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[Thunderverse] AWF - Because Wrestling Is Awesome!

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Departing from my plan of posting previews every Tuesday to post a preview for the show to be posted this Saturday. After this, I'll post event previews (and match prediction keys) every Tuesday. Every fourth Saturday will be a double-post, as I'll be posting our weekly AWF Shockwave TV show and the PPV results.


Wk 1, August 2014

World Champion: Timothy Hawk

United States Champion: Cross

World Tag Team Champions: Buff ‘n’ Tuff

Television Champion: Omri Stone

Starlets Champion: Amy Marie


Backstage Notes

• Fresh off of a hot WrestleFest, AWF is looking to expand into a national market, and that means playing dirty. Casey Skym notified J.D. Briscoe of Championship Wrestling from Tennessee and DRAGON Michinoku of DRAGON Pro Wrestling that he would no longer honor AWF’s non-aggression pacts.


• A national promotion is going to take a national-caliber roster, and Casey Skym has some ideas of who he’d like to add in the coming weeks. Contract negotiations were initiated for Jess Gilmour-Hart, Caleb Adonis, Cloud James, Sylvain Charles, Bear Zanev, Derek Grace, Referee Gregory Charles and Richie Santana.


• All that talent needs to be made to look good, and to help out in that respect, Skym has offered short-term enhancement talent contracts to Adam Massey, Chad Zuma, Cody and Danny Stryker, Donny Chic, Ares, Buzz and Soda, Iago de Brun and Corbin Trent.


• At the TV taping for AWF Shockwave, Alexis Funk got into a screaming match with a fan and had to be physically restrained. With AWF’s national ambitions, the last thing it wants is for talent to be getting physically involved with fans. Casey Skym told Funk to take the month off and think about her life.


• Also during the taping, Garrett South tested positive for steroids. Not willing to afford the storm of bad press if he’s discovered, Casey Skym suspended the man with the Golden Opportunity for one month. This is South’s first strike.


• Signed a 6-month contract with ViewMex to distribute our PPV events in Mexico. We get a 10 percent share of the revenue.


Fresh off of a hot WrestleFest, AWF has two new champions, AWF World Champion Timothy Hawk and AWF United States Champion Cross. Shortly after Hawk won Sunday night, Cross tweeted a cryptic message at Hawk, promising that this is the beginning of his end. Those two are sure to clash on AWF Shockwave.


Cross isn't Hawk's only concern. Hawk's former best friend Timothy Drake, and the former champion Silva Dolla, have both made it be known in interviews and on social media that they want Hawk's title.


The hottest free agent manager in professional wrestling, Adrienne, launches her new series, ADRIENNE'S NEXT TOP TALENT, to find a new client. Johnny Hollywood will host the event, which will see several contestants competing for Adrienne's favor, and management.


Fans are on the edge of their seats wondering when Nick Hart will finally debut. Could Wednesday be the night?


All that, plus Hard Rock Warning continue to pursue the new tag team champs Buff 'n' Tuff, while Mountain Albert and Nikita deal with the fallout from his big WrestleFest loss, which he blames on Nikita.


Prediction Key


• The New California Blondes vs Hard Rock Warning

• Mo Fury vs Merengue


Main Card

• Megan Ferrell vs Amy Marie © in a non-title match

• Ricky Fyre vs Omri Stone © in a Television Championship match

• Mario Neri vs Mountain Albert

• Core vs Derrick Rollins

• Timothy Hawk © vs Cross © in a non-title match

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Pre-Show: Normally I'd pick the Blondes, but your writeup makes it seem like you're pushing HRW, so I'll pick KISS and Klaxon. As for the other match, Mo Fury could be something if he gets the push so I'll say him.


Main Card:

1. Amy retains the Starlets title.

2. Ricky Fyre wins, setting up a #Trending/Enemies feud.

3. Albert all day long, Neri's a jobber

4. Rollins shocks the world and beats the demon

5. Some sort of schmozzle/non-finish type deal involving Silva Dolla & Drake Richards

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• The New California Blondes vs Hard Rock Warning

Mo Fury vs Merengue


Main Card

Megan Ferrell vs Amy Marie © in a non-title match

Non-title so may be the start of a feud

• Ricky Fyre vs Omri Stone © in a Television Championship match

I'm guessing thrown out due to both their tag partners interfering

• Mario Neri vs Mountain Albert

Squash City, population: Mario Neri

Core vs Derrick Rollins

More of the same, although probably a little bit more competitive

Timothy Hawk © vs Cross © in a non-title match

But probably by DQ

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Prediction Key


• The New California Blondes vs Hard Rock Warning

Mo Fury vs Merengue


Main Card

Megan Ferrell vs Amy Marie © in a non-title match

• Ricky Fyre vs Omri Stone © in a Television Championship match

• Mario Neri vs Mountain Albert

• Core vs Derrick Rollins

Timothy Hawk © vs Cross © in a non-title match

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Interested in learning more about the stars and starlets of AWF? Here's a basic rundown.


The Main Roster:


Bear Zanev

A solid hoss from Bulgaria, brought in by Jean-Claude Giroux to be the muscle behind The European Union.


Beautiful Bryce

Your standard pretty boy blonde high-flyer. One-half of The New California Blondes.


Buff Norton

A ring veteran and serviceable midcarder. One-half of Buff 'n' Tuff, with Marcus Studd.



Runs a greaser gimmick. One half of Deuces Wild. Managed by Sissy.


Caleb Adonis

An entertaining rookie with a narcissist gimmick. His real life relationship with Adrienne is acknowledged on the show.


Casey Skym

The man with the book in AWF. A hardcore legend and part-time wrestler who is one-third of The Authority, with Dax Deekins and Prophecy.



A legendary big man wrestler who now primarily works as a color commentator. He still occasionally laces up the boots.


Cool Chris

Your standard blonde pretty boy, the steak to Beautiful Bryce's sizzle with a solid mat game. One-half of The New California Blondes.


Cloud James

Drinks beer, raises hell. Hard to argue with that.



AWF's resident masked demon. Spent years terrorizing the faces but turned face himself when AWF was invaded by PWSUX. Many wonder how long that'll last. One of the top names in AWF, whether he's a face or a heel.



Brilliant on the mic and dangerous in the ring. Runs a sort of cult-leader-turned-brawler gimmick. Led the charge on behalf of PWSUX and stayed when the invasion ended.


Derek Grace

An American-flag bandana-wearing, high-flying rookie sensation. Widely tipped as a prospect for the future.


Derrick Rollins

He's too good to be a midcarder but not good enough to remain in the main event.


Drake Richards

AWF's top heel, and arguably its top guy period. He's getting on in years, but he's got buckets of cocky charisma and can back it up in the ring.


Garrett South

A red hot prospect for the future, with awesome tattoos and a killer mindset. Not quite ready for the main event.


Immortal Warrior

A face-painted fan favorite, who is loaded with charisma and is a fair hand in the ring as well. A perennial main eventer.


Jean-Claude Giroux

AWF's first world champion and a top heel in the company. Runs a cocky Frenchman gimmick because, guess what, he's a cocky Frenchman.


Joe Havanna

Still green in the ring, he has star quality and charisma. He aims to be the first ever Cuban-American to win a world championship.


Julian Bishop

Jobber with a capital J.



Young and inexperienced, but athletic. Wears face paint and runs a hard rocker gimmick. One-half of Hard Rock Warning.



A veteran, rough and tough face-painted brawler. One-half of Hard Rock Warning.


Leroy Winters

Lacks anything to really make him stand out in a competitive locker room. Without that edge, he's just another midcard jobber to the stars.


Marcus Studd

The less talented half of Buff 'n' Tuff.


Mario Neri

Another jobber, he wears a distinctive purple fedora that's unlikely to be enough to get him over.


Marshal Law

A ring vet and solid big man wrestler. One-half of The Mercenaries, he serves as a mentor figure for up-and-comer Theo Barkley.



Runs a ballroom dancer with a bad attitude gimmick. His character has potential but his ringwork needs work. He is managed by Amy Marie.


