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[1991, WWF] The Apocalypse Has Begun

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter



ANGLE: Backstage segment with Dusty Rhodes and Missy Hyatt...B+

The Renegade Warriors defeated Rip Morgan and Mark Kyle...D-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving El Gigante and Ole Anderson...C-

Buddy Landel defeated Tim Horner...D+

Lt. James Earl Wright defeated Steve Armstrong...D-



ANGLE: Confrontation involving Rick Steiner and Terrence Taylor...C-

The Steiner Brothers defeated The Minotaur and Pat Rose...C-

ANGLE: Skit involving Barry Windham and Jimmy Garvin...C

The Lightning Express defeated The State Patrol...C-

Rick Rude defeated Jim Clontz...C-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Sting and Lex Luger...B

Larry Zbyszko defeated Tommy Rich...C+

Dan Spivey defeated Kevin Sullivan...C+


Brooklyn Brawler vs. Big Bossman

Comments: Bossman continues the "quest to restore his mothers' name" with a victory over a "former Hennan Client". The Brawler is a great enhancement talent.


Power and Glory vs. The Rockers

Comments: I always feel Shawn vs. Bret is made with foresight -- plus, both are face. I think this is a "#1 Contender's match" with P&G taking the dub.


Earthquake vs. Hulk Hogan

Comments: I like 'Quake, he is capable of holding the main strap... but he's always willing to put someone over and Hogan is NEVER EVER EVER willing to put ANYONE over, and will DEMAND to win this match.


Comments On Last Show: Looking forward to Rick and THE SNAKE at The Rumble -- it should be a terrific match, both guys deserved more than one PPV before the blowoff. Two of the top five in-ring guys in '91 WWF.

A Hogan-Horseman feud is great. It'll keep him away from the strap for a while and let you build someone else -- it puts him in a position, again, where he is doing something "more important than the title picture" providing a fresh angle on Hogan. I don't like Slaughter and Hogan's program but it should have allowed for another face to take and build the strap, but of course, Hogan got the title back at 'Mania.


The Brooklyn Brawler is definitely a great enhancement talent. Maybe he should get a push? Hmm...


I do agree about Shawn vs. Bret being usually made with foresight. In my previous 1991 WWF diary, I had them starting the Royal Rumble together.


Earthquake is definitely a great one to have in the company. He is a strong hand and can be more if given the right push.


Rick Martel and Jake The Snake should be a good one at the Royal Rumble. Don't worry, I don't have any plans to make a blindfold match between these two again. LOL.


Glad that you like my Hogan/Horsemen feud. Where it's going to go in regards to WrestleMania has not been completely decided yet. I am still weighing over several options as to where this could go.


Fun Fan Signs: Singles Match for the Jobber Championship: Brooklyn Brawler vs. Jim Powers!


But who would win the match? Could it end in a draw with both men looking up at the lights? LOL.


Power & Glory - as popular as Marty and Shawn always were, they were job fodder. P&G are a lot closer to a tag title match than the Rockers are, so they pick up a nefarious win here.


It was such a shame that both teams ended up as job fodder by the end of their runs. Both teams could excel in this promotion. Both teams deserve their shot at World Tag Team title glory.

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It was such a shame that both teams ended up as job fodder by the end of their runs. Both teams could excel in this promotion. Both teams deserve their shot at World Tag Team title glory.


To be fair, The Rockers did get their shot at tag team glory, but due to shenanigans, the title win was erased.

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Monday Week 3 January 1991

Location: Seattle Center Arena (North West)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 2.08




[Vince McMahon welcomes everyone to WWF Prime Time Wrestling this evening as we are thirteen days away from the Royal Rumble pay-per-view! The crowd inside the Seattle Center Arena rise to their feet with cheers as 'Unstable' begins to play and out from the back runs the WWF World Heavyweight Champion The Ultimate Warrior! Warrior enters the ring and shakes the ropes, getting the crowd moving toward a fever pitch to kick things off. Warrior has a microphone and he begins with his catchphrase of SPEAK TO ME, WARRIORS! He says that he just traveled from the height of the highest mountain to the depths of the lowest valley. He says that he swam the longest ocean so that he could arrive here in Seattle among all his Warrior faithful. He says that in thirteen days he faces a man who lacks the integrity of a Warrior. This is a man who has turned against his country, his family and all of the people who looked up to him. This man is Sgt. Slaughter. He tells Slaughter that his reckoning is going to come in thirteen days at the Royal Rumble when he steps in the ring with the might of the Ultimate Warrior. He says that he is the one person in the world that can bring Slaughter to his knees and destroy him with the power of his Warriors. He snarls and growls as he is interrupted by the sounds of 'Pomp And Circumstances.']




