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WWE Week In Review (just $9.99!)

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Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen, less than 24 hours removed from Battleground, thank you for joining me for this new and exciting concept exclusive only to the WWE Network. This is the WWE Week In Review, and we're kicking it off with a recap of the shocking events of Battleground last night. And, I don't think anybody is more shocked by the events that transpired in the Scottrade Center than my guest host for this show, the advocate for The Beast Incarn--




Paul Heyman: Renee, please, allow me to interrupt. My name is Paul Heyman, and I am the advocate for The Beast Incarnate, BROCK LESNAR. The man who was SCREWED out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship last night at Battleground.


Renee Young: Regardless, thank you for joining me Paul.


Paul Heyman: The pleasure is all yours, Renee.


Renee Young: And with that, let's get to Battleground. The first match on the show saw the hometown boy, The Viper, Randy Orton, take on Mr Money In The Bank, Sheamus, and what a brawl it was.


Paul Heyman: These two absolutely destroyed each other, Renee. I will give them that much credit. While I don't think either of them could hold a candle to the Beast Of Battleground, they sure did beat the crap out of each other.


Renee Young: In the end, though, the hometown crowd was just too supportive of Orton, and Sheamus fell victim to the RKO. That wouldn't be the last we saw of Sheamus at Battleground, though. More on that later in the show.


Next up was tag team championship action as The New Day--


Paul Heyman: I love those guys.


Renee Young: Looked to regain the championships from The Primetime Players. Now, Paul, you say you love The New Day, what is it about them that you like?


Paul Heyman: They're just so positive, Renee! How can you not like these guys? Xavier Woods, in particular. Let me tell you, that kid has something.


Renee Young: Well, what they don't have coming out of Battleground is the tag team championship, as The Primetime Players picked up a win in this one. You know, it took a while for The Primetime Players to pick up the titles, but I really see a lot of potential in them now. Who do you see being able to pick off the titles from them?


Paul Heyman: If I knew the future, Renee, do you think I'd be sitting in this chair with you right now?


Renee Young: Fair enough, Paul. On to the next match, then?


Paul Heyman: I may not know the future, but I do know that it's bright for Bray Wyatt, and he proved why in this match.


Renee Young: Well, Roman Reigns was no slouch either, Paul. He hit Bray Wyatt with everything he had.


Paul Heyman: And Bray kept coming back, didn't he, Renee? This is the man that stared The Undertaker down across the ring at Wrestlemania, and didn't back down. And last night at Battleground, he stared down Roman Reigns, and he didn't back down. And he picked up the victory.


Renee Young: Yeah, thanks to interference from Luke Harper. What does that mean, Paul? Do you think The Wyatt Family is back together?


Paul Heyman: I think we'd get our answer to that question later on in the evening.


Renee Young: That is very true. But before that, we saw the Divas Revolution take hold of Battleground. Each of the teams of divas named a representative for a triple threat match, and that gave us Brie Bella taking on Charlotte and Sasha Banks. And what a match that was, Paul.


Paul Heyman: You can say that again, Renee. Revolution is an understatement. This is what I've known these women have been capable of since day one, and now everyone else is getting on my same page.


Renee Young: I think a lot of people have known how great the divas can be, Paul. At least those with the WWE Network that watch NXT.


Paul Heyman: Yeah, the NXT divas are great, but what about Brie Bella? She more than held her own in this match, and I was really impressed with her as well.


Renee Young: You know who I was impressed with? Charlotte, who picked up the win via a Figure-Eight to Brie Bella. After that, we had the rubber match for the United States Championship. John Cena defended against Kevin Owens.


Paul Heyman: Speaking of stars with a bright future, how about that Kevin Owens?


Renee Young: He certainly had Cena's number in this one, dominating the champ early on. But you, Paul, as well as anyone, know that you can't count Cena out.


Paul Heyman: Not ever, Renee. That's one of the things I hate the most about him, and I know Owens does too.


Renee Young: Especially now that Cena has beaten Owens twice in a row. What's next for Kevin Owens after this defeat, Paul?


