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1983- Georgia Championship Wrestling

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Hi all! I've read this forum for several years but have never wanted to be a member until now. GCW & Memphis are my two favorite promotions and I thought I would start a Georgia Dynasty. I'll probably do a couple of weeks at a time. I'll try to have the first couple of weeks up at the end of the week.




Starting Roster:

Arn Anderson

Barry Darsow

Big Red

Masked Superstar

Bob Armstrong

Bob Roop

Brad Armstrong

Brett Sawyer

Buzz Sawyer

David Samartino

Gene Anderson

Ivan Koloff

Jake Roberts

Jesse Barr

Jody Hamilton

Joe Lightfoot

Johnny Rich

Killer Karl Kox

Larry Zbyszko

Les Thorton

Mike Starbuck

Mr. Wrestling

Mr. Wrestling #2

Ole Anderson

Paul Orndorff

Pez Whatley

Rick McGraw

Road Warriors

Ron Garvin

Scott Irwin

Stan Hansen

The Spoiler

Thunderbolt Patterson

Tim Horner

Tito Santana

Tom Pritchard

Tom Renesto

Tommy "Wildfire" Rich

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As someone who is now into August 1983 with GCW, let me give you one piece of advice. Move the House Show to another night. The biggest struggle for them is to make money, and that is the best way to make money. You're going to hit Cult fast too which hurts the pocket-book too so you're almost forced to break away from the NWA to sign everyone to Written deals. Good luck. I started this game with the goal of staying solvent (oh and go into the in-game editor and drop the 3 Black Saturday Narratives' Importance down to 0), and I'm now a few months away from hitting National (curse you North West and your falling Importance!).
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Week 1


First off I added some new undercard guys for TV so I wouldn't be beating the same guys on TV all the time. Here is a list.


New Workers

Joel Deaton

Spike Huber

Tracy Smothers

Wendell Cooley

Mike Jackson

Ali Bey

Rick Hunter

Gene Ligon

Bryan St. John


Georgia Championship Wrestling: Week 1 January 1983


The show opens up with Gordon Solie at the Podium.

"Fans we have another great week of wrestling on hand for

today's broadcast. First off I'd like to mention that the vacant

NWA National tag team titles will have an owner by the end of the month as we have a big tournament coming up. I have with me a list of the matches that will be in that tournament. We have Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen taking on the team of Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson which we will see later on today. The Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer will be taking on Bob & Brad Armstrong, The Fabulous Ones, yes the team of Stan Lane & Steve Keirn are coming into the peach state for this tournament and they will be taking on a new team in the NWA by the name of the Road Warriors, which that will be the other tournament match for today. Also Tommy & Johnny Rich will be taking on the team of Larry Zybyszko and a mystery partner as he has not named who that man is yet."


Zybyszko approaches the podium


"You know Gordy, you and all the spud heads out here have no idea what you're in for. You see I have done something that nobody else thought of. All these other teams named who their partners are, but I have made mine a secret, and it will stay that way until I choose to let Tommy & that dumpy cousin of his know who it's going to be!"

Zybyszko walks off laughing.


Grade: C+



Killer Karl Kox with James J. Dillon vs Wendell Cooley


Cooley starts off hot hitting several arm drags on Kox. Kox Rakes the eyes and takes control for several minutes. Cooley is going to the top rope!! He goes for a double ax handle but is countered by a quick punch to the gut. Kox then pile drives Cooley and covers him 1....2....3

WINNER: Killer Karl Kox


Grade: C+


Mr. Wrestling #2 vs Ali Bey


2 controls most of the one but Bey uses some underhanded tactics to keep in competition. However he's no match for Georgia's Superman as #2 hits the million dollar knee lift at the 5 minute mark. 1... 2... 3...

WINNNER: MR. Wrestling #2


Grade: D+


Ole & Hansen come out to the podium


OLE: "We've got some things we'd like to get off our chests. This is a tournament for the NWA National Tag Titles right Gordon?"

Solie: Yes Mr. Anderson

OLE: "So this is supposed to have the best competition right?"

Solie: "Yes Mr. Anderson"

OLE: "Then either I read something wrong, or someone on the board of directors made a huge mistake, because why in the world would they let the team of Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson be in this? Big Red... the big idiot that he is picked Thunderbolt to be his partner... Patterson probably told him he'd give him a couple of hamburgers if he picked him. Well let me tell both of you something.... me and this animal behind me named Stan Hansen are two of the toughest S.O.B.'s not only in the state of Georgia... but in the whole country. So Thunderbolt.. Big Red... say your prayers before you get in the ring with us cause it may be the last thing you ever do."


Grade: B-


Les Thorton vs Brett Sawyer


Thorton takes early control and no matter what counter Sawyer has Thorton has one that is better. They exchange holds for awhile but it doesn't take long before Thorton finally is done playing around with Sawyer and finishes him off with a double under hook suplex.

Winner: Les Thorton




Solie: "I have with me one of the more dangerous teams in the NWA... the Masked Superstar & The Super Destroyer.

Star: Gordon... I'm so sick of hearing the name Armstrong I could puke... I wake up today, I'm drinking my morning coffee and reading the paper. You know who I see on the cover? The headline reads "Local hero saves the day" with a picture of Bob "Bad Breathe" Armstrong saving a cat from a tree! There was a whole article about how in Amrstrong's spare time he's a volunteer fireman for the town of Marietta. I don't know what his son Brad does in his spare time, but after this match it's going to be feeding his dad soup in the hospital once we're through with them.


Grade: C-


Tom Pritchard vs Mike Jackson


A very even contest as both wrestlers are evenly matched. Right off the bat Jackson blocks a punch and hits a school boy roll up

1.. 2.. kick out

Jackson then hits 2 dropkicks goes for a third but Dr. Tom moves out of the way. Pritchard now starts working a head lock on Jackson. Jackson is asking the crowd for help. He gets to his feet and picks up Tom for an Atomic Drop! He goes for the cover


quick kick out

Pritchard gets the upper hand and then starts toying with Jackson. Out of nowhere Jackson hits a flying head scissors! a HUGE dropkick! Pritchard shoots him into the ropes and goes for a back body drop but Jackson turns it into a sunset flip 1... 2.... 3!!!


