still building up the Funks to be inserted in some feuds soon. Dory turns Beefcake into a pretzel. Funk def Beefcake via submission.

Rating: 69/C+


Chavo Guerrero vs Nikolai Volkoff w/Humperdink

And a 2nd Guerrero win! Nope. Chavo did get to showcase his skills, but all they did was make Volkoff mad. You don't want to make a Russian bear mad, and the match didn't last much longer. Nikolai def Chavo via pinfall

Rating: 78/B


Terry Funk cuts a quick promo on his match against Mark Youngblood saying that he's a former NWA World Champion, and now he's facing the lousy Youngblood. If I have to beat everyone here to get a title shot, I will, and they'll all be very sorry.

Rating: 88/B+


Mark Youngblood vs Terry Funk

If Funk's goal was to fire the young man, mission accomplished. He gave it all he could, and even the crowd started to get behind him. Funk regrouped though and methodically worked Mark over to get the win. Terry Funk def Youngblood via pinfall.

Rating: 72/B-


Ric Flair vs Sgt Slaughter

Ric certainly wasn't going to ease back into ring action. That's the beauty of kayfabe injuries as he didn't need to. He still sold the hard-hitting offense Sarge brought while he brought a lot of offense of his own making this an epic main event. Sarge focused on the ribs of Flair while Ric turned Sarge's chest American flag red. The crowd is on their feet as it nears the 20 minute mark as Flair is getting ready to put Sarge in the Figure Four. There's one man who didn't like that idea, and Hogan charged into the ring. Flair saw him coming though and ducked the clothesline, but he doesn't see the mule kick coming. Poor Space Mountain fans. Young calls for the bell. Ric Flair def Sarge via DQ from Hogan's Interference

Rating: 81/B


Uh oh, Hogan isn't done. He's got a chair again as the crowd is nearly going to riot now. Hulk slides back in the ring and taps the chair on the ring twice begging Flair to get back up. He swings! Flair ducks! Flair slides behind the staggering Hogan and hits a chop block causing the chair to slide out of Hulk's hands. The crowd roars with approval as Ric sees the chair. He grabs it and nails Hogan right in the back twice as the show ends.

Rating: 96/A*


My other resident drug user failed his 3rd test for hard drugs. I told Jimmy Garvin that no one is irreplaceable here in MACW. This would be his last chance (I'm never going to get the Velvet Glove speech unlocked :( ). He said he understood, and that it will never happen again. The Bloody Valentines may be looking for a new member soon.


Oh, and I'm looking for a good tag team name for Hulk Hogan and Nikolai Volkoff. The house show monitor reported they have great tag chemistry. Not going to push that team, but it is good to know.

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Well, these 24 hours have just been a blast. More about below.




First, thanks again to Togg for the Center Stage graphic.


That, as you can guess, is the new weekly show's name. Why change the name? Well, the NWA just utterly fails in TEW. I will probably be at 8-10 pop in all those areas that were in the high teens when I started this diary unless I continue to run these massive money-making shows in people's barns before I can get TV switched to ESPN or maybe TBS, though they rejected me outright in Feb. for some reason (they're set to 5 shows allowed and only have the 1 GCW show and are very easy to get on). So, that has necessitated some other changes. Here's the first one.




Sucks that GCW still wouldn't sell to me as I could have picked up the WCW name. This was the next best choice I could find in the logos. This one is one Al made or got from someone so I don't know who gets the credit for that, but that is one snazzy logo. I'm keeping the title belts though as A)this isn't my fault and B)this isn't my choice. I wanted to stay in the NWA for a long time or at least for a few more months. I've ended up at war with GCW (trying to see if breaking the agreement would trigger in case the NWA thing was causing them not to sell) and CWF (I'm signing my guys. Screw you Dusty). That's going to leave me only Savage, Eaton (CWA), Arn (SECW), Mark Youngblood (CState), and the 2 Funks. I'm ending the agreement with Maple Leaf too just to sign Young as well.


Hope this doesn't kill me with storyline penalties. 3 of them have to be above 53 Heat. All 4 four of them are, though all but the Flair-Hogan one are in the mid-60's or below. If you're out of my diary because of this, that's fair. Just let me know either by PM or post on here. If nobody is reading this then, I'll stop wasting my time. I'm enjoying the game and even enjoy doing the diary. I just hate getting slapped hard by the game acting illogically which is the case here (losing pop because you don't go there when you can't possibly go there is just stupid).


