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DAVE: Rewriting the History Books (CV2005)

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A phenomenon, a revolution, a tragedy. All three words synonymous with one promotion, DAVE. Danger and Violence Extreme began it's rise when booking genius, Phil Vibert took over the company in 1997, and signed a big name talent, in the disgruntled John "Nemesis" Campbell from SWF. On the back of these two events, the wrestling world changed forever, as DAVE grew and grew into a cult phenomenon that was gripping the nation.


Crowds were mesmerized, in awe of DAVE's talent. Soon enough, DAVE would add, Adrenaline Rush, Big Cat Brandon, The Peak Brothers, Bryan Holmes, Shawn Gonzalez, Kurt Laramee, Alex Braun and The New Wave to the mix, and by 2005, had one of the most talented rosters ever assembled. All this talent, the possibilities for DAVE's growth was endless.... until the year 2007 came around.


2007 spelled the end for DAVE, when a mass exodus of workers left the company for more lucrative surroundings, joined by an injury crisis with financial problems to boot, DAVE would close its doors and it's legacy forever tarnished. Many of the DAVE originals still carry this burden, with Mitch Naess and John Campbell trying to rebuild the legacy through the hardcore exploits of PSW and IPW, while numerous other DAVE stars went to one of the big two in SWF and TCW. DAVE was dead, and was never to return...


But what if history had turned out differently, what if no stars left leading up to the injury crisis, what if there were no financial troubles? What if history was REWRITTEN? Would history repeat itself? Or is it true that "lighting never strikes twice"?


Find out in


DAVE: Rewriting the History Books

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Announce Team




Tag Teams



The McWade Brothers


The New Wave


Adrenaline Rush


The Peak Brothers


The New Jersey Devils


The Animals




DAVE Unified



Bryan Holmes

Reign Started: May 2005

Defenses: 0

Previous Holders: N/A


DAVE Brass Knuckles



Eddie Peak

Reign Started: August 2005

Defenses: 0

Previous Holders: N/A


DAVE Tag Team



The Animalz (The Wolverine & Big Cat Brandon)

Reign Started: October 2005

Defenses: 0

Previous Holders: N/A







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DAVE busy with additions and retractions


With only a month to go in 2005, DAVE has undergone a somewhat unusual period over the last few days. The only official news we have received is DAVE have released WEXXV worker Tatsukichi (Shichirobei) from their roster, citing him as an unnecessary expenditure for the company.



Tatsukichi was released for financial reasons


Tatsukichi was contacted to get some sort of reaction about this, however, we were unable to reach him. Yet rumours are circulating that Tatsukichi is blaming Nemesis for the release. We are not sure if other DAVE wrestlers should be concerned for their jobs, but our sources are speculating that many workers in the DAVE locker room are now fearing for their jobs. This isn't the only news we have to report today, as it has also been reported that DAVE have offered contracts to numerous "indy" talents. Professor Nero is the only man we can confirm that DAVE definitely has had contact with when Nero himself is quoted in saying "Yes, I have had contact from DAVE officials, and yes, they have offered me a contract". Nero went on by saying "Although, contact has been made, I have not accepted the offer". It seems DAVE finally want to lock down somebody as a road agent for the company, instead of DAVE veterans Nemesis and Eric Tyler sharing the duty.



Nero is apparently going to be DAVE's new Road Agent


However, DAVE have much more than additions to be worried about. Our sources in TCW can confirm that the company have offered a contract to Carl Batch. It is not known whether DAVE have counter-acted the offer or not, but on the official DAVE website, there was an article on TCW's interest of Batch, but nothing else was reported other than that TCW have offered a contract to Batch.



TCW are very interested in DAVE manager, Carl Batch


Batch is apparently interested in going to TCW, but nothing has been finalised.

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DAVE Danger TV


Acid v Matt Sparrow


Winners Tag Team becomes number one contenders

Alex Braun v Guide v Sammy Bach v Dean McWade


Kurt Laramee v Chris Caulfield


Winner becomes number one contender for DAVE Unified

??? v ??? v ???

Pick the three competitors in this match for extra points.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Mitch: Hello and welcome everyone to the Evanovich Riverside stadium, I'm Mitch Naess joined by Phil Vibert and tonight there are three men vying to be the number one contender for the Dave Unified belt.

Phil: There can only be one winner tonight Mitch, and our champion will face that winner.

Mitch: But Phil, who is in tonight's main event?








Phil: Tonight's main event will be between Eddie Peak, Johnny Martin and Shawn Gonzalez. The winner will become the number one contender for Bryan Holmes' DAVE Unified Title.


Rating: 80/ B








Mitch: A huge opportunity for those three men tonight.

Phil: That's what happens in DAVE Mitch. We put on matches the fans want to see

Mitch: I can't disagree with you there Phil.









