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Let's Play SWF 2013: There Is No Plan, Richard

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Let's Play SWF 2013


Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks.

Yo-Yo Ma


Peter Michaels took a long drag off of the cigarette before flicking it into the Rhode Island winter. Rubbing his hands together to keep warm he opened the door to the training facility and strode back in. Nero had the boys doing laps, like a high school soccer team. Something about that brought a smile to his face and two words to his mind.


Old school


Nero loved the old school, almost as much as Richard Eisen did not. Eisen always wanted the new and the now. It's why the two had butted heads since the 80s and continue to but heads now. In fact...


"You have a single job Mycroft! ONE! Get these kids ready for my bright lights! Now MY man comes here and finds that the ones we NEED aren't ready!"


Richard Eisen's glare could burn a hole through a battleship. His suit had become slightly undone by his yelling and wild arm motions. Peter knew that Nero would retort, as would Richard and this would never end. He had to step in.


"Mr. Eisen, this wasn't a waste. I see three ready to hit my roster, and that'll buy time for Lassana. Besides wouldn't a guy like him be better for Supreme Challenge season? Think of the buzz that debut will have! The African Assassin appears...taking on big targets! Great midcard Supreme Challenge storyline!"


Lying had just become part of the job. Unless one was trained in psychology they likely wouldn't even know that Peter though Lassana wouldn't be called up until 2014 at the earliest.


Richard Eisen took a physical step back and straitened his suit. His brow did not unfurrow and he did not take his eyes off of Nero.


"Make him ready Mycroft."


Nero simply rolled his eyes and went back to his trainees. Out of anyone in the SWF not related to him, Nero could get away with the most. Peter would not be surprised if Nero eventually replaced Peter when he lost the book. Richard shook him out of this thought as he clasped Peter's shoulder.


"Talk to me about these ready kids. What's the plan."


There is no plan, Richard is never an option...

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So this is something of an experiment. The idea of this is for it to be a hybrid video and text based "LP" / Dynasty of SWF in the default save game.


I am playing as Peter Michaels, Head Booker of the SWF. As such I wanted to lay down some ground rules to emulate Mr. Michaels distinct history in the CornellVerse. A key thing to note is story trumps rules meaning that if for some reason signing someone and breaking one of the below rules makes for a better story I will do it.


1. Peter Michaels makes his own stars. No one on SWF's starting roster is a poach during the time of Michael's run. To emulate that I will not sign anyone signed to USPW or TCW.


2. Big men rule! For every under heavyweight SWF signs I must sign a Big Heavyweight, Super Heavyweight or Giant.


3. Major championship storylines must last at least 3 months. Michaels seems to be the master of the slow burn storyline, so main event stories involving the title need to be at least 3 months. I will also try to make all main event stories last at least 3 months, but no promises.


4. Fan friendly! Prediction contest winners can book one PPV match between Upper Midcarders and below.


As for the video sections I want to try and do that in two parts, part one being like the videos I post on YouTube discussing why I chose matches and what I chose for booking notes. Part two would be strictly the results, in video form with my live reaction as it happens. There will also be written results hidden in white text under the video so ease of access.


And of course there will be written backstage sections like above focusing on the job and how it effects Peter Michaels. I have a storyline for that too, kind of.


SWF Supreme TV


The All-Americans © vs. ???

Eric Eisen vs. Randy Bumfhole

Rogue vs. Zimmy Bumfhole

Brandon James vs. Christian Faith

Remo vs. Valiant

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wXq8pgtDdCI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Frehley and Vengeance opening segment, Vengeance is the Darkness but Frehley is the Dark Destroyer! - 77


Tag Title Match Set Up - 36


The All-Americans defeated Spencer Spade and Lenny Brown to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles - 52


Eric Eisen after the match offers Spencer Spade an alliance - 43


Gilmore cuts a scathing promo on location from his hospital bed against Eisen - 69


Eric Eisen defeated Randy Bumfhole - 74


Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Rogue with a big assist to the distraction by Jack Bruce - 61


Brandon James destroys Jack Bruce in revenge - 79


Christian Faith defeated Brandon James - 82


Faith calls out Remo for having all the tools but still taking shortcuts - 72


Remo defeated Valiant - 82


Faith, Remo, Vengeance and Frehley pull apart brawl - 72

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