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WWE 2015: The Road Through WrestleMania And Beyond

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Ambrose distraction?


Stardust vs. R-Truth

Comments: Totally not Cody


Finn Balor and Sheamus vs. Los Matadores

Comments: I like where this is headed


The Miz vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Ambrose keeps rolling to mania


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Brass Ring Club defends vs. The Usos

Comments: Dislike the Usos


Chris Jericho and Big Show vs. Randy Orton and Jack Swagger

Comments: Show eats the pin


Fun Fan Signs:


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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler



Stardust vs. R-Truth



Finn Balor and Sheamus vs. Los Matadores



The Miz vs. Dean Ambrose



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Brass Ring Club defends vs. The Usos



Chris Jericho and Big Show vs. Randy Orton and Jack Swagger



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Monday Week 1 March 2015

Location: TN Gentry Complex (South East)

Attendance: 10,500

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 5.72






[WWE Monday Night Raw kicks things off with 'King Of Kings' playing in the background and the arrival of The Authority. This group, including WWE COO Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins, Director Of Operations Big Show and J&J Security, walks with power down to the ring as Michael Cole welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw! What a show we had last night at Fast Lane! We have a brand new number one contender in Daniel Bryan and we saw the WWE return of Goldberg! Triple H has the microphone and says that he believes last night was a success for The Authority despite what some people may believe. Yes, the return of Goldberg was shocking, but Triple H says that he beat Goldberg once and he can do it again if he needs to. We have also confirmed our World title match at WrestleMania. It will be Brock Lesnar defending the WWE World Heavyweight title against that B+ player Daniel Bryan. But no matter who wins that match, they are just keeping the belt warm for our very own Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins. Rollins raises the briefcase to boos and 'You Sold Out' chants. Rollins yells at the fans that he bought in! Stephanie takes the microphone and tells Rollins not to worry. That these fans don't know what's truly best for business. But what is coming next is truly what is best for business. She, then, invites Chris Jericho out to the ring to join The Authority inside the ring.]


['Break The Walls Down' begins to play and the crowd boos loudly as Chris Jericho walks out from the back. He smiles a cocky smile as he strolls to the ring with Triple H telling him that he can come in the ring any time now. When Jericho walks in the ring, Stephanie McMahon grabs the microphone and tells Jericho that it's great to see him back in a WWE ring. She says that the last time he was here in the WWE, he was laid out flat on his back by the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar because he decided to pander to the WWE Universe. But now they are seeing the real Chris Jericho and she couldn't be prouder of him. As a matter of fact, this is a Chris Jericho that she could see becoming a member of The Authority. She says that she spoke with her husband and they made the decision to offer Chris Jericho a spot in The Authority. The crowd here in Nashville boo loudly to that idea. Jericho seems to be thinking about it for a moment and then extends a hand to Stephanie McMahon. Jericho flashes a smile and says that before they shake hands he wants her to know that he still thinks she is a filthy, dirty, disgusting, bottom-feeding trash bag ho! With that being said, Jericho accepts the invitation to join The Authority.]


[As soon as Chris Jericho has joined The Authority, 'Voices' begins to play and out from the back comes Randy Orton! But The Viper is not alone! Jack Swagger is standing by his side. The two of them pause at the top of the ramp, exchange a look and then go running toward the ring, sliding inside. Stephanie escapes the ring as the battle begins between The Authority, Randy Orton and Jack Swagger. Orton catches Joey Mercury with a RKO! He goes for one on Jamie Noble but Noble pushes him right into a Codebreaker from Jericho! The crowd boos loudly as The Authority starts to get the advantage. Swagger is knocked out by a Knockout Punch by Big Show and tossed out of the ring. The focus of The Authority becomes Randy Orton as he gets Curb Stomped by Seth Rollins. Rollins directs traffic as Stephanie McMahon slides a chair into the ring. Rollins places Orton's right knee in the chair and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. He leaps and lands on the chair-wrapped knee of Randy Orton! The crowd boos as Orton calls out in pain. 'The Second Coming' begins to play and The Authority stands tall on this moment. Will Randy Orton even be able to wrestle tonight in our main event?]




[From the ring we move to a scene from earlier tonight showing the parking lot of The Gentry Center. A black truck pulls up with the Brahma Bull logo on the hood. The door opens to reveal The Rock! The crowd cheers in the background at the arrival of The Great One. The Rock steps out and begins walking toward the building. There is a lot of speculation by the announcers as to what The Rock will have to say after what happened last night. JBL says The Rock should be ashamed of himself, saying that he cost Roman Reigns the opportunity to main event WrestleMania when he took the chair away from his cousin. The Rock pushes open the glass doors and steps inside the building. He will definitely have some words later on this evening. But what will he have to say? Make sure you stay tuned to find out!]


Match #1


Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler


[Our opening contest this evening is a non-title match between the Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett and Dolph Ziggler. These two men met about a month ago on Smackdown where Barrett got the win with the Bull Hammer. Can he do the same tonight? Joining our commentary team for this match is the man who will face Bad News Barrett at WrestleMania: Dean Ambrose. Barrett takes control early on during this contest, striking Ziggler with some right hands and a quick snap suplex that scores a two count on a subsequent pinfall attempt. Ziggler gets in a few offensive moves early on, including a swinging neckbreaker and an elbow drop for a two count. But Barrett comes back with a kick to the chest of Ziggler. Around the eleven minute mark, Barrett goes for Wasteland but Ziggler counters into a DDT! Both men are slow to get to their feet and Ziggler catches Barrett with a picture perfect dropkick! Ziggler bounces off the ropes -- Winds Of Change by Barrett! Dean Ambrose climbs on the announce table, getting Barrett's attention and grabbing the Intercontinental title belt! Ambrose waves goodbye to Barrett and avoids Luke Harper at ringside, running toward the back with the belt! Barrett exits the ring and gives chase alongside Luke Harper! The referee begins counting and reaches the ten count as Barrett disappears to the back. Dolph Ziggler picks up the win!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Count Out @ 17:28)

Match Rating: B





[The cameras move backstage to continue following the chase between Dean Ambrose, Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper. Barrett and Harper decide to split up and they each go separate directions to try and find Ambrose. The cameras follow Luke Harper first as he moves down a hallway and then steps into the catering room. Ambrose leaps out from a corner, cracking Harper in the side of the head with the IC title belt! He gives two more belt shots to floor Harper and then escapes out of the room. We follow Ambrose as he moves stealthily along the hallway. He sneaks up behind Barrett and cracks him in the back of the head with the belt! Ambrose stands over the fallen Barrett with the title raised for a moment. Then he takes off again. The announcers remind us that we will we be seeing Dean Ambrose in action later on tonight against The Miz. Will Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper be awake by then? JBL, of course, laments Dean Ambrose as a thief, saying he has Bad News Barrett's property!]





['Veil Of Fire' begins to play and the crowd stands on their feet as Kane walks out from the back clad in his mask once again. Michael Cole reminds us that we saw Kane make that return at Fast Lane standing beside his brother once again. The Big Red Machine walks down to the ring and climbs in over the top rope. He stands in the center of the ring and raises his arms, bringing them down as fire explodes from all four turnbuckles. Kane has a microphone and says that he has to thank The Authority for firing him from his role as Corporate Kane. That one thing they did was enough of a shock to his system to bring back who he really is. He says that he is a monster. He is The Devil's Favorite Demon. He is a Brother Of Destruction. The lights dim as Kane is interrupted by the appearance of Bray Wyatt on the big screen. Wyatt laughs as he says that Kane used to be a Brother of Destruction. Just like he USED to be the Devil's Favorite Demon. But that has since changed now that there is a new Face Of Fear. He is the new right hand man of the devil and there are now two souls to collect. It is time to go back to the devil, Kane. Now he is going to bring you back. Find me. FIND ME! The video screen turns off with static and Kane remains inside the ring. Kane releases a low growl before his music begins playing again and he moves to exit the ring and head to the back.]