Match 1: Acid v Matt Sparrow


• Acid starts the match by delivering vicious kicks to Sparrow’s legs

• Acid then runs off the ropes but Sparrow returns a dropkick

• Sparrow then goes off the rope, Acid rolls over onto his stomach, Sparrow jumps over and Acid then hits a dropkick of his own.

• Both men stand off and lock up.

• Acid hits an arm drag followed by a second, before Sparrow grabs him and hits an overhead belly to belly suplex.

• Sparrow is in control until Acid throws Sparrow into the corner and then hits a superplex, which garners only a two.

• Acid is up first and climbs the top rope, but Sparrow gets over and dropkicks Acid’s legs which cause Acid to fall onto his groin

• Sparrow then is able to set up the Bird Brain Buster (Delayed Brain Buster) but Acid counters it into a tornado DDT

• Acid then hits Acid Rain (Springboard Corkscrew) and pins, 1… 2….. 3.



Winner: Acid by pinfall in 8:01

Finishing Move: Acid Rain (Springboard Corkscrew)

Rating: 70/ C+








Mitch: What a match!!

Phil: Any time these guys go one on one it is an exciting affair.

Mitch: Hopefully we'll get to see these guys in the ring again in the near future.










Peak: The Brass Knuckles title is nothing but a step, a step on the way to madness. You see chaos is a questionable thing, and many people question the anarchy that I cause. And I wouldn't blame you, I've bled more than any other wrestler in this company, and I've caused more people to bleed in this ring then any else. And this title proves that. To be the "Prince of Chaos", you have to create chaos, and I do that on a regular basis. Gonzalez, Martin, can you handle the chaos? I guess we'll find out


Rating: 76/ B-








Mitch: Peak is the "Prince of Chaos"?

Phil: Apparently so, but lets be honest, he is definitely a man of chaos. We've seen him do all kinds of crazy stuff in that ring.









Match 2: Sammy Bach V Alex Braun v Guide v Dean McWade


• Sammy attacks Guide and Braun attacks Dean, Dean picks up Braun and throws him over his head, but Braun lands on the second rope and hits a crossbody

• Sammy is throwing punches as Guide is in the corner, but Guide turns it around and hits shoulder tackles into Sammy’s gut

• Braun climbs the ropes but Dean throws him off it, Guide then clotheslines Sammy out of the ring, and Guide hits an elbow drop on Braun

• Braun kicks both Guide’s and Dean’s legs before Sammy hits a flying clothesline of the top rope to Dean

• Sammy hits a dropkick to Dean and Dean falls out of the ring.

• Sammy then grabs Guide around his waist and Braun unleashes punches to the head.

• Sammy then tried a German suplex but Guide counters it with a snapmare

• Braun then hits a right hand to Guide, while Dean pulls Sammy’s leg and pulls him to the outside.

• Braun continues to his right hands to Guide but then Guide hits a Guided Missile (Northern Lights Bomb) and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.


Winner: Guide by pinfall in 8:21

Finishing Move: Guided Missile (Northern Lights Bomb)

Rating: 66/ C+








Mitch: And it's settled. The Animalz have their opponents for Christmas with the Devil.

Phil: Haha, thats right Mitch. They got The New Wave. 3 time Dave Tag team champs.

Mitch: Well they have the opportunity to make it 4.









Angle 3: A Tradition


Tyler: I walk to the ring today as a symbol. A symbolic representation of tradition. Everytime I watch tapes of DAVE, I see that they are going to revolutionise the business. Well, these fans are holding that back. All you want is blood. It disgusts me. Wrestling is not a fight to the death, not a blood sport. Wrestling is an art, and all you fans who came here to see violence and blood, not today because Tradition is Wrestling.


The fans boo as Tyler stands in the centre of the ring, a smug smile plastered across his face.



Fighting for what he believes in


At this moment, "The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee's theme song plays and before long we see Lee walking down to the ring. Tyler bails straight away as the fans boo his cowardice.




Rating: 74/ B-








Mitch: Damn right Tyler, you better get out of the ring.

Phil: Looks like he's not ready for the "Icon of Insanity"

Mitch: Would you blame him?









Match 3: Chris Caulfield v Kurt Laramee


• Laramee starts the match strong, running at Caulfield and throws vicious punches at him

• Laramee hits an Irish whip and a clothesline followed by an elbow drop

• Laramee picks up Caulfield but Caulfield comes back with a few right hands

• He tries to his a clothesline but Caulfield hits a belly to belly suplex instead.

• He hits a few stomps until Laramee hits a vicious up kick which drops Caulfield to the mat, but only garners a 2 count.

• Both men are slow to their feet before Laramee explodes towards Caulfield but he moves and Laramee spears into the steel pole that holds the turnbuckle

• Laramee then comes out holding his shoulder and turns straight into a Danger Drop (Piledriver) and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.


Winner: Chris Caulfield by pinfall in 13:56

Finishing Move: Danger Drop (Piledriver)

Rating: 60/ C








Mitch: Caulfield gets a nice win over Kurt Laramee

Phil: Laramee will..









