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DOTT: AWA Taking Hold

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[font=Times New Roman][size=3]Ah, the changes that a new year brings can be interesting and exciting! One can only hope that 1983 can top the thrills of 1982. It seems as though the nation is entering a time of transition, a move to a more global society. Everything seems to be changing, becoming more advanced. Heck, a computer was named Man of the Year in Time magazine. And even the world of wrestling seems to be taking a wind of change. [/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]As has always been the case in the grappling world, there are many promotions, each with their own territory. Each one centers around a specific geographic location, rarely venturing outside that area. The AWA, owned by Verne Gagne is centralized in the Midwest. We’ve gone into the Great Lakes at times as well, so we have some popularity there, but not much. [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]By now, you might be wondering what this all means, and who the narrator is that is telling this little back story. My name is Doug Grimm. To give a little history without boring you to death, I grew up in West Michigan. My parents died when I was young, and I ended up in foster care. At a young age, I became a huge wrestling fan. You know the story, how everyone in my life always ridiculed me for my love of the sport, telling me it was all fake. Well to cut to the chase, as soon as I turned 18, I was out of there. One winter day in 1978, the AWA was in the area for a show, and I went to watch. It was my first live event, and man was I in awe! At the end, I snuck in back, and bumped into Mr. Gagne. At first he was mad, and started to ask for security, but I pleaded with him to give me a job. I said I would work for free, if I could just tour with them, and get free room and board. I’d do whatever he needed of me. Well, he actually agreed, and soon I was doing all kinds of odd jobs around the promotion. I got to know the guys pretty well. Well, what got me here today is my journal. I started a thing of writing in a journal when I was younger. I still do it today, and was writing down all of my thoughts about the shows, and the workers and such. I also threw in my own ideas of how I would have done things differently here and there, and some goals. [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Well, one day a few months ago, on lunch break I went to get a pop. I came back, and there was Verne, reading my diary. I was embarrassed, but he didn’t really say anything, just kind of made a “hmmm” sort of sound and then told me to go help with the ring setup. I never thought much about that day until last month. We were having a work Christmas party in mid December, when Verne came up to me. He told me how much he appreciated my working for the company, how I was doing such a great job. He said it was time that he paid me back, and gave me some responsibility. That’s when I got hit with the news, boy was I floored! His son Greg, who at the time was the head booker, decided he wanted to focus more on wrestling, and take a break from booking. Well, Verne actually wanted me to take his place! ME!!??? Are you kidding? He was serious. He told me how that day he read some of my diary, and that I had some great ideas that he wanted to see play out. Greg would then spend the next couple of weeks giving me some intense booking boot camp. [/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]I’ve got some things rolling around it my head, but first I’m going to take it easy and get familiar with everything. One main goal that I do have is to branch out. I strongly feel that the days of strict territories in wrestling are coming to an end. Just looking at the huge national popularity of sports like baseball and football, you have to think that wrestling can garner the same sort of following nationwide. I wanted the AWA to take that step, and become a national attraction. We already have a good solid foundation in the Midwest, and have made some strides in the Great Lakes. So my first task will be to make more forays into the Great Lakes to strengthen our presence there. To help get us in that direction, the first part of my plan will be to find one or two guys that will draw the crowds in the Great Lakes. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman]But before I can worry about that, I’ve got a TV show to plan…..[/font]
