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D.O.T.T. WCW Black Saturday

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Mandatory WCW National Tag Team Title Defense: [B]The Outlaws[/B] v. ©Stan “The Hammer" Hansen - One man can only fight against the odds for so long. "Wildfire Tommy Rich & Junkyard Dog v. [B]The Usual Suspects (The Spoiler & The Rowdy One)[/B] - Piper again. Grudge Match Round II: "The Rock" Ole Anderson v. [B]"Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer[/B] - Buzz has been very impressive all through the diary. I don't see that changing. WCW/CWA Unified Southern States Tag Team Title Match: [B]NME w/Jim Cornette[/B] v. ©The Fabulous Ones - For some reason, I just don't like the belts on The Fabulous Ones. I don't know why. Mandatory WCW Southern States Title Match: [B]Nikita Koloff w/Professor Malenko[/B] v. ©Arn Anderson w/Brady Boone - I'm reading the Communist Manifesto right now, so my thoughts are a bit skewed. Rock and/or Roll, dude.
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[SIZE="1"]Saturday, week 1, March 1983[/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Alumni Arena in Savannah, Ga. and broadcast via TV Cable Deep South GCW Inc. presents it's inaugural televised Super Show...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="7"][FONT="Georgia"]AFTERMATH![/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The inaugural episode of [B]Aftermath[/B] opens to the blaring guitar riff’s of Black Sabbath’s, “Ironman.” The entire [B]Legion Of Doom[/B] come riding down to the ring on motorcycles. [B]Hawk and Animal[/B] lead the way while [B]Bigelow[/B] takes the rear. [B]Humongous[/B] rides in the center, with [B]Paul Ellering[/B] seated next to him in a side car. The five men pull up along ringside and Ellering takes to the ring. [B]Paul:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]What he have here is [B]DOOM[/B] in the guise of man. We have apocalypse in all of it’s glory! We have the ill omen that is the future of the tag team division in this company. Ladies and Gentlemen, the storm is over and the damage is done! What is left is death!… Doom!… My [B]Road Warriors! My Outsiders! [/B] [B]L… O… D![/B] [B]The AFTERMATH![/B][/COLOR][B]= A[/B] [B]L.O.D.[/B] leaves the ring, and [B]Jim Cornette[/B] makes his way out behind them. Surprisingly, he is accompanied by none other than, [B]Chick Donovan.[/B] Donovan wears a blue sequined robe with a ruffled collar. The back is adorned with a large stitching of a heart with words that read: [B]“Mr. Wonderful”.[/B] Jim Cornette takes a mic and begins to explain to everyone that this is indeed a wonderful moment. He says that Donovan as agreed to be his new client, and not only that, but he is going to be replacing [B]Paul Orndorff[/B] as the man with the most wonderful physique in this sport! [B]Cornette:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]No ones seen [B]Orndorff[/B] in over a month. I think it’s safe to say that he is gone for good! He is the past! What I have here is the future! [B]MR. WONDERFUL, Chick Donovan![/B][/COLOR] Donovan removes the robe and begins to strut and pose his way around the ring as the fans roar in disapproval. [B]Cornette:[/B] [COLOR="red"]You people wouldn’t know a great thing if hit you in the faces! I shoulda listened to momma when she was telling me that you people would be too ignorant to understand what I’m bringing before you. Well now, I’m going to show you![/COLOR][B]= C-[/B] [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]“Pistol” Pez Watley v. “Mr. Wonderful” Chick Donovan:[/U][/B] This was an interesting match-up to say the least as the lightweight, Pez Watley, prepared to take on a powerhouse in, Chick Donovan. Watley was a speeding ball of fire as he went at Donovan with everything he had. It was evident from the onset that Chick wasn’t prepared for such a speedy attack. Donovan’s frustration led him to charge at Watley who countered with an arm drag takedown. Donovan leapt to his feet only to be caught in another arm drag. Donovan went to rise a second time as Watley attempted a dropkick. Chick is able to grab the ropes thereby sending Watley crashing to the ground. From that point, it was all Donovan as he rushed over and laid into Pez with a series of boots. He finally raises Pez off of the Canvas and then arrogantly flexes in front of him before hitting a standing clothesline. Raising Watley yet again, he positions his head between his legs and raises his body off of the ground. Then, in the same manner as would, [B]Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff,[/B] he executes a standing pile-driver. In the words of the late great Gorilla Monson: “That’s all she wrote!” Chick Donovan takes a second to pose over the prone body of Pez Watley before covering him for the win. [B][U]Chick Donovan p. Pez Watley= C[/U][/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 2:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Unified Southern States Tag Team Titles Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]NME w/Jim Cornette v. ©The Fabulous Ones:[/U][/B] [B]Jim Cornette and Chick Donovan[/B] take seats at the announce table while NME make their way out to the ring. The Unified Tag Team Champions, The Fabulous Ones, are soon to follow, and the bell rings out signaling the start of the match. Steve Keirn starts the match off against Bobby Eaton. The two men feel each other out before engaging in a lockup that ends with Keirn, executing a spinning neck breaker on Eaton. Eaton goes down hard and Keirn follows up with an elbow to the inside of the leg. He then hooks Eaton’s foot into a lock and begins to work it over. Bobby pulls himself over to the rope, and Keirn is forced to break the hold. Steve breaks cleanly, allowing Eaton to get to his feet. Keirn rushes towards him only to be dropped with a toe hold. Eaton then leaps up and drops a few well placed knee’s to keirn’s head, before tagging in “Pretty Boy” Doug Somers. Somers picks right up where Eaton left off by dropping more knees to Steve’s head. He then takes to the second turnbuckle and lands a telegraphed elbow square to the forehead. This is how the match was to play out, with Keirn in trouble the whole time, and neither of NME allowing him to tag out. They actually kept him in their corner for the most part. The only time he was ever even able to make the tag was when the ref was distracted and so it didn’t count. Finally after having been Irish whipped by Somers, keirn attempts a flying shoulder tackle to Somers who is attempting the same maneuver. The two men collide head to head, and are brought crashing to the mat. Moments pass, and Keirn is the first to show a sign of life as he struggles to his feet. Once there, he lunges himself into his corner to make the tag, but Stan Lane is not there. Keirn looks around and sees Stan standing on the canvas below, and engaged in a verbal exchange with Chick Donovan and Jim Cornette. Confused, Keirn returns his attention to the task at hand. He turns towards Somers who runs and hit’s a leaping knee to Keirns face. A knee lift that was entirely too stiff, as evidenced by the blood that flies out of his mouth on impact. Keirn drops to the mat as Somers makes the tag. Instead of climbing into the ring, Eaton takes to the top turnbuckle and prepares to fly. The highest flying man in the business lands the body splash, and three seconds later, NME have their hands raised in victory. [B][U]NME b. The Fabulous Ones for the WCW Unified Southern States Tag Titles= B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE][B]The Professor, Boris Malenko,[/B] is out to the ring with [B]Red Army[/B] member, [B]Nikita Koloff[/B]. Koloff, glares menacingly at the crowd while toying with a set of chains adorned about his neck. Malenko takes a mic and cut’s a ringside promo directed specifically at [B]Jake Roberts.[/B] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Roberts![/B] You claim to be the source of all of my problems? My Bane!? You think you can do what you’ve done to my enforcer, [B]Eric The Red[/B], and get away with it? Well let me introduce you to my [B]NIGHTMARE!… [/B] I suggest you pay close attention to what you are about to see![/COLOR][B]= A*[/B] [B]Match 3:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mandatory WCW Southern States Title match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]“The Nightmare” Nikita Koloff w/Boris Malenko v. ©Arn Anderson:[/U][/B] This was a completely onesided affair in favor of Nikita. Arn gave it his all, but it wasn't nearly as good as he got! Nikita easily shrugged off every blow that Arn threw, and then responded with a clubbing blow of his own that sent Arn to the canvas. Koloff then began walking around screaming with his tongue protruding from his mouth like some wild beast. [B]Malenko,[/B] looked on with pride as Koloff pushed down on the top rope and worked the crowd with his monstrous expressions. Arn was able to recover by this point and ran over and hit Nikita in the back with a forearm. Koloff shrugged this right off, and a shocked Arn, hit him again. Again, Nikita shook off the blow and then turning around, he grabs Arn by the throat and shoves him to the ground. As Arn manages his way to his feet, Nikita bounces off the ropes and hit’s a shoulder block that sends Arn right back to the ground. Nikita moves over and raises Arn up by the head, he then secures his neck and hurls him into the corner turnbuckle. He follows up with a running clothesline that almost puts Arn over the ropes and the ringpost altogether. The impact is such that Arn’s body is brought back to the mat in a crumpled heap. At this point, Nikita takes to the adjacent ropes and prepares to hit Arn with his Russian Sickle. Suddenly, [B]Jake Roberts[/B] comes running down the aisle. Jake makes it to the ring just as Arn is getting to his feet. Reaching inside, Jake grabs a groggy Arn by the foot and yanks him out of the ring, causing his face to hit the canvas. Scrappy McGowen calls for the bell signaling the DQ when Jake slides into the ring. Nikita rushes towards Jake, but is met with a kick to the stomach followed by a DDT! Jake wears a wry grin as he slowly rises to his feet. He turns towards Malenko and smirks at him in defiance as if questioning his choice for an Enforcer. Malenko returns Jake’s snide attempts at sarcasm with a smile of his own before gesturing for Jake to turn around. Jake turns to see that Nikita Koloff is up on his feet and standing before him. What’s more, is that he is seemingly unaffected by the DDT. Roberts slowly begins to back away from Koloff, but all for naught as Nikita runs over and connects with a brutal Sickle that sends Jake over the top rope and out to the floor at Malenko’s feet. Malenko stands up and looking down at Jake, begins to shake his head. A maniacal smile takes hold of his face as he ushers Koloff out of the ring and towards the backstage area. [B][U]Arn Anderson b. Nikita Koloff via DQ to retain The WCW Southern States Title= B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]The Legends Challenge[/COLOR][/B] [B]Triple L Zbyszko[/B] comes out to the ring unaccompanied by either [B]Dan Severn or The Real Deal[/B]. Once there, he begins to issue his open challenge to anyone in the back wanting to tempt their fate against a Legend! [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Peons… Peons … [B]PEONS![/B] That is what this business... This company amounts too! Peons in wrestling tights! It sickens me that a Legend should have to grovel with the likes of these ingrates involved in [B]MY[/B] profession. Why, I’d retire right now if this business didn’t need me to survive. The fact is, wrestling dies without the Legend! It’s dead in the water just like the brain cells in the heads of all of the peons in the back. That said, someone muster up enough stupidity to get out here and meet a Legends challenge! Someone that is, aside from [B]Ricky Steamboat,[/B] because we all know, the guy’s got a enough stupidity in him to go around the locker room![/COLOR][B]= A*[/B] [B]Triple L[/B] is greatly surprised when none other than [B]Dory Funk Jr.