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[ZEN] If You're Reading This You're Already Masked

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love Zen. Hope to see more of this dynasty.


Ask and you shall receive! Finals finally (pun) ended for me last week and I've got the motivation to start writing again. I've got Way of the Scholar written and all that's left is some formatting and coding for the show. I've gotten some inspiration from other dynasties regarding formatting, layout, and what not, so I'm going to try out some new stuff.


I'm glad to see so many (even if they're older) predictions! As well as some interest in this coming back. Expect Way of the Scholar in roughly 12 hours give or take a few.

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Ask and you shall receive! Finals finally (pun) ended for me last week and I've got the motivation to start writing again. I've got Way of the Scholar written and all that's left is some formatting and coding for the show. I've gotten some inspiration from other dynasties regarding formatting, layout, and what not, so I'm going to try out some new stuff.


I'm glad to see so many (even if they're older) predictions! As well as some interest in this coming back. Expect Way of the Scholar in roughly 12 hours give or take a few.


Tell me about it regarding finals/last week of education stuff. It's the legit worst.


It also occurred to me I haven't thrown down my thoughts yet. Let's fix that.



The Boss vs. The Void

Francis Burke vs. Azazel

Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite


Shaolin vs. Jester

Comment: Creepy clown is creepy, more at 11.


Killer B vs. C-W-A

SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon

Comment: I like MUJG better the CWA and someone has to lose from the Dojo Bros.


X-War and Devilfish vs. The Dark Knights and Massacre

Comment: F.E.A.R. THE EVIL HEELS!~

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The Boss vs. The Void


Certainly not the match of the night by any stretch. The match served its purpose of showcasing the ultimate power and strength The Void possesses while The Boss continues his losing ways. The Boss' only offense came when he accidentally stepped on referee Steven Yale's foot. It wasn't much longer after that before The Void finished the match off for good with The Nullifier.


The Void defeated The Boss in 4:59 by pinfall via The Nullifier



Francis Burke vs. Azazel


Unlike his friend moments before, Burke managed to avoid the short straw tonight as he challenged Azazel in his debut in the ring. The match favored Burke for the most part as Azazel got in brief attacks from time to time. The match barely surpassed the opener in length as Francis picked up his first victory in ZEN following his Flying Flip Neckbreaker on Azazel.


Francis Burke defeated Azazel in 5:21 by pinfall via a Flying Flip Neckbreaker


Francis Burke celebrated his first victory here in ZEN, but it wouldn't be a proper celebration if someone didn't have something to say about it




Damian Dastardly made his presence felt after rushing the ring and attacking Burke from behind. Guru Vishni cheered on his client as Burke was dropped with a Dastardly Cunning Suplex. A small "Boss" chant broke out among the fans in hope that he would return the favor of saving his friend, but after a few moments, the fans gave up hope. Vishni laughed as Damian looked at the broken body of Francis Burke.



Vertigo vs. Pink Parasite


Another short match as the ZEN rookie took on a ZEN legend. Vertigo controlled the match and it seemed like everything was going smoothly between Molly and him. However, a new side of Vertigo that the ZEN faithful weren't familiar with began to show. Highlights slapping Parasite to start the match, a blatant choke (that Referee Yale failed to see), and Vertigo topped it all off with using the ropes as leverage to secure the victory. After the match, there was a look of disapproval across Molly Cuddle's face, but Vertigo was too busy celebrating his win to notice.


Vertigo defeated Pink Parasite in 5:50 via pinfall by a Radar Legdrop




The Heroes of ZEN stand together backstage as they look on at the camera; waiting to deliver a message for their opponents later on in the night. X-Calibre stands in the center and is the first to speak out


"F.E.A.R. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! For too long ZEN has lived with a lingering shadow of fear around it. Not a day goes by where people aren't cowering when they hear the name 'Halloween Knight' or any of his other clowns. Ever since the inception of ZEN, we've been plagued with these evil doers, but I say Season 7 is the season we break free! ZEN and all of its lovely fans don't deserve to have their matches and wrestlers attacked by these hound dogs of doom. Of course, we are smart enough to know that this won't be an overnight process, but tonight serves its purpose. Tonight is the first step toward removing the virus known as F.E.A.R. from ZEN!"