[From the ring, we move to the backstage interview area where The Dudley Boys are standing by. As the camera focuses in on them, Bubba Ray says that they are glad to be back here in the WWE, the number one wrestling promotion in the world. But they didn't just come back to fight teams like The Ascension. Bubba Ray says that they came back to fight at WrestleMania for the WWE World Tag Team titles. He says that it doesn't matter who the tag team champions are because they will be facing The Dudleys at WrestleMania. D-Von pipes in, telling his brother to testify. He says that at WrestleMania, if it's The Brass Ring Club or The Usos or even if Demolition comes out of retirement and win the World Tag Team titles, they are going to learn that thou shalt not mess with The Dudleys. Oh my brother...TESTIFY!]


Match #2


Stardust vs. R-Truth


[R-Truth asks the WWE Universe 'What's Up?' as he comes down to the ring to face Stardust. During Stardust's entrance, highlights are shown of his count-out victory last night at Fast Lane against Goldust. Stardust starts out strong against R-Truth, yelling at the crowd when a 'Cody' chant starts up here in Nashville. As Stardust strikes with the springboard bionic elbow, a sign goes up in the background, reading: 'The Truth is in the Stars!' Stardust continues in control, dominating for almost all of the match against R-Truth. Like he did with Goldust the night before, he sends R-Truth out of the ring and against the steel steps. The crowd boos and he hisses at them before he returns the action inside the ring. He finishes the match by striking R-Truth with the Disaster Kick and then the Dark Matter. A pinfall is academic and the crowd counts along with the one, two, three. Another big win for Stardust.]


Winner: Stardust (Via Pinfall @ 5:44)

Match Rating: C-





[As Stardust celebrates in the ring, we move to the backstage area where we come across Stephanie McMahon approaching Lana and Rusev. McMahon shakes hands with Lana and then congratulates Rusev on his victory over John Cena last night at Fast Lane. But she says that a champion's work is never done here in the WWE. She informs Lana and Rusev that this Thursday night on Smackdown they are going to have a Dream Partner tag team match. This means that Lana and Rusev will select a partner and John Cena will select a partner. The main event on Smackdown will feature this match. Lana says that she doesn't think Rusev should have to fight John Cena again with or without a partner. McMahon says that she doesn't care what Lana thinks. She says that she's a McMahon and that this is her company. She decides what matches are made. So Rusev better select a partner for Smackdown. Otherwise, it will be a handicap match. McMahon smiles and wishes them good luck on Thursday before walking off, leaving an angry Rusev muttering in Russian.]




[in a pre-taped interview, we are shown Ryback pacing back and forth. Ryback looks in the camera and says that in a few weeks we are going to have WrestleMania. More importantly, we are going to have the second annual Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Ryback says that he is officially putting all of the other wrestlers on notice that he is entering the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He says that he plans to be the last man standing in that battle royal. At the end of the match, all of the WWE Universe are going to be on their feet chanting 'FEED ME MORE! FEED ME MORE! FEED ME MORE!' Ryback growls and adds in a personal invitation for Goldberg to join him in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal. Then we fade away to the ring for our next encounter. Could we see a face-to-face encounter between Ryback and Goldberg?]


Match #3


Finn Balor and Sheamus vs. Los Matadores


[Our next match features a solid tag team against a team that seems more thrown together than an actual tag team. Los Matadores start off strong in this contest, showing some solid double team moves on Finn Balor, including a double back body drop and a double suplex. When Balor tags out to Sheamus, The Celtic Warrior takes firm control in this contest against both Diego and Fernando. Sheamus sends Diego out of the ring and runs him up against the apron and then against the barricade. Sheamus prepares to Irish whip Diego into the steel steps but Finn Balor steps between them. Balor tries to talk some sense into his partner and the two of them argue for a moment. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Finn's got the Red Rooster!' The action returns inside the ring and multiple tags are made in and out for both teams throughout the next couple of minutes. Sheamus catches Diego with the Beats of the Bodhrán before dragging him back inside the ring. White Noise drops Diego in the center of the ring and Sheamus backs up into the corner, calling for the Brogue Kick. As Diego reaches his feet, Balor tags himself in and climbs to the top turnbuckle -- Brogue Kick by Sheamus -- Coup de Grâce lands by Finn Balor! Balor makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Finn Balor and Sheamus pick up a great victory in their first match as a tag team. El Torito isn't happy outside the ring.]


Winners: Finn Balor and Sheamus (Via Pinfall @ 6:51)

Match Rating: C





[We are shown some highlights from the Nikki Bella versus Paige match at Fast Lane last night. We have a brand new Diva's Champion in Paige. From the highlights, we are taken to the backstage area where Paige is shown with the Diva's title around her waist. As she walks down a corridor, she comes face-to-face with Nikki Bella. Nikki tells Paige that she is just keeping that belt warm for her when she wins the belt back. Paige responds that this is HER house and that this belt belongs to her. But she is willing to defend that belt against any and every Diva in the locker room and in any locker room across the world, including the NXT females. Nikki says that she won't have the belt long enough to defend it against anyone but her. Why? Because she just came from the office of The Authority where she invoked her rematch clause for Smackdown this week. Paige says she will prove herself this Thursday night. The staredown does not end in violence. Instead, Paige raises the belt and Nikki walks away confidently.]





['The Truth Reigns' begins to play and the crowd gives a mixed reaction as Roman Reigns can be seen in the audience. He walks his way down toward the ring without a smile on his face. Highlights of his match with Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane are shown, including The Rock stopping him from using a chair. Reigns leaps the barricade and enters the ring with a microphone in hand. Reigns says that he planned to be here tonight in Nashville heading to WrestleMania to face Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight title. That is what he EARNED by winning the Royal Rumble. But he had that taken away from him by The Authority and by another man. That man that stole away his WWE World title shot at WrestleMania is his cousin, The Rock. Reigns says that he is demanding that his cousin come down to the ring so he can talk to him face-to-face. Reigns paces inside the ring as he waits. The energy definitely seems to be building inside the arena.]


['Electrifying' begins to play and the crowd stands on their feet, cheering as The Rock walks from the back. He is making a beeline for the ring and steps inside looking across toward his pacing cousin. The Rock tells Roman that they don't have to do this out here in front of everyone. They can go to the back and talk. But Reigns says that he wants to do this in front of the WWE Universe, the same WWE Universe that saw what The Rock did last night at Fast Lane. Reigns says that The Rock was supposed to watch his back and that's all. Instead, what he did was step into the spotlight again like he always does and this time he cost his cousin a main event spot at WrestleMania. The Rock tells Reigns that The Rock was not the one to get pinned at Fast Lane. But The Rock knows his cousin and winning the match by using a chair is not the way that Roman Reigns wants to get to WrestleMania. The Rock says that Reigns' father would not be proud of him using a chair. Reigns seems to be thinking this over for a moment. He definitely seems to still be stewing but he raises the microphone and tells The Rock that he's right. He says The Rock was right to keep him from tarnishing the match last night at Fast Lane. He tells him that they should finish this conversation in the back. The Rock agrees and the two men shake hands before exiting the ring together and walking to the back.]