[/B] steps out into the studio arena. [B]Dory:[/B] [COLOR="red"]You know, I been hanging out overseas for awhile, when I caught wind of this [B]Piper[/B], and how he’s making waves down here in Georgia. I said to myself, Dory, you got to go down there and show that boy who owns the South! So, here I am! Now I hear you out here claiming to be a Legend, and well, that just rubs me the wrong way! Ya see Larry, I know a thing or two about legends being that I happen to be one myself! From my point of view, you aint no legend! You aint event worthy of being a ring rat, boy! Me, I been a champion! I was the [B]NWA Champion [/B]four years straight. Not some regional champion, The NWA World Champion kid! I’ve held gold and I set records doing it! No man held onto that belt for as long as me in it’s history What’s more, is it took a legend to beat me for it. It took the current NWA Champion, [B]Harley Race[/B] to get the job done, and even then, it weren’t no easy feet. Point is, I don’t see no title, NWA or other around your waist, and you damn sure don’t look like no Harley Race! Now you stay right there in that ring and let ol' Dory learn ya what it means to be a Legend! [/COLOR][B]= B[/B] [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Triple L Zbyszko v. Dory Funk Jr:[/U][/B] This was another onesided match to be sure. Dory Funk took Triple L right off of his game by goading him into a brawl. Triple L was overwhelmed by Funks style and quickly succumbed to the onslaught. Dory yanked Triple L to the mat by his hair, and then preceded to wrestle with him in a chain style, never letting Zbyszko catch his breadth. Finally, Dory jumps up and takes an adjacent corner. Triple L gets to his knees and looks up at Dory who ushers him on as if he was teaching class. Triple L rushes at Dory who ducks under a clothesline. Zbyszko, instinctively catches Funk by the arm, and reverses him into an armlock behind the back. Dory reverses that in like manner and flips Zbyszko into the same hold before pushing him off. Triple L regroups and then locks up with Funk. The two men remain locked and Dory pushes Triple L up against the ropes. Still locked up, Triple L spins Dory around so that he is now against the ropes. Dory pushes forward with force, and Zbyszko is slammed against the canvas. Zbyszko is up as fast as he went down, and reengaging in the lock. Again, Dory forces him to the mat. Dory moves to press the attack when Triple L catches him with a low blow. From there, Zbyszko connects with a Russian leg sweep that brings Dory down to his level. He then immediately attempts a figure four leg-lock, only to be kicked away by Funk. Dory gets up, and the two men begin trading blows. Finally, Zbyszko, having had enough, rolls to the outside of the ring. He walks around for a second trying to get his bearings when he is scared half to death by the appearance of [B]The Spoiler[/B] who rolls out from under the ring. Upon seeing Spoiler, Triple L hightails it back into the ring. Spoiler points his finger at Dory and begins yelling at him. His words cannot be made out to anyone not in earshot, but Dory hears them. Funk moves over towards the ropes and begins arguing with Spoiler while the ref tries to contain the situation. While both the ref and Dory are distracted by the Spoiler, [B]Roddy Piper[/B] slides into the ring. Triple L says nothing as he takes to a corner and watches the events as they unfold. Piper is holding his “bagged pipe” as he moves behind an unaware Dory Funk, and… [B]WHAM![/B] Piper blasts Funk in the back of the head with the bag before rolling out of the ring. Triple L runs up behind Dory as he goes down. The ref having no idea what has just taken place, makes the three count and declares Triple L the winner. [B][U]Triple L Zbyszko p. Dory Funk Jr= A[/U][/B][/QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Pipers Pit![/COLOR][/B] Having secured the vic, [B]Triple L[/B] rolls out of the ring and heads towards the back. [B]Piper[/B] and his [B]Spoiler[/B] slide into the ring and make for [B]Dory Funk.[/B] Spoiler, tosses the ref over the ropes as Roddy leans over Dory and begins to taunt him. [B]Piper:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]A legend huh? You’re the man that [B]Malenko[/B] thinks is going to take what’s mine!? He-hunh, Dory, something tells me ya didn’t come down here for this![/COLOR] Piper stands over Dory with his bagged pipe in one hand and a metallic flute in the other. [B]Piper:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Ya didn’t come down here for the Pipermaniac and what he’s got to ta give, cuz if ya did… Then you’ve gotten nowhere reeeaaal fast!… You know who your dealin with you legendary son of a B!t-Heh-Huh! Almost lost it there for a second didn’t I? I almost whacked out and whacked ya one for I had to the chance to let you and all these sloppy Joe eating, [B]WIFE BEATING,[/B] rednecks know who I am!… The [B]PIED PIPER![/B] I came into this company leading a band of rats to the tune of [B]MY[/B] music. I did it with my [B]Spoiler,[/B] my [B]Suspects,[/B] and my bagged pipe! But now, only now do you see my flute. Hear the tune Funk? It’s playing for you now. Next, [B]Malenko![/B][/COLOR] Piper stands over Funk and begins playing the flute. A horrible sound emanates from the instrument and the crowd roars out in disapproval. [B]Piper:[/B] [COLOR="red"]I am playing for a Legend, show some respect! Pa rumpa bump bump!… What? Not happy with my choice of music Dory? Well maybe you’ll like this better![/COLOR] Spoiler, raises Dory Funk to his feet and holds him in place. Roddy Piper then whacks him several times in the head with the flute causing blood to gush from Funks brow. Spoiler forcefully pushes Funk to the ground at Piper’s feet. [B]Piper:[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]MALENKO![/B] When are you going to get on my sheet of music? I don’t care who you bring in to this company! No one is [B]HYPER[/B] than [B]PIPER![/B] Heh-I been showing you this every day since I been here! Heck, I been layin’em out before you can even line’em up!… Do you hear the music!? Did you hear it playing when I took this [B]WCW Title[/B] and then defended it at [B]Fight Or Die!?[/B] When I beat [B]TWO[/B] people in one night during the [B]SIX DAY WAR!?… WAR,[/B] Malenko! That’s what this is about, and it’s bigger than you can handle. You can’t [B]EVER[/B] handle what I've directed at you. The sickness gnawing away at the back of my brain!... [B]The PIPERMANIA![/B][/COLOR][B]= A*[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]No Words! Or… He Bangs![/COLOR][/B] We come back from a commercial break to join [B]Gordon Solie, Freddy Miller, and T-bolt Patterson[/B] at the commentary booth. The announcers talk about the scheduled [B]Buzz Sawyer/Ole Anderson[/B] match coming up next. Solie explains that Buzz, possibly caused Ole his chance at winning the [B]WCW Title[/B] in the [B]“Crossroads”[/B] match at [B]Fight Or Die.[/B] Miller agreed, and added that during the [B]SIX DAY WAR,[/B] Ole showed Buzz and [B]Bruiser Valentine[/B] exactly what happens to those who provoke him to anger. At this time, [B]Ole Anderson[/B] makes his way to the ring and takes a mic. He is about to speak when [B]Bruiser Valentine[/B] steps into view. Valentine is dressed in street clothes, and wields his [B]NWA US Title.[/B] Ole, upon seeing Valentine, drops his mic and heads right for him. Valentine does the same with his title, and meets Ole in the center of the aisle way. A loud clapping sound rings out as the two men collide in a fisticuff. Much to Ole’s surprise, valentine was not about to be handled the same way as he was during their last encounter. The Bruiser hit Ole full on with everything he had, and Ole returned the favor. What followed was a violent and bloody brawl that even managed to spill over into the crowd. A group of WCW officials made their way out an attempted to break up the impromptu melee. Their attempts would prove fruitless as the two combatants easily tossed them aside and continued to destroy each other. Out of nowhere, Valentine is hit atop the head with a steel chair. The Bruiser goes down hard as Ole turns to be hit in the face with the same chair. [B]Buzz Sawyer[/B] stands over both men as they move to get to their feet. Wasting no time, Buzz bangs each of them again. A look of rage comes over his face, and begins to bang on Ole and Valentine several times in succession, alternating between the both of them. A gutteral growl ushers forth from his throat as he raises the chair above his head and brings it down across his victims bodies, increasing the force with each blow. Finally, a fresh group of officials storm the ring and are able to drag Buzz to the back while medics tend to Ole and The Bruiser. Buzz can be heard screaming frantically as he his pulled out of view.[B]= A*[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Mouth Of The South: Featuring Professor Boris Malenko[/COLOR][/B] The camera’s cut to [B]Jimmy Hart’s[/B] set where we already find him seated alongside the [B]Commissioner.[/B] Jimmy questions him about several things to include [B]Roddy Piper’s[/B] actions, and [B]The Usual Suspects.[/B] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]You’re trying your very best to ruin my mood aren’t you Hart? Well it won’t happen tonight! We’re celebrating the inaugural episode of [B]Aftermath,[/B] and I’m not going to let anyone spoil this! Speaking of Spoil, that is one subject that I will broach. [B]The Spoiler[/B] will be dealt with next week. End of story! I’ve been telling the world about my [B]Red Army,[/B] and it is just [B]THAT…[/B] An army! [B]Jake Roberts[/B] saw what my [B]“Nightmare”[/B] is capable of earlier, and next week Spoiler will find out what my [B]“Killer”[/B] can do! As for [B]Piper!?…[/B] Due time! Now, as for what just happened with [B]Ole Anderson, Buzz sawyer, and Bruiser Valentine?[/B] Let me tell you and all of these fans how what you just saw is going to apply to [B]WRESTLEBOWL!… ...[/B] [B]"Three The Hard way!"[/B][/COLOR] Having said as much, Malenko abruptly rises and leaves Jimmy Hart on the set looking confused.[B]= B-[/B][QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"]*DOUBLE MAIN EVENT*[/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][B]Match 5[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Junkyard Dog & "Wildfire" Tommy Rich v. The Spoiler & The Rowdy One:[/U][/B] The horrible sound of a flute blares over the PA as Roddy Piper and his Spoiler, make their way to the ring for this match-up. Spoiler is in front, with Piper behind him blowing into the flute, and carrying the [B]WCW Heavyweight Title.[/B] JYD, and Tommy Rich are out next, and to an amazing ovation from the audience. Both, The Dog, and Tommy, stop at the entrance and exchange a brief glance before rushing down to the ring in unison. Once there, they almost immediately clean house. Piper and his Spoiler, try to meet them on the ring apron but it is to no avail. JYD and Tommy, battle their way into the ring and take the fight right to the Suspects. In a matter of seconds, Roddy Piper is bailing from the ring, leaving The Spoiler to take the brunt of the assault. Tommy and JYD stand to either side of Spoiler, and unload with alternating blows that send his body reeling. Piper can be heard on the outside yelling at the ref to get the match under control. JYD has taken over completely and is laying into the Spoiler with everything he has. Still, The Spoiler refuses to go down. JYD steps aside to allow Tommy to hit a running shoulder block, which only serves to rock the big man, but not ground him. JYD then hits a shoulder tackle of his own, but still, Spoiler refuses to drop. Finally, JYD hit’s a leaping head butt that does the trick. Spoiler goes down. Tommy immediately takes to the turnbuckle and lands a flying fist to the top of Spoilers forehead. At this point, Piper slid into the ring behind JYD. Crawling over too him, he administers an uppercut to his groin area from behind. Seeing this, Tommy goes wild! Piper leaps through the ropes, clearly wanting no part of Tommy Rich. Tommy gives chase , and the two men precede to circle the ring several times. Meanwhile, inside the ring, Spoiler has gotten to his feet, and he and JYD engage in a lock up. Spoiler, forces JYD into a corner an then plants an elbow to the top of his head. JYD smiles and shakes his head as if to say no, before returning the favor with an elbow of his own. Throwing all caution to the wind, Spoiler and JYD begin to let loose on each other, with no regard for the rules. The power of the Spoiler comes into play here as before long, he has managed to gain the upper hand. On the outside, Rich has caught up with Piper, and has him cornered against a guard rail with Piper begging for mercy. Rich, slowly approaches Piper, when he looks up to see The Spoiler tight roping the top rope. JYD is standing in the ring in Spoilers grasp and is about to fall victim to his claw finisher. Tommy Rich rushes into the ring in time to see JYD come crashing to the canvas under the pressure of Spoilers claw. Spoiler gets up and goes right for Tommy who is able to duck under a clothesline. As Tommy bounces off of the ropes, he is caught with a boot from The Spoiler that serves to ground him. Piper, having retrieved his bagged pipe, slides into the ring once Tommy has gone down. The ref tries to warn Piper against entering the ring with what appeared to be a weapon, but the warnings went on def ears.