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Muronic Moments- Nosebleed


'It's Time for the Monthly Review'


So as I expected, 'the big boss' Kaneko-san summoned me for a monthly performance review. So I'm sitting there in his office and he asks me 'You look a bit flustered, I can assure you Muro-san there is nothing for you to worry about, in fact I've been quite satisfied with your first month in charge'.....


Kaneko-san thought I was bricking myself over a rollicking, that I had not met his high standards and that he was some unreasonable despot who expected us to hit a 'home run' for every show. I knew that wasn't the case, I knew he wasn't some clueless mark....all I was getting flustered about, was his 'secretary' Chihiro-Chan walking around in little more than a maid's apron and a g-string (that showed off her backside and a more than ample glimpse of sideboob).



Chihiro-Chan, was actually wearing an even more inappropriate outfit than this-

Just let your imagination run wild


But to not come across as some sex starved highschooler, I simply went along with the fact that he was the big scary boss and nervously laughed off, being 'worried' about the meeting.


He continued on ' I'll be honest I don't think you hit it out of the park for the last tour, but everything was very steady....no bad shows, but nothing that is going to get people talking about us, as THE must see wrestling promotion in all of Japan. All in all your first month as head booker was good enough to keep the current fanbase happy but not enough to pull in new fans'.....


I was inclined to agree, I too was satisfied with the Openweight Tag Grand Prix and Quest of Heart, but I knew the first month didn't produce that blowaway show or a surefire Match of the Year Candidate.


'But Muro-San, I'm not an unreasonable man, I know that you'll probably need a few months to really get the feel of things as head-booker. As long as you keep producing as you have for the next few months I'll be satisfied but I do want to see progress- more buzz, more backsides on seats, more PPV buys, more subscribers to burninghammer-world by the end of the year.'


At least Kaneko-san wasn't actually being the unreasonable tyrant, he thought I was worried about him being and was actually setting me realistic long term goals, rather than behaving in a knee jerk fashion to every miniscule disappoint or triumph.


The conversation then turned to the International Elite alliance and my plans for next month. I told Kaneko-san, that I was planning to bring in a few names from TCW next month to work the Inferno of Purities PPV and that I was also planning on introducing a new tournament- a 16 man single elimination tournament open to Heavyweights- that would find the next challenger for Hiroaki Nakasawa's World Championship.....


Naturally Kaneko-san piped up a few concerns regarding the new tournament.......


'We've just had a tournament, would it not be tournament overkill so close to another one, and besides surely Kikkawa would be the obvious choice to challenge Nakasawa do you not think?'

I told Kaneko-san that he shouldn't be concerned about tournament overkill- I told him that the Burning Hammer fanbase loved their tournaments, and besides this was a very different animal to the other tournaments in our calendar that followed a round robin format, this after all would be a single elimination knockout tournament.


I also said that, even though Kikkawa was probably due another title shot and the obvious choice to go up against Nakasawa, I wanted to keep them apart for a little longer and have Kikkawa challenge Nakasawa at one of our more prestigious PPVs and why I had put together the narrative that Kikkawa wanted to go through the rest of Hasami-Gun before taking on Nakasawa in a show of strength from the Team INSPIRE leader. I also told Kaneko-san that the tournament would be there to find a fresh challenger for Nakasawa-san and that Horri or any other former Heavyweight Champions would not be taking part......


'OK Muro-san you've talked me round, regarding your new idea for a tournament, I suppose it could be a good way to help elevate a few people or at the very least find a new challenger for Nakasawa-san'


With Kaneko-san satisfied with my performance and not putting up any major resistance to my plans for next month, the meeting slowly wound to a halt, and I was seen out of then office by Kaneko-san's barely dressed secretarial help.....


It was at that point I instantly headed for the bathroom, to deal with the 'nosebleed' that was about to erupt from my body.



I have a feeling this might happen everytime I visit Kaneko-san's office

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BHOTWG Schedule and News (February)


It was revealed on burninghammerworld.jp that the promotion would be hosting a new tournament during the Inferno Road Tour called the Burning Hammer Cup. The tournament will be a 16 man affair in a single elimination format, and will be open to Heavyweights that have yet to win the Burning World Championship. The winner of the tournament will go on to challenge for the World Championship at the Inferno of Purity PPV. First round matches will take place in Sapporo (9th Feb) and Aomori (11th Feb), the 2nd Round will be held at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo with the semi finals and final taking place at the Amagasaki Memorial Park Gym (25th Feb).


The Inferno Road Tour begins on Thursday 8th February at the Asahikawa Industry Center in Hokkaido and concludes at the Amagasaki Park Gym on Tuesday 25th February, with the Inferno of Purity PPV taking place on Friday 28th February at Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium in Nagoya.


BHOTWG Inferno Road Tour


Thursday February 6th : Asahikawa, Hokkaido (Asahikawa Industry Center)


Sunday February 9th : Sapporo, Hokkaido (Sapporo Teisen Hall)

* Live stream on Burninghammerworld.jp/ Highlights on Japanese Sports Vision TV


Tuesday Februay 11th : Aomori, Tohoku (Aomori Industrial Hall)


Friday February 14th: Akita, Tohoku (Akita Prefectural Gymnasium)


Monday February 17th: Kanazawa, Chubu (Kanazawa Exhibition Hall)


Thursday February 20th: Tokyo, Kanto (Korakuen Hall)

* Live stream on Burninghammerworld.jp/ Highlights on Japanese Sports Vision TV


Tuesday February 25th: Amagasaki, Kansai (Amagasaki Memorial Park Gym)

* Live stream on Burninghammerworld.jp/ Highlights on Japanese Sports Vision TV


Inferno of Purity

(Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium, Nagoya, Chubu)

* Live PPV on Emperor Sports/ Time Delay stream on Burninghammerworld.jp


Provisional Matches confirmed for Inferno of Purity:


Burning World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Winner of the Burning Hammer Cup

Special Tag: Sensational Dragon & ??? (Hasami-Gun) vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & ???


Burning Imperial Championship: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira


Burning Junior Championship: Marihito Masuko vs MYSTIC Dragon


Burning Junior Tag Team Championship: American Panther (American Optimus & Red Panther) vs Full Ligament Panic! (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)

More matches to be added later.......

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by Osamu "Ron" Sano







Love is the widespread feeling in the wrestling world recently and here is explained where it’s started.



“International Elite”


We're going back to January. After the traditional New Years Shrine Visit, the BHOTWG offices released a big public statement regarding the formation of “International Elite.”


“International Elite is the biggest global wrestling alliance ever created. Founded by three of the biggest promotion in the world today, the Japanese Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods (BHOTWG), the Canadian North Of The Border Pro Wrestling (NOTBPW) and the American Total Championship Wrestling (TCW), International Elite is the result of a common philosophy."

"International Elite, The Best Of Wrestling.”


“Wrestling is a serious matter.” Jeremy Stone, principal owner of the Halifax based NOTBPW, answering before evaluating prospects in House Of Stone training center.




“People usually says we’re soulless. We’re not. We’re passionate people, who loves wrestling and we like people who treated it as a competition, not as a joke. That’s why we partnered with Thomas Cornell and Mister Kaneko to form this unbelievable opportunity for wrestlers to be a part of the biggest stages in our industry.”


“Nothing is better than evolving, sunbeam.” Tommy Cornell, owner of Los Angeles TCW, sitting behind the desk of his personal office.




“We did it in 2004, moving from a sport entertainment to a realistic style and we are doing it again. People will watch first time ever matches and the wrestlers will deliver the best you will ever see. Whatever place in the world you are coming from, I will welcome you to Los Angeles, lads!”


“We are more excited than ever.” Tetsuzan Kaneko, president of the Tokyo based BHOTWG, taking a 15 minutes break on his busy schedule.




“This alliance is a testament of the great job BHOTWG has done in these years as the leading promotion in Japan. We are committed to produce the best show available, spreading the knowledge of puroresu all over the world and creating with our partners epic confrontations that fans will love in the arenas, on PPV or through Burning Hammer World. For exciting times, make it Burning Time!”


Aside the press releases, this alliance is really the biggest global pact ever between wrestling promotions in both quantity and quality and potentially the kickstarter for a new wrestling golden age. A few numbers:


3 National promotions


15 Wrestler of the Year Award since 1985


11 Hall Of Immortals inductees


5 Hall Of Immortals future inductees


Countless Promotion of the Year awards


Countless MOTY awards and MOTYC candidates


As stated by BHOTWG president, It will be indeed an exciting time, Kaneko-san!



“Welcome, maybe, back to Japan! Part 1”


In the first part of potential International Elite exchanges, I will analyze the best names ready to main event any BHOTWG event due their puroresu career, while in the second, some lesser known names and Hall Of Immortals dream matches.




Duane Stone / Black Cobra


For over five years the under the Black Cobra mask, Duane Stone expressed excellence into the Burning Fenix ring. The Junior champion returned back to Canada making a move to middleweight, fighting is a more mat based and rounded wrestling style. While it would be interesting to match Stone with his former foes, the Canadian is already a potential title contender. My favorites non title matches will pit Duane Stone against Tadiyuki Kikkawa in an interesting clash of styles and against fellow INSPIRE member Tasuku Iesada in a technical clinic.


Personal favorite match: Stone vs Kikkawa, Stone vs Iesada




Koshiro Ino


The Haruki Kudo protege has been a staple of heavyweight division for almost ten years, especially in a successful team combo with Tadakuni Toshusai. Moving to USA in January 2008, Ino improved his skills and now is very close to become a TCW main eventer. A worthy challenger for the BHOTWG World Championship, my favorites non title fights would be against his old partner, or against one of Kudo’s main rivals, Masaaki Okazaki.


Personal favorite matches: Ino vs Toshusai, Ino vs Okazaki




Bryan Vessey


While the youngest of the Vessey brothers spent his Japanese tenure with PGHW, the American is still a big name in the eyes of the Japanese audience. Like Duane Stone and Koshiro Ino, Vessey is another ready potential title contender for one of the big PPVs and could finally win the major title is missing in his illustrious career. In a non title bout my preference will go with Kinnojo Horri in a match full of BHOTWG VS PGHW references, with two of the icons of the late 2000 puroresu.


Personal favorite matches: Vessey vs Nakasawa, Vessey vs Horri



“God's Gift?”


To many Sensational Dragon is a gift from wrestling gods, in his mind he consider himself a god.




Before the OTTGP tour in Kyoto, a few Sensational Dragon statues appeared into the Daigo-ji Shingon Buddhist temple, a part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto, an UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Some could say it was a BHOTWG publicity stunt, but our verified sources instead confirmed it was completely the wrestler’s idea. We don’t know how embarrassed were the BHOTWG officials but for sure there weren’t happy about their public image.