[From the ring, we are taken to the backstage area where a doctor is looking at the right knee of Randy Orton. The doctor does not look happy, telling Orton that he's going to need to keep that knee iced up and he shouldn't wrestle in the main event tonight. Triple H walks into the room just as the doctor tells Orton not to wrestle tonight. Orton clenches his fist, ready to fight Triple H but Hunter raises his hands, saying he didn't come back here to fight. But that he did hear what the doctor just said. He said that's too bad about Orton's knee. But he just so happens to have an injury waiver here. If Randy Orton is willing to sign it and waive the liability by the WWE, he will allow Orton to compete tonight in the tag team main event. Orton grabs the clipboard and signs his name, telling Hunter that tonight the Viper is going to strike. Triple H laughs off the words and takes the clipboard, walking off as Orton grunts in pain. We are taken back to the ring for our next contest.]


Match #4


The Miz vs. Dean Ambrose


[Our next match features The Miz with his stunt double Damien Mizdow at ringside. Dean Ambrose brings the Intercontinental title belt and sets it down in his corner before the bell sounds for our match. The Miz takes an early advantage on Ambrose, attacking him as soon as the bell sounds with a discus punch. The Miz plays to a booing crowd. He continues an assault on Ambrose, bringing him down with an inverted facelock backbreaker into a neckbreaker to score a two count. He picks up Ambrose and whips him into the corner. He quickly follows in with the Awesome Clothesline, sitting on the middle rope and looking out to boos from the crowd. One random sign is raised in the background: 'Bring back Steven Richards!' The Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale as he has looked dominant in this match since the beginning but Ambrose blocks the hold and slips out. He bounces off the middle rope and brings down The Miz with a clothesline. The crowd gets behind Ambrose as he gets to his feet. He catches The Miz with a snap DDT and then stands back up as Mizdow goes down on the ground outside the ring, imitating the fall of The Miz. Ambrose raises the IC title belt and then sets it back down before moving back to The Miz. He hooks him -- Dirty Deeds! The Double Arm DDT plants The Miz and Ambrose makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dean Ambrose (Via Pinfall @ 9:57)

Match Rating: B





[Dean Ambrose has picked up a huge victory here tonight over The Miz. He moves to his feet and is dropped back down to the mat by a Bull Hammer from out of nowhere by Bad News Barrett! The crowd boos as Barrett is not alone in the ring. Luke Harper picks up Ambrose and hooks a double underhook into a sit-out power bomb! Ambrose gets planted down hard on the mat and Harper almost seems to be in a catatonic state for a moment. Barrett picks up the Intercontinental title belt, yelling at Ambrose that this belt belongs to him! Barrett yanks up Ambrose and lifts him on his shoulders -- Wasteland! Ambrose is planted on the mat and Bad News Barrett raises the belt up high as his bodyguard Luke Harper stands beside him. The crowd boos loudly as Bad News Barrett seems to have gotten the upper hand in this feud tonight.]




[We are taken to a pre-recorded video featuring Curtis Axel! Axel is wearing his #AxelMania t-shirt and he announces that this man that is better than perfect is going to be in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal this year. He talks about the fact that he was never eliminated from the Royal Rumble this year and he will be the last man remaining in another battle royal at AxelMania! He says that it doesn't matter who he has to go through. He says he heard earlier that Ryback is entering himself in the battle royal. They are former partners but that's not going to stop him from throwing Ryback over the top rope to win this battle royal. No one can stop him! No one can stop #AxelMania! Axel rips off his shirt as we move back to the ring for our semi main event.]


Match #5



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Brass Ring Club defends vs. The Usos


[The Usos made the decision to cash in their rematch clause tonight for the WWE World Tag Team titles against The Brass Ring Club. The Usos use a fast pace in the first few minutes to gain a good advantage. This leads to both members of The Brass Ring Club coming in to try to gain that two-on-one advantage. But in comes both Usos and they end up knocking The Brass Ring Club out of the ring. The Usos look at each other and then bounce off the ropes, leaping with dives! Jimmy Uso catches Tyson Kidd with the dive but Jey Uso eats a European Uppercut from Cesaro to bring him down to the floor outside the ring! Cesaro tosses Jey back in and joins him inside the ring, isolating Jey from his partner. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd begin using quick tags in and out to keep the fresh man in but Jey doesn't seem willing to succumb to a pinfall or submission. Kidd catches Jey with a springboard legdrop but only gets a two count when Jey puts his foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Kidd tags out to Cesaro and Cesaro and they set up Jey Uso. Kidd catches Jey with an enzuigiri, knocking him right into a European Uppercut by Cesaro! Cesaro pushes Jey backward into a neutral corner. He begins striking Jey with European Uppercuts again and again and again. Cesaro trips Jey and grabs the legs, dragging Jey toward his own corner. Tyson Kidd tags himself in and Cesaro begins the Cesaro Swing! After several rotations, Kidd catches Jey with a dropkick! Kidd makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Kidd yanks Jey up and whips him to the ropes -- Jey ducks a clothesline by Kidd -- Superkick by Jey Uso on Tyson Kidd! Both men go down and the referee begins counting both men as they crawl toward their respective corners. Tyson Kidd tags in Cesaro and Jey makes the tag to his brother Jimmy!]


[Jimmy Uso comes in with headbutts to both Tyson Kidd and Cesaro! The crowd is loud behind Jimmy as he grabs both Kidd and Cesaro and rams their heads together! Jimmy turns his focus on Cesaro, shoving him back in a corner and then climbing up. He begins raining punches down on Cesaro as the crowd counts along. Tyson Kidd is slowly recovering and making his way over but he gets cut off by Jey Uso! Jimmy drops down and catches Cesaro with a Tornado DDT! He climbs the turnbuckles, getting the crowd behind him! He leaps with a flying splash that connects with the Swiss Superman! Jimmy hooks the leg: One, Two, Broken Up By Tyson Kidd! So close to a three count and new WWE World Tag Team Champions! Kidd drags Cesaro over to his corner and tags himself in. Kidd charges Jimmy Uso and Jimmy goes for a superkick but Kidd ducks beneath the kick. Kidd uses the ropes as a springboard, catching Jimmy with a back elbow that stuns him. Kidd moves in quickly and hooks Jimmy Uso -- Swinging Fisherman's Suplex! Kidd makes the cover: One, Two, Three! The Brass Ring Club successfully defend the titles tonight on Monday Night Raw!]


Winners: The Brass Ring Club (Via Pinfall @ 17:42)

Match Rating: C+





Match #6


Chris Jericho and Big Show vs. Randy Orton and Jack Swagger


[it is time for our main event contest this evening as we see the team of JeriShow versus Randy Orton and Jack Swagger. Chris Jericho and Big Show make their entrance first and then out comes Jack Swagger followed by Randy Orton. Orton is limping on that injured knee, making him a little slow to get to the ring. Swagger slides in first and he is immediately double teamed by Chris Jericho and Big Show. Big Show lifts Swagger in a press slam fashion but slams him right down on the knee of Jericho. Jericho makes a quick cover on Swagger but the count is interrupted by the arrival of Randy Orton! Orton fights against both members of The Authority but is quickly taken down by Jericho with a kick to the knee and then tossed out of the ring. The referee is distracted as Seth Rollins grabs Orton at ringside and tosses him up against the barricade, inciting boos from the Nashville crowd. Inside the ring, Jericho and Show use some quick tags, keeping the fresh man in the ring against Jack Swagger. As the match continues, ten minutes into the contest, Show tosses Swagger into a corner and then asks for quiet before slapping the chest of the All-American American. Show picks up Swagger and drops him with a body slam before climbing to the second turnbuckle. Show releases a growl as he shakes the ropes and then leaps but finds nothing but mat underneath him as Swagger rolls out of the way! The crowd cheers as both men are laid down on the mat. Swagger grabs the ropes, using them to move toward his corner as Show crawls to his corner. Jericho is tagged in and he leaps to stop Swagger but Swagger manages to leap and make the tag to The Viper!]