[Sensational Queen Sherri escorts out The Macho King Randy Savage from the back. Savage has eyes for the WWF World Heavyweight title that is around the waist of The Ultimate Warrior. He is staring at the belt as he walks down to the ring and steps inside, looking across at The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior snarls at them both, asking what they want out here interrupting the Ultimate Warrior. Savage says that The Ultimate Warrior is not the one who should be carrying the World title belt. He says that he should be the one to carry the belt into the match with Sgt. Slaughter at the Royal Rumble, dig it? He is the one true King in the World Wrestling Federation. So what he is doing is laying down a challenge for The Ultimate Warrior next week right here on Prime Time Wrestling. He says that he wants The Ultimate Warrior in the ring for the WWF World title six days before the Royal Rumble. Warrior asks him if that is all he wants? Warrior begins breathing heavy, raising his arms up and down. His legs start moving up and down. He says that if Savage wants a title match next week, then he is going to get a title match next week. He says that he agrees to the challenge set forth by the Macho King. But when the dust settles and clears from that match, he is going to see that a King is no match for The Ultimate Warrior! Savage and Sherri smile at having been given their match. Instead of getting physical, though, Savage turns and exits the ring with Sherri and they head to the back. What a main event we have set for next week!]





Match #1


The Nasty Boys and Dino Bravo vs. The Hart Foundation and Greg Valentine


[The 5,000 fans in the arena and many watching at home are treated to a six man tag team contest as The Nasty Boys team with Canadian Strongman Dino Bravo to take on The Hart Foundation and Greg The Hammer Valentine. The match itself is pretty decent in a back and forth way with both sides getting in about an equal amount of offense. Valentine gets caught in the corner of Jimmy Hart's crew and he becomes a face-in-peril as The Nasty Boys and Dino Bravo use some quick tags to keep a fresh man in the ring. They put Valentine in a neutral corner and Jerry Sags whips Brian Knobbs into him with a corner splash. Then he whips Dino Bravo in for a second corner splash. Finally, he charges in himself but Valentine moves out of the way of the third corner splash, crawling over and tagging in The Hitman! Bret Hart comes in and goes after all three members of Jimmy Hart's team. The Anvil comes in to help and things have broken down here in six man tag team action! At one point, both Nasty Boys and Dino Bravo are in separate corners with both Hart Foundation members and Greg Valentine up throwing punches as the crowd counts along. They drop down after ten and Bret Hart shows some skill as he gets Brian Knobbs in a crucifix pin: One, Two, Three! Bret Hart pins Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys!]


Winners: The Hart Foundation and Greg Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 10:08)

Match Rating: C+




[We are taken to a pre-recorded interview featuring the Doctor Of Style Slick and the tag team known as Power and Glory! Slick says to take a good look at these two men. They are the very best in tag team wrestling not just here in the WWF but in the entire wrestling world. He says that these two men combined make for the very next WWF World Tag Team Champions if The Hart Foundation would be willing to take them on. But they need to focus on their next match, which is later tonight against The Rockers. He says that The Rockers are no match for Hercules alone. Not to mention Hercules and Paul Roma. He turns things over to Roma, who says that tonight he is going to match the speed of The Rockers and send them right down the dark alley where Hercules is going to be waiting for them. Hercules says that when they come down that dark alley he is going to finish them off. He says that they are going to fall victim to the PowerPlex. So they better pick which one of them is going to be looking up at the lights because that is exactly what is going to happen tonight. Slick smiles and says to turn off the lights, the party's over. The video fades to a second video.]




[This second pre-recorded video features Jimmy Hart standing in front of a blue background with Earthquake. The Mouth of the South says that tonight he is feeling like the earth is going to shake, daddy! Tonight there is a question of whether or not Hulk Hogan is going to make it thirteen days to the Royal Rumble. Why? Because Jack Tunney made the mistake of putting Hulk Hogan in the path of a violent Earthquake. Earthquake speaks up, saying that tonight he is planning to do the same thing to Hulk Hogan that he did to him a year ago. He said that he is going to break the ribs of Hulk Hogan and put him on the shelf. Then he is going to move forward to the Royal Rumble where he steps in the ring with twenty nine other men. But none of them have the strength to lift an Earthquake over the top rope and send him crashing to the mat. That means that Earthquake is going to get the win at the Royal Rumble and then win the World title at WrestleMania VII. He says that twenty nine other men are going to get crushed by an Earthquake. The promo ends with an angry look by Earthquake as we head back to the ring.]


