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Helping regional promotions grow

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I've created a 1928 mod for personal use and one of the issues I'm having in my tests is that the regional promotions are basically sticking to the home area. As such they are not growing.


I have set up TV stations so that regional promotions in the United States can pick up stations and get exposure in more than one area, but again the promotion is failing to pick up on this and take on a deal.


Does anybody have any suggestions?

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What is the popularity of these company in neighboring regions, and what is the minimum popularity for the networks for those neighboring regions? Your companies may just be waiting until they have enough spillover popularity in their neighboring regions to sign a deal with them.
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I've managed to resolve this now, by using Tiny TV carriers and monitoring each year for up to 100 years, how AI promotions are signing up to and using TV deals.


The only issue I've still had with this, is a Japanese promotion that was set to debut at Local and never ends up running a show. I suspect the issue here might be arena sizes in Japan, something I haven't looked at yet. There is also an AI issue long term with upgrading their TV deals to get bigger sizes. I have some solutions in mind but reported a tech thread and will see what Adam says.


I've also gone even further back in my mod now, using Gotch v Hackenschmidt rematch in 1911 as the base for this mod, and having it grow organically from the beginning.


Next test for my mod is attempting to some more promotions to debut in later years (specifically the 1948 territories) so there's a healthy amount going round longer term into the 2000s, importing RL wrestlers to debut from the 70s onwards (with 0 pop) to give the start date a little flexibility if I want it to (and a sense of reality), and a bunch of mod fixes.


I've yet to decide whether to release this yet or 'hype' it on here, but I might. If people are really interested in knowing more about what this mod is about, I'm happy to start a new 'Hype' mod thread and going from there.


With the 1928 DB I did end up adding in all the roster from AWA: Boston at the time, but ditched it as the AI wasn't really playing out with the roster the way I was expecting it to, despite trying a few various things, so I've gone back further now to 1911 as it seems a logical place and time (besides 1920) to start an organic mod.

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