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Mods by Fleisch

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Thank you so much for creating this mod, it makes the game so much fun. It's greatly appreciated and I swear by your roster updates.


One note, not really a big note, but a note, New Jack has unretired... Not sure if he's actually working anywhere yet.

Thank you very much. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I shall look into maybe adding New Jack. Was never a fan but if he's full time he might be worth me adding.



InsaneDragon2k7, here's Kevin Kross.



Also, just found out that HUSTLE Kamen Orange wasn't portrayed by Kota Ibushi and was in fact Kazuchika Okada under the mask. I've changed it for next time, but if like me you want alter egos to be correct then that's one you'll need to change.

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thanks...i very much appreciate what u have done for me.

You mean what he has done for the community? Fleisch works on these mods so people can enjoy them, not just one person. This is just me nitpicking here, so dont be offended, and I am sorry if I offended you :)


Anyway, onto the juicy bits! The Great Kojika (the owner of BJW), Kankuro Hoshino, and Masato Inaba won the Yokohama Shopping Street 6-man Tag Team Championship (longest title ever...) back in July. This is a rare belt, dont think it has been contested yet, so I would probs put it as a defunct belt just in case!


Also, great update! Just drafted in Atsushi Onita into BJW! Oh man, he is causing havoc!

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Quick Update: 2001 Retold


So far I have completed CMLL, WWF & WCW. There are a random bunch of other workers I've done as and when I've found good alter ego pictures (like Muta) so the count on alter egos currently stands at 612 (all with pics) as well as 196 ager pics. I'm not even half way through - in fact I'm probably only at 15% of workers done, plus I'll be adding more so that you can run the data up until modern day and beyond.


I'd like to stress, this is probably one of the biggest tasks I've undertaken so when it comes to a release I can't give a date, or even a rough guess. All I know is, I've put so many hours into it, I'll not be giving up unless something drastic happens.

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Quick Update: 2001 Retold


So far I have completed CMLL, WWF & WCW. There are a random bunch of other workers I've done as and when I've found good alter ego pictures (like Muta) so the count on alter egos currently stands at 612 (all with pics) as well as 196 ager pics. I'm not even half way through - in fact I'm probably only at 15% of workers done, plus I'll be adding more so that you can run the data up until modern day and beyond.


I'd like to stress, this is probably one of the biggest tasks I've undertaken so when it comes to a release I can't give a date, or even a rough guess. All I know is, I've put so many hours into it, I'll not be giving up unless something drastic happens.


Very excited for this. You're the best <3

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So pumped for your WCW 2001 revamp. I've booked that time period so much with Genadi's data and have a ton of ideas I can't wait to try out in a more wholly completed world. Thanks for the hard work as always!


I'm also playing RWC now. Best release yet. Here are some (mostly WWE) things I've noticed:


-Ambrose and Orton are both working the "Loose Cannon" gimmick which is set as Unique. With "The Viper" in the data may as well give Orton that. Speaking of the "Loose Cannon" gimmick, while it's definitely hard to pull off in real life I think maybe the requirements may be a bit too high. Especially in this data which is more conservative/realistic with stats.

-The "Old School Heel" gimmick would maybe be better as Weasel than Gimmicky? Gimmicky gets penalties and Old School Heels still work well today when done correctly. Weasel just suits it more too, honestly.

-Maybe give Mark Henry a Gatekeeper clause in his contract like Kane and Big Show have. He's in that same role now even moreso than the other two. He's around so little that he wouldn't look out of place as an Occasional Wrestler either.

-Dudleys would make good Gatekeepers too. Really any of the nostalgia acts that come and go these days would. Always good to have a few Gatekeepers around to get talent over.

-Kevin Owens definitely needs higher Weasel and Brute performance ratings because he's so good at both. His regular stats seem a bit low too, especially in regards to his microphone work which has improved so much in WWE. Just a thought, but as always stats are on you.

-Heath Slater also needs higher Weasel stats. He's one of the best I've ever seen at that kind of act. Maybe a gimmick change too because Rock Star is set as Cool and he's more Comedy/Weasel. Something like "Putz" would be fine. Or even a new "Wanna Be Rock Star" gimmick.

-Stardust is auto pushing as a main eventer. Maybe bump him down a bit in terms of overness?

-Cesaro could probably use at least a slight boost in overness. He's finally getting utilized and the crowds seem more solidly behind him now.

-Layla's retiring so maybe remove her WWE deal and set her to out of the business.

-I think Diego and Fernando are heels now. Didn't they beat up El Torito?


Anddddd lastly, here's a current Seth Rollins pic for people since the RWC picture pack doesn't have one. Feel free to use it in the data if you'd like, Fleisch.


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Thanks for all the feedback and fixes. I shall get those added to my list of things to fix/update for next time.


