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D.O.T.T. WCW Black Saturday

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Sorry for the delay. Show up shortly for those who care. Real Loose Cannon, I must say, I am impressed with your pics for the Usual Suspects, especially since I have'nt posted my roster yet. I actually wanted to team Bam Bam and Dr. Death in this diary, but I've got a pact with WCCW. Bam Bam was one of the candidates for the group tho which is why I am so impressed! Dr. Death doesn't fit the mold as he isn't dirty enough. The next show which will be up shortly gives more insight into the identity of at least one of them tho.
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[CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the John Lewis Gym in Atlanta, GA and broadcast via TBS GCW Inc. Presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=7]WCW BLACK SATURDAY[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] The show opens just at ringside where we join [B]Thunderbolt Patterson[/B] who is with guests [B]Jim Cornette and the New Midnight Express[/B]. Patterson hypes up the fact that the [B]Southern States tag tournament [/B] starts tonight, and that [B]NME[/B] have an impromptu match against [B]Houston’s Heat[/B]. Cornette hypes NME to the moon and assures us all that by hook or by crook, his clients are going to come out of this tourney with gold. He goes on to say that he came all the way from the Mid-South for this, and that mommas favorite son expects nothing less than success!= [B]D[/B] [B]Match 1:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]WCW Southern States tag team title tournament round 1.[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]NME( Beautiful Bobby Eaton/Pretty Boy Doug Somers) v. Houston’s Heat( Bobby/Lane Huffman):[/B][/U] Eaton and Somers worked amazingly well together for first timers, and under the competent management of Cornette, were more than a match for the Huffman brothers. Bobby and Lane never had a chance. This one ended when Cornette whacked Lane with a tennis racket, and Doug Somers rolled him up for the win. [U][B]NME p. Houston’s Heat to advance.= C-[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Buzz Sawyer[/B] makes his way ringside and begins to cut a promo. He tells of his disgust for the current state of things as it regards to the [B]Black Saturday era[/B]. Last week he was the [B]#1 Contender[/B], and now, because of [B]Ole Andersons[/B] politics he is not. What’s more he says, is that he is pissed off because his brother [B]Brett Wayne[/B] was fired due to the same back alley politics. As he continues his rant, he is interrupted by the unexpected appearance of [B]Bullet Bob Armstrong:[/B] [B]Bob:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You know… I hear you out here flappin your gums about this and that and I gotta tell ya, I got kids your age got fired this week also, and you know what? They do less whining than you do! Then I hear you complaining about Ole Anderson screwing you out your #1 contendership, and I start wonderin if maybe he screwed ya outta your hanky kid! See.. You’re out here talkin bout yesterday… Well let me explain something real clear for you [B]SON…[/B] [B]TODAY!…[/B] Today your standin before an [B]ALABAMA STATE CHAMPION![/B] Judging from the state of things, I’m the only [COLOR=Black][B]Heavyweight Champion[/B][/COLOR] in this company at the moment. I tell ya Buzz, I can’t defend my title here, but I’d be more than happy to come down to that ring and beat some of that whine outta your @$$ cuz frankly, I’m already sick of it![/COLOR] An outraged Buzz Sawyer ushers Armstrong on from inside the ring. As the two men draw near, Commissioner Boris Malenko walks out and interrupts them [B]Boris:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Gentleman! Not tonight! There is too much going on right now, and I have a [COLOR=Black][B]Southern States tag tournament match[/B][/COLOR] scheduled next. Of course I appreciate your willingness to perform tonight, but sadly, I cannot allow it. It’s not going to happen. Here is what will happen… Next week, the two of you in this very ring! And since your out here stealing my time… Since your taking from me, it’s only fitting that I take something from you! So then, next week the two of you will face off in a [B]LIGHTS OUT[/B] match, and the loser… The loser is [B]GONE[/B] from WCW forever![/COLOR] Malenko says his piece and walks away, stopping only to offer one last thought: [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I fired both of your families this week, you think I have time for the likes of the two of you?[/COLOR]= [B]B[/B] [B]Match 2:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]WCW Southern States tag team title tournament round 1.[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]The Fabulous Ones v. The Young Guns(Pistol Pez Watley/Quick Draw Rick McGraw):[/B][/U] First quality match of the night, and clearly a sign that things will be looking up for this tourney. The Young Guns and the Fabulous Ones fought a good clean match with both sides getting in a decent amount of offense. The end came win The Young Guns allowed Steve Keirn to get the hot tag to Stan Lane who came in and cleaned house. Eventually, Lane rolled McGraw into a small package for the quick win. [U][B]The Fabulous One p. The Young Guns to advance.= C+[/B][/U][/QUOTE]For some mysterious reason, the cameras flash backstage where we find an angry [B]Paul Ellering[/B] standing over an unconscious [B]Road Warrior Animal.[/B] A backstage worker offers to find medical aid but Ellering chastises him: [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Doesn’t need any damn medical attention! You wanna help!? You find me those damn [COLOR=Black][B]Rock and Roll [/B][/COLOR] teeny boppers![/COLOR]= [B]C+[/B] [B]Match 3:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Grudge match[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]Hawk v. Robert Gibson:[/B][/U] Robert Gibson came out to the ring alone and waited for his opponent. Hawk stepped out onto the stage clearly pissed off about his fallen partner. Hawk paused for a moment and was about to race down to the ring when… Out of nowhere, a chair shot lays him out. [B]Ricky Morton[/B] steps out from behind the bannister and whacks Hawk again with the chair. Robert Gibson runs down to the ramp and joins in. [B]The Rock and Roll Express[/B] continue to beat on Hawk until the ref repeatedly begins signaling for the bell. Eventually officials pour into the arena and separate Ricky and Rob from Road Warrior Hawk. [U][B]Hawk b. Robert Gibson via DQ= C+[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] comes out to the ring for the second time and explains that it has been a tumultuous two weeks. He informs everyone that [B]Tommy Rich[/B] is suffering from a severe concussion and will not be able to wrestle until further notice. He then talks about his champions, and how they were all victims of vicious attacks last week. He says that these incidences are being investigated, and that the whereabouts of the [B]WCW Heavyweight title[/B] will be determined! [B]Boris:[/B] [COLOR=Red]As for the culprits?… These [COLOR=Black][B]Usual Suspects[/B][/COLOR] as we are calling them… They will be identified, and they will be dealt with. I am taking steps to ensure that this show is a success and that atrocities like this will not happen again! That said, I’d like to introduce to the World my new enforcer…[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]ERIC THE RED![/B][/COLOR]= [B]B[/B] [B]Eric[/B] is a ball of hyperactivity as he runs to the ring to a modest ovation. As he and [B]Malenko[/B] greet each other, [B]Ole Anderson[/B] steps out onto the stage. [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Yeah! I hate to ruin this, but consider it ruined! You see Malenko, I can understand your position. You’ve got problems right now and I can sympathize a little. The thing is… Your problems aint [B]MINE![/B] I’m the [B]#1 Contender to the WCW title![/B] You can’t find the strap? Not my problem! You can’t get [COLOR=Black][B]Rich[/B][/COLOR] in a ring? Again, not my problem! You either get me and Rich in a match, or you follow protocol and you get me what’s [B]MINE![/B] You do that Malenko, or I become [B]YOUR[/B] problem, and you don’t want that![/COLOR] Just then, [B]JYD[/B] walks out onto the stage and stops next to Ole: [B]JYD:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You know Baby, your speaking my language right now Anderson. Last week, I should have been facing Tommy Rich for the WCW title which means that this week the [B]DOG[/B] should be the champ! Since your laying claim to what’s yours, it’s only fair that you give a dog the bone seeing as it’s [B]MINE![/B] Now Malenko, if Rich isn’t cleared to wrestle, that’s cool. The man currently holding onto the belt will suit me just fine. You let the Dog sniff him out. I’ll get him in a ring and [B]THUMP[/B], I’m taking what’s mine![/COLOR] [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR=Red]What the hell are you talking about!? Rich is the champ, and he’s mine! Any man, dog or animal want to quest-[/COLOR] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Settle down fellas. We can work this out. It’s clear that the both of you have a legitimate claim to the #1 contendership. Now, I could book you in a match to settle this, but you’ve both already earned your rights to a title match. So what I’m going to do is name you both the #1 contenders. Seeing as how I am in the process of locating the title, I haven’t figured out how this is going to work, but for the time being, this is how it is going to be![/COLOR]= [B]B+[/B] [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]The Spoiler v. Paul Orndorff:[/B][/U] An absolute slugfest that saw these two men brutalize each other. At one point, Spoiler kicked his way out of a piledriver attempt and took control of the match. Jardine eventually set Orndorff up for his own finisher. Gripping Orndorffs arm he began to walk the ropes. As he leapt off to plant the elbow, Orndorff using Spoilers momentum, countered by whipping him across the ring. Orndorff then rolled to the outside to recover. Spoiler followed Orndorff outside where they continued to battle. Scrappy McGowen diligently tried to get both men back inside the ring before giving up and counting them both out. [U][B]The Spoiler draws w/Paul Orndorff via double CO= B[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]The two competitors[/B] remain at ringside clearly frustrated. Finally, [B]Mr. Wonderful[/B] precedes to the back as [B]The Spoiler[/B] walks over to the announce table and grabs a mic: [B]Spoiler:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Hey Orndorff! You don’t think we’re done do you? You think it ends like this? It doesn’t! It ends when I plant the most dangerous move in the sport on you! When I put 280 pounds of mass behind my elbow and bring it crashing down on your head! When your head crashes into your neck at my hands Orndorff, that’s when it ends![/COLOR] [B]Orndorff:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Is that what you think Spoiler? It’s suppose to be that easy? Maybe you forgot that the most dangerous finisher in this business belongs to ME! Mr. Wonderful, and the pile driver that will bring 280 pounds of your own bloated body crashing against your neck and head. That’s how it ends Spoiler! The match, and your career![/COLOR] [B]Spoiler:[/B] [COLOR=Red]If that’s the way you feel, Wonderful, then show me! Show me![/COLOR] [B]Orndorff:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You got it chump! Next week me and you. No count out, no dq! In fact, the only way that one of us should win is to put the other in their finisher. What do you say? Settle this once an for all.[/COLOR] [B]Spoiler:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Yeah Orndorff, your right. This will be settled, cuz after next week, your done in this business![/COLOR]= [B]B[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Mouth of the South![/B][/COLOR] We cut to a studio setting where we find [B]Jimmy Hart[/B] with guest [B]Triple L.[/B] Jimmy introduces Zbyszko as a living legend, and voices his admiration for him. He goes on to say that he saw how he toyed with [B]Steamboat[/B] last week, and that he can’t believe any one would think the Dragon was the best wrestler in the world when compared to Zbyszko. Larry seconds the notion and goes on to say that Steamboat bored him last week and that he saw no need to finish the match as Steamboat doesn’t rate, and doesn’t belong in the ring with a legend! Just then, Ricky Steamboat enters the set much to Larry’s surprise.= [B]B+[/B] [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Whoah, whoah, whoah! Now I know what your thinking Rick, but let me just say…[/COLOR] [B]Steamboat:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]SHUT UP[/B] Zbyszko! Just shut up!