Devilfish frantically nods with every sentence X-Calibre speaks and spits out some incoherent babble throughout the message


"Is there something you're trying to say, Devilfish?"




"I couldn't have said it better myself, friend!"


X-Calibre pats Devilfish on the back while the The Multi-Coloured Master Of Mischief never breaks his unsettling stare with the camera


"Arrr, and we don't care about t' new monster that they recruited. Many be scared o' these men, but not us! We must band together t' accomplish any hopes o' tearin' down t' structure o' F.E.A.R. It's not about t' manpower, but t' power o' t' heart inside t' man! ZEN has been held down for too long! We must free t' masses! We shall fight until thar be no more fightin' left!"


"Your spells don't scare us. Your new monster doesn't scare us. Your attempts to sow seeds of destruction among us doesn't scare us. These tactics will not work, Halloween Knight. You and I have known each other for too long now. And you know that no matter how hard you try, you will never remove X-Calibre from ZEN! But I...I will remove F.E.A.R. from ZEN. Your claims that I'm solely fighting this battle for the ZEN Master Championship is just another pathetic attempt to undermine me. However, I will not deny that I will fight for the title if you come near it. I trust Super Zero, but I don't trust you, Knight. The Heroes of ZEN will do whatever it takes to remove you and to make sure you stay as far away as possible from the ZEN Master."


The three wrestlers hold their fists up in unison after the broadcast before the camera fades back to the ring



Shaolin vs. Jester


A sinister little match showcasing two different worlds. Shaolin's dance influenced wrestling definitely caught Jester off guard. So in response, Jester tried to showcase his influence with a steel chair. Don't ever say that ZEN isn't a cultural melting pot. Regardless, the chair was never used by Jester in the match and the only time it came into play was for the finish. Jester tried singing a song from his youth to distract Shaolin, but his tone deafness threw the Funky Monky's groove off. The chair was blasted right into Jester's face from a Death Touch.


Shaolin defeated Jester in 6:35 via pinfall by the Death Touch


Post match, Shaolin's music hit and the urge to dance along with it was impossible. Maybe one of these days Shaolin will be able to have a disco ball accompany him to the ring. However, as wrestling fate would have it, this would not be the month for the disco ball as two familiar faces came down to the ring




Shaolin managed to keep the attack at bay for a short time, but the number game was too much for the ninja. Pink Parasite was visibly upset as he stomped on Shaolin; presumably bitter about his loss earlier in the night as Toady stood next to him. The last time we saw Toady in the ring, he had abandoned his semi-long semi-partner HalloWarped last month during a tag match. The fans were confused as to why these two were attacking Shaolin, but it soon became very clear




"Uh oh, did somebody's dance party get interrupted? I'd apologize, but I think I'm doing everyone at home a favor by not having to suffer through you losers trying to dance. Save that for the professionals. Speaking of terrible dancing, Shaolin, how's life? I mean, I already know the answer is 'Ugly and horrible'. Anyone who listens to disco on a regular basis probably lives a life of terror and crime anyways. Don't act as if you didn't deserve this. Your little antics may be cute to these imbeciles, but we're tired of it, Shaolin. That's why we've banded together. We are The Pink Allegiance!"


The crowd lets out a thunderous boo in response as Toady and Parasite retaliate by continuing to stomp Shaolin until the fans stop


"Now, as I was saying, we've banded together for a great purpose. To eliminate all of the ugly habits ZEN is composed of. From it's ugly wrestlers to it's ugly event names. Just look at Toady here! Once he was paired with an ugly idiot. Granted, Toady is still ugly and he's not pink, but he was smart enough to realize these flaws and come to me to perfect him. I'm touched. I extend my hand out to those brave souls willing to step forward, realize that they are monsters to society, and accept change into their ugly lives. Starting tonight, The Pink Allegiance will have their voices heard and we will not be ignored! Our first goal? Well, gentlemen, it's a fabulous night, isn't it? A night that will live in infamy! The night disco died!"


The Conceptual champion yells at his minions to remove Shaolin's mask, but the wily veteran throws down a smoke bomb to cover his escape. As the smoke clears, all that's left standing is Toady locking Pink Parasite in with a tight headlock. Spider, furious, yells at the two to quit and stomps his feet in anger as the newly formed Pink Allegiance heads to the back.