[Randy Orton comes in and Chris Jericho begs off for a moment before Orton starts throwing punches. He is favoring that right leg but that isn't stopping his assault! Big Show tries to climb in over the top rope and Orton grabs the ropes, shaking them hard, causing Big Show some immense pain. Orton turns back to Jericho and ducks a clothesline. Jericho bounces off the ropes -- Snap Powerslam by Orton! In comes Jack Swagger to cut off the Big Show! Control is definitely grabbed and maintained by the team of Randy Orton and Jack Swagger. Orton catches Jericho with the inverted headlock backbreaker. Orton moves Jericho toward the ropes and then tosses him over the top rope to land on the apron! He yanks Jericho in and grabs him in a front facelock -- Rope Hung DDT by Orton! Jericho's head smacks off the apron and a sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'You can't Swag during an RKO!' Jack Swagger knocks Big Show out of the ring, following him to ringside as Orton stalks Jericho. Orton drops down and begins punching the mat but in comes Jamie Noble -- RKO to Noble! Seth Rollins comes in and smashes Orton in the back with the Money In The Bank briefcase, causing the referee to call for the bell.]


Winners: Randy Orton and Jack Swagger (Via Disqualification @ 19:46)

Match Rating: B





[The Authority take control inside the ring over Randy Orton. Seth Rollins smashes him in the back again with the briefcase. Outside the ring, Jack Swagger rams Big Show into the barricade! Swagger enters the ring to try and save Randy Orton but he is grabbed at the legs by both Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury! Swagger is held so that Rollins can smack him in the chest with the briefcase! Rollins brings the briefcase down on the back of Swagger, knocking him down to the mat beside Randy Orton. Chris Jericho sees them both down and runs to the ropes -- Lionsault landing on both Swagger and Orton! Big Show pulls himself together and re-enters the ring as an angry giant. He slowly closes his fist, motioning to Noble to lift Swagger up. Swagger is slowly lifted and Show lands a Knockout Punch, sending him right down to the mat. As The Authority gather together to celebrate, 'Invasion' begins to play and they all look completely stunned. Pyro explodes at the top of the ramp as a figure appears in the background.]




[That figure is the man they call Goldberg! Goldberg breathes out the smoke, much as he did last night at Fast Lane. He begins charging his way down toward the ring. Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury move to meet him on the ramp -- SPEAR BY GOLDBERG! Goldberg takes out both members of J&J Security at once! He stands up and looks toward the ring. Seth Rollins backs up slowly, moving behind Big Show inside the ring. Chris Jericho exits the ring as Goldberg enters. Goldberg comes face-to-face with Big Show and they begin exchanging punches! The crowd is loud here in Nashville with chants of 'Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg!' Goldberg fires off three punches in a row, knocking Big Show backward against the ropes. A clothesline sends Big Show over the top rope and out of the ring. Seth Rollins quickly joins The Authority members at ringside! Goldberg stands tall inside the ring, yelling out at The Authority 'WHO'S NEXT?!?!' The Authority are quick to exit stage left as Goldberg stands tall two nights in a row.]





[When the ring is cleared, 'Here Comes The Pain' begins to play. Out from the back, led by his Advocate Paul Heyman, comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar! The crowd boos Lesnar as he makes his paces back and forth at the top of the ramp and then he begins walking toward the ring alongside Heyman. They pass one fan with a sign up that reads: 'MAYBE! MAYBE! MAYBE!' Heyman and Lesnar enter the ring and Heyman has the microphone..'Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the Advocate for the reigning, defending, Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World, the Beast Incarnate BAHROCK LESNAR! Last night we saw just who is going to get the opportunity to face this man at WrestleMania and that is a little man that goes by the name of Daniel Bryan.' The crowd begins a 'YES' chant loudly as Heyman gives a smirk. Heyman says they are already labeling this match as a David Versus Goliath match. The only problem with that is that it's not going to end the way you want it to end. This match will not end with David dropping Goliath with a slingshot and a stone. No, this match will end with Goliath dropping David with an F-5 and a pinfall. This match will end with Goliath standing tall and Daniel Bryan becoming just another victim, if I may use that phrase, of Brock Lesnar. It really is just as simple as that because, may I remind you, that this is the man who is the one in twenty-one and one. That means that one year ago, he became the first man to ever defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. That means that he beat The Undertaker so bad that it's now taken Bray Wyatt to resurrect him one year later. Before Paul Heyman can continue, 'Flight Of The Valkyries' interrupts his words.]


[Daniel Bryan walks out from the back and stands at the top of the ramp as the YES chants are loud and in full force tonight here in Nashville. Bryan leads the chants from the top of the ramp and then makes his way down to the ring, stepping inside and looking across at Paul Heyman. Heyman smiles and he says that it feels like they've done this before. Oh, wait, they did do this before. One month ago, on Smackdown, Paul Heyman warned Daniel Bryan not to win this match at Fast Lane but Daniel Bryan didn't listen to Paul Heyman. Now Brock Lesnar is going to turn the dreams of Daniel Bryan into nightmares at WrestleMania. Heyman tells Daniel Bryan that he is not going to be fighting some normal man at WrestleMania. He is going to be fighting a beast. He will be fighting someone that is cold and calculating. Bryan interrupts and asks if it's his turn to talk now. Heyman motions and Bryan says that Roman Reigns gave him one amazing fight last night at Fast Lane. But now his focus is on one of the two men standing in the ring with him. Sure it's David Versus Goliath but last year at WrestleMania he beat Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton to win the title. This year it's just one beast. This year it's the beast against the beard. Bryan goes face-to-face with Lesnar and Lesnar has a microphone. Lesnar tells Daniel Bryan that he can respect the victory last night at Fast Lane. But Roman Reigns is not him. At WrestleMania, Lesnar promises to drop Daniel Bryan with an F-5 and leave him just a little stain on the mat. Lesnar goes for a cheap shot but Bryan ducks. Bryan with swift kicks to Lesnar and then he goes for the YES Lock! The crowd rises to their feet as Bryan tries to hook his submission move on The Beast. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Daniel Bryan is pwnage!' But Lesnar shows his power and strength as he lifts himself and Daniel Bryan up to their feet. He shifts Bryan up onto his shoulders -- F-5! The F-5 plants Daniel Bryan on the mat! 'Here Comes The Pain' begins to play as Heyman steps in and raises Brock Lesnar's hand. Heyman hands Lesnar the title and Lesnar raises the belt up high as the credits roll on the bottom of the screen. We'll see you Thursday night for Smackdown and the Dream Partner tag team match!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


We got some perfect scores on the Monday Night Raw fall-out from Fast Lane. Congratulations to Uncrewed, KnowYourEnemy, Smasher1311, jscotty, crackerjack and Hitman74!


1. Uncrewed=8 Wins

2. jscotty=7 Wins

3. Smasher1311=6 Wins

4. packerman120=5 Wins

5. Beejus=4 Wins

crackerjack=4 Wins

7. Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

Bigjondalegend=3 Wins

Warhawk8492=3 Wins

10. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

KnowYourEnemy=2 Wins

Hitman74=2 Wins

15. CPBHBK=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

Blodyxe=1 Win

Nobby_McDonald=1 Win

DaBookerMan=1 Win

nick21985=1 Win

21. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

thecoolestjedi12=0 Wins

LordryuTJ=0 Wins


Finn Balor and Sheamus vs. Los Matadores

Comments: Dis new team's goin' far man.[/b]


Thank you for the pedictions and comments, Smasher1311! Glad to read that people like my new tag team. I am thinking of calling them The Celtic Demons. Sound good? :)


Comments On Last Show: Surprised to see you run with changing the WM main event like that. The title match should definitely have more intrigue now than it did in real life, but it makes me wonder what will happen to Roman. I can't see you leaving him off the card, but I don't think you'll be running the triple threat either. Can't wait for Raw to see where you go with the biggest show of the year!