[/QUOTE][B]Piper:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Get’em up![/COLOR][QUOTE]Spoiler raises Tommy to his feet and props him in position. Piper then grips the bag, winds it up like a sling, and let’s loose. The result… Spoiler was dropped like a sack of potatoes as Tommy slides out of the way. Piper stands in shock over Spoiler, before trying desperately to revive him. It is after several seconds of pleas to The Spoiler, that Piper remembers that Tommy is still in the ring, and very much coherent. With a wide eyed look of fear, Piper slowly turns to see Tommy, standing over him.[/QUOTE][B]Piper:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]N-Nnoo! T-Tommy! You don’t really wanna-[/COLOR][QUOTE]Pipers words are cut short as Tommy kicks him in the stomach. Then, raising him up, he unloads with a series of rights and lefts before tossing him across the ring by his hair. Tommy is on Piper instantly. He straddles him and let’s loose with blows until the ref makes him get up or be DQ’ed. Tommy get’s up and Irishwhips Piper into the ropes. The ref goes down inadvertently in the process. Piper stumbles forward into a power slam. Tommy allows Piper to get to his feet before running over and hitting a Lou Thesz Press Slam. Tommy covers for the pin, but the ref is still down. Tommy gets up and goes for the ref, but instead, he stops short at the bagged pipe that Piper dropped in the ring. Tommy picks up the bag much to the delight of the screaming fans. Then, walking over to Piper, he allows him to stand before laying him out with the pipe. Next, Tommy revives the ref, and in front of the eyes of the entire Southeast, Tommy gets the 1-2-3! [B][U]JYD & Tommy Rich b. The Spoiler & The Rowdy One= A*[/U][/B][/QUOTE]After the match, [B]Tommy[/B] revives [B]JYD[/B] and, retrieves [B]The WCW Heavyweight Title[/B] which many believe is rightfully his. The fans go crazy at the sight of Tommy holding onto that which he hasn't touched in two months... The gold! He walks over to the unconscious [B]Piper[/B], and drops the belt across his chest. [B]Tommy:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Aint gonna steal it Piper! I'm not like you! But, come [B]WRESTLEBOWL,[/B] I am gonna [B]TAKE IT![/B][/COLOR][B]= A*[/B] [B]Match 6: [COLOR="Blue"]WCW National Tag Team Title Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Outlaws v. ©Stan "The Hammer" Hansen: [/U][/B] Stan Hansen is out to the ring first. He paces about as he awaits the Outlaws. Bobby Duncum and Ronnie Garvin come running out to the ring and begin taking it to Stan with a fury. Hansen is equally as violent in his offensive, and isn‘t willing to go down without a fight. In fact, Garvin goes down first as Hansen slugs him, showing him, just how serious he is about keeping his [B]National Tag Team Titles.[/B] Bobby and Stan slug it out as Scrappy McGowen hurriedly ushers Garvin to the neutral corner. Once the match is under control, it becomes clear that this is going to be a repeat of their last handicapped encounter with Hansen isolating one opponent, and controlling the match. Duncum tries his best to take the upper hand, but Stan is unrelenting. It is obvious that neither Duncum or Garvin alone are enough to handle big Stan which is why they went out of their way to ensure that he would have to fly solo against them. In this particular case, their plan was seemingly backfiring, as all The Outlaws got for their efforts was a fired up Stan Hansen. This was at once evident judging by the way Stan threw Bobby around the ring, with Garvin forced to watch from the outside. Five minutes into the match and Stan had it all but put away. He had just hit Bobby with a big boot, and as Duncum recovered, Stan administered a Lariat clothesline that almost decapitated him. Instead of pinning him, Stan waved over at Garvin, taunting him to enter the ring. The ref struggled to keep Ronnie out of the ring, but Stan kept goading him while refusing to pin Duncum. Having had enough, Garvin, shoves the ref aside and locks up with Stan. Hansen quickly overwhelms him, and knees him in the gut. As Garvin keels over, Hansen hit’s a knee lift that knocks him upright. He follows it up with a Lariat. Hansen then drops and covers Garvin. Scrappy McGowen informs him that Garvin is not the legal man. By this time, Duncum had started to recover. Seeing this, Hansen gets up and kicks Ronnie in the head a few times while waiting for Bobby. Duncum is just able to get to his feet when he is hit by yet another Lariat. Hansen falls on top of him and the ref takes position when [B]Machine II[/B] is seen heading towards the ring. In shock, Hansen leaps up and moves towards the ropes, while screaming at Machine II.[/QUOTE][B]Hansen:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Murdoch!?[/B] ‘Sthat you, Dick?[/COLOR][QUOTE][B]Machine II[/B] stops short of the ring with his hands on his sides while looking up at Stan. In the meantime, The Outlaws have slid to the outside of the ring to regroup. Stan continues to question Machine II who finally takes hold of the bottom rope and pulls himself up on the apron. Hansen and Machine II stand face to face with Hansen continuing to question Machine II, and Machine II saying nothing. Finally, Hansen backs away from the ropes to allow Machine II entrance into the ring. Machine II ducks in through the middle ring rope just as the credits begin to roll and [B]Aftermath[/B] goes off of the air.[/QUOTE][SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING:= B+[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddy Miller [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Thunderbolt Patterson [B]Atendance:[/B] 3,944 [B]TV Viewers[/B] 18,320 [B]Notes:[/B] Was able to fix the fiasco with the Southern States Tag Titles. L.O.D. should be the rightful holders, but I’m satisfied with NME holding onto the straps for now. Didn’t make any money off of this show, but I didn’t lose more than a few hundred bucks either. I can live with this. On a note from the honesty dept; I expected a higher rating out of The Mouth Of The South segment. I was surprised to see that it only rated B- considering the people involved, and the names mentioned. I was even more surprised to find that instead of booking it with my ultra popular , Commissioner Malenko, I accidentally used Brad Rheingans. Oops! Lastly, I must say, I’m on a roll! I had a record breaking show on Friday, and now for the first time ever, I have a network who is happy with my ratings! [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE=3][B][U]Next Week:[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]1. Commissioner Malenko's newest enforcer debuts against The Spoiler 2. PIPERMANIA continues 3. Three The Hard Way! 4. More on [FONT="Georgia"]WRESTLEBOWL![/FONT] [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Man, you rock! Although I dunno anything about wrestling before 1998, I like this more than any real life diary with a recent database of which I know the wrestlers. Keep it up! (Can you plz update your DAVE diary :o I'm dying to see what's next...)
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Wow! Thanks guys! Your comments are very encouraging. Angeldelayette, I've said it before and I will continue to say how much I have come to value your input and support! Thanks! Trypio, you make me feel old lol! As for that other diary I'm working on?... Sooner rather than later!
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[QUOTE=the ismailite] Trypio, you make me feel old lol! As for that other diary I'm working on?... Sooner rather than later![/QUOTE] Nah you're not old (prolly older than me, but still...). It's just that wrestling was only on tv here in Belgium around 1998 (WCW). untill they got bought by WWE. Until a few weeks ago there was no wrestling on tv here (Belgium). (now there's TNA) I only found out that wrestling was fake a year or two ago, when I started to follow wrestling via torrent trackers (like i still do now) and visited forums...
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][QUOTE]- February was a month that proved I deserve my job! Not to toot my own horn, but I was able to profit just over 60,000 big ones. WCW is still very much in the hole behind “Money Month” and the Mid-South fiasco, but at least I know we can make money. - A company who is not making much money right now is the [B]CWA[/B] down in Memphis. They’ve lost their television deal recently, and with several of the greater known workers choosing to prioritize WCW, their future isn’t looking bright. [B]Barnett,[/B] has asked that I assist the CWA wherever possible. I However, could care less what happens to that company. If I am planning on surviving this “secret war” with the Mc’Mahon’s, then I’m going to need to have a foothold on the South! The [B]WHOLE[/B] South! - [B]SECW and SWCW[/B] are both in a financial slump at the moment with both companies owing amounts upwards of a $100,000. Clearly, the industry is on shaky grounds. WCW has somehow managed to keep it’s head above water, and we will continue to do so at any cost! That said… -WCW has extended contract offers to the following workers: [B]Jerry Lawler:[/B] Declined to focus on CWA career [B]Tully Blanchard:[/B] Declined to focus on SWCW career [B]Ted Dibiase:[/B] Declined to focus on MSW career - WCW has been in negotiations with [B]MSW[/B] for a possible cease fire of what we view as a wasted war effort. MSW insists on remaining at odds with WCW. Apparently, they took the [B]JYD[/B] steal as a huge hit to their pride, and want no part of us. … If this is how they want to act, then so be it! They haven’t made any further attempts at my workers, and I won’t be coming back to their region anytime soon. So whether they like it or not, we’re at a stand still. - In a further war report, [B]The Six Day War[/B] was quite successful! It really let us know that WCW needs to tour our region more often. The Southeast is [B]OUR[/B] territory, and we fully intend to control it by the end of the year. This is not to exclude the Great Lakes either as we are able to make money off of the region. Two trips to Akron, resulted in two sellouts. We lost money on one of the events, but not enough to raise a fuss over. - WCW has released a monthly show schedule, and will continue to do so throughout the year. February has shown me that running shows is a profitable endeavor. As such, I have devised what I call a “working” program in order to start making a profit, while maintaining quality programming on TV. My plan is to run four shows a month in the Great Lakes region strictly to raise popularity with their fan base. Four shows a month in my own territory in order to make money to pay for an expensive television show, and another three Southeast shows, to recoup and or profit. These will culminate at the end of the month with our usual, Super Show! - In regards to this months Super Show, I’ve gotten word that Boris malenko has a huge match planned for [B][FONT="Georgia"]WRESTLEBOWL![/FONT][/B] Those who witnessed the inaugural eisode of [B]Aftermath[/B] may have heard the Commissioner make mention of, [B]"Three The Hard Way!"[/B] What could this mean? We will all have to stay tuned to the upcoming Aftermath programs to find out. - As for the inaugural episode of [B]Aftermath[/B] itself… A complete success! The network is happy with our ratings, and we are making money off of the product. - WCW will be in Savannah yet again on Sunday night for a show that is sure to reap a profit. From there, we will be following the "working" program right up until next weeks Aftermath where, [B]Spoiler,[/B] will take on [B]Boris Malenko's [/B]brand new Enforcer, in the Main Event.... [B]... Be There![/B] [/QUOTE] OOC: Been awhile since I posted an inbetween show report and there is much to cover. More to follow!