I start to understand why Iesada stepped down from the booking position.



“W for Double Victory”


Tasuku Iesada and Masaaki Okazaki probably thought this when in a few days got double gold.




First, The Manipulators beat the P.I.N.K Originals in a final bout to win the 2014 Openweight Tag Grand Prix, then the INSPIRE duo repeat themselves against Raging Bulls at Quest Of Heart for the BHOTWG Tag Team Titles.


This double title victory could be seen as a subtle favor by Mitsuhide Muro to the former head booker, but I personally think this choice is an attempt to elevate the titles prestige, since the BHOWTG Tag Team Championship are in one of the lowest point of its history.





It has been a tough night for Kinnojo Horri and his fans.




Despite his efforts fighting against Hasami-Gun and a crazy girl, who tried to stab him with a pair of scissors, Hiroaki Nakasawa proved in the end to be the better man. The Hasami-Gun leader will find his next challenger after the end of the Burning Hammer Cup, a 16 man single elimination tournament held during the Inferno Road tour.


Horri is not the only one suffering a big loss. Aside Raging Bulls as written earlier, MYSTIC Dragon lost his Junior Championship to Marihito Masuko who surprised the Elemental’s son with the patented Masuko Cradle.




The P.I.N.K leader captured the Junior title for the third time, leaving zero titles in Burning Sekigun hands. The home unit needs to regroup from the recent streak of losses, because the championship titles are now only a stables affair, as listed below.


The home unit needs to regroup from the recent streak of losses, because the championship titles are now only a stables affair, as listed below.



Burning World Championship - Hiroaki Nakasawa - Hasami-Gun


Burning World Tag Team Championship - The Manipulators (Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki) - Team INSPIRE


Burning Imperial Championship - Tadakuni Toshusai - P.I.N.K


Burning Openweight Championship - Mitsunari Fugunaga - Team INSPIRE


Burning Junior Championship - Marihito Masuko - P.I.N.K


Burning Junior Tag Team Championship - American Panther (American Optimus & Red Panther) - Hasami-Gun



Well, that’s up folks. In the next edition, part 2 of the International Elite exchanges, the results of the Burning Hammer Cup and the preview of Inferno Of Purity PPV.


Only if Sensational Dragon blesses us...





Burning Fenix is a TEW.com column - Total Extreme Wrestling - For real wrestling news.

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Burning Hammer Cup Draw


BHOTWG released the Brackets for the inaugural edition of the 16 Man Elimination tournament, Burning Hammer Cup that will be open to any Heavyweight's that have yet to win the Burning World Championship. The receives a World Title shot at the Inferno of Purity PPV.


1st Round (Sapporo/Aomori)


Chuichi Sanda (Raging Bulls) vs Tasuku Iesada (Team INSPIRE)


Mitsunari Fuganaga (Team INSPIRE) vs Miyamae (The Rebellion)


Yasunobu Masuno (Hasami-Gun) vs Toshiki Shibanumo (P.I.N.K)


Ieyoshi Shimakage (Hasami-Gun) vs Tadakuni Toshusai (P.I.N.K)


Taro Shionoya (Hasami-Gun) vs Heiachiro Sakai


Masaaki Okazaki (Team INSPIRE) vs Sanetomo Shiraishi (Snow Lizzard)


Nissho Yuasa (P.I.N.K) vs Sessue Kawate (Snow Lizzard)


Eiji Hamacho (Raging Bulls) vs Hirokumi Saito (Team INSPIRE)


2nd Round (Tokyo)


A- Iesada/Sanda vs Fuganaga/Miyamae


B- Masuno/Shibanumo vs Shimakage/Toshusai


C- Shionoya/Sakai vs Okazaki/Shiraishi


D- Yuasa/Kawate vs Hamacho/Saito


Semi Finals (Amagasaki)


1- Winner A vs Winner B

2- Winner C vs Winner D


Final (Amagasaki)


Winner 1 vs Winner 2

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Chuichi Sanda (Raging Bulls) vs Tasuku Iesada (Team INSPIRE)


Mitsunari Fuganaga (Team INSPIRE) vs Miyamae (The Rebellion)


Yasunobu Masuno (Hasami-Gun) vs Toshiki Shibanumo (P.I.N.K)


Ieyoshi Shimakage (Hasami-Gun) vs Tadakuni Toshusai (P.I.N.K)


Taro Shionoya (Hasami-Gun) vs Heiachiro Sakai


Masaaki Okazaki (Team INSPIRE) vs Sanetomo Shiraishi (Snow Lizzard)


Nissho Yuasa (P.I.N.K) vs Sessue Kawate (Snow Lizzard)


Eiji Hamacho (Raging Bulls) vs Hirokumi Saito (Team INSPIRE)


2nd Round (Tokyo)


Tasuku Iesada vs Miyamae


Yasunobu Masuno vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Taro Shionoya vs Masaaki Okazaki


Sessue Kawate vs Eiji Hamacho


Semi Finals (Amagasaki)


Tasuku Iesada vs Tadakuni Toshusai

Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho


Final (Amagasaki)


Tadakuni Toshusai vs Masaaki Okazaki


I'm prediction Tadakuni Toshuasi to win the tournament and to win the belt, keep up the diary I'm loving it so far.

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1st Round (Sapporo/Aomori)


Chuichi Sanda (Raging Bulls) vs Tasuku Iesada (Team INSPIRE)

I'm fairly certain the bulls are done making an impact after they lost the tag titles... I'm going with Iesada for the victory.

Mitsunari Fuganaga (Team INSPIRE) vs Miyamae (The Rebellion)

Albeit, this isn't a huge upset -- this continues the "storyline" and prevents an "inspire vs. inspire" semi. However, Fuganaga has to be my dark horse pick to win the tournament: I think it will be someone from INSPIRE as they establish themselves as a sort of "babyface" stable.

Yasunobu Masuno (Hasami-Gun) vs Toshiki Shibanumo (P.I.N.K)

This is a straight squash match -- existing to set up a later quarterfinal pairing with tournament implications.

Ieyoshi Shimakage (Hasami-Gun) vs Tadakuni Toshusai (P.I.N.K)

Again, one of two really obvious pairings in this part of the bracket. Double T takes the victory for his "rematch" with Masuno.

Taro Shionoya (Hasami-Gun) vs Heiachiro Sakai

Stable/Stable Matchups seem to be common, and this sets up another one, albeit one with an obvious winner.

Masaaki Okazaki (Team INSPIRE) vs Sanetomo Shiraishi (Snow Lizzard)

Snow Lizzard will win zero matches this year, and Okazaki has potential to go far in this tournament.

Nissho Yuasa (P.I.N.K) vs Sessue Kawate (Snow Lizzard)

Kawate blow... er, does too much blow to advance..

Eiji Hamacho (Raging Bulls) vs Hirokumi Saito (Team INSPIRE)

OOH YEAH.. MACHO HAMACHO will take this to set up a possible Bulls/INSPIRE Confrontation... OH YEAH!


2nd Round (Tokyo)

A- Iesada vs Miyamae

Iesada is a legitimate title contender, and Miyamae doesn't deserve a victory over a heavyweight.. unless he is trying to move up in weight class

B- Masuno vs Toshusai

I went back and forth on this one... This is the most important match-up between two main eventers, and a rematch from the PPV. It was tough call, but if Yuasa beats Hamacho and as Toshusai is slightly better performer, he will take the victory

C- Shionoya vs Okazaki

Okazaki has a pretty straight path to the semi-finals... are we keeping it easy for a reason?

D- Yuasa vs Hamacho

This is an upset, however not a huge one, and I think the Raging Bulls are on the way out.. Yuasa got a clean pinfall on PPV, so you must think he deserves a longer look than I do.


Semi Finals (Amagasaki)

1- Iesada vs Toshusai

Iesada deserves this victory -- and if The Manipulators "lost" to Raging Bulls and there was "some tension" he would get it.. however, the Manipulators just "won" the tournament, and the time is not right for both to face each other.. so Toshusai continues his push here.

2- Yuasa vs Okazaki

This match-up exists solely because this is the "weak-side" of the bracket. Okazaki will take a win here from "baby elephant" setting up a P.I.N.K. vs INSPIRE finale.


Final (Amagasaki)

Toshuasi vs. Okazaki

I think Toshusai could very well hold his own in the main event, arguably better than the aging Okazaki. However, I don't buy him yet as a "face" challenger to Nagasawa, despite his victory/feud with Masuno, while Okazaki was very face-like in his last performance. I also think the World Tag Team Titles have been "left off" the PPV matches for a reason as the challengers are two, while Toshusai has an imperial championship match with Masuno, before he moves onto Mullet-Time member two, Taira. Maybe next time, Toshuasi.

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1st Round (Sapporo/Aomori)


A- Iesada vs Miyamae

Iesada is a legitimate title contender, and Miyamae doesn't deserve a victory over a heavyweight.. unless he is trying to move up in weight class


Miyamae is actually the same weight class as Iesada already, both wrestlers are pretty much round the same size as each other. Miyamae used to be a Junior but bulked up, that's why The Rebellion are no longer a full time thing.


Even though the tournament bracket reveal wasn't really meant as a prediction thing, looks like some readers are doing that already.....Any other readers may as well predict the tournament, rather than the up-coming televised cards, as the rest of the matches on the tour, are just going to be the usual array of multi-man tags :p

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Even though the tournament bracket reveal wasn't really meant as a prediction thing, looks like some readers are doing that already.....Any other readers may as well predict the tournament, rather than the up-coming televised cards, as the rest of the matches on the tour, are just going to be the usual array of multi-man tags :p


My bad... :p

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Muronic Moments: Under Her Thumb


The 'nutty' girl


Tsubasa Senjougahara or Senjou for short, who in the hell was that crazy girl accompanying Hasami-Gun to the ring, I'm sure you're all asking......


Basically she's what you might term a 'tarento', though that 'talent' thus far has been put to rather seedy use. She's appeared in a few gravure idol mags and apparently she's also appeared in one of those ridiculous shows at the Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku. So why is someone low on actual talent, but blessed with a rocking body, able to snag a job being an eye-candy valet with us?


Well the answer to that is all down to who her boyfriend is.......


And who is her boyfriend you may ask?



This Guy?!


Kinnojo Horri. I bet you weren't expecting that answer. Apparently those close to the couple, say that the relationship between the pair is what one might term volatile, though the volatility tends to be in one direction and thats coming from her towards him. There are plenty of accounts of Horri, getting a verbal tongue lashing from his super hot girlfriend, and Horri just stands there and takes it believing that she truly does love him. Is he really that desperate to have a nose-bleed inducing girlfriend, that he's prepared to put up with one who sounds a bit unhinged.