Match #2


The Mountie vs. Koko B. Ware


[Our second match of the evening features the debut of the wrestler known as The Mountie as he takes on The Birdman Koko B. Ware. The Mountie, who says that he proclaims fairness inside the ring, attacks Koko before the bell in the corner. He strikes with forearm shots and then picks up Koko, slamming him to the mat. The Mountie plays to a booing crowd before he picks up Koko, slapping him across the face. Koko fires back with a punch! Two more punches by Koko and a dropkick send down The Mountie! The crowd is solidly behind The Birdman as he makes the bird motions around the ring. He comes back to The Mountie and The Mountie grabs him by the trunks, sending him outside the ring. The Mountie joins him out there and runs him head-first into the guardrail and then the ring post! Boos echo from the crowd as The Mountie brings the action back inside the ring. The Mountie catches Koko with a bulldog and then locks in what he calls the Carotid Control Technique. Koko struggles a moment and then he is forced to submit.]


Winner: The Mountie (Via Submission @ 5:44)

Match Rating: D





[The fans here in Seattle cheer wildly as they are shown on television before the focus turns down to the announcers: Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper. They discuss what happened last week when their broadcast colleague Gene Okerlund was sprayed in the eyes by Rick Martel and that Arrogance. They reach Okerlund on the phone and ask him how he is doing. Okerlund says that he has been going to see his eye doctor several times over the last week. He says that he got lucky that not as much of the Arrogance got in his eyes as what happened to Jake Roberts. He says that the doctors tell him that he should be able to return to duties here in the WWF beginning in thirteen days at the Royal Rumble. The three announcers wish Okerlund the best in his recovery. Okerlund ends the interview by saying that he is looking forward to SEEING Jake Roberts get his revenge on Rick Martel at the Royal Rumble. McMahon says that remains to be seen what will happen between those two as they go one on one at the Royal Rumble. The announcers, then, send things to a pre-recorded interview with Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect.]




[This pre-recorded interview shows Bobby Heenan and the WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect standing in front of a blue screen with Mr. Perfect over top of it in gold lettering. Heenan starts out by saying that all the humanoids here in Seattle are lucky to be seeing the greatest wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. This is the only perfect wrestler in the WWF. Which brings them to someone who is definitely less than perfect and that man is Big Bossman. He says that he knows that he and Perfect have been talking about Bossman's mother but she is definitely a topic that is difficult to avoid. After all, he only has half a tank of gas in his car. But in thirteen days his man Mr. Perfect has to face the smaller member of the Bossman family in Big Bossman. He tells Mr. Perfect to take it away himself. Perfect says that the Big Bossman might be a little upset by comments made by himself and Bobby Heenan but that anger is not going to help him in the ring at the Royal Rumble. Then again nothing is going to help the Big Bossman when he steps in the ring with Mr. Perfect. He says that Bossman can only wonder what it's like to go through life absolutely perfect. He says that he is the only man in this world that was bred to be perfect with no blemishes, no flaws. At the Royal Rumble, he is going to show why they call him Mr. Perfect. Perfect laughs and tosses his towel in the air, catching it behind his back before we move to the ring for our next match.]


Match #3


Brooklyn Brawler vs. Big Bossman


[Our next match features the Brooklyn Brawler already standing inside the ring as we watch the entrance of the man from Cobb County, Georgia Big Bossman. Once the bell sounds, the match is almost completely a one-sided affair with Big Bossman in control from the start. Bossman sends Brawler into a corner and begins throwing punches, ending with an uppercut that floors the man from Brooklyn. Bossman pulls up Brawler and sends him to the ropes, flooring him with a big boot. Brawler staggers over and falls over the middle rope. Bossman sees this and bounces of the ropes, rushing toward Brawler -- Bossman slides out of the ring and catches Brawler with another uppercut. Bossman plays to the crowd for a moment where a sign goes up nearby: 'Singles Match for the Jobber Championship: Brooklyn Brawler vs. Jim Powers!' Bossman re-enters the ring. Bossman sends Brawler to the turnbuckle and catches him with a corner splash before calling for the finish. He sends Brawler to the ropes -- Bossman Slam! Bossman makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Big Bossman (Via Pinfall @ 5:32)

