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The ZEN Five


ZEN: Art Of Wrestling is the first (and only!) wrestling promotion located in New Zealand! The company was founded by Halloween Knight, a local wrestler who got together with three fellow wrestlers and a loyal referee friend to fund ZEN's first show back in October 2007. Within a few months, ZEN was running with a full roster and running shows every month to anyone who would show. ZEN prides itself in providing top notch family-friendly entertainment as well as some of the best in-ring action that New Zealand has to offer. Our goal is to spread the passion of professional wrestling throughout New Zealand with the various fighting styles our roster has. As we draw closer to the premiere of Season 7, we are pleased to announce a ton of returning faces as well as some new faces that we are very excited for and we hope that you will be as well.






Nearly two years after opening ZEN, Halloween Knight opened the ZEN Temple Dojo in an attempt to help make the dream of becoming a professional wrestler a reality in New Zealand. Halloween Knight serves as the head trainer along with other ZEN veterans helping teach the classes their own unique style. The major benefit of attending the ZEN Temple Dojo is that many of the graduates are featured monthly as they gradually improve their skills in front of a live audience while continuing their training. If you're interested in joining the ZEN Temple Dojo, please send an email to Halloween Knight. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week.




The Future






ZEN Master Championship

Current: Super Zero

Defences: 4

Previous Champion: Necromancer (x2)





ZEN Conceptual Championship

Current: Pink Spider

Defences: 4

Previous Champion: Pumpkin Jack





ZEN Harmony Championships

Current: Goatees With Attitude (C-W-A & Mirror Universe John Gordon) (x3)

Defences: 0

Previous Champions: The ZEN Dojo Bros. (Killer B & SubUrban Legend)




Name: ZEN: Art Of Wrestling

Founded: October 2007

Owner: Halloween Knight

Booker: Necromancer

Size: Small

Location: New Zealand





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Super Zero - The Expressionless Wonder!

Stats: 5'8" - ??? lbs. - 5 years experience

Style: Silent, Judgmental Technical Junior

Finishing Move: Holding Out For A Zero (Achilles Lock)



Devilfish - The Multi-Coloured Master Of Mischief!

Affiliation: Heroes of ZEN

Stats: 5'6" - 170 lbs. - 5 years experience

Style: High-Flying Fish Out of Water

Finishing Move: Fish Finger Shuffle (Shooting Star Press)



X-Calibre - The Mean Green Springboard Machine!

Affiliation: X-War, Heroes of ZEN

Stats: 5'5" - 164 lbs. - 6 years experience

Style: Lucha Inspired High-Flyer

Finishing Move: Springboard 450



Man O' War - The Avenger From The Ocean!

Affiliation: X-War, Heroes of ZEN

Stats: 5'7" - 168 lbs. - 7 years experience

Style: Oceanic Luchador

Finishing Move: Neptune's Trident (Top Rope Spear)



Pumpkin Jack - The Tricky Treat!

Stats: 5'8" - 171 lbs. - 6 years experience

Style: Carving Down Grapples

Finishing Moves: Orange Bowl (Headlock Driver), PumpkinHandle Suplex (Pumphandle Suplex)



Vertigo - The Artist Of The Airways!

Stats: 5'7" - 166 lbs. - 6 years experience

Style: Altitude Based Warrior

Finishing Move: Radar Legdrop (Houston Hangover)



Shaolin - The Funky Warrior Monk!

Stats: 5'6" - 161 lbs. - 6 years experience

Style: Ancient Funkedelic Striker

Finishing Move: Death Touch (Crane Kick)



Killer B - The Yellow And Black Attack!

Affiliation: The ZEN Dojo Bros.

Stats: 5'6" - 158 lbs. - 2 years experience

Style: Float Like A Bee, Sting Like A Butterfly

Finishing Move: B-Sting (Superkick)



SubUrban Legend - The Funkin' Flyboy!

Affiliation: The ZEN Dojo Bros.

Stats: 5'9" - 180 lbs. - 2 years experience

Style: Wu-Tang Style

Finishing Move: Legend Killer (Zig Zag)



Francis Burke - The Harbinger of Peace!

Stats: 5'10" - 191 lbs. - 6 years experience

Style: Flower Power

Finishing Move: Flying Flip Neckbreaker



The Boss - The Dude You Don't Wanna Cross!

Stats: 5'8" - 182 lbs. - 6 years experience

Style: Laid Back Athlete

Finishing Move: Crossing The Boss (630° senton)



Blue Flea - The Unsquashable Rookie Sensation!

Stats: 5'5" - 147 lbs. - Rookie

Style: Mighty Mite Flyer

Finishing Move: Flea For Your Lives (Tornado DDT)





Halloween Knight - The Godfather Of Ghouls!

