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World Championship Wrestling: Fixing History

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1998 should have been the year World Championship Wrestling put an end to Vince McMahon and his World Wrestling Federation...


Coming off the heels of perhaps one of the most successful feuds in history in Sting vs. Hollywood Hogan...and also acquiring the biggest free agent in wrestling history since Hogan in former 5 time WWF Champion Bret Hart, the stage was set for WCW to complete its domination of the wrestling world. They had everything. The biggest stars in the world...technical wrestling unmatched outside of Japan...the best high flyers you could find.


And yet despite this, despite all their advantages, they squandered their resources with petty bickering, ego-driven politics, and horrible booking decisions. By the middle of 1998 WWF had pulled back even in the Monday Night Wars. By the end they were slightly ahead. Within a week of 1999 beginning, they would never lose another head to head matchup to Nitro again.


WCW turned a near sixty million dollar profit at the end of 1997, when all was said and done. Barely over 4 years later, they would be sold for pennies on the dollar to the very same man who they had nearly put out of business. Their hubris and pride would spell their inevitable doom...


...or would it.


We have been given a second chance at saving WCW...right at their zenith point, the point at which they were their absolute highest...January of 1998. It will be our task to ride the waves of political intrigue and save WCW...and perhaps even finish off old Vinnie Mac (it helps that we've transported his 2014 senile self to the past as well. Level the playing field as it were.)


Here...WCW lives. Now make sure it stays that way...


((I know I started a JCP dynasty a while back, but my hard drive went fubar on me and I lost the game files. As it is this time period of history is more interesting to me (because I lived through it) and as such I'll be carrying this on for a while. I am using a self-modified version of Genadi's Montreal Aftermath database, in which I have imported a few workers from justtxyank's Rising Storm database.))

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Current WCW Champions


WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Sting (def. Hollywood Hulk Hogan at Starrcade 1997


WCW United States Champion: Diamond Dallas Page (def. Curt Hennig at Starrcade 1997)


WCW World Tag Team Champions: Vicious & Delicious [buff Bagwell & Scott Norton (def. The Steiner Brothers [Rick & Scott Steiner] at Souled Out, Week 3, 1998)


WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Chris Jericho (def. Ultimo Dragon at Souled Out, Week 3, 1998)


WCW Television Champion: Booker T (def. Disco Inferno at Monday Nitro, Week 4 1997)

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WCW Monday Nitro

Week 1, January 1998

Mid-South Coliseum

10,085 Attendance


(Please note for storyline purposes, the Sting/Hogan match "controversy" was actually carried out as planned, though the fast count was actually a fast count. The following night on Nitro, the nWo demanded a rematch, which they got in the form of a match on tonight's show. During the course of the evening, they also attacked J.J. Dillon and left him lying. The scheduled Larry Zbysko/Scott Hall match was the main event of that Nitro. Hall won cleanly. Deal with it Larry fans.)


Monday Nitro kicks off the new year in style, as Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan welcome us to the #1 wrestling program on television. After hyping the debut of WCW Thunder this week on TBS, Schiavone reminds us that tonight we will witness the rematch of the century, as Hollywood Hulk Hogan challenges Sting for the WCW World Title. Also tonight there is a major announcement planned concerning the future of the Championship Committee and the condition of James J. Dillon following last weeks devastating assault at the hands of the New World Order. Speaking of which...


Segment #1: Hollywood Hogan Interview

Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff come down to ringside, swagger obvious in their demeanor. Bischoff gets on the microphone first, saying that after the championship committee met this weekend, they realized that only one person could be the new head of WCW, and that would be him, the main man Eric Bischoff. Hogan gets the microphone and says that no matter who is in charge, things will get righted tonight, as he will finally get his belt back from the little Stinger, and show him who a true icon of the sport is. Hogan then mentions Bret Hart, saying that if the Hitman sticks his nose in Hollywood's business again, "I'll do the same thing to you I do to Sting tonight, brother."

Segment Rating: 91


Schiavone is quick to point out that no decision concerning the championship committee has been made, that they are aware of, but they hope that Mean Gene Okerlund will have more information from JJ Dillon tonight. In the meantime, after commercial break, we open things up with tag team action.


Match #1: The Faces of Fear [Meng & The Barbarian] w/Jimmy Hart vs. Villano IV & Villano V

The wrestling Villanos of Mexico were definitely stepping out of their weight class in this match, taking on the two powerhouse monsters of Jimmy Hart. Meng & The Barbarian wasted little time in dominating the two luchadores, and in about six minutes the match was over and done with, with Meng picking up the win with a Tongan Death Grip.

Winners: The Faces of Fear

Match Rating: 54

We cut to commercial break and come back on Raven in the ring, having stepped out from his usual perch at ringside.


Segment #2: Raven Motivates His Flock

Raven begins ranting about how the Flock need to do more to earn their keep, that its not enough that they simply follow his command as he leads by example in their war against either WCW or the nWo. To that end, he is commanding the Flock to pick up the pace or they may find themselves cast asunder, quote the raven nevermore.

Segment Rating: 44

Match #2: Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Raven's motivational speaking seemed to spur on Kidman, as he did well against game competition in the nephew of former cruiserweight champion Eddie Guerrero. Chavo and Kidman both showed off some great high flying moves, but in the end it was Kidman who put Chavo away with a Seven Year Itch and seemed to satiate Raven's demands...for now.

Winner: Kidman

Segment Rating: 55


Before we cut to commercial break, Kevin Nash is seen walking backstage with Scott Hall. They are approached by Lee Marshall...

Segment #3: Kevin Nash explains himself

Lee Marshall asks Big Sexy exactly why it was that he no-showed the match against The Giant at Starrcade. Nash says that his reasons are his own and he doesn't need to explain himself to a Tony the Tiger wannabe. Lee though is persistent, leading Nash to say "Listen, you and a lot of other people have been asking a lot of questions lately. But the fact of the matter is that Scotty and I have bigger fish to fry." Hall then chimes in, reminding Lee Marshall that he is the rightful #1 contender to the WCW title, and he will be claiming his shot soon. Nash concludes by saying he'll take care of "Ole Jolly Green" when he's good and ready to do so.

Segment Rating: 86


However, there may be someone who has something to say about that. As we come back from commercial, we see Gene Okerlund in the middle of the ring. At this time, he welcomes the current head of the Championship Committee, JJ Dillon to the ring.


Segment #4: It takes the son of a plumber...

James J. Dillon walks to the ring, or more or less hobbles, selling the injuries he sustained last week, complete with neck brace. Dillon gingerly gets in the ring, to which Okerlund helps him in. After pleasantries are exchanged, Dillon begins by thanking all the well-wishers who have left him messages of support at WCW headquarters, and all the prayers for he and his family over the last week. Dillon says that he has met with the championship committee and spoken of the matter with his family, and he feels that he can no longer carry out his duties in an adequate fashion. To that end, he resigned effective upon the naming of his replacement as the head of the championship committee. However, he also says that his last act as the head of said committee, is to name his own successor, contrary to what Mr. Bischoff had said. To that end, he welcomes to the ring, the new head of the championship committee, The American Dream Dusty Rhodes!


Naturally, Schiavone and company cheer loudly for this reveal, as Dusty makes his way down to ringside. Dusty gets in the ring, shaking the hand of JJ Dillon (something that should make old school fans go crazy at the implications) and settles down into business. For the first order of business tonight, he wants to make sure that what happened at Starrcade between Hogan and Sting doesn't happen again. To that end, he has given referee Nick Patrick the night off, and he himself will be the official of the matchup between Sting and Hogan tonight! Furthermore, if anyone, be they WCW or nWo interferes in the match, Dusty has ensured that they will be suspended indefinitely! The segment ends with Schiavone proclaiming this as a major turning point in the war with the nWo (major turning point #579 for those keeping track at home).

Segment Rating: 72


We cut back from commercial to more wrestling action on this wrestling show! Who'd have thunk it!


Match #3: Buff Bagwell w/Vincent vs. Scott Steiner w/Ted DiBiase

Last week the self professed team of Vicious & Delicious proclaimed that they would become the new tag team champions as soon as they got the opportunity. The Steiners, being tag team champions, have obviously taken exception to that. Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell had a pretty evenly paced matchup, with Scott getting most of his hard hitting offense into the match, but Bagwell getting his own shots in as well. In the end, Rick Steiner came down to help his brother once Scott Norton decided to come out. As the two were brawling (and Scotty was distracted), Bagwell grabbed a foreign object from Vincent and walloped Scott in the back of the head with it, securing the three count afterwards. After the match, the Steiners were none too pleased with the outcome.

Winner: Buff Bagwell

Segment Rating: 64

Segment #5: Lex Luger's Bestie

Lex Luger is seen backstage with the new head of WCW, Dusty Rhodes, conversing about tonight's match between Sting and Hogan. Rhodes asks Luger if he has seen or talked with Sting since Starrcade, and Luger shakes his head that he hasn't. He says he hopes that he can converse with his friend soon, and that he wishes him luck in tonight's match.

Segment Rating: 77


We cut from commercial and see Gene Okerlund standing by with the Hitman Bret Hart...


Segment #6: A word of caution...