Anyway the scoop I was given from Iesada-san, was that Horri practically begged him to hire his girlfriend, otherwise she would not only walk out on him, but release a sextape that the two filmed together. Whilst Senjou has no problem what so ever getting her kit off, Horri being involved in a sex scandal could indeed damage his clean cut kid friendly babyface reputation and I suppose you could say the whole affair would be rather embarrassing for us. Still though lets face it Horri-san is completely under Senjou's thumb and not only is she wearing the trousers, it sounds like Horri probably never had them on to begin with.


Now you could say that Senjou's demands pretty much border on blackmail, but in all honesty it's a win, win for both parties. Well as long as Horri's nutty girlfriend doesn't start demanding to be part of our roster on a more regular basis. I mean she may be hot to look at, I'll give her that alright but spending more than a day in her company, sounds like more trouble than it's worth.

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Results from BHOTWG- Inferno Road #1


Thursday 6th February 2014:

Asahikawa Industry Center, Asahikawa, Hokkaido (2,000 Super No Vacancy)


1. Yoshii Shiomi [w] bt Reijiro Hiraki in 7:23 by submission after a Sublime Crossface (Spinning Bulldog transitioned into a Crossface


Rating: C


Live Show Notes: A plucky effort from the young lion Hiraki, saw him give Shiomi a competitive contest, but Hiraki was unable to gather enough momentum to set up for his killer moves and in the end Shiomi found a way to slap on the Sublime Crossface, forcing the 'Amber Kid' to tap out.


2. Hirokumi Saito [w] & Tatsuya Toshitala bt Murai Enomoto & Atsumori Takemura [L] in 6:19 when Saito pinned Takemura after a Saito Flasher (High Standing Knee Strike)


Rating: C


Live Show Notes: Despite only lasting just over 6 minutes, Enomoto and Takemura displayed some very promising teamwork throughout the contest, however it was the contests most experienced performer in Saito that would land the final blow, when he struck down Takemura with the Saito Flasher. The Asahikawa crowd appreciated the effort of the young lions.


3. Yokai Kingdom: The Awesome Kiyaru [w] & Golden Scorpion bt Toshiki Shibanumo [L]& The Incredible Koyama in 8:04 when Kiyaru pinned Shibanumo after a Kiyaru Effect (Tilt-A-Whirl Facebuster)


Rating: C-


Live Show Notes: This was a run of the mill tag match, with Yokai Kingdom controlling most of the contest and running through a 'greatest hits' of their repertoire. The P.I.N.K job squad were never really in this match, so it came as no surprise when YK emerged with the victory.

4. Bairei Yasujiro, Hachigoro Maeda & Haru Kurofuji [w] bt White Samurai [L], Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda in 7:38 when Kurofuji pinned Samurai after the Tachikoma Impact (Diving Ledrop/Facebuster combo)


Rating: C-


Live Show Notes: This was a rushed six man junior spotfest that the crowd were only mildly into. After the typical flurry of finishers it was Samurai who predictably tasted defeat after falling victim to Solid State's Tachikoma Impact.


5. Yasunobu Masuno [w] & Ieyoshi Shimakage bt Snow Lizzard: Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate [L] in 8:05 when Masuno made Kawate pass out in the Masuno Deep Sleep (Arm Hook Sleeper Hold)


Rating: C-

Live Show Notes: The crowd were doing their best to get behind Snow Lizzard in this match, but that couldn't hide the fact that this was slow and plodding for the eight minutes it ran for, especially as Masuno and Shimakage are hardly the most dynamic in-ring performers themselves. In the end the veterans were unable to fend off the combined power and trickery of the Hasami-Gun duo, with Kawate passing out whilst placed in the Masuno Deep Sleep.


6. P.I.N.K: Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai [w] bt MYSTIC Dragon & Ryushi Sato [L] in 9:43 when Toshusai pinned Sato by after a Atsuryoku Shokku (Electric Chair Dropped into a Facebuster)


Rating: C+


Live Show Notes: After a string of mediocre matches, the show picked up a little here. This still wasn't what you would call a great match but it was notably better than what came before. Spot of the match saw the stocky powerhouse almost gain an upset victory when he dumped Toshusai with the Zen Driller (Backdrop Driver Hold). However Masuko was able to break that up, and in the end the more experienced P.I.N.K duo went on to win the match when Toshusai ended up planting Sato with the Atsuryoku Shokku.

7. 'Team INSPIRE': Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w], Tasuku Iesada & Mitsunari Fugunaga bt Heihachiro Sakai [L], Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda in 12:33 when Kikkawa pinned Sakai following a Kikkawa Driver (Sitout Side Powerslam)


Rating: B-


Live Show Notes: Though the in-ring action in this six man tag was solid, this was carried more by the fact that the crowd were invested into the story of the match. The basic structure saw Sakai (seen as the weak link on the babyface side) get worked over for much of the match. The crowd were into the hot tag to Hamacho once it came, but the Team INSPIRE trio were able to regain control during the closing stretch and in the end Sakai ended up eating the pin, after being drilled with a Kikkawa Driver.


8. 'Hasami-Gun' : Hiroaki Nakasawa [w], Yasuhiko Taira, Sensational Dragon & Red Panther bt Kinnojo Horri, Elemental III, Shimedzu & Miyamae [L] in 17:40 when Nakasawa pinned Miyamae following an H-Bomb (Elevated Sitout Powerbomb)

Rating: B


Live Show Notes: An enjoyable eight man tag to end the show, that did it's job to highlight the participants involved and was perfectly acceptable as a standard tour show main event- though unfortunately one that wasn't fantastic enough to save the show from being the weakest one yet under my tenure as head booker.


Nakasawa and Horri spent much of the match on the outside looking in, but when they did get into the match- the crowd popped huge for their signature spots, especially when they faced off against each other. The bulk of the heavy lifting however was done by the Juniors and The Rebellion who popped the crowd with some flashy highspots and signature teamwork.


In the end though it was the Heavyweight Champion who would stand tallest at the end of the match, after Miyamae fell victim to Nakasawa's devastating H-Bomb.


* Post match Hiroaki Nakasawa got on the microphone and ran down the concept of the up-coming Burning Hammer Cup, arrogantly declaring that whoever emerges victorious in the tournament would be unworthy of challenging him for the title.


Rating: B+


Overall Show Rating : B-

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Burning Hammer Cup


1st Round (Sapporo/Aomori)


Chuichi Sanda (Raging Bulls) vs Tasuku Iesada (Team INSPIRE)


Mitsunari Fugunaga (Team INSPIRE) vs Miyamae (The Rebellion)


Yasunobu Masuno (Hasami-Gun) vs Toshiki Shibanumo (P.I.N.K)


Ieyoshi Shimakage (Hasami-Gun) vs Tadakuni Toshusai (P.I.N.K)


Taro Shionoya (Hasami-Gun) vs Heihachiro Sakai


Masaaki Okazaki (Team INSPIRE) vs Sanetomo Shiraishi (Snow Lizzard)


Nissho Yuasa (P.I.N.K) vs Sessue Kawate (Snow Lizzard)


Eiji Hamacho (Raging Bulls) vs Hirokumi Saito (Team INSPIRE)


2nd Round (Tokyo)


A- Iesada/Sanda vs Fuganaga/Miyamae


B- Masuno/Shibanumo vs Shimakage/Toshusai


C- Shionoya/Sakai vs Okazaki/Shiraishi


D- Yuasa/Kawate vs Hamacho/Saito


Semi Finals (Amagasaki)


1- Winner A (Iesada) vs Winner B (Masuno)

2- Winner C (Okazaki) vs Winner D (Hamacho)


Final (Amagasaki)


Winner 1 (Iesada) vs Winner 2 (Hamacho)

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Miyamae is actually the same weight class as Iesada already, both wrestlers are pretty much round the same size as each other. Miyamae used to be a Junior but bulked up, that's why The Rebellion are no longer a full time thing.


Even though the tournament bracket reveal wasn't really meant as a prediction thing, looks like some readers are doing that already.....Any other readers may as well predict the tournament, rather than the up-coming televised cards, as the rest of the matches on the tour, are just going to be the usual array of multi-man tags :p


Ughh.. sorry, I got Miyamae confused with his oft-facepainted partner

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Forgot to post this......


I always like to keep a track on what is happening elsewhere during my diary game, so here is what happened elsewhere during January 2014 (in the game that is!)


January World News


Company Growth & Decline


SWF rise to International Size


5SSW rise to Regional Size


GSW rise to Small Size


Hierarchy Changes


WEXVV: Announcer Kuniyoshi Chishu was announced as the new head booker of WEXVV. Chishu has previous head booker experience for Joshi promotion 5SSW (for whom he also commentates).


Title Changes


21CW: Daniel Black Francis won the United Kingdom Championship for a third time, ending Luke Cool's half year long reign with the belt.


4C: Davis Wayne Newton defeated Eric Blackley to win the 4C Hardcore Championship for a second time.


5SSW: Heart & Soul (Heart Saitoh & Saori Nakadan) defeated the duo of Dragon Assassin and Huntress Makiko for the vacant 5 Star Tag Team titles, to begin their second reign with the belts. The belts had to be vacated by previous champions The Rainbow Girls following what looks to be a career threatening injury for Otsune Tsumura.


BCG: Toshinobu Taku dethroned Blast Ikoma to win the BCG Challengers Series Championship for the first time.


CGC: Joey Poison became the CGC Canadian Champion for the second time after defeating Warren Technique.


DIW: The Comedian won back the DIW Championship from Dumfrey Pin, to begin his fourth reign and move ahead of Pin as the wrestler with the most DIW Championship reigns in DIW history.


EWA: Byron became the EWA Universal Champion for a record extending 5th time, after he was able to slay the monster African Earthquake.


EXODUS 2010: HUSTLE-X (Shirai Yanagawa & Pretty Okakura) defeated The Legion (Tobei Sugimura & Isamu Kijimuta) to win the EXODUS World Junior Tag Team titles for the first time.


FCW: Matt Hocking's near half year long reign with the FCW People's Championship came to an end, at the hands of Leper Messiah, who win the belt for the first time (despite having previously held the more prestigious Puerto Rican Championship)


IPW: Following Hustle Muvva's controversial jump across to IPW's bitter rivals GSW- Masked Stranger defeated T-Bone Bright for the vacant IPW Championship for his second reign with the belt. Many see this as IPW hitting the 'reset button' as Stranger's first reign was ended by the man who walked out on IPW, Hustle Muvva.


The Night Terrors (Babau and Moroi) won back the IPW Tag Team titles from Coulrophobia (Hellech and Pierrot) for their second reign with the belts.

MAW: Citizen-X won the ninth edition of the annual Rip Chord Invitational tournament, defeating Mean Jean Cattley, Roderick Remus and then Max Mayhem in the finals to win the cup.


NYCW: The Masked Mauler defeated Animal Harker to win the NYCW Tri-State title for a third time.