… Never in all my years in this fine business have I ever felt as disrespected as I did last week when you walked away from our match. Now I hear you out here talking about me not rating against you. You’re a living legend right? There’s a perfectly good ring over there … Let’s find out right now if the Dragon rates![/COLOR] [B]Larry:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Rick… It’s water under the bridge. You want to wrestle me now? Like I came prepared for this. I’m not even dressed to work tonight. No, I’m going to have to pass Rick. Tell you what though, we’ll shake on it and forget about this whole thing. What do you say?[/COLOR] Zbyszko extends his hand towards Steamboat. [B]Larry:[/B] [COLOR=Red]What do you say Rick?[/COLOR] Steamboat ignores the handshake and walks to the ring. [B]Steamboat:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I say [B]RIGHT NOW ZBYSKO! RIGHT NOW![/B][/COLOR] In frustration, Larry exchanges a few words with Jimmy Hart before reluctantly making his way to the ring.= [B]B+[/B] [B]Match 5:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Here we go again.[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]Triple L v. Ricky Steamboat:[/B][/U] This was an amazing match. Steamboat came ready to wrestle, and was adamant about proving he is the best in the World. Triple L was as tenacious as he was talkative as he wrestled in plain clothes and held his own against the Dragon blow for blow. Technicality soon went out the window as these two men turned this fight into a brawl. Steamboat would not be denied this time though, and every time he got the upper hand, he came within a second of putting Triple L away. There must have been at least 15 pin attempts between the both of them. Finally, Steamboat had Zbyszko set up for a flying cross body finisher. The Dragon leapt from the turnbuckle as Larry got to his feet and connected with the move bringing Larry crashing to the canvas. Everyone in attendance new this one was in the books at that moment. Everyone save Zbyszko who used Steamboats momentum to roll over on top of him and get the three count. The audience was shocked as Zbyszko rolled out of the ring while Steamboat lay motionless and unconscious. As Zbyszko hurried up the aisle, he could be seen stuffing a set of car keys into his pants pocket. [U][B]Triple L p. Ricky Steamboat= A*[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Kaiser Soze![/B][/COLOR] The crowd is still abuzz after that amazing match when none other than [B]WCW Heavyweight champion Tommy Rich[/B] makes his way out to the ring. He is barely in control of his faculties and has his head wrapped in bandages. He tells the crowd that he is sorry that he is not able to defend his title, or to perform for the time being. He acknowledges both [B]Ole Andersons[/B], and [B]JYD’s[/B] claim to the title and says that he would like nothing more than to face both of them as they are deserving of the shot. He then addresses his attackers, vowing to get revenge even if it costs him the championship. He says now that they’ve taken his title, he has nothing to lose! Suddenly, [B]a man dressed all in black[/B] comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring behind Rich. He carries the [B]WCW heavyweight title[/B] as he stands and watches Tommy. The audience alerts Tommy to his presence. As Rich turns, he is met with a brutal shot across the head with the WCW title.= [B]A[/B] [B]Man in Black:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]HENH[/B]- Hunh- hunh! [COLOR=Black][B]Tommy Rich![/B][/COLOR] Henh! They’re calling me a [COLOR=Black][B]Usual Suspect![/B][/COLOR] [B]ME![/B] Henh- Henh… Someone better tell’em, I aint your [B]USUAL, USUAL![/B] I aint got it all Henh- henh! And you know what else I aint got… Well lets just say I’m all out of bubblegum Tommy! Get it!… I’m out of bubblegum. All that’s left is @$$kicking! You can probably tell, I been handing out a lot of that! You don’t seem to be getting it though. You come out here vowing revenge and all the while, it’s not sinking in is it?[/COLOR] The man grabs Tommy by the hair and pulls him to his feet. [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You need some Henh-help sinking it in don’t ya? Getting it through your thick little skull?[/COLOR] The man locks Tommy Rich into a vicious sleeper hold. He begins to violently shake Tommy Rich as he screams at him: [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]IS IT SINKING IN YET[/B] Henh- heh! [B]IS IT![/B] This title is [B]MINE TOMMY! MINE![/B][/COLOR]= [B]A[/B] At that moment, the [B]Man in Blacks[/B] eyes widen and he releases [B]Tommy[/B]. [B]Eric the Red[/B] comes running up the aisle and slides into the ring. The Man in Black quickly grabs the WCW title and hightails it through the crowd. A berserk Eric the Red pursues him as security tends to Tommy Rich.= [B]A[/B][QUOTE][CENTER][U][B][SIZE=4]*MAIN-EVENT*[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER][/QUOTE][B]Ronnie Garvin[/B] comes out to the ring and takes a mic. He talks about his [B]National title[/B] that he will be defending tonight. He then talks about what happened to him and [B]Bobby Duncum[/B] at the hands of the [B]Usual Suspects[/B], and says he has no doubt that [B]Wrecking Machine[/B] was fully responsible. He says that tonight he will defend his title, and then he and Bobby are going to go on and test the mettle of Wrecking Machine for the [B]National Tag Team titles[/B]. [B]Manny Fernandez[/B], after having heard enough comes out and tells Ronnie that tonight, he’s not dealing with Wrecking Machine, or any men in black, but that he’s dealing with something much worse in the form of “The Raging Bull”.= [B]B-[/B] [B]Match 6: [COLOR=Blue]WCW National Championship match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Manny Fernandez v. ©Ronnie Garvin:[/U][/B] A classic brawl here. These two men went at it tooth and nail. Ronnie proved why he was the National champion by taking control of the match from the onset. Manny was able to turn the tide when he hit a desperation bulldog, reminding the champ that he was at least mildly concussed. From there, it was all Manny. He toyed with Garvin for awhile before attempting to put him away. Manny bounced off of the ropes and was setting up for a flying cross chop when he was met by a straight right Hands of Stone punch from Garvin and knocked completely out. At this moment, [B]Wrecking Machine II[/B] ran down to the ring. Noticing this, the ref quickly went to admonish him. Garvin, still dazed and unaware, signaled for the Garvin Stomp! As he turned to begin the stomp, he is hit by a Lariat from Wrecking [B]Machine I.[/B] Machine I then throws Manny on top of Garvin and rolls out of the ring unbeknownst to the ref. Seeing the pinfall situation, Scrappy McGowen makes the count giving Fernandez the win. [U][B]Manny Fernandez p. Ronnie Garvin for the WCW National title= A[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Machine Shop![/B][/COLOR] [B]Wrecking Machine[/B] enters the ring and precedes to destroy [B]Garvin[/B] with a series of boots. [B]Machine II[/B] raises Garvin to his feet and holds him in place while [B]Machine I[/B] fishes a rope attached to a cow bell from a black bag he’d been carrying. He then smashes Garvin across the head with the bell drawing blood and sending Garvin to the mat. [B]Bobby Duncum[/B] comes running down the aisle and slides into the ring. Wasting no time, he begins to trade shots with both men. A hard blow sends Machine II over the top ropes and out of the ring. Duncum then tries to take out Machine I, but his momentum is halted when the cow bell meets his forehead as well. Both Garvin and Duncum lay prone in the ring as Wrecking Machine brood over them.= [B]B+[/B] [B]Machine I:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You know something boy!… You said last week that you and your pal here were the toughest S.O.B’s in this company… Well you don’t look so tough now.[/COLOR] [B]Machine II:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Naw they aint lookin so tough right now.[/COLOR] [B]Machine I:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Not by a damn sight! And it’s not cuz your laid out either. It’s cuz your next to us why you don’t look like much. Next to the [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] boy![/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]The National tag team champions![/B][/COLOR] [B]Machine II:[/B] [COLOR=Red]But yall don’t know who your dealin wit! Call us the [COLOR=Black][B]Suspects[/B][/COLOR] if ya want, but we aint them! Were worse’n that![/COLOR] [B]Machine I:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You wanna challenge us? You oughta know who your facing. Who’s responsible for putting the both of you on your %$#, an it’s high time we showed ya![/COLOR] The two men still standing over [B]Duncum and Garvin[/B] begin to remove their masks. Much to the shock of the crowd, the smiling faces of [B]Stan Hansen and Dick Murdoch[/B] come into view as WCW Black Saturday goes off of the air.= [B]B+[/B] [SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING:= B+[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddy Miller [B]Atendance:[/B] 2,000 (sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] 38,250 [B]Notes:[/B] Again I’m neither here nor there on this one. I’d settle for a C+ or B- if I was getting PPV money. I’m not getting any so what a good show amounts to in my book is a waste of my companies money seeing as how it’s so expensive to put one on. The ratings for the TV show have been horrible from what the network says, and they aren’t happy at all. Oh well… Two really good shows and I still feel like the end of my stick is short. On another note, as booker, I'm disappointed with the amount of talking as opposed to action during this one. Something I'll be working on in the future for sure! [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next week:[/SIZE] 1. The Road Warriors v. The Steiners ( Southern States tag tourney) 2. Rock & Roll Express v. A&B Connection ( Southern States tag tourney) 3. Paul Orndorff v. The Spoiler (No DQ, No CO Finisher first match) 4. Bob Armstrong v. Buzz Sawyer (Lights out, loser leaves town) 5. Wrecking Machine v. ??? (Mandatory National tag team title defense)[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] -WCW has been warned for the second consecutive week about low television ratings. Executives at TBS are not happy! We will continue to do our best to improve this situation and maintain a good relationship with the network, but it is more than likely we will not be with them beyond this season. - [B]Dick "The Crippler" Murdoch [/B] has informed us that he will be accepting a position within MACW. We wish nothing but the best! - Speaking of Murdoch, [B]Wrecking Machine [/B] appear to be a huge success, and are immensely over! WCW has been hard pressed to find viable competition for these two bruisers. The National Tag Champions may be in possession of those titles for a long time to come! - In an effort to boost activity in the Main Event tag division, WCW has been offering tryouts to different tag teams around the territory. In particular, [B]Randy Savage & Austin Idol [/B] having both recently signed with our company, were given a trial match last night at Black Saturday in the undercard Savage and Idol pulled off an upset over the A&B Connection in a B- rated match. Consequently, Savage ruptured his gullbladder during the match and will be out for the next 16 days. Austin Idol also showed up very late to the show, and will be suspended for the next week. We feel that if these two can get their acts together, they might provide a challenge for our resident Wrecking Machine. - [B]Greg Valentine [/B] has been entertaining our recent offers, and it seems that all that's left to do is put ink to paper. - WCW continues to benefit from a great relationship with [B]MACW[/B] as our two companies now share three top workers (possibly four if Valentine rolls). With [B]Ricky Steamboat, Larry Zbysko, and Dick Murdoch [/B] now working over there, it will go far into getting those workers exposed throughout the territories thereby helping to increase our own popularity. And as always, this increases our chances of getting that NWA world title over here in WCW! Of course, it is always about that title when it comes to WCW! - Speaking of the[B] NWA World title, Harley Race [/B] is now the man in the NWA after having defeated Rick Flair in an A rated match in the first week of January. Race has successfully defended the title four time in less than two weeks. His opponents were as follows: 1. Ric Flair 2. Jerry Brisco 3. Jay Youngblood 4. Jerry Brisco - Perhaps the most talked about wrestler in the world today is one [B]Pedro Morales. [/B] The man has the work rate of a fire ant! Morales currently holds the WWF Intercontinental title, the WWC North American title, and the WWC World tag team titles w/Carlos Colon. He has ten title defense in less than two weeks.