Bret Hart is asked about why he interfered in the match at Starrcade, and Bret reiterates that he won't let a screwjob happen like it happened to him. He says that he knows a thing or two about screwing people, or at least according to some people up north he does, and that he knows with Dusty Rhodes on the job, he won't have to get involved tonight. That brings Okerlund back to the words of Hollywood Hogan earlier tonight. Bret smirks and says he has his own words of warning for Hollywood, worry about the Stinger first. Then, just maybe, he can worry about the Hitman.

Segment Rating: 80


Schiavone nearly creams himself over the slight war of words between the two icons...someone get the man a new set of pants. In the meantime...

Match #4: Goldberg vs. Barry Darsow

Da Man, Goldberg, continues his freight-train esque run through the WCW...as he makes short work of Mr. Barely Legal. Darsow can barely even put up a fight before he is done in by a Spear and Jackhammer, as Goldberg celebrates another win.

Winner: Goldberg

Segment Rating: 45


We take a short commercial break as we are then treated to a Nitro Girls display as Schiavone runs down the next few places we'll be in town for Nitro. They also point out a huge match for the debut of WCW Thunder, as Diamond Dallas Page will defend his newly won US Title against the former champion, Curt Hennig. Speaking of champions...


Match #5/Singles Match for the Cruiserweight Title: Ultimo Dragon © vs. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho, who's newfound attitude seems to be alienating fans, though he himself is oblivious to this fact, gets an opportunity at the cruiserweight title here, and makes a strong showing of himself. Dragon and Jericho trade several high flying moves, and Jericho nearly finishes the match off by locking Dragon in his Lion Tamer submission. Dragon is able to escape to the ropes, however, and in the end he pins the Lionheart with a running powerbomb to retain his title.

Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Ultimo Dragon

Segment Rating: 78


Dragon celebrates the win...however...


Segment #7: Possession is 9/10's the law...

As Dragon is celebrating, an irate Chris Jericho comes to and hits Dragon in the back of the head with a running enziguri. After putting the boots to the champ for a few seconds, Jericho glances down at the cruiserweight championship belt laying prone on the ground. He looks around quickly, seeing the referee tending to the fallen champion...before grabbing the belt and high tailing it out of the ring, championship in toe.

Segment Rating: 65


Schiavone can't believe that Jericho would do such a heinous act. However, he is distracted by the fact that overpaid ring announcer Michael Buffer has entered the ring, and when we return from commercial, we will have the biggest rematch in the history of our sport!


Segment #8: The Big Entrances

Michael Buffer does his usual schtick with special referee Dusty Rhodes in the corner, as Hollywood Hogan makes his spectacular way to the ring, followed by Sting dropping from the rafters, the WCW title slung over his shoulder.

Segment Rating: 100 (say wha....)


This leads us into...


Match #6/Singles Match for the WCW World Title: Sting © vs. Hollywood Hogan

In contrast to their Starrcade affair, in which Hogan pretty much dominated the match, Sting dominated most of this match until a right cross from The Disciple (behind Rhodes back no less) turned the match in Hogan's favor. Sting rallied back though, and after a fifteen minute affair, Sting made Hogan tap out to the Scorpion Deathlock, clean as a sheet, proving victorious for WCW once again.

Winner and STILL World Champion: Sting

Segment Rating: 88


Final Show Rating: 85

Television Rating: 5.19


Also for the record...here's what Vinnie Mac was putting on opposite us...


Bob Holly d. Steve Blackman (pre-show)

Marc Mero d. Al Snow (pre-show)

Backstage Segment with Marlena & Goldust

Phineas I. Godwinn d. Scott Taylor

Skit involving The Undertaker & Chyna

Taka Michinoku d. Brian Christopher to retain the lightheavyweight title

Skit involving Kane & Triple H

Steve Austin d. Aguila

Confrontation between Steve Austin & Shawn Michaels

The Undertaker d. The Rock

Mankind d. Shawn Michaels (non-title, I'm presuming)


They got a 4.07 for this card. Pulled out their heavy hitters and still couldn't beat us....so far so good. We'll see you for Thunder this week.



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WCW Thunder

Week 1, January 1998

Carver-Hawkeye Arena

Attendance of 2,523


Pyro kicks off the first ever edition of WCW Thunder, the brand new show from World Championship Wrestling taking place on Thursday night.


Segment #1: Ameican Dweam...Commisioner

We open on the new commissioner, as it were, of WCW walking from his car into the building. Gene Okerlund catches up with Dusty Rhodes, and asks him what we can expect from tonight's event. Rhodes says that by the end of the night, we will find out the main event for WCW Souled Out in just a few weeks. He also announces that the surprises are just beginning for WCW and the nWo.

Segment Rating: 60


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan are shown at ringside, as they wonder exactly what the American Dream has in store for the New World Order tonight. They also run down the card for tonight, which features two big title matches, including the WCW United States Title on the line in the main event. But we open with our first title match...for the TV Title...


Match #1/Singles Match for the Television Title: Booker T © vs. Chris Benoit

The Canadian Crippler, who's association with the Four Horsemen has been seemingly forgotten by everyone given some of the backstage drama of the time, is given an opportunity at the newly won TV Title of Harlem Heat's Booker T. It's an opportunity he lavishes too, as the two men go tooth and nail in a fantastic matchup. The crowd starts to get into it, but unfortunately all too soon the bell rings in a timelimit draw. After the match, the two men shake hands on a job well done, but it's clear that Benoit is disappointed he couldn't win the title.

Winner: Time Limit Draw

Segment Rating: 71


Segment #2: Lie...Cheat...Attack...

As Booker T and Benoit are shaking hands on sportsmanship, they are suddenly both blindsided by former cruiserweight champion Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero seemingly comes from nowhere and attacks both men, leaving them lying in the middle of the ring. As they both struggle to get to their feet, Eddie grabs the TV Title Belt and poses with it, clearly making his intentions known.

Segment Rating: 59


Segment #3: I am the champion! No really...I am!

Lee Marshall is roaming around backstage and he runs into Chris Jericho, who is looking around the locker room area, seemingly worried about something. Marshall tries to ask him about stealing the cruiserweight title belt, which is currently wrapped around Jericho's waste like a security blanket. Jericho says he doesn't know what Marshall is talking about, that since he has the belt he is clearly the cruiserweight champion. As soon as Marshall makes note of Ultimo Dragon, Jericho suddenly has somewhere else to be...

Segment Rating: 61


Segment #4: The following promo has been paid for...

The nWo come out next, or at least the core members of the group, in Hall, Hogan, Nash & Savage, along with Eric Bischoff. All four get in the ring and Bischoff starts off by laying into Dusty Rhodes and his stupid bone headed decisions thus far. Hogan chimes in, saying that if Dusty Rhodes knows what's good for him, he'll give Hollywood Hogan another shot at Sting at Souled Out, because everyone knows that he is the rightful #1 contender.


This however seems to ruffle the feathers of the Macho Man, who grabs the microphone suddenly out of Hogan's hands. Savage explains that, Hogan has had two opportunities to deal with Sting so far, and maybe it's someone with a little Madness on his side to be able to deal with the Stinger. Hogan shakes his head, when suddenly a HEY YO! is heard from behind them. Hall points out that he was the winner of World War III, and thus he should be the rightful contender for the WCW Title. Nash seems to agree with his Outsider counterpart. The four men continue arguing, much to the delight of those at the announce position.

Segment Rating: 88


Seems like trouble in paradise for the New World Odor, as Larry Nabisco likes to say...in any event...


Match #2: The Giant vs. Hammer

Unlike Kidman on Nitro, Hammer doesn't seem to take to well to the motivational speech of Raven. Of course, running headlong into a pissed off Giant isn't exactly the best career move one can make. The Giant finishes off Hammer in less than two minutes with a chokeslam. He then motions to Kevin Nash, who stands on the stage watching, saying he's next.

Segment Rating: 49


Segment #5: MORTAL...no wait...that gimmick is dead

As Hammer slowly gets to his feet. Raven's Flock gets up from their seats at ringside and surround the ring. Raven confronts his fallen follower, but before he can dispense any brand of tough love to Hammer, Mortis runs in from the back and interrupts the proceedings. Mortis gets in the ring and stares at Raven, as Hammer struggles to his feet. Quickly though, Mortis turns around and decks Hammer, before flattening him with the Flatliner. Mortis then removes his mask, handing it to Raven, and then leaving with the Flock, apparently having joined the stable.

Segment Rating: 47


Not too much action on this show so far, hopefully that will change...after the match though...


Segment #6: Running on Empty

We cut back to the parking lot, where Chris Jericho is apparently skipping town on his advertised match with Juventud Guerrera tonight. Jericho cautious makes his way to the car, but that caution gets thrown to the wind when he hears Ultimo Dragon behind him. Jericho abandons his suitcase and rushes to his rental car, making sure the title belt is still around his waist before driving off, escaping the clutches of the real champion.