Match Rating: C+





[From the ring, we are taken to an interview area where Sean Mooney stands by with The Rockers. Mooney says that we heard earlier from The Rockers' opponents tonight Power and Glory. They seemed extremely confident about the match tonight. But he is here with two men who want to prove them wrong and they are The Rockers. He asks The Rockers about their match tonight, beginning with Shawn Michaels. Michaels says that Power and Glory are making the mistake of underestimating the ability of The Rockers. Michaels says that everybody knows that The Rockers like to live life on the edge. He says that if Power and Glory think they are the future of the tag team division then they won't mind pushing The Rockers over that edge. But he doesn't think that's going to happen because The Rockers are the best tag team in the business right now. Marty Jannetty speaks up, saying that Power and Glory are talking big because they are a little scared of The Rockers. They are a little scared of the talent that is in this tag team. He says that by the end of the night they are going to put Paul Roma and Hercules to bed Rocker style. Mooney sends us back to the ring.]




[boos echo through the crowd as the top contender to the WWF World title, Sgt. Slaughter, and General Adnan walk out to the ring. Adnan is waving the Iraqi flag and the arena fills up with USA chants right here in Seattle. Slaughter has a microphone and he tells all the smug little pukes here in Seattle to shut their traps and stand at attention for the flag of the greatest nation of the world and that is the great nation of Iraq. Slaughter says that in thirteen days when he defeats The Ultimate Puke for the World Wrestling Federation title he is going to take the title to that great nation. He is going to take the title and place it at the feet of the greatest leader in the world. Of course that man is Saddam Hussein. That will take him to WrestleMania where he is going to defeat whatever private wins the Royal Rumble and prove that the power of Iraq is better than the power of America. Slaughter pauses as the USA chants grow louder and louder inside the arena. He goes to talk again but gets interrupted by the sound of 'Tornado Warning.']




[The crowd rises on their feet as The Texas Tornado walks out from the back. The Tornado high fives the fans at ringside on his way down to the ring. He slides inside and looks across at Slaughter, who asks him what he wants. Tornado says that Slaughter has become an ultimate disgrace here in the WWF. He says that Slaughter turned his back on his fans. He turned his back on his country. He turned his back on his principles. Tornado says to listen to the crowd here tonight. He says to listen to this crowd chanting USA, USA, USA. Doesn't that stir something within Sgt. Slaughter? Doesn't that make him feel proud of this country again? Slaughter says that this country is the disgrace. He says that this country is cutting the legs out from under great men like Saddam...Tornado interrupts Slaughter, telling him not to say that name again. Tornado says that he wants to step in the ring with Slaughter next week right here on Prime Time Wrestling one on one. He says that maybe he'll be able to knock some sense back into the addled brain of the Sgt. Slaughter says that if Tornado wants him in the ring then he is going to get him in the ring next week. But until then he tells the Texas Puke to get out of his ring because he's dismissed! Slaughter goes for a cheap shot punch but it's blocked by Tornado! Tornado throws three punches and then the Tornado Punch! That last punch sends Slaughter to the mat! Slaughter rolls out of the ring as The Texas Tornado grabs General Adnan in the Iron Claw! He drives Adnan to the mat, staring at Slaughter, who looks upset at what is happening! Tornado releases the claw, tossing Adnan out of the ring and standing tall. Will he be able to stand tall next week on what should be an amazing Prime Time Wrestling? That remains to be seen. From here, we go to another pre-recorded video.]




[This pre-recorded video features a hyping of the return of Ricky Steamboat! The Dragon is shown wrestling inside the ring here in the World Wrestling Federation. A voiceover begins, talking about how this man has been one of the top wrestlers not only in the WWF but in the world. He is a man of honor and integrity but also a man of fire and passion. He has been the WWF Intercontinental champion, defeating one of the top wrestlers in the WWF for that belt when he defeated Randy Savage at WrestleMania III. This match was considered one of the best WrestleMania matches of all time. Steamboat is shown lifting a wrestler up in the chicken wing submission. Then he is shown hitting the flying cross body from four different angles. Ricky Steamboat is returning to the World Wrestling Federation. He will be here live in one week at Prime Time Wrestling! Make sure you tune in to the USA network!]