Winner: Mike Jackson


Grade: C+



Bob Roop vs Joe Lightfoot


Before Lightfoot can take off his headdress he is attacked by Roop. Due to an unfair advantage this one was over before it started. Roop destroys Lightfoot and hits a swinging neck breaker for the 1... 2... kick out!

Lightfoot springs up with new life and hits 3 big chops on Roop and he hits like a sack of potatoes. Lightfoot is doing his Indian War Dance around the ring. Sends Roop off the ropes and connects with a Hiptoss. Shoves Roop into the turnbuckle and goes up for the 10 big punches

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!

Roop hooks both of Lightfoots legs and Powerbombs him...


count to 100...


1... 2... 3...


Winner: Bob Roop


Grade: D


Roop doesn't look like he's finished as he continues to punish Lightfoot...

Out of nowhere comes Tito Santana!!

Roop hauls it out of there!!

Tito runs over to Gordon

"BOB ROOP!!! BOB ROOP!!! This isn't the last you've seen from me boy!!"

Tito then runs back into the ring to check on Lightfoot.


Grade: D-



Road Warriors vs Stan Lane & Steve Keirn


Hawk & Keirn start off for there respected teams.

They lock up... Hawk slams Keirn into the ring! Hawk then picks him up and slams him again... Hawk picks him up and slams him again. Hawk then tags in Animal.

Animal picks him up and throws him like a dart towards Lane.

"TAG IN IF YOU'RE MAN ENOUGH!" Screams Ellering towards Lane.

Lane tags and comes charging at Animal. Animal goes for a clothesline but Lane ducks then hits a dropkick onto Hawk. Lane now climbs up to the top and goes for a Cross Body!!

He's caught by Animal who crushes him with a back breaker. Animal goes for the pin.

1... 2... kick out!

Animal tags in Hawk and the hit double clothesline on Lane. another pin fall attempt

1.. 2.. kick out!

Hawk then tags in Animal... Animal puts Lane on his Shoulders. Hawk climbs to the top.... DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!

Hawk runs over and punches Keirn off the apron into the crowd

1... 2... 3..


Winners: Road Warriors with Paul Ellering


Grade: B


Ellering comes over to Solie

Ellering: Gordon... I'd like to introduce you and everyone watching this broadcast to the team that's going to rule the world for the years to come... Meet Animal and Hawk... The Road Warriors!


Grade: B+


Killer Karl Kox comes out to the podium with manager JJ Dillion.

"You know, I came here with the plans of destroying everyone and winning the NWA National Title. I've accomplished all of that, I just didn't think it would be this easy. I'm getting real sick and tired of beating everyone say easy. If Anyone back there thinks they can beat me come on out and try it!

Paul Orndorff comes strutting out and the crowd erupts.

"Well Mr. Dillion I think your client has bit off more than he can chew." states Solie with a smirk

"Shut up Solie... last time I checked I'm managing a champion... champions don't lose!"


Killer Karl Kox vs Paul Orndorff


This match is electric as the crowd is into it the whole time. Kox has Orndorff in the Camel Clutch. Orndorff has the crowd behind him though and he's starting to break free. Orndorff shows off his true strength by standing up with Kox on his back!! Dillion jumps up onto the apron so Orndorff lets go of Kox. He goes over and grabs Dillion by the tie! Kox is running towards Orndorff going to strike with a clothesline.... Orndorff moves!!

Dillion gets knocked into next week as Kox stares in disbelief!

Kox turns and is met by Mr. Wonderful with a flying crossbody.


Orndorff is jumping up and down!! He can't believe it!! He goes out and starts to celebrate with the crowd!! He makes his way over to the podium to shake hands with Gordon Solie.

"Mr. Solie I can't believe this! You told J.J. earlier Kox has bit off more than he can chew and you were right!

Dillon now makes his way to the podium and snatches the belt from Orndorff's arms.


"There is one thing you must have not understood Orndorff... Karl Kox never said he would put his title on the line.... I'm sorry Paul..." states Gordon Solie sadly as Paul's smile goes to a frown quickly.



Orndorff lays the lumber on Dillon with a huge right hand! Kox comes over and they are brawling all over the TV Studio... it goes to the back and Gordon proceeds with the next match.


Grade: B+


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson


Thunderbolt and Big Red right off the bat take control of this one as the rough up Ole Anderson for the first few minutes by tagging in and out working on Anderson's leg. Anderson finally gets a tag.

Hansen comes charging in... he's picked up by Big Red and slammed. Pin fall! 1... 2... kick out.

Big Red goes to pick up Hansen and is met with an elbow across the brow.

Ole & Stand now take control as they work Big Reds left Arm.

Several minutes later Big Red counters the arm bar with a big headbutt and down goes Ole!

Red makes the tag to Thunderbolt!

Patterson comes in as the go all 4.

Solie: We've got a pier six brawl going on inside the ring... I'm telling you this is pure mayhem. Red & Patterson have Hansen and Anderson on opposite sides of the ring... they throw them together and Hansen goes flying through the ropes as Thunderbolt follows. Big Red hits 2 big lefts onto Ole and now a HUGE third and down goes Anderson. Big Red hits a huge splash and is going for the pin!"

1... 2... 3!!!


Ref Scrappy McGowen raises the hand of Big Red!

Solie: "The WTBS TV Studio is shaking like it's going through an F-5 Earthquake!! These fans are going nuts!"

Ole & Stan come over to Gordon's Podium.

Hansen: "What in the.... how did this.... PINCH ME I MUST BE DREAMING!"

Solie: "I would but there is now need Mr. Hansen... You and Ole Anderson have been eliminated from the tournament."

Ole: "Gordon you know as well as I do that big fat blob wasn't the legal man! Scrappy McGowen should be arrested for impersonating a referee! This won't stand Gordon! I'll go all the way out to Kansas City and see Bob Geigel if I have too!"

Ole & Stan storm off in an outrage.


Grade: C+


TV Rating: 1.52


Top Matches for Next Week:

Brett Sawyer vs Ivan Koloff


Tito Santana vs Bob Roop


Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's


Tommy & Johnny Rich vs Larry Zybyszko & Mystery Partner


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2


Things to look for next week:


Will Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen get the NWA to overrule Scrappy McGowen's previous decision?