PGHW: Tetsunori Yasuda defeated Ryoma Muruyama to win the PGHW International title for the first time.


QAW: The Anti-Establishment (Pamela Rojo & Hellcat Hernandez) regained the QAW Tag Team titles from Crackdown (Toni Parisi & Juana Huracan) for their second reign with the belts.


USPW: Jim Force defeated Andre Jones to win the USPW National title for a record tieing third time reign with the belt.


Worker Movement


5SSW: Despite rising to back to Regional Size after a well received set of shows in January, the Joshi Promotion are tightening their belt, releasing youngster Romi Yamato and Maki Yoshifumi. Meanwhile Chiyeko Kita resigned from the promotion, following her part in the career threatening injury of Otsune Tsumura.


CILL: Despite many feeling that he has bright future in the business, Amazing Fire-Fly (the protege of Axxis Jr) was released by the Lucha Libre indie.


DIW: The 'Anti-Mainstream' promotion have brought in controversial ex RAW star Blaze Maximum. Maximum was booted out of RAW in 2012 after failing a steroids test, whilst Scott Hickey who can fulfill duties of both a ringside manager and colour commentator has also been added to the roster.


Exodus 2010: The Junior Heavyweight focused promotion added to their non wrestling personnel in the New Year, bringing in veteran managers Akahito Miwa and Munenori Umari, as well as commentator Taka Kajiwara.


GSW/IPW: Following their meteoric rise to Small Size- GSW owner Brother Grimm has been splashing out the Benjamin's. His most headline grabbing signing has of course been that of the (at the time) IPW champion HUSTLE Muvva (something that will deepen the already bitter rivalry between the two California based Hardcore promotions).


Brother Grimm also persuaded Frantic Ali , Fiasco Fierce and Kip Keenan to make the jump form IPW, as well as adding independent scene veteran Ernie Turner in a ringside manager role and persuading ex SWF employee The Guru to become the promotions new 'Authority Figure'.


MAW: K.C Glenn decided not to renew his contract for MAW saying that he has had offers from bigger promotions (he has yet to reveal whether those offers are back home in the U.S or in Japan where he has expressed an interest in working. Meanwhile MAW themselves decided not to renew the contract of manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, feeling that he had run his course in the promotion.


However they decided to bring in Duke Hazzard to replace Hume as the resident heel manager, and then in a shocking move added controversial shock-jock radio host Hustler-D to their announce table.


PGHW: Teenage young lion Avalanche Takano received a call up from their developmental promotion SAISHO. Despite only being 19 years old, Takano already has the physical abilities and wrestling skills of someone several years his senior.


PSW: Simon Ice and Vendetta were both released by the Pittsburgh based 'spiritual successor' to DaVE. British youngster Ice never really caught on with the PSW crowd, whilst Vendetta's hardcore style may have fitted in with PSW on paper, but they soon learned that his work as a wrestler was far too sloppy and putting the rest of their roster in danger.


RIPW: Following his deparature from MAW Ernest Forthdyke-Hume has taken his pompous English Gentleman act to SWF's feeder league RIPW. Interestingly enough Forthdyke-Hume's replacement at MAW Duke Hazzard has also joined RIPW but in the role of colour commentator, whilst another veteran manager Herb Stately also joins RIPW.


SWF: After nearly five years working in their development territory RIPW, the sports entertainment giants called up female manager Kristen Pearce.


WEXXV: The Japanese 'Garbage' promotion have decided to tighten their belts in the new year, by releasing several workers. The most surprising of the releases is probably Taheji Konoe. Konoe was considered be one of the promotions most reliable workers, but there has obviously been a widening in how much Konoe feels he is worth to WEXVV and how much WEXVV feels Konoe is worth to them. The release of lower card talents Zeshin Makioka and The Gremlin (known as Weird Waldo Outlaw on the American Indie circuit) was perhaps less surprising.


ZEN: The cartoonish New Zealand based Lucha promotion, have decided that skinny jobber Blue Flea doesn't have what it takes to cut the mustard and have released the youngster.


On The Treatment Table


During a 5SSW Tag Team title defence for The Rainbow Girls, Otsune Tsumura took a botched piledriver from Chiyeko Kita, resulting in a semi-severed spinal column for Tsumura. At the minimum Tsumura will be out of action for a whole year, and even if/when Tsumura does return to the ring, she probably won't come back the same as she did before. Following her part in the incident a distraught Kita resigned from 5SSW.


New Talent


Juzo Shidehara: Japanese media graduate in his early 20's has expressed a desire to work in the wrestling industry, in an announcer role. At this moment in time despite his enthusiasm for Puroresu, his announcing skills need developing before he will be hired by a 'name' promotion.




After months of rumours, Jenny Playmate confirmed on a Canadian entertainment news programme, that she is indeed dating fellow CGC worker Christian Price.


Media News


Australian promotion RAW have struck a deal with 1-Choice TV to broadcast their monthly supershows on PPV


Other News


British veteran Razor Valentine has decided to return to Pro Wrestling, following a 5 year hiatus, however he returns to a much changed British Wrestling climate with 21CW the only name promotion, having bought out their nearest 'competition' in ROF and MOSC and with 21CW's 'Sports Entertainment' focused it's hard to see where the Martial-Arts influenced Valentine fits in with the British Wrestling scene, especially at his age. Despite having no 'name' value out there, perhaps he stands a better chance of finding work in Japan

Note: Unless I feel that it's a really big deal, I've decided I won't be reporting on workers renewing their contract with a promotion or backstage fallings out.

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1st Round (Sapporo/Aomori)


Chuichi Sanda (Raging Bulls) vs Tasuku Iesada (Team INSPIRE)

I doubt that Iesada would drop on first round, with him being my favorite to win the whole tournament.


Mitsunari Fuganaga (Team INSPIRE) vs Miyamae (The Rebellion)

Fuganaga is just the third best INSPIRE guy on this tournament and that´s likely leads to early exit for him.


Yasunobu Masuno (Hasami-Gun) vs Toshiki Shibanumo (P.I.N.K)

Masuno is another guy who I could see winning this whole thing, Shibanumo... well to be honest I still don´t even remember who he is (for whatever reason, I really have troubles remember Japanese names which lead to all kind of problems with my predictions. :o)


Ieyoshi Shimakage (Hasami-Gun) vs Tadakuni Toshusai (P.I.N.K)

Toshusai is simply higher on ladders while Shimakage is likely here just to make up the numbers.


Taro Shionoya (Hasami-Gun) vs Heiachiro Sakai

Shionoya is in a stable and that enough for me to put him over Sakai

Masaaki Okazaki (Team INSPIRE) vs Sanetomo Shiraishi (Snow Lizzard)

Okazaki is another guy who I could see as potential winner for this whole thing so I certainly expect him to get past one half of the Snow Lizzards.


Nissho Yuasa (P.I.N.K) vs Sessue Kawate (Snow Lizzard)

I would pick almost anyone over either of the Snow Lizzard guys and that "almost anyone" includes Yuasa.


Eiji Hamacho (Raging Bulls) vs Hirokumi Saito (Team INSPIRE)

Hamacho is bigger name in my books.


2nd Round (Tokyo)


A- Iesada vs Miyamae

This is actually a tough one and despite me saying that Iesada would be my favorite to win the tournament I´m actually going to drop him here. Why? Simply because Iesada and Okazaki did win both tag tournament and tag belts so I feel that someone else will get the win here. Miyamae might be interesting option as surprise winner and while I doubt he would be able to do that, I feel that it would be an interesting story to make.


B- Masuno vs Toshusai

Either one could win this one on my opinion but Toshusai is Burning Imperial champion so I feel like he has other things to do than advance deep in this tournament.


C- Shionoya vs Okazaki

Shionoya might get past Sakai but surely Okazaki is too much for him.


D- Yuasa vs Hamacho

One half of the Raging Bulls go forward to face one half of the guys who just beat them for the tag belts.


Semi Finals (Amagasaki)


1- Miyamae vs Masuno

Oh screw it, I´m going with Miyamae here as while I usually would pick Masuno, I think that Miyamae would make better challenger for Nagasawa than stablemate Masuno


2- Okazaki vs Hamacho

Hamacho gets a bit of revenge from losing tag belts and like I said, Okazaki and Iesada have had their spots in the spotlight lately so now it´s time to let other guys to shine.


Final (Amagasaki)


Miyamae vs Hamacho

Looking this match-up makes me fear that I must have took a wrong turn somewhere with none of the three guys I announced as favorites to win no-where in sight... anyway, I have bit more trust on Miyamae than Hamacho and like I said, I feel Miyamae getting the win would be an interesting story to follow.

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Muronic Moments: The Smell of Non Freshly Roasted In The Morning



Laid Out on the Hotel Floor


In the hotel we were staying at in Sapporo prior to the show, I found head referee Umeki-San laid out on the floor with an Umaibo stick stuck firmly in his mouth, it reeked to high heaven too, so I could only assume that it was one of the natto flavoured variety. I was also getting a whiff of coffee for some reason emanating from around the fallen official.



Stuffed into Umeki-san's mouth


After helping Umeki-san come round, and disposing of the half eaten Umaibo, I naturally asked him what happened, and that's when a 50 year old man suddenly burst into tears right in front of me, like a grade schooler that had just had his lunch money stolen from him by a gang of bullies.Thing was Umeki-san's blubber filled tale he was about to reel off to me, wasn't too far from that sorry scenario.



You can take the school bully out of the school


'So I caught Shimakage-san lighting up inside the hotel, and I told him you can't do that here because it's flouting regulations. He told me to buzz off and mind my own business and that he wasn't doing anything wrong'


My guess was at this point, considering the way I found him and that he's simpering throughout regaling this nightmare to me, that Umeki-san failed to heed Shimakage's warning.


' It probably would have been wiser of me to just let it go, but I couldn't ignore what he was up to, as I didn't want us to get in trouble with the hotel or indeed get the hotel in trouble for allowing one of it's patrons to light up on it's premises. So once more I told Shimakage-san to stub it out.....'


Umeki-san then pulled up his shirt sleeve, and showed what looked like a cigarette burn mark on his wrist.



Not an Ashtray


'When I meant stub it out, I meant stub it out in a can of coffee or something, I mean he was drinking coffee at the time......But instead of using that as an astray, he used me as an ashtray and the poured the remainder of his coffee over my head'


Well that explained the strong smell of most definitely not freshly roasted low grade black coffee that was clinging to the air.


' Then he tripped me up, took my loose change that I was going to buy something for lunch from the Lawsons round the corner from here, and then stuck that Umaibo stick in my mouth'

The whole ordeal described to me, sounded like something from a bad American teen movie. Thing is given the fact that Shimakage, really is a jerk in real life and it's not just an act with him, I couldn't just ignore Umeki-san's story as flights of fancy and besided the Burning Hammer head ref, was for the most part an upstanding and respectable figure in the locker room.

