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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents the 2014 Road to Glory*

From the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

June 28th, 2014


June 28th, 2014 should prove to be a big night in MCW’s short history. The first ever eight man Road to Glory tournament takes center stage, pitting some of wrestling’s greatest unknown talent against one another. They will vie for a chance to wrestle for MCW’s top prize in the main event of Revolution, September’s event. Also on tap is what should prove to be an epic battle between one cocky youth and a true ring veteran as Casey Valentine defends against Steve Flash. Who will be able to make it through three matches to be crowned the 2013 Road to Glory winner? Join us on June 28th to find out!


MCW Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine©


1st Round RtG Match

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey

1st Round RtG Match

Ernest Youngman vs. “The Future” Steven Parker


1st Round RtG Match

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Aaron Andrews


1st Round RtG Match

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith


Plus the two semi-final matches and the finals of the 2014 Road to Glory!



Doors Open: 6:30 p.m.

Bell Time: 7 P.M.


Quick Match Listing

Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine©

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Aaron Andrews

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith

Perez/Vessey vs. Glenn/Keith

Youngman/Parker vs. Andrews/Hernandez

Perez/Vessey/Glenn/Keith vs. Youngman/Parker/Andrews/Hernandez



Prediction Standings

Emark: 18

Midnightnick: 13

BigJay2003: 11

Theheel: 5

KnowYourEnemy: 5

lukess11: 5


Also, don't forget to head over to the February CVerse Diary of the Month poll and give us a vote if you think we deserve it! That thread can be found here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=530553

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  • Replies 132
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Quick Match Listing

Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine©

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Aaron Andrews

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith

Perez/Vessey vs. Glenn/Keith

Youngman/Parker vs. Andrews/Hernandez

Perez/Vessey/Glenn/Keith vs. Youngman/Parker/Andrews/Hernandez


Making some random picks as I'm not too familiar with the CVerse guys just yet, though I do think it'll be interesting to see Vessey vs Valentine lol

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Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine©

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Aaron Andrews

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith

Perez/Vessey vs. Glenn/Keith

Youngman/Parker vs. Andrews/Hernandez

Perez/Vessey/Glenn/Keith vs. Youngman/Parker/Andrews/Hernandez

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Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine©

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Aaron Andrews

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith

Perez/Vessey vs. Glenn/Keith

Youngman/Parker vs. Andrews/Hernandez

Perez/Vessey/Glenn/Keith vs. Youngman/Parker/Andrews/Hernandez


Just wanted you to get an opportunity to edit your picks; the last three matches listed are the semi-finals and finals of the tournament and only one person should be highlighted for the victory in each match.

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Quick Match Listing

Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine©

Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Aaron Andrews

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith

Perez/Vessey vs. Glenn/Keith

Youngman/Parker vs. Andrews/Hernandez

Perez/Vessey/Glenn/Keith vs. Youngman/Parker/Andrews/Hernandez


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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents the 2014 Road to Glory

From the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

Streaming Live on MCW Online

June 28th, 2014

Attendance: 18



“Welcome to the Show”

Featuring: Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard

The show opens as it does every month with Davis Ditterich, clad in his suit and Duke Hazzard, clad in his jeans and flannel, standing in the center of the ring. They both seem especially excited on this night.


Davis: Welcome to the first ever Road to Glory tournament! Tonight, eight men will compete in a one night tournament to determine who will challenge for the MCW Heavyweight Title at Revolution!


Duke: And the field of wrestlers for tonight ain't nothing short of outstanding, Davis! Aaron Andrews, Steven Parker, Frankie Perez.....

Davis: Cameron Vessey, Mainstream Hernandez, Matthew Keith, KC Glenn and Ernest Youngman! This night is sure to be great, so without further ado let's get to the action!


The fans applaud as the theme of Cameron Vessey hits the system while the MCW announce team exit the ring.


1st Round Road to Glory Match


Frankie Perez vs. Cameron Vessey


Match Highlights

- Both men looked ready to fight when the opening bell rang.

- Vessey tried to take control using a few underhanded tactics, but Perez put an end to that with some stiff kicks across the chest.

- Frankie controlled the opening few minutes, wearing Vessey down with multiple different strikes. Perez took every chance he could to work over Vessey's right elbow, making it a potential target later on.

- Vessey fought back during the mid-stages of the bout and got a few believable near falls.

- Vessey looked to end the match with a Vessey Driver II, but Frankie wiggled free and took Vessey down with an armbar.

- Perez locked the move in and began to pop his hips upward, threatening to dislocate his opponent's elbow. To avoid the injury, Vessey tapped out.

Winner: Frankie Perez

Time: 13:44



Davis: Frankie Perez moves on! Maybe that loss will quiet Cameron Vessey down a bit.


Duke: That's a nice thought Davis, but I don't think it'll slow him down one bit.


1st Round Road to Glory Match


Ernest Youngman vs. “The Future” Steven Parker


Match Highlights

- Youngman tried to surprise Parker at the opening bell and was able to get in a minute of fast paced, hard hitting offense. Parker quickly showed his experience and fought off the less experienced man.

- Steven took control over the majority of the match, working over Youngman's head and neck.

- Parker got too comfortable as the match wore on, allowing Youngman to get in a few intermittent offense.

- Parker caught Youngman into a sickening sit out powerbomb when Youngman attempted a dropkick from the top rope. The fans exploded when Ernest kicked out.