Segment Rating: 57


Match #3: Davey Boy Smith vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael

Apparently there's been some kind of reconciliation between Mongo and Debra, as Debra was back in her husbands corner for this match. Not that it did him a whole lot of good, as The British Bulldog dominated the former US Champ and finished him off relatively easily with a running powerslam, celebrating afterwards.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith

Segment Rating: 58


Match #4: Vicious & Delicious [buff Bagwell & Scott Norton] w/Vincent vs. The Steiner Brothers [Rick & Scott Steiner] w/Ted DiBiase

This is a non-title affair, and the Steiners seemingly are back on the same page following Monday night's singles loss, as they do well against Norton and Bagwell. However, bad luck strikes again, this time as Ted DiBiase and Vincent start getting into a shouting match on the outside (something to do with cleaning feet or something like that). The distraction prevents Pee-Wee Anderson from counting the three after Rick hits the Sky High Bulldog on Bagwell. Scott Steiner tries to get the ref's attention, but Norton interferes and breaks up the surefire three count. In the commotion, Vincent again slips some kind of international object to his clients, and this time Norton uses it on both Steiners, and hits the Shoulderbreaker for the non-title match win.

Winners: Vicious & Delicious

Segment Rating: 66


As we cut back from commercial...it seems that the nWo aren't the only ones with family bonding issues...


Segment #7: Steiner Fire

Backstage, the Steiners and DiBiase are having words over the loss. Scott is incredibly hot about the whole affair, and blames DiBiase. Rick Steiner tries to calm his brother down, and Scott finally says he had had enough of DiBiase as a manager. Scotty walks off, and DiBiase takes that as his services are apparently no longer required. Rick is left wondering what the hell just happened.

Segment Rating: 66


Segment #8: Ho Ho No

We immediately cut to a scene backstage, where Kevin Nash has apparently jumped the Giant. We see the big man lying on the ground as Nash puts the boots to him, saying that he is the true giant of WCW. Security tries desperately to back Nash off of The Giant.

Segment Rating: 75


Based on all this, Schiavone mentions that the matchup originally scheduled for Starrcade between Kevin Nash and The Giant was rescheduled for Souled Out. We also can announce that a tag team title match has also been made, as Bagwell & Norton will face the Steiner Bros for the belts at Souled Out.


Match #5/Singles Match for the US Title: Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Curt Hennig w/Rick Rude

The former champion got his rematch tonight, and the match was certainly a back and forth affair. Hennig focused on the perpetually injured ribs of the champion, and nearly won the match with a Hennig-plex at around the ten minute mark. But DDP powered out and managed a comeback, before hitting a Diamond Cutter out of seemingly nowhere and retaining the title.

Winner: Diamond Dallas PageSegment Rating: 75


After the match, DDP is celebrating as he usually does around the ringside area, but he is suddenly blindsided...


Segment #9: Quoth the Raven

Out of nowhere, Raven and his flock come back out of the crowd and attack the US Champion. A gang style beatdown insues, as Saturn, Mortis and Raven do most of the damage. They leave Raven to finish off the champion, as he delivers an Evenflow DDT to the floor below.

Segment Rating: 62


Before the night is done though...


Segment #9: And the main event shall be...

Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan storm into Dusty Rhodes office, demanding to have a rematch at Sting at Souled Out. However Rhodes makes it clear that the main event of Souled Out will be Sting defending the world title against the #1 contender, Scott Hall. Hogan is irate, and demands that he get the winner of the match. Dusty says he already has plans for Hogan...at Souled Out he'll be signing a contract for the main event of SuperBrawl VIII. At SuperBrawl, Hollywood Hulk Hogan will go one on one with Bret The Hitman Hart! Hogan is even more incensed as Schiavone nearly explodes at the prospect, as Thunder goes off the air.

Segment Rating: 79


Final Show Rating: 79

Television Rating: 0.76


Not a bad show to kick things off on a much earlier night. Despite the star power this week, Thunder is more of a B-Show compared to Nitro...though not quite the gutter of Saturday Night mind you. Which is our next stop, for the record...so enjoy that.

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"Mean Gene Okerlund here and unfortunately for all you people who spend enough money on hotlines to warrant a second mortgage...they've pulled the plug. So Mean Gene has decided to try out this newfangled Internet thingymajigger. So...where to I turn this on."


"The big backstage story to report of course is the sudden departure of Rowdy Roddy Piper from WCW. After being told that management doesn't have much for him and trying to renegotiate his contract, Piper has apparently left town. WCW will miss the rowdy scot, but it will probably allow new talent to move up the card."


"In similar news, Ric Flair has decided to take a vacation from World Championship Wrestling, to heal some lingering injuries and spend time with his family. Word on the street is that Flair may be back sometime around Bash at the Beach, but his vacation may even last longer than that."


"WCW has also trimmed a little fat off the roster, as Sonny Onoo, Jacqueline Moore, Madusa Micelli and Kevin Sullivan have been let go from their contracts. Yuji Nagata and High Energy have also left to return to Japan. More cuts may be soon in coming."


"On a positive note, WCW has signed a new tag team from the independent ranks. No word yet on who they are or when they will debut, but keep your eyes peeled on them soon."


"As for the "other guys", they hope to turn their fortunes around with big signings such as Jake Roberts, Vampiro and...Norman Smiley? They've also stolen Villano IV from us...how will we ever survive."


"That's it for me this week wrestling fans. Tune in for Saturday Night for more WCW wrestling action."

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WCW Saturday Night

Week 1, January 1998


- Dean Malenko d. Magnum TOKYO by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf (43)


- Eddie Guerrero is interviewed by Gene Okerlund. Guerrero says he doesn't care who he has to face, he will taste gold again in WCW whether these people like it or not (55)


- The Steiner Brothers d. Silver King & El Dandy with a Steiner Screwdriver to retain the tag team championship (57)


- James Vandenburg is shown...somewhere. He says while Mortis may have strayed from the path and joined Raven, he still has Wrath on his side. In fact he's allowed Wrath to shed his garb and go by his real name, along with another recent acquisition of his. And he challenges his old nemesis of Ernest Miller and Glacier to face his new War Machines on Nitro this week. (39)


- Kanyon d. Disco Inferno by pinfall with a Flatliner (46)


- A hype video for Goldberg is shown, chronicling his streak thus far (56)


- Steven Regal d. Ray Traylor by submission with a Regal Stretch (54)


- Afterwards, Regal challenges anyone in the back for a future matchup, saying its high time that he takes his rightful place at the top of WCW. (39)


- Before our main event, Lex Luger enters the ring and says that, this week on Nitro, he hopes that Sting will finally break his silence and talk with him. (82)


- Lex Luger d. Konnan by submission with a Torture Rack (65)


Final Show Rating: 66

Television Rating: 0.61

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WCW Monday Nitro

Week 2, January 1998

Joe Louis Arena

Attendance: 16,685


We start off with the announcer going through their usual rundown of the card, stating that we are going to have a monumental night here tonight, just thirteen days from WCW Souled Out.


Segment #1: The Greatest Night in Our Sports' History...Since the last one.

Schiavone sells the main event like it's a big occasion, as usual, but this time he may actually be on to something, as for the first time ever Bret "The Hitman" Hart will step foot in a WCW ring as he squares off with the Macho Man here tonight!

Segment Rating: 64


Segment #2: Something appears to be missing

This of course prompts the nWo to come out, though conspicuous by their absence are the Outsiders. Rumors had circulated that their little argument on Thursday night was just a tip of the iceberg concerning some question of dissent in the ranks, but the rest of the group appears to be putting on a united front. Bischoff gets on the microphone and says everything is copacetic with the nWo. Hogan then gets on and talks about how unfair it is that Dusty Rhodes is making a match between he and Bret Hart in February. But he says its a moot point, because tonight the Madness will take care of the Hitman, and he won't even make it to Souled Out...let alone Superbrawl in a month's time. He then rails about how he's gonna get his belt back and that this war has just started, despite their recent setbacks.

Segment Rating: 80


Hogan and company seem like their together, though that Outsiders business is hyped up by the announcers. We come back from commercial to our first match of the night.


Match #1: Fit Finley vs. Rick Martel

Two veterans of the ring wars squared off to kick off Nitro in the in-ring department. The crowd wasn't really feeling it to be honest, but the two athletes but forward a decent effort. Finley scores the victory with a Tombstone Piledriver.

Winner: Fit Finley

Match Rating: 49


Segment #3: Climbing the ladder of success...

Chris Jericho is seen backstage, as he is constantly looking over his shoulder for the Ultimo Dragon. The cruiserweight title is still positioned around his waist. He runs into Dusty Rhodes backstage, and asks, nay he demands that something be done about Dragon going around claiming to be cruiserweight champion, when obviously he, Chris Jericho, is the rightful holder of the belt. Rhodes contemplates it for a brief second (one could here the sound of a microwave bell tinging as he thought) before he says that he has done something about it. At Souled Out, the two men are going to fight for the title belt. This time though, it'll be in a ladder match. Jericho is incensed as Rhodes goes off, presumably to cool down his brain after thinking too long.

Segment Rating: 65


Schiavone and company question Jericho's sanity, but they also reiterate Jericho can't run tonight, as he has a match with Juventud Guerrera later on. Before the next match they run the challenge that James Vandenberg had set for Glacier and Ernest Miller this past weekend on Saturday Night. Tonight, we meet the War Machines, and as they enter the ring we see who they are, an unmasked Bryan Clarke and the newly signed Brian Adams!