Mo Fury

A former boxing and MMA champion who converted to pro wrestling and is looking for yet more championship gold. Insanely charismatic but still needs seasoning.


Mountain Albert

Started his career as a joke of a hoss, went to Japan and became a badass, then returned to the states as an invading monster.


Nick Hart

Until recently, he wrestled for AWF arch-rivals, Pro Wrestling Integrity. He jumped ship after falling out with PWI's owner. Talented in the ring and on the mic.


Omri Stone

A cocky, loudmouth who can back it up in the ring. He still needs some seasoning but is one for the future. One-half of the solid tag team Enemies of the State.



Runs a face-painted American Badass gimmick which started off as a joke but got over when he dropped the plucky face act.



A face-painted, legendary heel. Only wrestles part-time and spends the majority of his time as one-third of The Authority, along with Dax Deekins and Casey Skym.


Revolver Binx

A cocky loudmouth who lacks Omri Stone's it-factor but who nevertheless dazzles on the mic. One-half of the Enemies of the State.


Ricky Fyre

An exciting and charismatic wrestler. One-half of #Trending.


Silva Dolla

A former rapper and killer heel whose rise to the top has been nothing short of meteoric. Considered one of the company's elite, alongside Drake Richards, Timothy Hawk, Immortal Warrior, Core and Jean-Claude Giroux.



Runs a greaser gimmick. One half of Deuces Wild. Managed by Sissy.


Sylvain Charles

Insanely charismatic and a natural-born heel. Brought into AWF as part of Jean-Claude Giroux's European Union, he is something of a protege of Giroux.


Theo Barkley

Calls himself "Prime Time." Runs a cocky heel gimmick and runs it well. Protege of Marshal Law, and one-half of The Mercenaries.


Timothy Hawk

AWF's top face and perennial main eventer. The only man arguably more important to the company is Drake Richards. Hawks is your standard super-face, and can be counted on to overcome odds and fight for what's right, whether the fans like him or not.



AWF's resident giant and a former world champion. Now working as a gatekeeper to the main event as he slows down with age.


Vincent I. Parker

Runs a cocky face gimmick, with pure attitude and a promise of one day being capable of great things in the ring. One-half of #Trending.



Alexis Funk

Green in the ring. Runs a pretty generic diva gimmick.


Amy Marie

Green in the ring, and many question whether her heart's really in wrestling. But has lots of potential if she commits. She is never seen without Merengue.



Winner of AWF's Search for a Starlet contest, and one of the few Brazilian women in professional wrestling. Still green in the ring, though.



Green in the ring but charismatic and a genuine fan of professional wrestling.



Green in the ring and utterly clueless about the business. Once asked who wrestling legend Terry Thunder was on national television.


Jess Hart

Sister of Nick Hart and one of the finest women wrestlers ever. Brought in as part of AWF's effort to inject life into the Starlets Division.


Kelly King

Green in the ring but shows promise. Unlike many Starlets, she actually came up through the indies, though she didn't really excel in that environment.


Megan Ferrell

Runs a reality show star party girl southern belle gimmick because she is a reality show star party girl southern belle.



Ukrainian-born model and with her popularity she's one of the jewels of the Starlets division. Originally a manager, she is gradually wrestling more often.




Model, actress and fan-favorite manager. She's represented some of the best in the business.


Buddy Holland

Road agent and retired jobber.


Dax Deekins

Placed in control of AWF after its money mark founder had to focus his attention elsewhere. Has no grasp of the industry and relies on Casey Skym, Chaperone and the other vets for advice. On-screen, he's the leading part of The Authority, with Skym and Prophecy advising him.


Helen Noir

A prominent wrestler who's since switched to managing full-time. She manages KISS now.



Not much more than a pretty face, but she's definitely a pretty face. She valets for Silva Dolla.


Johnny Hollywood

Originally a wrestler, who even won a talent search TV show, he now primarily works as a color man, putting his silver tongue to good use.


Kitty Reardon

AWF's resident interview gal.


Magnum Kirchart

Wrestling legend and road agent.


Referee Gregory Charles



Referee James Jewell



Referee Shane Tedeschi



Richie Santana

Wrestling legend and road agent.



Runs a poodle skirt gimmick. Manages Soda and Buzz, is married to one and sister of the other.


Thomas Aria

The voice of AWF and anchor of the announce team. A solid play-by-play man.


AWF also routinely brings in other wrestlers on short-term, pay-per-appearance contracts. These wrestlers are typically brought in either to serve as enhancement talent or to be evaluated for a possible long-term written deal. You can see pictures of the entire roster here.

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The New California Blondes vs Hard Rock Warning

Mo Fury vs Merengue


Main Card

• Megan Ferrell vs Amy Marie © in a non-title match

• Ricky Fyre vs Omri Stone © in a Television Championship match

• Mario Neri vs Mountain Albert

Core vs Derrick Rollins

Timothy Hawk © vs Cross © in a non-title match

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The New California Blondes vs Hard Rock Warning: Personal preference.

Mo Fury vs Merengue: I think Mo Fury is much bigger than Merengue at this point in terms of pop so if you were to do some pop switching, it'd probably be on the main card


Main Card

• Megan Ferrell vs Amy Marie © in a non-title match: I know neither, ill give the champ kept strong.

Ricky Fyre vs Omri Stone © in a Television Championship match: I don't like Omri Stone so I'd love to see Ricky Fyre claim the title. I doubt he will though, maybe by DQ.

• Mario Neri vs Mountain Albert

Core vs Derrick Rollins: The one and only monster of AWF wont lose in this one.

Timothy Hawk © vs Cross © in a non-title match: I'd love to see Cross win and these two had the best match when I ran AWF so this should be awesome (though Cross had a fair bit of build at that point.

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After some consideration, I've decided to abandon a rigid publication schedule and just publish dynasty updates as it seems appropriate. So here goes:



AWF Shockwave, in CT-Greenwich Arts Centre in front of 5,000 people (New England) (2.82 rating on Adrenaline)


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Hard Rock Warning defeated The New California Blondes in 7:02 when Klaxon defeated Cool Chris by pinfall with a Chokeslam. (57)


Reardon interviews the tag team champs about whether they're concerned about Hard Rock Warning (2 minutes, 53)


Patriot comes out, says he's not going to let the insult that is Cross wearing U.S. gold stand (3 minutes, 66)


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Mo Fury defeated Merengue in 5:47 by pinfall with an European Uppercut From Hell. (53)


Main Card

Hawk opens the show, thanks the fans, gets interrupted by Richards, Dolla, South (8 minutes, 74)


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Amy Marie defeated Megan Ferrell in a Non-Title match in 5:57 by pinfall with a Dance Till You Drop after Merengue interfered. (41)


Merengue, Amy Marie tango in the ring, showing off their stuff (1 minute, 49)


Merengue and Amy Marie are interrupted by a pre-recorded video hyping the arrival of Nick Hart (1 minute, 50)


Deekins tells Skym to suck it up and get along with Prophecy because he's part of the authority now (5 minutes, 57)


#Trending and Enemies of the State cross paths backstage, trash talk leads to a TV title match (3 minutes, 58)


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Omri Stone defeated Ricky Fyre in 6:39 by pinfall with a Stone's Throw after a distraction from Revolver Binx. Omri Stone makes defence number 5 of his AWF Television title. (61)


Dolla, Richards both approach the authority demanding a title shot, Deekins says to impress him (3 minutes, 74)


Cross confronts Hawk, says this moment is about him, challenges Hawk to a match (3 minutes, 74)


ADRIENNE'S NEXT TOP TALENT, with host Hollywood: Adrienne tests her candidates' muscle, Towerblock wins (10 minutes, 56)


Prophecy and Warrior share a tense moment backstage (1 minute, 77)


In an extremely short match, Mountain Albert defeated Mario Neri in 3:27 by pinfall with a Mountain Top Splash. (55)


Sore over her perceived role in his WrestleFest loss, the Mountain fires Nikita, Giroux swoops in (4 minutes, 74)


Reardon interviews Hawk about his match with Cross, Hawk says he's not underestimating his opponent (3 minutes, 70)


Core cuts a menacing promo, calls himself a giant in a land of insects (3 minutes, 78)


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Core defeated Derrick Rollins in 8:33 by pinfall with a Korah's Parable. (78)


A furious Rollins talks smack to Chaperone, taking out his loss on the color man (1 minute, 72)


Reardon interviews Cross about his match with Hawk, Cross says Hawk is the old order, will soon fall (3 minutes, 76)


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Timothy Hawk defeated Cross in a Non-Title match in 12:49 by pinfall with a handful of tights. During the match we also saw Drake Richards run in and attack Timothy Hawk, and Silva Dolla also attack Timothy Hawk. (91)



Thoughts: Well that was a pretty solid first show. Hawk and Cross have great chemistry together, so we can expect them to have more encounters down the road. Otherwise, every story gets some development and August's Uprising PPV is already beginning to take shape.