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OOC: Grimm, thanks for the compliment! Means alot coming from you! [U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] - BIG NEWS! WCW is planning a Super show for the end of the month. The tentative name for the show is [B]WCW Fight or Die![/B] - [B]WCW Heavyweight Champion Tommy Rich [/B] is still suffering from a severe concussion. His injuries were re-aggravated during last weekends Black Saturday. Our medical staff has informed us that he will not be cleared to wrestle for the time being. We are supporting our young champion in every way possible, but the show must go on! That having been said… - [B]Tommy Rich [/B] has decided that he will defend at [B]Fight or Die[/B] with or without the belt in hand. He also goes on to state that even though he is not cleared to wrestle, he would rather lose as is befitting of a champion as opposed to being stripped which is in fact protocol. - WCW has urged Tommy to the contrary, but our champion remains staunch on this point. As a way to protect our own interests, we are not going to allow Tommy to perform in any venue… With the lights on that is! - Speaking of Lights, [B]Buzz Sawyer and Bob Armstrong [/B] will be competing in a [B]Lights out match [/B] at this weeks Black Saturday. This match was booked by [B]Commisioner Malenko [/B] who was responsible for releasing both members families last week. Malenko expects these two men to have something of a violent contest as their jobs here in WCW are on the line. As a consequence, the NWA will not sanction the match which is the reason that the lights will be out! - Speculative information on the [B]Usual Suspects[/B] has been brought to my desk. It seems that our investigative teams, upon tape review, pointed out that the majority of the victims attacked had been viciously DDT’ed! I’ve reviewed the tapes myself and have determined that the fluidity of the DDT’s could only mean one thing… One man! - [B]The Outlaws (Ronnie Garvin/Bobby Duncum)[/B] are adamant about facing [B]Wrecking Machine [/B] this week for the [B]National Tag Team titles.[/B] WCW is skeptical as to the physical condition of Garvin, and our giving them both that night off. - [B]Wrecking Machine [/B] will be defending their titles at Black Saturday against an as yet unnamed team. - [B]Paul Ellering[/B] has assembled a brand new tag team and is demanding they be allowed to participate in the [B]Southern States tag tournament.[/B] WCW is considering this pending a successful debut. - [B]Jerry Stubbs [/B] who signed a PPA deal with WCW two weeks ago, has been working with [B]Rick Steamboat [/B] in tag matches on our undercard. Stubbs will be working under the guise of [B]Mr. Olympia[/B], and if he continues teaming with the Dragon, may find himself involved in the [B]National Tag Team title[/B] hunt! - A multitude of champions have found their way into our fold, and we are welcoming them with open arms. [B]Greg Valentine [/B] has indeed signed on with company and is the current holder of the MACW U.S. title. [B]Austin Idol [/B] is currently the CWA champion, while [B]Bob Armstrong [/B] continues to hold down SWCW’s Alabama State title. - We currently have two [B]#1 Contenders [/B] to the heavyweight title with both [B]Ole Anderson and JYD [/B] having legitimate claims. WCW is in the process of ironing out the details of how this is to work as we speak. Nevertheless, we will have a Champion come [B]Fight or Die!… [/B] What does this mean? - [B]JYD[/B] made an interesting point when he said that he’d be willing to take on the man with the strap if [B]Tommy[/B] wasn’t able to wrestle. I like the notion myself as this mysterious individual is going out of his way to make problems in my company. Not to mention that the fans seem to eat up his every appearance no matter how much it seems to ruin my show. I’m not opposed to allowing him some ring time and or extending him a contract at this point. Money is money after all, and I’ll do anything to make sure [B]Fight or Die [/B] is a success! - [B]Wrestling II [/B] has won the the MSW tag team titles with Magnum TA this week. While I’d like to congratulate him, as long he is a success with my enemy, I cannot bring myself to do it. I’ve stated clearly that he cannot continue working for the both of us. I’d initially given him to the end of the month to be released in a manner conducive to someone of his stature. The thing is, his creative control clause is killing my show, and I will not be controlled. So Mr. Wrestling II… Enjoy your MSW tag title reign, and GOODBYE! - WCW is calling this month [B]“money month”[/B] as we are losing heaps of it! This is fine for the time being as we are in a race to increase our popularity, size, and acquire a PPV deal. In the months to come we will be minimizing our expenditures in an effort to conserve, as well as recoup from this month. - The tentative card for [B]Black Saturday[/B] has been booked. More than likely one more match will be added as we are comfortable with a 6 match minimum. Of course, everything is subject to change.
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[CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the John H. Lewis Gym in Atlanta Georgia Championship Wrestling Incorporated presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]WCW BLACK SATURDAY![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3]Double Main-Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Lights out/Loser leaves town match: 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong v. 'Mad dog' Buzz Sawyer[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][B]WCW National Tag Team Championship match: ??? & ??? v. ©Wrecking Machine (Stan 'the Hammer' Hansen/Dick 'the Crippler' Murdoch)[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]-PLUS-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][QUOTE][B]Finisher first match: The Spoiler v. 'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][B]Southern States tag tournament round 1: The Steiners v. The Road Warriors[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B] Southern States tag tournament round 1: Rock & Roll Express v. A&B Connection (Arn Anderson/Brady Boone)[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B]Also, The Mouth of the South returns this week with guests Ole Anderson and JYD. Find out what WCW's #1 contenders think about the WCW Heavyweight title situation in a candid conversation with Jimmy Hart![/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Paul Ellering debuts his new tag team. What sort of an impact will they make, and what does this mean for the Rock & Roll Express?[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][CENTER][QUOTE][B]Usual Suspects news: WCW has a lead on at least one of the culprits responsible for a series attacks against our champions. Don't miss this weeks Black Saturday to find out who exactly will be interrogated by Commissioner Malenko![/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE!!!![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Predictions welcome. Guesses as to the identities of the Suspects welcome as well. In fact, It's all encouraged!
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Lights out/Loser leaves town match: [B]'Bullet' Bob Armstrong[/B] v. 'Mad dog' Buzz Sawyer WCW National Tag Team Championship match: ??? & ??? v. ©[B]Wrecking Machine (Stan 'the Hammer' Hansen/Dick 'the Crippler' Murdoch) [/B] ((Not sure who you're gonna bring in to challenge them. Maybe the Outlaws under masks come out?)) -PLUS- Quote: Finisher first match: The Spoiler v. [B]'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff [/B] Quote: Southern States tag tournament round 1: [B]The Steiners[/B] v. The Road Warriors Quote: Southern States tag tournament round 1: Rock & Roll Express v. [B]A&B Connection (Arn Anderson/Brady Boone) [/B] Identities for the Usual Suspects: Jake "The Snake" Roberts and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper are two guesses for you.
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Lights out/Loser leaves town match: 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong v. [b]'Mad dog' Buzz Sawyer[/b] WCW National Tag Team Championship match: ??? & ??? v. [b]©Wrecking Machine (Stan 'the Hammer' Hansen/Dick 'the Crippler' Murdoch)[/b] Finisher first match: The Spoiler v. [b]'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff[/b] Southern States tag tournament round 1: The Steiners v. [b]The Road Warriors[/b] Southern States tag tournament round 1: [b]Rock & Roll Express[/b] v. A&B Connection (Arn Anderson/Brady Boone)
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[SIZE=1][I]Saturday, week 3 January, 1983[/I][/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the John Lewis Gym in Atlanta, GA and broadcast via TBS GCW Inc. Presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=7]WCW BLACK SATURDAY[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Actions…[/B][/COLOR] The show opens with [B]T-bolt Patterson[/B] who is standing with [B]Jake Roberts.[/B] Patterson cuts right to the chase and begins to question Roberts about the recent attacks that have taken place over the course of the last two weeks, citing that evidence seems to indicate Jake’s partial involvement. Jake remains expressionless during this time and says nothing. T-bolt continues with his inquiries and solicits Jake for a response. Jake continues to remain silent as Patterson presses to get something out of him. Unexpectedly, [B]Arn Anderson[/B] shows up and interrupts them. He walks right up to Jake Roberts and tells him that he heard that he might have had something to do with the attack on his person two weeks ago. [B]Arn:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Now until [B][COLOR=Black]Malenko[/COLOR][/B] sorts this out, I can’t touch you. But, if that’s the case, if it comes to light that it was you… Your mine Roberts. You understand me? Your mine![/COLOR] Jake says nothing. He only smiles as Anderson walks away.= [B]C[/B] [B]Match 1:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Southern States Tag tournament round 1[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]The Steiners v. The Road Warriors:[/B][/U] This was your typical squash. The Steiners entered the ring first and awaited the Warriors who rushed down to the ring and preceded to pound them into the mat. No selling at all from the bruisers as they worked stiff and threw The Steiners around. A high point was when Rick was able to hit Hawk with a Steiner liner, and Hawk popped right up and executed an amazing standing drop kick. The Warriors won this one in the end with a spiked pile driver. [U][B]The Road Warriors p. The Steiners to advance= C[/B][/U][/QUOTE]The match ends and [B]Paul Ellering[/B] ushers his tag team out of the arena, as he remains at ringside. He joins Gordon Solie and Freddy Miller at the announce table and begins to lay into the [B]Rock & Roll Express[/B] who are wrestling next. He warns them that they have something coming to them for what they did last week, and that the smartest thing they can do is take their @$$es back to MSW, cuz as long as they are here, they are going to have problems with [B]The Legion!= C[/B] [B]Match 2:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Southern States Tag tournament round 1[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]A&B Connection v. Rock & Roll Express:[/B] [/U] Both Double A and Double B were on point tonight and it showed in this match. They worked the Express with a hardnosed game plan, and plenty of tenacity. Rick and Rob were no less as tenacious when they gained the offensive, as a hot tag set up both Brady and Arn for a series of Gibson drop kicks. At some point in the match, [B]Jake Roberts[/B] ran out and pulled Arn off of the ring apron from behind. Turning him around, he hit a DDT bringing Arn crashing to the floor. Jake leaves as Brady, unawares, goes to his corner for the tag. Surprised to find that Arn is laid out on the floor, Brady turns to be met with a double drop kick and rolled up by Morton for the pin. [U][B]Rock & Roll Express p. A.B.C. to advance= C+[/B][/U][/QUOTE]Directly after the match [B]Paul Ellering[/B] stands up and begins frantically waving towards the back. He yells out to [B]The Express[/B] that they haven’t faced anything like what he has in store for them. The express direct their attention towards Ellering as he continues to rant. He tells them that not only will they not be advancing any further in this tournament, but that the team who will be replacing them will be making it happen right now! Paul then introduces his new tag team, [B]The Outsiders![/B] [B]Bam Bam Bigelow and Lord Humongous[/B] coming run down the aisle and stand chest to face with the Express. Wasting no time, Rick and Rob begin to attack, but all for naught. The Outsiders appeared invincible as they shrugged off everything the Express threw at them. What followed next was an complete and utter destruction. The outsiders pounded them into the canvas with brutal forearms and then preceded to lay into them with boots. The massacre culminated when Ellering ordered Humongous to toss both of them over the top ropes and out to the ringside floor= [B]D[/B] [B]Match 3:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]No DQ, no CO, Finisher First[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff v. The Spoiler:[/B][/U] The only way to win this match is for a person to pin their opponent following their finisher. Any other type of pin attempt will not be recognized. This means that either Paul has to effectively apply his Pile driver, Or Spoiler must effectively apply his Claw pin. Spoiler likes to set this up by tight roping from the turnbuckle while applying an armlock to his opponent. He then plants an elbow to the head or the neck and shoulder areas of his opponent before applying the claw for the pin. Spoiler is going to need to be able to pull this off tonight, and Orndorff clearly doesn’t intend to be compliant. Paul takes to the offensive first, throwing caution to the wind an unloading with a flurry of closed fisted blows. Spoiler hit Paul with a standing clothesline which he followed up with an elbow and then another before stopping to adjust his cut-off glove. Orndorff was up quickly, and the fight continued. Orndorff focused on Spoilers gloved hand as well as targeting his head to soften him up. Finally Orndorff was able to apply the Pile driver and pin The Spoiler… [U][B]Paul Orndorff p. Spoiler following a Piledriver=…[/B][/U][/QUOTE][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][B]... ...