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[ThunderVerse Draft] XAW: Xtreme Action

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The next diary in the ThunderVerse Draft data, my company was XAW, Xtreme Action Wrestling owned by Theodore Reed and booked by Stevie Vortex. XAW is based around modern and daredevil wrestling but also uses Sport Entertainment, cult and Hardcore, it also doesn't have a face/heel divide so expect guys to sway back and forth between shows and rivalries. In terms of the diary, I hope to post once a week and have some type of schedule for posting. Being in my fourth year of college this year, I may get bogged down with work and stuff, so yeah, just be wary of that.


I'm not going to say much more about the diary. I'll let the shows talk for themselves. If you have followed a diary of mine before, the style will be almost identical to them in terms of format and writing style.


Thanks go to:

- The ThunderVerse Team for making the data

- MHero for moderating the draft and just being a good friend of mine on the boards

- Everybody who took part in the draft.


The roster will be posted momentarily.

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Main Event





Jung Dragon - Phoenix - Ryan Doherty - Stevie Vortex

Thanatos - Thunder Iesada - Tom Schultz


Upper Midcard





Acuatico - Blondie Momotani - El Popcorn - Nacho Inferno

Rich Fenix - Robbie Martel - Slip McGavin








Alexi Petrov - Ion - JT Rush - Leon de Oro

Ray Lisbon - Rocky Rivera - Sangre Azteca - Slugger Longball

Sylvain Charles - Touchdown - Trent Victor


Lower Midcard





Bloodus Draconia - Darius King - El Hot Dog

Elix Storm - Huracan Negro


Opener/Enhancement Talent





Darren Williams - Jason Morraine - Josh Omega

Lider da Brasileira - Danga Drive - Monsta Metal

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XAW Supremacy


Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia


The Concession Stand (El Hotdog & El Popcorn) v Team Players (Slugger Longball & Touchdown)


Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera


Blondie Momotani v Stevie Vortex


Phoenix v Thanatos


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Thunder Iesada v Acuatico


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON


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XAW Supremacy


Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia

Comment: Both are low in pop. Williams is super talented, Bloodus is a favourite. Being a favourite of mine > being talented.


The Concession Stand (El Hotdog & El Popcorn) v Team Players (Slugger Longball & Touchdown)

Comment: The Concession Stand keeping the spirit of whatever the hell me and SWF Fan called them in the last draft alive!


Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera

Comment: Main eventer bro. Rivera is better as a tag guy.


Blondie Momotani v Stevie Vortex

Comment: One Way or Another, Vortex is getting put done with the X Offender. Blondie song name. (Something I don't think people have noticed is that all of Blondie Momotani's finisher names are ripped straight from songs by the band Blondie. One of my finest moments. :p)


Phoenix v Thanatos

Comment: Thanatos is my guy. My baby. I'll back him to the ends of the earth and back.


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Finals

Thunder Iesada v Acuatico

Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON


Comments: Oh boy. Two big money matches right here. Surprised that Doherty vs DRAGON is a semi-final but the match ups fall more in line with international dream matches which I like. Acuatico/Doherty - to me - is the most attractive match up in there, the best American cruiserweight vs one of the best luchadors in the planet. Hoping Thunder/DRAGON have a third place play-off match or something, a match between them would be super neato.

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Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia


The Concession Stand (El Hotdog & El Popcorn) v Team Players (Slugger Longball & Touchdown)


Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera


Blondie Momotani v Stevie Vortex


Phoenix v Thanatos


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Thunder Iesada v Acuatico


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON

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XAW Supremacy


Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia

Williams is going to be a big star sooner or later.


The Concession Stand (El Hotdog & El Popcorn) v Team Players (Slugger Longball & Touchdown)

This seems like it'll be a fun feud.


Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera

Tommy slips and slides his way to victory.


Blondie Momotani v Stevie Vortex

I know firsthand how much of a pain Blondie is backstage, so I'm going to go with Stevie here.


Phoenix v Thanatos

Kris Phoenix is an amazing talent, so it's hard to pick against him here.