- Parker lost track of his opponent, allowing Youngman to land three consecutive t-bone suplexes that got a VERY believable near fall.

- Youngman attempted a Backdrop Driver, but Parker was able to protect his head, roll to his feet and explode across the ring with a lariat.

- That lead into Parker landing his Future Shock face slam to get the pinfal.

Winner: Steven Parker

Time: 12:20


Davis: Ernest Youngman put out a valiant effort there, but it's the MCW visitor that advances into the semi-finals!


Duke: Parker may not be the most likable guy here tonight, but he sure as hell earned that victory.


1st Round Road to Glory Match


Aaron Andrews vs. Mainstream Hernandez


Match Highlights

- The two competitors shook hands prior to the start of the match.

- The opening stages of the contest were very slow paced and contained a lot of hold for hold wrestling.

- Neither man could gain a clear advantage at any point in the bout.

- Hernandez got a believable near fall with his sleeper hold neckbreaker called the Pontiac To Home.

- Andrews recovered and got a believable near fall of his own with a huge powerbomb to the corner followed by a superkick.

- Mainstream attempted his trademark Shooting Star Press, but Andrews got his knees up and quickly followed it up with the Ace Driver to pick up the victory.

Winner: Aaron Andrews

Time: 13:26



Davis: Mainstream Hernandez did not have enough for Aaron Andrews! Andrews advances.


Duke: I hope we see more of Mainstream in the future. He is one helluva wrestler.

1st Round Road to Glory Match


KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith


Match Highlights

- Matthew Keith took control immediately with a thumb to the eye no more than thirty seconds into the match.

- Keith would dangerously walk the line of getting DQed by Erin Lawrence the entire match.

- Keith worked over Glenn's shoulder and neck throughout the match.

- Glenn made a comeback late, hitting a few different series of moves.

- Glenn nailed a superkick and attempted to follow it up with his spinning side slam, Tune Up The Sunshine Band.

- Keith was able to latch onto Glenn's arm and take him down into the Keith family's signature Proton Lock that lead to a submission.

Winner: Matthew Keith

Time: 12:22


Davis: Matthew Keith advances after some questionable tactics in that match. KC Glenn has to feel cheated.

Duke: Keith's underhanded tactics were not called for at all! He is skilled enough wrestler to give anybody a run for their money!




“Recap #1”

Featuring: The Road To Glory Field


A video is shown, highlighting the first round of the Road to Glory tournament.



Road to Glory Semi-Final Match


Aaron Andrews vs. “The Future” Steven Parker


Match Highlights

- Both men started the match slow, still recovering from their previous matches.

- Andrews gained an upper hand early and was able to grab a wristlock or hammerlock on Parker following every tie up.

- Parker refused to match wits with Andrews, continuously grabbing the top rope and claiming it was the only counter move he needed.

- Andrews picked up the pace and intensity when he transitioned into some stiff strikes.

- Parker regained his composure by sliding from the ring and separating himself from Andrews when he became overwhelmed.

- Andrews felt control of the match slip after his missed a lariat and was caught with a straight kick to the face.

- Parker set Andrews up for the Future Shock, but Aaron slipped free and landed a brainbuster for a believable near fall.

- Parker was able to regain control and hit the Future Shock out of nowhere, but was not able to immediately able to cover Andrews. Andrews took advantage of this and rolled Parker up to get the pinfall victory.

Winner: Aaron Andrews

Time: 12:48



Davis: That came out of nowhere! Andrews moves on to the finals!

Duke: Who do you think he'll face in the finals, Davis?


Davis: both men are great competitors, but my money is on Frankie Perez; as long as he can find an answer for Keith's cheating ways.

Road to Glory Semi-Final Match


Frankie Perez vs. Matthew Keith

Match Highlights

- Davis Ditterich seemed to predict the future as Keith went back to almost getting himself DQed, walking a fine line with MCW Official Erin Lawrence.

- Perez tried numerous times to overcome Keith's game plan, but couldn't get full control.

- Keith wore his opponent down with numerous holds and pinfall attempts.

- Frankie finally found his window and began to make a comeback when he was able to hit a few consecutive kicks to the head and chest.

- Perez used his last burst of energy to land a series of four consecutive neck jarring suplexes that got him a believable near fall.

- Perez went for the Perfect Parity, but Keith wiggled free and took Frankie to the mat with the Proton Lock. Perez put up a fight, nearly reaching the ropes, but was finally forced to tap out.

Winner: Matthew Keith

Time: 13:28



Davis: Matthew Keith advances to the finals! Frankie Perez found a way to keep him honest in that match, but the Proton Lock takes out another competitor!


Duke: It'll be interesting to see if Andrews will be able to overcome those tactics and that Proton Lock in the finals!



“Recap #2”

Featuring: Aaron Andrews, Steven Parker, Frankie Perez and Matthew Keith


A video plays, highlighting the semi-finals of the 2014 Road to Glory.



MCW Heavyweight Title



Steve Flash vs. Casey Valentine©


Match Highlights

- Casey Valentine looked arrogant right off the bat. He talked a lot of trash to Steve Flash throughout the match. "Old man" was constantly shouted in Flash's direction.

- Valentine took an early advantage with his youth and quickness.

- Flash was soon able to level the playing field with his experience. He allowed Valentine to run circles around him, tiring the champion out quickly.