Affiliation: F.E.A.R., The Dark Knights

Stats: 5'7" - 165 lbs. - 7 years experience

Style: High-Flying Lucha With Some Technical Influence

Finishing Move: Pumpkin Patch (Ripcord Roaring Elbow)



Necromancer - The Monochrome Menace!

Affiliation: F.E.A.R., The Dark Knights

Stats: 5'8" - 180 lbs. - 7 years experience

Style: Daredevil technician

Finishing Move: Death Scream (Bizarro Driver)



Cyanide - The Merciless Mat Masochist!

Affiliation: F.E.A.R., The Enemy

Stats: 5'7" - 185 lbs. - 7 years experience

Style: No Regard For Human Life Mat Technician

Finishing Move: Skull Splitter (Omoplata Crossface)



Massacre - The Mighty Miserable Mauler!

Affiliation: F.E.A.R., The Enemy

Stats: 6'4" - 300 lbs. - 8 years experience

Style: Headbutting Samoan Powerhouse

Finishing Move: Black Descent (Black Hole Slam)




Pink Spider - The Aggravating Arachnid!

Stats: 5'6" - 155 lbs. - 3 years experience

Style: Smooth Spider-like Luchador

Finishing Move: Spider Bite (Springboard Reverse Frankensteiner)




Mirror Universe John Gordon - The Shadow Of His Former Self!

Affiliation: Goatee With Attitude

Stats: 6'0" - 197 lbs. - 5 years experience

Style: EVIL Natural Wrestler

Finishing Move: Goatee Driver (Package Piledriver)




C-W-A - The Reaper With The Shiny Red Nose!

Affiliation: Goatee With Attitude

Stats: 5'11" - 189 lbs. - 8 years experience

Style: Straight Outta Clown School

Finishing Move: Clown Killer Deluxe (Electric Chair Facebuster)



Jester - The Mirthless Manhunter!

Stats: 5'7" - 169 lbs. - 6 years experience

Style: Chair Swingin' Maniac

Finishing Move: The Punchline (Pendulum Lariat)



Azazel - The Lone Wolf!

Stats: 5'5" - 162 lbs. - 1 year experience

Style: Lonely, But Deadly

Finishing Move: Double Knee Press



Damian Dastardly - The Diabolic And Dastardly!

Stats: 5'8" - 174 lbs. - 1 year experience

Style: Looks And Moves That Kill

Finishing Move: Dastardly Cunning Suplex (Bridging X-Plex)



HalloWarped - The Futuristic Phenom!

Stats: 5'8" - 188 lbs. - 2 years experience

Style: Fluid Robotic Technician

Finishing Move: Warp Speed (Shining Wizard)



Pink Parasite - The Trouble Making Youngster!

Stats: 5'6" - 148 lbs. - Rookie

Style: Jack Of All Trades

Finishing Move: Para-Lyser (Brainbuster)



Toady - The Prince Of The Pond!

Stats: 5'7" - 155 lbs. - 3 years experience

Style: Amphibian Leap Frog

Finishing Move: Toad Splash (Corkscrew 450 Splash)





Classy Paul Massey - The Classiest Man Of The Year 1987-2014!

Duties: Classy up the joint, help wrestlers, watches matches.



Guru Vishni - The High Priest Of Enlightenment, Tranquillity, And Low Blows!

Duties: Manages John Gordon and Damian Dastardly, steals candy from babies.



Molly Cuddle - The Girl Next Door!

Duties: Valet for Vertigo. Also very cute.



Sparky Sparks - The Maker Of Baked Goods!

Duties: Bakes goods for everyone. Calls matches from time-to-time. Mostly bakes goods though.



Steven Yale - The Official (Blind) Referee!

Duties: Refs the matches. Often hits people with walking cane.



The Alex Arturro Experience - The Funny Human Of ZEN!

Duties: Colour commentatoring stuff. Tells jokes. A real funny guy.

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YES! YES! YES! I love me some ZEN!

So do I!

Nice to see these guys I know little about finally get some love.

Hopefully I can entertain with them. I love ZEN.

So on board with this Huntman. Looking forward to seeing this unfold! :D

I'm excited to see you here!


It's been awhile since I posted about a ZEN dynasty in the preview thread (7 months to be exact) and I started getting into TEW again over my winter break. So I guess it wasn't long before this project came back to life with a few tweaks here and there. Thanks for all of the responses so far guys and I hope you enjoy Season 7!

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Being a kiwi, I love me some ZEN. Subscribed :)


Glad to have you on board!










F.E.A.R.'s reign of terror with the ZEN Master Championship came to an end last season when Super Zero managed to defeat every member of F.E.A.R. on his silent path to gold and it was at Way Of The Jester when Zero finally overthrew Necromancer. But you didn't really think F.E.A.R. would give up so easily, did you? Of course not! Not when Halloween Knight is lurking around with the chance to redeem F.E.A.R.'s name and tarnish the mysterious Super Zero's reputation at the same time. With a young Season 7 in front of us, the rivalry between these two has only just begun.




