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I have recently started a game in Australia with a custon Sports Entertainment promotion, currently at small and rising. I am half a year in and things are going ok for now but I can't help but notice the distinct lack of talent in the region, preety much on every account.So I was wandering has anyone managed to get a promotion in Australia to National and if so how did you deal with the lack of talent? Any other tips on the Australian scene would also be appreciated. :p
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At least the Australian indy scene has some talent <.< Can't say as much for Britain.


In answering your question, establishing a Dojo and raising the worker generation is probably the best advice you'll get. Turning off restricted areas is also a massive help.

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not to hijack the thread but in continuing with Australia, I've been playing a draft game and I'm now in year 3. I am growing to national, two shows an A and a B, as well as PPV on the largest carrier. My problem lies in growing into the national slot. I've gotten three wrestlers to "A draw" popularity: Swoop McCarthy, Tommy Cornell and The Comedian. I just finished a red hot Storyline with those 3 and Johnny Bloodstone with swoop coming out on top. The popularity of the main three as well as the promotion seem to have plateaued. Any suggestions or tips for breaking through the glass ceiling, or is the region destined to be held down due to the importance of the regions?
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