- Flash used his experience to take control, wearing the champion down with a lot of strikes and mat wrestling. Valentine was never really in any danger of submitting, but the holds kept pressure on all of his limbs and began to further his exhaustion.

- Flash had command of the match, infuriating Valentine. The champion finally moved to his "anything to win" attitude and hit a thumb to the eye.

- Valentine went on the offensive, but was only ever to string together three or four moves before Flash would counter with a strike or a move of his own.

- The match remained very back and forth for the remainder, neither man getting an advantage.

- Flash got a very believable near fall when he caught the champion mid-air and planted him with a sit out powerbomb.

- Valentine caught a break when he stopped a hurrincanrana attempt from his challenger and turned it into a huge powerbomb. Flash rolled out of the pin attempt at 2 and the champion used this to his advantage. Valentine rushed past Flash, hit the ropes twice and nearly decapitated him with a lariat for a VERY believable near fall.

- Flash seemed to feed off adrenaline as he got to his feet and countered a few strikes before hitting a superkick, followed by a leg capture brainbuster that nearly got him the victory.

- Valentine played a bit of possum as he recovered and hit a low blow, out of Erin Lawrence's view, that allowed him to plant Flash with the Deep Impact and successfully retain his title.

Winner: Casey Valentine (3)

Time: 25:28



Davis: Damn it! Valentine couldn't finish Flash off without cheating, but he retains his title! I bet this is going to do nothing but fuel his fire during this "youth movement."


Duke: Steve Flash put up a fight, but a shot to the junk will incapacitate any man.


2014 Road to Glory Finals


Aaron Andrews vs. Matthew Keith

Match Highlights

- The crowd was eager with anticipation as Matthew Keith and Aaron Andrews stood across the ring from each other, exhausted from their earlier bouts.

- The beginning of the match featured a lengthy and slow paced feeling out process with a lot of mat wrestling.

- Keith emerged with control after seven minutes and began working over Andrews neck and shoulder, certainly prepping him for the Proton Lock.

- Andrews would find the energy to fight back intermittently, landing a few strikes before Matthew Keith would regain his composure and go right back on the offensive.

- Andrews had numerous near falls with school boys, small packages and other very innovative pinfall attempts.

- Around the ten minute mark, Andrews found himself caught in the Proton Lock and on the verge of tapping out. He fought his way to the ropes and caused a break, but Keith held on to the last second.

- Keith got caught napping as Andrews landed a surprise kick to the back of the head, opening the door for a burst of offense.

- Andrews fought furiously, landing numerous suplex variations.

- Aaron tried to hoist Keith up for the Ace Driver, but Matthew slipped free and tried to pull Aaron to the mat and into the Proton Lock again. Andrews rolled through and hit a superkick on Keith as he got to his feet.

- Andrews countered another attempt at the Proton Lock and pulled Keith to the mat, latching onto Keith's own move. Matthew fought his way to the ropes to avoid submitting to his own move.

- Andrews avoided a lariat attempt and planted Keith with the Ace Driver, but his opponent kicked out of the pinfall attempt.

- Andrews acted immediately and locked the Proton Lock in once again. This time, Keith was inches from the ropes when Andrews pulled him back to the center of the ring where Matthew submitted to avoid further injury.

Winner: Aaron Andrews

Time: 16:40



Davis: Aaron Andrews has done it! Andrews makes Matthew Keith tap out to the Proton Lock to win the 2014 Road to Glory!


Duke: Matthew Keith has to feel a little embarrassed about that one!

Davis: More importantly, Aaron Andrews will challenge for the Heavyweight Title at Revolution! Andrews could get another shot at Casey Valentine! That's all the time we have tonight folks. For Duke Hazzard, I'm Davis Ditterich saying good night and be sure to join us next month, streaming right here on MCW Online! Good night!


Overall Rating





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I think it works well. Too bad only 18 showed. These are high quality matches for a federation in its infancy.


Like I said earlier, I'm not used to doing a 0 pop game from the get go. I normally come in with a Small sized company that is on the cusp of Regional and go from there. The small attendances are a bit to get used to, but they should begin to jump up as I gain popularity. Thanks for the feedback.

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On July 5th, we all gathered in the living room of our humble abode to have our monthly business and creative meeting. We spent the first couple of hours reviewing Road to Glory; speaking on its high points and low points and trying to decide what we could do to be better going forward. Having the extra talent on the show was nice, but we had hoped that they would draw in more fans. It got us back up to our highest gate of 18, but that still wasn't what we were really looking for. We did consider that our website had gotten more hits and it seemed like the live stream had been watched by a number of fans and the video had been viewed almost 50 times since the show came to an end. We still had an internet fanbase that couldn't make it to our shows, but that wasn't making us any money in the here and now. As great as it was to have the extra guys in for the last two shows, I was personally a little relieved to be back to our regular roster. Per the agreement I had made with the guys about the extra talent, I was forking out almost a grand per man per show out of my own pocket and it was nice to not be spending my savings again. We spoke about the creative plans we had going into our next show and were pleased with how the two main stories we were going with had developed. The "Youth Movement" between Casey, Cameron and myself was about to get interesting and I pitched an idea that caused the others to scratch their head. We discussed it at length and I assured them that it was something that I wanted to go through with, feeling that the long term benefits would further the history of MCW. I also spoke with them about a potential new hire that had just been released by SWF. The guys were worried about his asking price and were surprised to hear that he was only asking for a per show rate that was within our price range. We agreed to bring him in, which was a good thing, because I had tentative plans for him to be at the Road to Glory, but figured that I had better wait to discuss it with the guys first. We settled on our July event's name, Afflicted Glory, and then began to go over the end of the month report I had prepared.</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan=3>