[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][QUOTE][B]...Wait![/B] At the last second, [B]Spoiler[/B] kicks out, and [B]Orndorff[/B] can’t believe it. The ref assures Orndorff that Spoiler beat the count, and that the match would continue. The two men fight for another five minutes at least before spoiler blatantly throws Orndorff over the top rope. He then goes outside and raises Paul off the ground. He grips his arm and climbs up onto the ring apron setting up for his finisher. Spoiler leaps from the ring and plants the elbow to the side of Orndorffs neck, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. At this point, [B]Chick Donovan[/B] runs down to the ring and attacks Spoiler from behind. Donovan then puts Spoiler into a Pile driver on the ground outside of the ring. Donovan surveys his handiwork for a moment before heading off. Neither man is able to respond to the ref’s ten count, and he is forced to call the match due to both workers being unable to continue. [U][B]Paul Orndorff draw w/Spoiler via referee stoppage= B+[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B][COLOR=Blue]Mouth of the South![/COLOR][/B] The second installment of [B]Jimmy Harts[/B] show, and he is with guests [B]JYD and Ole Anderson.[/B] Jimmy snidely congratulates JYD for being a [B]co-contender for the WCW title[/B], and then begins to praise Ole Anderson. The three men discuss [B]Tommy Rich[/B], and the current state of the WCW title. JYD and Ole didn’t have too much tension here which is weird since they are on opposites sides of the good guy/bad guy spectrum. Seems that they have a common interest in the WCW title and it’s whereabouts. They differ on the points that Ole wants a piece of Tommy Rich for the gold, while JYD is ready to take on any man who walks through the door with it! The two #1 Contenders continue to debate it, when all of a sudden, Jimmy Hart drops his mic and runs off of the set. JYD and Ole rise from their seats in confusion, when they are attacked in conjunction by two of [B]The Usual Suspects.[/B] During the Melee, Ole Anderson was smashed in the back of the head with a coffee cup, and JYD was bull-dogged through Jimmy Hart’s desk. The Mouth of the South’s set was completely destroyed during this segment, and The Suspects used the bodies of both JYD and Ole Anderson with which to do it!.= [B]B+[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]… Louder than words![/B][/COLOR] [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] comes out to the ring clearly pissed off! He grabs a mic and wastes no time getting to his point. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I have been presented with tapes from the prior two weeks of this program and I must say that what I’ve seen does a lot to explain to me who one of [COLOR=Black][B]The Usual Suspects[/B][/COLOR] may be! After what has just occurred with my [B][COLOR=Black]#1 contenders,[/COLOR][/B] I haven’t time for speculation, so then, [B][COLOR=Black]Jake Roberts...[/COLOR][/B] Come out here right now![/COLOR] A few moments pass and finally [B]"The Snake"[/B] appears at the entrance to the studio. He stands with his hands placed on his hips, and a wry grin on his face. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B][COLOR=Black]Roberts,[/COLOR][/B] you’ve some explaining to do! I’ve watched the tapes… Seen the [B][COLOR=Black]DDT’s.[/COLOR][/B] I know what’s what so I’m not going to even bother to mince words. I won’t be playing your games! Now, where is my [B][COLOR=Black]WCW Heavyweight title?[/COLOR][/B] Furthermore, who are your accomplices? I want to know these things Roberts, and I want to know them [B]NOW![/B][/COLOR] [B]Jake[/B] begins to laugh outright at the [B]Commissioner[/B]. He stops to say something, but begins laughing again instead. Malenko appears frustrated as Jake turns and slaps his rear end twice signifying that Malenko should kiss off. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B][COLOR=Black]Mr. Roberts'[/COLOR][/B] I’ve offered you the chance to do things my way. The right way! It seems you’ve refused that… So be it, have it your way then![/COLOR] [B]Jake Roberts[/B] is then hit from behind by a running forearm to the back of the head by [B]Eric the Red[/B]. Eric begins to pound on Jake before dragging him to the ring and rolling him inside.= [B]B[/B] [B]Eric the Red[/B] Rolls into the ring behind [B]Jake Roberts[/B] and continues his assault. [B]Malenko[/B] runs along ringside with his mic screaming at Jake: [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I’ve seen a DDT three times over the last few weeks. I see that DDT tonight Jake, and I have all the proof I need to hurl you out of this company! So Jake, you either take this loss here tonight, or you show me that DDT and lose your job! If you hadn’t noticed, I’m booking you in a match tonight. Furthermore, it started a minute ago![/COLOR]=[B] B[/B] [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Jake Roberts v. Malenko’s Enforcer, Eric the Red:[/B][/U] This match was one of two big surprises of the night as it really could have been in the main event. Jake and Eric have excellent chemistry, and were able to tell a great story in the ring. Eric controlled the match for the most part as Jake was reluctant to keep the upper hand for too long knowing the only way he could eliminate the big man would have to be with a DDT. Jake had Eric set up a few times for his finisher, and every time, [B]Malenko[/B] would jump to his feet prepared to inspect the move, causing Jake to release it. The match see-sawed in this manner several times with Jake setting up his finisher and Malenko right there to scrutinize. Jake, not wanting to just take a beating, began using a tactic designed to wear Eric down. He’d wrestle with him briefly, and then retreat to the outside of the ring causing a frustrated Eric to give chase. Jake would then roll into the ring and seize the upper hand on the pursuing giant, before rolling back outside of the ring, repeating the process. When Eric was completely worn down. He rolled back into the ring behind Jake, and right into a DDT. Jake then smiles over at Eric the Red before crawling over to the corner and leaning, nonchalantly against the turnbuckles.[/QUOTE][B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT![/B] Your Gone [B][COLOR=Black]Jake,[/COLOR][/B] you hear!? You give me answers or your gone![/COLOR][QUOTE][B]Two of The Usual Suspects[/B] come running down the aisle, and as always, they are dressed completely in black. [B]Malenko[/B] stands in shock as they roll into the ring and raise [B]Eric the Red[/B] up off of the ground. [B]Jake[/B] remains in the corner as this is taking place. Of the two men, the short, stubby one, holds Eric so the other can apply a sleeper hold. Once the sleeper hold is synched in, they bring him back to the ground, and the little one applies a figure four leg lock at the same time. Eric the Red screams out in agony as the ref signals for the bell. [U][B]Eric the Red b. Jake Roberts via DQ= A[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Alright [B][COLOR=Black]Jake,[/COLOR][/B] the gigs up now call off your hounds![/COLOR] Jake says nothing. He only smiles as he stands in the corner watching the attack. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Dammnit Roberts, I said it’s over! Now call this off before you find yourself in more trouble than it is worth![/COLOR] A [B]Man in Black[/B] steps over the banister from out of the crowd behind Malenko. He is wielding the [B]WCW Heavyweight[/B] title just like he did last week. He walks right up to Malenko and grabs him by the throat from behind. [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Henh-henh… I guess for some reason you’ve got it in your head that your still callin the shots! I don’t know Malenko, if you call what’s been goin on around here control, then that must make me another type of animal henh. Guy like me, I aint all there, so this type of control is something I’m not used to![/COLOR] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]W-who ar-[/COLOR] [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]SHUT UP[/B] when I’m talking!… Now, since you’ve got all this control Malenko, let me tell you what you don’t got!… You aint got a [COLOR=Black][B]Champion,[/B][/COLOR] Malenko! You aint got a [COLOR=Black][B]title belt,[/B][/COLOR] and after tonight, you don’t even have a [COLOR=Black][B]#1 contender[/B][/COLOR] and it’s all thanks to [B]ME!… [/B] So much for control huh! For callin the shots!?[/COLOR] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]What do you want?[/COLOR] [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Henh-heh! What do I want you ask? What do I want? If you didn’t notice, I’ve already got it! This [B][COLOR=Black]WCW title[/COLOR][/B] is mine, an I aint never giving it back… [B]NEVER![/B] Thing is, you got a problem because you don’t have any competition for it anymore, and you paper pushing pansies aint gonna recognize me legitimately.[/COLOR] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]An impasse!?[/COLOR] [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Yeah, whatever you wanna call it! Now what I need you to do Mr. shot caller, is stand up right here in front all these idiots, and in front of every idiot in the back, and officially declare me the [COLOR=Black][B]WCW Heavyweight Champion![/B][/COLOR] Then your gonna apologize to my pal [COLOR=Black][B]Jake,[/B][/COLOR] and make this night up to him by giving him a [COLOR=Black][B]title match against Arn Anderson[/B][/COLOR] next week. You got that Malenko?[/COLOR] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]No can do! Even if I wanted to, I don’t have that authority. Roberts can have the match, but I can’t declare you WCW heavyweight Champion without a contract, without knowing your identity. I-[/COLOR] [B]MIB: [/B] [COLOR=Red]Shut up yer yappin Malenko![/COLOR] [B]The Man in Black[/B] looks towards the ring at [B]Eric the Red[/B] who is still in the grips of [B]The Usual Suspects.[/B] [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Leg or the neck, it’s your choice boys, but break something!…[/COLOR] Eric screams out in horrible pain as The Usual Suspects apply pressure to his neck with a sleeper hold, while at the same time attempting to break his leg with a figure four. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]OkokokokokOKAYYYY!!!…[/B] I can’t declare you Champion, I just can’t! I’ll tell you what… I will hold the title up against all of my greater reasoning. I will vacate it for the time being, and place you in the match that will decides it’s rightful owner at [COLOR=Black][B]FIGHT or DIE![/B][/COLOR] And since you are currently in possession of it, you can hold onto it until then, providing I have a written guarantee that you’ll show up with the belt. Now, I hope your ready to lie down in the bed you’ve made stranger, because you’ve got [COLOR=Black][B]Ole Anderson, Junkyard Dog, and Tommy Rich[/B][/COLOR] on your @$$ now, and there’s no way to tell at this point which of them you’ll be facing![/COLOR] The Man in Black releases Malenko, and signals for his cohorts to follow him through the crowd. Jake rolls out of the ring and laughs at the freshly abused Malenko before casually walking to the back= [B]A[/B][QUOTE][CENTER][U][B][SIZE=4]*MAIN-EVENT*[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER][/QUOTE][B]Wrecking Machine[/B] brashly make their way out to the ring carrying the [B]WCW National Tag Team titles.[/B] They begin to cut a promo at ringside talking about what they did to [B]The Outlaws,[/B] and that anyone else they face in any capacity will meet the same fate. They go on to say that they are ready and prepared to face The Outlaws whenever, but that Since [B]Bobby Duncum and Ronnie Garvin[/B] ran and got their little doctors notes, it won’t happen tonight. Next they address [B]The Usual Suspects, [/B] telling them that they are on Wrecking Machines list, and that they want any combination of, or all three of them in a ring. They compliment their style citing that the gripe isn’t personal, but that The Suspects, by touching [B]Ole, Arn, & Brady[/B] had in effect messed with them. It is now what they consider family business. Lastly, they call out their opponents for the night, telling them that whoever they are, it doesn’t even matter as the Machine intends to bring Wreck!= [B]A[/B] Out walks former [B]WCW Southern States Champion, Les Thornton.[/B] Thornton is followed by Former AWA talent [B]Brad Rheingans.[/B] The two men wear matching collegiate wrestling uniforms and sport identical head and wrists bands. [B]Wrecking Machine[/B] upon seeing them, begin to laugh at the duo, poking fun and jeering at them as they make their way down the aisle.= [B]B[/B] [B]Match 5:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]WCW National Tag Team title match[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]The Real Deal (Les Thornton/Brad Rheingans) v. ©Wrecking Machine:[/B][/U] The second big surprise of the night, turned out to be an even bigger surprise for Wrecking Machine, as The Real Deal took the big southerners to pace. Thornton and Rheingans played to their strengths and kept the big men on the ground. Stan Hansen in particular was the target of a concentrated attack that saw The Real deal isolating him from his partner while tagging frequently amongst themselves. A cradle here, a small package there, and Hansen was frustrated enough to pound on the mat before rolling out of the ring to discuss the situation with Murdoch. Hansen allowed the ref to count to nine before he rolled back into the ring and tagged Murdoch in. Dick was met with the same technical onslaught as was Hansen.[/QUOTE][B]The Outlaws[/B] appeared in the entrance at this point in the match up and watched as [B]Wrecking Machine[/B] were rolled around by [B]The Real Deal= C+[/B][QUOTE]Seeing this, Hansen becomes agitated and reaches for his rope and cowbell. Rheingans, having just Irish whipped Murdoch, is bouncing off of the ropes when he is noosed by Hansen and his rope. Murdoch immediately grabs the ref in order to keep his attention while Hansen yanks Rheingans out of the ring by his neck. Thornton rushes into the ring to help Rheingans on the other side, when he his hit by one of the sickest Lariats ever from Stan. Full of rage Stan rolls out of the ring and continues down the aisle towards [B]The Outlaws[/B] while Murdoch instinctively pins Thornton. The ref makes the count having lost any idea of who the legal man is. [U][B]Wrecking Machine p. The Real Deal to Retain the WCW National Tag Team titles= A[/B][/U][/QUOTE]After the match, [B]Dick Murdoch[/B] recovers the Tag titles, and follows his partner in pursuit of [B]The Outlaws.[/B] Meanwhile, [B]Thunderbolt Patterson[/B] joins [B]Gordon Solie[/B] and [B]Freddy Miller[/B] to discuss the upcoming [B]Lights Out/Loser leaves town match between Buzz Sawyer, and Bob Armstrong.