The only benefit is that the title situation is going to work out perfectly. I'd already scheduled a title unification bout between Valentine and Wahoo for the now new North American title with the Mid-Atlantic title being given a tournament starting in May, since I'm not going to be on TV much in April as that's the only way to expand to National TV in the game. Now I have a ready-made excuse to do so. I haven't decided if it's going to be a National, Cruiserweight, or Jr. Heavyweight.

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Well, these 24 hours have just been a blast. More about below.




First, thanks again to Togg for the Center Stage graphic.


That, as you can guess, is the new weekly show's name. Why change the name? Well, the NWA just utterly fails in TEW. I will probably be at 8-10 pop in all those areas that were in the high teens when I started this diary unless I continue to run these massive money-making shows in people's barns before I can get TV switched to ESPN or maybe TBS, though they rejected me outright in Feb. for some reason (they're set to 5 shows allowed and only have the 1 GCW show and are very easy to get on). So, that has necessitated some other changes. Here's the first one.




Sucks that GCW still wouldn't sell to me as I could have picked up the WCW name. This was the next best choice I could find in the logos. This one is one Al made or got from someone so I don't know who gets the credit for that, but that is one snazzy logo. I'm keeping the title belts though as A)this isn't my fault and B)this isn't my choice. I wanted to stay in the NWA for a long time or at least for a few more months. I've ended up at war with GCW (trying to see if breaking the agreement would trigger in case the NWA thing was causing them not to sell) and CWF (I'm signing my guys. Screw you Dusty). That's going to leave me only Savage, Eaton (CWA), Arn (SECW), Mark Youngblood (CState), and the 2 Funks. I'm ending the agreement with Maple Leaf too just to sign Young as well.


Hope this doesn't kill me with storyline penalties. 3 of them have to be above 53 Heat. All 4 four of them are, though all but the Flair-Hogan one are in the mid-60's or below. If you're out of my diary because of this, that's fair. Just let me know either by PM or post on here. If nobody is reading this then, I'll stop wasting my time. I'm enjoying the game and even enjoy doing the diary. I just hate getting slapped hard by the game acting illogically which is the case here (losing pop because you don't go there when you can't possibly go there is just stupid).


The only benefit is that the title situation is going to work out perfectly. I'd already scheduled a title unification bout between Valentine and Wahoo for the now new North American title with the Mid-Atlantic title being given a tournament starting in May, since I'm not going to be on TV much in April as that's the only way to expand to National TV in the game. Now I have a ready-made excuse to do so. I haven't decided if it's going to be a National, Cruiserweight, or Jr. Heavyweight.


I don't know where the Platinum worldwide came from to be honest. I will still be reading

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World Wide Wrestling Thurs. Week 4 April 1983

Taped @ Verizon Center, Washington, NC

Sell-Out 18,154 out of 18,277

Rating: 84/B+ Improved in 2 regions (GL & SE)

Profit: $244,901


Pre-Show: Rogers Hypes US Express (71/C+), Destruction Inc w/Miss Elizabeth hype themselves (80/B), Duggan def Deaton (60/C), Rich Landrum Tries to Interview Demolition (79/B) (Landrum's Old School Face gimmick gets a 97)


We open the show with a table set up in the middle of the ring with me in the center between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. “Okay gentlemen, you have looked over the contracts your lawyers hashed out. With this pen, sign by the red X's. For everyone else, I'm going to explain what is in this contract. It states that the match this Sunday at PWW High Voltage will be a Last Man Standing match. This is a no disqualification match where anything goes meaning chairs are legal. However, you will not harm any member of the ring crew or steal their chairs. (glares at Hogan)”


"Well let me tell you something brother, you're signing your death warrant when you sign that contract. I'm going to beat you into a bloody pulp that would make my good friend Sly Stallone's face at the end of Rocky I look like a model's. And I'm not stopping until I cripple you Flair.”


“Wooo! Do your ribs still hurt Hogan? You tried to put me down once, and I'm still here. Wooo! You are also forgetting one thing. I have friends here in Platinum, and you don't. No DQ means they can come in and beat you down. They won't because I can kick your butt all by myself.” I finish the segment by saying, “Good. Now, both of you have matches tonight, and if either of you interfere, you're fired.”

