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Rebooking Nitro's

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Essa Rios w/Lita vs. Vampiro

Road Warriors w/Sunny vs. Crowbar and David Flair w/Daffney

Mamalukes vs. Dean Malenko and Chris Candido

Big T vs. Ken Shamrock © - Lion's Den match for the WCW Hardcore title

Meng vs. Raven

Rick Steiner vs. Hulk Hogan

The Kliq vs. Sid, Steiner and Goldberg

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Essa Rios w/Lita vs. Vampiro

Road Warriors w/Sunny vs. Crowbar and David Flair w/Daffney

Mamalukes vs. Dean Malenko and Chris Candido

Big T vs. Ken Shamrock © - Lion's Den match for the WCW Hardcore title

Meng vs. Raven

Rick Steiner vs. Hulk Hogan

The Kliq vs. Sid, Steiner and Goldberg

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Essa Rios w/Lita vs. Vampiro

Road Warriors w/Sunny vs. Crowbar and David Flair w/Daffney

Mamalukes vs. Dean Malenko and Chris Candido

Big T vs. Ken Shamrock © - Lion's Den match for the WCW Hardcore title HE WAS JUST STABBED

Meng vs. Raven

Rick Steiner vs. Hulk Hogan

The Kliq vs. Sid, Steiner and Goldberg

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WCW Monday Nitro on TNT (Show #60)




Week 3, July 2000

Spokane Arena, North West (9,549)


Ric Flair arrives in a limo, NWO is in the house. Naitch mocks Benoit for being an ultimate loser and hypes Bret Hart as the greatest WCW champion of all time. Hype video of Goldberg spearing Hogan out of the world title picture opens the show. After that brief and sweet recap we get to see Terry Funk in the ring. Funker says it's about time he's back, but he's here not to fight, he is here to make other's do that!


"Shamrock, you're a hardcore champion. What's so hardcore about you, son? You fight with a mouthpiece and gloves on, that's not how we did it back in the day. Last night I saw a guy who almost got his guts out, but stayed until the last match! I can respect that, and because of that he gets a shot at ya, Ken... he respects traditions, he's an old school mentality guy. We don't have a lot these days, but in that locker room we have the true raiders of the storm. I'm talking about Road Warriors, Hawk and Animal. They'll get their hands on Flair and Crowbar, the new kids on a block. Keep your wicked women away from the action, or else I will spank them! I'm old enough to look at women with a cold mind, so you won't trick me. There's always exceptions, of course. Lita is a kickass broad, and she's a stand up character too. Tonight Essa Rios gets Vampiro one on one, cause sneak attacks are not the way we do it...


Who else? Piper's italians get Malenko and Candido tonight, cause you see, Shane Douglas stole Bull's girlfriend. Johnny, you have a lot of potential, don't waste your time on girls, get your name up there. You lack that drive that Hogan has, and in fact he will fight US champion's brother tonight. Meat hammer to the knee is not very pleasing, so I gave the dog-faced gremlin a chance to bite your ass, Hulk! He is tough as nails, but when it comes to sheer toughness, you can't look past Meng. He gets his second chance tonight, against a lazy, wimpy, coward son of a bitch named Raven... and then we have a main event. Let me assure you, WCW is where the big boys play, and you can get the proof when Goldberg, Steiner and Sid go against the backstage buddies Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Triple H. I expect a lot from ya, give this people their money's worth!"



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Vampiro defeated Essa Rios in 5:49 by pinfall with a Nail in The Coffin after a distraction from Juventud Guerrera hitting Lita.

Guerrera bitchslapped Lita and Vamp hit his strongest move on the distracted tecnico. After the match Juvi threw Lita in the ring, for Vamp to nail her. Thank God Rey Misterio was fast enough to save the redhead and dropkick the junkies off the ring. Vamp and "The Juice" then walked away together, pointing fingers at the fan favorites. Essa thanks Rey for help, Lita got rescued by her role model!


Diamond Dallas Page catches Terry Funk backstage, and that's not a hard task when "The Hardcore Icon" is moving as fast as a snail. DDP asks Funker for a fair match against Revolution, even numbers and all that. "Terry, listen, if Hennig did not help those punks to pin me, then we could end up on top of them! We need one more guy to deal with them, and we need one more chance to kick their asses!" Funk asks if Shane Douglas would get his rear end BANGED?


- You can bet on that, Funker!

- Then you will get them this Thursday. Those four guys against Triad and... Benoit.

- That's perfect, we couldn't ask for more.

- Take care, champ... and by the way, Curt gets a title shot on this shiny little belt.


DDP freezes for a moment, but then pushes on with his title on the shoulder. He got a match against Douglas and his friends, that's a good thing. "The People's Champ" bumps into David Flair and Crowbar with Daffney, who are making their entrance for a match against Road Warriors. Usually people are afraid of those monsters, but those punks just don't care and giggle for no apparent reason.



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Road Warriors defeated Crowbar and David Flair in 5:46 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Crowbar by pinfall with a Flying Lariat.

Sunny and Daffney got into a fight mid-match, so Flair joined them. He did not try to break them up too hard, he just touched them where he wanted. What a creep... Warriors killed Crowbar with a Doomsday Device to get their second victory in two days.


Trish, Booker and Buff are guest stars on some MTV show. Dream come true for Trish, she's a made star from now on. The guy asked some questions and Trish answered all of them with Book and Bagwell just chilling on the couch with tag titles they won last night. She's a fully fledged manager, that's her responsibility. The interviewer wanted to talk to the real stars, but Trish kept on focusing cameras on her face. Now the host decided to directly ask Buff Bagwell a direct question.


- So Buff, tell us about yourself, how does it feel to be a WCW tag team champion?

- I'm Buff, I'm "The Stuff" and ladies can't get enough! Buff Daddy is up for grabby, so don't waste any time, let me please you for a dime! I'll lick you - you lick me, you want a piece of pie, I'll give you two or three!

- That's amazing Buff. What about you Booker, 10 time tag team champion?

- Hey, dawg, I'll make it short and sweet. Being on top ain't easy, so from time to time your hands will get greasy. Last night we beat Hall and Nash, to get the fist full of money and cash. Next time suckass, you will feel the rash just like you felt it at the Bash. So don't hate the player, hate the game, next time we will see ya, it's time to get yo ass tame!

- Stop it, boys. Interview is over. You're welcome for having us!


Lance Storm sits on the bench with his collarbone taped. Lance says Candido's brain is in the wrong place, and he's not serious about his career. Shane Douglas nods and agrees with his Revolution teammate, they should shake things up a bit. "Hey, Deano-Machino, you are tagging with Candido tonight. Lance is hurt, we can't sacrifice him for throwaway matches against pseudo-italian jackasses. Regal, look after Lance, it's time to get their mafia asses franchised!"



In an extremely short match, Chris Candido and Dean Malenko defeated The Mamalukes in 4:40 when Johnny The Bull was disqualified while fighting Dean Malenko.

Disco Inferno looked after Vito and Bull in this match, to cut off the possibility of Shane pulling out his Pittsburg Chain. It all went down horribly wrong for Mamalukes when the feisty raging macho ignored ref's warning and stomped the crap out of "The Ice Man"! When Funk told Bull to get names under his belt he probably meant something else... Disco and Vito try to calm Johnny down, Revolution just casually leaves with a victory in their communistic pocket.


Regal and Storm have a gentlemen conversation in the back, sharing a cup of english tea and canadian maple syrup! Then the drunk irishman busts the lock and starts a stereotypical bar brawl. Finlay smacks Regal in the head with a syrup bottle and burns Lance with a cup of hot green tea. "How you can drink that shit, it smells like fish!" Damage done, Finlay smirked and left them on the floor. "Franchise" came back to see a wet Lance Storm and a syrup covered Steven Regal. "God dammit, I told you to look after him, Regal!"


"Mean" Gene Okerlund is with Konnan backstage. People boo the latino thug out of the building, but he doesn't care. Okerlund asks K-Dawg about the attack on Big T last night, and how low that was from him! Konnan says he got no problems with Big T, and he has nothing to do with it. "Give me a break, Konnan, we saw everything!" Konnan says he is a pure man, so he kisses his cross, puts it between his teeth and then spits it out!! Okerlund is lost for words, he is offended by that...


- What's the matter, Mean Gene? You don't like me? Why don't we take it to the ring and settle it mano e mano??

- For cryin' out loud, get this scumbag off me!

- Hey, pedorro, watch your mouth, or Big T's little cut will look like a scratch compared to what you will get! He survived just because he's fat...

- Then go on and stab me, you dirty dog! I'm not afraid of you, I'm sick of you. I have an insurance, so you would do me a favor by freeing me from this mess of a company!

- Sick of me..? That's good. That's how it should be, judio. I'm not gonna waste my time on you, cause nWo has to deal with a little problem in a minute... Viva la RAZA!!

- Go to hell, you dirtbag of a man! I will let people know the truth about you and your dirty deeds! Back to you, Tony.



In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Ken Shamrock defeated Big T in 5:44 by referee stoppage. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 7 of his WCW Hardcore title.

Ken put his fists to Big T's gut and boxed it like a punching bag! Referee had to stop the fight and award Ken Shamrock a victory. That guy has no mercy! Big T spits blood all over the place, gross content. Curt Hennig meets Shannon Moore backstage, who's crutching his way to the exit.


- Where are you going, lad?

- Mr. Perfect!! Oh shoot, I'll get in trouble for that... oh God... I'm... I am going home, thanks for asking, sir!

- You're going nowhere, boy. Grab my bags and get me a drink. FAST!


Moore jumps on one leg over the corridor to the soda machine, bumps into Bam Bam Bigelow who sips grape juice from a little cartoon. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Bigelow, I'm so sloppy, just don't hurt me, ok? Please, don't hurt me!" Bam Bam looks at the kid and tells him to get into some other business, he won't survive in a place like that.


- Mr. Bigelow, I need to get Curt Hennig a drink, he doesn't like waiting.

- Hennig, you say? Let me take care of that bag, boy. And don't worry about the drink, I got it too.

- Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Bigelow, I don't know how to thank you for that!

- You would thank me after I get you out of this nightmare named professional wrestling. This is not elementary school, smarten up.


Bigelow pats Shannon on the back and almost breaks him in half. "Good God" - Bigelow drops.


Raven jumps the guard rail and falls in the corner with a stick in hand. He goes on to confuse people with complicated words and motives, but the one thing is for sure - Sting is not here tonight. "Check the rafters, your hero is not with you. I am the sole reason behind that, me, RAVEN! Sting can't even wash his painted face cause I turned it into a burning mess! The smell of flesh, paint and hair set up on fire, that what gave me a satisfaction last night. This evening I'm in for more... Quote the Raven, nevermore!" Why everybody is so good at rap? Meng comes out, kicking shadows with his large feet and growling in the anticipation of a fight! He wants to get the victory, by any means necessary!



In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Raven defeated Meng in 7:11 by pinfall after KroniK attacked Meng.

Raven's Rules worked a charm for the man, with the returning bounty hunters in Brian Adams and Bryan Clark getting the job done with High Times. After the match Raven stood over the body of the Tongan with his arms thrown aside. He then flipped his hair back and threw the henchmen a pack of rolled money. KroniK returns and makes it loud and clear they're back to break your neck! Another rhyme, I should make a mixtape one day. Nothing from the nWo. No footage. It's like they're not here... probably they are beating on the rat. Bret comes out first, with the world title still on his shoulder. Following him is Triple H with Outsiders, not very happy about losing the straps. Hunter holds the door for Ric Flair, who looks like he had a great time in that room, with his hair all up and knuckles red from blood. Konnan leaves the room, with his swagger turned on... Luger is at home, so who got his ass smoked? Last comes out Mike Sanders, he can't believe that Alex was a rat all along. Bret looks at Sanders with his cold eyes and just tells Hall and Nash to take Goldberg out in the upcoming 6 man tag. "The Game" says "Hitman" has nothing to worry about.


Hulk Hogan comes out with a bitter look on his face. It's sour for him to be out of the spotlight, work the undercard. He's followed by Mike Awesome, who is also can't be named a winner after last night. Hulkster grabs a mic and rants about Bill Goldberg costing him the title and the spot, brother. Hogan was about to get the three count and get the big gold belt, but Goldberg decided to leave Bret Hart for Sting's Scorpion Death Lock. "Very nice of you, pa-a-al. Bret Hart is still the champ, and you cut off the only hero this people have to save the company from Hitman's reign of terror, jack! You people should thank Goldberg for that!!" Fans start a "Thank You" chant, same flow as of "GOOOLDBERG" chant. Hogan nods and says he has a solution right here, in front of him. That is a Career Killer, Mike Awesome!! Bret Hart, you fought my dude before and you lost because of him! This Thursday Mike will wrestle you in the main event of Thunder, and after he drops you right on your neck with an Awesome Bomb, you'll be forced to retire and vacate the title, brother. That way there will be a tournament to crown a new champion, and that would be me, Hulk Hogan, on the top of the mountain again, brother! SO WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN MIKE AWESOME RUNS RIGHT OVER YOU!??? One more thing... Scott Steiner should be suspended for attacking my guy before the bell. Eazy-E told him not to touch the guy before the fight, but he jumped him from behind and that should not be tolerated! Suspend Steiner without pay right now, Funk!



In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hulk Hogan defeated Rick Steiner in 8:27 by pinfall with a Leg Drop following interference from Mike Awesome.

Mike grabbed Rick's leg under the bottom rope, Steiner fell on his back and ate a Leg Drop from Hogan... Academic result for Hulkster, who gets boos from the capacity crowd of this city. Mike gets a chair from under the ring and puts it ON the injured leg of Rick, ready to jump on it! Scott Steiner comes out on time, with a wooden table leg in hand!! He hits Hulk in the back with it and throws it at Mike to protect Rick. The stick hits Mike between the eyes, Hogan grabs a chair and smacks Steiner across the back, when Scott was helping Rick to his feet. Hogan adds more shots to Steiner's body and then sets that chair back on Rick's leg!! LEG DROP ON THE CHAIR, THAT BREAKS GREMLIN'S LEG IN HALF!!! WE HEARD A CRACK OF THAT BONE, DAMMIT!! Hogan puts his hand to the ear, did he just broke that leg? Sickening. Rick rolls in pain, Hogan gets Mike under his wing and they go up the ramp. Scott yells that he will kill Hogan!!


Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero talk about their dream to form a regular tag team and get the titles from Buffy T or whoever holds them, yet they hit another road block last night. Jarrett cost Benoit his match and Black Tiger almost cost Eddie his!


- It can't go on forever, holmes, we will get those tag titles sooner or later.

- First Flair, now Jarrett. I hope you're right, Eddie...

- Ese, pick yourself up, everything is possible and nothing is impossible. Jarrett is no match for you, Flair just got lucky. Trust me, vato, I know what I'm talking about. I had the same problem with Konnan, but I kept fighting and at last I was a better man.


Terry Taylor informs Eddie and Chris to come by Funk's office, Terry has something to talk about with them. They turn around the corner, and WHAM!! Jarrett breaks his guitar over Terry's head! A backstage brawl breaks out, Saturn and Jarrett fight Eddie and Benoit, until Kanyon comes by and helps his future partner in "The Crippler"! Saturn drops that Kanyon shouldn't have started this fight again, road agents fiddle the middle between two factions. Hennig is pissed that his drink is not on the table yet!! He calls for Shannon, but nobody answers. How easy that can possibly be, get a can of soda for a living legend?? Gotta do everything on his own. Curt approaches the soda machine and sees that one can is up for grabs and decides to push the fridge so it falls down. Free drink, cooool. Curt grabs a can of a free beverage and takes a sip... before spitting it out with disgust. "WHO PEED IN THIS CAN???" It's time for our main event...



In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sid Vicious, Goldberg and Scott Steiner defeated Triple H and The Outsiders in 14:01 by DQ when Goldberg was sledgehammered in the face.


Triple H and Steiner's recent alliance is out in the window, heel targets champion’s back and works with his friends. Sid gets a hot tag and wipes Outsiders off, only for Triple H to take him out in return. Trio takes Steiner away with a triple powerbomb through a table, cuff Sid to the barricade and leave Goldberg on the desert. “The Man” charges with a spear but finds sledgehammer instead, immediate DQ! All 3 guys are laid out. Kliq celebrates, Triple H stands over the fallen Goldberg, posing and taunting. Hitman should be OK with that, now finally grabs a point as a unit. With Hall and Nash pointing at Triple H we go off air. Thanks for tuning in!


Final Rating: 84/100 (6.24 on TNT)

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Hello there. Thunder Card, Predictions, Etc.




I'LL DROP YOU ON YOUR HEAD against The Excellence of Execution


Five points to homies Mootinie, Warhawk8492, Uncrewed, HappyOwns, crackerjack and TheBigBad1013! Six to ElectricX, and that rhymes. Good job, people. Now let's get those matches that were already booked.


Bret Hart - Mike Awesome. Hogan sends his dude to break Hitman's neck and force the reigning world champion out of wrestling, brother! In Hulkster's wet dreams Hart hangs the boots on the wall, leaves the big gold belt in tha middle of the ring-ah and lifts the main event ban off the american hero himself, jack! And whatcha gonna do when a Career Killer runs on you!?


Benoit and Jersey Triad - Revolution. DDP got Chris on the jersey side to fight his former partners in crime. "Crippler" sets his sight on the annoying Jeff Jarrett, after that damn redneck put his nose in the wrong match. Don't you forget that Hennig got a title shot at Page, so keep that in mind. Saturn, Regal and THE FRANCHISE are those involved in the right corner.


Konnan - Alex Shelley. K-Dawg wants to punish the rat in a brutal manner. Shelley prepares himself for what can be the last match of his short-term career. Good luck, babybear!


Jushin Liger - CM Punk. A brash straigh-edge kid is fed up with Kidman's dirty deeds at the back, so he requested an opportunity to prove he's a better man both in the rind and outside of it. Liger is a mountain to climb, this should be a test for Punk. Can he be the next break out superstar for our company?


Dustin Rhodes - Ric Flair. Product of "Nature Boy's" semen ruined the biggest day in the life of Dustin, so there you have it. A working man got dumped by the windy lady that is Daffney, Flair said he's proud of his son and that he would do the same. That could be interesting...


