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WWF Superstars of Wrstling

Week 2, January

Live From New England


WWE President of Operations Jack Tunney enters the ring.

Jack Tunney:
And now, let me present a man who needs no introduction, entering a WWF Ring for the first time in many years…. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper!

Roddy Piper:
Hello, Boston! It’s high time for the “Hot Scot” to return to the field of battle! And, tonight, I’m offering a challenge to any worker man, or lady, enough to go three rounds with the top striker in all of Scotland! So, if you’ve got the courage, come and face the man of a thousand words, and we’ll see who is picture perfect!

Vince's Take: Even in his advanced age, Piper has still got it. Next to Hogan, he was the best worker I ever had, with half the ego. His act was a bit stale, so we had him run a Scottish version of the "Irish Rogue" gimmick -- playing into Piper's natural sense of humor.

Match 1

The Bushwhackers vs. The Orient Express

In an extremely short match, The Orient Express defeated the Bushwhackers after Kato pinned Bushwhacker Butch after hitting a Super Kick.

Match 2

The Mountie vs. Sam Houston

In an extremely short match, The Mountie defeated Sam Houston by Submission with the Quebec Crab.


Bobby Hennan is backstage with his client, The Barbarian.

Bobby Hennan:
At Wrestlemania, the biggest stage in this sport, my client The Barbarian will take on The Undertaker with his WWF World Title on the line. I cherish the work of each member of the Hennan Family, however The Barbarian and I both know that rightful and fair owner of that championship is the “Absolutely Perfect” one, so after the match, Barbarian will do the right thing for the family, and hand the title to the “Perfect” Wrestler.

The Barbarian stares into the camera, menacing, indicating in no way if he will indeed follow Hennan’s instructions.

Vince's Take: Bobby Hennan was terrific. He could make a wrestler with no charisma and no promo-cutting ability and make him look like a star. He's the best promo in the business, and he could wrestle a bit. The Barbarian is a passable monster. That really is all there is to say about the guy, it wasn't my decision to put the belt on the guy in the first place.

Match 3

Sargent Slaughter vs. The Texas Tornado

In a match that featured great action and a good crowd, Sargent Slaughter defeated The Texas Tornado by submission with the Cobra Clutch.


The Ultimate Warrior:
PRESIDENT JACK TUNNEY! It is clear to THE FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE that THE UNDERTAKER had ILLEGAL ASSITANCE in the realm of IMMORTAL COMBAT! THE ELDER GODS will not stand for CHICANERY! President Tunney, AS A CITIZEN OF THE UNIVERSE, you are obligated to GRANT A REMATCH where the devious “Paul Bearer” helpless to save his DEAD MAN!

Jack Tunney:
Warrior, I worked long and hard in the territories to earn this prestigious position. I don’t believe in handouts, or rematches. I do agree with your assertion that the outcome was tainted, and I will come up with a practical solution after talking to the other involved parties.

Vince's Take: Jack Tunney was put out there to be boring. He wasn't a heel, but I wanted fans to hate the guy, as he was always delivering bad news. Anyone could have been Jack Tunney, the appointment was a favor to a friend. Warrior, though, can make anyone look good, and the general nonsense he screams here endeared him to the crowd.

Match 4

Shawn Michaels vs. Demolition Smash

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Shawn Michaels defeated Smash by pinfall after hitting the Sweet Chin Music.

Match 5

The Undertaker vs. The Natural Disasters

In a match that had a good crowd and good action, The Undertaker defeated The Natural Disasters, last eliminating Tugboat by pinfall after hitting the Tombstone Piledriver.


Jack Tunney is in his office. The Warrior knocks.

Jack Tunney:
Feel free to come in, Warrior.

The Warrior enters the stately office.

The Ultimate Warrior:
JACK TUNNEY! The onus is SQUARELY ON YOU to do the RIGHT AND HONORABLE THING given the HIGH STAKES of your DECISION! The BALANCE OF POWER within the UNIVERSE rests squarely upon your SLIGHT FRAME!

Jack Tunney:
I have come to a decision after speaking with The Undertakers’ manager, a Mr. Bearer. I have scheduled you in a Lumberjack Match on Superstars against The Undertaker. There will be ten wrestlers guarding the ring to prevent Mr. Bearer or any interested party from interfering. Warrior, as you know, it is not my policy to give handouts, or rematches. There will be consequences if you lose. If you lose your rematch with Undertaker, you will not be able to challenge for the WWF Title for the rest of the year.