Rating: 92/A


Platinum TV Title Mike Rotundo w/Buddy Rogers vs Demolition Ax

It's time to shake things up. New name, new champ. Plus, this gives me a backup for Bill if Darsow gets himself fired. The end of the match comes when King Kong Bundy comes down to the ring and goes after Rogers which distracts Rotundo just enough to walk into a finisher. Ax def Rotundo via pinfall after a distraction from KKB. New Platinum TV champion Demolition Ax!

Rating: 74/B-


I catch Humperdink and Bundy as they're coming back from the ring. “Haha, if one of my Monsters can't have that title, you don't get to have it either. You and your running mate are both way too stupid to match wits with me and my monsters.” I pipe in now, “Good, because Crusher gets to face that so-called fool, Barry Windham next!”

Rating: 84/B+


Barry Windham w/Buddy Rogers vs Crusher Bloomfield w/Humperdink

Windham was quite pissed off. That combined with the lack of planning on the heels part let Barry control the match throughout. This meant that it was time for reinforcements, and out from the back came Bundy once again. Windham didn't even give him a chance as he went right after him. He did eat a giant fist which caused Anderson to call for the bell. Windham def Crusher via DQ from KKB's Interference

Rating: 81/B


We now go to the headquarters in Charlotte for an interview with Steamboat & Youngblood and Sarge & Kernodle. We discuss their histories and the feud along with the best tag titles in the world. They both get a chance to hype themselves as we discuss The Final Conflict. I finish it by noting that it will be a Cage (Classic) Match.

Rating: 85/B+ And Jay needs a new gimmick and I need a script writer for everyone but Sarge


Destruction Inc w/Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky Santana & Wendell Cooley

This is just to celebrate Matt Borne's return to health. It was a decent match, though the end was never really in doubt.

Rating: 68/C+


We go backstage where Jimmy Garvin is hyping up Dick Slater for his main event match with Flair. He does a pretty good job going through Slater's impressive history. By the end, Slater is pounding the walls saying Flair isn't making it to Sunday. Man I hope Jimmy doesn't get himself fired.

Rating: 76/B-


Brad Rheingans vs Hulk Hogan

Clearly, Hogan got the much easier match. The announcers talk up Brad's technical expertise as a means to go after Hogan's hurt ribs and really weaken him for Sunday. Hogan does sell the injury and Brad does focus there, but the match really isn't in doubt once Hulk unleashes his brute power. Hulk Hogan def Brad via pinfall

Rating: 68/C+ :(


Ric Flair vs Dick Slater

Slater is still wound up which causes Flair some problems early. I sell the fact that Ric doesn't have to worry about Hogan with my announcement earlier and add that Garvin got told the same thing as I joined the announce team as a trial run. By this time, Slater is running out of steam giving Flair a chance to recover. He starts to methodically work over Slater, body part by body part, yelling at the camera the whole time to Hogan that this will be him on Sunday. He finally locks in his patented Figure Four to get the win. Flair def Slater via submission.

Rating: 88/B+


PWW Adrenaline Rush

Rating: 86/B+ Improved in both Regions


Pre-Show: Hype Angle (Blackwell, Valiant, Armstrong, Chavo, & Orton) (86/B+), Hype Angle (J. Valentine, Jake Roberts, The Kiss, Magnum, & Eaton) (100/A*), Volkoff def Burke (59/C), Savage hypes match against JYD (77/B)


Again, we open the show with a contract signing. This time it is between Piper and Hayes. “As was stated last week, this match is a Russian Chain match for the Platinum World Heavyweight Title. You both understand the rules of the match.”


“Weeeeeellllll, are you ready to get your ugly face mangled some more Mr. Freebird? I am the World Champion now, and after PWW High Voltage, I will still be World Champion because I'm a better wrestler than you, and I'm infinitely smarter than you.. Oh, and your big, ugly lug Gordy is banned from ringside. It's just you and me and a 6 ft long chain.”


“So you think you're so much smarter than me, do you? I've baited you into putting that title up against me again, didn't I? I get to use a weapon in the match legally, don't I? Who's the dummy now you skirt-wearing nancy-boy?” Piper and Hayes are now nose to nose which means Roddy doesn't see the punch to the gut and the bulldog through the table which snaps. “Hayes! You are done for the night. Leave the building at once!” I yell as we go to commercial.