Match #2: Glacier & Ernest "The Cat" Miller vs. The War Machines [bryan Clarke & Brian Adams] w/James Vandenberg

The two war machines instantly seemed to gel as a team, and James Vandenberg watched in delight as his two monsters went to town on The Cat and Glacier. The martial artists put up a fight, but they are unable to survive as The War Machines win with a double chokeslam.

Winners: The War Machines

Match Rating: 48


Impressive debut by the War Machines, though there are rumors of another tag team debuting soon...


Segment #4: DDP goes Bird Hunting

As we cut back from commercial, the United States Champion comes out to the ring. He gets on the mic and says he doesn't know why Raven and his Flock attacked him last week, but he'll be damned if he has to deal with that kind of assault. He's used to fighting against numbers, so he'll face them one at a time, two at a time, or whatever he has to. Conspicuous by their absence is the flock, not posted at ringside as they normally are. Raven suddenly appears on the video screen atop the Nitro set and insults Page. He says Page calls himself a People's Champion...but Raven understands the people more than Page ever could. That's why so many of them have flocked to his banner. The argument between the two was rather enthralling, and both men came out ahead in the verbal sparring.

Segment Rating: 74


Segment #5: Brits of a Feather

Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart are walking backstage, when they are approached by Steven Regal. Regal starts conversing with Smith, ignoring Neidhart entirely. Regal tries to imply the two of them, since they are British, should join forces. Neidhart intercedes, and words are had, but Davey Boy breaks it up, saying he wants nothing to do with Regal. Regal stands there, annoyed, and when the two other men turn to leave, he clubs Davey boy in the back of the head, slugs it out with Neidhart and leaves both men down on the ground from the cheap shots.

Segment Rating: 50


Regal seems to be getting more and more aggressive as time goes on. Might be a sign of things to come for him.


Segment #6: Sounds of Silence

Lex Luger comes out in street clothes, still apparently on his quest to talk with Sting. Luger gets on the microphone and says Sting and he need to talk things out about where they are. Luger stands in the ring, demanding Sting show himself. The camera turns up in the rafters, Sting staring down at Luger. Luger calls for Sting to come down, but Sting merely turns away from him and the camera. The announcers are somewhat flabbergasted at what has just happened.

Segment Rating: 65


We cut back from commercial to see Chris Jericho already in the ring...handing the title belt he carries to Scott Dickinson and holding him "personally responsible" for its safety...


Match #3: Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera

In a back and forth matchup, these two men showed why they are among the best cruiserweights in the world today. Jericho seemed partially distracted by the sight of his belt being from around his waist, but stays with the match nonetheless. Jericho nearly has Juventud set up for the Lionsault, when he spies Ultimo Dragon slowly walking down the aisle. Jericho immediately darts from the ring, grabbing his title belt, and running through the crowd to get away from Dragon. The referee, with no other choice, proceeds to count out Jericho and award the match to Juventud.

Winner: Juventud Guerrera

Match Rating: 62


Schiavone and company seriously question the actions of Jericho now. However they know at Souled Out he'll have nowhere to run to...if he wants to keep that title belt he's become attached to.


Segment #7: Steiner Interview

Gene Okerlund now joins us on the entryway, and welcomes out his guests, the World Tag Team Champions the Steiner Brothers. He goes over the fact that Ted DiBiase is conspicuous by his absence, but Scott chimes in and says that he and Rick don't need a manager by their side. Rick seems reluctant to agree, but doesn't argue with Scott. The two men do agree that whatever problems they've had in the last week have been set aside, and that they will be ready in thirteen days when they take on Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton at Souled Out.

Segment Rating: 75


Match #4/Singles Match for the TV Title: Booker T © vs. Alex Wright

Das Wunderkind tried to regain the television title from Booker T, but the fighting champion continued to impress everyone with his singles prowess. During the match, we see Eddie Guerrero intently watching on a monitor, and in another part of the building, Chris Benoit is also watching. Booker T finishes off Alex Wright with a Harlem Hangover.

Winner: Booker T

Match Rating: 64


Match #5: Bill Goldberg vs. "Gentleman" Chris Adams

Adams came out swinging, trying his famous superkick right out of the gate. Of course said move didn't even phase the monster Goldberg, who proceeded to steamroll over the veteran en route to yet another victory.

Winner: Bill Goldberg

Match Rating: 38


Match #6: Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth

It was main even time here on Nitro, and what a main event it was. Both men gave it there all, and produced a fifteen minute classic in one of the best Nitro main events in a while. In the end, Savage missed a top rope elbow drop, and Bret hooked on the Sharpshooter for a second time, this time scoring the submission victory.

Winner: Bret Hart

Match Rating: 86


Segment #8: Hart Attack

After Savage was defeated, the Outsiders decided to finally make an appearence, attacking Bret Hart from behind. Hollywood Hogan slowly sauntered his way down the aisle, but stops short when Sting appears from the rafters and dispatches the Outsiders. The Giant also comes in from the crowd, and all three men stand alone in the ring as Nitro comes to a close.

Segment Rating: 88


Final Show Rating: 78

TV Rating: 4.91


Meanwhile, on that "other" show


Rikishi d. Thrasher (pre-show)

Goldust d. Al Snow (pre-show)

Mosh d. Jacques [as in Jacques Rougeau]

Bob Holly d. Norman Smiley

Steve Blackman d. Skull

Backstage Brawl between Triple H and The Undertaker

Triple H d. Ken Shamrock to retain the European Title

Jeff Jarrett d. Steve Austin


To virtually no one's surprise, Raw managed a 3.86 this week, a full point below us again. No way of understanding how when Jeff Jarrett defeats the new face of your Attitude Era on your main event.


Anyway, see you next time for Thunder.


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WCW Thunder

Week 2, January 1998

Mohegan Sun Arena

Attendance of 9,127


Segment 1: Hyping the Main Event

We begin the show with our three announcers, Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan, hyping tonight's main event match between Scott Hall and The Giant. With both me gearing up for their matches at Souled Out, it's going to be a very important step (or so we are told) to the PPV less than two weeks away.

Segment Rating: 66

Match #1: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Hector Garza

Rey Mysterio kicked off our show tonight in an impressive match with Hector Garza, with whom he has pretty good chemistry. Garza gave a good effort, but Rey Mysterio pulled out the victory with the springboard hurancanrana.

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr.

Match Rating: 49

Match #2: The Public Enemy [Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge] vs. The Bluebloods [David Taylor & Bobby Eaton]

For some reason, the bluebloods seem to be realigned with one another. However this reason isn't enough to save them from the Public Enemy, as the former tag team champions put a hurting on them, finishing them off in little time flat with a Drive-By.

Winners: The Public Enemy

Match Rating: 42



Segment #2: A pair of old friends...

The Public Enemy stay in the ring, celebrating their victory, when they are suddenly assaulted by two men out of the crowd. Mike Tenay is quick to point out that they are Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley, newly signed by World Championship Wrestling. The Dudleys attack Public Enemy with reckless abandon, and leave them both lying in the center of the ring with a 3-D move for each of them.

Segment Rating: 41

The crowd didn't quite know what to make of the Dudleys, but Bubba Ray seemed to do much better than D-Von did, for some reason.


Segment #3: Bischoff's Demands

Eric Bischoff storms into Dusty Rhodes' office in the back, demanding to speak with him. Bischoff states clearly that Hollywood Hogan's contract states that, except for title defenses, Hogan can only compete in the matches that Hogan approves of. Therefore, the little contract signing at Souled Out and the match at SuperBrawl should be rightfully canceled, and Hogan should get the winner of Sting and Scott Hall.


Dusty smiles and says that Hogan might be within his rights to try and stop the match from happening, but Dusty Rhodes is now the man who assigns title shots around here. And if Hollywood Hogan...or anyone else in the nWo for that matter...ever want another shot at the heavyweight championship again, he will compete in that match at Superbrawl. Bischoff starts complaining again, but Rhodes simply dismisses him.

Segment Rating: 76


Match #3: Steven Regal vs. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart

Neidhart had Davey Boy Smith in his corner for this match, given the issues Regal has had with the two recently. Neidhart tries to power through the match, but Regal was able to outwrestle the Anvil and put him under with a Regal Stretch.

Winner: Steven Regal

Match Rating: 54


We are reminded that it is a night of champions tonight, as three title matches are taking place. The first is now...


Match #4/Singles Match for the US Title: Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Ron Reis

The big man of the Flock, Reis, faced off against the man the Flock has been targeting as of late in Diamond Dallas Page. Reis at 7'2'' certainly had the height advantage, but was no match for the methodical, never say die attitude of DDP. Page won the match with a Diamond Cutter, coming off the top rope to hit it.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Match Rating: 59


Segment #4: The Title Means Nothing?

Page got on the microphone and proceeded to challenge Raven, who was sitting ringside with his Flock, to a match at Souled Out. Raven actually seemed amused at this prospect, smiling for the first time in who knows how long, before grabbing a microphone of his own. Raven said that while winning the title is a noble goal, he is more interested in tearing down the whole of WCW and rebuilding it in his own image. And what a better way to start than the man who claims to represent the people of WCW. If Page wants a match with him, he must first go through Saturn...and Kanyon...together.