Ultimate Warrior:
DO NOT WORRY, Jack Tunney! With the help of the WARRIOR NATION, I will crush the DEAD MAN to the point where he will never WALK THE EARTH AGAIN and reclaim my rightful title as RULER OF PARTS UNKNOWN!

Vince's Take: I placed this after The Undertaker vs. Natural Disasters segment strategically. I knew the angle would be a bit of a let down, as Tunney was involved, but I wanted the audience to buy into the daunting task faced by Warrior. The desired consequence was to get Undertaker as over as possible.

Match 6

Survivor Series 3 vs. 3

The Hennan Family vs. Hulk Hogan & The Hart Foundation

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Hennan Family defeated Hulk Hogan & The Hart Foundation in a Survivor Series Match. The Barbarian was the sole survivor, last eliminating Hulk Hogan after hitting The Kick Of Fear.


Roddy Piper is in the ring, wearing slightly over-sized boxing gloves emblazoned with the cross of St. George.

Roddy Piper:
Ladies and Gents, the time is nigh to learn who will accept my boxing match challenge, and go one on one in the ring with the best striker in Scotland!


Randy “The Macho Man” Savage’s music hits, and he enters the ring, bedecked with a sequined robe and bright purple boxing gloves.

Randy Savage:
Tonight Rowdy Roddy Piper, you have quite the task ahead of you, putting yourself in a dangerous situation with the undisputed best on the planet at everything, Macho Man Randy Savage, OH YEAH! I’m going to hit you with the right, left, right, and it’ll be lights out before the end of the first round! OH YEAH!


The cameras pan to The British Bulldog, who is at ringside watching the match, apparently scouting the two combatants. The announcers speculate he’s taking tips from Piper on how to conduct an open challenge.

Vince's Take: Macho and Piper were two of the best performers we had. It was imperative we move Roddy back to ringside, even in '91 the crowd still cheered for him. Macho was brilliant in his own character, but his work lacked dimension. It's too bad he didn't get along better with Hogan, he could have been a star with the WWF.


As for Bulldog, it was logical to have him transition into a short-term feud with Piper after 'Mania. I've always built my feuds off real-life tension, and there is no greater rivalry than that between Scotland and England. If only we'd held onto Piper until Braveheart began production, he would have been a viable world champion.

The Main Event

1 vs. 1 Boxing Match

Randy Savage vs. Roddy Piper

In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Roddy Piper defeated Randy Savage in a Boxing match after Savage couldn’t beat a ten count.

Overall Show Rating: B

I was disappointed with Piper and Savage. The match was only above average, and when your two best performers are "above-average", you have a pretty severe problem. The match had no story or build, as Piper is a great at crafting in-ring drama, and Macho has made a career getting the crowd involved in a match.


The Barbarian was being built as a believable champion, and pinning Hogan was the one way to establish the career midcarder as a true threat. I wanted The Barbarian to be red-hot going into 'Mania, as I knew that both were sub-par in the ring.


My first goal upon taking control of creative was to put a heel on even ground with Hogan, to give the company a true "second star". The Warrior fell far short, and Randy Savage was a notch below "The Immortal". The Undertaker was our only talent with the potential to draw like Hogan did in his prime, and many in the industry thought he could one day eclipse The Hulk. He got a huge push here, and was due to face Warrior next week in a highly anticipated rematch.

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Week 1: B-Shows


Match 1: Tanaka d. Dino Bravo

Match 2: Jimmy Snuka d. The Genius

Match 3: Shawn Michaels d. Tugboat

Notable Moments: Jimmy Snuka hyped his upcoming match against rival Randy Savage


Match 1: Bret Hart d. Robbie Brookside

Match 2: The Mountie d. Marty Janetty

Match 3: Mr. Perfect d. Hercules

Notable Moments: Bobby Hennan hosted Talk Show w/Mr. Perfect touting his match against Hogan, Bret Hart won by disqualification after The Bulldog Interfered

Prediction Contest Standings:

Satyr24: 14/15

Jaysin: 13/15

Beejus: 10/15

Midnightnick: 9/15

Packerman120: 5/8

CBHBK: 8/15

The_COC: 3/7

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Week 3 Preview

It's WARRIOR versus THE UNDERTAKER Round 2: This time, with LUMBERJACKS to prevent the devious Paul Bearer from interfering. Will The Warrior win a title shot against The Barbarian, or lose the chance as a title shot for the rest of the year? Next, we have THE MACHO MAN facing off against Rival High Flier "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka! Also, The MILLION DOLLAR MAN is up against THE EARTHQUAKE? Will "THE SNAKE" slither his way to ringside and affect the outcome? Find out WEEK 3 on WWE Superstars!

Prediction Card

The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka) vs. ??? (??? & ???)

The Mountie vs. Sam Houston

Boris Zhukov vs. Roddy Piper

Jim Duggan vs. The Patriot

Earthquake vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

The Main Event

Lumberjack #1 Contender's Rematch: The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker
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The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka) vs. ??? (??? & ???)

The Mountie vs. Sam Houston

Boris Zhukov vs. Roddy Piper

Jim Duggan vs. The Patriot

Earthquake vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

The Main Event

Lumberjack #1 Contender's Rematch: The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker

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The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka) vs. ??? (??? & ???)

The Mountie vs. Sam Houston

Boris Zhukov vs. Roddy Piper

Jim Duggan vs. The Patriot

Earthquake vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

The Main Event

Lumberjack #1 Contender's Rematch: The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker

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The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka) vs. ??? (??? & ???)

The Mountie vs. Sam Houston

Boris Zhukov vs. Roddy Piper

Jim Duggan vs. The Patriot

Earthquake vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

The Main Event

Lumberjack #1 Contender's Rematch: The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker

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The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka) vs. ??? (??? & ???)

The Mountie vs. Sam Houston

Boris Zhukov vs. Roddy Piper

Jim Duggan vs. The Patriot

Earthquake vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

The Main Event

Lumberjack #1 Contender's Rematch: The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker

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WWF Superstars of Wrestling

Week 4, January



The Warrior enters the arena with a microphone.

UNDERTAKER! For the past several months, you have CLAIMED to be ruler of PARTS UNKNOWN! DEAD MAN! For the past twenty days, you have claimed to WON A ROYAL RUMBLE! For the past seven days, you have claimed to HAVE DEFEATED THE WARRIOR AND ALL THE LITTLE WARRIORS IN IMMORTAL COMBAT! But UNDERTAKER, YOUR CLAIMS ARE INVALID, AND I will not TAKE YOUR WORD for your GOSPEL! TONIGHT, in front of the ELDER GODS of the UNIVERSE, I will SHOW I AM THE ULTIMATE...

The Undertaker comes down the entrance ramp, followed by Paul Bearer.

You... are not a worthy opponent. Tonight... I will emerge victorious..

Vince's Take: Undertaker proved, in this promo, that he could hang with, and surpass, a great talker. This was his first unscripted promo, and the young wrestler performed brilliantly. I refer to this moment as 'Taker's "coming out party", and it validated my faith in The Undertaker.

Match 1

The I-45 Connection (Bull Pain & Mean Mike) vs. The Orient Express
In an extremely short match, The Orient Express defeated the The I-45 Connection when Tanaka pinned Mean Mike after hitting a rolling wheel kick.


Gene Okerland is backstage with "The Macho Man" Randy Savage

Tonight, it is my privilege to interview the "Best in the World" Randy Savage. Randy, any comments on your match with "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka?

Randy Savage:
OH YEAH, Let me tell you something... tonight, in the arena, I'm up against Superfly, who thinks he is the BEST FROM THE TOP ROPE in the UNIVERSE! Snuka, when we get in that ring, and I get on that top rope and cock my elbow back, you'll have a BIRDSEYE view of REALITY, and in those few precious seconds, YOU WILL COME TO THE REALIZATION that the MACHO MAN is the best high-flier, best low-flier, and the best medium-flier EVER TO GRACE THE MATTED CANVAS! And then, REALITY will hit you so hard, that you'll CHECK YOURSELF INTO THE ELDERLY HOME, THE PROPER ARENA for a man of your age.