Thank you for the comments and predictions, Beejus. When I first started the diary, I didn't plan to change the WM main event. But as I moved forward, I decided that I wanted to do some things a little differently than what the WWE did in real life. Roman Reigns will definitely not be left off the WrestleMania card. That much is for certain. What his match will be, though? Well, you will know in the coming weeks exactly what that match will be. Glad that you enjoyed Fast Lane, though. I had a lot of fun writing that one and I am really looking forward to WrestleMania :)


Comments On Last Show: Daniel Bryan winning? Hell yeah!


Thanks for the predictions and comments, Warhawk8492! As I stated earlier, I didn't originally plan on having Daniel Bryan winning. But this definitely lets me tell a different story than the one that the WWE did. How that story will go at WrestleMania? Well, that is yet to be decided.


Finn Balor and Sheamus vs. Los Matadores

Comments: I like where this is headed


Thank you for the predictions and comments, crackerjack. As stated earlier, I am glad that people seem to like my brand new tag team of Finn Balor and Sheamus. They are a very interesting tag team and I hope that I can really present the dynamic that I have in my head and get it out to everyone on paper here between these two men.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on the SyFy channel. We are just a few days removed from WWE Fast Lane and what a main event we have scheduled this evening. At Fast Lane, Rusev defeated John Cena with the Accolade and Cena passing out. Now on Smackdown each of them will choose a tag team partner in a Dream Partner Tag Team match. Will Cena be able to get some revenge on Rusev or will the Super-Athlete knock out the Cenation Leader for the second time in a row?


-At Fast Lane, Rob Van Dam picked up the loss against Finn Balor. Here on Smackdown, he will look to return to his winning ways as he faces off with Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins. This should be a fast-paced contest between these two top athletes. Which of these two men will walk away with some momentum as we move toward WrestleMania?


-The WWE Diva's title match was set up on Monday Night Raw this past Monday when Paige met up with Nikki Bella backstage. This will be Paige's first title defense since winning the title at Fast Lane. Will it be Paige's last title defense as Nikki Bella says it will be or will Paige prove that this is her house?


-Plus Adam Rose takes on Kane. We will hear from Director Of Operations Big Show, The Rock, Lana and Rusev and more. Make sure you tune in to Smackdown.


Prediction Listing


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella



The Ascension vs. The New Day



Adam Rose vs. Kane



Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam



Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:


The Celtic Demons sounds fantastic. :D


Sounds amazing.


Thanks, guys! I'm glad that you like the name. More coming soon on those two Irish Warriors.

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella

Comments: Prayin'.


The Ascension vs. The New Day

Comments: Good team to put 'em over.


Adam Rose vs. Kane



Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: A bit of a toss up for a second there.


Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???

Comments: Hmm.

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella

Comments:Wouldn't dig hot potatoing the belt. AJ/Paige for the belt at mania maybe?


The Ascension vs. The New Day

Comments: Battle of Tag Teams I don't like. But, New Day does have Big E


Adam Rose vs. Kane

Comments: Squash


Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Seth's moving up in the world


Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???

Comments: Interesting Stip Name. I say Rusev teams with The Iron Sheik and John Cena, Jim Duggan

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella

Comments: Not sure if you're keen on hotpotatoing any of the belts.


The Ascension vs. The New Day

Comments: As much as I hate The Descension for what they said, I will still take them over ''Clap or Snap'' (Or ''Slap or Snap'', whatevs) on any ''New'' day.


Adam Rose vs. Kane

Comments: Death.


Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Pretty solid win.


Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???

Comments: Rusev having a partner will be a way for Cena to win without Rusev being pinned.


Fun Fan Signs: Choose me as a dream partner!

Dusty Rhodes is coming on the Main Event?

Turning Paiges and implants!


Comments On Previous Show:

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella



The Ascension vs. The New Day



Adam Rose vs. Kane



Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam



Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???


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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella


The Ascension vs. The New Day



Adam Rose vs. Kane



Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam



Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella

Comments: Now that it's away from the Bellas, we can have some good matches!


The Ascension vs. The New Day

Comments: New Day sucks.


Adam Rose vs. Kane

Comments: Kane can use the building up.


Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: More like Job Van Dam! :p


Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???

Comments: Cena's partner can eat a loss so that John can still look good.


Fun Fan Signs:

New Day have the clap


Comments On Previous Show: Goldberg seems an odd pick up, but at the same time it isn't because I'm sure he has some good overness to back himself with. And he really does go very hand-in-hand with the storyline of someone to mow the Authority down with. Also, the Davey and Goliath story you are telling with Brock and Bryan thus far has been done to perfection.

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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella



The Ascension vs. The New Day



Adam Rose vs. Kane



Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam



Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???


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WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella



The Ascension vs. The New Day



Adam Rose vs. Kane



Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam



Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???



Fun Fan Signs: USA! USA! USA!

Kane smash puny Rosebud!


Comments On Previous Show:

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ANGLE: Backstage segment with Velvet Sky and Roddy Piper...C+

Jeff Hardy defeated Manik...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Mr. Anderson and MVP...C

Taryn Terrell defeated Mickie James to retain the TNA Knockouts title...D+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Jeff Hardy and Magnus...C

Awesome Kong defeated Rebel...E

Kurt Angle defeated Austin Aries...B-

MVP and James Storm defeated Bobby Lashley and Samoa Joe...C+



ANGLE: Backstage segment with Zeb Colter, Brian Kendrick and Alex Riley...D

Carmella defeated Alexa Bliss...F+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Sasha Banks, Dana Brooke and Sami Zayn...D

Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn and Alex Riley defeated Brian Kendrick, Bo Dallas and Garrett Bischoff...D-

Baron Corbin defeated Darren Young...E+



reDragon defeated Hanson and Tommaso Ciampa to retain the ROH World Tag Team titles...D

Jay Lethal defeated Michael Bennett to retain the ROH World Television title...C

Michael Elgin and Jay Briscoe defeated The Addiction...C

#TNA – #NXT – #ROH


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Thursday Week 1 March 2015 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: AL Von Braun Center (South East)

Attendance: 11,838

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 3.26




[WWE Thursday Night Smackdown begins inside the Von Braun Center in the hometown of Bobby Eaton: Huntsville, Alabama! Michael Cole welcomes everyone to the show and the crowd rises in boos as 'Ревът на лъва (Roar of the Lion' begins to play and out from the back comes Lana and the WWE United States Champion Rusev. A 'USA' chant begins loud in the arena as they enter the ring and Lana gets on the microphone. She says that she is going to use a phrase that she hears Americans use all the time: 'I told you so.' She talks about the fact that at Fast Lane, John Cena let each and every one of you Americans down. Just like all of you Americans, he gave up. John Cena is the failure of America and Rusev is the hero of the Russian Federation. She says that Rusev received a direct message personally from the greatest leader in the world today: Vladimir Putin praising his victory at Fast Lane. Lana hands the microphone over to Rusev. Rusev says that John Cena is a coward and a puny little man that doesn't deserve to be in the ring with him again, despite the stupid little tag team match set up tonight. It doesn't matter who Cena's partner is tonight. Rusev says he is the United States Champion and there is nobody in this world that can beat him. As soon as he says that, he is interrupted by music that has the entire crowd standing on their feet.]