Paul Heyman: Y'know, Renee, a lot of people are saying that this hurts Kevin Owens. Makes him look like a loser. But I don't see it that way. He lost in an evenly-contested matchup to a fifteen-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion. That's nothing to sneeze at. I think Owens can regroup, come back, and look better than ever. Maybe he should set his eye on the Intercontinental Championship?


Renee Young: That's certainly one possiblity. Speaking of the Intercontinental Championship, Ryback was unable to defend the title in his scheduled triple threat match due to a staph infection, but that didn't stop The Miz from making an appearance. And from there, things got...well, interesting.




The video screen behind Renee starts with The Miz in the ring, cutting a promo about how Ryback made up his injury because he was afraid to lose the Intercontinental Championship to The Miz.


The Miz: This is a load of crap! I'm The Miz! I'm The Marine! I'm the biggest A-list celebrity to ever enter a WWE ring. I run this town, I run Hollywood, so I'm asking...no, I'm demanding that I get handed the Intercontinental Championship right...now.


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https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZcIYOgcCcnM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




The Miz is stunned in the middle of the ring when he's interrupted by The Rock. The crowd goes absolutely crazy as The Great One struts his way down to the ring. He waits for a moment, drinking in the adulation of the fans.




The Miz: No, no, no, no, no. Shut up. This isn't your moment. This is mine. This is my moment, this is my ring, and I don't see the Intercontinental Championship in your hand, so you don't belong here.


The Rock: Oh, you want the Intercontinental Championship?


The Miz: Damn right, I want the--


The Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU WANT! Miz, you come out here and claim you run Hollywood? The only thing you're qualified to run is a lemonade stand on the corner to save up money so you can afford that hot mess you're wearing, coming out here looking like a piece of deep-fried monkey crap! The only thing you can run, Miz, is your mouth, and quite frankly, The Rock is tired of hearing it. So please, know your role, and shut your mouth as I say...FINALLY...THE ROCK...HAS COME BACK--


The Miz tries to attack The Rock with his microphone, but Rock ducks the attack and hits him with a Rock Bottom! The Miz is laid out in the center of the ring as The Rock poses for the crowd, going for a People's Elbow. As he hits the ropes, though


<iframe width="300" height="300" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/oKNKH_95QaE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Bray Wyatt is in the ring! He grabs The Rock and hits Sister Abigail, kneeling above the fallen Great One. Luke Harper takes a microphone and hands it to Bray, who raises it to his lips. Before he can say anything, though


<iframe width="300" height="300" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IAV1lKHaVP8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Sting's music hits! The Icon makes his way down the ramp to the ring, taking a microphone of his own as he stares down Bray Wyatt.


Sting: Now, the past couple of years, all I've heard is what a mystery Bray Wyatt is. What an enigma you are. Now, I know a thing or two about being a mysterious entity around here, and I watch the show, and I see you speaking in tongues and riddles, never giving anybody any answers, and I have to wonder. What is Bray Wyatt all about?


Bray Wyatt: Sting, you claim to be mysterious? You claim to be an icon? You're nothing, Sting. You're nothing but a mere mortal. You're just a man, and you're looking at a god! You're looking at The Eater Of Worlds. The New Face Of Fear. You're looking at the new lord of darkness, Sting...


<iframe width="300" height="300" src="

https://www.youtube.com/embed/8dcY9LDdRIk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Things just get more and more interesting as The Undertaker's music hits! The lights in the arena go out and The Undertaker makes his slow way down the entrance ramp. He enters the ring slowly, and stares down Bray Wyatt, before turning his attention to Sting. He draws his thumb across his throat at Sting, opening his trench coat and pulling out a baseball bat! He hands the bat to Sting, who swings at Bray's head! Wyatt ducks out just in time, rolling out of the ring and leaving Luke Harper to get hit by a Chokeslam from The Undertaker! Bray watches from the entrance ramp as Sting lifts Luke Harper off the mat, and drops him with a Scorpion Death Drop. The Undertaker and Sting stare each other down in the ring as Bray laughs from the ramp.