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BHOTWG- Inferno Road #2


Sunday 9th February 2014:

Sapporo Teisen Hall , Sapporo , Kansai

(2,000 Super No Vacancy)


0. Shimedzu vs White Samurai


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt White Samurai [L] in 4:35 by pinfall after a Shimedzu Skull Drop (Spike Brainbuster)


Rating: C-


Dark Match Notes: A very short, but not at all bad dark match, with Shimedzu allowing perennial jobber White Samurai to get some offence in, with the finish seeing White Samurai miss his Shining Blade Springboard Roundhouse, then get spiked with the Skull Drop.



Filmed for TV/BurningHammerWorld.jp stream



Because the mechanics of this world, demand that the boss guy has to appear in some pointless bit of pomp and ceremony at least once a month.


BHOTWG President Tetsuzan Kaneko comes to the ring and officially launches the inaugural edition of the Burning Hammer Cup- explaining that is is a single elimination tournament open to heavyweight category wrestlers that have yet to win the Burning World Title and that the winner will get a title shot at the Inferno of Purity PPV.


Rating: B-




1. P.I.N.K: Marihito Masuko, Nissho Yuasa & The Incredible Koyama vs

MYSTIC Dragon, Murai Enomoto & Atsumori Takemura








The two men who fought over the Junior Division title at Quest of Heart, kicked the match off with a fired up MYSTIC taking the fight right to Masuko and almost drilling the newly crowned champion with the Dragon Driver III (Inverted Facelock Lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver). Masuko managed to slip out of that and take a powder....That lead to MYSTIC trying for a dive, only for the Bright Warrior to get cut off by Yuasa.


The rest of the match saw P.I.N.K in control, with the trio of MYSTIC, Enomoto and Takemura fighting bravely from underneath but never quite seizing the momentum for themselves. In the end Takemura found himself isolated in the ring with Yuasa, who proceeded to dump the plucky young lion with the Thunder Drop.


Result: P.I.N.K: Marihito Masuko, Nissho Yuasa [w] & The Incredible Koyama bt MYSTIC Dragon, Murai Enomoto & Atsumori Takemura [L] in 7:57 when Yuasa pinned Takemura following a Thunder Drop (Spinout Firemans Carry Facebuster).


Rating: C




2. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round:

Yasunobu Masuno vs Toshiki Shibanumo


http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a527/Kitarzu/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno_Hasami_zpsf001b210.jpg vs http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a527/Kitarzu/Tigerkinney/ToshikiShibanumo_PINK_zps18fcc4ab.jpg


Shibanumo tries to take the fight to Masuno, by laying some chops into the chest of 'the Power Prince'. But Masuno just shrugs them off, Shibanumo then tries for a shoulder tackle off the ropes, only to get levelled with a big boot. Masuno then scoops Shibanumo upon his shoulders and applies the Day of Rackening (Argentine Backbreaker Rack).....


Shibanumo puts up some resistance, but ultimately can't take anymore as Masuno secures a quick and easy passage to the second round.


Result: Yasunobu Masuno [w] bt Toshiki Shibanumo [L] in 1:34 by submission after Shibanumo tapped out to the Day of Rackening (Argentine Backbreaker Rack)


Rating: D+


Press Centre


Yasunobu Masuno: They may as well have given me a bye to the next round, in fact with this field of losers they might as well give me a bye all the way to the final.




3. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round:

Ieyoshi Shimakage vs Tadakuni Toshusai


http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a527/Kitarzu/Tigerkinney/IeyoshiShimakage_Hasami_zpsd8a2ef5c.jpg?880 vs http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a527/Kitarzu/Tigerkinney/TadakuniToshusai_PINK_zps659ee301.jpg


Shimakage is accompanied by fellow Hasami-Gun members American Panther.


Toshusai is 'promoting' his DVD to the citizens of Sapporo, when Shimakage attacks Toshusai from behind, picks up the DVD case and then whacks Toshusai several times over the head with it, before stamping on the DVD case and kicking it out of the ring, to quite a few jeers from the crowd.....


Toshusai gets fired up over his DVD being abused, and begins to rally, only to get cut off with an eye-rake from Shimakage, who then adds more insult to injury by laying in some of Toshusai's trademark Mongolian Chops.


That only seems to fire up 'the Crazy Shocker' who comes back with some Mongolians of his own, but Shimakage once again cuts off the rally, this time with an illegal closed fist punch.....


Referee Shinozaki admonishes Shimakage for the punch, but that allows for fellow Hasami-Gun member Red Panther to remove one of the turnbuckle pads. Toshusai gets back up but Shimakage immediately tries to whip Toshusai into the exposed turnbuckle.....Toshusai manages to put the brakes on, and then tries to reverse the whip into the turnbuckles, only for Shimakage to sneak in another eye-poke and take a powder. An increasingly frustrated Toshusai goes outside to bring Shimakage back into the ring.....but gets cut off by American Panther.....


However Toshusai manages to take the Junior Tag Champions down with a double clothesline.....however Shimakage then sent Toshusai into the guard-rail with a baseball slide after sneaking back into the ring.

Shimakage then laid in some chops to Toshusai, before trying to drill 'the Crazy Shocker' with the Atama-Sakakiri (Package Piledriver) out on the floor, but Toshusai managed to hold firm and counter with a back body drop......


Toshusai then tossed Shimakage back into the ring, before 'the self proclaimed mother's worst nightmare' with a Neckbreaker Slam. Toshusai then went for one of his falling headbutts only for Shimakage to move out of the way......Shimakage then followed that up with a Fireman's Carry Cutter on Toshusai for a two count........


Shimakage then laid a flurry of fore-arms into Toshusai before trying to whip 'the Crazy Shocker' once again into the exposed turnbuckle, only for Toshusai to reverse it and send Shimakage back first into the exposed cables instead......


Toshusai then immediately tried to follow up with a corner clothesline, only for Shimakage to send 'the Crazy Shocker' into the exposed turnbuckle with a drop toe hold and immediately follow up with a schoolboy roll-up.....








Toshusai manages to kick out and then regain control with a flurry of Mongolian Chops, and then a Belly to Back Suplex...before connecting with one of his threatrical falling headbutts......


Toshusai then decided to go up top, but American Optimus stuck his nose in.......


'The Crazy Shocker' managed to shake Optimus off, but then Red Panther had referee Shinozaki distracted, as Shimakage got back to his feet and then pulled an E-Cigarette from his trunks, before blowing the vapors into Toshusai's face.....


Shimakage then sent Toshusai crashing back into the ring with an avalanche Olympic Slam!








Toshusai somehow managed to kick out, much to the immediate frustration of 'the mother's worst nightmare. With 'the Crazy Shocker' remaining rooted to the mat despite kicking out, Shimakage decided to head up top......


Shimakage then went for a Diving Knee Drop......


Only for Toshusai to roll out of the way and then nail Shimakage with the URUSAI (Sliding Fore Arm Smash).......








Toshusai had manage to advance to the second round, after managing to overcome the dirty tricks of Shimakage.

Result: Tadakuni Toshusai [w] bt Ieyoshi Shimakage [L] in 8:51 by pinfall after an URUSAI! (Sliding Fore Arm Smash)


Rating: C+

Press Centre

Ieyoshi Shimakage: Oh **** off jerkwads, do I look like I wanna ****ing talk to you bedwetting basement dwellers right now.....Yeah so what I may have ****ing lost, but at least I won't be going home to jerk off to some 2D fantasy girlfriends, like most of you losers most probably will be doing.


Tadakuni Toshusai: BUY MY SINGLE! BUY MY DVD! If you don't you are as BAKA! BAKA! BAKA! as Shimakage......Now I go beat sense into next opponent, and I WIN WIN WIN Burning Hammer Cup!



4. 'Hasami-Gun': Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Red Panther vs

Elemental III, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion







The Hasami-Gun trio were second to the ring in this one, so they weren't able to sneak attack their opponents before the bell. The match actually ended up with a pretty bog-standard 'feeling out' process but predictably Hasami-Gun resorted to some dirty tactics, tripping up Elemental III from the apron.......


That lead to 'the Universal Hero' being worked over in the Hasami-Gun corner, but he was able to battle his way to tagging out, after taking down American Optimus with a Diving Cross Body Splash.


Yokai Kingdom combined on the Leg Lariat assisted German Suplex Hold combo on Red Panther, for a two count that drew Sensational Dragon to make the save. The match 'broke down' after that, and lead to everyone making dives to the floor, ultimately ending in Elemental III taking everyone out with his trademark Elemental Space Drop.


After the dust settled, Elemental III pitched American Optimus into the ring and planted the Junior Tag Champion with a German Suplex for a two count, before heading up top.....however 'the Universal Hero' was brought crashing back into the ring with a slingshot hurracanrana from Red Panther.....


American Panther, then tried to combine on the Panther Bomb (Powerbomb/Springboard Legdrop combo) but that was broken up by Yokai Kingdom. Kiyaru took down Optimus with his trademark Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep, whilst Red Panther was drilled with a Brainbuster from Scorpion.......


Panther then found himself a victim of the Walpurgisnacht (Turnbuckle Powerbomb by Golden Scorpion followed by a kip up rana into a pin from Kiyaru on the staggered opponent) but just as it looked like that was about to seal victory Sensational Dragon was able to make the save......


Dragon nailed Scorpion with a Superkick but was then planted with the Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep from Kiyaru, who then headed up top....However Kiyaru was cut off by a recovered American Optimus who then sent 'the Supernatural Genius' crashing back into the ring with an Avalanche Brainbuster, before making sure to cut a recovered Elemental III off from making the save, as Sensational Dragon lifted a suddenly dazed Kiyaru up to plant the veteran campaigner back to the canvas with a Dragon Slice (Shiranui) and secure the victory for the Hasami-Gun trio.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w], Red Panther & American Optimus bt Elemental III, The Awesome Kiyaru [L] & Golden Scorpion in 11:49 when Dragon pinned Kiyaru following a Dragon Slice (Shiranui)


Rating: C+



5. Kinnojo Horri, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda vs

'Team INSPIRE': Hirokumi Saito, VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi






This six man tag saw the usual run of the mill start with everyone facing off, but then started to pick up the pace a few minutes in, when Kokan took down Saito with a Missile Drop-Kick, that sent 'Iron Knee' to the floor and then followed that up with a tope-con-hilo.....


More dives to the floor followed, including a fun spot where Kinnojo Horri of all people went 'airborne' with the worlds slowest slingshot crossbody to the floor.