Who is Larry Zybyszko's Mystery Partner going to be?

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I absolutely loved this and it totally nails of the time period accurately.


Brett Sawyer vs Ivan Koloff


Tito Santana vs Bob Roop


Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's -- no contest


Tommy & Johnny Rich vs Larry Zybyszko & Mystery Partner


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2 -cheat to win?


Things to look for next week:


Will Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen get the NWA to overrule Scrappy McGowen's previous decision? No.


Who is Larry Zybyszko's Mystery Partner going to be? This is tough as it could be anyone. I'll guess...Tim Brooks? I really have no idea!

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Brett Sawyer vs Ivan Koloff

The Russian Bear gets the win over the young Sawyer. Brett was still a puppy at this point,he was not the mad dogg that his brother was


Tito Santana vs Bob Roop

Santana gets the win ARRIBA


Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's

I am a big fan of the superstar and Super D,but I see the armstrongs getting the push here


Tommy & Johnny Rich vs Larry Zybyszko & Mystery Partner

Johnny Rich is the weak link here,plus I never bet against the mystery man


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2

Wrestling #2 gets the win maybe by Dq


Things to look for next week:


Will Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen get the NWA to overrule Scrappy McGowen's previous decision?no


Who is Larry Zybyszko's Mystery Partner going to be?IRL Killer Tim Brooks was Zybyskos hired gun,but interested to see if you stick with Brooks or go with someone else.


good job so far....

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Brett Sawyer vs Ivan Koloff


Tito Santana vs Bob Roop


Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's


Tommy & Johnny Rich vs Larry Zybyszko & Mystery Partner


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2


Things to look for next week:


Will Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen get the NWA to overrule Scrappy McGowen's previous decision? no


Who is Larry Zybyszko's Mystery Partner going to be? Bruno Sammartino Jr

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Brett Sawyer vs Ivan Koloff


Tito Santana vs Bob Roop


Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's


Tommy & Johnny Rich vs Larry Zybyszko & Mystery Partner


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2


Things to look for next week:


Will Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen get the NWA to overrule Scrappy McGowen's previous decision? no


Who is Larry Zybyszko's Mystery Partner going to be? Bruno Sammartino Jr


Wow! Bruno jr.! Maybe if it was WWF I'd certainly do it then bring Bruno in. That's a hell of an angle though!

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Week 2


Georgia Championship Wrestling: Week 2 January 1983

The show opens with a welcoming smile from "The Dean of Wrestling" Gordon Solie.


"Fans thank you for tuning in to todays broadcast as we have an exciting 2 hours of wrestling and we'll be looking to get into that shortly. On todays broadcast we have several what look to be great matches on hand and you're in for a real treat."


Solie continues on with a list of matches for todays broadcast and out comes Paul Orndorff.


Paul: "Gordon I don't mean to interrupt but when a man has something this important on his mind he can't wait. Karl Kox.... I proved to the whole country last week I could beat you... so I'm not asking for anything... I'm demanding it... I want a title shot agaisnt you and I want it in the Omni in 2 weeks so the whole state of Georgia can see me whoop you good, and I'm not going anywhere until I get it."


Solie: "Well Mr. Orndorff you're always more than welcome to sit with me at any time but we have matches coming up so we'll have to put this aside for now."




Rick McGraw vs "Pistol" Pez Whatley

Ref: Scrappy McGowen

This match is about as even as you can get. McGraw looks strong throughout most of this but gets the wind taken out of his sails when Whatley hits a second rope elbow drop on him... pin fall

1... kick out!

Whatley applies a side headlock but McGraw reverses it into a chicken wing then into a school boy roll up!

1... 2... kick out!

Whatley cheats to regain control and hits a power slam... pin fall


Winner Pez Whatley

Grade: D+


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen come out to see Gordon Solie.

Hansen: "Solie we're done waiting round like a couple of hogs to be butchered! We want answers and we want them now!"

Solie: " Mr. Hansen & Mr. Anderson.... I have a written response from Bob Geigel that was mailed to the Board of Directors and then given to me to express onto to both of you, however we will need the team of Thunderbolt Patterson & Big Red to come out to hear the final decision."

Big Red & Thunderbolt arrive at the podium.

"Thunderbolt: "Well... look who the cat let in! You know Gordon... no matter what the decision is I just want to let all these people know that me and Big Red thank you all for your support and we love you!"

the crowd applauds Patterson for his kindness

Ole: "Enough with the stalling! Gordon tell us the decision before I get ill from looking at both of these losers."


Solie: "Dear Georgia Championship Wrestling Board of Directors,

I Bob Geigel, president of the National Wrestling Alliance has ultimately decided the final outcome for this match. First I'd like to apologize to the fans that the outcome couldn't have been settled in the ring. Furthermore, due to what I witnessed on the video evidence it is evident that the winners were Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson..."


The crowd goes crazy and Big Red & Thunderbolt are Jiving around the TV Studio.


"However Big Red was not the legal man in the ring which I will have to throw that decision out of play and award the match to Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen due to misconduct."


Ole: "YES! YES YES YES! I told you two goons that you weren't good enough to beat us. I told you Gordon Solie that Scrappy McGowen is a Do-Gooder who always sides with the brown nosers. Now I tell the whole world this... you're looking at the next National Champions... you can bank on that!"

Ole and Stand walk away with smiles on their faces.


Grade: C+


Bob Roop vs Tito Santana

Ref: Ronnie West


This is a text book match as both men show their technical skills. Around the 8 minute mark it looks like Roop has Santana right where he wants him but out comes Joe Lightfoot who starts doing his Indian War Dance around the ring!

Roop is going crazy as he is jumping around yelling at Lightfoot.

Tito comes running and plants Roop with a dropkick to the back which plunges Roop's chest into the turnbuckle and the Santana scores with a schoolboy



Winner: Tito Santana


Grade: C-


Santana and Lightfoot celebrate together and then go to the back.


Roop comes storming over the Gordon Solie.

Roop: "Joe Lightfoot shouldn't be anywhere near a wrestling ring, he should be out on some Indian Reservation hunting buffalo! As for you Tito Santana... I'm going to give you a beating your daddy couldn't do!"