Renee Young: I have no words for what we just saw, Paul. Care to offer any thoughts on what happened last night?


Paul Heyman: You've got me stumped. It seems like everyone is trying to one-up each other. First The Rock, then Bray Wyatt looks to finish off another Samoan, then Sting, then The Undertaker. I don't know The Undertaker's intentions, but let me tell you one thing. I am glad that he is not coming after my client. I am glad that he's allied with Sting, because that frees up Brock Lesnar to continue in his pursuit of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.


Renee Young: Speaking of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, our main event was up next, as Seth Rollins defended against your client, Brock Lesnar. And let me tell you what, Brock Lesnar wasted no time in taking Seth Rollins to Suplex City.


Paul Heyman: You don't have to 'tell me what,' Renee. I was there. I was ringside. I watched as Brock Lesnar absolutely destroyed Seth Rollins. Rollins tried to run away, but Brock Lesnar stopped him. Rollins tried to get disqualified, but Brock Lesnar stopped him. The only thing that Brock Lesnar was unable to do was to hit an F-5 to Seth Rollins.


Renee Young: And then...this happened.




The video screen behind Renee shows the ending of the main event, as Brock tries to hit Seth Rollins with an F-5. Seth manages to land on his feet, though, and hit Brock in the back with a running knee that sends him into the corner, and the referee.




Triple H makes his way down to ringside and enters the ring, trying to wake the referee up. Seth Rollins grabs Brock Lesnar and sets up for a Pedigree, but Brock powers out of it and suplexes him. Lesnar grabs Triple H and tries for an F-5, but the WWE World Heavyweight Champion hits him with a low blow! Triple H follows that up with a Pedigree and wakes the referee up as Seth covers him. 1...2...3!


Seth Rollins has retained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship! Triple H takes the belt and hands it to Seth, raising his hand high in the air! Confetti starts to fall from the ceiling on the ring as the two celebrate, until Triple H lays Seth out with a Pedigree into the confetti!


<iframe width="300" height="300" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ko66mrTK8UE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Sheamus makes his way down to the ring! He hands Triple H the Money In The Bank briefcase, and he's cashing in! Triple H calls for the match to start and watches as Seth is able to pull himself to his feet, only to fall victim to a Brogue Kick! Sheamus pins Seth. 1...2...3! Sheamus wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!


Renee Young: Now, obviously, Paul, you're upset about the way that Seth Rollins retained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, but does Sheamus' cash-in of Money In The Bank alleviate a bit of that frustration?


Paul Heyman: No. To put it simply, nothing will alleviate the frustration of me, or my client Brock Lesnar, except for regaining HIS WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Whether that's from Sheamus or from Seth Rollins. I'm not going to pretend to understand what Triple H did, but I'm sure we'll find out on Monday Night RAW the reasons behind his actions. All I know is that The Beast Incarnate still wants the gold.


Renee Young: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, Brock Lesnar is officially putting Sheamus on notice. The Beast is coming after the champion. Thank you for joining me on this first episode of Week In Review, and join me next week as I break down the events of RAW, Superstars, NXT, and Smackdown with another special guest. And, as always, we want to hear from you on Twitter. Did you enjoy the format of the show? Who do you want to see join me next week? Send us those tweets and Facebook comments using the hashtag #WeekInReview

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Yes, it's that time again, time for me to start another dynasty. This one is, quite obviously, different from my 2009: Undisputed dynasty, and I hope that the format comes across well.


Obviously, this is going to be presented as a WWE Network show. Hosted by Renee Young each week, Week In Review will give you a rundown of the major happenings of each WWE show for the week. Joining her each week will be a guest from WWE's past or present to add another view to the stories that are developing.


As such, you can expect a lot of dialogue in each post, and little in the way of actual write-ups, though major matches and angles will have 'video' shown of what happened on the show. Also different from my other dynasty is that there will be no predictions except for on Pay-Per-Views, with each winner (if there are multiple) receiving a small prize, as opposed to the big ones given out monthly in Undisputed.