Here's the prediction key for the next episode, where we can expect to see Silva Dolla and Drake Richards continue their chase for the World Championship, among other things.


Prediction Key


Chad Zuma vs Merengue w/ Amy Marie

The New California Blondes vs Deuces Wild w/Sissy

Mo Fury vs Derrick Rollins


Main Show

Patriot vs Ares

The Strykers vs Hard Rock Warning

Immortal Warrior vs Corbin Trent

Vincent I. Parker vs Revolver Binx

Adam Massey and Leroy Winters vs Silva Dolla and Drake Richards

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Chad Zuma vs Merengue w/ Amy Marie

The New California Blondes vs Deuces Wild w/Sissy

Mo Fury vs Derrick Rollins


Main Show

Patriot vs Ares

The Strykers vs Hard Rock Warning

Immortal Warrior vs Corbin Trent

Vincent I. Parker vs Revolver Binx

Adam Massey and Leroy Winters vs Silva Dolla and Drake Richards

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Chad Zuma vs Merengue w/ Amy Marie

The New California Blondes vs Deuces Wild w/Sissy

Mo Fury vs Derrick Rollins


Main Show

Patriot vs Ares

The Strykers vs Hard Rock Warning

Immortal Warrior vs Corbin Trent

Vincent I. Parker vs Revolver Binx

Adam Massey and Leroy Winters vs Silva Dolla and Drake Richards

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Everybody gets a mulligan, right?


I hope so. Because my AWF game crashed and burned last night. As I suspect is the case for most folks, I became my own worst critic and I was unable to keep playing and enjoying that particular game.


This diary, however, is here to stay. I fired up a new game, and in the spirit of that fresh start, let's do this properly.






August 1, 2014

It's the night after WrestleFest, Awesome Wrestling Federation's signature event, and the face of the company has once again been changed. That night, fan favorite Timothy Hawk, defeated reigning champion Silva Dolla to a four-time AWF World Champion. It was a crowning moment of glory, but hardly the only major event of the evening.


The invasion of Pro Wrestling: Superstars Uncensored and Extreme, affectionately(?) known as PWSUX came to a fiery end, literally, when Cross emerged from an inferno match with Immortal Warrior, the AWF United States Championship in his bloody, singed hands. The invasion is over but its leaders, Cross and the dark legend Prophecy, remain.


So here's where Awesome Wrestling Federation is today.


The company is going into its 10th year of existence, founded four years after the infamous WWWE went out of business. AWF has transformed from a shell of WWWE's former self into a vibrant and dynamic evolution of modern attitude entertainment. With millions in the bank and a stacked roster, AWF is pushing hard for national recognition.


It isn't all roses, though.


AWF is embroiled in a war with Pro Wrestling Integrity, a workrate-focused fed owned by former WWWE writer Shane Allman, who has publicly declared war on "sports entertainment" and is intent on grinding AWF out of existence. AWF recently struck a blow in that war, though, when PWI star Nick Hart, member of the prestigious British Hart family, defected to AWF after falling out with Allman. PWI is only national-level promotion in the U.S., though, and will be a formidable foe for years to come.


Then there's the trouble in AWF's own house. Ezekiel Trillion, the billionaire money mark who founded AWF, was forced in 2013 to return to full-time operations at AWF's parent company, TrillCorp, due to unspecified reasons which may involve a health scare for Trillion, an attempted coup by the TrillCorp board of directors and/or an FBI investigation.


Now, let's take a look at the company management, shall we?



Dax Deekins

Dax "Deeks" Deekins is a fast-rising star of Ezekiel Trillion's TrillCorp. A young executive with a wide-ranging skillset, Deekins has been earmarked for every top-level position in the company. In 2013 Deekins biggest chance to impress arose when he was chosen by Trillion himself to temporarily watch over the AWF. Despite having no knowledge of the business Deekins accepted. While the arrogant young businessman attempted to make his mark on the company, the rest of the AWF saw him coming from a mile away.


Worn down by a combination of egos, antics and downright weirdness, Deekins was left reeling in just a couple of months with Casey Skym, in particular, taking advantage. With reassuring comments like "don't sweat it Deeks" and "it's the safest barbed wire we could find Deeks", Skym somehow convinced Deekins that they were a great team! Only time will tell whether Deekins will survive his ordeal, and whether there will even be an AWF for Trillion to come back to!



Casey Skym

Casey Skym is a half-British, half-American hardcore legend whose fame perplexes most long time traditionalists. Finding it hard to break into the business due to his less than marketable look, Casey found that while not athletically gifted, he could get hit with barbed wire and thrown off scaffolding like no other.


It was in Japan, after years of brutal matches, that Skym earned the nickname "Zombie", allegedly because he should have been dead but somehow still walked to the ring every night. When "Zombie" moved back Stateside something remarkable happened – in part due to his charisma, the sympathy he got when taking bumps, and his smart mind for the business, Casey became one of the most over workers in the United States. In 2012 Skym returned to the AWF (where he was previously a World champion) to take over the dual role of head booker and on-screen authority figure in an effort from Zeke Trillion to regain the top spot in the United States.




Prophecy, known also as the "American Horror" is a half-American half-Chinese wrestler who is most famous for his decade run in the WWWE between 1991 up until their demise in 2001. A face painted angel of vengeance, Prophecy went against the grain, his character becoming darker as the WWWE devolved into childish gimmicks and bright colours, and he remained popular as one of the few characters the adults could stay interested in. He was also good friends with Turner Paige, which may have been why he was allowed to keep creative control of his gimmick, although he was a hugely entertaining wrestler regardless of politics.


Next up, we'll look at the title scene in AWF.

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The Awesome Wrestling Federation Title Picture

AWF World Heavyweight Champion



Timothy Hawk

Defeated Silva Dolla for the title at AWF WrestleFest, Wk 4, July 2014


AWF United States Champion




Defeated Immortal Warrior for the title at AWF WrestleFest, Wk 4, July 2014


AWF World Tag Team Champions



Buff Norton and Marcus Studd "Buff 'n' Tuff"

Defeated Hard Rock Warning for the titles at AWF Shockwave, Wk 1, June 2014


AWF Television Champion



Omri Stone

Defeated Mo Fury for the title at AWF Shockwave, Wk 2, June 2014


AWF Starlets Champion



Amy Marie

Defeated Jazz for the title at AWF Shockwave, Wk 3, June 2014


AWF Golden Opportunity



Garrett South

Won the briefcase in the Battle For Los Angeles at AWF Battle For Los Angeles, Wk 4, March 2014


Next, we'll meet the stars and starlets of AWF, beginning with the company's franchise players.

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These are the franchise players, the stars who put the butts in seats.

Drake Richards


Drake Richards is one of those rare talents who was born to be a professional wrestler. Early in his career he often found himself unable to break out of jobber-to-the-big-men role, but as times started shifting Drake found his footing. Being one of the first men to popularise the fast-paced, high energy style, Richards' natural charisma and confidence-bordering-cockiness started a following that kept growing and growing. Flamboyant and able to back it up, by the late '90s everyone had an opinion on Drake Richards to the point he coined the nickname "Mount Drake", because, in his words, they should "put my face on Rushmore."