Midwest Championship Wrestling


<tr><td>End of Month Report</td><td></td><td align=right>June 2014</td></tr>

<tr><td>American Economy


Of Full Potential


Trending Down</td><td></td>


American Wrestling Industry


Of Full Potential

Up 3%

Trending Up


<tr><td colspan=3></td></tr><tr><td colspan=3></td></tr><tr>

<td colspan=3>

Company Financial Report


<tr><td>June 2014

Starting Balance


<td align=right>July 2014

Starting Balance



$10,164</td><td align=center>MINUS

-</td><td align=right>EXPENSES


<tr><td colspan=3>



<tR><td colspan=3>




<tr><td colspan=3>

Notable News from the Wrestling Industry

- Sam Strong announced his retirement from the wrestling industry. Everyone though Alicia Strong was in position to inherit the promotion from her father, but it was not to be. Dean Daniels came from the shadows and took over the promotion.

- Cobra, a solid brawler from California, debuted in the inudstry with his snake gimmick. He has decent all around skills and should have a shot to improve quite a bit.

- Laura Flame debuted as well. Laura is from Staten Island and was trained by Hell Monkey. She is a threeat inside the ring, using her real-life martial arts skills to define her in-ring style.

- The Lord of the Ring graduated from TCW's academy and was promptly signed to a contract. He is a decent brawler out of the gate but the rest of his skill set needs to be worked on for him to become a player in TCW.

- Deever Arnold came out of the Piledriver School of Pro Wrestling. He is a muscular guy that also utilizes a crusierweight style. He's a dual threat, using both the impact and high flying moves to his advantage. He has a solid base to start with and should only get better as time goes on.

- Robbie Retro suffered a broken tailbone in a dark match against Kurt Laramee. He needed to be out for a month.

- Jack Bruce was announced as the new head trainer of the Supreme Wrestling University.


Noteable Contract Happenings

- Scythe and Ranger were both called up to the SWF main roster.

- ACPW filled some holes on their roster with Frankie Dee, Rajah, Joe Gilbert and Josh Jones.

- RIPW hired Knuckles to team with Shady K.

- CGC inked contract extensions with Ozzie Golden, Hotstuff Marie, Nate Johnson and Prometheus.

- SWF signed James Prudence, BJ O'Niel, Marat Khoklov and Marcus McKing to contract extentions.

- Art Reed was not re-newed by PGHW and left when his contract expired.

- Primus Allen became the altest cut by SWF, getting called up to the main roster and released a month later.

- Steve Grayson was let go by CGC.

- Everest was also released by SWF.


Notable North American Title Changes

- Ant-Man captured the GSW West Coast Title from Cali Slick.

- Air Attack weasel became the first ever PWMAX Champion.

- T-Bone Bright and Panda Mask II captured the PWMAX Tag Team Titles.

- Lassana Makutsi crossed the one year mark as RIPW Champion.

- Stan Manna and Ryan Turner began their 4th reign as RIPW Tag Team Champions when they won the vacant titles.

- Squeeky McClean has been SWF North American Champion for over a year now.

- The Force captured the USPW TV Title from Danny Rushmore.


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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Afflicted Glory*

From the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

July 28th, 2014


Last month at the Road to Glory Aaron Andrews defeated three men to win the first ever tournament. He outlasted the likes of Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Matthew Keith to earn a guaranteed shot at the MCW Heavyweight Title at Revolution in September. Casey Valentine also scored a huge victory, successfully defending his title against Steve Flash. The win is sure to give a lot of momentum to his "youth movement." Will either Andrews or Valentine speak out about their victories? This month, both men will be in action and only time will tell if their paths cross at Afflicted Glory. Casey Valentine will defend his title against Ernest Youngman while Andrews will take on a man making his MCW debut, fresh off a contract with one of the big companies. Who will this man be?

MCW Heavyweight Title

Ernest Youngman vs. Casey Valentine©


Aaron Andrews vs. ????


KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs. Cameron Vessey and Jamie Atherton


"K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz vs. "The Architect" Bradley Wright


Morgan Malone vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Quick Match Listing

Ernest Youngman vs. Casey Valentine©

Aaron Andrews vs. ????

Glenn/Svensson vs. Vessey/Atherton

Kenny Kuntz vs. Bradley Wright

Morgan Malone vs. Davis Wayne Newton



Prediction Standings

Emark: 23

Midnightnick: 13

BigJay2003: 11

lukess11: 11

Theheel: 5

KnowYourEnemy: 5

michgcs: 1


Also remember that we are up for the February Diary of the Month for the CVerse. Head on over to this thread: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=530553 if you think we're worth the vote. We're currently tied for third and need one more vote to get us into a tie for second, with a diary that isn't active anymore. Give us a vote!

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Presented by Midwest Championship Wrestling

Live from the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

July 28th, 2014

Streaming Live on MCW Online

Attendance: 18


"Welcome To The Show"

Featuring: Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard


The show opens as it normally does with the MCW commentary team of Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard in the ring. They welcome the crowd to the event and run down the card for the evening.