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[size=3][font=Times New Roman]Preparations were being made throughout the week for our first show of 1983, to be held on Friday. The show was set, and I was nervous as could be. We hyped up two matches prior to the show to get some buzz. One would be Rick Martel and the flamboyant Jesse Ventura. The main event would feature AWA champ Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dick the Bruiser. [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]After pouring over the roster, I really feel that we need some help in the lightweight division. Buck Zumhofe is our champion, but he really has no competition in the AWA, no one that can really heat up the arena. And for a champ, he really isn’t that spectacular in the ring either. So in hopes of getting something going there, I made two signings of fresh young talent that have bright careers in front of them. The two unknowns are Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho. Both men have great ring potential, especially when it comes to high flying. I’ve always been a fan of the lucha style of wrestling, and I think it really has the chance to be a big thing in the US if done right. I also made another signing in preparations for making a push into the Great Lakes. I signed big man Buzz Sawyer. He should give us the foot we need to get in the door of taking over the Great Lakes region. [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]One other change I made, that took some persuasion to get Verne to accept, was to make The Crusher our new “President” of the AWA. Nothing against Verne, but we need someone with more entertainment skills in this area. I really feel that having a charismatic authority figure out during the show will really generate additional heat from the fans. [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman][/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Friday is almost here. I just hope we don’t lose ratings[/size][/font]
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[B]Friday Week 1, January 1983[/B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center [/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Blue]Lee Marshall (pre TV airing): Thank you for coming ladies and gentlemen! This is the first great show of 1983! We’ve got a great night of wrestling in store for you, so let’s get on with the show![/COLOR] After Lee is seated, an unfamiliar face comes out from the back, and it’s the newcomer Chris Jericho. He was not scheduled to be part of the show, but apparently he took it upon himself to liven things up right off the bat! [COLOR=Blue]“Ladies and Gentlemen, you are seated in front of future greatness! I have just been signed by the AWA, and I’m here to show these old geezers that they are obsolete! I’m ready to kick some tail, so whoever is ready back there, come on down!”[/COLOR] -[B]F[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/B] The crowd gave a rise as Curt Hennig appeared from backstage. Jericho gave it a good run, for about two minutes. By the end of the match, he was exhausted. But you’ve got to give it to the guy, he was all over the ring. Hennig was just too experienced as he put Jericho to rest with the Bridging Back Suplex. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Shawn Michaels vs. Jim Brunzell[/SIZE][/B] The next match, which was supposed to be the opener, saw our other newcomer, Michaels against the veteran Brunzell. The match was much like the opener, with Michaels showing some pretty good moves off the ropes. In the end, the veteran Brunzell was too good, and finished the match with the High Drop Kick. [B]C[/B] In the next segment, The Crusher comes out to the ring. He announces that he has been given a prominent new role in the company, that of president. Verne Gagne wishes to take some needed time off from the rigors of the circuit, and leaves the powers to him. He then announces the next match will be Baron Von Raschke and Billy Robinson. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Baron vs. Billy Robinson[/SIZE][/B] The crowd really took to this match as both men showed their in ring skill. After some back and forth holds, the Baron managed to take Robinson by surprise, slipping on the Clawhold and getting the submission. [B]B+[/B] After the bell was called, the Baron continued to keep the hold on Robinson as he was made unconscious. Paramedics were called in to take Robinson out by stretcher. [B]B[/B] A hype video is played featuring the next two men to face each other, Rick Martel and Jesse Ventura. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Jesse Ventura vs. Rick Martel[/SIZE][/B] As Ventura strutted to the ring, Martel was waiting, and looked focused. He was, as he put on a great match, catching Ventura by surprise. The match was pretty good, but you could tell Ventura wasn’t into it, as he failed to really sell Martel’s moves. The Body tried some cheap tricks, but Martel wasn’t to be denied, and he eventually hit the Flying Cross Body and scored the pin to a very upset Ventura. [B]B+[/B] After the match, Lee Marshall announced that he was just given word that Hulk Hogan is the year’s first #1 contender for the AWA Heavyweight title, and Hogan will be out for an interview. [B] B-[/B] Gene Okerland interviewed the new #1 contender, and got his thoughts on the upcoming match at the end of the month. [COLOR=Blue]“Gene, I can't wait! I’m psyched up, and ready to go brother! In fact, why wait until then, I want a match next week with you Bockwinkel! What do you say brother!?”