When the match returned to the ring Horri looked to be in control, and was about to plant Shiomi with a Destiny Bomb, only for VENOM to sneak in behind and rock Horri with an Enziguri...before FLP! nailed Horri with the Drop Toe Hold/Basement Drop-Kick combo, and then transition into their double submission the simultaneous Ankle Lock/Crossface dubbed the PIN HEEL SURFER.....


Horri showed the kind of fighting spirit that had seen him to the World Title on three previous occasions by powering his way to the ropes, and then summoning up the power to take down FLP! with a double clothesline, before getting the tag to Kansuke Konda......


Konda cleaned house, with a Yakuza Kick to VENOM and then a Lariat that turned Shiomi inside out....VENOM got back to his feet only to then eat a KONDA KUTTER (Ace Crusher)......


That looked as thought that would get three but Saito, made the save and then plant Konda with a Uranage...... Saito then got himself officially tagged into the match, and nailed Konda with a running fore-arm smash before dumping the 'Big Fight Playa' with a German Suplex for a two count.....


Before immediately following that up with SAITO FLASHER (High Standing Knee Strike).....








Hyosuke Kokan, was able to make the last ditch save....Saito took out the 'Electric Live Wire' with a Running Knee Lift, and then turned his attention back to Konda, before applying a Sleeper Hold, only for 'the Big Fight Playa' to come alive again, and catch Saito with another KONDA KUTTER........


That enabled Konda to get the tag to a refreshed Horri who lit up Saito with some rapid fire-chops, before attempting to turn Saito inside out with a DESTINY LARIAT, but Saito managed to duck under and catch Horri in a Sleeper Hold......


Horri began to power out, so Saito changed tactic and instead decided to dump the former three time World Champion with a German Suplex......

With FLP! managing to keep Size of the Fight at bay on the outside, Saito then looked to finish Horri off with the SAITO FLASHER (High Standing Knee Strike).....


But Horri saw it coming and was able to block the Saito Flasher, before countering into a HARIKEN HAKAI (High Angle Spinning Spinebuster)......

And with neither one of FLP! now unable to make it back into the ring, that was all she wrote for this six man tag.

Result: Kinnojo Horri [w], Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda bt Hirokumi Saito [L], Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM in 10:19 when Horri pinned Saito following a Hariken Hakai (High Angle Spinning Spinebuster)


Rating: B-




6. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round:

Chuichi Sanda vs Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg vs http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a527/Kitarzu/Tigerkinney/TasukuIesada_INSPIRE_zps5788b9ae.jpg


With The Manipulators winning the tag belts from The Raging Bulls at Quest of Heart, and having also faced off in the OTGP, these two have been getting familiar with one another lately. So they wasted no time in laying into each other with fore-arm smashes, slaps and chops....


Sanda manages to seize the advantage in the brawling exchanges with a High Knee Lift and then goes to nail Iesada with an Explosion Kick (Bicycle Kick), but 'The Dangerous One' manages to duck under, and takes Sanda off his vertical with a basement drop-kick to his standing leg.


Iesada then targetted Sanda's right leg, reeling off a pair of Dragon Screw Legwhips, before placing 'The Explosive One' in a Figure Four Leglock....


After a reversal and then a counter reversal of the Figure Four, Sanda managed to make it to the ropes.....


But Iesada managed to retain control, and went to apply a heel hook. However Sanda managed to fight off the attempt with his good leg, and then seize back momentum with a running elbow smash, followed by a Snap DDT.....


Iesada staggered back up, as Sanda tried to shake feeling back into his right leg, but was met with a High Knee Lift and then whipped into the corner. Sanda then went for the Yakuza Kick in the corner, only for Iesada to move out of the way, and then plant Sanda with a Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex for a two count.....


Iesada then looked to drill Sanda with a Brainbuster, only for 'the Explosive One' to battle out with some fore-arm smashes....... Iesada appeared to regain the initiative with some rapid fire chops only for Sanda to return fire with a headbutt to the chest and then toss 'The Dangerous One' across the ring with an Exploder Suplex......


After both staggered back to their feet, Sanda then connected with the Running Yakuza Kick into the corner, before placing Iesada on the top turnbuckle. Sanda then tried for an avalanche Exploder, Iesada managed to block the first attempt but Sanda wasn't go to be give in, and in the end 'The Dangerous One' was sent crashing to the canvas......


Then after they both staggered back up to their feet, Iesada was then nailed with an EXPLOSION KICK (Running Bicycle Kick) from Sanda.....







Iesada managed to get his shoulder up just in time. Sanda frustrated but undettered, lifted Iesada back up , and tried for the WINCHESTER 1897 (Single Underhook DDT Brainbuster).....


But 'The Dangerous One' managed to block the attempt and then counter into an EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb).......


Sanda kicked out at one, but was then immediately caught in a waistlock from Iesada, who tried for a German Suplex.....Sanda battled his way out of that, and then looked to nail Iesada with another EXPLOSION KICK off the ropes, only for Iesada to immediately put a stop to that with a Running Fore-Arm Smash..........


Iesada tried for yet another German, but Sanda was able to fight out of it once again, and this time ended up dumping Iesada with a German of his own for a two count......


Sanda then set Iesada up for his spinning wrist clutch Exploder dubbed the SUNABOZU, but 'The Dangerous One' managed to block the attempt and the counter into NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX.....


That he then immediately floated into an IESADA SPECIAL Cross Arm Breaker.......


A frantic Sanda tried desperately to make it to the ropes, but Iesada had his signature submission locked on right in the middle of the ring, and in the end there was just too much canvas between Sanda and the ropes, leaving him no choice but to tap out and exit at the first stage the Burning Hammer Cup.

Result: Tasuku Iesada [w] bt Chuichi Sanda[L] in 11:49 by submission when Sanda tapped out to the Iesada Special II (Northern Lights Suplex floated into a Cross Arm Breaker)


Rating: B-


Press Centre


Chuichi Sanda: Manipulators you may have the upper hand on us right now, but Hamacho-San and I will bounce back and eventually we will take back what is ours, the World Tag Team titles.


Tasuku Iesada: I don't see why I can't be both the World Tag Team Champion and World Champion, I feel really strong right now, perhaps stronger than I've ever been, and whoever I face in the next round, I am confident that I can advance all the way to the finals of the Burning Hammer Cup.




7. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round:

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Miyamae


http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a527/Kitarzu/Tigerkinney/MitsunariFugunaga_INSPIRE_zps5b4b3a78.jpg?293 vs http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff206/freebird8818/NatsuMiyamae.jpg


As is so often the case with these tournaments, two wrestlers already engaged in a heated rivalry, just so happne to draw one another. Fuganaga was unable to successfully defend his Openweight Championship against Miyamae, in what many thought was the show stealing match at Quest of Heart, will he make it two straight singles victories against Miyamae or will The Rebellion man level the score?


As with their engagement with one another at Quest of Heart, this one begins with a furious exchange of chops and fore-arms. with neither folically challenged toughman showing a willingness to back down.


Miyamae however eventually makes a slight breakthrough, sending Fuganaga reeling towards the corner with a hard high kick to the chest, and then laying in a flurry of rapid fire fore-arms, before separating and going for the Running High Corner High Knee......


But he telegraphed that one a little too much, as Fuganaga moved out of the way and then swept the free leg out from underneath Miyamae. Fuganaga then decided to pull Miyamae out to the floor, and then attempted to whip 'the Bald Dragon' into the Guard-rail, but Miyamae managed to block the attempt, and then engaged Fuganaga in another 'who can tough it out the longest' fore-arm exchange......


An exchange that almost resulted in a double count-out, with both oblivious to referee Shinozaki's floor count until the count of 19. Back in the ring, Fuganaga tried to connect with a Spinning Back-fist but Miyamae was able to duck under and then apply a Full Nelson in an attempt to dump Fuganaga with a Dragon Suplex, but 'Serious Business' managed to battle his way out force a standing switch, and then dumped Miyamae with a Backdrop Suplex!


In a show of fighting spirit Miyamae immediately rose straight to his feet, but was brought down with basement drop-kick, before Fuganaga attempted to apply an Ankle-Lock but Miyamae managed to roll out of the predicament before Fuganaga could truly apply the submission hold.


Fuganaga then turned into a spinning heel kick from Miyamae, before being planted with a Reverse STO for a two count. 'The Bald Dragon' then decided to head up top, only for Fuganaga to rise again and cut Miyamae off, before an exchange of fore-arms and headbutts, resulted in Miyamae being draped over the top turnbuckle and prone to take a running knee into the gut from Fuganaga.


'Serious Business' then followed that up with a Running Corner Drop-Kick, before spiking Miyamae with a DDT for a two count. Fuganaga then headed up to the second turnbuckle, and then went to nail Miyamae with a flying HIZA NOSHINTO (Knee Strike To The Face), but Miyamae was able to side-step out of the way, and then rock Fuganaga with a roundhouse kick before planting Fuganaga with a Falcon Arrow and then immediately followed up with a Shining Wizard!


That flurry of offence from Miyamae could only earn a two count, but he was now in the drivers seat, and Fuganaga was dazed enough for 'the Bald Dragon' to apply the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Straight Jacket Crossface).......

Fuganaga was beginning to fade, so that lead to Miyamae pleading for referee Shinozaki to 'Ask Him!'


But just as it looked like Fuganaga's hopes of advancing in the Burning Hammer Cup were about to be extinguished, 'Serious Business' suddenly found a reserve of fighting spirit, battling his way back to his feet before suddenly mustering the strength to dump Miyamae with a Backdrop Suplex.......


As both rose back to their feet, it was Miyamae who still appeared to be a fresher man, and he was able to reel Fuganaga in, and then look to dump the Openweight Champ with a PENGUINDRUM (Twisting Sitout Suplex Slam), but Fuganaga manages to battle his way out of it, force a standing switch and dump Miyamae with another Backdrop Suplex!


Before immediately following up with a HIZA NOSHINTO (Running Knee Strike To The Face).......








Somehow Miyamae had enough instinct to get his shoulder up, just before referee Shinozaki's hand slapped the canvas for a third time. A frustrated Fuganaga beat the mat in frustration, before looking for apply a Sleeper Hold to Miyamae........


But Miyamae managed to battle his way out of that, and then force a standing switch, apply a Full Nelson Hold and then dump Fuganaga with a Dragon Suplex.......


With nothing else left to give, Miyamae was able to follow up with an immediate cover, resulting in referee Shinozaki applying a double count.......


Both men determined not to get knocked out at this stage, and hand their potential second round opponent a 'bye' into the semi finals, groggily rose back to their feet, before the two surly warriors, engaged in a weary looking fore-arm exchange. A headbutt from Fuganaga had Miyamae wincing, but 'the Bald Dragon' immediately came back with one of his own, and then drilled Fuganaga with a Brainbuster!


Fuganaga immediately rose back to his feet.....