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Thunder Iesada v Acuatico

Acuatico is a great talent, but Iesada is better known in the United States.


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON

Another good one, this time by two guys a bit more well known in the United States. Tough call, but I'll take Doherty here.

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Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia


The Concession Stand (El Hotdog & El Popcorn) v Team Players (Slugger Longball & Touchdown)


Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera


Blondie Momotani v Stevie Vortex


Phoenix v Thanatos


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Thunder Iesada v Acuatico


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON

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Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia - Way more upside.


The Concession Stand (El Hotdog & El Popcorn) v Team Players (Slugger Longball & Touchdown) - Better team name!


Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera - A class above.


Blondie Momotani v Stevie Vortex - Tough call, but will go with the younger guy.


Phoenix v Thanatos


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Thunder Iesada v Acuatico - Thunder's too old to be the man you build the promotion around; Acuatico could be.


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON - So hard to call!

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Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia


The Concession Stand (El Hotdog & El Popcorn) v Team Players (Slugger Longball & Touchdown)


Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera


Blondie Momotani v Stevie Vortex

Phoenix v Thanatos


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Thunder Iesada v Acuatico


XAW World Title Tournament Semi Final

Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON

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XAW Supremacy



Huracan Negro & Sangre Azteca beat Monsta Drive in 7:42 36/D-

Main Show:


EH: Hello Everybody and welcome to the new cult phenomenon, Xtreme Action Wrestling, I'm Elmer Haynes and I'm joined by Bobby Valentine II. Tonight is the night wrestling goes Xtreme.


BV: Well, we always waited for this day and here it is. XAW is off and running and tonight we see what all the hype is about.


EH: Well, folks we have a great show for you tonight filled with stars from top to bottom.



Match 1: Darren Williams v Bloodus Draconia


• The opening few minutes are pretty even both men exchanges holds and strikes.

• Williams takes control with a dropkick that catches Draconia right on the chin.

• Williams unleashes some scary strikes followed by a nasty knee to the back

• Williams tries a German suplex but Draconia counters with a back headbutt

• Draconia goes off the ropes but is met with a huge clothesline by Williams

• Draconia is slow to get up and turns into The X-Factor (Brainbuster) and Williams pins, 1… 2….. 3.


Winner: Darren Williams by pinfall in 8:03

Finishing Move: The X-Factor (Brainbuster)

Rating: 34/ E+


EH: There's no surprise. We expect a lot from this kid.


BV: Kid?!? Williams looked like a seasoned pro out there, don't drop him down the ladder.


EH: Sorry Bobby. I'm just saying that Williams is still young.


BV: That just proves how good he is.



Angle 1: Uh, I'll have a hot dog please


[El Popcorn and El Hot dog stand in a corridor backstage chatting away to each other about there upcoming match when...]


???: Ahem




[El Popcorn and El Hot dog turn around to be greeted by Slugger Longball with Touchdown close behind him.]


Popcorn: Uh, yes.


Slugger: Hello there, um I'll have a hot dog please.


Hot Dog: Excuse me?


Slugger: This is the concession stand, right?


Popcorn: No, it's over there.


[Camera pans over to show the concession stand down the corridor]


Slugger: Well, when I asked for The Concession Stand I was sent here. So I'll say it again, I'll have a hot dog. And my friend here will have a bag of popcorn.


Popcorn: Are you... serious?


Slugger: C'mon, I've placed my order. Where's my hot dog?


Hot Dog: We don't sell any food. I don't get what you're....


Slugger: God Dammit, what happened to the customer is always right? WHERE'S MY HOT DOG?


Popcorn: We don't have...


[El Hot Dog places his hand across El Popcorn's chest and he stops in mid sentence]


Hot Dog: Coming your way sir.


Slugger: Finally.


[At this time, Hot Dog goes off screen, Slugger and Touchdown get ready for their food as Popcorn looks confused.]

Hot Dog: Here you go.