Any other man may have started fading with the slew of new talent who could fly higher, wrestle faster and brawl harder – but then those men aren’t Drake Richards. Always thriving on the big stage, Drake has kept at the top of the pile, even holding the privilege of being one of the few main eventers in the AWF that can actually wrestle.


Timothy Hawk


Professional wrestler Timothy Hawk just goes to prove that hard work and commitment can bring success in the wrestling industry. On-screen Hawk is the poster boy for the AWF's apparent youth movement. Along with Silva Dolla, V.I.P. and Towerblock, Hawk is one of a number of wrestlers who have never worked for the WWWE but that have been given a strong push in the AWF over the last few years. Very successful, Hawk is a former United States, Tag Team and World Champion in the AWF.


One of the most entertaining promo men in the business, Hawk is a decent wrestler too. Having spent most of 2012 working hard on his ring psychology, Hawk had a superb 2013 and was very much the face of the company. The hugely successful feud between Hawk and Silva Dolla made both men megastars of the sport, and Hawk starts the post Wrestlefest season as AWF champion. A well-liked man backstage, Hawk is famously dating Lois Paige - the daughter of former WWWE owner Turner Paige.


Immortal Warrior


Controversial in the ring and controversial outside of it, one cannot deny the love for the business that David "Immortal Warrior" Messina has shown since his debut in 1991. The Warrior is as famous for his immense charisma as he is for his trademark facepaint and during the 1990s it was not uncommon for Messina's pre-match promos to last longer than the bouts. A former WWWE World Heavyweight champion, Immortal Warrior has been a top name in the business since defeating Terry Thunder for the belt in 1997 and while it was his only reign, it was certainly one of the more entertaining!


Following the fall of the WWWE in 2001 Messina attempted to get into acting, but returned to professional wrestling with the creation of the Awesome Wrestling Federation in 2005. While Warrior has been on-and-off with the company ever since, the veteran has certainly left his mark on the promotion and all the fans that watch him.


Jean-Claude Giroux


"Parisien Playboy" Jean-Claude Giroux is a French professional wrestler whose arrogant heel gimmick made him a real star in the WWWE just before it closed. An extremely talented wrestler with charisma off the scale, there is absolutely nothing stopping Giroux from becoming one of the all-time greats of the sport.


Giroux debuted in Pan European Wrestling in France in 1997 where he begun to develop his "Ravishing" character. By 1998 he had made enough noise for the WWWE's Clay Clinton to personally fly to France to check him out. Three days later Giroux was on a plane to Kentucky and he debuted the following week. When the WWWE went bust two years later Giroux had won the Intercontinental title twice, and was scheduled to win his first World title. When the AWF opened in 2005, the then-unattached Giroux was the man Ezekiel Trillion sought to build the promotion around and while he is no longer the top dog in the company, the Frenchman continues to play a vital role in their success.




Core is a masked wrestler, standing 6'10'' and weighing in at around 360lbs, who is truly a sight to behold. Starting his career in the WWWE, under the name Korah derived from the fallen angel, he was making some serious waves under the mask as a silent, masochistic, violent demon.


Before he could truly have a game-changing impact, however, the WWWE fell. In 2005 Korah became one of the first signings of the AWF, and he quickly began wreaking further destruction under the name Core. After playing a heel for most of his AWF run, Core turned babyface in 2013 to help combat the PWSUX "Invasion" and has surprised many by playing the role excellently.


Silva Dolla


Managed by Ieshia


Silva Dolla is the ring name of Harlem-born professional wrestler Jayson James - the failed rapper turned sports entertainer. Dolla was signed to the Awesome Wrestling Federation's opening roster in 2005 where his charisma and entertaining brawling style saw him become an immediate hit with the fans. A former AWF grand slam winner, Dolla's AWF career is closely linked to that of golden boy Timothy Hawk. Whether teaming together or fighting each other, Dolla and Hawk have managed to push themselves to the top of the AWF roster.


Dolla's singles career really picked up speed in 2013 following a successful run with the United States title and an excellent feud with Drake Richards that really cemented him as the "Baddest Dog In The Yard". Silva Dolla shocked the AWF in December 2013 when he turned heel and finally captured the AWF World title. A star player during the PWSUX Invasion, Dolla's ambiguous allegiance and tendency to think only of himself kept him on top for several months.

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This is the core roster the meat and potatoes of the midcard, with rising stars and gatekeepers.

Nick Hart


English professional wrestler Nick Hart has the potential to go down as one of the sport's finest grapplers. As the son of Daniel Hart and a member of the prestigious British Hart Family, Nick Hart has wrestled across the world in his near-fifteen-year career. Together with older brother Scott, Nick has been one-half of one of wrestling's finest tag teams and the duo have won titles in Britain and America.


In 2013, after ten solid years with American wrestling giant PWI, Nick Hart had a huge falling out with owner Shane Allman. Hart accused Allman not only of holding him back, but also of allowing his ego to finally get the better of him to the detriment of the company. Allman was ruthless, and suspended Nick for a month and, with tensions at boiling point, Nick left PWI for bitter rivals AWF in 2014. Yet to debut, Nick has been the subject of a series of well-produced AWF vignettes ahead of his August debut.


Garrett South


Kansas-born Garrett South is one of the fastest rising names in professional wrestling, having made his debut in the AWF in 2007. He has a great look, and good charisma but South's psychology will need work if he is ever to become a major star. He has, however, started to take the climb towards stardom, with an AWF United States title reign throughout 2011 and early 2012. When Casey Skym took over the book in mid-2012, South became one of his pet projects. Bulking up to heavyweight and working on his brawling skills, South has become a much dangerous opponent in the ring, at least in-character. That effort paid off in 2014, when South won the coveted AWF Golden Opportunity.


Garrett once dated Lois Paige, the daughter of former WWWE owner Turner Paige and the current girlfriend of fellow AWF star Timothy Hawk. Despite the situation, there have never been any problems between South and Hawk, and since 2014 South has been dating the AWF's Brazilian Starlet, Claudia.


Mountain Albert


Managed by Nikita


Mountain Albert is an enormous powerhouse from Indiana currently wrestling for the AWF. Having made his wrestling debut, aged 25, in the WWWE few expected to see the lumbering, clumsy Albert become anything more than a career jobber. Somehow, someway, in 2004 Albert was signed by UPJ. Albert's monstrous character took off quickly in Japan, and as his in-ring skills went from strength-to-strength the big man shocked even his most loyal followers by becoming a two-time Tag Team champion in the world's most prestigious company.


Having proven himself in Japan, Mountain Albert was contacted by the AWF in late 2012 who were looking for fresh talent to take the fight to PWI. Determined to erase the memory of his WWWE past, Albert accepted and debuted in October, demolishing Timothy Hawk in the process. Since a decent run with the AWF World title in 2013, Albert has continued to be a strong main event presence for the company.




Towerblock is one of the few true giant wrestlers in the world today, reaching 7'1'' and weighing in at nearly 500lbs. Despite his size, Towerblock is a fantastic athlete and an excellent in-ring worker. That, combined with his obvious look and under-rated entertainment skills, has meant that Towerblock has become one of the most recognisable - and sought after - wrestlers of the post-WWWE era.


Towerblock's only real weakness is his tendency to let himself get out of shape, and he is also quite injury prone for a man of his size. Having missed a large amount of 2013, and with his body starting to age Towerblock seems to have slipped down the card, and will need an impressive 2014 if he is to recapture his spot near the top of the AWF.


Mo Fury


"Mighty" Mo Fury is perhaps one of the most fearsome characters in the wrestling world. Bidding to become the first three-sport champion, joining the wrestling world in 2013 Fury has already held the Heavyweight titles in both boxing and MMA. A superb boxer, the Englishman captured his first World title aged just 25, before sensationally heading to MMA. Once there Fury went on to capture the European Heavyweight title twice before leaving the sport at the end of 2012. Rumours claiming Fury was heading back to boxing were dashed when his former promoter labelled him a hypocrite for having deserted the sport.