Segment Rating: 74


Once again the crowd seems to like where this is going. Before our next match Chris Jericho joins the guys on commentary, kicking Mike Tenay off the set for the time being. Schiavone asks him about the title belt, which Jericho says clearly he is the real cruiserweight champion. He tells Tony Schaphoney that at Souled Out, he'll put an end to this Dragon Joe person or whoever it is trying to claim he is the champion.

Match #5/Singles Match for the Cruiserweight Title: Ultimo Dragon © vs. Super Calo

Despite not having the cruiserweight championship belt, Dragon was still willing to defend his title. Super Calo actually looked good out there, and nearly stole a pinfall on a couple of occasions, but Dragon pulled out the win with the Dragon Sleeper to retain the title.

Winner: Ultimo Dragon

Match Rating: 44


Segment #5: Predictability...

To no one's surprise, Jericho took the opportunity to attack Ultimo Dragon after the match was over, stomping away at him and then locking him in the Lion Tamer after the bell had already rung. Jericho eventually posed with the cruiserweight title high over his head, one foot on the prone body of Ultimo Dragon.

Segment Rating: 50


Match #6/Singles Match for the Television Title: Booker T © vs. La Parka

La Parka starts off the match by swinging a chair right at Booker, but the champ ducks it. La Parka shows off some nice moves, but Booker T puts him away with a Harlem Side Kick to retain the title.

Winner: Booker T

Match Rating: 55


Segment #6: Unfinished Business...

After the match, Booker T gets on the microphone. He plugs the fact that he's going to face Eddie Guerrero at Souled Out with the TV Title on the line, but right now he is more interested in unfinished business he has with Chris Benoit. He says Benoit deserves another opportunity at the title, and that he'll get one Monday Night.

Segment Rating: 69


Booker seems to be getting over as champion real well. Though Stevie Ray was present a couple of times for these matches as a cornerman, Stevie Ray appears to be missing now, probably because his contract is due up to expire.


Segment #7: The Lone Wolf

Kevin Nash comes out, minus the rest of the New World Order who he says had the rest of the night off (Hogan and Savage weren't present, Schiavone had said as much). Nash addresses some of the problems there argument on last week. He half-heartedly says that everything is fine with the nWo, but admits the following...


Nash: "I'd be lying if I said that there isn't tension between the head dogs of the New World Order. But that's what makes us great. That's what makes us better than all of you. We strive for greatness and accept nothing but. And if you aren't successful, well, there's an answer for that too..."


Nash gets off the microphone and stands ready for the main event match.

Segment Rating: 89


Match #7: Scott Hall vs. The Giant

The Giant definitely stared down Nash throughout the match, allowing Hall to get most of the offense in. The Giant started to come back though, and out of the back the nWo poured out, actually here despite what Nash had said. The Giant was starting to be overwhelmed, when Sting repelled from the rafters to join the fray, as the Outsiders slinked away to the outside.

Winner: No Contest

Match Rating: 64


Segment #8: The Outsiders Reign Supreme

With the distraction of the rest of the nWo present, Hall & Nash sneak back in with steel chairs and level both Sting and The Giant. They each attack the other, first with Hall dropping Sting with the Outsider's Edge, and then Nash delivering a massive Jackknife to The Giant. The show ends with the announcers amazed at Nash's strength, and wondering if this war really has turned the tide or not.

Segment Rating: 90


Final Show Rating: 71

TV Rating: 0.83


An increase in the ratings, so far so good. WWF still has no Thursday show (nor will they, I guess, for anytime soon) so no comparisons made there.

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"Mean Gene Okerlund here back in cyberspace, and let me tell you folks that I have discovered a huge deal. A Nigerian prince wants to send me money, all for the simple use of my social security number. If I were a betting man, I'd say I can soon afford that hair transplant I've been after for years."


"Regardless, there has been a lot of news the WCW front. First off the contract of Stevie Ray, formerly one half of Harlem Heat, has been allowed to expire. Creative was ready for Booker T to move on, and word on the street is that Stevie Ray may be looking to retire soon anyway."


"In other news those folks up north are looking to pillage our roster! Not content with stealing Villano IV...they had to go and steal the other Villano as well! Charlatans! This could very well turn the tide of the war."


"Meanwhile The Dudley Boys officially made their debut on Thunder, and I've gotta say that this may not be the last big signing from that outfit in Philadelphia."


"WCW has also opened up a new concept in the wrestling world, a developmental territory. Resurrecting the old Championship Wrestling from Florida title that existed way back when, WCW is going to sign the stars of tomorrow and have them hone their craft there, before debuting where the big boys play. No word yet on who might already be there, but we'll keep you posted for some of the big names who are set to come up soon. We can say that Paul Orndorff has been sent down to be the main trainer and booker of CWF...so a wonderful job there."


"That's it for me...I've got a Nigerian Prince to get money from. Until next week folks!"

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WCW Saturday Night

Week 2, January 1998


- Louie Spicolli d. Mike Enos with a Spicolli Driver (27)


- Chris Jericho cuts an interview, talking about his match with Ultimo Dragon at Souled Out. (57)


- Vicious & Delicious [buff Bagwell & Scott Norton] d. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Steve "Mongo" McMichael by pinfall with a Buff Blockbuster (46)


- Lee Marshall & Larry Zbysko hype the World Title Match at Souled Out between Scott Hall & Sting (71)


- Chris Benoit d. Sick Boy by submission with a Crippler Crossface (54)


- Raven conducted a promo on DDP, saying that the Flock will crush him and then move on just as they always do. (60)


- Eddy Guerrero is interviewed, talking about his desire to be a champion, and that at Souled Out he will hold the television title. (47)


- Curt Hennig d. El Dandy (who's a jam up guy, by the way) by pinfall with a Hennig-Plex (54)


- Davey Boy Smith d. Dave Taylor by pinfall with a running powerslam (56)


- Kevin Nash d. Ice Train by pinfall with a Jackknife Powerbomb (54)


- After the match, Nash powerbombs Ice Train again, sending a message to the Giant (52).


Overall Show Rating: 60

TV Rating: 0.61

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WCW Monday Nitro

Week 3, January 1998

The Spectrum

Attendance: 17, 398

Segment #1: Main Event Madness

We open on the announcers going over what expects to be a huge main event tonight, as World Heavyweight Champion Sting will team with Lex Luger & The Giant tonight to face Macho Man Randy Savage and The Outsiders. But the big news tonight is of course that, after over a year of silence, Sting is expected to speak for the first time tonight. What exactly he will say, we don't know...

Segment Rating: 75


Segment #2: Paradise Lost?

Hollywood Hogan and the rest of the nWo come out, and Hogan runs down the usual spiel about being blackmailed into fighting Bret Hart. He hypes up the contract signing, and says that Bret Hart will probably chicken out. And when he does, he'll fight Sting and get his belt back...and the nWo will continue on like nothing has changed.


Nash grabs the microphone, apparently tired of Hogan's tirade. He says that for the last nine months all Hogan has done is talk. And Sting has outfoxed the nWo at all turns. But last Thursday Night on Thunder, without Hogan's help he adds, Hall and Nash orchestrated the ambush that led to Sting being laid out flat on his back, just like the old days. He says Hogan has done a lot of talking, but now is the time for action, and at Souled Out this Saturday, Hall will take the World Title whether Hogan likes it or not.


It almost comes to blows, but Bischoff is able to tone down the segment, as Hall and Nash leave with the rest of the nWo stalking further behind.

Segment Rating: 98


It would appear the problems in the nWo run deeper than just the surface problems Nash was alluding to last week. Be interesting to see where they go from this Saturday. BTW, the PPV was always on Saturday. WWF is running their Royal Rumble this same week, so to avoid overlap we ran ours the day before.


Match #1: Hugh Morrus vs. Brad Armstrong

Not much to write home about here. Hugh Morrus got a decent pop when he came out, and finished off the heir of the Armstrong curse in relatively easy fashion as he hit No Laughing Matter for the victory.

Winner: Hugh Morrus

Match Rating: 42


Segment #3: Vicious & Talkative

Gene Okerlund welcomes the #1 contenders for the World Tag Team Titles out to the entryway, in Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton. Bagwell does most of the talking, saying how the Steiners are passe as a team, and that he and Norton are the ones who are the future of tag team wrestling. Norton merely stands there and looks menacing, but he's good at that so...there you go.

Segment Rating: 66


Bagwell came out looking better than Norton, but that's to be expected.


Match #2: The Dudley Boys [bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley] vs. Glacier & Ernest "The Cat" Miller

For the second week in a row Glacier and Ernest Miller play host to a debuting tag team and for the second week in a row they find themselves down and out as a result. The Dudley Boys dominate the two martial artists, and finish them off with a 3-D for a dominating debut.

Winners: The Dudley Boys

Match Rating: 41


Segment #4: Public Enemy's Revenge

In response to the attack last week, The Public Enemy and The Dudley Boys again start to brawl. This time though Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge are able to get the best of the brothers from Dudleyville and stand tall after the end of this skirmish.

Segment Rating: 32


The crowd isn't adjusting to the hardcore nature of this feud, certainly. It might be a short stint for both teams if this kind of response keeps up.


Segment #5: Backstage Warm...not quite

Backstage we see Diamond Dallas Page beginning to warm up for his title defense against Kanyon next, however he is quickly ambushed by the whole of Raven's Flock, minus Raven himself. Saturn leads the charge, driving the US champ hard into the catering table just before the match.