[At this time, Slugger turns around and Hot Dog smashes a hot dog he got from the concession stand right into Slugger's face. Popcorn and Hot Dog run off as Slugger and Touchdown try to get all the sauce off of Slugger's face]


Rating: 27/ E



Match 2: The Concession Stand v Team Players


• Hot Dog starts in the ring with Slugger and Slugger is quick to run in and start smashing Hot Dog.

• Hot Dog is isolated by Slugger and Touchdown, with Touchdown getting in some particularly nasty shot

• Hot Dog changes the momentum with an STO and gets the tag to Popcorn.

• Popcorn comes in and cleans house with a clothesline to Touchdown and knocks Slugger off the apron.

• Popcorn hits a kick to the mid-section followed by a DDT.

• Popcorn tags in Hot Dog and he goes on the top rope but Touchdown spears him in mid-air.

• Touchdown is able to tag Slugger as the ref caters to Touchdown.

• Slugger runs into the ring and hits both Hot Dog and Popcorn with a Home Run (Baseball Bat to the head) while the ref isn’t looking and pins Hot Dog when the ref returns his attention to the match, 1…. 2……. 3.


Winner: Team Players by pinfall in 14:30

Finishing Move: Home Run (Baseball Bat to the head)

Rating: 32/ E+


EH: Ah come on ref, that's illegal.


BV: Everybody knows the rule that if it isn't illegal if you don't get caught


EH: I suppose that's true, Bobby but Hot Dog and Popcorn got robbed for the win tonight.



Match 3: Tom Schultz v Rocky Rivera


• Schultz starts the match much stronger dominating Rocky in the early goings.

• Rocky gets some minor offense before Schultz again takes control.

• Schultz hits a great combo of moves which include a clothesline, DDT and a headlock.

• Rocky escapes and starts to put in some offense with a couple of right hands followed by a clothesline.

• He goes off the ropes again but Schultz uses his momentum to get him position for Seeing Stars (Alabama Slam) and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.


Winner: Tom Schultz by pinfall in 15:12

Finishing Move: Seeing Stars (Alabama Slam)

Rating: 42/ D



Angle 2: Attack after the bell


[Once Tom Schultz starts to celebrate, it's only a matter of seconds before Elix Storm and Ray Lisbon come out and attack him. Rocky Rivera also joins in on the beatdown, with ends with the men standing over Schultz]


Rating: 13/ F


EH: What the hell is this?


BV: They just took out America's Hero.


EH: No!!!!


BV: Unbelievable, they better get out of here before we have a riot on our hands.



Match 4: Stevie Vortex v Blondie Momotani


• Vortex and Momotani start the match with the fish out of water spot as they exchange counters which finishes with a standoff and an applause from the audience.

• Momotani takes control with a sweet leg kick before twisting around into a leg sweep

• Momotani continues the assault with more kicks this time to the back and chest.

• Vortex then catches a kick and uses it to switch it into a German Suplex.

• Vortex hits a springboard elbow followed by standing moonsault.

• Momotani then counters a right hand into a DDT which grounds both men

• Both men are at their feet at the count of five, which Momotani begin the vicious kicks

• Momotani Irish whips Vortex off the ropes and looks for a frankensteiner but fails as Momotani hits a sitdown powerbomb instead.

• Vortex is slow to get up and Momotani sets up the Last Rites (Reverse STO) but Vortex counters it with a belly to belly suplex.

• Vortex is then able to jump to the top rope and hit the High Flying Vortex (Corkscrew moonsault) and pin, 1…. 2…… 3


Winner: Stevie Vortex by pinfall in 20:22

Finishing Move: High Flying Vortex (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Rating: 43/ D


EH: Wow, what a move!


BV: That.... was..... impressive.


EH: Both men were.


BV: But that move.


EH: Chalk it down folks, the first time Bobby Valentine II is speechless.



Angle 3: Man on a Mission


Reed: This wasn't exactly what we had hoped for tonight, I will admit that but the thing is nothing changes. My client has one goal, that is all. That is to be the World champion, and I'm going to get him there. Yes, there'll be wins and there'll be losses but in the end there is only one inevitability and that is Momotani holding the world title high above his head.