Grade: D


Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Bob & Brad Armstrong


Bob Armstrong starts off in the ring first and him and his son maintain control for the first several minutes out maneuvering their opponents. Super Destroyer finally gets the upper hand on Brad which makes for 2-3 minutes of him & Superstar beating on the young wrestler. Brad finally gets the hot tag to his father who comes in hitting everyone in sight with big right hands.

He jacks the Super Destroyer under the chin and knocks him through the ropes. The Superstar goes for a big clothesline but misses.


Bob Armstrong turns him around and hits him with a big series of punches!





..... and a HUGE right hand sending the Superstar down.

at this point Brad is on the outside handling the Super Destroyer but the Destroyer takes a short cut as he tosses Armstrong into the ring post.

Bob has the Superstar in the Sleeper Hold!!

Superstar looks to be going out!

The Super Destroyer climbs onto the top rope and comes flying off with a knee into the back of the head of Bob Armstrong!

Referee Ronnie West didn't see Super Destroyer come off the top rope!



Winners: Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer


Grade: B-


James J. Dillon comes out to address Paul Orndorff

Dillon: "I see you've been sitting out here like some desperate bum for the last hour wondering if I'd show up. Yes you did in fact beat Killer Karl Kox in a non title which by NWA rules does give you a shot at the Title. However if we're going to give you a shot it's on Karl Kox's rules. We get to pick the stipulation for the match!"


Orndorff: "I don't care if you tied both hands behind my back and blind folded me Dillon I'll accept anything you're going to throw at me and I will beat Karl Kox!"


Dillon: "You're just as dumb as I thought you were Orndorff. Next week you'll find out what the stipulation is!"


Dillon walks away chuckling and Orndorff stares with confidence.


Grade: B-


Brett Wayne Sawyer vs Ivan Koloff

Before the match we notice that Buzz Sawyer has decided to come in and sit at ringside.

Sawyer is struggling for most of this one and Koloff dismantles him peice by piece until finally hitting him with the Russian Bear Hug. Sawyer is wearing thin but Buzz jumps up and is rooting him on. Brett gets some new life as he tries to fight out of this but eventually gives up.

Winner: Ivan Koloff


Grade: D+


Buzz jumps in the ring and looks at his brother with his hands on his hips disgusted. Buzz starts to stomp away on his own brother!!


Buzz goes up to the top rope and comes down with a Bombs Away onto the ribs of Brett Wayne!


Buzz: "Brett I told you since we were little kids a Sawyer never gives up! I watched you come out here and get whooped last week, but you kept fighting so I didn't say anything. So I decided to show up this week and cheer you on because I know what a tough opponent you had in Ivan Koloff. I didn't really expect you to win but I sure as HELL NEVER EXPECTED YOU TO GIVE UP! YOU'RE LAST NAME MIGHT BE SAWYER BUT YOU'RE NO BROTHER OF MINE!! I ONLY THINK OF ONE WORD WHEN I THINK OF YOU.... HATE!!


Grade: C-



Big Red & Thunderbolt vs Tom Pritchard & Jesse Barr


They are no match for the team of Big Red & Thunderbolt. This one was over before it started.


Winner: Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson


Grade: C-


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2

Ref: Ronnie West


This match goes back and forth the whole contest. Jake Roberts shoots 2 off the ropes and hits a back body drop. Jake now works a Chin Lock on 2. Just as 2 is about to break free Roberts sends him off again and goes for a back body drop but this time #2 has connected with the Million Dollar Knee Lift!

He knocks Roberts into next week!



Winner: Mr. Wrestling #2


Grade: C


Larry Zybyszko comes out to the podium.

Solie: "Well Mr. Zybyszko I see you have once again come out here empty handed as we have both Johnny & Tommy Rich in the ring, but you have no partner."


Larry: "Well Gordy like I said I'm saving him for the last second. I searched far and wide for my partner. I made a lot of phone calls to experts asking them who I should take and they gave me all kinds of names. None of those experts ever once said the mans name that I have picked. That's because he is a man who does his work alone. He doesn't like to have partners because he doesn't like people. However just like any other man he loves money... and money is the only thing that talks in business. With the right amount of money I have purchased a man who is going to destroy everything in its path... that man is... THE SPOILER!!


The Spoiler comes out looking better than ever as Johnny & Tommy Rich both look a little shocked.


Larry: "Tommy... Johnny... I hope you boys called your momma's and told them you loved them... hahahaha"


Grade: C-


Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler vs Johnny & Tommy Rich


The match starts off with Zybyszko and Tommy Rich. Rich is looking good as he has the crowd behind him. Zybyszko has no answer for the offense of Johnny and Tommy Rich. Tommy has Zybyszko press against the ropes but Zybyszko has tagged without Rich seeing it. The Spoiler crushes Rich with a forearm blow to the back and starts to work on the lumbar of Wildfire. Spoiler tags out to Zybyszko and he sends Rich off the ropes... misses an elbow turns and Rich catches him with the Thez Press!!

1...2.. Spoiler has broken in up!

Immediately after Johnny Rich catches him with a flying forearm sending him into the turnbuckle.

Solie: It's a Pier Six Brawl out here and all four men are in the ring!"

Referee Scrappy McGowen is watching Wildfire and Zybyszko and The Spoiler throws Johnny Rich over the top rope!

Spoiler & Zybyszko are now both working on Wildfire. They send Tommy off the ropes and go for a double clothesline but Tommy jumps in between their arms causing Spoiler and Zybyszko to come together and crack heads! Johnny Rich comes in a dropkicks The Spoiler through the ropes!

Zybyszko gets up staggering as Wildfire plants him with the Thez Press!


Tommy & Johnny Rich have won!!

Winners: Tommy & Johnny Rich


Grade: B+

TV Rating: 1.44




Big Matches for Next Week:

Santana & Lightfoot vs Bob Roop & Arn Anderson

Brad Armstrong vs Les Thorton

Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin

Paul Orndorff vs Assassin #1 with Assassin #2

Mr. Wrestling #1 vs Pez Whatley

National Tag Semi-Finals

Road Warriors vs Superstar & Destroyer

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Johnny & Tommy Rich


Things to look for:

Will Brett Sawyer get revenge on his brother or try to work it out?

What Stipulation will Killer Karl Kox make his match with Paul Orndorff for the Omni?