I'm sure tonight your match versus Snuka will be exciting.

Vince's Take: A lot of the dirtsheets look at this feud and say Snuka couldn't draw. He was still very over in '91, and was always a solid performer. Macho was either great or awful on the mic, and this promo was garbage. There was only one role for Macho, whether he was a good guy or bad guy, he was always ego-centric and flamboyant. He never had the "star quality" or "look" to be "the guy" like Hogan or 'Taker were. Every company needs a
player, though, and Macho was that

Match 2

"Traitor" Jim Duggan vs. The Patriot
In a match with some good action but not much in the way of heat, Jim Duggan defeated The Patriot after hitting The Patriot with a 2x4 while the Ref was distracted by Brother Love.


The Natural Disasters, Earthquake and Typhoon, are backstage with the manager of the Tag Team Champion Nasty Boys, Jimmy Hart.

AS A MAN who used to be in my CORNER, I understand you are A MAN OF HONOR, JIMMY HART. BUT AS A MAN who used to be my BOSS, I KNOW you are a WEASEL AS WELL. THAT BEING SAID, MY PARTNER TYPHOON and I request to have the title shot WE HAVE RIGHTFULLY EARNED against your clients, The Nasty Guys, ON THE GREATEST STAGE!

AFTER THE TIDAL WAVE OF PAIN washes over the NASTY BOYS, they wil be left so CLEAN that they will have to change their name TO THE PRESENTABLE CHILDREN!

Jimmy Hart:
As the man with the suit fancier than mine said, in this here Federation, we don't give anything away! If you want a tag team title shot, you'll have to EARN IT out there in the big arena!

Vince's Take: I've had a fair amount of guff about how I used Earthquake. Earthquake was a dime a dozen, he was big, menacing, and passable. True, with the help of the right opponent, such as Hogan, he could be a star wrestler, but you could go outside the venue and find any sweaty fan, put them in tight spandex, and they could play the role of Earthquake for a night. After he left, we got this Ugandan, guy named Tamale, and he did much the same thing, only he had a certain charisma. Jimmy Hart is a legendary manager, and if you can't cut a good promo with his help, you should go find Ted Turner, as he'll sign any menacing man and place them in in front of twenty thousand screaming fans. Don't come cryin' to me if Turner forgets to pay you, that is a special reserved for real talent, like the Nasty Boys.


President Jack Tunney is in his office. There is an audible knock at the door.

Jack Tunney:
Please come in.


Jack Tunney:
Yes, Earthquake. I heard about your incident with Mr. Hart. Consider it a warning that soliciting a title shot is a faux pas in the WWF, and your somewhat aggressive request is frowned upon. In this federation, nothing is given to you, you have to earn it. I've decided to mediate the request: Tonight, you will face off against The Million Dollar Man, and if you lose, The Natural Disasters will not receive a title shot for the rest of the year, as is our standard procedure for dealing with complaints.

Earthquake busts out the door in a huff.

Vince's Take: I'll give him credit in this segment: it was an improvement over the previous promo he worked with Hart. I still considered this particular performance unacceptable by my fairly lenient standards.

Match 3

Boris Zhukov vs. Roddy Piper
In a match that had good action and average heat, Roddy Piper defeated Boris Zhukov with The Sleeper

Match 4

Dino Bravo vs. The Mountie
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Mountie defeated Dino Bravo by submission with the Quebec Crab

Match 5

Earthquake vs. The Million Dollar Man
In a match with great heat and good action, Earthquake defeated The Million Dollar Man after The Million Dollar Man was counted out fighting Jake "The Snake" Roberts.



The attack isn't over, as a furious Jake Roberts goes after The Million Dollar Man, with the crowd cheering the rugged, but sophisticated, brawler. The Million Dollar Man hits a low blow, and Jake staggers back to the ropes, and catches his charging opponent with the DDT, slamming him in front of a cheering crowd.

Vince's Take: This was all storyline. I didn't want the feud between Jake and Ted to be too one-sided, so I added this segment in and gave Earthquake a cheap win. I knew the DDT would get the crowd going, and the angle delivered, more because of the chants than Jake's prowess.

Match 6

Jimmy Snuka vs. The "Macho Man" Randy Savage
In a match that featured great action and a good crowd, Randy Savage defeated Jimmy Snuka with a flying elbow drop.