Rey Misterio Jr and Eddie Guerrero - Kidman and Juventud Guerrera. Funker dropped that he was impressed with that exciting tag team matches cruiserweights had been producing lately, and hinted WCW fans to prepare themselves, as some guests would be coming to the promotion. Let's not speculate just for now, we will find out the details very soon.


Also, two-time karate champion Ernest Miller or simply The Cat will get funky, and that's basically it for our card. No top 10 today, sorr-eh. I would just put the people on the card in the actual card...


  1. Eddie and Rey vs. Kidman and Juice
  2. Konnan vs. Shelley
  3. Jushin Liger vs. CM Punk
  4. Dustin Rhodes vs. Ric Flair
  5. Revolution vs. Triad and Benoit

Main Event: Mike Awesome vs. Bret Hart

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<p>WCW Thursday Thunder on TBS (Show #61)</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/ZhyW7Te.png</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Week 3, July 2000</em></p><p><em> Kansas Coliseum, Mid West (10,875)</em></p><p> </p><p> HOLLER IF YA HEAR ME!! Scott Steiner is out, jacked up and pissed off. He nearly clocks a fan in the nWo shirt out of his chair, but then he sees a Hulkamaniac and goes on a rant. Lots of bleeping, Steiner doesn't hold anything in. Finally he picks up a mic and calls that one fan a fat redneck lesbian, because only those are not fond of Big Poppa Pump! But he's a man, Scotty.. he doesn't care. "Listen up, people, I'm sick of old washed up faggots running this place, so it's no coincidence I come out here to take measure in my own hands!! This place is falling apart and only a man with the largeeest erms in the world can hold it in one piece!!" Some parts of the crowd are cheering, W-C-W chant breaks out. Steiner says Hogan's friends and the big bastard himself are the cancer of this company, and to treat it he will beat it! "Those money grabbing hoes will do anything, but I, I am the real man! If you have doubts come out here and face me, bitch! Whoever you may be, I will put you down and make you humble!! Just like I put Mike Awesome down, he was lucky this company had not enough money to afford more f'n tables!! I want war, I want to kick ass and lick..." Steiner's mic goes off, on the most interesting place! Hulk Hogan comes out in a suit, all smug and confident! Will he fight the "Freakzilla"?? "You know something, Steiner, you're not a brother to me... In fact the only brother you have is on the shelf with a broken leg, courtesy of your truly Hollywood Hulk Hogan!" Fans boo the man while Steiner goes rampant, he jumps off the ring and joggles to Hulkster himself!! A wall of policemen protects Mr. Hogan who tells them to get rid of Steiner! Scott shoves some away from the ramp so they attack him with the sticks also spraying his eyes. They beat him on the ground while Hogan is watching. He's a boss today, it seems. Hogan confirms that by saying he will make WCW great again, dude!! Steiner is lead near the announce table so we can hear him cussing and swearing. Time for a break... Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio go against Kidman and Juice - next!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/261Tgy7.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> and <strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong> defeated <strong>Kidman</strong> and <strong>Juventud Guerrera</strong> by DQ in 7:36 after <strong>Black Tiger</strong> smashed a Super Jr. Cup over "Latino Heat's" head. <em>68/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Match got thrown away after the mysterious imposter destroyed Eddie's trophy from the past across the head of Guerrero. Junkies didn't waste any time and double teamed Rey until Lita came out to aid, returning the favor to Mysterio! She didn't have much offence, but that helped Rey to scare off the opposition. Essa Rios was late and appeared to rather protect Lita then save Rey! Eddie asked what happened, a lot to explain...</p><p> </p><p> A new guy bumped into Hulk Hogan backstage, asking what is going on with this show? Hulkster wasn't happy that some no name accused him and didn't take kindly on the newcomer.</p><p> </p><p> - Who are you, punk?</p><p> - C-M Punk and I... </p><p> - So I was right on that one! Move aside and keep your mouth shut, punk!</p><p> - Really Hulkster? Is that how it goes between us? </p><p> </p><p> Enraged by the brashness and audacity of the young kid Hulk turns his head but is lost for words. "You are talking with CM Punk, the first straight-edge wrestler in the history and future world champion"... Hulk starts laughing after that one, but that doesn't concern Punk. "I couldn't care less about what you think or what you say, but what I care about is the industry you are choking out with your dirty hands for the past twenty years. I never liked you, Hulk, and never will! I am going to change this place once and for all, despite your best efforts to run it to the ground!"</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/IBRLxhA.png</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/CjZhuvx.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> - Good luck with that, punk.</p><p> - Luck is for losers, Hogan.</p><p> - Good luck to you again then...</p><p> - Despite Rick Steiner beating me in a match, I respect him. He knows what is pro wrestling and how it should be. He's an unsung hero, one of many.</p><p> - You know what happened to him right? I broke his leg, and will break yours if you don't leave right now! </p><p> </p><p> Punk smirks and leaves to preapre for his match, leaving Hogan there. Mike Awesome comes around and asks if Hulk wants that kid to suffer. Hulk says that punk will get his ass handed to him. If not today - then tomorow. </p><p> </p><p> - What about the match before? You want me to beat them too? Bunch of little guys are unhappy with something.</p><p> - Cruiserweights can either cruise or wait, Mickey!</p><p> - Mikey.</p><p> - Isn't that the same name? Let's roll brother, you have a big match today!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/vtYadrO.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Konnan</strong> defeated <strong>Alex "The Baby Bear" Shelley</strong> in 6:16 by submission with a Tequila Sunrise. <em>54/100</em></div></blockquote><p> Basically K-Dawg stiffed a Baby Bear for being a snitch. Just paparazzi work, don't take it personally right? He just did what was needed of him, guy needs money probably to pay off that university debt. Despite Alex asking for mercy Konnan was extra violent and vocal. Bad day for Shelley, he knew too much. It doesn't look good for his future too, no one likes rats.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage Chris Benoit is entering the Jersey Triad corner of the locker room and asks if they are ready to kick Revolution's ass?? Bam Bam says sure and offers Benoit a pack of chips... Rabid Wolverine loses his shit, smacks the bag and gets in the face of Bigelow without an ounce of fear! "Are you kidding me, Bigelow?" Kanyon tries to get in between, but is pushed aside in the steel locker by Chris. Bigelow had enough, he is ready to take Benoit out but swings wildly and gets in the Crossface! Shocked Kanyon is unsure what to do, DDP enters the locker room and asks what is going on?? Benoit gets Bigelow free and says that somebody is not taking the fight seriously, and if that is the case they won't beat anybody. With those words he leaves and slams the door, DDP is not that happy they have a "Crippler" in their team now.</p><p> </p><p> A short video package shows us a new team coming over from Japan with their own titles! They are coming to make a statement, and it's not going to be an easy fight for anybody in WCW. Terry Funk may had something to do with it, while working as GM last Nitro. More on that next Monday! As of right now Meng is coming! He lost three matches in a row but is looking to end the next one quickly.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/TXxcB4n.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Meng</strong> defeated <strong>The Cat</strong> in 5:32 by submission with a Tongan Death Grip. <em>53/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Meng beats Cat with ease, not feeling any of the Cat's offence. Raven came out after match and said he knows how tough Meng is and that's why he didn't want to fight him last week. That indicates that Raven is smart and that brains beat brawn. Although being a genius Raven came up with an idea to make everyone win. For the intellectually limited fans out there Raven says he wants to make Meng a machine that will crush every opponent on it's way, but that's only possible if they align forces. The toughest and the smartest in this business would have the world in their hands. Or at least a world title! Meng never was a world champion, but Raven was... and it felt great. Meng is getting brainwashed by Raven, he's deep in thought. Raven says he should decide right now or never have a chance at the top. Two look each other in the eyes, and then Meng nods. Raven proposes to make an example out of this goof, pointing at Ernest Miller. Cat and Raven in the same ring, lovely. Meng picks up Miller by his neck and puts on his shoulders, samoan drop? INTO DDT!! HOLY ~HIT! People in the crowd bought the move instantly and that only cemented Meng's decision. Those two will cause some havoc, I guarantee it! Raven poses in front of Meng and people...</p><p> </p><p> Bret Hart and Ric Flair sit in the nWo locker room without dropping a word. They are keeping themselves quiet after Shelley got caught spying, until Konnan comes in and starts running his mouth about how he teached that boy a lesson and how nobody messes with a gang! Bret calls Konnan over and whispers something in his ear. Thug looks around but can't hold the words inside in frustration, yelling at the corners of the room. Hitman has no other choice but to slap the guy in order to shut him up and leave with the title. After some time Flair checks if Hitman is standing behind the door, and after it appears to be false, drops a sound advice to K-Dawg. "Konnan, our guy is losing his mind, but unlike you he had it in the first place! Know your role, pal..." Konnan had enough as he approached "The Nature Boy" and put a hand to his throat. "Listen here, old man, I speak what I want, when i want and to who I want! You got me? Nobody shuts me up, perro!" Konnan drops Flair on the floor when Ric says in a calm tone "Hitman did shut you up, despite you being his lackey..." Konnan punches the wall in frustration, knowing damn well hitting Flair would be a big mistake. Instead he spits on the Naitch and adds that he wouldn't do what Ric wants, leaving.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/TMGj4Hv.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, <strong>Jushin Liger</strong> defeated <strong>CM Punk</strong> in 8:23 by pinfall with a Liger Bomb. <em>45/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> CM Punk gets up after being tested by a legend and stares at the iconic figure that is Jushin "Thunder" Liger. Former cruiserweight champion nods to Punk in approval and leaves, satisfied with the result of the bout. Punk follows to the backstage area when Awesome's theme music starts playing! Punk is in big trouble, but he decides to take on the opposition, not backing down. His shot doesn't affect Mike as he drops Punk on the ramp, then picks him up again and drops near the announce table. Heenan is legit concerned about Punk landing hard on the concrete, Awesome just sent Bret an unwelcome message, taking 10 years of Punker's career. Awesome raises his hands standing above the broken CM Punk...</p><p> </p><p> A video recap of Nitro's main event shows us Triple H giving the team of Steiner, Sid and Goldberg a DQ victory. Sledgehammer to the skull would be deadly to even a man Goldberg is, so in reality Hall, Nash and Triple H were the real winners. After that package Outsiders pop up making fun of Steiner who got punked by Hulkster, Goldberg who still believes he can be his former self and of course Sid Vicous, because it's Sid. But the message is not to them, it's about the duo of Buff Bagwell and Booker T, newly crowned WCW tag team champions! Hall says that they won't just let them enjoy their reign, instead they would cut it short next week, on Nitro. "That's right chico, we're throwing you a rematch challenge!" "And to make it interesting... let's actually give those boys a choice. Booker, we can leave you alone and well if Trish gives us a private dance. No need for a match then, something is better than gold, right? Think about it, suckaaaaaa!"</p><p> </p><p> Dustin Rhodes is waiting for Ric Flair in the ring. Dark entrance for a man with a broken heart, Dustin coudn't care less about showmanship at the minute, he just wants to get Flair faster! WOOOOOOO! Time for the dirtiest player in the game to step up, he looks good despite being choked and spitted on by Konnan. Ric acts as if nothing has happened and makes an epic slow entrance so Rhodes attack him before the bell even rings. Rhodes lariats Flair and punches him hard in the head, only to pick him up and throw him head first in the steel steps!! Ric starts bleeding from the forehead, even before the match begins! Naitch asks for mercy, backing off on his rear end, but then strikes with a low blow that crushes the dreams of artist formerly known as... Black Reign <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/p0p6qUK.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action and average heat, <strong>Ric Flair</strong> defeated <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> in 7:40 by pinfall with a Roll Up. <em>75/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After Ric put Dustin in the Figure 4 and Rhodes grabbed the bottom rope, David Flair run out with a crowbar (in hand) and passed it to his father! Ref grabbed the weapon from Flair's hands and threw it away, giving David an opportunity to eye poke Rhodes and for Ric to roll him up for the count of three. Flair asked for a mic after match and said he was proud of his boy, who unlike all the sons in the audience makes his father proud! Wow, that hurts... Ric gets the legs of Dustin up, and as David woos and bumps flat on his belly, strucks Daffney's ex in the bollocks. Sure, that's easier than locking a Figure 4, right? Ric must be so proud of his son diving head first in other's man nuts, he is! Father and son leave Dustin in agony.</p><p> </p><p> Goldberg is advertised to appear at the New Blood Rising pay-per-view. The question is, what the match for that man will be?? Everyone feels like Goldberg is ready to take back on Bret, but with Triple H and Outsiders being a road block the future is unclear. We go to Hulk's office now and he actually talks with Sid on the phone. We can hear that Hulkster sends Vicious much love, and from all the guys in the title hunt he favors "The Ruler of the World" the most. Bret Hart comes into office and says Hogan is a low-life that has nothing to do with deciding where the company should go. He's a world champion and his decision plays a major role in this company! Hogan says Bret moans too much, and that he wouldn't be a champion if Goldberg decided to break the Sharpshooter. Instead he speared Hulkster through the barricade and out of the title picture, and that's BS brother. He would put himself into a title match tonight against Hart, but he's sure Awesome will put the champion on the shelf and there would be no need for hassle, as Bret would vacate the belt due to retirement. Hart says Awesome is reckless and dangerous, but he's not the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be!! Hogan smirks, says he would gladly take the belt from Hart's cold hands after tonight's main event. Two drill each other with heavy looks and we are going on a break!</p><p> </p><p> After commercial break Jarrett brags about how easily he got under Benoit's skin, he drives that guy crazy! Everyone from Revolution heard about how aggressive Benoit was in his talk with Triad. "Gentlemen, I suppose that is not the best thing that could happen, Benoit is a dangerous guy on his regular day, let alone in a fight against a stable of world-class athletes!" - Regal says. Saturn says he will neutralize Chris in the beginning and then they would take Triad on piece by piece! Douglas likes the plan of Saturn, laughing and patting the cross-eyed machine on the back! "Let's get their poor Jersey asses FRANCHISED!!" Revolution vs. Jersey Triad and Benoit - next! </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/D6ejQnq.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action and average heat, <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong>,<strong> Chris Benoit</strong> and <strong>The Jersey Triad</strong> defeated <strong>The Revolution</strong> in 10:34 when Chris Benoit defeated Shane Douglas by pinfall with a Diving Headbutt. <em>74/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As Saturn promised he started the battle first and went toe to toe with Benoit for the start, not without a help of other members of course. Benoit wasn't exactly thrilled to tag other members in and got slapped by Bigelow for auto-sub. Bam Bam took on the Revolution and visually proved his presence still plays the part to Benoit. He got outworked in the middle of the match though and had to give Kanyon a run around! Dirty tricks were effective as Douglas whipped Kanyon with his chain, provoking DDP to start the brawl and chaos in the ring. Midst the things Benoit took out Saturn with a Suicide Dive, Bigelow smothered Jarrett across the corner, Regal knocked Kanyon out with a brass and DDP hit a Diamond Cutter on Douglas! Pin doesn't count as DDP is not a legal participant, and Benoit knowing that yells for Kanyon to wake up and finish the match with a Diving Heabutt on still unconscious Franchise!! Bigelow used his frame to block anybody from entering the ring, busting out a Moonsault to the outside!! He took it seriously today, and because of that Triad won! After the match Benoit said that's how you work - leave all you have in the ring, like there's no tomorrow!! Ref wanted to raise the hand of Benoit but Chris told ref to salute Bigelow instead. Bam Bam got his hands up and felt like a real winner. Benoit put some fire on his head, however it may sound.</p><p> </p><p> We have a vignette of Lex Luger fishing with a neckbrace on, enjoying his time out of the business. His neck is pretty damaged, so he can't exercise or do some physical activities as he used to do. He doesn't look to bothered though, it's calm and nice... Sting steps from the back and asks how's fishing going? To say the least Luger was surprised and did not what to do. "Don't be scared Lex, no Scorpion Death Drops today, I promise!" Luger is touched by that, nobody from nWo even bothered to ask if he was ok and ignored his absence. Sting listened to Luger's tirade about how Bret and boys left him knowing he won't be helpful. At the toughest minute they dumped him, and that's what they do when you're not helping them... "You Stinger have my respect forever for doing this. You did to me more than I ever could to you, and you don't expect anything in return.. that's who you are.. I hope you will get the title soon, Bret is the worst" Sting laughed and said in case he gets a big fish tonight he can bash it with the bat. </p><p> </p><p> - Get well, Lex. And enjoy these moments because the road is crazy..</p><p> - What are you gonna do now?</p><p> - Well, one thing's for sure - nothing is for sure. But believe me when I say it, Raven got himself a bigger piece than he can bite, I'm only getting started</p><p> </p><p> Main event is almost upon us! We are getting a word that some limo arrived on the parking lot and hardcore champion Ken Shamrock was in there. Now we switch to a hall where Triad bumps into... Roddy freaking Piper! Bigelow broke his ribs some time ago, but now Piper is back and smiling back at the beast. "Gentlemen, you did well out there tonight! So well that I feel that you earned yourself a shot at the tag titles in the future! Would it be nWo or Booker and Bagwell, you will compete, no doubt!" DDP asks Piper what's the trick? "Rowdy" scowls and asks DDP if being a single champion in the group satisfies his ego? In that case his goons also should have a chance, right? But either way DDP will be in action on Monday, defending his title. Shamrock gets in and asks if there's any problem? Piper says those guys will have some problems if they don't use their chances. But today they are free! "I'm in a good mood today, can't wait to show a birdie to Hogan!"</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/6siqDOT.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, <strong>Bret Hart</strong> defeated <strong>Mike Awesome</strong> in 15:13 by submission with a Sharpshooter. CM Punk and Hulk Hogan were involved in the finish. <strong>84/100</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This was everything we imagined it to be, ugly and dirty fight from Awesome that slowly took it's toll on Hitman's well being. Hogan and Heenan had some great exchanges on commentary, and overall main event was a great success! Finish came when Mr. Hart moved off the Awesome Splash landing place and locked a Sharpshooter on Mike! Hogan left his place, got the title in his hands and was ready to attack the current champion, but Piper's music stopped him. A huge argument broke out between the ref, Hogan and Piper! That kid CM Punk jumped the guardrail, visually messed up by the beating, crawled to the ring and tapped on the mat for Mike! Ref heard the sound, turned back and awarded a win to the Hitman, thinking Awesome has surrendered. Punk screwed Mike, CM was the one laughing at the end! This guy been here for less than a month but already gets himself involved in the main event! Awesome points finger at the crowd, promising to crush the kid! Piper has other idea! Roddy books a rematch between him and Steiner for US title, and this time there will be a winner! We end the show with Piper sticking a middle finger to the annoyed face of Hulk Hogan! Commissioner is back!!!</p><p> </p><p> Piper is not the only one who's back, I hope. Had a great time writing this, maybe that's more than just one and off. Let me know if that was a good show and if anyone would bother to read this again. Thanks for reading till this point, that was a long show!</p><p> </p><p> Final Rating: <strong><span style="color:YellowGreen">83</span></strong><strong>/100</strong></p><p> <em>Great quality for a B-show in real life, Awesome and Hart apparently have great chemistry... Punk over-used, but I knew that before pushing the green button! Booker T's contract is expiring and WWF is on him! I had to give him a very nice deal, hopefully we won't lose one half of our tag team champions. He's happy overall and has a great momentum, why would he go to the company that will pay him less and make him a total joke? We will see how smart Booker is!</em></p>