Davis: MCW welcomes all of you watching on MCW Online and those of you here in attendance, all twenty of you, to Whatever It Takes! Hello everybody, I'm Davis Ditterich alongside my partner Duke Hazzard. MCW has another great show in store for you tonight!


Duke: There's only twenty people here? I don't have my boots off to finish counting, so I wouldn't know!


Duke nudges Davis a bit and winks, indicating the crack was a joke made at his own expense.


Davis: Duke, you don't have to be able to count to see some great wrestling tonight! Casey Valentine will defend his Heavyweight Title against a young man who has quickly turned some heads in MCW. Ernest Youngman has been on fire as of late!


Duke: Y'all got that right. And don't forget about Aaron Andrews and our mystery man! Who could it be?


Davis: That's right! MCW has confirmed that a new wrestler will debut in the ring tonight against Aaron Andrews! And they have also reported that he was recently released from a contract with one of the big companies! Are you ready to start the show, Duke?


Duke: I'm as ready as a fat kid in a buffet line!


Davis: Then let's start the show!


Davis and Duke exit the ring as some familiar music hits the system.




"The Wrong Side?"

Featuring: Aaron Andrews, Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey and ???


The crowd boos as the music is recognized as that of Casey Valentine, the MCW Heavyweight Champion. Valentine saunters through the curtain clad in street clothes; a button up shirt, dressy jeans and has the title belt resting on his shoulder. He slowly makes his way to the ring, sans Cameron Vessey, and grabs a microphone from ringside before climbing into the ring. His music fades and he allows the small round of boos to subside before speaking.


Casey: Here we are again in Colfax, the outhouse of the Midwest! And it smells like it hasn't been cleaned in years. You people can boo me all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that last month my youth movement achieved one of its greatest victories in our quest! Steve Flash, the independent scene's sweetheart; the man that was more deserving of a shot in the big leagues but never got it. At forty-seven years old he stepped into the ring with me and I pinned his ass in the center of the ring and walked out of the Road to Glory with my title intact! You see, Steve could have paved the way for guys like Cameron Vessey and myself. Steve Flash absolutely deserved his shot in TCW, or SWF or any other top company in this business but he never fought for it! He could have stood up and done exactly what I am doing and lead a movement to inject new blood into the decaying bodies of the kings of the wrestling industry. But he just stood back and took his licks in NYCW, waiting for one of the top dogs to come calling. But they never did! Steve Flash allowed himself to be held back, just like Cameron and I were. But we're better than Steve Flash because we're making a stand to get what we deserve! You know what? Steve Flash has become just as much of a problem as Tommy Cornell and Richard Eisen have! A few years ago, he stepped into MAW, a promotion with a long standing history of getting guys ready to move up to the next level, and won the Rip Chord Invitational! He stole the spotlight from one of MAW's young talents! Steve Flash is a piece of sh--


The crowd cheers mildly as Aaron Andrews' music hits the system. Aaron pushes through the curtain and stops in the entrance way, holding a microphone of his own.


Aaron: Would you just shut up?! I can put up with you bad mouthing Tommy Cornell, but you will not disrespect a man like Steve Flash! Steve has helped more young guys by staying on the independent scene than Duke Hazzard can count with his shoes off!


Andrews doesn't see, but behind him Cameron Vessey has crept through the curtain and is approaching.


Aaron: Now I am sick and tired of hearing you, month in and month out, come out here and talk about this damn "youth movement." You and Cameron are nothing but two ungrateful bastards that never listened to what Rip Chord had to say when you were in MAW. You and Cameron don't deserve anything! Hopefully, next month when I beat you for that title it will--


Suddenly, Cameron pounces. He blasts Andrews from behind and sends him tumbling down the aisle towards the ring. Andrews tries to get to his feet, but Vessey strikes again with a forearm that staggers Andrews to the ring. Cameron rolls Andrews into the ring before climbing in himself and stalking the staggered man from behind. Valentine and Vessey allow Andrews to get to his feet and circle him. They look ready to attack when a man in street clothes hops the barrier, wielding a steel chair and slides into the ring. The man's face is masked by the hood from his sweatshirt as he swings the chair at Valentine and Vessey, causing them both to spill to the outside of the ring. Andrews stands across the ring from the mystery man, leery of his intentions. Andrews relaxes a bit as CV2 back up the ramp slowly and the hooded man drops the chair and asks for a microphone. He leaves his hood up and looks to the canvas as he speaks.


???: Casey, I came from a place and a situation just like you. I was a hot prospect, maybe the best one there was, but I was never invested in. Peter Michaels brought me up from RIPW a month before my contract expired and buried me on SWF television. He told me it was a financially driven decision that they would not be renewing my contract. I was humiliated in the biggest company in the world and almost guaranteed that I'd have to start from the bottom up again. You have come out here and complained about USPW and how they were mistreating you. SWF mistreated me and I took the licks. SWF pushed me off the ladder and waved to me as I fell. Do I feel I was wronged? You're damn right I do! But what you do in that moment; whether you pick yourself up and brush away the dust or cry like a bride that was left at the altar is what defines you! I don't mean to ruffle the satin of your wedding dress, but I'm here to clean myself up and start doing what I love to do; wrestle.


The mystery man finally raises his head, looks down the entrance way at CV2 and slowly removes his hood.



Spencer Spade


Spencer: My name is Spencer Spade and you can shove your youth movement straight up Cameron Vessey's hairy white ass!


Spencer looks across the ring to Aaron Andrews and extends his hand. Andrews shakes it as Vessey and Valentine throw a miniature fit before retreating through the curtain.



