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What do you look for when booking fight?

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So one of things I'm trying to get used to is the idea that good fighters don't necessarily make good fights. Usually, I try to hire the best fighters I can find (subject to scouting level, anyway), and then try to match similarly ranked fighters against each other, to try and even out skill as much as I can. But just because two fighters are at competitive skill levels doesn't mean they'll put out a good fight; sometimes you'll get a great fight, and sometimes you'll get grinds. Some of this is beyond my control, I understand, but I'd like to put on the best fights I can.


Any helpful tips?

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If your main goal is to just put on good fights. Try to match skill stets Like to very good strikers who have a high flashy strike skill or some one who has a brawling mentality vs a decently good striker (not great but decent striking). With Wrestlers I would say them vs guys would are good with takedown d or guys who are very good on the ground. That way that wrestle is less likely to just lay on them. Just some tips that might help.


I run my org like the UFC but with how i would like the UFC to be run. So I give title shot based on rankings no instant rematches etc.. But i build certain prospects very slow.

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I run my organizations as realistic as possible. I actually don't look at skills very much. I just book contenders vs. contenders, coming off a loss vs. coming off a loss, etc.

For new hirings, they obviously have to go on a win streak.


In real life, sometimes boring fights/cards happen. You can't control it. So, I don't try to control the excitement, save for a few fights for the main card opener.

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I like to protect my prospects to a degree and give them chances to fight name talent. If a decent name star is failing against other veterans I'll have a prospect on the way up challenge him, mostly that would be able to beat him and get the bump.


Among more even guys sometimes I'll book two guys who don't use takedowns so they can stand and bang but I rarely try to book two exclusively ground guys otherwise it's just 3-5 rounds of laying-even if it goes to a finish. If I feel a guy is ready I'll throw him to a top guy who just lost, and if a "top" guy can't deliver I might give him a relative can or two, but its only so long before he's the one on jobber duty

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For a main card fight, I'm typically looking at popularity and ranking. As long as they are a certain popularity level in the region, then they can fight on the main card. As for who they fight, that depends on the ranking. I try to keep top 10 again top 10, top 20 against top 20, etc etc. But I might fall out of that in certain circumstances, like a really good top 25 guy that used to be high ranking.


For prelims I'm solely going off of reputation and aura level to pair them up.


The only time I look at their actual skills is when it's like a blowout. I don't care about striking vs wrestling or things like that. If you're the right, you'll get the fight no matter how you match up. If it's a blowout and we're talking like new guy vs experienced veteran then I'll typically let the new guy get some more fights under his belt before feeding him to the wolves. That's just a matter of allowing growth. But if it's in the higher rankings, then there's not really much of a choice...you gotta fight who you're matched up against if you want the title.

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I'm hearing a lot about booking fights based on ranking, which is nice, since that's how I like to book; it's good that this style can be successful.


I usually like to get people booked against people within 3-5 ranks of them- if I have two closely ranked fighters who just came off a loss, I'll have them fight so they can get back to form. If I have somebody on a losing streak, I'll set them up against somebody lower down, in the hopes that it'll either be an easy fight that lets them get back to winning, or the lower guy will get a good boost out of it.


I'm always worried about my star quality leveling out, though; because I don't like booking people with deliberately easy fights to just build them, from a flavor point of view, I'm worried that nobody will be able to build up the momentum to gain popularity fast enough. I'm always concerned that fights between contenders will kill their momentum. I suppose I just kinda hope that it will work out so that the people on top will earn their popularity, but I wonder if I should be taking marketability into account more.


I also tend to hire people who look like they're skilled, which can also be a crapshoot. I tend to see "strong wrestling skills" and "5-0 record" and decide to give them a shot, without considering that they might be a lay and pray fighter who simply grinds out wins in unexciting fashion. Should I be focusing more on the fighters who have more exciting styles?

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In general offense is exciting and defense is boring. And in general defense due to heart and physical skills(chin, etc.) is more exciting than defense due to technique.


Of course, with the search filters being the way they are it's hard to find guys like this. So I just pyramid with protecting prospects or favored sons as best I can.

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Honestly, all I look at are fighter rankings and who is winning or losing. Then I let the chips fall where they will. I find it more enjoyable this way because you won't be disappointed when the guy you're trying to build up to be your champ suddenly goes on a three fight losing streak and you find that all your efforts have gone down the drain.


Fighters on winning streaks and are in the top five get title shots. On rare instances, popular fighters or lower ranking guys can get the title shot if no one is available.


Fighters with a few wins get into title eliminators.


Fighters with one win or loss will usually fighter each other.


Fighters on losing streaks will fight each other to get back on track.


I think I'm pretty damn fair and I rarely am disappointed by the results. I try not to get invested in my fighters and instead get invested in my own success.

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