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Superstars Uncensored & Extreme [THUNDERVERSE]

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Yo. Not many know me, I post rather infrequently though I do notoriously check on this forum every day and read up on random threads. I also had one such thread you may remember called WCCW about a year or so ago that... did not last very long (my booking got far, my shows never really caught up though). We'll see how long this one last.




I'd like to think you're all aware of the ThunderVerse mod by now, it's by far my favorite mod for TEW 2013 and likely the mod in which I've invested the most time in (mostly in this fun sports entertainment company called Awesome Wrestling Federation), so there was very little chance that any new dynasty I might attempt would not involve this here mod.







Before we delve onto to the world here, we'll talk a bit about Pro-Wrestling SUX, now bare with me because this will also be my first venture with the lowest (morally at least) company in the US.


PWSUX is based in Detroit, Michigan, very fitting not only considering that environment but also that it's the birthplace of hardcore wrestling. Evidently, I'd like to draw comparisons to the real world's ECW which most folks might be familiar with, but I won't, because I myself did not watch much ECW. Nevertheless, the description of hardcore fist fights, senseless high-flying and death defying maneuvers, as well as nearly nude ladies might remind you of the late Philadelphia based company.



Derrick Moore


Fortunately, PWSUX isn't really plagued by the financial issues Paul Heyman and his company had to deal with. In fact, it's owned by a relatively wealthy businessman from Vegas and has a sizable bank balance to stow away some of the obvious worries that comes with a not-very marketable company. Beyond some mediocre commentating, Derrick Moore doesn't have a direct influence on the on-air product.



Coby Felder


The man who does is Colby Felder. Colby's a sort of backstage prodigy of sorts, he started off with WWWE (a huge company that would die off in 2001 leaving the US as an open landscape for a new company to take over), but could not helm the ship before it closed down and for 4 years, Felder took a hiatus from the business, uninterested by the prospective opportunities. It wasn't until the formation of PWSUX that Felder's creative itch was tickled and the man would sign with the company, maintaining a promotion that perhaps should have died long ago, for over a decade now. Coby is an equally untalented on-air character like Moore but the duo have direct sight of the show sitting at the announce table.



Cross & Casey Skym


The company is currently regional sized, some way away from reaching Cult and thus will have to get used to the position, though they've been making progress in the Great Lakes, Tri-State and Mid-Atlantic to push towards that next step. A recent cross-promotional storyline that would see Cross head on over to AWF and would include a PWSUX invasion saw the hardcore company working with AWF and hardcore icon, Casey Skym for a short while. The package would help PWSUX gain some much needed recognition in the US.





This isn't the only success PWSUX has seen with other companies, the World Hardcore Promotions alliance containing newly founded Mexican company Explosivos y Extrema Promociones and classic as well as perhaps even more brutal Japanese company, LETHAL Steel Japanese Wrestling, would allow the three international companies some talent exchanges and much needed global connections.





Alas, not all goes well for PWSUX in terms of its relationship with other companies. A would-be alliance with fellow American hardcore company, East Coast Xtreme Wrestling would quickly grow both sour and violent and result in the two companies going to war. While Moore would disagree, some might call ECXW edgier and perhaps even more extreme than PWSUX. But you know what, that doesn't really matter, because Moore and Felder have no intention of letting ECXW live for much longer. So far the war seems relatively harmless with both companies remaining in their own locales, both have expansive ambitions, and it might not be too long before those directly clash, they don't need much more motivation.




With PWSUX far from having hopes of International dominance, we'll instead focus on the wrestling scene in America. As mentioned before, ever since the death of WWWE, it isn't exactly stable, but there's three head honchos here, and one clear-cut leading the race of the three.





Pro Wrestling Integrity is the anti-thesis of PWSUX, it's traditional American wrestling mixed with some Puroresu values, it's about clean finishes and cleaner competitions. It's about being a sport, about athletes. I can hear you groaning, is this really the best America has to offer? Well, currently they're a national company, and they're understandably churning out some of the best matches in the world courtesy of Eli Morton and a few other modern day iconic athletes. Right now, no one's touching them, but if one company's coming close... it's AWF.





The sports entertainment company formed shortly before PWSUX and originally looking like a richman's vanity project (hey, much like PWSUX) appeared to be a WWWE clone designed to fail. But AWF has quickly learned to manage a mixture of sports and entertainment through tremendous talent like Silva Dollas, Giroux, Richards and of course Hawk and with them making some strides in producing both great storylines and great wrestling, one might wonder if Shane Allman may start falling to Trillion's AWF.