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[SIZE=1]Sunday, week 1, March 1983[/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Allen Arena, Tenn. GCW Inc; presents...[/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=7][B]WCW Southeast Showdown![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Usual Suspects (Jake Roberts/Manny Fernandez)[/B] b. The Ousiders w/Paul Ellering via DQ.= [B]B+[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 2:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]CWA Southern Tag Title Match[/COLOR][/B][QUOTE][B]The Fabulous Ones[/B] b. NME w/Jim Cornette to separate the [B]Unified WCW/CWA Southern Tag Team Titles[/B]= [B]B-[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 3: [COLOR="blue"]WCW Southern States Title Match[/COLOR][/B][QUOTE][B]©Arn Anderson[/B] b. *Jerry Stubbs by hitting him with the title when the ref wasn‘t looking.=[B]B+[/B][/QUOTE] *Jerry Stubbs usually wrestles under the guise of, [B]Mr. Olympia.[/B] [B]Match 4:[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Rock & Roll Express draw w/Savage Idol[/B] when the ref stops the match after both teams are attacked by [B]The Real Deal.= A[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 5:[/B] [QUOTE][B]”Wildfire“ Tommy Rich[/B] b. Bruiser Valentine via DQ.= [B]A[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Overall:[/B] [B]B+[/B] [B]Attendance[/B]: 4,055 [B]Notes:[/B] Booked this show in Tennessee because I messed up the advertisements and booked last fridays's show in Georgia. This show needed to be done to keep the fans in Tennessee satisfied with the product. CWA has been demanding that the unification of the Southern Tag Titles come to an end since the Fabulous Ones dropped the straps at Aftermath. I suppose they are happy now that the Fabo's, have gotten their hands back on the CWA, portion of the titles. Someone should explain to the CWA, that The Fabo's will never be on hand to defend the titles, let alone drop them with the team prioritizing WCW. Ahh Well... [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next:[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"] The Great Lakes Classic[/FONT][/SIZE] Akron Armory, Akron, Ohio. [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[SIZE=1]Tuesday, week 2, March 1983[/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Akron Armory, Akron, OH. GCW Inc; presents...[/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=7][B]The Great Lakes Classic![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Match 1:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Southern States Tag Team Title Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B]The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering draw w/©NME w/Jim Cornette[/B] via Double CO.= [B]C+[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B]Reckless Youth (Tommy Rich/Buzz Sawyer)[/B] b. The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole/Arn Anderson) when Tommy Rich pins Arn Anderson after a Bionic Elbow.= [B]A[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 3:[/B] [QUOTE][B]Stan “The Hammer“ Hansen[/B] p. Eric The Red w/Boris Malenko.= [B]B+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Overall:[/B] [B]B+[/B] [B]Attendance[/B]: 2,000 (Sellout) [B]Notes:[/B] I lost $1,000 on this show, but that's ok because I continue to sell out the house, and WCW is slowly but surely, gaining in poularity in the region. Surprisingly, both Roddy Piper (Guest commentator), and Tommy Rich were late for this show. I guess their current main event pushes are getting to their heads. We'll see what a hefty fine does for their respective ego's![QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next:[/SIZE] WCW is back in Tennesse on friday as regularly sheduled for, WCW Southeast Showdown!... [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[SIZE=1]Friday, week 2, March 1983[/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Allen Arena, Nashville, Tenn. GCW Inc; presents...[/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=7][B]WCW Southeast Showdown![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Outsiders w/Paul Ellering[/B] b. The A&B Connection.= [B]C[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 2:[/B] [QUOTE][B]Nightmare Koloff w/Boris Malenko[/B] b. “The Wrestler“ Dan Severn w/Triple L via count out when Severn grew frustrated and left the match.= [B]C[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 3:[/B][QUOTE][B]The Usual Suspects (Jake Roberts/Manny Fernandez)[/B] b. The Rock & Roll Express when [B]The Road Warriors[/B] distracted and then attacked R&R.= [B]B+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 4:[/B] [QUOTE][B]Stan “The Hammer“ Hansen[/B] p. Mr. Olympia.= [B]A [/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 5:[/B] [QUOTE][B]Ricky Steamboat & Savage Idol draw w/ Triple L & The Real Deal[/B] when [B]Severn[/B] interferes on Triple L‘s behalf, and [B]Olympia[/B] interferes on The Dragons behalf, thereby sparking an all out brawl.= [B]A[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Overall:[/B] [B]A[/B] [B]Attendance[/B]: 4,950 [B]Notes:[/B] Couple of notes after this show. It appears that WCW is becoming quite popular in Tennessee, what with an increase in attendance by 895 bodies since last week alone. I wonder how CWA feels about our numbers? On second thought, I could actually care less! This show is special for me as a booker, and one that I will remember for a long time to come. This is the show that actually saw my profits exceed my total losses and has put me in the clear. I have finally recouped from “Money Month”, and am now able to not only make money, but stack it! [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next:[/SIZE] 1. Find out the exciting conclusion to last weeks WCW National Tag Team Title match featuring, Wrecking Machine and The Oulaws. What sort of impact if any, did the re-emergence of Machine II/Dick Murdoch have on the outcome of the match? 2. Also, WCW is treating it’s fans to another double Main Event, as The Spoiler takes on Commissioner Malenko’s newest Enforcer… 3. … And, Manny Fernandez defends the WCW National Title against Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. All of this and much more tomorrow night on... [SIZE="6"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]AFTERMATH![/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][QUOTE]- [B]Tommy Rich and Randy Savage[/B] were extremely late for our last show in Tennessee. These two have been partying it up together every time we go to Nashville, and have both shown up late on two separate occasions. Randy Savage was fined for his first infraction as is policy, and has been suspended for his second offense. Tommy Rich on the other hand, could have had a measure of leeway considering his main event status. I’ve argued with [B]Jim Barnett, Sam Muchnick, and Paul Boesch,[/B] about his attitude toward the company, and have insisted that he be suspended immediately. If Tommy Rich thinks that his involvement in the [B]WCW Title[/B] picture means he has latitude enough to walk all over my policies, then to hell with him! The man has shown up late twice since last Sunday. This is an unacceptable practice! One which I will not have in my company, regardless of the individual responsible. The be all and end all?… Rich and Savage are on the sidelines for the next week. - [B]The Fabulous Ones[/B] (Stan Lane/Steve Keirn), are still at each others throats. Steve Keirn has severed all ties with Lane, and has publicly stated that he wants nothing to do with the man aside from a working relationship. People close to the duo have expressed that, Keirn, feels betrayed by Lanes, continued association with [B]Bobby Eaton and Jim Cornette.[/B] It is this very association, Lane believes, that was responsible for The Fabo’s loss to [B]NME[/B] on [B]Aftermath[/B], as Lane was busy cavorting with [B]Chick Donovan[/B] when Keirn needed him. - As one tag team seemingly falls apart, another appears to have risen from the ashes. WCW has signed a new tag team to debut this week on [B]Aftermath[/B]. [B] The Mighty Brothers,[/B] A young team who are very well known throughout the [B]NWA,[/B] have signed on with WCW and will be wrestling in their very first match against, [B]The Real Deal,[/B] this Saturday night. - WCW has been in negotiations with a major superstar in the Southeast. [B]Boris Malenko[/B] has brought this man to my attention, and I am impressed to say the least. Should negotiations prove successful, then this could mean big things for WCW, and more importantly, for [B]Roddy Piper![/B] Commissioner Malenko, has unleashed his [B]Enforcer,[/B] and his [B]Nightmare,[/B] onto WCW and [B]The Usual Suspects.[/B] Next week he promises to unload a [B]“Killer”,[/B] on [B]The Spoiler.[/B] With [B]Dory Funk[/B] temporarily downed, and [B]JYD[/B] already on the prowl, what else could The Professor have in store for the [B]Pipermaniac?[/B] From the looks of this worker we’re in talks with… From what Malenko, tells me… This guy [B]IS[/B] the maniac! If the guy signs with WCW… If Malenko sets him on Piper… Well, I know where I’ll be![/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the Alumni Arena in Savannah, Ga. and broadcast via TV Cable Deep South GCW Inc. presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="7"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]AFTERMATH![/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3]Double Main-Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]WCW National Title Match:[/COLOR][/U] Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat v. ©"The Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Boris Malenko‘s newest Enforcer v. The Spoiler[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]-PLUS-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][QUOTE][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Southern States Tag Team Title Match:[/COLOR][/U] The Red Army (Eric The Red/Nightmare Koloff) w/Professor Malenko v. ©NME w/Jim Cornette[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][B] Bam Bam Bigelow w/Paul Ellering v. Mr. Olympia[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B]The Mighty Brothers v. The Real Deal w/Triple L Zbyszko[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Paul Ellering has claimed that his Road Warriors are The Aftermath! He's even gone as far as to state that L.O.D. will beat any tag team in the company in under four minutes! Find out if this is true as The Road Warriors take on any team accepting the challenge.[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Mouth Of The South Show:[/COLOR][/U] Jimmy Hart!... Junkyard Dog!... Nuff said![/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B][CENTER]Also, WCW will be airing the conclusion to an incredible National Tag Team Title Match from last weeks Aftermath. Did Wrecking Machine manage to retain the straps, or have The Outlaws emerged as the new champions? There's only one way to find out as this week, WCW puts on a show you won't want to miss!...[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE!!!![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][QUOTE]- WCW has decided to print a quarterly report to coincide with the month of April. The report will be an in depth look at the [B]NWA[/B] and the state of the wrestling industry at the end of the first quarter. - Speaking of the [B]NWA,[/B] there seems to be a growing sense of uneasiness within the Alliance. Apparently, [B]Jim Crockett[/B] is furious with [B]Bob Geigel,[/B] of the [B]Central States[/B] promotion over the current reign of [B]Harley Race as NWA Champion.[/B] Race has defended the title fourteen times since unseating [B]Ric Flair,[/B] and along with [B]Bob Backlund[/B] (14 [B]WWWF[/B] Title Defenses), is already being considered for wrestler of the year. Crockett has argued in board meetings that , Flair, is the future of the business, and that Race, is old news. The NWA have sided with Geigel, and continue to give Harley Race, their vote. [B]Crockett Promotions,[/B] has been in a several closed door sessions with [B]GCW Inc,[/B] and has requested that we join forces with their promotion in an attempt to establish a stranglehold on the [B]Alliance.[/B] They’ve formally apologized for stripping [B]Buzz Sawyer,[/B] of the [B]NWA US Title,[/B] and have gone as far as to book [B]Ricky Steamboat,[/B] against Harley Race, for the [B]NWA Title.