[/B] They reiterate that both men’s careers are on the line, and that the [B]NWA[/B] will not sanction this match. [B]TBS[/B] also is not going to sanction the match therefore it will not be televised. Solie says that [B]Black Saturday[/B] will be turning off the lights, and ending early tonight. Freddy Miller assures everyone that we will be back next week with much more WCW action, and if you don‘t want to miss it, be there!= [B]A[/B] [SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING:= A[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddy Miller [B]Atendance:[/B] 2,000 (sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] 42,584 (^) [B]Notes:[/B] Well, another good show. A steady increase in popularity every week is the only bright point for me though. There is no way possible that I’m going to be able to keep my tv deal when the network complains about my ratings even though I constantly give them B+ to A rated events. This costs the company mucho in the dinero dept. and I’m the only one who catches the slack. Herein lies the problem: Cut cost now, and lose popularity and my TV deal, or pay out the bottom to put on great shows that the network sneers at? Whatever the case, something’s got to be done! On another note, Jake and Eric the Red's chemistry was a great surprise for me. Also, I had no idea that Wrecking Machine could put out a match like that with Rheingans/Thornton. I honestly expected nothing higer than a B, since neither Thornton or Rheingans are particularly over when compared to Stan and Dick. I guess the duo truly is “The Real Deal”! [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next week:[/SIZE] 1. The Road Warriors v. The Fabulous Ones (Southern States tag tourney semi-finals) 2. Rock & Roll Express v. NME (Southern States tag tourney semi-finals) 3. WCW Southern States Championship match: Jake Roberts v. ©Arn Anderson w/Brady Boone 4. More matches to be added. 5. Fight or Die main event announced![/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Fans in attendance will witness "Bullet" Bob Armstrong v. "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer in a Lights out/Loser leaves town match coming up next![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][B]The night the lights went out in Georgia![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Announcer/Interviewer/Everyman, [B]Thunderbolt Patterson[/B] comes out to the unlit studio arena. He takes a Mic and enters the ring, telling everyone in attendance that we have just gone off of the air. He goes on to say that the next match is non-sanctioned by the [B]NWA, TBS, or WCW[/B], and as such neither of the participants will be introduced tonight, and one of them will never have his name called in a WCW venue again! He thanks the fans for staying for this event, and also directs them to [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] for any comments as to the outcome as he is the sole person responsible for this match. He then wishes all the best to both competitors before exiting the ring. [B]Match 6:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Lights Out/Loser Leaves Town Match[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]“Bullet” Bob Armstrong v. “Mad Dog” Buzz Sawyer:[/B][/U] Neither man is introduced for this one as Bob and Buzz individually head out to the ring. The bell rings immediately signaling the start of the match, and the two combatants go right at each other. Both men fight with abandon as they want to stay under the employ of WCW, and continue benefiting from television exposure on TBS. Buzz’s tenacity and Bob’s experience are the weapons of choice in this match as Bob refuses to give Buzz the advantage by turning it into a brawl. Buzz on the other hand presses forward relentlessly in an attempt to keep Bob from gaining his bearings and possibly out thinking him. It isn’t long before both men find themselves outside of the ring and what began as a brawl turns into a certified fight. A fisticuff is what he had to be more precise as the fists closed and the combatants began to knock each other silly. Experience began to pay off as Bob seized the upper hand and authoritatively assumed command of the match. What followed can best be described as a pummeling, as Bob beat on young Buzz Sawyer like he was one of his own sons. To make matters worse, Buzz was letting his own frustration get the best of him. Still fully in control, Bob rolled Buzz into the ring and fell upon him with his fists, continuing to work Buzz over. Bob raised Buzz from the mat and was going to execute an Irish whip, when Buzz, using his moment flung himself full on into the referee. Taking advantage of the no DQ rule, Buzz then purposefully cold ****ed the ref knocking him to the mat. Buzz returned his attention to Bob just in time to duck under a running clothesline. Bob was able to bounce off of the adjacent ropes, and come back with his running Bulldog finisher. Bob then falls on top of Buzz and hooks the leg, but the ref is still down. Armstrong begins to slap the canvas himself as the crowd counts out the numbers: 1... 2... 3... Bob keeps going, and the crowd continues with him: 4... 5... 6... 7... 8.. 9... 10... Finally Bob gets up in frustration and goes to tend to the ref. During this time, Buzz is able to recover. Bob awakens the ref, and notices Buzz staggering to his feet. Bob runs over and hits another Bulldog. In desperation, Buzz throws Bob off of him, through the middle rope, and out of the ring. Bob’s legs crash up against the banister outside the ring, and his head bangs against the ground with a sickening thud. Buzz is guillotined across the second rope by his own momentum, and the ref looks on as both men lay motionless. Soon thereafter, Buzz begins to stir, while Bob remains motionless at ringside. Seeing this, Buzz slowly pulls himself to his feet and struggles to get over to the corner. Once there, he climbs the to the top turnbuckle and executes a flying body splash on Bob who still lays outside of the ring. The impact is incredible, and one or more of Buzz’s ribs snap at the undertaking. After some moments, Buzz gets to his feet, and pulls Bob towards the ring. He then rolls him inside before leaning on the ring apron to rest. Seeing Bob show a sign of life, Buzz manages to climb the turnbuckle again and plant another top rope splash on Bob. He hooks Bobs legs as if his life depended on it, and watched as the ref counted to three. When the match was over, Buzz rolled to the outside of the ring and fell to the floor. Bob laid on the mat for almost an eternity with Buzz still outside the ring looking up at him from the ground, and clearly spent. In a world of hurt, Bob begins to raise his upper body to a great ovation from the crowd. All around the arena lighters begin to flick on as Bob struggles to his knees under the illumination of the fans Zippo’s and the such. [B]“WE LOVE YOU BOB”[/B] shouts a fan as the valiant [B]Alabama State Champion[/B] shakily gets to his feet. [B]“WE’LL SEE YOU IN ALABAMA!” [/B] Tears form in Bob’s eyes as he leans against the ropes and raises a finger into the air. The crowd goes crazy! Buzz Sawyer, now on his feet looks at Bob Armstrong before turning his back to him and walking up the aisle. Once there at the end of the ramp, Buzz does the unexpected. On a non-televised event, and in front of a studio arena of just over 2000 people, Buzz breaks Kayfabe! He turns to Bob one last time and smiling slightly, he begins to nod his head in approval. Approval, and… Respect! [U][B]Buzz Sawyer p. Bob Armstrong= A[/B][/U][/QUOTE]
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Predictions... 1. [B]The Road Warriors[/B] v. The Fabulous Ones (Southern States tag tourney semi-finals) 2. [B]Rock & Roll Express[/B] v. NME (Southern States tag tourney semi-finals) 3. WCW Southern States Championship match: [B]Jake Roberts[/B] v. ©Arn Anderson w/Brady Boone Of course I could also see The Road Warriors losing this match and going on to cost the Rock & Roll Express the final match. Great buildup to everything so far. Definitely IMO the best diary going right now.
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Thanks again for the kind words angeldelayette. They are much appreciated, and I'm glad I've earned a reader. As for the best diary going... IMO, check out Docstevens DOTT WWF diary. Also check out Loose Cannons, Grimms, Oldschools, derekbs, damaged1's, and Eayragt's(spelling) works as well. Lot more worth mentioning, but I can't list'em all lol. The point is, they might change your opinion. Also, I'm glad to see someone working on MACW again, and have been following your stuff as you probably know. Please feel free to continue chiming in over here on whatever you want. Comments, critiques, whatever!
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] - I’ve just spent the last few hours arguing with television execs over at [B]TBS[/B] about poor ratings for [B]Black Saturday[/B]. I’m in a hard place right now, and the rock at my back is getting bigger. No [B]PPV[/B] company in America will touch me with a ten foot pole, and after this season, we probably won’t be with TBS! - WCW remains in a secret war with [B]WWF[/B], as they continue using back alley politics to get their hands on [B]GCW inc.[/B] Rumor has it that one [B]Vincent K. McMahon[/B] has established a relationship with [B]Ted Turner.[/B] If this is true, then it could be the reason why we are being crucified by the network in terms of our ratings. Who would have thought the day would come when Georgia wrestling doesn’t have a TV show? I tell ya folks, that day is fast approaching! - [B]Paul Ellerings New Tag Team, The Outsiders[/B], will not be allowed to participate in the [B]Southern States Tag tournament[/B], as Paul showed up very late to our last show, and will be fined. As a further punishment, we are restricting his new team from the tourney. - [B]Paul Ellering[/B] has informed us that he will be accepting a position with IWA. As always, we wish our workers well when branching off into new endeavors. - It seems that [B]Ricky Steamboat/Larry Zbyszko’s[/B] two in ring confrontations have increased demand throughout the territories for Steamboat appearances. Both [B]C-State,[/B] and, and[B] CWF [/B] have offered him contracts in the past week. Steamboat tells us that more than likely, he will be accepting the offer down in Florida. - [B]Wrestling II[/B] dropped the [B]MSW tag titles[/B] this week, and as a reward for doing the job, he was put into a program with [B]Butch Reed[/B], and now stands as the new [B]MSW North American Champion[/B]! Seems one mans trash truly is another mans treasure!… BAH! - WCW’s [B]“Money Month”[/B] as we are calling it, will end with a bang (and a lot of bucks), as we prepare for next weekends Black Saturday as well as [B]Fight or Die [/B] coming up on Sunday. - After last week, I think it is safe to say that [B]Jake Roberts[/B] is indeed a member of the group WCW is calling [B]The Usual Suspects![/B] No surprise there, but what is a bit of shock is that there seems to be four members as opposed to the three initially believed to be involved. WCW continues to investigate, and certainly things will come to light. - Thanks in part to [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] for seeing that the [B]Man in Black[/B] signs a contract with WCW, and insuring that we have our [B]WCW title[/B] for the main event at Fight or Die. - [B]Ole Anderson, JYD and Tommy Rich [/B] have all demanded a piece of this [B]Man in Black[/B] as they all have claims to the title for one reason or another. As a result, [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] is proposing a brand new idea for [B]Fight or Die[/B]. An idea we are tentatively calling [B]“The Georgia Crossroads.”[/B] Further details will be discussed on Black Saturday. - [B]The Real Deal (Brad Rheingans/Les Thornton)[/B] impressed the hell out of my staff members last weekend, and more importantly, they impressed yours truly. At once I wanted to get them into the [B]Southern States tag tourney[/B], but it is obvious that these guys can hang in my main event tag division! No need for me to hold them down at this point. So… - [B]The Real Deal [/B] will face the team of [B]The Dragon and Mr. Olympia [/B] this weekend. - In regards to our [B]WCW National Tag Team Champions,[/B] after WCW Black Saturday went off of the air, we had an incident involving [B]The Outlaws and Wrecking Machine[/B] in the parking lot. We’ve somehow managed to get video footage of what took place, and will be airing it on this weekends show. - We at WCW would like to wish [B]Bob Armstrong[/B] all of the best, and nothing but success for his future. We also thank him for years of great performances and entertainment. He will be missed! - [B]Black Saturday[/B] is coming up, and then the next day we go into [B]Fight or Die[/B] to end the month. Here’s hoping that the Black Saturday era can continue on into the next!
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[CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the John H. Lewis Gym in Atlanta Georgia Championship Wrestling Incorporated presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]WCW BLACK SATURDAY![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3]Main-Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]WCW National Championship match: MACW NWA U.S. Champion Greg “Da Bruiser” Valentine v. WCW National Champion ”The Raging Bull“ Manny Fernandez[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]-PLUS-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][QUOTE][CENTER][B]The Real Deal v. The Dragon and Mr. Olympia [/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][CENTER][QUOTE][B]“Triple L” entertains a special Legends Challenge as Mr. Wrestling II makes his final appearance in WCW![/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][B]WCW Southern States Championship match: Jake Roberts v. ©Arn Anderson w/Brady Boone[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B]Southern States tag tournament sem-final: The Fabulous Ones v. The Road Warriors[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B] Southern States tag tournament semifinal: Rock & Roll Express v. NME w/Jim Cornette[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B]Also, the Fight or Die card will be announced, as well as more from The Usual Suspects, and just what is The Georgia Crossroads? Find all of this out and more on this weekends Black Saturday…[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE!!!![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Predictions welcome. Guesses as to the identities of the Suspects welcome as well.