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<p>WCW Monday Nitro on TNT (Show #62)</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/AoyGxur.png</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Week 4, July 2000</em></p><p><em> Coleman Coliseum, South East (10,486)</em></p><p> </p><p> We open up this show with Roddy Piper already standing in the ring, smiling at the camera. "Hot Rod" says it's good to be back in the mix and throw orders around once again! Today he prepared a special show for real wrestling fans as the number one contendership will be decided between Sid Vicious and Goldberg! Fans are not so hot for this match, and Piper says that's what you get when you let Hogan run the show, firing shots at Sid and Bill. Only that guy could put a man who lost a pay-per-view bout in the direct battle for the title shot! On the other hand Goldberg has been on a roll and showed that in the War Games and Fatal 4-Way at Bash at the Beach! If there's a man that deserves a shot at the "Hitman".. it's him! </p><p> </p><p> Bret Hart interrupts Piper and gets in the ring visually annoyed that he has to defend his title against one of those reckless primates! Bret says that Piper throws him under the bus, disregarding his physical state and disrespecting his status... the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be! Piper recommends Hart to relax, as it could be worse! Hart asks how so? Piper rubs his chin and looks around... "What if you would be locked in a cage, isolated from any kind of interference and had to beat the crap out of your opponent in order to escape the cell and win the title?" Fans love that! Roddy makes a not out of that, while Bret is yelling of how stupid the fans are! "It looks like people love my idea, champ! You will defend your title in a steel cage at the New Blood Rises pay-per-view! And if you get your nose in the main event... it's going to be a triple threat!" Hart is livid, Piper enjoys himself as fans cheer his idea! Hart has no words, he puts a hand to his face and throws the baseball cap on the mats. Roddy pats Hart on the back... "Nothing personal, just business!"</p><p> </p><p> After the first commercial break we can see a door to Goldberg's locker room. Sid is making his steps in that direction... with some screeching sound accompanying him. Well, that's something else - Sid is dragging a guardrail behind him because he was handcuffed to it last Monday! People laugh at Sid, he dares them to try and laugh in his face! Goldberg comes out to Sid's yell and looks at him with his eyebrows frowned. Sid offers a handshake to Goldberg, saying "Let the best man win tonight!". Bill shakes it and the metal rail hits the floor couple of times. Vicious leaves confused Goldberg at the doorstep, good sportsmanship from the "Ruler Of The World"! One of those men will fight Bret Hart in 3 weeks! It's time for our opening contest of the night! La Parka and Kaz Hayashi go against Chris Candido and Dean Malenko!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/TQzXIfe.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, <strong>Dean Malenko</strong> and <strong>Chris Candido</strong> defeated <strong>Bony Ninjas</strong> in 6:06 when Dean Malenko defeated La Parka by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf. <em>60/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After the match a cameraman catches the eastern guests in the first row. Koji Kanemoto and Minoru Tanaka seemed to enjoy the match and by the looks of it rooted for Kaz Hayashi! It won't be a surprise if we see Malenko and Candido challenging the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions next week. Meanwhile CM Punk is sitting backstage, in the lotus pose. Berlyn and his goons in Wilhelm and Jacob approach the straight-edge man and offer him protection from Mike Awesome for one little favor. Hertha steps in and says that Punk should help Berlyn defeat Rey Mysterio tonight, just like he helped Bret Hart last Thursday. Punk looks at them and says a plain "no", he doesn't need any help and he is not to be involved in backstage politics. Berlyn is surprised by that decision, as two giants crack their fists. He stops them from beating the new kid. Hertha says Punk still has time to agree, and if he doesn't accept their offer... Mike Awesome would feel like a vacation compared to the German Club.</p><p> </p><p> Scott Steiner enters the arena and looks for Hulk Hogan! Big Poppa Pump didn't like his stay in the police department and now looks for revenge. Bad news for US champion - he gets in Piper first. </p><p> </p><p> - Steiner, how does it feel to be free?</p><p> - What do you mean how does it feel!?? It feels better than being inside Hulk Hogan's daughter, you skirt-wearing bastard! Where is he?</p><p> - Scotty, shut your dirty mouth right now! </p><p> - Or what?? I will break you in half, crashing every bone in your whimpy old body!</p><p> - That's how you thank me for bailing you out? And giving you a match with Awesome at the pay-per-view?</p><p> - What are you talking about, grand dad? I thought I was released after Bossman asked for me!</p><p> - Bossman? Ray freakin' Taylor? Steiner, you are a majestic dumbass..</p><p> - I left him a message on the phone, Piper, he did that, not you! </p><p> - Ray is not a real policeman, do you know that? It would be same as saying that Hogan is a real american...</p><p> - Hulk Hogan is a bitch of mine, I'm twice more american than him, I'm the US champ RODDY!</p><p> - About that, at New Blood Rises you will defend your title against Mike Awesome in the Iron Man Table match!</p><p> - I say STUPID! What kind of match is that? </p><p> - The man who breaks more tables with his opponents over 20 minutes wins. There WILL be a winner. And so you would be prepared for that, you go against Bill DeMott tonight. Hogan is not here tonight, hiding probably. Talk is over.</p><p> - Hugh G Rection has more balls than Hulk Hogan! I knew it!!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/2mIfk4Z.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> defeated <strong>Berlyn</strong> in 8:07 by pinfall with a Springboard Huracarrana. <em>62/100</em></div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> Rey Misterio has to thank Lita for taking Hertha down, otherwise he could lose this match and be down in the cruiserweight rankings. He is one step closer to Kidman, Rey Rey calls Billy out but nobody appears. Eddie asks for a mic and says Kidman is not the only guy who is avoiding a real fight, ese. "I know who had the access to my trophy room, I know who stole my mask.. Black Tiger, vato, I know who you are. You are a spoiled brat that lacks cojones to show his real face to the familia!! Do me a favor, carnal, get your culo in here and look me in the eyes like a Guerrero!!" Nobody answers, just like with Rey. Jimmy Hart sticks his nose in the problem, has an idea how to solve it! How about a Parejas Increibles match? Rey and Kidman against Eddie and Black Tiger. The person who will score a pinfall will decide what kind of match he will face his rival in! For example if Eddie beats Kidman he can challenge Black Tiger to a mask match, and if Rey beats Tiger - he will get his fair shot at the title! Kidman says he likes the idea but it's going to be different. If Tiger beats Rey he will force Eddie to say he's not a Guerrero, and if Kidman wins - he will not be obliged to defend his title against Misterio at the upcoming pay-per-view. Basic tags are not required - if one leaves the ring for some reason other can step up. Eddie and Rey agree to that, but would Piper even bother to understand the tricky concept? Not one of the contestants would like to miss the opportunity to get what they want! That would be a firecracker of a match!</p><p> </p><p> Konnan is hanging out near the Outsiders, far from Ric Flair. The conflict between them is just waiting to reignite, but K-Dawg smartly avoids it so far, joking about the idea of Trish Stratus dancing on the laps of Hall and Nash! Kev says he would actually lose his shit if Booker would accept their offer and give away his girlfriend just to avoid the title defence! Hall says it's possible, that guy sold his brother out for a title shot. He has no values, chico! What a mess of a man Booker is... "Should we worry about Bagwell?" - Konnan asks, but gets a laughter as an answer. "Buff would probably offer us his mom if we were interested, no way he will make Booker do a noble thing. That guy is a man whore, I bet he will like the show tonight!" Flair comes up and says he had bazillion of women in his life and he trades them like gloves, they come and they go... "Pro wrestling gold is bread and butter in our business, I expect him to get his priorities right, gentlemen!" Konnan smirks and says Flair had more world titles than women, didn't he? Flair gets all fired up so Hall and Nash have to stop them from a fight! Big Sexy hardly keeps his smile, but manages to calm both guys down. Flair says that a man with a lollipop of a manhood should be quiet, because Space Mountain is ready to go RIGHT NOW!! WOOOO! Now Konnan is jumping on Naitch and Outsiders don't bother to do anything about it because they are holding on to their bellies from hilarity! Konnan punches Flair in the face and busts Ric open, only then nWo originals get them to opposite corners of the room. Hart stands on the doorstep and yells at the squad for being so immature! Triple H who got in the room just now checks on Flair and verbally offenses Konnan! What a mess! </p><p> </p><p> Disco Inferno comes to the ring and says his dancing partner was brutally assaulted by Raven and Meng last week, and he wants to take justice in his hands, calling Raven out! Raven gets up from his place, followed by Meng. He calls Disco a clueless buffoon, accepts the challenge for a match... under his own rules! Meng kicks Disco in the back of the head, bell rings, Raven catches the guy into an Evenflow DDT! Disco is done, he is out cold. Raven tells ref to raise his hand, while Meng picks up Disco for the Tombstone Piledriver! Ernest Miller cripples out and asks Meng and Raven for mercy, sticks his head in the ring while getting up but is stuck on the ropes... Hanging Evenflow DDT and Piledriver at the same time! People enjoy the ruthless duo and their hunger for violence! Meng drags Cat on top of Disco and splashes on them, totally putting the final exclamation mark in a message to WCW. Raven poses and they go away...</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/6TaIMXn.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In an extremely short match, <strong>Raven</strong> defeated <strong>Disco Inferno</strong> by pinfall with an Evenflow DDT. <em>64/100</em></div></blockquote><p> A shadow in the rafters goes away, was that Sting? Who was it? It can't be Sting because Raven burned him! Whoever it may be, he just left... Intere<em>sting</em> indeed.</p><p> </p><p> Bill DeMott asks why is he fighting Scott Steiner tonight? Piper hears him talking and says it's a loyalty bonus! Bill doesn't get it, how is that match can be viewed as any kind of reward? It's a punishment more than anything! Piper laughs and says it is in case DeMott loses. But if he wins - he takes US belt home with him! Bill says he had no idea it was for the title, and Roddy says Steiner doesn't have any clue either! "Hot Rod" wants Bill to surprise everyone with his ability tonight, and check if Scott Steiner is as legit as he thinks he is! Challenger says he won't disappoint the boss and leaves. Piper changes his face expression in a blink of an eye as Demott goes and mumbles under his nose about lousy cowards! In his time he was hungry for a fight with no titles in it, he blames new generation for being so spoiled! IRS nods in agreement, when Booker T, Buff and Trish come in. Booker is glad to see "Hot Rod" back, but he has a lot of things he wants to clear up about the potential title defence tonight! First of all why is Jersey Triad gets a shot at them? Isn’t Piper on their side? What’s the matter? Piper says he is on the side of those who listen to him. "You have an advantage over Triad, you’re team A and they are team B. But it can change if you do wrong tonight, about the Outsider’s challenge… You stick with me you have nothing to worry about!" Trish and Buff both quietly ask Booker to accept Outsider's offer so they would be free from them! Booker says "tell me I didn't just hear that!" to both of them, Piper says Hall and Nash have unique contracts that basically give them freedom with their choices. Booker says he wants same contract and Piper agrees to get the same for Booker, only if he listens to him. "Booker, you accept the offer of theirs and don't risk to lose titles in one week. If they win... God knows what they will do with them! I don't want anything bad to happen with those championships. Keep them safe and I will get you covered! Even more, I will reward everyone of you! I can make a lot of things happen... just for demonstration, your bodyguard Big T can take on DDP tonight, TV title on the line. You make a mistake - I won't give you any rematch or title opportunity in the future. Got me?" Trish asks Booker to save the titles, Buff falls on his knees and asks for that too. Three against one, Booker thinks for a bit...</p><p> </p><p> - Allright Piper, I accept if I get a bigger pay than them!</p><p> - Tell me you didn't just say that... Booker, you are playing with fire! I could throw you away right now and WWF would pick you up for a laughable basic wage. Much less than you are getting now. Plus your boss would be a petty maniac that would keep you down at all costs. </p><p> - Honey, I won't go to that man's company, he has a daughter that will rule the company in 10 years and I don't think she's a big fan of competition like me! </p><p> - And what about me, bro? I don't want to go there too, can you imagine how that locker room would greet us? Let's stay man, one at a time!</p><p> - Booker, it's all about right career decisions. Think about it carefully, and I mean it. Now get the hell out of my office, you lot! I had enough of negotiations for today.</p><p> </p><p> Booker, Trish and Buff leave the office, passing Ms. Hancock by. What will Booker choose? Dignity and honor or career, money and happy people around him? Stay with us to find out... Steiner vs. Demott is next.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/ucyaDKL.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action and average heat, <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> defeated <strong>Bill DeMott</strong> in 6:53 by submission. Scott Steiner makes defence number 4 of his WCW United States title. <em>73/100</em></div></blockquote><p> That was a surprise. For Scott Steiner more than anybody, who found out that he had to defend title in that match. Big Poppa Pump started yelling at the ref for that and Bill attacked Steiner from the back! Ref didn't like to be bullied by US champ and tried to fast count him, but he made it worse for himself. Luckily Demott was all business and kept Steiner busy all the time. It all came to a finish after Bill missed his sweet moonsault and got trapped in a Steiner Recliner. Ref pretended to not hear DeMott's cry of pain, but he couldn't ignore him tapping and quickly called for a bell. He decided to suck up to Steiner by presenting the winner with a belt, but got flattened by a Steiner Line!! Champ stomped a mudhole in the ref and left him without senses. But he wasn't done there, he put the striped man on the table from under the ring and powerbombed DeMott on top of him. Brutal showing by "Genetic Freak", he sent Awesome and Hogan a loud message, but he could also be in trouble for attacking the official!</p><p> </p><p> Benoit is sitting on the chair in front of Roddy Piper, who feeds him an idea of tagging with Dustin Rhodes for a while. Chris wants none of it, he would only listen for tag opportunity with Eddie, but since they have their careers in different phases it's impossible. Piper says he admires that Benoit pushed Triad to the limit that time, and he wants him to do the same for Rhodes. Crippler say he can't babysit everyone in the locker room, he has unfinished business with both Flair and Jeff Jarrett! Piper thinks about it for a moment and says we can have a compromise... "You and Rhodes against Jarrett and Flair, tonight! If you win, you could go for titles before Triad" Benoit takes a second and says he accepts not because he wants a shot, but because that will give him an opportunity to punish both of his rivals. Piper shakes Benoit's hand, with Dustin already standing behind the door. It's not like Benoit had a choice... Chris looks at Roddy who prefers to look other side and asks if Rhodes knew? "No Chris, I thought she loved me, but in the end we all know she wanted to be with David.." Wolverine scratches his head and just goes away. "Why he has to be so rude to me, Roddy?" - Dustin asks, but Piper gets a call, so Rhodes is left all alone in the room. We can hear that Piper orders to find Jarrett and Flair and get them in the ring, fast! Time for a break.</p><p> </p><p> We're back! Benoit and Rhodes are standing in the ring, ready for an impromptu match. Jarrett's music hits first and he is supervised to the ring by Shane Douglas. Franchise is invited to do color commentary, Shane doesn't mind as he got hit by a Diving Headbutt last time and wants none of it today. He tells Jeff to go and make Revolution proud! Jarrett's pissed off but ready! Flair is out next and he is coming out with Triple H! Douglas yells from the top of his lungs that Flair is a bastard... Entrance cut short by Sid, who still has a guardrail cuffed to his hand! He uses it as a battering ram to take out The Game and force Flair in the ring. Douglas enjoys every second of it, as Benoit catches the running Flair by the waist and floors him with a german suplex to kick off! Trips is back to feet, Konnan distracts Sid for a double attack until Goldberg comes out. What a mess, Benoit gives people 5 suplexes in a row and we go for a break so you would not see an ugly brawl between nWo members and our main event participants.</p><p> </p><p> Goldberg and Sid, HHH and Konnan got backstage. Vicious got his arm free at last, Arn Anderson cut the cuffs and told how stupid Sid is while Benoit kicked all sorts of ass in the ring. Dustin sits deep in thought on the steps, he couldn't care less about the match. Jarrett starts arguing with the fans, after a while Flair is sent back first in the turnbuckles, he falls over them and crushes. Benoit chops Jeff who is closer to him now and throws the guy in the ring! Now Jeff gets a beating... Ref says Jarrett is not legal and takes Jeff to the corner. Ric low blows Benoit behind the backs and struts in joy. Jarrett yells that's not how it's done, slapnuts, so Flair chops Jeff and leaves the ring. Tag made, Jeff is legal. Dustin all of a sudden explodes and hits Flair hard! Franchise is impressed! Jarrett and Benoit go for some time until Chris reverses the Stroke into Crossface! Ref is busy with Rhodes and Flair, so Douglas sneaks in and knocks Benoit with a Pittsburg Plunge! Guitar SHOT to the mix, Chris is out cold. Benoit is pinned, rough night for him. Jarrett celebrates like he won a Super Bowl!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/d8yJBlu.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that featured great action and average heat, <strong>Ric Flair</strong> and <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> defeated <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> and <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> in 10:07 when Jeff Jarrett defeated Chris Benoit by pinfall with a Guitar Shot. <em>80/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Page finds out he is about to go defend his title against Big T after commercial break. He questions road agents if that's a joke, but they say it's all confirmed. Hennig is also infuriated that some slob gets his match on TV and we see both DDP and Hennig arguing with backstage people about same thing!</p><p> </p><p> - You know DDP, I am worried about you. Worried about the title that is on your shoulder.. what if Big T beats you and gets this shiny belt on his fat belly? </p><p> - Don't worry Curt, that's not happening.</p><p> - I like your confidence, but you are far from perfect.. far from my level, Page. I have more talent in my nostril then you have in all of your body! I deserve to be a champion, not you and definitely not that sad fa**ot Kanyon!</p><p> - Watch you mouth, Hennig! You ever talk about my friend like that and you will feel the bang! </p><p> - Oh God, you are same as him. Friend, bang.. I guess Kimberly doesn't cut it for you, huh? Why don't she be with a real man like me?</p><p> - It's all about your breath, what did you drink? Uh, don't say it, I know... that was Bam Bam's piss and you're welcome!</p><p> - So that was one of you!! I knew it!</p><p> </p><p> Hennig throws a haymaker at DDP, who answers with the same! Somebody has to set them apart or that will end up badly! Jersey Triad is here to help DDP, Bigelow grabs Hennig by the neck and Kanyon tries to calm DDP down. Piper roars for Bigelow to cut it, and the beast slowly puts his hands away. Hennig grasps his throat and says Bigelow almost killed him! Piper says he knows about it, and he is sick of it too. He gave Triad another chance and they blew it... Bigelow did. He's a walking mistake, a disaster! Bigelow yells if Piper wants to fire him then he better do it faster, or he will break "Hot Rod's" spine this time! Piper steps off and says if he does that, he will deal with Shamrock! </p><p> </p><p> - I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOUR SHAMROCK!!</p><p> - Meet him on Thursday then, show everyone how badass are you!</p><p> - NO PROBLEM!</p><p> </p><p> Kanyon offers Bam Bam to cool down and leave it. Piper bans both of them from the ringside, Hennig is offered to take Bigelow's pay for today and DDP is ordered to get his ass in the ring!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/8bvGNyJ.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> defeated <strong>Big T</strong> in 5:08 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number 4 of his WCW World Television title. <em>76/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Big T used his size and power to deal with DDP but got slower with every minute and was caught with a Diamond Cutter. Counter attack from champ put the dominant force to sleep, but it was far from over! Booker and Buff got in the ring and attacked TV champion two on one! Trish was loud with her instructions as Booker struck the leader of the Triad with a Scissors Kick! Buff stomped Page until Hall and Nash came out, making an unintentional save. Nash asked Buff to leave DDP alone.. "Bagwell, don't be an idiot, Kimberly is alone at the back and is waiting for you, don't miss your chance!" Buff licks his lips and is ready to go but Booker stops him! "Dawg, it's a trap!! They are trying to bait you man, stay here!" Hall winks at Trish who then imitates how sick she is of Scott. Bad Guy asks if Booker made a decision regarding his little girl friend and tag titles.. World wants to know, mang! What these people will see? Outsiders kicking ass or Trish showing that? Booker looks assertive to say bring it, but Trish gets the mic first and says how sick she is of men who can only get women by being slimy, sneaky and calculating! "I love Booker and I will do it for him! Get up here and let's get over with it!" Booker is shocked, Outsiders like the mood of Stratus. We go to commercial break here, stay with us.</p><p> </p><p> Big T had to go away on Hall's command, DDP picked himself up and yelled that Booker is a scum! Scott gets a chair and puts it in the middle of the ring. "Yo, no touching!" - Booker says as Nash sits in the chair ready for a dance.. Nash gets a bandana from his pocket and throws it to Buff. "That's from Konnan, he looks out for you!" Buff wants to put it on Booker's eyes, but T throws it back and pops his eyes out of the orbits! Bagwell says Booker better not look, so he proceeds to persuade his friend and wear it. He can't see, Buff stands there and looks on as Trish shakes her bumper in front of Big Sexy. Booker asks how bad is it, Buff says it's not that bad but Booker better not see this. Bagwell holds Booker like that, Nash had fun and it's now Hall's turn. Scott is less of a gentleman, he talks dirty to Trish while she's dancing in front of him. In the end he picks out his toothpick and pokes the butt of a woman with it! "Oh snap, he poked her in the butt!" - Buff exclaims, Booker throws bandana away, thinking it got that much worse. Trish slaps Scott and he grabs her by the arm!! Booker slides in the ring for a save but eats a Big Boot from Nash! Buff doesn't try to be a hero and asks Outsiders to stop.. Hall throws Trish into Kevin's hands and clubs Booker with his arm, picks him up for the Outsider's Edge and throws the man on Buff to the outside!! Trish scratches and claws but gets in the powerbomb position... JACKNIFE! Nash puts Trish out and smiles about it, that's his revenge for sand in the eyes! Hall says it's good to be bad and they leave. Hall asks if they should get the titles too, but Nash says "nah, we are not that bad" and goes away. Hall poses on the ramp to end this, Buffy T squad is laid out for good. Instant karma?</p><p> </p><p> Steiner took out the ref for our main event, we don't know who will be involved in counting there. Backstage Bret is unhappy with Triple H. He tells the Game that he expected more from him, regarding his brawl with Sid. Cerebral Assassin says that will gladly look on how "The Excellence of Execution" will cope with that maniac in a cage match. Bret puts his glasses off and says he will find a way, he always does. That's why he is a world champion for so long... Bret turns on Flair too, for not being the one who beat Benoit! Flair says it won't happen again while looking at Triple H who is mad. Hall and Nash are all smiles and jokes. They say that they will do better next time, so don't be so harsh, Bret. Flair says it's time for some wild time, wooooooo, boys are going out! Konnan not invited, of course. HHH says he has a wife now, so he will stay. Outsiders and Flair leave, almost time for our main event... Okerlund is with Sid, he asks Vicious about the handcuffs and barricades, his big main event tonight and how his career changed since Triple H has arrived. Sid yells about being ready for a fair fight against Goldberg, if he gets in the cage with Hart he will destroy The Hitman and with that he will also destroy nWo, as Bret is a corner stone of that group. Sid says that Triple H thinks he's a bigger deal than he is for real! Sid wants to win the title and use it to ask for a rematch with "The Game"! "It's not over, big nose! AHAHAHA!"</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/XPASRqw.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, <strong>Sid Vicious</strong> defeated <strong>Goldberg</strong> in 9:44 by pinfall. During the match we also saw Mike Awesome and Hulk Hogan trying to distract Goldberg and Scott Steiner becoming the official. <em>64/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Goldberg was charging for a Spear but Hogan's music hit and Awesome jumped the rails. Sid stopped Mike from interfering, he wanted it to be fair! Hogan talked trash to "The Man" and got kicked for his trouble! Steiner joined the mayhem and smacked Mike with a lead pipe! Special enforcer Scott Steiner made his job perfectly!! Big Poppa Pump then got in the ring and forced ref to give him his shirt. Freakzilla called for a no bullshit restart, where Sid shocked the world being a better man. The biggest win in Sid's career came after a Big Boot that blocked the Spear... we have a new number one contender. Triple H wishes Hart luck in beating Sid, because that would be wrong if the leader of the group lost to a man who got beat by The Game... Steiner raises Sid's hand in victory, Goldberg shakes it after a while, clearly unhappy with the result. Sid asks people "who's the man?" and we go off air.</p><p> </p><p> Final Rating: <strong><strong><span style="color:Green">74</span></strong></strong><strong>/100</strong> (6.13 on TNT)</p><p> Main event wasn't great, but I'm willing to make a step back in order to make two forward. Feel free to leave your thoughts, were you surprised about the result of the main event? Cheers, hope you enjoyed!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beejus" data-cite="Beejus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I didn't even know you were still keeping this up, Blody! Good stuff for your comeback shows, Sid carrying around a piece of guardrail was really funny.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh, just starting again. Want to finish what was started, will write at least till Starrcade ideally =)</p>