[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Dick the Bruiser[/SIZE][/B] It looked a bit like these two were both still hung over from the new year’s partying. Both men looked stiff out there, and the crowd could tell. Bockwinkel took the win after using the tights for the pin. [B]B[/B] Gene Okerland came out on the ramp, and stopped Bockwinkel on his way to the back. He asked his thoughts on the new #1 contender, Hulk Hogan, and his challenge for next week. [COLOR=Blue]“Gene, I’ll take on any man. I’m not afraid of Hogan. He can’t beat me! He tried to cheat me out of the title last year, and almost succeeded. It ain’t happening this time! I’ll take him anywhere!” [/COLOR][B] B[/B] With that, Bockwinkel looks back at the crowd, and begins posing, showing his great, but aging physique. [B]A[/B] Show Rating-B Attendance-6,470 Viewers-82,445
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[B][SIZE=3]1983 Opening Roster:[/SIZE][/B] [B]Main Event[/B] Buzz Sawyer-Heel Hulk Hogan-Face Dick the Bruiser-Face King Kong Brody-Heel Ken Patera-Heel Nick Bockwinkel-Heel-AWA Heavyweight Champion [B]Upper Midcard[/B] Baron Von Raschke-Heel Blackjack Lanza-Heel The Crusher-Face-President Rick Martel-Face Mad Dog Vachon-Face Jesse Ventura-Heel David Schults-Heel Jerry Blackwell-Heel Larry Hennig-Face [B]Midcard[/B] Mr. Saito-Heel Greg Gagne-Face-AWA Tag Team champion Curt Hennig-Face Billy Robinson-Heel Jim Brunzell-Face-AWA Tag Team champion Brad Rheingans-Face [B]Lower Midcard[/B] Buck Zumhofe-Face-AWA Light Heavyweight champion Steve Regal-Heel Big Scott Hall-Face Leon White-Face [B]Opener[/B] Kenny Jay-Face Jake Milliman-Face Shawn Michaels-Heel [B]Enhancement[/B] Chris Jericho-Heel [B]Managers[/B] Bobby Heenan Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey [B]Announcer[/B] Lee Marshall [B]Color[/B] Gene Okerland [B]Refs[/B] Marty Miller Jim Mitchell [B]Road Agent[/B] Verne Gagne [B]Backstage [/B] Ken Resnick
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[QUOTE=Oldschool]There was another DOTT AWA diary, but I guess it might have disapeared...Anyways your build up is captivating keep it going[/QUOTE] Indeed it did not :p, I just haven't written any shows in a while. Anyway, it's great to see someone else working on taking the AWA onto what it should have been: The ELITE Wrestling company.
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[QUOTE=Real Loose Cannon]Indeed it did not :p, I just haven't written any shows in a while. Anyway, it's great to see someone else working on taking the AWA onto what it should have been: The ELITE Wrestling company.[/QUOTE] Good to hear...Anyways I never get tired of reading these D.O.T.T. Diaries
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[B]Friday Week 2, January 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-Omaha Civic Auditorium[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Prior to the start of the televised portion of the show, Chris Jericho again came out and made a challenge to anyone in the back. [B]E[/B] Larry Hennig came out from the back to accept the challenge. [COLOR=Blue]“My son Curt wooped your sorry butt last week, so now I guess I’ll make it my turn!” [/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Chris Jericho vs. Larry Hennig[/SIZE][/B] It was a good thing this wasn’t a televised bout as Hennig and Jericho just didn’t click. Hennig tried to carry the match along, but Jericho looked a bit lost. He again seemed to really tire out quick. Hennig finally put this one out of it’s misery with the Axe Bomber. [B]C[/B] To start off the televised portion of the show, Gene Okerland came out to the ring, and announced that Curt Hennig has been named the #1 contender for the vacated AWA TV title. His opponent will be decided by a three man tournament featuring Mr. Saito, Brad Rheingans and Billy Robinson. [B]C+[/B] Gene then brought out Hennig to talk about the upcoming tournament. [COLOR=Blue]"Gene, this is a great opportunity! I don't want to let my family down, nor do I want to disappoint these fans. So I'll be ready to give a hard fight for that title!"[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Billy Robinson vs. Brad Rheingans[/SIZE][/B] The first match for the TV title tourney was a pretty good one between these two. Rheingans was able to match Robinson’s relentless mat skills with his own intensity and managed to take the win with the Cradle Suplex. [B]B[/B] Next the announcers hyped the fact that tonight’s Main Event would be a battle between Hulk Hogan and Nick Bockwinkle for the AWA Heavyweight title. [B] A[/B] A video plays hyping the next match between Rick Martel and Steve Regal. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. Steve Regal[/SIZE][/B] Martel was looking just as impressive as he was the week before against Jesse Ventura. Regal didn’t have much of a chance, and finally succumbed to the Flying Cross Body. [B]C+[/B] Nick Bockwinkel came out and talked with Gene. [COLOR=Blue]“Gene, Hulk Hogan is nothing but a pretty movie star. He can’t wrestle. He’s just here for his pretty face. He can’t last five minutes in the ring with the likes of me!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] King Kong Brody came out to the ring, looking for a fight. He wants to know if The Crusher is now just another office girl, or if he can still get in the ring. [B]B+[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]King Kong Brody vs. The Crusher[/SIZE][/B] The Crusher was quick to answer the call as he came out in his suit. Neither man backed down and wanted to win, as was noticeable by the lack of selling. In the end, Brody was determined to win, and used the tights for the pin. [B]A[/B] After the match, Brody took hold of Crusher’s tie, and proceeded to strangle him until security came out to break him off. [B]A[/B] Hulk Hogan came to the ring for the Main Event and took the microphone. [COLOR=Blue]“Bockwinkel, get ready to be destroyed brother! Yes, I am a pretty boy. Just look at this chiseled physique! I’m going to tear you apart!!”[/COLOR] Hogan then proceeded to rip off his Hulkster t-shirt. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B] Bockwinkel came running down the ramp and went after Hogan immediately. The two commenced in one of the most amazing flurry of punches one has ever seen. As the match wore on, both men had just obliterated each other, and were totally tired out. The match ended up spilling out to the floor. The ref was up to the ropes calling the men to get back in the ring, and at that moment Bockwinkel threw Hogan into the ropes, knocking Marty Miller down. He took advantage and grabbed a chair to hit Hogan. But Hogan managed to grab the chair and hit Bockwinkel with a vicious clothesline as Bockwinkel landed with his head hitting the chair. Hogan slowly climbed back in the ring as Marty came to. Bockwinkel was out cold and Hogan won by countout. [B]A*[/B] Hogan then celebrated in the ring as the fans went crazy! [B]A*[/B] Show Rating [B]A[/B] Attendance-5,476 Viewers-95,088
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[B]PWI Insider Report[/B] Sources from inside the AWA have confirmed that a new weekly event is in the works. A schedule has not been decided upon, but we have been told that the AWA will indeed be holding a weekly show in the Great Lakes region. Among the names being thrown around to headline the first show are Dick the Bruiser and newly hired Buzz Sawyer, both huge names in the territory. More news will be reported as we find out more.....
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[B]Friday Week 3, January 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-Vets Memorial Auditorium[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] To start the dark portion of the show, The Crusher comes out and announces to the crowd that they will get to witness a good old fashioned woopin’. [COLOR=Blue]“Since young Chris Jericho feels the need to make his presence seen every week, I have a little surprise for you tonight Chris. You will indeed get to be part of the show once again… You will face Curt Hennig AND Larry Hennig. That’s right! It’s a handicap match!”[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Chris Jericho vs. Curt and Larry Hennig[/SIZE][/B] Despite the fact that Jericho did indeed get the crap beat out of him, it was a good match. Larry especially looked sharp and really seemed to enjoy the beating and watching Jericho submit to his son. [B]C+[/B] A video plays announcing the next dark match, a tag bout featuring newcomer Buzz Sawyer and Shawn Michaels against Mad Dog and Kenny Jay. [B]D[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buzz/Michaels vs. Vachon/Jay[/SIZE][/B] The old man Mad Dog really had some life tonight as he pranced around the ring like a 20 year old. But heels will be heels as Buzz passed over a foreign object to Michaels as the Marty Miller was distracted and he knocked out Kenny Jay for the win. [B] C+[/B] [B]Televised Portion[/B] A video plays recapping the great Main Event between Hulk Hogan and Nick Bockwinkel last week as the refs hype it up. [B]A*[/B] The Crusher made his way down to the ring and announced that as is customary, a title cannot change hands via a countout. Therefore, Nick Bockwinkel is still the AWA Heavyweight champion. The crowd really laid into him at this point. [COLOR=Blue]“However!! I am here to announce that there will be a rematch, here, tonight on All-Stars to decide a winner!!