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Predictions WCW National Championship match: [b]MSW U.S. Champion Greg “Da Bruiser” Valentine[/b] v. WCW National Champion ”The Raging Bull“ Manny Fernandez [b]The Real Deal[/b] v. The Dragon and Mr. Olympia WCW Southern States Championship match: [b]Jake Roberts[/b] v. ©Arn Anderson w/Brady Boone Southern States tag tournament sem-final: The Fabulous Ones v. [b]The Road Warriors[/b] Southern States tag tournament semifinal: [b]Rock & Roll Express[/b] v. NME w/Jim Cornette Usual Suspects: [b]Terry Gordy, Buddy roberts, & Michael Hayes[/b]
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Ok folks, I’m gonna have to ask for some audience participation here before I post the next show. I’m running a Low level tag team title tournament, and I am at an impasse. The problem is, out of the four remaining teams, I have storyline ideas for each of them depending on who wins the tourney. What I cannot do is determine which team should win just yet as I don’t particularly favor any of my storyline ideas over the other. The Road Warriors/Rock and Roll Express have a storyline going with or without the titles, and I also have separate plans for both of the other teams involved. Initially I had it set who is SUPPOSED to win it all, but again, I don’t favor any of the particular planned storylines over the other so now, I'm up in the air on it. So what I’m asking is for some help. If I can get some feed back on the remaining teams, and who people think should win the tourney, it would help me out in the creativity department, as the choice would no longer be mine, and then quite possibly, I could find myself surprised by the outcome of Fight or Die! At any rate, I’ll list the remaining teams in bracket order by semi-final match-ups: 1. [B]The Road Warriors v. The Fabulous Ones[/B] 2. [B]New Midnight Express (NME- Bobby Eaton/Doug Somers) v. Rock and Roll Express[/B] Keep in mind that in this era, and at this time, The Fabulous ones are the most over team in the tourney (not to knock the historical L.O.D. superpush), and have the most experience. As always, any help would be much appreciated! Thanks to those who have offered predictions already, as it serves as feedback for me. Always feel free to do so guys, cuz I’ll keep asking lol!
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WCW National Championship match: MSW U.S. Champion Greg “Da Bruiser” Valentine The Real Deal WCW Southern States Championship match: ©Arn Anderson w/Brady Boone Southern States tag tournament sem-final: The Road Warriors Southern States tag tournament semifinal: NME w/Jim Cornette - I would love to see Cornette's team run with the titles.
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] [CENTER][B]-BREAKING NEWS-[/B][/CENTER] - It’s a sad day in Georgia folks! I’ve received word that after this season, [B]WCW[/B] will no longer have a National Television deal. You can imagine my surprise when walking to my car earlier today, I was approached by a reporter who questioned me about the situation as if I’d already known. Imagine my embarrassment! Our television deal is one that is coveted by many due to the nature of the exposure we receive from it. [B]TBS[/B] and more importantly [B]Ted Turner's [/B] complete lack of class has [B]McMahon[/B] written all over it. For the entire month I’ve been going at with the TBS executives, and for an entire month, they’ve had no problem telling me exactly what they think of the ratings. You’d think at this juncture, they’d have the common decency to tell me that the show was being cancelled. Of course, I called the offices, and it’s been confirmed. WCW has been given it’s marching orders, and I say again, this smells so much like McMahon it’s not even funny! Here’s the killer… [B]Black Saturday[/B] is the best wrestling program in America for the month of January, BAR NONE! No promotion has generated the buzz, or consistently put out quality cards like WCW, as exhibited by our weekly increase in popularity, and overall show ratings. Yet our organization now finds itself without an avenue to entertain. Tons of money wasted in an effort to appease the network, and for what? - The upcoming [B]Black Saturday[/B] will be the final airing of WCW programming on TBS, and we intend to go out with a bang! Just sucks that our bang is to the benefit of TBS! - [B]The Man In Black/ Usual Suspect [/B] has been added to the Black Saturday card, and will be in action! - A thirty minute [B]Iron man Match [/B] has just been signed for [B]Fight or Die[/B] coming up on Sunday. [B]Larry Zbyszko will face Ricky Steamboat [/B] in a third encounter of what is turning out to be a classic series. - The Black Saturday era rolls right along and in spite of our current problems, we are keeping our heads up in regards to February, as there has got to be a brighter side! - Tentative plans are to run two shows a month starting in February, and continuing until we manage to negotiate another TV deal. WCW will operate on a bi-weekly schedule, with a small show held in the middle of the month, and larger one to be held at the end. - Although WCW is regional fed, we know that we have acquired quite the cult following of fans! WCW thanks these fans for their continued support throughout our tenure on TBS television. We thank you all, and assure you that this is not the end! - WCW encourages everyone to tune in to [B]Black Saturday[/B] this weekend as it will be the final episode on TBS television. The last time for who knows how long, that we will be able to take advantage of Nationwide exposure. Truly, there is no telling what will happen. In [B]Freddy Miller's [/B] own words folks… [B]Be… There![/B]
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[SIZE=1][I]Saturday, week 4 January, 1983[/I][/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the John Lewis Gym in Atlanta, GA and broadcast via TBS GCW Inc. Presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=7]WCW BLACK SATURDAY[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Something Wonderful this way comes.[/B][/COLOR] [B]“Mr. Wonderful”[/B] walks out to the ring and explains that he felt that the fans deserved to be treated to some thing wonderful tonight, and that he was going to give it to them. He says that he is going to open the show by issuing a pose down challenge. He says that this particular challenge is a special one, as he wants his opponent to be [B]Chick Donovan[/B]. He lays in to Donovan, telling him he should have stuck to his own business, and stayed out of the way of “excellence”! [B]Paul:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I’m Excellent in this ring [COLOR=Black][B]Donovan![/B][/COLOR] In [B]ALL[/B] ways! A pose down… A match… I can do it all! I’m Mr. Wonderful! Now get out here so I can beat you in a flex off with my 22 inch Wonderceps: and then after that, I’m gonna mash my fists down your throat![/COLOR] Orndorff works the crowd while awaiting Donovan, when from out the crowd, comes [B]The Usual Suspect[/B] who is as always, wielding the [B]WCW Title [/B] belt. [B]The MIB[/B] as he is often called, slides into the ring and addresses Orndorff. [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Henh! This unbelievable! I mean… It’s believable cuz I gotta -henh- I gotta tell ya Paul, I’m seeing it, but if I weren’t seeing it… Well, I thought I was ridiculous. [B]“WONDERCEPS”![/B] C’mon , You’re kidding me right? Your joking! Tell me you don’t have this entire arena eating this crap up! Henh-You gotta be at home writing this stuff. Ya do, dontcha paul? You sit at home in your sequined robe, and your wrestling gear; writing lines of crap to spoon feed to all of these beer bellies and bimbos![/COLOR] Orndorff stands with his arms folded in the middle of the ring as MIB continues ranting. [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]OOOH! Strong silent type are we? Well lets’ have it your way then. We’ll flex our pec’s in front of these Sloppy Joe eating, working class, slobs! Now go ahead, let’s see what ya got![/COLOR] Paul takes a step back and looks towards the crowd for approval. The crowd begins to cheer him on as he soaks it in by working them over. Foolishly turning away from MIB, he faces the crowd and begins to untie his robe. Just then , MIB runs over and lays Mr. Wonderful out with the WCW title. MIB then grips the title by the leather, and slams the metal plate down onto Orndorff’s head. He then unsnaps the belt and placing it around his waist, he moves past Paul and leans on the ropes. [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Get your Polaroids out people, cuz this is one of those moments![/COLOR] At this time, [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] comes out. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Indeed it is a moment. And at the moment, I am fed up with the actions of you and yours! I’ve figured out exactly how I am going to deal with you, and you’ll know by the end of the night just what I mean. For now, just keep in mind one phrase… [COLOR=Black][B]“CROSSROADS”![/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] Malenko turns to leave but stops to offer a final thought. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Oh and since you feel it necessary to waltz in an out of my arena as you please, waltz your way out here at the end of the night Mr! Because I’m placing you in a match, and it’s against [B]THAT[/B] man, [COLOR=Black][B]Paul Orndorff![/B][/COLOR] Furthermore, should any of your friends decide to show their faces in your match, well then your good pal Jake Roberts will be fired. Not only that, but the rest of your accomplices will be arrested on the spot, and I will personally see to it that they never work in this business again![/COLOR] [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Henh! If that’s the best you can do Malenko, then you must have forgotten the lesson I taught ya last week. You know? The one about control!? You think your running things around here [B]MALENKO!? [/B] Well your not! I’m in control! I run things, and tonight, I’m going to show you just what I’m talking about[/COLOR]= [B]A[/B] [B]Match 1:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Southern States Tag Tournament Semi-finals match[/B] [/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]Rock & Roll Express v. NME w/JimCornette:[/B][/U] A decent match here as Bobby Eaton quickly found a comfort zone, in rehashing some of the old MSW matches with the Rockers. It wasn’t long before Doug Somers got into the same zone, and we indeed had a match on our hands. The Rockers followed suit, and it soon became clear that neither team had a real edge. The Rockers appeared unfocused for this one though, as they seemed to be expecting an appearance from [B]L.O.D.[/B] at any moment. L.O.D. however, Never showed, and Ricky & Rob were able to hit a double drop kick on Somers for the win. [U][B]Rock & Roll Express p. NME to advance to the Finals.= C+[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Match 2:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Southern States Tag Tournament Semi-finals match[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]The Road Warriors v. CWA Southern Tag Team ©The Fabulous Ones:[/B][/U] [B]Rock and Roll Express[/B] made sure to stay at ringside to watch this match, as they would be facing the winners at [B]Fight or Die.[/B] The Road Warriors dominated this match in every way but the one that counts… The win! Hawk and Animal absolutely cleaned house. You had it all… Standing clotheslines, flying shoulder blocks, and big boots. The Rock and Roll Expressed looked on as the Roadies used the bodies of the Fabulous Ones to taunt them. Animal pressed Lane in the air three times before dropping him and allowing Hawk to hit a leg drop from the second turn buckle. He then preceded to do push ups, rubbing in this beating. Having Seen enough, [B]Rick & Rob[/B] rushed into the ring. As they got up on the ring apron, Hawk took one out with a clothesline while Animal hit the other. The Fabulous Ones recovered at this point and rushed the attack only to be met with the same clotheslines. Both the Rockers and the Fabo’s continued to run at The Road Warriors, and they were continuously clothes lined for their efforts. The ref, trying to get control of the match, grabbed Hawk who turned around and laid him out in the confusion. Another official came running down to the ring and signaled for the bell. The Road Warriors had their hands raised in victory, when it was announced that The Fabulous Ones had won due to disqualification. [U][B]The Fabulous Ones b. The Road Warriors via DQ to advance to the Finals.= B-[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]And we are Legion![/B][/COLOR] [B]Hawk and Animal[/B] are outraged. Animal grabs the ref and hurls him over the top rope while Hawk goes after both members of [B]Rock & Roll Express.[/B] [B]Paul Ellering[/B] steps out into the studio arena followed by [B]Humongous and Bigelow. [/B] He waves them on, and the two monsters known as “[B]The Outsiders” [/B] rush down to the ring and join the fray. In moments, both The Rock & Roll Express, and [B]The Fabulous Ones[/B] are completely destroyed! Ellering orders his boys back to the ramp. Once there, the five men glare menacingly at their fallen victims before exiting the arena.= [B]C-[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Sitting Bull Rise![/B][/COLOR] WCW’s mysterious cameraman is roving through the backstage area. [B]Manny Fernandez[/B] is seen entering through a doorway, and storming down the hall in a rage. [B]Brady Boone[/B] happens to be approaching from the opposite direction, when he is stopped by Fernandez. [B]Manny:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Hey! You seen [COLOR=Black][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] around?