We jump to the backstage locker room of the ZEN Harmony Champions. They are moments away from singles action as they split up to take on the ZEN Dojo Bros. C-W-A is up first against Killer B with John Gordon following it up with SubUrban Legend. Guru Vishni stands with his men with Damian Dastardly hangs around in the background


"Gentlemen, we all know what's at stake tonight, don't we?"


The champions nod


"Excellent. Tonight is an important night for us. We get to see what these dojo fools are made out of. We know their victory last season was nothing, but a mere fluke and we proved that by retaking what belonged to us. They consist of a high energy filled with positivity and they're foolish enough to think that means anything to us. We know that a high, positive energy is just waiting to be destroyed with smallest amount of darkness. They will try to use their energy against us, but we are wise men. We will not get sucked into their pull because we control their power. For if there isn't darkness in this realm, then there is no reason to express joy. Without us, they crumble."


C-W-A stands from the bench as Guru steps toward him


"Clown, I know we haven't interacted often. In fact, had it not been for John, we would surely never cross paths. You're a tortured soul with a troubled past, but I know you've got what it takes to be like John, Damian, and myself. If you chose to accept it that is. You know I shall not force you into joining The Temple, but I suggest it. We offer you protection, safety, and most of all, family. We know the evils of this realm very well and we know how to harness that energy. Do not let your potential go to waste."


The clown doesn't have anything to say as he just nods in silence. Guru takes C-W-A's head between his hands and kisses the clown's forehead before letting him head off to the ring. John Gordon stands to accompany his partner ringside, but Vishni holds his hand out preventing John from going any further


"Not now. We must see the clown act alone. I do not trust him."


John nods; looking conflicted about letting his partner go on by himself and perhaps this is a sign that the former John Gordon is still in there somewhere. The look doesn't last long before he sits back down on the locker room bench



Killer B vs. C-W-A


A fairly back and forth match that didn't show either party getting the upper hand for the longest time. C-W-A pulled out trick after trick out of his knowledge of pranks throughout the match such as the classic flower ready to shoot water into the unsuspecting's face to start off the match. One of the highlights of the match was C-W-A chasing Killer B around the ring with an inflatable hammer which came to a stop once Killer B hit under the ring and tripped the clown. When the match re-entered the ring, it seemed like C-W-A was a surefire victor, but as he was setting up for the Clown Killer Deluxe, Killer B managed to get free and slip down to roll C-W-A up into a small package for the win.


Killer B defeated C-W-A in 8:01 via pinfall by a small package



SubUrban Legend vs. Mirror Universe John Gordon


SubUrban was already ringside for his partner's match while John Gordon and Vishni came out afterwards. On the way to the back, Vishni and C-W-A exchanged a glare at one another, but nothing more was said or done as the next match was up. A good portion of this match was spent displaying the size advantage Gordon held and the speed advantage Legend had. One of the more memorable spots was SubUrban reversing a top rope powerbomb into an avalanche hurricanrana. Legend capitalized on that by hitting the Legend Killer, but it wasn't enough to keep Vishni's client down.


Speaking of Vishni, it wouldn't be a John Gordon match if he didn't get involved somehow as he was taunting Legend from ringside about his lack of dark energy, which SubUrban took as racist. Accidental racism or not, this allowed Gordon to drop SubUrban with the Goatee Driver for the win


Mirror Universe John Gordon defeated SubUrban Legend in 8:30 via pinfall by a Goatee Driver


Worthy of noting, after the match, Killer B helped his partner to the back while John Gordon celebrated his victory and Guru Vishni kept silent, but glared at the general direction of the backstage area. As if he was sending bad spirits toward C-W-A. However, we don't have any more time to elaborate on that as it's time for tonight's main event.



The Heroes of ZEN vs. F.E.A.R.


The first battle of many between ZEN and F.E.A.R. kicked off tonight as the proclaimed Heroes of ZEN were set to do battle against the The Dark Knights and Massacre as The Void and Cyanide stood idle ringside. The three Heroes were no strangers to battling the number game as the odds have always been stacked against them when F.E.A.R. was around. The match starts with X-Calibre yelling at Halloween Knight to take him on first, but the dark and mystery leader denied X-Calibre's wishes by sending Massacre in first. X-Calibre wisely spent his time in the ring by hitting Massacre with quick strikes and moving fast so the light heavyweight couldn't get a hold of Calibre. Of course, it wasn't enough to actually keep Massacre out for long as he managed to grab onto X-Calibre and pull him into F.E.A.R.'s corner. Massacre and Necromancer spent about a minute switching in tags to wear down X-Calibre with multiple stomps in the corner.