Instead, each show will be interactive. You will have your chance to react, create hashtags, and ask questions of Renee and whoever her guest for the week is. I also want your suggestions on who to have host the show with Renee each week. From Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to The Rock to Santino Marella, anyone from WWE past or present is fair game!


As always, feedback is much appreciated, and I hope you guys have some interest in this.

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WWE World Heavyweight Champion


Won: Battleground 2015 (MITB Cash-in)




United States Champion

John Cena

Won: Wrestlemania 2015




Intercontinental Championship


Won: Elimination Chamber 2015




Tag Team Championship

The Primetime Players (Titus O'Neil and Darren Young)

Won: Money In The Bank 2015




Divas Championship

Nikki Bella

Won: Survivor Series 2014




Money In The Bank


Last holder: Sheamus (cashed in at Battleground 2015)


Current Storylines


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Yes, it's that time again, time for me to start another dynasty. This one is, quite obviously, different from my 2009: Undisputed dynasty, and I hope that the format comes across well.


Obviously, this is going to be presented as a WWE Network show. Hosted by Renee Young each week, Week In Review will give you a rundown of the major happenings of each WWE show for the week. Joining her each week will be a guest from WWE's past or present to add another view to the stories that are developing.


As such, you can expect a lot of dialogue in each post, and little in the way of actual write-ups, though major matches and angles will have 'video' shown of what happened on the show. Also different from my other dynasty is that there will be no predictions except for on Pay-Per-Views, with each winner (if there are multiple) receiving a small prize, as opposed to the big ones given out monthly in Undisputed.


Instead, each show will be interactive. You will have your chance to react, create hashtags, and ask questions of Renee and whoever her guest for the week is. I also want your suggestions on who to have host the show with Renee each week. From Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to The Rock to Santino Marella, anyone from WWE past or present is fair game!


As always, feedback is much appreciated, and I hope you guys have some interest in this.


Frootloop; I can honestly say that this is the best diary ever.

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Frootloop; I can honestly say that this is the best diary ever.


I dunno about all that. :p But I appreciate the enthusiasm.


I really like this idea. What I especially liked was the way it started out basically like the real Battleground, then all of a sudden the Rock shows up, and everything just goes all Butterfly Effect from there.


Thanks. I believe in starting a dynasty off with a hook to keep your readers interested, so hopefully that's what I was able to do here with my main two storylines, thus far.


This is another interesting dynasty from a great dynasty writer, Color me intrigued


Thanks for the praise. While I wouldn't consider myself 'great,' I appreciate you saying it.


And don't forget to get in your suggestions for who you want guest-hosting on the shows!

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A WWE Network bumper plays between shows...




Hi, I'm Renee Young, your host of WWE Week In Review. Join me this Sunday as I break down all of the events of the past week in the WWE, including the debut of The New Authority, a huge RAW main event between Randy Orton and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus and a tag team title match on NXT!


Joining me this week on Week In Review is none other than...




WWE Hall Of Famer, The Hot Rod, Roddy Piper! The Rowdy One is going to be live in-studio with me to discuss everything that happened this week, as well as answering your questions. If you have any questions for The Hot Rod, tweet them to @WeekInReview with the Hashtag #AskHotRod.

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A WWE Network bumper plays between shows...




Hi, I'm Renee Young, your host of WWE Week In Review. Join me this Sunday as I break down all of the events of the past week in the WWE, including the debut of The New Authority, a huge RAW main event between Randy Orton and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus and a tag team title match on NXT!


Joining me this week on Week In Review is none other than...




WWE Hall Of Famer, The Hot Rod, Roddy Piper! The Rowdy One is going to be live in-studio with me to discuss everything that happened this week, as well as answering your questions. If you have any questions for The Hot Rod, tweet them to @WeekInReview with the Hashtag #AskHotRod.


Ok; so, #AskHotRod; How come you never run out of coconuts, but you always run out of bubblegum?

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