Fury, however, apparently had no intention of returning to a sport he had already conquered and in early 2013 revealed he had been training for his professional wrestling debut. Hearing about Fury's impending debut, Skym rushed in and signed the Englishman to one of the AWF's most lucrative contracts.




Scott Cross is a brawler from New Jersey who has becomes something of a cult legend thanks to his work in PWSUX. In PWSUX Cross found a perfect home not for his hardcore style, and his creepy, half-grunge-musician, half-asylum-patient character saw him become one of PWSUX's biggest success stories. In 2013 Cross was chosen to head the PWSUX Invasion of the AWF, and he has taken to the national stage extremely quickly. According to rumour, it was Cross that first suggested the angle to both Casey Skym and Derrick Moore.


Now working in the AWF full-time - with the blessing of Derrick Moore - there seems no limit to the success Cross could see now he has made it to the big leagues. While his reputation took a hit a few years ago when he was caught abusing prescription painkillers, Cross now claims to be clean.


Derrick Rollins


Derrick Rollins started out in the wrestling business under his own name, Anthony Green, in 2006. Green was soon one of the brightest young stars in PWI where his mix of traditional wrestling and good charisma helped him make an immediate impact on the fans. In 2011 Green, feeling that he had not received the push he deserved in PWI, contacted Ezekiel Trillion's Awesome Wrestling Federation and soon signed a contract with the Hollywood promotion.


Green debuted for the company in November 2011 as Derrick Rollins, the young upstart who feels underappreciated by wrestling veterans the world over. With two Television title runs under his belt, and an excellent feud with Vincent I Parker behind him, the future is looking bright for Rollins with a potential United States title on the cards sometime in the year.




When Alex Pierce debuted on the US independent scene as American Warrior in 2000, his cheesy power-and-paint throwback character - complete with mullet - was widely derided as coming twenty years too late. However, while many found Warrior's patriotic catchphrases and unstoppable cheeriness to be a bit too much, he continued to improve his charisma and ring skills with every passing month.


Eventually, the patriotic Pierce was signed to the AWF where he enjoyed a short run with the United States title and a short-lived tag team with Immortal Warrior. However, it wasn't until Pierce's second stint in the company that he really began to see real success in the business. While still wearing the red, white and blue paint, Pierce was rebranded as Patriot, a bad ass, take-no-prisoners American hero. The change was widely seen as a stroke of a genius, and Pierce has remained with the AWF ever since.

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Everybody's got to start somewhere. For these guys, somewhere is the bottom of the card. Some of these men will rise, and others will spend most of their time staring at the lights.

Leroy Winters


Leroy "Harsh" Winters is a veteran worker at quite a young age, having toured most of the promotions in North America at one point or the other. This is probably because he's the worker every company needs, a reliable, solid hand that's not in danger of dramatically rising or falling down the card. Just charismatic enough to keep fans invested, but not enough to be a main event superstar, Leroy plays slight variations of an in-your-face, but ultimately wholesome man that will stand up for what’s right everywhere he goes.


Competing for the WWWE lower down the card in 2000 to 2001, upon their closure he wrestled with PWI and LWA before settling down in CWT in 2004. Due to their small size, he spent two years almost as a headline attraction with them, fighting some of the biggest stars in the south. Leroy eventually left in 2008 when the AWF came calling, needing a more experienced wrestler to anchor all the renegade competitors and young upstarts in need of a guiding light.



Joe Havana


Despite being relatively young, Cuban wrestler Joe Havana is one of the most charismatic workers in the sport. A theatre actor in his homeland, Havana has all the tools to go a long way in the sport and in 2009 was signed by Campeonato de la Lucha Libre de Mexico. After three solid years with CLLM, during which he became a Trios champion, Havana was surprisingly poached by Awesome Wrestling Federation. According to rumours, Havana was suggested to Zeke Trillion by Rafael Montejo, a former WWWE star currently working as a road agent on the American indies.


Having debuted in the company during September 2012, Havana's start to life in the AWF has been good, if not slightly limited by an ankle injury he suffered in November of that year. Havana saw his first success in America during 2013 when he became the company's seventh Television champion.





Managed by Amy Marie


Merengue is a dashing ballroom-dancer-turned-pro-wrestler. At least, that's the latest gimmick of Dale Chapman, a nine-year veteran of the independent scene who might just have found the right character to shine. While it might initially seem a bit daft, Chapman's dancing ability is actually pretty good and he is more convincing than you would expect as Merengue.


In 2014, Merengue was given his biggest break since joining the sport when he was signed to sports entertainment powerhouse, the AWF. Charismatic to a point, and with decent all-round ring skills, Merengue isn't likely to win a World title any time soon, but he might just make the midcard a more interesting place!



Julian Bishop


Thirty years ago Julian Bishop would have been the most hireable man in the US wrestling industry. A great seller with good basics, Bishop lacks the look and the charisma to be a star but would have been perfect opening jobber. However, in an industry focused more on building everyone into stars, Bishop's opportunities as a pure curtain-jerker seemed decidedly thin on the ground.


That all changed in 2011 when the youngster was signed to the AWF to, in effect, replace the aging Buddy Holland as jobber-in-chief.



Mario Neri


Mario Neri is a sleazeball Italian-American wrestler from Boston who has been wrestling across the States since 1998. A one-time WWWE jobber (literally, he only appeared for the company once), Neri has been entertaining independent show fans ever since. Mario ended up with a short spell on the opening roster of the AWF, but unfortunately he got lost in the shuffle despite showing some promise, and much more ring polish than in his early WWWE days. Neri was, however, re-signed to the company in 2009 after a strong spell in Canada and has remained in the AWF ever since.


While time is almost certainly likely to slow Neri down in the coming years, the man called "Smooth" is still doing an excellent job back in the AWF.

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And here are the women of AWF's nascent Starlets Division.

Alexis Funk


"The Queen Of Funk" Alexis Funk is an entertaining female professional wrestler from Detroit who debuted on the American independent scene in 2011. A street dancer outside of the ring, Funk is agile and athletic, and while her moveset is pretty limited she can move about the ring with such grace that often it doesn't really matter.


Surprisingly, after just eighteen months as a pro, Alexis was hired to the AWF Starlets division at the request of Casey Skym, who saw Funk perform at a local indy show in California. Alexis has made a great start to her televised wrestling career, and even had a run with the Starlets title just eleven months into her time with the company.



Amy Marie


Fitness model and dancer Amy Marie Ladner was one of eight finalists in the Awesome Wrestling Federation's Search For A Starlet. While Ladner has the athleticism and look to be a success in the wrestling industry, her skills are so basic that she will need a lot of work to become a true superstar diva.


While many speculated that Ladner's entry into the competition was more of a PR stunt on her part than due to any real desire to work in the business, she has so far taken to her role within the company pretty well. In fact, her charisma has impressed so much that in 2014 not only was she paired with Merengue as a dancing duo, but she was also made Starlets champion for the first time.





As the only non-American finalist in the AWF's Search For A Starlet, Brazilian model Claudia Oliveira certainly proved that she can fly her country's flag by winning the competition and becoming the first big Brazilian wrestling personality. The daughter of one of Brazil's most famous models of the 1970s, Ana Mariana Oliveira, Claudia has her mother's looks and aloof personality in equal measure. Despite being one of the poorer wrestlers in the competition, Oliveira's victory came down to her family history, her looks and her entertaining 'feud' with close friend Serenity Barrera.


Since joining the main roster in May 2012, Oliveira has done well, winning the AWF Starlets title twice, including becoming the company's first female champion in its history when she defeated Serenity in the opening title tournament.





As one of the eight AWF Search For A Starlet finalists, former dancer and backing singer Harmony Nolen has achieved a dream she has held since high school. A real wrestling nerd, Harmony can recite a number of Terry Thunder promos word for word. With a phenominal look and superb agility, Nolen was one of the strongest candidates among the eight Diva Search finalists. While her ring game is good, Nolen seems to be a bit hesitant on the mic - unusual for someone who spends a lot of time on stage - but with some practice she could become a real asset to the company.