Rating: 38/ D-


EH: Blondie Momotani may not have won, but Theodore Reed knows he has the talent to go a long way.


BV: Well, you could see that tonight, Momotani just needs his street smarts and Theodore Reed will certainly give him that.



Match 5: Thanatos v Phoenix


• Both men’s entrances are quite unusual and make the quite the spectacle for the crowd

• The commentators try to give ideas about what both these men represent.

• Phoenix starts the stronger with some strikes before a flying shoulder tackle

• Thanatos comes back though, hitting a neck breaker out of an Irish whip

• Thanatos then hits an Irish whip into the corner followed by a jumping clothesline, he then follows that up with a moonsault but it misses

• Phoenix then takes his advantage as he hits a tornado DDT off the top rope.

• Phoenix then hits a springboard moonsault but Thanatos kicks out at 2

• Both men lock up with Phoenix getting a head lock and hits a nasty snapmare

• However, Thanatos hits a kick to the head from a seated position and climbs the ropes

• Phoenix follows him and hits a forearm to the face which sets up The Sacrifice (Summersault reverse STO off the top rope) and hits it, before pinning, 1…… 2……. 3


Winner: Phoenix by pinfall in 20:30

Finishing Move: The Sacrifice (Summersault reverse STO off the top rope)

Rating: 56/ C-


EH: What a match!


BV: You were focused on the match? I was focused on the two most unusual characters that have stepped in the ring tonight and we've had hot dogs, popcorn, a masked baseball player and a football player without a face in the ring.


EH: Truer words have never been spoken.



Match 6: Thunder Iesada v Acuatico


• Acuatico and Iesada start off slowly exchanging holds and circling in the ring.

• Iesada hits a nasty leg kick but the second is caught which Acuatico uses to hits a spinning heel kick

• Acuatico then jumps up and and hurricanrana’s Iesada out of the ring.

• Acuatico then follows this up with a summersault plancha to the outside

• Both men are slow to get to their feet but Acuatico is up first flings Iesada into the ring and pins, but only gets a 2 count.

• Iesada kicks the legs of Acuatico and that results him in dropping to his knees

• Iesada follows this with a shining wizard and a pin, which also only garners a 2

• Both men throw right hands at each other before both hit a clothesline on each other.

• Iesada is up first but Acuatico rushes towards him and looks for a hurricanrana but Iesada turns it into a Thunder Bomb (Sit Down powerbomb) and pins, 1…. 2…… 3.


Winner: Thunder Iesada by pinfall in 19:59

Finishing Move: Thunder Bomb (Sit down Powerbomb)

Rating: 51/ D+


EH: What a match!


BV: Is that all you can say?


EH: Am I wrong?


BV: I guess not.


EH: Each match is just as good if not better than the last.


BV: How about we talk about how Thunder Iesada has booked his place in the final of the XAW title tournament.



Match 7: Ryan Doherty v Jung DRAGON


• Dragon and Doherty come fast out of the blocks throwing vicious punches at each other.

• Dragon hits a head kick which drops Doherty to one knee but the follow up kick fails as Doherty sweeps Dragon’s legs

• Doherty then goes off then ropes and jumps over Dragon only to be greeted by a dropkick by Dragon.

• Dragon flings Doherty out of the ring, but Doherty lands on the ropes and hits a springboard dropkick

• Doherty then goes to the top rope but a jumping bicycle kicks knocks him to the outside

• Dragon then goes up to the top and jumps outside which Doherty catches him and Dragon then turns it into a tornado DDT

• Dragon goes on the attack again but Doherty hits a drop toe hold into the barricade.