Segment Rating: 50


Match #3/Singles Match for the US Title: Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Chris Kanyon

DDP comes out with taped ribs and everything, and Kanyon immediately goes to work on the injury, trying to exploit it for the victory. Page is able to fight through the pain, and in the, after kicking out of a Flatliner, hits Kanyon with a Diamond Cutter to retain the title again.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Match Rating: 69


Segment #6: Insult to Injury

As Page celebrates his win, he is suddenly attacked again by Raven, this time in the ring. Raven stands over him, almost toying with Page as he struggles to his feet. Raven says that this is far from over, and he'll beg him for release before its done, before delivering an evenflow DDT to him in the center of the ring.

Segment Rating: 74


Segment #7: Sting Speaks

After we come back from break, World Heavyweight Champion Sting silently makes his way down the aisle. Grabbing a microphone for the first time in a year and a half, he starts to talk...


Sting: "People have been expecting a lot of things from me for quite awhile now. People who seem to think that I owe them something. For over a year, I remained silent, and made it clear who my target was, and at Starrcade, I made that target suffer as I have suffered. And now that it is done, the question has been asked, what will Sting do next?"


"As I said many moons ago, I consider myself a free agent. I will stand with those who will not doubt me, and I will fight to save those who stand for the things I stand for. Lex Luger, you wounded me. You didn't give me the benefit of the doubt when I had done the same for you from day one that you set foot in this company."


This brings out Lex Luger, who climbs in the ring to confront Sting.


Luger: "Sting...I have already apologized for doubting you over a year ago. And if it helps, I'll apologize to you again. But this...this between us...it's got to be healed man."


Sting: "Whatever this is between us? This was friendship, Lex. This was the best friendship I ever had in this industry...and you took it and pissed it away in the blink of an eye over some third rate knockoff."


Luger: "And that gives you carte blanche to just abandon us? How many times, Sting...how many times did you just stay there in the rafters when The Giant, the Steiners, Harlem Heat, DDP, myself...how many times did you sit up there and watch them spraypaint their initials across our backs. You dropped the banner of WCW, a banner I had to carry, almost by myself for over a year."


Sting: "...I admit there were times I took some degree of pleasure in watching you suffer in my absence. I took some form of perverse satisfaction in watching the nWo run roughshod over the whole of WCW. But at the end of the day, when push came to shove, I was there to stand by your side...even if you didn't see it."


"This thing, between us, will never be the same Lex. We won't be best friends again. However, I am willing to bury the hatchet with you, and walk into the ring tonight and stand by you and fight the nWo as a team. Maybe not as friends...but as a team."


Sting extends his hand, which Luger warily looks at...before shaking it as well. The two men part ways, as Schiavone and co are in stunned silence.

Segment Rating: 87

Definitely some things getting interesting here. Luger's been hinting at something lately, but not sure of what...


Match #4: Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko

Jericho showed up, arrogant as ever, with the cruiserweight title around his waist. Malenko was all business, and nearly upended the pseudo-champion on several occasions. Jericho eventually scored a pinfall victory in a highly competitive match with a victory roll off the top rope.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Match Rating: 72


Segment #8: Retrieval and Redemption

Jericho, seemingly having let his guard down for the first time in forever, regrets this as he is suddenly blindsided from behind by Ultimo Dragon. Dragon takes the Cruiserweight Title Belt from the fallen Jericho, raising it high above his head. After Jericho comes too he throws another temper tantrum, crying out "WHERE"S MY BELT!" repeatedly.

Segment Rating: 65


Match #5/Singles Match for the TV Title: Booker T © vs. Chris Benoit

It was announced ahead of time that, unlike other TV Title matches, this one would not have a time limit. However it wouldn't need one. This match was another back and forth affair, as Benoit nearly beat Booker and Booker nearly beat Benoit half a dozen times between the two of them. Sadly, the end came when Benoit had climbed the top rope for a diving headbutt. Eddy Guerrero came marching out and shoved Benoit off the top rope, resulting in the DQ victory, but keeping the belt with Booker and keeping Guerrero's title shot in tact.

Winner: Chris Benoit (Booker T retains the title)

Match Rating: 62


Segment #9: Rhodes Sets Things Right

Eddie Guerrero is walking backstage, pleased with his actions, but runs into Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes calls Guerrero a coward, and says before he makes it to Souled Out to face Booker T, he'll have to go through Chris Benoit this Thursday Night on Thunder.

Segment Rating: 58


Match #6: Scott Norton vs. Scott Steiner

Two big men squared off in a bit of a Souled Out preview, and Scott Steiner showed why, potentially, he may be the best of the Steiner Brothers in terms of athletics. Scotty beats Norton, rather handily, with a Steiner Screwdriver.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Match Rating: 59


Match #7: "Macho Man" Randy Savage & The Outsiders [Kevin Nash & Scott Hall] vs. Sting, "The Total Package" Lex Luger & The Giant

The match was a back and forth affair, with The Giant taking most of the abuse. Once Sting was tagged in though, it turned into a melee with Sting dominating all three men. Luger became involved as well, and everything turned into a major frackus. As referee Nick Patrick tried to restore order, Konnan came down and tried to interfere, throwing powder into the eyes of Lex Luger. Sting countered with a Scorpion Death Drop, before Luger inadvertantly clocked him in the back of a head with a forearm shot. Scott Hall, the legal man, slowly made a cover, and scored the pinfall for his team. Hall had just pinned Sting!

Winners: "Macho Man" Randy Savage & The Outsiders

Match Rating: 67


Final Show Rating: 72

TV Rating: 5.09


Let's see what's happening on the other channel...


(Pre-Show) The Legion of Doom d. The Godwinns

(Pre-Show) Jacques d. Recon & TAKA Michinoku

A brawl involving Kane & Chainsaw Charlie

The New Blackjacks d. Kama & Vampiro

Skit involving Triple H & Mankind

The Rock d. Scott Taylor

Skit Involving Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin & The Rock

Faarooq d. Al Snow

Skit involving The Undertaker & Sable

The Undertaker d. Kane

Shawn Michaels d. Ahmed Johnson to retain the WWF Title


Not exactly sure why they blew their wad on the Undertaker/Kane match on the semi-main of a Raw show...but whatever, their loss. They only scored a 3.92 with this show so...didn't work.

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WCW Thunder

Week 3, January 1998

Prather Coliseum

Attendance: 3,900


Segment #1: Our intrepid announce team...

Once again the announce team of Schiavone and Heenan, along with Tenay, make run down tonight's card just a few days away from Souled Out. Of special note is the main event, as Lex Luger will go one on one with Randy Savage.

Segment Rating: 65


Match#1: Brian Adams vs. Bobby Walker

One Half of James Vandenberg's War Machines steps into Singles action, as he takes on perennial canvas painter Hardwork Bobby Walker. Walker is steamrolled in a total squash, as Adams beats him with a tilt-a-whirl slam in a matter of minutes.

Winner: Brian Adams

Match Rating: 41


Segment #2: Pre-Recorded Hart

We get some pre-recorded comments with Bret Hart as he is interviewed by Mike Tenay, talking about what he wants to accomplish in his time in WCW. Specifically Hart talks about how he wants to prove to the world that he is better than Hogan, the guy who always managed to dodge him when they were "up north" together. He hopes that Hogan will be able to look him in the eye and acknowledge that he (Hart) is on par with him as an icon in this industry.

Segment Rating: 89


Match #2/Tag Match for the WCW Tag Team Titles: The Steiner Brothers [Rick & Scott Steiner] vs. Chris Kanyon & Perry Saturn

The Flock intended to obtain gold at the expense of the Steiner Brothers this week, but whatever problems the Steiners may have had seem to have passed off. Rick & Scott were a cohesive unit and, despite a decent amount of offense from Kanyon & Saturn, managed to be victorious over the Flock members and retain the belts after a SkyHigh Bulldog.

Winners: The Steiner Brothers

Match Rating: 65


Segment #3: Page's Attack

After the match, Diamond Dallas Page ran out and decided to both get a measure of revenge from the attack this past Monday night, and get a leg up on the handicap match this Saturday. He laid out both Kanyon and Saturn with the help of a steel chair.


Match #3: Fit Finlay vs. Davey Boy Smith

The British Bulldog faced a fellow UK resident in the Belfast Bruiser Fit Finlay. This was definitely a hard fought affair, as both men seemed to have good chemistry with one another. In the end, Davey Boy scored the victory with a running powerslam, as a good tune up to his match this weekend with Steven Regal.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith

Match Rating: 54


Segment #4: Match Requests

Backstage, Dusty Rhodes is talking with Arn Anderson concerning the card for this coming weekend. They are interrupted by The Public Enemy, who demand a match with The Dudley Boys at Souled Out. Dusty is quick to grant their request.

Segment Rating: 37


Segment #5: Hype Video

Before the commercial break, we get a short video chronicling the history between The Giant and Kevin Nash, as they meet this weekend to determine who the true Giant of WCW really is.

Segment Rating: 83


Segment #6: The Long Lost Love of Jericho

Back in the ring, Chris Jericho has taken to the microphone, talking about how his title belt was stolen right out from under him by Moe the Dragon. He says he worked hard to win that title, and laments that it was stolen from him by a no good thief. He tells the Jericholics not to worry, because he will go into Souled Out this Sunday and win the cruiserweight title back in the ladder match.