Davis: Spencer Spade! Spencer Spade has come to MCW!


Duke: You reckon that's Andrews' mystery opponent?


Davis: I would have to figure!



"I'm Your Guy!"

Featuring: Jamie Atherton


Jamie Atherton makes his way to the ring to little reaction from the crowd. He snatches a microphone up from ringside and enters the ring.


Jamie: After seeing what just transpired I needed to make my intentions clear. The youth movement that is in effect in thanks to Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine is exactly what this business needs! CV2 have gotten themselves off to a good start, but what they need now is numbers. I'm offering my services to the youth movement and will prove my worth to Casey and Cameron in our tag match!

Again, there is little to no reaction from the crowd as Atherton tosses the microphone to ringside and prepares for his match.



Davis: Jamie Atherton may not know what he's getting into with that offer!


Duke: You think they'll take him in, Davis?


Davis: I guess we'll have to see in this match.





KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson vs. Cameron Vessey and Jamie Atherton


Match Highlights

- Jamie Atherton was given his chance to prove himself to Cameron Vessey as Cameron barely tagged in all match long.

- Svensson and Atherton started the bout out with Nigel placing Atherton in some creative submission holds.

- Nigel dominated the opening five minutes, causing Atherton to scramble to his corner and look for a tag from Vessey, which he wouldn't get.

- Glenn and Svensson tagged in and out frequently, keeping themselves fresh.

- Atherton hit a few desperation moves that sent Glenn reeling. This is where Vessey tagged in and wrestled for as long as it took Glenn to recover. Vessey tagged back out as soon as Glenn and Svensson started going back on the offensive.

- Atherton was a sitting duck when Glenn hit the Tune Up The Sunshine Band and got the pinfall.

Winners: KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson

Time: 11:43



Davis: I don't think Atherton will be joining Valentine and Vessey anytime soon!


Duke: Vessey really hung his partner out there and dangled him like a piece of meat!




Featuring: Cameron Vessey and Jamie Atherton


Post match, KC Glenn and Nigel Svensson have left the ring after a minor victory celebration and are returning to the back. Inside the ring, Cameron Vessey stands in front of Jamie Atherton as he climbs to his feet following the loss. Atherton nervously smiles at Cameron and slowly extends his hand. Cameron looks at it for a few moments before extended his own. In the blink of an eye Vessey has pulled Atherton in, hoisted him onto his shoulders and planted him with the Vessey Driver II. The crowd boos as Vessey stands up and stares at the motionless body of Jamie Atherton before shaking his head and climbing from the ring.



Davis: I guess Jamie Atherton got his answer! I think a simple "no" would have been sufficient there!


Duke: Davis you know better. That just isn't Vessey's style.



Morgan Malone vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Match Highlights

- Morgan Malone seemed out of his league in this one, but came out of the gate furiously. He got in a few decent licks on Newton, but his offense was short lived.

- Malone took Newton over with a series of arm drags and hip tosses but when he attempted a sunset flip, Newton didn't go down. Davis simply landed a swift kick to the chest that halted Malone's flurry.

- Newton took control of the match and began to wear down his opponent.

- Newton saw his opportunity and hit the Fisherman's Suplex for the pinfal.

Winner: Davis Wayne Newton

Time: 5:28



Davis: I don't think there was much question about that victory.


Duke: Davis had that match well in hand and gets a solid victory.



"K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz vs. "The Architect" Bradley Wright


Match Highlights

- Bradley Wright took control off the bell, turning a collar and elbow tie up into a hammerlock.

- The two exchanged simple holds such as wristlocks and headlocks to open the bout.

- A fast paced sequence followed with Kenny Kuntz using his smaller size to get ahead of Wright. The sequence saw a lot of arm drag variations and a hurricanrana that got a near fall.

- Wright stopped Kuntz's momentum with a huge back elbow that sent Kuntz down.

- Wright began wearing Kenny down, but Kuntz wasn't going without a fight.

- Wright sent Kuntz into the corner and backed to the opposite side of the ring. When Wright charged across the ring, Kuntz came out of his corner and hit a vicious superkick that netted him the pinfall victory.

Winner: Kenny Kuntz

Time: 10:01



Davis: A hard kick to the jaw is enough to secure victory for Kenny Kuntz!


Duke: He may have temporarily knocked Bradley out.



Featuring: Aaron Andrews and Spencer Spade


Backstage, we see Spencer Spade stretching for his match during the main event. Aaron Andrews approaches from the right.


Aaron: Hey Spencer, I just wanted to thank you for your help earlier tonight.


Aaron extends his hand to Spade. Spencer finishes his stretch as he gazes at Andrews before accepting the handshake. As they shake, Spencer quickly throws up a finger.


Spencer: I just want to make it clear that this does not make us friends. What happened earlier tonight was a fellow wrestler with a common hatred for two certain youths. In a short while you and I are going to step across the ring from one another and we will be competitors. I am here to do what I love; to wrestle. Now I'm not going to come running every time you get into trouble, but if Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey are doing something any amount of questionable, I'll be there to take care of them. As long as you understand that, we won't have any problems. Are we clear?


Aaron Andrews nods, agreeing with the words that Spencer Spade has just spoken.


Aaron: I understand. I'm not looking for any friends. Just allies to stand with me against this god forsaken youth movement. It sounds like you're looking to do the same. Good luck out there tonight.