But Miyamae was already a step ahead, nailing 'Serious Business' with the SEIZON SENRYAKU! (Corner Springboard Gamengiri)








Miyamae had evened the score with Fuganaga in another hard fought battle, whilst also advancing to the second round of the Burning Hammer Cup.


Result: Miyamae [w] bt Mitsunari Fugunaga [L] in 13:58 by pinfall after a Seizon Senryaku (Corner Springboard Gamengiri)


Rating: B


Press Centre


Mitsunari Fuganaga: Miyamae landed a flukey strike on me, that does not make him better than me, and at the end of the day I'm the one still holding gold. I am positive that my fellow Team INSPIRE member, Tasuku Iesada will tap Miyamae out in the next round, and finish the job I should have ended myself!


Miyamae: That's me even now with Fuganaga-san, but I want more....Obviously I want to see how far I can go in the Burning Hammer Cup, Iesada-san won't be an easy opponent, he's perhaps arguably the greatest Burning Hammer wrestler yet to win the Burning World Championship, but I am confident in my abilities. However were I to fall at the next hurdle, I still have my sights set on being Openweight Champion and whether that means a showdown with my long time friends and tag partner Shimedzu or another engagement with Fuganaga-san, I am prepared to do battle with either man. But for now my focus is on the Burning Hammer Cup , with strong hope for even bigger things to come!




8. Hiroaki Nakasawa & Yasuhiko Taira vs

Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki








In a show of strong leadership from both stable leaders, both Kikkawa and Nakasawa signal a desire to start the match off for their respective teams. After a tense nose to nose staredown, the two Burning Hammer Icons engage in a furious exchange of fore-arm and chops.....


Though Nakasawa is a more than competent brawler himself, engaging in a game of 'I'm tougher than you' is always more Kikkawa's forte and despite a desperation eye-rake from the World Champion, it was the Team INSPIRE leader who would come out on top of the early exchange, before tagging Okazaki into the match......


The Team INSPIRE duo worked over Nakasawa in their corner, making quick-fire tags and targetting the right arm of the World Champion, before Okazaki tried to apply the Kitoaji Armbar.....


But 'Ruthless Bringer' had in all honestly got carried away that he had Nakasawa worn down enough to apply one of his signature submission holds at such an early stage in the match, and 'the Post Millenium Icon' was able to fight off the attempt, before looking like as though he was about to dump Okazaki with the COMPRESSION POWERBOMB (Folding Powerbomb)......


Okazaki managed to fight that off, but then got levelled with a Lariat from the World Champion, before Nakasawa got the tag out to Taira. The mulleted big man, made sure to get a cheap shot in on Kikkawa, knocking the Team INSPIRE leader off the apron, before stomping away on Okazaki, before whipping 'Ruthless Bringer' into the corner, and following that up with a running corner clothesline......


Okazaki then staggered out into being goozled and then promptly chokeslammed by 'The Bulldozer', but the tag champion showed he still had some gas left in the tank, by kicking out at two......


Taira tagged Nakasawa back in and the Hasami-Gun pair worked over Okazaki in their corner, as all Kikkawa could do was look on with increasing frustration....


Before the Hasami-Gun pair combined on a Black Magic signature, the simultaneous leg-drop/splash combo...But to their own increasing frustation, Okazaki refused to give in......


Nakasawa then attempted to plant Okazaki with the Nakasawa Neckbreaker (Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker), but 'Ruthless Bringer' was able to fight his way off Nakasawa' shoulders, before somehow mustering up the power to dump the World Champion with a High Angle Belly to Back Suplex......


It was a moment that left both men flat out on the canvas, but unfortunatelty for Okazaki he wasn't close enough to get the tag to Kikkawa, and Nakasawa was able to tag Taira in first, who once again made sure to get a cheap shot in on the Team INSPIRE leader, before once again getting a few stomps in on Okazaki....before lifting 'Ruthless Bringer' up and subjecting the World Tag Champion to a Delayed Vertical Suplex......


Before 'The Bulldozer' decided to cockily cover Okazaki with just his foot.......


Okazaki wasn't going to stand for that and kicked out at one, and immediately began to belt Taira with a flurry of chops and kicks, only for 'The Bulldozer' to simply knock the much smaller man down with a shoulder barge.....


Taira then planted Okazaki with a Scoop Powerslam, and then went for a Legdrop but Okazaki was able to move out of the way, and then nail Taira with a Shining Wizard!


Taira powered out at one, and then reeled in Okazaki for a Powerbomb, but 'the Ruthless Bringer' managed to fight his way out of it, before landing a Yakuza Kick on Taira......


'The Bulldozer' shook that off, and tried to come back with a Lariat, but Okazaki managed to duck under, rock Taira with a Roundhouse Kick and finally get that tag to Kikkawa.......


Taira immediately found himself on the wrong end of a flurry of rapid fire-chops in the corner from Kikkawa, before being snapmared out of the corner .....'The Strong Arm Emperor' immediately followed that up with a Diving Elbow Drop......


Before removing his elbow pad, and signalling that he was about to level Taira with the KIKKAWA LARIAT, only to be tripped up from the apron and pulled out to the floor by Nakasawa, who then whipped Kikkawa into the ring-steps and fed the Team INSPIRE back into the ring........


For Taira, to then dump Kikkawa with an Exploder Suplex!


That got a two count, before Taira whipped 'the Strong Arm Emperor' into the corner and then nailing Kikkawa with the TAIRA NI SURU (Running Corner Big Boot, Followed by a Lariat to an opponent stumbling out of the corner)








Okazaki managed to make the desperation save, but was then quickly tossed to the floor by Taira, who whipped Kikkawa into the corner once again, before lifting Kikkawa onto the top turnbuckle, and then attempting to go for the HAKAI BORU (Muscle Buster).....


But Kikkawa was able to fight his way off, and summon up the strength to dump Taira with a German Suplex straight into a pinning hold.....








Taira managed to kick out, but then found himself met with a Discus Elbow Smash as he staggered back to his feet, and then planted with a Northern Lights from the Team INSPIRE leader.......








This time Nakasawa felt the need to break into the ring, and make the desperation save, before peppering Kikkawa with a flurry of fore-arms......

Taira decided to roll out to the floor to take a breather, as Nakasawa wailed away on Kikkawa, but 'the Strong Arm Emperor' immediately fired back against the World Champion.....


However Nakasawa was able to avoid the Discus Elbow Smash from Kikkawa, and then suddenly dump the Team INSPIRE leader with a Half Nelson Suplex.....


Kikkawa immediately rose back to his feet, only to be met with a drop-kick from Nakasawa, who then tried to drill Kikkawa with a Tombstone Piledriver.......Kikkawa blocked the attempt and then tried to reverse into a Tombstone of his own.......Nakasawa blocked that, and had a waistlock engaged, in an attempt to deliver a German Suplex.....Kikkawa managed to block that, tried to force a standing switch, only for Nakasawa to apply a wristlock and look to be setting up for the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT, but Kikkawa was able to block the attempt and then finally dump Nakasawa with a release German Suplex.......


However before Kikkawa could follow up Taira, re-entered the ring, and took down Kikkawa with a Big Boot, only for Okazaki to re-enter and pepper 'The Bulldozer' with the Okazaki Barrage, but Taira was able to rise back to his feet after the Legsweep, and goozled Okazaki, as he came in to nail Taira with a running shoot kick, before 'The Bulldozer' dumped Okazaki with a massive chokeslam......


Kikkawa however was back to feet his feet, and he peppered Taira with a series of fore-arms......


Taira shook them off, and then collided with Kikkawa, only to then be nailed with a BURNING LARIAT (Pendulum Rebound Lariat).....






Nakasawa tried to make his way back into the ring, to make the save, but Okazaki was able to get across and prevent the World Champion from making the save.....



Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] & Masaaki bt Hiroaki Nakasawa & Yasuhiko Taira[L] in 17:40 when Kikkawa pinned Taira by pinfall following a Burning Lariat (Pendulum Rebound Lariat)


Rating: B



Letting Everyone know that Team INSPIRE are gunning for the top!


Following Kikkawa and Okazaki's victory, Kikkawa grabbed a microphone and gave a victory speech, declaring that whether it would be himself or Okazaki or Iesada via the Burning Hammer Cup, the Burning World Championship would soon be returning to Team INSPIRE and that Nakasawa's reign as champion and Hasami-Gun's dominance of Burning Hammer was on borrowed time.


Rating: B-




Overall Show Rating: B

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International Tag Team Dream Match On The Way?




News coming out of BHOTWG's fellow International Elite member TCW, is that the four time and current TCW World Tag Team Champions, have issued a challenge to the current Burning World Tag Team Champions, The Manipulators.....



Scout of the New Wave, had this to say on the possibility of this International Tag Team Dream match.....


'We've conquered all there is to offer in America, and we are willing to take on the best from all over the world, to prove we are the greatest tag team in all of wrestling, and right now The Manipulators have proven themselves to be amongst the very best. And if needs be, we are prepared to travel all the way to Japan, to go and prove why we are THE BEST, against the best of the rest. Whether it can happen this month or another, we know if The Manipulators are the men we think they are, they will face our challenge and be willing to put those Burning World Tag Team title straps on the line against us!'

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Results from BHOTWG- Inferno Road #3


Tuesday 11th February 2014:

Aomori Industrial Hall , Aomori, Tohoku (2,000 Super No Vacancy)

0. VENOM [w] bt Reijiro Hiraki in 5:43 by submission with a Sting In The Tail (Calf Slicer)


Rating: C


Live Show Notes: Similar contest to Hiraki's encounter with VENOM's tag partner Shiomi on the opening night of the tour, with Hiraki showing plenty of pluck but ultimately being forced to tap out to it's opponent signature submission.


1. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round: Taro Shionoya [w] bt Heihachiro Sakai [L] in 6:45 by pinfall after a Saigo no Seikatsu (Double Handed Chokebomb)

Rating: C


Live Show Notes: This was a solid fast moving brawl with Sakai doing all he can to get the big man off his feet, but Shionoya proved to be an immovable object and in the end Sakai found himself planted hard into the canvas with the Saigo no Seikatsu, ensuring 'The Wrecking Ball' passage into the next round.


2. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round: Nissho Yuasa [w] bt Sessue Kawate [L] in 6:28 by pinfall after an Ultimate Tsunami (Corner Big Splash from the second turnbuckle)


Rating: D+


Live Show Notes: A plodding match that could have been over in half the time, even though it only went for 6 and a half minutes (those six and half felt more like twelve). Yuasha pretty much dominated the whole match, finally putting the ageing Kawate to bed with the Ultimate Tsunami.


3. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round: Eiji Hamacho [w] bt Hirokumi Saito [L] in 9:12 by pinfall after a Hamacho Sledge (Death Valley Driver)

Rating: C


Live Show Notes: They sold a solid story here with Saito targetting Hamacho's arm, in an attempt to try and eliminate some of the Raging Bull's power and take out the Macho Lariat. The Raging Bull however managed to gather up enough strength to fight through the pain, and after avoiding the Saito Flasher- rallied in the closing stretch turning Saito inside out with a Spear before planting 'Iron Knee' into the canvas with the Hamacho Sledge to ensure passage to the next round.

4. Burning Hammer Cup 1st Round: Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Sanetomo Shiraishi [L] in 9:48 by submission with the Century Crab Lift (Cross Legged Boston Crab)


Rating: C


Live Show Notes: A slow paced old school match, based entirely around the wrestlers working over a specific body part of the opponent, with Shiraishi targeting Okazaki's neck to set up for the Lizard Clutch, whilst Okazaki went after Shiraishi's weak knees. In the end Okazaki proved to be more resilient and forced Shiraishi to tap out to the Century Crab Lift. This would have been a little dull in places for younger members of the crowd (who want a bit more action) but old school connoisseurs would have appreciated the storytelling here from this match up between two veterans.


5. P.I.N.K: Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai [w] bt MYSTIC Dragon & Murai Enomoto in 9:04 when Toshusai pinned Enomoto following an Atsuryoku Shokku (Electric Chair Dropped into a Facebuster)


Rating: C


Live Show Notes: The P.I.N.K duo controlled much of the match, though MYSTIC and Enomoto showed enough pluck and fire to keep things relatively interesting, with MYSTIC coming close to getting some of revenge on Masuko (for losing the Junior belt to the P.I.N.K leader at Quest of Heart) when he drilled the 'Pink Wonder' with the Dragon Driver III. However Toshusai was able to make the vital safe and ended up securing victory when he planted Enomoto with the Atsuryoku Shokku .


6. Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Yoshii Shiomi [w] bt Yasuhiko Taira & Red Panther [L] in 9:37 when Shiomi made Panther tap out to the Sublime Crossface (Spinning Bulldog transitioned into a Crossface)


Rating: C


Live Show Notes: This felt more like two singles contests pasted together than a proper tag match, with very little in the way of 'teamwork' displayed from either side. Shiomi and Panther worked the bulk of this tag match, with Kikkawa and Taira only having a brief brawl exchange against one another and to show off a few power spots against the Junior Division wrestlers. In the end the closing sequence saw Panther and Shiomi battle it out in the ring, whilst Kikkawa and Taira brawled on the outside, with Shiomi emerging victorious after he was able to force Panther to tap out to the Sublime Crossface.


7. 'Team INSPIRE' : Tasuku Iesada [w], Mitsunari Fugunaga & Tatsuya Toshitala bt Atsumori Takemura [L], Shimedzu & Miyamae in 12:18 when Iesada made Takemura tap out to the Iesada Special (Flying Cross Armbreaker)


Rating: B-


Live Show Notes: The INSPIRE trio controlled most of the match, with Takemura finding himself playing 'Spencer Marks' for most of it. However the 'New Boy' was able to find enough fighting spirit to get tag out to his more experienced partners and The Rebellion's superb teamwork almost gained them and Takemura victory, going close on several occasions through a variety of signature double teams, but in the end Takemura proved to be the weak link in the match when he was forced to succumb to the Iesada Special.

8. 'Hasami-Gun' : Hiroaki Nakasawa, Sensational Dragon & Yasunobu Masuno [w] bt Kinnojo Horri, Elemental III & Chuichi Sanda [L], in 18:16 when Masuno pinned Sanda following an Avalanche Bomb (High Angle Powerbomb)


Rating: B


Live Show Notes: This was your typical Hasami-Gun vs Babyfaces B-show six man tag. This one had the even stevens beginning, until Hasami-Gun started to play dirty, leading to Elemental III playing 'Spencer Marks'. Inevitably the 'Universal Hero' managed to escape to safety and from there the match broke down, leading to a hot finisher sequence that concluded with Masuno planting Sanda with the Avalanche Bomb to secure the victory for the dastardly Hasami-Gun faction.

Post match Hasami-Gun added insult to injury by laying an extra curricular beatdown on to the babyfaces- before tossing their defeated opponents out of the ring. Nakasawa then grabbed a microphone and cut his standard promo declaring that Hasami-Gun are the dominant force in Burning Hammer.


Rating: B


Overall Show Rating: B-

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Muronic Moments: Valentine's Delusions



Thinking about Love


It's Valentine's day coming up, we've got a show due in Akita that day but I'm pretty sure some of the wrestlers, will have the fairer sex on their mind, whether they are already taken or if they wish to confess their feelings to a certain girl that they yearn to be with.


It's just that some of the wrestler's have more realistic expectations on who they desire to be with than others. You see on the train up to Akita, Yoshii Shiomi decided to practice, reciting the poem he had written to his beloved, the lead guitarist of the pop-rock band SCANDAL

Oh Mami you are perfect girl.

Queen of the Electric guitar

I hope my heartbeats can reach you

Even though you're so far

Your beautiful hair shines so bright

It makes me think of you all night

Our shining stars belong together

You and me forever and ever in a perfect world


Apart from his 'stalker' poem being really bad, I had to wonder how Shiomi was going to get his love confession to his out of reach crush, when he was going to be in Akita on a day I'm pretty sure SCANDAL weren't going to be in town. Then again given how bad his love poem was, it's probably best she doesn't hear or read it.



Probably not thinking about him

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Results from BHOTWG- Inferno Road #4


Friday 14th February 2014:

Akita Prefectural Gymansium , Akita, Tohoku (2,000 Super No Vacancy)


0. Haru Kurofuji [w] bt White Samurai in 4:37 by submission with the Kurofuji Crab (Elevated Boston Crab)


Rating: D


Live Show Notes: Crowd were dead for this, as absolutely no one buys into White Samurai being able to win anymore and it's not as though he has the 'young boy' excuse to fall back on. Unsurpisingly Samurai tapping out to the Kurofuji Crab was met with the sound of chirping cicadas.


1. Bairei Yasujiro , The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [w] bt Reijiro Hiraki [L] , Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda in 8:58 when Scorpion pinned Hiraki following a Kiniromonogatari (Argentine Backbreaker rack dropped into a Piledriver)


Rating: C-


Live Show Notes: This was your run of the multi competitor Junior Division spotfest, with the usual sequence of mind boggling dives and rapid fire near falls down the stretch- in essence it was mildly entertaining but devoid of substance. Unsurprisingly it was the least experienced competitor in the match Hiraki that ended up eating the pin.


2. Black Magic: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno bt Murai Enomoto & Atsumori Takemura [L] in 6:11 when Taira pinned Takemura following the Black Death (Spike Powerbomb)


Rating: C


Live Show Notes: Enomoto and Takemura are showing promise that they work together well as a team, but at the end of the day they spent most of the match on the backfoot, as they tried their best to withstand the overwhelming power of their opponents. Try their best they did, and the fact that Enomoto and Takemura put up some degree of a fight endeared them to the Akita crowd, but in the end Black Magic were always going to prove too powerful.


3. Non Title: Tadakuni Toshusai [w] bt Ryushi Sato [L] in 7:04 by pinfall following an URUSAI! (Sliding Fore Arm Smash)


Rating: C+


Live Show Notes: In this non title match Sato did his best to go toe to toe with the Imperial Champion and once again dumped Toshusai with his signature Zen Driller (Backdrop Driver), with only ring positioning saving the 'Crazy Shocker' from falling to a shock defeat. But in the end Toshusai managed to gain control and he put the 'Little Big Hammer' away with the URUSAI! sliding fore arm smash.

4. MYSTIC Dragon [w], Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate bt 'P.I.N.K' :Marihito Masuko, Nissho Yuasa & Toshiki Shibanumo [L] in 9:07 when MYSTIC pinned Shibanumo following a Mugen Supaku (Legtrap Sunset Flip Powerbomb)


Rating: C-


Live Show Notes: If it wasn't for some nice fast paced chain wrestling sequences between MYSTIC and Masuko, this match would have been a total chore to sit through, as Snow Lizzard are well past their expiry date, Yuasa is plodding and Shibanumo though technically sound is completely devoid of charisma. The finish admittedly did pop the crowd a little, with MYSTIC busting out the flashy Mugen Supaku to secure the win for his team.


5. Shimedzu, Eiji Hamacho [w] & Chuichi Sanda bt 'Team INSPIRE' :Mitsunari Fugunaga, Hirokumi Saito & Tatsuya Toshitala [L] in 10:36 when Hamacho pinned Toshitala following the Bulls on Parade (Yakuza Kick assisted German Suplex Hold)


Rating: C+


Live Show Notes: Team INSPIRE's B Team were simply unable to gain a foothold in this match, as their opponents comprising of one of the greatest teams in Burning Hammer history and one half from another storied duo, simply had the tag team superiority to control the match from start to finish, with the Raging Bulls securing the win when they finished off Toshitala with the Bulls on Parade. Though a generally one sided contest, the crowd were appreciative of the tag team masterclass, even if the Bulls and Shimedzu's opponents most likely were not.


6. Heihachiro Sakai., Kinnojo Horri [w] & Elemental III bt 'Hasami-Gun' :Sensational Dragon, Taro Shionoya & Ieyoshi Shimakage [L] in 11:42 when Horri pinned Shimakage following a Destiny Bomb (Gutwrench Powerbomb)

Rating: C+


Live Show Notes: Formula stuff with Elemental III and Heiachiro Sakai splitting 'Spencer Marks' duty after the Hasami-Gun trio gained control via nefarious means. The crowd however did give a good pop when Horri finally got the hot-tag from Sakai, and 'Burning Heart' was able to clean house before putting away Shimakage with the Destiny Bomb, after Elemental III wiped out Shionoya and Dragon out on the floor with his trademark Elemental Space Drop.


7. 'Hasami-Gun': Hiroaki Nakasawa [w], Red Panther & American Optimus bt 'Team INSPIRE' Tasuku Iesada, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM [L] in 16:48 when Nakasawa pinned VENOM following an H-Bomb (Elevated Sitout Powerbomb).


Rating: B


Live Show Notes: This was essentially a contest between the two Junior tag teams American Panther and Full Ligament Panic! with Nakasawa and Iesada their to add some star power. Full Ligament Panic! who will challenge for the Junior Tag belts at Inferno of Purity, came close on several occassions to getting a victory over American Panther, especially when they planted Panther with the Harukaze (Wheelbarrow Facebuster/Diving Knee Drop combo), but the World Champion Nakasawa was always on hand to make the save and in the end' the H-Bomb' proved to be the difference maker when he put away VENOM with the Elevated Sitout Powerbomb finisher that also bears one of his 'nicknames'.


Overall Show Rating: B-

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