Necromancer looked like he was possibly sending up the end of the match trying to hit the Death Scream, but X-Calibre had other ideas in mind as he knocked the F.E.A.R. member back with a step up enziguri. Dazed from the strike, Necromancer was soon planted head first into the mat with a springboard tornado DDT from X-Calibre. Both men were sprawled across the canvas trying to reach out to their corner. Crawling and crawling, Necromancer was the first to tag in Massacre and as the big man stormed into the ring, X-Calibre leapt to make the tag to Devilfish. As the big man was charging, Devilfish set up for a springboard clothesline, but it was only enough to stop Massacre's momentum. Devilfish knew he'd need something bigger to put Massacre down and he did so with a springboard crossbody into a pin.


Devilfish kept his momentum going as he went up top and managed to hit a perfect Fish Finger Shuffle! The beautiful move was followed by a pin that was broken up by Necromancer as he grabbed onto Devilfish's fin and threw him out of the ring. X-Calibre climbed into the ring just to do the same to Necromancer and soon enough, Halloween Knight climbed into the ring to toss X-Calibre out! Man O'War was primed to come in and do the same to Halloween Knight, but Massacre was waiting for O'War as he walked right into the Black Descent from the mighty Samoan. Massacre rolled out of the ring as the lucha rules of ZEN came into affect and allowed Halloween Knight to make the pin


F.E.A.R. defeated The Heroes of ZEN in 14:19 via pinfall by a Black Descent


Just because the match was over, it didn't mean the impromptu skirmish was going to stop as Devilfish and X-Calibre found themselves fending off the majority of F.E.A.R. while Halloween Knight watched on from the ring. It wasn't looking good for our heroes until Man O'War made a heroic recovery to make it up to the top rope and hit Neptune's Trident onto The Void. The towering big man fell back into the rest of F.E.A.R. as well as the two Heroes. Everyone outside the ring had been laid out and it looked like prime time for Halloween Knight to bust out his trusty chair to inflict some extra damage. As Halloween Knight stole a chair from a fan, it seemed like his evil deeds were about to play out




But the ZEN Master would not allow it! He came down to the ring with his own steel chair in hand to keep Halloween Knight at bay. Super Zero was still bandaged from the damage he suffered at the hands of F.E.A.R. last month, but he wasn't going to allow Halloween Knight to recreate what he did back at Way of the Dreamer. The Heroes of ZEN stood behind the champion as F.E.A.R. did the same for their leader. The number game still favored F.E.A.R., but if Super Zero's save means anything; F.E.A.R. won't have much of an advantage for long. The show comes to an end with Super Zero and Halloween Knight having a stare down with the steel chairs held tightly in their hands.






Prediction Results:


MHero - 11/14

Satyr24 - 11/14

Midnightnick - 10/14

Unscrewed - 10/14

Kitarzu - 8/14

Voeltzwagon - 7/7

Ayden - 6/7

BigJay2003 - 5/7

KnowYourEnemy - 5/7


A perfect prediction from Voeltzwagon! Congrats guys. Maybe down the line I'll think of some kind of prize to make for perfect predictions.


Onto the stats


Show Rating: 44

- Another good show. Not on par with last month's, but I guess that comes with the territory. The learning curve with staying mostly angle based is new to me, but that's alright. We increased our popularity in the region, sold out the Temple, and put on a good show.

Match of the Night Award: The Heroes of ZEN vs. F.E.A.R. (50)

- Not as great as last month's MOTN, but I'll take it. Six man matches like this always worry me, but still a highly entertaining match worthy of the main event. On a plus side, we had two matches tie for second place between Gordon/Legend and Shaolin/Jester with a 38 for both.

Segment of the Night Award: The Heroes of ZEN on F.E.A.R

Worst Match of the Night Award: The Boss vs. The Void (18)

- Oh god this match was terrible. It served its purpose of showcasing Void as being a giant monster. Thankfully, Burke and Azazel didn't do too horribly as the runner-up with their 26 rating. Could have been worse I guess.