Losing the ZEN Master Championship in Season 6 certainly put a damper on Necromancer's path of destruction in ZEN, but he has stepped back to allow the leader of F.E.A.R. to bring their evil faction back to the top. Now Necromancer has set his sights on destroying the heroes of ZEN and who better than one of the ZEN originals? X-Calibre was determined to win the ZEN Master Championship last season, but after a series of brutal attacks from F.E.A.R. throughout various matches, Calibre decided to put ZEN before himself. Questions started to fly around regarding X-Calibre's true motives, but time and time again he's insisted that he strictly wants to prevent F.E.A.R. from causing anymore trouble in ZEN and he's not alone.




The rather odd pairing of Devilfish and Man O'War started late last season when The Enemy of F.E.A.R. had become too much of a menace in the ZEN Master Championship scene. Alongside Halloween Knight, Cyanide and Massacre hardly tried to disguise their attempts at making sure Necromancer remained champ. It wasn't a surprise to see X-Calibre, Devilfish, and Man O'War align with one another in an effort to prevent a screwy outcome during Super Zero and Necromancer's match. Now the so called "Heroes of ZEN" have made a pact to eliminate F.E.A.R. once and for all. One has to wonder where Super Zero falls in with this brewing war, but he's remained silent over the whole ordeal as he seems determined to just stay the champion.





Goatees With Attitude or GWA for short made it no secret that they had a strong dislike for Killer B and SubUrban Legend, also known as the ZEN Dojo Bros. The ZEN Dojo Bros. enjoyed a brief two month reign as ZEN Harmony Champions before GWA made short work of the team. Looking to either regain the Harmony Championships or at the very least earn the respect of GWA, Killer B and SubUrban have made a strong push in order to receive another chance at the belts in Season 7. Of course, that's easier said than done with Guru Vishni lurking in the corner of the champs.





In a match that many saw as an upset victory last season was Pink Spider defeating Pumpkin Jack for the ZEN Conceptual Championship with some questionable tactics. The fabulous Pink Spider silenced the critics a bit by defending the title 4 times last season and while many don't approve of his methods; they do respect him as a credible champion. Well, nearly everyone. Not many are offended by the wacky antics of the "Funky Warrior Monk" of ZEN known as Shaolin as he often makes a brief cameo appearance in his fellow competitors' segments. That is until he showed up behind Pink Spider for the first time last season. Shaolin's harmless prank may result in his ultimate downfall as Spider has vowed to end the dancing days of the former ZEN Conceptual Champion.




Francis Burke made his first appearance at the Season 6 finale as a fellow athlete watching in the crowd. As every wrestler made their way to the ring that night, Burke was there handing out a flower to the competitors (and as you can imagine, some didn't quite know how to react to that). So it came as a bit of a surprise when Guru Vishni sent Damian Dastardly to attack Burke in the crowd that night. Vishni's reasoning behind this was that the act of handing someone a flower was not done out of the kindness of his heart, but Burke's way of creating an army of his own. Despite Francis trying to clear the air between both parties, it's clear that this budding feud won't be settled so easily.

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Sitting at the Knight’s table are four men draped in a mysterious shadow. While it isn’t clear to see their faces, it is very easy to tell just who these four men are. The main figure at the top of the stable slowly stands to address his foot soldiers


“We’ve come so far only to get held back time and time again by X-Calibre and his menacing little skeleton crew of ‘heroes’. Just take a look at the past year and study what happened to us! We once stood mighty and powerful in ZEN. We stood above the rest! But now? Necromancer, we watched you lose the ZEN Master Championship to Super Zero. Cyanide and Massacre, you’ve been rather absent from the ZEN Harmony Championship scene. As for me? Well, I’ve been sitting on the sidelines long enough. Please do not be mistaken. My absence and failure last year was just as crucial as each and everyone one of you. Don’t mistake my words for blame, my fiends, the sacrifices and struggles we had to endure were simply just a trial for us. The flames of despair that danced around us will be extinguished this year!”


The remaining three soldiers sitting in silence nod in unison after hearing their leader speak


“This year? We’ve got a battle on two fronts that we must focus on. I, much like the majority of the ghouls who lurk these shadows, are sickened by watching X-Calibre play the ‘hero’ to all of these people! F.E.A.R. knows what his true motives are and it’s not to eliminate us or to bring peace to ZEN. It’s to bring the ZEN Master Championship to himself. Just think about it my monsters. X-Calibre has been a pest since day one of ZEN and he’s captured every title except for one.”


Halloween Knight stays silent for a few brief seconds to allow his point to sink in with the rest of F.E.A.R.