Aaron and Spencer release their hand shake and Andrews turns to walk away. Before he is out of reach, Spencer places a hand on his shoulder.


Spencer: I don't need luck.


Andrews nods and walks away as Spencer Spade continues his tretching.



MCW Heavyweight Title



Ernest Youngman vs. Casey Valentine ©


Match Highlights

- Youngman and Valentine started off with a lengthy feeling out process.

- The pace quickened through a series of chain wrestling sequences. Each man had a series or two end with him getting the upper hand on his opponent.

- As the match progressed the champion began to get frustrated and started looking to bend the rules to get the match in his favor; a illegal choke held to the count of 4 here, a thumb to the eye there.

- Valentine took control and came back to playing nice, using straight wrestling to wear down Youngman.

- Valentine went on a stretch of ten to fifteen pinfall attempts, strictly to force Youngman to lift his shoulders off the mat and effectively tiring himself out.

- Youngman pounced at his first opportunity, rolling Valentine up with a small package and following the pinfall escape with a step-up enziguri followed by a Backdrop Driver for a believable near fall.

- Valentine was visibly becoming frustrated and was launching sloppy attempts and regaining control, which only helped Youngman with his offensive set.

- The fight spilled to the outside following a clothesline over the top rope that ejected both men to the floor. MCW Official Erin Lawrence made her count-out, but both men took turns rolling into and back out of the ring to reset the count.

- The battle outside lasted about four minutes and ended with Valentine in firm control, rolling Ernest back into the ring.

- Valentine began methodically stalking his challenger, taking a very slow and calculated approach; every attack was targeting the head and neck, setting Youngman up for the Deep Impact.

- Youngman made one last push for victory as he landed a fury of offense with numerous high impact moves, capped off with a Packaged Piledriver that got a very believable near fall.

- Valentine hit a low blow out of view of Erin Lawrence and was able to hit the Deep Impact to secure the pinfall and a successful defense of his title.

Winner: Casey Valentine (4)

Time: 23:30



Davis: Ernest Youngman shouldn't feel bad about that loss! He fought valiantly!


Duke: And it was a low blow that ended his chances.


"Front Row Seat"

Featuring: Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey


Cameron Vessey emerges from the back, running to the ring to celebrate with his partner. He slides into the ring and raises Casey Valentine's arm to present him as the victor, bring a small chorus of boos from the crowd. As the celebration terminates, CV2 exit the ring but do not begin heading to the back. They retrieve chairs from near the announce table and set them up next to Davis and Duke.



Davis: It appears as though CV2 want to get a front row seat of their two biggest threats!



Aaron Andrews vs. Spencer Spade


Match Highlights

- As the match commenced into a feeling out process the presence of Valentine and Vessey at ringside served as a distraction to both competitors.

- Spade had obviously scouted Andrews' in-ring tendencies prior to the match as he was able to match wits with Aaron in the opening minutes.

- Andrews adapted his techniques and was soon able to land some offense on Spade. It was always short lived as Spade would adjust quickly and take control of the bout.

- Spade worked over Andrews' entire body while Aaron worked over Spencer's head and neck specifically.

- The two went through a fast paced exchange for nearly five minutes featuring numerous creative take over maneuvers, arm drags, strikes and attempted impact moves before each man went for a drop kick and they ended the sequence in a stale mate.

- Andrews finally got his chance as Spade charged at him from across the ring. Andrews dropped to the mat, pulling the top rope down and causing Spade to spill to the floor. Andrews took the ropes opposite of Spencer Spade and gained a head of steam, leaping between the top and middle ropes with a dive to the outside that caused both men to crash to the floor. They briefly brawled outside of the ring, but made it back into the ring before being counted out.

- Andrews kept looking for his Ace Driver but Spade was able to wiggle free and avoid the move.

- As they crossed the twenty minute mark Spade ducked a clothesline from Andrews and slammed on the brakes. He leaped over Aaron's back, turned and nearly decapitated his opponent with a lariat that got him a believable near fall.

- Spade could feel the match falling into place for him as he landed strike after strike, rendering Aaron Andrews woozy. Spade looked to hook Andrews up for a suplex variation, but Aaron slipped free and fell behind Spade.

- With Spade taking a second to figure out where Aaron had landed, Andrews hooked Spade's head and planted him with the Ace Driver to get the pinfall victory.


Winner: Aaron Andrews

Time: 24:05



Davis: What a match! Andrews comes out victorious. What did you think of that Casey?


Casey: Shut your mouth. Neither of those guys came close to the performance I put on tonight!


Duke: Sounds like somebody is a little worried about their title.


Casey: Davis, tell your damn hick friend to shut up. Now, if you'll excuse us....



Featuring: Aaron Andrews. Spencer Spade, Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey


Aaron and Spencer had fallen motionless to the mat as they tried to quickly recover from their bout. As they were catching their breath Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey left their chairs near the announce table and approached the ring. As CV2 climbed onto the apron Andrews become aware of their presence and quickly gets to his feet. He gazes across the ring as Casey and Cameron enter the ring and slowly make their way across the ring. Spencer Spade has also risen to his feet and stepped to be side by side with Aaron Andrews. The four men come face to face; Casey and Aaron; Cameron and Spencer. A few inaudible words are spoken between Valentine and Andrews before Andrews points to the crowd and raises a fist into the air. The small crowd cheers a bit as Valentine stares down Andrews and repositions the MCW Heavyweight Title in his hands. Slowly, Valentine raises the belt into the air bringing a round of boos from the fans in attendance. The four men remain locked in their stare down for numerous moments.