['Electrifying' brings out the People's Champion The Rock! The crowd begin a loud 'Rocky' chant as The Rock makes his way down to the ring. Rusev meets him face-to-face for a moment before The Rock raises the microphone and warns Rusev not to get up in The Rock's face without a breath mint. The Rock takes a step back and says that FINALLY The Rock HAS come BACK to Huntsville! The Rock says that The Rock welcomes Rusev to The Rock's show Smackdown. The Rock says that the two of them have done this before. When they were in Brooklyn, The Rock spoke with both of them and told them exactly what the people think about them. The Rock said that Lana is dressed as a Soviet Street Walker and Rusev is a big pile of monkey crap. The Rock says that Rusev might have beaten John Cena at Fast Lane but he does not deserve to hold the WWE United States title. The Rock says that he can prove it because The Rock is challenging Rusev to a match this Monday night on Monday Night Raw for the United States title. The Rock says that if Rusev shows up on Monday Night Raw this Monday night The Rock is going to take his Brahma Bull horns, shine them up real nice, turn them sideways and Lana tells him to shut up before he can finish. Lana says that Rusev is better than any American and that includes The Rock. Rusev says that he has been waiting to get his hands on The Rock since that night in Brooklyn. Rusev agrees to the match but promises to keep the world from smelling what The Rock is cooking when he CRUSHES The People's Champion. The two go nose-to-nose and then Rusev and Lana back off and walk away. What an amazing main event we have this Monday night on Raw!]





Match #1



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella


[A rematch from WWE Fast Lane tonight is the opening match between Paige and Nikki Bella for the WWE Diva's title. This is the opening match and we are trying to #giveDivasAChance but the fans definitely didn't seem into the contest. Nikki gets an advantage early on in the contest and sends Paige outside the ring. Nikki distracts the official and Brie throws Paige against the barricade and then up against the ring. She tosses Paige back in the ring and Nikki scores a two count. Nikki locks Paige in an abdominal stretch with Paige refusing to submit. A few members of the crowd get behind Paige as one fan sign goes up in the air, reading: 'Turning Paiges and implants!' Paige flips Nikki over with a hip toss and both women are slow to get to their feet. Paige gets the advantage and strikes Nikki with several short-arm clotheslines and then she hooks Nikki -- Paige-Turner! Paige makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Paige (Via Pinfall @ 9:25)

Match Rating: D





[Paige has successfully defended the WWE Diva's title against the former Champion. She is given the belt and her arm is raised as she cries out that 'this is my house!' But as she celebrates, she is attacked from behind by the WWE return of Gail Kim! Gail Kim drags Paige over to a corner and exits the ring, wrapping Paige in a figure 4 around the ring post! The referee yells at Gail Kim to break the hold but Kim refuses to do so! Paige is in a lot of pain. It can be seen in her eyes. The referee finally breaks the hold and Gail Kim slides back inside the ring, grabbing the WWE Diva's title. Gail Kim raises the belt to some boos from the crowd. The fans here seem pretty split when it comes to Gail Kim. Some of them booing and some of them cheering. What a return she has made here in the WWE! Could she receive the next Diva's title shot?]




[From the ring, we move to a pre-recorded video featuring Curtis Axel! Axel says that #AXELMANIA is coming soon but he has something that he needs to take care of first, brother. He says that there is one man that cost him the opportunity to win the Royal Rumble and go on to main event #AXELMANIA. That man is Erick Rowan. Axel says that he is challenging Erick Rowan to a match this Monday night on Monday Night Raw. Axel says that he wants to prove he is better than the man who attacked him from behind. He has already proven that he is better than perfect. Now he will prove that #AXELMANIA is not just better than Erick Rowan. He will prove that #AXELMANIA is the most powerful force in the WWE Universe! Rowan, whatcha gonna do when #AXELMANIA runs wild over you! Axel rips apart his shirt and flexes as we cut back to the ring.]


Match #2


The Ascension vs. The New Day


[Our second match of the evening is a tag team encounter featuring The Ascension looking for some momentum following their loss at Fast Lane as they take on The New Day. The match is definitely an even match with Kofi Kingston getting in some high flying moves, while The Ascension and Big E show some absolute power during this contest. Kofi Kingston scores an early Trouble In Paradise on Viktor but Konnor breaks up the pinfall before a three count can be made. Xavier Woods tries to get the crowd behind The New Day but the crowd definitely doesn't seem to be as into this team. In fact, one fan raises a sign during the match that reads: 'New Day have the clap!' The Ascension gain the advantage near the end of the contest and isolate Kofi Kingston in the ring. Big E is knocked off the apron and they set up Kingston -- Fall Of Man! Konnor makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Ascension (Via Pinfall @ 5:50)

Match Rating: C-




[We are taken from the ring to our brand new Director Of Operations Big Show. Show says that he is very glad to be here tonight as the Director of Operations for the WWE. Of course, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are not here tonight. They are too busy working on other things but they put him in charge of things. So he has been given the approval to make the announcement of a match that has been signed for next week right here on Smackdown. That match is a four corners Diva's match to determine the brand new number one contender to the Diva's title. That match will feature the former Diva's Champion Nikki Bella, Natalya, AJ Lee and Gail Kim! The winner will go on to WrestleMania to take on Paige for the WWE Diva's title. Big Show wishes good luck to these four women. May the best Diva win.]





[We are taken to another area backstage where Stardust seems to be explaining to a backstage worker about the Cosmic key. He is saying that he knows how to reach the key but it involves going alone and without his brother in particular. After mentioning his brother, Goldust comes from out of nowhere to leap on top of Stardust, knocking him to the floor. Goldust drops to his knees and begins throwing punches to his brother. Stardust covers up, trying to keep his brother from the assault. He finally manages to wiggle his way free and get to his feet. A brief staredown between brothers before Stardust runs off and Goldust goes in pursuit! The cameras briefly follow the pursuit between the two brothers but they disappear down another corridor. This feud is definitely not over between the two brothers! But we are going to be heading to the ring for our next match.]


Match #3


Adam Rose vs. Kane


[Adam Rose comes out to the ring first. He grabs a microphone to begin explaining his new agenda as he has been trying to do for a long time now. But before he can say anything, fire explodes from all four corners. Kane comes walking down to the ring wearing the mask and looking focused as he steps in over the top rope. Rose runs in and strikes Kane as soon as Kane enters the ring but Kane shrugs him off and the Big Red Machine brings him down with a big boot. As one would expect, this match is dominated by Kane. The Big Red Monster puts Rose down with moves like the Gourdbuster and the strength of a press slam. A fan raises a sign in the crowd during the match that reads: 'Kane smash puny Rosebud!' Around the six minute mark, Kane grabs Rose by the throat and then lifts him up -- Chokeslam! Kane makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Kane (Via Pinfall @ 6:09)

Match Rating: C





[Kane picks up a big win here tonight against Adam Rose. But as he is celebrating this victory, the static comes on the big screen and Bray Wyatt attacks Kane from behind! Wyatt has a chair and he brings it down hard upon the back of the Big Red Machine. Three straight chair shots brings down Kane to the mat on all fours. Wyatt grabs Kane and brings him into position for the Sister Abigail -- BONG! The crowd rises on their feet as the gong of The Undertaker begins to sound throughout the arena. The lights dim and mist begins gathering at the top of the ramp. Wyatt looks toward the ramp without hitting his move on Kane. He drops Kane and looks ready for a fight with The Undertaker. One single headlight shines through the mist at the top of the ramp. The sounds of a motorcycle revving begins throughout the arena and then a driverless motorcycle drives straight down the ramp, hitting the ring and then stopping. The motorcycle sits at ringside as Kane exits the ring and stands beside it, using it to get to the back. Bray Wyatt laughs inside the ring as he stands there while 'American Bad Ass' begins to play in the background.]