“That’s why I must challenge Super Zero for his title. When I take him down and the darkness reclaims the land of ZEN, we will have the upper hand against these pitiful mortals. Necromancer, I put my faith into you to slow down X-Calibre while he tries his hardest to defeat ‘evil’ and ‘save ZEN’. Cyanide and Massacre, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, I give you two the task of slowing down X-Calibre’s blind allies. Devilfish and Man O’War. And don’t you worry about what I’ve got to do in order to defeat Super Zero. For I’ve got one trick up my sleeve.”


Knight lets out a menacing cackle as the rest of F.E.A.R. joins along in a round of evil laughter. As the four men leave the table, a lone candle suddenly lights…marking a fifth chair









Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite



The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly



The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump



Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider



Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer




Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite



The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly



The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump



Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider



Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer



ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight


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Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite



The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly



The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump



Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider



Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer



ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight


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Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite



The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly



The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump



Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider



Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer



ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight


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Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite



The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly



The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump



Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider



Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer



ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight


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Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite



The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly



The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump



Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider



Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer



ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight


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Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite

Comment: Blue Flea is the ultimate jobber. Parasite has slightly more upside. And he's pink. Pink > Blue.


The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly

Comment: Damian Dastardly is the best.


The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump

Comment: Toady lets the team down.


Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider

Comment: Pink Spider is a great character. Vertigo is a dick. Do the math ZENiverse!


Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer



ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight


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Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite


The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly


The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump


Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider


Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester


X-Calibre vs. Necromancer


ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight

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Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite

Comment: The Flea can fly around, but pinning people is against his very weird religion...


The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly

Comment: I love me some Dastardly.


The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump

Comment: As former champs, I think they get a chance to get a win since their feud with GWA will continue.


Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider

Comment: I know dealing with him backstage sucks, but in a non-title clash, the challenger generally comes out victorious.


Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester

Comment: I like his mask.


X-Calibre vs. Necromancer

Comment: Score the first one for the bad guys.


ZEN Master Championship Match

Super Zero © vs. Halloween Knight

Comment: A DQ win keeps the belt but hurts the spirit. Introducing the 5th member of F.E.A.R....

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  • 1 month later...






Blue Flea vs. Pink Parasite


A quick paced match between the two ZEN rookies kicks off Season 7


Not playing to his strengths, Pink Parasite is able to use his actual strength to overpower Blue Flea


The fans try their hardest to get behind the obvious underdog of the match


But it just isn't enough as Parasite hits the Para-Lyser for the victory


Pink Parasite defeated Blue Flea in 6:07 by pinfall with a Para-Lyser



The Boss vs. Damian Dastardly


The Boss (formerly known as Adgee Cross) made his debut for ZEN against one of Guru Vishni's own


And it definitely wasn't a fair fight with the Guru watching on


Despite Vishni's antics, The Boss managed to put up a strong showing


At one point, The Boss was setting up for his finisher, but Steven Yale missed Vishni pushing The Boss off the turnbuckle


Causing him to get taken out by the Dastardly Cunning Suplex


Damian Dastardly defeated The Boss in 7:40 by pinfall with a Dastardly Cunning Suplex




As soon as the match had come to a close, Guru Vishni was already barking orders at Damian to continue the punishment! The ZEN faithful in the audience watched in horror as the already defeated Boss was hit with yet another Dastardly Cunning Suplex. At least The Boss could rest easy knowing tha-OH NO! Vishni is ordering Damian to hit him with one more suplex! Somebody has to put an end to this!




And someone named Francis Burke does just that! Running out to the ring, the Harbinger of Peace quickly clears Vishni and Damian out of the ring while he tends to the fallen Boss. Burke may be a man of peace, but heinous acts like this need to be stopped. We've yet to see Francis Burke compete in a ZEN ring and tonight just might have changed that as the rather peaceful man is looking ticked off tonight. Francis helps The Boss to the back as the ZEN Dojo Bros. make their way out to the ring, also taking the chance to check on The Boss' well being.



The ZEN Dojo Bros. vs. Warp-Jump


Killer B and HalloWarped start off the match with HalloWarped controlling early on


HalloWarped may only have a year of experience on Killer B, but it's clear that the technical skills he possesses are too much for Killer B


Many times we saw Killer B come within inches of tapping out, but by some miracle, he was able to break every hold


Finally, the hot tag to SubUrban Legend was made as he launched into the ring with a springboard dropkick that nearly sent HalloWarped out of the ring


HalloWarped managed to reel himself back into the match and get on even terms with SubUrban


Starting to feel the effects of the match, HalloWarped made a tag to Toady


Leaping over the rope and ready to take fight, Toady made a sudden stop before grappling with SubUrban


Surprising nearly everyone, Toady tagged HalloWarped and tossed him back into the ring before making his own exit!


SubUrban looked at Killer B in confusion before taking the chance to capitalize and hit the stunned HalloWarped with a Legend Killer


The ZEN Dojo Bros. defeated Warp-Jump in 8:01 by pinfall via a Legend Killer




Backstage we're treated to a promo from the ZEN Conceptual Champion himself, but a bit of paranoia seems to have overcome the champ as he is constantly checking his surroundings for any sign of Shaolin. Feeling that it's safe to speak without interruption, Pink Spider does so...