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Mr. Saito vs. Brad Rheingans[/SIZE][/B] Next up was the next match in the series to decide the man to face Curt Hennig for the vacated TV title. The match was a pretty open one, but Saito used some cheating moves and made the pin using the ropes. [B]B-[/B] Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland announced that tonight we would see the High Flyers defending the AWA Tag titles against Blackjack Lanza and Billy Robinson. [B]C+[/B] A clearly upset Nick Bockwinkel is shown backstage working out in preparation for the Main Event. Bobby Heenan is trying to calm him down saying he’ll take care of it. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. David Schults[/SIZE][/B] Martel and Schults really put on an amazing performance in this matchup. Though the match was of no real significance, both men went after each other like it was for the title. Schults got frustrated and ended up grabbing a chair and whacking Martel in the back ending the match in a DQ. [B]A[/B] Nick Bockwinkel came out to the ring and said he wasn’t afraid of Hogan. [COLOR=Blue]“Last week was another fluke, and it won’t happen again!” [/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Hogan then was shown backstage looking ready to go. [COLOR=Blue]“Bockwinkel, you can tell yourself all night that last week was a fluke. But I’m going to show these fans tonight brother, that the Hulkster is the real deal. I will leave with that AWA title around my waist!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]High Flyers vs. Robinson/Lanza[/SIZE][/B] The High Flyers were in top form tonight taking on the menacing duo of Robinson and Lanza. The match was really heating up, when out of nowhere, Jerry Blackwell and Ken Patera ran into the ring and attacked the High Flyers. The match ended in a DQ as Patera was the first to act hitting Gagne. [B]B+[/B] After the match ended, the four men continued to brawl until Gagne and Brunzell got the upper hand going after Patera and Blackwell with the tag belts, running off the two men. [B]B+[/B] Gene Okerland caught up with Hulk Hogan and got some words on his game plan for the upcoming match. [B] A*[/B] The High Flyers caught Gene after the interview and said they want a match with Patera and Blackwell, and they’ll put the titles on the line. [B]C+[/B] Prior to the Main Event, Bockwinkel came out with Heenan. He promised that the fans would not be witness to another stunt like last week where Hogan tried to cheat to win. [B] A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B] The two heavyweights put on another great match tonight. Hogan was on a mission hitting several big boots to Bockwinkel, who also had a good night. Heenan managed to get in some cheap shots to keep things even of course, but the match ended in yet another cheap finish as Hogan threw the champ off the ropes and they both hit each other with a hard clothesline as Marty Miller had to call for the bell with a double count out. [B]A*[/B] After the bell, it took a couple minutes for both men to get to their feet, and they stood face to face in a staredown as the show went off air…. [B]A*[/B] Show Rating A Attendance-6,800 Viewers-95,514
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I like the Bockwinkel v. Hogan series, as it's basically an exact repeat of the screwball finishes between those two during '83. A friend of mine at the time, who was a big fan of the AWA, was always complaining about how Hogan was getting continually screwed. I was a Bockwinkel fan, though; what did I care? :) I'd milk that for as long as humanly possible - heh. I can see that Main Event carrying you for quite some time. It's also great that you are working Martel in the upper midcard. That guy will make for an excellent matchup with Bockwinkel - whether you decide to leave the strap on Bock, or not. He's just not quite at the level where he can carry you. Good job!
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Thanks for the compliments I've received so far. This has been a fun game to start with. I'm more familiar with the Monday Night wars in the 90's, but remembering some of the wrestling I watched as a kid in the 80's just makes a guy warm and fuzzy :D As far as the Hogan/Bockwinkel fued, I'm using a storyline that is supposed to end with the next match, but with the ratings they're pulling in so far, I might have to stretch it out ;) [B][SIZE=2]PWI Insider Report[/SIZE] [/B] It has been confirmed, the AWA will be holding a new weekly event in the Great Lakes region. The first show will be held this coming Monday. We have also been told that the show will feature a great double main event to start things off with a bang. Buzz Sawyer will face The Crusher, and the team of Hulk Hogan and Dick the Bruiser will face Nick Bockwinkel and Jesse Ventura.