Rating: 92/A


Brutus Beefcake vs Terry Gordy

Speaking of Gordy, he gets to show off how big of a monster he is by throwing Beefcake around the ring. After the pin, I yell that he can pack his bags too. Gordy def Brutus via pinfall

Rating: 77/B


The Funks come out one more time to decry the fact that they don't have a match tonight, and how they don't have one scheduled for High Voltage either. They are the 2 best wrestlers in the world, and if they have to find some guys in the back and drag them into the ring Sunday night, that's just what they'll do.

Rating: 92/A


Mando & Hector Guerrero vs The Hart Foundation

Another Guerrero win! This time in a solid tag match against Bret and Jim. It wasn't a squash by any means. The Guerreros def The Harts via pinfall when Hector pinned Bret.

Rating: 54/C-


We go back to Charlotte for another pre-recorded interview. This time it is between Greg Valentine and Wahoo McDaniel. We discuss the fact that to get this title shot Wahoo had to give up his title. This led to some taunting from Greg as he added “and never get another shot at me or that title again”. Wahoo quickly turned it around though saying that only stands if he loses the match. If Valentine runs away again like a scared little boy begging for his daddy's help, he gets another rematch. This set Greg off and he flips over the coffee table and his chair before leaving.

Rating: 92/A


Tony Atlas w/Buddy Rogers vs Buddy Landell

Buddy got in a lot of offense in this open match, but it was pretty clear that he had no real answer to the sheer power of Atlas Atlas def Landell via pinfall.

Rating: 72/B-


Tully Blanchard comes out to the interview area with Sunshine in tow. He hypes up his match against JYD at High Voltage. Tully makes a few Old Yeller jokes.

Rating: 88/B+


Junkyard Dog vs Randy Savage

The aforementioned JYD gets to show Tully how wrong he is about Sunday against pretty stiff competition in Savage. This match lasted longer than the fans or even JYD thought it would go as Savage let everything out showing he might deserve a push soon (only if I break with CWA). JYD did finally put Randy away at the 16 min mark. JYD def Savage via pinfall

Rating: 76/B- Wow, not bad considering the angle before it killed it


Roddy Piper vs Steve Williams w/Humperdink

Roddy Piper didn't show any effects from going through the table to open the show. The one thing he didn't count on was how ferocious Dr. Death would be. That fury lasted for the first half of the match before he started making rookie mistakes that Piper could exploit. Oliver tried everything from outside to rally Steve, but Piper set up the sleeper hold right in the middle of the ring for the win. Roddy Piper def Dr. Death via submission

Rating: 88/B+ And I forgot to put myself into the Main Event so Weaver got dinged again. Looks like I'm permanently going to have to be there for the big matches though that rating was pretty darn good.



Jake, Rotundo, and Sunshine signed their written deals after the show.


Oh, and I'm still looking for a good tag team name for Hulk Hogan and Nikolai Volkoff. The house show monitor reported they have great tag chemistry. Not going to push that team, but it is good to know.

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The Professional Wrestling Report


by Isiah Montgomery Lyle


Here is my report from Platinum Wrestling Worldwide's "Big" event this past April Sunday, High Voltage.


First, I don't know why I got assigned to cover this as they are everything I loathe. They're going to destroy the NWA with Mr. Smart's reckless greed and hording of talent. I'm particularly mad about him ending the epic Von Erich-Freebird feud in WCCW. Hell, he didn't even have the decency to bring in the 3rd Freebird in Buddy Roberts. I guess he wanted to taunt the Texas fans by leaving a reminder of what had been. Second, it is pretty clear that Mr. Smart signed all the talent because that way only a moron could screw that roster up, and as much as I hate to say it, he's not a moron. Oh, he's doing his fair share of dumb things, like that new name and that insipid and boring Monsters Inc-U.S. Express feud just not enough dumb things to inspire confidence in this reporter that they will fail in destroying the NWA. Third, he can claim all the slights he wants from the NWA, but the hard-working promoters have been complaining at various times through the years. You just suck it up and do what is best for the business not whine and destroy it.


Anyway, here are the results and my thoughts on each match.


Before the show opened properly, they ran a 20-man battle royal. Serves you right for signing everyone, you have to do the most boring thing possible by shoving everyone into the dumbest match possible. Tony Atlas came out victorious. Some of the fanboys around me gave it 64. I looked at them like they had 2 heads each. Blech. Oh yeah, and before that they even trotted out their two women and forced them into a bikini contest. How cliche.