[/B] I however, smell the rat! [B]MACW’s[/B] only interest in WCW is the fact that we are slowly but surely taking over the South. What’s more, is that with our foothold being as firm as it is, and with us sharing several workers with MACW, WCW could easily provide a viable candidate for the NWA Title without their help. I’m positive that they are aware of this. Which, I’m sure is the reason why, [B]Roddy Piper,[/B] hasn’t been given the title shot down in MACW! That company is so desperate, that they’ve gone as far as to break up [B]“Harley’s Heroes”[/B] just to thwart the NWA, and attempt to appease us. I am more than happy to continue working with Crockett and co; but I refuse to get involved with his personal wars, when I’ve my own battles to fight. Apparently, Crockett doesn’t appreciate WCW’s neutral position and has took it upon himself to ruin my upcoming [B]Aftermath[/B] program. [B]Triple L Zbyszko Ricky Steamboat Dick Murdoch Bruiser Valentine Nightmare Koloff The Mighty Brothers Roddy Piper[/B] These are the names of workers currently shared in an agreement between WCW and MACW. Up until this very week, they were cleared by MACW to work for WCW at this weeks Aftermath. As previously advertised, all of the above, have been scheduled into the card in some way, shape or form. Jim Crockett, in reaction to WCW’s Neutrality, has gone and booked all of our shared workers onto, MACW’s, [B]“Boogey Jam”[/B] card to be held (not coincidentally) the same day as Aftermath. Did I not say that I smelled the rat!? Crockett has affectively ruined my main event, and several of the matches planned for [B]Aftermath[/B] in one fell swoop. I’ve managed to re-book the show on the fly, and what a show it will be! If Crockett thinks he’s the only one who can flex his muscles in the NWA, then wait ‘til he sees [B]Aftermath![/B] I’m pulling out all of the stops! [B]Super-show[/B] for sure! Speaking of Flexing muscle in the NWA… - WCW hasn’t been in totally in the clear in regards to the big picture in the [B]NWA.[/B] [B]MSW[/B] has pointed a finger directly at our organization citing that we are a bane far worse than what we’ve previously accused the [B]McMahon’s[/B] of being. I have been personally charged with an attempt to destroy not one but two promotions in the Southern Territory. As MSW owner [B]Bill Watts,[/B] put’s it: [COLOR="Red"] “ [B]Barnett’s[/B] boy is spitting on the values we’ve respected for nigh on forty years. He’s doing it under the guise of the territorial system, and he’s destroying wrestling in the South! You ask [B]Lawler[/B] and his people down in Memphis how business is doing. Ask’em! He’’ll tell you how Barnett’s boy is selling out venues he can’t even put heads in. How the man went out and signed up his top stars and gave’em bigger paydays. If [B]Muchnick, Barnett and Boesch[/B] want to sit around and let the industry go down the drain like this, so be it! Bill Watts aint gonna sit or stand for it! I remember what those S.O.B.’s did in the Mid-South… They snatched my hottest property when they took [B]JYD[/B] from me. Who signs people to exclusive contracts in this business? Who does that?… I’ll tell you who! Barnett’s boy does it! He does it cause he plays dirty pool!”[/COLOR] Yep, I’ve got [B]Barnett[/B] breathing down my neck cuz he’s taking heat from the board off directors. [B]CWA[/B] is remaining hush about the situation, but I’m sure they share Bill Watts’ sentiments. I’m not worried however, as long as I am making money, my job is safe. Success after all, speaks for itself! As far as the alliance is concerned, I will operate within it’s guidelines until WCW becomes too powerful to be hampered by such a thing as the NWA. With [B]WWWF[/B] perching up in the north, and waiting to swoop down on the Alliance, I’d prefer to remain as a snake in the grass, choosing only to strike at the precise moment. The moment is fast approaching. WCW currently has exclusive rights to major superstars that cannot be seen anywhere else in America. Notables such as [B]Stan “The Hammer” Hansen, Dory Funk Jr., And JYD[/B] have all found there way into our fold. I’ve stated time and again that I will see such Southern greats as [B]Jerry Lawler, Ted Dibiase, and Tully Blanchard[/B] under my employ. With all three of their current employers standing on their last legs, this is a desire that may see fruition sooner than later. As it stands, several [B]Regional Champions[/B] have found their way into the WCW ranks and have chosen to prioritize us. The list is as follows: [B]Austin Idol: AWA International Champion Bruiser Valentine: NWA United States Champion Mr. Olympia: Alabama Heavyweight Champion Stan Hansen: NWA United National Heavyweight Champion The Fabulous Ones: AWA Southern Tag Team Champions[/B] What’s more is that WCW has been in negotiations with a man who has just recently unseated [B]Dusty Rhodes[/B] as the [B]CWF Heavyweight Champion.[/B] This [B]“Maniac”,[/B] as [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] is calling him, will be making an impact in WCW in the very near future. The pattern is surely becoming clear throughout the South. I am leading WCW to the forefront, and as an unfortunate aside, several promotions must suffer the consequences. If the best workers are available, and they choose to prioritize my promotion, then so be it! My negotiations with current CWF Heavyweight Champion have the entire Southeast on edge. CWF is scrambling even now to come up with a viable alternative should they lose the man. The company is hard pressed for cash, and have chosen not to re-sign, [B]“The Outlaw” Ron Bass,[/B] in order to front the capitol to keep their champ. As a result, WCW has been in negotiations with [B]Ron Bass,[/B] who is currently plying his trade in the unemployment line. Be on the look out for this superstar to appear in the near future. The question is, what sort of an impact will he make!? - In other WCW news, [B]WRESTLEBOWL[/B] as many may well know, is the official name for WCW’s end of the month Super show. This name has been deliberately chosen in an attempt to take some shine off of the upcoming [B]WWWF[/B] event entitled, [B]Wrestlemania.[/B] I can confirm that the Main Event will pit [B]WCW Heavyweight Champion, Roddy Piper,[/B] against the [B]#1 contender[/B] in some sort of [B]“NO Escape Match,”[/B] for the gold! Now, It hasn’t been determined who the actual #1 contender is as of yet, but [B]Tommy Rich and JYD[/B] are the odds on favorites as both men hold victories over the Rowdy One. Also, [B]“Three The Hard Way”[/B] is another big match that comes straight from the mind of [B]Professor Malenko.[/B] As I’ve stated, I know nothing about the specifics of this match save that [B]Buzz Sawyer, Ole Anderson, and Bruiser Valentine[/B] will be involved in some way. Malenko, tells me that this won’t be anything like the [B]“Crossroads”[/B] match at [B]Fight Or Die,[/B] as he insists that the sheer brutality of the event will far exceed anything ever seen! With the names involved, you gotta know, I can’t wait! - For now, I'll have to be satisfied with what I have planned for this weeks [B]Aftermath![/B] My promotional staff have come up up with a new set of fliers illustrating the changes to the card. I apologize to the fans who who were expecting to see what had been previously advertised. Again, to make up for it, WCW will be guaranteeing a [B]SUPER CARD!!![/B] Last minute promotional fliers to follow. As always.. [B]Be There!!![/B][/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]Ladies and Gentleman, WCW regrets to inform you that the previously sheduled, Aftermath, card has been radically altered due to unfortunate circumstances. Many of the Supertsars you expected to see tonite will not be in attendance, as prior obligations will not permit. We at WCW have gone out of our way to insure that, you, the fans, will receive the same quality performances tonight as you would any other. As such, we have reformatted tonights show in order to give you a presentation worthy of the WCW brand. We apologize for any inconveniences these changes may have caused! Enjoy the show! [/SIZE][CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the Alumni Arena in Savannah, Ga. and broadcast via TV Cable Deep South GCW Inc. presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="7"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]AFTERMATH![/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3]Double Main-Event[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Battle Of The Southeast Unification Match:[/COLOR][/U] [IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/3741/austinidol3ex.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/4339/international7cb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/2371/generic19lk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/1796/mannyfernandez29ky.jpg[/IMG] AWA International ©Austin Idol v. WCW National ©"The Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/3980/wrestlertemplate1ux.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/8872/thespoiler4sq.jpg[/IMG] [B]Boris Malenko‘s Newest Enforcer v. The Spoiler[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]-PLUS-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/292/oleanderson5js.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2007/arnanderson3ym.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/930/buzzsawyer37eo.jpg[/IMG][/URL][IMG]http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/3980/wrestlertemplate1ux.jpg[/IMG] [B]Minnesota Wrecking Crew v. "The Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer & a partner of his choice[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][CENTER][QUOTE][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Southern States Tag Team Title Match:[/COLOR][/U] [IMG]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/5976/rickymorton4dk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/8391/robertgibson2bb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/6585/cwasoutherntag6dd.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/2593/bobbyeaton23dm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/2680/dougsomers29dh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/329/jimcornette9nh.jpg[/IMG] The Rock & Roll Express v. ©NME w/Jim Cornette[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/4547/paulellering4sr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/5202/roadwarriorhawk20ha.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/8677/roadwarrioranimal27ft.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/5103/bambambigelow33yy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/9131/lordhumongous8nf.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paul Ellering has claimed that his Legion Of Doom are The Aftermath! He's even gone as far as to state that The Road Warriors will beat any tag team in the company in under four minutes! Find out if this is true as The Road Warriors take on any team accepting the challenge.[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Mouth Of The South Show:[/COLOR][/U] [IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/2180/jimmyhart3ak.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/7161/junkyarddog5ik.jpg[/IMG] Jimmy Hart!... Junkyard Dog!... Nuff said![/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B][CENTER][U][COLOR="Blue"]WCW National Tag Team Title Match Conclusion:[/COLOR][/U] [IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/629/rongarvin3ky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/8941/bobbyduncumsr8ex.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/4248/generictag8co.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/294/stanhansen4zd.jpg[/IMG] The Outlaws v. ©Stan "The Hammer" Hansen of Wrecking Machine WCW will be airing the conclusion to an incredible National Tag Team Title, Handicap Match from last weeks Aftermath. Did Wrecking Machine manage to retain the straps, or have The Outlaws emerged as the new champions? Also, what sort of an impact did the reemergence of Wrecking Machines... Dick "The Crippler" Murdoch, [IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/5656/dickmurdoch25fc.jpg[/IMG] have on the outcome of this match? There's only one way to find out as this week, WCW puts on a show you won't want to miss!...[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE!!!![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!
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OOC: Ok, so that's the final card for Aftermath. Had to finagle some stuff due to my bad booking, and work it into storyline. Anyway, get your predictions in folks! Also, kudo's or something to anyone who can guess the identity of Buzz Sawyer's mystery partner before WRESTLEBOWL. A hint: He is an active member of WCW, and is someone who no one, SHOULD expect!