While Nolen seemed to be one of the fan favourites to win, many internet wrestling fans claimed she was too much of a wrestling fan to end up victorious. Whether they were right about the reasons, Nolen finished the competition in third but has nonetheless proven to be an excellent member of the Starlets division since debuting on the main roster.





As one of eight finalists of the AWF Search For A Starlet competition, one would expect Jazmine Wolfe to know at least a little about professional wrestling. When asked how many times Terry Thunder had won the WWWE title, however, Wolfe asked if Thunder 'was that man from the dancing show?". While perhaps not the greatest start to a potential wrestling career, Wolfe does have a great look and the former cheerleader certainly has the grace to move around the ring.


In fact, Wolfe's biggest stumbling block appears to be herself - she lacks the passion, and some might say the intelligence, to really push beyond the mediocre. Despite fans' apprehension, Wolfe debuted as the athletic Jazz in June 2012 and has so far been an entertaining addition to the AWF roster, having already enjoyed two runs with the Starlets Championship.



Kelly King


Kelly King is an attractive former model who turned to professional wrestling after her close friend Camille Johnson (aka W.M.D.) began seeing success in American Women's Wrestling. Although an unlikely hiring for the performance oriented AWW, King joined the company shortly after she completed her training with W.M.D. in 2010.


However, it was in 2014 that King's wrestling career really took off when she was hired to the Awesome Wrestling Federation's Starlets division. With the emphasis placed more on looks and charisma than ring ability, King fits in much better as a Starlet than she ever did in the AWW where her in-ring skills were lacking compared to the majority of the girls on the roster.



Megan Ferrell


AWF Search For A Starlet runner-up Megan Ferrell was once the star of Paige-One's reality TV show "HOLLER!" which followed a group of twenty-somethings from Alabama as they partied and, well, did little else. Finding the fame she gained from HOLLER! addictive, Ferrell signed up for the AWF competition the moment she heard applications were open. Fortunately, as well as her fame and looks, Ferrell was also a big wrestling fan in her youth and even tried out at a local dojo in her teens.


It was a shock to Ferrell, and most fans, when she was the runner up to Brazilian diva Claudia Oliveira in the Search. However, since the divas began working on Shockwave, Ferrell has proven to be a much more varied wrestler and as the AWF's Southern belle, Ferrell became the company's second Starlets champion in late 2012.





Tatiana Petrova is a former model who was born in the Ukraine, but brought up in the United States. A charismatic natural beauty, Tatiana was hired by the Awesome Wrestling Federation in 2010. According to rumour, Tatiana's resemblance to Adrienne was going to see the two be paired as kayfabe sisters, but instead Tatiana was debuted as the valet for The Christensens under her new ring name, Nikita.


One of the modelling-to-wrestling converts who was legitimately a fan, while working as a valet Petrova took wrestling lessons from legend Richie Santana. However, when the the AWF opened up a Starlets division in 2012 Tatiana was deemed too important in her current role to join the division straight away. The decision paid off later in the year when Petrova ditched The Christensens as her clients and revealed her new client to be the debuting Mountain Albert!

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AWF's tag team division is only recently rekindled, and it's already heating up!


Buff Norton and Marcus Stuff - Buff 'n' Tuff


Buff Norton, known affectionately among his fans as Buff "Effin" Norton is a veteran wrestler-turned-filmstar-turned-wrestler. Debuting back in 1989, Norton would become a WWWE World champion by 1996 in a reign famously bookended by Guy Lothario and Terry Thunder. Despite it being his one and only run with the title, Norton gained something of a cult-following thanks to his over-the-top (and, occasionally, impossible to understand) promos and his manhandling of Lothario whenever the two fought.


After his run with the belt ended in 1997 Norton became the fan favourite who could never quite recapture the belt, and he remained with the company until its closure in 2001. A year later Norton left the business for Hollywood, such was his cross-appeal by that time. Unfortunately for Norton a series of flops meant that his film career wasn't as big as he had hoped and in 2013 he returned full-time to the sport that built his name with the AWF, much to the delight of the Nortonites!


The “Tuff Daddy” Marcus Studd is a wrestler from Canada who is one of the top names in the country. Starting out on the Canadian independent circuit, Studd was hired to the WWWE in 2000 where he teamed with former World champion Buff Norton as Buff 'N' Tuff. Following the closure of the WWWE in 2001, Studd returned to Canada and soon found himself working for the country's top promotion, Great North Wrestling.


Studd remained with the company until 2014 when he received arguably his biggest opportunity since 2000 when he was hired by the AWF to re-form Buff 'N' Tuff. Studd's signing to the AWF was reportedly at the suggestion of Norton - the two remain close friends and Marcus has even appeared in minor cameo roles on some of Norton's films.



Ricky Fyre and Vincent I. Parker - #Trending


"Can you feel the heat...of the Fyre!?" So says Ricky Fyre, a charismatic young middleweight with enormous potential. Entertaining despite his catchphrase, Ricky Fyre's fun character has been impressing audiences across America since his debut back in 2002.


Having spent some time in the AWF during 2005, Fyre headed to PWI the following year and while his in-ring skills didn't match up to those of some of his colleagues, Fyre definitely offered something interesting to the mix in Boston. In 2012, with his contract expiring Ricky Fyre came to a verbal agreement with Shane Allman to re-sign with PWI. However, after negotiations dragged on past his official contract end, Fyre was contacted by Ezekiel Trillion and jumped ship to the AWF. Despite not technically breaching the rules of the non-aggression pact, Fyre's hiring was enough to bring the relationship between PWI and AWF to a boiling point...and then to push them to war!


Miami-born Vincent I. Parker (no one has yet figured out what they 'I' stands for) is one of the biggest names in the Awesome Wrestling Federation. A former amateur wrestler, since debuting on the professional scene 2004 "The MVP" V.I.P. has wowed audiences with his combination of slick grappling, agility and an assured cockiness. One of the best mic workers in the company, Parker has all the tools to become one of the biggest names in the sport.


With a very marketable look, Parker has already branched out into bit parts in Hollywood films, and many pundits have suggested that Parker could one day become this generation's crossover star.



Omri Stone and Revolver Binx - Enemies of the State


Texas-born Omri Stone (amazingly, his real name) has a good look and deceptive athleticism, boasting a picture perfect dropkick for a man of around 250lbs. Originally intent on acting, Stone found the cut throat world too hard to break into, but a friend of a friend put him in contact with a wrestling promoter. Starting as a platinum blonde pretty boy, Stone worked his way up to CWT where he met Revolver Binx. The two formed a strong friendship, and then a tag team, Enemies of the State, that turned them into two anti-establishment anarchists, cutting hugely entertaining promos and disrespecting the very fabric of the CWT's old time traditions.


While this was a good idea on paper, it turned out that not a lot of the Enemies promos and antics were scripted, and the tradition respecting CWT crowds and management turned on them and kicked them out in 2008. They were picked up almost immediately by PWSUX, before joining the AWF two years later where they have excelled ever since.


Josh "Revolver Binx" Maloney is best known for his Enemies of the State tag team with Omri Stone. Having been stuck as Mac Maloney, a terrible "private eye for hire" character for numerous years, Maloney begun to feel he had to freshen his persona, or risk never being taken seriously in the business. Wrestling under his real name in CWT in 2005, Maloney met Omri Stone, and the two realised it was time to do something radical. What followed became wrestling legend, as CWT blacklisted them for their crude, outrageous promos, leading them PWSUX and then onto the AWF.


Being the charismatic anchor of the team, Revolver is often known for his loud exclamation of "If ya didn’t know, now ya know!" as the two head to the ring. A little known fact is his father is retired wrestler Jerry "Dirty Dog" Malone.



