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Steam Amnesty for the first 250 users of WMMA3 and TEW2010

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As some of you may know, we are actually working with a publisher for the Steam side. They handled getting is listed on Steam almost immediately (no greenlight), as well as the technical aspects/marketing side (which would have been some work for us). So, we don't have full control over the steam keys, but they have agreed to give us 250 keys of each game to offer existing users for free.


Until we reach the 250 mark, you guys can email me at arlie at greydogsoftware dot com with your email and the game you purchased (you don't need the elicense ID). I will verify that the email you send bought WMMA3 or TEW2010 and then send you a steam key as a reply.


This service is only going to run until the end of the month (March 31) or until we hit the 250 number for each. So, let me know if you would like a Steam key as soon as you can. The goal is to help build our Steam presence with people who have played the game on our forum as we feel the additional guides/reviews and better community on Steam will also help GDS grow on that platform.


So, thanks again and please email me if you want to take part (no replies here or PMs).



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Great initiative. I'm sure we'll give you lots of positive reviews, which should be good as people actually base their decisions to buy on those (I know I do :p). I don't know if I'll still play the games with the newer versions being out. Just remember to let the game run a couple of hours to get some time on the counter to give the reviews some legitimacy. :p
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Emails sent to me as of tonight (midnight AZ time) will still qualify for the amnesty. So, if you don't hear from me, don't worry about your request not making it. I will close this thread the morning of the 1st to end the amnesty period.


There have been a ton of you that sent requests and all should be fulfilled to this point. Thanks for all your interest and I'm glad we were able to help some of you get the games on Steam!

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