Match #4


Power and Glory vs. The Rockers


[Our next match is a tag team contest as Power and Glory step in the ring with The Rockers. The Rockers start things in the ring with a fast pace. They knock both Paul Roma and Hercules backward with a double dropkick! Roma and Hercules exit the ring and rethink their strategy with Slick before coming back in the ring. Hercules is in the ring with Marty Jannetty. Jannetty tries to keep up the quick pace but Hercules avoids a dropkick, swatting Jannetty to the mat. Hercules lifts Jannetty and brings him down with a hard short-arm clothesline. Hercules tags in Roma and Roma sends Jannetty to the ropes -- picture perfect dropkick by the glory part of the tag team. Roma and Hercules use some quick tags in and out, keeping Jannetty away from Shawn Michaels. Michaels tries to get the crowd to give Jannetty a second wind with claps and chants. Roma has Jannetty down with a rear chinlock as a sign goes up in the background, reading: 'POWER & GLORY is a WINNING combination!' Jannetty starts to get back up, using the fans as a source of inspiration and strength. Jannetty lifts Roma and brings him over with a belly-to-back suplex! Both men begin crawling toward their corners. Roma reaches Hercules first and Hercules comes in, blocking the tag by Jannetty. Jannetty ducks a clothesline attempt by Hercules, rolling into his corner and tagging in Shawn Michaels. Michaels comes in and attacks both Hercules and Roma! Michaels catches Hercules with a flying forearm shot and then a kip up that has the crowd going crazy. All four men end up in the ring together. Michaels goes for a sunset flip on Hercules but Hercules stays up. A dropkick by Jannetty sends Hercules over for a two count. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'Rockin' Glory!' In the corner, Slick hands Paul Roma his shoe and then distracts the referee. Roma strikes both Michaels and Jannetty with the shoe before tossing it out of the ring. Hercules lifts Michaels on the top turnbuckle -- Power-Plex! Roma hooks the leg as the referee turns back around: One, Two, Three! A cheap win for Power and Glory!]


Winners: Power and Glory (Via Pinfall @ 6:45)

Match Rating: C+





[Lord Alfred Hayes is shown in the backstage area standing by with Rick Martel. Hayes says that he is standing by with his selection to win the Royal Rumble this year Rick Martel. He says that Martel had a few words to say about the event coming up in thirteen days so he hands the microphone off to The Model. Martel thanks Hayes for the warm introduction and says that they are only thirteen days away from The Model getting exactly what he deserves. He says that he is going to finish what he started with Jake Roberts. He says that Jake Roberts is going to become a footnote in professional wrestling. He says that a Snake doesn't know what it's like to be a Model. It takes hard work and preparation to look this good. That is why there should be a model in the main event of WrestleMania VII. Whether it's The Ultimate Warrior or Sgt. Slaughter, the Model is going to walk away with the victory. We move from there to another pre-recorded interview.]




[This pre-recorded video features two men who have been known here in the WWF as The Brain Busters. Right now they are known as two members of the Four Horsemen. Arn Anderson begins by saying that he has heard a lot of people talking about the tag team division here in the WWF tonight. This team thinks they deserve a shot at the Hart Foundation. That teams thinks they deserve a shot at the Hart Foundation. But none of them are willing to take that title shot. They are simply all talk and talk can only get you so far in this business. Anderson says that the old adage is to go big or stay home. That is exactly what the Four Horsemen always do. They are always the biggest match of the night because they are the best in the business. Right, Tully? Tully agrees with Anderson, saying that he is proud to be a member of the most elite group in professional wrestling. That's not just the Busters but the four men who rule professional wrestling. Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Nikita Koloff and, of course, Ric Flair. Blanchard says that no matter what happens at the Royal Rumble, they deserve a shot at the World tag team titles and if they have to take that shot then so be it. The Four Horsemen are here to stay. Both men raise four fingers before we head to the ring for our semi main event.]