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Big Matches for Next Week:


Santana & Lightfoot vs Bob Roop & Arn Anderson

Gotta go with the veteran Roop & the young AA


Brad Armstrong vs Les Thorton

Les still has a little bit of fuel left in the tank, (Thorton one of the greatest NWA Worlds Junior hwt champions)


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin


Paul Orndorff vs Assassin #1 with Assassin #2

Orndorff by Dq (interference by Kox and Assassin#2


Mr. Wrestling #1 vs Pez Whatley


National Tag Semi-Finals

Road Warriors vs Superstar & Destroyer

The Road Warriors were in there prime and were Badd A$$'s


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Johnny & Tommy Rich

After getting the decision over turned, can't see them loosing here


Things to look for:

Will Brett Sawyer get revenge on his brother or try to work it out?don't really know ... Glad to see that you are taking a different approach with them instaed of what happend IRL


What Stipulation will Killer Karl Kox make his match with Paul Orndorff for the Omni?HANDS TIED,, BLIND FOLDED ???

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That's got to be one hell of a locker room. Ole, Animal, and Buzz are Grade A jackoffs, and Buzz hates Roberts (why I didn't bring him in until I canned Buzz). Not to mention Brody. And I hope you're running the house show and just not reporting it. Otherwise, you'll be broke soon. That's a 2013 thing as you make no money on TV (from the gate).
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That's got to be one hell of a locker room. Ole, Animal, and Buzz are Grade A jackoffs, and Buzz hates Roberts (why I didn't bring him in until I canned Buzz). Not to mention Brody. And I hope you're running the house show and just not reporting it. Otherwise, you'll be broke soon. That's a 2013 thing as you make no money on TV (from the gate).


I don't have Brody in Georgia right now. Was looking to bring him in later. So far I have had everyone get along just fine but we'll see how it goes. Last time I ran with Georgia I was setting up Buzz against Tommy but I had to get rid of Buzz because each week he was doing something and failed 3 drug tests.

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Also I'm not running any house shows. My TV revenue is $240,000 and ticket sales are $104,000 (I'm running the WTBS studio each week) and my costs are around $198,000. I think I'll come out alright by the end of the month. I still have the Omni show to book and then January is over.
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First off...KUTGW!


Secondly, huge fan of the era as is evident of my love of Bill Watts as an avatar.


Thirdly, let me drop a few predictions..


Big Matches for Next Week:

Santana & Lightfoot vs Bob Roop & Arn Anderson

I'm a fan of Arn...


Brad Armstrong vs Les Thorton

Les may have the experience but I really want to see a good Brad Armstrong push


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin



Paul Orndorff vs Assassin #1 with Assassin #2

He is Wonderful after all...


Mr. Wrestling #1 vs Pez Whatley

Whatley sux


National Tag Semi-Finals

Road Warriors vs Superstar & Destroyer

Huge Road Warriors mark, but I could be wrong if this is the Terry Bollea version of the Super Destroyer...


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Johnny & Tommy Rich

gotta go with the tough old bastards


Things to look for:

Will Brett Sawyer get revenge on his brother or try to work it out? Revenge!


What Stipulation will Killer Karl Kox make his match with Paul Orndorff for the Omni? Indian Strap Match

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Santana & Lightfoot vs Bob Roop & Arn Anderson

Brad Armstrong vs Les Thorton

Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin

Paul Orndorff vs Assassin #1 with Assassin #2

Mr. Wrestling #1 vs Pez Whatley

National Tag Semi-Finals

Road Warriors vs Superstar & Destroyer

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Johnny & Tommy Rich


Things to look for:

Will Brett Sawyer get revenge on his brother or try to work it out? work it out...until the Omni :)

What Stipulation will Killer Karl Kox make his match with Paul Orndorff for the Omni? Cage?

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Santana & Lightfoot vs Bob Roop & Arn Anderson

Brad Armstrong vs Les Thorton

Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin

Paul Orndorff vs Assassin #1 with Assassin #2

Mr. Wrestling #1 vs Pez Whatley

National Tag Semi-Finals

Road Warriors vs Superstar & Destroyer

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Johnny & Tommy Rich


Things to look for:

Will Brett Sawyer get revenge on his brother or try to work it out? revenge

What Stipulation will Killer Karl Kox make his match with Paul Orndorff for the Omni? street fight

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I like what you are doing here thus far. I always tried to follow diaries that are based in the early to mid 80's because that was when I first started watching wrestling.



Santana & Lightfoot vs Bob Roop & Arn Anderson


Brad Armstrong vs Les Thorton


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin


I was never a fan of Ronnie for some reason. I disliked him in the NWA and the WWF.


Paul Orndorff vs Assassin #1 with Assassin #2


Mr. Wrestling #1 vs Pez Whatley


Non-joking question here, was Pistol Pez ever anything but a jobber?


National Tag Semi-Finals

Road Warriors vs Superstar & Destroyer


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Johnny & Tommy Rich


Ole and Stan is one badass team.


Things to look for:

Will Brett Sawyer get revenge on his brother or try to work it out? Revenge


What Stipulation will Killer Karl Kox make his match with Paul Orndorff for the Omni? Cage

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I like what you are doing here thus far. I always tried to follow diaries that are based in the early to mid 80's because that was when I first started watching wrestling.




I was never a fan of Ronnie Garvin for some reason. I disliked him in the NWA and the WWF.



Mr. Wrestling #1 vs Pez Whatley



Non-joking question here, was Pistol Pez ever anything but a jobber?






1) you should have seen Garvin when he was the monster heel in Knoxville (SECW) He was a total BAD A$$ -- how bad you ask? he BEAT Andre the Giant! (beat the crap out of him in the process - there are limited clips of the match on youtube if you haven't seen them)


2) Pistol Pez was a main eventer in SECW and Cont. since he was a "hometown hero" out of Chattanooga. He also got a pretty good mid card push in Mid-Atlantic, turning on his friend Jimmy Valiant and morphing into Shaska Whatley

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Thank you to all who have read this and especially to those who have commented and gave their input!





Georgia Championship Wrestling: Week 3 January 1983


Gordon Solie: We're here live from the peach state of Georgia in downtown Atlanta for another week of Georgia Championship Wrestling, I'm Gordon Solie. Today we have some...