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Battle Of The Southeast Unification Match: AWA International ©Austin Idol v. [B]WCW National ©"The Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez [/B] Quote: [B]Boris Malenko‘s Newest Enforcer[/B] v. The Spoiler -PLUS- Quote: [B]Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole/Arn Anderson)[/B] v. "The Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer & a partner of his choice...Big fan of the Wrecking Crew. Though I do have an idea about who Buzz's partner might be and it would be a shock to everyone. Quote: WCW Southern States Tag Team Title Match: The Rock & Roll Express v. [B]©NME w/Jim Cornette[/B]
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[B][SIZE="4"]DISCLAIMER:[/SIZE] [/B] [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]All pics (title belts/workers/logos) in this diary have been taken from the DOTT mod, and are the works of D. Boon's Ghost, and it's other respective creators. I have played no part in the creation or design of these pics, and again, all credit must go to D. Boon's Ghost![/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][B]My personal thanks to D. Boon's Ghost, and to anyone else who worked on this mod, and the pic bases! Thanks four your time, effort, and for your amazing work on a GREAT mod! -Ismail.[/B]
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[B]AWA International ©Austin Idol[/B] v. WCW National ©"The Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez [B]Boris Malenko‘s Newest Enforcer[/B] v. The Spoiler [B]Minnesota Wrecking Crew[/B] v. "The Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer & a partner of his choice The Rock & Roll Express v. [B]©NME w/Jim Cornette[/B]
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AWA International ©Austin Idol v. WCW National ©"The Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez**** Boris Malenko‘s Newest Enforcer***** v. The Spoiler Minnesota Wrecking Crew*** v. "The Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer & a partner of his choice The Rock & Roll Express v. ©NME w/Jim Cornette*** ***winners
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[CENTER][U][B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Courier New"]This day in 1983...[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER][QUOTE][FONT="Courier New"][B][U][SIZE="3"]Saturday, Week 2, March 1983:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]MACW’s[/B] closed circuit program entitled [B]“Boogey Jam”,[/B] goes head to head with [B]WCW’s[/B] televised [B]“Aftermath”[/B] program. This in response to an apparent desire by WCW officials to remain neutral in a brewing war amongst recognized powers in the [B]National Wrestling Alliance.[/B] [B]Jim Crockett[/B] of MACW, and [B]Bob Geigel[/B] of the [B]Central States[/B] continue to bicker over who should wear the [B]NWA World Title,[/B] with Crockett preferring [B]Ric Flair,[/B] and Geigel settling on [B]Harley Race.[/B] Being that Bob Geigel is the current President of the NWA, it has been determined that Race will indeed continue to run with the strap. It’s been reported that Crockett promotions, has been in contact with WCW about a stand alone alliance in order to seize leverage over the NWA. GCW inc, has made no qualms about it’s desire to remain neutral, and as a result, Crockett promotions has reneged on an agreement not to schedule certain shared workers to it’s Boogey Jam event. The workers in question were known to be pertinent personnel to the WCW product, and the act was a clear attempt to hurt WCW’s revenue. “The Boogey Jam”, was held on Saturday week 2, February 1983, and was packed to overflowing with both WCW and MACW superstars. The show was broadcast nationally via closed circuit television, three hours before WCW’s Aftermath would air on TV Cable Deep South. WCW officials took the event as a slap in the face and scrambled to put on a show that would overshadow “The Boogey Jam”.[/FONT][/QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="5"][FONT="Courier New"][CENTER]Boogey Jam report:[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B][QUOTE][B][U][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="3"]MACW Boogey Jam[/SIZE][/U][/B] Location: Dean Smith Center (Mid-Atlantic) Don Kernodle b. [B][COLOR="Red"]Randy Mulkey[/COLOR][/B]= C- The Assassin b. George South= C- The Great Kabuki b. Rufus R. Jones= C+ [B][COLOR="Red"]Dick Murdoch[/COLOR][/B] b. [B][COLOR="red"]Bill Mulkey[/COLOR][/B]= C Mark Youngblood & [B][COLOR="red"]Russian Nightmare[/COLOR][/B] b. Assassin II & King Kong Mosca= C- Sgt. Slaughter b. Jimmy Valiant= B [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="1"]1[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] b. Bugsy McGraw to retain the NWA United States Title= B- Jack Brisco b. Ivan Koloff to retain the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title= B [B][COLOR="blue"][SIZE="1"]2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR="red"]Larry Zbyszko[/COLOR][/B] b. [B][COLOR="red"]Ricky Steamboat[/COLOR][/B]= B+ [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="1"]3[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]Harley Race b. Ric Flair to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title= A [B]OVERALL: B+[/B] Attendance: 15,000 PPV Buy Rate: 9,411 buys [B]NOTES:[/B] * Names in [B][COLOR="Red"]BOLD[/COLOR][/B] indicate workers shared with MACW and WCW. [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]1[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] This is Valentines twelfth defense of the NWA United States Title [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] A clear example of Crockett doing whatever it takes to unseat Harley Race, by pitting members of "Harley's Heros" against each other. [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Blue"]3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Harley Race now has 16 World Heavyweight Title defenses. Apparently, Bob Geigel, continues to have his way, much to the chagrin of Jim Crockett.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]WCW Aftermath results to follow....[/B]
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[QUOTE] [B]Machine II[/B] moves past [B]Hansen[/B] and stops in the center of the ring. He remains silent as Hansen continues to question him. Finally, Hansen grows frustrated and forcefully shoves him.[/QUOTE][B]Hansen:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]What the hell’s wrong with you, Dick?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Machine II moves back into position, this time placing his hand on his hips. He offers no response to Hansen’s continued inquiries. Hansen's face turns red with anger, as he responds with another hard shove that sends Machine II staggering backwards several paces. By this time, [B]Garvin and Duncum[/B] had climbed up onto the apron in order to avoid a count out, and were attempting to get into the ring. Hansen noticed this and turning his attention towards them, he began to curse at them. Of course, The outlaws engaged him and served to work his temper even more. Just as he was reaching the height of anger, Machine II, checked him by turning him around and planting his knuckles right in “The Hammers” kisser. Stan dropped to the mat on his rear and looked up at Machine II in shock. Machine II stood over Hansen and watched as Garvin and Duncum moved in like hawks. Hansen immediately leapt to his feet and turned to meet the assault when he was hit with a [B]Hands Of Stone Punch[/B] from Garvin. Hansen was out, but he didn’t fall outright. Instead, he stumbled backwards into the arms of an awaiting Machine II. Machine II lifted Hansen into a [B]Backdrop Suplex,[/B] and drove him into the mat. From there, Bobby Duncum fell on Hansen and the ref made the three count giving the Outlaws the win. Garvin and Duncum grabbed there newly won [B]WCW National Tag Team Titles[/B] and began celebrating in the ring as Hansen lay unconscious before them. Machine II unmasks at the urging of Ronnie Garvin to reveal that he is indeed, [B]Dick Murdoch.[/B] Then, together, the three men exit the ring and celebrate their way down the aisle. [B][U]The Outlaws b. Wrecking Machine for the WCW National Tag Team Titles= A[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Saturday, week 2, March 1983[/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Alumni Arena in Savannah, Ga. and broadcast via TV Cable Deep South GCW Inc. presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="7"][FONT="Georgia"]AFTERMATH![/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Our mysterious roving cameraman makes his [B]Aftermath[/B] debut as we cut backstage to find [B]Jake Roberts and Manny Fernandez[/B] walking away from a prone and bloodied, [B]Austin Idol.[/B] Fernandez has his [B]WCW National title[/B] secured around his waist, and both men wear smug smiles as they exit the scene.= [B]B-[/B] [B]Match 1: [COLOR="Blue"]WCW Southern States Tag Team Title Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Rock & Roll Express v. ©NME w/Jim Cornette[/U][/B] Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Pretty Boy Doug Somers strut out to the ring followed by [B]Jim Cornette[/B] and [B]Chick Donovan[/B] with the [B]Southern States tag titles[/B] strewn about his shoulders. Moments later, the Rock and Roll Express hit the ring to a great ovation from the fans. This match was a great way to start the as these two young teams showed flashes of greatness. The psychology was there, as well as the story telling. The match was a back and forth affair that saw several near falls. A hot tag from Gibson, to Morton resulted in the Express cleaning house and putting Somers down with the Double Dropkick. Before Morton could make the pin attempt, [B]Chick Donovan,[/B] pulled Somers from the ring by the foot. Robert Gibson ran across the ring and chided Donovan while the ref tried his best to keep control. This provided enough of a distraction for Jim Cornette to slide into the ring unbeknownst to Ricky Morton. As Morton turned his attention to Bobby Eaton, [B]Jim Cornette[/B] seized the opportunity with a tennis racket shot to Mortons broken nose. Cornette quickly dives out of the ring as Eaton hit’s the top turnbuckle and takes flight. He lands the [B]High Flying Body Splash[/B] and hooks the leg. Jim Cornette rolls back into the ring and gets the referee’s attention. Confused as to who is the legal man, Scrappy McGowen drops and begins to count. Both Chick Donovan and Doug Somers are able to grab Robert Gibson by the feet and yank him from the ring as the ref reaches three. Donovan and Somers greet Gibson with vicious boots as soon as he hit’s the canvas. Inside the ring, Cornette, has instructed Eaton to get Morton on his feet as he prepares to administer yet another racket shot. Just then, [B]Steve Keirn[/B] rolls into the ring like a maniac and runs right through Jim Cornette. He plants a dropkick on Eaton who had just allowed Morton to slide from his grasp at the shock of Keirn’s arrival. Turning his attention towards Donovan and Somers, he dives through the middle rope and crashes on top of both of them with the entirety of his body. Bobby Eaton quickly got to his feet and helped Cornette to his as well. Once steadied, Cornette ushers Eaton out of the ring. Surprised and shaken up, Donovan and Somers follow suit and join their cohorts in retreat up the aisle way. [B][U]NME b. Rock & Roll Express to retain the WCW Southern States Tag Team Titles= B[/U][/B][/QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]DOOMS DAY![/COLOR][/B] Black Sabbath's "Iron man", comes over the audio system accompanied by the sounds of motorcycle engines. [B]Road Warriors Hawk, and Animal[/B] come riding out to the ring. [B]Lord Humongous[/B] rides out with, [B]Paul Ellering[/B] beside him in a side car. [B]Bam Bam Bigelow[/B] takes up the rear shortly thereafter. In a similar manner as last week, Ellering enters the ring and begins to cut a promo. [B]Ellering:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]You call what we all just witnessed a tag team match?... If so, if that's what you people think is tag team wrestling, then you're not ready for our brand of @$$ kicking!... You are looking at [B]THE AFTERMATH[/B] in my Legion Of Doom! The [B]BE[/B] all... The end [B]ALL!...[/B] This is [B]DOOMS DAY!![/B] [B]DOOMS DAY![/B] No one team, man, or force is going to be able to stop what is now being unleashed in [B]WCW![/B] Tonight, I show you what I mean. Tonight, my [B]Road Warriors[/B] are going to take on any team that has the gull to step out from the back! They're not only going to take on [B]ANY[/B] tag team, they are going to destroy that team, and do so in [B]UNDER FOUR MINUTES![/B] And that people, is a guarantee![/COLOR]= [B]A[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]A Hammer…[/COLOR][/B] [B]Ellering[/B] sends [B]The Outsiders (Humongous & Bigelow)[/B] off to the back as [B]Hawk and Animal[/B] continue to pace about the ring. Moments later, the crowd becomes uproarious as the brand new [B]WCW National Tag Team Champions, The Outlaws (Ronnie Garvin & Bobby Duncum),[/B] step into the studio arena. [B]Garvin:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Few months ago we came out here and told [B]Wrecking Machine[/B] that we were the toughest S.O.B.’s this side of the South! Last week, we proved it! We proved it by taking the [B]WCW National Tag Team titles[/B] in the very ring yer standin in![/COLOR] [B]Duncum:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Four Minutes!? That's a tall order if'n I ever heard one! You kids been out here huffing and puffing week in and week out about what your gonna do to the tag division? Case you hadn't noticed, The Outlaws [B]ARE[/B] the tag division! We're the team to beat![/COLOR] [B]Garvin:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Damn right boys! But, well, we aint got nothing against proving that one more time![/COLOR] With that, The Outlaws head to the ring to accept the Road Warriors four minute challenge.