Segment Rating: 54


Match #4: Chris Benoit vs. Eddy Guerrero

This was a fantastic matchup, as both men clearly have a lot of chemistry with one another. It was a back and forth affair, and Guerrero seemed to have the upper hand until Booker T came down for the distraction. Benoit caught Eddy with a Dragon Suplex and scored the pinfall.

Winner: Chris Benoit

Match Rating: 69


Segment #7: Raven's Revenge

As DDP is leaving for the evening, he suddenly has to dart out of the way as a car tries to run him over. From behind comes Raven, who smacks Page in the back of the head with a tire iron, before DDT'ing him on the concrete. Security runs out to stop the beatdown, as Raven can be heard laughing at Page, yelling "My World...My Rules..."

Segment Rating: 70


Segment #8: Circling the Wagons

Backstage the Macho Man Randy Savage is getting ready for his match with Lex Luger tonight, when Hollywood Hogan comes into the dressing room and sits down with him. Hogan says that they may not always see eye to eye, but when it comes to the nWo, he knows that he can count on one man to have his back in Randy Savage. Savage says to stuff it, he's known Hogan too long to trust him any further than he can throw him. All Savage knows is that right now, compared to Hall and Nash, if push came to shove he can side with Hogan more than he can with them...for now...

Segment Rating: 85


Match #5: Goldberg vs. Disco Inferno

We have a Disco Inferno sighting!...and a brief one at that. The former two time TV champ is obliterated by Goldberg, who appears to be growing tired of the large number of idiots standing in his way.

Winner: Goldberg

Match Rating: 47


Match #6: Lex Luger vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Luger and Savage hit it off well together, and Savage actually controls most of the match. Luger comes back and hits with his spots though, until the Outsiders come out for the distraction of Luger. Hall distracts Luger briefly, but the referee is distracted more. Nash comes in to hit Luger with a big boot as he is held by Savage, but Luger ducks and Savage is drilled by Nash instead. Luger takes care of Nash and then racks up Savage for the submission victory as the rest of the nWo comes rushing out, minus Hogan.

Winner: Lex Luger

Match Rating: 75


Segment #9: Here I come to save the day!

As the nWo swarm the ring, they are headed off at the pass by a pissed off Giant. The Giant and Luger fight off most of the nWo B-squad, with the main eventers (save Savage, who is still down in the ring) being left out of the frakus. The Giant sends a message by chokeslamming Savage in the middle of the ring, and The Giant and Luger stand tall to close out Thunder.

Segment Rating: 94


Final Show Rating: 73

Television Rating: 0.81

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WCW Saturday Night

Week 3, January 1998


- Juventud Guerrera d. Evan Karagias with a 450 Splash (48)


- The Steiners cut a promo on tonight's PPV match with Vicious & Delicious (69)


- Riggs d. Sgt. Craig Pittman with a DDT (41)


- A video is shown chronicling the weeks of animosity between Raven and DDP. Page takes on Kanyon and Saturn in a handicap match tonight, in order to try and get a match with Raven later. (74)


- James Vandenberg cuts a promo on his War Machines, Adams & Clarke (52)


- Alex Wright d. Ernest "The Cat" Miller with a German Suplex (46)


- The announce team of Lee Marshall & Larry Zbysko hype tonight's main event on Souled Out of Scott Hall vs. Sting with the world title on the line.


- Raven d. Prince Iaukea with an Evenflow DDT (59)


- Raven gets on the microphone and taunts Page from afar, talking about how Souled Out will be the first real test he has faced from the Flock. (60)


- Steven Regal is backstage with Gene Okerlund, and hypes his match with Davey Boy Smith at Souled Out. (47)


- A video is shown with interview snippets between Bret Hart and Hollywood Hogan, as tonight the contract is signed for their match at Superbrawl VIII. (72)


- Rey Mysterio Jr. d. Dean Malenko with a Springboard Hurancanrana (62)


Final Show Rating : 64

TV Rating: 0.64

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The card for WCW Souled Out 1998 is as follows:


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs. Scott Hall


The Battle of the Giants

The Giant vs. Kevin Nash


WCW World Tag Team Title Match

The Steiner Brothers © vs. Vicious & Delicious


Ladder Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title

Ultimo Dragon © vs. Chris Jericho


The Dudley Boys vs. The Public Enemy


Handicap Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chris Kanyon & Perry Saturn


WCW Television Title Match

Booker T © vs. Eddy Guerrero


Battle Royal for the #1 Contendership to the Cruiserweight Title

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko vs. Psicosis vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Kidman vs. Alex Wright vs. Hector Garza vs. Super Calo vs. Prince Iaukea


Steven Regal vs. Davey Boy Smith


PLUS: The contract signing for the Battle of the Icons at SuperBrawl VIII between Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Bret "The Hitman" Hart


Tiebreaker Questions for bragging rights:

1) Will any shenanigans take place at the contract signing?

2) How many titles will change hands?

3) Will there be any face or heel turns at this event? If so, who and how many?

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<p>WCW World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

<em>Sting</em> © vs. Scott Hall</p><p> </p><p>

The Battle of the Giants</p><p>

The Giant vs. <em>Kevin Nash</em></p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

<em>The Steiner Brothers</em> © vs. Vicious & Delicious</p><p> </p><p>

Ladder Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title</p><p>

Ultimo Dragon © vs. <em>Chris Jericho</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Dudley Boys</em> vs. The Public Enemy</p><p> </p><p>

Handicap Match</p><p>

Diamond Dallas Page vs. <em>Chris Kanyon & Perry Saturn</em></p><p> </p><p>

WCW Television Title Match</p><p>

<em>Booker T</em> © vs. Eddy Guerrero</p><p> </p><p>

Battle Royal for the #1 Contendership to the Cruiserweight Title</p><p>

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko vs. Psicosis vs. <em>Juventud Guerrera</em> vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Kidman vs. Alex Wright vs. Hector Garza vs. Super Calo vs. Prince Iaukea</p><p> </p><p>

Steven Regal vs. <em>Davey Boy Smith</em></p><p> </p><p>

PLUS: The contract signing for the Battle of the Icons at SuperBrawl VIII between Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Bret "The Hitman" Hart</p><p> </p><p>

Tiebreaker Questions for bragging rights:</p><p>

1) Will any shenanigans take place at the contract signing? <em>Yes.</em></p><p>

2) How many titles will change hands? <em>None.</em></p><p>

3) Will there be any face or heel turns at this event? If so, who and how many? <em>Yes, but can't figure who. I'll say one.</em></p>

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WCW Souled Out

Saturday, Week 3 January 1998

TD Garden in Boston, MA


In the leadup to the show dark matches, Chris Benoit defeated Hammer while The War Machines of Clarke and Adams defeated The Faces of Fear Meng & The Barbarian.


Our announce team of Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay welcome us to Souled Out 1998, where we will see one of the biggest contract signings of all time in the form of Bret Hart and Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Plus Sting defends the WCW Heavyweight Title against Scott Hall.


Match #1: Steven Regal vs. Davey Boy Smith

The issue between these two men extended to Smith fending off Regal's advances for an alliance a few weeks ago. The two men had a great technical matchup, and it looked as if Smith would win with his running powerslam, when suddenly Fit Finlay appeared from the backstage area, distracting Smith and allowing Regal to regain his bearings, smack the bulldog on the back of the head and win with a Regal Stretch.

Winner: Steven Regal

Match Rating: 59

Segment #1: Backstage Interview- Scott Hall

We go backstage to Lee Marshall, who is interviewing the #1 contender to the WCW Heavyweight Crown in Scott Hall. Hall says that despite the appearance of issues in the nWo, everything is just fine with the group right now. And tonight, he's gonna prove it by bringing the gold back home where it belongs. When asked about a potential title defense against Hollywood Hogan in the future, Hall merely smirks and says, "Let the chips fall where they may."

Segment Rating: 52

Match #2/Cruiserweight Battle Royal: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko vs. Psicosis vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Kidman vs. Alex Wright vs. Hector Garza vs. Super Calo vs. Prince Iaukea

This match was certainly wall to wall action, featuring several former cruiserweight champions and current contenders all fighting for the #1 contendership to said title. The final four came down to Malenko, Mysterio, Kidman & Guerrera. Malenko was surprisingly dumped out by Juventud, while Mysterio dispatched the Flock member Kidman. In the end, Rey feinted his way back into the ring when Juventud tried to toss him out, catching Juvi with a dropkick and winning the match when he tumbled to the floor.

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr.

Match Rating: 58

Match #3/WCW Television Title Match: Booker T © vs. Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero's sights have been on the TV title for a number of weeks, much to the chagrin of both Booker T and Chris Benoit. Here, though, is a hard fought back and forth matchup that Eddie manages to control for a good portion of time, but Booker rallies back in the end and wins with a Harlem Hangover to retain the title.

Winner and STILL Television Champion: Booker T

Match Rating: 66

Segment #2: Eddie Guerrero's Revenge

While Booker is celebrating his hard fought victory, Guerrero intervenes and attacks the champion in a sign of poor sportsmanship. The announcers point out this feud is now far from over, it would appear.