The Main Event

1 vs. 1 Lumberjack #1 Contender's Rematch

The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker

In a match that had great heat and great wrestling action, the Undertaker defeated the Ultimate Warrior when The Ultimate Warrior was knocked out.


As the unconscious Warrior is stretchered out, manager Paul Bearer hands The Undertaker a microphone.

Tonight... a Warrior came to fight, but the opponent he was fighting, was undead. And so, the man who claimed to be ruler, lies motionless as others tend to his wounds.. In this world, and in the other world, I am undefeated.

The Undertaker again exceeded expectations, showing himself capable on the microphone. He didn't need Paul Bearer, but the man was so good it helped 'Taker more than it hurt.

Overall Show Rating: B-

I very nearly lost hope myself after the subpar performance and the dirtsheet fallout. The match didn't deliver, but it wasn't The Undertakers' fault. Jim was exhausted out there by the five minute mark, and he looked like he was made of rubber, not even selling for a Tombstone Piledriver. Not that 'Taker was much better, but as his young age, I wasn't expecting him to tear the roof down.


Jimmy Snuka proved his worth to our family company with his terrific match with Randy Savage. It was the best match on our show, and the two could be called on to deliver a great match. This was our hottest feud going into 'Mania, despite what many critics say, far hotter than Jake against Ted or Hogan against Mr. Perfect.


Earthquake shows again why he was a smaller piece of the puzzle. He only had his position due to Hulk Hogan, who can make anyone look like a Million Dollar draw. I was planning on moving him to the undercard at this point, and to John's credit, he never complained about putting guys over. Of course, man couldn't sell peanuts to an elephant, so his value even in that capacity was limited.

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Week 2 Preview

We're reached the end of the road to WRESTLEMANIA! Three, THREE wrestlers will punch their tickets. After some words on Superstars, Hulk Hogan is getting the match he wants at 'Mania... Mr. Perfect, but tonight, he's facing the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION of the Hennan Family, The Barbarian, as dictated by Mr. Tunney on All-American Wrestling. And in the main event, hated rivals team with unfamiliar partners in a Wrestlemania preview match. Who will gain momentum going into 'Mania?

Prediction Card

World Tag Team #1 Contenders Match: The Orient Express vs. The Natural Disasters

4 vs. 4 Survivor Series: The Undertaker, The British Bulldog & Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside) vs. The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart & The Eagle and The Patriot

Intercontinental #1 Contenders Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Texas Tornado

World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Barbarian © vs. Hulk Hogan

The Main Event

3 vs. 3 Survivor Series: Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka & Roddy Piper vs. The Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage & Sargent Slaughter
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B-Shows WEEK 3 March


The Eagle & The Patriot d. Bob Bradley & Dan Davis

The Hart Foundation d. The Brooklyn Brawler & Mike Sharpe

Bull Pain d. Crush

The Barbarian d. Jimmy Snuka

Notable Moments: Barbarian vs. Hogan is set up for Superstars


Mean Mike d. The Brooklyn Brawler

The British Bulldog, The Mountie & The Liverpool Lads d. The Hart Foundation & The Eagle & The Patriot

The Barbarian d. Rick Martel

Notable Moments: Hennan reminded The Barbarian that "The Perfect Wrestler" is the rightful World Champion; not The Barbarian

Prediction Contest Standings:

Satyr24: 19/22

Beejus: 15/22

Jaysin: 13/15

Midnightnick: 12/22

Packerman120: 5/8

CBHBK: 8/15

The_COC: 7/14

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World Tag Team #1 Contenders Match: The Orient Express vs. The Natural Disasters

4 vs. 4 Survivor Series: The Undertaker, The British Bulldog & Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside) vs. The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart & The Eagle and The Patriot

Intercontinental #1 Contenders Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Texas Tornado

World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Barbarian © vs. Hulk Hogan

The Main Event

3 vs. 3 Survivor Series: Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka & Roddy Piper vs. The Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage & Sargent Slaughter

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World Tag Team #1 Contenders Match: The Orient Express vs. The Natural Disasters

4 vs. 4 Survivor Series: The Undertaker, The British Bulldog & Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside) vs. The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart & The Eagle and The Patriot