• Dragon is dragged into the ring by Doherty and draped over the apron

• On the top rope, Doherty jumps off and hits a leg drop from the top to a draped Dragon

• Doherty is slow to recover and the pinfall only gets to 2 before Dragon’s shoulder is up

• Doherty picks up Dragon and looks to whip him but Dragon counters and then jumps as Doherty runs under him

• Dragon ducks under a clothesline before hitting a belly to belly suplex that flings Doherty over the ropes and to the outside

• Dragon then hits a springboard moonsault to the outside but lands on his feet and follows Doherty into the ring and Doherty attacks him on the way in

• Doherty then goes to the top rope but Dragon counters with a kick and hits Dragon’s Wings (Angels Wings) and pins, 1…. 2……. 3.


Winner: Jung DRAGON by pinfall in 19:59

Finishing Move: Dragon Wings (Angels Wings)

Rating: 66/ C+



Angle 4: Hyping the title match


[A promo package comes up hyping the tournament final between Thunder Iesada and Jung DRAGON, which will be on next month]


Rating: 62/ C+


EH: Well, there you have it folks, Thunder Iesada, Jung DRAGON, one ring, one match, one title, one world champion.


BV: However, that's not til next month.


EH: And so we bid you adieu, and on behalf of myself, Bobby Valentine and everyone here at XAW, we hope to see you next month. Good night folks.


Show Rating: 54/ C-

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MJStark 6/7

Midnightnick 5/7

Tiberious4 4/7

jaded 3/7

MHero 1/7

Uncrewed 1/7


XAW World Domination


Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)


Ion v Thanatos


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON




Extra Point Question: Who will The Concession Stand choose to face Slugger Longball?




Comments are not compulsory but are appreciated.

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Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)


Ion v Thanatos


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON



Extra Point Question: Who will The Concession Stand choose to face Slugger Longball? Nacho Inferno

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Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)


Ion v Thanatos


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON

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Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm

Totally tempted to do ol' Schultzy up like The Great American Hero.


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)



Ion v Thanatos

Thanks for coming Ion, see you next job!~


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON

Doherty was cheated!


Extra Point Question: Who will The Concession Stand choose to face Slugger Longball? Nacho Inferno

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XAW World Domination


Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm

Not sure why Tommy is in a handicap match here, and while I like Elix I can't see him or Ray going over Tommy.


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)

Kind of a coin flip here.


Ion v Thanatos

This sounds like a Sci-Fi movie showdown.


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)

Always bet on ???


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles

Phoenix is going to be in the main event title picture soon enough.


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty

Doherty is better known in the US, so I'll go for him.


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON

Given his age I don't see Thunder Iesada being positioned as your number one guy, and Jung Dragon might just be the best high flyer in the world right now.



Extra Point Question: Who will The Concession Stand choose to face Slugger Longball? I'll have to copy MJStark and Hero here by going with Nacho Inferno

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Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)


Ion v Thanatos


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON


I'll go Nacho Inferno for the choice (That many people can't ALL be wrong, can they?!)

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Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)


Ion v Thanatos


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON


Extra Point Question: Who will The Concession Stand choose to face Slugger Longball?- Nacho Inferno


Gotta bounce back from that 1/7 start!

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XAW World Domination


Tom Schultz v Ray Lisbon & Elix Storm

I go with main event guy over two midcarder guys


Commonwealth Connection (Jason Morraine & Darren Williams) v Black Aztecs (Sangre Azteca & Huracan Negro)

Williams and Morraine seems to be openers at best so I doubt we see them winning a whole lot.


Ion v Thanatos

Main eventer vs. midcarder… next.


Slugger Longball v ??? (Chosen by The Concession Stand)

I go with Nacho Inferno as well here and again, he´s higher on the ladders according to roster review page.


Phoenix v Sylvain Charles

You know my reasoning by now.


Acuatico v Ryan Doherty

It´s bit closer but again I go with higher push.


XAW World Title

Thunder Iesada v Jung DRAGON

Jung DRAGON was the one who you trusted delivering ratings in the first show (since he´s the one who was in the main event) and while that might be simply the case of him having better opponent, I don´t really have much else to base my predictions at so that has to do.


Extra Point Question: Who will The Concession Stand choose to face Slugger Longball?

Nacho Inferno

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