= [B]B+[/B] [B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering v. The Outlaws:[/U][/B] Everything [B]Ellering[/B] has been hyping the Road Warriors to be was proven correct in this match. The Outlaws being banged up from a feud with [B]Wrecking Machine[/B] may have been a factor, but the facts are, L.O.D. completely manhandled Garvin and Duncum. The Outlaws started out with an impressive offensive that saw both Hawk, and Animal, get dropped with [B]Hands of Stone punches[/B] from Ronnie Garvin. However, the tide would quickly turn as the Warriors leapt right up from the canvas and attacked the unsuspecting Outlaws. What followed was two minutes of total brutality as the Road Warriors punched, stomped, and kicked Garvin and Duncum all around the ring. At some point, Duncum was tossed from the ring to lay prone on the canvas below. That’s when it happened…[/QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]A Hard Place![/COLOR][/B] [B]Stan “The Hammer” Hansen[/B] steps over the rail and out from amongst the audience wearing plain clothes, and gripping his rope and cowbell. [B]The Road Warriors[/B] continue to work on [B]Garvin[/B] in the ring unaware of what is transpiring outside. Hansen moves over to [B]Duncum[/B] who is struggling to get to his feet. Once Duncum has fully recovered, Hansen grabs him by the shoulder, and turning him around, he whacks him with the cowbell. A spurt of blood flies into the air as Duncum, barely able to stand, staggers away from Hansen. Hansen wraps the rope and cowbell around his arm (as if it adds greater effect), and hits Duncum with a brutal Lariat that plants him into the canvas and knocks him completely unconscious.= [B]B+[/B] [QUOTE]Meanwhile, back in the ring, The Road Warriors have set Ronnie Garvin up for their infamous [B]Dooms Day Device[/B] when [B]Paul Ellering[/B] jumps up on the canvas and cuts across his neck with his finger. As if on cue, Animal drops Garvin from his shoulders while Hawk remains sitting on the top turnbuckle. Animal then positions Garvins head between his legs and lifts him into a piledriver position. Once he is secured, Hawk leaps from the turnbuckle while pushing down on Garvins legs. [B]THE SPIKED PILE DRIVER!…[/B] Garvin‘s head hit’s the canvas with force enough to send his body catapulting a half of a foot into the air. The crowd fell silent as he crashed to the mat in a lifeless heap. For all they knew, Ronnie Garvin was dead. Wasting little time, Animal jumps on top of him, Scrappy makes the pin count and in under three minutes, history is made. [B][U]The Road Warriors b. The Outlaws to win the WCW National Tag Team Titles= B+[/U][/B][/QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Eye For Eye![/COLOR][/B] [B]Ellering[/B] and his [B]Warriors[/B] leave from the ringside area with their newly won [B]WCW National Tag Team titles,[/B] as a medical team rushes out with a stretcher. [B]Stan Hansen[/B] broods over [B]Duncum[/B] as the medics attend to [B]Garvin.[/B] Unsatisfied with the damage already done, Hansen whacks Duncum with the cowbell once again. Inside the ring, a brace is placed around Garvins neck. He is then helped onto the stretcher before it is stood upright outside of the ring. At this time, Hansen walks over to the unconscious Garvin and begins taunting him. [B]Hansen:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]What’d I tell ya ‘bout me an mine!? My partner!… My titles! You take one of my eye’s, fer [B]DAMN[/B] sure I take two’a yers![/COLOR]= [B]B+[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mr. R.[/COLOR][/B] We come back from commercial to find [B]Thunderbolt Patterson and Buzz sawyer[/B] at ringside for an interview. T-bolt inquires about recent events concerning Buzz sawyer, [B]Ole Anderson, and Bruiser Valentine[/B] and what what Buzz thinks about [B]Commissioner Malenko’s ”Three The Hardway” [/B]announcement. Buzz explains that he is not worried or even thinking about anything aside from the here and now, and what is to take place tonight with he and the [B]Minnesota Wrecking Crew.[/B] T-bolt comments on Buzz’s association with [B]Tommy Rich[/B] and inquires if he had considered him for a partner, in the match. [B]T-bolt:[/B] [COLOR="red"]It’s well known that [B]Rich[/B] isn’t scheduled to be here tonight brother, but-[/COLOR] [B]Buzz:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Yeah, about me an Rich… Well there aint nothing to talk about cuz there aint nothing! As for Ole and Arn?… I don’t trust anyone in this company to have my back better than myself.[/COLOR] [B]T-bolt:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Are you sayin-[/COLOR] [B]Buzz:[/B] [COLOR="red"]I’m saying that the “Mad Dog” don’t need no mystery partner. Buzz and the Wrecking Crew! That’s the way it’s gonna go down![/COLOR] Buzz moves to walk away when the crowd erupts at the appearance of [B]Tommy Rich.[/B] [B]T-Bolt:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tommy Rich, what are you doing here-[/COLOR] Tommy makes a hand gesture as if to silence Patterson. He then walks right up to Buzz and looks him in the face. The two men stare at each other without saying a word. Finally, Tommy abruptly turns and walks towards the audience. He pulls out what appears to be a ticket before stepping over the rail and seating himself amongst the fans.= [B]A*[/B] [B]Match 3[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Minnesota Wrecking Crew v. Buzz Sawyer:[/U][/B] Apparently surprised by what has just taken place, Buzz, paces about the ring as he awaits his opponents. MWC come out directly and waste little time getting to the ring. Arn begins the match with Ole in the corner calling the shots. The match itself was as uneventful as can be expected from a handicap match. Arn, while quite the capable wrestler, was clearly out matched by Sawyer. Buzz turned the match into a brawl and gave Arn the what for with a [B]Lou Thesz press[/B] followed by a series of straddling blows. Ole's orders soon turned into barks of anger and frustration as Buzz took it to the younger Anderson with a fury. Ole made several attempts to get into the ring, but they were all thwarted by the official. Finally, Buzz arrogantly tosses Arn into his own corner and challenges Ole to tag in. Ole stands outraged and immediately slaps Arn across the shoulder thereby legally entering the match. Buzz moves towards the center of the ring and Ole follows suit. From there, they engage in a stair down as the fans scream out in anticipation of the action about to ensue. Ole mouths a few words to Sawyer who replys with some words of his own before both men begin wildly exchanging blows. At first it appeared as if Buzz was going to get the better of the exchange as he rapidly fired at Ole, almost doubling Andersons output. However, a resourceful Ole, kneed Buzz in the gut and killed his momentum. Then, grabbing Buzz about the head and the neck, he tosses him into the corner where Arn is waiting to greet him. Buzz crashes into the turnbuckle and Arn quickly wraps the cord from the ring ropes around Buzzs’ neck and begins to strangle him. Ole walks over and slugs him the stomach several times before stopping to chide the ref for his protests. Arn eventually releases Buzz and then tags in to pick up where his elder brother left off. Keeping Sawyer in the corner, Arn lays into him with several chops and closed fisted blows while Ole takes every opportunity to slap him in the back of the head. Arn is only in the ring for a few minutes before he tags Ole back in. The match continues in this manner, with Ole and Arn exploiting quick tags and literally brutalizing a helpless Buzz Sawyer. Suddenly, Arn Anderson is yanked off of the canvas just as Ole is going to try and put Buzz away. Seeing this, Ole lets Buzz drop to the mat and moves to investigate. As he precedes to his corner, he notes that the seat formerly occupied by [B]Tommy Rich,[/B] is now empty. He angrily shakes his head and leans over the ropes to see Arn laid out on the canvas below. Standing over Arn is a man dressed all in black and holding onto a steel chair.[/QUOTE] [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]RICH,[/B] you sunnuvab****! I know it’s you under that mask, [B]Tommy![/B] I knew you couldn’t keep your stinking nose outta this! You put on a costume an I‘m supposed to be fooled!? Been in this business too long Rich, I‘ve seen it all! Right now, I’m gonna see the end of you… And [B]Buzz![/B][/COLOR]= [B]A[/B] [QUOTE]Ole moves to exit the ring as the [B]man in black[/B] grips and raises the chair in preparation. Ole stays himself upon seeing this, challenging the man to enter the ring instead. Scrappy, allows this as he is assuming this man is to be Buzz’s self appointed partner. The man moves towards the ring and makes as if to enter. Instead, he tosses the chair high into the air and above the ring. Ole turns to watch the chair be caught by Buzz Sawyer who has fully recovered. A look of shock takes hold of his face followed by the chair as Buzz uses it to lay him out. The bell rings out immediately and Sawyer is disqualified. The man in black remains on the outside of the ring and begins nodding his head at Buzz Sawyer, before heading off through the crowd. Buzz scratches his head in confusion as he drops the chair. He takes a final look at the fallen Ole Anderson, and then rolls out of the ring and heads for the back. [B][U]Minnesota Wrecking crew b. Buzz Sawyer via DQ= A[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mouth Of The South Show[/COLOR][/B] We cut to another side of the studio arena to find [B]Jimmy Hart[/B] seated with [B]Junkyard Dog[/B] on the set of the [B]Mouth Of The South Show.[/B] Hart, introduces his guest and states that he is a man that has remained at the top of company, but that continues to fall short of gaining the gold. Angrily, JYD tells Hart to shut up. He reminds him that he hasn’t forgotten what happened the last time he was on this show, and that he could easily hold the [B]Manny Fernandez[/B] attack against Hart. Hart, gulps down his fear and falls silent as JYD continues. [B]JYD:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Speaking of [B]Fernandez…[/B] Fernandez! You better know that just because I’ve got my hands full with that rat, [B]Piper,[/B] doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you. The [B]Dogs[/B] coming for you baby, and sooner than you think. Dig!? But that’s not why I agreed to come on this show again. I’m not here to bark up Manny’s tree right now. I’m here to tell the world, and [B]Ratty Roddy Piper,[/B] that I’m the number contender to the [B]WCW Heavyweight title,[/B] and that I’m taking what’s mine at [B][FONT="Georgia"]WRESTLEBOWL![/FONT][/B] I been sniffing out and beating on Piper for months now, and it’s time the Dog had his due! No one deserves to wear that strap more than me. No one! Not Piper, Not [B]Tommy Rich![/B] This is the Dogs World baby, and [B][FONT="Georgia"]WRESTLEBOWL[/FONT][/B] is the Dog’s [B]DAY!![/B][/COLOR]= [B]B[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]A Wonderful World[/COLOR][/B] Symphony music hits over the P.A. system, and the fans groan expecting to see [B]Jim Cornette and Mr. Wonderful Chick Donovan.[/B] They are greatly surprised to see the blue sequined robe and face of, [B]“The Real Mr. Wonderful”, Paul Orndorff![/B] The fans literally go crazy as the fan favorite makes an impromptu, televised return. Orndorff smiles broadly as he makes his way to the ring, and rolls inside. He drops his robe to the mat to reveal that the neck brace he was given as a result of [B]The Spoilers[/B] assault is still in place. Grabbing the brace, he jerks it away from his neck and hurls it into the crowd. He soaks in the fans adulation before taking a mic. [B]Paul:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]It’s been a long time hasn’t it? It’s been awhile since something this wonderful has had the pleasure of gracing the fans in the great state of Georgia! Let me tell you that Mr. Wonderful is back, and better than ever! I even went an added an inch or two to the wonderceps for good measure. What’s more, is that I’m going to have a measure of revenge while I’m here. I’ve got myself a list with names of the people who have got to pay for what has been done to my person. [B]Spoiler!…[/B] You think you can do what you’ve done to me and get away with it? I had to sit at home for almost two months while you got to walk around!? Oh no Spoiler, you were right! You said it doesn’t end there, and it doesn’t! You tried to take my career… [B]MY LIFE!…[/B] Spoiler, we’ve got us a long, long way to go yet! [B]Chick… Donovan![/B] Now you’re another matter. I’m willing to get my hands dirty with your sorry @$$ [B]TONIGHT![/B] You been sticking your nose into my business since day one. To top it off, I had to sit home last week and watch you prance around in my robe while trying to steal [B]MY[/B] thunder! What’s with you Donovan? I can see why you would want to be “Wonderful”, but I gotta tell you, you picked the wrong man to mess with! You want to be me? You want to be [B]WONDERFUL!?