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<p>WCW Thursday Thunder on TBS (Show #63)</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/ntJKTBc.png</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Week 4, July 2000</em></p><p><em> Gallaher-Iba Arena, Mid South (11,284)</em></p><p> </p><p> Bret Hart music hits and he enters the ring, asking for a mic. Hitman says that ordinary people try to put him down, because he's a genius. He is a level above everyone else, so a limited crowd such as this one and all everybody on the roster feels the need to try and screw him over, just so they could feel better about their pathetic lives. "Even in my most miserable moment my life is better than yours! I am the world heavyweight champion, a face of the company, the best wrestler to ever grace this GOD damn ring! I carry this company on my back and this title proves that I do it better than anyone else! I don't have to prove anything to anyone, because I am the most decorated star in this business! Piper matches me with an average idiot without any sort of talent, just like all of you, losers! And what's worse, Piper gives out privileges to the challenger! Not to the champion who makes all the dirty hard work, but to a man who drags a guardrail from one arena to another!! Who in the right mind would say that Sid is better than me?? Who in the right mind would give him a number one contendership match?? Piper, you made a big mistake. That's what people like you do, make mistakes so people like me would fix them! This title is not going anywhere, Sid. Even if you give your 100% in this ring, that still would not be enough to put me down. I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there will be, and at New Blood Rises I will show you just how big the gap between me and the rest of the world is!"</p><p> </p><p> Raven comes out with Meng - his freshly recruited goon. Raven claims that he agrees with every word said by Bret, and as a genius himself he can relate to "Hitman"! People will try and screw you over, but that's not hard to deal with when you're that much smarter. Raven gets in the ring and says he feels sorry for Hart, he really does. Not only he has to deal with Sid in a cage, but he also needs to drag a group behind him. Raven says he used to carry dead weight in the past, but he learned his lesson and now he's better than ever. He came out here not only to make Bret feel better, he came down to remind Bret about a fatal 4-way match at the last pay-per-view. Raven gifted Bret that victory burning Sting's face.. and he wants his reward. He managed to get rid of Sting, when Bret and his squad failed to do just that. Raven says he is a true number one contender, and after he puts Sid where he belongs... it will be Raven and Hart, one on one for the world heavyweight title! Raven and Hart stare each other down!! Number one contender emerges on the stage! Sid is sick of all the talking, he wants to shut them both up! Raven says that Sid is short on people, pointing at Meng. Vicious tells the trio he got some back up with him, and they can't wait to join! Bret says Vicious has nobody and that's just a bluff. Oh yeah? Goldberg comes out to a huge pop, making Hart regret his words. Raven says Sid has math problems, it's two on three. Meng and Hart leave the ring, ready for an attack. Sid smirks and points at the rafters! STING IS BACK! He lands in the middle of the ring in a mask, it covers his face. That doesn't help Raven though, as he goes down after a Scorpion Death Drop! Sid and Goldberg tackle Hart and Meng respectively, and the brawl is stopped by Piper. Roddy says there's time and place for everything, so on Monday we will see Goldberg and Sting against Raven and Meng! Sid and Hart will square off as planned in the main event of New Blood Rising. Goldberg, Sting and Sid leave the villains on the floor. Hart yells about disrespect and disgrace...</p><p> </p><p> First match on the card of tonight's show is a mix of cruiserweights. Kidman, Juice and Vampiro go against CM Punk, Essa Rios and Eddie Guerrero! In a pre-taped promo CM Punk says he's grateful to share the same ring with Eddie Guerrero tonight, totally dismissing Essa Rios. Young man corrects himself and says he admires Eddie as a fighter, but he's not so keen on the personality of "Latino Heat", as it's opposing to his lifestyle. Punk says he is sick of all the drug abuse by Kidman and his friends and he feels like he has to take responsibility in his hands. He can't stand that champion blatantly downgrades the title with his behavior and he has no sympathy to weak people like Vampiro or Juventud. He agreed to help Eddie tonight because he believes he can do better, plus he lives wrestling, it's in his blood. Eddie took the match so he could be sure Black Tiger wouldn't be involved, plus he wants to beat the sense in the brain of a champion. Essa and Lita have a grudge with Juice and Vampiro, Rios is yet to get one back on the junkies... Vamp and Juvi let Kidman do the talking, but Billy preferred to insult his girlfriend Torrie Wilson for ignoring his phone calls and not answering his messages. Also told Torrie's parents to stay out of their relationship and stop brainwashing their daughter about how bad he is. Last but not least... Rey Mysterio won't get what he wants, instead Kidman will put him in his place at New Blood Rises. Match starts in about a minute!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/dDWRKEz.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, <strong>Essa Rios</strong>, <strong>CM Punk</strong> and <strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong> defeated <strong>Kidman</strong>, <strong>Juventud Guerrera</strong> and <strong>Vampiro</strong> in 8:38 by DQ when German Club attacked Rios and Guerrero. <em>61/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> German Club attacks Eddie and Rios, throwing the match away with stereo chokeslams. Punk is trapped between Berlyn's company and his three opponents. He gets in the face of Berlyn, but then goes for Kidman! Wilhelm and Jacob help Punker as he swerves the fans. Hertha grabs Lita by the hair and throws her in the ring. Berlyn is about to hit her, but Punk stops the leader... and roundhouse kicks her!! Fans are booing Punk, who is going places in WCW so far. Punk hits his pose, he has joined the darker side. He needed some protection and now he got one.</p><p> </p><p> A replay of the "private dance" rolls in, where Trish aroused Hall and Nash to save the titles on Booker T and Buff Bagwell. He got attacked by "The Bad Guy" in the end, and so was Booker. Tonight Buff Bagwell goes against Kanyon in what could be a preview of a New Blood Rises match-up. Ex-hardcore champion Bam Bam Bigelow meets the current title holder Ken Shamrock plus Road Warriors will try and beat Revolution again, now in face of Perry Saturn and Steven Regal. About Road Warriors, they have arrived! Two big noisy motorcycles put the locker room on notice that the hard men are ready to kick some ass! Kronik team of Clarke and Adams gets into an argument with Mamalukes, who are unhappy about the new group taking their job of protecting people for cash. Two guys say if Piper has a problem with them - he just needs to pay more! Johnny The Bull wasn't in the mood for talking and started a brawl with them, getting the save not from Vito but Roddy Piper. Commissioner told lads that fights are great, but if they really want to go for it.. why not make some money out of it? Two teams are booked in a match for Nitro, Piper expects italians to prove they are getting their cut for a reason.</p><p> </p><p> Buff mocks Kanyon for not being into women. Bagwell has a theory that Kanyon became gay because he's just ugly and can't get girls! But you know who gets a lot of girls? It's Buff Daddy! He's Buff, he's the stuff and ladies can't get enough, ahahah! When Okerlund asks Bagwell about Trish Stratus and Booker T he just says that he and Booker are still tag team champions, no matter what happened on Monday! Gene tells Buff he's an excuse for a man and sends Bagwell to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/BPpkKGT.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action and average heat, <strong>Buff Bagwell</strong> defeated <strong>Kanyon</strong> in 8:21 by pinfall with a Buff Blockbuster. <em>69/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This was a fairly open fight where Kanyon was very close to getting the three count, but was unlucky to be distracted by Big T for a moment. Blockbuster put the end to this match, Buff <em>did</em> break the sweat and surely was challenged by a good opponent who could get another result on the other day. Buff sticked the tag title in his trousers and let the ladies rub it, also adding that Kanyon wouldn't do such a favor to women in attendance! Bam Bam Bigelow helped his tag team partner to his feet and verbally let Big T now they have a problem! But a bigger problem for "The Beast From The East" will be meeting Ken Shamrock - tonight! The MMA legend warms up and looks in great condition to retain his undefeated streak. </p><p> </p><p> Regal talks about the match against Road Warriors that will happen after a commercial break. Steven says Hawk and Animal are far from gentlemen, because stealing a lady of one's man is a deed of a scum! Aristocrat feels for Chris Candido and also puts the shame on Sunny for being so unloyal to the sunshine Chris is. Regal invites Saturn to the camera, hyping Perry's ability and telling that although his style of wrestling is odd to Warriors, he has a tag partner that can take a bullet for him and is dangerous in so many ways! Regal and Saturn will compliment each other in the ring and use a carefully developed strategy to be a better team tonight! Saturn says he's ready and looks one eye at a camera, other one in the sky! Shane Douglas steps in for his tag team, wants to show the world how great last Nitro was!</p><p> </p><p> Franchise rewinds the moments when Sid attacked *ick Flair with a guardrail, then turns to a camera and says that Flair can go to hell! When asked about his opponent for tonight, Douglas admits that he and Konnan have something in common... they both hate RIC FLAIR, ahaha! But that's not about it, Franchise also was impressed with Dustin Rhodes last time, he sees potential in that guy and he wants Rhodes to join the Revolution! The way that guy clocked Flair in the kisser really impressed Douglas, and he wouldn't mind seeing the son of Dusty Rhodes in his army! </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/voNvxmB.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Road Warriors</strong> defeated <strong>Perry Saturn</strong> and <strong>Steven Regal</strong> in 6:47 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Steven Regal by pinfall with a Doomsday Device. <em>58/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Solid showing from the Road Warriors who are looking as dangerous as in their prime! Sunny probably helps them in some way, God knows how far they can go. After a match the original diva tells WCW to be ready, as they are here not to waste any time. Ex-tag team champions in Regal and Saturn fell quick prey to Hawk and Animal, and if there's someone brave enough to stop them from challenging for tag titles, they should let the world know about themselves right now! A man with a broken heart answered the challenge... Dustin Rhodes said that he feels for Chris Candido who is suffering backstage seeing his lady with other men, and Dustin can relate! Rhodes also says that he supports the idea of Shane Douglas, he's right. Time of the Road Warriors is well over, it's time for young wolves to unite and take this company to the levels it never seen before! Rhodes says he didn't have to think for long about the offer, he is tired of all the bullcrap that wasted his career and he puts an end to it right now! Saturn and Regal attack Warriors from behind and with Rhodes stepping in it's three on two. It takes them some time to take down the winners, but in the end Rings of Saturn and a Regal Stretch leave Hawk and Animal sore! New member of The Revolution could make waves in the ocean of big fish... Revolution tell Sunny to go with them and she's not all against it. </p><p> </p><p> Triple H tells Hart that Konnan should leave the group as soon as possible. He adds that Ric Flair is twenty time the asset K-Dawg is, and he doesn't like Konnan if not more. Bret stays loyal to Konnan and says they should be professional and work as a team even if the hatred is present. Triple H says he's disappointed with that response, but Hart says "The Game" is not the man that has a status to be disappointed in someone. In fact "Hitman" himself will feel that way if HHH fails to beat Mike Awesome tonight! "Prove me how good you are, Hunter! I beat Awesome and if you think you're at the same level as me you should do same. Impress me!" HHH abruptly says he will beat Mike faster than Bret, because he's that damn good! Trips glances at the big gold belt Bret has on his shoulder and throws his hair back. </p><p> </p><p> Hogan tells Booker he shouldn't have listened to Piper and put the titles on the line. Hulkster also heard that Booker looks for a better deal and he can give him advice just to get that, brother! Booker asks why is Hogan on his side all of a sudden, and gets an answer immediately. Hulkster and Booker have a common enemy in nWo, and Hogan knows that Booker wants to get the last word in that rivalry. It's true, but Booker mentions Mike Awesome as a viable tag team partner. Hulk says that he has to focus on Steiner to get the US title off the freak, and while Bagwell is busy, they could form a one night only alliance! Trish says it would be an honor for her to manage such a star in Hulk Hogan, and that Booker is very grateful for that opportunity. Hogan then says he got the contracts for Outsiders back in the day, and he knows what buttons to push to get that again, dude. Piper doesn't pay Booker - Turner does, and that's who they should negotiate with. Booker agrees with that, fair enough. Hulk adds that Piper needs Buff and Booker more than they need him, but he can keep his mouth shut so they wouldn't get on Roddy's bad side.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/FtlSVFm.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action and average heat, <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> defeated <strong>Konnan</strong> in 7:28 by pinfall with a Franchiser after a run in by Lance Storm. <em>64/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> An average performance by K-Dawg who got his shoulders pinned but looked fairly fresh by the end of the match. Big steal for "Franchise" who is celebrating with Lance Storm like they won a Superbowl! Konnan wants Storm to know that Canada sucks, and Lance is triggered! Douglas holds his stablemate and says that Mexico kisses the A of US... with Canada being on top of this stinking country! Fans boo the man from Pittsburg, he is not a patriot it seems. Douglas adds that with Dustin Rhodes joining, they will make an impact, you just wait! Konnan wants to face one of them next week, it's time to show who's a real boss in this yard! "NWO 4 LIFE" from Konnan is met with mixed emotions, Ric Flair is shaking his head watching it on the monitor. Flair says Konnan is not good enough to represent the black and white faction, but "Hitman" sits on the fence. He probably agrees that Konnan is not up to standart of the other stars, but he appreciates the loyalty of the "Latin Fury"... Flair says that a man who is a blueprint of an ass-kicker is Triple H, and that guy is the future if not the present of this business. Hart tells he's sick of Triple H already, he doesn't see a thing in a guy. Flair tells Hart to trust him... Triple H is a big card in their sleeve! </p><p> </p><p> - Bret, I am a King of Diamonds.. Hunter is a King of Spades... You are the King of Hearts! Together we will put everyone on the knees, we would be the wrestling loyalty, woooooo!</p><p> - King of Hearts is Owen, Ric... and I'm not a king. I am an Ace. </p><p> </p><p> Bret leaves, he was visibly touched by the Owen memory. Flair realizes he made a mistake and drops the deck of cards on the floor. </p><p> </p><p> - Well Ric, you surely have to watch your mouth next time...</p><p> - Who is this!??</p><p> </p><p> Sting is taking off his mask, revealing a burn Raven gave him. Sting jumps down from the locker where he spent some time, napping maybe? Sting asks if he's a King of Clubs or something? He doesn't mind it at all... Sting lets Ric know that Lex is pissed about them and just dropped in to say his "hi" becasue he missed "The Nature Boy". Not able to say the word Ric backs off... he's terrified of Sting's face. Sting starts laughing rather uncomfortably and presents Ric with a card of his own before leaving. It's a Joker! Road Warriors are mad about the beating at the hands of the Revolution, it's not acceptable. Finlay gets there and tells Hawk and Animal to calm down and consider his helping hand in the war with the "newer" generation. Hawk says that Finlay is tough and hates Revoltion too, but Road Warriors ride alone and don't need any help. Finlay says it's not about riding together or liking each other, he tells Warriors to face the fact - numbers don't lie, as he only suggest beating Revolution collective asses and move their ways. Animal then says "Old Guard then, I like it!" and veterans shake hands.</p><p> </p><p> Diamond Dallas Page says Kanyon did a good job in his match, he has to keep his head up and be proud of his work. DDP really feels that Kanyon could work through the ranks and in some time take over the big league. Page tells that sky is the limit for Kanyon, his work ethic and passion for this business will take him far, maybe even further than it took Page himself! "One time you will be a world champion Chris, I am positive about it!" Page then turns to Bigelow who is rubbing his skull in anticipation. Dallas says that Bam Bam is a made star and the best big man in the history of this business! He adds that Shamrock may be a tough nut to crack, but "The People's Champ" knows it's possible! "Bam Bam, you could kick my ass right now, I am aware of your ability! Get there and give Shamrock everything you've got!! Time to go man, let's make it happen!"</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/VBliajk.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Ken Shamrock</strong> defeated<strong> Bam Bam Bigelow</strong> in 7:02 by pinfall. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 8 of his WCW Hardcore title. <em>63/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bigelow takes the beating from Shamrock who was pummeling Bam Bam with significant strikes from the beginning, and if points were used, he would win via unanimous decision. "Beast from The East" refused to give up, but ref knew he would be planted if he didn't call for the bell. Bigelow earned a bit of people's respect though, DDP who supervised his friend to this match said he was proud of Bam Bam and added that Triad will become stronger after tonight. Shamrock got in the face of DDP and put the hardcore title over his head, while DDP did the same with his TV title... another chapter of this conflict or just a moment for the memories? Piper gets a call from Turner who tells Roddy to make a new main event. Outsiders will face Hulk Hogan and Booker T... Through the teeth "Hot Rod" says it's in the making and hangs the phone. Piper throws a temper tantrum, now Booker has a new multi-million contract and a few other bonuses in his deal. Bret would smile if he saw how mad Piper is right now... and by the looks of things the world heavyweight champion will do color commentary for the next fight!</p><p> </p><p> Mike Awesome has another big match in a second. This time he goes against "The Game" and he's determined to make a statement. Hogan wishes Mike all the best, and expects his protege to really stick it to the man who thinks his some kind of Cerebral Assassin, brother! "Mike, that guy is here less than you are, it's your fight dude! I won't be able to be at your corner tonight, but I want you to know one thing brother!! You are fighting not only for the win, but for me too, I expect much more from you and know you're capable! Send that Steiner a message, show him you mean business! Ok champ, time to go! Much love!" Awesome hugs Hulk and gets to the ring... Triple H passes by Hulk Hogan and says it's his time now, he won't go down for Mike Awesome, instead he will plant him face first on the mat, bust his lips so Hogan's ass could feel them better. Hogan says nothing, he's in the main event tonight...</p><p> </p><p> Sid and Goldberg are sitting in the bar talking about their match from Nitro. Vicious tells that it was a hell of a fight and Bill just adds it was what it was. Sid buys Goldberg a drink and says he found new respect for a guy and he also appreciates his help in fighting off the moaners earlier today. Goldberg says no problem and raises a toast for Sid, he wishes him to bash Hart in the canvas and take the gold home! They drink off and feel bad after it... very bad, the drink must be poisoned! Goldberg is flinching, Sid lets a dramatic "argh" before dropping dead on the floor. Goldberg's vision is blurry, but he gets an image of Raven before his eyes. Raven smirks and Meng cracks a bottle over the bald head of a spear machine. Final blow sends Goldberg on the floor, Raven is satisfied with what he did and orders Meng to put the bottle rose in the hand of Sid. </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/REdU3Qc.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, <strong>Triple H</strong> defeated <strong>Mike Awesome</strong> in 11:59 by DQ after Scott Steiner attack him. <em>81/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Steiner attacks Triple H with a lead pipe right after he plants Awesome with a Pedigree! Scott yells that Awesome is Poppa Pump exclusive, bitch! Freakzilla gets revenge on Triple H and puts Awesome in a lead-pipe assisted Steiner Recliner! As Mike fades, Triple H gets back to senses and hits Steiner with that heavy US belt! He drops the title and tells them both to SUCK IT! Scott and Mike are both out, just like they were by the end of their pay-per-view match. In 2 weeks we will get the winner between them! Triple H outplayed two of the most dangerous species in WCW. Surely "The Game" has his eyes set on something bigger?? Bret rates performance of Triple H as four out of ten, he wasn't impressed.</p><p> </p><p> As we return after commercial Triple H finds out his match was not a main event. He argues with the fans, announcers, officials and refuses to go. He grabs a sledgehammer and whacks the WCW metal logo on the stage, knocking it off with a bang!! It falls near Hart who goes rampant on "The Game" who almost sent the sign at the champion! Bret and Hunter argue loudly, to calm the men down out go The Outsiders, who say that they knew nothing about the main event until now. Triple H chooses to believe his buds, he says that he lost his cool. In the meantime Steiner and Awesome wake up and go at it again!! They end up brawling among the fans and at some moments even with the fans who get in the mix! Some fans get their towers clocked, both guys have no regard for the well-being of the ticket holders or their own, in fact. They end up in the corridor, where Mike sends Steiner sliding over the table and to the floor. Steiner flips the table hard and the legs slice Mike deep!! Road agents surround the wounded man and tell Steiner to back off, who instead throws a trash can in them! Last commercial break of the night!</p><p> </p><p> Outsiders are waiting for Hogan and Booker to show up, and Hulkster goes out first. He's rocking his retro colors again, he bleeds red and yellow, brother! Hall and Nash say they made Hogan cool for some time, and without them he looks pathetic trying to suck up to some reatrded fans of his! Nash tells that Hogan really found a stupid guy in Mike Awesome who follows the orders of his, but would it stay same after Hulkster robbed his protege of the main event? Hogan says that talk is cheap and Booker makes his entrance with lovely Trish Stratus by his side. Booker tells Trish to go back in the locker room, but she ignores her man and waves to cameras and mocks the crowd. Scott Hall sits on the rope for Trish, as a gentleman, but Booker drops him on the floor with a flying kick! Ref gives the order to ring the bell!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/lEIzBAg.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, <strong>Hulk Hogan</strong> and <strong>Booker T</strong> defeated <strong>The Outsiders</strong> in 9:03 when Booker T defeated Scott Hall by pinfall with a Harlem Hangover. <em>83/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Booker started a fight with Nash and was working his butt off for all three competitors! Hogan got fans on Booker's side with his aura while Outsiders double-teamed the man of Stratus interest. It all came to a tag, Hulk took on Outsiders and after a couple of seconds he body slammed Hall, ready for his finisher. Booker asked for a tag back and got it after some milking from Hulkster, Missile Dropkick to Nash and a quick Harlem Hangover for the win. Trish gets in and raises the hands of the biggest wrestling star of all time and her man, basking in the limelight! A memorable photo taken, which leads to Nash getting a mic... "Oh, Booker.. I bet you would love the photo we have on our hands. Monkeys in the truck, stage is yours!" Turner Tron reveals a photo of Trish sitting on Hogan's lap, driving Booker crazy! That photo was made a few months ago, when Hogan and Hart tried to negotiate a dream match. Beat up Outsiders are laughing while Hogan tries to explain himself to Booker, who shoves the man away at first but then sets him up for a SCISSORS KICK!! Trish tries to explain herself, but Booker hushes her, telling those dogs sabotaged her, and there's nothing in the world that could overome their love!! Booker stands on top of the world, saying "Babe, I just laid out Hulk Hogan.. We made it!"</p><p> </p><p> Final Rating: <strong><span style="color:Lime">84</span></strong><strong>/100</strong> (3.76 on TBS)</p><p> This show increased our popularity in 11 regions.</p><p> </p><p> Well, that was a far better show than Nitro. We made up for that loss with a huge main event where Booker was solidified as a star. I'll take it, we signed him to a new contract and his future looks good. Awesome and Triple H could easily main event too, but I took a chance and it worked out nicely. Thanks for reading guys, appreciate the interest in this mess!</p>