A mysterious man comes from behind the curtain walking towards the podium...

Solie: "Sorry fans... this isn't on my sheet... I didn't know you had been signed for this broadcast... let alone to come out here for an interview... now if you'll excuse me..."

Mystery Person: "I'd say something to you Gordon but talking to you... well it's like feeding strawberries to a pig!"

Solie: "Proceed Sir, what is your reason for being out here?"

Mystery Person: "Ladies and Gentleman... pull your chairs up to the TV and get a good luck at me... cause I'm going to be in the state of Georgia for a long time to come. I am the man they call "The Grand Wizard of Wrestling" and I've heard from several sources that say this is the place to be in pro wrestling... well I've traveled here from far away in other lands to search for someone who would be willing to be guided by the greatest manager to walk the earth."

Solie: "Well sir, standing out here is going to do you no good, you should look into searching the locker room or..."

Wizard: "Solie you don't understand anything do you? I'm not going to go search, they will come to me, I'll know when I spot the prize I want, and there is no better place than to stay right here next to you and call the action with you Gordon! Hahahaha!"


Grade: C+



Brad Armstrong vs Les Thorton


One word describes this... TECHNICAL. It looks more like a NCAA wrestling match than pro wrestling. Thorton is the best junior heavyweight of this time period but Brad Armstrong is the new top dog he wins with a Oklahoma Roll.


Winner: Brad Armstrong


Grade: C-


The Assassins come out to talk to Gordon & the Wizard

Wizard: "Ahhh the Assassins... yes yes... I've heard a lot about you two gentleman... big fans of your work..."

Assassin #1: "Paul Orndorff... you've got a big match coming up with Karl Kox for that NWA National Title which I'm sure is the number one thing on your mind... I'm going to go ahead and give you some advice... don't overlook me Orndorff... cause if you do.... you'll regret it..."


Grade: B


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin


With Ron Garvin in the ring not much wrestling going on. This one is an all out brawl. Garvin throws Koloff in the corner and comes running in for a splash but Koloff moves and Garvin crashes into the turnbuckle. Koloff then comes running at him but Garvin back drops him! Koloff goes over the top rope and onto the floor. Ref Ronnie West is saying Garvin did it on purpose and rings the bell! Koloff wins by DQ


Winner: Ivan Koloff


Grade: C+


Tito Santana & Joe Lightfoot vs Bob Roop & Arn Anderson

Santana & Lightfoot are on fire in this one as they control most of this.

Roop is in the ring with Lightfoot & he's fired up! Lightfoot is doing his Indian War Dance around the ring hitting Roop with chops. He throws Roop off the ropes and as Roop goes by Anderson tags him. Lightfoot blasts Roop's chest with a huge chop! Anderson comes from behind and scores with a Back Suplex into a pin!





Winner: Arn Anderson & Bob Roop


Grade: D+


Wizard: "I like this Roop fella... he does whatever it takes to win."


Mr. Wrestling #1 vs "Pistol" Pez Whatley


Whatley is a lot younger but no where near the wrestler Mr. Wrestling is. He ties Whatley up in knots that would make your eyes cross. He beats Whatley after several minutes with a Fisherman Suplex.


Winner: Mr. Wrestling


Grade: D+


Mr. Wrestling is in the ring celebrating his win when out of the back comes Jake Roberts! Roberts comes in and plants Mr. Wrestling with a DDT!


Solie: Mr. Roberts what is the meaning of this?

Roberts: Gordon everyone knows that when get shown up by someone you don't go after them... no... you go after the people they love. Mr. Wrestling #2.... you think our little rendezvous was a one time affair?? You better saddle up and get ready for a long ride."

Wizard: "Roberts has all the tools Gordon... he just needs some direction..."


Grade: D+


Brett Wayne Sawyer approaches.


Brett Wayne: Mr. Solie I come out here each and every week trying to give it everything I got. Whether you, my brother, or anyone else out there want to believe it or not I was on the verge of passing out last week against Ivan Koloff, so that's why I gave up. Now I would talk to my brother but he's been suspended for the week. Buzz if you're watching this please listen. I know I've disappointed you, and I know you have a bad temper and can't control yourself, but I'm asking you to please forgive me... thank you Gordon."


Solie:"Well a heartfelt message from one brother to another."


Wizard: "Brett Sawyer was his name. Right Gordon?"


Solie: "Yes."


Wizard: "Okay, let me mark his name off of my list before we start the next match, anyone stupid enough to believe that Buzz Sawyer will change for anyone should be committed. Not the kind of guy I want under my wing."


Grade: C+


Road Warriors vs Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer

In one of those Heel vs Heel tag matches that usually is as intense as all get out, this one lives up to the expectations. The ring isn't big enough for these men as they go all 4 outside the ring right off the bat!








Solie: These men don't look like they're stopping any time soon.








Wizard: "A smart manager would get his team back in the ring. You can't advance if both teams get counted out"










Winner: No Decision (Double Count out)


Grade: B-


Wizard: "Superstar & Destroyer need direction Gordon. They have all the tools, but that was a very stupid mistake they just made, they won't advance and the don't get winners money for the match"


Solie: "Due to the outcome of the last match the other semi-final match will become the final match for the National Titles. Since it is scheduled to be here today you fans will get to see this historic match take place. It will be the team of Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen agaisnt Johnny & Tommy "Wildfire" Rich.


James J. Dillon comes out


Dillon: "Gordon I told you that me and Kox have come up with a stipulation and I would announce it this week, yes?"


Solie: "Yes Mr. Dillon you did, have you two collaborated on a decision?"


Dillon: "Yes Gordon we have, Orndorff will have to face National Champion Karl Kox in a Texas Death Match.... good luck!"


Dillon walks away looking like he's just pulled off a great plan.



Paul Orndorff vs Assassin #1

A very even contest. Assassin controls the middle of this one but Orndorff uses his strength to overcome the odds.

Orndorff throws the Assassin into the ropes and connects with a clothesline.


Goes for the cover...






Killer Karl Kox runs in and attacks Orndorff.


They're both laying the boots to Orndorff untill Bob & Brad Armstrong run out saving him from an even further beating.


