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Deadly Overloaded Action

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aww i like ADV but if you plans for him weren't going well i can't blame ya… still loving this whole thing
Surprised at those releases E-V given that in our conversations before this you seemed set on having those two be a feature.


I wanted to run DOA as light and efficient as possible. Unlike previous companies, for which my rosters would become overly bloated, I look at DOA as a 'televised indy' style in a way. There's a revolving door (if you're not really needed). Plus, long term, I found more benefit in Marco Moretti/Amore than I did with ADV. Sure, writing a 'turn on' scenario would have been good to get Moretti out there but I didn't want to devote that kind of time to what would obviously be a less over storyline.


La Sombra Jr. is someone I wanted to work with; however, found that I was only jobbing him out in dark matches. Sooner or later he didn't really look as interesting as I had thought.


As you can see, overall, this project will move slower (much slower) than previous ones. I had a four day weekend this time around and thought it could work out to drive out some results. I promise though, in the future, to try to keep more updated (but I can't guarantee that).


While it will be a slower pace, don't expect the production quality/stories/etc. to be any less than what I would normally do. It'll just take longer to get to each installment.

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This weeks broadcast of DOA “Rapid Assault” is the first of its kind. Sensing unresolved tension, the Arcadia network has issued an executive order and vowed to “right the ship in Deadly Overloaded Action.” They have even gone as far as to subtitle this weeks broadcast as… “Judgement Day.”





After witnessing the violent beatdown by the DOA Tag Team Champions Death Row upon Pain & Reign last week, Arcadia executives have given one-half of the victims a chance to return the favor. In a no disqualification match, Tank will go one-on-one with Shady in what’s expected to be a bloody affair. In reality though, does anyone expect this match to REALLY stay as a one-on-one? With no rules, there’s no doubt that the Arcadia executives are aware that this match will unravel into a wild brawl of sorts between both blood-thirsty teams.





Keeping with the tone, there’s no greater match in need of final judgement than that of Akima Brave vs. Greg Black. In what’s being dubbed as “Part III”, these heated rivals will square off once again; however, this time around, within the confines of an unforgiving steel cage. In an official statement from the Arcadia, the network has stated: “We’ve seen a draw between the two and a win for Black under dubious means. This week, we’re going to put this ALL to rest with a match that will allow both men to rip into each other once and for all”. It’s obvious to read between the lines here… Arcadia wants to finally put the ambiguity to rest… Who’s better? Brave… or Black?


It’s said, overall, that the card is still influx (as other matches may come together given what happens on the show). That said, it appears that Arcadia executives are no longer willing to let Deadly Overloaded Action exist in a state of such chaos. This week, “Judgement Day” comes to “Rapid Assault!”



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You know that humbling feeling when you think your presentation is pretty good. You work really hard on your story write ups. And you seem to even get a small following.....


Then you start to get a little smug not knowing the rest of the dynasties out there and that's when I stumble on this page. I thought my presentation was decent but I might as well done it in crayon when I seen this dynasty.


I just want to say without even reading one line of this that you have obliterated my morale lol. I did not even know this existed until 45 seconds ago and I've been floored. I will definitely check this out but just wanted to give you props on the hard work your doing for your layout and custom rendering.


I just realized that I'm actually using some of your renders for my characters and also wanted to tell you awesome job on these! I downloaded them a long time ago and did not remember who to thank for these.

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This sudden interest from Arcadia to control the DOA card will make for a more compelling story...


I'm looking forward to more! Keep up the good work.


I wanted to hold out on Arcadia's involvement up until now. In this case though, they were starting to feel like DOA was unraveling before their eyes. They wanted a clean match between Black/Brave to finally get a winner. In turn, seeing how Death Row violently attacked Pain & Reign last week, they also sought out to give both sides a chance to 'air their grievances'; only with weapons. ha.


"Judgement Day"/DOA Rapid Assault this week should make for an exciting show.


You know that humbling feeling when you think your presentation is pretty good. You work really hard on your story write ups. And you seem to even get a small following.....


Then you start to get a little smug not knowing the rest of the dynasties out there and that's when I stumble on this page. I thought my presentation was decent but I might as well done it in crayon when I seen this dynasty.