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<p>WCW Monday Nitro on TNT (Show #64)</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/LyvYIO5.png</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>Week 1, August 2000</em></p><p><em> Nassau Coliseum, Tri State (12,834)</em></p><p> </p><p> We kick off with an entrance of Hulk Hogan. He's not in the mood at all, no posing and no messing around. He grabs a mic and calls Booker T out on the carpet! The unthinkable happened on Thunder as Booker was bold enough to attack the living legend and ignored the explanations after he saw his girlfriend with "Hollywood" himself! Hogan rants about ungrateful guys like Sid Vicous who only got a shot at Hitman because of him, or Booker who got a big fat money contract thanks to him! He hypes his protege Mike Awesome and makes an example out of him. "Booker T, if you're a real man you would step here right now on your own! Let's do this, jack!" Hulk is waiting, out comes Sid! He asks people "who's the man?" before joining Hulk in the ring and offering him a handshake. Hulk is hesitant, Sid just wanted to say he rates a lot that Hulk believes in his ability, and after he splashes Hart across the mat at New Blood Rises, Hulk would get his rightful match for the gold. Winning the world title would help Sid to rematch Triple H or give a fair second chance to Goldberg. </p><p> </p><p> Piper comes out ahead of Booker, flanked by Mamalukes. Roddy tells Sid that he likes the way Vicious approaches his title match, it's in the spirit of the game. Piper wants a change, he's tired of Bret's crying and wants a real fighting champion! He also thinks that Sid needs another match until his big cage encounter, but tonight "The Ruler of The World" is not scheduled to fight. Bret pops up on the ramp and critcizes Piper for giving Sid too much too fast, and instead of testing his ability finds a way to screw the best there is! "Hot Rod" stops Hart and says we heard it all, also adding that the champ is going against someone who is looking for a big breakout match. Someone who's a fighting champion... someone who is the most dangerous man on the planet!! "Bret, in tonight's main event you will face Ken freakin' Shamrock! Let's see how tough you really are! Sid, I have plans for you on Thursday, and they involve Triple H. Prove everybody wrong! Now you two, get lost. I have someone else to talk to!" Sid grins at Hart who loses his crap in anger, calls the champ over only to force him to the back. </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/qVOADTg.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Hulk looks on, smug about Bret facing Shamrock. Roddy says that only he can call out people on the carpet, and he's going to do that instead of Hulk. "BOOKER!" - Piper yells, with his eyes full of anger... "COME ON, WE CAN'T WAIT ALL NIGHT LONG FOR YOU!" One half of the tag team champions comes out, without Big T or Buff Bagwell as Hogan wanted. Booker is wearing a sharp suit and is looking classy. Hogan is not impressed, Johnny The Bull asks Vito if that's Armani? Booker says yes it is, and italians approve. Book asks for a mic, feeling like the biggest star in the ring. He says that he heard everything he needed from Hogan. He listened to the man about negotiations and how business is done, and he thanks Hulk for that! Piper inserts himself between the two and says Booker needs to thank only one person for that.. HIM! "Yo Hot Rod, relax, man.. Be cool!" Roddy goes on a tirade about spoiled pieces of shits he has to deal with on a daily basis, verbally provokes Booker to the point where the champ pops his eyes out and says "Tell me you didn't just say that!!" </p><p> </p><p> Piper then scowls and says that all of this is nothing, because at the end Hogan got his bollocks kicked in and that's always a thumbs up from the commissioner! Hogan now has the same face Booker had, Piper tells italians to bring the table to the ring, there will be a live contract signing with the number one guy in this sport - Booker T! Mamalukes bring the table, Piper gets a contract from his leather jacket and Booker gets an expensive pen out of his suit! That paper has a lot of money in it, and Hogan made everything to bump thos numbers to the maximum. Hulkster feels bad about his advice to the guy, out comes Mike Awesome! Mike storms in, Piper is covered by Vito and Bull. Awesome clubs the Booker, who instead of running away signed multiple pages as fast as he could! AWESOME BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!! Hogan calls Booker by the "n" word, in the heat of the moment!! Awesome yells nobody disrespects his master, then adds Scott Steiner will go through a table just like Booker did right now! Message sent loud and clear, Hogan and Awesome leave the arena for good. Italians ask if Piper is ok, he shoves them away and picks up the mutli-million contract from Booker and points his crooked finger at the attackers. </p><p> </p><p> - Get them now!</p><p> - But boss, we have a match tonight!</p><p> - I can cancel it any minute or fire both of ya slouches! </p><p> </p><p> Both of them lunge forward only to be stopped by a double lariat from the "Career Killer"! Hogan had the final say in this encounter, Roddy is livid in the ring and tells how pathetic Mamalukes are! We go to commercial break... And come back with a vignette of Lex Luger and Liz going through recovery process. "Total Package" is considering retirement, but Elizabeth puts faith in her man, asking him to think positively! Luger is sitting in a wheelchair looking at the fireplace. Broken neck is no joke, kids. Hulk Hogan and Triple H meet backstage again! "The Game" says Mike Awesome was on his plate until Steiner came up! He beat Awesome faster than Hart did, and if Hogan thinks he will challenge for the title first - he's wrong. Bret emerges from the shadows, staring at Hunter and letting Awesome and Hogan mind their own business... Time for the first match of the night, Rey Mysterio Jr faces the imposter Black Tiger!!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/qKyLZVG.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> defeated <strong>Black Tiger</strong> in 10:32 by pinfall with a Droppin' Da Dime. <em>63/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Rey and Chavo go for distance with "Latino Heat" looking on. Rey gets a huge win in an open match with a very capable athlete! After the match Eddie asks the loser to be a nice about it and hand him over his mask! "Tiger" was humbled today, so he may aswell quit jumping around, ese. Black Tiger fixes his mask, looks Guerrero in the eyes and pokes them before leaving! Eddie stops Rey from attacking the thief, he wants to do it by himself when the time is right, it's personal familia business. In the boiler room Kidman and his friends hang out and of course do some naughty things. Billy is almost crying, talking about Torrie ignoring him for weeks now, he can't take it anymore! Vamp gives his fam a "medicine" that knocks Billy in seconds. Vampiro throws his dreads away and tells Juvi he has something just for both of them, that ~hit is tight! Juice asks why did Vamp sedate Billy, and gets to know that was done because Kidman would have all the fun instead of them. Vamp is sick of hearing about Kidman's *itch after what happened to him and Daffney... so he made all of them a favor.</p><p> </p><p> Bull and Vito nurse themselves before the match with KroniK. Adams and Clarke pass by the italians and take a piss of them for falling so short. Fellas state that after they beat pseudo-mafioso Piper would have to consider a change in security personnel! Right before that fight Booker yells at Big T for not being around, only to be reminded that Booker ordered him to be a shadow of Trish in case stuff hits the fan. Booker doesn't want to lose an argument so he asks why Buff didn't interfere. "I thought you and Hulk got some macho thing there, you would look bad if I stepped in for you, broski!" Booker says he always looks good, and Trish cuts him off, saying there's no one better looking than her. Finally Booker agrees with someone, Buff and Big T shake their heads looking at each other as the couple makes out. Diamond Doll aka Kimberly Page says Trish is sexy and all, but being appealing and beautiful is two different things. "Sweetheart, you look like a Hooters waitress, you don't have any class!" Trish slaps Kim and tag champs get in between them to break up the scuffle. </p><p> </p><p> - Listen here you skank, it's not for you to decide if I look proper or not. Only God can judge me!</p><p> - Oh please, Trish, God has better things to do than that. If you think you're a bombshell, let's see who people like better - you or me!</p><p> - It's not for them to decide! I want an unbiased jury, Buff you wanna help me out?</p><p> - You bet on that sister, Buff Daddy is always ready!</p><p> - See you in the ring, you bimbo, judges won't save you from a reality check.</p><p> </p><p> Booker sighs, Buff is jumping in joy. Big T is ready to show Kimberly the way but she finds it on her own. What a ballsy woman she is, DDP has a firecracker!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/St7DwNi.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, <strong>KroniK</strong> defeated <strong>The Mamalukes</strong> in 5:33 when Bryan Clarke defeated Vito by pinfall with a Powerbomb. <em>42/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Mamalukes and KroniK brawl, Piper watches the match in his office. Clarke and Adams powerbomb Vito for the confident victory, Roddy is quite imressed by the performance of the new tag team, but he's far from impressed with the coffee Ms. Hancock made him. Johnny The Bull literally busted his ass today, spingboarding to the outside after the match. The aerial assualt leaves KroniK on the floor, but damage is inflicted on the attacker too. Benoit storms in the room and asks what Piper needs this time? Hot Rod offers Benoit a coffee, but Chris is not here to drink it. "Ok then, I have another proposition for you.. how about we try and put you and Sid in a tag team again, for next couple of weeks?" "Crippler" can't believe his ears, is ready to leave but Piper tells him that Sid is not Dustin Rhodes, he's a number one contender. "Hand washes a hand Chris! You help me and Sid, we help you... with Jarret or Flair - that's for you to pick..." Benoit gets in the face of commissioner, if that will be a tag team match, he wants a tornado type! "You and Sid against Flair and Triple H this Thursday then! Pleasure to work with you!" Benoit grabs a coffee straw from Piper's desk and leaves. </p><p> </p><p> Sid catches Benoit behind the door, deja vu for Benoit. Sid tells him that they might not have a match tonight, but they still can entertain themselves. "Me and you Chris, we share something in common. Not the size of course, but we both enjoy hurting our rivals! How about we have some fun tonight, play with minds of Cerebral Assasin and The Dirtiest Player in The Game? You down for that!?" Chris says he doesn't play mind games, his sheer ability in the ring is more than enough to take down the obstacles in front of him. Sid laughs and says Chris doesn't get the point! "I know we don't like each other, but you can't deny the fact that you hate Bret so much more than me. I will beat him to a pulp in two weeks and you can have a shot at me anytime you want, for the gold of course!" Benoit is not so sure that Sid will win at the pay-per-view, but Sid hushes canadian and adds that if Benoit managed to beat Bret on his third try, why can't Sid do same on his second? Chris has nothing to say, he spots Eddie in the corridor and calls Guerrero over, leaving Sid sitting on the boxes like a fool. </p><p> </p><p> Perry Saturn feels bad for breaking Luger's neck, he saw the footage of Lex and his slow recovery and can't find peace because of it. Jeff Jarrett asks his Revolution colleagues why that slapnut is so sad? Malenko shares his point of view on what messed Perry up, only to make Jarrett cackle. Jeff tells Saturn to be proud of his accomplishment, breaking the neck of a musclehead like Luger is a blessing! Dustin Rhodes who is a freshman in that corner of the locker room decides to listen and not talk. "Chosen One" tries to fire up the son of "American Dream" by joking about fat pig his father is! Dustin is not reacting, he agrees with JJ. Jeff rubs his chin and asks how that yak Daffney is doing? Probably better she now spends Ric Flair's money! Candido speaks about the cheating aspect of his life that involves his girlfriend even now, but Rhodes seems to ignore it. Storm then adds Revolution is a new family of Dustin's - they fight for each other and tonight they will watch over his back! Franchise has the final word, stating tonight Dustin meets Konnan, who's a coward that hides behind the back of Outsiders. Shane mentiones there's some tension between Flair and Konnan, and they must use it to their advantage. One of them will leave nWo if they do everything right, they just need to stick to the gameplan! Rhodes mumbles he won't let anybody down and leaves for his bout.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/lAODeEZ.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Konnan</strong> defeated <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> in 8:45 by submission with a Tequila Sunrise. <em>60/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> K-Dawg got bowdy and rowdy on Dustin's expense, really redeeming himself after his loss to Douglas last week. Lance Storm slides in the squared circle and superkicks Konnan, signals for reinforcements! Whole Revolution squad beats on the "Latin Fury", a series of finishers take the breath out of the gangster. Nobody is trying to save him! Douglas knew that would be the case and picked up the mic to rub that in the faces of Hitman and the rest of the black and white gang. "nWo 4 life, huh? That doesn't mean **it, Konnan, because you got your ass FRANCHISED, AHAHAH! Now hit my damn music!" Stable poses, people are not sure what to make of it. Sting and Goldberg are both not 100% tonight, but eager to take on Meng and Raven! Burned and poisoned by the self-proclaimed genius they align forces. Goldberg wants to jackhammer Meng and Sting woudln't mind locking a Scorpion Death Lock on Raven. Bill will be honest with the Icon - he doesn't see himself in the tag team and he can't wait to spear Sid out of his boots as soon as possible! Sting asks why is that, only to hear the story of a bar brawl where Sid "glassed" him after drinking too much. Stinger chuckles and solves the mystery for Bill - they got smashed not by alcohol. Sting picks up a bottle rose from his pocket and tells Goldberg that he picked it up from the hand of Sid who was framed of assault. Sting says Raven wanted to get Sid out of the picture by throwing dirt at him for media. Goldberg didn't know that and now he wants to spear Raven back into 1998!! </p><p> </p><p> It's time for some sort of a beauty contest! Buff Bagwell is ready to take us away, introducing lovely Trish and decent looking Kimberly too. People boo Startus and she tells them to shove it! The wife of "The People's Champion" also has some back up in the TV champion, he joins commentary for this one. Whole charade is ready to kick off, but Kim asks wouldn't it be better to have three judges instead of only one? That's how it goes in books, that's how they should make it. Considering Buff is biased, Kim wants two volunteers from the back to rate it fairly. She's confident Buff won't save her from a loss, because you can't really compare them in the beauty aspect. People expect Bigelow and Kanyon to emerge on the stage but out come... Outsiders! They wave to DDP and sit near ringside with cards ready to be flashed. Trish is not happy that Hall and Nash would judge her looks, she asks Buff to do something. Bagwell has no idea what to make of it so he just steps aside. Big T is a bit more assertive as he tells one of them should go away! Hall asks Big T to "make him" go, pointing a finger in the gut of the bodyguard. Big T may forgot how he was stabbed by Konnan not so long ago, but that gesture reminded him. Buff wants to get over with this, he talks his part an tries to sneak away, not wanting to do anything with it now. Nash encourages Buff to relax and sit right next to him, "enjoy the show"! Trish throws the robe in the trio and showcases some talents for the world to see. Booker is not so happy about it, and he runs out limping and throws a towel on his woman. Trish is mad at T, she didn't even show anything! Kimberly doesn't have to do much to get the crowd over on her side, and she wins comfortably with Outsiders giving Trish 3/10! Even Bret is not so greedy with points, eh? "Diamond Doll" gets straight 10's and gets slapped down by a canadian broad! Booker just cost Trish that contest, so she thanks her man with a lot of gall in her voice. Booker asks Big T to get Trish to the back as he has to deal with Outsiders now. "Buff, you're staying, dawg!" - he adds, when Buff is accelerating towards the backstage area. Hall and Nash attack Booker, who gets some help from Bagwell after all. DDP is asked about the title match Jersey Triad will have at the pay-per-view and if this whole thing was fixed. DDP swears it was clean and he has nothing to do with this! Booker T scissor kicks "The Bad Guy" and Buff gets his face kicked in by a Big Boot. Booker and Kevin stare at each other and decide to stop it there, with fans booing all four. </p><p> </p><p> By that time Big T sees that Konnan is weaker than ever and leaves Trish on her own to send the K-Dawg in the pile of pipes! He beats on the gangster, for stabbing and attempting to get bowdy with Trish at the beach. Rough night for Konnan, Big T has no mercy. Scott Steiner approaches Trish and asks why does she hang out with a laughing stock like Booker T and not get hooked up with the man with the largest arms in the world instead? Big Poppa Pump gets slapped across the face, which brings a smile to his face. "Now I see who wears pants in your relationship baybay, come on, kiss me!" Big T mentions Trish being hit on and lunges at Steiner, who suplexes him over his belly on the table nearby!! Freakzilla is ready to give Trish some satisfaction and penetrate her stratusfaction, and he's not shy about it like that scum Hulk Hogan! Mike Awesome puts a trash can on Steiner's head from the back and smacks it with a chair! "RUN!" - Trish decides to listen at last, you don't want to argue with Mike Awesome. Big T gets up from the scraps and follows the girl. Steiner gets the trash can bouncing off Mike's skull and only stops when Piper appears. Roddy says this chaos needs to end... Roddy says Mike Awesome, Booker T and Scott Steiner should take all that energy they have and put on a show on Thusday, becuase it's going to be a triple threat! </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/VJIZzWY.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action and average heat, <strong>Goldberg</strong> and <strong>Sting</strong> defeated <strong>Meng</strong> and <strong>Raven</strong> in 12:59 when Raven was disqualified while fighting Goldberg. <em>81/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Raven got Sting's bat in the end and blocked a spear from Goldberg with it, causing a disqualification. Raven told ref about the stupidity of disqualification, and told they play by Raven rules! Ref didn't think that way, so he was poked in the stomach with a bat and dropped with a DDT on the floor! Meng put his palm on Sting's face and stripped the icon of his protective mask, exposing the big red burn on the face of the Stinger! Fans saw the emotionless impression on the face of the hero and were ready for a big payback! Sting got the bottle rose from his coat!! Raven clubbed Sting in the back, but he didn't feel it! Raven tries again, as Sting slowly turns and howls in the face of an attacker. SPEAR takes out Raven, who crawls in the corner to recover. Sting tries to get Meng with his new weapon, but the islander is too strong for that to happen or too tough to feel it!! Samoan Spike and a Superkick keep heroes groggy. People boo the savage, but Sid and Benoit join the brawl and don't have much success either! </p><p> </p><p> Meng is on the war path, huge savate kick stops Crippler, Raven is being chased by Vicious who accidentally runs into another Spear from Goldberg!! Happy with the havoc they brought, Raven gets some weaponary from under the ring and punishes everybody with a kendo stick and a chair shot! Huge blow connects with the sull of The Icon who bleeds profusely! Meng chokes Benoit out, that's a fully-fledged strike by the villains!! Raven says that's why you listen to the smart man like him, consequences are not pretty if you are playing dumb. Raven calls out Piper, challenging him to do something about it! Camera catches Piper pleading Shamrock to clean the house, and as Meng licks his lips in the taste of a real fight Ken bombards! Swift takedown on Raven does the job, Meng barrages the hardcore champ with his own punches, but misses one and gets suplexed out of the ring!! Shamrock takes off his hardcore belt and whips Raven with it to finally clear the circle!! Everybody is impressed and surprised, Shamrock just dealt with the guys that took out Goldberg, Benoit, Sid and Sting single-handedly! Roddy applauds to Ken, who wants Hart RIGHT NOW! Piper says that's going to happen, and the bout will be for the title!! In a lumberjack match!!! HOLY SMOKES. That comes as a surprise to everyone in the building and some watching at home!! Main event right after commercial break! </p><p> </p><p> Bret Hart yells about a real screwjob happening right now! Shades of the past caught up with the champion! Former rival Benoit, revenge-possessed Goldberg, future challenger Sid and the biggest threat an evil champion could have in this company - Sting!! Shamrock stiffs Bret and throws some big punches, almost knocking the title holder down in less than ten minutes! One shot gets on the chin and Bret wisely rolls out of the ring! Benoit and Sid argue about picking the man up, until Flair and Triple H save the day for the leader of NWO! Hall and Nash muscle up with Goldberg and Sting to show their loyalty to black and white colors. Shamrock throws Bret back in the ring and applies an Ankle Lock!! Bret holds on as the battle hots up all around the arena, Ken applies the leg scissors and it's almost over!! A second later Hart grabs the arm of the hardcore champion and hyper extends it in the armbar, with ref hitting the mats three times as Ken's shoulders were pinned to the canvas!!!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/aZuY4Md.png</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, <strong>Bret Hart</strong> defeated <strong>Ken Shamrock</strong> by pinfall in 16:22. Bret Hart makes defense number 6 of his WCW World Heavyweight title. <em>85/100</em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Shamrock's brain still works in the MMA mode. He was caught off guard with that call and almost broke the neck of Nick Patrick who did everything right in all fairness. NWO retreats with Bret retaining the title!! Gang poses on the ramp with gold, with Benoit and Sid yelling it's not over, Sting trying to stop the blood loss and Goldberg holding on to his arm. Bad boys win tonight, good night everybody! Mental rating for a crazy show. Sorry that it took quite a while to complete, hopefully you enjoyed the lunacy of it. Lights went out once and my post went into abyss, I made a rookie mistake and that delayed things. Return for a triple threat between Booker, Awesome and Steiner or Sid&Benoit vs. Flair&HHH, that's not too bad I guess <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> Final Rating: <strong><span style="color:Lime">86</span></strong><strong>/100</strong> (6.52 on TNT)</p><p> <em>This show increased our popularity in 16 regions.</em></p>
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WCW Thursday Thunder on TBS (Show #65)