The third company seems a bit removed from the silent war for the US, formed by DRAGON Michinoku not too long ago, DRAGON Pro Wrestling was bred from one of many walkouts of Japanese giant UPJ. Michinoku sought to combine Puroresu and Lucha wrestling in America, odd decision but he's quickly found success as the third most over company in the states. While the loss of a television show did halt them for a bit, they've gotten back on their horse and are ready to continue their steady rise in the US.



CWT, The Club, HCG & LWA


Alongside PWSUX, there are a few companies hoping to mount their own challenge in the US. Championship Wrestling from Tennessee used to bed something worth watching, worth respecting, it's been around for 40 years now after all, but it looks like CWT may finally be meeting its maker. While once being considered a top four, a lack of funds and loss of stars has put it on the same level as other regional companies. The Club's on the flipside of that, formed by The Danger Network, the distinctive style of The Club has quickly won over its share of viewers, and a television deal thanks to its ownership, has ensured it doesn't have to deal with the same issues some of its rival companies would have. Then there's Hollywood Championship Grappling, bred because some guy got jealous or scorned by AWF, it's nothing to worry about. Lastly there's Legacy Wrestling Alliance, extremely popular in Puerto Rico and Hawai'i but don't bank on them expanding that popularity. The rest of the US is sprinkled with a bunch of smaller independent companies, other than ECXW, none we should concern ourselves with.




Forewarning, this dynasty will not be super detailed or likely written in any standardized format (though no claims on an original format either). It'll be written from the point of view of a wrestling critic and thus each show should hopefully be a light read as the critic goes through it all (and thus an easy write on my part), delivers his ratings and both his interpretation and thoughts on the show. Next time, we look at the champions, the roster and perhaps learn just a tad more about PWSUX.


In hindsight, hadn't realized how much I had written for this opening post, maybe I should find more pictures to break it up, yeah, I'll do that, and you'll never see what it was like before because I'm typing as I'm thinking right now. Welp. Enjoy. We'll see how long this goes, I'm hoping the light writing style will allow me to traverse through time faster. I've never done a hardcore company so my booking may be iffy to start as well.
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Looking good so far. SUX are, I think, the most enjoyable promotion in the Thunderverse and always a lot of fun to book, so it'll be really interesting to see how you handle it. Looking forward to you getting underway. :D
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  • 2 weeks later...






One might wonder how Pro Wrestling SUX has managed to negotiate alliances with Mexico and Japan's biggest hardcore promotions, EEP & LETHAL, yet could not manage to negotiate terms with fellow american hardcore wrestling company East Coast Xtreme Wrestling. After all, it's not like there was any regional war to speak of, they're both situated far enough from one another that territorial issues are more or less non-existent. ECXW being situated in the South East and PWSUX in the Great Lakes area with neither venturing too far outside their region, and neither big enough to do so.





Thus, if there was no real gain to be made out of a war, why do it all. That's a pretty simple reason, the fact is, The Hardcore Warz is less ECXW vs. PWSUX and more Tylene vs. Cindy Austin. Tylene Moore is of course PWSUX owner, Derrick Moore's wife. Formerly an adult entertainer, it took a while for Tylene to get involved in the world of professional wrestling, even with her brother, Arson, a commendable wrestler, having a career in it.



Cindy Austin


Cindy Austin, on the other hand, like Derrick Moore, is a businesswoman, and, like Tylene, an adult entertainer. Cindy Austin made a name for herself by running a chain of gentleman's clubs across the South East, and on her 30th birthday, decided to open up her own wrestling company, East Coast Xtreme Wrestling.


And thus, it was in 2011 that Derrick Moore and Cindy Austin would meet to discuss the terms of an alliance, but that meeting quickly grew... well, hardcore. No one will ever really know why Tylene did it, jealousy perhaps? That while Cindy Austin was reportedly making love to the likes of Terry Thunder, Guy Lothario and Richie Santana... Tylene was with Derrick Moore? Or that while Cindy Austin was making gains in her career, Tylene was meeting stagnation.



Marty Ambrose


I suppose only Tylene will ever know, three years on, the two companies are still embroiled in warfare. Sure, it's more cold war than World War 2, but the shots still get fired. Take the case of Marty Ambrose, ultimate bad ass of ECXW, and ECXW Maximum Extreme champion, Derrick Moore would sway over Ambrose into leaving ECXW in February of 2014, still champion, and sending Cindy Austin's company into disarray until they could finally crown Sultan in March.


And one can imagine, with Cross, 13TEEN, and Seven Brandt gone, and guys like Klaxon, Omri Stone and Revolver Blinx rumored to be heading towards AWF on a more permanent basis, one can assume Derrick Moore might reach into his pockets and cause ECXW more trouble over time. It's still a cold war, but with both companies slowly expanding into the Mid-Atlantic region, it's only a matter of time before that cold war becomes something more.

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