The show opened with a ridiculous, over-the-top entrance by everyone's favorite overrated wrestler, Ric Flair. That was the only good thing Smart has done since taking over MACW in taking the title off him. Wooo! is such a stupid non-word. The idiots in the crowd lapped that up though. A couple of their fireworks didn't go off so even the fanboys gave it a 92.


Wait, you're not even giving Hulk Hogan a chance to hype the match? Boooooooo!!! Unfortunately, my boos were drowned out by the fan's hatred of the man as the sign these rednecks were holding up said "This is Flair country", and Hogan has been vicious in his attacks on him. Those traded chair shots gave birth to this Last Man Standing match. See, this is why I can't stand Flair. You can use anything you want as everything is legal, except the staff's chairs, another idiotic stipulation by Mr. Smart, and what does Ric do? He wants to show off his ground attack with the idea, I guess, being that if he locks it in long enough Hogan can't get up for the 10 count. Seriously. Hogan had the right idea by just beating the living snot out of Flair, and when that didn't work, he waved his hands towards the back. Out came Nikolai Volkoff to add some smackdown that gave Hogan the victory. This was easily the worst match of the night. Serves Flair right. Those fanboys yelled 85, which I thought was high, but since Hogan won, I let it go.


Oh great, they're forming an alliance because obviously a Hollywood guy and a Russian makes such perfect sense. Don't tell me Hogan is going to become a Commie. Now we take a quick break as these rednecks have hurled a ton of trash at them. I gave a lousy grade, but a couple of other writers gave it an 89. Hope they know what Smart is going to do.


After the ring is cleaned up, Junkyard Dog and Tully Blanchard came out for their match. It actually surprised me. I mean JYD has always been very overrated, and in watching the TV shows in preparation for this report, he's been mediocre at best. So, I'm going to have to chalk it up to Blanchard just being amazing. Granted, he should be wrestling for his father down in Texas. Ugh, JYD gets the win? Great, it looks like we're going to get JYD-Tully 3. Just because it rhymes doesn't mean it's a good idea, Smart. Guess Tully is going to have to carry that carcass around some more. The fanboys were thrilled though and gave it a 95.


Okay, the 2nd good idea Smart has had is to keep Greg off the mic while making his father his manager. Johnny always brings it on the mic, and he cut an excellent promo taunting Wahoo. Nice, shiny new belt too. Guess he's going to spend some of that money on new belts. I gave the promo a perfect 100.


Hey, what do you do with a Freebird at your big event? Well, you put him in a squash match. What a waste! Heck, I could beat up Stoney Burke. Poor Bam Bam Gordy. How this got rated an 80 is beyond me, and I love watching him win matches.


Ugh, now we get Mr. Smart mugging for the cameras as he brings in Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle. They hype their title cage match against America's most boring tag team, Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood. Guess making Flair look good over the years gives you the tag titles. At least Sarge is pretty good on the mic, so the angle isn't boring. Wait, a 90?!? Is Mr. Smart grading this himself?


Next up is one of the dumbest things ever, a TV title match that isn't, you know, on TV. Taking the title off Rotundo, who would be the most boring wrestler in MACW (I refuse to use their new name) if not for Steamboat, was smart the first time, but then he gave it back to him so no kudos for giving it to Demolition Ax. Especially, when you give it to another tag team! Come on, you have a whole, bloated roster to use! Oh well, at least this looks like the end of the road for the US Express doing anything as Ax easily defeated Barry Windham so it wasn't all bad. It also settled the crowd down as they only gave it a 76 which isn't bad for 2 midcarders.


Great, here come the Funks to tell us how great they are. Blah, blah, blah. You're both washed up geezers. Repeatedly telling us how great you are and how scared the locker room is of you two is boring. How did this get an 88 rating by PWI? Is there a 40 point geezer bonus?


Speaking of geezers, here comes Wahoo McDaniel to the interview area with a mugging for the camera Mr. Smart. I guess nostalgia plays big here as the hillbillies lapped up every word Needs to Be Put Out to Pasture said about the title match with Greg Valentine. Really? a 94? This isn't a Strong production.