[/COLOR] [B]Brady:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Who?[/COLOR] [B]Manny:[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]VALENTINE![/B] You seen’em or not? Arrhhforget it![/COLOR] In Anger, Manny hits Brady with a brutal clothesline before jumping on top of him and repeatedly ramming his head into the ground. He stops abruptly as if he has just realized something, before jumping to his feet and walking off, as if nothing had happened. Brady Boone remains motionless on the floor in full view of the camera.= [B]D[/B] [B]Match 3[/B]: [COLOR=Blue][B]WCW Southern States Title match[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]Jake “The Snake” Roberts v. ©Arn Anderson:[/B][/U] Jake takes to the ring first, and he is all smiles. Arn comes out alone and clearly po’d by the fact that his partner [B]Brady Boone[/B], will no longer be in his corner tonight. This match begins before the bell ,as Jake meets Arn as he enters the ring and a brawl ensues. Once gain, Jake employed the tactic of frustrating his opponent. He knew that Arn was to angry to properly focus, so he stopped committing to any engagements with Anderson. This tactic worked, as Arn desperately tried to get Jake to lock up with him. Jake remained non-compliant, rolling in and out of the ring at his leisure. In the end, an appearance by [B]“The Usual Suspect” [/B] distracted Arn just long enough for Jake to hit his famed DDT for the win. [U][B]Jake Roberts p. Arn Anderson for the WCW Southern States Title= B-[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Outlaw Wreck![/B][/COLOR] A video plays recapping what took place last week when [B]Stan Hansen[/B] ran off in pursuit of [B]The Outlaws.[/B] [B]Dick Murdoch[/B] is seen pinning [B]Les Thornton[/B], before following behind Stan. The video cuts to the backstage area where we find Murdoch frantically looking for Stan but to no avail. Finally, Dick exit’s the building through a rear exit where he is met immediately by a straight right from none other than [B]Ronnie Garvin[/B]. Dick falls to the ground in an unconscious heap as [B]Bobby Duncum[/B] comes into view with a lasso. [B]Duncum:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I’ll show ya how to rope a hog![/COLOR] In seconds, Duncum has Murdoch’ s feet lassoed, and begins to tie up the rest of his body. Once the task is complete, Both Ronnie and Bobby haul Dick into the back of a pick up truck. At this moment, Stan bursts out of the door in time to see what is taking place. The Outlaws hurriedly enter the truck and screech off, leaving Stan standing there with the [B]Tag Titles[/B] on the ground at his feet. Stan then turns his attention towards the camera in anger: [B]Stan:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Get those [B]DAMN[/B] cameras outta my face![/COLOR] Hansen’s hand comes towards the camera as the scene fades to black.= [B]B[/B] [B]The Outlaws[/B] make their way out to the ring. They are all smiles as they have just watched the replay, and clearly cannot wait to gloat about their actions. The Outlaws take mics and precede to taunt [B]Stan[/B], saying that they’ve taken [B]Dick[/B] back to the ranch where he belongs. They go on to say that Wrecking Machine started this, and that The Outlaws would be finishing it tomorrow night at [B]Fight or Die![/B] They only hope for Stan’s sake, that Dick has the wherewithal to make it back in time, as they intend to leave with the [B]National Tag Team Titles!= B+[/B] [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]The Young Guns v. The Outlaws:[/B][/U] The Outlaws started this one off with handshakes for their opponents, and then they preceded to beat the hell out of them. The Outlaws were out to prove a point tonight, and Pistol Pez, and Quick Draw were their examples. The Young Guns put on a decent showing, but unfortunately, tonight, decent wasn’t going to be enough. Garvin dropped Pistol Pez with a Hands of Stone Punch to pick up the decisive win. [U][B]The Outlaws b. The Young Guns= B-[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Legends Challenge[/B][/COLOR] [B]Triple L[/B] walks down to the ring and takes a mic. He talks about the amazing match he had with [B]Steamboat[/B] a few weeks ago, and says that it took a thinking mind like his to get the job done. He then addresses [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] telling him that he is fully aware that it is his last night here in WCW. He says that clearly, this administration will not abide traitors which is why they’d like himself to be the one to deal with Wrestling II. He says that he would love to give Wrestling II the honor of stepping into the ring with a legend, but unfortunately he is not going to do it. [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I could care less how many MSW titles you win Wrestling II! I could care [B]LESS![/B] You are a has been, main-eventing in a second rate company, and me… I’m [B]LEGENDARY![/B] So no, I won’t be soiling my hands with the likes of you. Instead, You will be facing new my protégé,[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]Dan “The Wrestler “ Severn!= B-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Wrestling II [/B] comes out to the ring and accepts the challenge, telling [B]Triple L[/B], that no matter how many monikers he places on [B]Dan Severn[/B], he’ll always be green compared to himself. He says that he hates to burst Zbyszko’s bubble, but that he is going to show him just how green Severn is, right here and now.= [B]C[/B] [B]Match 5[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Dan “The Wrestler” Severn w/Triple L Zbyszko v. MSW North American ©Mr. Wrestling II:[/B][/U] Hate me if you want folks, but this was a squash. You didn’t think that [B]Triple L[/B] would endorse a loser did you? Dan Severn shocked all in attendance as he hit Wrestling II with an arsenal that Wrestling II could never have prepared for. Oh don’t get me wrong, Severn had nothing for the legend in the ring until Dan was able to grapple his opponent to the mat. Once there, it was all she wrote. Dan Rolled wrestling II around the ring, planting elbows to his face and the top of the head while securing him into rear naked choke holds and the such. Finally, Dan locked in a Full Nelson, and began to violently shake Wrestling II around. The Ref having raised Wrestling II’s arm three times had no choice but to signal for the bell. [U][B]Dan Severn b. Wrestling II via submission= B-[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Dan Severn[/B] continued to shake [B]Wrestling II[/B] after the match, refusing to release the full nelson. [B]Triple L[/B] rolls into the ring and begins kicking Wrestling II in the stomach. [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][B]MSW champ[/B][/COLOR] huh!? Well MSW must stand for Mr. Sorry-@$$ Wrestling, because you’ve summed it up tonight![/COLOR] Triple L begins pointing his index at finger at his own head. [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR=Red] It’s all about the brains! It’s about what’s up here Wrestling II! I had it in my head to go out and find myself a certified [B]“CAREER KILLER”! [/B] Your career here in WCW is over courtesy of yours truly… The Living Legend, and my career killer, [COLOR=Black][B]Dan “The Wrestler” Severn![/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] Triple L continues kicking Wrestling II in the mid-section, stopping occasionally to slap him around. [B]Ricky Steamboat[/B] comes racing down to the ring followed by [B]Mr. Olympia.[/B] Seeing this, Dan Severn releases Wrestling II, and he and Zbyszko flee from the ring.= [B]B-[/B] An angry [B]Triple L[/B] takes a mic at this point, and begins to address [B]The Dragon[/B] who is standing in the ring: [B]Triple L: [/B] [COLOR=Red]What do I have to do to get rid of you? Your like an itch on my back that I can’t quite reach, and frankly, I’m sick of it! I’m sick of you sticking your nose into a Legends business week in and week out, Rick! I’ve had it up to here! I beat you two weeks ago fair and square, and yet you ran to the bigwigs and whined your way into an [COLOR=Black][B]Iron Man match[/B][/COLOR] against yours truly, tomorrow night at [COLOR=Black][B]Fight or Die.[/B][/COLOR] Well you know something Rick… Who am I kidding? Clearly you don’t know anything, so I’m going to tell you! Tomorrow night you are going to find out the definition of [B]FIGHT or DIE![/B] Tomorrow night your going to find out why the superior intellect of Triple L is more than enough to handle the likes of a Ricky Steamboat! But tonight, you find out why I am the smartest man in this business. Tonight, your in for a surprise… You see Rick, A couple of guys came to me earlier in the week and they asked me to give them some pointers on how to handle you in the ring. I told them that they didn’t need any pointers to take you out, Rick… All they needed is a Legend in their corner! That said, allow me to introduce my brand new tag team…[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]THE REAL DEAL!= B-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Match 6[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]The Real Deal v. The Dragon & Mr. Olympia:[/B][/U] Real Deal come out to the ring, and the match begins. I must say, this was a technical masterpiece to be sure. Both teams got in an equal amount of offense which is saying a lot since The Real Deal are completely outclassed by Steamboat alone! [B]Triple L[/B] remained at ringside for this match and acted as a coach for Thornton & Rheingans. The match probably could have continued all night with neither team gaining a clear upper hand. Triple L decided at some point that he needed to give The Real Deal an edge to put this thing away. He responded by reaching into the ring and grabbing Olympia’s foot as he bounced off of the ropes. Mr. Olympia was tripped up long enough for Thornton to roll him up in a small package, and grip a hand full of tights to secure the win. Steamboat rushes into the ring in frustration as Triple L threws his hands up, feigning innocence. Ricky Steamboat grips the top rope and leaps over it, crashing down on Triple L with a cross body. From there, the two men exchanged blows as if they were in a street fight. Olympia, and The Real Deal joined in the melee which culminated with all five individuals fighting their way to the back. [B][U]The Real Deal b. The Dragon & Mr. Olympia= A[/U][/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Mouth of the South… A Talk Show![/B][/COLOR] The third installment of [B]Jimmy harts[/B] popular new show. Jimmy comes out and begins to recap his first two shows where we saw exciting action from [B]Triple L and Ricky Steamboat[/B] in the first week; and a violent brawl between [B]JYD, Ole Anderson and The Usual Suspects[/B] in the second. He says that tonight is going to be bigger than them all as he is going to be sitting down with the man who has the greatest claim to the [B]WCW Heavyweight Title, Tommy Rich![/B] Tommy Rich comes out and exchanges a few choice words with Hart before taking a seat. Tommy talks about the [B]WCW title[/B], and [B]Fight or Die.[/B] He says that there is no way he is going to let the two attacks he suffered at the hands of [B]The MIB[/B] go unpunished. What’s more is that no man in any venue under the sun is going to keep him from getting that WCW Title back around his waist where it belongs. He then promises to everyone that not only will he be walking into Fight or Die to fight, but that he will be walking out as Champion! Un-expectedly, [B]“Mad Dog” Buzz Sawyer [/B] strolls onto the set and walks right up to Tommy Rich: [B]Buzz:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I hear you talking Rich! I hear it! Seems to me like it’s nothing more than talk though![/COLOR] [B]Tommy:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Yeah, well-[/COLOR] [B]Buzz:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I aint finished Rich! Three weeks ago, I was the [COLOR=Black][B]#1 Contender[/B][/COLOR] to the [COLOR=Black][B]WCW Heavyweight Title.[/B] [/COLOR] Now, thanks to [COLOR=Black][B]Ole’s[/B] [/COLOR] politics, what am I? My brother was fired, and I’m being to forced to fight in matches for my livelihood. Well… Wrestling is my [B]LIFE![/B] [B]IT”S MY LIFE![/B] I aint got nothing else Tommy! Nothing to lose… everything to gain! Get it? Over the past three weeks I’ve learned that the time for talking is [B]DONE![/B][/COLOR] Tommy steps right into Sawyer’s face. [B]Tommy:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Yeah, but your still talking! So what are you trying to sa-[/COLOR] [B]Buzz:[/B] [COLOR=Red]-What I’m saying Rich, Is… [B]DO[/B] something about it! These old-schoolers screwed you outta what’s yours, outta what’s [B]MINE[/B] to take from you. Do something about it! You go into [B]Fight or Die[/B] Tommy, and you fight to the death doing something about it! You win that WCW title, and you come see the Mad Dog, cuz I’ll be right here waiting for ya![/COLOR] With that, Buzz walks away leaving Tommy Rich with a lot to think about.= [B]A[/B][QUOTE][CENTER][U][B][SIZE=4]*DOUBLE MAIN-EVENT*[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Valentine's day!... A massacre[/B][/COLOR] Once again, our friend the roving camera man is in the back where we find [B]Commissioner Boris Malenko[/B] and his Enforcer, [B]Eric the Red[/B], standing over a felled [B]Greg Valentine.[/B] Valentines ankle is in the folds of a steel chair, and he is screaming out in pain. Malenko seems very concerned as he barks out orders for someone to get the medics. He then turns his attention to Eric: [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][B]Fernandez[/B][/COLOR] must think I’m a fool!