Another quick note for the 2001 Reborn, I've decided to go in both feet first and rehaul the gimmicks of every single worker using Mammoths excellent gimmick file. This will add some time as I've got to go back through the guys I'd already done and redo their gimmicks, however I figured I'm going to have to go into everyone anyway to re-link pictures, add alter egos, stat tweak and the like so I may as well redo the gimmicks.


This is one of my favourite mods and if I didn't enjoy playing it I wouldn't even attempt this sort of update on it, but I do and so I will!

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Another quick note for the 2001 Reborn, I've decided to go in both feet first and rehaul the gimmicks of every single worker using Mammoths excellent gimmick file. This will add some time as I've got to go back through the guys I'd already done and redo their gimmicks, however I figured I'm going to have to go into everyone anyway to re-link pictures, add alter egos, stat tweak and the like so I may as well redo the gimmicks.!


This...this just excited me way too much

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In the worst kept unit move since I've been hardcore following Dragon Gate, Flamita is now officially a member of Dia Hearts.


Also, based on how things are going, I'd add a team for Dragon Kid & Flamita. They teamed in the SATL and now they're getting a shot at the Twin Gate titles.

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Thanks for all the feedback and fixes. I shall get those added to my list of things to fix/update for next time.


Another quick note for the 2001 Reborn, I've decided to go in both feet first and rehaul the gimmicks of every single worker using Mammoths excellent gimmick file. This will add some time as I've got to go back through the guys I'd already done and redo their gimmicks, however I figured I'm going to have to go into everyone anyway to re-link pictures, add alter egos, stat tweak and the like so I may as well redo the gimmicks.


This is one of my favourite mods and if I didn't enjoy playing it I wouldn't even attempt this sort of update on it, but I do and so I will!


I've been waiting for a well done mode that can be brought into the modern times with a deep roster so I am definitely keeping my eye on this.

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DRAGON GATE SPOILERS BELOW (The show that's on is a PPV show so not entirely sure if people will be watching it after its done)


- Mr Kyu Kyu Naoki Tanizaki Toyonaka Dolphin is no more. It's now Naoki Tanizaki.

- Tanizaki has turned on the Jimmyz and joined VerserK making the VerserK line-up consist of Shingo, Doi, YAMATO, Cyber Kong, Kotoka, Mondai Ryu and Tanizaki.

- Not something for TEW but Kagetora has darker hair and a beard and it looks damn fine.

- End of the show is crazy. Punch Tominaga is now definitely a face.

- CIMA, Gamma, Eita, Punch, El Lindaman and the two new young boys Takehiro Yanemura & Kaito Ishida are in a new, as of yet unnamed unit.

- Don Fujii has joined the Jimmyz.

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-Finn Balor and Samoa Joe won the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Not actually watched this yet, so I can not confirm it, but this is what I keep hearing, and it is listed on Wikipedia.

-Asuka finally debuted last night at TakeOver:Respect

-I would put Bayley (and the other four horsewomen in Charlotte, Sasha Banks, and Becky Lynch) more over now; this divas revolution is setting the crowd on fire!

-Sarah Stock recently said she would not mind wrestling for NXT whilst training the talent; I would add her as an occasional wrestler.

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This re-assigning gimmicks for the 2001 mod is really a lot of work! I've spent 2 hours on it today and only managed workers beginning with A & B as well as the full WWF roster. All those now have gimmicks assigned to their default, contract and any alter-egos. That's probably around 100-200 workers done with 1500+ to go! Daunting, yes, worth it, most definitely!


I'm going to take a break and when I get my motivation back I shall start on WCW and then CMLL...


Thanks for the feedback on the Chronicles data, I'll get the fixes and updates done soon. I may not get a November set out to you because I'm working on the 2001 mod as well, but hopefully (fingers crossed) I will get something out by December for Chronicles. Please don't ask for any more promotions though as there is no way I'll have time to research things this month. :)

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I have always loved your mods and just recently downloaded the diablo mod and I LOVE IT! I was just wondering do you have any pictures that were cut that you did not include in the data? I was hoping for like Hawkeye and Falcon or something along those lines. If not no big deal, I will find one and post a request in one of the other forum posts, but I just really like the style that you cut them in. Thanks for all your hard work!
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I have always loved your mods and just recently downloaded the diablo mod and I LOVE IT! I was just wondering do you have any pictures that were cut that you did not include in the data? I was hoping for like Hawkeye and Falcon or something along those lines. If not no big deal, I will find one and post a request in one of the other forum posts, but I just really like the style that you cut them in. Thanks for all your hard work!

I do indeed. Diablo X is getting little updates here and there. Also I guess whilst I'm at it. 3 new logos to use at the bottom too.



2 x Hawkeye



2x Falcon


New Logos for Diablo X


These replace logos for Guilty Gear Wrestling Federation, Dead or Alive & King of Fighters.

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