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(OOC: In the interest of keeping things cohesive and keep myself from burning out on booking, I will be treating the Great Lakes show as a house show and only give results) [B]Monday Week 4, January 1983 [SIZE=3]AWA Taking Over[/SIZE][/B]-Broadbent Arena -Larry Hennig defeated Shawn Michaels [B]C[/B] -Rick Martel defeated Big Scott Hall-[B]C+[/B] -Buzz Sawyer defeated The Crusher-[B]A[/B] -Dick the Bruiser and Hulk Hogan defeated Nick Bockwinkel and Jesse Ventura-[B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]B+[/B] Attendance-2,179 [B]Ahead on AWA All Stars.....[/B] Rick Martel takes on the evil Baron, Mr. Saito takes on Billy Robinson in the TV title tournament, and The Hulkster has a bone to pick with Nick Bockwinkel.
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[B]Friday Week 4, January 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling[/SIZE]-Summerfest Grounds[/COLOR] [SIZE=2]Shawn Michaels vs. Leon White[/SIZE][/B] The first dark match was a decent showing this time by the rookie Michaels. But the Bull was just too big and brute as White took out Michaels with the Big Elbow Drop. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Jake Milliman vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/B] The second part of the dark matches was a bit of an awkward match. Milliman and Jericho seemed to have good chemistry out in the ring, but there was a lack of flow to the match. And it was hurt worse by the fact that both men were totally exhausted by the time Milliman finally ended it with a Powerslam. [B]F[/B] [B]Televised Portion[/B] Gene Okerland met up with Mr. Saito and got a few words about his upcoming match with Billy Robinson in the TV title tournament. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Billy Robinson vs. Mr. Saito[/SIZE][/B] Mr. Saito came into the match with a victory under his belt already, and was poised to take the win. But in the melee, Marty Miller was knocked down, and Robinson took advantage by hitting Saito with a chair. Miller then called a count out after coming to. [B]B[/B] Nick Bockwinkel is shown backstage, and looks terribly upset. [COLOR=Blue] “Damnit Bobby, I don’t want to keep facing Hogan. I’ve already beaten him once, what more is there to prove?” [/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Bockwinkel then sees the camera in back, and comes over. He gives Hogan a few choice words and assures him that this will be the end. [B]A[/B] Sheik Adnan comes out with his team of Ken Patera and Jerry Blackwell. He warns the High Flyers to watch their backs. His boys are going to destroy them, just like their opponents tonight. [COLOR=Blue]“Tonight, Sheik Adnan is unleashing Hell upon the AWA!” [/COLOR][B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks vs. Buck Zumhofe and Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] This match was a slaughter. Kenny Jay was the legal man, but was so decimated by Ken Patera outside the ring, that he ended up getting counted out barely over three minutes into the match. [B]C+[/B] A video plays showing hilights of Hulk Hogan’s recent matches. [B]A*[/B] Hogan then appears and after giving some high fives to the fans in attendance takes the microphone. [COLOR=Blue]“You know, anything worth winning will be a struggle my friends. I’ve been embroiled in a battle with Nick Bockwinkel, but that’s what happens when fighting for such a prized title. This battle is nearing it’s culmination brother! And you will see me standing over your exhausted body clutching that heavyweight title!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] Martel and the Baron put on a clinic in the ring. Both men looked good, and the crowd was into it. But before we could see a good finish, The Sheiks ran out to the ring and attacked Martel, ending the match in a DQ. [B]A[/B] The Baron then joined in as the three men beat down on the fallen Martel. Soon security had to come out to get the men away from him.[B] A[/B] Nick Bockwinkel came out, as the main event is here. [COLOR=Blue]“Hogan, I’m afraid you are just a green horn in this battle, a small private. I’m a grizzled veteran of wars. You have no idea what war means. Well this one is going out in a blaze of glory for the champion, Nick Bockwinkel!” [/COLOR][B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B] This one was surely another great battle in the ongoing feud between these two big men. Neither man was backing down, as the slugged it out. Not much wrestling took place in this one. Of course, neither surprising, Bobby Heenan managed to make his presence felt yet again when he gave Hogan some bag as the ref was distracted. Bockwinkel took his