Intercontinental #1 Contenders Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Texas Tornado

World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Barbarian © vs. Hulk Hogan

The Main Event

3 vs. 3 Survivor Series: Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka & Roddy Piper vs. The Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage & Sargent Slaughter

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World Tag Team #1 Contenders Match: The Orient Express vs. The Natural Disasters

4 vs. 4 Survivor Series: The Undertaker, The British Bulldog & Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside) vs. The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart & The Eagle and The Patriot

Intercontinental #1 Contenders Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Texas Tornado

World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Barbarian © vs. Hulk Hogan

The Main Event

3 vs. 3 Survivor Series: Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka & Roddy Piper vs. The Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage & Sargent Slaughter

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Prediction Card

World Tag Team #1 Contenders Match: The Orient Express vs. The Natural Disasters

4 vs. 4 Survivor Series: The Undertaker, The British Bulldog & Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside) vs. The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart & The Eagle and The Patriot

Intercontinental #1 Contenders Match: Shawn Michaels vs. The Texas Tornado

World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Barbarian © vs. Hulk Hogan

The Main Event

3 vs. 3 Survivor Series: Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka & Roddy Piper vs. The Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage & Sargent Slaughter

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WWF Superstars of Wrestling

Week 4, March



Gene Okerland is backstage interviewing Hulk Hogan.

I'm backstage tonight with someone who I've had a lot of difficulty introducing without the title of "World Heavyweight Champion". But tonight on Superstars, this man has an opportunity to change that. I'm privileged to interview "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan!

Let me tell you something, Mean Gene. Tonight, Mr. Perfect has once again proven himself a coward, and decided not to show up as he promised. So, instead, I'm up against a man who holds MY rightful title brother, the one I've held for longer than any other wrestler in this here Wrestling Federation. At Wrestlemania, on the big stage, you're going to be challenging me for the WWF Championship, Mr. Perfect, and whatcha gonna do, when me and all the little Hulkamaniacs hit the big leg on you!

Well, that about wraps it up for this interview, back to you, Billy Graham.

Vince's Take: Hogan is an excellent promo who can carry a lackluster performer to dizzying heights. As I like to believe, a high tide raises all boats, and there is no bigger wave in the sea than Hulk Hogan. He's the perfect star for sports entertainment, and since Hogan retired, the top priority in the federation is finding a suitable replacement.

Match 1

The Natural Disasters vs. The Orient Express
In a match with good action but not much in the way of heat, The Natural Disasters defeated the Orient Express when Earthquake pinned Tanaka after hitting The Earthquake Splash.


Pat Tunney is in an office-like structure. He is preparing to make an announcement.

Pat Tunney:
I am well aware that the Big Bossman does not have an opponent for Wrestlemania. Like many of you, I have enjoyed the excellent performance of Shawn Michaels over the last month, resulting in four televised victories and no losses. In the federation, nothing is free, you must earn it. Tonight, if Michaels can defeat former intercontinental champion The Texas Tornado, he will have the opportunity to challenge the Big Bossman for the intercontinental title at Wrestlemania VII.

Michaels and Tornado appear on the screen, shaking hands to signify agreement.

Vince's Take: This wan't intended to be enjoyable. Shawn and Kerry were not terrific on the microphone at this point, especially Kerry, and Shawn was not yet built to be a major player. Pat Tunney is there to deliver bad news in a monotone voice, "screwing over" Michaels by forcing him to "earn" a title shot with another match.

Match 2

Survivor Series: The Undertaker, The British Bulldog and The Liverpool Lads vs. The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart, and The Eagle & The Patriot
In a bout that had solid action but non existent crowd heat, The Undertaker, The British Bulldog and The Liverpool Lads defeated The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart and The Eagle & The Patriot when The Undertaker eliminated the Ultimate Warrior by pinfall after hitting the Tombstone Piledriver. The Undertaker and The Liverpool Lads survived.


Gene Okerland is backstage with the three man team of Sgt. Slaughter, The Million Dollar Man and The Macho Man.

Tonight, I'm back here with the team of Slaughter, The Million Dollar Man and The Macho Man who will be competing against Piper, Snuka, and Roberts in a three man Survivor Series Wrestlemania VI Preview Match. What words do you three have for your opponents?