Winner: Paul Orndorff by DQ


Grade: C+


National Tag Team Finals

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Johnny & Tommy Rich


Right out of the gate Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen control Johnny Rich & are not letting him get anywhere near tagging in Tommy Rich. Time ticks away as it doesn't look like Johnny is going to last much longer.


Hansen has Rich picked up in a position for a powerslam and that's exactly what he's going for but Johnny Rich slips off! HUGE Dropkick into the teeth of Hansen and Rich takes off and tags in WILDFIRE!


Tommy Rich is busting Ole and Hansen with rights and lefts and they're dropping like flies. Rich throws Hansen off the ropes but Hansen comes back looking to hit the lariat but Wildfire ducks! Rich comes back with the Thez Press!






Ole knees Rich in the back breaking it up.

at this time Larry Zybyszko hops up onto the apron arguing with ref Ronnie West!


Johnny Rich Runs over and starts arguing as well.


Meanwhile The Spoiler comes on the other side and Ole & Stan are holding the arms of Tommy Rich as the Spoiler hits him with a loaded glove! Pin fall








Winner: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen


Grade: B


Anderson & Hansen come over to the podium to receive their newly won NWA National Tag Titles. They quickly take the titles and run back into the ring!


The Spoiler throws Ronnie West out of the ring and while Wildfire lays knocked out


Zybyszko & The Spoiler hold Johnny Rich down Ole and Stan take their titles and beat Johnny Rich's left arm with them!!


Ole comes off the top rope with the belt wrapped around his knee driving it into the arm of Johnny Rich!!


Rich is rolling around in agony as the four villains look on and the Grand Wizard is laughing into the microphone.


Grade: C


Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.51



Matches for next week:


Bob Roop vs Joe Lightfoot

Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin

Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling

Tito Santana vs Arn Anderson


Things to look for:

Who will the Grand Wizard be looking to manage?

With Buzz Sawyer coming back next week what will happen between him and his brother?

What will Tommy Rich do about what happened to Johnny Rich?

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Matches for next week:


Bob Roop vs Joe Lightfoot

Roop is just so much better than Joe...


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin

A Koloff wins another by the skin of his teeth


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling

Jake is ready to break out into that world title scene


Tito Santana vs Arn Anderson

Double A doesn't do the job on TV


Things to look for:

Who will the Grand Wizard be looking to manage? Barry Darsow


With Buzz Sawyer coming back next week what will happen between him and his brother? A wild brawl around the building


What will Tommy Rich do about what happened to Johnny Rich? Get a new partner...

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I have to say I loved the Grand Wizard commentary remarks. I never actually saw him other than clips from interviews and whatnot but I must say from what little I did see of him, I can picture him saying what you wrote for him.


Bob Roop vs Joe Lightfoot



Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin



Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling


Tito Santana vs Arn Anderson


Arn is still starting out so I think he takes the loss here.


Things to look for:

Who will the Grand Wizard be looking to manage? Hansen and Ole

With Buzz Sawyer coming back next week what will happen between him and his brother? He will attack his brother for being weak.

What will Tommy Rich do about what happened to Johnny Rich? Much like LG said, he will have to find a new partner.




1) you should have seen Garvin when he was the monster heel in Knoxville (SECW) He was a total BAD A$$ -- how bad you ask? he BEAT Andre the Giant! (beat the crap out of him in the process - there are limited clips of the match on youtube if you haven't seen them)


2) Pistol Pez was a main eventer in SECW and Cont. since he was a "hometown hero" out of Chattanooga. He also got a pretty good mid card push in Mid-Atlantic, turning on his friend Jimmy Valiant and morphing into Shaska Whatley


Good to see you are still around Olympia!

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Georgia Championship Wrestling: Week 4 January



Show opens with Gordon Solie & The Grand Wizard standing at the podium.



Solie: "Hello again wrestling fans for another episode of Georgia Championship Wrestling. I'm your host Gordon Solie & this is The Grand Wizard of Wrestling."

Wizard: "You know, you fans don't know how lucky you are to have us as your announcers. You have "The Dean of Wrestling" and "The Grand Wizard of Wrestling" on the same announce team!"


Solie: "Very well indeed."


Solie proceeds to go through the list of what's coming up today.


"Solie: I understand that today you'll be making a decision on who you're going to manage?"


Wizard: "I may or may not Gordon... you know it all depends on how I'm feeling about today."


Grade: C


meanwhile out comes Tommy Rich


Rich: "Somebody say something about bad news! As you all know last week my cousin and good friend Johnny Rich was injured by four men. Now 2 of those men I won't be able to get my hands on for awhile, but as for Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler, ya'll better be watching where you step because I've got a big announcement to make a little bit later on today, Thank you Gordon."


Rich walks away as we get started with the first match


Grade: B


David Samartino vs Jesse Barr


Barr is probably the better wrestler of the two but Samartino has a brighter future right now. He overpowers Barr every which way to Sunday and beats him.

Winner: David Samartino


Grade: E


Assassin #1 vs Mike Starbuck


(Question of the day: Did Mike Starbuck ever win?) This one is over and the word go.


Winner: Assassin #1


Grade: D+


Bob Roop vs Joe Lightfoot


Lightfoot is starting to lose some of the spark he's had in recent weeks as Roop has figured him out and he's not talented enough to change. Roop cleans his clock.


Winner: Bob Roop


Grade: D+



Jake Roberts comes out.


Jake: "Gordon... I just don't... haha... I just don't get.... I've always wondered what made other peoples minds tick and tock... I know what makes mine... watching people in pain and suffering. Mr. Wrestling... haha... if you think what I did to you last week was bad... don't get in the ring in a little bit... you'd save me time and save yourself the embarrassment."


Grade: D


Ole and Stan come out


Hansen: "Looky Looky at what's around our waists... haha!"

Ole: "Gordon we told you we were going to win it and that's just what we did!"


Thunderbolt & Big Red come out


Thunderbolt: "Ole & Hansen you both know those belts should be around our waists."


Hansen: "If you both are gonna come out here lip smacking I guess you'll both be man enough to meet in in the Omni then?"


Thunderbolt: "EWWWW have mercy!"


the crowds erupts as Ole and Stan walk away and Thunderbolt & Big Red jive around with the audience.