Davis: You can cut the tension with a knife! There is no love lost between these four men and Spencer Spade hasn't even been in MCW for a full night! That's all the time we have tonight folks! Join us next month for the final stop before Aaron Andrews and Casey Valentine meet in the main event of Revolution! For Duke Hazzard I'm Davis Ditterich saying good night from MCW!


Overall Ratinghttp://www.wxrobbie.com/MCW/Grades/57.jpg



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Just a quick update guys. My next post will be the end of the month report, but my copy of Photoshop, which I use for the financial reports, deactivated and I hadn't been able to get it working. I just bought the newest edition of PS quickly before bed, so I should have a new post up tomorrow. Thanks for hanging in there with me!



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Casey, Cameron, Davis and I met on the 5th of the month as we always did to talk about the past month's business. We began by giving our personal analysis of the show, which always turned into a long drawn out discussion of what could be done better in the flow of the show, the organization of segments and other things. But as we had numerous times in the past, we all became road agents making notes about each individual match on individuals strengths and weaknesses. It was no secret that I was still very much a rookie to booking shows and I did not have a lot of experience pairing up guys that would compliment each other's styles. We were still cranking out decent shows, thanks in most part to our main event scene, but we knew we could be doing better. We hadn't gone into panic mode because the quality of our shows was still much higher than they should be at our level. we still had a lot of time to fine tune our presentation and delivery as we continued to run shows. We transitioned into our long term plans for our shows and spoke about Greg Gauge. The program between he and Ernest Youngman had gotten off to a slow start and once we finally started investing more time into the story, Greg's other contract with GCG began to impede our schedule. He had been unable to appear the last two shows due to being in Japan. On the flip side, Spencer Spade's debut opened a lot of doors for us creatively and we talked in depth about the plans with him. After we beat that conversation to death, we moved into our monthly business and news reports.




Notable News from the Wrestling Industry

- GCG are now classified as a Cult promotion by TEW.com.

- NYCW are now listed as a Regional promotion.

- In sad news, Amo Del Gato was killed when a natural gas leak inside his home ignited, causing an explosion that leveled the structure. He was 31 years old.

- Duke Hazzard was interviewed on a local radio show and had a lot of good things to say about Davis Wayne Newton.

- TCW was the promotion of love in July as it came to light that Freddy Huggins and Vita had been dating. The same could be said for Laura Huggins and Edd Stone.

- Jay Chord suffered a back injury that was diagnosed as a Spinal Disalignment. It was estimated that he'd be out for about 40 days.


Notable Contract Happenings

- NYCW filled out their roster after the expansion by signing Krissy Angelle, Akima Brave and Mikey James to pay per appearance deals.

- Trent Shaffer signed a contract extension with CGC.

- Jared Johnson and John Maverick signed extensions with NOTBPW.

- SWF extended the contract of Runaway Train.

- Chris Caulfield was not re-signed by USPW.


Notable North American Title Changes

- Masked Stranger defeated Busta Cap to win the GSW American Title for the first time.

- Boneyard and Omar teamed up to defeat E-Z and Sanchez Villano to become the GSW Tag Team Champions.

- KC Glenn and Findlay O'Farraday won the 2014 Sam Keith Classic in MAW.

- PSW failed to drop the Tag Team Titles off of Primal Rage and Dead Bolt before Primal Rage's contract expired. The titles have been declared vacant.

- Purple Viper won the QAW Queen of the Ring tournament.

- Jack Bruce crossed the one year mark as SWF World Heavyweight Champion.


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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Whatever It Takes

From the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

August 27th, 2014

Last month saw the debut of Spencer Spade fresh of his contract from SWF. He surprised everyone by coming to defend Aaron Andrews in another battle of the "Youth Movement" against Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey. MCW officials have already confirmed that Spencer Spade will meet Casey Valentine in a non-title match. What will Spencer have to say? What will Valentine have as a rebuttal? All of this and more at Whatever It Takes streaming live on Midwest Championship Wrestling Online!


Spencer Spade vs. Casey Valentine


KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman


Syd Collier vs. Davis Wayne Newton


"K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz vs. Greg Gauge


Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton


Nigel Svensson vs. "The Architect" Bradley Wright


Quick Match Listing

Spencer Spade vs. Casey Valentine

KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman

Syd Collier vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Kenny Kuntz vs. Greg Gauge

Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs. Bradley Wright


Prediction Standings

Emark: 26

BigJay2003: 14

Midnightnick: 13

lukess11: 11

Theheel: 5

KnowYourEnemy: 5

michgcs: 3


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Quick Match Listing

KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman

Syd Collier vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Kenny Kuntz vs. Greg Gauge

Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs. Bradley Wright


Didn't see Valentine v Spade but I'll go with Spade in a non-title match.

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Quick Match Listing

KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman

Syd Collier vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Kenny Kuntz vs. Greg Gauge

Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs. Bradley Wright

Spencer Spade vs. Casey Valentine

Surely Spade gets the win here?

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Quick Match Listing

KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman

Syd Collier vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Kenny Kuntz vs. Greg Gauge

Morgan Malone vs. Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs. Bradley Wright


I goofed and didn't have Valentine vs. Spade listed under the predictions area. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you could add it in.

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