ROWDY RODDY PIPER, you say you came out of retirement to face off with me. LET'S BE HONEST, at your ELDERLY AGE, you aren't SUITED FOR THE FIELD OF WAR. Tonight, win or lose, I'm going to force you BACK INTO RETIREMENT. AND THAT'S AN ORDER.

Macho Man:
Speaking of age, there, Gene, Jimmy Snuka has weary, crinkley skin that melts off his face like ice cream. Oh YEAH! TONIGHT, Jimmy Snuka, you're going to be so wrecked, THAT HALFWAY THROUGH THE MATCH YOU'LL ANNOUNCE YOUR RETIREMENT!

Million Dollar Man:
Jake Roberts, you may indeed think you've got what it takes to beat the Million Dollar Man, but despite your cowardly post match attack, you don't have the affluence to compete in the wrestling ring, and that's why you'll never challenge for a world championship.

Gene Okerland is about to wrap up the interview, but Sgt. Slaughter pushes him and takes the microphone. The Million Dollar Man and Randy Savage laugh maniacally.

I'll have you know that what you just did, Slaughter, is against our code of conduct.

I'LL LET YOU KNOW, Mean Gene, that there are no rules on the battlefield, and TONIGHT, Mean Gene, the entire world will watch Roddy Pipers last match in the WRESTLING FEDERATION, and after I put him in the Camel Clutch, all the Hulkamaniacs will witness The Hot Quitter once again walk away from wrestling.

Vince's Take: When I speak of
Players, I speak of talents like The Million Dollar Man, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Sargent Slaughter. Savage and Ted lacked the star quality to carry a company, while Slaughter was well past his prime. Slaughter, and his various sidekicks, were allowed to break rules in the federation, and as heels operation outside the rules, both were able to garner significant heat.

Match 3

Shawn Michaels vs. The Texas Tornado
In a match with some good action but not much in the way of heat, Shawn Michaels defeated The Texas Tornado by Submission.


Gene Okerland is backstage with the three man team of Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka and Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Tonight, I'm back here with Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka and Jake "The Snake" Roberts. How do you think you'll fare against the three-man group of Sargent Slaughter, The Million Dollar Man and Randy Savage.

Mean Gene, tonight, I wanna make one thing clear: I'm back for good this time, and Slaughter, I'm not going anywhere! You, however, may have a teensy bit of a problem staying put, after I clock you upside the noggin and you go down for the count!

Jake Roberts:
Tonight, Million Dollar Man, you'll be up against something you can't buy: A snake. A Snake doesn't have the need for money. When a snake see something it wants, it wraps itself around it, and squeezes it until the life is gone. You "need" your fancy suit, your bodyguard and your manager. A snake has two needs: To Eat, and to Breath. And tonight, you're going to gasp for air, after I put you down with the DDT.

Jimmy Snuka:
Macho Man, it is true, I am getting older. But with age, Savage comes wisdom, brother. Tonight, I will show my superior knowledge when I use my wits to walk away the victor.

I'll be cheering you on from the stands. I wish you the best of luck for your match tonight.

Vince's Take: A solid, but unspectacular promo, with the three talents here of varying degrees of skill. Roddy Piper was amazing, as usual, and his simple language went over well with the crowd. Jimmy Snuka was passable, and Jake had an average promo that went over a lot of people's heads.

Match 4

World Heavyweight Title Match

© The Barbarian vs. Hulk Hogan
In a bout that had great heat and great action, Hulk Hogan defeated The Barbarian by Disqualification when Mr. Perfect attacked Hulk Hogan. The Barbarian retains the WWF Championship.


Mr. Perfect continues to attack Hulk Hogan, with Bobby Hennan jumping the rope and started kicking Hulk Hogan. The Barbarian stares blankly, and after thirty seconds, Bobby Hennan confronts The Barbarian.

Barbarian, you have retained the Championship against The Immortal. A job well done, but you owe this victory, and your WWF Title, to my client, The Perfect Wrestler. So once, again, I ask you to do the right thing, and give the title to Mr. Perfect.


The Barbarian hits Bobby Hennan with the WWF World Heavyweight Championship, knocking out the manager. Mr. Perfect tends to his fallen friend, while The Barbarian and Hulk Hogan make an exit.