"There's a lot of ugly human beings out in that audience tonight. There's an even uglier bunch of 'wrestlers' backstage! It sickens me that I have to share the same locker room with these goons yet alone the same ring! I clearly outclass them, I look better than them, and I'm the best wrestler in ZEN today! Go ahead and check all of the websites, mate, you'll see that I'm the best athlete alive today! Who else can do a calender photo shoot one night and then defend their championship the next? I'll answer that for you. None. Except me. And the answer is always me. Who is going to be the ZEN Master Champion by the end of Season 7? Pink Spider. Who is going to the very first and ONLY entrant into the ZEN Hall of Fame? Pink Spider. And who is going to beat and break AND SNAP OFF Shaolin's dancing legs? Pink. Spider!"


"Unfortunately, I won't be able to do just that to Shaolin. Not yet anyways. For tonight I'll be taking on man who is nothing more than just a glorified tag team wrestler. Vertigo may have held the ZEN Conceptual Championship before me, but do you really think for a minute that means anything to me? Because everyone who held this belt before me is a nobody. And everybody who will hold this belt after I move on to greater things will be a nobody!"


And speaking of past ZEN Conceptual Champions, Shaolin makes an appearance! The dancing ninja pokes his head into the side of the frame, but quickly disappears when Spider snaps his head to the side


"Was that...ugh...NEVERMIND!"


And with that, Pink Spider heads out from the back to prepare for his match



Non-Title Match

Vertigo vs. Pink Spider


Heated from his segment earlier, Pink Spider is quickly on the attack, but the ZEN veteran is able to use his anger against him


Vertigo has some early dominance with some fast paced strikes that Spider wasn't prepared for


The tides begin to even out again as Pink Spider blinds Vertigo with a cheap eye poke


Molly Cuddle shouts words of support, but they don't seem to be helping much


Out of nowhere, Vertigo hits Spider with a crisp superkick that sends the Conceptual champ into the corner


Not wasting anytime, Vertigo hits a corner dropkick on Spider that puts him on the mat


Heading up to the top rope, Vertigo prepares for the Radar Legdrop and he takes off!


But Spider manages to roll out of the way at the last minute!


Quickly scrambling to the ropes, Pink Spider waits for the dazed Vertigo to stand up...


Molly screams at her client, but he can't hear it as it's too late with the champ hitting the Spider Bite


Pink Spider defeated Vertigo in 10:29 via pinfall by a Spider Bite




After the match, Molly Cuddle climbs into the ring to check on Vertigo and offers to help him to his feet. Vertigo just shakes his head and rolls out of the ring under his own power. Cuddle looks a bit upset, but puts on a happy face for the ZEN crowd and waves before heading off to the back.






Again, we jump backstage to the mysterious lair of Halloween Knight and the rest of F.E.A.R., but the challenger for the ZEN Master Championship is alone this evening. A dark, brooding red light casts down upon him as he begins to speak


"It is I! The great and devious Halloween Knight! Oh, it's such a wicked night here in ZEN, can't you feel it, children? The despair of watching all of your little favorites get CRUSHED by the forces of evil! And there's nothing you can do to stop us! It's a mystery how you 'fans' can support your 'heroes' after they let you down time and time again. Me? I do not make promises that I can't follow through with. Things may never go my way immediately, but in the long run, that's where it counts. Any fool can win a championship on any given night, but it takes skill to win that belt and hold onto it for as long as you can. To gain ultimate power. To gain the ultimate ZEN."


"And I will expose Super Zero for the fluke that he is! He has gotten lucky in the past, but he has never faced Halloween Knight for that championship! How often do you see a match where the champion comes in as the underdog? Well, I'll let you in on a ghoulish truth...you'll be seeing that tonight when I, Halloween Knight, destroy Super Zero once and for all! He's been a menace to the plans of F.E.A.R. before in the past and I will no longer allow him to stop us from achieving our maximum potential! Tonight is the night when the ZEN Master Championship slithers back into the hands of F.E.A.R."


A sinister cackle is let out by Halloween Knight as we cut back to the ring just in time for the next match



Pumpkin Jack vs. Jester


Many people thought that Jester would get lost in ZEN without his tag team partner, but quickly shows that he's just as strong of a singles competitor


Pumpkin Jack isn't a stranger to tricks and pranks, but Jester has been perfecting his arsenal just a bit longer in ZEN


And it shows as Jester isn't afraid to put his body on the line to pick up the win...if he even wants that at all


Early on in the match, Jester manages to get Pumpkin Jack out of the ring and follows that up with a suicide dive that nearly takes both men out for a count out


Once back in the ring, Jack hopped up onto his feet to deliver a sharp enziguri that swings the momentum


As the match progresses, we see a turn away from the traditional high flying skills that both men have and instead are treated to a series of stiff strikes from each party


Pumpkin Jack uses his kicks to the best of his ability, but Jester brushes them off and responds with some strong forearm strikes to Jack's skull


It's starting to look like Jester will win this war of strikes, but Jack pulls one last trick out of his bag with another enziguri that dazes Jester


Looking to end the match, Jack grabs onto the Manhunter and takes him down with the Orange Bowl!