Week 1, August 2000

Nassau Coliseum, Tri State (13,684)


A replay of the impromptu world heavyweight match from last Nitro kicks off this Thunder edition. Shamrock lost his winning streak and now finds himself in a limbo of being the hardcore champion who blew his chance in the main event. Bret Hart was granted a day off and will not be here for today, with Outsiders also being absent. Ric Flair takes charge of the black and white gang today, but in all fairness there's only two of them in the arena today. Konnan no showed the tapings after Big T's revenge, but will look to trade a couple of words with the fellow gang members. Strange acts of vandalism happen backstage as Vampiro and Juventud tear the interview set down, chase Mean Gene and break the emergency glass of a fire alarm! Those two are tripping hard, what did they take this time? La Parka tries to calm down the hooligans as they shove him down the stairs! What if La Parka breaks one of his bones? He won't be able to dance away!! Those narcomaniacs need to stop! We start this night straight with the match, and a good one too!! Kidman vs. Guerrero - first time this year in a singles capacity!



In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Eddie Guerrero defeated Kidman in 9:04 by count out. 69/100

Eddie was just about to Frog Splash the cruiserweight champion, but he rolled out of the way and escaped with his gold, not wanting to do anything with "Latino Heat"! After the match Eddie mocked Billy for running away and lacking cojones, but Kidman said his private parts are only Torrie Wilson's concern! Billy bragged about having a hot girlfriend and laughed at Eddie for portraying some kind of a macho, having an overweight wife sitting at home with two ugly daughters! Eddie explodes and goes after Kidman who runs away to fight another day! Guerrero's pride got hit, he won't let that slide... A parejas incredibles match for Nitro gets a new personal conflict!


Japanese diaspora of WCW in Kaz Hayashi, Minoru Tanaka and Koji Kanemoto are bowing to each other as poor La Parka limps to his tag team partner. IWGP junior tag team champions leave amigos to have a little chatter, although both Parka and Kaz use sign language. They are interrupted by the recently formed alliance of CM Punk and Berlyn, with a german guy ready to attack the representatives of "inferior races". Punk stops the former cruiserweight champion, saying he didn't join the neon**zi club to bully innocent chaps, he wants a real challenge! "I have no problems with those two, but I have a lot of beef with drug addicts like Kidman, Guerrera or Vampiro. They are spoiling the cruiserweight division, rotting the foundation to the core and I intend to change that!" Piper overhears Punk's speech and tells the rookie has a great mind and he could use sharp kids like him. By the looks of things La Larka hurt his knee, and that opens up the window of opportunity for likes of Punk and Berlyn. Roddy tells japanese guests are looking for a challenge under WCW banner, and if they beat David Flair and Crowbar today, they may aswell get a shot! Punker thanks Roddy for that opportunity, and Berlyn is now fired up by the thought of fighting japanese intruders for gold! Bony Ninjas are left without anything, so Kaz pats Parka on the back and goes away too. Skeleton shrugs in confusion.


The oddities also known as Daffney, Crowbar and David Flair make their way to the ring giggling, yelling and throwing strange looks at the fans who cheer them for some reason! Then Punk slides his fingers across floor, looks at the wrist and yells it's CLOBBERING TIME, turning his back to the ring and extending his arms, soaking the mixed reaction from the people. He's interrupted by the German Club, with Wilhelm and Jacob set to guard free posts. Hertha formerly known as Alundra Blayze or Madusa throws a look at Daffney and rolls her eyes in annoyance. Berlyn drops the cain near ring steps and tells Punk to start the match!