… Eric, put your game face on big guy, and go get me that [COLOR=Black][B]National Title= B+[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Match 7:[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]WCW National Title match[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][U][B]Malenko’s Enforcer, Eric the Red v. WCW National ©Manny Fernandez:[/B][/U] Manny Fernandez struts out to the ring carrying both the [B]WCW National title, and Greg Valentine’s NWA US Title[/B] on each shoulder. He enters the ring and positions himself in a corner, awaiting his opponent. He is greatly surprised to see Eric the Red enter the studio, and race down to the ring. The bell sounds off as soon as Eric hit’s the apron, and the match is under way. To be honest, at almost 50 years old, Eric is still a monster. He completely dominated this match. Manny was never able to get his bearings, and Eric threw him around the ring like a rag doll. In the end, Manny was able to leap off the second turnbuckle, and onto Eric’s back. He then locked in a sleeper hold, and held on for dear life. Minutes passed, with Manny wrapped around Eric, and Eric stumbling to gain freedom. Finally Eric drops to his knees, and then to the ground on his back with Manny under him. Still Manny refused to let go. Suddenly, [B]Greg Valentine[/B] appeared at the entrance way to a great ovation from the fans. Clearly in pain from the earlier attack he suffered, he limps down to the ring. Once there, he rolls inside and limps over to a shocked Manny Fernandez. Manny struggles to get out from under Eric to no avail. Valentine nonchalantly surveys the scene before positioning himself at Eric’s feet. He then begins to shake the leg that appeared to be injured, showing the world that indeed it is not. That’s when it happens… Valentine grabs Eric’s foot, and twists it into a figure four leg lock. Eric the Red screams out as Manny still has the Sleeper synched in, and Greg begins to work the leg with the figure four. The familiar move… The same victim… The same two guys who did this two Eric the Red last week were doing it again, only this time… No disguises! Eric eventually passes out from the pain as the bell which has been ringing the whole time , continues to chime out. [U][B]Eric The Red b. Manny Fernandez via DQ= A[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Guilty by suspicion[/B][/COLOR] [B]Manny and Greg finally release Eric[/B], and roll him out of the ring. Manny then grabs the [B]NWA US Title[/B] and places it over [B]Valentines [/B] shoulder. The two men hug and celebrate their ruse for all to see. At this time, [B]Jake Roberts[/B] comes out to the ring with his newly won [B]Southern States Title[/B] and joins them in celebration. Soon thereafter, [B]The MIB[/B] comes out with the [B]WCW Heavyweight Title[/B], and takes a mic: [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Well, well, well! What have we here? Yep!… These guy’s look suspect to me! They’re looking a bit like your [B]USUAL SUSPECTS[/B] I must say![/COLOR] The three men grin at the crowd as MIB continues: [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]See [COLOR=Black][B]Malenko!?…[/B][/COLOR] We been talking about control, you and I, and well this is what I was talking about. Get it now!? Ya see, some weeks ago, I made a phone call to my pal [COLOR=Black][B]Jake[/B][/COLOR] over here, and I said; Jake, I want to come down to [COLOR=Black][B]Georgia[/B][/COLOR] and raise up some hell! I told him I’d be bringing my good buddies [COLOR=Black][B]Manny and Greg[/B][/COLOR] with me, so what do I need to do to make my type of hell happen? Jake put it real simple when he said take out the [COLOR=Black][B]Champions! [/B][/COLOR] Soften’em up, and take’em all out! And that is what we did! We softened up everyone of your singles champions, and then we put ourselves in a position to replace them…. [B]MALENKO![/B] These men that you’re threatening to have fired and thrown in jail, they are your [B]CHAMPIONS! [/B] Together, we control this company. We run the show! Get rid of us, and you have nothing! Not a damn thing! Now, I’m gonna entertain your little wrestling match with [COLOR=Black][B]Orndorff[/B],[/COLOR] Malenko! And I’m even gonna send my boys off to the back. But I gotta tell ya, I got one more for surprise for you. Jake told me, that if I was going to invade this company, I needed to have one man on my side to make it work. One man who we needed to roll, in order to seal the deal. So I took Jake’s advice, and I went out and got a… You know, I almost spoiled my surprise, and I don’t want to do that just yet. You just keep it in mind Malenko, that I’m a guy who is full of surprises[/COLOR]= [B]B+[/B] [B]Match 8[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff v. MIB(The Usual Suspect):[/B][/U] [B]MIB[/B] remains in the ring as [B]The Suspects[/B] nonchalantly head to the back with titles in hand. Some moments pass, and [B]Paul Orndorff[/B] finally makes his way out to the ring. Out to prove his worth, Paul took it to the MIB with a fury! MIB gave as good as he got and seemed adamant about turning this one into a scrap. Orndorff, had several opportunities to put this one away, but instead would focus on trying to remove the mask when given the upper hand. At one point, the mask was halfway unlaced before the MIB was able to recover. He thumbed Paul in the eye, before hitting a blatant low blow and rolling out of the ring. The MIB then threw his hands up and went to walk away, when both [B]OLE Anderson, and JYD[/B] appeared at the entrance stopping him dead in his tracks. MIB begins to back his way towards the ring, when he bumps into an awaiting Paul Orndorff. MIB turns around, and the two men begin to trade blows. MIB eventually gets the better of Paul, and begins knocking him back up against the ring. Suddenly, a hand comes out from under the ring and grips Paul’s foot. In an instant, Paul was yanked to the ground, and pulled under the ring. Not seeing this, Scrappy McGowen begins to count both men out. MIB instinctively rolls inside of the ring and picks up the count out victory, as Ole and JYD precede towards him. [U][B]The Usual Suspect b. Paul Orndorff via CO= B[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Ole and JYD[/B] hit the ring with a fury. [B]MIB[/B] rolls out of the ring desperately trying to escape his adversaries. JYD and Ole split up in an attempt to cut him off. Having no choice, MIB rolls back into the ring. Ole and The Dog stand to either side of the ring awaiting the right moment to pounce.. [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Hen-heh! What do you think is supposed to happen here huh? You think this is going to be your moment? That you’re gonna get yourself some revenge? Well that’s not gonna happen! This is [B]MY[/B] moment boys… [B]MINE![/B][/COLOR] Just then the crowd begins to roar out in applause. Noticing this, MIB begins to look around. Backing up a bit, he feels something at his back. He slowly turns around to find that he is standing face to face with… [B]Tommy Rich![/B] In shock, MIB frantically rolls out of the ring, but Tommy gives chase. As MIB makes it outside, Tommy reaches over the rope, grabs MIB’s loosened mask and yanks it half way off of his head. MIB struggles free, and flails around blindly in an attempt to reposition the mask. Once it is back in place, he looks up to see [B]“The Mad Dog” Buzz Sawyer[/B] standing in front of him. Sawyer wields two Louisville sluggers, one of which he tosses into the ring to Tommy Rich. The crowd goes crazy as MIB flees for dear life. The four men chase MIB around the ring, making sure to cut off any avenue of escape. Finally, MIB rolls back into the ring, clearly cornered. The four men waste no time, as they roll into the ring and make their way towards him. [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Guys, Guys! C’mon! You don’t really want to do th-[/COLOR] Before MIB can finish his statement, they are on him. MIB grabs the bottom of his mask, holding it in place as they begin their attack. Before long, MIB fades from view as Buzz Sawyer, and the three [B]#1 Contenders[/B] boot him into the canvas. They finally raise him up, and begin to work on the mask, when [B]The Spoiler[/B] rolls out from under the ring, and climbs to the top turnbuckle unbeknownst to the combatants in the ring. Spoiler leaps off of the turnbuckle, and takes Ole out with and elbow to the top of the head. He then begins to clean house. JYD was hit with a Big boot, while Sawyer’s head was almost taken off with a clothesline. Spoiler then picks up the Louisville slugger and takes it to Tommy Rich. MIB recovers, and grabbing the other slugger, begins to pound on anything even slightly moving. When his enemies are finally downed, he grabs a mic and addresses the commissioner: [B]MIB:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Ya see [COLOR=Black][B]Malenko[/B],[/COLOR] I told you I had one more surprise! I needed to insure that the odds around here were tipped completely in my favor, so I went out and got myself a[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]SPOILER!= B+[/B][/COLOR] [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] comes out to the entrance. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You're laughing now [COLOR=Black][B]MIB![/B] [/COLOR] You're laughing! All I can say, is enjoy it! Soak it up now while you can, because at [COLOR=Black][B]Fight or Die,[/B][/COLOR] it all ends. I told you to remember a phrase earlier, and now I’m going to tell you what it means… [COLOR=Black][B]“CROSSROADS”,[/B] [/COLOR] You know what that is? More importantly, what it means for you!? It means, that tomorrow night, you will not only be fighting for the [COLOR=Black][B]WCW Title,[/B][/COLOR] but for your very life! I’m placing you in the first ever [COLOR=Black][B]“Crossroads” elimination match![/B][/COLOR] This means MIB, that you will be facing [COLOR=Black][B]Ole Anderson, Junkyard Dog, and Tommy Rich[/B][/COLOR] in the same ring, and at the same time! Since this is an elimination match, the only way you can win is to be the last remaining man in the ring at the end. If someone is pinned, the match continues. It continues until there is only one. Now Mr. MIB, I wonder, with all of the enemies you’ve made; who do you think it is my three [COLOR=Black][B]#1 Contenders[/B][/COLOR] will be targeting [B]FIRST!?![/B][/COLOR] Malenko walks out of the arena, leaving an outraged MIB standing in the ring with the fallen bodies of the #1 Contenders as Black Saturday goes off of the air.= [B]A[/B] [SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING:= B[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddy Miller [B]Atendance:[/B] 2,000 (sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] 36,722 [B]Notes:[/B] Now this is more like it! The worst show we put on as far as ratings, but we still managed an increase in popularity. I’m not upset by the drop in the overall, as I had to rush a lot of things to insure that they got out on TV, before we lose the deal. I am however, disappointed with the MIB/Orndorff match as I expected a higher rating. These two workers didn’t click at all and it really showed which hurt the match altogether. Oh well… You live, you learn! Hated to job Wrestling II the way I did, as he deserved a better send off than that, but he’s the MSW North American champ, and I can’t have him making money for both of us as long as we are at war. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE=3][B][U]Next:[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=Blue]GCW INC. Presents it's January Super-show[/COLOR] [SIZE=3]WCW[/SIZE] [SIZE=6]FIGHT OR DIE![/SIZE] Four men meet at “THE CROSSROADS”, Only one can pass… [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=Blue]Sunday, January, Week 4 Live from the John H. Lewis Gym in Atlanta, Georgia. GCW Inc. Presents it’s January Super-Show[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE=7]WCW FIGHT OR DIE![/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][U][B]*TRIPLE MAIN-EVENT*[/B][/U][/SIZE] [QUOTE][B]Four Men meet at a crossroads in Georgia, only one can pass!… “CROSSROADS” four-way singles elimination match for the held up, WCW Heavyweight Title: “Wildfire” Tommy Rich v. The Junkyard Dog v. “The Rock” Ole Anderson v. The Usual Suspect[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B]WCW National Tag Team Title match: The Outlaws v. ©Wrecking Machine[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B]MACW NWA United States Title match: “Mad Dog” Buzz Sawyer v. ©Bruiser Valentine[/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B][SIZE=3]-PLUS-[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][QUOTE][B]30 minute Iron Man match: “The Dragon” Ricky Steamboat v. Triple L Zbyszko[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B]WCW National Title match: Mr. Olympia v. ©“The Raging Bull” Manny Fernandez[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B]Last Man Standing: “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff v. The Spoiler[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B]WCW Southern States Title match: Malenko’s Enforcer, Eric The Red v. ©Jake “The Snake” Roberts[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B]The Real Deal v. The Road Warriors[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B]WCW Southern States Tag Team Tournament Final: CWA Southern Tag Team ©The Fabulous Ones look to unify the titles v. Rock & Roll Express[/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE!!!![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Predictions, critiques, comments and card ratings encouraged!
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Predictions Tommy Rich Wrecking Machine Valentine Triple L Fernandez Mr. Wonderful Eric the Red The Real Deal Rockers Good card and I love the storyline. Can't wait to find out who the final suspect is. I was surprised by Valentine, even thought it all adds up. Thought it might've been someone not announced though.
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