Pumpkin Jack defeated Jester in 9:02 via pinfall by an Orange Bowl



X-Calibre vs. Necromancer


It's finally time for F.E.A.R. to make their presence felt in the ring for Season 7 as Necromancer gets ready for war against X-Calibre


X-Calibre spends the majority of the match trying to use his lightweight speed against Necromancer


But Necromancer manages to hold X-Calibre off with various quick holds that stalls any of Calibre's attacks


Stalemate after stalemate occurs throughout the match as Necromancer keeps X-Calibre at bay


Finally there's a change in the match as Necromancer reverses an attempted springboard hurricarana into a powerbomb and goes for a quick count


But no dice as X-Calibre breaks out after a one count


Near the end of the match, Necromancer gets thrown out of the ring by X-Calibre and while the ZEN Hero takes a breather, Necromancer can be seen retrieving an item from under the ring


Rolling back in the ring, Necromancer has what appears to be a book in his hand and he starts reading from it, chanting in an incoherent language as Steven Yale struggles to see what's going on


Having enough of this foolishness, X-Calibre goes to deck Necromancer with a punch, but he's frozen stiff! Necromancer tosses the book to the side and lets out a villainous laugh as X-Calibre screams


"What have you done?!"


Necromancer just wags his finger in front of X-Calibre's face and grabs him for the Death Scream, covering X-Calbire and letting out his signature primal scream in the process


Necromancer defeated X-Calibre in 10:56 via pinfall by a Death Scream


As X-Calibre appears to be still paralyzed, Necromancer just laughs as...




The Enemy begins making their way down to the ring! The fans understandably begin to boo as Halloween Knight's goons climb into the ring and start to prey upon the frozen X-Calibre. Massacre picks up Calibre only to bring him back down with the Black Descent and Cyanide follows that up with the Skull Splitter, nearly tearing the mask off of X-Calibre's face! The crowd watches in horror as they watch their ZEN favorite get torn apart, but finally some familiar faces rush out to save the day...




Having seen enough, Devilfish and Man O'War run down and clear the ring of F.E.A.R. as the crowd cheers them on. It appears as if Necromancer's spell has worn off on X-Calibre as he manages to pull himself back up to his feet with the aid of Devilfish and Man O'War. X-Calibre gets a round of applause from the ZEN faithful as he is able to leave the ring on his own will with Man O'War and Devilfish heading to the back alongside him




It's finally time for the main event of the evening as Super Zero is setting out to make his fifth title defense against Halloween Knight who is a three time ZEN Master Champion


The tension is high in the Temple as Halloween Knight is trying to play the mental game against Zero by getting in his face with threats and taunts before senior official Steven Yale manages to separate them into their own corners


The match begins with a fast dropkick to Zero's knees from Knight; trying his best to wear down Zero's speed and he doesn't stop there. Knight delivers kick after kick to Zero's left knee until he finally buckles


Super Zero is on one knee and Halloween Knight takes off the ropes looking for a possible shining wizard, but Zero manages to surprise with a huge dropsault that nearly knocks Knight out cold


The majority of this match consists of both men trying to wear down body parts with strikes and early holds


There's no argument about Halloween Knight's technical abilities, but it appears as if Zero is starting to irritate him by escaping or reversing Knight's holds


Knight slides out of the ring and in frustration picks up a chair from one of the fans. However, Halloween's attempt to bring the weapon back in is foiled due to a baseball slide from Zero


But Halloween Knight is fast to recover as he doesn't waste anytime using the environment as a weapon. A forearm strike dazes Zero and allows Knight to throw his opponent into the apron like a ragdoll


Zero appears to be in major trouble as Knight has got him set up for a powerbomb onto the apron, but the ZEN Master reverses it with a hurricanrana into the apron


Both men have gotten back into the ring and quickly get back into technical warfare


Holding Out For A Zero does get locked in, but Halloween Knight was close enough to the ropes before it inflicted any real damage


Looking to pick Knight back up, the champ gets blasted with a poke to the eyes by Knight somehow managing to fit his fingers into the slit of Super Zero's mask


Trying to shake off the attack doesn't fare well for Zero as he gets taken down to the mat with the Pumpkin Patch!


But it isn't enough to put the champ away!