Chemistry Musings:

- Vertigo and Pink Parasite had one of the better matches of the night, I definitely think it could have stolen match of the night honors, but it just seemed like the two were struggling to get down the timing of certain spots.

- Killer B and C-W-A provided a great match for the fans. Filled with spots the kids loved and even some of the parents laughed at the absurdity of the inflatable hammer chase.

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Moments after the Mirror Universe John Gordon and SubUrban Legend match, we see the ZEN Harmony Champions and Guru Vishni standing in their makeshift Temple. John Gordon is sitting down trying to regain his composure and energy after the match with some meditation. The disappointment in Vishni's face is very noticeable, but C-W-A is already trying to make amends for his loss earlier in the show.


"Look, Vishni, I get that you're mad, man, I do. I let the team down, but man, I was thinking about what you said before the match. Without you or John, I'd probably still just be a lost clown looking for a home. When you guys approached me, I knew that we had the potential to run ZEN, but you know me, I'm just not down with that whole yoga-mediation-hippy stuff, man. That's just not my thing."


Guru stays silent as he sits beside Gordon and gets in his mediation form; obviously not impressed with what he's hearing from C-W-A so far


"You know I can't mediate, man! You know this! Every time I sit down I just end up making some damned balloon animal! I made a kangaroo last week! WITH A BABY IN THE POUCH! I didn't even know I could make a kangaroo pouch with balloons, man! And you know what happens when I try to clear my mind? All I can think about is puns! PUNS! I didn't choose the clown life, Vishni...the clown life chose ME!"


A look of confusion comes across Vishni's face as he briefly looks up at the clown


"What I'm trying to say is...I want to make it up to this team. John and I are champions for a reason. We just click. Sure, he's a dude with a black goatee and I'm a clown with a white goatee. Granted, mine is painted on, but that's beside the point. You know how that saying goes...opposites attract! Obviously, I don't mesh with you dudes and you dudes aren't going out there making balloon animals. However, we click! We're a great team"


"I care not for anything you said until you mentioned repaying us. Then I stopped listening after that. You need to learn how to minimize your energy and words, Clown, it'll save you precious time. What do you have in mind?"


"I was thinking. Postpone their championship shots. Now, of course, they're not gonna be down with that idea, man, but that's alright because I've got an offer they can't refuse. A rematch between Killer B and me. The winner gets to pick the stipulation for Way of the Philosopher match."


Vishni just laughs at the idea, but C-W-A is standing firm as he begins to inflate a balloon


"But that's not all. I'm calling the shots for the match. Those dojo idiots won't have any option, but to say 'Yes'. It's not going to be a normal match...we've got what they want. The ZEN Harmony Championships. We've got the leverage! Not to mention being able to give them the idea of thinking they'll control their destinies by giving them the false hope of picking their own match. It's a genius idea! And to make sure that Killer B loser won't get the best of me next month...I'll make it a hardcore match. He won't be able to say no."


The last line gives the Guru a sliver of hope as he looks back up at the clown who appears to have finished making his balloon concoction. A balloon "steel" chair. C-W-A hands it over to Vishni and starts to make his exit from the Temple


"The idea sounds good, right? If not, just take a while and sit on it."


C-W-A lets out a wicked laugh as he squeaks his clown nose.






Back in the bowling alley, Francis Burke is trying to perfect his game with the addition of bumpers to prevent anymore gutter balls. It's his turn as he throws the ball down the lane and destroys the pins. However, it seems the pins are fighting by with their own crushing blow known as the "7-10 Split". Dejected, Burke slumps his shoulders in defeat and sits down next to The Boss as he waits for his ball to come back to him


"I don't even like bowling, dude! It messes with my flow. It's like...why do I have to attack the pins? What did they ever do to me? Bowling is the ultimate savage game, man. We are trying to kill defenseless pins for points...whoa...that's heavy."


"Man, if you keep thinking like that, Francis, you'll just end up drinking yourself to death."


"Bro, I don't drink."




Burke looks at his friend as he tries to decipher what any of that meant. He just shakes his head and steps back up to the lane with his ball in hand. Looking to take down the 7-10, Francis bounces the ball off the side of the bumpers in hopes of hitting a pin at just the right angle. Instead, his ball splits both pins and ends his turn with the 7-10 mocking him from a distance


"Listen, man, don't let bowling get to you. What's the expression? I think it was like they didn't build Italy overnight or something. Romans or something, man."