Theo Barkley and Marshal Law - The Mercenaries


"Primetime" Theo Barkley, or TB to his friends, was a former college basketball standout until a knee injury shattered his dreams of turning professional. A chance meeting with Ezekiel Trillion in 2006 drew him into the wrestling world and after bulking up he began training with AWF stars Drake Richards and Sebastian Curtis. By 2007 the AWF felt Barkley was ready and he made an immediate impact, joining the new look Gold Inc stable as their silent muscle.


Since his debut Barkley has developed rapidly, and he now looks set to become one of the big names of the company. In fact, Barkley is a three-time United States champion, and even had a run with the company's Tag Team belts alongside veteran Marshal Law.


Marshal Law is a veteran toughman from Georgia. Former State Trooper Ray Rogers entered the wrestling world in 1990 after befriending a local trainer, and much to everyone's surpise the big man took to the sport with ease. A brawler with good charisma and a solid knowledge of the basics, Law spent most of the 1990s wrestling for the WWWE, although he did spend a few years with CWT in the South. With the closure of the WWWE in 2001, Law returned to CWT and was immediately involved in a feud with former WWWE talent Roscoe Carmine. When the AWF opened in 2005, Law opted to leave CWT and head to LA, a move that didn't go down particularly well in Tennessee.


Now into his 40s, Marshal Law is one of the most respected wrestlers in the AWF locker-room, while his on-screen heel enforcer character continutes to be involved in a number of strong storylines.



KISS and Klaxon - Hard Rock Warning


Managed by Helen Noir


Marty Simonds is better known to wrestling fans as the face-painted KISS. The former singer and lead guitarist in minor league hair metal revival band The Demons, Simonds is also a pretty good athlete. When Demons fan Ezekiel Trillion opened up the Awesome Wrestling Federation he offered to train Simonds to become a professional wrestler. The guitarist gladly accepted, hoping the publicity would help out his band, and he began training to become a wrestler in 2006. The road was a long one, and by the time he debuted for the promotion in 2010 The Demons had fallen apart. Fortunately for KISS, in those four years he had become a pretty competent wrestler and his friendship with Trillion is pretty much guaranteed to get him any push he wants.


The last couple of years have been a success for KISS - not only was he teamed up with former WWWEer Helen Noir, but he had runs with the AWF Television title and the Tag Team Championship alongside Klaxon.


For the past few years Klaxon has been described as the one man in PWSUX most likely to hit the big time. That time, it appears, could well be now, although he was actually beaten to the punch by fellow PWSUX star Cross. A powerful brawler with strong basics and an undeniable star quality, Klaxon is a former two-time tag champion alongside fellow heavyweight Arson. The heavyweight also had a short reign with SUX Xtreme title during early 2011 which was well received by the promotion's notoriously honest fans.


However, it was 2014 that really brought Klaxon's name to the masses as a member of the AWF/PWSUX Invasion storyline. In a surprise twist, Klaxon remained with both companies following the end of the storyline, and he even won the AWF Tag Team Titles briefly with AWF rocker KISS in May. Klaxon is currently dating Chastity, a valet who, thanks to the relationship, was recently hired to PWSUX.



Beautiful Bryce and Cool Chris - The New California Blondes


For many years Bryce Christensen was simply one half of AWF tag team The Christensens alongside his kayfabe brother Jonah. Two exciting cruiserweights, the duo would go on to become multi-time AWF World Tag Team champions until the company dropped the tag titles in 2012.


In the end, Bryce would get the singles run he had been waiting for almost by necessity when Jonah quit the AWF in August 2013. On his own Bryce impressed, and even had a brief spell as the AWF United States champion. Ironically, just months after Jonah quit, Casey Skym reinstated the tag team titles and Bryce was soon back in the division having been paired with Chris Candell as the New California Blondes.


Chris Candell is perhaps best known as Slip, one half of former fitness freak tag team Slip & Slide alongside Tom Schultz. Having been lumbered with the terrible gimmick, Slip & Slide surprised many with their ring skills and their determination to carry on regardless of how bad they thought their characters were. Despite being former AWF World Tag Team champions, both Slip & Slide were set to be fired following the (temporary) scrapping of the division in 2012.


Schultz left, but Candell promised new head booker Casey Skym that under his own name he could be a far bigger asset than he had previously shown. Impressed by Candell's force of character, Skym agreed and the former fitness guru was repackaged over the summer. The decision was a good one, and Candell has impressed under his new character. Surprisingly, however, after his singles success Candell was teamed up with another former tag champ in Bryce Christensen when the tag titles were brought back in late 2013.

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And finally, here are the non-wrestlers who help make the show happen each week, beginning with the announce team...

Thomas Aria


Thomas Aria is the lead announcer for Awesome Wrestling Federation since 2007, and arguably the voice of modern sports entertainment. Having debuted shortly after the AWF's formation in 2005, Aria's big break in the business didn't come until two years later. When the AWF's former announcer Elmer Haynes was suspended, Ezekiel Trillion first contacted WWWE legend Clay Clinton. Clinton, however, declined but recommended the AWF look to young Aria instead.


Aria may be young, but has a vast knowledge of wrestling, knowing extremely obscure facts, once revealing Richie Santana used a flying Ozeki Armbar exactly 58 times during his career. His partnership with Jerry King, where the elder colour man often tried to school Aria, only to be schooled himself, added a lot to matches. King left the AWF in 2012, and unfortunately Aria's new partnership with Chaperone doesn't show quite the same promise.





Seven foot tall Chaperone was once one of the most talented big men in the sport. A good brawler who put together a match with almost anyone and look good, Chaperone was one of the last WWWE World Champions. One of the earliest signings for the Awesome Wrestling Federation, Chap's excellent early feuds with Jean-Claude Giroux helped the AWF to assert itself as a promotion with enormous potential. In 2012, by then a five-time AWF World champion, Chaperone began to wind down his in-ring career.


While not retiring entirely, Chaperone's original intention was to take over the booking role for the company. While Chap claimed to have assurances that he'd get the job, Casey Skym would eventually succeed Jerry King in the role. Many expected that to be the end of Chaperone, but instead it was King that walked out on the AWF. Skym subsequently offered Chap the colour position in order to keep him in the company.



Johnny Hollywood


Johnny Hollywood is a professional wrestler who is best known as the winner of the 2011 Become A Star project and his subsequent time in the AWF. Initially portraying a film director, Hollywood's antics with a clapper board and megaphone quickly gained him attention but it was his charisma more than anything that won the fans over.


Following an injury in early 2013, Hollywood began hosting The Hollywood Show, an entertaining talk-show segment, on each episode of Shockwave. The segment was such a hint that Skym managed to convince Hollywood that his best bet in the AWF was on the mic, and not in the ring. As a result, by 2014 Hollywood had become the third man behind the announce booth, offering a new dimension to the sometimes tired commentary partnership of Thomas Aria and Chaperone.


...and then the referees...


Referee James Jewell


Referee James Jewell may not be the best referee in the Awesome Wrestling Federation, but he has the potential to be much more than an official. With decent charisma, and an excellent look Jewell could have a fantastic career as a manager or commentator if the right booker can convince him to leave his refereeing ways behind.



Referee Shane Tedeschi


Referee Shane Tedeschi is a veteran referee from Miami who spent his early career in the WWWE. When the promotion closed in 2001, Tedeschi disappeared from the industry, before returning in 2006 as Head Official in Ezekiel Trillion's Awesome Wrestling Federation.


Shane Tedeschi's nickname backstage is "Dumbo", thanks to his rather large ears. Fortunately Tedeschi isn't easily offended!



...and all the rest.




Adrienne is a French-Canadian actress, model and wrestling valet who, for the past four years, has been the top female personality in American wrestling thanks to her role in the AWF. Having started her career as a largely silent valet to Jean-Claude Giroux, Adrienne revealed her inner fire, and excellent acting skills, when she was involved in a storyline feud between Giroux and the re-debuting Wilson Hancock.