In an extremely short match, Berlyn and CM Punk defeated Crowbar and David Flair in 4:33 when CM Punk defeated David Flair by pinfall with a Go To Sleep. 43/100

A short but entertaining shmoz with everyone involved saw CM Punk strike a knee across Flair's face for the count of three. Crowbar wiped out Wilhelm and Jacob with a tope suicida and Daffney mounted Hertha until Berlyn rocked her with his cain. After the match Punk once again asked his partner to stop only to roundhouse kick Daffney! Screaming lady falls just like Lita, with Punk adding that he digs crazy chicks! Tammy gives Road Warriors a pre-match warm up until someone knocks on the door. The diva manager says she will open up, but upon seeing Chris Candido on the doorstep she quickly closes the door and turns her back on the boyfriend of hers. Candido asks Tammy to let him in, but she instead wipes her nose, comes out and asks Chris to leave before it's too late. Candido says she loves Tammy and he wants them to leave everything in the past and be a couple once again. He borrowed her flowers... not very expensive but that doesn't matter, right? Tammy looks at the flowers and says she will think about that. Candido lits up and tries to kiss his miss, but she stops him and quickly puts lips on his cheek, barely. Candido goes off with a huge grin on his face, while Tammy drops the flowers in the trash bin and gets her rear end slapped by Hawk. "We didn't finish girlie, come back and do the job!"


DDP talks to Kimberly about the beauty contest of sorts that took place at Nitro, acting surprised about the outcome and Outsiders involved. Kim asks if Page thinks Trish Status is better looking, but gets an assertive "no" back, Kimberly is a straight 10! "Doll, I wouldn't marry you unless you were the best woman in the world. Don't even think about stuff like that, to me you're the most stunning and ravishing! Love you baby..." DDP and Kimberly are interrupted by Curt Hennig. That man says Kimberly is indeed a good-looking woman, but not a perfect one for sure. He adds that DDP doesn't even deserve the life he lives, being champion and getting all the cream. Page says he busted his ass and he will never stop working hard unlike Hennig! Curt smirks and says that Page's ass-busting friend... literally... made him sick of this company and the newer generation, but for the opportunity of a title shot he can close his eyes on that and get the gold on the waist of a talented pro wrestler, not a wannabe pimp like Dallas. People's Champ calls Hennig a scum who only cares about himself, then puts the gold in the face of a future challenger and adds he won't let this go to Curt's hands. "I try to give this business my absolute best every night, and even if I'm not as skilled as you, I have heart and passion nobody else can offer! See you at the pay-per-view, Curt!"



In an extremely short match, Finlay and Road Warriors defeated Norman Smiley and The Disco Cats in 5:12 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Norman Smiley by pinfall with Doomsday Device. 54/100

Total domination by the old guard who runs through the WCW version of Three Stooges with remarkable ease. Finlay loves to fight, but Road Warriors love to kick ass, and that didn't sit well with the dancers. Revolution comes up on the stage and mocks the washed up has beens for trying to look tough on the expense of the weaklings such as Norman Smiley and Ernest Miller. The Cat then says he's a two time world karate champion, plus Disco Inferno is not happy about comments either. He gets a mic after the match and challenges them to a match next week... Finlay says winners of that match could go for a brawl with Warriors at the pay-per-view! Shane Douglas screams "bullshit", but has no choice to accept the challenge. Later on today we will see the Revolution loudmouth managing the most dominant tag team champions in the year of 2000 - Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn, against the buds of DDP in Jersey Triad! Stay tuned.


Ric Flair laughs off Shane Douglas for thinking he's some kind of Franchise and being a total tool! "Nature Boy" addresses Triple H and says the true franchise is "The Game", wooooooo! Triple H admires the praise of the record time world champion and says Ric is a pure inspiration for him, without Flair's persona there would be no game at all! Ric says that damn right, it's a shame WCW treats it's biggest star like that and he says the industry will prosper with guys like Triple H on top! HHH says he indeed plans to be the very best, and they both know what's needed for it. Flair says they better concentrate on Sid and Benoit, who will look to make an upset today. "No chance in hell they can work together" - says Hunter, with Flair adding Trips talks just like his father-in-law, woooooo!


Jeff Jarrett is running his mouth backstage, pep talking Malenko and Saturn. Double J reminds them of how great they were as champions, but after a couple of losses they turned into a pair of slapnuts! Saturn didn't get it, but he wouldn't attack Jarrett anyway. Malenko says "Chosen One" knows better because he's also out of the spotlight lately. Jarrett promisesto fix that, then starts jabbering about Dustin Rhodes falling short to Konnan of all people! Regal says Dustin needs time to find himself after a heartbreak and he will come good eventually. "Yeah about Konnan, is he done with NWO? No way he sides with them after they left him to Big T last time!" Douglas says Piper wouldn't mind NWO losing a member too, so he predicts "Rowdy" to make some tricky match and put an end to it. If not, they will do what is needed themselves! But until then, why make hands dirty? Storm laces his boots and says he's ready for his match!



In an extremely short match, Lance Storm defeated Bill DeMott in 5:11 by submission with a Single Leg Crab. 57/100

Confident performance by Lance Storm! Bill DeMott was very vocal during match, talking lot of trash. In fact he promised to stick a canadian flag up Lance's arse, but failed to do so and was called a fat american pig by the winner after the tap out. Shane Douglas and the squad stomped on Piper's lap dog after the match. Goldberg knocks on Piper's door and comes in. With Sid being the new number one contender he is out of the world title picture it seems, and he wants opportunity to prove he still belongs in the hunt for the gold! Piper says it's true, Goldberg is one hell of a competitor and Roddy himself thought that Bill would go on to win the match and meet Bret Hart in the cage!! But a big boot crushed his plans, ironic, isn't it?? Piper says Goldberg did let him down, but he could still end up in the cage with "Hitman"! Goldberg asks how so, and Roddy drops the referee shirt on the desk.


- You can be a special guest referee for that gory confrontation, as I know you're a man to do the job. You will call it down the middle, I'm sure.

- Sorry, that doesn't work for me. I came back to spear and jackhammer people, not to raise their hands and present them with title belts.

- Yeah, imagine if Bret would retain and you would have to raise his hand... I like it! Same with Sid, that would be a great memorable photo, don't you think?

- As I said, I need a challenge. I want to redeem myself and prove everyone I'm still the baddest man around. Statistics doesn't interest me as much now, I want to get a real victory, test myself against one of the best.

- I know what you mean, you want to get your hands on Meng and Raven... Unfortunately they're busy in my plans, and they will be in a match that holds a big risk and I wouldn't like you to participate there - that bout can break your career instead of making it.

- I am ready to compete in any kind of match against anybody, I'm willing to take risks! I'm Goldberg dammit!

- Exactly! That's why I won't risk to put you in the Feast or Fired match. Leave it to other men, because I have an idea for you. It involves you and...



In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Jersey Triad defeated The Revolution in 11:03 when Kanyon defeated Dean Malenko by pinfall with a Flatliner. 68/100

Kanyon bounces off after a loss to Buff Bagwell last time by pinning the Man of 1000 Holds! Saturn and Bigelow brawled like they mean it leaving the technical aesthetics to The Innvoator of Offense. After a while Buff Bagwell comes out and says this place is a joke! He's talking about this city of course, not the best wrestling company in the world! But although it's a place where big boys play, something feels wrong about it. For example, the upcoming pay-per-view is called New Blood Rising, but we have DDP and Curt Hennig for the TV title on the card! Buff says that makes him laugh more than anything, with the combined age of two maineventing figures being 82! It's almost Ric Flair's age, you know?? He says WCW should really give guys like him more opportunities! He gets in the ring and tells Triad to get lost, he's under Piper! DDP comes out with the title, meaning business. Buff asks Page if he has problems with recent beauty contest he judged, where his trophy wife got the prize, but is told to shut it and bring the fight RIGHT NOW! "Bagwell, you wanted an opportunity, I'll give it to ya! TV title on the line, show me what you got!"



In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Diamond Dallas Page defeated Buff Bagwell in 7:39 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number 5 of his WCW World Television title. 76/100

Page drops Buff with his finisher out of nowhere and poses with title to send a message to Hennig. Dallas gets a mic and says he may be old or not "good enough", but his work ethic is worth of the gold he carries! Piper comes out to the ring and says that DDP got his mouth running at the wrong time. They say silence is golden and it's fitting for the situation we have on our hands here. Piper confirms a TV title showdown between Hennig and Page at the pay-per-view, but he wants to add a little twist. If DDP loses his match to Curt, Jersey Triad also loses the tag team title shot against Buff Bagwell and Booker T! Smells fishy, but DDP claims he will embrace his gambling spirit and agree... if Piper puts his authority position on the line if DDP wins! Roddy thinks about it and says Page just got himself a deal. Kanyon and Bigelow act surprised, but have no choice but to back their guy for the win... Piper agreed to that very quickly, strange.


Eddie looks for Kidman backstage to have two words with him, but gets jumped by Black Tiger from the back! The imposter hits Eddie with a chair to the back, and it feels like a knife to Eddie. Rey comes around and protects Eddie from an injury, with the attacker vanishing without a trace. "You know ese, Chavo never was very bright. He thinks nobody has a clue about his identity, but what's worse vato.. We have to share one corner with him on Monday and he wants to injure me!! Can you believe it, Rey!?? His jealousy messed up with his brain, he's OUT OF HIS MIND!" Mysterio suggests that Chavo's feelings blind him that much he makes mistakes like that, but however it may be, Rey had enough of jumping around the title, he wants to get Kidman on the plate and he will do everything in his power to do that! Eddie looks at Rey with a seriously confused look on his face and adds "Orale Rey... You know who you talking with ese, I appreciate your honesty. Let the best man win!" Eddie and Rey shake hands, with Guerrero drilling Rey's back with his eyes. High stakes tag team match, next week on Nitro!


Scott Steiner comes out for the triple threat match, cuts a short but sweet promo about Trish, Booker, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Mike Awesome, Triple H, Jeff Jarrett and every other person he can't stand. Quite a list from Genetic Freak, but numbers don't lie - Freakzilla doesn't have a lot of friends. His friends are the biggest eeeermsss in the world that will put stupid Mike Awesome through tables in just over a week! HOLLER IF YA HEAR ME - says US champ, before kissing his peaks and posing with the title for good freaks in the crowd. Booker T sent Trish to the back provoking Steiner for verbal abuse, but the MVP of WCW was distracted by Mike Awesome who came out last with Hulk Hogan, who joined commentary!



In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Booker T defeated Mike Awesome and Scott Steiner in 9:40 when Booker T defeated Mike Awesome by pinfall. 81/100

Ground-shaking Steiner Screwdriver almost broke Mike's neck, but Booker leaped off with a missile dropkick to shove Steiner off the ring and steal the pin! Interesting dynamic in the Buffy T camp, Booker won yet another match, with Buff trailing behind in the victory department. Next week Buffy T will come together again in their possible title defence against Jersey Triad, but if Page loses - match is scrapped and they may find themselves in other bouts! One particular match up is being thrown in the mix, hailing as a Feast or Fired match! Piper will talk about that on Nitro, name of the game really speaks for itself. After the match Steiner's pissed off at Booker who tells Scott to not hate the player, but hate the game! Awesome is being checked on in case of potential neck injury, but he shoves paramedics away and goes after Scott Steiner who's following Booker backstage! Hogan said Mike Awesome got screwed, and yeah he was. Move is called a screwdriver, Hulkster. Mike says he's sorry to disappoint Hulk Hogan, but the man in yellow and red says match that matters most will be at New Blood Rises! "Mikey, that blood is you, brother!!"


A hype video around Bret Hart and his title reign rolls in. The footage is stored with pay-per-view finishes for the past half a year with Bret being victorious one way or another almost every time. Hitman has a great run with the title, but Sid is determined to put an end to it inside of a steel cage! Other matches confirmed for the pay-per-view are: Hennig/DDP for TV title with shenanigans, Steiner/Awesome in the Ultimate Tables match for US belt and a Feast or Fired match with the plethora of WCW stars in it. Can't miss! Sid and Benoit are ready for a big showdown, eager to take justice in their own hands. No words needed, those two are all about impact, not fancy presentations and theatrics. Benoit says he and Sid are no friends, but they developed a mutual respect to each other following past few months and that will be just enough to put the NWO colors on the backseat! Benoit is 4 real and Sid is the man!! Flair and HHH make separate entrances, but are interrupted by the opponents who simply can't wait for Hunter to spit his water out!!



In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Chris Benoit and Sid Vicious defeated Triple H and Ric Flair in 15:47 when Sid Vicious defeated Ric Flair by pinfall with a Chokeslam. 80/100

Tides turned a little bit as Triple H and Benoit went for the majority of the match against each other. Two of the very best fighters used their partners to good advantage, but in fairness it was a glorified singles match with managers! Hot tag to Sid proved to be deadly, as the number one contender proved critics wrong by chokeslamming the living legend Ric Flair for the three. Vicious told he's finally through the glass ceiling and Bret Hart is next! Goldberg came out to a huge pop and wasn't very keen on Sid using his catchphrase. Goldberg came out to the ring not to argue with the winner, but instead to tell Triple H they have a number one contender match against each other at New Blood Rises! "Cerebral Assasin" wasn't surprised for long as he approached Bill Goldberg, stared him dead in the eyes and said "you're on!" Flair eye poked Benoit in the eyes to escape but was SPEARED for his trouble!! Trips irish whipped Goldberg in the stairs from the back, targeting the arm of his opponent! Bill chuckles after connecting, with Triple H helping Flair back to his feet and threatening Benoit, Sid or anyone to ever touch Ric Flair again! We're off... but back with Raven sitting in the dark room deep in thought.


Smoke surrounds the man... "Last Monday myself and Meng showed just how dominant we can be if we want to. Goldberg, Sid, Benoit, Sting... all the good guys, poster boys, do-good men fell victims of Meng's wrath and my intellect. I warned you about it, but you didn't listen. This time you should be smarter and listen carefully. At New Blood Rises we will rise like never before. It will be much uglier than Sting's burned face, his bat connecting with Goldberg's skull or his allies falling unconscious on the floor to my Evenflow DDT. Stakes a much bigger this time, and we intend to make the best out of the opportunity. By the way Sting, you're losing the war and you're losing yourself. I was fascinated with your heroic attempt to use the glass rose, guess we sit deep in your brain. But what's wrong with this, is that people are still on your side! What about me, what about RAVEN? I tell you what Raven is all about, Stinger, he's about gold. And when evil takes over WCW you are the one coming up. We do this differently this time, first we take you out, then get the holy grail that is a world heavyweight championship... Quote The Raven, Nevermore!" Meng puts out a cigar putting it on his tongue, Raven smirks and we black out.


Final Rating: 82/100

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WCW Monday Nitro on TNT (Show #66)




Week 2, August 2000

New Haven Coliseum, New England (10,317)


Goldberg's music kicks off this Nitro, as the man makes his entrance, standing on the ramp, getting pyro all over himself... Triple H attacks Goldberg with a sledgehammer from the back, sending the man rolling down the ramp! "The Game" is on his own, rocking a sweet leather denim jacket and looking pissed! He tries to smack his opponent again, but misses and gets kicked in the gut! Hammer goes down, but Hunter goes up! Jackhammer time?? Trips blocks it mid-way and attempts a Pedigree! Only to be back body dropped!! Haitch crawls on his four and Goldberg settles for an Earth-shattering SPEAR! CONNECTS WITH IT!! Impact is deadly, Triple H's signature weapon left the hands of it's owner! Crowd is rocking and chanting Goldberg's name, who picks up the tool and... smashes it across the knee in half!! Jackhammer over sledgehammer it is! Bill destroyed the toy of "The Cerebral Assassin", who now needs back up from "Outsiders" to leave the stage on his two. Triple H says he will get his revenge on Goldberg this Sunday, with Nash and Hall shielding him from yet another spear! NWO guys try to calm down both Goldberg and Triple H who trade verbal abuse. Piper's face appears on the titantron, saying those two really can't wait to get it on! He appreciates the hunger of both men, but he can't let them fight until Sunday. Roddy settles a "no touching" rule until the fight, if somebody breaks that condition - they'll lose the number one contendership even if they win at the pay-per-view. Piper just gave NWO a numbers advantage, but with Flair and Hart busy in tonight's main event and Konnan being on the bad side of the Kliq, only Outsiders can double team arguably the greatest WCW champion in history! Will they do that? Stay tuned to find out...


Shane Douglas, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn bump into the trio of Hunter, Scott and Kevin backstage, with Franchise mocking the state of affairs in the New World Order. Nash says he's not in the mood to deal with vanilla midgets today and recommends Douglas to get lost. Shane says he will not, in fact after New Blood Rises he and his army will destroy the remains of their pathetic faction, with him getting the world heavyweight title from Bret Hart and sending the god damn Kliq back to WWF! Hall mockingly makes a scared face and then throws a toothpick in Malenko! "Ice Man" keeps his cool and says he has more talent in one of his fingers than Kevin Nash has in his whole body! Nash starts laughing and says Malenko is similar to the size of his 21st finger, but no, wait, his junk has more charisma than Dean-O Machino! Kev also laughs off Perry, tells them once again to get away, or they'll fix Saturn's lazy eye in seconds. Douglas says they will meet this Sunday in a "Feast or Fired" match, and NWO will get their asses FRANCHISED!! Trips asks why wait till pay-per-view and challenges Douglas to a match at Thunder! "The Game" can not confront Goldberg for 6 days, so he may as well shut the loudmouth in Douglas and plant his face into the mat! Shane says Triple H thinks he's some kind of a badass, but in fact he's just a bitch of *ic Flair and he will enjoy beating the heck out of "The Game" who's also a "Franchise" wanna be! Triple H smirks and chops the crotch in Revolution's direction, avoiding the altercation for now.