Angle 4: It begins


Chris Caulfield is in the ring celebrating when...



Asserting their dominance


... Nemesis, Hell's Bouncer and a debuting John Greed come to the ring and attack Caulfield. Beating down until he is a bloody mess, Nemesis then grabs a mic


Nemesis: I stand before you today as a member of the Satanic Brotherhood, joined by my brothers. Today is the day when we begin our take over, to rid the world of God and proclaim Lucifer as the rightful king of the universe, but.... we have a long road to follow. We follow the words of Lucifer and tonight we attacked Chris Caulfied. Why would they do that? There's only one reason why, he is the bright light. The light that shines over and protects everybody in my jurisdiction. The brotherhood must destroy the light that prevents Lucifer's rule, and once that light is no more, The Satanic Brotherhood will fill the void with darkness.




We wait for Judgement, We wait for Lucifer.


Rating: 87/ B+








Mitch: What the hell is this?

Phil: Nemesis always has something to follow

Mitch: I have no idea what you are talking about










Emma: Here you see him, the greatest man in this company. The alpha male of DAVE, Bryan Holmes. We don't care who wins the main event tonight. Bryan Holmes will technically dominate any of them, making them not worthy to be the DAVE Unified champion. We'll scout them, and then we'll beat them


Rating: 79/ B








Mitch: Well, Easy Emma makes her point

Phil: She looked good though.

Mitch: Well, she shouldn't be knocking down the competitors of the main event. Three very talented guys that want that title shot.

Phil: But... she looked great.

Mitch: Oh get your mind outta the gutter Phil.





Match 4: Shawn Gonzalez v Eddie Peak v Johnny Martin


• The three men stand in the ring as Eddie attacks Johnny but then Shawn attacks Eddie

• Johnny is knocked down and Eddie concentrates on Shawn

• Eddie throws vicious punches at Shawn but misses them before Shawn hits a drop toe hold

• Johnny comes back into the occasion with an axe handle to Shawn and hits a Russian leg sweep.

• Eddie then hits a few clubs to Johnny’s back, before hitting a flying shoulder tackle.

• Eddie looks to hit a suplex but Shawn breaks it up but Eddie is able to hit a clothesline on Shawn

• Eddie is clearly in control and throws Shawn out of the ring and looks to hit a Peak of Perfection (Crucifix Powerbomb) but Johnny drops down and pins with a backslide, but only garners a two.

• Shawn then comes in and clotheslines Johnny he flies out of the ring, Eddie comes flying at Shawn but ducks.

• Shawn then grabs Eddies legs and locks in the Latino Crab (Boston Crab) and Eddie taps out.


Winner: Shawn Gonzalez by submission in 14:02

Finishing Move: Latino Crab (Boston Crab)

Rating: 72/ B-




Mitch: Shawn Gonzalez wins, Gonzalez is the number one contender.

Phil: What the hell?

Mitch: Holmes v Gonzalez for the DAVE Unified title.

Phil: What a match that's going to be

Mitch: But thats all we have time for. Goodbye on behalf of Phil Vibert and myself, Mitch Naess. We'll see you next week on DAVE Danger TV.


SWF: 80/ B 7.51,(0.08) Christian Faith def. Runaway Train (79)

TCW: 56/ C- 1.14,1.57,2.08 Peter Valentine def. Genghis Rahn (50)

DAVE: 73/ B- 0.78 Shawn Gonzalez def. Johnny Martin and Eddie Peak (72)

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DAVE gets dropped from PPV


DAVE gets more bad news this week as American Option PPV dropped them. American Option have voiced their concerns of the content that DAVE has been airing for some months now, Jake Harris CEO of American Option said this morning at the press conference "American Option regrets to announce that we are dropping Danger and Violence Wrestling events from airing on our channel"



American Option dropped DAVE due to their violent and graphic content


When DAVE officials were reached for a reaction Phil Vibert said "That's their choice. They knew what kind of product we promoted and if they would prefer to not be associated with our product that's fine. We'll begin searching for a different PPV carrier immediately and hopefully can sign a contract before Christmas with the Devil". In other DAVE news, TCW have officially announced the signing of Carl Batch. TCW had reportedly been interested in signing the DAVE manager, but it is now official.



TCW have officially signed Carl Batch


DAVE however, have decided to concentrate on their tag division. Insiders have said that DAVE have been looking into their tag division for future stars. With the new singles success of former tag star Eddie Peak, you can see why they would be looking at the tag division. Many people in the industry feel Big Cat Brandon, Sammy Bach, Teddy Powell, Guide and Scout have a lot of potential, all of which are currently in the tag division.



Some of the young stars in DAVE's tag division


Current champions The Animalz, The Wolverine and Big Cat Brandon, are currently booked to face The New Wave, Guide and Scout, at Christmas with the Devil. It's fairly obvious that DAVE's tag division is filled with talent, but will DAVE be able to build them correctly? Only time will tell.

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