Not really sure of the quote himself, Francis nods in agreement with The Boss and sits next to him


"Oh, and man, I wanted to apologize for not coming out to save you again last month. I just...bad timing, bro. I had my match next and I mean, pardon the bad karma, I didn't want to get destroyed by that thing."


"I understand, man. That's life. It's all about picking your battles. If anything, I owe you one for saving me against that Dastardly dude. But I've been plotting in my downtime. I managed to get us a match against Dastardly this month at Way of the Philosopher."


"Whoa! How'd you do that, man?"


"Let's just say..."


The Boss puts on his pair of Ray Bans sunglasses indoors and looks down the bowling lane; Francis waits a couple more seconds for a proper response, but it doesn't seem like one is coming


"Anyway, I got us the match. You and me, dude. Against Dastardly and that other weird dude the monk hangs out with."


"The monk...oh, you mean the Guru."




"The other dude...oh...dude...THE CLOWN?! I HATE CLOWNS!"


"Dude, chill. The dude with the bad facial hair."




"I mean, the dude who looks like he came out of a portal from 1994."




"Anyways, I was told we should probably get a name too. I read somewhere on the internet that pairings without a name usually lose."


"Is that true?"


"It was on the internet, dude. Has to be."


Francis tries to find some flaw in that logic, but just shrugs his shoulders and goes with it as the duo try to think up a name. It appears as if The Boss and Burke are stumped, but Francis stands up in victory


"A Tribe Called Peace!"






Backstage, X-Calibre catches up with Super Zero who has now fully healed from the attack he suffered back at Way of the Dreamer. Calibre shakes the emotionless ZEN Master's hand in thanks and speaks to him


"I appreciate your help last month. I understand that you don't really have a say in this battle and I know you probably would have preferred staying as far away as possible from it all. You may not show a lot of emotion, Zero, but I knew there was a good guy under that mask. I apologize for dragging you out into this mess. I definitely owe you one. So do the rest of the guys."


The smile of gratitude X-Calibre once wore took a sudden turn to a frown as he began to voice a proposal to Zero


"Like I said, I know you don't want to be a part of this mess, but I think what we did last month at Way of the Scholar was only a preview of what's to come with F.E.A.R. They're only growing stronger and the Heroes of ZEN are going to need all the help they can get. You can turn this offer down and I'd totally understand it, but all I'm asking is for you to consider joining the battle against F.E.A.R."


There are several seconds of an awkward silence between the two men before Super Zero finally raises his finger up to respond




But as he does, Halloween Knight and Massacre step into the room. The body languages of Zero and Calibre shift to that of attack as Halloween Knight is quick to put his hands in the air


"Easy, easy! Massacre and I aren't here for a fight. If anything, I just came here to wish Zero good luck against Necromancer. I was hoping to avoid you as I know that the mention of Necromancer is still a fresh wound for you, X-Calibre. However, I'd be lying if I were to say that was the only reason I came here to see you, Zero. There was a hunch I had that X-Calibre would be back here and I think you should know he's just playing you, Zero. Pardon me if I stand incorrect when I say this, but I don't recall ever hearing X-Calibre start this crusade of taking down F.E.A.R. until Necromancer lost the ZEN Master Championship to you, Zero. And correct me if I'm wrong...but the ZEN Master Championship is the only one you haven't held yet...correct, X-Calibre?"


There's an intense look in X-Calibre's eyes as he just silently nods in anger that generates a smile for Knight


"Interesting. And when his buddy, Devilfish held it...nothing. Now, I don't want to make any rash jumps to conclusion or any assumptions, but does that mean you think lesser of Super Zero, X-Calibre?"


X-Calibre goes to respond, but Super Zero stuns him by holding his hand out; as if to say "Let Halloween Knight speak". Even Knight is a bit surprised by this, but it only fuels his arrogant smirk


"Now he stands here recruiting the most powerful man in ZEN in terms of championship standings. X-Calibre has been here since ZEN first opened its doors, but you were the first man in history to gain the prestigious honor of being called the first triple crown champion. It's almost fitting that X-Calibre wears green...as he's green with envy every time he looks at you. In a way, I'm glad that you've finally decided to embark on this crusade, X-Calibre. War is when a coward's true feelings are revealed. I won't try and talk you out of accepting X-Calibre's offer, Zero...but I will tell you to watch your back."