[The show moves to what appears to be a backstage area where we find John Cena speaking with someone off-screen. Cena says that he came to this person because he is the only one of them that he can actually reason with. That person is revealed to be Mr. McMahon! Cena says that he lost at Fast Lane and he has no excuses. He passed out in the Accolade. However, he needs another chance. He says that he needs to prove to the United States that he will never give up for them. He needs to prove that the U.S.A. can overcome the Russian forces. Mr. McMahon listens to the plea by Cena and seems to be thinking about it for a moment. Then he tells Cena that his decision is that he will not be giving John Cena a match against Rusev. Cena will have to earn that match. Tonight, John Cena is facing Rusev in a Dream Partner tag team match. If John Cena's team wins this match, then he will make the match between John Cena and Rusev for the United States title at WrestleMania, provided that Rusev survives with the title until then. But if John Cena's team loses tonight then John Cena will not even be on the WresleMania card. So either he is facing Rusev or not at WrestleMania at all. Cena agrees to the stipulations and thanks Mr. McMahon. We move to another area backstage.]





[We move to this area backstage near the entrance to the ramp where we find Seth Rollins and J&J Security approaching Rob Van Dam. RVD makes no move to back off as he is approached by Rollins and the two J's. Rollins talks about what a legend Van Dam is and how it's such an honor to be facing him tonight. Rollins laughs and says that Van Dam might be a legend but he's not the future. He says that this Money In The Bank briefcase guarantees that he is a future World Champion. Van Dam says that Rollins might be Mr. Money In The Bank but he's not Mr. Thursday Night. RVD says that in just a few moments he's going to prove why they call him the Whole Dam Show(Double Thumb Point). Rollins says that RVD won't get that opportunity and then a three-on-one assault begins with Seth Rollins and J&J Security beating down RVD in the backstage area. The fight spills out to the ramp and toward the ring. Rollins tosses RVD in the ring and then smashes him with the briefcase. Rollins calls for the referee.]


Match #4


Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam


[Drake Wuertz, one of the new referees, comes out as Rollins makes a cover on RVD but he only gets a two count as RVD manages to get his shoulder up before the three count! The crowd pops loud as Rollins gets up and begins putting the boots to RVD angrily. J&J Security watch from ringside as Rollins continues his early advantage. Rollins lifts RVD up and raises him toward a power bomb position but RVD rolls over and behind Rollins, moving him into a sunset flip: One, Two, Kickout! Both men get to their feet and RVD begins throwing some kicks. Rollins fires some kicks back as both men begin trading kicks in the center of the ring. Rollins finally catches RVD's leg but RVD twists and gives one more kick, knocking Rollins back into a corner. RVD charges and climbs up -- monkey flip on Rollins! Within moments, RVD bounces off the ropes -- Rolling Thunder! He makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The match continues both inside the ring and outside the ring where Joey Mercury sacrifices himself, taking a suicide dive from RVD after pushing Rollins out of the way. The match moves back inside the ring where Rollins is in control. He catches RVD with the Buckle Bomb and a Superkick, getting a two count! Rollins gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes -- Curb St -- NO! RVD avoids the Curb Stomp and grabs Rollins -- Northern Lights Suplex. RVD heads to the top turnbuckle, giving the double thumb point -- Jamie Noble shoves RVD off the turnbuckle as Joey Mercury distracts the referee! Rollins moves over and rolls up RVD, placing his feet on the ropes: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Seth Rollins (Via Pinfall @ 11:32)

Match Rating: B+





[Seth Rollins picks up a victory tonight over Rob Van Dam. He stands up and is joined in the ring by J&J Security. Jamie Noble hands Rollins his briefcase and Rollins begins celebrating to loud boos from the crowd. Rollins climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises the briefcase until 'Voices' begins to play. The crowd cheers as here comes Randy Orton! The Viper comes running toward the ring, favoring that right knee that was hurt last Monday night. Orton slides into the ring and Rollins hides behind J&J Security. Jamie Noble comes charging at Orton -- Scoop Powerslam! Joey Mercury comes in next -- RKO! Mercury is down and Orton stands up. Orton turns to look for Seth Rollins but Mr. Money In The Bank has quickly left the ring and even ringside as he backs his way up the ramp. Orton bends over and picks up Jamie Noble, moving him to the ropes and hanging him up on that second rope -- Rope Hung DDT! Orton stands up and points toward Rollins, celebrating leaving the members of J&J Security on the mat. Orton yells at Rollins, telling him that he's next!]




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area once again. This time, we are taken to the Authority's office and the Director Of Operations: Big Show! Show talks about the fact that tonight has been a great show and he congratulates Seth Rollins on his victory earlier tonight. Speaking of victories, Show says that he needs to avenge a loss from Monday Night Raw this past Monday night. Therefore, Show says that he is signing another match for this Monday night on Monday Night Raw. It will be Big Show versus Jack Swagger. He says that Swagger might be the All-American American but he is not a giant. He is not the Big Show. Show makes a promise that this Monday night, Swagger is going to feel the Knockout Punch and learn why Big Show is the fiercest giant in the WWE. Show says he is looking forward to Monday night and knocking out an All-American American.]


Match #5


Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and Chris Jericho vs. John Cena and Jack Swagger


[We have come to our main event tonight. First, Rusev's mystery partner is none other than Y2J Chris Jericho! John Cena's partner is the aforementioned All-American American Jack Swagger! John Cena and Chris Jericho begin the match and Cena is very aggressive in the early-going. He is trying to end this match quickly so that he can get the United States title match against Rusev at WrestleMania. Cena tags out to Jack Swagger and Swagger goes right to work against Jericho. Swagger lifts Jericho in a gutwrench power bomb for a two count. Swagger looks right at Rusev, places his hand over his heart and calls out 'We The People!' Swagger moves Jericho in the corner and climbs up, going for the Swagger Bomb but Jericho brings the knees up. Jericho rolls up Swagger like he did at Fast Lane but John Cena breaks up the pinfall. Jericho tags out to Rusev and Rusev goes right to work on Swagger, isolating him in the corner and choking him with a foot. Rusev yells at a fan, who has raised a sign that reads: 'Dusty Rhodes is coming on the Main Event?' Rusev says that this will be no American Dream. Rusev and Jericho use quick tags in and out but Swagger refuses to be pinned. Around ten minutes in, Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Swagger rolls out of the way and Jericho lands hard on the mat. Both men lie there, catching their breath. Then they both begin crawling toward their corners. Jericho turns, seeing Swagger near his corner. Jericho tries to cut off Swagger but Swagger leaps and tags in John Cena!]


[A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'USA! USA! USA!' as in comes John Cena! Cena catches Jericho with leaping shoulderblocks! Cena ducks a punch attempt by Jericho and brings Y2J down to the mat. Cena stands over Jericho and gives the 'You Can't See Me' gesture before bouncing off the ropes -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena stands up and waits for Jericho to get to his feet. Jericho gets up and Cena raises Jericho on his shoulders -- in comes Rusev! Rusev pulls Jericho off the shoulders of Cena! He shoves Cena toward Jericho -- Codebreaker! Cena is planted on the mat! Jericho makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The mixed reaction is still evident by the crowd when Cena kicks out of the Codebreaker. Rusev looks angry as he moves back on the apron. Y2J goes for the Walls Of Jericho but Cena shows that he still has some strength as he twists Jericho to the mat. Cena crawls to the corner but so does Jericho. Cena tags in Swagger but Rusev drops off the apron. The Bulgarian Brute shakes his head as he joins Lana and the two of them leave ringside, heading for the back. A sign goes up in the background: 'Choose me as a dream partner!' In comes Jack Swagger and he brings down Jericho with multiple clotheslines. Cena comes in and hits Jericho with an Attitude Adjustment. Swagger grabs Jericho -- Patriot Lock! The Patriot Lock is hooked in the center of the ring. Jericho looks toward his empty corner and fights the hold but eventually he is forced to tap out! Chris Jericho has tapped out to Jack Swagger!]