Vince's Take: The Barbarian dominated this match, and it was clear he would have won had Perfect not interfered. As Hulk Hogan was a huge star, this angle put Barbarian over, and allowed him to turn face before Wrestlemania. He had a great build that would pay off in Wrestlemania VI's championship match.

The Main Event

3 vs. 3 Survivor Series Preview Match: Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka and Roddy Piper vs. The Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage and Sargent Slaughter

In a bout that featured great heat and great action, The Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage and Sarget Slaughter defeated Jimmy Snuka, Jake Roberts and Roddy Piper when Sargent Slaughter forced Roddy Piper to submit with the Camel Clutch. Sargent Slaughter was the sole survivor.

Overall Show Rating: B+

It was at this point that we reached the climax after last weeks' nadir. This show drew universal praise, the Wrestlemania preview match would become a tradition, The Barbarian turn and the World Heavyweight Match was a booking marvel, and the undercard was solid with the best talent showcased before Wrestlemania.


The critics were silenced with this show. Suddenly, my vision became searingly clear, and from that point on, I was recognized as the best creative mind in the business.

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I like your take on this by making the angles WAY more important than the matches. I really really hate your Vince McMahon and are doing a great job by conveying him off as an ass that does not know what to do with his good ring workers. I am really interested to see how you write up a PPV because those are more match oriented.
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B-Shows WEEK 4 March


Jim Duggan d. Nikoli Volkoff

Sgt. Slaughter d. Rick Martel

Notable Moments: Slaughter puts out a bounty for any wrestler to "take out" Hulk Hogan, Pat Tunney makes Hogan vs. Perfect a #1 Contenders Match


The Liverpool Lads d. Al Burke & Jim Powers

The Nasty Boys & The Orient Express d. The Bushwhackers & The Natural Disasters

Mr. Perfect d. The Texas Tornado

Notable Moments: Roddy Piper tells Slaughter not to "look ahead to Hogan" and that he still has Piper to face at Wrestlemania

Prediction Contest Standings:

Satyr24: 23/27

Beejus: 15/22

Midnightnick: 15/27

Jaysin: 13/15

The_COC: 10/19

Packerman120: 8/13

CBHBK: 8/15

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Dark Match: The Eagle & The Patriot vs. The Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside)

Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie

The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Warlord

Haku vs. The Texas Tornado

Paul Roma vs. Rick Martel

Submission Match: Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog

WWF Tag Team Title Match:
© The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Intercontinental Title Match:
© The Big Bossman vs. Shawn Michaels

Jim Duggan vs. Jim Niedhart

World Heavyweight Title Match:
© The Barbarian vs. The Undertaker

Jake Roberts vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Sargent Slaughter


Winner is #1 Contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect
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Dark Match: The Eagle & The Patriot vs. The Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside)

Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie

The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Warlord

Haku vs. The Texas Tornado

Paul Roma vs. Rick Martel

Submission Match: Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog

WWF Tag Team Title Match: © The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Intercontinental Title Match: © The Big Bossman vs. Shawn Michaels

Jim Duggan vs. Jim Niedhart :eek: why

World Heavyweight Title Match: © The Barbarian vs. The Undertaker

Jake Roberts vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Sargent Slaughter


Winner is #1 Contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect

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Dark Match: The Eagle & The Patriot vs. The Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside)

Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie

The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Warlord

Haku vs. The Texas Tornado

Paul Roma vs. Rick Martel

Submission Match: Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog

WWF Tag Team Title Match: © The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Intercontinental Title Match: © The Big Bossman vs. Shawn Michaels

Jim Duggan vs. Jim Niedhart

World Heavyweight Title Match: © The Barbarian vs. The Undertaker

Jake Roberts vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Sargent Slaughter


Winner is #1 Contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect

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Dark Match: The Eagle & The Patriot vs. The Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside)

Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie

The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Warlord

Haku vs. The Texas Tornado

Paul Roma vs. Rick Martel

Submission Match: Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog

WWF Tag Team Title Match: © The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Intercontinental Title Match: © The Big Bossman vs. Shawn Michaels

Jim Duggan vs. Jim Niedhart

World Heavyweight Title Match: (c) The Barbarian vs. The Undertaker

Jake Roberts vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Sargent Slaughter


Winner is #1 Contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect

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