Adrienne and Wilson Hancock made an even better on-screen couple than Adrienne and Giroux, but the partnership came to an end in 2014 when Hancock left for WCCW in Canada. Clientless for the first time, Adrienne became the focal point of a new storyline in the AWF with a number of wrestlers battling for her services. It was revealed in 2012 that Adrienne is dating rookie wrestler Caleb Adonis, a relationship that many expect to benefit Adonis' career more than it will Adrienne's.



Buddy Holland


"Stallion" Buddy Holland is a true product of the '80s, and one of wrestling's true gentlemen. Never a spectacular worker, but always a reliable one, Buddy could make anybody look more flashy and exciting than they really were. Although most had him singled out to walk the independent circuit until his retirement, Buddy was given one last chance under the big lights by the AWF, who hired him in the hope he'd be able to pass on some knowledge of the basics to their under-qualified upper card.


In 2012, having wrestled professionally for almost thirty years, Holland hung up his boots to accept a road agent position with the AWF.



Kitty Reardon


Kitty Reardon is a huge professional wrestling fan who has worked for the Awesome Wrestling Federation for the past two years as the company's backstage interviewer. Quiet, petite and always a babyface, Kitty is usually subjected to a verbal assault from a female heel (and the occasional male too) and provides a great contrast to the more forceful personalities on the roster.



Magnum Kirchart


Marcus "Magnum" Kirchart was one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWWE for almost two decades. Hailing from Wyoming, Kirchart took on the good ol’ Southern cowboy gimmick so many have done before, but with his charismatic flair he made it his own. Coming up through the Southern territories at 18, by his 21st birthday he was a main draw in CWT, winning their top belt on two separate occasions. Of course, being the top man in his area meant the WWWE took interest, and hired him in 1987. His wholesome image fitted the company's family friendly product, and he formed a great tag team with fellow Southerner Todd Wayne.


Magnum went on to be a three time WWWE champion, the third reign of which came after his heel turn on Todd Wayne, causing uproar but a massive boost in business. After the WWWE's closure in 2001, Magnum went to Japan for a tour, before returning to CWT in 2003, winning their belt one final time.

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The next PPV is Uprising, an event known for overturning the company status quo and birthing new feuds.


Fresh off of WrestleFest, here's what fans can look forward to on the first AWF Shockwave to build to Uprising:

Timothy Hawk defeated Silva Dolla for the World Championship, and Wednesday marks his first appearance as champion once more. The Baddest Dog in the Yard tweeted Sunday night that he wasn't about to surrender his title so easily. Complicating things, Hawk and Dolla's old frenemy, 6-time World Champion Drake Richards, sent out a tweet of his own.


@AwesomeHawk That's a nice belt. I think I'll take it. #LuckyNumberSeven



Also Wednesday, the PW-SUX Invasion ended, and the biggest casualty was the United States Championship, now in the hands of arch-villain Cross. In an interview on AWF.com, AWF star Patriot called Cross out as a disgrace to the red, white and blue and promised to bring home the gold. Commissioner Casey Skym voiced his enthusiasm for a Patriot/Cross matchup, while Executive Director Dax Deekins has decreed Patriot will have to earn such a title shot.


Hard Rock Warning continue to chase Buff 'n' Tuff for the titles they lost nearly two months ago.


Finally, with the departure of Wilson Hancock from AWF, Adrienne is now the hottest free agent manager in the business. The top tier manager is sure to hear from her fair share of interested parties.


The following matches have been advertised on AWF.com as taking place Wednesday:

Prediction Key


Megan Ferrell vs Harmony

Leroy Winters vs Garrett South


Main Card

Buff ‘n’ Tuff © vs Hard Rock Warning in a tag team championship match

Patriot and a mystery partner vs Enemies of the State, if Patriot’s side wins he gets a United States title shot

Nick Hart vs Derrick Rollins

Timothy Hawk © will be in action for the first time since Wrestlefest

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Prediction Key


Megan Ferrell vs Harmony

Leroy Winters vs Garrett South

Main Card

Buff ‘n’ Tuff © vs Hard Rock Warning in a tag team championship match

Patriot and a mystery partner vs Enemies of the State, if Patriot’s side wins he gets a United States title shot

Nick Hart vs Derrick Rollins

Timothy Hawk © will be in action for the first time since Wrestlefest


Wk 1, August 2014

World Champion: Timothy Hawk

United States Champion: Cross

World Tag Team Champions: Buff ‘n’ Tuff

Television Champion: Omri Stone

Starlets Champion: Amy Marie


Backstage Notes

The first in a wave of new, post-Wrestlefest contract signings were made. Blue chip prospects Derek Grace, Richie Santana Jr. and Sylvain Charles, the tag team Deuces Wild and their manager Sissy, female talent Jess Hart and Susie Van Zant, wrestling legend and road agent Richie Santana and veteran referee Gregory Charles were brought in, though Grace, Hart, Van Zant and Charles will have to wrap up some indy commitments first.


Not all signings are long-term written deals. As a matter of course, Casey Skym brings in indy talent on short-term pay-per-appearance enhancement talent contracts.




AWF Shockwave, in NJ-Jersey City Skyscraper in front of 5,000 people (Tri State) (2.75 rating on Adrenaline)


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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Megan Ferrell defeated Harmony in 5:37 by pinfall with a HOLLER! DDT. (55)

Reardon interviews Ferrell post-match, she says she wants a title shot, Amy Marie, Merengue mock her (3 minutes, 46)


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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Garrett South defeated Leroy Winters in 7:47 by pinfall with a Southern Justice. (66)


South mouths off at Chaperone post-match, they trade words (4 minutes, 77)


Main Card

Hawk comes out, champion again, Dolla wants his rematch, Skym likes that, makes it for tonight (10 minutes, 90)



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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Buff 'n' Tuff defeated Hard Rock Warning in 7:57 when Buff Norton defeated KISS by pinfall with an Effin' Greatness following interference from Vincent I. Parker. The match also had a lot of interference: Ricky Fyre targeted Buff Norton, Beautiful Bryce attacked Klaxon, and finally Cool Chris interfered against Marcus Studd. Buff 'n' Tuff make defence number 5 of their AWF World Tag Team titles. (56)


Patriot requests a title shot against Cross, Skym likes it, Deekins says earn it (3 minutes, 63)


Cross tells Patriot that he needs to beat the Enemies to get to him, Patriot has to find a partner (2 minutes, 56)


Reardon interviews Giroux, who is sexually aggressive until a shadow spooks him off (3 minutes, 73)


Deekins and Skym meet with Adrienne about her representation, Towerblock, Havana, Barkley show up (5 minutes, 55)


Patriot is in the ring with the Enemies, suddeny Fury's music hits and he rushes the ring (2 minutes, 58)


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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mo Fury and Patriot defeated Enemies of the State in 8:03 when Patriot defeated Revolver Binx by pinfall with a Warrior Slam. (73)


Reardon interviews Hart, who says he's glad to be in AWF and looking forward to the competition (3 minutes, 66)


Hart's entrance has extra pomp and circumstance as he makes his debut (2 minutes, 67)


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In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nick Hart defeated Derrick Rollins in 8:39 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. (59)


The Mountain hits the ring and destroys Hart as he's celebrating, tears him apart in the ring (5 minutes, 75)


Hawk is on his way to the ring when he walks past South, who mockingly wishes him luck (1 minute, 79)



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In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Timothy Hawk drew with Silva Dolla in 19:37 when the match descended into chaos after Drake Richards became involved. (79)


Richards stands tall over a battered Hawk and Dolla (6 minutes, 69)


Final Rating: 79


Comments: Mo Fury and Patriot were smooth as silk together, rare for two men who’ve never teamed before. Could a cross-Atlantic alliance be in the works? Unfortunately, Nick Hart and Derrick Rollins did not have such good chemistry. In fact, they were awful together, effectively scuttling the possibility of future one-on-one matches together. The card for Uprising is already beginning to take shape, with unfinished business between Timothy Hawk, Silva Dolla and Drake Richards; Patriot emerging as Cross’ next challenger for the United States Championship, a chaotic tag team scene with multiple teams vying for a title shot and Megan Ferrell eyeing a record third Starlets title run.

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