Winners: John Cena and Jack Swagger (Via Submission @ 16:54)

Match Rating: B




[John Cena is headed to WrestleMania to take on Rusev for the WWE United States Title! Cena comes in the ring and shakes hands with Jack Swagger. He gives a hug to the All-American American as Chris Jericho rolls out of the ring. John Cena leads a 'USA, USA, USA' chant. He begins pacing around the ring and then points toward that WrestleMania sign! Moments later, the United States flag drops down in the background. Jack Swagger looks toward the American flag and places his hand over his heart, chanting 'WE THE PEOPLE!' Swagger and Cena celebrate their victory tonight. But this does not mean that Cena is going to get the victory at WrestleMania. It remains to be seen whether or not anyone can pin Rusev or make the Super Athlete submit. Will The Rock be able to do it this Monday night on Monday Night Raw? Make sure that you tune in to find out what is going to happen in our main event! As John Cena and Jack Swagger celebrate, the credits roll at the bottom of the screen. We'll see you Monday night!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


We got some perfect scores on the Thursday Night Smackdown fall-out from Fast Lane. Congratulations to Smasher1311, Uncrewed and Hitman74!


1. Uncrewed=9 Wins

2. jscotty=7 Wins

Smasher1311=7 Wins

4. packerman120=5 Wins

5. Beejus=4 Wins

crackerjack=4 Wins

7. Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

Bigjondalegend=3 Wins

Warhawk8492=3 Wins

Hitman74=3 Wins

11. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

KnowYourEnemy=2 Wins

15. CPBHBK=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

Blodyxe=1 Win

Nobby_McDonald=1 Win

DaBookerMan=1 Win

nick21985=1 Win

21. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

thecoolestjedi12=0 Wins

LordryuTJ=0 Wins


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Nikki Bella

Comments:Wouldn't dig hot potatoing the belt. AJ/Paige for the belt at mania maybe?


Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Rusev and ??? vs. John Cena and ???

Comments: Interesting Stip Name. I say Rusev teams with The Iron Sheik and John Cena, Jim Duggan


I can honestly say that I am not big on hot potatoing any belt around quickly without a champion holding it for any length of time. It can happen on occasion but it should be done for shock value more than anything else. As far as AJ/Paige at WrestleMania? Well, she's got the opportunity if she wins the Fatal Fourway match next week on Smackdown.


I love those choices for the Dream Partners. If I had both of them on my roster, I might have changed to them. :) That being said, I was able to advance a couple of different storylines in that main event. I hope that my decision was enjoyable.


Comments On Previous Show: Goldberg seems an odd pick up, but at the same time it isn't because I'm sure he has some good overness to back himself with. And he really does go very hand-in-hand with the storyline of someone to mow the Authority down with. Also, the Davey and Goliath story you are telling with Brock and Bryan thus far has been done to perfection.


I can understand Goldberg being an odd pick-up to some. However, with Triple H talking bad about WCW and saying that they never built any homemade stars, those words would bring out someone like Goldberg, who was a homemade WCW star.


I am glad that you're enjoying the storyline with Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar so far. This definitely almost writes itself with the David versus Goliath scenario. Can David fell Goliath at WrestleMania? Well, that remains to be seen.


You do know that Gail Kim would never return to the WWE, right? :p


You can never say never when it comes to wrestlers moving to a certain promotion. How many people thought that Bret Hart would never return to WWE or that The Ultimate Warrior would ever be in the Hall of Fame? But that is the fun of being able to fantasy book. :)

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-We are headed on the Road To WrestleMania with a blockbuster edition of Monday Night Raw! Last week on Smackdown, we learned that Rusev will defend the United States title right here on Raw against The People's Champion The Rock! The winner of this match will go on to WrestleMania and defend the title against John Cena. Will Cena look to get revenge on Rusev or will we see John Cena/The Rock at WrestleMania again? We will find out at the end of the night.


-Speaking of titles, there is going to be a Fatal Fourway match at WrestleMania for the WWE World Tag Team titles. We will find out two of the teams that will be in that match tonight when we have two tag team matches. In one of those matches, we will see the Hollywood A-Lister The Miz and his stunt double Damien Mizdow teaming together to face the former WWE World Tag Team Champions The Usos! Both teams are looking to regain some momentum. Then we will see the newer team of Finn Balor and Sheamus, collectively known as The Celtic Demons, taking on one of the most decorated tag teams in the history of professional wrestling: The Dudley Boys. Which two of these four teams will be headed to WrestleMania?


-Make sure you tune in to Monday Night Raw from the beginning because we are going to be kicking things off with the Icon, The Vigilante known as Sting. He is sure to have some words to say about his upcoming WrestleMania match against Triple H. With The Authority on-hand, who knows what will happen as Monday Night Raw kicks off.


-Plus Big Show faces Jack Swagger, the return of Mark Henry and more!


Prediction Listing


Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

Miz & Mizdow vs. The Usos



Big Show vs. Jack Swagger



Curtis Axel vs. Erick Rowan



Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

The Celtic Demons (Finn Balor and Sheamus) vs. The Dudley Boys



Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee and Natalya



Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

Miz & Mizdow vs. The Usos



Big Show vs. Jack Swagger



Curtis Axel vs. Erick Rowan



Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

The Celtic Demons (Finn Balor and Sheamus) vs. The Dudley Boys

Comments: Good team to put them over.


Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee and Natalya



Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. The Rock

Comments: DQ Win.

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Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

Miz & Mizdow vs. The Usos



Big Show vs. Jack Swagger



Curtis Axel vs. Erick Rowan



Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

The Celtic Demons (Finn Balor and Sheamus) vs. The Dudley Boys



Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee and Natalya



Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. The Rock

Comments: DQ Win

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Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

Miz & Mizdow vs. The Usos



Big Show vs. Jack Swagger



Curtis Axel vs. Erick Rowan



Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

The Celtic Demons (Finn Balor and Sheamus) vs. The Dudley Boys



Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee and Natalya



Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:

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Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

Miz & Mizdow vs. The Usos

Comments: Miz vs Dow for WrestleMania!


Big Show vs. Jack Swagger

Comments: I could see you putting Show over a few times before WM in order to help sell a big chance for him in the Andre battle royal.


Curtis Axel vs. Erick Rowan

Comments: AxelMania runs into a viking roadblock.


Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

The Celtic Demons (Finn Balor and Sheamus) vs. The Dudley Boys

Comments: This is my pick to win the whole thing.


Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee and Natalya

Comments: AJ can lay on the floor for 14 minutes while the rest of the match goes on.


Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton

Comments: Bray has a much bigger story going on.


WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. The Rock

Comments: This will put Rusev over BIG TIME, though I doubt it will go cleanly.


Fun Fan Signs:

Irish Carbomb!


Comments On Last Show: I want to give a special callout to the Bray stuff going on here as of late. It's been really interesting, and I can't wait to see what you do with Kane involved.

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Prediction Listing


Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

Miz & Mizdow vs. The Usos



Big Show vs. Jack Swagger



Curtis Axel vs. Erick Rowan



Winners Move On To Fatal Fourway WWE World Tag Team Titles Match At WrestleMania

The Celtic Demons (Finn Balor and Sheamus) vs. The Dudley Boys



Gail Kim and Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee and Natalya



Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs: Rusev........CHOP ROCKY'S HEAD OFF!

The Celtic Demons? More like the Celtics Creatins!

Bray Wyatt has a face only Bigfoot could love.


Comments On Last Show:

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