Konnan is talking to Bret Hart, and surprisingly the spy cam is still in full effect! K-Dawg rants about the influence of Ric Flair on the group, and calls out Hall and Nash for only stepping up for Triple H! Hitman tells "Latin Fury" to channel that rage on his opponents tonight - Big and Buff... and Booker T. Outsiders will aid Konnan, Hart promises that. He also adds that he's not a fan of people he works with either, but he's professional and that's one of the reasons why he's the world heavyweight champion for so long. Konnan says he respects Bret and will trust him on this matter, also letting Bret know he's entering a "Feast or Fired" match this Sunday! Ken Shamrock storms into Piper's office and wants a rematch with Bret Hart as soon as possible! Roddy tries to calm the man down, and says they can do a rematch, but not today! Hardcore champion is about to reach his boiling point, so Piper throws Ken a bone. Lots of bones... "Ok, take on La Parka today, take you anger on him today and soon I will make the match between you and Bret, deal? Deal!"



In an extremely short match, Ken Shamrock defeated La Parka in 5:20 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 9 of his WCW Hardcore title. 62/100


You can't trust La Parka after his collaboration with Eddie Guerrero, right? Not if you're Roddy Piper. "Rowdy" sent his bulldog to make sure Parka's leg is indeed broken, and after a match like that you can have no illusions about the state of the skeleton. Easy title defence for the "World's Most Dangerous Man", no Kaz Hayashi in sight too. Bad day in the office for the "Chairman of WCW"! Benoit and Eddie talk backstage about their matches tonight and share all the frustrations they had lately. Chris says Ric Flair was dropped once by Sid, but at the pay-per-view Benoit is going to german suplex Flair as many times as "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" has been a world champion. Eddie says that's right vato, Flair has no chance! After all, he's not even that dirty of a player lately! Eddie says he will prove the world he's the one who lies, cheats and steals, ORALE! Chris nods and wants Guerrero to be hungry for his Parejas Incredibles match, so they could be done with their rivals after the pay-per-view and finally get on the right track together! "Simon, ese!!"


Triple H and Ric Flair have a bit of a chatter until Bret comes up with the big gold belt. "Hitman" expects Triple H to beat Goldberg at the pay-per-view and prove he's worth to represent the NWO. Hart says that brawl with Goldberg at the beginning of the show was embarrassing, and to beat a man like Bill he will need more than just a sledgehammer. Triple H is fuming, and then Hart reminds Hunter about the loss on Thursday to Benoit and Sid. "You may be an ok fighter, but that's not good enough if you share a corner with Ric Flair. Tonight I will show you what the excellence of execution is all about, Hunter. Pay attention and maybe you will someday become somewhat close to my caliber..." Hart pats Flair and goes away. Ric looks Triple H in the eyes and says Bret doesn't know who he is talking too, but Flair knows how damn good he is! He also encourages Triple H to make an example out of Shane Douglas on Thunder, if he picks that guy apart Ric will pay for the dinner, wooo! Triple H promises to make Flair dance, cause this week nobody is stopping him from becoming the number one contender! Also Konnan will be out of the gang and Benoit would be taken care of... tonight!


Buffy T are getting ready for their six man tag team match up. Trish Stratus decided to wear a cowboy hat for some reason. Buff says that it looks good on Trish, but it's not as good as his airbrushed hat! He shows off his face on the top of it and giggles like he saw it the very first time. Buff then says Booker has to get something on too, and Trish puts the cowboy hat on the champ. Booker is all smiles until Trish leaves to powder her nose in the lady room, throwing the hat away and whispering something under his nose. Buff then puts his hat on Booker and gets a "tell me you didn't just" look. Eyes almost pop out, but Booker gets a hold of himself and says they're champions, but their first title defence is coming and they have to be at the top of their game, dawg! Buff jokes off, saying he's talking To Buff Bagwell, he's always on top, wink-wink. And what about the dawgs? Konnan is a dog and he's not living "the life" lately, is he? Big T heavily breathes after Buff reminds him of Konnan, but Booker says Big T has that killer instinct and it will help them tonight! Buff says it's a done deal, just like with Kanyon and Bam Bam! Booker recommends Buff to not get complacent this early into title reign, but the argument ends as they hear their entrance music. As they come out of the room, Trish is arguing with Lita about something. "My man is a champion, and what about yours?" or smth among the lines. Lita tells Trish to go bark at ringside, because that's the only thing she can do. Stratus laughs and asks what did Lita do in the past couple of weeks? Nothing! Trish calls Lita a loser and supervises her boys to the ring.



In a match that had some good action and average heat, Big T and Buffy T defeated nWo 2000 (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Konnan) in 7:39 when Big T defeated Konnan by pinfall with a Silver River Plunge following a turn by Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. 72/100


Oh my goodness! Outsiders left Konnan laying senseless, that turn surely was planned. Commentators wonder if Bret knows about it? Hall and Nash leave K-Dawg to the trio of Trish Stratus. Big T gets in and splashes on top of the guy who stabbed him by accident, taking that sweet revenge and putting the end to their mini-rivalry! Buffy T can't believe it all went down to a gift from the New World Order, but Stratus raises hands of the technical winners anyway! She awards them with tag team gold and Outsiders encourage the blonde to kick Konnan in the nuts... Big T picks up the battered "Latin Fury" and powerbombs the man in bandana with malicious intent!! That's enough Big T, it's over now. Bagwell jumps around and laughs in a high-pitched voice about getting bowdy bowdy tonight, stealing Konnan's catchprase to call it a day.


Candido is rushing from one corner to another, he's worried. He's also angry, and he kicks the trash can because he can't help it. Looks like he appointed a meetng with Tammy and she didn't show up. Oh, how typical... Essa Rios asks Candido what happened, but gets pushed away. "Hard Knox" says that it's easy for a guy like Essa to be happy with his life, he has a good girlfriend and she loves him! Rios can't get a word in as Kidman, our shiny cruiserweight champion, approaches the man who suffers from love. Billy says Candido is not the only one, and he knows what went wrong between him and Tammy. Chris asks what is it, but only gets to hear about Torrie Wilson who ignores the calls. Two guys moan about how cruel love can be, and how a certain thing can make it easier. Probably talking about that magic substance, right... Essa is left behind of course. He is deep in thought about what he just heard from them. Maybe it's time to ask Lita out?


After the break we have police sirens blaring and Scott Steiner coming out with his US title! As always "Big Poppa Pump" flexes and calls his fans white trash, but he's out here not to fight some ordinary people. You see, Scott Steiner is not normal, so fighting average people would be unfair, and he's a fighting champion. He says Mike Awesome is a phenomenal douchebag, as he follows around the stooge named Hulk Hogan and dares to go one on one with the MAN who keeps this darn company rolling baby! Scott says he wants a warm up match for his ultimate tables match at the pay-per-view, so he calls out anybody who also believes he's out of the normal proportions! Out comes Bam Bam Bigelow, much to surprise of the fans! "Beast from The East" motions a title belt around his waist, with Steiner yelling from top of his lungs about how fat Bigelow is, and that no title would fit around that fat bum! Ring the bell...



In a match that had some good action and average heat, Scott Steiner defeated Bam Bam Bigelow in 9:22 by submission. Scott Steiner makes defence number 5 of his WCW United States title. 77/100


Scott Steiner retains and probably gives Bigelow some kind of injury too! That Steiner Recliner wasn't kind on Bam Bam's frame, the challenger clutches to his back after the match. Kanyon comes out to aid his tag team partner asking what the hell he was thinking coming in and challenging Scott Steiner?? Loser shoves his amigo away and Steiner says Bam Bam doesn't want to wrestle Kanyon this night, but "Freakzilla" has another option... "Kanyon, how come you're not interested in ladies?? I know, maybe I can do something about it, fix you up! Big Poppa Pump is your hook up, you can have fun with my freaks but as a return I want you to slap your dear friend DDP in the face and tell him I'M THE CHAMPION! WHAT YOU SAY???" Kanyon reluctantly rejects the proposition and gets called a *AG by yours truly United States champion. Not a good string of matches for Jersey Triad, they need to pick their game up!


Raven and Meng are wandering backstage, striking fear into the halls of the New Haven coliseum. Of all people "Mean Gene" wants to hear from Raven about Sting, Goldberg, Sid Vicious?? Meng shoves Okerlund away, on his old rear end. Raven just cackles at the mention of Sid Vicious. "That guy has a pea for a brain, yet he's a number one contender because Hogan thought so. What a joke..." At the other end of the corridor it's Hulk Hogan and Mike Awesome! Hogan roars for "Mean Gene" to get up, staring at Raven. Meng and Mike Awesome are not to happy to see each other aswell, but they leave the talk to talkers. Hogan asks what a guy like Raven forgot in WCW? Wasn't he some kind of big fish in a small pond, that bingo hall company? Raven says he is surprised Hulk even knew who he was, and that it's an honor to stand in front of him. Hogan did not expect that, while Raven goes on with his ramblings. "What are you gonna do when Hulk Hogan runs down on you?? Uhm, how about main eventing Nitro and getting myself into the world title picture this Sunday? Quote the Raven, Nevermore..." Meng pushes Mike aside and Hogan holds his protege off to avoid the fight with toughest man in pro wrestling.


Rey Mysterio is shadow boxing with Jimmy Hart cheering him up, just as beat up Konnan passes by. K-Dawg says Rey's boxing is embarassing, and he should probably teach him someday how do it the right way. Rey says he doesn't need any help from Konnan now, as he will pin Black Tiger in tonight's Parejas Incredibles match to go on and win the title from Kidman on pay-per-view. Konnan comforts his ribs and says if Rey's little plan will fall through, he can always call the big dog. Rey says the only plan that falls through is NWO, and the evidence is on Konnan's face. Rey ends it by saying Eddie is part of his family, Konnan lost his place in the heart of Rey Rey a long time ago. Jimmy Hart avoids eye contact with Konnan, he doesn't want to get stabbed like Big T, he stays out of trouble. Konnan has no back up at all, on his own for the first time in a long time!



In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Black Tiger and Eddie Guerrero defeated Rey Misterio Jr. and Kidman in 12:12 when Eddie Guerrero defeated Rey Misterio Jr. by pinfall with a roll up. 67/100


Eddie wrestles Kidman and throws him out of the ring, Rey gets in and Eddie hits a suicide dive on Billy to avoid contact with his friend. Ref tells Tiger to get in, Chavo and Misterio go at it, couple of near falls. Black rolls Rey over and Kidman breaks the pin attempt, saving his rival just to get a chance to get rid off him later, on his own. Kidman and Rey work as a tag for a while, Eddie steps in and dropkicks Kidman out again. Tiger rolls out, Misterio vs. Eddie! They talk in the middle and have a splendid chain wrestling showdown, then they fight for real until Tiger saves Eddie from a loss! Eddie rolls out to catch a breath, but is taken out by Kidman on the outside! Rey gains momentum and has Tiger groggy, Eddie brainbusters Kidman on the outside after some flashy kicks! Feint kick and a splash on Tiger, Rey goes for cover! Eddie tries to break it up with a Frog Splash, but Rey rolls out of the way so Eddie hits his rival and partner... Rey tries to catch Eddie with a crucifix pin but gets rolled over himself! Eddie holds on to the ropes slightly and pins Rey for the count of three!!


Eddie cheated to win! He did it! Rey can not believe it, but Guerrero says Rey tried the same a bit earlier. Rey cools off a bit after Jimmy Hart has a little talk with him and goes on to shake Eddie's hand. Rey is gutted Kidman just slipped out of his hands, and now he's out of the pay-per-view it seems. Piper comes out and says that was pretty entertaining. Eddie says he doesn't need sweet words from Roddy, he wants Black Tiger one on one! Piper says that match will happen, with winner becoming the number one contender for Kidman's gold. "Rowdy" then adds he liked how well Rey and Billy worked together, and wants to keep that up for one more time. Piper reminds us of eastern guests in Minoru Tanaka and Koji Kanemoto coming in with the IWGP Junior Tag Team titles. Piper thinks Misterio and Kidman are the best duo to take on them, but if they're not interested they can always miss out on the payday. Deep down Black Tiger wanted to be the one one challenging for tag titles, but now he has to withstand the wrath of "Latino Heat"! Eddie threatens to unmask Tiger this Sunday and win the title from Kidman next week! Nice shake up in the cruiserweight division! Will Rey find his ways with Kidman though?


After another commercial break Sting is coming from the rafters. His face looks normal now, but the scars on his soul won't heal until he has his revenge on Raven and Meng! Sting talks about the new alliance and gives them credit, they really messed up with him! Sting says he stepped over the line with a bottle rose, and he got taken away. Sting is very sorry and asks forgivness from his Stingers. They call him Sting, but also "The Icon"! And a behavior like that is not up to the profile of that status. Sting is guilty and wants to make it all good again. For that he needs to take a bit of a risk, and get into the "Feast or Fired" match this Sunday. He knows for a fact Meng and Raven will be there, and it's a perfect opportunity to make it all even! Jeff Jarrett's music interrupts Sting, who asks Sting to wait a minute while he tries to shut those slapnuts up! After some "interactions" Jarrett approaches Sting and says it's his time now, and at New Blood Rising he will get the right briefcase, cash it in and get the gold all over his waist, so you can choke on that! Sting smirks and asks why not see who's the right fit for the golden opportunity is... Jarrett thinks for a second, turns his heels in the exit direction, but then swerves everybody with a Guitar Shot! "Chosen One" says "It's Showtime, SLAPNUTS!" and calls over the ref to start the bout.



In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jeff Jarrett defeated Sting in 9:54 by pinfall with The Stroke. 81/100


A big black crow attacks Sting all of a sudden, giving Jarrett a chance to hit his finisher!! No way!! Jeff Jarrett just pinned Stinger! That bird almost popped Stinger eyeballs too! People in the arena look at each other in disbelief and boo the "Chosen One", who is out of breath and on the verge of crying after that match. He is joined at the ring by his "Revolution" fellow members, as they raise him up on their shoulders with Double J gloating and soaking the moment in. Shane Douglas approaches groggy Sting and yells he's the true Franchise, before sending him on the canvas with a nice Pittsburgh Plunge!! Malenko and Saturn get Jarrett back on the ground, to join the assault. Raven has to be a part of that "interference"! Jarrett gets the mic and says that slapnuts paid to see him beat "The Icon" and he did just that! Nobody paid for that, Jeff, match wasn't announced. Jeff says he's big time and after he wins a Feast or Fired match this Sunday, he will get a grip of Hart's gold to kick off the Jarrett Era! Fans boo already, but you can't take that win away from Jarrett. Revolution is getting trash thrown at them, so they decide to leave the ring area and get on with celebrations. Sting can't believe he just lost and was attacked by a bird... Sting picks a mic and says this Sunday people will see the best man win! Raven, Meng, Revolution, so many distractions. Good luck to Sting, he's going to need it!


Bret is furious with Outsiders turning on Konnan without his permission and accuses them of throwing subordination out in the window. Hall and Nash are smirking and saying if Bret wants to have Konnan in NWO he can't have both of them! With that being said, Hunter could also join their little Kliq... Hart tries to keep his cool, he won't do himself any favors getting the whole stable turned on him. Wolfpack is joined by "Naitch" who is woo-ing and clapping his chest and arms in joy after seeing Stinger laid out. Ric asks if there's any problem and gets a short "no" from former tag team champions who go their own way. Flair can't hide a smile knowing Konnan is out of the gang, so he tells the champ to get ready for their match, wooooo! At last Triple H comes around and says what happened to Konnan is unfortunate and all, but it's for the better. "The Game" just one upped Bret who's livid deep inside. Commercial break, last one!


It's time for our main even of the evening! Whole arena blacks out as Meng and Raven make thier entrance, called as "The Urban Legends" by Bobby Heenan. Quite fitting name, kudos to "The Brain"! Raven hits his signature pose with Meng rocking a stone face, only until nWo music interrupts them. It's Ric Flair and Bret Hart who come out, with "Nature Boy" turning his back on the fans to flash the black and white robe. The world heavyweight champion joins him at the ramp, as Bret stares at the duo in the ring, holding his world title above everyone else. Sid, the number one contender and huge underdog coming in the cage match this Sunday makes his way too, without Benoit. Ref asks where did Chris go, but gets a shrug off as an answer. Bret says he's not willing to wait much longer, but camera from the back explains everything. Triple H jumped "Crippler" backstage and now stomps him on the cold ground. "The Game" smashes a tool box in Benoit and adds a devastating PEDIGREE on the trash can bin to put Sid's partner out for good. Vicious wants to help out but ref stops him and tells the match is on, right now! Ric Flair is loving it and has a little dance to celebrate the beat down...



In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Bret Hart and Ric Flair defeated Chris Benoit & Sid Vicious and Raven with Meng in 12:16 when Hart pinned Benoit with a Victory Roll. 83/100


Triple H's attack not only can be seen as a revenge for some competition in their match at Thunder, but also as a gift to Ric Flair. More than that, Hunter's hate towards Sid Vicious didn't go anywhere and that was a good chance to play some mind games in order to give "Hitman" an advantage. It doesn't look like Hart needed any aid from "Cerebral Assassin", as he gently rolled up Benoit to end the match and deny Meng and Raven a big result. Over the course of the match Goldberg, who has to avoid contacts with Triple H, evened the chances by spearing Ric Flair out of his boots! Sid brawled with Meng and Raven and couldn't be there to break up the cover when it mattered. After the match Goldberg went on a rampage, spearing everyone who rubbed him the wrong way, only stopped by the belt shot and Evenflow DDT for all his troubles. Raven whispers something to Bret who is the absolute winner today, taking no harm ahead of his important title defence. Join us for Triple H vs. Shane Douglas on Thursday and New Blood Rises on Sunday! Have a good night!


Final Rating: 85/100 (6.56 on TNT)


Took me some time. Very nice show in terms of ratings, hope you enjoyed it too!

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New Blood Rising Poster and Big Fights




New Blood Rising 2000




Steel Cage Match for World Heavyweight Title


Sid Vicious vs. Bret Hart ©


Number One Contendership Match


Goldberg vs. Triple H


Ultimate Tables Match for United States Title


Mike Awesome vs. Scott Steiner ©






Three biggest matches of the pay-per-view, card still subject to change! Anyone interested in prediction contest, people? Who am I kidding, that's basically my personal diary now =P Check out those mad Paint skillz with Daffney, so embarassing lol. See ya all!

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