Match #5


Ric Flair vs. Jim Powers


[The semi main event of the evening features one of the members of that Four Horsemen group in The Nature Boy Ric Flair. Flair removes his robe at ringside and steps in the ring looking across from Jim Powers. It definitely comes as no surprise that this match is dominated by Ric Flair from the very beginning when he backs Powers into a corner and lays into him with knife-edge chops. Flair brings Powers over with a snap mare and then a kick to the back. He begins strutting across the ring as a sign goes up, reading: 'Jim Powers could have been the Power and Glory!' Flair returns to Powers, lifting him up and bringing him down with a shinbreaker. Flair focuses in on the right knee of Jim Powers, yanking hard on the leg and then dragging him into a corner. Flair exits the ring and rams Powers' knee against the ring post. Flair struts briefly and then returns inside the ring as a sign goes up, reading: 'RIC HAS A FLAIR FOR THE GOLD!' Flair moves Powers to the middle of the ring and then bounces off the ropes -- Diving Knee Drop. Flair releases a 'Whoooo' and then goes for the leg of Powers -- Figure 4 Leglock! Within moments, Powers has no choice but to submit.]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 5:34)

Match Rating: B




[From the ring, we move to our final pre-recorded video. This one features a fan favorite in the former WWF World Heavyweight champion Hulk Hogan! Hogan looks in the camera and says let me tell you something, brother. He says that the last couple of weeks he has had to deal with a new group here in the WWF that thinks they can bring down Hulkamania, dudes. He says that he has heard people say that time and time again but the power of Hulkamania is still running strong through his veins. He says that he stands up for every single Hulkamaniac that is in the building each and every week, brother. He says that in just a few moments he is going to stand in the ring with another man that has been a thorn in his side for a long time. That man is Earthquake. He says that Earthquake thinks he is going to break the ribs of the Hulkster again? That's not going to happen, brother. He says that, tonight, Earthquake is going to feel the power of Hulkamania as it runs wild through Seattle, brother. The match is going to end with Earthquake answering one question. Whatcha gonna do, brother, when the power of Hulkamania and all these Hulkamaniacs runs wild over you?!?! Hogan poses for a moment before we head to the ring for our main event.]


Match #6


Earthquake vs. Hulk Hogan


[it is main event time and what a main event we have this evening as Earthquake steps in the ring with Hulk Hogan. These two have been feuding since May of 1990 when Earthquake attacked Hulk Hogan on The Brother Love Show. The two men meet in the center of the ring for a long moment. Then Hogan bounces off the ropes and hits Earthquake with a shoulderblock that doesn't budge the large man! Earthquake tries the same but it doesn't budge Hogan. Hogan does it again but this time connects with a clothesline! He strikes multiple times with clotheslines and then goes for an early body slam but Earthquake falls right on top of him. Earthquake makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The match continues with a slow, methodical pace. Earthquake is pretty dominant over the first few minutes of the match. At one point during the match, Earthquake sends Hogan outside the ring and Jimmy Hart strikes him with a megaphone shot to the ribs! Earthquake joins Hogan outside the ring and rams him back-first into the ring apron. The action returns to the ring where Earthquake brings Hogan down with a side belly-to-belly suplex. He makes a cover, hooking the leg:]














[The crowd cheers loudly when Hogan kicks out. Earthquake stands up and puts more boots to Hogan, picking him up and slamming him down hard to the mat. He bounces off the ropes and lands an elbow drop before getting back up and lifting Hogan to his feet -- Bear Hug! Earthquake has Hogan locked in a Bear Hug in the center of the ring! He squeezes in tight as Jimmy Hart yells instructions through the megaphone. The referee asks Hogan if he wants to submit but Hogan refuses. Earthquake does his best to try and squeeze a submission out of Hulk Hogan. A 'Hogan' chant grows louder and louder through this audience here in Seattle. The referee checks the arm of Hogan -- it drops once! He checks the arm again -- it drops twice. He checks the arm a third time -- it dro -- NO! Hogan keeps the arm up! He begins throwing punches to Earthquake! Three straight right hands releases the bear hug. Hogan drops to his knees but he begins shaking. His hands vibrate as Earthquake comes in and begins throwing punches. Hogan no-sells the punches, working his way back to his feet. He begins marching around the ring, taking punches from Earthquake. Then he turns and points at Earthquake, wagging his finger back and forth. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'HULK HOGAN will R-R-R-R-UMBLE ALL OVER THE 'QUAKE!' Earthquake goes for another punch -- Blocked! Three straight right hands from Hogan and he sends Earthquake to the ropes -- Big Boot! Earthquake staggers backward -- Body Slam from Hogan! Hogan cups his ear, hearing the loud crowd reaction! He bounces off the ropes -- Atomic Leg Drop! Hogan makes the cover:]