I just want to say without even reading one line of this that you have obliterated my morale lol. I did not even know this existed until 45 seconds ago and I've been floored. I will definitely check this out but just wanted to give you props on the hard work your doing for your layout and custom rendering.


I just realized that I'm actually using some of your renders for my characters and also wanted to tell you awesome job on these! I downloaded them a long time ago and did not remember who to thank for these.


Oh no! Don't disregard what you've worked on, K!


Honestly, if you take a look at my early dynasties, I presented a pretty bare bones style. At that point, I didn't really know how to manipulate graphics as I do now. Websites like picmonkey or ribbet are great for altering images in the sake of colors, frames, etc. As for cutting images, gimp 2.0 is another great resource when it comes to cutting (as said above), creating logos, and creating a great look.


You do great work, don't think you don't. I'm just a visual guy; so, when I get the chance to create a 'look', I dive all into it.

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Oh no! Don't disregard what you've worked on, K!


Honestly, if you take a look at my early dynasties, I presented a pretty bare bones style. At that point, I didn't really know how to manipulate graphics as I do now. Websites like picmonkey or ribbet are great for altering images in the sake of colors, frames, etc. As for cutting images, gimp 2.0 is another great resource when it comes to cutting (as said above), creating logos, and creating a great look.


You do great work, don't think you don't. I'm just a visual guy; so, when I get the chance to create a 'look', I dive all into it.


Oh I'm not going to say I'm quitting doing my dynasty by any means. I might have came off sarcastic but I was really throwing you compliments on your presentation. I will definitely check out those sites you mentioned.


Thanks for re inspiring me to kick my presentation up a notch!!! Do you know some good freeware to make and edit videos? I have an idea for mine that I think will be awesome I just need some tools like that to put it to use.

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The Proton Lock is canonically the


I've changed moves before though. Enjoying the work so far. Always great work.


Yea, I tend not to follow cannon very much. Mostly, I can't keep up with it enough to make a concerted effort. ha. That said, I like the idea of it being a crossface (as that's what I always imagined for some reason).


Oh I'm not going to say I'm quitting doing my dynasty by any means. I might have came off sarcastic but I was really throwing you compliments on your presentation. I will definitely check out those sites you mentioned.


Thanks for re inspiring me to kick my presentation up a notch!!! Do you know some good freeware to make and edit videos? I have an idea for mine that I think will be awesome I just need some tools like that to put it to use.


I can't say that I know of any freeware designed for editing/making videos. It'd be a great addition; however, my knowledge on that is pretty limited. Sorry.

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Yea, I tend not to follow cannon very much. Mostly, I can't keep up with it enough to make a concerted effort. ha. That said, I like the idea of it being a crossface (as that's what I always imagined for some reason).


I can definitely relate. Blackfire's BatWings will probably always be the Angel's Wings instead of the Last Rites like his bio says.

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The Proton Lock is canonically the


I've changed moves before though. Enjoying the work so far. Always great work.


I've always thought it as an Anaconda Vice. Just shows different people give different interpretations.


You know that humbling feeling when you think your presentation is pretty good. You work really hard on your story write ups. And you seem to even get a small following.....


Then you start to get a little smug not knowing the rest of the dynasties out there and that's when I stumble on this page. I thought my presentation was decent but I might as well done it in crayon when I seen this dynasty.


I just want to say without even reading one line of this that you have obliterated my morale lol. I did not even know this existed until 45 seconds ago and I've been floored. I will definitely check this out but just wanted to give you props on the hard work your doing for your layout and custom rendering.


I just realized that I'm actually using some of your renders for my characters and also wanted to tell you awesome job on these! I downloaded them a long time ago and did not remember who to thank for these.


I know that feel, although mine would be more along the lines of the storylines that E-V creates. As I've mentioned many times before, E-V is one of the reasons I got into writing dynasties in the first place, his representation, creative writing and character development just make his dynasties amazing. But Yes, he can really make you feel bad about your own dynasties. :p. It's still great to read them though. SWF: Where Men Become Legends is still my favourite dynasty ever on these forums.

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