Knight is on his feet trying to argue with Yale over the count and is completely ignoring his opponent


This, naturally, comes back to haunt him as Super Zero drives Knight's skull into the canvas from a tornado DDT


And with the challenger out, Zero locks in Holding Out For A Zero yet again and this time in the center of the ring


Knight manages to crawl close to the ropes, but can't quite reach them as he's forced to tap out


Super Zero defeated Halloween Knight in 13:20 via submission by Holding Out For A Zero


Super Zero celebrates (if you can call standing in the center of the ring holding onto the ZEN Master Championship with no expression and not really cheering a celebration) as Knight just shakes his head in disappointment. A few moments pass by before the ZEN faithful go silent and all that is heard is a maniacal laugh from Halloween Knight who is now slowly regaining his footing in the ring. Everyone, including Zero, are confused by Knight's reaction to losing the match, but his reasoning is figured out rather quickly. The lights in the Temple go out as an unknown commotion is heard in the ring. And finally, when the lights come back on




An unknown man towers over a fallen Super Zero with Halloween Knight standing right beside him; clutching the ZEN Master Championship in his grasp. The Heroes of ZEN try to make their way down into the ring, but are intercepted by the rest of F.E.A.R. and some steel chairs. The Enemy and Necromancer patrol the ring with steel chairs just to prevent anymore heroes trying to make the save as Knight is handed a microphone. Knight is handed a steel chair from the monster of a man next to him and promptly sets it up over the fallen body of Zero. The smile radiating from Knight's mask seems to be even wider as he sits on top of the steel chair




"Do you see what happens when you try to interfere with my plans?! Nobody defeats Halloween Knight! NOBODY! Zero, as you lay there on the mat, I hope you realize that you may have retained your championship tonight, but do you really think you can go toe-to-toe with my army?! Or my superior tactics?! I don't think so. Nor do I believe the pathetic 'Heroes of ZEN' can save the day. Take a look at their feeble attempt to try and save poor Zero. Taken down one by one by one. We already witnessed X-Calibre come short against Necromancer. And next month, I believe we'll be watching Cyanide and Massacre defeat Man O'War and Devilfish with the same ease Necromancer had. But don't let me forget about you, Zero. Answer my question and I'll simply let you walk right out of this ring! Are you ready? Of course you are! Zero...what happens when you try and divide Zero by...The Void!?"


Knight dangles the microphone in front of Zero's mask, but nothing is heard from the champ. Looking around the Temple with a mocking look, Halloween Knight just shrugs and tells Zero he had his chance. The monster known as The Void is taking instructions from the leader of F.E.A.R. who has now gotten up from his seat. The Void moves the chair around and hoists up the body of Super Zero. But before he can do any real damage, Halloween Knight stops him momentarily to place the ZEN Master Championship across the chair. Once set, Super Zero goes head first into the steel chair and belt by a powerbomb from The Void. The rest of F.E.A.R. climbs into the ring to celebrate their victory over the Heroes as the show comes to a close








Prediction Results:


Ayden - 6/7

MHero - 6/7

BigJay2003 - 5/7

Midnightnick - 5/7

Satyr24 - 5/7

Unscrewed - 5/7

Kitarzu - 4/7


Seven predictors, seven matches, but no perfects. If only! 777 can be a new storyline down the road.


Anyways, here are some stats about the night


Show Rating: 49

- Awesome first show! I don't really know what's a good average for a ZEN show, but I'm stoked with this result! Plus I'm a fan of being able to do low rated shows and still succeed. SCREW SWF!

Match of the Night Award: X-Calibre vs. Necromancer (55)

- Bit of a surprise, but a pleasant one nonetheless. Zero and Knight fell short with a 51 overall.

Segment of the Night Award: Halloween Knight's promo on Zero

Worst Match of the Night Award: Pink Parasite vs. Blue Flea

- A no brainer. God bless the jobber known as Flea. For those curious, Boss/Dastardly were runners up with a 32.


Chemistry Musings:

- Dastardly and The Boss have pretty good chemistry. With the impending Burke/Dastardly feud ahead, this bodes well if The Boss tries to get revenge.


OOC: Oh, would you look at that, nearly a month later. I think the match writing style burned me out for so long, so I'm definitely going to retool it for Way Of The Scholar. It looked way better in my head, but when executed, it looks really rough imo. So apologizes for that and the extreme delay. Classes are wrapping up really soon and I hope that will give me even more time to work on this as I really want to kick some butt with this dynasty and try to see how far I can go with ZEN. The second card should be up sometime today or tomorrow if all things go as planned. Possibly a recap/post-show thoughts as well.
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The Void - The Emotionless Psychopath!

Stats: 6'8" - 320 lbs. - 2 years experience

Style: Nightmarish Powerhouse

Finishing Move: The Nullifier (Release Powerbomb)



Dustin Down - Ursula's Favorite Wrestler!