A 2nd gimmick match so soon? This is a 30 min Iron Man match for the North American title. Oh no, Wahoo gets the early lead. Please don't give the title to Wahoo. Okay, Greg ties it back up with an assist by Johnny. NO! Wahoo gets another pin. You can't be serious. You're taking this title away from the best villain and giving it to a washed up Wahoo? Booooooo! Of course these nostalgic hillbillies love it as the roof almost came off. A 95? Why didn't he rename this fed Senior Citizens Wrestling?


Oh great, I'd hoped that skirt-wearing loud mouth schnook had gotten lost somewhere. Roddy Piper, while not Flair, is grating on my nerves. To think the NWA World title was around his waist. Oh well, I've now found 1 good thing about Smart's greed, no more desecrating that title. Ha! He almost caught Smart with that chain while he was twirling it around. The fans ate up everything this schnook had to say giving it a 97. I'd have given it a 100 if he'd actually hit Smart.


Burying a boring guy like Brad Armstrong amongst 3 great guys doesn't mean it still won't drag the match down. Putting him with a geezer like Jimmy Valiant makes it shine even more. I have no idea what Smart is doing with Garvin & Slater. Maybe they're being positioned for the tag titles? As long as Sunshine is around the ring, at least something is good to look at. Garvin pinned Armstrong. I missed the match staring at Sunshine, but PWI gave it an 81.


Ah what might have been as Michael Hayes gets to put his 2 cents in about the World Title match. He's on point, and exciting on the mic. Unfortunately, these idiots around me booed the whole time. He's so much better than that loud-mouthed schnook, Piper. Sigh, it only gets a 92. OOC: When you see a 92 angle rating, that's a 100 that has a cold crowd.


We get a 4-team tag team match between Destruction Inc, The Hart Foundation, Mando & Chavo Guerrero, and Crusher Bloomfield & Dr. Death. Lots of people involved means a total mess of a match. Those Calgary guys look like they could do something if given a chance, but Mr. Smart will probably forget about them. Nice to see Destruction Inc get the win as I expect good things out of them, or that could just be me watching Miss Elizabeth. Got told it was graded a 73.


Here's a tip for Mr. Smart. Don't hold a 4 hour event and put the most boring tag team in an interview after the 3 hour mark. I almost went to sleep. I probably would have if I wasn't sitting next to a jerk who was evidently the president of their fan club telling me how awesome they were. If I wasn't a media member, he might have eaten some of that cage they were assembling. Evidently, he was the one in charge of grading has it got a 92. That's impossible!


Finally, we're nearing the end of this torture. The tag title cage match was up first. It was an okay match, I guess. They did use the cage a ton, busting a few of them open. I even popped a few times when I thought Sarge & Don were going to get it, but all they got were 2 counts while I got dirty looks. Oh great, they're keeping the titles on the most boring tag team in the world as Steamboat pinned Kernodle. Another pretty belt, though I guess when he named it Platinum, he meant "can blind you if it hits the light wrong". Smart probably has that angle already drawn up. The match got a 92 as these morons popped like crazy. I hope he knows what to do with Sarge as I think he can go far.


Ah, the final match of the evening which I had been looking forward to all night. The Freebird takes the title away from the skirt-wearing loud-mouth schnook. If Hayes did it right, he could bust up that mouth of Piper to shut him up. Russian chain matches, again with the gimmicks and this one made no sense. Neither one of them is Russian. He probably imported the chain from Russia Mr. Moneybags. As I was saying, they are brutal matches, and they beat the holy hell out of each other for 25 minutes. Both had touched 3 corners by that point and suffered some blood loss. No! No, ref, he had touched that corner already! Did he seriously steal the 2 Freebirds just to job them out to his roster? Come on, Mr. Smart. With a name like that, you can't be that dumb. Ugh, Piper keeps the title as the fans erupt for a good 5 minutes. Idiots. PWI gave it a perfect score, 100. It can't be perfect if the wrong guy won.


Wait, the fans are seriously chanting "This was awesome!"? Is this a cult Mr. Smart has formed? Evidently, he's gotten to the PWI guy as he gave the show a perfect score as well, a 100! This is a dark day for the NWA. I'm going to have to get a scientist to see if they're using subliminal messaging to brainwash these fans.

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Here's the show in picture form if you haven't seen it in the Screenshot thread. Oh, and I picked that writer's name carefully. Not going to explain it further as I hope you figure it out.

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