Grade: B


Brett Wayne Sawyer vs Ali Bey


Ali Bey is one tough customer but Brett Wayne has a fire in his stomach and has a lot to prove. Bey gets his fair share in and really comes off looking competitive by attacking Sawyers sore ribs but he's no match for the red hot Brett Sawyer. Sawyer even power slams him for the win.


Winner: Brett Wayne Sawyer


Grade: D+


Buzz comes out clapping and laughing.


Buzz: "You see Gordon! You see it?!?! All my brother needs in to be fired up every once in awhile and he gets back on track..."


Brett: "What's the matter with you Buzz? You're supposed to be my brother, we used to be more than brothers... we used to be best friends and then you come out here and tell the world that you don't claim me any more? How am I supposed to figure that's you "Pushing me"?"


Buzz: "Brett! You thought I was serious about that whole thing? I was kidding! Come on Brett!"


Buzz offers a hand out for Brett to shake.... and Brett Shakes it!


Buzz: "Bretty boy... sometimes you punish the ones they love to teach them a lesson..."


Buzz then power slams Brett on the concrete floor!!


Buzz: "Brett Wayne Sawyer.... you thought I would take back what I said?

Hate is a pretty strong word to be taking back. I don't like you and I've never liked you! Come to the Omni Sunday night if you're man enough."


Wizard: "There is something wrong with him Gordon... I wonder what family picnics were like with the Sawyer family?"


Grade: C-


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling


Both men are ready to go and the bell rings.


Immediately starting the match Mr. Wrestling #2 comes out to ringside. Roberts is distracted and Mr. Wrestling goes for a school boy!






Kick out!


Roberts barley got out of that one!


Mr. Wrestling controls most of this do to Roberts being flustered. Mr. Wrestling goes for a suplex which is blocked by Roberts and he turns it into a DDT!









Winner: Jake Roberts


Grade: C


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin



This match again resembles a bar room brawl instead of a wrestling match. Koloff is working the back of Garvin by delivering knees to the lumbar. Things get even more heated as both men are raking the eyes and using closed fists! Ron Garvin looks like he has thrown the rule book right out the door as he has Koloff against the ropes delivering right hands.


Big right hand!



Garvin winds up....




he hits Koloff so hard it sends him right over the top rope.


Ref Scrappy McGowen calls for the bell!!


Winner: Ivan Koloff by DQ


Grade: C


Garvin storms over to the podium.


Garvin: "Gordon I have a match this Sunday against Koloff right?"


Solie: "Yes"


Garvin: "Well I'm protesting that match Gordon. You see this is two weeks in a row now I've lost to Koloff by some lousy rule about knocking guys over the top rope. I want a match where that's not a rule!"


Solie: "So you're saying you want a match with Koloff were throwing your opponent over the top rope is legal?"


Garvin: "Yes!"


Solie: "Well Mr. Garvin I can certainly bring that up to the board of directors and see what happens but you probably won't find out until the night of the show."


Garvin: "Thank you Gordon!"


Grade: C


Tommy Rich comes out


Rich: "Gordon I have a letter here from the board of directors I'd like for you to read."


Solie: "Okay...


Dear Tommy Rich,

Since your partner has been injured you have the right to pick any partner with an open contract in the NWA."


Rich: "All I need is for Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler to come out and sign the contract saying they will face me and the opponent that I've chosen.

Zybyszko & The Spoiler come out.


Zybyszko: "This ought to be good. I'm sure you've got another spud head cousin from the hollers of Teennnuuhhhsaayyy to be your partner since family are the only friends you have."


Rich: "Just sign the dotted line big boy and put your money where your mouth is!"

Zybyszko & The Spoiler both quickly sign the contract.


Rich: "Gordon... both these men signed the contract right?"


Solie: "Yes Sir."


Rich: "Do you see anything on the first page about who my partner is?"


Solie looks at the contract


Solie: "No Sir"


Rich: "See Zybyszko you and The Spoiler both got to cocky and failed to read the fine print. Go ahead Gordon and let them read that second page."


Zybyszko & The Spoiler both read the second page and go nuts.


Zybyszko: "No way!! No way are we going to face him!! That's not fair Gordon!"


Solie: "Sorry Gentleman but you both signed the dotted line... best of luck to you in the Omni on Sunday"


Zybyszko & Spoiler leave in an outrage.


Rich: "Gordon go ahead and read that out loud for the fans to hear."


Solie reads it in his head first.


Solie: "Broth-ER!!"


Wildfire laughs while rubbing his hands together.


Solie: "I'll read this exactly as it states. January *th, this Sunday in the Omni the team of Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler will face the team of Tommy Rich & Andre the Giant!"


The crowd in WTBS Studio goes crazy


Rich: "Somebody say somethin bout payback is a .... you know what! FIRE IT UP!! FIRE IT UP!!"


Grade: A


Tito Santana vs Arn Anderson


Anderson will go on to have one hell of a career but at this stage he's still wet behind the ears. Santana controls most of this but Anderson gets the advantage late in the match. Arn Scoop Slams Santana onto the mat. pin fall






kick out!


Anderson picks up Santana and Tito goes for a big right hand but Arn ducks and it hits the ref!


Roop comes onto the apron!


He throws the brass knuckles to Arn but overthrows them and they go right to Santana!


Santana busts Anderson into next week and then hits Roop with a flying forearm. Pin Fall




Winner: Tito Santana!


Grade: C


A commercial comes on with Freddie Millers voice hyping the big show in the Omni this Sunday.

"Fans don't miss it, everyone and their dog is going to go... BEEE THERE!"


Grade: B-

Show Grade: B-

TV Rating: 1.51


Matches for the Omni

NWA National Heavyweight Title Match

Last Man Standing

Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Paul Orndorff (Challenger)

Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler vs Tommy Rich & Andre the Giant

Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin

NWA National Tag Team Title Match

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen © vs Thunderbolt Patterson & Big Red

Roop vs Santana

Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2

Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's

Road Warriors vs Wendell Cooley & Rick McGraw

Assassin #1 vs Mike Jackson



Will Brett Sawyer answer the challenge of his brother?

Who will the Grand Wizard manage?

Who will turn Face/Heel?

Any surprises?

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