[/B] Well get here out so I can beat you in a good ol’fashioned pose down. An when I’m done with that, I’m gonna beat your @$$![/COLOR] Referee [B]Scrappy McGowen[/B] runs out to the ring to officiate. Soon thereafter, [B]Mr. Wonderful Chick Donovan[/B] heads out with [B]Jim Cornette.[/B] Donovan wears a robe similar to the one Orndorff previously wore, with “Mr. Wonderful” written across the back. Donovan gets to the ring and drops his robe on the outside before slowly entering. He points a finger out at Orndorff before smiling and gesturing for Paul to begin. Paul curtseys sarcastically, and offers for Chick to start things off. Donovan accepts and turning towards the fans, he flexes to a great chorus of boo’s. Just as he turns to face another side of the arena and pose, his head is almost taken off by a nasty clothesline from Orndorff…= [B]A[/B] [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Mr. Wonderful Chick Donovan w/JimCornette v. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff:[/U][/B] …Scrappy McGowen signals for the bell, and a match is underway. This however, was hardly a match as Paul beat the hell out of an already dazed Donovan. If Paul was suffering from ring rust, we wouldn’t find out tonight, as nothing involved in this match had anything to do with wrestling. It was a one sided street fight that saw Orndorff pound on Donovan like a madman. Jim Cornette eventually jumped up on the canvas intent on distracting Orndorff. This tactic worked as Cornette found himself choked by Paul before being lifted over the ropes and hurled across the ring. Paul then drug Donovan over to Cornette and preceded to give both of them vicious boots to the midsection, alternating between each respectively. Out of nowhere, [B]Stan Lane[/B] rolls into the ring behind Orndorff, and hits him with a low blow. Orndorff goes down to the mat, and Lane is able to help Cornette and Donovan regroup as the bell sounds out and the match is called in Orndorff’s, favor. [B][U]Paul Orndorff b. Chick Donovan via DQ= B[/U][/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"]*MAIN EVENT*[/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]The Lineup![/COLOR][/B] [B]The Usual Suspects (Jake Roberts, Manny Fernandez, and The Spoiler)[/B] are out to the ring and gloating at the crowd. Spoiler positions himself atop a turnbuckle while Manny leans against the ropes alongside him. Jake grabs a mic and begins to speak. [B]Jake:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Malenko,[/B] when are you gonna figure it out? If you're the captain of the ship, then I’m the wheel what steers it. Worse yet, I’m the cold, calculating Iceberg that’s gonna sink it like the Titantic! You keep calling in your [B]Red Army[/B] cadets like they're going to be able to provide some sort of life support. Like the snake discriminates against who get’s bitten in the pit!? Like the Snake is a respecter of persons!? Malenko, One would think you’d have gotten it by now. We Suspects, as you call us have been disrespecting you and yours because that’s what this is about… Disrespect! Blatant Disrespect! You claim that you will see the Spoiler unmasked or we aint gonna have peace!? Well I’ll tell you what…What makes you think we’re gonna let that happen? What gave you the idea that we don’t look out for our own? For three months, we have shown you our strength, and we’ve shown that our strength is in numbers! So you bring out your so-called “Killer” and see what happens, cuz [B]WE,[/B] aint going anywhere![/COLOR]= [B]A[/B] [B]Boris Malenko[/B] walks out onto the ramp followed by [B]Enforcer Red.[/B] [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Blah, Blah, [B]BLAH![/B] [B]Roberts,[/B] nothing you say or do can knock me off the cloud I am on right now. Nothing! I am on cloud nine! Last week, you and yours all got the business end of beatings one way or another. Everyone of you save [B]Fernandez,[/B] ended the inaugural episode of [B]Aftermath[/B] on your backs! Tonight will be no different! So you and Fernadez managed to take out [B]Idol[/B] before his scheduled match this evening… Big deal! This is the Professor’s show, I make the calls! For your actions this evening, I am stripping Manny Fernandez of the [B]WCW National Title[/B] and declaring it vacant![/COLOR] Fernandez is irate and begins to throw a tantrum in the ring. He clutches onto his title as if to say that he is not going to give it up. [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR="red"]That’s right! The title is now vacant, Fernandez. Furthermore, since you did indeed take Idol out, and since you and Jake chose to stand with Spoiler tonight, then you shall fall with him! Tonight, right now, I am making a six man tag team match. And your opponents…. Well Jake, you’ll be happy to know that youir old enemy [B]Enforcer Red[/B] is going to be involved. Also, as has been reported earlier, [B]JYD,[/B] would love to get his hands on you Mr. Fernandez, so I’m booking him in this match as well. Lastly, and indicative of the reason we are at this juncture in the first place, Spoiler, you will be happy to know that my “Killer”, [B]KILLER KHAN[/B] is here tonight and will be the last person included in the match.[/COLOR]= [B]B+[/B] [B]Match 5[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Usual Suspects ( Jake Roberts/Manny Fernandez/The Spoiler) v. The Red Army (Enforcer Red/Killer Khan) & JYD:[/U][/B] [B]Professor Malenko[/B] stands gloating on the ramparts as Killer Khan, and JYD come out and take their places alongside he and Enforcer Red. Malenko, points his finger towards the ring, and on cue, JYD and The Red Army race to the ring and commence brawling with the Suspects. This match was one of the shortest of the night. Pretty much a main event throw away match, setup so that Malenko could get revenge against the Suspects. The Professor was also intent on getting his hands on that [B]National Title[/B], which Fernandez had no intentions of relinquishing. There was never any organization or control in this match, and the tag action was nonexistent. Spoiler planted an elbow to the top JYD’s head as soon as he rolled into the ring. JYD went and down and Spoiler immediately began kicking him. Meanwhile, Jake and Manny weren’t faring as well. Roberts, had already slid to the outside of the ring and was recovering from a big boot, from Killer Khan. Manny was worse off as he was now in the clutches of both Killer Khan, and Enforcer Red. The big men battered Manny into the corner before picking him up in unison, and throwing him over the turnbuckle. Fernandez, dropped some twelve feet from the ring and crashed on the canvas in a heap. Outside the ring, Jake watched on as Manny was destroyed, and Enforcer Red and JYD launched a dual assault on The Spoiler. Boris Malenko, grins wryly in jakes direction before jumping up and screaming out orders:[/QUOTE][B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]No one rings that bell!… [B]KHAN, GET ME THAT TITLE![/B][/COLOR][QUOTE]Killer Khan rolls to the out side of the ring and removes the [B]WCW National Title[/B] out from under “The Raging Bull”. He walks over and hands it to [B]Boris Malenko,[/B] and then rolls back inside of the ring to join the action. JYD and Enforcer Red have The Spoiler, pressed into the corner and are alternating between elbows and head butts. JYD, moves aside as Red, takes to the adjacent turnbuckle. From there, Red runs full speed across the ring and leaps into the air. Killer Khan, forcefully pushes Red’s back as he crashes into Spoiler for the assisted corner splash. By this time, Jake has rolled into the ring wielding a steel chair. Het hits an unsuspecting JYD square in the back, dropping him to the canvas.[/QUOTE][B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Just what I was waiting for, Roberts! Ring the Bell![/COLOR][QUOTE]The bell rings out as Jake levels Enforcer Red with the chair. Red, staggers back against the ropes giving The Spoiler enough leeway to bail from the ring. Jake then raises the chair as he turns to face Killer Khan. Khan meets him with another boot, this time connecting with the chair and driving it into Jakes face. The momentum sends Roberts over the top rope and out of the ring. Spoiler has already assisted Fernandez to his feet, and both move to help Jake. [B]Aftermath[/B] goes off the air with Killer Khan standing in the ring glaring menacingly at the Usual Suspects, the camera, and the Southeast. [B][U]The Red Army & JYD b. The Usual Suspects via DQ= A[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING:= A[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Jimmy Hart sat in for Freddy Miller [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Thunderbolt Patterson [B]Atendance:[/B] 4,739 (^) [B]TV Viewers[/B] 22,106 (^) [B]Notes:[/B] This was a filler show, and one in which as a booker, I was not impressed by! I had to book this show last minute because I messed up and included several workers who are scheduled to appear elsewhere tonight. As a result, several planned storylines had to be left off of the show because I didn’t have the workers. This really killed my motivation hence the drag on the update. Had I been able to run the show my way, Orndorff would have returned next week, and the WCW National Title would not have been vacated. On a positive note, I didn’t advance book anything so the overall rating didn’t suffer. Speaking of which, I out rated the Boogey Jam! [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE=3][B][U]Next Week:[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Pipermaniac defends defends the WCW Heavyweight Title for the last time... Ever! What could this mean for WCW???... One way to find out! [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[SIZE=1]Sunday, week 2, March 1983[/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Akron Armory, Akron, Oh. GCW Inc; presents...[/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=7][B]WCW LIVE![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Red Army II (Enforcer Red/Killer Khan) w/Boris Malenko[/B] b. Wrecking Machine via DQ when Murdoch leaves the match and Hansen uses his cowbell on Enforcer Red.= [B]A[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B]”The Dragon“ Ricky Steamboat[/B] b. Triple L Zbyszko via DQ when [B]Dan Severn[/B] is caught handing Triple L a set of car keys.= [B]A*[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 3: [COLOR="Blue"]WCW Great Lakes Championship Match*[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B]©Malenko‘s Maniac[/B] p. Bruiser Valentine to retain [B]The WCW Great Lakes Title[/B] when Valentine is distracted by an appearance from [B]Ole Anderson.[/B]= [B]B+[/B][/QUOTE] * The Maniac came into WCW billed as the Great Lakes Champion [B]Overall:[/B] [B]A[/B] [B]Attendance[/B]: 1,904 [B]Notes:[/B] Wasn‘t scheduled to be in the Great Lakes until Tuesday, but my staff in the promotions department has informed me that we are in heavy demand in the region. It would be bad business not to take advantage of the opportunity to grow in that area. A growth as is soon to be revealed, that is well worth the trip. [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next:[/SIZE] WCW remains in Ohio as regularly sceduled for, The Great Lakes Classic! [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Ok folks, I've dropped some clues as to the identity of Buzz's mystery associate/Mr. R. in the last Aftermath update. I encourage all of those who follow this to offer any thoughts/guesses as to who it may be. Again, it is a character who has been active in WCW since the start. Just might not be anyone you may expect is all. At any rate, thanks for reading.
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[SIZE=1]Tuesday, week 3, March 1983[/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Akron Armory, Akron, OH. GCW Inc; presents...[/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=7][B]The Great Lakes Classic![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B]Buzz Sawyer & Mr. R[/B] b. The A&B Connection.= [B]B-[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B]The New Outlaws (Blackjack Bobby Duncum & Outlaw Ron Bass)[/B] b. The Road Warriors via DQ.= [B]B-[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 3:[/B] [QUOTE][B]Stan “The Hammer“ Hansen[/B] b. JYD via CO when Hansen hits JYD with his cowbell when the ref was down.= [B]B+[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 4: [COLOR="blue"]WCW Great Lakes Championship Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B]©Malenko‘s Maniac[/B] p. Ole Anderson to retain the [B]WCW Great Lakes Title[/B] when [B]Buzz sawyer[/B] interferes.= [B]A[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Overall:[/B] [B]A[/B] [B]Attendance[/B]: 2,000 (Sellout) [B]Notes:[/B] This was another very important show for me and one that I must also mark as a milestone. On the strength of this show in the Great Lakes region, WCW has grown to a cult sized promotion!... That's right folks! You now know the reason why demand was so high for WCW in the Great Lakes area. We have risen to a cult sized promotion and have taken our place among the "Big Three"! Major changes are set to take place starting with this weeks Aftermath. Stay tuned for a, Black Saturday Era Report, covering the entire affair. [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next:[/SIZE] WCW is back in Tennessee for the South East Showdown! [COLOR=Blue]...Be There![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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