cue and fell down like he had been knocked out. The ref saw the bag in Hogan’s hand, which turned out to be a roll of quarters. Miller called for the bell and a DQ against Hogan. [B]A*[/B] Hogan was obviously pissed. As Bockwinkel got up, he was met by a death stare from Hogan. [B]A*[/B] The Crusher then came out, disgusted with the display of Heenan and Bockwinkel. [COLOR=Blue]“Since you can’t seem to win a clean match Bockwinkel, you two will face each other again tomorrow night at the Super Saturday event. And this time, it will be a no-DQ match!” [/COLOR][B]A*[/B] Show Rating [B]A[/B] Attendance-6,416 Viewers-107,476 [I]Surprisingly, we had received another warning as we have after every show, that our ratings are not good enough. But we also received the word that we have now risen to Cult popularity in the US.[/I]
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[B]Saturday Week 4, January 1983 [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Super Saturday-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Chris Jericho starts off the night by coming out to challenge Buck Zumhofe for a match. He shows some video highlights of his great skills, and says he’s ready for a title shot. [B]E[/B] Zumhofe came out laughing at Jericho. [COLOR=Blue]“Man dude, you are hilarious! Hey, that footage you showed was only part of the story. What about the rest of the matches where you got you’re a$$ wooped?? I’ll take that challenge.”[/COLOR] With that Zumhofe walks down to the ring… [B]E[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buck Zumhofe (c) vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/B] Both competitors were pretty evenly matched. Jericho still needs to work on his cardio however, as he was exhausted by the end yet again. Zumhofe took advantage of that and beat him after a Flying Splash for his first title defense. [B]D[/B] After the bout, a video plays hyping up champion Nick Bockwinkel’s appearance later in the card. [B]A[/B] Steve Regal came out and said he wants a match, and he doesn’t care who. He wants to give someone a beating. [B] D[/B] The crowd roars as Big Bull Leon White comes out and accepts the challenge. Regal looked like he was going to wet his pants. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Leon White vs. Steve Regal[/SIZE][/B] Regal spent most of the match literally running from the big man. The strategy almost looked like it would work as White was getting tired and frustrated. But after some hard shots, Regal fell down and White hit the Big Elbow Drop. It looked like Regal let him get the pin just to end the match. [B]C-[/B] Nick Bockwinkel was backstage with Gene Okerland. He started whining, and complaining that he has proved himself enough. This will be the last time Hogan gets a match for the title. [B]A[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with The Sheiks. He said the world has just gotten a small taste of the destruction his men have brought last night. [COLOR=Blue]“Tonight, the High Flyers will be leaving the arena, not only beaten, but broken.”[/COLOR] [B] A[/B] A video hypes up the next wrestler, Rick Martel, who has been on a nice winning streak to start the year. [B] B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Shawn was clearly overmatched in this bout as Martel pretty much dominated. But out of the blue, Jesse Ventura appeared at ringside and attacked Martel, ending the match in a DQ. [B]B- [/B] Ventura continued to beat down Martel, with Michaels chipping in. Ventura was yelling something about payback. [B]C+[/B] A video plays showing Hulk Hogan getting ready for the main event. He looks pumped and ready to win. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks vs. The High Flyers (c)[/SIZE][/B] This was a good match between two eager teams. The High Flyers looked like they were intent on keeping the belts, but the Sheiks were equally intense. After the match spilled to the floor, Sheik Adnan distracted Marty Miller. Suddenly, Baron Von Raschke appeared from backstage and made it a two on one against Greg Gagne. Then Gagne was thrown back into the ring, and Jerry Blackwell got the pin as we have new AWA Tag Team champions! [B]B+[/B] The Sheiks and Baron continue the beatdown after the bell is rung. [B]B+[/B] During the brawl, Larry and Curt Hennig come from the back and get into the mix, chasing off the heels. [B] B[/B] Hulk Hogan talked to Gene about the upcoming Main Event. He said he is focused and ready to end the battle once and for all. [B]A* [/B] [B][SIZE=2]Dick the Bruiser vs. Jesse Ventura[/SIZE][/B] These two big men were putting on a bit of an awkward bout as neither man was doing much to sell the moves. It was still a wide open match, when Rick Martel ran in and attacked Ventura ending the match in a DQ. [B]B+[/B] The Crusher comes out in his suit. He said that there is some extra time as the matches have been fairly short. He’s still ticked off about King Kong Brody’s antics last week and wants a rematch, a badstreet match. [B]B+[/B] Brody comes out in his jeans and t-shirt, and says he gladly accepts the chance to hit someone in authority. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Crusher vs. King Kong Brody[/SIZE][/B] This was a classic brawl that the fans ate up. Other than a few chops, elbows and body slams, there was no wrestling taking place. The match ended up on the floor as both men wanted no part in losing. Finally after both men were exhausted, The Crusher managed to get Brody in a scoop and slammed him onto a table where Crusher pinned him. [B]A[/B] The time has come for the main event, and Nick Bockwinkel grabbed the mic saying that this was what the fans were waiting for. Finally he would reveal that Hogan is a fake, and will never be a heavyweight champion. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B] The main event was almost a carbon copy of the prior match. There was a little more wrestling involved, mostly from Bockwinkel, but not much. Heenan of course got involved, but Hogan stayed on top of him pretty well. In the end, the two were trading punches, and ended up doing the boxers dance hugging each other. The end came when both men managed to land a head shot at the same time and they both went down hard….And neither got up. Marty Miller had no choice but to call a draw. [B]A*[/B] The night ended with another staredown. Only this time, it was Heenan, staring at the two laid out wrestlers shaking his head….[B] A*[/B] Show Rating [B]A[/B] Attendance-7,269 [B]Next week on AWA All-Star Wrestling:[/B] A four way dance for the TV title, a special announcement by Sheik Adnan, and will there be an end to the AWA Heavyweight feud?
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[QUOTE=Oldschool]A* after A* with Bockwinkle and Hogan...Why end it...Each match just leaves me wanting more...[/QUOTE] No doubt! If the Bock & Ventura v. Hogan & Crusher house show was any indication, I imagine that throwing a few more tag team matches in this feud would be a great way to get a few choice upper midcarders some well needed exposure. Either way you look at it, Hogan v. Tricky Nick is gold in the bank. Hopefully you can use that as leverage in edging out the bums in New York. ;) Speaking of upper midcarders, where's Dr. D been? :) After that A match against Martel in week three, I was hoping he would be getting into the mix. I loved the Crusher v. Brody match up, by the way. It was cool to see da Crusher kicking some butt once more. Great job!
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Thanks for the compliments. I was upset that the Hogan/Bockwinkel feud got screwed up twice in a row, but like you've said, it is getting awesome ratings, so I'm not complaining much. I just hate to see it get redundant having to do the same angles and match finish three times. I came up with an idea for this fued that I think you guys will enjoy, so stay tuned. As far as Dr. D, I was actually going to put him against Martel in that show (though I forgot they rated so high together the first time), but I've got Martel going in a storyline with someone (you should be able to guess who) and at the last minute I thought of a way to work Shawn Michaels into something to hopefully help get him good exposure.
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Just a couple of days prior to the Monday night show, I decided to instead hit the Tri State area. I really want to make a run at the WWF, so instead of a weekly Great Lakes show, we're going to alternate every other week between the two territories. Things should get interesting from here. On an exciting note, we made over $643,000 in my first month at the helm. I don't want to rush things and get to big for our britches, but I might have to make a couple new signings to help get things really going. As if our Hogan and Bockwinkel feud hasn't already given us a huge start. [B]Monday Week 1, February 1983 [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Brad Rheingans defeated Blackjack Lanza with the Cradle Suplex-[B]C[/B] -Jesse Ventura defeated Mad Dog Vachon with a foreign object-[B]B[/B] -Rick Martel defeated David Schults with the Flying Cross Body-[B]B[/B] -Ken Patera defeated Dick the Bruiser by a cheating submission-[B]B+[/B] Show Rating-[B]C+[/B] Attendance-88 Attendance wasn't too hot, but that could be due to the last minute decision to hit the area.
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