With that, Halloween Knight lets out a horrific cackle as he leaves with Massacre in tow. X-Calibre's silence continues as he just glares at the leader of F.E.A.R. When Calibre turns back to try and speak with Zero; the champion has already left the locker room. X-Calibre is left alone to collect his thoughts before angrily walking off.









Blue Flea vs. The Void



A Tribe Called Peace vs. The Guru's Followers



Shaolin vs. Pink Parasite



Hardcore Match

Winner picks stipulation for ZEN Harmony Championships match at Way of the Philosopher

Killer B vs. C-W-A



HalloWarped vs. Toady



Man O'War vs. Massacre



Pumpkin Jack vs. Cyanide



Non-Title Match

Super Zero vs. Necromancer


Blue Flea vs. The Void



A Tribe Called Peace vs. The Guru's Followers



Shaolin vs. Pink Parasite



Killer B vs. C-W-A



HalloWarped vs. Toady



Man O'War vs. Massacre



Pumpkin Jack vs. Cyanide



Non-Title Match

Super Zero vs. Necromancer


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Blue Flea vs. The Void



A Tribe Called Peace vs. The Guru's Followers



Shaolin vs. Pink Parasite



Killer B vs. C-W-A



HalloWarped vs. Toady



Man O'War vs. Massacre



Pumpkin Jack vs. Cyanide



Non-Title Match

Super Zero vs. Necromancer


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Blue Flea vs. The Void



A Tribe Called Peace vs. The Guru's Followers



Shaolin vs. Pink Parasite



Killer B vs. C-W-A



HalloWarped vs. Toady



Man O'War vs. Massacre



Pumpkin Jack vs. Cyanide



Non-Title Match

Super Zero vs. Necromancer


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Blue Flea vs. The Void



A Tribe Called Peace vs. The Guru's Followers



Shaolin vs. Pink Parasite



Killer B vs. C-W-A



HalloWarped vs. Toady



Man O'War vs. Massacre



Pumpkin Jack vs. Cyanide



Non-Title Match

Super Zero vs. Necromancer


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Blue Flea vs. The Void



A Tribe Called Peace vs. The Guru's Followers



Shaolin vs. Pink Parasite



Killer B vs. C-W-A



HalloWarped vs. Toady



Man O'War vs. Massacre



Pumpkin Jack vs. Cyanide



Non-Title Match

Super Zero vs. Necromancer


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Blue Flea vs. The Void

Comment: Straight squash for THE VOID


A Tribe Called Peace vs. The Guru's Followers

Comment: Guru's followers are so over, if they didn't have a team name I'd still pick them here.


Shaolin vs. Pink Parasite

Comment: Actually, I've never had much luck with Shaolin. Hope you do and turn it around, but I don't expect him to win much more.


Killer B vs. C-W-A

Comment: Toss-up. Gotta go with C-W-A, a bit more over and a bit more fun to work with a stip, even though he's not only a bad fit but a subpar wrestler


HalloWarped vs. Toady

Comment: Halloween Knight's Personal Protege will take the victory here..


Man O'War vs. Massacre

Comment: Man O'War simply more over, and Massacre simply isn't that good.


Pumpkin Jack vs. Cyanide

Comment: Again, F.E.A.R vs. the rest of the roster rules continue here, as Cyanide wins to stay even, depending if you count Mr. Void's squash match as a legitimate competition, as I don't -- so Cyanide takes this one before Necro takes on Zero


Non-Title Match

Super Zero vs. Necromancer

Comment: Via Shenanigans, as it is non-title, and F.E.A.R. need to look strong.

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<p>Blue Flea vs. <strong>The Void</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>A Tribe Called Peace</strong> vs. The Guru's Followers</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shaolin</strong> vs. Pink Parasite</p><p> </p><p>

Killer B vs. <strong>C-W-A</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>HalloWarped</strong> vs. Toady</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War</strong> vs. Massacre</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pumpkin Jack</strong> vs. Cyanide</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Super Zero</strong> vs. Necromancer</p>

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