Stats: 5'11" - 182 lbs. - Rookie

Style: Reach And Teach Striker

Finishing Move: Down-Town (Spinning Wheel Kick)






Located inside a bowling alley, The Boss and Francis Burke are seen tackling a lane together. The new friends bonded last month when Francis saved The Boss from any further damage at the hands of Damian Dastardly and his manager Guru Vishni. Both men are sitting on the chairs tallying up their score before Burke's turn


"Bro, how are you just gonna let Damian attack you like that, man, and not take any action?"


"Man, it's just not my thing. Thanks for the save though."


"Look, I get it, dude, I do. I'm all about flower power and trying to keep wrestling as peaceful as possible, but he crossed the line! I couldn't just watch someone as chill as you get attacked like that. It was just messing with my ZEN, bro."


"Is...is that supposed to be a pun?"


"A-what? No, bro, I'm just saying, Damian and his Guru pal are just like not cool. That's it!"


"What's it?"


"We're starting a revolution right now, bro! You and me! Me and you! I've already got the name planned out, ready? The Flower Power Express For A Peaceful Change In Professional Wrestling Against Guys Who Do Harm Against Chill Guys, Bro. Or FPEFACIPWAGWDHACG for short."


"Yeah, I don't think that's any shorter."


"Fair enough...how about...The Turning of Tie-Dyes!"


A giant smile is painted across Burke's face as The Boss just stares at him blankly for several seconds. An awkward silence generates between the two before The Boss finally answers


"Alright, man. That's fine. Speaking of turns, it's yours."


"Bro...bowling kind of sucks."


"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."






In the gym before the month's show, we find Molly Cuddle and Vertigo together. Vertigo is focused on running on the treadmill while Molly is standing still with her arms crossed. Vertigo is oblivious to Cuddle's anger until she loudly clears her throat to get his attention. Finally, Vertigo dials down the speed to a brisk walk and looks at his manager as she snaps at him


"Care to explain yourself for last month?"


"Look, I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the heat of the moment. You know how it goes. I just hate that Spider guy. Not to mention, I just got a little frustrated that you cost me the match, that's it."


Molly is dumbfounded by the last portion of Vertigo's excuse


"Excuse me?"


"What? I mean, you did! You were screaming and I thought someone was trying to kidnap or attack you! I was worried! I get caught off guard and BAM! Pink Spider walks away with the win. You can't argue with the facts, Molly. You were the last thing I heard before I was pinned. Were you not?"


"I was trying to warn yo-"


"Were you not? It's a simple question, Molly. Yes or no."






"Yes. I was the last thing you heard."


"Exactly. Now, look, every manager and client has their ups and downs. It's a given. I still need you more than ever. We've stuck it out for this long. Look, this month is a new month. Forget what happened at Way of the Dreamer. I like to think we've both learned a lot from that night and we've grown because of it. We're stronger now! Plus, you're the ultimate shield against C-W-A and his pies."


Molly cracks a smile and rolls her eyes


"Alright. Just water under the bridge."


"That's the spirit!"


Vertigo playfully ruffles Molly's hair before focusing back on his run. A faint smile still on Molly's face.









The Boss vs. The Void



Francis Burke vs. Azazel



Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite



Shaolin vs. Jester



Killer B vs. C-W-A



SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon



X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre


The Boss vs. The Void



Francis Burke vs. Azazel



Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite



Shaolin vs. Jester



Killer B vs. C-W-A



SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon



X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre


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The Boss vs. The Void

Comment: When in doubt, go with the big guy


Francis Burke vs. Azazel

Comment: Um.. Azazel is better than Burke


Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite

Comment: Vertigo way higher up in the pecking order


Shaolin vs. Jester

Comment: Shaolin is forever midcard


Killer B vs. C-W-A

Comment: The "1-2" split is on, and C-W-A is the unwilling victim


SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon

Comment: John Gordon is perpetually underrated


X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre

Comment: One is a stable, the other isn't

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The Boss vs. The Void



Francis Burke vs. Azazel



Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite



Shaolin vs. Jester



Killer B vs. C-W-A



SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon



X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre


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The Boss vs. The Void



Francis Burke vs. Azazel



Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite



Shaolin vs. Jester



Killer B vs. C-W-A



SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon



X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre


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The Boss vs. The Void



Francis Burke vs. Azazel



Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite



Shaolin vs. Jester



Killer B vs. C-W-A



SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon



X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre


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The Boss vs. The Void

Comment: The newest member of F.E.A.R won't be losing his first match.


Francis Burke vs. Azazel

Comment: Nor will Burke. That and for some reason I have always liked him.


Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite

Comment: A bad attitude in back, but too good of a performer to lose to someone like Parasite.


Shaolin vs. Jester

Comment: I go with the ninja if he is after Spider's title.


Killer B vs. C-W-A

Comment: I see a split on wins here between the teams and I think C-W-A is more likely to lose.


SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon

Comment: See above. :j


X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre

Comment: F.E.A.R. wins, but through dastardly means. No, not Damian Dastardly.

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