Winner: Hulk Hogan (Via Pinfall @ 11:32)

Match Rating: B





[Hulk Hogan picks up the big win over Earthquake tonight. Jimmy Hart escorts Earthquake to the back as Hogan begins celebrating inside the ring with his usual posedown. Hogan cups his ear to the crowd, getting loud cheers. Then the boos come as The Four Horsemen walk out from the back and walk toward the ring. They surround the ring on all four sides and then move quickly inside attacking Hogan from all four sides. The Russian Nightmare catches Hogan with the Russian Sickle and then a chain, wrapping it around Hogan's throat and choking him. Just as he promised, out comes Tugboat! Tugboat rumbles his way down to the ring and slides inside, only to be immediately assaulted by Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Flair and Koloff toss Hogan over the top rope to the floor and the full attention of the Four Horsemen turns to Tugboat. They begin beating him down before Tully Blanchard yanks him into a Piledriver position. He raises Tugboat up near a corner as Arn Anderson climbs to the second turnbuckle -- Spike Piledriver on Tugboat! Tugboat seems laid out after that vicious Spike Piledriver. Flair directs Blanchard and Anderson to hold up the man known as Tugboat. He motions to Koloff -- Russian Sickle! Tugboat is laid out in the ring as the Four Horsemen stand tall over top of him. Is this what we will see happen to everyone who teams up with Hogan? All four men raise four fingers as Gorilla Monsoon says we're out of time! We'll see you at Superstars!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


A few surprises this show. We did have several people get 6/6. Congratulations to KnowYourEnemy, Zergon, TeflonBilly and Beejus!


1. Beejus=3 Wins

Zergon=3 Wins

KnowYourEnemy=3 Wins

4. crackerjack=2 Wins

Crossface=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

8. Darbicus=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

RKOwnage=1 Win

Smasher1311=1 Win

DaBookerMan=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win

lnic=1 Win

15. daulten6=0 Wins

thecoolestjedi12=0 Wins

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Saturday Week 3 January 1991 (Taped Thursdays)

Location: Memorial Hall (Mid West)

Attendance: 3,025

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.00


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Greg Valentine defeated Brooklyn Brawler in 6:02 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.


Greg Valentine is celebrating his victory in the ring. Earthquake runs in and attacks, beating Valentine down into the mat. Earthquake lands on Valentine with the Earthquake Splash twice.


Tito Santana has an interview hyping his match tonight with Rick Martel. Santana says he is going to win tonight. Arriba!


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nikita Koloff defeated Brian Costello in 6:22 by pinfall with a Russian Sickle.


The British Bulldog gives a promo where he talks about his upcoming match with The Undertaker at Royal Rumble. He says that The Undertaker is going to learn that this dog has bite.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Rockers defeated Mike Sharpe and Bob Bradley in 5:54 when Marty Jannetty defeated Bob Bradley by pinfall with a Rocker-Plex.


The Texas Tornado gives a promo saying that he will be standing up for the United States this Monday on Prime Time Wrestling. He says that when he steps in the ring against Sgt. Slaughter, Slaughter is going to know what it feels like to submit to the iron Claw. He's going to be like a trailer in a Tornado.


The announcers reveal that this Monday night we are going to see The Brain Busters step in the ring with Hulk Hogan and Tugboat. This match was set up this past Monday night on Prime Time Wrestling due to the assault by The Four Horsemen on Hulk Hogan and Tugboat.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rick Martel defeated Tito Santana in 8:41 by submission with a Quebec Crab.


Rick Martel celebrates his victory. Can he get the victory at the Royal Rumble? Make sure you tune in live on pay-per-view.

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OOC: I have some bad news here for my readers. My computer has basically become useless to me. It overheats shortly after I get settled in with it. I have been counteracting this with a fan but now even that is not working. Therefore, both of my diaries are being placed on hiatus until such time as I can get a new laptop computer. I am very sorry for this. I am very disappointed. However, I have every intention of continuing these diaries once I have access to a new computer. Thank you for being patient with me. I am currently typing this on my smartphone. If someone could copy/paste this to my other diary it would be appreciated.
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That's sad, hope you can continue this diary.


I was going to comment that it's amazing how are you pulling this dynasty. When i hire Koloff while playing as the WWF, i either put him as an ally of Sgt. Slaughter or either an ally to the Hulkster in the spirit of Glasnost. Simply impressive.

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