Segment Rating: 55

Segment #3: Raven's Taunts

Before our next match, Raven gets on the microphone and runs down Diamond Dallas Page again. He says that if Page wants to shut him up for good, all it will take is him beating Kanyon and Saturn right here tonight. But if he does, be careful what you wish for...

Segment Rating: 64

Match #4/Handicap Match: Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chris Kanyon & Perry Saturn

Any semblance of this being a fair fight went out the window quickly, as Page was forced to face two on one odds for most of the matchup. Kanyon and Saturn took turns beating down the US Champion, but Page was able to stay in the game and was never down for the count. After catching Kanyon with a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere, it was down to Saturn and Page for a while, before Page hit another Diamond Cutter and scored a quick pin before the numbers could turn against him again, Raven looking on stoically.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Match Rating: 73

Match #5: The Public Enemy vs. The Dudley Boys

These two hardcore teams never really got started too much into the match, as they simply began brawling all over the ringside area. Referee Mark Curtis tried to reestablish control over the match, but ultimately failed to do so, throwing it out before the match ever began.

Winners: No Contest

Match Rating: 37

Segment #4: Hart/Hogan Contract Signing

Mean Gene Okerlund welcomes us to the signing ceremony in the ring, as we get ready for the biggest matchup in World Championship Wrestling history. First the Head of the WCW Championship Committee, Dusty Rhodes, comes out, introducing the particulars. First is Hollywood Hogan, flanked by Eric Bischoff. After Bischoff complains to Dusty again about Hogan being forced into this match, Rhodes introduces Bret "The Hitman" Hart. The two men stare at each other across the table, and engage in banter before signing.

Hogan: "Before we do this, I got some things that I need to get off my chest brother. I don't think that it's any secret that I don't like you Bret. I've never liked you. As far as I'm concerned, your a second rate icon, who only got big because they didn't have anyone up north who could take my spot. They didn't have anyone who could measure up to Hollywood Hogan. And so in desperation, they turned to you to sell out arenas. While I was selling out arenas worldwide with the WCW, you were struggling to fill a crackerbox in Long Island to half capacity. While I was making movies and tv shows, you were happy to get a five minute guest spot on some cartoon show brother. There is no battle of the icons here. As far as I'm concerned, you're just the latest in a long line of Hulk Hogan wannabes that just can't cut the mustard when compared to the real thing. Everytime it's happened, everytime someone new has come along to take my spot, I've beaten them back and showed them that they don't stack up to Hollywood Hogan brother. And at Superbrawl, the exact same thing is gonna happen to you. But this time...this time it's gonna be a little extra special. Because I know why they brought you here. The only reason they brought you to WCW is because your the one guy that I haven't beaten yet. Your the one guy, I haven't ever fought one on one. Well that'll change at Superbrawl, and at the Cow Palace, in front of the millions of nwo-ites out there..."


Hogan signs the contract.


Hogan: "It'll be a pleasure kicking your ass."


Hart nods, and takes a microphone from Dusty Rhodes.


Hart: "You're right about one thing Hogan. I know that you don't like me. And frankly I don't like you. I think you're an ego-driven maniac. I think you're a bully. And I think that you're only half the man that someone like a Dusty Rhodes, or a Randy Savage, or even a Ric Flair is. You're a man who has survived solely on your name and reputation for far too long. You're also wrong about one thing. They didn't bring me to WCW because I'm gonna be in the movies or making television commercials. They didn't bring me here to endorse a pasta restaraunt inside a gimmicky mall. They brought me here for one reason, and one reason alone, because when it comes to wrestling inside this ring, there is no one in the entire world who's better than I am. When it comes to pure in-ring ability, no one can top me. And that's exactly what I intend to prove to you and to everyone else at Superbrawl. If you wanna sell out arenas, fine. You wanna make movies, more power to you. But if you want to claim that you are the best wrestler ever, that's where I draw the line. At Superbrawl Hulk I will show you just like I've shown everyone else I've ever fought that I am exactly what I say I am, the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be."


Segment Rating: 90


Match #6/Ladder Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title: Ultimo Dragon © vs. Chris Jericho

For many weeks Chris Jericho has been running around, claiming to be the cruiserweight champion instead of the rightful champion Ultimo Dragon. With the title suspended high above the ring, the real champion will have to claim it. This technically was the best match of the night, with both men giving it their all and hitting several high spots with the ladder. Ultimately Jericho managed to send Dragon crashing to the ground while climbing a second ladder and grabbing the belt, becoming the champion for real this time.

Winner and NEW Cruiserweight Champion: Chris Jericho

Match Rating: 68


Match #7/WCW Tag Team Title Match: The Steiner Brothers © vs. Vicious & Delicious w/Vincent

The Steiners appeared to have put their problems behind them as they dealt with the tag team of Norton and Bagwell, but the nWo's stalwart members were seemingly up to the task. They isolated Rick Steiner for the majority of the match, nearly beating him a couple of times by using quick tags and good teamwork. Scott eventually got the hot tag, taking out both Bagwell and Norton almost single handedly. Vincent got involved, only for him to get laid out as well. Scott tagged back in Rick, when a brawl between the four men broke out. Behind the ref's back, Rick was hit with a face full of talcum powder by Vincent. Rick blindly turned around and hit Scott with a Steiner Line, before taking a Buff Blockbuster as the nWo score the upset.

Winners and NEW WCW Tag Team Champions: Vicious & Delicious

Match Rating: 72


Segment #5: Post-Match Steiners

After the match, Scotty Steiner is still hot with his brother. Rick tries to explain that he had powder thrown in his eyes, but Scott has apparently hurt enough, and simply lays out Rick with a Steiner Line of his own. Scott Steiner walks off in total frustration.

Segment Rating: 66


Segment #6: Hype Video

A video is shown, chronicling the feud between Kevin Nash and The Giant up to this point, including the no-show at Starrcade and everything leading up to tonight's battle of the giants.

Segment Rating: 79


Match #8: Kevin Nash vs. The Giant

The two big men of WCW fought power for power in something that certainly wasn't a technical classic. Both men did pull out all the stops though, each trying to power their way to victory. In the end, Randy Savage came to the ring to try and aid Nash, only to "inadvertently" hit him with a double axehandle. This distraction allowed The Giant to hit the chokeslam and pick up the win.

Winner: The Giant

Match Rating: 70


Segment #7: Problems in the nWo

After The Giant celebrated, Nash and Savage began to argue with one another, before it turned into a brawl. The rest of the nWo, minus Hall (who was preparing for his title match) and Hogan come out and break up the two men.

Segment Rating: 78


Match #9/WCW World Title Match: Sting © vs. Scott Hall

Sting showed that any ring rust he might have had was long gone, as he was strong throughout most of the match against one half of the Outsiders. Hall did manage a strong amount of offense, but Sting is too much for him to handle in the end, winning with a Scorpion Deathlock to retain the title.

Winner and STILL WCW Champion: Sting

Match Rating: 75


Segment #8: Why, Lex, Why?

After the match, Lex Luger came out to celebrate with Sting, and the two men appeared to have retained some of the comraderie that they had in the past...only for Lex to suddenly drill Sting from behind with a clothesline, and then hit him with a running forearm shot that knocked him out afterwards. The show closes with Luger standing over Sting, looking down on him with a blank expression on his face.

Segment Rating: 90


Final Show Attendance: 19,028

Final Buyrate: 0.61

Final Rating: 77


Meanwhile, the Royal Rumble was the night following our show...let's see how they did...


- Thrasher d. Prince Albert (45)

- Norman Smiley d. The Iceman (34)

- Mosh d. Villano IV (44)

- Backstage Segment with Sable and Kane (74)

- Recon d. Brian Christopher (36)

- Mark Henry d. Al Snow (32)

- Scott Taylor d. Miguel Perez Jr. (30)

- Backstage segment with Triple H & The Rock (75)

- Triple H d. Aguila to retain the European Title (66)

- Backstage segment with Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart & Vader (75)

- TAKA Michinoku d. Jerry Lynn to retain the Lightheavyweight Title (45)

- Backstage Segment with Steve Austin, Mankind & The Undertaker (84)

- The Rock d. Mankind to retain the IC Title (81)

- Triple H won the Royal Rumble Match (77)


Surprisingly enough this strange show managed a 0.71, actually winning the weekend for the WWF. Probably because it was one of their big 4 shows and Souled Out isn't our bread and butter.

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"Mean" Gene Okerlund here with another backstage report coming off a great Souled Out event. Let's get right to it...


Word on the street is that WCW higher ups are now a little hesitant to bring in too many more folks from that bingo hall in Philly, after the less then warm reception the Dudleys have gotten in their feud with Public Enemy. There's still one or two guys on their radar, but we'll have to see how it works out.


Championship Wrestling down in Florida is looking better all the time, with Adam Copeland (who had one or two matches here as Damon Striker) recently winning a battle royal to become the inaugural CWF champion. Also longtime wrestler Tito Santana has been signed to help out with the training down there.


This Monday Night on Nitro, we hope to hear more about the upcoming Superbrawl event, and the possible matches that will take place there.


That's it for me at the moment. I'm still waiting for that money from that Nigerian Prince, and as soon as I strike it rich, I'll have a brand new head of hair for my shiny head. See you next time!

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